Christmas Christ - signs and customs. Saty fortune telling

For reading 4 min.

Today Christmas Eve. Ahead of us awaits Christmas night, one of mystical nights a year. Its energetics is so strong and the magic that since ancient times was marked by a tradition to look into the future with all sorts of ways, fortune-law and rituals. As, however, the next two weeks before the baptism, which is known to the Holy. Check on faith

Today Christmas Eve. Ahead of us awaits Christmas night, one of mystical nights a year. Its energetics is so strong and the magic that since ancient times was marked by a tradition to look into the future with all sorts of ways, fortune-law and rituals. As, however, the next two weeks before the baptism, which is known to the Holie.

Christmas Eve is a day when each of us passes Check on faith. It is an opportunity to look deep into yourself and understand who I really are, what I want, where I strive. It is a reason to get closer to your family and another opportunity to leave in the past all the sorrows and misunderstandings. Christmas gives us all the hope of a miracle, a wonder of the birth of a new life - for yourself, for everyone, for the world as a whole. And faith lies not in knowledge that on this day 2014 years ago the Savior was born, but in that The Savior lives in each of us, in our soul, in the heart. This is faith in yourself. In their capabilities, abilities and magic. Christmas truth, christmas love, the christmas of God in each of us.

Touch the spirit of this holiday not by banal fortune telling, but faith in itself, realizing that the future depends on who we are now and what we will be further. Create the future yourself! And know - the life is infinite and the opportunity in it is the same!

Christmas Eve is a truly magical time to get closer to himself and know the hidden and invisible. And the coming night is able to give you many answers. The main thing is to understand what you really want. Specify the right questions, wish from the soul. And then you can really dream your future.

Very dreams in christmas night

One of the interesting features of the Christmas night is that dreams who dreamed today are considered propheticcapable of shed light to the coming events of the coming year. Anyone who wishes to learn what is preparing to him the future, should try to remember what he seen this night in all details. If you dreamed that your desires were fulfilled, then it will be. Such details as the time of year, place and circumstances will help shed light when and how it will come true.

The Magic of the Christmas Night is also intensified by the Moon. In 2014, from January 6 to January 7, there will be 6 lunar day, which promises prophetic dreams. All you see - will surely come true, the main thing about it does not talk about it, it is better to write down. All you have dreamed on this day can be viewed as prediction or indication of higher forces. Therefore, it is going to bed, ask you the question that worries you, the answer you will come.

In the dreams of this night often see what you did not, or what to finish. People who are in debt, unresolved situations can be dreamed. Fate gives you a prompt that you need to commit so that the desires come true, indicates the directions leading to the happiness that we are waiting for yourself. But always remember that dream is important to interpret correctly, relying on the inner sensations and understanding the overall symbolism.

Experts believe that Christmas dreams can be fulfilled both within a month and year. Dreams on the shints are performed for six months and carry the reflection of our senses and emotions. But dreams to baptism can predict all your life. They are performed for a very long time, maybe even for 10 years. For the completeness of the decryption of any sleep is better to refer to lunar calendarwhich will tell you what to pay attention to. As well as consult with a dream specialist . On the portal for you such specialists who will gladly help you reveal the secrets of your subconscious.

The path of the Christmas Christmas Eve will give you not just a vision of the future, but an understanding that you really want, understanding yourself. After all, not so much important that it will be, rather, how we can dispose of it. And let the Christmas commemorate themselves for you by birth, as a person of a conscious, confidently stepping on the road, which he sang for himself. And what you dream - will not be a sentence, but wise leadership for the construction of your happy future.

Merry Christmas, dear readers! And be happy!

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Hello! All Merry Christmas :)

I decided to pay for Christmas, fortune telling is as follows: 4 cards are taken (kings) and ask you will dream of a narrowed rummy, lay the card under the pillow and sleep ...

I study at the institute, we have a young teacher, but for some reason, the actions of sleep took place in my former school, where I studied when that. In general, I am going on my school, my teacher is coming here from the Institute of Young, I walk to NIMA and I say, so I was asked to participate in the competition (I read the performance that I read the public), please explain what I think that I will speak, you need to refuse somehow, just in real life I do not participate in the public life of the institute, this is not mine) He looked at the leaf, which I had and said that I didn't explain to me so quickly. We go to the classroom, there are already students sitting there, the Call for a couple has long been. We sit down for some kind of table, what kind of girl begins to shout that here one place is busy, to which the teacher tells me calmly, then send me for my table, we go, he sits down, she shouts again, something like that What do you sit with him?! Well, you do! I definitely do not remember that she said with accuracy, but it was a perturbation, I cared looking at her free chair took her closer and put it closer to him and sat down. He began to explain to me on the sheet of paper. With the explanation, we have both smiles on the face, I feel right in a dream, contact with him, as they say sparking ran. In words, do not explain :) The call rang here, everyone became going. I was going for a long time, everyone already came out. He stands at the exit and looks with a smile, I'm on him, he "Well, let's go together?" I cared and said yes. Went to the locker room and decided to wait until everyone gets on and go that it would not go to rumors to do some, we got up with him, we stand we dress up, the girl comes to me and starts a climbing with his questions "you together, he is a teacher, you have The problems will be all like this ... "and says everything with angrily, envy. I prove to her that there is no nonsense, it seems to be in the direction of him, he's dressed standing and cared me, it was already empty near the locker room, only this girl stood and wondered with his questions. Here she is again "do not like, I saw how you look at each other, that's even now you turned, and how you looked at each other I saw ..!", How she left I don't remember, whether he said to her something , Whether she herself, vaguely it remembers and we left with him, then my rat woke up the cage to nibble, here's such a dream ... what do you think it means that he? And yes, I then fell asleep again and again the dream dreams that I didn't see from school with some kind of boyfriend, but I was happy, and then I still remember a piece of sleep, which knocks someone in the door home, I look at the eye on the rug It is a pink rose and scrape a puppy on the door. ..

In life, it treats me very well as a student, the girlfriend is always complaining that he did not say hello to her, and he himself always first says "Hello", in the examiner enough in two sentences to say everything, but the guy for example is more answered the same question, began to throw him, was the case when I was not ready for a couple, there was no latter's abstract, and he began to persuade me to go and wave my head with a smile "Come on here here, give up," everything was in shock She also set 5, asked the lungs two questions to which any schoolboy knows and everything, but so usually puts two or point, well, a lot more happened :)

Christmas Son.

I dreamed of christmas dream today.

I dreamed that I and two girlfriends decided to return our former men, and I did not quite formerly, and so, I had nothing serious with him. In girls everything came out, I no longer remember the details like, and I do not. For some reason, I went to the public shower to put up with him ... That is, there was a few cabins of rectangular closed with blinds, I learned his clothes for one of them, a shirt, but it was not there, waited for him, then he came, dressed the jacket, Why he came dressed and where he didn't go understand too, I don't remember such details. I remember what I wanted to talk to him, and he said something like me and went to the exit, and then turned around and said that his friends were afraid for him, such as I apparently ... I did not understand what I didn't understand - That was. But I was in a dream very hurt, badly and I sobbed the bright, and I really cried in a dream, I even woke up at 8 in the morning, I tried to sleep further, but I really did not fall asleep, and this very emotionally bright sleep does not come out My head today.

What he may know ... In general, they say that from Thursday, the prophetic dreams are shot on Friday, and even more so at Christmas ....

Help express, please ....

Christmas Son.

I dreamed me that I had a friend, she had guests, or rather her grandmother. Parents of the girlfriend were very waiting for this grandmother to visit and did a lot so that she liked them and she remained generally satisfied. I remember that I was surprised that they were all gilded. I go to the bath and I understand that there is a sink, a mirror, gender, and even cleaning gloves of golden color ... or generally gold.

I go out in shock from the bathroom and I find a pimple on my right foot. Such a swollen place with an affection.

I naturally begin to squeeze it. I have this pure white pussy poured just threads, I'm in such a shock. Horror just start running, tell me, and everyone is busy with this grandmother.

I remember that I squeezed him a lot, the pus fell on my face and I was still running into the bath and washed off it, but the bump still sort of remained.

Scares that sleep on the night of Christmas was (

Sleep from 8 to 9 January

Dreamed that I sit on a swing along with former girl My loved one we will be talked to talk on elevated colors, he stands nearby. Then I get up with a feeling of relief and joy that she will no longer climb into our relationship. I go to my beloved and hug him. Then I feel that I have a staggering tooth, I myself pull out without pain and blood, I spend my tongue on the ground where there was a tooth and feel His absence. I worry that my favorite will notice the lack of tooth, I think to tell him that he fell or not. We go home to his entrance cost the elevator he kisses me and I say to him that the tooth fell, he responds that during the kisses he felt a taste of blood ... then I woke up

Sleep from 6 to 7 January

I dreamed that my husband and I were in for some kind of dacha, I brought the water to the kettle, and when I went for the water I got acquainted with the woman, we came together for the cottage. Slowing the water of the husband said that she stinks, I remember well the question where did you pick it up? And the woman who came to me says what knows where there is good water. And we went with her again behind the water taking a teapot. On the way, she began to tell me that they have been many years old lovers with my husband, her words "We began to meet when you have bought an apartment." I remember I thought in a dream for 8 years. I asked her, "and her husband knows," she replied that yet there is no. She is still a lot that he said, I don't remember, and when we returned the husband asked "Well, you all know." I replied to him "What do you suggest?" In a dream, I haven't felt anything in a dream, and when I woke up so sadly, "painful" became.

Sleep from the 5th on January 6

I remember the clear expression of the face, the emotions were pleasant, the young man was very pretty to me, the eyes are clear, the lips are thin, light-darling hair, we just silently looked at each other, but in a dream there were some blood, I have no idea, I have no idea what he was A little wounded, everything happened in some room, perhaps the Chamber, because he was lying, the clothes did not remember, everything was somehow in the light white tones, I sat around him and watched, the dream dreamed about 6 in the morning, from the 5th on January 6, Help, please check out, thank you in advance

Sleep from 6 to 7 January


On the night of January 6, January 7, I had a dream that I had abundant monthly. Although in fact they are not.

Wrong in the blood saw only underwear. The color was as usual, and without outsiders. I woke up, and in the soul of which sediment remained. What can it mean?

I dreamed of me very much sleep, I approximately understand his meaning, but I want you to suggest me more expanded ....

I see myself that someone called me, I was visiting some kind of apartment, it all happened at night. There was some company. Then everyone was going to leave together, and it became scary to me that outside the window night, and how can I get to the house ...? Then I see go out into the street, there is dark and neither soul. I hear the sounds of shooting out of a gun, and I understand that I need not to go, but just run home ... And I rode myself run, nagging to me, who shoots did not hit me. Sunday before the entrance, and then realize that I was so scary. I hear that someone went into the entrance for me, and I quickly start to run up the stairs, week until the 9th floor, and quickly starting to open the lock in the door, to quickly run into the apartment, while the one who fell after me The stairs did not catch up with me ...

Sleep straight very urgent, I really experienced fear ...

Night girlfriend pit in a dream

At night, it was on the road, the lanterns were visible. Sleep took place in the native village. In the middle of the road met a girlfriend. In conversation, she began to persuade to get off the road and hide in the bushes. I explained her that it was stupid, because there is darkness, the bushes are incomprehensible, and also a pit. On the side of the road was the park, there was very dark, the paths elsewhere were, if you climb from the road to this park, then there it is necessary to wade through impassable places. I told her all, but

Useless. She also added strange arguments that they say, you need to hide, on the way people go, and in the pit it is better. The girlfriend then grabbed my hand and dragged him in the bushes. Naturally fell into the hole, it was dark, and they were inconvenient to go, not knowing where to step down, the Earth was felt under his feet, there was a thought that would delay. And when they climbed into the pit, I could not stand it, I broke my hand and flew, smoked out of the pit and on the road. I wanted to people, to lanterns.

At night, look for the road home in a dream

Night, I go on the road, looking home (we know that we need a transport route taxi or tram). The road is winding deserted (we are not scary). We go out on the road with ramifications, intersections and stream of cars, raise your head up and see the starry sky and some accumulation of stars, what attracts to yourself, we begin to run away from him very quickly, holding your hand (it seems to me that we will take off now ), But suddenly the evil dog stops us, they help to fight off from her. And now we go on an empty road again (it became darker, but we know that the time is about 8 am), we pass by the building (it often dreams). People pass by (as if they know me) and they say that we need to stop (and indicate where), this stop across the road, but to go to it you need to pass a lot of any guys (person 4), but it's dark it becomes scary, and I say that my husband did not pass MINO them, we turn around and look at the building, which was held (on the door of the window, the light shines in it), come to him and a man tells us how to come home (what transports ). And I woke up

Night in a hotel in a dream

Hotel number. I was looking for a balcony and found. Came out to smoke. It was dark. Descended into the courtyard. Founded in Ufa. Near a classmate, who did not see and communicated and did not communicate. We were ahead of my boss who went to the store in this yard. Buy local chocolate chocolates, in the store was poor.

Night and day in a dream

I was at home, standing by the window. Night ... Here I see how sharply starts the light! Light as daytime. Very nice!!! And after 5 seconds it becomes like at night, the sun rises ... while very sad! It seems that all people from the windows looked like me what is happening.

I dreamed of this dream already 4 times !! At the same time, not in a row, the last time was almost a year ago. It also seemed like people like robots did the same movement. Is it really connected with the global, above our understanding?

Night in sleep

Today, the sea is calm .... the coast .... My parents ... Why were they together .. for some reason ...

I was sent somewhere far to go at night. I was afraid ... unfamiliar area .. Night .. But someone told me .... that anything is terrible ... Return in the morning ...

And you spend your stay at the grandfather, he lives closer ... I like it so much .. I also had something ... I didn't remember anything ... I don't remember any actions ... But it seems everything is fine ...

Night in sleep

I would like you to try to interpret my dream.

Night. I and a couple of my friends stand around at home, where I live. Suddenly I see how some strange bird flies, very beautiful, with a brilliant, light blue plumage. This bird is very similar to the pigeon, but I am sure that this is not a pigeon. Then the bird sits down, walks on the ground, and some kind of predator attacks her (I could not disassemble what). When a predator took a bird to fall, I immediately jumped to him, apparently frightened, and the predator let go of a bird that took off in fear, but barely kept in the air. I decided to catch her, pick up home, and cure, chasing her.

The bird flew a little higher than me, and I tried to dare to her and grab. But then she just began to fall, I caught her. This bird suddenly spoke in my hands. I started telling me what I am good as she is glad to me, how well I took it on my arms, and the like flattery and compliments. While she said all this, she would kiss me with his beak, caressed in the ear, and all this I was nice.

A little later, I noticed that I was already kissed by the beak, but the real lips of the girl, i.e. I saw that the human head was already in front of me, the head of the girl. I did not look, as was attached to the body of the bird's head, I only felt like a bird sits on a bent in front of his hand, and saw only the head of the girl, and the head normal sizeAnd she kissed me and spoke nice words.

Suddenly I heard the roar near me, I jerked looked to the side, where the crash was heard and realized that the meteorite fell. I looked at the sky and saw the falling away meteorite, a desire was made. Then another meteorite (the bird was still in my hands), the desire was guessing again, the same wishes. Then I see some more meteorites, then there were a lot of them, it looked like a large meteoric rain.

I admire all this, and I begin to understand that these meteorites will fly to the Earth. Suddenly several meteorites, the size of the soccer balls, fell not far behind me. I was a little frightened, immediately looked up, and I saw that many meteorites flies into my side. I see that one, who is incomplete to the ground, explodes near me, turning into white dust. Then I see that many meteors begins to fall and away from me and very close. I look closely in the sky, I see one of the meteorites flies directly at me, I barely manage to jump, I look, one more flies to me, and this time he drenched, but the meteorite burst the part of my clothes. So repeated two more times, and I always left the stones. I looked back, a tree was burning there (apparently caught fire from a hot stone). Everything calmed down.

I looked at the sky, there was no more falling lights. I looked at the bird, it seemed to be in order (only she had a bird's head again). I planted her on my shoulder, thinking that she would not jump off him, thinking that the bird trusts me. But as soon as she sat down on my shoulder, immediately jumped, and began to run away. I grabbed her on my hands. And then she again began to speak good words to me like pleasant words, so kiss me, caress, just as soon as I saw a beautiful girl's head of normal size. I asked the bird, could she turn into a girl? In my opinion, she answered nothing to me.

Some weather, I noticed that I was very beautiful girl. She told me that I embraced her because she was cold. That's exactly what I did. The girl was dressed in a bright olive dress. She tells me that it may time go to treat it? And I replied: "Let's go." We headed towards my house.

Suddenly, I noticed that about me no longer a girl, but a bird that goes on the ground next to me. Suddenly the bird notes near some kind of dog, which simply lies and rests on our road, stops and says: "Well, I don't miss me there." I thought it was for nonsense, and poured into my hands and went on. The dog did not react in any way. I almost reached my entrance, as some kind of chas of criminals began to ask me a cigarette, I replied that there is no cigarette with me, and for some reason, I find a burning cigarette in my hands, then they say that they are needed lighter.

The view of them, of course, was not benevolent, I threw a lighter in their direction, which exploded, and broke his head ran to his floor. Retold to his apartment, went into her, looked back, no one pursued me. Then he noticed that I had a girl in my arms (the same bird).

Night. The dream is over.

Night house maniac metro in a dream

I dreamed that I was at the dacha with my mother, her friend her parents and a dog. On the street, the night and some maniac wants to break into the house, but he does not work and here I notice that the window is open on the ground floor, it jumps the dog from him and I see that the maniac wants to climb through the window and I quickly ran up and closed it. And it was clear that he would not be able to go into the house and all calmed down but they knew that he was near the house. During this dream, my friendfully ran to the second floor and played some of the game there it was necessary to rearrange some squares and she always churred and won. I understood that she was chittitis and every time she wanted to do the same, but did not have time and for the last time we played I chitril and won. Then I turned out to be sharply in the subway with my own classmates and immediately approached my classmate and hugged her and she showed her I don't remember that she even praised me there or said Thank you for something I did not understand, but I understood that she was not just Familiar for me and close friend. But in life it is not. We dream well in life communicate but not a friend, and so familiar. If you can quack, thanks in advance.

Night and crows in a dream

I don't remember the whole dream, but here's a separate fragment that I remember: I'm on the balcony, I look out the window (I live on the 8th floor), outside the window lights light the road, on the road everywhere something spread because of this it seems that the road Black, everywhere on the road there are carpings of small animals, the spectacle is terrible, I tear my eyes from the road and in front of me to swell a huge bird, almost taped me with the wing, I take a step back and see that these are huge crows and a lot of them, it is all flying Past of my window and sketch.

At night in the kitchen in a dream

At night in the kitchen I sit with someone, talking, the door to the kitchen is closed (the door with glass) of light in the apartment is not, I feel fear. I look at this "door" glass and see only darkness, without outlining the apartment, I look again and see in Corridor a weak light, as the scope, then I decide to go to Corridor to try to turn on the light, I open the kitchen door and go, I open up to Korridor turns on the light and hear some kind of sonorous voice like a male. This voice is so penetrated, he knocks me in my head and fills all the space ... Singily, some kind of unknown force raises me that I can't move, just move my lips. This force raised me, like a bought something, and the voice asks me so much asks me: "Will you be with me? Will you obey?" (I do not remember exactly some three questions). And I answer - yes, according to the same second, the luminous sphere hit me in the chest, and enters me, I slowly go down to the floor.

This dream had a long time ago, a year and a half ago. But so far I remember him clearly, I remember the feeling. At this, the dream did not end, there was some continuation, but already "in another performance" - vaguely remember. What could it mean?

Here's already on the nose New Year And it's time to make a desire. Many believe that New Year's and Christmas dreams come true. Maybe it's time to believe in magic? Dreams will help to understand what year we are waiting ahead. You only need to express dreams correctly. The interpretation of festive dreams is different from ordinary.

Signal dreams can come after the holidays.

When exactly is the remand dreams in the New Year holidays and after? There are so many of them at this time - starting with Catholic Christmas, the new year, the old new year, the shints, baptism! These days always remain for us the most magical and desirable, no matter how many years we have. Wonderful New Year's Days are really magical, because And the dreams are considered the most stuff. Since January 1 and ending with baptism, you can completely surrender to the power of the subconscious - it will give us answers to the most intimate questions that we cannot ask anyone. And, of course, the same subconscious will open us their most intimate secrets.

If the dream containing all of the above has dreamed in the night before Merry Christmas or baptism, this is a special blessing. But iconic dreams can come after the holidays, and during the first month of the year. All January can be considered special. The name of the month is associated with the name of the Ancient Roman Dejection Janus ("Yanuaris" from Latin means January) - the lord of all entrances and exits, the lord of the undertakings and the first steps. Not in vain from the new year we strive to start new life! By the way, you can also dream and make desires.

The symbol of Janus and the passage to a new life was considered the arches and gates. When in a dream you pass through the wickets, arches and even underground transitions - you make steps to change, enter the new situation, and perhaps you change your destiny cool.

Under the Christmas, it is customary to guess, and goes to sleep to make a desire: what will dreamed, it will come true. However, the dying language remains symbolic, and see the picture of the future explicitly impossible: it will be converted into images and symbols. If the plot of sleep looks attractive, and the mood after the awakening is good, then the forecast promises to be kind. Good signs include all that concerns nature - beautiful landscapes, clean water, source or fountain, green color, juicy fruit and sun.

The year will be happy if you dream of snowfall.

Dreams who dreamed on the night of December 31 on January 1, come true throughout the year. To interpret them should be globally, because they foreshadow important events. The meaning of similar dreams lies on the surface. If you see yourself in an unfamiliar place, then you will be waiting for the journey. It is likely to change the place of residence. If you are talking on souls with famous personThe sleep promises you as a career staircase. The execution of the mysterious desires promises a dream in which you dress up a Christmas tree or simply see Christmas tree decorations: balls, garlands. The year will be happy if you dream of snowfall. And if you play snowballs in a dream, I will definitely be defeated in an important dispute.

If in a dream, the girl sees a waters filled with the top, it will tell that her life in marriage will truly fully. If she sees water that follows from the tap, then this sign for the future marriage of good name cannot be called.

A dream indicating soon marriage may contain such an image as a person who goes under hand. If this person himself sends you to the path known to him, then the man will lead in the family. If a dream tells that you are hard to go to a pair and are trying to find the road, then the marriage will be complex and controversial with a lot of tests, which not anyone caked out of any woman.

If in his dream unmarried girl in the Christmas night brought to see the animal, then his character can say a lot about the nature of her future spouse. For example, the cat in a dream will show a man who is prone to the hike "to the left", but a dream in which the dog will flash, will tell about the loyalty of the future spouse. In the stars captured "copies" of all creatures on the ground the biblical story about the birth of Jesus and that that the path to the place of finding a baby and Maria Magwavam pointed out the emerged in the sky bright Star, Known to everyone. For someone, this is truth, someone doubts the reliability of history. But even the most ardent atheists in the depths of the soul, probably believe that somewhere there is a certain force that can help in a difficult moment, can indicate the way where to move is his personal travel star. That is why we raise our head every time and with inspiration violate in dark sky, destroyed by many bright lights.

But the star can express elevated ideas about yourself as part of the universe, some selected. Not in vain the same brightest personalities, we call the stars. There is such a legend that the stars captured "copies" of all creatures on earth, the star reflects the fate of a person and its purpose. If a bright celestial phenomenon is dreaming, you can perceive it as a sign of over - in this dream, most likely, the secret of personal purpose or some great idea will open. It should be attentive to those chances that appear in revealing not to miss their luck.

Dreamed in a dream a bright star - wait for success in all endeavors, but if the light burns weakly or goes out - it's not good. The rogged stars can mean failure in affairs or loss of themselves, their inner light. Night, the darkest day in a dream - in reality means a state of ambiguity and lost. When the star is lit in the sky, then hope and light appears, the situation will be resolved soon.

Also, dual-stars can mean some awards or gifts of fate: Then in Gresses you find an asterisk somewhere in the grass or accidentally discover in your palm. If in a dream you are joy, then I will wait for pleasant surprises. Five-pointed star means perfect person

Falling star in a dream - in reality can mean an outbreak of insight or a memory of the brief moment of pleasure. It is believed that when you see a falling star need to make a desire. But in a dream everything is a little different: it all depends on your emotions. When the fallen star calls regret, I want to return it to the sky - it is possible to losses or the feeling that you are not at the height.

Heaven in "diamonds" - in life foreshadows abundance, extraordinary joy.

Fly among the stars - a special state of spirituality. But it can transfer a separation from reality, which threatens to turn into a disappointment. The star is reflected in water - can mean mental longing and disappointment. If the water is transparent, and in a dream you do not have any negative emotions, it means that they are ready to release the most important relationships, ambitions or achievements. The conflict (pentagram) star is the most ancient symbol in the world, means a perfect person, harmony and health, protection From the evil forces, the Union of Sky and Earth. Waving in a dream, a five-pointed asterisk recalls the 5 virtues of Christ, who are necessary for the development of the personality: this is love, wisdom, truth, justice and kindness. Perhaps B. real life You forgot about them or this is what you need in this period. An octagonal star (Bethlehemskaya) - symbolizes the cooperation of God and man. If she dreamed in a dream, then the stars are favorable to you and some power now with you.

If you dreamed of angel - wait for happiness.

Dreams, who are shot on Christmas Eve (January 6 and 18), are most often talked about the fulfillment of desires. If you dreamed something, you have long been dreaming about, try to remember the details of the seen. Information from the dream will tell when a desire comes true. And such dreams should be interpreted literally. So, for example, if you dreamed that you get married, then pour into memory in search of tips. What is the weather stood? What were you dressed around you people? All this will help you understand when an important event has to be expected. Waiting for the service and see how you put forward to a new position? In this case, attention should be paid to what merits you decided to celebrate high post. After such a dream in real life, it will be easier not to miss a happy case.

And for Christmas, fateful dreams are shot. They are not always literally, so pay attention to the sensations. Even if you can't remember the dream, but wake up in a good arms of the Spirit, with a feeling of happiness and joy, it means that the year will be successful. If you dreamed of an angel in this holiday, you can be sure - you are waiting for happiness.

Smear wedding promise to see the butterfly or rainbow in a dream.

Good luck gifts that you get in a dream. You can interpret such a dream as a "gift of fate": during the year you will be given opportunities, and your task is not to miss them. You can wait for help from the side if you have clouds or wind in a Christmas dream. Candle, illuminating the room with bright light, will be a symbol of health.

A new promising acquaintance will soon happen if you see the trees: the thick of the plantings, the more seriously there will be such relationships. But about their character can be judged by appearance Plants. Strong branches covered with greens, talk about the fruitful union. And dry trees will indicate that the stranger or stranger should not be very trusted.

Christmas dreams sometimes talk about the love future. Smear wedding promise to see the butterfly or rainbow in a dream. But if the married woman sees how the ring falls out of her hands, it is worth thinking over family relationships.

Happy change in fate need to wait if you see the Christmas tree in the dream. Dress up the tree, it means that all intended affairs will be given to you easily, but if you throw a Christmas tree - wait for the obstacles, but you should not give up. Just you will have the opportunity to harden your character.

Saty dreams help solve pressing problems

Dreams, which are shot at the shield (July 7-19), as a rule, come true for six months. They suggest how to enroll in one situation or another. And if the dreams are talking about global events for Christmas, then the sinic dreams help solve pressing problems.

On the night of January 7, January 8, the dreams of rivalry are held, about the plans that need to be implemented. In a dream, there are the right output in the dream.

From the 8th to the 9th, empty dreams are shot, they do not have much importance.

However, on January 10 and 11 - dreams that will talk about the situation in the family, about the fate of loved ones, about the fulfillment of desires that are connected with a homely hearth. On the night of the 12th, you can learn how to cope with financial difficulties, if they are, about career prospects, in general, about everything related to material values.

Dreams are shot on baptism, having a relationship to life on January 3 in a dream you can comprehend your mental state, although in fact anything new you will not know, rather, make sure that it was known.

On the old new year, you should ask a question before going to bed, and you will receive an answer to it. He may sound out of the mouth of one of the characters of your dream or not so obvious and manifest itself symbolically. Information about the relationship with the opponent or rival will come on the night of January 15th.

And on January 16 and 17, you will dream of dreams that will be associated with the search for solving the problem that bothers you. Sleep, telling about love and relationships with a close person, is worth waiting on the night of January 18.

Dreams are filmed on baptism, sometimes they sometimes prevent fateful events that can happen in a few years.

Under the pillow, put the bags of natural fabrics

Certify the prophetic dreams before Christmas will help certain settings and magical actions: ask the question that you care about, mentally spoke him before bedtime.

If you want to see your narrowed in a dream or you guess for love, put the bags from natural fabrics under the pillow: in a round or square flap, welcome the desired flowers or herbs, tie their ribbon, mentally ask a question. This will help you: fragrant jasmine, acacia, calendula flowers. And for calm sleep Choose other herbs: lavender, mint, valerian or chamomile.

The first month of the new year truly can be called Magic: during this period you can guess, dream and see dreams - revelations. Like a christmas star, they can indicate the way, in which direction it is worth moving in the coming year.

On the night of January 6, January 7, Orthodox celebrates the Christmas of Christ - one of the most important Christian holidays. This is a holiday, symbolizing the update. After all, it is the birth of Christ proclaimed for humanity a new, light era. It was not by chance that even a new chronology was installed - from the Nativity of Christ.

Birth in the flesh of Jesus Christ from the Virgin Mary is one of the wonders revealed by the Lord mankind. Therefore, in the feast of the Nativity of Christ, everyone expects a miracle and pray for the next year to be better and happier thanting. This bright holiday in Orthodoxy is among the Lords of the two-month holidays and is preceded by a 40-day christmas post. The celebration of Christmas begins on January 6 with the appearance of the first star at the uneven. As you know, after the birth of Jesus, the first of the people came to bow down the shepherds notified by the angel's phenomenon. According to the evangelist, Matthew, a wonderful star was revealed in the sky, which led to the infant Jesus Magi.

Signs for the Christmas of Christ

Clear weather on the holiday of Christmas promised a good crop in the summer and autumn.

If there was a thaw for Christmas, then it is to a bad harvest.

Snow blizzard at Christmas of Christ was familiar to a good crop of wheat and good sign For a beekeeper.

If the starry sky was starry, then the year will be a yield on mushrooms and berries, and also expected in such a year a large rating of livestock.

Well, if the holiday of Christmas was warm, they waited for cold spring.

If it was snowing on this day, and even flakes are to a good bread crop.

And there is one more sign that is trusted and now, that is, how to spend Christmas, so will be the year. Therefore, the Christmas always sought to spend in love, peace and well-being, with a generous christmas table. Be sure to be on the table there should have been 12 lean dishes, then all year in the house will be wealth, and the year will be generous.

It is impossible to quarrel on the day of the Nativity of Christ in any way, since the whole year can be held in disagreements.

Traditions of the holiday
Merry Christmas is connected by many folk traditions. Most of them are church recognized. On the eve, on a Christmas tree, dress up a Christmas tree. Her tip crowned star - the symbol of Bethlehem. Candles on the Christmas tree are reminded of an unearthly light emanating from the cave in which Jesus was born. Under the Christmas tree put boxes with gifts to all family members. In addition to the Christmas tree, in houses and temples, the Vertpets build a symbolic cave with the born by Christ and the bulk figures of people who surrounded him.

The main action of the holiday is a bond. All - and adults, and children can collect. Previously, the city has little reminded the current megalopolises, so people went from home to the house and glory to Christ born, why they were called Christ. Those who brought the joyful news to the house, accepted - sweets, fruit, money - who can.

In Christmas days, it is customary to visit each other and exchange gifts. Very useful and correctly from a Christian point of view to visit patients and suffering. Especially this holiday is waiting for children. If you have the opportunity, give joy to a child from a shelter or a sick boy or a girl. The disadvantaged people are not so little in our time - it is only necessary to want to create a good one. Be sure to go to the divine service in the temple. But there are traditions that the church categorically rejects as pagan. For example, fortune telling. To predict the future - sin, because this person compresses the participation of God in his life and his care for herself. At any time, the Lord Waves to change the course of events.

In christmas is prohibited:
Sewing, cleaning in the house, kill animals (go hunting), guess.

For divination, any day of the degrades is suitable - with a Christmas tree on baptism, except for the very christmas.

On the night of Christmas you need to pray and make desires. It is believed that if looking at the open sky on the night of Christmas to make a desire - it will surely come true.

It is believed that on the night of January 6, January 7th prophetic dreams.
Unmarried Girls on this night try to influence these dreams in every way. So, by believing, so that the girl dreamed of her future husband, it is necessary to comb on the night, put a comb under the pillow and say: "Daughty-dressed, taking my head." The one who dreamed and there is a future husband of a gadget girl.

On the night of Christmas, many girls are trying to know their fate. Who is with sleep, and who is with ghostas. Below are the simplest and most popular fortune tells. Special attention should be paid to fortune telling with a mirror, which, according to opinions and reviews of many gadgets, is unsafe.

Fortune telling on matches
Take two matches and insert them into the gap box along different sides. Slash them at the same time and look after their behavior. If during the combustion of the match "look" at each other, then the guy and the girl you are guessing, will be a couple and they have a joint future.

Fortune telling on paper
Take paper sheet And crush it. Put the crumpled leaf on the bottom of an inverted plate or saucer and burn. After that saucer with burnt paper, bring to the wall and carefully turn the saucer while there is no shadow on the wall, on the outlines of which and judge about the near future.

Staying to sleep in a Christmas night, grab a bubne king with you. Put the card under the pillow and pronounce such words before bedtime: "Dress up, narrowed, dreaming, omens."
Before going to the Kingdom of Morpheus, "Mouse over the marafet": Clear, tested. You can put under the pillow with any of the decorations. They consider the future fiance of a person who will visit you in a dream to this magical night.

Fortune telling for the future using a nut shell
For this fortune telling a basin with water, paper and a walnut shell.
At the edge of the pelvis, attach small paper stripes with significant events written on them, for example, moving, new place of work, travel, marriage, pregnancy, etc. Then, in half the shell, attach the candle's litters, but not simple, but bought in the church or the birthday. The candle is lit, after which they lower the shell to swim with it on the basin.
What a piece of paper she approaches or, staying in place, leans in her direction, the event will occur during the year.

Divination to choose a husband with bulbs
The results of such divination are not visible immediately, but this is the case when you can wait, because the price of the question is the choice of the best groom!
In the Christmas night, take several bulbs in the number of candidates for the vacancy of your life satellite, sign them with the appropriate names. Put them into the water and wait for them to start germinate. Pay attention to the bulb, whose sprouts will appear earlier than anyone else: a person named, which is written on it, is the most appropriate applicant.

Fortune telling on the narrowed
At midnight, the girls go out of the house and ask the first meeting of the man's name. The name he calls and will be the name of the narrowed.

Fortune telling on the number and sex of future children
In Christmas Eve in a glass, you need to pour water, omitting the ring into it and put it on the frost. Before the departure to bed, the glass is taken from the frost and the ice surface formed in it is judged about future children. The number of tubercles indicates the number of boys, and the number of pits on how many girls will be.

Divination by book
Atunky took any book and asked a question. After that, the page number was called and the line number on it - what was in this place is written in the book, and served as an answer.

Fortune telling "Yes, no"
Above the jar, with any cereal or grain, keep the left hand palm down. Focusing, you need to ask your question. After that, take a handful of cereals from the bank and pour it on the table, after which you recalculate the amount of grains. If the number of grains is even, it means a positive answer - "yes", an odd number, means a negative answer - "no".

Fortune telling on a frying pan
You need to put a pan under the bed of your mother so that it does not know about it. Before bedtime, to say to myself: "Daughty-rude, come to the mother-in-law - there are pancakes." And in the morning you need to ask your mother that she dreamed. If in a dream she fed some guy pancakes, ask to describe his appearance. He is your future groom.

Fortune telling by the window
When everyone is lying to sleep in the house, the girl should turn off the light, go to the window and looking at him to say: "Durable, rich, dream of me dressed!" - And immediately go to bed. At night she will dream of her future groom.

Dusting with mirrors
The fortune telling with mirrors is carried out before midnight in full solitude, before this, it is impossible to report someone about the upcoming fortune. In the empty room on the table without a tablecloth put a large mirror, on both sides - candles. Opposite the large mirror at some distance, the second mirror is installed - smaller, so that it is reflected in the first mirror. Mutual reflection forms a "corridor". Nearby put a handkerchief.
Then you need to turn off the light, light the candles and sit down at the table. To mentally make a desire to see the narrowed and intently look into the depths of the reflective corridor. After some time it will seem the image of the narrowed. When an image appears, immediately close the mirror with a handkerchief and in no case at that moment do not turn around.
Another way to fortune telling with a mirror. When there is no clouds in the sky, and the month shines well, go out at midnight to the street. Become at the crossroads with a mirror back to the month so that it reflects in the mirror. Looking in the mirror, pronounce: "Daughty-rude, show me in the mirror." When the image appears, immediately say: "Chur me."

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