Is it worth correcting the bite for adults? Ways to correct malocclusion

Teeth bite is the nature of teeth closing upper jaw with the teeth of the lower jaw. Before talking about the wrong bite, you need to understand what the bite is correct, or physiological.

Signs of a correct bite:

  • Top and bottom teeth are completely closed
  • Row upper teeth overlaps the row of lower teeth by about a third
  • An imaginary vertical line running between the two upper front teeth coincides with the line between the lower front teeth
  • There are no spaces between the teeth
  • Lower front teeth with cutting edges in contact with the palatine tubercles of the upper teeth

There are several types of correct bite, and with any of them the dentition functions fully, and the appearance and diction do not suffer. Only a specialist can determine the specific type of bite.

There are also several types of malocclusion:

  • Open bite - separate groups of teeth do not close;
  • Distal bite - underdeveloped or, on the contrary, overdeveloped lower jaw;
  • Deep bite - the upper incisors overlap the lower ones by more than half;
  • Crossbite - any one jaw is underdeveloped;
  • Mesial bite - the lower jaw is significantly pushed forward;

An incorrect bite in many ways spoils the appearance of its owner - the symmetry of the face is broken, its lower part is shortened or, on the contrary, lengthened, the shape of the lips is not aesthetic, etc. In addition, diction suffers in a person with an incorrect bite, since speech is formed involved not only lips and tongue, but also teeth. But this is not so bad. Worse, defects in the position of the teeth cause various diseases... How?

An improper bite contributes to dental and gum disease. If the teeth are too close together or even overlap, it is difficult to clean them thoroughly. And this leads to the appearance of caries. When the load on individual teeth increases, the enamel quickly wears off and the sensitivity of the teeth increases. because of wrong bite the load on different parts of the dentition is unevenly distributed. As a result, teeth mobility occurs and periodontal disease occurs.

But it's not just the teeth that are at risk. Possible injury to the oral mucosa. Due to disorders in the temporomandibular joint, pain, clicking, crunching, grinding of teeth, and headaches may appear. One of the problems with malocclusion is impaired chewing function. And poor chewing of food leads to indigestion and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Often, with an incorrect bite, nasal breathing disorders occur. This increases the risk of developing ENT diseases and respiratory viral infectionsthat threatens to form chronic sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis and pharyngitis.

Now you can decide for yourself whether you need to correct the malocclusion.

Fortunately, this anomaly is amenable to correction, and at any age, although its treatment is complex and rather long. But, as with any other disease, the earlier treatment is started, the more successful it will be. Of course, the best option is to correct the bite in childhoodit is much easier and faster. But adults should not be discouraged either - they need to see an orthodontist, and he will recommend a suitable treatment. As a rule, this is wearing braces. Well, for especially severe defects, a surgical operation will help.

In dentistry "Ortho-Smile" successfully corrects bite for children and adults. Sign up for an initial consultation with an orthodontist (the cost of a consultation is on the Price for services page) and find out more about our capabilities! You can make an appointment directly from this site.

Dental disorders are a very common problem. It is not surprising that many are interested in the issue of correcting the occlusion in adults, what techniques are used in this case, prices for different ways and reviews of patients who have already tried them on themselves.

Often in adolescence, a child does not want to "spoil" his appearance with unaesthetic braces, he is embarrassed about such treatment. It seems much easier to leave things as they are. And only with time comes the understanding that this is not only a problem appearance smiles, but also health in general.

Why is it important to correct a malocclusion?

Bite changes can be very different. Doctors distinguish these types of anomalies:

  1. or prognathic - the upper jaw is pushed strongly forward, and the lower one remains underdeveloped;
  2. - when the lower teeth are especially prominent;
  3. Open - some units in a row do not close together as expected;
  4. - the upper jaw overlaps the other by more than half;
  5. - displacement of rows in the horizontal plane;
  6. Dystopia is the wrong position of the permanent teeth.

All these anomalies develop for different reasons:

  • hereditary, genetic factor;
  • problems during the mother's pregnancy;
  • malnutrition in childhood;
  • bad habits;
  • frequent illnesses;
  • mechanical damage and injury.

Correcting the bite is necessary for the sake of maintaining the health and comfortable functioning of the entire jaw. And if the child still cannot understand what such an anomaly is threatening, then the adult already consciously evaluates the consequences and faces some of them. So, the complications of malocclusion can look different:

Also, improper placement of the dentition can affect the diction and quality of food processing, which quickly leads to chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, doctors especially insist on changing the bite even in early age... It is then that the position of the teeth lends itself better to correction.


Treatment is necessary if you find at least one of the signs in yourself:

  • any visible aesthetic defects;
  • violation of the closure of the jaws in any of the above options;
  • problems that appear externally on the proportions of the face;
  • painful sensations when processing food.

Before and after photos

Methods for correcting bite in adults

Depending on the wishes of the patient, the characteristics of his health and the complexity of the defect, a more appropriate method of occlusion correction in adults is selected.

  1. Braces.
  2. Surgery.
  3. Alternative methods.
  4. What can you do at home?


These types orthodontic structures remain the most reliable in the treatment of all categories of patients. And with already formed tissues and the bone system, braces are considered almost the only products that can cope with the problem of incorrect position of teeth. Especially doctors insist on their use when there are severe anomalies that are not amenable to other types of treatment.

In this case, there is a mechanical effect on each tooth, which gradually shifts the root and stretches connective tissue Around him. Due to this, the position of units and a whole series gradually changes.

But this system also has disadvantages:

  • they are visible to others during the entire period of treatment;
  • wear them for at least a year or two;
  • addiction and the process of correction is accompanied by discomfort, and sometimes painful sensations;
  • such constructions are quite expensive.

Surgical route

In some cases, even reliable braces fail and you have to use the most radical way to correct the defect - surgical intervention... The operation is prescribed for the following problems:

  • a strongly pronounced open bite, when even the chewing and speech function is impaired;
  • chin dysplasia occurs, which distorts the oval of the face;
  • after maxillofacial injuries;
  • special hereditary pathologies.

At the same time, an incision is made in the bone tissue and mucous membrane, due to which the teeth fall into place, and the jaws close correctly. The decision about such a method of treatment is made only by the doctor, taking into account all the features of the malocclusion and the general health of the patient.

Alternative (mouth guards, trainers, veneers, etc.)

In addition to classic braces and radical measures, you can use other correction methods:

  1. Plastic dental guards (aligners) are removable transparent plates that are fixed on the teeth and should be worn for at least 22 hours a day. It is allowed to take off only for hygiene procedures and during meals. But they are effective only in cases of mild malocclusion. It is especially recommended to use them in case of crowding of teeth, narrow or wide arch, or, if necessary, to correct recurrent displacement. Every 20 days you need to come to an appointment with the orthodontist and replace the aligners with others.
  2. Special trainers are also transparent and removable constructions made of silicone. For the first part of the treatment, more elastic products are selected, and in the final six months, already strong and firm trainers are put on. They are used in the same cases as plastic trays, as well as additionally to normalize nasal breathing, correct diction and eliminate bad habits... The positive thing is that you have to wear them only at night, and during the day 2-4 hours are enough, which excludes their use during working hours, without embarrassing the patient.
  3. relate more to the aesthetic restoration of the smile zone than to bite corrections. But some irregularities in the dentition can be hidden with their help. Usually doctors advise using such correction methods in cases where, for some reason, none of the above methods can be applied. But they only help with implicit defects.

What can you do at home?

Some would like to carry out bite correction on their own, without going to the doctor, since the dental office and all sorts of instruments are very frightening. But this is almost impossible. Specialists in the correction of occlusion with orthodontic systems may advise to do some auxiliary manipulations at home:

  • special exercises.

But as independent procedures for treatment, they are powerless.

Correction of malocclusion in adults without braces

It is worth noting some features of the treatment of adult patients:

  1. Their work, social interaction and active life set separate requirements for the aesthetics and strength of the structures used.
  2. The choice of the method of correction is strongly influenced by the state of health, when many effective ways become inaccessible due to contraindications.
  3. The older the person, the more difficult it is to influence the location of the dental roots, displace them and change the structure of bone and connective tissue.

Although modern technology makes it possible to choose the most suitable treatment. So, veneers and lumineers are able to correct some smile defects in one session at the dentist, without pain and prolonged anguish. And aligners and trainers will help you change a more serious anomaly almost at home, when no one will notice.

Treatment cost

Depending on the chosen technique and the complexity of the defect, as well as the specific dental clinic, it will vary and total price for the treatment. Consider how much does an adult bite correction cost in each case:

  • braces - from 10,000 to 120,000 rubles, depending on the material and method of attachment;
  • surgical treatment - 300-450 thousand rubles;
  • mouth guards and aligners - 90-160 thousand;
  • trainers - 2000-4000;
  • veneers - 10-20 thousand rubles;
  • lumineers - 60,000-70,000.

In each case, the cost may vary, since the clinics have their own pricing policy. In addition, you need to remember about additional procedures that will have to be carried out - diagnostics, caries treatment, specialist advice, etc.

Video: an orthodontist on bite correction in adults.

Only a small proportion of people have a perfect bite. Basically, most of us have an irregular bite and turn to correct it only in case of pronounced abnormal development.

But it turns out that even a slight deviation of the bite from the norm can cause a lot of negative consequences.

Types of deviations

Types of threats

The bite is called interaction the opposite dentition when the upper and lower jaw are closed. It is he who is the main characteristic of the correct development of the dentoalveolar apparatus.

A permanent bite is formed after 14 years.

In case of improper development, long-term treatment is required, in the absence of which the risk of certain complications, both local and general, increases.

Uneven chewing load on teeth

With an incorrect bite, as a rule, the load is unevenly distributed. Some teeth are exposed double load, while others practically do not participate in the process of chewing food.

This negatively affects the quality of the structure of the dental tissue, which becomes fragile and subject to destruction from constant stress. Those crowns that do not experience mechanical stress also suffer. They often accumulate bacterial plaque, which contributes to the occurrence of caries.

Breathing disorder

A pronounced anomaly in the development of the jaw apparatus can subsequently lead to a violation of proper breathing. If untreated, most often first violated nasal breathing , which is then completely or partially replaced by the oral one.

This complication can cause temporary respiratory arrest and provoke inflammation of the respiratory system.

Decreased chewing activity

Pathology is often accompanied by a decrease in chewing activity, since not all teeth are involved in chewing while eating. If you want to tightly close the crowns for high-quality chewing of food, a person often experiences discomfort and pain.

The absence of a constant load leads to a decrease in the soft and bone tissue of the oral cavity and malfunctioning salivary glands , which increases the risk of developing dental diseases.

Effect of bite on appearance


This disease, which is not always an independent pathology, occurs as a result of nervous overstrain or a genetic predisposition. The appearance of bruxism can be triggered by an abnormal development of the bite.

Due to the incorrect position of the crowns of the upper and lower jaw in relation to each other, the muscular apparatus of the jaw is under excessive stress. During sleep, a person unconsciously tries get rid of overvoltagegrinding his teeth.

ENT diseases

An incorrect bite is often the culprit for poor quality teeth, as it is not always possible to completely clean them using standard tools. This leads to the accumulation of bacterial deposits, penetrating into the ENT organs and provoking a weakening of their immune defenses.

The most common diseases in this type of pathology are angina, sinusitis, otitis media.

Bone damage

A large and constant load on the same crowns can lead to overstretching of the periodontal ligaments, which makes the teeth mobile. During chewing, they loosen, damaging the bottom of the alveolar socket with the roots, injuring not only the periodontium, but also the bone tissue.

This phenomenon is fraught with development inflammation of the bone of the alveolar ridgewhich can spread to the entire jawbone.

Injury to the soft tissues of the oral cavity

An abnormal bite is characterized by an incorrect position of the crowns, which can be inclined towards the lips or inward oral cavity... The latter option is fraught with injuries to the soft tissues of the mouth.

Basically, this affects the inner side of the cheeks and the lateral surfaces of the tongue. Most often they arise due to biting while talking or eating.

Early tooth loss

Incorrect load distribution and poor oral hygiene are the main factors that provoke early tooth loss in case of improper development of the dentition.

Uneven loading leads to loosening of the crown and enlargement of the periodontal pocketwhere pathogenic bacteria easily enter. They cause purulent inflammation the root of the tooth, which, if not treated in time, lead to its loss.

Gum recession

A decrease in functional activity with this type of dentoalveolar anomaly is the cause of soft tissue atrophy. The gums in the cervical area are especially strongly affected.

In the absence of treatment, a gradual exposing the neck of the tooth, which leads to the accumulation of bacterial plaque on it and an increase in sensitivity. Gum recession often results in cervical caries that quickly spreads to the root of the tooth.

Difficult prosthetics and restoration

The incorrect position of the crowns makes the process of prosthetics difficult. In this case, prosthetics requires the use of complex devices and long-term treatment. To restore or replace defects in the dentition with their pronounced asymmetry, some techniques should be used impossible.

Often, in order to install bridges, it is necessary to remove especially problem teeth.

Photo: the consequences of the mesial position of the teeth. Before and after treatment

Difficult oral hygiene

This problem is especially relevant when crowns are overly dense, where it is difficult to penetrate with a standard brush. Narrow dental spaces are areas where large amounts of accumulation of bacteria.

In some cases, their cleaning is impossible without using special means... Poor oral hygiene leads to the development of dental diseases that are localized on both periodontal and dental tissue.


Periodontitis is most common in the elderly. During the uneven distribution of pressure on the crowns, integrity violation musculoskeletal system.

As a result, the roots of the teeth begin to gradually become exposed and loosening of the teeth occurs. Periodontitis is accompanied by bleeding of the gum tissue, a bulky accumulation of plaque in the cervical area and a pronounced putrid odor.

In the absence of therapy, inflammation becomes purulent.

Violation of diction

This is one of the most harmless complications that does not harm the body. Most often, with this phenomenon, the psychological state of a person suffers. It is mainly manifested by lisping and indistinct pronunciation of consonants.

As a rule, the deviation is formed gradually, from childhood. Unlike other complications, this manifestation has no property get complicated over time.

Increased abrasion of enamel

With strong pressure on some crowns, their enamel changes its structure, becoming more fragile. Under constant mechanical stress, she erased, becoming thin and losing its protective function.

The result of enamel thinning is hypersensitivity crowns, the formation of carious lesions and the occurrence of pulpitis. In the absence of proper treatment, inflammation can develop into purulent, which will lead to partial or complete tooth loss.

Temporomandibular joint disease

Diseases of the temporomandibular joints are one of the most serious and difficult to treat consequences. As a rule, they arise as a result of incorrect positioning of the incisors, which gradually lead to displacement of the jaw joints.

This pathology is accompanied by painful sensations in area neck, back and head... You can also often notice a pronounced clicking of the joints while talking or chewing food.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Loose teeth closing leads to the fact that a person does not chew food well. Foods entering the digestive system in chunks cause inflammation and dysfunctional disorders.

In addition, the digestion of such food places a double burden on the organs. The most common pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are gastritis, enterocolitis and stool disorder.

Aesthetic disorders

An abnormal bite leads to a violation of the symmetry of the face not only in the full face, but also in the profile. With small deviations in the development of the dentition, this is hardly noticeable and can only affect when choosing a sport.

On the right is the result of correcting distal occlusion

Danger with a temporary developmental process

The opinion that during the formation of a temporary bite it does not require attention to itself is erroneous. Despite the fact that the child's teeth are temporary, it should be borne in mind that this period is characterized by the active growth of the jaw apparatus.

This means that the incorrect development of the bite can affect this process and cause a number of complications:

  • premature tooth extraction, which leads to a narrowing of the jaw arch;
  • development chronic diseases intestines;
  • extensive caries lesions.

Pathology at a changeable stage of formation

The period of replacement teeth is the most important for the formation of a correct bite. Abnormal development dentoalveolar apparatus in this case can lead to the following complications:

  • underdevelopment of the temporomandibular apparatusfurther provoking serious illness ENT organs and pathology of the cervical spine;
  • asymmetry of the face;
  • decreased quality of dental tissue, contributing to the development of dental diseases that lead to their premature loss.

Change in appearance after treatment

Abnormal development of the bite is a pathology that is formed from childhood. Lack of proper attention to this process leads to serious consequences, which are often difficult to stop.

And in this video, the specialist expresses his opinion:

Malocclusion is a dental pathology characterized by an incorrect position of the upper and lower jaw... Malocclusion is one of the most common dental problems. This violation usually has genetic predispositionbut can also be caused by sucking thumb, prolonged use of the pacifier and other childish habits. Although the disorder cannot be safely and effectively treated at home, malocclusion in children and adults can still be corrected by several professional methods.


Part 1

Establishing diagnosis

    Grit your teeth and smile to check if you have any bite problems. To check for a malocclusion, close your mouth so that your teeth clench in a natural position. When you clench your teeth, smile in the mirror and look at the area where one row of teeth overlaps the other. Although slight overlap is acceptable, please contact medical helpif one row protrudes significantly more.

    • A malocclusion is considered severe when the teeth protrude 3.5 mm or more. For more accurate measurements, you should consult your dentist.
  1. Get a dental checkup. If you are unsure if a malocclusion needs medical attention and are not ready to spend money on dental research, consult your dentist. Ask him for a dental check-up, during which the dentist will check the condition of each tooth and general state oral cavity. Ask him for an X-ray to check for one of the following types of malocclusion:

  2. Find a good orthodontist. The orthodontist will tell you how you can correct your malocclusion, how much it will cost and how long it will take. Find a highly qualified specialist with the appropriate education and experience. Before starting treatment, make sure that the orthodontist is a member of the professional society of Russian orthodontists.

    • If you can't find a good orthodontist in your city, ask the dentist for someone else's advice.
  3. Try traditional wire retainers. In some cases, especially when it comes to children who are still growing, the malocclusion can be corrected with conventional wire retainers. They require less maintenance than braces and cost less. A fixed structure will cost from 2000-3000 rubles and more per jaw. Removable braces will cost more - from 10,000 rubles per row. Although more visible than clear aligners, they can be easily removed if needed.

    • Very often retainers are placed after braces have been removed to keep the teeth in their new position.

Is it worth it to correct the occlusion, because nature has long "put everything in its place"? What to do: wear it or leave it as it is? Anna Tokareva, chief orthodontist, answers these questions to "Health Mail.Ru" dental clinics Belgravia Dental Studio and Dental Fantasy.

In adults, the teeth no longer move: growth is complete, the bone is strengthened

Moving teeth is possible at any age. Even if an adult is not wearing braces, teeth can still move. For example, the eruption of the third (wisdom teeth) can provoke tooth movement - the appearance or increased crowding.

Or suppose there was a loss of one chewing tooth, in this case, the antagonist tooth (on the opposite jaw) moves forward. And the teeth-neighbors begin to shift or tilt, trying to fill the void.

If you put braces in adulthood, your teeth will move as the orthodontist intended.

Braces hurt a lot

Only at the moment of getting used to. There are two reasons for temporary discomfort: at the beginning of orthodontic treatment, a bracket is fixed to each tooth, which touches the mucous membrane of the cheek and lip (when installing external braces) or the tongue (if these are lingual braces).

During chewing, swallowing, talking, the protruding elements of the bracket system can rub.

In response to irritation on the mucous membrane at the point of contact with the braces, a protective stratum corneum (like callus on open skin areas) forms, and the sensitivity gradually decreases.

In adults, habituation takes 3-5 days to 2 weeks on average.

Clinical case of orthodontist Anna Tokareva, Belgravia Dental Studio

For comfort in the first days after installing the bracket system, you can glue the bracket with orthodontic wax, and apply a special gel to the mucous membrane.

The second reason for discomfort at the beginning of treatment is the work of the arch inserted into the groove of the braces. It is the arcs that start the mechanism for moving the teeth and control their position in three planes.

At the beginning of treatment, shape memory arches are used - they tend to return to their original position, thereby affecting the position of the teeth and gradually giving the dentition an ideal shape.

The mechanism of movement of teeth and restructuring of bone tissue begins with stretching or compression of the ligaments that hold the teeth in the bone holes.

The ligaments of the upper teeth adapt in 3-5 days, and on the lower bone has a high density, so addiction can last up to 7-10 days.

The arcs in the bracket system change at regular intervals, after changing the arc, the discomfort (according to the reviews of most patients) is 2-3 times weaker - the ligaments are already accustomed to light tension.

If you move the teeth of an adult, it is not stable, everything will return to its original position

The stability of the position of the teeth depends on how tightly the upper and lower teeth close together, meeting the coinciding surfaces. In the language this is called "occlusal contacts".

It is in this position that the teeth keep each other from displacement. To avoid tilting and turning the front teeth, a thin non-removable arch called a flex retainer is fixed on the inner surface.

According to the protocol, the time of using fixed retainers is, on average, two treatment periods with braces.

In some cases, the orthodontist prescribes a removable retainer - a transparent splint or plate. They must be worn for 10-12 hours (in the evening and at night) within 6 months after removing the braces. The task of the mouthguard is to maintain the shape of the dental arches until the bone has acquired a "new memory".

In addition, removable retainers prevent the anterior teeth from moving if the flex retainer comes loose from one or more teeth.

Moving teeth in an adult is always a very long time

The movement of teeth inside the bone tissue occurs at a certain speed: on the upper jaw - 0.8 mm per month, on the lower jaw - 0.3 mm per month. Orthodontists use these data to predict the timing of treatment. On average, for an adult patient it is 2-3 years.

there is modern technologywhich significantly shortens the time is ultrasonic bone preparation . The phenomenon of acceleration of processes is triggered, bone tissue becomes "obedient", bone fibers are built in those areas where there is a lack of space.

Thanks to this new bone, the result is more stable as the “memory” of the position of the teeth is enhanced. This method allows you to move the teeth at a distance 2-3 times more, while reducing the need to remove permanent teeth.

You will have to wear braces only 10-12 months. In addition, such preparation improves the condition of the periodontium (tissues surrounding the tooth) and reduces the likelihood of pathology in the future.

Anna Tokareva


The technique is primarily suitable for adult patients with moderate to severe malocclusion.

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