How to identify diathesis in an infant: tells the allergist. Treatment of diathesis (allergic dermatitis) in infants: identifying the causes, a list of drugs and proper nutrition Symptoms of diathesis in newborns

Constitution is all properties human body in general, determined by the influence of many endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external) factors.

External factors:

Internal factors:

  • heredity;
  • age.

The constitution predisposes, according to doctors, to the manifestation of certain types of diseases. All types of constitutional features are variants of the norm and do not imply special treatment.

Depending on the set of signs, there are 4 types of diathesis:

  1. Allergic (exudative-catarrhal).
  2. Lymphatic-hypoplastic.
  3. Hemorrhagic.
  4. Uric acid and neuro-arthritic.

Diathesis in a newborn

In practice, atopic diathesis occurs most often in newborns. Atopy is the release of immunoglobulin E in the body during diathesis in a child.

Diathesis with breastfeeding often has atopic nature. Allergic reactions and diathesis in infants begin to appear from age three months... In newborns, reddish rough spots appear on the face, which intensify after bathing. Diathesis in breastfeeding one month old baby often due to increased sensitivity to cow's milk proteins and is manifested by rash, regurgitation, colic.

The main distinctive features exudative-catarrhal diathesis:

Hereditary burden is characteristic. Children are born large. The mother has a difficult pregnancy with toxicosis and the threat of termination, which can cause diathesis in the child. Such babies begin to suffer from diaper rash early even with proper care, seborrhea is observed. The monthly weight gain exceeds the norm.

One-year-old children may have hyperexcitability, decreased appetite, and sleep disturbances. In the immunogram, a decrease in immunoglobulin A is found. Such children have a long and hard temperature.

In infants, you can find grayish scales on the scalp - gneiss. Diathesis on the cheeks of a baby can take the form of a milk crust. The skin is characterized by swelling, redness, flaking with the formation of crusts. Infants may develop severe non-healing diaper rash in places of natural folds.

What should mothers and fathers do if one day they notice reddish rashes - diathesis on the bottom or burning red cheeks in a child? A pediatrician or allergist will tell you in detail how to treat diathesis in children. Most likely, the baby and nursing mother will be assigned a special diet for diathesis.

Pediatrics has a wide range of tools for the treatment of diathesis. At the consultation, they will tell you in detail how to smear the rash, pay attention to the features of the treatment of atopic diathesis in children under one year old.

Dr. Komarovsky in his articles also advises not to disregard the issue proper care for baby skin.

Drugs used in the treatment of atopic diathesis in children:

  1. Antihistamines.Relieve itching and stop further development allergic reaction.
  2. Enterosorbents.Enterosgel for babies can be used practically from birth. The drug is quite effective in treating all types of diathesis in a child. You can also dissolve Smecta in and give it to your baby when feeding.
  3. Ointment for atopic diathesis in children. What is the scope of its application in children's practice? How to correctly treat diathesis using hormonal ointments in an infant? It is possible to treat diathesis on the cheeks of a child quite effectively using hormonal ointment. Pharmacies offer a huge selection of antiallergic ointments for the treatment of allergic diathesis in a baby, characterized by at different prices and anti-inflammatory activity (Lokoid, Elokom, Advantan).

Often parents ask how to cure diathesis in a child forever. Diathesis cannot be cured. It can only grow out after a few years or relieve symptoms.

Treatment of diathesis in children with folk remedies

If diathesis ointment for children brings only temporary relief, how can diathesis be treated in infants? In the treatment of diathesis, folk traditional remedies have proven themselves well.

With profuse weeping of the skin on the cheeks, in places of folds, baths are used with oak bark, viburnum, chamomile infusion, decoction of string and celandine. in children, it quickly goes into remission when using lotions with infusion and decoction of oak bark.

Decoctions medicinal herbs can be taken orally. These are decoctions of yarrow, nettle, birch leaf, oregano.

Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in children is characterized by persistent enlargement of lymph nodes, disruption of the thymus - thymus gland. Such children often have allergic manifestations, infectious diseases.

The skin is pale, the muscles are not sufficiently developed, the adenoid growths and palatine tonsils are enlarged. The examination diagnoses an increase in the size of the thymus gland.


Pediatric care offers various therapy options for the lymphatic constitution. Treatment of diathesis in children under one year old does not involve the use of drugs and immunomodulators.

Particular importance is attached to the right regime day, tempering, walking. Doctors advise taking vitamins and adaptogens (ginseng, eleutherococcus). With an increase in adenoids, treatment with an ENT doctor is recommended, which consists in the use of physiotherapy and surgical techniques.

Hemorrhagic diathesis

Hemorrhagic diathesis in children is a group of diseases characterized by a predisposition to bleeding.

Bleeding tendency occurs as a result of the following reasons:

  • decrease in the number and dysfunction of platelets (thrombocytopathy,);
  • blood clotting disorders (with, DIC syndrome);
  • pathology of the vascular wall (hypovitaminosis, hemorrhagic vasculitis).

The symptoms of hemorrhagic diathesis are the following manifestations:

  • hemorrhagic rashes (red dots that do not disappear when the skin is stretched);
  • the formation of bruises, hemorrhages, pigmentation on the child's body;
  • there may be frequent nosebleeds;
  • in severe cases, hematomas occur, blood can fill the capsule of the joints (hemarthrosis), leading to dysfunction of the limbs.

Such children need a complete examination by a hematologist, pediatric rheumatologist, pediatrician.

Diagnostic laboratory methods - general detailed blood test, coagulogram, determination of bleeding time.


In the treatment of hemorrhagic diathesis, corticosteroid drugs are used, agents that prevent the fragility of the vascular wall, vitamins, replacement therapy blood preparations. In severe cases, it is used surgical removal spleen, plasmapheresis. If blood is found in the joint capsule, puncture is performed.

Some children have an innate tendency to produce uric acid. Acid crystals can form clumps in the kidneys, bladder... Provided proper nutrition, uric acid diathesis can have a latent veiled course. The urine of patients has increased acidity as a result of a large amount of uric acid salts.

Subsequently, this type of diathesis can cause the formation urolithiasis, gout, interstitial nephritis, arthritis.


Therapy includes the following points:

  • adherence to a diet with the exclusion of foods rich in purines from the diet;
  • eating foods containing calcium;
  • children are advised to drink more liquids, mineral water. Limit sweets, spices, herbs, offal.

Neuro-arthritic diathesis is considered a special case of uric acid diathesis in children.


From birth, babies do not sleep well, are easily excitable. May occur headache, characterized by paroxysm, disturbed by abdominal pain.

When examining the baby, an increase in the level of ketones, nitrogenous bases, uric acid in blood tests is revealed.


  • rationally planned regime;
  • exclusion of a long stay in front of the TV, computer.

Such children are prone to developing acetone crises. The child becomes moody and whiny, indomitable vomiting develops, which is fraught with the occurrence of dehydration. Hyperexcitability gives way to lethargy, the smell of acetone emanates from the child.

First aid in a crisis is to give a drink of sweet tea, juice, mineral water of an alkaline reaction and call the ambulance team.

The child needs hospitalization to recover his health. If you easily got rid of vomiting or abdominal pain, this does not mean that the baby does not need an examination in a hospital setting. Diabetes mellitus may be hidden under the guise of neuro-arthritic diathesis.

If a child is healthy, then he adapts well to the environment. And with an inadequate reaction, they talk about anomalies of the constitution. One of them is diathesis - a form of the body's reactivity, which is characterized by various reactions to simple stimuli that are conducive to diseases.

It is worth remembering that diathesis in newborns is a condition that manifests a predisposition of the child's body to any disease. In the event that the cause of the diathesis is not clarified, it can become an allergic disease or a skin disease (eczema, dermatitis, etc.)

Causes of diathesis in children

Most often, diathesis is an immune response to a foreign food protein. Such a reaction becomes possible due to the immaturity of the infant's digestive tract. Exocrine departments digestive system produce a minimum amount of enzymes, the liver weakly performs a barrier function, and the intestinal wall has increased permeability.

As a result, fragments of the antigen penetrate the bloodstream and manifest themselves as allergens for the baby's immunity.

Diathesis in infants is especially pronounced during the period of introduction of complementary foods, since at this time the load on the digestive organs increases.

However, about 99% of exudative-catarrhal (allergic) diathesis of a newborn passes by six to seven years. As the gastrointestinal tract grows, it copes better with the digestion of various food components.

Immaturity of the digestive tract is the main cause and mechanism of diathesis. It is worth highlighting the factors that predispose to the appearance of constitutional anomalies. These include: complicated pregnancy, nutritional peculiarities of the expectant mother, hereditary factor (aggravated allergic history in parents), infectious diseases and pharmacological load while waiting for the child.

Are of great importance following reasons diathesis - complications of pregnancy, respiratory diseases of the infant in the first weeks of life. It is also worth paying attention to the mother's nutrition during the nursing period, living conditions, quality medical care... Therefore, when developing preventive measures and treatment should take them into account.

Diathesis symptoms

Doctors define three types of constitutional anomalies, each of which has its own symptoms of diathesis in newborns. Consider them:

  • Lymphatic-hypoplastic differs the following manifestations: increased predisposition to allergic, infectious diseases, dysfunction of the adrenal glands, enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Nerve-arthritic, most often, does not manifest itself, therefore it is difficult to diagnose. Symptoms only appear by school age.
  • Exudative-catarrhal manifests itself in the form of "red cheeks". He is allergic.

What does diathesis look like in a newborn?
It is usually defined as diaper rash on the skin. They long time do not go away despite careful care of the baby. Skin rashes can be dry or wet, and in some cases in combination. Weeping diathesis looks like swelling, redness, fluid bubbles.

Also, the anomaly is accompanied by unbearable itching on the affected skin. As a result of scratching, sores appear, which eventually become crusty. If an infection gets inside, then the wounds will become purulent.

It is worth noting that the treatment of diathesis in newborns is mandatory, otherwise with age it can provoke the appearance chronic diseases skin (psoriasis, neurodermatitis) or bronchial asthma.

Treatment of diathesis in infants

If the parents find signs of diathesis in the baby, then it is necessary to contact the attending physician. But some measures are carried out independently.

First of all, you should check your laundry detergent or other household chemicals, as their chemical components can cause skin reactions.
To facilitate diathesis in infants, it is recommended to make baths using a solution of potassium permanganate. A series of medicinal herbs helps. To do this, pour 200 ml of water over a spoonful of herbs, let it boil and insist. Wipe the affected areas with a filtered solution or add to the bath.

How to treat diathesis in newborns?
Only a specialist can select medicines. It is not recommended to choose them yourself. Drug treatment the pediatrician appoints. It can be sedatives, drugs to reduce itching and vitamins. As a local remedy, ointments, creams, lotions and baths are used with a string, oak bark, celandine or potassium permanganate. It is worth noting that self-medication is prohibited.

What to do with diathesis in a breastfed baby?
First, a nursing mother needs to adjust her diet. In this case, a woman should exclude smoked meats, fried, spicy foods, red fruits, vegetables, chocolate, citrus fruits, honey, milk from the diet with dairy products. If the baby is bottle-fed, then you need to pick up a hypoallergenic milk formula.

It is worth noting that diathesis can occur on the mucous membrane. Therefore, they treat not only external signs, but also prevent the appearance of dysbiosis. For this purpose, the pediatrician prescribes:

  • Probiotics containing microorganisms that are able to restore the intestinal microflora;
  • prebiotics containing nutrients for microflora in digestive tract, they stimulate her vital activity and growth.

You also need to pay attention to the daily cleaning in the children's room. You need to be especially careful about the things around the baby. It is advisable to remove down pillows and soft toys from there, and also not to allow pets to enter the room. You should also pay close attention to the choice of clothing, diapers and hygiene products.

Diathesis is an allergic reaction of the body that externally manifests itself as a rash and red spots. It occurs most often on certain products and chemicals (powder).

Without treatment, diathesis can turn into a complicated form.

The reasons

Bright spots and crusts on the baby's face are intimidating to parents. They are caused by a lack of food enzymes in the body. little child and insufficient protein breakdown. Incompletely split proteins enter the bloodstream, causing a negative effect immune system... The antibodies produced when combined with proteins lead to allergic manifestations.

Factors provoking diathesis:

  • very early complementary foods;
  • the use by the mother of the baby of products with a high degree of allergy;
  • taking certain medications;
  • reaction to dry mixes;
  • problems with microflora in the intestines;
  • disturbed process of the digestive system;
  • mother's illness during pregnancy;
  • predisposition to allergies.

It should be borne in mind that the baby may have an individual intolerance to a number of products, which begins to manifest itself with the introduction of complementary foods. In order to quickly identify an allergic product, parents should keep a feeding diary, taking into account all new products in the child's diet.

In addition to food, external irritants can also cause allergies:

  • care products (baby cream, baby oil);
  • synthetic materials (clothing, etc.);
  • reaction to pet hair;
  • powder used for washing clothes.


Diathesis has characteristic symptoms:

  • red spots on the cheeks;
  • redness on the chin;
  • crusts on places of redness (appear over time).

Additionally, diaper rash can appear in the folds of the skin, on the buttocks. In addition to reactions on the skin, there may be disturbances in the digestive tract, and even conjunctivitis. A newborn baby becomes restless, irritable, and may fall asleep worse.

Photo: diathesis on the face of a baby:

In the photo below you will see how diathesis looks on the face of a baby. This will further help you determine if your baby has certain signs of an allergic rash.

How long does the diathesis in infants last and when

Diathesis is a typical manifestation that can occur even in the first days after birth. Only an allergist can say exactly how serious the situation is, having in front of him all the information about the child's health.

The recovery period varies. If the nutrition of the baby and the mother is taken under control (during breastfeeding), allergens are excluded from the diet, then the problem of diathesis can disappear quickly enough. In some cases, it may take a couple of weeks. With a properly selected diet, diathesis usually does not appear after one year of age.
In a situation where the product that caused the allergy is excluded, and the symptoms still persist even after 3-4 weeks, you should consult a doctor. The reasons for this state of affairs may be the following factors:

  • decreased immunity of the baby;
  • manifestation of a negative allergic reaction to milk protein;
  • transition of disease from acute form into chronic.


The principles of treatment and prescription are followed by the attending physician. For therapy are used medications, diet and recipes traditional medicine... Starting from the age of one month, babies can be treated with the antihistamine Fenistil orally or externally.

The usual scheme includes complex treatment:

  1. Antihistamines oral administration (Fenistil, Zyrtek, etc.).
  2. Probiotics (Bifidumbacterin and others).
  3. If the child is irritable due to diathesis - fennel tea.
  4. External ointments and gels.
  5. To cleanse the body, Polysorb.

When a baby is breastfed, the mother should adhere to a diet that excludes allergenic foods (honey, citrus fruits, etc.), coarse fiber and fatty foods. During complementary feeding, all new foods should be introduced one at a time at regular intervals. Baby care products are selected even more carefully.

Important! Self-medication can be harmful. All activities must be agreed with the doctor.

Ointments for diathesis

For effective treatment and rapid relief of the symptoms of diathesis, doctors prescribe external drugs in the form of gels or ointments. By belonging to drug groups they are classified as anti-inflammatory, non-hormonal, and corticosteroid (hormonal).

The safety of the drug for babies is very important. Treatment is started with lighter remedies, such as La Cree and Bepanten. The use of hormonal ointments occurs only after a comprehensive examination of the child. To smooth out and prevent possible side effects it is possible to use such a technique as mixing them with baby creams before applying.

Afloderm... Alclomethasone based drug. The product quickly removes swelling, skin redness and irritation. It can be prescribed to children from six months of age once a day.

Advantan.This remedy belongs to the local anti-inflammatory. The main substance is methylprednisalone. It can be prescribed to babies from the age of four months. The duration of treatment with this drug is no more than a month.

Uniderm. Assign to children from 6 months, use with caution, no more than 5 days. Active substance mometasone furoate. It is an effective hormonal agent.

Bepanten.It is used for diaper rash and redness, a gel can be applied. This remedy works well for the sensitive and inflamed skin of babies. The drug is based on dexpanthenol. The gel is quickly absorbed, non-toxic and has no restrictions on the age of the child.

Fenistil... It is an antihistamine that comes in a gel format. It is applied not in a thick layer, gently spreading over the affected skin.

  • eliminate edema;
  • relieve itching;
  • reduce and eliminate the rash.

Sudocrem.It is a common remedy for newborns, it is applied for various specific manifestations (redness, irritation). Has a healing effect. Helps in the initial stages and only in non-neglected cases.

Folk remedies

For the treatment of diathesis on the cheeks, folk remedies can be used, which have proven themselves well for many generations. You need to use these funds until the baby's condition is permanently improved.

Eggshell.A simple and easy-to-use product is an eggshell-based product. For preparation, eggshells are dried and ground into powder. After that, it is transferred to a glass container. Take this tool should be in the minimum amount - at the tip of a knife. Before use, the powder is quenched with lemon juice.

Burdock roots.Burdock roots (1 large spoon) are thoroughly chopped and poured with hot water (a cup of boiling water). Insist 2 hours, filter. Give the baby ΒΌ glasses before meals.

Bay leaves.Dry bay leaves (7 or 8 pieces) are poured with a liter of boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. After that, add a handful of rose hips and remove from the heat. It should be insisted during the night. Strain and give the child no more than 8 drops at a time.

Soda lotions. To relieve itching and relieve redness, dissolve a teaspoon in a glass of boiled water. Lotions based on this solution are made using cotton pads.

A large selection of diathesis remedies makes it possible to eliminate the symptoms of the disease and alleviate the baby's condition. Only after finding out with the doctor the cause of the diathesis and eliminating it, you can successfully cope with the disease .

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Sometimes red cheeks in children are not at all signs of a past walk on the street, but symptoms of the disease. Diathesis on the cheeks is a common problem in an infant.

Causes of diathesis in a child on the cheeks

So, diathesis on the cheeks of a child is the most typical initial manifestation of allergy in early age: some elements are not absorbed or rejected by the baby's body.

For example, he may not perceive some components of the artificial baby food... If there is an allergy to the mixture, it is discarded or replaced with another.

Allergy on the cheeks of a baby can be the result of the mother's improper lifestyle, genetic characteristics, and problems during pregnancy. It is only important to find out what causes the diathesis and eliminate them.

Since diathesis on the face is an early manifestation of childhood allergies, the reasons for it may differ.

For example, with direct skin contact with an allergen, rashes will appear only in the contact area. In another case, irritants enter through the respiratory system and spread through the body with the blood - this is an inhalation type of allergy. Also in childhood, rashes associated with the action of specific bacteria (for example, with scrofula) are possible.

But the most common reason why diathesis appears in newborns on the face is food allergy... With the mother's milk, some foods enter the baby's body and cause a negative reaction.

Most often these are citrus fruits, sweets, various nutritional supplements etc.

Types of diathesis

Before treating children's diathesis, it is necessary to analyze the symptoms of the disease and understand what kind of type it is.

So, distinguish between dry and weeping diathesis in children.

Dry type symptoms are as follows:

  • peeling;
  • severe itching;
  • local edema;
  • redness;
  • crusting.

Dry type

What does a weeping type diathesis look like:

  • the disease is accompanied by severe itching;
  • symptoms are characterized by the presence of a wet rash on the skin;
  • blisters form on the skin, which may burst.

Wet type

Diathesis symptoms

Diathesis in infants manifests itself as intense reddish rashes on the cheeks, which itch and grow. They cause anxiety in the child, worsen his health.

Manifestation of diathesis

Due to the diathesis on the cheeks, the baby becomes more irritable, restless. Therefore, it is necessary to prescribe treatment to eliminate this problem. The use of drugs is especially necessary if after some time the diathesis does not go away on its own.

An increase in diathesis on the face is possible if the child spends a lot of time in warm and dry air, and also has an unstable and inappropriate diet.

What to do to make the rash go away - you need to recognize the problem in time and start treating it.

So, in children under one year old, the symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • rash;
  • abdominal pain;
  • loose stools.

After a year, cough and sore throat may be added to the symptoms.

How to treat diathesis

Despite the fact that some do not consider it a disease, it is necessary to treat the disease. Reddened cheeks indicate that the baby has signs of future allergies, and if certain foods are removed from the mother's diet, diathesis can be eliminated for many years.

If the disease is confirmed, it is necessary to look for methods than to treat the diathesis.

Bepanten cream for diathesis is the simplest remedy. It is applied to the affected skin and is expected to relieve symptoms.

To get rid of crusts on the face, they are soaked in regular oil, then removed with a soft gauze.

But most symptomatic treatment not enough. After all, it is not known how much will have to fight the disease. But if we remove the cause of the rash, then the diathesis itself will pass.

Before smearing diathesis using any cream, it is worth determining the causes of the disease and excluding them.

Therefore, the mother needs to carefully monitor her diet (if she is breastfeeding) or the composition of the formula that she uses.

Eliminate the use of exotic foods that most often cause allergies, while increasing the amount of vitamins received.

Since most often pathology occurs due to nutritional disorders, it is recommended to consult a doctor about this. The child suffers from discomfort, so the disease must be fought.

Diet treatment

You cannot cure a child's diathesis using only cream, ointment or tablets. If you anoint drug skin, this will eliminate temporary symptoms, but after a while the disease will manifest itself again.

The diet is effective remedy long-term fight against the disease.

It is worth excluding a number of foods from the diet of the child and mother, since they are highly allergenic.

These are the following products:

  • sugar;
  • meat broth;
  • citrus;
  • mushrooms;
  • apricots;
  • melons;
  • grenades;
  • egg yolk;
  • milk products;
  • chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • sweets;
  • dried fruits, etc.

Diathesis drug treatment

The use of drugs is possible only with their direct appointment by a pediatrician. The diet is also agreed with the doctor.

The child's body does not tolerate many influences that are normal for an adult, so you should not practice folk recipes, herbal treatment, etc. Treat diathesis on the cheeks should be strictly prescribed.

The following tools are used:

  • antipruritic drugs;
  • antihistamines (choose dosage form cream or ointment to apply the drug directly to the skin);
  • vitamins;
  • sedatives;
  • ultraviolet treatment.

If the disease persists, it is necessary to consult an immunologist and allergist.

Prevention of diathesis

There are also additional recommendations on how to cure diathesis in infants:

  • Reduce the frequency and duration of breastfeeding. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the meal schedule and not overfeed the child. If you are using artificial mixtures, it is recommended to change them to others and see the result.
  • A mother needs to follow a strict diet with her baby, especially if she is breastfeeding. You need to eat natural foods and avoid all sorts of delicacies and gourmet foods containing various allergens.
  • Find comfortable microclimatic conditions for your baby in the nursery. No cream will have such a beneficial effect in treatment as the natural conditions in which a child lives. The air should not be dry so that the skin does not dry out. It is necessary to strictly monitor the climatic regime in the room and avoid the presence of hot air: this is very important for the child's health, since sweating stimulates the development of diathesis.
  • To understand that you are dealing with a contact type of diathesis, it is necessary to analyze the condition of the skin in different parts of the body. For example, if there is no rash under the diaper, but there is a rash on the back and legs, perhaps the reason is washing powder, the particles of which remained in the clothes. In this case, you need to change all household chemicals, as well as cosmetics for hypoallergenic ones.
  • Children with fair hair and skin are more prone to contact allergies, so their parents are better off purchasing natural clothes for them and using special household chemicals.
  • If you are using chlorinated water to bathe your baby, at the end of this procedure, rinse your baby's skin with boiled cool water. She is also treated with the child's clothes by placing them in boiling water. Five minutes is enough to evaporate all the chlorine and not expose the child to it.
  • If a diathesis rash does not appear on the cheeks, but in other places, it may be necessary to think about changing diapers, cosmetics and other items.
  • But still the most common reason disease is overeating and not proper nutrition... In order to exclude possible development diathesis, mothers should not overfeed their children. Instead, the child can be given water, as sometimes he is thirsty and the parents mistakenly give food.

If preventive measures and diet do not help, it is necessary to consult a doctor for treatment with medications.

Do not self-medicate, as many drugs are contraindicated in infants.

What kind causes of diathesis in newborns and what treatment different types of diathesis in an infant helps to completely get rid of the disease quickly and without harm to the health of the child's body?

Babies face diathesis due to a metabolic disorder, in which certain types of food (honey, milk, eggs, berries and others) cause intolerance in the body.

In infants under 4 weeks of age, body rashes appear frequently - skin covering gets used to new conditions and gives in to influence external factorsthat were not there before. Indeed, instead of sterility and constant moisture, various microbes appeared, the skin squeezes, clothes rub against it, sometimes bakes, all this is unusual and causes irritation on the skin of a newborn baby.
The appearance of diathesis in a newborn child is first indicated by specks yellow color near the eyebrows, under the knees, which begin to peel off. Diaper rash occurs. Have two month old baby the skin on the cheeks turns red and flakes, and above the eyebrows and on the head under the hair, the mother can see yellow crusts. Over time, eczema may appear (the child is tormented by constant itching, weeping irritations are observed on certain areas of the skin throughout the body), but up to 36-60 months, the skin condition in most children improves and the problems remain in the past.

Babymay encounter diathesis when complementary foods are introduced. Up to six months, it is recommended to feed a newborn baby only with mother's milk. Offer the baby something new to try in small quantities, after eating the usual food (it should not contain allergens). Keep track of the quality of cosmetics for child's skin care, use specialized creams that include vitamins, bath foams. Mom will understand everything from the reaction to the new product. Washing with chamomile decoction or warm boiled water is useful. Frequent bathing reduces the itching sensation.

If in a newborn baby, diathesis is dry, bathe your baby in water with herbal decoctions every day, and then lubricate the skin with a moisturizer. Get rid of weeping diathesisbathing a baby in water with the product of oak bark, and tea lotions will help. Monitor your skin's reaction to every action.

With uraturia (uric acid diathesis)too much uric acid and urates (salts) precipitate in the urine, which should normally be dissolved. The acidity of urine increases, which stimulates stone formation. It is necessary to add more vegetables and fruits to the baby's food, they contain diuretic potassium salts. The volume of urine increases, salts and acid dissolve in it.

Salt diathesis
it is diagnosed when sand is concentrated in the renal pelvis at the time of excretion of salts, calcium or magnesium oxalates, amphoteric phosphates and other elements during urination.

Unfortunately diathesis in newborns has recently become one of the common problems faced by parents due to environmental degradation and the quality of natural food. As a rule, the treatment of infants from diathesis does not provide for the use of special creams and ointments - it is enough to balance the baby's nutrition (if the mother is breastfeeding, review the mother's diet) and take baths with natural folk remedies from diathesis... In any case, when the first signs of diathesis appear (see photo below) in an infant, be sure to show the baby to the pediatrician before using certain methods of treatment.

Diathesis in newborns can be cured quickly and effectively if started treatment on early stages diseases. Therefore, upon detection characteristic features diathesis in a baby, be sure to consult a pediatrician to on the baby's body itchy eczema was not formed.

Next article.

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