Wife crayfish what they are. Guide on the female sign of the zodiac cancer: how to get a heart of a girl of cancer

Woman cancer is mysterious as the moon itself. Did you think that it is practical and rational, and having learned her closer, saw the romantic nature and gentle, vulnerable soul? Previously, it seemed to you that she was calm, but next to you, her mood was changing, demonstrating that joy, then thought, then sadness? Believe me, it's completely normal, just few people who have a cancer allows you to see yourself as it is: she thoroughly hides its wounded inner world from outsiders.

At the same time, the woman-cancer with all its fragility and romanticity is difficult to call the creature that is in the clouds. On the contrary, she is very practical, perfectly knows how to lead the economy, handle money, take reserves for a black day and raise children.

According to the horoscope, the woman's cancer constantly wants to dominate everything, which is engaged in, dominate the surrounding and control them. A woman who was born under this sign of the zodiac does not like to publicly bare his feelings and emotions, because he perceives such behavior as a kind of surrender.

The zodiac sign of cancer-woman in relation to difficulties usually does not show special resistance, preferring patiently to expect when the black strip end. However, this does not apply to those cases when someone from her loved ones fall at risk. Looking at the defense of your beloved person, usually calm and affectionate female cancer is ready to fight as a lion!

Women Cancer Stone

The mascotions of the woman's cancer on a long-time belief were moonstone, emerald, the variety of chrysoberil, called a feline eye, and pearls.

Stone Cancer-Women - Lunar Stone (Selenite)

Cancer-Women - Milk-Blue Moonstone, referred to as selenite, symbolizes the magical power of the lunar rays. Therefore, he was considered the most suitable amulet for people born during the full moon, and for those born on Monday - a day driven by the Moon. Selenite helped in love concerns, and separated or having gone lovers wore rings with moonstone, with the ability to overcome obstacles to happiness. Medieval doctors recommended to wear a lunar stone in a silver frame with nerve diseases, CHAKHOTKA AND WATER. The lunar stone also supposedly gave its owner in difficult provisions good tips.

Cancer-Women - Emerald

Stone of female cancer - a beautiful bright green stone emerald, especially eagerly worn in the era of antiquity and revival. In Egypt, he belonged to the precious stones of Isis, the patroness of women and a homely hearth. That is why, on the advice of priests, pregnant women wore emerald amulets, which then put in the cradle of newborns. Emerald was also a talisman of fishermen and seafarers, kept from death in sea waves, packed the storm, provided good catch. In the countries of Islam, they believed that this stone with the verse verse carved on it, if wearing it on your left hand, protects from bite poisonous snakes and from road hazards. His deep green color I had a beneficial effect on vision, so in antiquity and in the Middle Ages, with eye diseases, doctors advised the patient to look at Emerald. Lovers in the era of Renaissance on the wedding day exchanged emerald rings, believing that this would provide them with the strength of love and marital loyalty.

Stone Cancer-Women - Chrysoberill (Feline Eye)

The third happy stone of female cancer is a dark green chrysoberyill, called the feline eye. This stone has never been particularly popular because of its dark, not very spectacular coloring. Most often it was worn during mourning. It was considered an effective amulet when playing bones and with others gambling. In medicine, it was considered useful in illness, cold and asthma. The chain with a chain from a cat's eye was to guard the child from diphtheria. In addition to the mental patient, chrysoberill should allegedly bring peace and send a calm dream.

Cancer-Woman - Love Horoscope

By love horoscope Women's cancer - at the beginning of your acquaintance you will be permanently, who she is: tender, affectionate girl or wild, incredulous animal. But even living with her for many years, you will not get a response to this question. Most likely, there is both in it, and another little bit of madman, a lot of melancholy and the sea of \u200b\u200bimagination.

It is best to penetrate the essence of the nature of your beloved-cancer will help a walk in the moon along the river or the sea. In the lunar light, all of her top Qualities. She will seem like an aliens that radiates unearthly, magical radiance, and her voice will gain incredible sweetness. I assure you, you will be fascinated.

But with all its extraordinarily practical. Pouring books in her home library, you can come across envelopes with money or just bills laid down between book pages. In secluded places, she hides the boxes filled with coins. Money is a favorite topic of her conversations, and no other woman will show so much attention to your bank account. But do not think that she is interested in this, like most women to spend your condition on outfits and jewels. Just this is the least worried. On the contrary, she will do everything on it depends to increase your wealth, helping not only with advice, but also real affairs.

Women crayfish meet two types: Some are soft, feminine, trembling and modest, other extraordinarily sticky. If you are already very passionate about, it is unlikely that it will be something for you to mean something. But if you just met and have not yet defined your attitude towards a woman, such anhibition can push you away. True, for women of this type, your attitude does not have much importance: if it clung to you, consider it forever. You can break out of her claws only with loss of health and well-being. Fortunately, a similar type is not so often.

Crak's wife can suddenly come up with the idea that she is a bad culinary card, although in reality in the ability to cook it will not give way to the best Parisian chef. Kitchen for wife-cancer is the favorite (after the nursery) place in the house. Men, (especially with traditional looks for life) Of course, this will appreciate this excellent quality.

Among friends . It rarely happens to the soul of the company, preferring to keep feelings for their loved ones, for the family.

A woman-cancer can not be called a straightened, but it is unusually driving. Among her things, the mass of those she did not use ten-fifteen years, or even twenty. But try it to tell her - it turns out that everything is scary to her, if not now, then. With a special reverence, she applies to things that came to her from ancestors, not only the neighbor, but also distant - great-grandmothers, Prapradashek, etc. These treasures she protects the forest either.

In the life of a woman-cancer you will not call a fighter. If something goes wrong, as she wants, she will pay secretly, and will wait patiently until everything goes by itself. Patientity is one of her advantages.

For the sake of their favorite female cancer capable of all sorts of victims. In minutes of danger for loved ones, she makes such heroic actions, which, at other times, is afraid. In a difficult minute, it will never retreat and will be a real support for you.

Cancer-Woman - Mother

Mother Cancer Holy Children Holy, Cleans, comforts and supports every way. She is an exemplary mother, no wonder the constellation of cancer manages maternity.

Having become a mother, a woman's cancer is so given to the children that you think you seem to have moved to her back plan. But soon the equilibrium is restored, and everyone gets equal to the proportion of heat and attention. .

In his non-harmonious love for the Chadam of Mothers-Craki, they are so they are torn, that those from such an oversupply of love grow by egoists. After leaving the native nest, such children tolerate life adversity is much heavier than others and often prefer not to overcome difficulties, but to hide from them under the wing of the mother. Mothers Cracks are very jealous of their children, for a long time they do not produce them from their hugs and consider chosen or choices of their son or daughters unworthy. It is necessary to add that such a proprietary love does not bring happiness kids. But, alas, it is difficult to do something. After all, cancer gives the whole soul to her husband and children and, of course, counts on retaliatory love.

Cancer-Woman - How to conquer her love and build relationships

Putting your choice on a cancer woman, remember some of its features, in order for your family life to flow smoothly. Their three: it can not be criticized, make fun and reject. It should also be relevant to her parents, especially the mother. In the presence of his wife, in no case, do not tell the common anecdotes about teaching - it is a deadly offense. Never read the old diaries of my wife. Cancer always have secrets that she does not want to share with others.

Woman cancer in love is often susceptible to all sorts of fear and doubts: she is not so beautiful, not so young, not too good for you, etc. It is necessary to constantly convince in the opposite. She can listen twenty times a day from you as she is good (better than everyone) and how you love her.

Woman cancer unusually emotional, so if you do not feel serious feelings to her, it is better to look for another partner to yourself. Do not start a light flirting with her - it may hardly hurt her sensitive heart that it will not be able to recover from the injury. But feeling your sincere interest, she will answer you eternal devotion. True, you will require the same. Cancer by nature owner and if she considers something to be something, then it will not give it to him.

Woman cancer is sensitive, touchy, and, perhaps, is overlooking. Meeting with her, try not to hurt her feelings, but in case it happened, have a couple of pure nasal headscarves with you to wipe her tears.

When you feel that your wife-cancer closes in yourself, try to distract her from grave thoughts, tell her about your love. Cancer values \u200b\u200battention, affection, care. Sometimes she deliberately does a sad kind and can even climb so that you calm her down and fit.

Looking at a typical representative of the beautiful sex, born in the constellation of cancer, it is difficult to understand who she really is. Or is it practical and calculating, or gentle and romantic with a thin and vulnerable soul? Woman Cancer too loves anyone to let into his inner world, closing themselves from others, that is why people are difficult to understand it.

Cancers are outwardly calm and restrained, although very wounds and offended. If others show unfriendly in relation to representatives of this sign, they immediately closes in themselves and cease to communicate. Yes, and reveal the reason for them poor mood It will be almost impossible, since for any questions of cancers prefer to be hugged.

The woman of this sign is sensitive, sentimental and unpredictable special. It possesses the inland rod, due to which men and women are still drawn to it. The first are brought by its inner beauty and charm, and the latter find a loyal and responsive girlfriend. It is not worth offended by a woman whose sign of the zodiac cancer, because she remembers all the resentment and is able to revenge brutally.

Woman cancer always waits for the fate of the best lobe. It is characteristic of constantly turning the mistakes of the past, determining in what place it costs to do differently, to now be more successful and happy. It is persecuted by constant uncertainty in the fact that at the moment she does something not as well as the results of her actions will be unsatisfactory. She believes that people around seeing her at all as it really is. Excessive sentimentality sometimes leads to the fact that it can pay simply due to the fact that it is sad and lonely.

But tears are very quickly replaced by fun, calm condition - negative attitution, and good mood - Gloomy thoughts. This is characteristic not only to women, nor lessed to constant changeability. This is not surprising, because the moon is managed by this sign, which causes their behavior and emphasizes the psychological portrait of a woman's cancer. Each moon phase is associated with the mood of representatives of this sign.

Among people, the woman cancer is always looking for support and understanding, although sometimes with its impulsiveness leads to those who are surrounding the idea that it is a misfortune and a capricious lady with which it is impossible to deal. In fact, it is the properties of her character to which you just need to get used to. They are offended and susceptible, suffer if they do not receive due attention from loved ones and friends.

If they were offended, then the woman cancer will never show it, just left alone, she will give free to emotions. The surrounding will never determine what is happening in her inside, because it tends to hide his experiences for the mask of fun and carelessness, she will be hooked, smile and joke, without showing a true mood.

It is worth remembering that the representatives of this sign have a property to transmit its mood to people around it. Therefore, in loved ones, knowing about what she is changed, you need to beware of it next to it, when it is sad, irritable and apatic. In order for such a mood to visit the woman of this sign, relatives and friends should not once again say something unpleasant to its address and try to maintain around the atmosphere of calm and equilibrium.

In response for such care, the native representatives of this sign can be sure that it will never betray them, will always help in a difficult moment, having sacrificed their own interests.

What women cray

Women born in the constellation of cancer are very economic and love to spend time, creating comfort and comfort in their home. They like to equip their own housing to their taste, rearrange furniture in places, distributing it in a new way in space. The horoscope of the woman of cancer says that the representatives of this sign love to cook, approaching this process creatively.

Woman cancer loves mystery and mystery. She knows how to keep the secrets of others well, while he will never tell their secrets and secrets to anyone, staying to the end of a not read book. Does not like critics and is afraid to look ridiculous.

Love and female cancer family

Knowing a woman born in the constellation of cancer can be accurately confident that in her biography It is hardly described by the happening roman at work. This is not her element, she does not want a fleeting anything meaningless relationships, she wants sincere love, so that the partner cares about her, loved, respected, was faithful and devoted.

But with all her romanticity, as the horoscope of a woman's cancer asserts, it is a rational and practical mistress. She skillfully leads household, competently distributing expenses, knows how to save, save, perfectly copes with children.

For a man who can provide her confidence in tomorrow, she will create an ideal home in which he will be pleased to return. The main thing is to remind her of her feelings, because it is so important to feel necessary. Knowing it, she will do a lot for her husband, even despite the fact that in fact she does not like this.

The spouse of the representative of this sign should not be worried about the manifestations of jealousy. It is simply not peculiar to her. Yes, it will worry, if the husband becomes lingering without a reason, but these unrest will be caused by the fact that it is afraid that she will throw her that she will stop giving such attention to her and love. All this will torment it inside and never goes out.

Woman Cancer A beautiful mother who is infinitely loves her children, she is always attentive and caring, gentle and affectionate. Her love is sometimes so strong that she controls everything that children do, all their interests and hobbies, what are their friends, and when the child grows, she takes a living participation in the selection of a partner. It often happens that her children will be seen late in their family. This is just caused by its total control over all the spheres of life.

Sexual life-cancer life

A man who wants to achieve favor from the representative of this sign should be remembered that never and under any circumstances will not show the initiative and will not make the first step. Feeling sincerity and interest, she will surely answer reciprocity. She is modest, shy, it is scary to do something wrong and hear comments and criticism in your address. She is afraid that she is considered slutty if she behaves more unfavorable and frankly.

A man should show a little patience and carefully summarize the partner to throw away all prejudices and allowed themselves to do everything, as she wants, and receive a maximum of positive emotions from love.

In bed, everything will depend on the partner. If he gives it to everyone, which she so wants - attention, care, caress, then she will be able to reveal for him in all its magnificence and become an ideal mistress. Freshing and feeling freedom, forgetting about all the restrictions, a woman of cancer with all his passion inherent in her, will be able to give the partner the highest pleasure.

For the woman of this sign, the time, the place and the situation is played in the sex of great importance. It is hardly worth waiting for it to agree to the proximity of the vehicle, in the back seat of the car or in the elevator cabin. She must feel that the partner showed about her care and chose to have a cozy place for classes, where she feels confident and ease. An ideal place For her own bedroom. Therefore, when she is morally ready, then, most likely, will invite his companion to his dinner, which will end close.

A man who fell to her bedroom should be filled with its compliments, speaking about how beautiful she is and charming. We can forget about pressure and fast pace, because she does not like when it is hurried. If the partner succeeds in getting into her rhythm, then she, dropping all doubts and bans, will give him a magic night filled with passion and unforgettable emotions.

The stories of our readers

Woman cancer - sensitive nature. It is subject to frequent change of mood, sensitively reacts to the words of others and if they slid indifference or irritation in them, the cancer is experiencing it painfully. She easily changes his perception of the situation under a foreign influence. Slope to exaggerate difficulties, problems in life.

June 22 - July 22

zodiac sign cancer

Women's cancers inherent increased sensitivity, romanticism, sentimentality. They are very touchy because of their excessive impressionability: an unfriendly look, gesture, not to mention verbal attacks, are able to hurt them. Rich fantasy throws them plots and pictures that often do not often have anything in common with reality. In other people's words, they see some hidden meaning, intent, and therefore they may be very upset because of them.

Character Women - Zodiac Sign Cancer

A characteristic feature of a woman of cancer is that it can store secrets, and also has tremendous patience if it is connected with relatives or a loved one. She is extremely necessary for a personal space where she can retire with him for a while, to think about the other situation, to then take a right decision. A feature of the character of women, the sign of the zodiac cancer, is also the fact that they have a rather rich fantasy, often disrupting them from the real world. This is expressed in the fact that they are perceived by other words in a completely different aspect, which can very much affect their mood, and sometimes lead to deep depression. In addition, this sign of the zodiac gives women a certain halo of mysteriousness, so it is very difficult for foreign and unfamiliar people to conclude about their moral and ethical qualities. This characteristic is primarily characteristic of those women who have not decided on their partner, but are in an active search.

The advantages of a woman - cancer

Cancers have a soft character, a sharp mind, a rich fantasy. They are benevolent, sensitive, separations and compassionate, love to travel and indulge in dreams. They are very tied to home, family, children, but at the same time love variety and change. Cracks are experiencing an urgent need for love, caressing and tenderness.

Women's Weakness - Cancer

Cancers are characterized by excessive imperidity, skepticism, caution, shyness. Because of its excess emotionality, they are easily leaving the minute impulse and temptation, which can make annoying errors. They are peculiar to the inclination to the compliance, inconsistency in actions, superficial thinking. Their actions and thoughts are often contradictory. If the relationship with the woman's cancer is the worst, the worst that you can do is start it and criticize it. In the end, there are quite a few flaws for everyone, but only cancer is able to fall into a deaf longing if it is open to it openly. And this is only Polwy: In the end, the longing of a female cancer will end sooner or later, but the relationship with you is unlikely to remain the same. Most likely, she will simply climb, hiding from you not only his insults, but also his tenderness, and their love.

Woman - Cancer in Love

Female crayfish is extremely afraid to look accessible - in a wide variety of the senses of this word. They fear to seem wounds, want to make the impression of independent, strong natures. These ladies are charming, modest, always sympathetically listened, they are in problems, and it is extremely impressed by men, so they quickly penetrate them the warmest feelings. This woman is designed so it is difficult for her to give out love completely. But at the same time, if she is lucky to find a real love, her chosen will see the willingness to make it literally everything. But on his part, she needs a constant demonstration of feelings and care. She will not bearing next to him an aggressive or indifferent person. She does not seduce the resort novels, because in relations she is looking for non-fleeting rust of feelings, but real values: love, loyalty, care, attention. The betrayal and treason of your beloved person can break her tender heart, with her side she simply is simply capable of them. In love, cancer is very true, and sometimes its loyalty becomes even obsessive.

Woman - cancer in marriage and family

Women's marriage of such a sign of the zodiac come out quickly late due to severe affection for parents and their native home. Having received a beloved man, a cancer woman considers him with his own property, while she fear his loss. She needs a feeling of heat, reliability and protection. At the same time, the crayfish is patient with respect to his beloved person. If the husband has problems, the wife will not force the situation, will not go to betrayal, in a difficult situation will always be on the defense of family happiness. The character of the woman's cancer will not allow her to go on treason - such entertainment, like, for example, flirting with men on the edge of the foul, do not attract it at all. Most of the wives of this sign are not inclined to break the oath of married loyalty.

Woman - Zodiac Sign Cancer

If you met a mysterious woman, calm, dreamest, good-natured and open, but a little unpredictable - in front of you a woman-cancer.

Next to her

Gentle and non-conflict female cancer is very romantic. She lives for love and gives himself entirely. She knows how to love, be faithful and loyal, female cancer is not jealous, does not fight for the championship or equality with men, does not prescribe and very comfortable in a relationship, but only with those who will understand it and will appreciate.

In love, the female cancer needs a lot of attention and does not tolerate loneliness. She constantly needs evidence that they remember her and love.

In bed, this modest and cute girl can become a real lioness who does not know the boundaries and prohibitions. The representatives of this sign of the zodiac love sensual pleasures, are relaxed and inventive.

Woman cancer is designed for life in marriage. She is an ideal mistress, a wife and mother, her house - clean and comfort, guests do not want to leave, and everyone is surprised, as she managed to keep the farm so brilliantly, create the incredible energy of the heat in the house and maintain harmony in marriage.

Who will she stay with?

Woman cancer is extremely incredulous, in no hurry to get tied and opening his soul. It will be able to be friends with representatives of all the signs without exception, but the relationship will build only with the selected.

1. So does not look like it! Aries is a practical zodiac sign, self-confident and careless. Aries is looking for a similar one, and the woman is waiting for a completely different man. Compatibility is very low.

2. It's hard to find two so similar sign as a calf and cancer. Taurus - calm, respects and appreciates women, is configured to stable relationships and trust. They will be good together and in bed, and in communication. Compatibility high.

4. Having met a man's sign, this girl can live calmly and happily. Two cancer are ideal compatibility: married happiness and complete harmony.

5. According to the horoscope, the lion is the conqueror and the leader, and at first it may seem like a man-lion does not suit her. But the lion will become a good batch for cancer. The lion is looking for just such, will be able to conquer it and become her "second half." They are different, but the characteristic of the pair is very promising.

6. Virgo is the perfect cancer sign. Virgo is a custodian of the hearth, he is romantic and calm, it is the one she is looking for. These two signs have excellent compatibility.

7. Scales, like cancer, thoughtful, careful and mysterious, do not rush in adventures. Scales are a good option for cancer, there is compatibility between them, but may be misunderstanding.

8. Scorpio is a fatal man for a romantic cancer girl. Scorpio is bright, it's like a shake, conquer and gives it to myself. This pair has a complex characteristic: she can be attached to him, but will it be interesting to him?

9. Sagittarius is looking for adventures and brightness, lives for emotions and impressions. Sagittarius unrestrained and risky, he will not sit at home. Two of these signs have different values, their compatibility is unlikely.

10. If there is an ideal relationship of two characters, then it is about a couple of female cancer and. Excellent compatibility, perfect characteristic, harmony and happiness - two signs created to be together.

11. Aquarius is too unpredictable for female cancer. Aquarius loves adventure, is inconsistently and freedoming, lives today and does not promise anything. A cancer woman needs reliability. Bad characteristic, such relationships are pleasant only in the first period.

12. Fish, like cancer, - dreamers, live fantasies, they are romantic and creative. Partners will understand each other, and if cancer and fish will meet and love each other, then forever.

What year is born?

The wider characteristic of this woman will give an oriental horoscope.

  • Rat-cancer is a faithful friend, she will not betray, very honest and calls things with their own names. Smart, reliable, does not tolerate loneliness, thoughtful and silent.
  • Bull is a solid, but a slow sign. She is reliable, but does not know how to cope with difficulties, does not risk and avoid conflicts.
  • Tiger cancer - domestic cat. Soft, smart, loves pleasure and very emotional. It can not without friends, modest, but the owner, has a high creative potential and is very original. Can achieve a lot in life.
  • Cat is a real charm. This lady is soft, fluffy, gentle and relaxed, adores affection, care, just obstacles. She is not straining, does not fight and does not compete, it is created for pleasure, does not like noise and screams.
  • Dragon - Dreamer. This woman builds air locks, incredible duder and fideller. She loves to dream, but at the same time knows how to achieve dreams, quite brave, although it is not inclined to risk and dangerous adventures.
  • Cancer and without that careful sign, and the snake enhances these qualities. Smart, prudent, looking for workarounds, is very original and has a fantastic intuition. Silent, mysterious and attractive, as if the sorceress.

  • The horse is an interesting and harmonious personality. Do not join, but always in the spotlight. Good, brave, but calm and reasonable. Independent, it is a lot of learning and knows how to achieve goals.
  • The goat is inconsistency itself. The flirting and at the same time modest, decisive and fearing, capricious and soft, everything in it is surprising. She is a riddle for men, it is difficult to understand, but this woman fascinates.
  • The monkey is smart, cunning and original. Able to come up with a cunning plan and get around everyone, a wonderful entrepreneur, independent and capable.
  • Rooster is straightness and courage. He says what he thinks does not play and do not deceive, loves justice in all.
  • The dog is a faithful friend, devoted, bold and very kind. Appreciates high ideals and qualities, is always ready to help and protect, you can rely on it.
  • Pig is kindness and guilty. This is a wonderful girlfriend, wife and hostess, she knows how to forgive, reconcile enemies, alarm goes around with her, and the mood rises. Will find a common language even with very complex people.
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    Almost everything to the point, but jealousy I can tell you about it ... married for the Virgin, 17 years old, but as it describes the horoscope, it's all different, I never even don't know what it ... Life is not easy, always I am adjusting to everyone and do so so that everything is easy and convenient, I easily forget the resentment that it would not happen, believe it is not easy and the imprint always remains, almost everything from simple swearing hand-to-hand and betrayal (on his side), and does not feel Himself in something to blame for not asking even forgiveness is waiting for me love and affection. But as it is said that it does not kill, it makes stronger ... Over time, it became really a fragment for himself, I do it as convenient and engaged in me, but I do not forget that there is a family and children and of course about their obligations! Of course, it is not all her nose now, but what to do I myself did this. Tired of crying and hopes for something better and everything will be fine with!

    I am a cancer itself, somehow it is very well written about us. I am jealous and disappointment, and offended. But all this shall in the background when there were men in which I fell in love so to speak (from a pure heart). And then I all goodbye. And they straight ropes from me wilted, I am ashamed to say. Years passed, I wondered, became a bitch. And no one became needed for me, because they are all in front of me as the opening book. Lost interest. And sex has become just entertainment. And the men, to which you do not show interest, on the contrary, they themselves just try to get my attention. And it costs himself down the sake of "loved ones", and everything would be what I wanted so much? Eh, youth! Girls, love yourself. Guys do not stand our tears. Do not waste how I am, invaluable time to understand it. And then they themselves will be with your feet. Although, of course, in the world somewhere there is love, and mutual, and such people I wish the best. Take care of this feeling.


    I am a girl cancer. 1. There was a male Scorpio, very caring, financially generous, gave flowers every week, drove into the movies, it was not sorry. I also answered him with pleasures. But over time, I broke up with him, because Seen once a week, lived in different cities and studied in different. Over time, he began to meet with my girlfriend Capricorn, he opened with her on the other hand, there was no trepidation to me, and I realized that he was still the same ... during sex I always cried, why I don't know ... 2. Was Aquarius, together 3 years, for 3 years, constant discontent, nervousness from his part, 1.5 years of relations during the quarrels constantly raised his hand, just during the quarrel in my address, insults were always flying. Reconciliation was always sex. Very passionate and bright. For the first a year and a half, I treated him with trembling, even went to reconciliation, came. Further, my patience began to decline. And the rest of the year we changed places. I was indifferent to everything, I thought "when we already part". And on the contrary, it became calmer and maintained. Further my patience vessel just burst. I left for a month to another city, just not to put up with him. I am a very waste person, and quickly forget everything ... But after half a year I began to understand his advantages. He is reliable, stable, was behind him as behind the stone wall, they were always together, everyone did together. 3. There was a guy of the fish, very kind, never allowed to say a bad word in my address, but was very unstable. For 3 months, how he lived, he did not work, lived with dreams, waited for some kind of mega of the classic ford with work, lost in tanks. Due to the financial situation. I wanted an excellent life from anyone, but I myself sat on the sofa and for the computer. After you have left, 2 weeks have not seen. Allegedly worked somewhere, but I don't even know ... There were even initiatives to meet. On my question "You can't even miss?" He replied "I have no time to miss, I'm at work all day." Hmm ... In the end, the end was the case, then he had a day off and he met with some friends, instead of me. + after a while was reconciliation. And then again the jamb. A person does not hold back his promises. And very without initiative. With him, I was not behind the stone wall. I understood forehead that I would have to drag the family with him. But he would be a good and kind father. In general, in each person there are + and -.

The moon, controlling the zodiac sign of cancer, strongly affects its character and mood. And since women are more sensitive in nature, it is the women's cancers that are most dependent on the lunar phases. Their lightness, charm and freedom can suddenly be changed by looseness, capriciousness or irritation.

On the one hand, in such a behavior, the mystery is linked, so attractive for many men, and on the other - representatives of strong sex, preferring clarity and stability, can consider the girl-cancer with a special scrambled and even slightly crazy.

Cancer - a woman who "clings".

Women crayfish, like no other, can enjoy their main weapon - flirts. They fascinate, fascinate, envelop and "cling."

Communicating with them, the men, as a rule, have time to think about the fact that they are "slightly passionately", they begin to conquer a gentle and timid beauty, and conquering, they are already sprinkled at the door of the registry office.

This is the unique talent of women's cancer: passing out, they win. It is with them that men understand the true meaning of the phrase "we are responsible for those who have tamed."

Easy relations without commitment to the representative of this sign are not acceptable. They are confident that if a man began to care, then he is in love. And if in love, then it is necessarily married.

If suddenly happens differently, the cancer girl suffers and tries to hide in her sink. It is usually expressed in full care or homemade trouble.

Therefore, on the part of female cancers, they may seem composure and insensitive, because after a stormy quarrel with their loved ones, they do not shed all tears in the pillow, and with enviable zeal, for example, for the guidance of order on the mezzanine or the preparation of a feather at least half amen are accepted.

It should be noted, by the way, that cooking is a kind of religion of crayfish, the women of this sign adore in the kitchen, masterfully prepare and love to treat their loved ones.

Family horoscope: Cancer is a woman who needs the evidence of your love.

Once he won this girl, it is impossible to leave without tears, scandals and tragedies.

But, men who like female attachment, are unlikely to find the best companion of life than the representative of the sign of the zodiac cancer.

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