Salazopyridazin: reviews, analogues, instructions where to buy. Dosage: Salazopyridazine dose and method of application


Salazopyridazin :: Dosage form

rectal Suppositories, Suspension for Ingestion, Rectal Suspension, Tablets, Tablets Covered with Intestinal Shell, Prolonged Tablets

Salazopyridazin :: Pharmacological action

It has local anti-inflammatory (due to the inhibitory of neutrophilic lipoxygenase activity and PG and leukotriene synthesis). Inhibits migration, degranulation, phagocytosis of neutrophils, as well as IG secretion lymphocytes. It has an antibacterial effect on the intestinal sticks and some coccas (manifests itself in the thick intestine). It has an antioxidant effect (due to the ability to bind with free oxygen radicals and destroy them). It is characterized by good tolerability, reduces the risk of recurrence during Crohn's disease, especially in patients with Ileis and a large duration of the disease.

Salazopyridazin :: Indications

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease (prevention and treatment of exacerbations).

Salazopyridazin :: Contraindications

Hypersensitivity (when applied by enema, incl. To methyl and propylparaben), blood disease, ulcerative disease Stomach and 12-Pans, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, hemorrhagic diathesis, severe renal / liver failure, lactation period, last 2-4 nd pregnancy, childhood (up to 2 years) .c caution. Pregnancy (I trimester), hepatic and / or renal failure.

Salazopyridazin :: Side effects

From side digestive system: nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, decline in appetite, abdominal pain, dry mouth, stomatitis, increasing the activity of "liver" transaminase, hepatitis, pancreatitis. From the side of the CSS: heartbeat, tachycardia, raising or decrease in blood pressure, painful pain, shortness of breath. From side nervous system: headache, noise in ears, dizziness, polyneuropathy, tremor, depression. From the side of the urinary system: proteinuria, hematuria, oliguria, anuria, crystalluria, nephrotic syndrome. Allergic reactions: Skin rash, itching, dermatosis (pseudoeritromatosis), bronchospasm. From the side of the blood formation: Eosinophilia, anemia (hemolytic, megaloblastic, aplastic), leukopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, hypoprothrombinemia. Others: weakness, vapotitis, photosensibilization, lupus-like syndrome, oligospermia, alopecia, reducing the products of the tear fluid. Recently. Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, gastralgy, weakness, drowsiness. Treatment: stomach wash, appointment of laxative, symptomatic therapy.

Salazopyridazine :: Method of application and dose

Choice dosage form Determined by localization and length of intestinal lesion. With common forms, tablets are used, with distal (procts, proctus moves) - rectal forms. With exacerbation of the disease - 400-800 mg 3 times a day, within 8-12 weeks. For the prevention of relapses - at 400-500 mg 3 times a day with a non-specific ulcerative colitis and 1 g 4 times a day - during crown disease; Children over 2 years old - 20-30 mg / kg / day in several techniques, for several years. In case of severe disease, the daily dose can be increased to 3-4 g, but not more than 8-12 weeks. Tablets should be taken entirely, not chewing, after eating, drinking with plenty of liquid. Candles - 500 mg 3 times a day, and suspension - 60 g of suspension (4 g of Mesalazin) 1 time per day at night, in the form of medicinal microclizm (it is advised to clean the intestines). Children candles are prescribed at the rate: with exacerbation - 40-60 mg / kg / day; For supporting therapy - 20-30 mg / kg / day.

Salazopyridazin :: Special instructions

It is advisable to regularly hold general analysis blood (before the start, during, as well as after treatment) and urine, control over the excretory function of the kidneys. Patients who are "slow acetylubles" have an increased risk of developing side Effects. Can observe urine staining and tears in yellow-orange color, scraping soft contact lenses. In case of passing the drug intake, the missed dose should be taken at any time or together with the next dose. If several doses are missed, then without stopping treatment, consult a doctor. If you suspect the development of acute intolerance syndrome, Mesalazin must be canceled.

Salazopyridazin :: Interaction

Enhances the hypoglycemic effect of sulfonylurea derivatives, ulcerogenicity GKS, the toxicity of methotrexate, weakens the activity of furosemide, spiroranolactone, sulfonilahminamides, rifampicin, enhances the effect of anticoagulants, increases the efficiency of uricozeuric LS (channel secretion blockers). Slows up the absorption of cyanocobalamin.

Title: Salazopyridazin International Name: Mesalazine (Mesalazine) Description active substance (MNN): Mesalazin Dosage Form: Rectal Suppositories, Suspension for Ingestion, Rectal Suspension, Tablets, Tablets Coated with Intestinal Shell, Prolonged Tablets pharmachologic effect: It has local anti-inflammatory (due to the inhibitory of neutrophilic lipoxygenase activity and PG and leukotriene synthesis). Inhibits migration, degranulation, phagocytosis of neutrophils, as well as IG secretion lymphocytes. It has an antibacterial effect on the intestinal sticks and some coccas (manifests itself in the thick intestine). It has an antioxidant effect (due to the ability to bind with free oxygen radicals and destroy them). It is characterized by good tolerability, reduces the risk of recurrence during Crohn's disease, especially in patients with Ileis and a large duration of the disease. Indications: Nonspecific ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease (prevention and treatment of exacerbations). Contraindications: Hypersensitivity (when applied by enema, incl. To methyl and propylparaben), blood disease, ulcerative disease of the stomach and 12-rosewood, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, hemorrhagic diathesis, severe renal / liver failure, lactation period , last 2-4 weeks of pregnancy, children's age (up to 2 years) .c care. Pregnancy (I trimester), hepatic and / or renal failure. Side effects: From the side of the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, decline in appetite, abdominal pain, dry mouth, stomatitis, increase in the activity of "liver" transaminase, hepatitis, pancreatitis. From the side of the CSS: heartbeat, tachycardia, raising or decrease in blood pressure, painful pain, shortness of breath. From the nervous system: Headache, noise in ears, dizziness, polyneuropathy, tremor, depression. From the side of the urinary system: proteinuria, hematuria, oliguria, anuria, crystalluria, nephrotic syndrome. Allergic reactions: skin rash, itching, dermatosis (pseudoeritromatosis), bronchospasm. From the side of the blood formation: Eosinophilia, anemia (hemolytic, megaloblastic, aplastic), leukopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, hypoprothrombinemia. Others: weakness, vapotitis, photosensibilization, lupus-like syndrome, oligospermia, alopecia, reducing the products of the tear fluid. Recently. Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, gastralgy, weakness, drowsiness. Treatment: stomach wash, appointment of laxative, symptomatic therapy. Method of application and dose: The choice of dosage form is determined by localization and length of intestinal lesion. With common forms, tablets are used, with distal (procts, proctus moves) - rectal forms. With exacerbation of the disease - 400-800 mg 3 times a day, within 8-12 weeks. For the prevention of relapses - at 400-500 mg 3 times a day with a non-specific ulcerative colitis and 1 g 4 times a day - during crown disease; Children over 2 years old - 20-30 mg / kg / day in several techniques, for several years. In case of severe disease, the daily dose can be increased to 3-4 g, but not more than 8-12 weeks. Tablets should be taken entirely, not chewing, after eating, drinking with plenty of liquid. Candles - 500 mg 3 times a day, and suspension - 60 g of suspension (4 g of Mesalazin) 1 time per day at night, in the form of medicinal microclizm (it is advised to clean the intestines). Children candles are prescribed at the rate: with exacerbation - 40-60 mg / kg / day; For supporting therapy - 20-30 mg / kg / day. special instructions: It is advisable to regularly carry out a general blood test (before starting, during, as well as after treatment) and urine, control over the excretory function of the kidneys. Patients who are "slow acetylubles" have an increased risk of developing side effects. It may be observed urine staining and tears in yellow-orange color, the scoke of soft contact lenses. In case of passing the drug intake, the missed dose should be taken at any time or together with the next dose. If several doses are missed, then without stopping treatment, consult a doctor. If you suspect the development of acute intolerance syndrome, Mesalazin must be canceled. Interaction: Strengthens the hypoglycemic effect of sulfonylurea derivatives, ulocogenicity GKS, toxicity of methotrexate, weakens the activity of furosemide, spiroranolactone, sulfonamides, rifampicin, enhances the effect of anticoagulants, increases the efficiency of uricurovuric LS (channel secretion blockers). Slows up the absorption of cyanocobalamin.
Before applying the medicinal preparation of Salazopyridazin, you must consult with your doctor. This manual is intended only for familiarization and is not intended to appoint treatment without the participation of a doctor.

Other drug preparations Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory intestine

In nonspecific ulcerative colitis, they are prescribed salazopyridazine adults inside (later meals) in tablets of 0.5 g 4 times every day for 3-4 weeks. If during this period the therapeutic effect is manifested, the daily dose is reduced to 1.0-1.5 g (0.5 g 2-3 times every day) and the treatment continues for another 2-3 weeks. In the absence of effect, the reception of the product is stopped. Patient S. light shapes Diseases prescribe a product first in a daily dose of 1.5 g, and in the absence of effect, the dose increases to 2 g per day. Children aged 3 to 5 years of the Salazopyridazine are prescribed, starting with a dose of 0.5 g per day (2-3 receptions). In the absence of effect for 2 weeks. The product is canceled, and when. Presence therapeutic effect The treatment in this dose for 5-7 dei continues, then the dose is reduced by 2 times and continue treatment for another 2 weeks. In the case of clinical remission (temporary weakening or disappearance of manifestations of the disease), the daily dose is again reduced by half and assign it to the 40-50th day, counting from the beginning of treatment. Children aged 5 to 7 years old are prescribed a product, starting from 0.75-1.0 g per day; From 7 to 15 years old - with a dose of 1.0-1.2-1.5 g per day. Treatment and reduction of doses are carried out according to the same scheme as kids from 3 to 5 years. Salazopyridazine use combined with common methods treatment and diet recommended for non-specific ulcerative colitis. Salazopyridazine can also be used in non-specific ulcerative colitis and crown disease (diseases of a unclear cause characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the lumen of individual intestinal departments) rectally (into the rectum) in the form of suspensions (suspension of solid particles in liquid) and candles. Salazopyridazine suspension is 5% used for rectal administration during the damage to the straight and sieve, in the preoperative period and later the sub-coctomy (later removal of the part of the colon), with poor tolerability of the product in the form of tablets. The suspension is slightly heated and administered in the form of the enema into the rectum or in the culture of the intestine of 20-40 ml 1-2 times a day. Children introduce 10-20 ml (depending on age). Rectal administration can be combined with the method of substance inside. Candles apply rectally. IN acute stage Diseases are prescribed 1 candle 2-4 times every day for 2 weeks. Up to 3 months The duration of the course depends on the effectiveness of the treatment and portability of the product. Maximum daily dose - 4 candles (2 g). At the same time, salazopyridazine can be taken in tablets (not exceeding the total daily dose of 3 g) and other means for the treatment of non-specific ulcerative colitis. In order to prevent relapses (re-emergence of signs of the disease), they are prescribed 1-2 candles per day for 2-3 months. Doses and a product assignment scheme with other forms of colitis with ulceated lesions are the same as under non-specific ulcerative colitis.

International Name

Mesalazine (Mesalazine)

Group Affiliation

Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory intestine

Dosage form

Rectal Suppositories, Suspension for Ingestion, Rectal Suspension, Tablets, Tablets Covered with Intestinal Shell, Prolonged Tablets

pharmachologic effect

It has local anti-inflammatory (due to the inhibitory of neutrophilic lipoxygenase activity and PG and leukotriene synthesis). Inhibits migration, degranulation, phagocytosis of neutrophils, as well as IG secretion lymphocytes. It has an antibacterial effect on the intestinal sticks and some coccas (manifests itself in the thick intestine).

It has an antioxidant effect (due to the ability to bind with free oxygen radicals and destroy them). It is characterized by good tolerability, reduces the risk of recurrence during Crohn's disease, especially in patients with Ileis and a large duration of the disease.


Nonspecific ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease (prevention and treatment of exacerbations).


Hypersensitivity (when applied by enema, incl. To methyl and propylparaben), blood disease, ulcerative disease of the stomach and 12-risen, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficit, hemorrhagic diathesis, severe renal / hepatic insufficiency, lactation period, last 2-4 weeks of pregnancy, children's age (up to 2 years) .c care. Pregnancy (I trimester), hepatic and / or renal failure.

Side effects

From the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, decreased appetite, abdominal pain, dry mouth, stomatitis, increase in the activity of "liver" transaminase, hepatitis, pancreatitis.

From the side of the CSS: heartbeat, tachycardia, raising or decrease in blood pressure, painful pain, shortness of breath.

From the nervous system: Headache, noise in ears, dizziness, polyneuropathy, tremor, depression.

From the side of the urinary system: proteinuria, hematuria, oliguria, anuria, crystalluria, nephrotic syndrome.

Allergic reactions: skin rash, itching, dermatosis (pseudoeritromatosis), bronchospasm.

From the side of the blood formation: Eosinophilia, anemia (hemolytic, megaloblastic, aplastic), leukopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, hypoprothrombinemia.

Others: weakness, vapotitis, photosensibilization, lupus-like syndrome, oligospermia, alopecia, reduction of tear fluid products.

Application and dosage

The choice of dosage form is determined by localization and length of intestinal lesion.

With common forms, tablets are used, with distal (procts, proctus moves) - rectal forms. With exacerbation of the disease - 400-800 mg 3 times a day, within 8-12 weeks. For the prevention of relapses - at 400-500 mg 3 times a day with a non-specific ulcerative colitis and 1 g 4 times a day - during crown disease; Children over 2 years old - 20-30 mg / kg / day in several techniques, for several years. In case of severe disease, the daily dose can be increased to 3-4 g, but not more than 8-12 weeks. Tablets should be taken entirely, not chewing, after eating, drinking with plenty of liquid.

Candles - 500 mg 3 times a day, and suspension - 60 g of suspension (4 g of Mesalazin) 1 time per day at night, in the form of medicinal microclizm (it is advised to clean the intestines).

Children candles are prescribed at the rate: with exacerbation - 40-60 mg / kg / day; For supporting therapy - 20-30 mg / kg / day.

special instructions

It is advisable to regularly carry out a general blood test (before starting, during, as well as after treatment) and urine, control over the excretory function of the kidneys. Patients who are "slow acetylubles" have an increased risk of developing side effects. It may be observed urine staining and tears in yellow-orange color, the scoke of soft contact lenses. In case of passing the drug intake, the missed dose should be taken at any time or together with the next dose. If several doses are missed, then without stopping treatment, consult a doctor. If you suspect the development of acute intolerance syndrome, Mesalazin must be canceled.


Enhances the hypoglycemic effect of sulfonylurea derivatives, ulcerogenicity GKS, the toxicity of methotrexate, weakens the activity of furosemide, spiroranolactone, sulfonilahminamides, rifampicin, enhances the effect of anticoagulants, increases the efficiency of uricozeuric LS (channel secretion blockers). Slows up the absorption of cyanocobalamin.

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Mesalazine (Mesalazine)

Pharmacological group

Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory intestinal agent (12)

Active substances


Dosage form

rectal Suppositories, Suspension for Ingestion, Rectal Suspension, Tablets, Tablets Covered with Intestinal Shell, Prolonged Tablets

Farm. Evidence

It has local anti-inflammatory (due to the inhibitory of neutrophilic lipoxygenase activity and PG and leukotriene synthesis). Inhibits migration, degranulation, phagocytosis of neutrophils, as well as IG secretion lymphocytes. It has an antibacterial effect on the intestinal sticks and some coccas (manifests itself in the thick intestine). It has an antioxidant effect (due to the ability to bind with free oxygen radicals and destroy them). It is characterized by good tolerability, reduces the risk of recurrence during Crohn's disease, especially in patients with Ileis and a large duration of the disease.


Nonspecific ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease (prevention and treatment of exacerbations).

Contraindications for use

Hypersensitivity (when applied by enema, incl. To methyl and propylparaben), blood disease, ulcerative disease of the stomach and 12-risen, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficit, hemorrhagic diathesis, severe renal / hepatic insufficiency, lactation period, last 2-4 weeks of pregnancy, children's age (up to 2 years) .c care. Pregnancy (I trimester), hepatic and / or renal failure.

Possible side effects

From the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, decreased appetite, abdominal pain, dry mouth, stomatitis, increase in the activity of "liver" transaminase, hepatitis, pancreatitis. From the side of the CSS: heartbeat, tachycardia, raising or decrease in blood pressure, painful pain, shortness of breath. From the nervous system: Headache, noise in ears, dizziness, polyneuropathy, tremor, depression. From the side of the urinary system: proteinuria, hematuria, oliguria, anuria, crystalluria, nephrotic syndrome. Allergic reactions: skin rash, itching, dermatosis (pseudoeritromatosis), bronchospasm. From the side of the blood formation: Eosinophilia, anemia (hemolytic, megaloblastic, aplastic), leukopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, hypoprothrombinemia. Others: weakness, vapotitis, photosensibilization, lupus-like syndrome, oligospermia, alopecia, reducing the products of the tear fluid. Recently. Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, gastralgy, weakness, drowsiness. Treatment: stomach wash, appointment of laxative, symptomatic therapy.

Doses and method of application

The choice of dosage form is determined by localization and length of intestinal lesion. With common forms, tablets are used, with distal (procts, proctus moves) - rectal forms. With exacerbation of the disease - 400-800 mg 3 times a day, within 8-12 weeks. For the prevention of relapses - at 400-500 mg 3 times a day with a non-specific ulcerative colitis and 1 g 4 times a day - during crown disease; Children over 2 years old - 20-30 mg / kg / day in several techniques, for several years. In case of severe disease, the daily dose can be increased to 3-4 g, but not more than 8-12 weeks. Tablets should be taken entirely, not chewing, after eating, drinking with plenty of liquid. Candles - 500 mg 3 times a day, and suspension - 60 g of suspension (4 g of Mesalazin) 1 time per day at night, in the form of medicinal microclizm (it is advised to clean the intestines). Children candles are prescribed at the rate: with exacerbation - 40-60 mg / kg / day; For supporting therapy - 20-30 mg / kg / day.

Other instructions

It is advisable to regularly carry out a general blood test (before starting, during, as well as after treatment) and urine, control over the excretory function of the kidneys. Patients who are "slow acetylubles" have an increased risk of developing side effects. It may be observed urine staining and tears in yellow-orange color, the scoke of soft contact lenses. In case of passing the drug intake, the missed dose should be taken at any time or together with the next dose. If several doses are missed, then without stopping treatment, consult a doctor. If you suspect the development of acute intolerance syndrome, Mesalazin must be canceled.


Enhances the hypoglycemic effect of sulfonylurea derivatives, ulcerogenicity GKS, the toxicity of methotrexate, weakens the activity of furosemide, spiroranolactone, sulfonilahminamides, rifampicin, enhances the effect of anticoagulants, increases the efficiency of uricozeuric LS (channel secretion blockers). Slows up the absorption of cyanocobalamin.

Draw your attention to! Before applying any drugs, you must necessarily consult with your doctor!

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