Rites for good luck in the new year. Conspiracies and rituals for the new year for wealth

The dates of the New Year holidays are a special time when any rituals to attract money, love, health and luck are highly effective. To make rituals on New Year were effective, it is necessary to cleanse the accumulated negativity before the holidays, forgive enemies, fill the soul with positive emotions. If desired, before the sacraments, you can carry out an energetic cleaning of the home.

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    Cleaning your home from negativity

    After the end of the pre-New Year cleaning, all corners and doors are sprinkled with holy water. Then they light a candle (preferably a church one) and say the words:

    "Holy God, bless this house. May Your love and joy dwell in it. Amen."

    Then you should walk around the entire perimeter of the room with a candle, while reading the prayer "Our Father". After that, the apartment or house is fumigated with an aromatic lamp. Such a ritual helps to cleanse the room of negative energy, and all New Year's rituals held in this home will be more effective.

    Rites for the fulfillment of desires

    During the New Year holidays, one cycle ends in the Universe and another begins. The forces acting at this time make the rituals for the fulfillment of desires especially effective.

    The most famous champagne magic

    According to tradition, when the chimes strike twelve times, you quickly need to write your cherished desire on a piece of paper. Then they burn it just as quickly in the fire of New Year's candles, pour the ashes into a glass and drink champagne. All this must be done before the last strike of the chimes is heard. To do this, it is recommended that you:

    • Use small paper. So it will burn faster.
    • Light the note with a burning candle. Matches can be damp or broken, and lighters sometimes don't fire at the most inopportune moments.
    • Pour some champagne into the glass. This will help to drain it faster.
    • Reflect on the desired during the ritual. This will attract more energy to fulfill the dream.

    Scroll of wishes

    For the sacrament you will need:

    • blank sheet of paper;
    • a crust of "Borodino" bread;
    • red rose bud;
    • a lump of sugar;
    • red pen or pencil;
    • white wax candle;
    • scarlet silk ribbon.

    The ceremony is held before New Year's Eve.

    1. 1. First, a candle is lit.
    2. 2. Three cherished dreams are written on a piece of paper.
    3. 3. A scroll is made from it, inside of which a rosebud, bread and sugar are placed.
    4. 4. All this is tied with a red ribbon and "sealed" with melted wax from the candle.
    5. 5. The scroll is placed under the mattress.
    6. 6. You should sleep on it until Christmas.
    7. 7. Then the scroll is taken out and placed on the highest place in the room, placing it on your photo.

    All written wishes will come true within a year.

    Rite of passage with paper to achieve the goal

    If obstacles constantly arise on the way to a certain goal, you can perform the following rite.

    1. 1. In the afternoon of December 31, they take a sheet of paper and divide it in half with a bold line.
    2. 2. On the left, they write unpleasant things and problems that I would like to get rid of. On the right is the existing desire.
    3. 3. Then all the bad is torn off or cut off with scissors. This part of the sheet is torn and discarded. The second should be carefully rolled up and put in a secluded place - in an album or casket.

    Already in the first months of the new year, positive changes on the way to the goal will be noticeable.

    Three bags of fate

    For this ceremony, three bags are drawn on three large sheets (A4 is suitable): black, blue and red. Then, all desires and dreams are written inside the outline of the red bag. Inside the black are problems and fears. And the blue bag contains all the pleasant events of the past year.

    After the chimes strike midnight, you should burn the sheet with the troubles written on it and scatter the ashes in the wind. To do this, you can go to the balcony. This will help get rid of troubles in the coming year.

    The two remaining leaves are hidden in a secluded place. They should be forgotten until next year. The ceremony can be performed every year.

    Method "Launch desires into the sky"

    To carry out this technique of fulfilling desires, you will need:

    • paper;
    • pen or colored felt-tip pen;
    • several helium balloons.

    First, they make wishes and write a list on paper. Dreams must be formulated in the present tense.Example: "I am getting married to Vasily". Then the person conducting the ceremony must turn to those Higher powers in which he believes. For example: "Heavenly angels, my faithful defenders from God! Fulfill all my dreams in the best way, for my joy and for the benefit of other people."

    When New Year's midnight comes, a list is tied to a string of balls. He is released into the starry sky.

    Hot air balloon desire

    This technique is similar to the previous one. Take a helium balloon of a bright color - red, orange, blue or green. Desire is written on it with a marker. On the evening of December 31, you should go out into the street and, with faith in the speedy implementation of your plan, release the ball into the sky.

    Making a dream come true with grapes

    To the chimes, 12 grapes are eaten, while making a wish. If this is done, the dream will come true within a year, and the "sweet life" awaits the one who made the plan.

    Wish card (collage)

    On New Year's Eve, you can make your own wish card. Whatman is taken and divided into nine squares. Each of them is responsible for a specific area of \u200b\u200blife. Your photo is glued in the middle:

    Pictures are pasted into each of the sectors, which depict a dream come true. Photography should be liked by the person conducting the ritual. They sign it with their own name, or simply put their signature on it.

    Wishes in dumplings

    For the New Year, you can carry out a ritual with dumplings. They will tell each of the guests or household members which of their dreams will come true next year. A dish is being prepared for the New Year's table. An object is placed in each of the dumplings, symbolizing a certain wish:

    • coin - for wealth, profit;
    • thread - portends interesting travel;
    • ring - for the wedding;
    • dill - for good health;
    • a piece of apple - for a calm, peaceful year;
    • cucumber - to fulfill a cherished dream;
    • caramel is a love affair.

    Rite of passage from Daria Mironova

    Magic from the famous psychic Daria Mironova helps to realize six desires. On December 31, at 23:00, you should light six wax candles and say special words six times. After each repetition, one dream is recorded on a piece of paper. At the same time, the desired deadline for its execution is also indicated. This makes six small notes.

    The magic words sound like this:

    "Amadol drank well

    covatie soprolla

    import ttot oprilpova

    nikamo onnottoerasconno moa kit. "

    At midnight, to the chimes, all the notes are burned. Ashes from them are scattered in the wind, saying the words:

    "All desires will return, they will turn into a bird of happiness."

    Decorate the tree with a wish

    To make the dream come true next year, they come up with a symbol for it that accurately reflects the essence of what they want, and hang it on the spruce:

    • those seeking to have a baby can hang up a pacifier or a baby toy;
    • for a girl who dreams of marriage, a ring or other item from wedding paraphernalia is suitable;
    • i want to visit hot countries - a travel company booklet or sunglasses.

    There are no restrictions on the application of the method. You can hang any item associated with a dream come true on a festive tree.

    Oral amulets for protection from troubles, for good luck

    Additional items are not required for the following magical rituals. Amulets and prayers can be read at any time of the specified day.

    Prayer-amulet for good luck

    On December 31, you should forgive all enemies and ill-wishers, thank God for all the good things that happened in the past year. Then the conspiracy is read:

    "My merciful God, be with me next year. Send me and my family a whole box of all goods, gold and silver. Give Your blessing for peace, so as not to part with You for a moment. Holy angels, archangels and all heavenly host! Preserve and defend us from evil. Do not let the servants of the Lord (names of family members) have dark days, nor wicked people, nor tears of bitter, nor grave illness. Stand up to protect the servants of the Lord (names). My word is strong and molded. . In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. "

    Charm for the whole year for luck

    "On the sea-okiyane storm raises a wave, and Holy Mother of God Jesus is hiding. Twelve young girls walk past along the path, but they carry wealth in their hands. The Lord asked them: "Where are you girls walking past Me, but what kind of treasure are you carrying in your hands?" And the young maidens answered like this: "We carry twelve months to God the Father for blessing: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December." Bless, Lord God, and me, Thy servant (name) for the whole year too. Amen".

    Dream of the Virgin for protection from troubles

    It is read on the first day of the new year:

    "In the holy city of Jerusalem, but in the Jordan River, under a new raft, under an old shield, under a mossy stone, the holy letter lies. God gave it to the earth, sealed it with seven seals, but no one has solved it. Someone understands that letter, but on the first day read the year - the Lord will give His blessing, and all sins forgiveness. And in the letter to the Mother of God a dream. Mary dozed off, saw a wonderful dream. As if three Angels flew to her, but the message of God conveyed: "Behold, the Virgin Mary, waiting for the Child Christ, Whose kingdom will never end. Grace, Mary, will descend on you, and the Savior will come to the people of the world. "Whoever reads this dream on the first day of the year will not find trouble, tears and death this year. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen." ...

    Rites for financial well-being

    The festive energy that prevails during the New Year holidays will help open the money channel, speed up the resolution of financial problems in the coming year.

    Money ritual with carp

    Carp is prepared for the New Year's table and eaten by the whole family. In the process of cleaning, the fish scales are collected and folded for drying on the windowsill. Symbolic "wallets" are made of paper and scales are poured into each of them pinch by pinch. Each of the household members should receive such a wallet. One is placed in a dwelling in a secluded place. If you have enough scales, you can donate envelopes to friends or colleagues. Then each person who received a wallet will not need finances for the whole year.

    It is recommended that coins and bills be counted as often as possible on December 31st and during the New Year holidays. At the same time, large sums of money should be announced (even if in fact it is insignificant).

    Slavic rite with an appeal to Dazhdbog

    The sacrament is performed as follows:

    1. 1.On December 31, a green wax candle is lit.
    2. 2. Looking at her, you need to mentally concentrate on the amount of money that you would like to receive in the New Year.
    3. 3. The amount is written on a piece of paper.
    4. 4. On the reverse side, you should write your name given at baptism, or the name of the person on whom the ceremony is performed.
    5. 5. Place a bay leaf and a coin on top of the note.
    6. 6. The paper is folded so that all the contents are inside and then put into the bag.
    7. 7. It is sewn or tied.
    8. 8. Then, gently (so as not to ignite) is carried out over the candle fire.
    9. 9. Once again focusing on the desired amount, pronounce the words of the conspiracy.
    10. 10. The candle should burn out to the end.
    11. 11. The pouch is carried with them as a talisman or kept in a drawer of the desktop.
    12. 12. After a year, the bag should be buried under any fruitful tree.

    Conspiracy text:

    "Dazhdbog is magnanimous, give me (name) money. Let my purses be filled to the brim. Reason and every good thing for me. Let the gold flow into my pocket. From circle to circle."

    Profitable tree

    The ceremony is suitable for those who would like to become a businessman next year or expand an existing business. The spruce is decorated with real banknotes. The larger they are, the more effective the ceremony. The denomination of the banknote must contain a unit. The number of bills depends on the last digit of the year. For example, in 2019 there should be 9 of them on the spruce. So the numbers 1 and 9 will be connected on the tree, forming the number of the year - 19.

    Money bath

    To bathe in money next year, you can take a "money" bath. Upon awakening on January 1, they throw several coins into the bathroom (after cleaning them). Fill with water. Lying down in it, the person conducting the ceremony imagines how he will bathe in luxury and money next year. After a while, the coins are collected in a bag, and the water is drained. The small change will become next year's money mascot that will attract wealth. It can be stored in a special box or small bag.

    The ceremony cannot be carried out under the influence of alcohol. In this case, it will not work, or its result may be the opposite.

    Rite of passage on a coin

    The sacrament helps to attract money for the whole year. A coin is prepared in advance. It should be washed thoroughly as it will end up at the bottom of the champagne glass on a festive evening. You will also need a small piece of red velvet fabric.

    The coin is spoken in advance:

    "The cup is poured to the brim with blessing. Let wealth find a way to me in the New Year, and money flow into my pocket like a river. As a coin glistens in this glass, let the money flash in my hands, fill my wallet. What is said, it will be fulfilled. Exactly! "

    Under the chimes, the coin should be thrown to the bottom of the glass and the champagne should be drained to the bottom. The coin is then wrapped in cloth. It can be carried with you all year round as a powerful money amulet.

    On a copy of the work book: to get a job

    To carry out this ceremony, you will need two photocopies of a blank page of the work book. On each of the sheets, the desired date of employment, position is written, a signature is put. Everything should be arranged as is usually done in the HR department. On the reverse side, gratitude is written to the Higher powers for the fulfillment of desire. For example: "Thank you for a highly paid job, thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

    One sheet of a photocopy is hung on the tree, and the second is placed in the northwest area of \u200b\u200bthe dwelling (according to feng shui, it is responsible for financial well-being). When the spruce is removed after the holidays, the leaf is not thrown away, but put in a purse or purse and carried with them as a talisman.

    Simoron rite to pay off debts

    On December 31, you should list all debts on a sheet of paper, accurate to the ruble. Indicate creditors opposite them. After that, soda is poured onto a sheet of paper and extinguished with vinegar. While the soda sizzles, you need to start clapping your hands and shouting: "Redeemed!", Pretending that all debts have been repaid in practice. The ceremony helps, if not to get rid of all loans during the year completely, then significantly reduce the amount of debt.

    Washing away from lack of money

    On the morning of January 1, they talk to themselves from financial failures. This is done while washing. Water should be poured into the container and 12 times, touching its surface with breathing, say:

    "With a strong word, in a day of light, I speak, the servant of the Lord (name), myself for the whole year. Let it not come dashingly to me, but trouble in my house doesn’t make nests. As weeds grow in an open field, so I’m not lucky end. So be it. "

    Then they wash their faces with water, without wiping them off with a towel.

    In a simplified version of this rite practiced by American mystics, you just need to "wash your face" with banknotes on the morning of January 1. This will bring monetary luck for the whole year.

    Rituals for health and beauty

    On the eve of the New Year, special ceremonies can be held to improve well-being, visual appeal. The effect of the sacraments manifests itself gradually and lasts until the next year.

    Ritual with a Christmas tree for health

    The place for the holiday tree must be chosen so that the tree is reflected in the mirror, but so that there is space for passage between the tree and the reflective surface. To get rid of diseases, it should be on the New Year holidays from time to time becomes "between two trees": real and reflected. This place collects positive energy with healing properties. To regain health next year, it is enough to stand for a few minutes. At the same time, they think about what ailments I would like to get rid of.

    A conspiracy of beauty and attractiveness

    It is read in front of a mirror on the morning of December 31, without getting out of bed. To enhance the impact of words, you should pronounce the text three times:

    "I will rise from my bed soft to a clean river. I will ask a parental blessing for good luck, but happiness, and unearthly beauty. I will draw some water in a starry well. That water is dearer than all diamonds and gold rings. Tall white-stone chambers are more miles away. And that water is maiden beauty. with her I will wash my white face, may the fine fellows and the old old men love me, and the elderly men, and the decrepit old women, and the young girls, and the elderly widows. I shall be all more beautiful than the clear month and the red sun. . Every day and every moment it would have fallen into their souls and eyes. Amen. "

    New Year's magic of love

    The festive atmosphere of the New Year will help single people attract love, find a soul mate. For those who are already bound by the bonds of relationships, magic will help make them more harmonious.

    For family happiness

    The ceremony is held on December 31 before the start of the festive feast. A red silk ribbon (a strong woolen thread is also suitable) is tied around the legs of the table under the tablecloth. For each, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced so that the breath touches the tape:

    "New Year has come into the house, gathered everyone around the table. New joy was born, and the old one multiplied. So that we all get together again in a year, and no one knows about the trouble."

    The ritual is performed by the owner of the house. It is preferable not to tell anyone about it.

    From conflicts

    If the spouses are constantly in quarrels, you should purchase not one, but two ate for the New Year. They are tightly tied together and placed in one bucket. Then they dress up as if the fir tree is alone. In the New Year, the relationship between the spouses will improve.

    Application for a loved one

    For girls who want to get rid of loneliness, the following sacrament will help. To conduct it you will need:

    • a piece of pink colored paper;
    • pen with red paste;
    • pink or red envelope.

    The sheet of paper should be divided into four columns:

    • in the first it is written what features the future lover should have;
    • in the second - with what shortcomings you can put up with;
    • in the third - what the girl is ready to give in return;
    • in the fourth - what qualities should not be in the future beloved.

    When all the desired qualities are painted, the sheet is put in an envelope, sealed and placed under a spruce tree or in another secluded place. He should lie there until the old New Year. On January 15, the letter is burned, and the ashes are scattered in the wind.

    The sacrament with water to get rid of loneliness

    Held every morning from 1 to 7 January. A sacrament will require a glass of clean water. Words are spoken on water for 7 days, and on the 8th glass it is necessary to drain it in one gulp on an empty stomach. The conspiracy reads like this:

    "In the New Year I will go, blessing, overshadowing the saving cross. I will go to the royal palace, to the rich threshold. I will walk under the images of the saints, I will step into the royal chambers. And there are noble fellows, boyars and merchants. I, the servant of the Lord (name), pass by I pass them with a noble pea. All the noble fellows admire me, and their zealous hearts are agitated. Both the merchant and the noble fellow are looking at me. I will choose a handsome and rich spouse. I will marry down the aisle; ".

    From unrequited love with a candle

    The sacrament allows you to get rid of the torment of unrequited love, to evoke feelings in the chosen one of interest. For the ceremony you will need:

    • red candle;
    • golden thread;
    • a crystal dish filled with water;
    • mirror.

    On New Year's Eve, you should loose your hair and dress in everything new. Before midnight, a red wax candle tied with gold thread is lit. A burning candle is placed in a dish with water, placing a mirror under it. Then the words are pronounced:

    "The power of fire, let love (name) turn on me. Let it be passionate and hot, like fire, pure like water. Let it be like a mirror, deep. As fire reaches water, my dreams will come true. Key, lock , language".

    For marriage with threads

    On December 31, a ring is twisted from red and blue woolen threads. A conspiracy is pronounced over him 7 times. After that, the ring is hidden under the pillowcase. It should be kept there until next year, shifting when changing pillowcases and not showing to anyone. If a wedding takes place in the coming year, the ring is burned.

    Conspiracy Words:

    "Cornucopia, ringing horns! The sea is blue, the harbor is calm, the ships are crystal. In the new envelope there is a gold wedding ring, and in the chests there are wedding clothes. Truth and faith, advice and love. Rich mansion, downy bed. To me, the servant of the Lord (name ) and my beloved, the servant of the Lord (name), it's time-time. No sooner said than done, the golden wedding ring will not be covered with rust. Amen. "

    For love using an apple

    For the ceremony you will need:

    • ripe red apple;
    • paper;
    • pen or pencil.

    First, the inedible entrails are removed from the apple. The name of the beloved is written on a sheet of paper and folded into a tube. The sheet is placed in the place where the core was, and the words are pronounced on it:

    "The apple dries up hour by hour, and the servant of the Lord (name) longs for me and suffers. I am desirable to everyone, I am dear to everyone, and (name) white light is more expensive. yes wide margins. The plot is locked with a key, and the key is lost. Amen. "

    The apple is hidden under the spruce for the whole New Year's Eve. Then you should put it in a secluded place. While the apple dries up, different men will be attracted to the magician's social circle. At the same time, her chosen one will begin to yearn for her and "dry up".

    Happy New Year Meditation

    Entering the New Year, you can take a piece of the festive atmosphere with you. A special meditation will help to do this. To do this, during the celebration, you should retire for a short time (7-10 minutes) in the next room. Having renounced other thoughts and concerns, listen to the joyful laughter of loved ones, friends. Internally, thank the outgoing year. Feel how the awaited New Year is coming.

    At the end of the meditation, you can mentally say to yourself: "The old year has passed. Now the New year is coming, which will bring more joy. Everything will work out. There will be no bad place in my life." Meditation allows you to get a powerful boost of energy for life. It should be used in the New Year for the fulfillment of desires and the embodiment of intentions.

    On the eve of the coming year, one cannot wish another person failure. It is important to forget all grievances and meet the holiday with pure thoughts.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R .:

    Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a bunch of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still need personal help... Sometimes it seems that the matter is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who will help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passes you by. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 for renting an apartment. What was my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed for the better overnight. I could not even imagine that you can earn so much money that some trinket, at first glance, could have such an impact.

    It all started with the fact that I ordered myself a personal ...

Winter holidays are always filled with mystery and magic, so conspiracies for the New Year and ceremonies for the old New Year on January 13 are always relevant for those who want to attract wealth, luck and love to themselves and their loved ones. Every January day has a strong energy, so rituals can and should be performed at this time.

Preparation for rituals

People have always noted the importance of proper preparation for conspiracies and rituals, without which any magical action would be absolutely useless.

  1. It is necessary to observe a one-day fast, which implies only a few sips of water, helps to cleanse the body and spirit of the conspirator.
  2. Important before performing rituals.
  3. It is advisable to carry out the conspiracy on Wednesday, since this will ensure the success of the ceremony.
  4. Preparation - coins for buyback. The next morning after reading the plot, they are dipped into flowing waters.
  5. It is necessary to exclude alcohol on the day of the conspiracy and on the eve, since the person must be in a sober mind.
  6. All quarrels that arose before the ceremony must be resolved.
  7. Thoughts should be
  8. You cannot read conspiracies in a bad mood.

Rites for the old New Year

The entire first half of the month up to and including the 13th is considered energetically filled. But according to tradition, during cleaning after a festive feast, you should carefully take a tablecloth and shake out the crumbs out the window, saying three times:

"There are so many crumbs on this tablecloth, so much happiness and money will be in my house."

Do not ignore the bones from the meat. On the first day of January, they bury themselves under a tree near the house and start talking:

"As a tree grows and gain strength, so good is brought into the house, as a tree to live, I drink love and good luck."

Pancake conspiracy

During the preparation of pancakes, a love plot for the old New Year is read. To attract the betrothed, a woman must bake a lot of treats, dress nicely and invite many guests into the house. During cooking, the following words of love spell are pronounced:

"Pancake, find your mouth, bake treats, and the suitors swarm around me like bees, look at me beautiful but don't take your eyes off."

Attracting a man

Attracting the attention of a man can be carried out on the night of January 14, on the holiday of the old New Year. To do this, you need to wear new clothes, loosen your hair and at midnight light three candles of different colors: gold, red and white, tie them with a thread. They are placed in a crystal saucer filled with water over a round mirror, then they say:

“Power of red fire, tighten the feelings narrowed to me, so that love is like hot fire, like pure water, like a deep mirror. As the red flame reaches the water, so the business will be crowned with success, and the betrothed will wish to be engaged. Amen".

Beauty Conspiracy

In case of a need for the beauty of a girl and a woman One of the conspiracies is read in bed, on the night of a holiday:

“Early in the morning I will get up from my warm bed and go to clean water, but with parental permission. I will scoop water, which is dearer than rings, redder than gems, more important than any cups. The true beauty lies in the water. My face, white and clear, I will wash with this unusual water, I will be beautiful for suitors, that a circle of me will swarm, for husbands, for elders and old women. I will be warmer and more rosy than the sun, brighter than its hot and blinding ray. Everyone will love my beauty. I, the servant of God (name), will take possession of the hearts and souls of people so that I remain in them. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Rite of passage for money for the New Year

A week old New Year's conspiracy for money is held during the reception water treatments the first of January. On the night of the holiday, rosemary, orange, bergamot are added to the bathroom. For a successful outcome of the case and adding money, the correctness of the conspiracy is important:

"As the water flows from me, so the sea of \u200b\u200bmoney washes me, as the water of the Euphrates and the Tigris flows, so soon the good comes to me."

The rituals are accompanied by lighting candles, which enhance the magical effect. The most successful colors for attracting money are gold and green.

Water readout

There is another version of the ritual for financial security. Early in the morning, on January 14, you need to take clean water from a spring or well (you can use a small container. Folding your fingers for the sign of the cross, dip them in water and cross it, reading this text:

“I, the servant of God (name), will rise in the early morning, I will bless everything that the Lord created, all living beings, all the air and mountains, water and earth, the moon and the sun, red and beautiful. I will bless all the days that are now and to come, I will pray to our Lord. My God, the creator of everything that we see and feel, bless the new year with your strength, which we are leading from your incarnation in the name of the salvation of the human race. Allow me, Lord, to live in peace and peace this year for my and other families, strengthen the church and human faith, which he himself brought to earth. Reward me and my loved ones with peace and longevity, health, wealth and the purest air, save and save your servant (name) from all evil and adversity, guide you on the true path. Gold and silver, bread and sun for this house, and your peace. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The words of the prayer are pronounced twelve times, for each month. Only after that the palm is removed from the cup, the person crosses himself and sprinkles water on every corner of the house, ending on the threshold.

A good luck conspiracy is pronounced on New Year's Eve, on the 1st number, then its power is great. Exactly with the onset of midnight, the following words of the ceremony are pronounced: “The past year carries away problems, and the new one is in a hurry and brings prosperity, health and luck.”

If you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from the influence of negative energy, then fire will come to the rescue again. Early in the morning, on the 13th day of the month, they go around every corner of the house with a burning candle and say three times:

“Great fire, help and protect from failures! Burn all disagreements and problems with your strength, do not leave a single trace of evil and evil. "

Magic effect on Christmas

On Christmas Day, a rite of passage has also been held since time immemorial. In the evening, turn off the light at home and leave only one necessary source of light - a lit candle by the east window, stand near and say three times to the first star:

“The Star of Bethlehem shines brightly and generously, announcing the happiness of birth to the world. Little Jesus is born into this world, a great blessing wakes up. And the blessing will touch me, the servant of God (name), but luck will not turn around. "

Money is an important aspect of life for everyone modern manhowever, more important are family well-being, health and peace. The New Year's charm-conspiracy for this was created by Natalia Stepanova. It sounds like this:

“Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I take possession of the lunar seal, I sign with the rays of the sun and the vault of the wide heavenly. Amen. Let me take twelve stars in my hands and announce twelve names: Hazael, Zaafiel, Barahit in the north, Gabriel, Raphael, Jehudil in the south, Sariel, Uriel, Jophiel in the west, Michael, Sariel, Jerimiel and in the east. To them I will condemn seven more heavenly names - the names of witnesses. Whoever takes my God's shield on purpose will not pick it up or carry it away, but it is heavy as our land itself. Nobody but me will take it, take it away, steal it. Cover me, shield, me, the servant (s) of God (s) (name), my neighbors (the names of all your loved ones), my dwelling and everything that is in my possession. Michael, resurrection angel, Gabriel, angel of good, evil angel, Shavaiot, Oeh, planet angel, Commander of the heavenly guard Raguel. I will cover myself on Monday, I will pray on Tuesday, I will bless myself on Wednesday, I will cover myself on Thursday, I will defend myself on Friday, I will guard myself on Saturday, on Sunday I will be saved for a whole year. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Reading texts before the New Year

New Year's Eve conspiracies are aimed at leaving everything bad and exhausting last year, not getting sick, filling your wallet with money, finding a decent job and becoming even happier. In 2013, on New Year's Eve on December 31, such a conspiracy to prolong youth and

“A clear day is located on three sides, and the night is dark on the fourth, but cold water flows from the damp earth away, just as all diseases leave my body, and pure thoughts come with pure water like the sky. I will become young with a spoonful of sweet honey. Amen".

After eating a spoonful of honey and washed down with warm water.

Conspiracies-amulets to attract good luck were relevant in 2015, also on New Year's Eve on December 31st. To perform one of these rituals, a church candle is lit and the following is voiced:

“The Great Lord, accompany me on the journey in the coming year and protect me from ailments, give prosperity and happiness to me and my neighbors, my family and my home. Give silver and zloty, great good to every house. Give me peace and quiet peace, so that you and I do not part. Archangel Michael and all good angels, but heavenly protection and guardians, do not let suffering come to our home and hearts, protect us from all troubles, from fire and water. Save and save me, the servant of God (name) from evil and evil spirits... May it be so. Amen".

New Year's rituals for wealth were popular in 2017 and 2018 Chinese New Year. Many people often ask for wealth and money, you need to know some of the rituals. According to the signs, the first trifle that you will have after January 1 must be saved and in the new moon phase, the rite must be performed by dropping money into a clay pot. In the waxing moon phase, read the following:

“My profit grows, as the moon grows, as the moon shines in the sky, and the money in my wallet comes. May it be so. Amen".

Consequences of conspiracies

Rituals related to white magic usually do not entail negative consequences, but with gross violations of preparation and conduct, both unpleasant and disastrous consequences may arise. In a team, you can lose respect and career failures, lack of money, and also become a victim of the strong magical influence of another conspirator or professional magician.

The effect on health can be even more detrimental: health deteriorates or a serious illness occurs. You should not carry out dark rituals, this can negatively affect your future destiny. In addition, it is impossible to address simultaneously light and dark forces: the former will not be able to help, the latter will be even more angry.


New Year's rituals to attract all the benefits should be carried out in accordance general rules and provisions so as not to bring trouble into your home. It must be remembered that conspiracies are pronounced by heart and in strict sequence according to the appropriate instructions. and rest assured that you will find it.

New Year's Eve is rightfully considered the most unusual night of the year. On this fabulous night, people believe in miracles, make their innermost desires, make plans for the future. You can also bring money, wealth and financial well-being to life on New Year's Eve.

If you want to avoid financial problems in the New Year 2019, then you can use proven monetary rituals and rituals. With their help, already on New Year's Eve, you can bring prosperity and prosperity into your life for the whole New Year 2019.

How to Attract Money, Wealth and Financial Well-Being in the New Year 2019

How to attract money, wealth and financial well-being in the New Year 2019: the best and at the same time the simplest money ritual that can be held on New Year's Eve.

You do not need any special attributes to perform this money ritual. All you need to do is not sit at the holiday table with empty pockets. Be sure to put in at least one coin. If your holiday outfit has no pockets, you can hide the money in your shoes. And then, under the chimes, you need to say the following words:

“Money remains with me, new ones are attracted to it, in the new year troubles and difficulties evaporate.”

There is another very effective money ritual. To do this, you need to take several banknotes, and not necessarily real ones, and hang them on the tree. Place them closer to the trunk so they are not conspicuous. When you hang money on the tree, say these words:

“On New Year's Eve, miracles happen, wishes come true. I decorate the Christmas tree, I don't know any more failures with money. As the clock strikes 12 times, so the money will go to my house ”.

When the clock strikes twelve and the New 2019 Year of the Pig comes into its own, remove one bill from the tree and put it in your wallet. You cannot spend it. Being in your wallet, it will attract monetary energy and wealth into your life all year round.

For this ceremony, you will need to put a coin in the New Year's gifts prepared for family and friends. At the same time, you need to pronounce the words of a money conspiracy:

"I share my wealth, I wish everyone good luck."

It is very important that your wishes for financial well-being for other people are sincere. Then the patroness of the New Year 2019 will see your kindness and generosity and will certainly reward for this. And you can count on the Yellow Pig to help you attract money and wealth in New Year 2019.

And one more the right way attract money, wealth and financial well-being in the New 2019. To do this, you need to put a few coins under the tree or put a piggy bank under it.

How to attract money and luck yourself in 2019?

What to expect from 2019

The upcoming year 2019 according to the eastern calendar will be the year of the yellow earthen pig.

The pig is considered a hardworking animal, and therefore all who this year will not be lazy and will persistently strive for their goal will surely succeed.

A pig can bring peace and prosperity to the house, but only if you yourself make some effort in this direction.

According to astrologers' forecasts, the coming 2019 will generally be favorable for any activity that promises financial success. The pig is not only distinguished by its efficiency, but also by its cheerful and light disposition, and therefore in personal relationships this is the most favorable time for achieving harmony and mutual understanding.

At the same time, the pig is tireless, it does not know fatigue, but it also demands the same from people who want to achieve something this year.

Therefore, this year is ideal for workaholics striving for high goals and not stopping before seeming difficulties.

How to attract money and good luck in 2019 to your home

Probably many have noticed that often working capacity alone is not enough for luck and money to settle in the house.

And indeed it is. Because, a person should rely on his own strength, but he also has no right to neglect the help of higher powers.

There are special rituals that, if performed correctly, can attract luck or money, and now we will dwell on them in more detail.

"Bill of happiness"

This simple ceremony does not require much effort and time, but it will bring good luck and financial well-being to the house for the whole year.

On December 31, you should put any banknote in a blank envelope, add a colorful holiday card there, seal the envelope and sign your own address and name on it. Then put the envelope under the tree.

The envelope should be opened on January 1, and the money should be carried with you as a talisman.

Remember that the pig does not like the greedy, and therefore the larger the bill inserted in the envelope, the more successful the year will be financially.

"Magic felt-tip pen"

This ceremony is held on Saturday night on the Friday closest to the New Year. In 2018 it will be December 28th.

We take a clean sheet of thick paper and a felt-tip pen. We light a candle on the table, always a white one.

Then we focus our thoughts on cherished desires, and try to transfer them to a felt-tip pen.

You should mentally imagine the fulfillment of each desire, and imagine that this particular felt-tip pen will now make the necessary entry in the book of fate. And then write down the desire on paper.

Then make a second wish in the same way. In total, you can write down three cherished desires.

After the desires are completed, four symbols should be put on a piece of paper - a piece of bread (wealth, abundance), a candy (sweet, happy life), a coin (wealth, financial well-being), a rose (love).

Then the sheet is carefully folded and tied with a red thread. Drip hot wax from a white candle onto the knot.

The resulting magic bag should be placed under the pillow, where it should lie for exactly seven days. After that, the package should be hidden in an inaccessible place.

The ceremony will operate for exactly one year. You can make wishes for love, money, luck, prosperity.

"Splashes of champagne"

Another simple ceremony that should be performed at the time of the New Year. You will need a glass of champagne and any coin. Of course, the larger and more beautiful the coin is, the better the ceremony will be.

See also: Why can't you cry while looking in the mirror? Superstition or Reality?

We throw the coin into a glass, pour champagne into it and drink the glass with the last blow of the Chimes. A coin charged in this way should always be carried in your wallet.

"Cash flow"

This ceremony can also help to achieve the desired financial well-being in the coming year.

A few minutes before midnight, you should open the water in the bathroom or sink and create a funnel that is drawn into the drain. A small twig of spruce should be placed in this funnel.

At midnight one should exclaim: "As the stream of water flows, let wealth flow to me." After that, you should moisten the twig in water and sprinkle all the corners in the house, repeating the same hex.

"Eight candles"

This rite is rooted in old Russian beliefs. On New Year's Eve, in the middle of the room, eight lighted candles are placed in a circle, over which one should jump or simply step over exactly three times.

At the same time, one should think about the monetary gain, imagine how the flame of New Year's candles burns everything bad, negative, clears the burden of old debts and obligations.

"Golden Bath"

On the morning of January 1, you can also carry out such a ceremony that can attract money. You need to throw a handful of coins into the bath, any little thing will do, and fill it as usual for taking a bath.

Then lie down in the bath and imagine that you are bathing in money, in gold.

After ten minutes, the water can be drained, and the coins can be collected in a bag and put away.

This charged amulet will attract wealth to your home for a whole year. In no case should you waste this trifle.

Signs of wealth and good luck in the new year 2019

Amulet of wealth for 2019

Carrying out various magical rituals for the new year, one should not forget about the simplest signs that promise prosperity and financial success in the coming year.

First of all, it is a symbol of the year, that is, a pig.

This symbol is often depicted in the form of a piggy bank, and therefore he himself is a very effective amulet that can bring wealth to the house.

You should definitely buy a new piggy bank and put it under the New Year's tree.

Moreover, it is better to buy a spruce live. As a last resort, you can use a few twigs decorated with toys.

On New Year's Eve, you need to throw a few coins into the piggy bank, you can even a paper banknote. This money will attract financial success to your home. In no case should you break the piggy bank before the end of the year.

Another simple sign that can find the location of a pig is a rich table.

The pig loves a good treat and therefore must be respected on New Year's Eve. And then she will respect you.

Also pay attention to the clothes in which you will celebrate the new year. A yellow pig requires clothing in yellow or pink tones.

Well, the last piece of advice. Never celebrate the new year with empty pockets.

The more money you have in your pockets, the more financially successful the coming year will be.

Three rituals for wealth and prosperity for the entire 2019

Since ancient times, our ancestors used various rituals aimed at certain areas of life. They turned to the Higher Forces and used the energy of the Moon. Well-being rituals will work if you believe in yourself and follow your goal.

Rite of passage for financial well-being

Opening up cash flows and allowing yourself to get rich is not only possible, but also necessary. For the ceremony, you will need coins, bills or precious stones and metals. These items have a strong energy, which is worth using for your own enrichment. The magical currents will begin to work after you clearly define why you need material goods, and imagine the reason why you decided to turn to magical powers. Their continuous action is provided by the energy supply emanating from yourself. It is worth regularly thanking the Higher Forces for well-being and talking about luck and prosperity in life.

The ceremony should be carried out alone, concentrating as much as possible. Choose a suitable time and visit the church shop, get a small candle there. You also need a small lock. In the early morning at the beginning of the week, go out to the doorstep of the house, take the lock with you and insert the key into the well. Light a candle and say the following words:

“There is a casket for wealth, in it there is untold wealth. The lock on it is strong, the key is only available to me. I will close the lock and hide the key. I will leave wealth only for myself. It will go down on a thread, fall into the wallet in clear coins "

Close the lock and fill the well with wax. The lock should be thrown away, and the key should be carried in your wallet as a talisman, or left where you keep your money. This ceremony is aimed not only at obtaining prosperity, but also helps to gain money in the most unexpected places. Don't be surprised if after a while you find coins and bills right under your feet.

A conspiracy for prosperity and wealth

The ceremony helps to find benefits, as well as preserve beauty and youth. For execution you need 13 apples. Choose ripe fruit with no obvious damage. They should be fresh and appealing. When buying apples, leave the change on the counter. This trick will open up financial flows and allow you to get rich.

On the day of the ceremony, you should wash cold water three times and change into light-colored clothes. Light a white candle and say the following words:

“I bought rejuvenating apples, I didn’t stint. I gave the money, but didn't take the change. My generosity will pay off, it will roll in a round sum. I will be happy and successful in life. I will prolong youth and beauty with my generosity. Pouring apples will keep it. I will give away fruits, I will bring luck and happiness to life "

Blow out the candle and collect the apples in a cloth bag. Distribute them to random passers-by, while mentally say: "I give it generously, will return a hundredfold"

Put a candle in an empty bag and put it away in a secluded place. Write on the sheet your wishes for prosperity and youth. Soon the magic will start working, and your life will be filled with happiness and good luck.

Rite of passage for career success

Such a ceremony will ensure rapid career growth and good luck at work. This ritual is designed to help solve important issues and find the right way out in controversial work moments.

The ritual is worth performing where you work. For this at home, prepare 3 green candles and tie them with a gold ribbon. At the workplace in the evening, leave a sheet of paper on which your wishes are written. In the morning, take the leaf and put it on the windowsill so that it is saturated with the energy of sunlight. Then take it home and perform the ritual.

Light the prepared candles and say the following:

“I work like a squirrel in a wheel. I call for luck, I ask for help. I wrote down everything I need. I do not want more, I do not want less. I will seal it tightly with wax, I will not give well-being to anyone. I will have happiness in life and good luck. It can't be otherwise "

Roll the piece of paper and seal it with candle wax. Now you have a personal amulet that brings good luck at work. You can carry it with you or leave it at work in a secluded place. It will attract good luck and help in career growth.

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Do you want to be happy, healthy and rich? Sure! This is what everyone wants! So why wait for favors from fate? We must take everything into our own hands. New Year's Eve is the best time for this. A special atmosphere, the hopes of many people, gathered together, create an ideal background in order to use magic to correct the flaws of the Guardian Angel, to direct the course of your life in the right direction.

In practice, this can be done using New Year's rituals and ceremonies. Some of them have existed for a long time, others were invented and reasonably justified by modern magicians. Everyone works. The results sometimes exceed the most optimistic forecasts! It is worth trying and taking a little time to forget about your worries for a whole year!

New Year's rituals for money in 2020

Well, many people know that the New Year tree is decorated with banknotes. Herringbone is the main attribute of the holiday. The green beauty literally attracts cash energy flows into our lives. Moreover, the Rat is a domestic animal, and loves money and prosperity!

And here is the New Year's rite, which allows you to get rid of the burden of debt. It is necessary to throw something heavy over the shoulders (they say: on the hump). For example, you can take a blanket, roll it up and wear it for an hour or two on the back of your neck. You need to throw it off under the chimes. At the same time, exclaim:

"I am free!".

After that, of course, creditors will not write you a message stating that the debts have been canceled. Only events can occur that will close all financial holes painlessly and even imperceptibly. It happens differently for everyone.

In order for the flow of money to pick you up and carry you to a comfortable future, you need to perform the following ritual on New Year's Eve. Fill the bathroom with some water (cold) before midnight. Now create a stream. Let the water run from the tap and into the drain. The stream must be active at midnight! A branch of a living tree or pine is placed in it. Immediately after the onset of the New Year, the branch should be taken out and "sprinkled" with moisture all the corners of the house. In this case, you have to go, spray water and say:

“Opening the doors cash flow! I remove barriers and obstacles! I'm launching the wealth mechanism! "

Only after you have bypassed all the premises of the apartment (house) can the water be closed and the ritual finished.

Health rituals and ceremonies

In order for your family not to be bothered by ailments, it is good to raise glasses filled not with champagne, but with a special “healthy” broth to the chimes. Prepare it for the New Year's rite in advance.

You need to find herbs (it's good if you collect them with your own hands, but pharmacy will also do):

  • chamomile,
  • plantain,
  • violet flowers,
  • agave,
  • rosehip,
  • birch buds.

You will also need lime honey.

Pour a liter of water into a container. When it boils, they throw in two whispers of the named plants. Cook for thirteen minutes. Cool and filter. Then gently add two tablespoons of honey to the resulting broth. Keep the broth in the refrigerator. You need to drink it during a festive feast, not forgetting to add to each wish:

"And I wish you health!"

In some villages, such a New Year's ritual is common: the ailments were swept out of the house. An ordinary broom is not suitable for this (especially a vacuum cleaner). It is necessary to collect the last herbs in the fall. Dry them by hanging them with a broom in a small draft. Before the onset of the New Year, this broom should sweep (symbolically) all the rooms from window to threshold. At the same time, sentence:

"Get away sick, no more needed!"

The panicle is immediately carried out of the threshold. Ideally, they burn. The main thing is that she should not get into the house again!

New Year's ritual for love

They say that to attract love, it is imperative to hang a golden heart on the tree. It should be stored all life and taken out only once a year in order to hang it on the New Year's tree.

And to attract the joy of mutual relations, the following ritual is suitable. Make an ugly doll out of rags and black threads. It should be the most repulsive you can do. Call it "Loneliness (name)". You can just say it, or you can write it on a piece of paper and pin it. Sit alone with her before the New Year. You need to explain how upset you are at your untimely separation from her. Say goodbye forever and throw it out the window at midnight sharp. If you can squeeze out a tear, the effect will come faster.

A ceremony for good luck in the New Year

There is such a thing, if you put horseshoes under your heels and celebrate the New Year with them, then luck will follow you at every step. Horseshoes can be cut out of colored paper: yellow or brown. You just need to clean them before going to bed. They do not need to be thrown away. Horseshoes are given a secluded corner and stored until the next holiday (a decorative box will do). On December 30, they solemnly say goodbye to them and prepare the next ones.

Also, so that luck will notice your home, you can give it a sign in a certain way. The tree must be natural. That is, if it is customary for you to decorate an artificial spruce, then get a natural twig for the ceremony. It is placed in the eastern corner of the room. The outfit should be a red or blue star on which a snowflake is superimposed. This is a sign of good luck: fire and ice together!

These simple New Year's rituals and ceremonies will help you to have fun before the holiday, and attract all the good things to yourself!

Prepare the necessary items for magic:

  • paper
  • pen or felt-tip pen
  • rye bread (a small piece is enough)
  • refined
  • a red rose (don't be lazy and buy it yourself)
  • thread (choose color or green or red)

On the night of Thursday to Friday (about a week before the holiday), describe three of your cherished dreams. Of course, they should be about love affairs.

Remember that desires are about you and your destiny - you should not ask for someone. When the list is ready, end it with the phrase "So be it!" Put everything that you have prepared on a sheet. Gently lift the paper and say quietly: "Everything you wish will come true next year."

Roll up a piece of paper. All content should be inside, like in an envelope. Tie the bundle tightly and drip some wax, thus sealing the message of the universe.

It should be placed under the mattress of the bed. For two weeks, forget your wishlist. When the time is right, place the folded sheet on top of your own photo. For her, you pre-select a place that is inaccessible to other family members. The bundle should be kept away from prying eyes.

In the New Year, you need to take advantage of the amazing energy that reigns in the air. Those who listen to magical advice are sure to be lucky:

  • If the sky is full of bright and beautiful stars on a festive night, admire them, count them. And next year a rich harvest awaits you.
  • Do not overwork, otherwise busyness and worries will accompany you for the next 365 days.
  • You should not immediately on the very first day of the new year take up a rag and clean up the consequences of the feast. By doing this, you will wash off your own wealth.
  • Sounds outside the window can tell a lot. For example, a barking dog will bring you new friends, ringing bells warns of something important, and if titmouses gather at the windows and chirp tenderly, they promise a good change in love.
  • To only move forward and develop, do not cook dishes that include crabs and crayfish.

How to make a wish for the New Year

Probably everyone at least once in his life tried to make a wish on a festive night. The most popular way is to burn a dream written on paper and drink the remains of the ashes mixed in champagne in one gulp.

The main condition is to have time to drink the contents of the glass before the twelfth beat of the clock strikes.

And the method really works. But many do all the necessary actions incorrectly, so the dream does not come true.

Remember, the paper must burn without a single residue, and you must manage to perform the magic within twelve sonorous strokes.

New Year's magic and its rituals

  • A New Year's toy that is broken into fragments has a magical effect. Therefore, when you remove pieces of it, think about something cherished.
  • The Christmas tree usually stands in our apartments and houses for a long time. Naturally, some of the needles crumble and fall to the floor. Don't throw them in the trash bin! Gently collect and boil with boiling water. This infusion will become your lifesaver for colds and viral infections.
  • The beautiful talisman is the final decoration removed from the holiday tree. Its energy will protect your home and will serve as a talisman for a whole year.
  • Within 24 hours, the place from which the tree was removed turns into a healing one. It is enough to sit in this place for twenty minutes and the diseases will recede, and the immune system will strengthen.

Simoron New Year's rituals

Simoron Cookie Ritual

This New Year's Simoron technique will appeal to all those with a sweet tooth. And not only them. In China, this ceremony has long become a tradition obligatory for New Year's Eve.

Prepare by following step by step recipe, delicious pastries. In the process of cooking, put a thin piece of paper with a prediction for the future in a cookie (do not miss a single one). When all guests have gathered for a festive meal, offer to treat yourself to sweets. As everyone knows what the coming period will bring, the leaf (with the help of an ordinary firecracker) is released upward - to heaven.

Ritual Simoron "New Job"

This New Year's Simoron ritual will perfectly help everyone who is tired of looking for a job.

Make two copies of the last page of the work book. Write the desired position yourself in the copy of the document. Turn the piece of paper over and describe how grateful you are to fate and the universe. Place the first copy along with the Christmas tree decorations, and the second in the northwest of your apartment. When you disassemble the tree, put the first option in your wallet as a talisman. Others should not see either this copy or the other - otherwise there will be no result.

Simoron rituals for the New Year to attract love (video)

New Year's magic for luck and money

There are several effective New Year's rituals based on esoteric ones, the magic of which brings good luck and material well-being:

  • In America, on the first morning of the new year, everyone goes to the bathroom, wash their face and wipe it. But not with a towel, as usual, but with a dollar bill.
  • On a festive night, you must have money in your pockets - both coins and paper bills. This will attract monetary luck to you.
  • When you hear the first strike of the chimes, throw a coin into the glass. Drink all the champagne to the bottom. Make a material wish, and the coin will become your money talisman for the whole year.

Happy New Year to you!

Alena Golovina - white sorceress, psychic,site author


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