Symptoms, causes and treatment of diathesis in infants. What to do with diathesis in newborns? Wet diathesis in infants how to treat

Diathesis in infants is a problem that parents often face. Many people believe that diathesis is a disease, but in reality, it is a signal that certain organs or systems are not functioning properly.

The characteristic crust on the cheeks, yellowish, red-orange scales on various parts of the baby's body cause concern among the parents. It depends on the correct actions, timely response to the symptoms of diathesis general state child, normalization of metabolism.

Causes of occurrence

Diathesis in infants most often develops under the influence of certain factors. In some situations, the woman is to blame for not following the rules of behavior during pregnancy.

The main reasons for the appearance of diathesis in newborns:

  • the use of foods that provoke allergic reactions. Honey, citrus fruits, strawberries, cow's milk, coffee often lead to the appearance of rashes, crusts, redness on the skin. The danger is posed by allergenic products when carrying a baby, during breastfeeding;
  • difficult course of pregnancy, toxicosis on different timeframes... Incorrect metabolism, an increased amount of enzymes in certain periods provokes a tendency to negative reactions of the body after the birth of the baby;
  • hereditary predisposition. The expectant mother should know that the problem may appear in the child if the woman suffered from diathesis;
  • taking prohibited medications during pregnancy. Sometimes the cause of diathesis in a baby is the uncontrolled use of tablets, medicinal syrups. Some mothers-to-be take approved drugs, but in excess. Vitamins for pregnant women are important, but in the right dosage;
  • harmful effects on the mother and fetus of production factors. Varnishes, paints, pesticides, aggressive chemicals, allergens at an enterprise often cause metabolic problems;
  • poor ecology, polluted soil, air, poor water quality are another external factor. An increased background radiation often causes various disorders in a child, a tendency to pathological conditions;
  • not proper nutrition baby, early feeding. The addition of new products should be carried out from 6 months in agreement with the local pediatrician.


The problem has many manifestations. Some diathesis symptoms are present in any form.

What does diathesis look like? The following signs will help to distinguish the ailment:

  • brown, yellowish crusts on the head;
  • orange-red eruptions on the cheeks, as in urticaria;
  • often the affected areas itch, the baby behaves restlessly, rubs problem areas;
  • damage to the mucous membranes, accompanied by laryngitis, rhinopharyngitis;
  • conjunctivitis often develops;
  • loose stools are noted.

Note! In the absence of treatment, diathesis often turns into a serious illness. Stress, poor nutrition, widespread use household chemicals complicates the nature of the problem. Most often, skin reactions are manifested in children who are bottle-fed.

Diathesis forms

The classification depends on the nature of the manifestations:

  • exudative-catarrhal diathesis. It is this form that is most often found in infants. The skin turns red, weeping, itching appears. The rash covers various parts of the body, and crusts are often visible on the cheeks. Diaper rash, seborrhea, conjunctivitis - characteristic symptoms exudative diathesis;
  • lymphatic-hypoplastic. The problem is revealed when the lymph nodes are enlarged. Other signs are allergies to certain foods, disruption of work endocrine system... Improper metabolism reduces immunity, increases susceptibility to fungal, bacterial infections... The child often sneezes, coughs, nasal congestion is noticeable;
  • neuro-arthritic. This form gives a lot of trouble to parents, causes discomfort in the baby. The reason is the excessive accumulation of lactic acid in the tissues. The child is naughty, becomes extremely excitable, mood changes easily occur. Joints ache, urination is disturbed. Danger - the risk of developing a serious illness at an older age - diabetes mellitus.


Localization of symptoms affects all parts of the body. Most often, manifestations occur in certain areas:

  • in the area of ​​the large fontanelle;
  • on the neck;
  • on the cheeks;
  • in the forehead.

Often they are amazed:

  • inguinal folds;
  • armpits;
  • the area behind the ears;
  • buttocks.

Less often, crusts, bubbles, peeling are noted in other areas:

  • legs;
  • palms.

Rashes, crusts, eczema are both wet and dry. Regardless of the shape, the signs of diathesis make the baby suffer from itching and discomfort. The addition of an infection provokes a deterioration in the general condition.

Treatment methods

If diathesis is not a disease, but a tendency to pathological condition, is it possible that over time the unpleasant symptoms will disappear without special therapy? Unfortunately, until the provoking factors are eliminated, crusts, itching, will bother the baby.

How to treat diathesis in a child's cheeks? The first step to treatment is making an accurate diagnosis. The pediatrician will examine the baby and, if necessary, prescribe tests (additional studies cannot be done with secondary infection).

Note! Therapeutic measures are largely similar, regardless of the symptomatology. It is important to follow the doctor's prescriptions, to comply with all the points of treatment: even one provoking factor will nullify all efforts. Sedative, restorative compounds will remove unpleasant symptoms.

Mom and baby nutrition

  • exclusion of any products that provoke allergies. If the baby has not yet received complementary foods, the mother should be more careful. Remember: any “wrong” product immediately goes into milk, then to the baby. If a woman cannot temporarily limit herself in nutrition, the baby will suffer from unpleasant symptoms for a long time;
  • give up coffee, citrus fruits, honey, eggs, sea fish, chocolate. Do not eat red fruits and vegetables. Strawberries, raspberries, spices, peanuts, garlic, onions, radishes are also prohibited. Wait a bit with strong meat broth, smoked meats, foods with dyes, preservatives. Remember: whole milk in large quantities often causes diathesis in children;
  • for the "artificial" pick up a quality mixture that does not cause negative reactions. Introduce complementary foods only after six months: new products should be absorbed by a small organism. Early complementary feeding often provokes allergic reactions, leads to diathesis;
  • Ensure optimal drinking regime, especially in hot weather. With a lack of fluid in the body, various failures occur more often. Give the baby boiled water, herbal tea (only after consulting a pediatrician).

Skin treatment

Local treatment is an essential element of therapy. Pharmaceutical formulations and medicinal herbs are suitable for relieving itching, relieving inflammation.

  • baths with a string, chamomile, calendula. Prepare a decoction from one type of medicinal raw material (2 cups of boiling water, 2 tablespoons of herbs) or prepare a collection (1 tablespoon of each type of raw material, a liter of boiling water). Insist the remedy for 30-40 minutes, filter it a couple of times, pour it into the bath. The herbal decoction has a softening, anti-inflammatory, noticeable antiseptic effect;
  • decoction lotions medicinal herbs... The same plants are suitable as for medicinal baths. The cooking method is the same. Cool the infused composition to room temperature. Wet the gauze, gently apply to the affected area for a minute or two. Treat all problem areas. In case of severe irritation, discard the gauze, moisten the crusts, wet areas with your fingers;
  • moisturize dry crusts with special formulations designed for delicate skin. Hypoallergenic oil, baby cream with a moisturizing effect will help.

A few more tips:

  • for the treatment of itchy areas, the doctor will prescribe a special ointment for diathesis in infants. With a mild and moderate form, non-hormonal ointments are enough: Diphenhydramine-zinc paste, Fenistil-gel (both drugs for children from 6 months and older), Epidel ointment (from 3 months);
  • if the case is severe, hormonal ointments are recommended: Celestoderm, Elokom, Advant. Not all formulations are allowed for newborns, the duration of use is no more than a week;
  • never tear off dried crusts: you can easily introduce an infection into the resulting wounds and cracks. Treat the opened bubbles with the formulations prescribed by the doctor. It is forbidden to scratch the upper film of the bubbles.

The problem does not disappear in a week: the cheeks remain flaky for a long time, reddened, covered with small scales. Sometimes the skin coarsens, becomes rough in other parts of the body. The sooner the action ends harmful factor, the easier it is to restore health to the baby, and to the skin - cleanliness and smoothness.

Prevention measures

The prerequisites for the development of diathesis are often laid even in the womb. During pregnancy, a woman must follow certain nutritional rules, monitor the intake of medications. There are also nuances to keep in mind during breastfeeding.

Helpful hints:

  • the expectant mother should limit the consumption of foods - potential allergens. Citrus fruits, chocolate, nuts, honey are dangerous. Eat limited quantities of cow's milk, red vegetables, fruits, berries. If you are prone to allergies, find yourself from these products altogether;
  • after the birth of a baby, "dangerous" meals / products are also prohibited. Through breast milk, irritating substances instantly enter the tiny body, provoke disruptions in metabolic processes;
  • during pregnancy, take only approved medicines, Do not get carried away with vitamins: an excessive amount of biologically active substances can harm a growing body;
  • when caring for babies, give up the use of perfumes, deodorants. Refuse household chemicals with aggressive components: replace the formulations with non-toxic ones. Buy powder only marked "for baby clothes" without harmful phosphates;
  • strengthen the immunity of the crumbs from the first months of life. Air baths, early swimming, walks in the fresh air, massage increase the resistance of a small organism.

Now you know the main symptoms and signs of diathesis in infants. Learn preventive measures, remember what to do if a rash appears on the cheeks, crown, and other parts of the baby's body. With good care, strict adherence to the recommendations, the risk of complications will be minimal.

More details about diathesis in infants in the following video:

Diathesis is a type of allergy. Characteristic feature the disease is considered a specific localization of the inflammatory process. Symptoms of an allergic reaction are concentrated on the skin of the child's cheeks.

Diathesis on the cheeks has its own reasons for the appearance, methods of treatment and certain risks of complications. Disease it is imperative to treat in a timely manner after consulting a dermatologist. We will talk about methods of treating diathesis on the cheeks of a child in the article.

Concept and characteristics

Diathesis in a child's cheeks - photo:

Diathesis is a type of dermatitis and is of an allergic nature. The risk group for the disease includes infants during the first feeding period, but in the older childhood pathology is also not uncommon.

Diathesis on the cheeks is due to the specific reaction of the child's body to a specific irritant or allergen. The danger of this disease lies in the likelihood of acquiring its chronic form.

Types of diathesis on the cheeks in children:

  • an allergic form (develops against the background of a weakening of the intestinal performance);
  • (an allergic reaction is associated with the child's nervous system);
  • (provoke a disease of deviations of the endocrine system and some pathologies of the heart).

Causes of occurrence

Factors provoking diathesis in children different ages differ. In infants, an allergic reaction may occur due to improper feeding combined with weakness digestive system or immunity.

In this age category the disease is a common companion of changes in the baby's diet. In older children, diathesis can be provoked not only some food but also external factors.

The reasons diathesis can be the following factors:

  • the child's tendency to frequent infectious diseases;
  • violation of the rules for the first feeding of the baby;
  • critical weakening of the protective functions of the body;
  • long-term or uncontrolled intake of certain medications;
  • congenital allergy tendency;
  • incorrect selection of material for bed linen or clothing;
  • violation of sanitary standards;
  • prolonged stay of the child in conditions of increased dry air;
  • improper nutrition of the mother while breastfeeding the baby;
  • hereditary predisposition.

The most common cause of diathesis is overuse some foods or their introduction too early in complementary foods.

These allergens include cereals, whole foods, citrus fruits, seafood, chocolate and others, peanuts, and different kinds conservation.

Children's digestive system not ready to digest certain types of food, and the immune system recognizes them as a potential hazard.

Symptoms and Signs

The main symptom of diathesis is the appearance on the child's cheeks of characteristic red inflammations, which give the baby discomfort in the form itching and burning.

An allergic reaction can cause swelling of the skin.

When scratching, the rashes burst, and the itching is complemented by the strongest painful sensations.

The symptomatology of diathesis is always pronounced and never goes unnoticed.

Symptoms diathesis on the cheeks are the following manifestations:

  1. Characteristic bubbles with liquid contents form on the baby's skin.
  2. Rashes cause the child's irritability and aggressiveness.
  3. Itching disturbs the baby's sleep and gives him constant discomfort.
  4. Sore throat and cough.
  5. The top layer of the epidermis can resemble diaper rash.
  6. The skin gradually begins to peel off.
  7. The appearance of blisters is accompanied by itching.

Complications and consequences

With timely treatment, diathesis does not pose a threat to the health or life of the child. However, in some cases, there is a risk of serious complications.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude scratching of the blisters. Through open wounds into the blood pathogenic microorganisms can enter. Infection can cause suppuration in the inflamed areas of the skin.

Complications diathesis the following conditions can become:

  • pinpoint scars (in case of scratching blisters);
  • blood poisoning (if the infection gets into the wounds);
  • psoriasis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • chronic form of diathesis.


The main purpose of diagnosing cheek diathesis in children is determination of the factor, which provoked this condition.

A general and biochemical analysis blood and urine.

Allergen is detected by the method special laboratory samples... Additionally, you may need to consult an endocrinologist, immunologist, neurologist, rheumatologist and homeopath. A pediatrician can recognize a diathesis based on a visual examination of the baby.


What to do? How and how to cure diathesis on the cheeks of a baby? The course of treatment for diathesis is limited to one week. From the sensation of itching and burning, it is possible to get rid of about the third day of therapy.

Getting rid of the disease carried out comprehensively and includes not only the use of special drugs, but also adherence to the diet, the use of some recipes traditional medicine and careful monitoring of the baby's contact with potential allergens.

When treating diathesis, the following options are used medicines:

  1. How to smear? Ointments and creams against diathesis (Sudocrem, Advantan, Bepanten, Zinc and Tar ointments).
  2. Antihistamines (Fenistil, Fenkarol).
  3. Preparations with a sedative effect (Valerian, Sodium bromide).
  4. Means for eliminating intestinal dysbiosis (Enterofuril, Enterosgel).
  5. Immunomodulatory agents (Ribomunil, Interferon).
  6. Means for the prevention of deviations of the digestive system (Linex, Bifidumbacterin).


With diathesis on the cheeks of a child, a special diet must be observed not only for the baby, but also for his mother (in the case of breastfeeding).

Diagnosis of the disease implies mandatory identification of the allergen, therefore, excluding it from the diet is not labor-intensive.

The following types of food are excluded from the mother's diet when breastfeeding the baby:

  • all types of preserves and marinades;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • coffee and strong tea;
  • confectionery;
  • vegetables and that can exacerbate allergies;
  • fatty meats;
  • seafood;
  • all types of sausages and smoked meats;
  • products containing dyes.

The diet for a child is based on similar principles.

Are excluded from the diet beekeeping products, fatty meats and fish, allergenic vegetables and fruits, wheat and manna cereals, dairy products, sweets and any confectionery, citrus fruits and other ingredients that have the ability to provoke an allergic reaction.

Folk remedies and herbal medicine

Recipes alternative medicine are not used as the main treatment for cheek diathesis, but are a good adjunct to therapy. Some folk remedies accelerate the healing process of the skin and eliminate itching.

These herbs are used externally to treat the skin of the cheeks or taken internally as a remedy. increase immunity.

Examples of folk remedies:


Diathesis is not one of the diseases that can cause significant harm to the health of a child. This condition is not a separate type of disease, but specific reaction of the child's body to certain stimuli.

Negative consequences are excluded only with the correct approach to the treatment of the disease. Forecasts directly depend on the quality and timeliness of the medical care provided.

Forecasts with diathesis on the cheeks:

  • high-quality therapy eliminates the chronic form of allergies and reduces the risk of complications;
  • the lack of treatment or the wrong selection of therapies is a guarantee of negative consequences (from the formation of scars to the development of skin diseases).


To prevent the development of diathesis on the cheeks of a child, you can follow several rules. Important role plays the control of the diet in the first months of the life of the baby and the nursing mother.

If you give the child the same food for a long time, then the risk of diathesis will increase.

Special attention should be paid to child hygiene and ensuring sanitary conditions his stay.

Preventive measures to prevent cheek diathesis are as follows recommendations:

  • the nursery should be regularly ventilated (especially before bedtime);
  • complementary foods should be introduced in a timely manner and with careful food control;
  • strengthening immune system the child is carried out in a complex manner (gentle hardening, vitamin complexes, adjusting the diet);
  • in the first months of life, only hypoallergenic food should be present in the child's diet;
  • per skin the child must be looked after from the first days of life (funds are selected from the line of products for newborns, infants and older children);
  • exclusion of overfeeding of the child or prolonged fasting;
  • it is necessary to wash children's bedding and clothes only with special hypoallergenic agents.

With improper or untimely treatment of diathesis on the cheeks the risk of complications increases... Thanks to correct therapy you can permanently get rid of the child's tendency to allergies.

Otherwise, in adulthood, not only the characteristic symptoms will appear, but concomitant diseases will also arise (for example, atopic dermatitis or a tendency to skin diseases).

Doctor Komarovsky about diathesis in children in this video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!

L20-L30 Dermatitis and eczema

Foods that cause diathesis in infants

There are a number of potentially allergenic foods that can trigger an inappropriate response in a child's body. Such products should be introduced into the menu of a nursing mother gradually, carefully observing the baby's reaction. Some mothers refuse such foods altogether, until breastfeeding ends.

Perhaps the most common allergenic foods are citrus fruits. Often it is enough to eat just one slice of orange or lemon for the baby to develop skin rashes.

Berries can also be placed in the same row with citrus fruits: strawberries, blackberries, wild strawberries. Also, other plant products of red and orange color have a similar effect - these can be apricots, peaches, cherries, watermelons and even tomatoes.

In addition to vegetables and fruits, reddening of the cheeks can also be caused by whole milk, including in milk formulas. In this case, diathesis is triggered by the action of milk sugars and milk protein. To avoid difficulties, it is necessary to give up the use of milk (fermented milk products are sometimes allowed) and carefully study the composition of baby cereals and milk-based mixtures.

Nuts, especially peanuts, are another strong allergen. Therefore, peanuts, peanut butter or butter are considered undesirable during lactation. As for other types of nuts, they should be introduced into the diet gradually, observing the state of the child's health.

Sausages, fish, caviar, bee products, carbonated and reconstituted drinks, eggs, animal fats are all considered potentially allergenic. Any of them must be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother carefully and separately, and even more so if you are going to use them as complementary foods for your baby.

Pathogenesis and causes of diathesis

The development of diathesis is largely due to the peculiarities and imperfections of the enzyme and immune systems of the child's body. In addition, mucous membranes digestive tract have increased permeability in babies.

An important point in the mechanism of the appearance of pathology is a hereditary predisposition. For example, the presence of an allergic reaction in one of the parents to something can serve as a factor in the development of a propensity to allergies in the child.

Skin and mucous membranes infant after birth, they are still extremely untenable, neuroendocrine and metabolic processes are imperfect - the child is not yet ready to assimilate food unknown to him.

In addition to the listed factors, the condition of the child is also important. nervous system, since diathesis can be a kind of reaction of its central and vegetative departments. Often, the development of pathology is provoked by under-oxidized metabolic products, a deficiency or excess of hormones of the adrenal glands and other glands.

In general, the causes of diathesis in infants can be listed as the following list:

  • excessive consumption of allergenic foods by the expectant mother during pregnancy;
  • a tendency to allergies in one of the parents;
  • weakness of digestion in a child;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • unfavorable ecological situation;
  • overfeeding the baby;
  • too pre-introduced complementary foods;
  • incorrectly selected complementary food ingredients.

Symptoms of diathesis in infants

The first signs of the manifestation of pathology are frequent and persistent diaper rash, red spots on the skin, moist yellow crusts on the surface of the head.

Diaper rash is considered a characteristic sign of diathesis. They occur in the groin, armpits, behind the ears. It is quite difficult to get rid of them.

There is also redness and irritation on the face, head, back (especially in the lower part), on the limbs. In the area of ​​hair growth on the head, you can find yellow or brownish crusts.

The child himself may be pale, even pasty. In children prone to diathetic manifestations, body weight increases unevenly, it is easily lost during colds and intestinal disorders. By the way, loose and frequent stools (greenish) and abdominal pain can also be symptoms of the body's allergic mood.

The rash can cause itching, scratching and sometimes secondary infection.

If the mucous membranes are prone to allergies, stomatitis may develop (an inflammatory process in oral cavity), conjunctivitis or blepharitis, allergic rhinitis, bronchitis (often asthmatic). The listed diseases have a severe course, with changes in urine analysis and impaired bowel function.

Now let's look at some of the typical symptoms of diathesis in more detail.

  • Diathesis in a baby on the face is the most frequent manifestation of pathology. Redness and peeling can be found on the cheeks, temples, chin, nose bridge - at first in the form of small pimples, and after a while - in the form of a yellowish crust, which often causes itching and discomfort in the child.
  • Diathesis on the cheeks of a baby on its own almost never goes away. It exists until the product that caused the allergy is excluded from the diet, or until special drugs are prescribed to eliminate the allergic mood of the body. The cheeks remain reddened for a long time, later they become covered with rough scales, which over time can appear on other parts of the child's body.
  • Dry diathesis in infants is a concept that characterizes a rash on the body of a child. It means the presence of dry, difficult to separate crusts and scales on the surface of the skin, without increased moisture at their base.

By the way, dry diathesis in infants happens much less often than weeping, but requires no less attention from parents and doctors. Such skin must be additionally moisturized with special creams and decoctions.

  • Diathesis on the bottom of a baby is more reminiscent of the well-known diaper rash, to which an infection can easily join. Infectious infection is manifested by pustules and sores.
  • Diathesis in infants on the legs is less common than on the head or buttocks. It can run both wet and dry. Moreover, the course of pathology can change its type both in one direction and in the other direction.
  • Exudative diathesis in infants is also called infant urticaria, or weeping diathesis. The condition is accompanied by persistent persistent diaper rash, regardless of whether the child's hygiene rules are followed. A so-called milk crust appears on the hair growth zone - this is seborrhea. Sebaceous glands children work in an enhanced mode, especially at the large fontanelle and on the baby's forehead. Later, seborrhea spreads to the cheeks, which begin to redden and peel off. Over time, eczema occurs at the site of peeling (both weeping and dry), and severe itching does not leave the child. Long-term weeping diathesis in infants leads not only to redness, but also to thickening of the skin at the site of the lesion. They are completely covered with bubbles with liquid contents, which subsequently open up and grow into small wounds covered with crusts.
  • Allergic diathesis in infants can manifest itself both in the form of dry and in the form of wet eczema. In all cases, the rash does not respond well to standard treatment and is prone to recurrent exacerbations. Diaper rash can most often be found in the groin, behind the ears of the child, in the armpits, on the neck. Such diaper rash is very persistent and often does not respond to treatment.
  • Diathesis on the forehead in infants proceeds with a pronounced decrease in immunity, a tendency to infection of the affected skin and mucous membranes, an increase in skin sensitivity, and prolonged inflammatory processes. This state is frequent symptom, which tends to appear almost immediately after the birth of the child.
  • Diathesis behind the ears of a baby may not be noticed immediately, since the signs are localized in the folds behind the ears, which at first glance are not striking. It is noteworthy that the baby often cries and scratches his ears. Upon closer examination, a yellowish crust is found, which in no case should be torn off, but should be carefully combed out after bathing, having previously treated with baby cream or emollient hypoallergenic oil.
  • Diathesis on the arms of a baby can appear in the skin folds, under the arms, on the palms. Sometimes the only manifestation of this type of hypersensitivity is excessive dryness of the palmar surfaces of the baby's hands. This symptom may be accompanied by dry feet, with the subsequent development of peeling. In addition to looking for the allergen that triggered this condition, such areas need to be moisturized with special procedures and moisturizers for baby use.

Consequences and complications of diathesis

In early childhood, as well as in older children, a secondary infection of the affected skin often develops, which is provoked by bacteria or viruses. In infected surfaces, pathogens such as staphylococci and β-hemolytic streptococci are most often found.

Herpes simplex and eczema can cause great discomfort to children with diathesis.

A child with this diagnosis may have an inadequate response to smallpox vaccination, which must be taken into account when conducting a routine vaccination.

In some infants with a catarrhal form of diathesis, keratoconus may occur, provoked by prolonged irritation of the eyelids.

How long does diathesis go through in infants? By far the best scenario is the detection of the true allergen, its elimination and a speedy recovery of the child.

In all other cases, diathesis is characterized by a weakening of symptoms in the period from 3 to five years. In some children, small manifestations of eczematous rashes can still be present for some time on the bends of the elbows, under the knees, on the palms, behind the ears, as well as in the face and neck area. However, with age, there is a tendency for the affected skin to dry out and thicken.

Why is diathesis in babies dangerous?

Diathesis in infancy can proceed in different ways: signs can reveal themselves with skin problems, changes in the lymph nodes or glands, nervous disorders... Depending on the manifestations, diathesis is divided into the following types:

  • The lympho-hypoplastic type is characterized by a pronounced increase in the lymph nodes and thymus gland, as well as a decrease in adrenal function. The child often suffers from colds and infectious diseases, allergic reactions. This type of diathesis often occurs in children whose mothers have had complex infectious diseases during gestation.
  • The neuro-arthritic type is accompanied by the development of arthritis, gout, disorder metabolic processes... This condition is considered a hereditary variant of diathesis.
  • Catarrhal-exudative type proceeds against the background of a decrease immune defense, propensity to infectious diseases, skin hypersensitivity, protracted inflammatory processes. It is more common than other types.

Complicated types of diathesis, which we have listed, require immediate treatment. If this condition is started, then very undesirable consequences can develop in the form of dermatitis, neurodermatitis or psoriatic eruptions.

Diagnosis of diathesis in infants

If present characteristic signs diathesis, then the diagnosis of the disease, as a rule, does not cause difficulties.

Careful assessment of the history - hereditary cases of bronchial asthma, allergic dermatitis, hay fever, malnutrition of a pregnant lactating woman - immediately suggest the possible development of diathesis.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe tests:

  • elevated plasma IgE levels;
  • reaginic antibodies to some food products or to chemicals;
  • KLA - eosinophilia;
  • analysis of feces for dysbiosis and worm eggs.

Instrumental diagnostics of hypersensitivity of the child's body is used extremely rarely.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with seborrheic dermatitis, scabies, the primary form of dermatitis, allergic form contact dermatitis, eczema, ichthyosis, phenylketonuria, acrodermatitis.

Treatment of diathesis in infants

After detecting diathesis in the baby, treatment should be started immediately, and it is necessary to begin with a thorough assessment of the nutrition of the child and the nursing mother, observing the rules of hygiene, both for the child and for all family members, as well as with general cleaning of the room.

The correct nutrition is established for the child. If necessary, traditional medicine and medicines are connected (as prescribed by the doctor).

You should not self-medicate: each baby should receive individual advice and a treatment regimen. Therefore, you should not neglect the help of a medical specialist - a professional view of the child's condition in this case is required.

A sick baby must be protected from possible stress, stress, excessive contact with strangers. It is necessary to strictly observe the regime of the day and feeding, to provide the child with constant access to fresh air. The mother needs to keep a food diary, where everything that goes into children's organism, including with breast milk.

Diet for diathesis in infants should be revised according to the age of the baby. If the child is already injected with complementary foods, then you should pay attention to its ingredients. For children who are gaining too much or too fast weight, you can limit sugary supplements, both in the form of simple sugar and in the form of sweet fruits. Exclude semolina and flour dishes. Vegetables and other plant foods are left, as it is extremely necessary for the general alkalinization of the body (acidosis - acidification - of the blood is characteristic of diathesis). Significantly reduce the daily salt and water intake. Often, doctors additionally prescribe potassium-containing agents, as well as the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil to food.

Children under 1 year old should be fed predominantly breast milk... Complementary foods should be introduced carefully, under the supervision of a pediatrician, according to the generally accepted technique and scheme for adding complementary foods. If the child is fed mixed, then you will have to limit the use of fresh milk: the porridge should be cooked in water or a decoction of vegetables.

The addition of fermented milk products (kefir, acidophilus, yogurt) to the child's diet is encouraged. Potential allergens must be completely eliminated, including dry (as well as canned) mixtures.

The diet of a mother with diathesis in a baby provides for the exclusion of generally recognized trophalergens: oranges, lemons, tangerines, chocolate, strawberries, as well as canned, smoked products, animal fats, spices, whole milk. If the child has complications in the form of eczema or neurodermatitis, then the mother's diet becomes much stricter.

Medicines are prescribed only by a pediatrician and only in extreme cases.

  • Ensuring hyposensitization of the child's body is one of the primary tasks in the treatment of the allergic mood of the immune system. The course of treatment is carried out for at least one month. Appointed antihistamines in combination with calcium-containing agents, vitamin P and C. If the child's condition is acute, then the course can be repeated - monthly for 10 days with a further twenty-day interval.
  • The acute period of diathesis can be mitigated by the use of Ketotifen, an antihistamine and membrane stabilizing drug. Its dosage is calculated as 0.025 mg per kg / day, twice a day, half an hour before meals. A similar (similar) drug Zaditen inhibits the production of mediators of an allergic reaction.
  • Diathesis may be an indication for the appointment of anticoagulant (blood thinning) drugs, for example, Curantil or Trental.
  • The appointment of vitamins and their complexes is used to stabilize metabolism, reduce acidity in the body and activate the immune system. As we said above, vitamins C and P are prescribed for a fairly long period (at least a month). In the dry form of diathesis, the effect is observed after 20 days of therapy with Retinol (c. A), which is advised to combine with Pangamic acid (c. B15) and sulfur preparations. Complexes of vitamins gr. B is taken orally in the form of independent courses for 15-30 days.

It should not be forgotten that a child may develop an allergy to vitamin preparations, therefore, the intake of such drugs must be monitored.

  • Sedative treatment in the acute period may include the use of valerian infusion (a glass of boiling water for 2 g of raw materials, 1 tsp each), Trioxazine (¼ tab. Up to 4 times a day), small amounts of barbiturates (Phenobarbital, Elenium ). Taking these medications reduces itching and improves sleep. All drugs are prescribed only by a doctor.
  • Preparations for the normalization of bowel function are one of the important components of treatment. Often for this purpose, sorbent preparations are prescribed, which eliminate or reduce the effect of toxins and allergens on the body, reducing their absorption and removing them from the digestive tract. Enterosgel with diathesis in infants is prescribed in the intervals between feedings. The daily dosage is divided into three doses - usually it is one teaspoon of paste (for children under 1 year old). Thus, the child is given 1/3 tsp. three times a day. For ease of use, you can add a little water to the medicine, up to about 1 tsp. If the baby is not yet able to take the medicine from the spoon, then the diluted medicine is drawn into a syringe (without a needle) and offered to the child. Medical reception enterosgel usually lasts from 1 to 2 weeks.

Ointment for diathesis in infants usually prescribed by a pediatrician or pediatric allergist. On acute stage, accompanied by dry peeling, use baths with tannin, infusion of oak bark, potassium permanganate (weak solution - about 0.3 g per 10 l), decoction of chamomile, string, as well as starch. When stopping the acute phase, you can use talc, white clay, diphenhydramine-zinc ointment, intal with lanolin, etc.

  • Gel Fenistil with diathesis in infants can be used from one month of age, and in premature babies - a little later, at the discretion of the doctor. The drug is applied to limited areas of the skin, at least 2 and no more than 4 times a day. After applying the gel, the child is not recommended to be in the sun.
  • Bepanten ointment with diathesis in infants can be used even in the hospital. The drug is absolutely safe for both the baby and the nursing mother - it is made on the basis of dexpanthenol (provitamin B5). It perfectly restores tissues, relieves inflammation, and moisturizes. Often, ointment is prescribed both as a treatment and for prevention. Please note that it is better to use ointment for babies: Bepanten cream is suitable for older children. The drug is used daily at least 2 times a day.
  • Medicinal drug Sudokrem with diathesis in infants has an anti-inflammatory, astringent, adsorbent and antifungal effect. It can be used for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. This cream is hypoallergenic, it soothes the skin well, relieves itching and inflammation. Sudokrem is evenly distributed over the affected skin surface, from 4 to six times a day. The product is approved for use from the moment the child is born. The active ingredients are lanolin, benzyl alcohol, benzyl benzoate and cinnamate.

There is another method of treating diathesis, which still causes controversy among specialists about its appropriateness and effectiveness - this is homeopathy... Nowadays, you will not surprise anyone with homeopathic medicines - they are widely used for the treatment of both adults and children, including infants. All this is due to the fact that such funds are considered practically harmless: natural ingredients, safe dosage, lack of side effects... Nevertheless, despite the harmlessness, it is highly discouraged to self-medicate. A specialist consultation should be mandatory.

Products for children are available in various dosage forms- it can be creams, tinctures, granules, etc. Special homeopathic preparations are also produced that eliminate skin diseases in a child, including diathesis, eczema, urticaria. Most often, the homeopathic preparation Rus Toxicodendron is used to eliminate itching and inflammation of the skin. The dosage of this agent is strictly individual and must be signed by the doctor for the entire course of treatment. Before use, you should carefully read the instructions for the drug.

Other therapeutic techniques, including surgical treatment, are not used for diathesis.

Alternative treatment of diathesis

  • The use of chicken egg shells is very popular in diathesis. Before using the boiled egg, be sure to wash it well, peel and dry the shell for three days in a warm, well-ventilated area. After drying, the shell must be crushed to a powdery state and given to the baby 2 r. a day for 1 tsp. The powder can be mixed with complementary foods or liquid. The duration of treatment is up to 3 months. This recipe eliminates the signs of diathesis, thanks to the calcium in the shell.
  • The sequence with diathesis in infants usually goes well with chamomile. These herbs are used for baths - the strained infusion of herbs is added to the bathing water, which perfectly eliminates itching and inflammatory processes in the skin. To prepare the infusion, use 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials of a string and chamomile color per 1 liter of water.
  • Fir oil ointment is another effective remedy for the treatment of children. Usually, the oil is mixed with any baby cream in a 1: 3 ratio. The skin must be lubricated twice a day - in the morning and at night.
  • Dandelion rhizomes are also used quite successfully. At 1 st. l. rhizomes take 200 ml of boiling water. The medicine should be insisted warm under the lid for about 2 hours, then filtered and added to the child's food or drinks for 1 tsp. three times a day. You can use burdock root in the same way.
  • Often, bay leaves are also used for diathesis in infants - this is an excellent tool for cleansing the skin, restoring local immunity and suppressing an allergic reaction. For treatment, you need to boil 100 g of a leaf in 1000 ml of water over low heat. Next, you should insist the broth for 30 minutes and add it to a bath of water. Bathe the child (preferably at night). There is no need to rinse your body after bathing: just pat your skin dry with a soft towel. The course of treatment is until the baby is fully recovered.
  • Celandine with diathesis in infants should be used carefully, carefully monitoring so that the infusion does not enter the child's digestive system. When applied externally, the plant has a pronounced bactericidal and soothing effect, eliminates inflammation, pain and itching. The bath is prepared at the rate of 0.25-0.5 g of dry raw materials per 100 ml of boiling water. This proportion can be used both for baths and for compresses or lotions. After 2-3 days, the itching decreases, and the child calms down.

Herbal treatments should always be done with the approval of a pediatrician. You should not experiment on a child and use little-known and untested recipes. If you have any doubts, it is better to consult a specialist.

Prevention of diathesis

All the food that the expectant mother eats plays a huge role in the development of diathesis in the child in the future. The diet of a pregnant woman should consist of low-allergenic foods (for example, with the exception of oranges and tangerines). Of course, you do not need to completely exclude citrus fruits from the diet - you can add a slice of lemon to your tea, or eat half an orange. However, you should not overeat and eat too much of these foods. The fact is that some allergens have the ability to accumulate in a woman's body, which after the birth of a child may well manifest itself as a diathesis.

It is desirable that the diet of the expectant mother contains a minimum amount simple carbohydrates(sugar, muffins, sweets and cakes), and the maximum amount useful products(vegetables, cereals, kefir, cottage cheese, fish).

When breastfeeding, a woman's diet is also very important. Meals should consist of well-processed, non-allergenic foods that do not contain preservatives, dyes, stabilizers or other chemical additives. Eating food should be in moderation, with plenty of fluids.

In general, there is no specific diet for the prevention of allergic tendencies in the child's body. Parents must independently control which dishes cause rashes in the baby and exclude them from the diet.

Forecast, subject to all medical advice and rational competent nutrition, quite favorable. However, it must be borne in mind that if you ignore the above rules, diathesis can transform into a more severe and complex form - it can be food allergy, bronchial asthma, eczema, etc.

Recall that diathesis in infants is not a disease, but a kind of borderline state, a predisposition to the development of pathologies. This condition can be stopped in time and the occurrence of many diseases associated with age imperfections and the baby's adaptation to external conditions can be prevented. Diathesis lends itself well to prevention and much more difficult to treat, therefore, the child's health almost entirely depends on what kind of diet and lifestyle his parents lead, as well as on the conditions in which the baby is.

ICD code 10

Allergic, or atopic, diathesis:

  • L 20 - atopic dermatitis;
  • L 20 - L 30 - dermatitis and eczema.

Almost every parent at least once in his life was worried about how long the symptoms of diathesis in infants go away. After how many days should the child's discomfort disappear? And what should parents do in case of persistent diathesis that does not disappear for two or more months?

What determines the duration of the course of diathesis?

Diathesis is not a specific disease, but a hereditary predisposition of a person to diseases of a different nature. More than 70% of cases are associated with a response to exposure to an allergen, and 20% of children subsequently suffer from allergies.

An ailment such as diathesis in a newborn is temporary, however, if the parents do not follow the instructions of the attending physician and the constant influence of provoking factors on the child's body, the disease can last for a long time.

If the diathesis lasts 1-2 months, and the number of rashes does not decrease, you need to think about possible reasons such a vivid manifestation of the disease.

How to speed up your recovery?

There are many reasons, without the elimination of which a complete cure for diathesis is impossible. These include self-cancellation by parents appointed by a pediatrician or allergist drugs... It can be such drugs:

  1. External remedies. These include pharmaceuticals, homemade cream.
  2. Means for internal use. It can be antiallergic drops, syrups.
  3. Healing baths with useful herbs(chamomile, plantain).

Medicines are prescribed by a doctor in order to quickly eliminate discomfort in children, such as pain and itching. Unpleasant manifestations can contribute to a deterioration in the well-being of babies, the appearance of insomnia.

For reference! Localized rashes in most cases on the cheeks, priest and back of the baby.

The presence of an allergen in food or the environment

The presence of an allergen that causes a response in the baby, parents are obliged to identify and eliminate as soon as possible. Without this measure, all prescribed treatment will be ineffective.

Important! If mom is practicing breast-feeding, then she is required to follow a special diet, which the doctor will help to choose. If the child eats artificial mixtures, special attention should be paid to the choice of high-quality hypoallergenic products.

The consumption of food in large quantities by a nursing woman can contribute to the development of diathesis.

The most common allergens are:

  1. Food allergens in mom's diet (citrus fruits, chocolate).
  2. Eating a baby up to a year old whole cow's milk, puree from vegetables, fruits of bright color.
  3. Household allergens (aerosols, dust particles).
  4. Animal wool.
  5. Cosmetic care products (soap, dusting powder).
  6. Substandard toys for children.
  7. Tobacco smoke.

You also need to carefully select a detergent for washing baby clothes, and it is better to use simple laundry soap.

Nuance! All the symptoms of diathesis are transient, and with the elimination of provocative factors, the symptoms of pathology disappear without a trace.

Baby hygiene

Insufficient care of the child's skin is fraught with the development and progression of diathesis on the cheeks and body of the child. If the diathesis does not go away for several weeks with diet and medication, this is a reason to think about proper hygiene for the baby.

The basics of baby care include several of the following rules:

  1. Bathing your baby should be a daily routine. It is recommended to periodically bathe the baby in a decoction of medicinal herbs.
  2. The water temperature varies from 36.50C to 370C. The duration of the procedure is approximately 10-20 minutes.
  3. It is best to wipe the baby's natural folds with boiled chilled vegetable oil.
  4. If possible, do not abuse cosmetics (powders, gels).

A common cause of diathesis is the constant wearing of diapers.

They often have a specific chemical odor. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer uses various dyes, which can also cause rashes on the child's body.

Advice! It is better to choose diapers without aromatic fragrances, chamomile oils and other additives.

Cleanliness in the children's room

If the diathesis on the baby's cheeks does not pass for the second month or more, perhaps the reasons lie in the cleanliness of the children's room. The room where the child spends more time must meet the following requirements:

  1. Should be absent a large number of books and soft toys. These items collect a lot of dust.
  2. The use of feather pillows is prohibited. Bird feathers are also considered a strong allergen.
  3. Regular airing of the room is obligatory; it is recommended to do this several times a day.
  4. It is advisable not to let pets into the room.

What else can influence the course of diathesis?

In addition to external factors there are also internal reasons that can prolong the course of diathesis and determine how pronounced its symptoms will be. These include:

  • the body's genetic predisposition to allergies;
  • localization of rashes;
  • high stress levels;
  • weak and thin walls of blood vessels;
  • weakened immunity of the child.

It is rather difficult to predict any consequences of diathesis, all cases are individual. In one case, a complete cure is possible, in another, prolonged diathesis can smoothly flow into many other diseases, for example, eczema, bronchial asthma... In order for the signs of diathesis to pass faster, it is extremely important to start therapy on time, which should be regular.

Diathesis in newborns and children infancy v modern world is already considered the norm. In practice, in 75% of babies falling into this category, this condition manifests itself before the age of 1 year.

Reasons for the appearance

The unavailability of the digestive system is the main cause of diathesis in newborns and infants.

In the vast majority, it is caused by a foreign food protein that has entered the child's body. In a baby, the exocrine parts of the gastrointestinal tract do not yet produce sufficient digestive enzymes, the liver does not perform a barrier function, and the intestinal wall has increased permeability, which is why the body reacts abnormally.

Enzymes of the antigen, entering the systemic circulation, become an allergen for the immune system. Especially clinical manifestations diathesis to a fairly obvious extent manifests itself during the period of the introduction of complementary foods.

At this time, the load on the digestive system increases significantly. Basically, this type of diathesis (exudative-catarrhal) occurs in children upon reaching the age of 6-7 years, since the digestive tract organs already normally cope with the digestion of all food components.

In addition, it can manifest itself due to genetic predisposition or complications during pregnancy, the dietary habits of the expectant mother can also affect its occurrence.

Children whose mothers are at risk:

  • received pharmacological loads on the body during pregnancy;
  • suffered infections while carrying a child;
  • had complications of the perinatal period and infections in the newborn.

The above factors can affect the occurrence of diathesis in a newborn. This means that they must be taken into account when carrying out prevention and to determine the course of treatment.

Diathesis symptoms, manifested in infants:

  1. Stools are frequent, thin, foamy or greenish;
  2. Tummy pain;
  3. Redness on the cheeks;
  4. Rash;
  5. Diaper rash.

Treatment and prevention

If parents have a burdened allergic history, then prevention should be done long before the birth of the child, optimally at the stage of pregnancy planning. In this case, it is important to exclude potential allergens that can affect the mother's body during gestation.

  1. No pets. Even if a woman is not allergic to their fur, a newborn may have it. Moreover, it is an additional risk factor during pregnancy;
  2. Installation of air purifiers. They are put first at the parents' place, and after the birth of the child - in his room. This measure will reduce the contact of the baby's immune system with a variety of aerosol allergens;
  3. Refusal from bad habits during pregnancy;
  4. Reducing the pharmacological load on the body of the expectant mother.

If the diagnosis of diathesis has already been made, then it is necessary mainly to deal with the causes of its occurrence, since this condition itself is not a disease, but only a symptom of a pathological or inflammatory process.

Diet followed for diathesis in infants

To begin with, products must be divided into several categories: with high allergenicity, medium and low:

  1. First of all, cow's milk is excluded, which includes about two dozen products that can cause an abnormal reaction in a child's body;
  2. Eggs, seafood, including caviar and fish are also considered high risk;
  3. Cereals - rye and wheat;
  4. Vegetables - tomatoes, peppers, carrots;
  5. Fruits - citrus, mango, persimmon, pineapple, kiwi, strawberry, melon, raspberry, strawberry;
  6. Natural coffee, chocolate.

Medium allergenic foods include:

  1. Beef, chicken, butter, peas and beans, oats, buckwheat and rice;
  2. Potatoes and beets;
  3. Apricots, peaches, cranberries, cherries, rose hips, currants, blueberries.

Low allergenicity in:

  1. Fermented milk products;
  2. Pork, turkey meat, rabbit meat;
  3. Vegetable oil;
  4. Pearl barley, millet, corn grits;
  5. Cabbage (white cabbage, cauliflower), zucchini, cucumbers, parsley and dill;
  6. Green and white apples, pears, red and white currants.

When drawing up a diet, it must be remembered that each child's body is individual, and the products are selected based on the course of the disease, the age of the child, the development of pathology, etc.

How to alleviate the child's condition?

Diathesis is eliminated in a complex manner. Therapy includes not only diet, but also taking vitamins, sedatives medicines reducing itching drugs. One of the necessary elements is an ointment for diathesis that appears in infants.

Such funds can be hormonal or, conversely, based on folk remedies or innovative drugs in the field of pharmacology. So only a doctor (pediatrician, allergist, dermatologist) should prescribe this type of medication based on the baby's condition, indications and contraindications, etc.

How to remove diathesis in babies on the cheeks?

To improve the condition of the skin, you can use baby creams with softening and moisturizing effects.

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