No appetite, bad eating what can be. General condition disorders

At the same time, he has food preferences, but no aversion to certain types of food. And portions that give a feeling of fullness weigh at least 300 grams. If at least one of these points is violated, it is considered that the person has a decreased appetite.

Why did you lose your appetite

The most trivial reasons for a lack of appetite are as follows.

Hot weather. At elevated temperatures, appetite is often absent. The reasons are simple: when food is absorbed, heat is released, and the body thus tries to protect itself from overheating.

Insufficient fluid intake. It takes a lot of fluids to digest food and remove waste (nutrient breakdown products). If little fluid is supplied, the body may not cope with the load, and intoxication will occur. Therefore, it is easier for the body to refuse food than to cope with such consequences.

Low physical activity. With low physical activity, a person spends little energy and does not require additional calories. Therefore, poor appetite in this case is an absolute norm.

Lack of fresh air. If you sit locked up all day and breathe home fumes, hypoxia (or lack of oxygen) will inevitably occur. This pathological condition disrupts the normal course of all processes in the body, and the digestion process is no exception. The consequence is a reduced or completely absent appetite.

Taking certain medications. Before you start taking any medication, even prescribed by a doctor, you should definitely read the list of possible side effects. Decreased appetite is the most common side effect.

The initial stage of pregnancy. Usually, from the 6th week of pregnancy, various appetite disorders begin to appear, including its complete absence. This is normal if not accompanied by debilitating vomiting.

When all obvious reasons are ruled out

4 main reasons for lack of appetite

A good appetite has always been considered a sign of good health. The correct operation of the mechanism responsible for meeting the need for nutrients and getting pleasure from it indicates that the body functions without any special deviations. However, human appetite is a fickle quantity. It depends on the food culture instilled from childhood, taste preferences (which can change more than once during life), weather, mood and many other factors. Therefore, a periodic decrease in appetite is the norm. A complete lack of interest in food, especially when it has been observed for a long time, can be a sign of serious health problems.

Intoxication of the body

Appetite is regulated by a special food center located in the brain. When toxins enter the body, the functioning of this structure is temporarily blocked, since the main work of all systems at that moment is aimed at trying to get rid of hazardous substances. Intoxication can be caused by:

  • food poisoning;
  • overdose of nicotine or alcohol;
  • exposure to chemical compounds that make up household chemicals, cosmetic or perfumery products, as well as dyes used in the production of fabrics, and other harmful components contained in objects with which a person has frequent direct contact;
  • carbon monoxide poisoning;
  • the use of drugs;
  • acute infection (flu, ARVI, hepatitis, etc.).

As a rule, after the removal of toxic substances from the body, the appetite returns.

Diseases of the digestive system

Patients suffering from pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract often experience unpleasant symptoms of dyspepsia: abdominal pain, belching, flatulence, nausea. In such cases, the disappearance of appetite is associated with a reflex fear of eating.

Of course, such patients cannot eat at all: this will only aggravate the painful condition. A way out is a special diet that excludes spicy, salty, sour foods, fried and smoked foods, fast food and canned food. Food should be semi-liquid and have an enveloping effect (for example, slimy cereals and mashed potatoes are useful).

Hormonal disruptions

Fluctuations in hormonal levels greatly affect appetite. This is especially noticeable during pregnancy, when serious changes in a woman's body can lead to very specific nutritional needs and a change in taste preferences.

Pathological abnormalities in the work of the endocrine glands usually cause a decrease in appetite. This process is characterized by gradualness: for example, with a decrease in function thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), the desire to consume food decreases or disappears completely over a long period, in parallel with a general loss of body tone, the development of rapid fatigue, the appearance of drowsiness, tearfulness and other signs of the disease.

Nervous disorders

Decreased appetite can be attributed to psychogenic reasons. So, with depression, food ceases to give a person pleasure; even the smell of food often makes you nauseous. At the same time, patients complain of a feeling of fullness in the stomach, too fast saturation. People in severe depression sometimes have to be force-fed.

One of the most common psycho-emotional abnormalities, characterized by lack of appetite, is anorexia. Young women suffering from an inferiority complex and dissatisfied with their bodies, the desire to lose weight at any cost leads first to following unjustifiably strict diets, artificial release of the stomach from absorbed food, and then to absolute rejection of any food. This is the hardest neuropsychiatric disorder, which should be treated by specialists; often it requires hospitalization.

In all cases of prolonged lack of interest in food, it is necessary to consult a doctor. If no pathologies are found in a person, but a persistent decrease in appetite threatens his health, the desire to eat can be enhanced through moderate sports (for example, swimming), walking. In some situations, the intake of decoctions and tinctures of medicinal herbs helps: wormwood, centaury, calamus, mint, elecampane, three-leafed watch, fenugreek, barberry. Medicinal teas made from strawberry, black currant and raspberry leaves are also useful.

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Education: I.M. First Moscow State Medical University Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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Good appetite has always been considered a sign of health and normal functioning of the body. The feeling of hunger is a natural phenomenon that signals that a person needs to "recharge" and restore the spent energy. Accordingly, a lack of interest in food may indicate a number of diseases or malfunctions. internal organs... What does the lack of appetite in adults indicate, and in what cases do you need to see a doctor?

No appetite: adult reasons

What is a healthy appetite?

A signal that the body needs to replenish its stores of proteins, carbohydrates and other substances is formed in the brain. It is transmitted through neural endings to the digestive organs, as a result of which the secretion of gastric juice is activated, the level of insulin in the blood rises, and the person feels hunger.

The mechanisms of our appetite

Lack of appetite indicates a malfunction in this process - it can be diseases of the digestive tract, hormonal disorders, oncology and much more.

The causes of loss of appetite can be caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The reasons for the loss of interest in food are divided into pathological, that is, those that are the result of malfunctions in the body, and non-pathological - they do not pose a threat to health and do not require medical intervention.

Non-pathological causes of decreased appetite

There are a number of signs that distinguish non-pathological causes from conditions hazardous to health. In this case, there is no appetite for 3-5 days (maximum a week), after which the body's work independently returns to normal. Such episodes recur no more than once a month, do not cause serious weight loss, and are not accompanied by nausea, weakness, fever, or other symptoms. Such reasons include the effect on the body external factors and some changes in its work that can be corrected without medical intervention.

  1. Accommodations. Lack of appetite can be observed in certain conditions - for example, in very hot weather or a sharp change in climatic zones.

In hot weather, most people have decreased appetite.

Chronic fatigue and lack of appetite

Lack of appetite due to stress

Eating disorders

In pregnant women, lack of appetite can be caused by toxicosis

A decrease in appetite is often observed in older people, which can also be considered a variant of the norm - in adulthood, metabolic and digestive processes in the body slow down.

Pathological causes of lack of appetite

The causes of loss of interest in food, which are associated with various diseases, pose a serious health hazard. Vitamins, trace elements and nutrients cease to enter the body, which over time can lead to general depletion and even death. These include:

  • infectious diseases and exacerbations of chronic ailments;
  • disorders of the endocrine system (especially those associated with dysfunction of the pancreas);
  • diseases of the digestive tract;

In this case, the loss of appetite is usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, abdominal pain, etc. With the development of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, since such a condition threatens with serious consequences.

Of particular concern should be cases when a person is sick of one type of food, or he begins to feel aversion to once favorite foods (for example, meat dishes) - this phenomenon often accompanies cancer.

If you feel sick from food, you need to seriously think about your health.

What to do if you lose your appetite?

If the lack of appetite is not accompanied by additional symptoms, you can try to restore it, following simple rules. With a disgust for food, you should not force the body - it is better to eat when you want, in small portions, but at the same time it is desirable to streamline food intake and eat at about the same time. Dishes should be tasty, healthy and beautifully presented - so that interest in food awakens only from one view.

Decorate dishes with fresh herbs

In addition, when you lose your appetite, you should drink as much water as possible to prevent dehydration, walk more often in the fresh air, engage in physical activity and get good rest. It is recommended to use vitamin complexes, especially those containing vitamin B12 and ascorbic acid.

Vitamins of group B and PP

Vitamins C, E, D, K

What should be the menu for loss of appetite in adults? The key rule is that the diet should be balanced, containing all the trace elements and nutrients necessary for health. In addition, there are a number of foods that increase appetite - first of all, these are spices, spices, spicy and salty dishes, as well as marinades. True, it is categorically not recommended to abuse them - in large quantities such food can cause indigestion, gastritis and even an ulcer.

Spices improve appetite, but don't overuse them

Eating a lot of fatty and heavy meals should also not be - after eating, there should be a feeling of satiety, and not heaviness and fullness of the stomach.

Do not overuse foods that are heavy on the stomach

Before meals, you can drink a gram of dry red wine or other light alcohol with a bitter aftertaste - aperitifs in reasonable amounts contribute to a good appetite.

Weak alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks, the purpose of which is to slightly quench thirst and whet the appetite. They are served with snacks

Classic Venetian aperitif

Foods that can help improve your appetite include:

  • black radish juice - take a tablespoon for several days with a spoonful of clean water;

The rule of such treatment is as follows: from potent agents (horseradish, mustard, onion, radish) you need to choose one, and it should be consumed no more than 20 days in a row.

Medicines to increase appetite

Medicines that increase appetite should only be used in extreme cases after consulting a doctor. Each of them has a number of contraindications and side effects, and if used incorrectly and dosage can cause serious harm to the body.

With neuroses and psychoemotional disorders associated with loss of appetite, patients are advised to take antidepressants and sedatives in combination with psychotherapy and other methods of treatment. The most common drugs include "Amitriptyline", "Fluoxetine", "Tsipramil", "Paxil", but their appointment and dosage calculation should be made by a doctor.

Video - "Elkar"

How to improve appetite with folk remedies?

To increase appetite, you can use folk remedies that are no less effective than medications, but do not harm the body.

  1. Coriander. The fruits and seeds of the plant contain essential oils, which have an antispasmodic and antiseptic effect, and also have a beneficial effect on the digestive process. They can be added as a seasoning to dishes, or as a medicine. Steam a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, insist under the lid for 10 minutes, then strain and drink half a glass 2-3 times after meals.

Any means to improve appetite can be used only in cases where the main cause of the disease is known - without appropriate therapy, loss of appetite will become chronic, and the body's condition can worsen significantly.

Video - What to do if you have no appetite

Decrease or lack of appetite (anorexia): causes and treatment

What is appetite

Appetite is an emotional expression of a person's preference for food of a certain quality (craving for a certain food). Appetite is subjectively different from hunger. The onset of hunger is based on the body's general need for nutrients and is usually experienced as an unpleasant state.

Causes of decreased or lack of appetite

Appetite arises on the basis of a nutritional need associated with the idea of \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200bthe future meal, and includes pleasant emotional sensations that usually accompany the intake of a particular food. Appetite is formed as a result of the excitement of certain parts of the central nervous system (including the center of hunger in the hypothalamus) and is accompanied by conditioned reflex salivation and secretion of digestive juices, increased peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby preparing the digestive organs for food intake.

Appetite can be traced to the physiological needs of the body, such as in the case of cravings for salty foods after the body has lost significant amounts of salt. But such a connection is not always traced, quite often the appetite reflects an innate or acquired individual inclination to certain foods.

So preference, as well as aversion (often very persistent) for some other types of food, is determined by the availability of this option in a particular region and is modified by special features of an individual culture, usually rooted in religion, although later, perhaps, rationalized. In light of this, the "appetizing" of a dish, the main elements of which are smell, taste, texture, temperature, method of preparation and serving, strongly depends on our affective (emotional) attitude towards it.

Under the influence of strong external stimuli, for example, a particularly tempting and plentiful choice of dishes, almost everyone eats more from time to time, this is required to replenish energy reserves. This means that the biological mechanisms for regulating food consumption are being overcome. Overeating, in principle, is compensated by the subsequent restriction of nutrition, but in modern society, not everyone resorts to restriction. A decrease in appetite can be associated with overwork, nervousness at work and at home.

Pronounced selectivity of appetite is often observed in women during pregnancy, in patients. A change in appetite can accompany various diseases. It should also be noted that nutrition plays an important role in behavior disorders. They can be accompanied by both excess food intake and refusal from it. A prime example is anorexia nervosa, a form of abstinence most common in adolescent girls; this developmental disorder of the psyche can be so profound that it leads to death from exhaustion.


The term "anorexia" means a lack of appetite in the presence of a physiological need for nutrition. This is a common symptom of a disturbance in the gastrointestinal tract or endocrine system. It is also typical for severe mental disorders.

Possible causes of anorexia

This symptom occurs with anxiety, chronic pain, poor oral hygiene, fever due to heat or fever, and changes in tastes that often accompany growing up or aging.

Anorexia can be a consequence of taking or abusing certain medications. Short-term anorexia practically does not threaten the patient's health. However, with prolonged anorexia, the body's resistance decreases and its susceptibility to various diseases increases. Chronic anorexia can result in life-threatening wasting.

In young children, anorexia develops more often with force feeding, violation of the rules of complementary feeding.

Endocrine Disorders

  • Adenocortical hypofunction. In this disorder, anorexia develops slowly and sluggishly, causing gradual weight loss.
  • Hypopituitarism (failure of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus). In this case, anorexia also develops slowly. Associated symptoms vary depending on the degree of the disease, as well as on the number and type of missing hormones.
  • Myxedema. Anorexia is usually a sign of a lack of thyroid hormones.
  • Ketoacidosis Anorexia usually develops slowly, accompanied by inflammation and dryness of the skin, fruity odor from the mouth, a decrease in blood pressure, increased heart rate, abdominal pain and nausea.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

  • Appendicitis. Anorexia is accompanied by general or local abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver. Anorexia develops in the early stages and may be accompanied by weakness, nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, and dull abdominal pain. Anorexia continues after these early signs, which are complemented by drowsiness, slow speech, severe itching, bleeding, dry skin, enlarged liver, jaundice, leg edema, and pain in the right hypochondrium. Chronic anorexia in Crohn's disease leads to significant weight loss.
  • Gastritis. In the case of acute gastritis, anorexia develops suddenly, and in chronic gastritis - gradually.
  • Hepatitis. When viral hepatitis anorexia develops at the initial stage of the disease and is accompanied by fatigue, malaise, headache, pain in the joints and throat, photophobia, cough, rhinitis, nausea and vomiting, and enlarged liver. Anorexia can also occur in subsequent stages, leading to weight loss against a background of dark urine, jaundice, pain in the right upper quadrant, and possibly irritability and severe itching. In non-viral hepatitis, anorexia and its accompanying symptoms are the same as in viral hepatitis, but may vary depending on the cause of the hepatitis and the degree of liver damage.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

  • Chronic renal failure... Usually accompanied by chronic anorexia and, which is very important, changes in all body functions.

Other diseases

  • Pernicious anemia. In this condition, concomitant anorexia can lead to significant weight loss.
  • Cancer. Chronic anorexia occurs along with possible weight loss, weakness, lethargy, and general wasting.

Mental disorders

  • Alcoholism. Usually accompanied by chronic anorexia, eventually leading to exhaustion.
  • Anorexia neurosis. Gradually developing chronic anorexia leads to life-threatening wasting, skeletal muscle atrophy, loss of adipose tissue, constipation, amenorrhea, dry skin, sleep disturbances, changes in appearance, shortness of breath, and decreased sex drive. Paradoxically, at the same time, a person retains increased excitability and tone, is actively engaged in physical exercises.
  • Depressive syndrome. In this case, anorexia is observed along with shortness of breath, inability to concentrate, indecision, delirium, insomnia, frequent mood swings and gradual social degradation.

Medicines and procedures

Anorexia develops as a result of the use of amphetamine, as, in principle, and other psychostimulants, including caffeine. Chemotherapy drugs, sympathomimetics (such as ephedrine) and some antibiotics. Anorexia may also indicate intoxication (poisoning caused by an effect on the body toxic substancestrapped in it from the outside or formed in the body itself). Radiation therapy can cause anorexia, possibly due to metabolic disorders. An increase in blood glucose from intravenous fluids can also lead to anorexia.

Anorexia treatment

With a sharp weight loss, inpatient treatment is necessary, since there is a real threat to life from exhaustion and gross metabolic endocrine disorders. It is necessary to prescribe a fractional 6-7 meals a day in small portions under the supervision of staff, the introduction of a variety of dishes into the diet, in infants - the normalization of complementary feeding.

Prescribe vitamins, small doses of insulin and drugs to increase appetite. With severe exhaustion, multivitamins and hormones are shown. With the neurotic nature of anorexia, tranquilizers, small doses of antipsychotics, psychotherapy of an explanatory nature about the dangers of starvation, the consequences of illness with a reorientation of values \u200b\u200bare shown, and in some cases - hypnosis.

For the treatment of anorectic syndrome in schizophrenia, neuroleptics are of great importance. Preparations and their dosages are selected individually, taking into account the tolerance and severity of the condition. In special cases, artificial nutrition is used with the introduction of nutrient solutions into a vein.

Anorexia nervosa

A special place is occupied by neuropsychic anorexia. This is a pathological condition that manifests itself in the deliberate restriction of food in order to lose weight. It occurs in adolescents 15 years of age and older, more often in girls. There is an obsession with excess weight and the need to lose weight.

To achieve this goal, patients limit themselves to food up to a complete refusal of food, use intense physical exercise, walking or running long distances, take large doses of laxatives and diuretics. If it is impossible to endure prolonged fasting, the patients eat, even overeat, but cause artificial vomiting.

At first, the appetite is not disturbed, at times there is a feeling of hunger, and in this regard, periodic overeating. Weight falls rapidly, mental disorders appear; mood swings from "bad to good" (from extreme to extreme), obsessive desire to look at yourself in the mirror, etc.

Anorexia nervosa is very closely related to another pathology - dysmorphomania (this disorder is of a deeper, psychotic level, when a painful conviction in the presence of an imaginary physical disability becomes overvalued or delusional, i.e. it cannot be corrected and is accompanied by a lack of criticism from the patient). The painful conviction of excessive completeness leads patients to the idea of \u200b\u200bgetting rid of this deficiency.

This belief can arise on real grounds, that is, in the presence of a certain excess weight, as a rule, psychogenically (offensive remarks to the patient - "thick as a barrel", "fat", "eat less", etc.). In other cases, obesity is imaginary, and the thought of losing weight is overvalued or delusional, and the condition itself is the initial stage in the development of schizophrenia.

At first, patients very carefully hide from their parents both the motives of their behavior and the methods of losing weight. They try to feed the dog with their portion of food, hide the food, and then throw it away, imperceptibly transfer the food to other people's plates. They try to adhere to the lowest calorie diets. Even after achieving significant weight loss, they are not satisfied with it.

Stubbornly continue to lose weight using other methods (enemas, laxatives, exhausting physical activity). After 1.5-2 years, the diseases lose 20 to 50% of their previous body weight and look extremely emaciated. The most common manifestation of anorexia nervosa is amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), which manifests itself either immediately or after a period of scanty rare periods. Such patients, at the insistence of their parents, turn to gynecologists, not knowing about the true cause of menstrual irregularities.

Only proper nutrition and weight gain to a certain critical mass (usually kg) will help get rid of this. Typical for such patients is the desire to overfeed other family members: the mother, younger brothers and sisters. They take great pleasure in watching others eat and gain weight (as a cured alcoholic takes pleasure in getting others drunk and watching them drunk).

Decreased appetite in adults: possible causes and diagnosis

Under a decrease in appetite, doctors mean a partial or complete refusal to eat. This happens due to various reasons, including serious illnesses and, in the absence of qualified assistance, leads to serious consequences.

General information

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of hunger and appetite. Hunger is a reflex that manifests itself if at a certain time the body does not receive food. The mechanism of its development is as follows: the level of glucose in the blood decreases, after which a signal is sent to the centers of hunger. At this moment, a person can feel increased salivation, exacerbation of smell, a pulling sensation "in the stomach". This area is a projection of the stomach, so it always lets the person know about the feeling of hunger.

note! When hunger appears, a person does not have a desire to eat only certain foods. He eats everything.

Appetite is a special manifestation of hunger, in which certain favorite foods are selected. It is influenced by the time of day emotional condition, the nationality of the person, religion, finally.

A decrease in appetite is understood as a state when a person does not want anything. There is a concept of a change in appetite when habitual taste needs are violated. Also, doctors diagnose a complete lack of appetite, leading to anorexia.

Causes of decreased appetite

Decreased appetite is usually preceded by:

  • Intoxication of the body due to inflammation or poisoning. Due to the fact that at such moments he spends all his energy on removing toxins, the digestion of food fades into the background.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by pain, discomfort.
  • Malfunctions of the organs of the endocrine system with diabetes mellitus, hormonal imbalance.
  • Oncology (cancer of the stomach, colon or blood).
  • Autoimmune diseases (scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis).
  • Depression, neuroses, neuropsychiatric disorders.
  • Side effects after taking painkillers medical supplies - morphine, ephedrine.
  • Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Excess fatty foods in the diet.
  • Metabolic disorders due to proper nutrition.
  • Adaptation of the body when physical activityto which he succumbs for the first time.
  • Low mobility and sedentary work.
  • Individual lactose intolerance, celiac disease.
  • Bad habits - smoking, alcohol, drugs.

Important! Dullness of appetite can also be caused by completely harmless habits, namely: the abuse of chocolate, coffee, and powerful energy drinks.

It should be noted that there are diseases in which a person also loses the desire to eat.

  • Bronze disease, or Addison's disease, is an endocrine ailment associated with adrenal dysfunction.
  • Still-Chauffeur disease - juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Typhoid fever.
  • Dementia.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux - when stomach contents are thrown back into the esophagus.
  • Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Schizoaffective Disorder.

Associated symptoms

It is believed that a good appetite is a sign of health. Due to the fact that during the day the feeling of hunger and appetite replace each other, a person saturates his body, while remaining at the same weight. This is a kind of balance that ensures normal life.

If this balance is disturbed for psychological or other reasons, appetite may disappear. Together with him, sometimes the feeling of hunger disappears.

Note! Not wanting to eat for several hours is not a cause for frustration. This happens when, during the previous meal, a person eats a high-calorie meal. In other words, at such moments the body is provided with energy for a longer period of time.

Lack of hunger for 5 to 8 hours makes you think. By the time of their expiration, the level of glucose in the blood will certainly decrease, and the person will feel a lack of strength, weakness. After saturation, the stomach, full of food, will stretch, the glucose concentration will increase and the brain will receive a signal and the need to stop satiety.

It is interesting that scientists have established that a person subconsciously chooses those products that his body needs at a given time. Athletes prefer salty foods after exercise to replenish salt losses due to perspiration.


In case of loss of appetite, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe a complete examination of the body, including:

What to do if you lose your appetite

If diseases that could cause a decrease in appetite are identified, therapy is prescribed to eliminate them. In parallel, doctors recommend adjusting the schedule and portioning of food intake. In other words, they advise you to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. The last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime. For one absorption of food, you need to devote about 30 minutes, chewing the pieces slowly.

Snacks should be avoided. Sweets should be replaced with fruits, sauces and spiced marinades as they whet the appetite. For some patients, doctors prescribe vitamin B, zinc, which enhance the sense of smell. It is also important to adhere to the drinking regime, especially when playing sports.

Note! Nausea during this period is removed with Promethazine and other similar drugs. To improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, hormone substitutes are prescribed. Dementia is treated with high-calorie nutritional formula, and inflammation is treated with antibiotics.

Situations when a person notices that he is haunted by a constant feeling of hunger are not so rare. But he does not always associate the causes of this condition with malfunctions in the body. The feeling of hunger is controlled by the nutritional center in the cerebral cortex. This center is connected with the organs of the digestive system through the endings of the nervous system. And if certain disorders occur in the body, then they can lead to a malfunction of the functioning of this system. What is the reason for the constant feeling of hunger, and what to do if the strong feeling of hunger does not disappear, we will discuss in this article.

How do symptoms of persistent hunger appear?

The desire to eat appears at the moment when the first impulses begin to come from the stomach. If a person is healthy, then the desire to eat does not appear earlier than a few hours after eating. First, the stomach is compressed by short spasms, which are repeated after a break. When a certain period of time passes - usually about half an hour - the spasms become permanent, and the person perceives them more acutely. There is a feeling of "sucking in the spoon," in the stomach rumbling. More acute sensations that appear later, people describe something like this: "The stomach hurts, as if hungry."

Doctors note that hunger is more painful for people who have high blood sugar. However, if hunger cramps after a meal appear almost immediately, then the cause of this phenomenon can only be determined by a specialist, after conducting all the necessary research. After all, we can talk about both organic and psychological disorders.

However, in modern world people eat according to emotions, not hunger. That is, the process of eating is rather determined by the desire to eat something tasty, and not to satisfy hunger. Therefore, many people rarely experience the natural feeling of hunger.

And if the natural desire to eat is felt a few hours after the meal, then the consequence of the failure of physiological processes is the desire to eat almost immediately after a person has eaten.

The feeling of hunger begins to bother a person at the moment when a signal comes from the stomach to the brain about the lack of energy reserves. It is a reaction that protects the body from exhaustion.

If a person is healthy, then this chain of reactions looks like this:

  • the brain receives an impulse about the need to replenish the energy supply;
  • the body receives the required amount of nutrition;
  • the next impulse enters the brain, signaling that saturation has occurred;
  • after eating, the feeling of hunger disappears.

But provided that you want to eat constantly, we are talking about the fact that one of the binders of this chain breaks off. And if you do not determine in a timely manner why the hunger does not go away, and correct treatment, then the patient's well-being will worsen. Moreover, he is threatened.

There are many conditions in which a person constantly wants to eat painfully:

  • Hyperrexia - in this state, you want to eat constantly, while eating, a person cannot get enough, but the body does not experience a physiological need to replenish the supply of nutrients.
  • - hunger worries due to too active production of an enzyme by the thyroid gland.
  • A number of stomach diseases - with, with gastritis with high acidity.
  • Too much mental stress.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Development of psychological dependence.
  • Increased physical activity, as a result of which a person loses a lot of energy.
  • Perceptible dietary restrictions.
  • Prolonged, constant stress.
  • Violations of the monthly cycle.
  • Intense thirst.
  • Incorrect catering.

Conditions in which you constantly want to eat

  • With pathologies of the central nervous system, almost constant irritation of the hunger center can occur. In this case, an integrated approach to treatment is required, and it should be carried out by a qualified specialist.
  • With disorders in the functioning of the endocrine system, the feeling of hunger is associated with hormonal imbalance. The hormone - the so-called satiety hormone - in optimal quantities provides a normal effect on the energy, metabolic and neuroendocrine reactions of the body. With its excessive or insufficient production, disturbances occur, leading to a constant feeling of hunger and other unpleasant symptoms.
  • A deficiency of some vitamins can also provoke an irrepressible desire to eat. Lack of a number of vitamins, especially those related to group B , leads to a deterioration in the condition of the skin, nails, hair, and also leads to an increase. When there is a desire to replenish the supply of nutrients, so a person wants to eat.
  • An indomitable appetite often manifests itself in those who adhere. Simple carbohydrates - the main food for the brain. As a result, their absence leads to a nutritional deficiency in the brain, which affects the body as a whole. The brain constantly requires replenishment of such a deficiency, and during the course of a carbohydrate-free diet, those who lose weight feel intense hunger and have a craving for sweets.
  • Increased appetite may be associated with a fall glucose in the blood, which occurs due to a number of physiological or psychological problems. If the imbalance of glucose and insulin is noted for a long time, it can lead to the development of diabetes. And the constant desire to eat something leads in such a situation to the development of obesity, which is also a harbinger of diabetes.
  • Abrupt changes in diet associated with the transition to a diet, healthy eating, etc., cause a restructuring of the digestive system, which, in turn, can cause a feeling of hunger.
  • The same happens with tangible restrictions in the amount of food. It is quite natural that, having received less food, a person feels hungry. In such a situation, it is recommended to eat as often and little by little.
  • If a person is regularly under stress, it can also lead to a persistent desire to eat a lot. When the nervous system is excited, there may be a desire to "seize" stress. If you follow it constantly, persistent stress-food relationships can develop, which will subsequently require the help of a psychologist.
  • Attacks of unreasonable appetite are also manifested with increased mental stress. People engaged in heavy mental work very often eat chaotically, absolutely not adhering to the regime. Instead of eating full meals, they eat snacks. As a result, this leads to the appearance of the desire to eat within minutes after the next snack. To break the vicious circle, you will have to establish a clear diet with four full meals and no junk food snacks. If you want to kill your hunger with something, fruits or dried fruits will do.
  • Often adhering to a variety of diets, a person "tunes" the body to the mode of lack of food. But the body constantly requires to replenish reserves, and, as a result, losing weight is worried about the constant desire to eat. To avoid this, it is necessary to practice a system of complete healthy eating, rather than short-term diets.
  • With a lack of certain substances in the body, the feeling of hunger can also appear almost constantly. We are talking about vitamins and trace elements. For example, you may want sweets due to a magnesium deficiency. In this case, you need to conduct medical research and adjust the diet so as to make up for the lack of substances.
  • In women, bouts of indomitable appetite may appear during the period. A couple of days before the onset of menstruation, many women have an irresistible desire to eat something and does not disappear even after the woman has had a snack. This symptom is associated with a lack of a hormone in the body. Less muffins and sweets are recommended on these days. It is also important to drink plenty of water, eat fruits and vegetables.

Pregnancy and hunger

During the period, a global restructuring of the female body takes place. In this case, very sharp changes in hormonal levels occur, as a result of which many expectant mothers feel an indomitable appetite.

However, the expectant mother should know that increased appetite can signal a lack of vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, etc. in her body. Therefore, it is very important to take care of the most balanced diet - with a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits. You also need to take vitamin complexes. Walking in the fresh air will also help. If a pregnant woman is constantly hungry, this will lead to excessive food intake and a set of extra pounds. And exceeding the norm for weight gain is unsafe for both mom and baby.

Nausea and increased appetite

If the desire to eat is accompanied by constant nausea, this may be due to various diseases. This often indicates hypoglycemia when plasma glucose levels are very low. The body tries to fill this deficiency with food, especially sweets. This condition needs to be treated.

However, such symptoms can be evidence of other diseases. Therefore, such symptomatology should be the reason for seeking medical attention.

With gastritis

The urge to eat can trigger acidity when hyperacid gastritis ... People with this diagnosis often experience sucking pain in the stomach. They subside when a person eats at least a little. Similar symptoms can also be evidence of other gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, it is important to clarify the diagnosis before starting treatment.

Constant hunger in a child

If some babies are very difficult to feed, then it happens that the child asks for food almost constantly. If the child does not have a saturation phase, this may indicate a disturbance in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, a failure of metabolic processes. A baby who eats a lot can have a very rapid increase in stomach. In this case, each time he will need more and more food for saturation. Therefore, in this case, parents need to consult with a specialist as soon as possible.

Having determined the cause of such violations, the doctor will prescribe treatment and the correct diet. But the parents themselves in this case should follow the advice of a specialist. First of all, the child should eat 4 times a day, without snacks in between. If you can't do without them, you need to give the baby vegetables and fruits. The child should lead an active life, walk a lot in the fresh air. Finally, the most relevant advice sounds like this: parents themselves must eat right, move a lot, setting an example for the child.

Which doctor should I go to?

If hunger bothers you almost constantly, it is either a physiological or a psychological problem. Accordingly, you need to contact either a gastroenterologist or a psychiatrist or psychologist. You may also need an endocrinologist's consultation. Perhaps a nutritionist will help solve the problem.

But first of all, you need to contact your local doctor, who will help determine which specialist of a narrow profile you should contact next.

If the patient has not been diagnosed with serious pathologies, the nutritionist can give him the following advice:

  • Introduce more fiber-rich foods into the diet.
  • Try to drink mineral or plain water during bouts of hunger to quench your appetite.
  • Chew food thoroughly and very slowly. In the process of a leisurely meal, the stomach will have time to send a signal to the brain that it is already full.
  • You need to eat not in front of a computer or TV, but in suitable places.
  • During the diet, you should not limit the body too much.
  • After satiety, you need to get up from the table so as not to overeat later.
  • Remove from the menu products that stimulate appetite - spicy, salty, alcohol, etc.
  • Do not leave tasty things within reach, so that during work there is no desire to have a snack.
  • Try to keep yourself occupied with interesting and exciting activities so that you forget about food. The interval should be about four hours between meals.

Lack of hunger

However, the opposite situation is often observed - a person has a lack of appetite, which also indicates disorders in the body. If there is no desire to eat even after a long break between meals, problems with different systems and organs are quite likely. Why a healthy feeling of hunger has disappeared, you need to find out by visiting a doctor.

Despite the fact that many people at first consider a decrease in appetite almost a gift from above, since it helps to lose weight, this symptom cannot be ignored. If the organism long time will receive less vitamins, minerals and other useful substances, this will soon have a detrimental effect on well-being. Complaints such as: "I do not feel hungry" should initially be expressed to the therapist, who will refer to more narrow specialists.

Dysrexia Is a general term for appetite disorders. One of the most common appetite disorders is anorexia - a condition about which the appetite is completely absent.

Why is there no appetite?

There are many reasons for this phenomenon. This can be either a consequence of stress or depression, or a hormonal disorder.

Sometimes short-term disturbances in appetite are easily eliminated. It is enough to drink tea with mint, lemon balm, chamomile to calm down or pick herbs to stimulate appetite.

However, loss of appetite accompanies many diseases. Among them are thyroid dysfunction, autoimmune diseases, infectious ailments, oncological processes, diseases digestive system, liver, kidneys, heart, etc.

Many expectant mothers have a deteriorating appetite already in the first trimester of pregnancy, when it begins. In this state, a woman needs to listen to her body and eat what she wants. Appetite disappears due to lack of iron and folic acid ... Therefore, it is advisable to replenish the supply of these substances by eating cabbage, buckwheat, green leafy vegetables.

If there is no appetite immediately before the main meal, this may be due to the fact that the person is simply not eating properly. Perhaps snacking on high-calorie foods simply discourages the desire to eat.

Also, poor appetite can be due to a lack of B vitamins and zinc. In such a situation, you should drink multivitamin complex and consume more foods containing such elements.


Appetite disorders cannot be perceived as a normal state of the body, especially if this continues for a long time. The reasons for this condition can be very different, and only a good specialist can determine why the appetite is lost or, on the contrary, severe hunger worries. In this case, you should not self-medicate, because only a doctor will help establish a diagnosis and eliminate the problem.

Loss of appetite, with medical point called anorexia, it can be caused by various conditions and diseases. Some of the conditions can be temporary and reversible, such as loss of appetite from the effects of drugs. Some of the conditions can be more serious, such as from exposure to a cancerous tumor.

Not everyone can boast of a normal (healthy) appetite. In most cases, people suffer from appetite disorders followed by malnutrition or overeating. However, external signs: excessive thinness and excessive fatness are not the only problems that arise in this case. Disruption of appetite is an alarming signal that indicates serious changes in the functioning of the body. Recently, there has been an increase in cases of loss of appetite and uncontrolled weight loss, which have a negative impact on health.

How dangerous is a decrease in appetite?
To understand how dangerous a poor appetite can become for a person, it is important to realize the very need for food. Food is the link between the human body and the environment. In addition, it performs a number of important functions: plastic, energy, protective, bioregulatory and adaptive-regulatory, which are involved in the reproduction and construction of new cells, serve to cover energy costs, increase the body's resistance to disease, take part in the formation of enzymes and hormones, contribute to normal activities different systems organism.
There is another function of food - signal-motivational, which is reduced to stimulating appetite. The desire to eat (in the translation from lat. Appetite) appears when there is a decrease in the concentration of nutrients in the blood. In other words, it is the appetite that regulates the intake of the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals into the body.
In the section of the brain (hypothalamus) there are two centers that are responsible for satiety and hunger. A decrease in blood glucose levels gives a signal that the body needs nutrients, while the entry into the blood of an active substance (cholecystokinin) signals saturation. Thus, loss of appetite can disrupt the nutritional balance - the correct ratio of nutrients in the body, including essential ones (proteins, vitamins, minerals).
Interestingly, in animals, like in ancient people, the concentration of nutrients decreases during the hunt, so the need for food increases when getting food. In the modern world, a person has no longer the need to get food in the literal sense of the word, so people eat food with an appetite.

Consequences of poor appetite
Of course, every person has a bad appetite at least once in his life. Our body is wise and capable of self-healing, so nothing terrible will happen with a short-term decrease in appetite. But the systematic refusal to eat for a long period of time, has extremely negative consequences for the body, can cause "starvation" of all organs and tissues, including the brain.
With a balanced rational diet, the food ration corresponds to the gender, age, occupation and weight of a person. Thus, the nutrition and appetite of children preschool age differs from the nutrition of schoolchildren and students. And the food of an adult, depending on the type of activity, should bring the replenishment of physical exertion or mental labor expended. Likewise, it is important to take into account some of the nutritional characteristics of the elderly, nutrition after the rehabilitation period, during pregnancy, etc.
If the child has no appetite, the baby may not receive enough biologically valuable substances, vitamins, macro and microelements necessary for his normal growth and development. Poor appetite for students and people with mental activities, reduces brain activity. With a decrease in the appetite of those who are engaged in physical labor, an increase in fatigue is noted. It is even difficult to imagine what the poor appetite of a nursing mother for a baby can turn into. Exhaustion of the body, weakness, dizziness, drowsiness - all these are the consequences of loss of appetite.
Refusal to eat for a long time can cause a serious illness - anorexia. The disease manifests itself as partial or complete loss of appetite and is caused by psychopathological disorders. Especially widespread in last years received neurogenic anorexia. In the course of the disease, the patient manifests a persistent desire to correct the "excess" of the figure. In a neglected state, with anorexia, muscle atrophy occurs, disturbances in the work of the musculoskeletal system are noticed, the functions of entire systems and the work of individual organs are disrupted. A person rejects food for so long that it is no longer absorbed by the body.

What to do: lost appetite?
Appetite control is one of the most important characteristics in maintaining a healthy diet. For health, it is equally important to reduce appetite when overweight and stimulate appetite when exhausted.
In most cases, we suffer from poor-quality food and overeating, so there is a huge number of recommendations, available methods and methods that tell you how to reduce appetite. In short, they all boil down to the fact that it is necessary to eat low-calorie food, exclude the use of sweets and flour products, fried and spicy foods, foods that whet the appetite, exercise intensively. The availability of information will help you choose the right diet or the most appropriate way to lose weight.
For people suffering from underweight, it is necessary to provide an increase in appetite, that is, to arouse the desire for food. If you lose your appetite, you do not need to despair, but you should not postpone solving the problem either.

Any persisting symptoms of lack of appetite should be evaluated by a professional gastroenterologist.

Loss of appetite nausea

With heart failure, loss or change in appetite or nausea may occur. Some people feel a heavy stomach even if they have eaten very little. They may also experience abdominal pain or tenderness.

These symptoms are often due to fluid buildup around the liver and intestines, which interferes with digestion. If you notice any changes in appetite or digestive problems, this may mean that heart failure is progressing and you should see your doctor or nurse.

Loss of appetite and nausea are also common side effects of certain medications.

In order not to risk your own health once again, do not trust folk methods, but consult a doctor.

Weakness loss of appetite

Lack of vitamin B, causes loss of appetite, weakness and apathy, increased irritability, insomnia, weight loss, the appearance of obscure dull and acute pain, mental depression and constipation. In children, this often leads to stunted growth. In cases of severe thiamine deficiency, beriberi disease may occur. Since B is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, its deficiency manifests itself in the loss of ankle and knee reflexes, neuritis, or muscle weakness of the legs, calves and thighs. Psychological symptoms of failure include mental imbalance, poor memory, unaccountable fears, stiffness, and persecution mania.

A mystery of scientists all over the world is the relentless tendency towards self-destruction by a person of his body. Contrary to common sense, the almost ideal mechanism of a human being is destroyed due to improper lifestyle and nutrition. Often, shameless intemperance in food breeds a brutal appetite. On the other hand, despite the natural appearance of appetite, a person rejects food, preventing the body from receiving nutrients, which are so necessary for normal life. Here are the main reasons that lead to poor appetite.
Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)
Gastritis, cholecystitis, dysbiosis can be accompanied by painful sensations, toxicosis, weakness, this often leads to poor appetite and severe exhaustion.

Wrong diet
With poor nutrition, when the desire to get rid of excess weight accompanied by exhausting diets that limit or exclude the consumption of a certain category of food, loss of appetite is one of the emerging problems. Rapid weight loss, develops into uncontrolled weight loss and, without the intervention of qualified specialists, can lead to complete or partial loss of appetite (anorexia).

There are several ways of fasting, which are usually accompanied by prolonged or one-day refusal to eat. It should be noted that if all the recommendations are followed and under the supervision of nutritionists, fasting is beneficial. However, non-observance of the conditions and rules of fasting, the presence of diseases in which fasting is contraindicated, can lead to a complete loss of appetite. Fasting should include a voluntary refusal of food and as a protest.
The result of improper treatment and the use of harmful products

Long-term use of drugs, herbal infusions or potent drugs, without the advice of doctors or in connection with an erroneous diagnosis, is one of the reasons for poor appetite. Refusal of food can be the use of drugs, smoking, abuse of drugs for weight loss, the use of low-quality medicines.
Incorrect (irrational) nutrition
Untimely food intake, as well as poor quality food leads to the formation of poisons and toxins, which lead to a breakdown and impaired appetite. In addition, in the diet, it is necessary to observe the correct combination food products different groups (vitamins, proteins, fats).

Psycho-emotional state
One of the reasons for a person's refusal to eat is psychological and emotional disordersassociated with the loss of loved ones or animals, quarrels and other troubles. Often, the resulting depression and feelings of inferiority are the reason for isolation and refusal to eat.

Since loss of appetite leads to weight loss, a timely visit to a doctor can help avoid problems such as exhaustion or anorexia.

Temperature loss of appetite

In most cases, all this occurs during the poisoning of the body. After all, infectious poisoning always has symptoms of incessant vomiting and diarrhea, and with all this, weakness of the body is observed, constantly throwing itself into cold sweat. But if vomiting is accompanied, then at the time of all this you will need to drink somewhere about two liters of water to clear your intestines from infection. But after all this, you need to take the patient to the infectious diseases department of the polyclinic. After a series of droppers and gastric lavage, the acid-base balance is restored in the body. And for all that, the weakness of the body will release a little. In case of poisoning, a patient will need to follow a strict diet and take special antibiotics to remove all infections that provoked the disease.

But if a patient has malignant histiocytosis, then it is accompanied by weight loss, and also with it there is an increasing weakness and a high temperature rises. But diarrhea is also common with it.

But with diarrhea of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, weakness of the whole body are also observed, and dry mouth also occurs. But there may even be dizziness, loss of appetite and bloating, which will turn into sharp pain.

But diarrhea is very dangerous for the body because during the dehydration of the body, the water-salt balance is disturbed, which, if not treated, can lead to death. The vitamins we need such as calcium and magnesium are removed from the body, which are very necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

After all, every hanging temperature and diarrhea, which leads to the weakness of the body, is not an ideal human condition.

On the contrary, it is considered not a very useful condition, because any infection in the human body can lead to a number of different diseases. And all these symptoms need to be treated only under the supervision of a therapist. Since the correct treatment can prevent dehydration of the body and the loss of salts and essential minerals from the body, which contribute to the correct and effective functioning of the body. Because not every disease can be cured independently and at home.

Loss of appetite in a child

Choice of food can persist in school-aged children

Parents very often think that their children are finicky or capricious in matters of nutrition. Indeed, a study of eating behavior in young children has shown that up to 50% of parents consider their children to be moody eaters.

While some children have short-lived choices about food, in others it becomes a constant problem. According to one study, in 21% of cases, parents characterized their children aged 4-5 as picky eaters. In another study, it was found that some children remain fastidious in food until the age of 9.

Typical behaviors for fastidious eaters include:

They eat very little;
so much for certain types of food;
eat few fruits and vegetables;
refuse to try new types of food;
interrupt or delay food intake.

Excessive nutritional discrimination can lead to gaps in your child's diet:

Fussy children often get significantly less protein and energy than children with normal appetites;
in addition, picky children often get inadequate amounts of certain vitamins and minerals compared to children with a normal appetite.

Potential dangers observed in children with constant nutritional moods and poor appetite:

Differences related to nutrient intake;
reducing the intake of fruits, vegetables and fiber;
reduced consumption of certain trace elements;
growth disorder;
retardation of mental development.

Tips on how to cope with your child's finicky eating habits and improve appetite:

Try not to distract the child while eating: eat in a relaxed environment;
Become neutral in relation to food behavior: avoid excessive praise, criticism, stimulation and coercion;
feed the baby at the correct intervals and avoid "snacking" in order to increase the baby's appetite: feed him at intervals of 3-4 hours and do not give anything in between;
limit the duration of meals: food should last 20-30 minutes, and if the child does not eat - 15 minutes;
use products according to the age of the child;
introduce new food products one at a time and offer the child the same product up to 5 times before you agree that he will not eat it;
stimulate the child to independent nutrition;
Accept that your child does age-specific additional research while eating.

How to know if a child is in danger

Talk to your child's doctor about their choosy eating habits. This is especially important if the child:

Is losing weight or has stopped gaining weight;
grows slower than expected;
looks tired or not energetic enough

Dear parents, do not risk the health of your children, consult a doctor.

Symptoms of loss of appetite

Loss of appetite is a partial or complete refusal to eat. Loss of appetite is the body's defense response. This reaction is expressed in slowing down the digestion process in order to prevent the ingestion of substances that can interfere with recovery. Loss of appetite can be a symptom of serious medical conditions.

Not only diseases lead to a decrease in appetite, but also the intake of various medications: drugs containing digitalis; antibiotics; cold medications containing FPA (phenylpropanolamine); pain relievers; diabetes medications; anesthetics; drugs for chemotherapy.

Loss of appetite can be a symptom of the following diseases

Addison's disease (Bronze disease)
Still's disease (Chronic polyarthritis in children)
Still-Shoffard disease (juvenile rheumatoid arthritis)
Typhoid fever
Infectious diseases
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (Gastroesophageal Reflux)
Dementia (Dementia)
Peptic Ulcer (Stomach and Duodenal Ulcer)
Seasonal affective disorder
Schizoaffective disorder

Treat the disease on early stage always much easier and faster, so don't put off until tomorrow, see your doctor now!

Loss of appetite diarrhea

Typically, a series of undulating muscle contractions propels food through the digestive tract. If they get too fast, the large intestine cannot absorb as much liquid from food as it should. This leads to diarrhea.

Diarrhea can be acute or chronic; The frequency of loose stools can vary from day to day and varies from person to person. Stools may be bloody, contain mucus or pus, or both.

Along with diarrhea, a person usually experiences abdominal pain or cramps, he may have nausea, vomiting, weakness, loss of appetite. Depending on the cause of the diarrhea, the appearance of the stool and other symptoms vary.

Diarrhea and other symptoms of acute intestinal infection
sudden onset of extremely loose stools;
strong stool odor;
painful and tender abdomen;
poor appetite;
weight loss.

Diarrhea and other symptoms of colon cancer
bloody diarrhea, alternating with pencil-thick stools;
abdominal pain;
loss of appetite;
weight loss;

Diarrhea with painful bowel sensitivity
In this case, diarrhea can alternate with constipation and normal stools.
painful, tender, or bloated stomach;
stomach upset;

Diarrhea and other symptoms of ulcerative colitis:
recurring bloody diarrhea containing pus or mucus;
cramping pain in the lower abdomen;
slight fever;
loss of appetite;
sometimes nausea or vomiting.

Since diarrhea can mean not just a stomach disorder, but a very serious illness, do not self-medicate, but see a doctor immediately.

Loss of appetite and weight

A healthy appetite is a sign of good health. But even minor physical or psychological problems can affect appetite. healthy person... Loss of appetite can be affected by various factors, from digestive problems to serious medical conditions. In this article, we will look at the causes and treatment of loss of appetite.

Reasons for loss of normal appetite.
1. Serious liver disease: chronic renal failure, cirrhosis.
2. Serious illness of cardio-vascular system, acute heart failure.
3. Pneumonia, HIV, hepatitis, kidney infections, influenza.
4. Inflammation of the intestines, alimentary canal or pancreatitis.
5. Endocrine problems, low levels of thyroid hormone, diabetes.
6. Some types of cancer - blood cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer.
7. Autoimmune diseases - rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma.
8. Certain medications, antibiotics, anesthetics, chemotherapy, diabetes medications.
9. Drugs digitalis, demerol, morphine, sympathomimetics - for example, ephedrine.
10. Mental disorders: anorexia nervosa, depression, schizophrenia.
11. Pregnancy.
12. Certain types of dementia - for example, Alzheimer's disease.

In addition, some bad habits also cause loss of appetite: drinking non-alcoholic sweetened drinks or sweets between meals. Sometimes, excessive consumption of "heavy" meals rich in saturated fats can cause loss of appetite. In addition, there are many more reasons. And in some cases it happens that the cause is simply impossible to identify.

Diagnostics of the loss of appetite.

If there is a gradual loss of appetite, accompanied by weight loss, a medical examination is necessary - these symptoms can signal serious health problems.

During a medical examination, a series of tests are performed to determine the causes of poor appetite. With the help of a blood test, it is determined whether the reason lies in hormonal imbalance, the occurrence of diabetes, and liver diseases. Urinalysis can help identify kidney infections. A chest X-ray can help detect lung cancer or pneumonia. Among the medical procedures that diagnose the causes of poor appetite, the most common are:

Full blood test,
HIV test,
organ research abdominal,
testing the function of the kidneys, liver,
barium enema
examination of thyroid function,
Analysis of urine,
X-ray of the upper gastrointestinal tract,
pregnancy test.

The consequences of a long-term lack of appetite.

If a lack of appetite persists for several weeks, the result may be depletion of the body, a lack of nutrients necessary for its normal functioning. Many consequences depend on the cause of the loss of appetite. So, diabetes can lead to disruption of the functioning of various internal organs (kidneys, nervous system, eyes), and cancer - to death.

Treatment for loss of normal appetite.

Much of the treatment depends on the cause of the condition. Typically, appetite is restored after the illness that caused the poor appetite is completely healed.

If the loss of appetite is associated with pregnancy, then, as such, treatment is not required, after a few weeks the appetite will restore itself.
If the loss of appetite is caused by nausea, drugs such as ondansetron or promethazine are mainly used for treatment.
If the loss of appetite is caused by appendicitis, surgery will be required.
People with dementia are given high-calorie formula, or even artificial feeding through a gastrostomy tube.
If the loss of appetite is associated with a low level of thyroid hormone, special hormone replacement drugs are prescribed.
If infectious diseases are the reason for the lack of appetite, antibiotics are used.
The main methods of cancer treatment are radiation and chemotherapy, and surgery.

Getting rid of bad appetite at home.

At home, the inclusion of nutritious meals, snacks, and protein-rich drinks in the diet can help cope with the loss of appetite.
Yeast, along with a B-complex vitamin, is one of the most effective nutritional food additives... Green vegetables also stimulate appetite very well. Lack of the mineral zinc affects the sense of smell and touch, and this negatively affects the person's appetite.
You can stimulate appetite with herbal infusions if you drink them half an hour before meals. In case of loss of appetite caused by emotional problems, herbal decoctions based on chamomile, lemon balm, dill, and peppermint should be used. The healing properties of these herbs will not only help calm the psyche, but also stimulate appetite.

Since there can be many reasons for loss of appetite and weight, we still advise you not to self-medicate, but to undergo an examination program.

Video about loss of appetite

Appetite is a natural physiological process, which is just as necessary for the normal functioning of the human body as the daily consumption of food. Loss of appetite and all kinds of rejection of food, or an acute aversion to familiar dishes and foodstuffs is a sign of a pathological state of the digestive system caused by a number of specific diseases, an improper lifestyle of a particular person, and work disorders endocrine gland or mental disorders... It is most dangerous when a lack of appetite is associated with rapid weight loss. In this case, it is possible that the patient may encounter acute form anorexia.

In order to establish the causal factor that influenced the lack of desire to eat, it is necessary to understand that almost always behind such a pathological behavior of the gastrointestinal organs there is a serious illness of the human digestive system, or a short-term malfunction of the internal organs.

Based on the established long-term practice, it has been established that the most common cause of loss of appetite in adults is as follows:

it common reasonsthat can cause loss of appetite in adults regardless of their social status, physical activity or working conditions. Most often, these factors are present in the life of the active population. These are young people between 20 and 45 years old.

There are also separate categories of patients in whom the reasons for the loss of appetite are the specificity of the course of physiological processes in the body.

In older people

This is a separate category of patients who have no appetite due to the fact that, due to old age, there has been a natural slowdown in metabolism in almost all cells and tissues of internal organs. The digestive system is no exception and also responds with a slow metabolism. As a result, an elderly person may not feel the urge to eat for a long period of time, but the total body weight is within stable limits and practically does not change.

Also, the appearance of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which were described in the section on general causal factors, is not excluded.

Both in the first and in the second case, it will be necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body in order to avoid the development of much more serious complications, since a stable and balanced diet in old age - this is the guarantee of longevity.

Lack of appetite during pregnancy

In women carrying a child under their heart, the appearance of indifference to food is most often caused by temporary disruptions in the work of the endocrine system, a surge or decrease in key sex and digestive hormones. Against this background, toxicosis appears, a negative reaction not only to previously favorite foods, but also to various kinds of pungent odors. In most cases, this condition is observed in pregnant women at different periods of the first trimester of pregnancy and soon passes without the use of special medications.

What to do if there is no appetite - how to increase it?

In order to stabilize the work of the digestive system, you can use special biological additives to maintain the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, or if much more serious pathologies are found, the doctor prescribes targeted drugs for taking action.


The selection of the vitamin-mineral complex is based on what symptoms were identified in the patient according to the results initial examinationAlso, the type of drug largely depends on the degree of activity of the patient's lifestyle, the presence or absence of bad habits. Most often, adults who complain of loss of appetite are prescribed vitamins such as:

If necessary, the attending gastroenterologist may decide to prescribe a different type of vitamin preparation to the patient with an additional content of one, two or more nutrients. Most of the medicines in this group are taken orally 1 time per day, 1 capsule. An indicative course of treatment is 20-30 days.

Tablets and special drugs

Tablets and other medicines of a certain spectrum of action are prescribed to a patient who complains of loss of appetite only if, according to the results of a comprehensive examination, it was established that the cause of the pathological condition in the work of the digestive tract is caused by the presence of a specific disease.

If patients have oncological neoplasmsthat disrupt the stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, chemical preparations are used, which are prescribed on the basis of a previously developed scheme of therapeutic effects on cancerous tumor... Other categories of medications may be used depending on the pathology identified.

Do I need to see a doctor and get tested?

A sudden disappearance of appetite for a short period of time, lasting no longer than 1 day, is not always a sign of any disease. It is possible that these are biochemical changes that are caused physical overwork, an improperly formed diet, the use of drugs or alcohol.

If this condition continues for 2-3 days and at the same time an acute desire to eat food does not return to the person, then in this case it is necessary to sign up for a consultation with a gastroenterologist.

This is a specialized doctor whose duties include diagnostics, prevention and therapy of diseases of the digestive system. The specialist will perform a preliminary examination of the patient, and then suggest passing the following types of tests:

  • clinical research blood sampled from a finger;
  • biochemical study of the composition of venous blood;
  • general analysis of feces;
  • x-ray of organs located in the chest cavity;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • morning urine passed on an empty stomach;
  • gastroscopy of the stomach;
  • endoscopic examination intestines.

If necessary, the attending physician may decide to prescribe the patient to undergo other or additional diagnostic techniques in order to obtain even more comprehensive information about the patient's health status and establish the true cause of the lack of appetite.

A healthy appetite is considered to be nothing more than a clear sign of excellent health, general well-being and mood. The term " appetite"Comes from the word" ", Which translated from Latin means" aspiration" or " a wish". Appetite is a sensation that is directly related to the body's need for food. Plus, it is also a physiological mechanism that regulates the intake of various nutrients into the body. Unfortunately, not everyone has a good appetite, which directly indicates malfunctions in the work of one or another organism. Given this fact, this problem should be taken extremely seriously. In no case should this fact be ignored. Right now we will tell you how about the reasons loss of appetite, and about the methods with which you can correct the situation.

Appetite - what is it?

Appetite is a rather ambiguous concept that is directly related to the functioning of a number of brain structures, which are called the food center. This center is located mainly in the hypothalamus and cerebral hemispheres. Immediately, we note that both the presence and absence of appetite are determined by a number of very diverse factors.

Their list can include:

  • the quantity and quality of food;
  • food conditions;
  • the rate of assimilation of food;
  • the amount of water contained in body tissues;
  • the level of fat storage.

During meals, the appetite is gradually dulled. This is not surprising, since the food eaten stretches the walls of the stomach, after which they are digested. Then the breakdown products are absorbed by the body, causing in turn a feeling of fullness.

Types of disorders

Modern experts distinguish 2 types of appetite:
1. general or "I want to eat!": in this case, the person does not care what to eat;
2. specialized forms: in this case, a person wants to eat something specific, which indicates a lack of some substance in his body. The body may lack both fats and carbohydrates, minerals, proteins or vitamins.

Any disturbances in appetite are often referred to in one single term, namely dysrexia ... There are certain subgroups of this pathological condition.
These include:

  • hyporexia: deterioration or poor appetite;
  • anorexia: complete lack of appetite;
  • hyperrexia: pathological increase in the desire to eat;
  • bulimia: uncontrollable gluttony;
  • parorexia: various kinds of perversion of appetite.

Causes of disorders

The list of reasons that can lead to loss of appetite is huge.
Here are the most common ones:

  • dementia ( dementia due to illness or damage to the brain);
  • heart failure;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hypothyroidism ( a condition characterized by a prolonged and persistent lack of thyroid hormones);
  • chronic liver pathologies;
  • lack of zinc in the body;
  • hepatitis;
  • appendicitis;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • anxious states;
  • nervous disorders;
  • tuberculosis;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • (blood pathology resulting from genetically determined insufficient or completely absent synthesis of hemoglobin by the body);

  • crohn's disease ( recurrent chronic ailment affecting various parts of the digestive tract);
  • acute viral hepatitis;
  • therapy course medicines, including chemotherapy drugs, morphine, codeine, or antibiotics;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • drug use, including heroin, amphetamine and cocaine;
  • cancer of the stomach, colon, blood, lungs, pancreas, or ovaries;
  • hypervitaminosis ( excessive amounts of vitamin D in the body);
  • kidney inflammation;
  • flu condition;
  • pneumonia.

Some bad habits can also significantly impair appetite. So, for example, it is not recommended to consume any sweets or soft drinks between meals. Often, appetite worsens against the background of anorexia ( loss of hunger associated with neurological disease, hormonal dysfunction, or malignant tumors).

How dangerous is it?

Poor appetite is quite dangerous. The point is that the food we eat is a kind of connecting link between our body and the external environment. In addition, food has numerous functions, namely energy, bioregulatory, plastic, protective and many others. It is thanks to these functions that the body manages to both synthesize and build new cells. In addition, food provides the body with the necessary amount of energy, takes an integral part in the formation of hormones and enzymes, improves the functioning of all organs and systems, and also significantly increases the body's resistance to various pathological conditions.

Another important function is inherent in food products, namely, signal-motivational. It is with its help that appetite is stimulated. Experts say that the feeling of hunger occurs when there is a decrease in the level of nutrients in the blood. Simply put, appetite controls the intake of the required amount of vitamins and proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, and fats in the body. It follows from this that poor appetite can cause imbalance in the nutritional balance ( ratio of food components).

What are the consequences of prolonged lack of appetite?

If a person does not want to eat for several weeks, this can lead, first of all, to depletion of the entire body, which is due to a lack of nutrients that are so necessary for the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. Often, the consequences are determined by the very reason that provoked a deterioration in appetite. So, for example, in people suffering from diabetes mellitus, malfunctions of both the nervous system and the kidneys, liver or eyes may occur. If the patient has cancer, a prolonged lack of appetite can lead to his death.

Other consequences include:

  • decreased brain activity;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • weakness;
  • disorders in the work of the musculoskeletal system.

Loss of appetite during pregnancy

A fairly large number of pregnant women notice that in the first months of bearing a fetus, they lose all desire to eat. At the same time, it is important to remember that it is in the first 3 months that both internal organs and fetal systems are formed, so that quality nutrition during this period is simply necessary. Only food can enrich the baby's body with everything essential vitamins and trace elements. Loss of appetite in the first months of pregnancy is most often due to a lack of vitamin in the body. AT 9 , i.e. folic acid as well as iron. These trace elements are considered to be essential for the body of both the expectant mother and her child. Eating a large amount of buckwheat and apples will help to enrich the body with these components. Folic acid can also be purchased in the form of tablets at the pharmacy. It should be taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription, so as not to be mistaken in the dosage. Most often, patients are prescribed from 400 to 800 mcg of this drug per day.

If you lose appetite during pregnancy, experts recommend using the following tips:

  • walk in the fresh air as often as possible. After such walks, you will certainly want to eat;
  • make a meal schedule for yourself and follow it clearly;
  • get new cookware that suits you. It is best to opt for red dishes. It's no secret that red stimulates appetite;
  • the table should be served beautifully so that it is pleasant to sit at it;
  • try not to eat alone. It is best to find yourself a company, among which you will be pleased to sit at the dinner table.

Loss of appetite in babies

When a newborn stops eating, young mothers are very worried about this. This is not surprising, since babies still cannot tell what the real reason for their refusal to eat is. Don't panic ahead of time. First of all, a baby may refuse to eat because of the onset colds... Often, such little children refuse to eat because of the stress they had to endure.
The thing is that even the most ordinary change of environment can become a very stressful situation for them. Do not assume that the crumbs do not understand anything at all. They are especially acutely experiencing the change in both the climate and their environment. In such cases, try to give your baby as much attention as possible. Visit a specialist only if loss of appetite is accompanied by a significant decrease in total body weight.

Loss of appetite in children

Toddler eating habits change all the time. Sometimes the child eats more, sometimes refuses to eat at all, and throughout the day, and sometimes for several days. In most cases, children refuse to eat when they do not feel hungry or do not feel well. Fatigue can also cause a child to refuse to eat. Often they eat sandwiches all day instead of three full meals. Children also have their own preferences regarding how food is prepared and presented to them. So, for example, they enjoy eating raw carrots, but steamed carrots simply cannot be forced to eat them.

Possible causes of poor appetite in a child

One of the most common causes is the onset of a cold or any other pathology. In such cases, you do not need to force the baby to eat. It is best to pay close attention to exactly how he behaves. It is possible that after a few hours he will complain of pain in any part of the body, or you will notice he has a fever or rash. Sick children should be given as much liquid as possible in the form of juices, tea, water or broths. All food should be easy to digest. The body does not need an extra load now. As soon as the child recovers, his appetite will immediately return.

Often, babies refuse to eat because of the use of a certain amount of sweets. These can be cookies, sodas, sweets, or juices. All of these foods tend to suppress appetite. If lunch is not yet ready, and the child asks for food, then instead of sweets, offer him several vegetable sticks for a snack.

Emotional stress is another pretty common reason loss of appetite. In such cases, the most important thing is to find an approach to the child. Calm him down, caress him and jointly help the baby get rid of the problem. If you cannot do anything on your own, then show the baby to a specialist who will definitely help you.

Factors affecting baby's appetite

1. Intensity of hormone synthesis: the child grows unevenly. So, for example, in children under one year old, as well as in adolescents, the production of a very large amount of both sex hormones and hormones of the parathyroid, as well as the thyroid gland is observed.

and it is not surprising, since it is during these periods of life that the child grows and develops especially rapidly. Given this fact, his appetite, as a rule, increases;
2. Seasonal patterns: since in winter the body produces much less hormones, the child eats less, but in the summer everything happens the other way around;
3. Individual characteristics of metabolic processes: probably many of you have noticed more than once how two well-nourished children have different body weights, i.e. one of them is getting better, but the other is not. In this case, a special role is given to the amount of not eaten, but assimilated food;
4. Energy cost level: regular consumption of food allows you to enrich the body with both all the necessary nutrients and lost energy. It's no secret that children are especially mobile, therefore, day after day, their body loses a fairly large amount of energy. The more energy they expend, the better they eat.

Diagnostic methods

To identify the true cause of poor appetite, the patient is most often referred to a number of examinations. The diagnostic methods that are used in such cases include:

  • HIV test;
  • Assessment of kidney function;
  • Assessment of hepatic function;
  • Barium enema ( colon x-ray);
  • Blood test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Pregnancy test;
  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • Study of the thyroid gland;
  • Colonoscopy ( visual inspection of the lower parts of the digestive tract from the inside);
  • Sigmoidoscopy ( examination of the sigmoid colon).

The last two studies are carried out only if the specialist suspects the presence of cancer. In some cases, it cannot do without the help of a psychotherapist.

Appetite Loss Therapy

The course of therapy for loss of normal appetite is determined, first of all, by the cause that led to the development of this condition. If some pathological condition is to blame, then the appetite returns immediately after it is cured. The appetite itself is restored during pregnancy, so expectant mothers most often do not need special treatment. If a person stops eating normally because of nausea, then there is no way to do without special medications. In most cases, these patients are prescribed promethazine or ondansetron.

Surgical intervention is carried out in patients whose appetite deterioration is caused by appendicitis. If the person suffers from dementia, then the course of treatment involves the use of special high-calorie nutritional mixtures. In extremely severe cases, artificial nutrition is prescribed directly through the gastrostomy tube.

Decreased appetite caused by a decrease in the total amount of thyroid hormones is treated with special drugs, which tend to replace the missing hormones. If the appetite worsens against the background of an infectious disease, then antibiotic drugs cannot be avoided. And, finally, for cancer, chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery are performed.

Tips for those who have lost a good appetite

1. Forget about breakfast in bed and snacks in the bedroom or nursery forever;
2. Strictly follow a specific meal schedule, and do it in the designated areas;
3. Sitting at the dining table, in any case do not rush. The meal should last 20 to 30 minutes;
4. In between meals, drink as much liquid as possible in the form of coffee, unsweetened tea, or mineral water without gases;
5. Minimize the consumption of both chocolate and many other sweets;
6. Drink cabbage juice regularly, which is great for stimulating appetite;
7. Eat broths or broths as often as possible;
8. Various sauces also help to improve appetite, so add them to any dishes;
9. Understand the concept of the norm and never overeat;
10. You need to eat often, but in small portions;
11. Carefully review the medications you are taking;
12. Exercise regularly;
13. Eat only those dishes that suit your taste.

Medicinal plants

1. Recipe number 1: we take 20 gr. herb centaury umbrella, fill it with 1 glass of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then we filter the infusion and take it in 2 - 3 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. From the same plant, you can prepare a special tincture, which should be taken 40 drops three times a day. Both remedies will help both improve appetite and restore normal digestion;

2. Recipe number 2: mix 1 part of calamus roots with 2 parts of wormwood, put everything in a bottle and fill it with good vodka. After 10 days we filter the tincture and use it for ingestion, 25 drops three times a day, a quarter of an hour before meals;

3. Recipe number 3: excellently increases appetite and yellow gentian. We take 20 gr. root of this plant, chop it thoroughly, fill it with vodka and leave to infuse. Then we filter the tincture and take it 1 glass 3 times a day. Before use, the required dosage should be diluted with a small amount of water;

4. Recipe number 4: 1 tsp Pour 400 ml of water into crushed parsnip roots and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Then we leave the broth to infuse for another 30 minutes, filter it and take it according to the following scheme: 1st week - 0.25 cups 3 times a day a quarter of an hour before meals; 2nd week - three quarters of a glass immediately before a meal;

5. Recipe number 5: pour 200 ml of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. chopped lemon balm herb. After 4 hours, filter the infusion and take it inside half a glass four times a day before eating. We prepare a new infusion every day;

6. Recipe number 6: you need to take 1 tsp. fruits of anise and pour them 200 ml of hot boiled water. After 60 minutes, we filter the infusion and use it for ingestion, half a glass 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals;

7. Recipe number 7: steam 1 tbsp. l. blue cornflower flowers in 2 glasses of boiling water. As soon as the infusion is infused, we filter it and take it in 3 doses 30 minutes before meals;

8. Recipe number 8: take 4 tsp. raspberries and fill them with 400 ml of boiling water. After 3 - 4 hours the infusion is ready for use. It is recommended to take it half a glass four times a day. It is very important to use it exclusively when warm;

9. Recipe number 9: thoroughly grind the rhizomes of calamus marsh, then 1 tsp. Pour the resulting raw material with 2 cups of boiled water and boil over low heat for 15 minutes. All this time, the pan should be covered with a lid. Then we filter the broth, add a little sugar to it and take inside half a glass 3 times a day before meals. This remedy is especially effective if the appetite has worsened against the background of the development of some kind of gastrointestinal disease;

10. Recipe number 10: grind 2 tsp. dandelion roots and fill the raw materials with 1 glass of boiled water, after cooling it down. After 8 hours we filter the infusion and use it for oral administration, one quarter of a glass four times a day. The use of this tool will improve the digestion process, and, consequently, restore appetite.

Herbal preparations

1. Collection number 1: mix 1 part of the herb wormwood and dandelion medicinal with half of the herb yarrow and the same amount of white willow bark. 1 tbsp. l. Pour the resulting collection with 1.5 cups of hot boiled water and leave to infuse for 30 - 40 minutes. After that we filter the infusion and take it inside half a glass three times a day 10 minutes before meals;

2. Collection number 2: we take 20 gr. herb of centaury umbrella and leaves of fragrant rue, 10 gr. sage leaves and the same amount of angelica roots. To prepare this product, you must pour 3 cups of boiling water 3 tbsp. l. collection received. After 30 minutes we filter the infusion and take it 1 glass three times a day. It is very important that this infusion is taken before eating;

3. Collection number 3: we immediately note that it can be given even to children. Mix 15 ml of burdock tincture, anise seeds, vegetable glycerin, chamomile root and ginger, after which we place the resulting mass in a dark cool place. Shake well before each use. It is recommended to take it for 1 tsp. before every meal;

4. Collection number 4: it can also be given to a child. We take 7 mg of sassafras, sarsaparilla, as well as chamomile roots and mix it all with 1 tbsp. l. grated ginger root and 400 ml of boiling water. We put the resulting product on fire and boil it for a quarter of an hour. Then we filter the broth, add a little honey to it and take 1 tsp. before eating.

General information

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of hunger and appetite. Hunger is a reflex that manifests itself if at a certain time the body does not receive food. The mechanism of its development is as follows: the level of glucose in the blood decreases, after which a signal is sent to the centers of hunger. At this moment, a person can feel increased salivation, exacerbation of smell, a pulling sensation "in the stomach". This area is a projection of the stomach, so it always lets the person know about the feeling of hunger.

note! When hunger appears, a person does not have a desire to eat only certain foods. He eats everything.

Appetite is a special manifestation of hunger, in which certain favorite foods are selected.It is influenced by the time of day, emotional state, nationality of a person, religion, finally.

A decrease in appetite is understood as a state when a person does not want anything.... There is a concept of a change in appetite when habitual taste needs are violated. Also, doctors diagnose a complete lack of appetite, leading to anorexia.

Causes of decreased appetite

Decreased appetite is usually preceded by:

    • Intoxication of the body due to inflammation or poisoning. Due to the fact that at such moments he spends all his energy on removing toxins, the digestion of food fades into the background.
    • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by pain, discomfort.
    • Malfunctions of the organs of the endocrine system in diabetes mellitus, hormonal imbalance.
    • Oncology (cancer of the stomach, colon or blood).
    • Autoimmune diseases (scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis).
    • Depression, neuroses, neuropsychiatric disorders.
    • Side effects after taking pain relievers - morphine, ephedrine.
    • Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia.
    • Pregnancy.
    • Excess fatty foods in the diet.
    • Metabolic disorders due to malnutrition.
    • Adaptation of the body to physical exertion, which it gives in for the first time.
    • Low mobility and sedentary work.
    • Individual lactose intolerance, celiac disease.
    • Bad habits - smoking, alcohol, drugs.

Important!Dullness of appetite can also be caused by completely harmless habits, namely: the abuse of chocolate, coffee, powerful energy drinks.

It should be noted that there are diseases in which a person also loses the desire to eat.

This is about:

    • Bronze disease, or Addison's disease, is an endocrine ailment associated with adrenal dysfunction.
    • Still-Chauffeur disease - juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
    • Typhoid fever.
    • Dementia.
    • Gastroesophageal reflux - when stomach contents are thrown back into the esophagus.
    • Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
    • Schizoaffective Disorder.

Associated symptoms

It is believed that a good appetite is a sign of health. Due to the fact that during the day the feeling of hunger and appetite replace each other, a person saturates his body, while remaining at the same weight. This is a kind of balance that ensures normal life.

If this balance is disturbed for psychological or other reasons, appetite may disappear. Together with him, sometimes the feeling of hunger disappears.

Note! Not wanting to eat for several hours is not a cause for frustration. This happens when, during the previous meal, a person eats a high-calorie meal. In other words, at such moments the body is provided with energy for a longer period of time.

Lack of hunger for 5 to 8 hours makes you think. By the time of their expiration, the level of glucose in the blood will certainly decrease, and the person will feel a lack of strength, weakness. After saturation, the stomach, full of food, will stretch, the glucose concentration will increase and the brain will receive a signal and the need to stop satiety.

It is interesting that scientists have established that a person subconsciously chooses those products that his body needs at a given time. Athletes prefer salty foods after exercise to replenish salt losses due to perspiration.


In case of loss of appetite, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe a complete examination of the body, including:

What to do if you lose your appetite

If diseases that could cause a decrease in appetite are identified, therapy is prescribed to eliminate them. In parallel, doctors recommend adjusting the schedule and portioning of food intake. In other words, they advise you to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. The last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime. For one absorption of food, you need to devote about 30 minutes, chewing the pieces slowly.

Snacks should be avoided. Sweets should be replaced with fruits, sauces and spiced marinades as they whet the appetite. For some patients, doctors prescribe vitamin B, zinc, which enhance the sense of smell. It is also important to adhere to the drinking regime, especially when playing sports.

Note! Nausea during this period is removed with Promethazine and other similar drugs. To improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, hormone substitutes are prescribed. Dementia is treated with high-calorie nutritional formula, and inflammation is treated with antibiotics.

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