When to drink a gainer. How to properly drink a gainer to gain muscle mass

There was also a place in the mixture for carbohydrates, which are characterized by a low glycemic index. They are characterized by slow breakdown and constant supply of the body with energy.

The basics you need to know

Before you figure out how to take it right, you should analyze some of the basics. A classic protein mixture should contain about three times less carbohydrates. They promote growth muscle mass... Carbohydrates are needed to replenish energy reserves after the end of the training process. In addition, additional energy is required, which is extracted from It will be spent on increasing the muscles.

Additional elements of sports nutrition

The fats that are in the composition of the gainer quite often do not carry any benefits. Sports food manufacturers try to minimize their number by replacing saturated types of fat with unsaturated ones. On top of everything else, digestive enzymes are added. This is required in order for the sports mixture to be absorbed better. Vitamins and minerals can be used as additional elements in the composition of the gainer. This type of sports nutrition is enriched with glutamine, creatine and amino acids. So, gainer - how to take it right?

What do you need to focus on?

First of all, you should correctly approach the choice of the mixture. In this case, it is required to be guided by individual needs. In the event that the proportion of fat in the body is high enough, then you should choose a concentrate that differs high content proteins versus carbohydrates. The latter contribute to a set of extra pounds. This is especially true if the training is not intense enough. If available, it is best to purchase protein shakes rather than a gainer.

If a novice athlete is distinguished by a lean physique and a fast metabolism, then the choice should be made in favor of the substance in which there is a high amount of carbohydrates. The high calorie content of the drink will help make the gainer intake the most effective in the matter

What shouldn't be forgotten?

Particular attention should be paid to the protein composition. In the event that carbohydrates used in sports nutrition often have good quality, then proteins may not always benefit the body. The cost of the building itself will largely depend on the quality of this building element. sports nutrition.

The gainer is a perfectly balanced dietary supplement. However, manufacturers are not always able to take into account the individual characteristics of each athlete. In this regard, before you start taking a gainer for gaining muscle mass, you should decide whether you need supplements and vitamins in the mixture. Muscle-building creatine can be purchased separately. Vitamins will be superfluous if the novice athlete undergoes the appropriate course prescribed by the attending physician.

The effect of taking

What should be the dosage of the gainer? It should be understood that this mixture is a dry nutrient concentrate. Before taking it, it must be diluted, bringing to a homogeneous consistency. In this case, you can use water or milk. The sports nutrition packaging contains specific portions of the product required for a single intake. However, they are not objective in all situations. Each individual manufacturer is trying to increase the turnover of his product. Too high a dose is not capable of harming the body. However, there will be little effect from this. This is due to the fact that the amount of assimilated protein by the body is limited. For example, 300 grams of the mixture will not bring more use compared to an optimal serving of 150 grams.

How much should you take?

The calculation of one portion should be made individually, taking into account the characteristics of the organisms. You need to take into account the weight, the level of sports training, the need for calories, the schedule with the intensity of the training process. After finding the optimal ratio of proteins to carbohydrates in a serving, you should start taking a gainer. How to use it correctly? First of all, the mixture should be diluted in an amount that will be equal to one third of the estimated dosage. The portions should be increased gradually, while observing the result. If the effect is not visible, then the dosage should be increased. If there is a set excess weight, you will need to limit your intake, using this drink only before training.

When to use a gainer

How to take sports nutrition correctly? Answering this question, you should understand the time of admission.

  1. Pre-workout consumption. If the gainer is taken immediately before the start of the training process (30 minutes before its start), then a reserve of energy will be obtained. Accordingly, the intensity of muscle growth will increase. In addition, one more source of energy will provide additional tissue nutrition. In addition, in such a situation, protein will be better absorbed.
  2. Reception at the end of the training process. If you take a gainer after exercise, your body will receive protein. This element is used from the position of a building material for muscles. Carbohydrates will also be obtained. They will provide extra calories, which will later be used to support the synthesis process.

An hour and a half after the workout with strength exercises is completed, it will be formed.In this regard, nutrients will begin to be absorbed more actively. Muscle fibers cannot be left without additional nutrition in such a situation. Otherwise, their depletion will begin, and not growth. To prevent this, a gainer must be used. How to take it correctly is already practically clear. It should be noted that the use of this substance is not recommended immediately after training (until thirty minutes have passed). The body needs to be given time to calm down.

What else should you know about a gainer?

How to properly take this sports nutrition is already clear. It should be noted that they can replace the usual meal. If there is a shortage of time for cooking, then a gainer is a great option. The question is especially relevant for those athletes who are characterized by an asthenic physique with a lack of muscle mass. You can also supplement the diet with a gainer in the event that there is a need for a quick mass gain. Sports nutrition can be taken at night. Due to this, it is possible to increase the calorie content of the diet in the event of a shortage of proteins with carbohydrates in it. But again, this advice is most applicable to skinny athletes who have a fast metabolism. It should be remembered that during sleep the consumption of carbohydrates relative to energy processes is minimized. However, they are deposited as fat. The daily calorie requirement should be taken into account. In addition, it is necessary to introduce sports nutrition gradually. The only way digestive system get used to the gainer. If everything is done correctly, then in a week the first results can be noted. There will be an increase in strength with endurance, muscles will begin to grow.

Why should you consume sports nutrition?

To summarize all of the above, you should list the main advantages of this sports nutrition.

  1. The gainer helps to meet the requirements for a relatively high amount of calories. This kind of need is a problem for many men. Sports nutrition helps make it easier to solve. Especially when you consider that today there are a large number of mixtures available.
  2. Thanks to the special form of fat, you can stay leaner. There is a special type of edible fat in a gainer. They will help keep you in optimal shape while building muscle.
  3. There are a myriad of post-workout and daily nutritional options. You can find the sports nutrition that is optimal for use closer in time to the training process. There are also gainers that can or complement it.
  4. A sports supplement can meet the creatine needs of the most effective way... How to take creatine gainer? Just like a simple sports mixture. With the presence of creatine in sports nutrition, the need for protein powder disappears. Plus, you don't have to buy it separately. Creatine is considered a great addition to the sports formula itself.
  5. Another reason for using a gainer is the quick recovery of the body.

How to take a gainer correctly, how many times a day, is it possible to drink it at night and other questions - you can learn about all this from this article. Read on, it will be interesting.

In the previous article, we already talked about. Let's remember the basics.

Gainers are mixtures with a complex carbohydrate-protein base. Their main task is to help the athlete gain the desired body weight during training.

So the question is how to take a gainer correctlyto get the greatest effect, it remains always relevant for every beginner to work out in the gym.

How many times a day

First of all, before taking this product, it is important to determine the size of the required portion and it is different for each organism.

It is enough for someone to take a cocktail once a day, someone will do it 3 times a day. In order to increase body weight as quickly as possible, the gainer can be used not only at the set time, but also between meals, while reducing the portion by half.

The gainer must be taken both before and after training.

Before the beginning physical exercise it will give the athlete energy and endurance, and after training, it will close the carbohydrate window, while maintaining the accumulated muscle mass.

How much to drink at a time and what portion of the gainer per day. Consumption volumes

Usually, a daily portion of a gainer is 150-200 grams. This volume is dissolved in 500 ml of juice, water or milk. You should not eat the cooked portion at a time, it will be very difficult for the stomach to digest it.

It is best to divide the cocktail into 3 - 4 doses.

Every day you need to drink the same amount of cocktail, strictly observing the measure. If you drink more gainer than your body needs, you can very easily gain not muscle, but excess fat.

Below is a table of daily gainer intake in grams per body weight.

Daily Gainer Consumption in grams per body weight

Body weight50 Kg60 Kg70 kg80 Kg90 kg100 Kg
4 times a day80 92 104 116 128 140
3 times a day90 106 122 138 154 170
2 times a day100 120 140 160 180 200

How long to drink to see results

Any athlete is wondering how long it will take to take a gainer to see the desired results.

Everything here is very individual and depends on the characteristics of an individual organism.

It was noted that 1 month is the universal time for the athlete to see the emerging results.

For 30 days of consumption of a gainer, body weight can be increased by 1-6 kg.

Weight gain will be influenced by the daily diet and diet, the composition of the drug and its calorie content, as well as the frequency of training.

The optimal weight gain is considered to be 2 - 3 kg per month, since everything above this may no longer be muscle mass, but fat.

If you still encounter a problem of body fat, check the composition of your gainer, adjust the dosage of its use, or replace the product.

Can I drink every day

As you already know, the gainer should be taken both before and after training, but it should also be drunk on days when you are not going to the gym.

In this case, you can only reduce the dosage of the drink. This is especially important for those people who have an asthenic physique, but want to build muscle mass.

When an athlete does not have problems with weight gain, then it is quite acceptable to use a gainer 1 time after eating lunch, if there is no strength training on that day.

It is important to remember that in addition to the regularity of taking such dietary supplements, the quality of the usual diet is also important, which should also be rich in protein and carbohydrates.

Can I take at night

Many athletes ask the same question a hundred times, can you drink gainers at night?

You can take such a cocktail at night, but it will be better if this product contains casein, since it is at night that muscles need protein intake.

But if we consider that the gainer is very high in calories, then excessive and improper consumption of it may well lead to the opposite effect - obesity.

Therefore, if you want to use a gainer at night, then keep in mind the following point:

Juice or milk will add extra calories to the shake.

What to take

We already know that a gainer is a powdered dietary supplement for an athlete's diet.

To prepare a nutritious, energy cocktail based on this product, you can use milk, water or juice.

If the choice fell on milk, then pay attention to its fat content. To make the drink less concentrated, add more liquid to the powder.

Remember that you should not knead the gainer with boiling water, since when high temperatures proteins are destroyed and completely lose their beneficial properties.

How long can you drink

Athletes who are heavily involved in bodybuilding or fitness are worried if they will damage their liver, kidneys, heart and reproductive system by taking gainers for a long time.

To get an answer to this question, it is important to understand that any of the ingredients in this product are natural. Therefore, you can use them for as long as you want.

You don’t give up cereals or the usual dishes of your diet during your life simply because you have been eating them since childhood?

In order to take a gainer for a long time and without consequences for your body, you need to learn to understand its brands and manufacturers, as well as observe the correct dosage when taking it.

Is it possible to take a gainer for girls

Most often, it is men who use gainers to gain muscle mass, but after all, modern womenthose who want to have a relief body want to gain muscle mass.

For the fair half, this product is completely safe, but at the same time very high in calories.

Since the muscle mass of girls is several times less than that of men, it means that the amount of energy for its collection and maintenance will be different.

Therefore, if you do not spend the maximum of the received calories when using a gainer, then they will quickly turn into fat deposits.

If, nevertheless, the choice fell on a gainer, then it is important to correctly adjust both your sports nutrition and the physical exercises performed.

Side effects

Among the most famous negative points when using weight gainers is the low quality of fakes, which are so common in the sports nutrition market today.

Lack of important ingredients, cheap sugar substitutes, and harmful impurities can significantly undermine an athlete's health.

Therefore, when buying supplements for your diet, pay close attention to the manufacturer and reviews of his products.

1. Also, quite often you can hear that during the consumption of a gainer, not muscles increased, but body fat.

This is precisely why it is necessary to calculate the size of consumed portions of the product and adjust the frequency of strength training.

2. Poor quality supplements can lead to rashes on the face and body. It can be both acne and various allergic reactions.

Reducing the dosage or completely replacing the product will help eliminate this phenomenon.

3. If the body refuses to tolerate the components of the gainer, then stomach upset may occur.

The problem is solved by adjusting the rate of cocktail portions and taking medications to restore the intestinal microflora.

4. If you have picked up a gainer as a sports nutrition, then get ready to spend a lot.

Quality products cannot be cheap, and inexpensive alternatives can do more harm than good.

COMPATIBILITY of the gainer with other food additives!

Together with creatine, and how to do it right

Keratin is a type of protein that allows you to build muscle, increase exercise intensity and endurance, and provide the body with the energy it needs.

The absorption of keratin will be much greater if combined with carbohydrate formulations or amino acids.

Of course, you can drink the powder with juice or just sweet water, but it is much better to combine keratin with a gainer. Together, these two supplements can help you maximize your workout results, but it's important to keep in mind the correct dosage.

On a note! In order not to arise side effects from the use of a gainer along with keratin, try taking them separately for a while, this will help you study the body's response and let it get used to the new components.

Together with protein

Weightlifters use protein supplements as an alternative to regular food during the so-called "drying" period.

A carbohydrate-free diet, combined with the elimination of excess fluid from the body and intense strength training, ensures the formation of a beautiful muscle relief.

If you need to provide fast mass gain and sufficient energy for training, you should take a gainer along with protein, supplying the body with a sufficient amount of proteins, carbohydrates and amino acids.

Gainer and protein should be used one hour before and immediately after training.

The dosage is 30 grams of dry mix per glass of water, skim milk or fruit juice.

By combining these supplements, the athlete can expect to gain 2-3 kg of muscle mass per month.


Despite the effectiveness of sports nutrition, experienced trainers recommend taking it a couple of months after starting training in order to increase the body's capabilities, and not accustom it to stimulants.

With regular food

Some athletes substitute ready-made supplements for regular meals.

This approach allows you to get all the nutrients during a series of intense workouts.

Making a cocktail from a dry mix does not take much time to prepare food and makes it possible to consume up to 4,000 calories per day, which is difficult to achieve with a usual dietary adjustment.

Weightlifters usually do not consume a gainer with food: the drink has a high calorie content, which requires long-term workouts with a heavy load to compensate.

It is better for people who are inclined to be overweight not to consume gainers, ensuring the supply of nutrients through regular dietary food.

With an average physique, you can drink the supplement instead of food, but not more often than once a day.

It is also permissible to use gainers before bed in order to compensate for the lack of mass.

Important! Completely replace regular food on your own food additives NOT RECOMMENDED. That's why they are additives, what they need to add essential trace elementsthat are lacking in regular food. In the usual diet, in turn, there are many other vitamins and substances that are simply NOT available in commercial food supplements such as a gainer. Complete replacement of regular meals with purchased food supplements can only take place with the agreement of a doctor or personal trainer.

How to use with BCAA amino acids

There is an opinion that for the formation of a beautiful and strong body, it is best to take a gainer together with BCAA - a complex of three amino acids.

A little about amino acids.

Amino acids are used to help restore muscle mass after exercise and promote muscle growth in volume.

These substances are indispensable in conditions of protein deficiency.

Amino acid complexes are used both during the recruitment of muscle mass as a stimulant, and during the "drying" period to maintain the elasticity of muscles and a relief figure.

The dosage of amino acids depends on body weight and ranges from 10 to 30 grams per day.

On a note!

The drug should be divided into two doses, for example, in the morning and after training.

Amino acids are produced not only in powder form for making cocktails, but also in capsule and tablet formats, which makes it easier to take.

The simultaneous intake of a gainer and amino acids is undesirable, since the composition of the preparations will not be adequately absorbed. Therefore, the interval between the use of supplements should be at least half an hour.

Leucine, isoleucine and valine are not synthesized by the body, but allow muscles to grow and generate energy.

The mixture based on the amino acid complex is absorbed within 10-15 minutes, therefore it is recommended to use it in the morning and before playing sports.

Ready-made mixtures for sports cocktails are on sale, which include a gainer along with BCAA, but the concentration of amino acids in such products is minimal and amounts to only 6-25 grams.

Therefore, experienced bodybuilders schedule both supplements.

The greatest efficiency can be achieved when taking amino acids:

  • in the morning, immediately after waking up;
  • after 20-30 minutes after training to restore muscle mass and relieve fatigue;
  • before bed to provide the muscles with nutrients.

The gainer, in turn, should be drunk before and after training to close the protein-carbohydrate window.

With casein

Gainer and Casein are two types of protein supplements used by professional bodybuilders.

The gainer contains fast and slow carbohydrates, protein and unsaturated fats.

Casein, in turn, is a pure protein made from whey.

By consuming casein, you don't have to worry about eating for a long time. Cocktails based on it can be drunk both before workout and before bedtime, since muscle mass grows precisely during sleep. The dose of protein should not exceed 40 grams per day, otherwise the excess will not be absorbed and cause digestive problems.

Blends that include a gainer along with casein are often offered to lean athletes looking to gain weight quickly. In other cases, these two supplements are rarely used in combination.

Summing up, we can say that when the correct dosage is observed when using a gainer, the regularity is not violated and the state of the body is constantly monitored, then sports biological supplements will only be beneficial and effective in gaining muscle mass.

It is worth recalling that a gainer is not a substitute for regular food, but just an addition to your regular diet. And it must be taken correctly, and not anyhow!

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I am glad to greet my dear readers, admirers and other good personalities! This summer Sunday afternoon, a nutritious DIY note awaits us as we will be making the gainer at home today. After reading you will become a real cocktail virtuoso, because you can cook 10 different types carbohydrate-protein dressings.

Well, blender in our hands, let's go.

Gainer at home: what, why and why?

Well, I would like to start with the fact that this is not the first article on this topic, we have already learned to cook, and now it's time to start energizing our body. Very often from people visiting gym, you can hear the question: which gainer is better. Currently, the sports nutrition market is replete with this kind of carbohydrate-protein supplements. I will not say that they are all effective, sometimes it is even pure profanation of the manufacturer who is trying to powder the brains of the consumer with various nice words and bright packaging so that only the "pokupashka" purchases them best product... This does not mean that the offered gainers are pure money-making - no, you just need to be well-versed to really find a product that will effectively solve the tasks.

As for the class of sports nutrition proteins and gainers, these supplements can be prepared in a home-field kitchen :). In addition, such an opportunity to prepare a gainer at home has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • naturalness - only natural products are used;
  • usefulness and goodness;
  • savings - a self-made cocktail is often cheaper than its canned counterparts.

So let's get closer to the culinary part.

Home gainer: the main components

Gainer (to gain - to increase) - a high-calorie carbohydrate-protein drink. The main component is carbohydrates, which are about 60-70% , i.e. usually proteins-carbohydrates are in the ratio 1:3 ... The basic ingredients for cooking are (see image)

This is, so to speak, a standard gentleman's set:

  • base - milk / yogurt / juices;
  • protein component - cottage cheese / whey protein / egg whites / skim;
  • carbohydrate component - honey / jam / oats / fructose / maltodextrin / dextrose;

By varying these components, gainers of different tastes and nutritional value can be obtained.

Now let's go over a little theory.

Not many people know that there are two types of gainers:

  • gainers of the first type (G # 1) - with fast carbohydrates (e.g. maltodextrin), which is equal to the GI of sugar;
  • gainers of the second type (G # 2) - with slow carbohydrates, i.e. with medium / low GI.

The main difference between these types of gainers is the rate at which glucose is released into the blood. In the former it is fast, in the latter it is slow, i.e. there is no sharp jump in sugar.


The sports nutrition market is increasingly full of type I carbohydrate-protein mixtures. Most homemade recipes are also geared towards creating G # 1.

To provide the body with a state of anabolism (muscle growth) you need to consume more calories than you expend, i.e. maintain a positive caloric balance. Gainers are high-calorie blends designed to meet this challenge.

Now let's figure out who will benefit from gainers? First of all, these are:

  • ectomorphs, people of thin build;
  • people with a fast metabolism (metabolism);
  • people who prefer natural remedies for building muscle mass;
  • athletes whose loads are of an aerobic nature;
  • those who have difficulty in consuming large amounts of food;
  • those who at first experience financial difficulties with the purchase of sports nutrition;
  • those who want to gain weight, but who do not have the opportunity to eat well 5-6 once during the day.

To gain weight effectively, the athlete must increase the calorie intake by 20-30% ... This recommendation sounds good in theory, but in practice it is very difficult for a person to "stuff" unnecessary 700-800 calories from solid foods. The way out in this situation is the use of special high-calorie mixtures.

Home gainer: when to take

It is best to take carbohydrate-protein blends during the day between meals and immediately after training. Recommended dosage 2-3 portions (1 a portion - 250-300 ml) for people who are not inclined to be overweight and 1-2 for everyone else. ectomorph can be taken pre-workout gainer (for 30 minutes) without fear of excess fat deposition.

Standard scheme for including a gainer in your nutrition schedule (for the average person not prone to gaining fat) as follows.

So, we have already learned what a gainer is, to whom and when it makes sense to take it, the most important thing remains - to decide on the recipes for this carbohydrate elixir. This is exactly what we will do next.

Home gainer: top 10 recipes

Usually, many people visiting the gym do not even think that a gainer can be done by hand. However, this is not difficult, and now you will see for yourself. Below I will give the most full list simple recipes that each of you can cook at home in the kitchen.

Actually, let's start in order.


For all recipes, the cooking principle is the same - we grind the ingredients (where applicable), immerse in a blender, press the button and knead the cocktail.

Cocktail number 1

A distinctive feature of the cocktail is that it is a type II gainer recipe. (glucose level goes on an even background)... Such a gainer will release energy for a long time and gradually, so it is best to drink it for 45-60 minutes before training.

Cocktail number 2

Cocktail number 3

Cocktail number 4

Cocktail number 5

Cocktail number 6

Cocktail number 7

Cocktail number 8

Cocktail number 9

Cocktail number 10

Well, now you know what to refuel before and after training, bon appetit!

I would also like to say that very often in gainer recipes one or another type of protein is used as a protein base. (sports nutrition)... Therefore, for lovers of jars and flasks :) I also prepared a couple of recipes for carbohydrate-protein mixtures. Here they are:

Cocktail number 11

Cocktail number 12

Cocktail number 13

Actually, that's all for me, it remains to take stock and say goodbye.


So, now you have in your hands a full range of recipes on how to prepare a gainer at home. The only thing left to do is to put all these masterpieces into practice, i.e. in the kitchen, but with this you will already cope perfectly well without me.

Bye everyone, write letters!

PS. In the comments, we share our recipes for carbohydrate mixtures, let's go!

PPS.Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - a plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed).

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Gainer - Pros and Cons of Using When Building Muscle Mass

You are determined and want to build muscle in a short period - consider adopting a gainer. Often, a person spends several hours a day in the gym, but it is not possible to gain muscle mass, or the result is insignificant.

In some people, this is due to a high metabolism, while others experience basic problems with weight gain, due to the characteristics of the body or lack of "nutrients".

What is a gainer and what is it for?

A gainer is a high-calorie supplement that helps you build muscle quickly. Weight gainers include, depending on the brand, varying amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The mixture contains additional vitamins, minerals, some amino acids and creatine. A portion of the gainer contains 320 calories and up to 1,000, protein from 16 to 60 grams. For reception, the powder is mixed with water, milk and drunk before or after training.

Taking a gainer is recommended for people who find it difficult to gain muscle mass, despite the amount of time spent on training. Men and women who are unable to consume the required amount of calories due to lack of time.

The gainer is designed to add the necessary energy and nutrition to the muscles before and after tension, and help to increase their volume in a short time.

Gainer vs. Protein: What's the Difference?

To find out which is the best gainer or protein for gaining mass, you need to understand the action and purpose of the mixtures:

  • The gainer contains more calories than protein, although both products are used for muscle recovery and growth. If you are a hardgainer or an ectomorph who is having difficulty gaining mass, then a gainer is your choice. In the absence of problems with increasing muscle mass, when its slow growth is required, taking only whey protein will be sufficient. The combination of the two products helps to avoid the accumulation of large amounts of fat when training is insufficient.
  • When the desired result is achieved and the muscles have taken on the required volume, you can switch to whey protein. This will help reduce body fat, provide muscle building material, thereby preventing muscle catabolism during cardio.
  • The purpose of protein in the body (protein) is to aid muscle recovery and growth. If there is no workout, there is no need to rebuild and drink protein, since the human body does not store protein. If you take a gainer in the absence of training, your daily calorie intake exceeds your body's needs, calories are absorbed and fat is stored.

What's in a gainer and how to take it?

The composition of the gainer includes two main ingredients - carbohydrates and proteins. This is the most nutritious mixture for a full "load" of the body and quick recovery after exercise.

Carbohydrates are of two types, high and low glycemic index. The balance of the two types ensures an even flow of glucose into the bloodstream to continuously replenish glycogen deficiencies and restore the body after exercise.

Proteins gradually release amino acids into the bloodstream, which are needed for the reconstruction of muscle fibers. Additional components: vitamins, trace elements and minerals enhance the effect of the gainer.

It is recommended that you take the liquid mixture before your workout, at least 1 hour in advance, or after it so that your body can recover. During the day, a gainer is taken by those who need to gain muscle mass - athletes, people with irregular food intake. The dry mixture is mixed with water, milk, or any suitable liquid. Some varieties are suitable for making fruit smoothies.

The benefits of a gainer

  • The product promotes rapid muscle building in a short period;
  • A portion of the gainer contains a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins, which are easy to consume in liquid form;
  • The product contains amino acids necessary for building muscle;
  • Arginine in the mixture improves blood circulation, facilitates the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the growing muscles;
  • The gainer provides additional energy, which is enough for a full-fledged long workout without early fatigue.

Harm and side effects of a gainer

Range nutritional value food per day for weight gain ranges from 2,200 to 3200 calories per day, depending on the age and gender of the person. The gainer is designed to meet the additional calorie requirement. However, you should not drink a gainer without training, an excess of calories from any source leads to an increase in body fat.

Some weight gainers have over 1,000 calories per serving. Instead of increasing muscle mass, a person accumulates fat, especially if such techniques are several times a day and the intensity of training is incorrectly calculated. Therefore, when choosing a mixture, pay attention to the number of calories in a single serving. Optimum 600 calories, over 1,000 calories suitable for strength training.

Before taking a gainer, you must be convinced that you are not allergic to soy and milk. Although the probability is small, it is possible that a reaction will occur to other components of the product. If you find itching, redness, indigestion, stop taking the mixture.

The creatine in the weight gainer is designed to enhance the nutritional value of the product and accelerate the muscle building process. Although considered safe, there is a potential health hazard. High doses of creatine can damage the kidneys.

If you are taking medications (cyclosporine, ibuprofen, naproxen, tobramycin), the effects may be more serious due to drug interactions. Creatine causes dehydration, so you need to drink water to maintain the normal functioning of all body systems.

Cons of taking a gainer:

  • People with lactose intolerance may feel nauseous because the gainer contains whey;
  • The appearance of insomnia is possible;
  • The mixture often contains caffeine, which causes excitement of the nervous system;
  • Creatine and caffeine increase the likelihood of dehydration if fluid replenishment is insufficient;
  • The gainer taste is not always pleasant.

Mass Gainer

The goal is to build muscle, then the best gainers for gaining muscle mass should be chosen with a high protein content. The higher its value in one serving, the more "valuable" the composition of the gainer for building muscles.

Does a girl need to take a gainer?

The question can be posed in another way - is it worth taking a gainer for girls and why is it needed? There are no contraindications for use. Sex and age restrictions too.

The gainer is selected for thin girls, taking into account the intensity of training and the expected result. In a short period, the desired effect is achievable, provided correct application and the number of workouts. If the exercises are developed together with the trainer, then the probability increases many times over.

Without a lack of training, taking a gainer will only bring harm, since fat will accumulate in the body - you will simply get fat.

A gainer helps a person to increase muscle mass and strength in their muscles. The product is effective, but care must be taken to avoid side effects. Gainer consumption is much higher than protein.

A month's supply can be several kilograms, so try making a home gainer, there are many recipes for it on the Internet. The main ingredients are banana, peanut butter, eggs, soy milk, etc. Perhaps a home gainer will serve as a substitute for the finished one if you have problems or allergies while taking it.

Before taking a gainer, be sure to talk to your doctor to make sure your body is healthy enough. In addition, read reviews on various brands of gainers, evaluate the composition and substances contained. Don't forget that high protein gainers are essential for building muscle.

Gainers are effective, but they must be taken with care like any other dietary supplement.

The word "gainer" comes from the English gain - gain. It is a protein-carbohydrate mixture for the special nutrition of athletes involved in athleticism. It contains 15 to 30% of proteins, and 50 to 70% of carbohydrates. The main function of this nutrient - increasing body weight and its energy potential. To understand how to drink a gainer correctly, let's get to know a little closer with the features of its use and action.

Features of application and action

At the moment after training, a protein-carbohydrate window is formed in the athlete's body. Figuratively speaking, taking the mixture closes this window. Therefore the most optimal time for substance use - time after exercise. In this case, the body counteracts catabolic processes in the best possible way, restores energy and regenerates muscle tissue.

Taking pre-workout is also very effective for two reasons: carbohydrates entering the body will provide the opportunity for more intense and prolonged exercise, at the same time amino acids will block catabolic processes. The disadvantage in this case can be considered the fact that during the training period there is no fat loss, and possibly even its accumulation.

There are different opinions on how to take a gainer correctly. Some people think that it should be consumed not once a day, but two or three or even four. This view has its own reasons: such a regimen is suitable for thin athletes seeking to increase body weight as soon as possible. It is contraindicated in full, since there is a risk of gaining excess fat. Therefore, it is most advisable to use the mixture once a day, and 2-3 times - protein.

Can a gainer be combined with other sports nutrition? Yes, it works well with creatine, and the latter is much better absorbed thanks to proteins and carbohydrates. You can make a cocktail from the substances and drink it after a workout. Together with a gainer, you can take protein, anabolic complexes, vitamin and mineral. You should not use it at the stages of weight loss and work on the relief.

It is also important how to drink the gainer correctly. The substance can be mixed with water, juice, milk. The amount of the supplement fluid is not limited. You cannot mix with boiling water, since protein denaturation occurs in it and it loses its beneficial properties.

The volume of the gainer required for use

Like protein, you need to take the same amount every day. However, the rational, established dose should not be exceeded, in contrast to protein, where the dose is acceptable and increased. Carbohydrates quickly turn into fat, and you can just get fat. The daily dose is directly related to your body weight, as well as to a particular diet. The following diagram shows how to use a gainer depending on these indicators.

  1. Weight 50 kg .: with four meals a day - 80 g., With three meals a day - 90 g., With two meals a day - 100 g.
  2. Weight 60 kg .: respectively - 92 g.; 106 g.; 120 g
  3. Weight 70 kg .: 104 gr.; 122 gr.; 140 gr.
  4. Weight 80 kg .: 116 g.; 138 gr.; 160 g
  5. Weight 90 kg .: 128 g.; 154 g.; 180 g
  6. Weight 100 kg .: 140 g.; 170 gr.; 200 gr.

Practical experience

How to use a gainer correctly, we are also told by the experience of its use. Your personal experience can also make a difference in the bodybuilders' general store of knowledge about the use of this type of nutrition. Therefore, we would ask all colleagues in the sports department to share with their own athletic adepts their impressions of the peculiarities of the use of this substance and its results. You can leave your comments below.

Here are some feedback from trainees about this formula.

Igor, 22 years old, athletic experience 3 years.
I note that the gainer works well, while the price and quality correlate very harmoniously. First, he took it to adapt the body, slightly reducing the dose. Then, according to the scheme - 1 serving three times a day. With an initial weight of 71 kg. taking one pack added 6 kilograms to me. It was hard to believe at first. It dissolves very well, it is pleasant to drink with milk. I advise everyone!

Alexey, 23, has been practicing for 5 years.
I consumed this mixture in large quantities. The conclusion is simple - it works well.

Gennady, 20 years old, an athlete with 2 years of experience.
Although I have a thin physique, already the first week of taking the gainer increased my weight by 5 kg. One nuance only upset: in the first three days I often ran to the toilet, so at first you don't need to abuse it.

Mikhail, 20 years old, has been engaged in athleticism for 1 year.
They write about the gainer correctly. I bought it and did not regret it. Works quickly and accurately.

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