Seven Easy Ways to Beat Headache Without Medication Focus on nuts, beans and ginger

People invariably suffer from headaches, probably ever since they realized that they had this part of the body. And those who are not fans of pharmaceuticals, but do not want to endure pain, are looking for different ways to deal with this condition.

Contributed to this difficult business and yogis. They came up with a pose with the complicated name Viparita Karani, staying in which normalizes blood circulation in the head area and thus helps to get rid of pain.

Pose number 1

It's easier than it sounds. To take this miraculous pose, you need to lie on the floor, and raise your legs and support them, straightened, against the wall. It is necessary that there is a right angle between the body and the legs. The secret is that if your lower limbs will be relaxed, then tension and, possibly, pain under the knees you will not feel.

You need to stay in this position for about 6 - 7 minutes, then draw your legs to your stomach and gently push them off the floor. Then you can slowly, without jerking, get up. If you jump up too abruptly, you may be dizzy and feel as if blood is pounding in your temples, so you should not leave the yoga position too quickly.

Pose number 2

Another one effective method to overcome pain - Nadi Shodhana. You need to sit down, keep your back relaxed, but not hunch over. Breathe in alternately, then with the right and then with the left nostril, making a deep, slow breath in and the same exhale. About 2-3 seconds should pass between each inhalation and exhalation so that the head does not start to spin. You need to take 10 breaths of each nostril.

If your head still hurts, you can tilt it back by placing your hand on the back of your head and massaging your neck. It is good if at the same time you put a cool rag on your temples and forehead.

Dmitry Kozlov, neuropathologist.

Of all living things on the planet, only man is able to experience headache... One of its varieties is called migraine. This article describes the causes of headaches and effective ways to eliminate it.

Of all living things on the planet, only man has the ability to experience an exhausting and incapacitating headache. One of its varieties is called migraine. Most often, its occurrence is usually associated with a change in the weather, although this is just one, and even then not the main reason for some, for example, it is enough to eat a small bar of chocolate or a slice of cheese to feel the full severity of this pain.

Disease dossier

Ancient healers believed that a painful headache was caused by evil spirits that had taken over the head, and even made the sufferer trepan the skull in order to expel them from there. Such a measure not only did not free the patient from torment, but often turned into extremely negative consequences. The first scientific description of the headache, now known as migraine, belongs to the Greek physician Areteus of Cappadocia, who lived in the 1st century. Separating it into an independent disease, he called it "heterocrania", which means "another head". A hundred years later, the Roman physician Galen changed this name to "hemicrania", or "disease of half of the head," thereby defining one of its characteristic features, namely, the localization of pain in one half of the head. The main culprit of its occurrence, Galen considered the changes occurring in the blood vessels. By the way, since then the name of this disease has not changed anymore, since it reflects its essence as accurately as possible. And the very concept of "migraine" is the French version of the outdated Greek phrase.

Further studies of the genetic, physiological, neurochemical and immunological aspects of the onset of migraine have made it possible to achieve significant success in finding the causes of its origin and finding effective pain relievers and prophylactic agents.But nevertheless, doctors still do not have complete certainty in this matter. An obvious difficulty in the study of the disease is also the fact that the processes associated with migraine cannot be investigated with the help of animals, which, as already mentioned above, do not know what a headache is.

TIN for migraine

In modern medical practice more than 100 known different types headache. And among this abundance, migraine takes the second place in terms of prevalence and, accordingly, in the frequency of visits to doctors. According to statistical data, about 20% of the entire population of the planet suffer from this ailment. It is not without reason that migraine has long been considered a fashionable simulation among secular ladies. And so they did not take her seriously. But the complications of migraine include migraine status (a series of severe, consecutive attacks, accompanied by vomiting) and Tod's paralysis (also called the sister of epilepsy), lasting at least a week and aggravated by the development of pathology from other organs and systems.

Alarming signs of the disease in most cases begin to make themselves felt in the first 20 years of life, gradually progressing to 40-50 years, and then over the years they decline in the elderly and old age practically disappear.

Distinctive features

A characteristic symptom migraine is a paroxysmal, throbbing pain that usually occurs in one side of the head and is concentrated in the frontotemporal-orbital region.

There are two types of migraines. The first is characterized by an aura, that is, the appearance of certain precursors of pain, such as blurred vision, photopsies in the form of flashes of light or bright zigzag flickering lines from one or both eyes, as well as severe weakness and numbness of the limbs. As a rule, the same aura develops in the same person during migraine attacks. The so-called "Alice Syndrome" is also a kind of aura in which there are visual illusions, very similar to the phenomenon described in the book "Alice in Wonderland": all surrounding objects and people begin to change in size, lengthen or shorten, and even change colors, the Aura appears about an hour before the development of a pain attack and can last from 5 to 60 minutes.

With the second type of migraine, there is no aura. The pain appears suddenly, starting most often from the temporal or superciliary region. It happens that during one attack, it "flows" from one side of the head to the other. Moreover, the area of \u200b\u200bpain localization has a number clinical features... So, right-sided pain is characterized by high intensity pain, as well as the presence of vegetative changes - tachycardia, chills, excessive sweating... Left-sided seizures often occur at night, they are much longer and are often accompanied by vomiting and morning edema.

Who is guilty?

The predisposition to migraine is transmitted genetically - about 60% of those suffering from it inherited this disease from their parents. Moreover, in 2/3 of the cases noted, it is transmitted through the maternal line and manifests itself, as a rule, with an unfavorable combination of external and internal factors.

The causes of migraine are not fully understood, although it is assumed that vascular and hormonal mechanisms are involved in the occurrence of a migraine attack, which are interrelated. The development of seizures is triggered by the activation of brain receptors, which occurs as a result of narrowing and then vasodilation. The reasons for this have not been precisely established, but it is likely that this is due to a decrease in the concentration of the hormone serotonin in the blood, a biologically active substance that is a conductor of the peripheral and central nervous systems. The body of an adult contains 5 to 10 mg of serotonin, 10% of which are found in platelets and the brain. Before an attack, serotonin, released from platelets, narrows the large arteries and veins and dilates the capillaries. Excess blood, which due to spasm is forced to pass through the external carotid artery, press on the vascular wall, dilating the artery and causing pain attack... There are more platelets in the right hemisphere of the brain, so this part of the head suffers more often during a migraine. It would seem that the "culprit" is found and it is enough to reduce the concentration of this hormone, as the attack will be stopped. However, this does not happen. With further research, it was revealed that at the moment of the highest point of pain, the amount of the hormone for some unknown reason drops sharply and is excreted from the body by the kidneys, causing vascular atony. The presence of the remaining persistent pain is explained by the excitation of sensory fibers and the release of the hormone bradykinin, raising permeability of the vascular wall and the occurrence of cerebral edema. To block the pain, the serotonin level in the blood must be increased again. Thus, the process is cyclical.

Simple migraine

The most common form of migraine is the so-called simple migraine. Usually, even before the onset of the painful phase, a person's general well-being worsens, working capacity decreases, and a depression appears. The next stage is the development of an attack, during which the headache spreads to the entire half of the head, and sometimes to the occipital region and neck. The throbbing pain gives way to a painful distention. In most people, it is accompanied by nausea, and in some cases, vomiting, which does not always ease the manifestation of the attack. The duration of this painful condition can be up to 72 hours. After the end of the migraine attack, the third stage follows - the restoring stage, which, as a rule, is expressed in prolonged sleep.


Among the factors influencing the appearance of migraines, weather changes are often noted. However, special studies show that only in 2% of patients, meteorological fluctuations serve as starting points for attacks. In the rest, they only aggravate the severity of the attack, while not affecting their frequency.

In many people, the frequency and intensity of the manifestation of the disease directly depend on their emotional and physical condition. And although there are not so many factors provoking migraines, they are among our constant "companions". And the first place among them is occupied by stress caused not only by negative, but also by positive emotional "responses" to the events taking place. Moreover, an attack, as a rule, occurs not at the height of stress, but during a period of relaxation. This is due to the fact that during stress, the content of certain neurotransmitters (stimuli), such as norepinephrine, serotonin, bradykinin and endogenous opiates, increases sharply, and during a period of decreasing heat, it drops sharply. Similar biochemical mechanisms underlie the relationship between sleep disorders and the manifestation of migraine. Deviation from the usual sleep formula leads to an increase in the frequency of migraine attacks. Moreover, attacks occur not only with a violent decrease in the duration of sleep, but also with its increase. The latter even received own name - "weekend migraine."

In some people, a common food containing tyramine, which is made from the amino acid tyrosine, can trigger an attack. This provocateur is found in cheese and smoked meats, red wine, champagne, beer and brandy, mayonnaise and ketchup, cocoa and chocolate. Many tyramines are found in spinach, green onions, beans, celery, citrus fruits, pineapples, avocados, and nuts. It blocks the entry of serotonin into neurons, thereby reducing its synthesis in nerve cells.

The influence of sex hormones is illustrated by the fact that 60% of women suffering from migraine most of attacks occur in the premenstrual period, and in 14% - attacks occur directly in critical days... The course of the disease weakens during pregnancy and lactation. The condition of patients with migraine in the interictal period is different. Many of them are practically healthy and quite efficient. Others show various signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Against this background, all sorts of paroxysmal reactions occur: pain in the region of the heart, palpitations, fainting, dizziness, pain in the abdomen, intestinal dysfunction, interval headache. This group of patients includes people who are emotionally unbalanced, suspicious, touchy, prone to obsessive fears, ignoring their own mistakes, “but do not forgive others, however, they are also overly responsible and ambitious.

Criteria for the diagnosis of migraine

They were defined by the International Headache Society in 1988:

1. Headache attacks lasting from 4 to 72 hours.

2. A headache has at least two of the following characteristics:

a) one-sided localization;

b) alternation of sides of localization;

c) throbbing pain;

d) medium or high intensity of pain;

e) increased pain during physical and emotional stress.

3. The presence of an accompanying symptom:

a) nausea;

c) phonophobia;

d) photophobia.

What to do?

Migraine headaches can unsettle a person for a long time, significantly reducing his mental and physical activity. Therefore, the main requirement for medicines are efficiency and speed of action. Modern medicine has a number of such medicines, which have a targeted stimulating effect on serotonin receptors, mildly increasing serotonin levels and thereby beneficially affecting the development of an attack. However, I would like to remind once again that it is best to entrust the choice of funds to an experienced doctor. Some seizure prevention measures can be taken independently, such as by trying a diet low in tyramine.

Toxic antidote

The drug "Botox" (diluted and purified botulinum toxin produced by the bacteria Clostridunum botulinum), which has been used for several years in cosmetology to eliminate wrinkles, is now also considered the most effective means for the treatment of migraine headaches. It was noticed that this toxin, entering the bloodstream, blocks the transmission of nerve impulses to the lining of the brain. However, in order for this method of treatment to be introduced into widespread medical practice, it must be thoroughly studied for its safety for patients.

A diet that includes foods low in tyramine for migraine sufferers (study by S. Diamond, 1997)


Permitted use: decaffeinated coffee, fruit juices, soda, caffeine-free sodas.

Cautious use: coffee and tea no more than twice a day 1 glass. 1 time caffeinated sodas and hot chocolate.


Allowed to use: Freshly cooked steamed meat, poultry, live fish, fresh eggs.

Cautious use: bacon, sausage, sausages, smoked beef, ham, caviar.


It is allowed to use: whole milk, 2% fat or skimmed milk. Cheese: processed, low fat.

Cautious use: parmesan, yogurt, yogurt, sour cream - 1/2 cup a day.


It is allowed to use: products from factory-made yeast dough; products prepared with baking powder (biscuits); any porridge.

Careful use: homemade yeast dough, sour dough bread.

It is allowed to use: asparagus, carrots, tomatoes, boiled or fried onions, potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, beets.

Cautious use: fresh onions, spinach.

Permitted to use: apples, pears, cherries, peaches, apricots.

Cautious use: no more than 1/2 kilogram per day, citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, lemons); avocado, bananas, dates, red plums, raisins.


Permitted use: homemade soups.

Cautious use: soups containing yeast, monosodium glutamate (Chinese food), broth.


It is allowed to use: sugar, honey, muffins, cookies, jam, jelly, candies.

Cautious use: products containing chocolate: ice cream (1 cup), chocolates (15 grams).

List of references

For the preparation of this work were used materials from the site

And the most common. Despite the uniquely unique, individual appearance of each pedagogically difficult child, there is much in common in the manifestations of pedagogical neglect of children. They act as external signs of pedagogical neglect, as its symptoms. 2. The problem of “difficult” students is one of the central psychological and pedagogical problems. After all, if there were no difficulties in ...

You will take a short on-line course "Become the Master of Your Life", consisting of 5 lessons, which was prepared by one of the International Financial Schools. You will start receiving the Become Master of Your Life course as soon as you fill out the form in the Learn More section, and then I will contact you. P.S. Moreover, along with this business, there is an incredible opportunity ...

Twenty volumes. Hegel is the last philosopher who tried to generalize in his own philosophy all knowledge, all sciences that existed in his era. He built a grandiose philosophical system, which included logic, ethics, aesthetics, philosophy of nature, philosophy of spirit, philosophy of history, philosophy of law, philosophy of religion, history of philosophy. The essence of the world for Hegel is the world mind, ...

Around the world, millions of people suffer from headaches that range from a mild attack to unbearable pain, which is usually caused by increased intracranial pressure or migraine. Headache can occur quite often in absolutely healthy people, due to changes in the weather or overwork. Often, these pains go away quickly without the need for medication, or after taking any pain medication. For some reason not yet entirely clear, women ...

Around the world, millions of people suffer from headaches that range from a mild attack to unbearable pain, which is usually caused by increased intracranial pressure or migraine. Headache can occur quite often in absolutely healthy people, due to changes in the weather or overwork. Often, these pains go away quickly without the need for medication, or after taking any pain medication.
For some still not entirely clear reasons, women suffer from headaches more often than men.
If you are worried about prolonged and repeated headaches, you should not neglect a visit to a neurologist, as well as a medical examination, since chronic headaches can be harbingers of any serious disorders in the body.

A migraine is a throbbing headache that occurs intermittently, most often upon waking. During sleep, pain is usually not felt. Migraines can be mild to unbearable in severity. Usually, this pain affects one side of the head. Migraines can last up to 72 hours, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, heavy tolerance to light, loud sounds. Doctors still have not determined what causes migraines.
There is also another form of headache that occurs due to increased intracranial pressure, but without any formations in the brain. Such pains can be found in young girls or women with overweight. Along with headaches, there may also be visual impairments.
Symptoms for such pain are pain in the forehead, temples, back of the head, or the entire head. It can be provoked due to changes in the weather, overwork, stress.

"Hortonian" headache
This type of headache is common in men. The pain is characterized by seizures, is very severe and boring, usually spreads around the eye, to the temple and forehead. The attacks usually occur at the same time. During such attacks, you should not drink alcohol.

Tension headache
This type of headache is usually caused by exertion. People suffering from this type of headache are prescribed computed tomography, as well as a visit to a neurologist or even a psychiatrist, since tension headache can occur due to latent depression.

Neck headache
A cervical headache can be moderate or severe. Localized from the neck to the back of the head, to the temples, eyes. This pain can be accompanied by nausea, staggering, dizziness. It usually arises as a result of sharp neck movements, fatigue, colds, osteochondrosis.

Headache treatment
For headaches, you can use proprietary pain relievers such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, paracetamol, tempalgin, and other medications that are widely available.
A hot shower can help ease cramping headaches as hot water relaxes the muscles in the back of your neck and head.
Cold compresses cool the painful area, which constricts the blood vessels and reduces the painful throbbing. Wrap a bag of ice cubes in a towel and apply on the painful area for about 10-15 minutes.

Long-term solutions
Some people who practice physical exercise, cases of migraine attacks were often observed. This could be due to dehydration. To prevent it, you need to drink about two liters of water a day.
Try to reduce your caffeine dosage as this can help reduce the frequency of headaches. Stick to a sleep routine. Make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet enough that nothing disturbs sleep. When you sleep, your body regenerates, including your brain. Try to get more rest and time outdoors. Lack of oxygen is also a significant cause of headaches.

Valery Krylatov

Dmitry Kozlov, neuropathologist.

Of all living things on the planet, only a person is capable of experiencing a headache. One of its varieties is called migraine. This article describes the causes of headaches and effective ways to eliminate it.

Of all living things on the planet, only man has the ability to experience an exhausting and incapacitating headache. One of its varieties is called migraine. Most often, its occurrence is usually associated with a change in the weather, although this is just one, and even then not the main reason for some, for example, it is enough to eat a small bar of chocolate or a slice of cheese to feel the full severity of this pain.

Disease dossier

Ancient healers believed that a painful headache was caused by evil spirits that entered the head, and even made the sufferer trepanate the skull in order to expel them from there. Such a measure not only did not free the patient from torment, but often turned into extremely negative consequences. The first scientific description of the headache, now known as migraine, belongs to the Greek physician Areteus of Cappadocia, who lived in the 1st century. Separating it into an independent disease, he called it "heterocrania", which means "another head". A hundred years later, the Roman physician Galen changed this name to "hemicrania", or "disease of half of the head," thereby defining one of its characteristic features, namely, the localization of pain in one half of the head. The main culprit of its occurrence, Galen considered the changes occurring in the blood vessels. By the way, since then the name of this disease has not changed anymore, since it reflects its essence as accurately as possible. And the very concept of "migraine" is the French version of the outdated Greek phrase.

Further studies of the genetic, physiological, neurochemical and immunological aspects of the onset of migraine have made it possible to achieve significant success in finding the causes of its origin and finding effective pain relievers and prophylactic agents.But nevertheless, doctors still do not have complete certainty in this matter. An obvious difficulty in the study of the disease is also the fact that the processes associated with migraine cannot be investigated with the help of animals, which, as already mentioned above, do not know what a headache is.

TIN for migraine

More than 100 different types of headaches are known in modern medical practice. And among this abundance, the second place in prevalence and, accordingly, in the frequency of visits to doctors is migraine. According to statistical data, about 20% of the entire population of the planet suffer from this ailment. It is not without reason that migraine has long been considered a fashionable simulation among secular ladies. And so they did not take her seriously. But the complications of migraine include migraine status (a series of severe, following seizures, accompanied by vomiting) and Tod's paralysis (also called the sister of epilepsy), lasting at least a week and aggravated by the development of pathology from other organs and systems.

In most cases, alarming signs of the disease begin to make themselves felt in the first 20 years of life, gradually progressing to 40-50 years, and then decline over the years and practically disappear in old and old age.

Distinctive features

A characteristic symptom of migraine is paroxysmal, throbbing pain that usually occurs in one half of the head and is concentrated in the frontotemporal-orbital region.

There are two types of migraines. The first is characterized by an aura, that is, the appearance of certain precursors of pain, such as visual impairment, photopsies in the form of flashes of light or bright zigzag flickering lines from one or both eyes, as well as severe weakness and numbness of the limbs. As a rule, the same aura develops in the same person during migraine attacks. The so-called "Alice Syndrome" is also a kind of aura, in which there are visual illusions, very similar to the phenomenon described in the book "Alice in Wonderland": all the surrounding objects and people begin to change in size, lengthen or shorten, and even change colors The aura appears about an hour before the onset of a pain attack and can last from 5 to 60 minutes.

With the second type of migraine, there is no aura. The pain appears suddenly, starting most often from the temporal or superciliary region. It happens that during one attack it "flows" from one side of the head to the other. Moreover, the area of \u200b\u200bpain localization has a number of clinical features. So, right-sided pains are characterized by a high intensity of pain sensations, as well as the presence of vegetative changes - tachycardia, chills, excessive sweating. Left-sided seizures often occur at night, they are much longer and are often accompanied by vomiting and morning edema.

Who is guilty?

The predisposition to migraine is transmitted genetically - about 60% of those suffering from it have inherited this disease from their parents. Moreover, in 2/3 of the cases noted, it is transmitted through the maternal line and manifests itself, as a rule, with an unfavorable combination of external and internal factors.

The causes of migraine are not fully understood, although it is assumed that vascular and hormonal mechanisms are involved in the occurrence of a migraine attack, which are interrelated. The development of seizures is triggered by the activation of brain receptors, which occurs as a result of narrowing and then vasodilation. The reasons for this have not been precisely established, but it is likely that this is due to a decrease in the concentration of the hormone serotonin in the blood, a biologically active substance that is a conductor of the peripheral and central nervous systems. An adult's body contains 5 to 10 mg of serotonin, 10% of which is found in platelets and the brain. Before an attack, serotonin, released from platelets, constricts large arteries and veins and dilates capillaries. Excess blood, which, due to spasm, is forced to pass through the external carotid artery, press on the vascular wall, dilating the artery and causing a painful attack. There are more platelets in the right hemisphere of the brain, so this part of the head suffers more often during a migraine. It would seem that the "culprit" has been found and it is enough to reduce the concentration of this hormone, as the attack will be stopped. However, this does not happen. With further research, it was revealed that at the moment of the highest point of pain, the amount of the hormone for some unknown reason drops sharply and is excreted from the body by the kidneys, causing vascular atony. The presence of the remaining persistent pain is explained by the excitation of sensory fibers and the release of the hormone bradykinin, which causes an increase in the permeability of the vascular wall and the occurrence of cerebral edema. To block the pain, the serotonin level in the blood must be increased again. Thus, the process is cyclical.

Simple migraine

The most common form of migraine is the so-called simple migraine. Usually, even before the onset of the painful phase, a person's general well-being worsens, working capacity decreases, and a depression appears. The next stage is the development of an attack, during which the headache spreads to the entire half of the head, and sometimes to the occipital region and neck. The throbbing pain gives way to a painful distention. In most people, it is accompanied by nausea, and in some cases, vomiting, which does not always ease the manifestation of the attack. The duration of this painful condition can be up to 72 hours. After the end of the migraine attack, the third stage follows - the restoring one, which, as a rule, is expressed in prolonged sleep.


Among the factors influencing the appearance of migraines, weather changes are often noted. However, special studies show that only in 2% of patients meteorological fluctuations serve as starting points for attacks. In the rest, they only aggravate the severity of the attack, while not affecting their frequency.

In many people, the frequency and intensity of the manifestation of the disease directly depend on their emotional and physical condition. And although there are not so many factors provoking migraines, they are among our constant "companions". And the first place among them is occupied by stress caused not only by negative, but also by positive emotional "responses" to the events taking place. Moreover, an attack, as a rule, occurs not at the height of stress, but during a period of relaxation. This is due to the fact that during stress, the content of some mediators (stimuli), such as norepinephrine, serotonin, bradykinin, and endogenous opiates, sharply increases, and during a period of decreasing heat, it drops sharply. Similar biochemical mechanisms underlie the relationship between sleep disorders and the manifestation of migraine. Deviation from the usual sleep formula causes an increase in the frequency of migraine attacks. Moreover, attacks occur not only when the duration of sleep is forcibly reduced, but also when it increases. The latter even got their own name - “weekend migraine”.

In some people, a common food containing tyramine, which is made from the amino acid tyrosine, can trigger an attack. This provocateur is found in cheese and smoked meats, red wine, champagne, beer and brandy, mayonnaise and ketchup, cocoa and chocolate. Tyramine is high in spinach, green onions, beans, celery, citrus fruits, pineapples, avocados, and nuts. It blocks the flow of serotonin into neurons, thereby reducing its synthesis in nerve cells.

The influence of sex hormones is illustrated by the fact that in 60% of women suffering from migraine, most of the attacks occur in the premenstrual period, and in 14% - attacks occur directly on critical days. The course of the disease weakens during pregnancy and lactation. The condition of patients with migraine in the interictal period is different. Many of them are practically healthy and quite efficient. Others show various signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Against this background, all sorts of paroxysmal reactions occur: pain in the region of the heart, palpitations, fainting, dizziness, pain in the abdomen, intestinal dysfunction, interval headache. This group of patients includes people who are emotionally unbalanced, suspicious, touchy, prone to obsessive fears, ignoring their own mistakes, “but do not forgive others, however, they are also overly responsible and ambitious.

Criteria for the diagnosis of migraine

They were defined by the International Headache Society in 1988:

1. Headache attacks lasting from 4 to 72 hours.

2. A headache has at least two of the following characteristics:

a) one-sided localization;

b) alternation of sides of localization;

c) throbbing pain;

d) medium or high intensity of pain;

e) increased pain during physical and emotional stress.

3. The presence of an accompanying symptom:

a) nausea;

c) phonophobia;

d) photophobia.

What to do?

Migraine headaches can unsettle a person for a long time, significantly reducing his mental and physical activity. Therefore, the main requirement for drugs is the effectiveness and speed of action. Modern medicine has a number of such drugs that have a targeted stimulating effect on serotonin receptors, gently increasing the level of serotonin and thereby beneficially affecting the development of an attack. However, I would like to remind once again that it is best to entrust the choice of funds to an experienced doctor. Some seizure prevention measures can be taken on their own, such as by trying a diet low in tyramine.

Toxic antidote

The drug "Botox" (diluted and purified botulinum toxin produced by the bacteria Clostridunum botulinum), already used for several years in cosmetology to eliminate wrinkles, is now considered also the most effective remedy for the treatment of migraine headaches. It was noticed that this toxin, entering the bloodstream, blocks the transmission of nerve impulses to the lining of the brain. However, in order for this method of treatment to be introduced into widespread medical practice, it must be thoroughly studied for patient safety.

A diet that includes foods low in tyramine for migraine sufferers (study by S. Diamond, 1997)


Permitted use: decaffeinated coffee, fruit juices, soda, caffeine-free sodas.

Cautious use: coffee and tea no more than twice a day 1 glass. 1 time caffeinated sodas and hot chocolate.


Allowed to use: Freshly cooked steamed meat, poultry, live fish, fresh eggs.

Cautious use: bacon, sausage, sausages, smoked beef, ham, caviar.


It is allowed to use: whole milk, 2% fat or skimmed milk. Cheese: processed, low fat.

Cautious use: parmesan, yogurt, yogurt, sour cream - 1/2 cup a day.


It is allowed to use: products from factory-made yeast dough; products prepared with baking powder (biscuits); any porridge.

Careful use: homemade yeast dough, sour dough bread.

It is allowed to use: asparagus, carrots, tomatoes, boiled or fried onions, potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, beets.

Cautious use: fresh onions, spinach.

Permitted to use: apples, pears, cherries, peaches, apricots.

Cautious use: no more than 1/2 kilogram per day, citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, lemons); avocado, bananas, dates, red plums, raisins.


Permitted use: homemade soups.

Cautious use: soups containing yeast, monosodium glutamate (Chinese food), broth.


It is allowed to use: sugar, honey, muffins, cookies, jam, jelly, candies.

Cautious use: products containing chocolate: ice cream (1 cup), chocolates (15 grams).

List of references

For the preparation of this work were used materials from the site

Dmitry Kozlov, neuropathologist. Of all living things on the planet, only a person is capable of experiencing a headache. One of its varieties is called migraine. This article describes the causes of headaches and the action
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