Secondary prevention of diabetes mellitus. Primary and Secondary Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus Principles of Secondary Prevention of Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is primarily a hereditary disease. The identified risk groups make it possible to orient people today, to warn them from a careless and thoughtless attitude to their health. Diabetes can be inherited or acquired. The combination of several risk factors increases the likelihood of developing diabetes: for the obese patient, often suffering from viral infections - flu, etc., this probability is approximately the same as for people with aggravated heredity. So all people at risk should be vigilant. You should be especially careful about your condition during the period from November to March, because most cases of diabetes occur during this period. The situation is complicated by the fact that during this period your condition can be mistaken for a viral infection.

Primary diabetes prevention

In primary prevention, measures are aimed at preventing diabetes mellitus: lifestyle changes and elimination of risk factors for diabetes mellitus, preventive measures only in individuals or in groups with a high risk of developing diabetes mellitus in the future.

The main preventive measures of NIDDM include rational nutrition of the adult population, physical activity, prevention of obesity and its treatment. It is necessary to limit and even completely exclude from the diet foods containing easily digestible carbohydrates (refined sugar, etc.) and foods rich in animal fats. These restrictions apply primarily to persons with an increased risk of the disease: unfavorable heredity in relation to diabetes mellitus, obesity, especially when it is combined with diabetic heredity, atherosclerosis, hypertonic disease, as well as to women with pregnancy diabetes or with impaired glucose tolerance in the past during pregnancy, to women who have given birth to a fetus weighing more than 4500 g. or who have had a pathological pregnancy with the subsequent death of the fetus.

Unfortunately, the prevention of diabetes mellitus in the full sense of the word does not exist, but at present, immunological diagnostics are being successfully developed, with the help of which it is possible to identify the possibility of developing diabetes mellitus in the most early stages against the background of still full health.

Secondary prevention of diabetes

Secondary prevention provides measures aimed at preventing complications of diabetes mellitus - early control of the disease, preventing its progression.

Diabetes mellitus appears in the presence of a burdened heredity, this is typical for both the first and second forms of the disease. But also provided genetic predisposition for the development of an overt disease, the presence of provoking factors is necessary. Their significance is different for types 1 and 2:

The loss of the ability to respond to the excretion of the hormone is predisposed by:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension and arterial hypertension;
  • stressful situations;
  • lack of fiber in the diet;
  • the predominance of carbohydrate foods;
  • drugs that violate metabolic processes;

In addition to common risk factors for women, the risk of diabetes increases during pregnancy... Such diabetes is called and manifests itself during the period of childbearing, but if the recommendations for nutrition and physical activity are violated, it transforms into typical diabetes mellitus.

Prevention of diabetes in women:

  • stick to;
  • at least 5 times a week to engage in therapeutic exercises, walking, swimming, jogging;
  • eliminate the stress factor;

IN childhood the predominant type of disease is the first - insulin-dependent diabetes. Since he - hereditary disease, the child is shown testing for:

  • glycated hemoglobin;
  • ketone bodies in the blood and.

Infection is dangerous for such children.... They are shown immunoprophylaxis with interferon and immunocorrectors. Before the appointment of immunostimulants, vaccines and sera, a comprehensive examination is required, including stress tests.

Another factor that provokes metabolic disorders is artificial feeding of children.... This is because cow's milk protein is structurally similar to pancreatic proteins. This leads to the fact that the immune cells do not recognize the islet tissue as their own, and begin to destroy it. therefore for children with a genetic predisposition to diabetes, breast milk is extremely important.

In men, most significant in preventing diseaseis a diet with restriction of fatty animal products, fried, fatty and spicy foods, alcoholic beverages.

There is a particular danger when drinking sweet wines, liqueurs, liqueurs and cocktails with sugar. They lead to sharp drops in glucose, difficulties in selecting the dose of antihyperglycemic drugs. In the presence of an addiction to alcohol, the risk of neurological complications of the disease increases sharply.

Primary diabetes prevention starts with identifying predisposing factors:

  • heredity,
  • excess body weight,
  • accompanying illnesses,
  • bad habits,
  • age,
  • planning pregnancy,
  • an exception simple carbohydrates (sugar and white flour), limiting animal fats;
  • regular physical activity, minimum duration 150 minutes. in Week. Classes must be feasible;
  • normalization of body weight. For her, you need to calculate the calorie content of the diet, taking into account energy consumption, the glycemic index, once a week to carry out a fasting day;

Secondary prophylaxis is applied to people already with diabetes.Its purpose is to prevent or delay the development of vascular and nervous complications. This requires:

Tertiary diabetes prevention is used when complications of the disease occur:

  • (damage to the retina of the eyes);
  • (impaired renal function);
  • neuropathies (, autonomic dysfunction);
  • (decreased blood flow to limbs, internal organs and brain).

General preventive measures:

  • compensate for changes in carbohydrate and fat metabolism with drugs;

Diet for metabolic disorders is a mandatory basis for effective prevention ... If diabetics need to take into account the amount of carbohydrates () to calculate the dose of insulin, the glycemic index, then for other patients with a predisposition to the disease, it will be enough to remove prohibited foods from the menu. These include:

  • sugar, candy, honey;
  • jams, preserves, syrups;
  • ice cream, desserts;
  • pasta, white rice, semolina;
  • smoked, salted fish;
  • fatty meat, offal, sausages;
  • cottage cheese above 9% fat, sour cream and cream from 10%.

Healthy foods for the pancreas

Sources of protein are poultry and lean fish... They are boiled or baked, eaten with fresh vegetable salads. Home-made fermented milk drinks, moderate fat cottage cheese are recommended. Carbohydrates - from cereals from whole grains, vegetables. With a tendency to constipation, it is useful to add steamed bran to porridge or dairy products.

Read more in our article on diabetes prevention.

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Diabetes risk factors

Diabetes mellitus appears in the presence of a burdened heredity, this is typical for both the first and second forms of the disease. But even under the condition of a genetic predisposition, the presence of provoking factors is necessary for the development of an overt disease. Their significance is different for types 1 and 2.

First type

Children and young people get sick more often. Often, the first manifestations occur after an infection: mumps, influenza, hepatitis, rubella. Poisoning with medicines, toxins, pesticides can be a stimulus for development.

Any of these factors triggers an autoimmune process, as a result of which antibodies are formed in the body against the cells of its own pancreas. This leads to their destruction and an absolute lack of insulin. The manifestations of the disease occur with the almost complete destruction of the functioning islet tissue.

Second type

Prevalent in most patients, it accounts for almost 90% of all cases. Among all the reasons for its development, obesity comes first. Disorders of carbohydrate and fat metabolism mutually burden each other, leading to the rapid appearance of vascular complications.

The main mechanism for the appearance of metabolic disorders is the acquisition of insulin resistance. That is, a sufficient amount of insulin is produced, but the tissues lose sensitivity to it. The loss of the ability to respond to the excretion of the hormone is predisposed by:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension and symptomatic arterial hypertension;
  • frequently repeated stressful situations;
  • lack of fiber in the diet, the predominance of carbohydrate foods - flour products and sweets;
  • long-term use of drugs that disrupt metabolic processes - prednisolone and analogues, diuretics, some means of pressure, levothyroxine, antineoplastic;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • age-related changes in the body after 50 years.

Diabetes prevention measures

Depending on the age of patients and gender, there are some differences that should be considered when planning interventions to prevent diabetes.

Among women

In addition to common risk factors for women, the risk of diabetes increases during pregnancy. This is due to the release of contrainsular hormones by the placenta (they interfere with the action of insulin). Such diabetes is called and manifests itself during the period of childbearing, but if the recommendations for nutrition and physical activity are violated, it transforms into typical diabetes mellitus.

To prevent its development, you should:

  • adhere to a dietary diet;
  • strictly control body weight, in case of excess, it is imperative to reduce it to normal;
  • at least 5 times a week to engage in therapeutic exercises, walking, swimming, light jogging;
  • eliminate the stress factor;
  • give up bad habits.

The child has

In childhood, the predominant type of disease is the first - insulin-dependent diabetes. Since it appears in those families where one or both parents are diabetics, or blood relatives have a disease, then the child is shown testing for:

  • antibodies to the tissues of the pancreas;
  • insulin, C-peptide and proinsulin;
  • glucose tolerance;
  • glycated hemoglobin;
  • ketone bodies in blood and urine.

Infection is a danger for such children. They are shown immunoprophylaxis with interferon and immunocorrectors. Before the appointment of immunostimulants, vaccines and sera, a comprehensive examination is required, including stress tests.

Since the leading development factor is autoimmune inflammation, cyclosporine is prescribed when antibodies are detected in high concentrations. With an early start of such therapy, in some cases it is possible to stop the development of the disease or delay the appearance of the first symptoms for a long time.

Another factor that provokes metabolic disorders is artificial feeding of children. This is because cow's milk protein is structurally similar to pancreatic proteins. This leads to the fact that the immune cells do not recognize the islet tissue as their own and begin to destroy it. Therefore, breast milk is extremely important for children with a genetic predisposition to diabetes..


In men

The most important in the prevention of disease is a diet with restriction of fatty animal products, fried, fatty and spicy foods, as well as alcoholic beverages. Ethanol not only changes the body's response to the carbohydrates taken, but also disrupts the liver, which is an organ that can affect the concentration of glucose in the blood.

There is a particular danger when drinking sweet wines, liqueurs, liqueurs and cocktails with sugar. They lead to sharp drops in glucose, difficulties in selecting the dose of antihyperglycemic drugs. In the presence of an addiction to alcohol, the risk of neurological complications of the disease increases sharply.

Types of preventive measures

In order to prevent the development of diabetes, its consequences, several stages of prevention have been developed.


Aimed at reducing the risk of developing diabetes. For her, the predisposing factors are identified:

  • heredity,
  • excess body weight,
  • accompanying illnesses,
  • bad habits,
  • age,
  • planning pregnancy,
  • impaired glucose tolerance.

If the patient is in one of the risk groups, then he is shown:

  • elimination of simple carbohydrates from the diet (sugar and white flour) and restriction of animal fats;
  • regular physical activity. The minimum duration of exercise per week is 150 minutes. Classes must be feasible, with good tolerance, the intensity is gradually increased;
  • normalization of body weight. For her, you need to calculate the calorie content of the diet, taking into account individual energy consumption, take into account the glycemic index (the ability to sharply increase the glucose level), spend a fasting day once a week;
  • limiting stress - mastering relaxation techniques, breathing exercises, yoga;
  • prevention of contact with sick people during epidemics;
  • quitting smoking and drinking alcohol.

Watch the video on diabetes prevention:


It is applied to those patients who have already been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. Its purpose is to prevent or delay the development of vascular and nervous complications. This requires:

  • constantly monitor the level of glucose in the blood, glycated hemoglobin;
  • bring your indicators of carbohydrate and fat metabolism as close as possible to the recommended ones, maintain a normal level blood pressure;
  • strictly adhere to the rules of nutrition, since when using prohibited foods, the glucose content rises rapidly, and the effect of medications occurs after a while;
  • timely adjust the dose of insulin and tablets to lower blood sugar, with decompensation of diabetes or severe illness internal organs (regardless of type) is indicated for intensified insulin therapy.

Each of the consequences of diabetes mellitus can have irreversible consequences... To prevent them, you should:

  • be under the supervision of an endocrinologist and related specialists (ophthalmologist, nephrologist, cardiologist, neuropathologist);
  • not to violate the terms of the planned examination and self-control of glycemia, blood pressure;
  • compensate for changes in carbohydrate and fat metabolism with the help of complex drug therapy;
  • timely undergo inpatient treatment, including surgery, rehabilitation in sanatoriums in the absence of contraindications;
  • exclude any diet violations, bad habits.

Diet to Prevent Diabetes Mellitus

Nutrition for metabolic disorders is an indispensable basis for effective prevention. If diabetics need to take into account the amount of carbohydrates (bread units) to calculate the dose of insulin, the glycemic index, then for other patients with a predisposition to the disease, it will be enough to remove prohibited foods from the menu. These include:

  • pastries made from butter or puff pastry, white flour bread;
  • biscuits, waffles, cake or brownies;
  • sugar, candy, honey;
  • alcoholic drinks with sugar;
  • packaged juices, nectars, sweet soda;
  • jams, preserves, syrups;
  • ice cream, desserts;
  • snacks, crackers, chips, fast food;
  • dates, raisins, grapes, figs;
  • purchased sauces, semi-finished products, canned food;
  • pasta, white rice, semolina;
  • smoked, salted fish;
  • Poultry and lean fish are a source of protein. They are boiled or baked, eaten with fresh vegetable salads. Homemade fermented milk drinks (made from starter cultures and milk), cottage cheese of moderate fat content are recommended. Carbohydrates should be obtained from fruits, cereals from whole grains, vegetables. With a tendency to constipation, it is useful to add steamed bran to porridge or dairy products.

    Prevention of diabetes mellitus involves identifying risk factors in patients. If there is a predisposition, diet, physical activity, regular examination, and rejection of bad habits are recommended. In children, early detection of antibodies to the tissues of the pancreas and correction of immunity are important.

    We recommend reading the article about. From it you will learn about basic prevention of complications of type 1 and 2 diabetes, precautions for children, secondary prevention of diabetes mellitus, as well as about what to do during pregnancy and how to avoid acute, late complications.

    And in more detail about the drug Metformin for diabetes mellitus.

    Babies only need breastfeeding. For the second type of disease, the focus is on proper nutrition, weight loss. Preventing complications of diabetes and their progression is possible only if the blood sugar content is corrected.

In the list of diseases of the endocrine system, diabetes occupies a leading position. The disease is irreversible, it is impossible to restart the process of pathological changes in the opposite direction and it is completely impossible to cure diabetes. The main danger is associated with complications that cause disability and death. In this regard, the prevention of diabetes mellitus is focused on two main forms:

  • Primary. Aimed at preventing disease in people with a predisposition to the disease.
  • Secondary. It is aimed at preventing complications or at the maximum delay of their development.

Important! Preventive measures include regular visits to an endocrinologist.

Diabetes risk and preventive measures

According to medical classificationDiabetes has two main types (first and second) and several additional ones. The typification of the disease is due to:

  • causes of occurrence;
  • the nature of pathological changes in the body;
  • the choice of medications for therapy.

Primary prevention of diabetes mellitus is focused on reducing the risks of developing type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It is impossible to radically eliminate all the causes of the disease, however, it is quite possible to exclude most of the life of a potential diabetic.

Type 1 diabetes

The type of disease is called insulin-dependent (type 1 IDDM), or juvenile. Pathology most often affects children preschool age and adolescents. The pathogenesis is explained by a violation of the intrasecretory function of the pancreas for the production of insulin. This hormone is responsible for transporting glucose to cells as the main energy source.

With insulin deficiency, glucose and toxic products of its metabolism (ketones) accumulate in the blood. To simulate the natural synthesis of insulin, patients are prescribed insulin therapy, which ensures the maintenance of the body's vital functions. There are two main reasons juvenile diabetes.


Due to a malfunction immune system, in which it, instead of performing protective functions, destroys the cells of its own body. Triggers (triggers) for the occurrence of autoimmune processes are multiple allergic reactions, untimely treatment of viral infections (especially Coxsackie and human herpes viruses of type 4 (Epstein-Barr), cytomegalovirus), unhealthy diet and obesity, incorrect hormone therapy.


It is caused by the biological desire of the body for the genetic transmission of its own characteristics (type 1 diabetes is inherited from parents or close relatives). The juvenile type of pathology can be congenital, requiring insulin treatment in children from infancy. Specific prevention of type 1 diabetes includes:

  • Regular examination of children and adolescents with dysfunctional diabetic inheritance.
  • Qualitative and timely elimination of any infectious and viral diseases.
  • Selective approach to nutrition.
  • Systematic sports.
  • Taking vitamin and mineral complexes to strengthen the immune system.

Despite the fact that it is impossible to prevent genetically inherent pathology, adherence to medical recommendations can slow down the development process and the intensity of the manifestation of the disease.

Type 2 diabetes

An insulin-independent type of disease (NIDDM type 2) is formed, in most cases, in adults after the age of thirty. A characteristic feature of the disease is insulin resistance - a decrease or complete lack of sensitivity of body cells to insulin. Unlike juvenile diabetes, the pancreas does not stop the synthesis of the hormone-conductor glucose, but at the cellular level, tissues are unable to adequately perceive it and rationally spend it. Overweight (obesity) is considered the main cause of development.

Other factors in diabetic manifestations include:

  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • chronic diseases of the pancreas (including oncological processes);
  • abuse of sweets and flour products.

In men, the prerogative aspect of the development of NIDDM is a tendency to alcoholism, as the cause of the disability of the pancreas. In women, the risk factors are complicated pregnancy (gestational diabetes mellitus in the perinatal period) and hormonal changes in the body during menopause. The main preventive measure for the development of an insulin-independent type of pathology is the maintenance of stable BMI (body mass index) indicators.

People who are prone to obesity need to adhere to a dietary diet and not neglect regular exercise.

Preventive rules for eliminating the risks of type 1 and 2 diabetes:

  • Maximum restriction of easily digestible fast carbohydrates (monosaccharides and polysaccharides).
  • Daily physical activity and sports training on a regular basis.
  • Compliance with the drinking regime (drinking enough clean water every day, and refusal from sugary drinks).
  • Weight management, including fractional meals, exclusion of fatty foods from the menu, introduction to the diet useful products food (vegetables, fruits, cereals and legumes).
  • Refusal from addictions (nicotine and alcohol addiction).

Distress (permanent neuropsychological stress) and hypovitaminosis of cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol (vitamins of group D) can be relational (relative) triggers of the development of diabetes mellitus. People prone to the disease are advised to avoid stressful situations, eat foods rich in vitamin D, and be in the sun as often as possible.

Parental control

In families with dysfunctional diabetic heredity, preventive measures must be taken from the moment the baby is born. Strict adherence to medical prescriptions will avoid the severe course of pathology, and in some cases, and deceive the disease. If the hereditary factor does not appear until the age of 25-30, the chances of contracting the first type of diabetes are reduced several times. The Parent Handbook includes preventive childcare tips.

Basic Rules:

  • Strict control over the child's diet (diet is the foundation of diabetes prevention).
  • Maximum possible duration breastfeeding.
  • Regular monitoring of blood glucose levels.
  • Psychological support and attitude of the child.
  • Systematic engagement in active sports.
  • Carrying out procedures for hardening the body.

In case of diagnosed pathology, endocrinologists strongly advise to visit the "School of Diabetes", where special classes are organized for adult patients, children and adolescents.

The main task of education at school is painless adaptation of patients to the status of a diabetic. School groups are organized by patient age. Group # 1 includes small children and their parents. Classes are conducted by doctors (endocrinologists, nutritionists, diabetologists). Medical specialists teach the tactics of insulin therapy in infants (the correct calculation of the dosage and the skills of administering medications). Special literature for parents is recommended for reading (articles on providing the child with comfortable growth conditions and further adaptation).

Group No. 2 includes children of senior preschool and primary school age. To facilitate the perception of the material in the learning process, pictures are used. Children in an accessible form explain the need for diet and sports, teach the basics of self-control of blood sugar levels (using a portable glucometer). Effective learning is provided by playing activities with the participation of parents of young patients.

In group No. 3, schoolchildren who have reached puberty are taught. With adolescents, conversations are held on sex education, the organization of the daily regimen and diet, the prevention of the development of premature complications and acute conditions of diabetes. Classes dedicated healthy way life, accompanied by individual patient leaflets and visual posters. Particular attention is paid to psychological work with adolescents to form life priorities for maintaining health, in particular, the prevention of drinking and smoking.

Group 4 includes adult men and women with type 2 diabetes. The lessons cover in detail the principles of self-control and the lifestyle of a patient with diabetes. An individual flyer includes:

  • food rules;
  • correction of physical activity;
  • symptomatology and prevention of complications of the disease;
  • skills of behavior in critical situations.

Secondary prevention

The main direction of secondary prevention is the prevention of the accelerated development of complications of diabetes. Preventive measures include:

  • Strict adherence to principles proper nutrition, including a rational diet and an individually developed diabetic diet.
  • Exclusion of hypodynamia (systematic sports activities, physical activity in everyday life, walks in the fresh air).
  • Permanent control of glycemia (blood sugar) and blood pressure (blood pressure).
  • Correct use of prescribed medications (hypoglycemic tablets for type 2 diabetics, and insulin injections for patients with type 1 IDDM).
  • Regular follow-up by an endocrinologist.
  • Maintaining a stable body weight.
  • Annual comprehensive examination by medical specialists of a narrow profile (nephrologist, ophthalmologist, vascular surgeon, cardiologist, dermatologist).
  • Strengthening the body's defenses for prevention colds, fungal and viral infections.
  • Careful adherence to the rules of personal hygiene and protected sex.
  • Attending massage sessions to improve blood circulation.
  • Avoiding nicotine and alcohol.
  • Control of the psychoemotional state.
  • Use of antidiabetic drugs traditional medicine (Before use, you must obtain the advice and approval of your doctor).
  • Keeping a "Diabetic Diary" and attending classes at the "School of Diabetes".

Practical trainings and group discussions are widely used in the classroom at the diabetes school.

If necessary, patients with diabetes mellitus are advised to consult a nutritionist (if there are difficulties in drawing up a daily menu), a psychotherapist (in case of difficult adaptation to the new status of a diabetic). Compliance with preventive rules is the primary responsibility of the diabetic patient. Early control over the disease will improve the quality of life and slow down the development of severe consequences of pathology.

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common diseases in modern world... But what to do in order not to become another victim of such a disease? For this, there is the concept of primary and secondary prevention of the onset of the disorder.

If it consists in preventing the onset of the disease, then the second is aimed at combating an already existing problem and preventing its further progression.

Why is the disease progressing?

Secondary prevention of diabetes mellitus is the same for the 1st and 2nd types of the pathological process and consists in maintaining normal blood glucose levels (3.33-5.55 mmol / l). But often it becomes difficult, and sometimes even impossible task for patients. The reason for this paradox is:

  • Unwillingness to change your lifestyle;
  • A frivolous attitude to one's own health before complications arise;
  • Ordinary laziness;
  • Hope for "maybe it will pass by itself."

The problem is that while the patient has just a symptom, he sometimes thinks that this is okay and everything will return to normal without his participation. But this judgment is fundamentally wrong.

While he continues to lead his usual lifestyle, sugar slowly destroys his organs and causes such dire consequences as:

  1. Retinopathy. Eye damage up to loss of vision.
  2. Formative nephropathy renal failure.
  3. Angiopathies with the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
  4. Diabetic foot.

All this can become a reality if secondary prevention of diabetes mellitus is not carried out.

It includes:

  • Taking insulin for the first type of disease or sugar-reducing drugs for the second;
  • Compliance with a rational diet;
  • Dosed physical activity;
  • Additional wellness treatments.

Only when all these conditions are fulfilled can sugar be kept normal and lead a safe lifestyle with minimal risk of disease progression.

Features of prevention

The first point for patients who suffer from the 1st variant of the disease should be insulin intake. For comfortable use, there are special ultra-long-acting or insulin preparations. Thanks to them, the patient does not need to inject before each meal and worry if he did everything right. One injection in the morning or the introduction of an action algorithm on the device, and that's it - after that, the person practically does not care about anything.

Secondary prevention of type 2 diabetes involves the use of glucose-lowering drugs (Metformin) to normalize glycemia. Here the situation is a little different. Depending on each patient, a certain dose of medication is prescribed by the attending physician and the mode of use is indicated. To achieve effectiveness from such therapy, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions of the doctor.

The second way to control blood sugar levels is through proper diet. Its basic principles:

  1. Eat often, but in small portions (5-6 times a day).
  2. The amount of energy that enters the human body should be equal to the amount that is consumed by it. Overeating should be avoided.
  3. Weight normalization. This is true for patients with concomitant obesity.
  4. Limit to a minimum the amount of foods rich in light carbohydrates and fats (confectionery, various sweets, fast food, carbonated drinks).
  5. Drink at least 2-2.5 liters of water per day, excluding soup, tea, coffee.
  6. Avoid drinking and smoking.
  7. Try to switch to boiled and stewed foods. Fried and smoked foods have an extremely negative effect on metabolic processes in the pancreas.

A detailed menu and recipes for dietary dishes for diabetics can now be easily found on our website. There are many masterpieces of culinary art from foods that can be eaten with this disease. There is no need to be afraid that if a person is sick with diabetes, he will not be able to eat deliciously, the main thing is that it is correct.

The third prerequisite is regular exercise. They have a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels and help to reduce it.

The most acceptable exercises are:

  • Walking. Walking every day with a distance of at least 3 km reduces the risk of complications by 18%. And that's just one type of load. It is definitely worth noting that it is necessary to practice any type of sport in comfortable shoes. Otherwise, minor wounds and problems with their healing can be provoked.
  • Swimming is a versatile exercise for any medical condition. It evenly develops all muscle groups and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  • Cycling. Cycling reliably lowers glucose and strengthens the entire body.

The whole complex of the described measures is the secondary prevention of diabetes mellitus. If the patient wants to really not worry about the possibility of a number of complications, then he should reconsider his lifestyle in this direction.

You can live comfortably with such a disease. You just need to gather your will into a fist and make a little effort.

Diabetes - chronic and very insidious disease... It can cause serious cardiovascular and neurological complications and can be fatal.

But is it possible to prevent the development of pathological changes in the body? Prevention of diabetes mellitus + type 2 diabetes mellitus will completely prevent this disease or at least significantly delay its onset in case of a hereditary predisposition.

To understand whether the prevention of the development of diabetes mellitus is effective, let us dwell in more detail on the classification of the disease. In medicine, there are two types of it - the first and the second.

First type

SD-1 (insulin-dependent, juvenile) is characterized by irreversible destruction of pancreatic cells and the development of an absolute deficiency of the hormone insulin. May be autoimmune or idiopathic. As a rule, it is associated with genetic (sometimes hereditary) anomalies and develops regardless of the action of environmental factors.

This form of the disease is characterized by a sudden onset, severe course and progressive development of complications. Glycemia in patients is controlled by regular injections of insulin.

Note! Most often, CD-1 is diagnosed in children and young people, but it can occur at any age.

Second type

Diabetes mellitus-2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes can develop against the background of a slight decrease in insulin secretion. The main thing in the pathogenesis of the disease is the formation of resistance (insensitivity) of peripheral cell receptors to the hormone.

In addition to the hereditary predisposition, the influence of which is less pronounced than with CD-1, the following risk factors for the disease are distinguished:

  • obesity (especially of the abdominal type);
  • chronic pancreatitis, cysts, cancer and other pancreatic lesions;
  • frequent viral infections;
  • stress;
  • elderly age.

Prevention will help prevent serious hormonal disorders: type 2 diabetes mellitus lends itself well to it.

Prevention of type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes accounts for less than 9-10%. In Russia, the incidence of them is 14.7 cases per hundred thousand.

How can insulin-dependent diabetes be prevented: prevention of pathology is conventionally divided into primary, secondary, and tertiary.

Table 1: Levels preventive measures to prevent SD-1:


Primary prevention of diabetes mellitus is most relevant for children and adolescents at high risk of the disease.

It can be estimated at:

  • specialized consultation of a geneticist;
  • typing HLA haplotypes;
  • the presence of SD-1 in blood relatives.

Note! The risk of contracting IDDM in the presence of this pathology in one of the parents or siblings usually does not exceed 5-6%. At the same time, relatives with CD-2 are not taken into account, since these forms of hyperglycemia are inherited independently of each other.

The complexity of all preventive measures lies in the lack of information about the factors that trigger the autoimmune process in the body. Most of the research results (TEDDY, TRIGR, TrialNet Nip, etc.) are advisory in nature.

So, what is the primary prevention - type 1 diabetes mellitus can be prevented if:

  1. To minimize the possibility of infection with Coxsackie B viruses, measles, chickenpox, mumps, CMVI (there is evidence that these infections can become triggers of the autoimmune process).
  2. Eliminate cow's milk protein from the diet of children under 2 years of age.
  3. Breastfeed a baby under 6 months old.
  4. Eliminate gluten-containing foods from the diet of children under 1 year old.
  5. During pregnancy and lactation, consume a sufficient amount of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.


Secondary prevention of diabetes mellitus should be carried out by those patients in whose body pathological autoimmune processes have already developed in relation to the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas.

They can be identified by the presence of specific markers when laboratory research blood:

  • ICA - antibodies to pancreatic islet cells;
    anti-GAD65 - antibodies to glutamate decarboxylase;
  • IAA - AT to the hormone insulin;
  • IA-2beta - antibodies to pancreatic tyrosine phosphatase, etc.

Important! Pathological antibodies appear in the blood of the disease several years before the onset of the disease.

There are a number clinical research oral administration of insulin to persons with high titers of AT at the age of 3-45 years in order to reduce the autoimmune destruction of the pancreas.


The most widely used in medicine is tertiary prevention of this form of the disease. For maximum effectiveness, it should be started in the first weeks after diagnosis.

It is known that after the onset of the disease, about 10-20% of pancreatic beta cells still retain their functional activity. The task of medical measures is to preserve the remaining foci and, if possible, activate its regeneration.

Currently, tertiary prevention of diabetes mellitus includes a number of areas:

  1. Antigen-specific therapy, which consists in the use of autoantigens involved in the destruction of pancreatic cells.
  2. Antigen-specific therapy, which includes drugs that block mediators of the autoimmune process. Among them are Rituximab, Anakindra and others.

In conclusion, it should be noted that, despite the advances in medical science, reliable and safe methods for preventing the development of T1DM in patients with a genetic predisposition have not yet been developed.

Prevention of T2DM

This type accounts for up to 90-95% of all cases of the disease. Among the reasons for the sharp increase in its prevalence are:

  • urbanization;
  • features of the lifestyle of a city dweller;
  • improper nutrition;
  • increasing prevalence of obesity.

Familiar to all doctors clinical feature NIDDM is a long and asymptomatic course. Most patients are not even aware of pathological changes in the body and learn about their diagnosis by chance.

It is interesting. According to statistics, for every identified patient with T2DM, there are 2-3 people with hyperglycemia who are unaware of problems with carbohydrate metabolism.

That is why screening preventive examinations are essential in diagnostic endocrinology.

Test Yourself: Diabetes Risk Groups

Individuals at risk for NIDDM should be especially attentive to their health.

Factors that allow a patient to be classified in this category include:

  • age over 40-45 years old;
  • high BMI, abdominal obesity;
  • burdened hereditary history of diabetes;
  • hypodynamia;
  • impaired glucose tolerance;
  • a history of gestational diabetes or a large fetus (\u003e 4.5 kg);
  • Hypertension, CVS diseases;
  • dyslipidemia;
  • PCOS in women.

As in the case of CD-1, the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes in men and women consists of three stages.

Table 2: Levels of preventive measures to prevent DM-2:


Since both hereditary predisposition and environmental factors are distinguished in the etiology of CD-2, the disease can be prevented (or postponed for a long time) by adjusting the lifestyle.

A prevention checklist for people with risk factors includes:

  • Correction of lifestyle and nutrition (the patient must follow all the doctor's recommendations for life):
    1. normalization of body weight;
    2. hypocaloric diet;
    3. a sharp restriction of easily digestible carbohydrates and fats in the diet;
    4. the presence of fresh vegetables and fruits in the daily menu;
    5. fractional meals 4-5 r / day;
    6. thorough chewing of food;
    7. adherence to an adequate diet;
    8. expanding the level of physical activity;
    9. support of relatives and medical staff.
  • According to the testimony of a doctor - medical correction of obesity. The drugs of choice are:
    1. Sibutramine;
    2. Orlistat;
    3. Metformin.
  • Drug treatment of atherosclerosis and dyslipidemia... The preferred drugs today are statins (Atorvastatin, Simvastatin).
  • Antihypertensive therapy:
    1. Beta blockers;
    2. Diuretics
    3. ACE inhibitors;
    4. Calcium antagonists.

It is interesting. Alternative medicine has also proven itself well. The drug based on the Jerusalem artichoke concentrate is widely known: prevention of diabetes mellitus is carried out by lowering sugar levels, strengthening immunity, thinning blood, normalizing metabolism, improving bowel function.


  • impaired glycemia - at a glucose concentration of 5.6-6.0 mmol / l in capillary (peripheral, finger) blood;
  • NTG - with sugar above 7.8 mmol / l 2 hours after oral administration solution of glucose.

In addition to general rules The lifestyle adjustments described in the section above have 4 goals for people with prediabetes:

  • weight loss (more than 5% of the original);
  • a decrease in the fat content in food (should be less than 30% of the daily calorie content, for saturated animal fats - less than 10%);
  • regular consumption of vegetables and fruits (more than 15 g of fiber / 1000 kcal);
  • Lessons physical exercise not less than 4 r / week.

Their achievement allows minimizing the risks of the formation of pathological hyperglycemia.

In addition, according to the testimony of a doctor, the drug Metformin can be prescribed for prophylactic purposes.


Prevention of complications in diabetes mellitus consists in drug correction of hyperglycemia, dyslipoproteinemia, hypertension and other risk factors. The target values \u200b\u200bof the main laboratory parameters are presented in the table below.

Table 3: Target values \u200b\u200bof analyzes for CD-2:

Thus, measures to prevent the development of diabetes include mandatory screening studies, as well as correction of lifestyle, physical activity and nutrition. The epidemic nature of CD-2 indicates the need to introduce early detection and prevention of the disease at the state level.

Questions to the doctor

Absence of clinical manifestations

Greetings! My name is Marina, I am 48 years old. Recently I was invited to the clinic for a prophylactic examination, I decided to check my health. Sugar was increased - 7.4. I passed it in another laboratory on an empty stomach - 6.9. Is it diabetes? I have no complaints, I feel great, there were no diabetics in the family.

Hello! Most likely, you have developed diabetes mellitus. The great insidiousness of this pathology lies in the long asymptomatic course: many patients learn about pathological changes in the body only after the development of severe complications.

You are in luck - you were diagnosed with the disease on time. Be sure to contact your endocrinologist to draw up a plan for further action.

Probability of inheritance

I have diabetes (type 1) since childhood. Now my husband and I are planning a baby. Can my illness be inherited by him? How can this be prevented?

Hello! SD-1 is inherited in both the female and male lines. The probability of transmission of the disease from mother to future offspring does not exceed 3-7%. You can read more about preventive measures above.

Have questions?

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