Vera Lyon is official. Ukrainian news portal UATiMES

Political strife, local wars, economic collapses and natural disasters heat up the situation in the world. Experts are no longer able to give advice that would help to meet the future with dignity. More and more people are looking for answers in prophecies, studying them word for word and finding parallels with what is happening. From this perspective, the predictions of Vera Lyon deserve special attention. Kazakh Vanga has already managed to look into 2019 and see what awaits Russia and the United States. It was revealed to her how the fate of Ukraine would develop and what the solution to the conflict in Donbass would be.

Who is Vera Lyon?

This woman has more predictions that have come true than herself. The fortuneteller has an official website, where it is indicated that she was born in 1976 in the city of Yekaterinburg. Now Vera Visich (Lyon is a pseudonym) lives in Kazakhstan. She says about herself that:

  • is fond of psychology, poetry and photography;
  • practices white magic and witchcraft;
  • has strong psychic abilities

Even in early childhood, Vera began to have strange visions. Since then, she has been trying to capture every "picture" and convey it verbatim. A difficult life has taught Vera attentiveness and perseverance. Her every day begins with checking e-mail and replies to letters from people who are worried about the fate of the world and are looking for support from an unusual darling of fate. But, this is now, but before everything was different.

Five years old, Vera Lyon had a dream in which her father had a terrible accident. When the frightened girl woke up, she recorded the vision and showed it to her parents, begging not to leave the house. They did not believe the child. Dad left for work, and a few hours later an accident happened. He was saved only by a miracle. Despite the incident, no one thought to figure out what had happened. The girl closed herself into herself, alone trying to survive the nightmares. At the age of 14, her “third eye” opened. A bright screen appeared in front of the face, which often broadcast terrible events. This phenomenon, too, had to be kept secret, for fear of being branded as crazy.

Clairvoyance: Gift or Curse

It is difficult to imagine how a person feels who knows in advance what will happen in a minute, an hour, a day or a year. How does he see the world, his own fate, the fate of loved ones, and how is it to know that a war is about to begin in a neighboring state? Vera says that now it is easier for her, and as a teenager, dreams caused a serious illness. Even in her youth, the seer learned everything about her own fate: from her profession to her husband's surname and the color of the children's eyes, but she was getting worse.

Vera Lyon saved a fateful meeting. Once a strange stranger approached her and inquired about her health. The girl got the feeling that it was not on her own. The woman seemed to be controlled by someone, but it was she who called the clairvoyant to curb the energy that was tearing her brain, relying on intuition. “Just start practicing,” the messenger said literally. From that moment, the formation of the Kazakh Vanga began. She studied literature, which helped her learn:

  • predict the future;
  • heal people too;
  • find missing

The disease gradually receded. An extraordinary personality appeared, capable not only of looking into the future, but also of communicating with disembodied entities from other dimensions. The psychic dubbed them plasmoids and tries to capture them on film, but the technique fails or breaks down.

Current forecast for 2019

As usual, Vera Lyon records her visions. It is difficult to convey the "broadcast" literally, but the "mediator" knows how to interpret unsteady symbols. On her page, she regularly publishes announcements about what awaits Russia and the world. Here are just a few accurate prophecies:

  • crisis in the USA;
  • snow storms in Germany;
  • volcanic eruption in Italy;
  • maidan in Ukraine;
  • war in Donbass and Syria

All these predictions came true. Now the New Year 2019 is on the agenda. He is sure the medium does not promise Russia any special surprises. For this country, the most difficult trials have been left behind. All that remains is to stay on course for transformation, reap the benefits and expand cooperation within the BRICS. The organization will include at least 15 states. America will have a hard time. A seer warns US residents of an impending disaster. Most likely, it will be an eruption of the Yellowstone volcano, and maybe bombing, because the planet has long been on the verge of World War III.

The fortuneteller also has a forecast for Ukraine. Unfortunately, he is disappointing. In 2019, only deterioration is still expected here. Having learned what awaits Russia and the United States, curious citizens will definitely want to hear how the situation will change. The psychic answered unequivocally: "Peace will be restored in Novorossiya and the economy will gradually improve."

A literal interpretation of some of the prophecies of Vera Lyon

World economy “She will continue to experience instability. And the dollar is its priority. And this will surely be felt in countries of all regions of the world. As a result, the most affected states will be quite prosperous states, about which it is now impossible to even think about it. In them, unemployment can take on catastrophic proportions, which will create chaos in the heads of people. There are many who simply lose themselves in the urban jungle, where money, material goods and nothing else rule the show. "
Situation in Russia “I see a staircase that goes very high up. This means that the ruble will strengthen. At the same time, an improvement in the economic situation may provoke a large influx of people wishing to enter the country, which in turn will entail a tightening of Russia's migration policy "
Geopolitics “The situation in Syria will improve. It will begin the restoration of infrastructure, construction of housing for civilians. The Islamists, of course, will still try to take revenge. However, there will be a leak of some very important - resonant - information, which with a high degree of probability will force the world community to look differently at the circumstances in the Middle East. Perhaps, the true culprits of all the problems of the last decade will even be named "
Society “Humanity of people will increase in the most different countries... Many people will begin to come to spirituality. By the way, this will become one of significant reasons that the risk of the danger of a third world war will begin to decrease. A massive turn towards real human values \u200b\u200bwill make people less prone to zombie aggression emanating from the media "
Ukraine "The complete disregard for Ukrainian affairs on the part of the US leadership will push Ukraine to the abyss, but Trump will remain adamant and will make an official statement, as well as a statement on the refusal of any financial injections into this state."
Donbass “An attempt to bring NATO troops into Donbas will fail. Novorossiya will win when the lion leads it. It can be a name, zodiac sign, etc. "
Ecology “The planet will begin to actively respond to the“ economic ”activities of mankind. Many decades of thoughtless waste of its resources and causing harm will result in a series of cataclysms from which the United States and Japan will suffer the most.

Vera Lyon is considered one of the most famous soothsayers of the present time. It was her in last years more and more often compare with the Bulgarian seer Vanga, who amazed the whole world with her prophecies. To find out which predictions of the Faith relate to the near future and what exactly they say, you should discuss them more specifically.

Clairvoyant story

For the first time, little 5-year-old Vera managed to see the omen of the future in a dream. Since then, almost every night Vera was haunted by terrible pictures that she did not understand. One day she dreamed about the death of her father, which she immediately told her family about. At first, the girl's dad did not attach much importance to the children's records, but after a few hours it became known that on the way to work, the man had a terrible accident, where he miraculously survived. Despite the daughter's warning, the family did not even try to believe that Vera had the gift of clairvoyance. It was then that the girl thought that if you did not tell anyone about her visions, sooner or later they would simply disappear.

According to Lyon, at the age of 14, her third eye opened. But the poor child did not even understand how important this event was, and what it actually meant, because Soviet power was in charge. At that time it was not accepted to talk about everything "abnormal". What does it look like? As if a bright screen appears before your eyes, where someone else's fate is broadcast. At first, Vera was frightened by such visions, and tried not to tell anyone about them, so that she would not be mistaken for a madman.

The girl tried to stop the unexpected pictures, trying not to close her eyes. True, if you restrain the gift of clairvoyance, health problems begin. Soon Lyon's condition began to deteriorate rapidly. Every night, it fell into a strange state: she woke up abruptly and began to speak incoherent words, being in a semblance of a trance. Soon Vera's dreams became clearer, and she was able to discern in them her own husband, children and all her future life.

At that moment, the child practically did not walk, although in the visions Vera was a completely healthy and quite happy woman. To somehow amuse her daughter, her mother took her outside and sat her on a bench near the house. Once an unknown woman approached the girl and began to speak. Only now she did not turn to her, but as if to the one who ruled Vera's life. “Start practicing, otherwise the bursting energy will burn you from the inside. Do what first comes to mind and don't think that it's all wrong. "

It was after this truly fateful conversation that the girl realized that she could find missing people and treat those who were refused by doctors. Over time, the ailments began to recede. In the future, the clairvoyant realized that all information comes to her from the parallel World where ghosts live.

Now Vera can often be seen with a camera. According to her, with the help of modern technology, the seer is trying to prove that there are always entities from another dimension near some people. She calls them plasmoids. It is they who tell her information about the future. But it is almost impossible to capture the essence on film - the technique immediately fails.

Outwardly, Vera is no different from other people. Her main task is to help people, and therefore every morning a woman checks her mail, where millions of letters from all over the world accumulate. The people even called Lyon the Kazakh Vanga.

The last prophecy of Faith Lyon for 2019

Every year the famous soothsayer tries to carefully consider in her visions the fate of humanity for the near future. So what should we all expect in 2019? For Russia, the hard times are over, but you shouldn't relax - echoes of various "misfortunes" will haunt the state for some time. But the United States is in for a big change. According to Lyon, America will soon experience a real shock due to the unexpected eruption of the Yellowstone volcano. Experts have already recorded an increase in temperature on Kolder, and therefore the marked place can really cause a serious disaster. By the way, the eruption is quite capable of destroying 60% of the entire continent, forever changing the geography of the Earth.

According to Lyon, the American volcano will make itself felt exactly next year. In the Visions, she sees something completely different - a kind of monster crawling out of the ground and killing everything in its path. It is enormous in height, much larger than the famous western skyscrapers. When Vera first began to receive such pictures, she simply did not know about the famous Vulcan, and now she is completely sure what exactly they are talking about.

It should be noted that a similar prophecy was also in the list of visions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant - Vanga. "Fire will appear from the earth, the soil will rise and begin to absorb everything for many kilometers around it." Immediately after such an outcome, the US government will have to go through not the most best time, after all, after the disappearance of a larger territory of the state, the international economy will dramatically change. The reason for this is the fall in the rate of the American currency. Because of the collapse of the dollar, the entire monetary system of the World will suffer.

Lyon insists that all the visions that appear to her almost every day, first of all, warn of possible dangers. But since each person can change their own destiny if they know about possible development future, the seer tries to talk about what is hidden from most eyes, and believes that there is always a chance for salvation.

There is only one question left to answer: can a person really program his own life so that it becomes happy? If so, then you just need to believe in luck and no longer be afraid of various misfortunes. But what if not? It turns out that there is no point in trying - the outcome will still be the same. What do you think about this?

For a long time I have been interested in various predictors and psychics. Recently, a friend told about the Kazakh soothsayer, medium and healer Vera Lyon, who skillfully interprets signs from above and reads the future. I want to tell you about the clairvoyant's predictions that came true and unfulfilled for 2019.

Vera Lyon, whose last predictions concern the fate of world powers, was born in the city of Karaganda. The girl's tendency to clairvoyance manifested itself in childhood: she dreamed prophetic dreams, the spirits of the dead met. Over time, Vera developed the ability to work with Tarot cards and learned to plunge into a trance, where the future is revealed to her in visions.

Numerous accurate predictions about the future of Russia and the near abroad brought her fame. Now, every year, she brings the meaning of her visions to the people in order to warn, help prepare for the events that will happen.

Predictions for the world

2019, according to the clairvoyant, is expected to be very difficult.

  • Glaciers continue to melt, provoking storms, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and other natural disasters.
  • As a result of the intervention of nature, the territory of Great Britain will partially disappear from the face of the earth, and the climate of the part remaining above the water surface will become more severe.
  • A more unenviable fate was prepared by the Kazakh clairvoyant for the Japanese and Philippine Islands. In 2019, they should be completely submerged.
  • Germany is prepared for riots of snowstorms, earthquakes and other unpleasant natural surprises.
  • Italian volcanoes will "wake up from sleep", destroying the territory of the Vatican, which will negatively affect the Catholic faith. Massively losing followers, it will cease to exist.
  • Most of the countries will turn their backs on NATO and the European Union, and the world will be swept by a new wave of terrorism, massacres, and crime will increase.
  • The economic development and economies of the most developed countries will suffer this year: the crisis will hit the most sore spots (hmm, Russia's retaliatory sanctions?), Causing an increase in unemployment and crime.
  • The world is awaiting an invasion of unknown diseases and viruses.
  • The guests of large cities will be killer animals hunting civilians (Rostov beauty-fox, carrying a smile, rabies and death, is that you?).
  • Climate change will affect all territories: heat will be replaced by cold, and cold - by heat, which will cause massive migrations.
  • Extraterrestrial contacts are not excluded - hello, gentlemen, aliens.
  • When the extravaganza of natural disasters comes to an end, humanity will start looking for alternative sources of energy. The correct thought will come from the aliens.
  • Vera Lyon predicts an era of change in values, when ideas and thoughts will reign in people's heads, completely contradicting modern system values.

Vera Lyon's perspective on the future of the Russian Federation

At the end of 2017, the soothsayer made a statement regarding the results of the 2019 presidential elections. The clairvoyant noted that she knows exactly what the results will be and who will lead the country for the next 6 years.

The general canvas of predictions regarding Russian Federation seems positive. Vera Lyon saw the beginning of the restoration of economic well-being, the timely completion of social payments and an increase in the financial situation of citizens.

The predictor spoke of promising relations with Israel: they will be able to bring Russia to a new level of economic development.

Like other modern predictors, Vera Lyon speaks of the flourishing of the country's culture as a whole, the development of the cultural potential of citizens. The Kazakh clairvoyant is confident that this will help to rethink many things and find a new path in life.

For the sake of fairness, I will say that not everything that a woman predicts has a positive color. In the same 2017, she foreshadowed the tragic events in the country, the death of people, children in one of the shopping centers in Russia. But then he could not even think that a tragedy would occur in the Zimnyaya Vishnya shopping center, which shook the whole country.

What future awaits Ukraine

Vera Lyon did not see the bright future of the Ukrainian state. The East in 2019 is still engulfed in military conflict with ongoing hostilities. Lyon is confident that, despite the difficult situation, the residents of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics will be able to restore the industrial and agricultural sectors.

The West of Ukraine will face clashes with Poland and there is a high probability that the western territories will retreat to another state at the end of the year.

Russian-Ukrainian relations in 2019

Predictions for the end of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict over the territories of Donbass for 2019 are disappointing. The end and end is not yet in sight, although the words about the absence of an active phase of hostilities cannot but rejoice, but the absence of an ongoing ceasefire decision does not add any positive.

Vera Lyon believes that world powers are deliberately adding fuel to the fire, kindling confrontation with renewed vigor.

The red line in her predictions is about the coming of the Antichrist, whose appearance, according to the seer, is expected in Russia. The consequences and details of the Lyon event have not yet been extended.

Is it worth taking on faith the predictions of Vera Lyon

According to the Kazakh clairvoyant, most of the predictions made by her regarding future events are coming true. So, in 2012, she stated that the visions of the collapse of the USSR, military operations in the Middle East, the fall of a meteorite in Chelyabinsk were as accurate as possible.

However, there are also 100% blunders. In 2014, when the active phase of the military conflict in Donbass began, the clairvoyant predicted Ukraine a disruption of the presidential elections, the defeat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, inflicted by the militia of Novorossiya. It seems that in this case something went wrong, since 4 years have passed, and things are still there.

The seer warned about the possible death of most of the Ukrainian politicians of the highest echelon of power: 2016, according to her, should have become the year of death of Petro Poroshenko, Igor Kolomoisky, Yulia Tymoshenko and Vladimir Klitschko.

There is no unequivocal answer whether it is worth trusting psychics and Vera Lyon in particular, because there are both misses and hits. None of the living predictors will give a 100% guarantee of the fulfillment of the predicted - one can only hope for the best.

New Vanga appeared in Kazakhstan. The fortuneteller Vera Lyon has already gained fame not only in her homeland, but also far beyond its borders.

Vera Lyon predicted that the next year will be turbulent. And although serious cataclysms will bypass the Earth, there will still be many serious changes and shocks on the planet. The US faces real problems associated with global citizen discontent. This will lead to the fact that soon America will split into several parts. China's progress, according to Vera Lyon, will noticeably weaken. This will be especially noticeable against the background of Russia's power. A new terrible disease will appear in the world, which will affect exclusively men (like HIV). Various mutations and changes in human organisms due to modified products and poor ecology will become clearly visible. At the same time, faith in God will increase, and the number of believers will noticeably increase.

Prediction about the USA

Over time, the predictions of Vera Lyon become more and more stunning and loud.

In her latest predictions, Vera Lyon foreshadows a difficult fate for America. According to the prophetess of the United States to pay for all their actions. In the near future, through America's fault, a very bloody war may begin, but it will not take place in Ukraine and not in Russia.

“While Russia will multiply its territories by part of Central and Northern Kazakhstan and eastern Ukraine, the United States will face decay and chaos. This year will also be marked by the strengthening of the ruble and the rejection of the dollar. Because of which America will suffer great damage, after which the United States will wait deepest crisis", Says Vera Lyon.

She also reports that she does not see that there will be a revolution in Russia or that it will lose its integrity, most likely such a fate awaits America.

Prediction about Ukraine

The latest predictions of the Kazakh Vanga about Ukraine are becoming more and more interesting, because it was she who has already become famous all over the world for her accurate forecasts regarding the events taking place in Ukraine. New predictions will open the door to what is happening today and to the mysterious future.

All the latest predictions of Vera Lyon relate to the events that are taking place in Ukraine. This is not surprising, since the clairvoyant has never been indifferent to tragic events. civil war... Even before the first coups on the Maidan happened and the government passed into the hands of the opposition, the Kazakh Vanga already knew that this would happen.

She also predicted to the smallest detail that Alexander Muzychko would die. In addition, in her predictions, she spoke about the division of Ukraine and the gravitation of the eastern part of the country to Russia.

The entire fate of Ukraine has always been before the Kazakh clairvoyant as an open book. In her last predictions, she says that a young politician will become the head of Novorossiya. She thinks that either his name or his zodiac sign will be Leo. According to her, the lion will be, maybe an insignificant, but obligatory attribute of the new ruler. Vera Lyon also claims that Kolomoisky died on April 20 and does not believe that he was seen alive. She considers it a hoax, but the truth cannot explain who benefits from such a deception.

Recently, people using the services of psychics have been talking about one woman from Kazakhstan. According to eyewitnesses, her prophecies often come true, and the illnesses, spoken of by her prayers, do not return. This woman's name is Vera Lyon, who is this, how she became famous, how she helps, we will write below. And you yourself decide to believe it or not.

Kazakhstani Vanga - Vera Lyon

Vera Lyon or Vera Vitalievna Visich (according to her passport) - psychic, writer, clairvoyant and photographer. She was born in 1962 in the city of Yekaterinburg, but at the age of 22 she moved to Kazakhstan, which is why she received the name “Kazakhstani Vanga” among the people.

She talks a lot about herself, how she grew up and how she got the gift. She says that she was always an unusual girl - she raved about visions, talked to spirits, and dreams often turned out to be prophetic.

At the age of 14, even more unusual events began to happen to her. When she closed her eyes, she saw stories from other people's lives and heard conversations strangers... It was painful, especially since after that she began to have severe headaches and palpitations. Mom tried to examine her daughter with doctors, but they found nothing. Soon everything stopped, the girl began to live an ordinary life.

But at the age of 30, the visions resumed, and serious health problems began - asthma developed. Knowing that the doctors would not help, the girl went to a psychic. He explained to her what was happening. According to him, a woman from birth has the gift of clairvoyance, which she does not know how to use, and the accumulated energy destroys her. This power must be used correctly and everything will work out.

Vera Lyon website

And then a site appeared on the Internet. It is not like the pages of other fortunetellers. If the rest offer to remove damage and return a loved one, then here you will find ready-made prophecies for the whole world and each country individually. She does not leave them specifically for someone, these are predictions of a global scale.

A woman wants to convey in this way to people the information that higher powers tell her.

Also here she offers to use her services on an individual basis. Here's what is offered here to private clients:

  • Help in finding people;
  • Removing the evil eye;
  • Removal of the ancestral curse;
  • Removing a love spell;
  • Solving issues of male impotence;
  • Building relationships in the family;
  • Various kinds of installations;
  • Infertility treatment.

And much more. But the prices, frankly speaking, are such that for this money it is possible to cure infertility and restore male strength in any private clinic.

Should I believe "Kazakhstani Vanga"?

On the site, in the “Acknowledgments” column, of course, there are certificates and meritorious certificates issued for spiritual and health-improving activities by local organizations. And also bundles of letters from grateful clients. But this her site, and she is the mistress there.

If you search the Internet, you come across people who claim that she is an ordinary charlatan. Some skeptics are sure that her prophecies are a banal psychological move, she says that 90% will come true anyway.

In one of her dreams, she saw that a young man would become the new president of Ukraine. It is, of course, difficult to assess this fact, but the current head of the neighboring state took office when he was 48. Someone may think this age is old, while others will say that he is still young for the president.

And her vision of the elections in Ukraine, she assured that they would not take place in 2014. But the facts speak against, everyone knows that the elections were successful.

Believe it or not - everyone decides for himself, the main thing is not to take it to heart.

The predictions of Vera Lyon

Below we will give examples of events that Vera foresaw. It is interesting to trace what came true:

  1. In 2013, she foreshadowed the death of Gerard Depardieu;
  2. In 2017, a girl on surfing must drown somewhere, her name looks like a Russian - Ekaterina;
  3. Snow will fall in the Urals in 2016;
  4. Sakhalin and Kamchatka in 2016 will be covered with clouds, water will mix with the wind;
  5. 2014 - Barack Obama goes unpopular;
  6. In 2014, when Obama will stand on the podium, an ax will fly into him and cut his head in half;
  7. In 2015 England will be flooded with water.

Under some predictions there is an explanation, the seer discusses for a long time about similar events and makes it clear that that's what she was talking about... But it becomes clear to anyone - these things are typical for this area: it will snow in the Urals, rain in Kamchatka, England has always been famous for its damp weather.

We are not trying to influence your opinion, we are trying only to understand whether it is worth believing this person, especially since her services are not cheap at all.

What awaits us in 2018?

For 2018, there are already prophecies on the site. They relate to politics and the life of ordinary people, natural phenomena in different countries:

  • V.V. Putin will become president again;
  • A good harvest should be expected in Russia;
  • Someone will die, which will cause a lot of problems for the current government;
  • There will be floods and fires in the world, but less than in 2017;
  • Come up with a cure for cancer;
  • An eruption of some kind of volcano, but not strong;
  • A snowy winter will come to Europe.

They are made in the same style as the previous ones. In them no specifics - dates, times, surnames are missing. Volcanoes erupt every year, we know little about this, and we receive news only about large-scale incidents in which people died.

Of course, I want to believe that they will invent a cure for cancer, let's hope so. But other events are commonplace, you don't need to have any gift to predict snow in Europe.

So, we tried to figure out what kind of person Vera Lyon is, who this is and whether it is worth believing her words. There are many opinions, from the most positive to strongly condemning.

People discuss her activities on forums and in social networks, and, if you are thinking of using her services, read the information and only after that make a decision.

Video: Vera Lyon's predictions for 2018 for the whole world

In this video, the fortuneteller will tell about the shocking events that await the world in 2018, and will answer the most exciting questions of people:

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