Clinic da Vinci is a decade of fruitful work (in detail). Dentistry da Vinci Clinic (DA Vinci Clinic) Some technologies, devices and preparations

Clinic "Da Vinci" opened in December 2008. Her founder is a candidate of medical sciences A.S. Barinov, who works here as an orthopedist traumatologist.

For 10 years of its work, this medical unit has helped many people, so its popularity is only increasing.

7 facts about the clinic da Vinci

Patients attend the Center with confidence in obtaining high-quality qualified medical services. This is confirmed by the following facts:

  1. The technologies used in the treatment are considered the best (progressive) in Volgograd and the Southern Federal District, this is noted by the international community of doctors.
  2. Cosmetology procedures are carried out by specialists with the rank of "Candidate of Medical Sciences".
  3. The clinics has developed and patented technologies in the field of orthopedic cosmetology. "Da Vinci" is visited not only by Russians, but also customers from 42 states of the world.
  4. The medical unit has offices for consultation, sterilization premises for procedures, its operating room for performing plastic interventions.
  5. The use of certified medical preparations with verified effectiveness is practiced.
  6. Medicinal products for procedures are printed in the presence of a particular patient. Doctors inform it about all the nuances and used medical preparations.
  7. Services in the medical center are provided in sterilized conditions, therefore infections are excluded.
  8. The clinic works in the policies of the DMS.

Functionality "Da Vinci"

The medical institutions receive help from specialists:

  • therapists and otorinolaryngologists;
  • orthopedists and traumatologists;
  • vertebrolov and neurologists;
  • plastic and neurosurgeons;
  • mammologists and cosmetologists.

Diagnostation is conducted on ultrasound and 3D-ultrasound devices, a mammograph. The diagnosis is made on the basis of biopsy.

In the list of cosmetology services - injection procedures, skin cleansing, correction of the shape.

Practiced in the clinic Departure of the neurologist and doctors of other specializations to the house is given, a hospital sheet is issued.

Competitive advantages

The clinic is technically equipped, therefore, high working conditions are provided, responding to all standards of modern medical institutions.

In each case, personal methods and programs apply. This is a guarantee for the receipt of effective and safe treatment by the patient.

The range of proposed procedures attracts women and men.

To carry out the necessary procedures, the medical center has an operating, dressing and procedural office.

In the clinic "Da Vinci" are performed important analyzes, whether it is a traditional study of blood and urine or complex testing for IgG immunoglobulins detection to annexin V (used to monitor the risk of spontaneous interruption of pregnancy or the presence of thrombosis).

A preliminary recording on the doctor's reception is conducted on a contact phone, writing a letter to an e-mail clinic or through electronic website registries.

Physicory doctors (4 k.m.)

The main value of the clinic "Da Vinci" - doctors. The center employs several candidates of medical sciences and doctors with the highest category.

Specialists confirm professionalism in the field plastic surgery and dermatology and other areas of medicine certificates of conformity, scientific degrees. They increase skill, developing and implementing new technologies.

The title of Medical Sciences have:

  1. neurosurgeons V.Yu. Tikhaev, Yu.M. Poschikov;
  2. plastic Surgeon V.S. Husks;
  3. cosmetologist dermatologist E.A. Barinova;
  4. ortoped P.S. Karkov.

Specialists "Da Vinci" are professionals with a capital letter. Therefore, the reviews about the work of doctors for the most part are estimated at "excellent." These are Masseur Ekaterina Khramov and Pavel Babkin, Neurologist A.A. Drushlakova, "Uzers" TA Kuznetsova and E.B. Subacheva, otorinolaryngol V.V. Ponomarev, Therapist I.B. Stanishevskaya.

Some technologies, apparatus and drugs

The clinic has developed original technological techniques used in operational treatment patients with limb defects. The methods called orthopedic cosmetology help the traumatologist and orthopedic to get an impressive cosmetic result and improve the quality of life of patients.

"Da Vinci" has the only 3D-computer navigation system for ortopils in the Volgograd region (Germany).

Therefore, patients with clinics are given the opportunity to get high-tech assistance to straighten the deformed limbs, endoprosthetic knee and hip joints. You can also make plastic cruciform ligaments of knee joints.

Doctors guarantee patients with an excellent result. Procedures are carried out certified preparations in sterile rooms.

All techniques are reliable, the tool sterilization is regularly carried out, so visitors may not worry about security.

Plastic facial and neck in the clinic "Da Vinci"

It is often suited to adjust the face and neck, because not everyone is satisfied with their appearance. Assist to return youth to the face and neck various procedures:

  1. The upper and the bottom eliminates the wrinkles in the pareorbital area, hernia under the eyes.
  2. Larma's lift will eliminate folds and wrinkles, pull the hanging eyebrows.
  3. (Facelifting or ritidectomy) will help eliminate age-related changes Skin. The procedure is carried out surgical removal A minor volume of subcutaneous fatty tissue, tightening the face muscles and excision of excess skin on her face and neck.

Other types of plastic manipulations are indicated on the official website of the clinic:

Tightening on the face of APTOS techniques

Plastic Operation Using APTOS threads contributes to the rejuvenation of the face and body.

Dr. Clinic "Da Vinci" use a subtle, elastic, elongated fiber, where there are micrographs. They hold the skin fabric and form the contour of the face.

Methods are used in the clinic:

  1. Aptos Thread. For a light suspender of the accusation of the dermis in the area of \u200b\u200beyebrows, cheek-zickyl, submandibular places of the face.
  2. Aptos Needle. For tightening skin cover and parenteral fabrics of the face, neck, chest, inner surfaces shoulders, buttocks.
  3. Aptos Spring. To pull up the fallen corners of the mouth.
  4. Aptos Wire. It is done on drawn areas, zones with deep wrinkles, withdrawn scars.

Interventions are carried out outpatient with use. Rehabilitation period proceeds a few days.

Prices for some services

The motto of medical institutions: "We do not overestimate prices!". And it can be seen from the value examples below:

  1. Consultations: neurologist - 700 rubles, oncologist-mammologist, candidate of medical sciences - 1000 rubles, oncologist-mammologist higher category - 750 rubles.
  2. For computer modeling of the figure, patients pay 1500 rubles., For the raplasty (correction of the leg) - from 60000 rubles.
  3. Anti-cellulite events by microcles and ultrasound will cost 1500 rubles. For a session.

If you need stay in the boarding house, the price is negotiated personally. When paying services, a bank card is used.

There is a medical center in Volgograd on the street. Socialist in d. 17, fl. 7, of. 710. Recorded to the reception to the selected doctor, receives the information you are interested in by phone: +7 8442 26-32-40; +7 8442 50-21-85; +7 927 538-35-11.

In principle, a rather mediocre clinic. It is really good, the caries cured and made cleaning. In terms of the rest of the service, the middle-aged. The administrator really does not know anything, it was not possible to tritely orient at prices by phone. Of course, I understand that the caries are different and the inspection is needed, but at least from and until it could say. Especially considering that the site of the price section is empty. At the prices in the end I will say that - prices are slightly above average, but the quality of treatment corresponds to! Treat, I repeat, qualitatively!

No particular clinic surprised. Caries heed yes, good. Cabinets themselves are well equipped. The service is really not ideal. 5 minutes waited for the administrator on the phone to speak before asking about the reception. Trifle but unpleasant. But again, I repeat, in terms of treatment and the doctor's attitude towards the patient everything is fine.

Called when the tooth was already sick. The situation was described offered to come right now, although it was originally about writing to the next week. Entered the position. The doctor treated Nashev Hamid Saidovich. Particularly about the intricacies of treatment did not ask, but the pain took off immediately and the tooth retained, although it had to remove the roots and clean the channels. The seal in 2/3 of the tooth turned out, but keeps reliably and so you can't tell you that the seal is worth not your tooth. At prices, of course, the teeth are expensive now, but in free polyclinics I'm already treated.

Well, and most importantly from the first time, coped with the difficult removal of the tooth of wisdom. He is already pretty "sought" and sobbed. I had to delete. For the procedure, thanks to Amirov Arslan Ruslanovich. I managed quickly and no residues left, this is certainly a great merit of more equipment in the clinic. By the way, it was not so expensive as I thought.

Whiten teeth in Davinki at the end of July. Beautiful, fast. The clinic impress the successful institution. Everything is beautiful and modern. The price tag for treatment and dental "marafet" does not bite. Before whitening the inspection, the full passed, they did not take money for it.

Father in Davincch half teeth redid, on his advice and himself went to this clinic. From his youth, half the tooth of the front was broken, the seal was standing. But how many years have passed, she cracked. In Davinki, options were certainly offered to put a light or pin. The tooth is healthy himself, it remains less than a third of him, plus there it would have previously necessary to drill. I generally came to implantation. In principle, I was told in Davinches that implantation in my case the ideal option, but the most expensive. In fact, given that it is not necessary to pay the whole amount immediately, and Imlante is still coming from six months, it turns out. But at the exit - the tooth which is felt completely alive and looks like it does not believe that the prosthesis. I had to dangle in Davincch, the truth from the other end of Moscow, but as for dentistry and in general any doctors, I prefer proven clinics.

I am interested in what you had experience in treating teeth and Vinci. For example, I treated Tsarin. The equipment is good, everything is visible on the monitor that they are doing with the tooth, so I see what teeth are thickened, and which is not there, so the deception is impossible. Seals are made carefully and look beautiful, and everything is done with explanations. Now I want to put implants on your teeth, but I was told that it would not hurt to grow jaw. And it was a persistent recommendation. So, torment me doubts, is not a divorce for money or to do urgent. Reviews could be found little therefore I can not say what to expect.

He recently had trouble with our child, he rode on a scooter and fallen inaccurately, injured her face and teeth. Some teeth (front) moved and urgently needed to do something, because the child was in hysterics and we were worried. It so happened that it was close to this clinic, and since there was little time, it did not have to look for other options. In the clinic we accepted the operational doctors benevolent, the child was reassured, all the work was done high quality and not very expensive to work. The teeth put in place, wounded, so much gratitude to Jalal Mikailovich and other people who helped us. Now we are regular customers here.

Good day. I liked the clinic, although I went to different institutions and far from all was so warm welcome as in Da Vinci clinic. Doctors professionals, with all I came across this institution. The equipment is just beautiful, so I go now all the time. Service pleases, prices are also available. I like the accuracy of the institution, everything is strictly washed and beautifully decorated, so coming nice. Doctors and staff closely relate to each word, everyone explains and help even if the questions are really elementary, which is very nice. I recommend this clinic.

Good afternoon. Literally everything suits in that clinic. The equipment is beautiful, it is not terrible to sit on the chair because the technique is the most modern, so the quality of work just pleases me. Doctors work with each in their own way, for example, it is more impressed by a strict approach, the doctor knows how to work with a lot. In principle, the doctors carefully examine and make only those teeth that are really sick, and not seal healthy teethbecause there is a small flare. Damage also do not leave unnoticed. Do it does not hurt so that treatment passes with any, but comfort.

How to prepare a child for receiving a children's dentist?

Doctors Daatology DA VINCI advise adhere to the following advice:

  1. The teeth in the first visit is better not to be treated. Come with your child in dentistry for acquaintance with the doctor, dental installation and dentistry
  2. Do not talk about the pain of the child before going to dentistry.
  3. Hold your promises regarding the hike in dentistry
  4. Do not tell children all the subtleties of treatment.

For a long time it was believed to correct malocclusion It is only necessary after the rubber of constant teeth. But in Davinci studio, small patients offer orthodontic apparatus new generation intended for early treatment - LM activator. It is a special biocompatible silicone train that repeats the structure of the baby's jaw.

Pulpitis - launched caries form affecting nerve fibers Tooth (pulp). After carious bacteria, destroying enamel and dentin, reach the pulp, the inflammation begins. The structure of dairy teeth is characterized by a feature - solid fabrics are very thin, so the caries reaches vessels and nerve tissues almost lightning.

Caries, or the disease of the solid tissues of the tooth, is a big problem of modern dentistry. Whatever the pace has not developed medicine, it is not yet able to prevent this disease. Does not spare caries and children's teeth. Moreover, the feature of the structure of dairy teeth is such that carious bacteria strike rapidly, destroying solid fabrics, quickly throwing out the neighboring teeth.

Many parents are confident that for the correct care of children's teeth, it is enough to choose the optimal view of the toothpaste and the brush of the correct rigidity. It really could help if the teeth had an absolutely smooth surface. But on the surface of the enamel there are small deepening - fissures. And the pastes cannot cope with the complete cleaning of these recesses.

Therefore, in the studio of aesthetic dentistry, Davinci offers a fesur sealing service.

The habit of brushing your teeth, take care of the purity of the oral cavity is formed from early childhood. But recently, scientists WHO noted that more than 90% of adults are completely incorrectly care for their teeth. This means that both their children teach hygiene incorrectly. Some parents are confident that milks teeth do not need special care at all - they will still change to new ones.

Thinking about the cloth of oral hygiene is a dangerous misconception. As a child, not only the habits and character of the child are laid, but also the health of the teeth. Therefore, the studio of aesthetic dentistry Davinci invites small patients on professional hygiene.

Teens are special people. These are no longer children who control parents, but not adults that decisive their problems independently. Including health problems. This in childhood Mom examines the mouth of the baby, takes the hand to the dentist. To the 12-year-old man just so in the mouth will not get out. For some reason, parents believe that after changing temporary teeth permanent, all concerns are over. But this, of course, is wrong!

Treatment of small patients is one of the many areas of activity of the studio of aesthetic dentistry DA VINCI on a poplar allee. We take care of the health of children, and therefore we argue: both milk, and constant child teeth need quality treatment.

It is from the state of temporary teeth that the indigenous teeth will be, beautiful and healthy.

The oral hygiene is an important factor for the health of the teeth. Therefore, the earlier teach the child to proper care For the teeth and ads, the more healthier they will. But when is the time comes when you need to start giving the first hygiene lessons? The correct answer to this question exists: even before the first tooth resolved.

In the studio Davinci, experienced children's doctors work. Treatment and dental removal in small patients is associated with the solution of psychological problems, because many children are afraid to fall into the office of the dentist. Davinci specialists solve this problem. The use of anesthesia makes an unpleasant procedure similar to a regular inspection. Our children do not feel pain, and parents do not have anxiety for the moral condition of the kids.

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