There is a price to pay in this life. Women's universe of love and beauty

Since childhood, we have been taught that you have to pay for everything. It just doesn't happen. If you behave well - they will show you cartoons, eat semolina - you can go for a walk, clean up your toys - you will get candy, etc. As we grow older, conditions become more demanding.

And so gradually we begin to realize that you have to pay for everything in life. For candy - to say thank you, for ice cream - to pay money, for an evening cartoon - to clean the room. And the favorite phrase of all adults is “You laugh a lot, you will cry.” Perhaps tired parents are annoyed by children's laughter, but this is not a reason to punish them for this.

I agree, there are things for which you need to pay, thank and do something in return. But paying for love, friendship, attention, a smile is not ethical and even immoral.

This contains main mistake in education. Assert that you will be loved, provided that you obey your parents, study well, tidy up your toys, not be friends with bad guys, graduate from the university, in a word, you will justify the expectations of your parents.

Having matured, yesterday's children are sure that you have to pay for everything good in this life. There are both bright and dark periods in life. But the dark periods in our lives are not retribution for all those bright and happy Days. Day always follows night. Difficult situations happen in life, but they make us stronger. If the sun always shines in the sky and there are no clouds, the earth will burn out. So in life, when troubles recede, we begin to appreciate all the good things that we have.

Being sure that everything good must be paid for, we begin to look for the bad in the good.

A man takes care, helps in everything, he is even ready to get an asterisk from the sky. Where " dog rummaged"? Perhaps he is spineless or earns little! Doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, drives healthy lifestyle life - he is terminally ill! Beautifully looks after, makes expensive gifts - a womanizer and a spender!

And a normal woman becomes paranoid, playing detective and having a strong desire to convict her beloved of a lie. And finding no evidence of infidelity, she does not calm down, on the contrary, the man is given a verdict - a homosexual, since his women are not interested.

If you wish, you can always find the dark in the light and devalue the relationship. When a partner fails to convict of anything, then confident in their innocence, they begin to openly provoke - to be rude, rude, make scandals, throw tantrums out of the blue. All this is done with one goal, to relieve tension from their expectations. Someone even goes for treason, and all this is only in order to prove to themselves that the partner is far from ideal, and once again make sure that you have to pay for everything.

Naturally, not a single normal person can withstand such a heat of passion and leave. But blindly trusting, silently forgiving all the mistakes, looking for excuses for all the actions of a partner is also impossible. Nature always strives for balance, which means that we must adhere to the "golden mean". Take it for granted, not everything in life is for sale and not you have to pay for everything.

True things - love, friendship, trust, affection, and so on are given to us for free and everyone has.

I have two sons, but in this case we will talk about the youngest. The elder somehow immediately and without much difficulty arranged his personal life, and the younger went through, as they say, through pain and anguish to happiness.

My son's first girlfriend died with her family in a car accident. It was painful to look at my son, the guy closed up and went into himself, we all tried to help him, but in the end nothing came of it, fortunately he did it himself, sports plus his father’s character and my obstinacy did their job.

And now, a few years after the tragedy, he meets his new love. A girl from a poor family, she was raised by her grandmother, they lived in poverty, the girl is disabled with serious problems with bones (spine and legs), plus she is a terrible allergic person. They began a relationship, the son just flew and glowed with happiness. On his own, he put her on the site of her feet, was going to propose to her, saved up money for a wedding and his own apartment. But not all people pass the test for the strength of feelings and love.

The girl met in a sanatorium (I went there at the insistence of my son, he was very worried about her and her health) with a man and started an affair. At first, everything was harmless only in correspondence, and then it spilled over into real meetings and betrayals. The son found out about everything by accident, computer repair unexpectedly opened the other side of his beloved girlfriend. We went through the nightmare for the second time, which was after the death of the first girl, but this time even worse. The son broke down, began to drink and play tricks, and then completely disappeared.

His girl was crying, sobbing, begging him to forgive and give him a chance, and when he disappeared, she almost killed herself (they saved her). Nothing was heard from my son for several months, we all just went crazy. Then there were several calls from our son to our family and his girlfriend. He said to the girl that he had forgiven, but he would not return back and everything was over between them, but he told us that everything was fine, so as not to worry and not worry. Gradually, my son and I began to communicate, it turned out that he left with a friend for another city and there he started everything from scratch, began to improve his life and recover from everything and get back on his feet.

And now, after almost three years, the son returns home, not alone, with his wife and baby. All this saw him ex girlfriend, and her psyche could not stand it, broke down. The girl withdrew into herself, stopped talking and turned into a vegetable, over time she again began to have problems with old sores on a nervous basis, and everything returned to where it all began. The girl is humanly sorry, but she has no one to blame, she herself destroyed everything, and now she does not live, but suffers. God grant her one more chance for happiness, everyone makes mistakes, we are all human.

”we had a discussion of an interesting question, how does money come to me, which means it’s a freebie, just like that, which means you have to pay for it, pay dearly ...

Is it so? What do you have to pay for? And how?

And it all started with this comment...

in general, it’s understood that it’s important to write ... “so many dollars have been credited to the account” ... it came with an internal protest and a clear thought ... it’s important where and for what this money comes to me ... for some reason I don’t want to just receive money into the account, this triggers the feeling that they will have to pay expensive prices for them ... I choose to receive for my contribution to something creative and worthy, to something beloved and interesting, to something alive and bright ... to something growing and potential ... but in a phrase that I originally wrote “there are so many dollars on the account” there is some kind of energy of expectation of a freebie, manna from heaven ... it in itself is not only a completely detrimental feeling, but it is not my choice to completely and completely rely on it)

I love good comments that make you think. Thanks for them :-)

Therefore, once again essence of the game(you can sign up for the game) - to be fed with a sense of abundance, to allow yourself even the thought that there may be enough money, or more than enough (or just the feeling “I have money” - for someone and this will be a breakthrough), understand why you need money. So, I have an understanding only now, namely a real, tangible understanding of what exactly this money is for. It didn't exist before.

And once again - in every possible way to revive the feeling of positive abundance, namely from the side of money. And then ask yourself - how can I manifest it in real life? What can I do about it? What can I do, create, offer to the world, to the people around? What can I build my abundance out of? What is my value and uniqueness? And to explore this topic, at the same time open up to new possibilities, while at the same time letting go of old restrictions.

Let me give you an example from the course. The girl worked as a sales manager, an ordinary manager who is closer to the seller in Russia. She didn’t complain that her position was somehow not like that, she didn’t work carelessly, but really helped clients find what would suit them. About six months later, one of the clients lured her to work in his design studio, with a higher salary and a completely different position.

And during these 4 years, while she works as an art director, she visited various exhibitions, learned how to work with customers, write articles, and so on and so forth, even managed to win a trip to the Olympic Games.

But I would like to talk about this another time. Because here it is important to overcome stereotyped thinking, old stereotypes and really open up to new things and use opportunities.

So, back to the phrase - you will have to pay dearly for this.

Strange as it may seem, it is true. The law of fair exchange says that there is no freebie, energy must be exchanged, and not taken or given just like that.

It turns out that you have to pay for everything. Everything has a price. But what?

For example, if you want to move to another country, you will have to:

- adapt to new conditions and circumstances, be flexible and open to change.

- accept accept and respect another culture, another way of life. Learn to accept and understand people of a different culture, their mentality, features.

- Speak fluently in a foreign language.

And so on. What is the price of this?

Many have a phrase - you have to pay, you have to pay for everything, there are negative feelings and associations , - that you will have to pay with suffering or perhaps sacrifice something, give up something so that something else comes, or you have to pay with the loss of something, for example, loss of health, punishment or something else (we are a lot of fiction), that you will have to pay with pain and tears, some kind of punishment.

You have to pay for femininity by renouncing activity, activity, etc. You have to pay for spirituality by renouncing the material. For a lot of money, abandoning the family ... The topic is very good parable“Masha and the Universe” (you can search on the Internet, author Yulia Rubleva).

Is it so? Is this price really required?

It turns out that you have to pay, but the price is completely different.

If we want to reach a different level of income, then we also need to get out of our comfort zone, and be flexible, and change our beliefs, our habits, act differently, develop our financial thinking ... work with cash flow in a variety of ways...

If we want change, then they have their own price - at least let go of the old, everything that we want to give up and the willingness to accept the new. Not everyone is ready to do this because of security, stability, fear, etc.

If we want to be a woman, then we also need to “pay”, our own, affordable fee - to understand ourselves, manage our emotions, listen to ourselves and our inner voice, be attractive, joyful, so that we want to communicate with you, and so on and so forth ... to build our own woman's way.

If we want to be happy, then we need to accept this happiness into our lives, understand ourselves, understand which way makes me happy, plunge into the inner state of happiness, and not suffer for it in all possible and impossible ways.

Recently I was told: “you are lucky, now you have a website and everything is on it.” To which I asked, what is luck? And what exactly am I lucky about? It didn't land on my head. I also pay for him, with a lot of work. Even for each article I pay with labor, time, energy. It’s not enough to write it, I can write it in an hour or two, although again here you need to catch a rush of inspiration or scoop it up in something, promote an idea or simply systematize your experience, sit down and describe it ... But you also need to print it, chastise it in such a way that it was clear, perhaps, to remove something, add something, pick up pictures, put them on the site, send them through a mailing service, for which you need to pay (money) ...

And it's all work. And this work also has its own price - time, effort, money, thinking, action, your invested energy, willingness to take risks, willingness to open up and trust, inner work and transformation, mental work, searching for answers to inner questions, etc.

However, not everyone is willing to pay. Many expect to receive it “just like that” (here I am no exception, I also expected that everyone would come and give me just like that, because I am good :-)). Without doing internal work, without working with soul and heart, hands, head, without doing external work - the next step, and then one more, one more ...

It is not necessary to plow, not necessarily a lot, hard, exhausting yourself. No, it is important to leave this paradigm in the past, where it now belongs. But within the power, within the power of everyone. Who has what tasks, dreams - it means that they are able to do everything that is necessary for their implementation. It means that there are all resources, first of all, internal resources, which means that there are skills, abilities, energy, there are desires, there is time, there are some material resources, there are arms and legs and a head on my shoulders, there is a heart prompting “I go there”, there is a voice with which you can declare yourself, express your intention aloud ... Everything is there, the main thing is to use it, apply it to the process of life.

What are you willing to pay to change your financial situation? For fulfilling your dreams? For change? For happiness?

All joy in every day,
Evgenia Medvedeva

“You have to pay for everything in life” - the phrase, although hackneyed, has not lost its relevance and deep essence from this. And we will not be mistaken in raising it to one of the cornerstones on which not only relations among people, but also all living things are based.

General mutual settlement

A child is born, he is looked after, fed, taught, everything is done so that he grows up healthy and adapted to life in society. Parenthood at its finest. It turns out parents with their care for something and someone repay .

The man has made a career. Serving a number from 9 to 18, one could not even dream of high steps in the career ladder. For success paid for with additional courses in the profession, overtime at work, out of the routine series of efforts and even a deal with conscience .

Asking for a small favor from a neighbor, we know in advance that the moment will come when we will have to pay back.

Wherever you look, everywhere and for everything in life you have to pay. And not only in the store for food, clothes and equipment, but taxes for the fiscals, but GENERALLY FOR EVERYTHING! And as you pay, you will receive.

If you want order in your home, pay with cleaning efforts; happy relationship- understanding and compromise; dashing to drive a car - the experience of an accident; prestigious job - disappointment and experienced rudeness at the interview.

Insolence is not the second happiness

Without paying the full measure, we steal. And we rob, rather, not so much of the "sucker" as of ourselves. And this is followed by punishment.

An example is the sea. Here are a couple of them.

Marina decided to intrigue against Zhanna, her rival for the vacant position of the head of the department. And paid off. Thanks to the “advertising”, the director drew attention to Zhanna, who did not even think about a new place, and she became the head of poor Marina. Why "poor", it is clear without words.

Uncle Vasya was immensely delighted, picking up the banknotes that had fallen out of the pocket of a passerby. The next day, his jacket and wallet were stolen from his car. There was a paycheck.

And not necessarily retribution follows immediately and proportionately. Look around, how many people are around, taking everything at once, regardless of others. And how many of them are unfortunate, offended by the whole world and punished by fate ("/unhappy?").

And according to observations, in most cases, harm is done by themselves at the mental level. The same uncle Vasya left his wallet in the car, although he had never done this before. I wonder why?

Why do you have to pay for everything?

Everything in nature strives for balance (“balance. How not to lose a foothold”):

  • water flows where it can stop;
  • the mountain crumbles to the point where the grains of sand have nowhere to fall;
  • animals and people - to blissful doing nothing.

Letting everything take its course, where do you think you will end up? After all, even a sofa - a symbol of idleness - needs to be bought for something.

The more you want out of life, the more you have to pay. And the trick in the form of theft does not work here. Payment - only with your hard-earned money, otherwise - a harsh punishment.

This is where the root of "disinterested" care for children, elderly parents, loved ones and friends. Pure business!

Paid for the yacht too

Well, why do people who “cut down” money dishonestly and sail on luxury yachts in warm regions feel so at ease?

First, let's answer the question: are we too satisfied living on our salary and spending holidays in the resorts of Turkey / on suburban area/ just at home?

For some, our life seems almost like a fairy tale. But only we know whether we live so luxuriously and whether the price paid is commensurate with what we receive.

Now let's transfer our situation to the "happy" oligarchs and draw conclusions.

You have to pay for everything in life. And not necessarily money or service. Most often, sincere gratitude and readiness to return good for good are enough (“Yours and will give the joy of life”).

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