How many one-year-old children sleep, and when is it time to sound the alarm. How long does a newborn baby sleep during the day How much does a baby sleep at 1 year

Of course, the kid does not owe anything to anyone. Each child and adult has an individual need for sleep, and the task of parents is to calculate and apply this individual need for a child's sleep to their life situation.

In this article, we'll help you figure out if your little one is getting enough sleep. Let's figure out where the sleep norms came from and how to read them correctly and apply them to our situation. Let's analyze and understand how to determine how much sleep your baby needs?


It is very important to ensure that your little one is getting enough sleep. Lack of sleep, or sleep deprivation, as we call it, builds up quickly and has a very negative impact on the quality of sleep and the well-being of the child.

In order to say with confidence that the child has enough sleep, parents need to:

Keep observations of the baby's sleep, write them down in a sleep diary

Compare your observations with sleep rates

Eliminate signs of sleep deprivation in your little one


The most common mistake parents make when analyzing their sleep situation is incorrectly calculating the amount of sleep per day. Here are 5 rules to help you make accurate observations of how much your child sleeps.

1) Be sure to write down all dreams! In a notebook, take notes, do not focus on your memory or sensations.

2) Calculate the total amount of sleep per day! Until you divide by day and night, there may be situations when not a child sleeps at night and sleeps during the day. But keep in mind that daytime sleep and nighttime are not entirely equal, although as they grow up, children adapt to compensate for the lack of one at the expense of the other.

3) Don't round up! Moms tend to round or write roughly. Don't do this, because a lot of sleep will be "lost" in the counting and you may be drawing the wrong conclusion. For example, the baby woke up at 15:42, write down at 15:42, not 15:30!

4) Consider sleep while eating - on your chest or bottle, because the baby's swallowing and sucking movements remain during sleep.

5) It is important to observe 3-7 daysto draw objective conclusions about how much your child actually sleeps.

Observe for at least 3 days. In order to draw the right conclusions, we need statistically significant data


Compare your observations of your child's sleep with your sleep patterns.

Various sources cite different sleep and wake rates for children. What norms does the Sleep, Kid team use? These are the norms of the American Sleep Academy, which came out not so long ago, in March 2015. Scientists from the American National Sleep Academy studied the opinions of specialists in various fields - from psychologists, neurologists and pediatricians, to somnologists and gerontologists.

The result of their research is shown in the table with sleep norms for children from birth to 5 years old.

Age for full-term babies Total sleep per day, hours At night In the afternoon Number of daytime dreams
1 month 15-18 8-10 6-9 3-4 and\u003e
2 months 15-17 8-10 6-7 3-4
3 months 14-16 9-11 5 3/4
4-5 months 15 10 4-5 3
6-8 months 14,5 11 3,5 2-3
9-12 months 13,5-14 11 2-3,5 2
13-18 months 13,5 11-11,5 2-2,5 1-2
1.5-2.5 years 12,5-13 10,5-11 1,5-2,5 1
2.5-3 years 12 10,5 1,5 1
4 years 11,5 11,5
5 years 11 11

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that those given in the table are average data on how much healthy children actually sleep. And these norms do not mean that this is how much your child should sleep. The rates are given for guidance!

If we carefully analyze the table with sleep rates, we can see a very large border of the norm. The difference between the upper and lower limit of the norm is very large, up to 3 hours. Why is that? Because every child is unique, and there are genetic characteristics, there are increased physical and emotional stress, there are characteristics of well-being and special sleep conditions, and therefore each person has individual need for sleep!


  • Genetic features. First of all, the individual's need for sleep is influenced by genetic characteristics or All people are divided into long-sleepers and short-sleepers. How do you know which type you are? Answer the question "in how many hours of sleep will you get a state in which you do not feel sleepy?" If the answer is 8-10 hours, you are a long-sleeper; if the answer is 6-7 hours, you are a short-sleeper. This trait is passed on to your baby. But it's not just genetics that affects the need for sleep!
  • Wakefulness, physical activity... With increased physical activitymore sleep is needed to recover. If the child was jumping, running, moving, swimming in a pool or sea, then the amount of sleep for recovery will be greater. If the child spends quietly awake, then most likely less sleep is needed.
  • Health status. In some health conditions, children sleep and recover. And you need more sleep.
  • Sleep conditions. It has been proven that at a lower temperature, access to oxygen, in the dark, sleep is of better quality.
  • Preparation for sleepcan act excitingly or, conversely, relaxing.

There is no need to adjust your baby's sleep to any standard. But research and practice show that deviations from the average by more than 60 minutes in one direction or another are extremely rare.


In general, if a child regularly sleeps 2-3 hours less than the "norm", it is safe to say that he is not getting enough sleep. But even if you are within the recommended interval, we advise you to check that there are no signs of insufficient sleep in your baby's behavior.

To see them, it is enough to carefully monitor his behavior and well-being.

From about 6 months of age, the following behavioral patterns tend to indicate that a child is sleeping too little for his age:

The child falls asleep every time in a car or stroller

Falling asleep immediately when starting to move is normal for babies up to 3-4 months. But a child older than 4-6 months who gets enough sleep is unlikely to always be either in the car, unless the trip coincided with the beginning of his usual next dream.

It is important to remember that the child should sleep at home in his bed in darkness and silence, and sleep in motion is of poor quality.

The child does not wake up by himself until 7.30 am

Here it is necessary to make a reservation that normally children under 5 years of age feel better if they live according to an early schedule, in accordance with the biological clock of the body. This means that the child should sleep at 19.30 - 20.00 pm and wake up in the interval from 6.00 to 7.30 am. Such children wake up fully slept, and in good mood... If a one year old child sleeps before 9 or 10 in the morning - this is a sure sign that he does not go to bed on time, or his night's sleep is very restless and does not recover enough. In other words, such a baby lacks quality, timely sleep.

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During the day, the child is naughty, irritated, or looks overworked.

With regular sleep deprivation, the level of the stress hormone cortisol rises in the child's body. This hormone is slowly eliminated from the blood and affects the increased excitability and the difficulty of inhibition processes in the already delicate and undeveloped nervous system of the baby.

Quite often it happens that a “difficult” child becomes calm and agreeable after parents help him to correct the regimen, improve the quality and increase the amount of sleep.

Sometimes, once every few days, the child suddenly falls asleep at night much earlier than usual.

For example, he can "go into the night" from the last daytime sleep... Thus, the child's body itself tries to make up for the regular lack of sleep. Good sleep hygiene means that your baby should fall asleep and wake up at the same time.

The child constantly gets up before 6 in the morning.

Paradoxically, getting up too early is often the result of , or too late bed time. The principle “the later you go to bed, the later you will get up in the morning” most often does not work with children until around school. They wake up early anyway, and just don't get enough sleep if they are laid down too late.

The child always falls asleep and wakes up with tears

If there are no medical problems, then protests and tears "around dreams", as a rule, indicate that the child is not laid on time, overworked before sleep, or did not get enough sleep during sleep. This does not apply to very young children (up to 4-5 months), who can get very hungry during a long sleep.

If at least one of the points is correct in your case, try to increase the duration of your baby's sleep by at least 10-15 minutes a day. The simplest thing is to put it a little earlier at night.

Please note that it is not only the amount of sleep that matters, but also the quality of sleep! Therefore, in the answer to the question "How much should a child sleep?", There are not only numbers of recommended sleep norms.


If we look at the figures for the sleep rate in a rounded manner, we will see the following patterns:

  • in 1 month of life the baby sleeps about the same number of hours day and night: 9 hours at night and 8 hours during the day for 4-5 daytime dreams
  • already by 2 months of age sleep at night accounts for a large proportion (9.5 hours at night and 6.5 hours during the day)
  • the amount of night sleep rises to 11 hours by 4-5 months of age and remains unchanged up to 5 years (the norm of night sleep in children from 4-5 months to 5 years is an average of 11 hours)
  • the number of daytime dreams decreases gradually - 3 naps of sleep last up to 9 months, 2 naps needed up to 1.5 years
  • the need for daytime sleep goes away at 4 years, but it is important to keep the "quiet hour"

The waking time grows with the baby. In the first month of life, the child is awake for 15-45 minutes. Gradually, WB is growing and already at the age of 5 children can withstand up to 11-13 hours of wakefulness.

Remember that the time of wakefulness is not the same during the day, it changes: in the morning, after a night's sleep - the shortest; in the evening, before bedtime - the longest!


Most often, parents of babies with insufficient sleep come to us. We are trying to "sleep off" the baby and adjust the regime in accordance with his biological rhythms and individual need for sleep. But if the child sleeps a lot, the parents are usually happy and rarely ask for help.

We want to warn you - sleeping too long can be dangerous!

If the baby sleeps more than normal before 1 month.If a newborn sleeps for too long, he becomes dehydrated and at risk of weight loss. Therefore, it is important not to let him sleep more than three hours during the day and more than 5 hours at night. Wake up and feed your baby!

If the baby is older than 1 month, he sleeps more than normal. You need to observe and not rush to conclusions:

  • Watch for at least 7 days! This may be a temporary phenomenon, the baby may "sleep off" after an increased load, malaise.
  • Medicines can affect!This drowsiness may result from taking some drugssuch as antihistamines. Consider this!
  • Does the condition persist after 7 days?If, after 7 days of observation, this condition persists or increases, then it is worth contacting a neurologist. Because hypersomnia in a baby can be a signal that with work nervous system Something went wrong.

If you can't get your baby to sleep on your own, contact. will select a service plan that suits you, analyze your routine, sleep and fall asleep conditions, and give all the necessary step-by-step recommendations.

The most difficult year with sleepless nights, fears and worries is left behind. Now your child has grown up, and you already feel a little better, but the question of how much a child should sleep is still a burning issue for most parents.

Sleep of a child from 12 months to one and a half years

After 12 months, many babies switch from 2-day naps to 1-time naps. Often this transition is difficult, children get tired, are capricious. Sometimes a way out of the situation can be a reasonable alternation of days with one sleep and days with two, or putting him to sleep early if the baby slept 1 time during the day.

If your one-year-old child sleeps twice a day, don't expect him to sleep long at night. Most likely, he will wake you up at 5-6 o'clock in the morning, so that at 10 he will want to “go to the side” again. If he sleeps longer than the hours indicated in the table at night, then the duration of his daytime sleep will be less than the average. As a rule, all children have a one-day sleep regimen, and this schedule is maintained until primary school age.

As a rule, up to a year and a half, the child's regimen gently changes towards a one-time daytime sleep, which fully covers the need for rest

Duration of sleep in children from 18 months to 2 years

At a year and a half, the baby spends about 11-12 hours in a dream at night, and during the day - about 3 hours one time. If your baby at 18 months still does not mind taking a nap for an hour in the afternoon for the second time, then do not discourage him. Just do not let him sleep in the evening for more than an hour, otherwise the time for going to sleep at night may shift into a deep night.

At the age of about 2 years, children are often tortured. Often the baby flatly refuses to be left alone in a dark bedroom, when his mother tries to put him down and leave, he starts crying breaking his heart. In no case leave him alone in the dark if he cries and does not let his mother go! If he stops talking, it will not be because he has calmed down, but because of melancholy and despair. Do not take it for whims - the baby can really be afraid of something. Remember that he is just a small child, still completely unintelligent. Turn on the night light in the children's room, leave the door open so that he knows that mom is nearby and ready to come up at any moment.

If that doesn't work, lie down with him on your bed. As a rule, the baby immediately falls asleep, feeling the protection and mother's warmth. When the baby is sound asleep, you can quietly get up and go to do business. When you return, you should carefully take the sleeping child and put it in the crib, but be prepared for the baby to wake up in the middle of the night and again ask to see the mother under the barrel.

Teaching a child to sleep with him in an adult bed is not very cool, but sometimes a mother's sleep next to her baby is the only salvation from sleepless nights and children's tears. The inconvenience is temporary, the child will grow up a little and after a month he will understand that he is safe at home and has no one to fear.

Being categorical about sleeping together is not always necessary. If the baby is very scared or sick, he will fall asleep much more calmly with his mother. The main thing is not to make an exception a habit.

Sleep of children 2-3 years old

How much should a child from 2 to 3 years old sleep? These children need about 11-11.5 hours of sleep at night and two hours of rest in the afternoon. At this age, the following problems may appear with going to bed:

  1. A 2-year-old toddler has grown enough to get out of the crib on his own, risking falling and getting injured. Do not be delighted with his new skill, but be persistent and return him to bed. Tell your child firmly and calmly that he should not do this. After a few comments, he might obey. If the child still continues to climb out, then create conditions for his safety: make the crib fence below, lay pillows or soft toys in front of the crib.
  2. The baby may deliberately delay the time of falling asleep at night. Lying in the crib, she calls her mother, asks for one toy, then another, then drink some water, then tell another fairy tale. Try to fulfill the child's requests within reasonable limits, but still kiss him and firmly say good night.
  3. There can be no question of any night sleep if the baby has time to get hungry. Make sure he is not hungry, or give him an apple or a pear as a last resort.

A matured child can learn to leave the crib on his own, and this is fraught with injuries, and it is simply not necessary. Attempts should be discouraged whenever possible

How much sleep does a child over 3 years of age need?

The older the child gets, the fewer hours he spends in sleep. Finally, your child's sleep pattern has become almost the same as yours. How much does your child sleep now? Children after 3 years of age usually go to bed around 9 pm and wake up from 7 to 8 am.

Now the child sleeps for about 10 hours at night and a couple of hours during the day. It is recommended to adhere to this schedule until the age of 7. How much time the child sleeps at night depends on his health and activity during the day. Over time, your son's or daughter's daytime sleep becomes shorter and shorter, and by the end of preschool, most children do not sleep at all.

So, let's look at the average number of hours presented in the table, which healthy children 1-7 years old should normally sleep during the day.

The figures given are very average. Each child has a different need for rest, which largely depends on the regime of the family day, where the child grows up, the state of the baby's nervous system and psyche, his temperament (whether he is mobile or slow), how long the baby walks in the fresh air, whether he is healthy.

Avoiding daytime sleep early

Already at the 4th year of life, some children stop sleeping after lunch. As a rule, this happens due to passion for an interesting activity or waking up too late in the morning. Until what age should the baby sleep in the morning? If the child is not forced to get up early in the morning to go to kindergarten, parents feel sorry for him and allow him to sleep in the morning until almost 11 o'clock - this should not be done (see also :). At the age of 3 to 4 years, daytime sleep is still necessary, and parents should make every effort to maintain it for as long as possible.

If the child still stops falling asleep during the day, do not force him or scold him - this does not make sense. Adults are not able to force themselves to fall asleep when they do not want to, and what is the demand from 3-5 year old children who still do not know how to control their reactions at all?

At 4-5 years old, for a full-fledged rest of his nervous system, it may well be enough for a child to just lie down in silence, play with his favorite toy. Or lie down with him, read a book to him. An hour of rest for a tired mother will not hurt.

How does the length of daytime sleep affect nighttime sleep?

Some mothers mistakenly believe that if a child sleeps little during the day (or does not sleep at all), then he will sleep better at night. This is not true. Tired, but full of impressions from the past day, he will not be able to fall asleep for a very long time.

Do I have to put my child to bed and wake up at the same time every day? If you see that the baby is clearly overworked or unwell, then nothing terrible will happen if you put him to bed early and wake him up later than usual. In this matter, everything depends on the well-being of the child. Do not wake him up too early unnecessarily or lay him down if he is still awake and active.

A newborn baby sleeps 18 - 20 hours a day. With good health, it is quite acceptable that a newborn baby's sleep will be only 15-18 hours. A normal night's sleep can be 8-10 hours.

Immediately after giving birth, the life of every mother changes dramatically. Now, the first thing she needs to do is take care of the little man, her child. If the first child is born, then a young mother may be worried that their baby sleeps almost round the clock, so for this frequent question (how much a newborn child should normally sleep in the first days of life) we will try to answer.

How many hours a day does a newborn baby sleep

The kid still does not distinguish between the time of day, and may well confuse day and night. This becomes a real problem for the mother, and she can neither plan household chores, nor get enough sleep on her own, which negatively affects her well-being and lactation. If this happens, the baby's sleep needs to be gently but surely turned back on track. Do not put him to bed too early in the evening, presumably schedule bedtime and try to rock the baby at this time, plus or minus an hour. The next day, the child will return to the usual way of life for everyone, during the day - the hours of waking, at night - sleep.

Walking in the fresh air has a very good effect on the child's sleep. The lungs are saturated with oxygen, the baby falls asleep easily, and in good weather conditions, daytime sleep outside can be as much as six hours in a row! But to maintain breastfeeding it is worth putting the baby to the breast at least once every three hours, do not forget about this. ()

Good quality sleep is essential for a child to grow and develop normally. The older the baby gets, the less time he needs to sleep during the day. Many parents are interested in how much a child should sleep at 1 year old, and what is the optimal daily routine to choose for the baby. We will discuss these problems and share useful recommendations.

The meaning of sleep for a baby

To figure out how much a one-year-old child should sleep per day, you need to have information about the importance of night and day rest for a little man.

Thanks to quality sleep, the baby not only rests, but also stores up strength. While relaxing in children's body work does not stop, and the following processes occur:

  • metabolic processes are normalized;
  • tissue restoration occurs;
  • during rest, the body is partially cleansed of toxins;
  • when the baby sleeps, the information received by the brain during the day is assimilated.

Sleep plays an important role during the growth of a child, strengthening the immune system and the nervous system.

With chronic sleep deprivation caused by various circumstances, the baby may develop a stressful condition. Against the background of stress, complications are possible, manifested by diseases of various nature.

Day and night rest norms

How much a child sleeps at 1 year old depends on his general well-being and the development of the nervous system. There are certain norms for the duration of sleep for one-year-old children. So, the baby should be awake for 4 to 5 hours a day. Active behavior should include the following points:

  1. the child must master new movements, skills, turning, if necessary, for help from adults;
  2. the baby learns to listen to parents and fulfill their requests;
  3. active curiosity;
  4. one-year-old children can spend rare minutes calmly. They are constantly on the move, if not resting.

Although a one-year-old child must necessarily sleep during the day, this does not mean that there should be more than two such dreams. Observing the mood and behavior of the baby will help determine the amount of daytime rest.

It is advisable to plan active activities, combining them with educational games for the first half of the time when the baby is awake.

Sleep in the afternoon

If you ask young parents how many times a day their one-year-old child sleeps, then everyone will have their own answer. But, in any case, the approximate total time of night and day sleep will be about 12 hours (plus or minus an hour). Night sleep takes most from this time frame. Daytime rest lasts from 2 to 3 hours.

If the child is resting a little less, then do not panic. It is better to observe his behavior, and then you will understand how much your one-year-old child should sleep during the day. Don't worry about the following baby behavior:

  • good appetite;
  • falls asleep quickly, and when you wake up, you can see that the baby is rested;
  • plays actively;
  • feels cheerful;
  • calm, no whims, behavior during the day;
  • cheerful mood.

To correctly understand the question of how many times a one-year-old child should sleep during the day, you need to observe his behavior. It is possible that there are circumstances that interfere with rest (extraneous sounds, uncomfortable pajamas, lighting during daytime or night sleep). In this case, annoying factors must be excluded. You can create a daily routine, which we'll talk about next.

A slept child can easily concentrate on active games, listens carefully to what adults tell him.

If a child sleeps a lot during the day

You may need to seek medical advice if a one-year-old child sleeps a lot during the day (more than 16 hours a day) in order to find out the reasons for this behavior. A long day's rest may be the first signal indicating the development of any pathology.

When a child sleeps all day, then possible reasons there may be the following circumstances:

  • overwork, as a result of which the nervous system is excited;
  • the impact of some annoying circumstances that depress the child's psyche.

These circumstances are not only the cause of prolonged sleep. Because of them, a one-year-old child goes to bed late and finds it difficult to calm down. During the day's rest, the baby is content with only superficial sleep, as a result, does not receive the required amount of sleep.

At the age of one year, a child needs two daytime dreams to recuperate for active wakefulness. But, one should also take into account such a moment as the amount of night sleep. It is clear that if the baby slept a little at night, then he will get his watch in the daytime.

What causes sleep deprivation?

It is worth worrying also in the case when a one-year-old child does not sleep during the day. The reasons for this behavior may be the following:

  • milk teeth grow;
  • pain in the tummy (flatulence, cramps).

It is possible that after eliminating the listed reasons, the baby will calmly fall asleep and rest for the required amount of time.

Daytime routine

A child's sleep schedule at 1 year old should fit optimally into the general daily routine. To do this, you need to observe the behavior of the little man in order to find out when he really wants to sleep. It is important to lay the baby in such a way that he has only positive associations with the time allotted for rest.

To notice certain steps in the baby's behavior, and adhere to a well-thought-out child's sleep schedule per year, you should pay attention to the following points, which speak of the baby's real fatigue:

  1. involuntary yawning begins;
  2. eyes redden and itch;
  3. the baby is playing with his ears;
  4. tearfulness appears;
  5. ceases to be interested in favorite toys;
  6. does not respond to parents;
  7. does not want to eat, may discard the plate or scatter food;
  8. whimpers, clings to mom, seeks constant attention;
  9. shows increased activity, which usually ends in tears;
  10. begins to stumble, literally falls off his feet;
  11. looks tired.

You need to lay the baby at the first signs of fatigue, and do not wait until overwork occurs. If you miss the moment, then tears, whims will begin, and as a result there will be no quality rest.

As for the sleep schedule of a one-year-old child, it can be something like this:

  1. if the baby wakes up at 6 or 6:30 in the morning, then the first day's rest should be around 10:30, and continue until 12 hours;
  2. the second stage of daytime sleep occurs in the afternoon, and begins at 15:30. The duration of rest depends on the specific organism, but in most cases, babies sleep until 17:00;
  3. from 22:00 preparatory activities for a night's rest begin;
  4. falling asleep occurs at 22:30, and lasts until 6 or 6:30 in the morning.

The given variant of the daytime sleep regimen for a 1 year old child is considered the optimal solution. This daily rest routine is suitable for children who need two naps per day. But there are children for whom one day's rest is enough. For them, the daily routine will look a little different:

  • kids wake up by 7 or 8 in the morning;
  • daytime rest begins at about 13:00 hours, and lasts 2-3 hours;
  • with this regimen, the baby will eat 4 times a day.

The second variant of the daily sleep routine is considered more convenient for parents, because already at 9 o'clock in the evening the one-year-old child is asleep. Parents have a little more time for themselves.

You can switch to a one-time day rest under the following circumstances:

  • when it's time for the second daytime sleep, the baby is still awake and active;
  • the child does not show the signs of drowsiness described above, and he is ready to stay awake;
  • if you try to put the little man in the bed, then a violent protest awaits the parents;
  • when, despite all the protests during bedding, the mother continues to insist on sleep, then such actions lead to a final shift in the entire daily routine.

It is worth listening to the biological needs of the child, and trying to adjust the daily routine for him. Most likely, a one-time, but longer rest will be enough for the baby. In no case should you use violence while falling asleep.

The child's sleep schedule after a year becomes less intense. At night, they need up to 11 hours of good rest. At the same time, daytime sleep is reduced, and is approximately 2 hours. Older children usually rest after lunch.

How to put a baby to bed at 1 year old?

When the parents have decided how many times the child sleeps at 1 year old, the only problem is the correct preparation for the rest. It should be borne in mind that the baby begins to grow up, and the approach to him is no longer the same as in infancy.

Before putting your baby to bed a year old, pay attention to the following details:

  1. pick up optimal time in such a way that at least 5 hours have passed since the morning awakening;
  2. you cannot suddenly lay the baby down if he was actively playing a couple of minutes ago;
  3. prepare good conditions for relax;
  4. make sure that the baby has only positive associations associated with falling asleep;
  5. an abrupt transition to a one-time daytime sleep from two-time rest is unacceptable.

Observing the listed rules, you can proceed to the recommendations regarding how to put a one-year-old child to bed:

  1. it is necessary to adhere to the compiled daily routine;
  2. you cannot abruptly change the hours of rest, even by 20 minutes;
  3. eliminate the baby's nap during daytime wakefulness;
  4. pay attention to signs of fatigue, avoiding overwork;
  5. come up with special rules that you need to repeat before putting your baby to bed at 1 year old. You can teach your baby to have a pleasant light massage, stroking the back. Before each laying, sing soothing, gentle songs, tell tales with a continuation;
  6. create a cozy, relaxing atmosphere in the nursery that makes you sleepy. Dim the lights in the evening and blackout curtains during the day. Before every bedtime, be sure to ventilate the child's room;
  7. do not allow emotional instability in the moments before falling asleep;
  8. try to take the baby outside a couple of hours before rest.

Parents need to understand that the constant lack of sleep for a small family member can lead to health problems of various kinds. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to such an important period in the child's life as daily sleep, and correctly enter it into the daily routine.

Only parents can decide on the amount of time required for quality rest. And the result largely depends on the individual characteristics and character of the little person.

Finally, your baby has become quite an adult, I'm sure you didn't even have time to notice how quickly he matured. Many have already learned to walk on their own, some speak simple words, such as: mom, dad, woman and others. As for the daily regimen of the crumbs at 1 year, then everything finally began to improve. You know exactly when he will be especially active, and you will go to the playground, and when he wants to sleep. Today I propose to discuss the topic of sleep, its place and duration in the daily routine.

Let's find out how much a child at 1 year old sleeps, and what to do if he sleeps badly or does not sleep at all during the day or night.

For children of this age, it is very difficult to name clear norms. After all, they are all completely different, they themselves and their systems develop in different ways. Some may require more sleep, while others may require more frequent feedings. Based on these characteristics, let's look at several options for how much a child can sleep in 1 year. So, daily rate sleep is 13-14.5 hours. At night, it takes 10-12 hours, and the rest of the time he sleeps up during the day.

As for the features of a child's daytime sleep at 1 year old, then there are two options:

  1. Sleep once a day is enough for some children, but for 2-3 hours, the rest of the time they are awake, play and enjoy life. At the same time, they are always cheerful and do not feel lack of rest.
  2. At the same time, there are children who lack one day's sleep, they become capricious, it is difficult to distract them and occupy something. In this case, the day's rest is divided into two times for 1.5 hours, or one long sleep is possible, for example, 2-3 hours, and the second, very short, for 20-30 minutes, when the baby gets tired again.

You must monitor your baby and adapt to his needs. If he is not ready to sleep 1 time in the daytime, then there is no need to force him. Otherwise, such changes will not add peace of mind to you and your baby.

Features of sleep during this period

At this age, children have two sleep characteristics: falling asleep and frequent awakenings at night. Let's take a closer look at each of them. So:

  1. Now your baby has become quite an adult. Believe me, he experiences unreal sensations and feelings if he has already learned to walk on his own. In addition, this achievement also becomes a test for his nervous system, since so many new horizons have opened up for the child that he has not yet explored. As a result of all these innovations, the baby may have difficulty falling asleep. Think about how you can sleep when there is so much interesting and unexplored around. Soon, his sleep will again become much stronger and calmer, this will happen as soon as he gets used to his new abilities.
  2. Again, you may feel that the child has a fear of distance from mom. He may not let you go from him for a long time, demand your constant presence, this can also cause frequent awakenings of the crumbs.

How to help a young child sleep better

  1. If your baby requires your presence and wakes up as soon as you leave, stay with him. Talk, tell us about tomorrow's plans and promise your baby that you will definitely come at his first call. Of course, your promises must be kept, if you do not do this, the little one may lose confidence in you.
  2. Never forget about the compiled daily routine and those procedures that tell the little one that there will soon be a rest time. If, before that time, he was not interested in books, then perhaps now is the time to try again to get acquainted with reading. In addition, some quiet games, for example, folding puzzles or placing toys in places and saying goodbye to them will help your baby calm down after a busy day. Another ritual - or just in cool water - is useful not only for newborns, but also for older children.
  3. Of course, if you know that the baby is worried about something, for example, teething, then especially before going to bed, you should help the baby and relieve unpleasant sensations with a special drug... Be sure to check with your local pediatrician which drug may be right for your baby. In addition, the baby can torment, then you definitely need to pay due attention.
  4. Very important is the skill of a toddler at 1 year old, as falling asleep on his own. As soon as you see that he is already falling asleep, transfer him to the crib, and let him fall asleep there on his own. If he falls asleep only after motion sickness or with a pacifier, bottle or breast, then it is worth gradually weaning him from such habits. For example, the baby fell asleep with his breast, after a while he wakes up, but neither you nor the breast is present. Of course, what further actions can there be ?! Of course, he will start looking for you, get up in the crib, call, and the rest will be interrupted. Therefore, at this age, it is very important to learn how to sleep on your own.
  5. Now the baby is at such an age when he wants to control the whole world, and every time to confirm his importance. In this case, he may demand the continuation of the game when it is long overdue to sleep. To avoid evening quarrels and arguments, provide your child with an alternative that, at the same time, suits you. For example, you can ask a child: "What kind of pajamas do you want to sleep in today?" or "Are we going to go to bed right now, or in 5 minutes"? Whatever answer your little one chooses, he will suit you, and the baby will feel his importance and independence.
  6. Spend your waking hours actively. If your baby can play on her own, great. If your company is not enough for him for fun, do not be lazy and devote this time to the crumbs. When he plays enough, his sleep will be many times stronger and longer.

Does the child need a regimen at 1 year

At this age, the regime is not just necessary, it is one of the main titans, on which not only the physical, but also the mental and emotional development toddler. Knowing the daily routine, the baby feels comfortable and safe.

Baby's sleep at night at 1 year old

Indeed, at this age, he can often wake up at night. As we discussed above, the reason for this is overexcitement during the day or the lack of something with which he fell asleep: wiggle, bottle, nipple or music. More often than not, if you exclude these moments from your lifestyle, then restless rest will not bother you in the future. However, there is another unpleasant aspect associated with sleep. When a child turns 1 year old, he becomes quite adult and independent. Now, if he wakes up and does not find you nearby, then he may decide to go in search of you, trying to climb over the railing of the crib. As you can imagine, such tricks are quite dangerous for children.

Therefore, there are a number of steps you can take to keep your baby safe. For this you need:

  1. Lower the mattress below. In this case, it will be much harder for your little one to climb the wall of the crib. And at 1 year old he is unlikely to be able to overcome an obstacle of such height.
  2. Remove all toys, pillows from the inside. Your baby can use them as a stepping stone to get to the top.
  3. Follow him during the day. Stand in a place so that you can control the actions of the baby, but at the same time, he does not see you. As soon as you see that he began to climb the wall of the crib, immediately come up and calmly, but confidently explain that this should not be done. Perhaps he will not remember this rule the first time, but after the second or third prohibition, he will stop doing this.
  4. Even if the kid wakes up in the middle of the night and asks you to play with him or walk around, or do something else, do not agree. Lay the baby down and talk to him for a short time, try to explain that now is the time for rest and everyone around him went to bed, including all his toys. He must get used to and know for sure that it is night time for sleep, and it cannot be otherwise.


I suggest you watch a short video that tells you about all the rules that parents should follow so that a child's sleep at 1 year old is strong and long. In addition, you will be able to learn about possible problems and ways to solve them.

As the famous pediatrician Komarovsky says, a dream is considered healthy when not only a child, but also mom and dad can sleep soundly, and it does not matter at all how old your child is: 1 month or a year old.

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