Causes of their occurrence and development. Legal conflicts, reasons for their occurrence, development, types and ways to eliminate

The main causes of the development of disease are already well known, but they are not so easy to eliminate them, as it seems. We propose to learn about the causes of diseases from the point of view of modern medicine and read about the general ideas about the mechanisms for the development of pathogenesis. When conducting healthy image Life The main causes of diseases can be successfully eliminated by the method of preventing certain states.

General physical reasons and mechanisms for the occurrence and development of diseases in humans (what is them)

The reason for the occurrence of diseases is negative factors that are exacerbated by psychological factors. What is it is difficult to understand. Because they violate the laws of nature. Life is a process in which the opposites, old and new, with the simultaneous desire of the organism towards self-regulation.

The overall reasons for the development of diseases are based on the fact that a person is a child of nature, and he is invisible energy information paths associated with the universe, where there is a spiritual beginning, which is completely ignored with modern science. The main subject of attention of the development of our civilization should be the moral and spiritual level of formation of each person, on the basis of which science and technology should develop. Unfortunately, today there are no structures anywhere that would solve this problem on the state level.

What happens when the occurrence of diseases, how are the causes of diseases in people launch pathogenic disruption mechanisms? Against the relaxation of the protective forces of the body, the microbial flora is activated, the temperature rises.

As is known, in the human body there is an indispensable number of different viruses from the most numerous organisms on Earth performing many functions. And what else is important: the entire micro and macromir of living beings has a single genetic code, which once again rejects the theory of Darwin, approving the opposite: the higher stage of development, the more complicated genome. And the unity of the genetic code makes it possible to exchange information between any organisms. This phenomenon got the name of the "horizontal transfer" of the information necessary for the existence of the biosphere. The viruses are responsible for this transfer. Against the background of environmental, economic, social damage, when the body itself is experiencing the strongest stresses aimed at survival, occurrence various diseases Or the emergence of new, still unknowns - the problem of tomorrow. But it will still be if a person is a child of nature - will not behave in accordance with the harmonious state between the external and internal environment in all its diversity.

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Role, development and suppression of human pathogenic microflora

Where is the pathogenic microflora of a person in the body: first of all, it is a weakening of the body due to non-physiological nutrition, and easily digestible carbohydrates, refined products, products from the flour of high grinding, fried, oily, smoked, animal protein (meat), milk, etc.

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Disturbance of acid-alkaline balance in the body: recovery to normal, maintenance after normalization

As for the problem of cancer. There are many theories of its occurrence, but there is no unambiguous answer. It is only well known that an oncological disease is oncoosurgery, radiation, chemotherapy and immunotherapy - a dead-end situation. Acid-alkaline balance of the body is a stable and only basis for maintaining a high level of health.

Cancer cells love hard food (boiled, fried, smoked, oily, animal proteins), which contributes to the disruption of the acid-alkaline balance of the body due to the constant lack of oxygen, which is not in such food.

The acid-alkaline balance of the body normally protects against pathogenic effect. It has been established that any disease begins when the fabrics are experiencing oxygen fasting, which contributes poor feeding of food, leaving the fluid during and after meals (the first dish is also food), which reduces the concentration of the digestive juices of the stomach, liver, pancreas, and food in the body rotates, scumbles. It is in such a medium that there are cancer cells, and if the tissue is saturated with oxygen, then the process of cure is possible.

It is known that the first cancer cell may occur in the body a few months before its manifestation on X-rays. It is important that each of the 300 types of cancer cells combines one general property - They are capable of life only in an acidic medium (pH \u003d 5.55 or lower).

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That is, the main reason for the occurrence of cancer is a constant decrease in the hydrogen indicator of all organism fluids and exhaled air to critical quantities! This suggests that the indicator of the acid-alkaline balance of the Physical media of the body and the air exhaled by man plays a key role in the occurrence. oncological diseases and resistance towards them. And if this indicator does not specifically correct, the cancer cell will continue its height and only "Thank you" only will tell you. Since the occurrence of the oncological process to death, the middle average is held only 26 months.

At the I stage of the disease "Thickness", a person's aura is approximately 16 cm. By the time IV stage of the aura of the oncological patient decreases to coincidence with the boundaries of human contours, and then disappears. This fact suggests that the soul leaves the body of the diseased and this process is already irreversible. Snapshots of various oncological formations performed by special equipment, with high accuracy point to the place of "damage" of the aura, give an idea of \u200b\u200bits negative changes. This is a direct evidence of the emergence of cancer. Emergency normalization of the acidic alkaline balance of the body is required using a special diet and eating in a large number of fresh vegetables and fruits.

At the I-III stages of their development, the cancer tumor is in an acidic oxygenous medium. The restoration of the acid-alkaline balance in the body at this stage contributes to independent recovery. At the IV stage it is made much more voracious and requires more glucose, cholesterol, as well as oxygen. When the nutrient material becomes not enough, the cancer education "eats" of the whole person, starting with its fat deposits. At the same time, the dying of cancer is experiencing painful death pains.

This is a somewhat simplified look at a rather complicated process of occurring oncological diseases. That is why, not normalizing the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, and this is the basis immune system, especially liver, it is almost impossible to deal with such a formidable ailment, like cancer.

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The reasons for the occurrence of crises and their role in the social economic Development

crisis Economic Cycle

1. The concept of crisis in socio-economic development

The concept of crisis is closely associated with the concept of risk, which in one way or another affects the methodology for developing management decisions in the organization's activities.

Any socio-economic system has two trends in its existence: functioning and development.

Functioning is maintaining vital activity, the preservation of the functions of determining the integrity of the system, its qualitative certainty and its main characteristics.

The functioning of the socio-economic system involves the mandatory availability of the object of labor, labor and human resources. These elements constitute the functioning conditions.

The development of the socio-economic system is the acquisition of a new quality strengthening the vital activity of the socio-economic system in the conditions of a changing environment. Development characterizes changes in the subject, facilities of labor and man.

The fact of development is to increase labor productivity, the emergence of new technologies, strengthening motivation activities.

The relationship between the functioning and development of the socio-economic system reflects the possibility and pattern of occurrence and permission of crises. Functioning restrains development, and at the same time it is its nutrient medium. Development destroys many functioning processes, thereby creating conditions for a more sustainable existence of the system. Thus, there is a cyclical trend of development, which involves the periodic occurrence of crises.

Crisis are not necessarily destructive. They can proceed with a certain degree of acute, but their appearance is caused not only by subjective and objective reasons, but also the very nature of the socio-economic system.

Crisis reflect not only contradictions in development and operation, but may also arise in the functioning processes themselves.

Thus, the crisis is the extreme aggravation of the contradictions in the socio-economic system threatening its livelihoods in the environment.

2. Causes of crisis

The causes of crises are divided into:

objective associated with the cyclical needs of modernization and restructuring;

subjective, reflecting errors in control.

The reasons for the crisis may be external and internal.

External reasons are associated with trends and strategics of macroeconomic development, competition, political situation in the country.

Domestic reasons may be caused by a risk marketing strategy, internal conflicts, disadvantages in organizing production, imperfection of management, ineffective innovative and investment policy.

The risk of crisis always exists, and it must be foreseen and predicted. In understanding crisis great importance They have not only the causes of its occurrence, but also a variety of consequences.

The exit from the crisis is not always accompanied by positive consequences. It is impossible to exclude the transition to a state of a new crisis, maybe even even more prolonged and deep. Crisis can occur as a chain reaction.

There is also the possibility of conservation of crisis situations for a fairly long period of time. This is explained political reasons, the nature of the crisis, as well as the possibility of managing the crisis development process.

The consequences of the crisis can lead to sharp changes or a soft way out of the situation, updating or destroying the organization, qualitative or quantitative changes, etc.

Post-crisis changes in the organization are long-term and short-term, reversible and irreversible, and can also lead to exacerbation or weakening the crisis.

Different consequences of the crisis are determined not only by its character, but also the effectiveness of the process of anti-crisis management, which may mitigate or exacerbate the crisis.

The possibilities of management in this regard depend on the goal, professionalism, art management, the nature of motivation, as well as an understanding of the causes and consequences of the crisis situation.

3. The main causes of the crisis situation in the enterprise

The crisis in the enterprise is not called the compliance of its financial and economic parameters, the environmental parameters. The reasons for the crisis situation are not an enterprise lie external and internal factors. The skill of the enterprise adapt to changing technological, economic and social factors is a guarantee of his survival.

To external factors that have a strong influence on the activities of the enterprise include:

1. The instability of the tax system;

2. The level of development of science and technology;

3. Inflation rate;

4. Financial state of business partners;

5. Political stability and focus of domestic policy.

The value of the last factor involves the formation of the following qualitative indicators:

the attitude of the state to entrepreneurial activity;

principles of state regulation of the economy;

property relationship;

measures taken in order to protect the consumer on the one hand, and the entrepreneur - on the other.

Internal factors are the result of the activity of the enterprise itself. They are divided into three subgroups, depending on the need to form a cash flow of the enterprise:

the factors associated with operating activities (ineffective marketing, not an effective structure of current costs, low level of use of fixed assets, high level of insurance and seasonal stocks, not enough diversified product range, not effective production management);

related Factors investment activities (inefficient stock portfolio, high duration of unfinished construction, not the achievement of planned sales volumes on investment projects, not effective investment management);

factors related to financial activities (ineffective financial strategy, not an optimal assets structure, a high share of borrowed capital, increasing receivables, as a whole, not effective financial management).

The above groups include many individual factors operating in each company.

Most often, the failure in business is related to the inexperience of managers, low responsibility of the leaders of the enterprise to the owners for the consequences of the decisions made, for the safety and efficient use of the enterprise property, as well as for the financial and economic result of its activities.

Also, one of the reasons affecting the functioning of the organization is the lack of a strategy and orientation for short-term results to the detriment of the medium and long-term.

Regular holding of financial and economic analysis of the enterprise will ensure the management of the necessary information for the acceptance of adequate management decisions.

4. Typology (varieties) crises

Practice shows that crises are not the same not only in their essence, but also reasons and consequences. The need for an extensive classification of crises is caused by differentiation of funds and methods of management of them. If there is a typology and understanding of the nature of the crisis, then there are opportunities to reduce its acute, reducing time and ensuring the painlessness of the crisis.

There are general and local crises. General covers the entire socio-economic system, local only part of it.

In a concrete case, it is necessary to take into account the boundaries of the socio-economic system, its structure and environmental environment.

On the problem of crisis, you can select macro and micro crises. Macro crisis is inherent in fairly large volumes and the scale of the problems. The micro crisis covers only one or group of interrelated problems.

A feature of the crisis is that he is even a local or micro crisis, as a chain reaction can spread to the entire system or all the issue of development, since the system has an organic interconnection of all elements and problems are not solved separately. This situation arises when there is no criminalization of crisis situations, there are no measures for the localization of the crisis and reduce its acute or, on the contrary, the intentional motivation of the development of the crisis is carried out.

According to the structure of relations in the socio-economic system, separate groups of economic, social, organizational, psychological and technological crises can be distinguished.

Economic crisesreflect the sharp contradictions in the economy of the country or the economic condition of a separate enterprise, firm. These are crises of production and sales of products, the relationship of economic agents, crisis not payments, the loss of competitive advantages, bankruptcy.

In the group of economic crises separately allocate financial crises.They characterize contradictions in a state of financial system or financial capabilities of the company are crises of monetary terms of economic processes.

Social crises There are an exacerbation of contradictions or colliding of the interests of various social groups and formations: workers and employers, trade unions and entrepreneurs, managers and staff, etc. Often social crises are a continuation and addition of economic crises.

A special position in the Social Crisis Group has political a crisiswhich, as a rule, affects all spheres of public life and goes into the crisis economic.

Organizational crises Manifest as crises of separation and integration of activities, distribution of functions, separation of the responsibility of individual units (regions, branches, subsidiaries). In the organizational device of any socio-economic system, organizational relations are exacerbated. The organizational crisis is manifested as paralysis of organizational activities.

Psychological crises - These are crises of the psychological state of a person. As a rule, psychological crises are inherent not only to a separate person, but also affect the masses.

Technological crises There are crises of new technological ideas in conditions of a clearly pronounced need for new technologies. This may be a crisis of technological incompatibility of products or a crisis of rejection of new technological solutions.

For reasons, crises are divided into natural, public and environmental.

Crisis can be predictable (natural) I. unexpected (random). Predictable crises occur as a stage of development, they can be predicted and caused by objective reasons for the accumulation of factors of the crisis (for example, the needs of the restructuring of production, etc.). Unexpected crises are often the result of gross mistakes in the management of any natural phenomena.

A variety of predictable crises is cyclical crisiswhich tends to periodic offensive, as well as the well-known phases of their flow.

Crisis are there explicit and hidden. The first proceeds easily and are also easily detected. The second proceeds most difficult because they are difficult to detect their consequences deeper.

Crisis are: deep and lungs. Deep lead to the destruction of various structures of the socio-economic system.

Crisis are also divided into tightening and short-term. The protracted are difficult and painfully, and are often a consequence of not timely management of the crisis situation, lack of understanding the nature and nature of the crisis, as well as its causes and consequences.

5. Features of economic crises

The root cause of the emergence of economic crises is the gap between the production and consumption of the goods. In the framework of the natural economy between production and consumption there was a direct connection, therefore the conditions for economic crises were not. The opportunity for them appeared and began to expandrately as the development of trade and circulation. The division of labor, the development of specialization and cooperation increased the gap between production and consumption, but with a simple commercial production the possibility of the occurrence of the crisis is not a necessity.

As commodity production has become the dominant form of production, and the market is a spontaneous regulator, economic crises have become an objective pattern.

The essence of the economic crisis is manifested in overproduction of goods in relation to effective demand, in violation of the process of reproduction of public capital, in mass bankruptcies of firms, the growth of unemployment and other socio-economic phenomena.

In the exercise on the economic cycle, the patterns of development of reproduction are characterized by alternating the recession and lifts of production.

K. Marx substantiated the need for crisis in the conditions of elements and anarchy of production. Nemmarxist schools acted with the dedication of the inevitability of economic cycles and proved the possibility of overcoming cyclicity with the help of a market mechanism.

Economic science has so far developed a number of different theories explaining the causes of economic cycles and crises:

monetary theory - explains the cycle with a decline in bank loan;

psychological theory - explains the cycle as a result of the population of pessimistic and optimistic waves;

the theory of unauthorized consumption - explains the cause of the cycle in too much income, which are in crumbling people compared to what could be invested;

the theory of excessive investment - explains the reason for the cycle by excessive investment.

The classic social reproduction cycle consists of four phases:

crisis or decline. There is a reduction in production volumes, the fall in prices, the incorporation of products, the growth of unemployment, mass bankruptcy;

depression or stagnation. This is the phase of adaptation of economic life to new conditions and needs;

revival. This is a phase of recovery, it is planned to increase capital investments, prices, production, employment and interest rates are growing. First of all, the revival covers those industries that supply the means of production;

lifting or boom. The acceleration of economic development involves a series of innovations, the emergence of new products, enterprises, the growth of capital investments, wages, shares and other securities. At the same time, bank balance tensions increase, commercial stocks increase.

The rise of the economy output to a new level of development prepares the base for the new crisis.

6. Types of economic crises

crisis Cause Cycle Economic

The cyclicity is a kind of form of translational development of the economy and fluctuations in economic activity are estimated as one of the conditions for updating and growth.

Economic crises divide on regular (cyclic) or periodic, which are repeated with a certain pattern and irregular.

Regular crises give rise to a new cycle during which the economy passes four phases and prepares the base for the subsequent crisis. Regular crises are characterized by the fact that they cover all sectors of the economy and are sufficiently heavy and long.

To irregular economic crises include:





Intermediate crisis Does not lead to the beginning of a new cycle, and interrupts not a certain time the flow of the lifting or revitalization phase. Compared to the periodic crisis, this crisis is less deep and long and is usually local.

Partial crisis It differs from the intermediate by the fact that, as a rule, it covers not the whole economy, but what or the sphere of social production.

Sectoral crisis Encompasses one of the sectors of the national economy. The main causes of such crises are imbalances in the development of industry, overproduction and structural restructuring.

Structural crisis It is manifested in serious imbalances between the industries on the one hand and the release of the most important types of products necessary for balanced development on the other.

Before the onset of the next periodic crisis, production reaches the highest level, which is hidden overproduction.

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2. Causes of their occurrence and development

Relying on modern factsI want to tell you that the cancer tumor does not occur in people with normal physiological functions, with normal metabolism, in unchanged tissues. Clinically and experimentally found that some pathological processes are more often preceded by a tumor. Therefore, these chronic processes are called prepubrase, or precancerous, diseases. But the emergence of a malignant tumor in a person suffering from these diseases is not mandatory. I can give a few examples. Chronic gastritis - very frequent disease, and a malignant tumor of the stomach occurs in a very small percentage of cases. A faulty denture traumating the edge of the language, the phenomenon is frequent, but the malignant tumor occurs only in some of the subjected to this trauma. To sink a wart or a pimple on the face, to tear a crust with a long non-healing wounds have many, but not everyone has a malignant tumor in this place. Most prematubic diseases are only a favorable background for the occurrence of a malignant tumor, but this occurrence is optional, so they are called optional prematubolic diseases. The risk of the occurrence of cancer on the soil of a prepancer disease for each given patient is not very large. With the considerable dissemination of them among the population, the total number of illness can make a significant amount. Therefore, the struggle against these diseases is to identify the sick and timely qualified treatment They are the task not only oncological agencies.

It should also be noted that the accounting of these patients and qualified treatment is carried out in women's consultations and gynecological cabinets - patients with diseases of external genital organs, pigment formations with inclinations to growth and ulceration, erosions and cervix polyps, ferrous polyps of the mucous membrane, benign tumors; Therapists - patients with chronic gastritis, ulcer of the stomach, chronic ulcerative colitis; surgeons - patients with nodal and diffuse mastopathy , papillomas of the lower lip, single and multiple rectal polyps, non-healing cracks and fistulas of the anal canal for a long time; In dental institutions, in dentists - patients with pathology of the oral mucosa, long-term ulcers and cracks of the mucous membrane after eliminating their cause caused; In otolaryngological institutions, from otolaryngologists - patients with papillomas of the mucous membrane of the nose, nasopharynx, larynx and trachea; in the skin-venereological dispensaries, in dermatologists - patients with non-healing ulcers and fistulas, with pigment stains and warts of a congenital and acquired character, especially in places that exposed to frequent trauma, or with an increase in their size, density; with senile keratoses, skin horn; Doctor-urologists - patients with bladder pathology, papillomas; Chronic cystitis of professional etiology (in the workers of the anyline industry). Oncologists are monitoring the treatment and treatment of patients with precancerous diseases in listed institutions and bandwidth. They periodically monitor accounting and treatment of such patients. Among the prematubic diseases there are some, characterized by a higher percentage of a possible transition of the process into cancer. There are prematubolic diseases in which the moment of malignant rebirth is difficult to determine. Unfortunately, there are such prematubological processes that necessarily lead ultimately to malignant growth. They are called bond (mandatory) preiodines. These diseases are few. Bonds are subject to direct observation in oncological institutions. Treatment of these patients is carried out in the directions of oncologists and under their control. Diseases with the increased possibility of malignant growth and requiring special methods for determining the start of tumor growth include gastric ulcers, focal gastritis, family polyposis of a large intestine. Patients with preputyractic diseases are subject to radical treatment in specialized institutions. This treatment is often complex and long. Like any common person, the patient does not often agree to such extensive interventions, if the disease flows without blood loss and disorders of the intestine. In some patients, such intervention is associated with a certain risk. At the same time, patients consisted of accounting in the oncological office are systematic controls every 3-6 months, conservative therapy and a dietopiculation in order to prevent additional injury to polypams and removing the accompanying inflammatory component. But after all, in case of detection, with the next control study of malignant growth, testimony to surgical treatment becomes vitality. In some precancerous diseases of the skin, when radical treatment is associated with cosmetic and moral damage, observation is also monitored, and in the necessary cases - conservative therapy that reduces the risk of malignant growth. At the first signs of the starting tumor growth, the testimony to radical treatment expands, they become vitality.

In addition, its genetic constitution, hormonal balance, incorrectly organized nutrition, the presence of specific and nonspecific harmful factors that change the internal environment of a person are influenced by the formation of precancerous diseases and cancer in humans. The precancer condition of the body is a chronic disease, developing from permanent irritants. Initially, it is imperceptible to humans, but over time, sometimes very long, non-obscure chronic diseases occur in any organ or tissues. If you detect these diseases in time, eliminate the causes of their causes, subject to a patient with timely treatment, then you can prevent the formation of a malignant tumor in the body. The presence of a common painful condition of the whole organism as a prior to the occurrence of cancer of a body, as the soil on which cancer can develop is recognized by all oncologists and clinicians.

I want to emphasize once again, relying on numerous studies that cancer does not always occur even on the soil well prepared for it, that is, not every precancerous disease is completed by the occurrence of cancer. Due to the significance of the data obtained, it should be somewhat more detailed for them, primarily on the teaching on immunite.

Let's look at the mechanisms of human protection, thanks to which a person lives and develops, giving repulsory any infection and pathology. Immunity denote the absence of the body to infectious origins (bacteria, viruses) or to any foreign substance. Essentially, this is the body's ability to unmistakably "recognize" genetically alien material, penetrated from outside or arising in the body, and destroy it. The immunity in the body is carried out by a set of hereditary or individuals individually acquired during the life, which prevent the penetration and reproduction in the tissues and organs of pathogens and the effects of products allocated by them. Foreign bodies (including cancer cells), penetrating the body or formed in it, cause responses, due to which they are destroyed. It can be said that any cell, excellent (mutant) from the genetically constant type of organism cells, at least one gene, is inevitably regarded as someone else's and removed from the body. This also applies to cancer cells, which, due to the appearance of new genetic forms, are alien to the body. In immunology, immunity natural (congenital), immunity acquired by a person during life after safely suffered infections, and immunity artificial is the so-called immunization (for example, vaccinations against rabies, tetanus, etc.). It has been established that protective system human organism It consists of two biological substances: antibodies - proteins produced by the body as a response to the appearance of an alien substance in organs and tissues, and lymphocytes - one of the types of white blood cells produced by the bone marrow. Immunity, both natural and acquired, may be general (immunity to many pathological harm) and specific (i.e., only a certain disease). Especially specific immunities caused by immunization against one of any infection (smallpox, tetanus, rabies, etc.). Consequently, the immune system is the first line of defense of the body against alien and harmful bacteria, viruses, alien cells and, in particular, cancer cells (mutants). The observations of scientists for the interaction of cell formation in the body are established that in the process of dieting outdated cells and replacing them with new, young, there are always mutant cells, and no matter how perfect "apparatus", providing identity of child cells, can always occur cells with incorrect Copy of maternal. They are "strangers", changed their properties in the process of cellular division. In fact, all people in the process of cell regeneration organs and tissues arise mutant cells, but on guard of the health of the body there is an amazing, impeccable immune system, in which the tasks of which include identifying, destruction and rejection from the organism of "alien" cells or even their minor groups. The failure of the organism's immunobiological system leads to the formation of colonies of cancer cells, they are grouped into a tumor, and then a malignant disease occurs, the fight against which the tumor increases is increasingly difficult and often inffective. General immunity can be strengthened, but, unfortunately, due to the unreasonable behavior of people, immune defense gradually weakens. Accordingly, cancer develops in some people slowly (years), and others are rapidly for several months. Congenital absence of immunity in humans meets, fortunately, very rarely. At the same time, the children fall into cancer at an early age and quickly die - the tumor is developing a rapid pace. In adults, the same immune defense weakens and becomes insolvent as a result of the impact of various adverse factors of the external environment, and mainly due to bad habits and skills. This is possible to explain the various localization of cancer in humans. Substances that are harmful to the human body and on its protective forces may contact, for example, with skin, with a gastric mucosa and intestine, with light and t. d. There is a disease of the organ - a preference, and if the contact of this organ with a harmful substance is not eliminated, the true cancer tumor will develop. There are special substances, when irritating in the experiment in living tissues and organs, animals occur such changes in the tissues, on the basis of which cancer occurs. These substances are called carcinogens. Some of them are common in the atmosphere of cities, in our dwellings, may fall and form in food, etc. They are relatively easily eliminated, observing a number of hygiene prescriptions.

However, I want to calm you and say that only the presence of them is not enough for the emergence of the precancerous disease. In addition, their specific combinations are significantly in which their effect is significantly enhanced. This is the so-called amount of action. Knowing this process will allow us to prevent the formation of cancer by treating the patient from the precancerous diseases. And it is many times easier to make than heal the patient from the already developed cancer. In medicine, it has long been established that the cancer tumor arises from the cells of the epithelium of that organ or cells of the tissue on which it develops. It is known that the organism of a healthy person is constantly being occurring the physiological processes of replacement cells with new ones. The formation of a malignant tumor occurs in the weakening of the mechanisms regulating the growth of cells. There is a limitless, unrestrained multiplication of cells, and, most importantly, they lose their normal functions, they acquire new properties - they germinate into neighboring organs and in tissue, destroy them, give metastases to others, even distant from the primary focus of the body. Cancer cells become autonomous on the body, in which the amino acids, enzymes and vitamins are absorbed, cause the body to death.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

General provisions

I want to remind you that the human body consists of an countless set of cells forming fabrics and organs. Various organs have the ability to restore in varying degrees, but in all cases the process of breeding and updating cells is subordinate to the general laws of the body - it is controlled and regulated by the nervous system, the system of the domestic secretion glands, etc.

1. The mechanism of the occurrence of the tumor

Development begins with the fact that some group of cells under the influence of certain reasons partially comes out from under such control and begins to multiply independently. This cell group is the primary focus of the tumor. The reproduction of cells in it becomes as if offline. The cells formed in this case, developing, gradually become "mature", in their structure, approaching the cells that have occurred, in other cases, they only achieve this partially, and even remain "immature", completely losing the similarity with normal cells of this tissue.

At the same time, it is clear that the degree of maturity of the cells determines the degree of malignancy of the tumor: the greater maturity, the cells reach, the less malignant the tumor, and vice versa. At the same time, tumors with varying degrees of malignant may develop in the same organ. The malignancy of the tumor is manifested in its inclination to the progressive growth, the ability to germinate the surrounding tissues and form portable foci of tumor growth away from the primary focus - the so-called metastases.

It should also be said that it is often observed that the adverse effect of the tumor on metabolism is observed: it perverts the exchange, in connection with which there is a gradual poisoning of the body with products of broken metabolism, exhaustion develops. All these properties are manifested with different types of tumors and are not equally expressed. The most permanent property of a malignant tumor is its inclination to progressive growth. Such cases are very carefully studied, as they suggest that the human body, apparently, has some protective agents against the tumor, which under certain conditions may suspend tumor growth. It is possible that the occurrence of an alien focus in the body of an alien to him leads to the formation of so-called antibodies similar to those formed with many infectious diseases In response to the impact of microbes. All this is very great interest, as new opportunities are opening the treatment of tumor diseases: if we learn to stimulate the protective mechanisms of the human body in the right direction and encourage them to more actively generate antitumor antibodies, then we will help the body more successfully fight the tumor.

As I said, the most common form of malignant tumors is cancer. Statistics were calculated that on the globe for every 100 thousand population every year, 135 people are divided into cancer. As it may seem at first glance, there is an obvious steady increase in the incidence of cancer. But, first, with the development of medical science, over the years, decades, undoubtedly, the methods of recognition and detection of cancer have improved. These data are total and belong to the entire population, without taking into account its age. At the same time, it is well known that cancer is a disease of people predominantly elderly. It is easy to make sure that I look at the following numbers. Among 100 thousand men under the age of 30 years, the annual number of sick cancer is 7-8 people. In the same number of the group of men aged from 30 to 39 years, the number of illness is already 48-50 people, aged 40 to 49 years old - 185 people. The next decade of life, i.e., aged 50 to 59 years, the number of feasible cancer for every 100 thousand men is already 460 people, and at the age of 60 years this figure increases almost twice - 820-830 people. Approximately the same dependence on age can be established by analyzing the incidence of cancer and among women. As statistics show, these figures for a long time remain almost constant - the oscillations of them in one or the other side are very insignificant.

Yes, in principle, it all depends on a person. It is well known that with a change in the better economic, material and social living conditions of people, the life expectancy of a person increases with improving their well-being. An increase in life expectancy leads to the fact that the number of older people is increasing. Among these ages, as we saw, the incidence of cancer is very high, so it is natural that the patients with cancer are becoming more and more. In countries where a person's life expectancy does not exceed 35-40 years, it is often a relatively low incidence of cancer, explained to a large extent that people simply do not survive before that age in which cancer is observed most often. But I want to calm you - an increase in the absolute number of patients with cancer does not yet mean that people have become more often sick of this disease. However, if there is no convincing data on the increasing increasing incidence of cancer, then some changes in the frequency of individual forms of cancer over time can be noted. For example, over the past decades, it undoubtedly increased the incidence of lung cancer, while the incidence of stomach cancer in some groups has discovered a tendency to decrease. Naturally, people have questions: whether it is possible to protect themselves from the disease with cancer - to warn him. Yes, the current level of our scientific knowledge in the field of causes of cancer and its development makes the prevention of cancer, albeit difficult, but quite possible with one indispensable condition: so that it does not only the state and society, but also separate groups, families, each person. Government events, efforts of health workers, active public activities and individual struggle with different hazards that undermine human health and causing preceding cancer of the disease will give a result - a decrease in the incidence of cancer, and subsequently the complete elimination of this severe disease in our country. This statement is based on modern knowledge of living conditions that promote people a cancer; on existing methods to eliminate and eliminate harmful effects on the body; On the development of methods of curing diseases preceding cancer. In our country there are all possibilities for the fruitful struggle for human health, the first of which is full availability and free highly qualified medical care population. The state of the body depends directly from the influence of external conditions of existence, and the disease does not occur immediately and not suddenly; It is caused and supported for a long time external causes. Big role In the prevention of malignant neoplasms, measures are playing protection against air pollution, soils, seas, rivers, water supply sources of drinking water, reservoir waste, garbage and wastewater plants, factories and buildings. It is necessary to abandon the bad habits and skills: a negligent attitude towards the hygiene of his body, to clothing, neglects purity not only in everyday life, but also at work, alcohol and smoking abuse, power hygiene disorders. I want to say that cancer is striking the most different organs. Esophagus, stomach, fat intestines, pancreas, liver, larynx, light, lactic iron and uterus, leather, mucous membrane of the oral cavity, language is the most frequent cancer localization. Scientists have long paid attention to the fact that the frequency of various cancer localizations in different countries of the world, among different nationalities and nationalities of Nativeinakov. This is a very interesting and important fact. For example, it has been established that the Japanese are sick of the stomach cancer more than 2 times more often than representatives of the White race. The incidence rates of breast cancer among women of European countries are significantly higher than among women's oriental nation. Liver cancer is found in some countries in Africa and Southeast Asia. Skin cancer more often people are sick living in countries of southern latitudes. The uneven propagation of cancer is detected even within the same country, especially the one that has a large territory. On the contrary, in certain republics, the highest rates in the incidence of esophageal cancer are noted. In addition, the non-uniformity of the disease with cancer of one or another localization is sometimes detected even among the population of the same republic that has a relatively small territory, when comparing morbidity in its various areas. Scientists of the whole world pay very much attention to these issues. Serious and large-scale research are conducted in this direction, in particular, in our country. The non-uniformity of distribution is due not to one, but a number of reasons. But before proceeding to their consideration, it is necessary to briefly get acquainted with the existing theories of cancer.

2. Causes of their occurrence and development

Based on modern facts, I want to tell you that the cancer tumor does not occur in people with normal physiological functions, with normal metabolism, in unchanged tissues. Clinically and experimentally found that some pathological processes are more often preceded by a tumor. Therefore, these chronic processes are called prepubrase, or precancerous, diseases. But the emergence of a malignant tumor in a person suffering from these diseases is not mandatory. I can give a few examples. Chronic gastritis is a very frequent disease, and a malignant tumor of the stomach occurs in a very small percentage of cases. A faulty denture traumating the edge of the language, the phenomenon is frequent, but the malignant tumor occurs only in some of the subjected to this trauma. To sink a wart or a pimple on the face, to tear a crust with a long non-healing wounds have many, but not everyone has a malignant tumor in this place. Most prematubic diseases are only a favorable background for the occurrence of a malignant tumor, but this occurrence is optional, so they are called optional prematubolic diseases. The risk of the occurrence of cancer on the soil of a prepancer disease for each given patient is not very large. With the considerable dissemination of them among the population, the total number of illness can make a significant amount. Therefore, the struggle against these diseases is to identify sick and timely qualified treatment of them - is the task of not only oncological institutions.

It should also be noted that the accounting of these patients and qualified treatment is carried out in women's consultations and gynecological cabinets - patients with diseases of external genital organs, pigment formations with inclinations to growth and ulceration, erosions and cervix polyps, ferrous polyps of the mucous membrane, benign tumors; Therapists - patients with chronic gastritis, ulcer of the stomach, chronic ulcerative colitis; surgeons - patients with nodal and diffuse mastopathy, papillomas of the lower lip, single and multiple rectal polyps, non-healing cracks and fistulas of the anal canal for a long time; In dental institutions, in dentists - patients with pathology of the oral mucosa, long-term ulcers and cracks of the mucous membrane after eliminating their cause caused; In otolaryngological institutions, from otolaryngologists - patients with papillomas of the mucous membrane of the nose, nasopharynx, larynx and trachea; in the skin-venereological dispensaries, in dermatologists - patients with non-healing ulcers and fistulas, with pigment stains and warts of a congenital and acquired character, especially in places that exposed to frequent trauma, or with an increase in their size, density; with senile keratoses, skin horn; Doctor-urologists - patients with bladder pathology, papillomas; Chronic cystitis of professional etiology (in the workers of the anyline industry). Oncologists are monitoring the treatment and treatment of patients with precancerous diseases in listed institutions and bandwidth. They periodically monitor accounting and treatment of such patients. Among the prematubic diseases there are some, characterized by a higher percentage of a possible transition of the process into cancer. There are prematubolic diseases in which the moment of malignant rebirth is difficult to determine. Unfortunately, there are such prematubological processes that necessarily lead ultimately to malignant growth. They are called bond (mandatory) preiodines. These diseases are few. Bonds are subject to direct observation in oncological institutions. Treatment of these patients is carried out in the directions of oncologists and under their control. Diseases with the increased possibility of malignant growth and requiring special methods for determining the start of tumor growth include gastric ulcers, focal gastritis, family polyposis of a large intestine. Patients with preputyractic diseases are subject to radical treatment in specialized institutions. This treatment is often complex and long. Like any common person, the patient does not often agree to such extensive interventions, if the disease flows without blood loss and disorders of the intestine. In some patients, such intervention is associated with a certain risk. At the same time, patients consisted of accounting in the oncological office are systematic controls every 3-6 months, conservative therapy and a dietopiculation in order to prevent additional injury to polypams and removing the accompanying inflammatory component. But after all, in case of detection, with the next control study of malignant growth, testimony to surgical treatment becomes vitality. In some precancerous diseases of the skin, when radical treatment is associated with cosmetic and moral damage, observation is also monitored, and in the necessary cases - conservative therapy that reduces the risk of malignant growth. At the first signs of the starting tumor growth, the testimony to radical treatment expands, they become vitality.

In addition, its genetic constitution, hormonal balance, incorrectly organized nutrition, the presence of specific and nonspecific harmful factors that change the internal environment of a person are influenced by the formation of precancerous diseases and cancer in humans. The precancer condition of the body is a chronic disease, developing from permanent irritants. Initially, it is imperceptible to humans, but over time, sometimes very long, non-obscure chronic diseases occur in any organ or tissues. If you detect these diseases in time, eliminate the causes of their causes, subject to a patient with timely treatment, then you can prevent the formation of a malignant tumor in the body. The presence of a common painful condition of the whole organism as a prior to the occurrence of cancer of a body, as the soil on which cancer can develop is recognized by all oncologists and clinicians.

I want to emphasize once again, relying on numerous studies that cancer does not always occur even on the soil well prepared for it, that is, not every precancerous disease is completed by the occurrence of cancer. Due to the significance of the data obtained, it should be somewhat more detailed for them, primarily on the teaching on immunite.

Let's look at the mechanisms of human protection, thanks to which a person lives and develops, giving repulsory any infection and pathology. Immunity denote the absence of the body to infectious origins (bacteria, viruses) or to any foreign substance. Essentially, this is the body's ability to unmistakably "recognize" genetically alien material, penetrated from outside or arising in the body, and destroy it. The immunity in the body is carried out by a set of hereditary or individuals individually acquired during the life, which prevent the penetration and reproduction in the tissues and organs of pathogens and the effects of products allocated by them. Foreign bodies (including cancer cells), penetrating the body or formed in it, cause responses due to which they are destroyed. It can be said that any cell, excellent (mutant) from the genetically constant type of organism cells, at least one gene, is inevitably regarded as someone else's and removed from the body. This also applies to cancer cells, which, due to the appearance of new genetic forms, are alien to the body. In immunology, immunity natural (congenital), immunity acquired by a person during life after safely suffered infections, and immunity artificial is the so-called immunization (for example, vaccinations against rabies, tetanus, etc.). It has been established that the protective system of the human body consists of two biological substances: antibodies - proteins generated by the body as a response reaction to the appearance of foreign substances in organs and tissues, and lymphocytes - one of the types of white blood cells produced by the bone marrow. Immunity, both natural and acquired, may be general (immunity to many pathological harm) and specific (i.e., only a certain disease). Especially specific immunities caused by immunization against one of any infection (smallpox, tetanus, rabies, etc.). Consequently, the immune system is the first line of defense of the body against alien and harmful bacteria, viruses, alien cells and, in particular, cancer cells (mutants). The observations of scientists for the interaction of cell formation in the body are established that in the process of dieting outdated cells and replacing them with new, young, there are always mutant cells, and no matter how perfect "apparatus", providing identity of child cells, can always occur cells with incorrect Copy of maternal. They are "strangers", changed their properties in the process of cellular division. In fact, all people in the process of cell regeneration organs and tissues arise mutant cells, but on guard of the health of the body there is an amazing, impeccable immune system, in which the tasks of which include identifying, destruction and rejection from the organism of "alien" cells or even their minor groups. The failure of the organism's immunobiological system leads to the formation of colonies of cancer cells, they are grouped into a tumor, and then a malignant disease occurs, the fight against which the tumor increases is increasingly difficult and often inffective. General immunity can be strengthened, but, unfortunately, due to the unreasonable behavior of people, immune defense gradually weakens. Accordingly, cancer develops in some people slowly (years), and others are rapidly for several months. Congenital absence of immunity in humans meets, fortunately, very rarely. At the same time, the children fall into cancer at an early age and quickly die - the tumor is developing a rapid pace. In adults, the same immune defense weakens and becomes insolvent as a result of the impact of various adverse factors of the external environment, and mainly due to bad habits and skills. This is possible to explain the various localization of cancer in humans. Substances that are harmful to the human body and its protective forces may contact, for example, with skin, with the mucous membrane of the stomach and guts, with light, etc. There is a disease of the organ - a preference, and if the contact of this body is not eliminated Harmful substance, then a true cancer tumor will develop. There are special substances, when irritating in the experiment in living tissues and organs, animals occur such changes in the tissues, on the basis of which cancer occurs. These substances are called carcinogens. Some of them are common in the atmosphere of cities, in our dwellings, may fall and form in food, etc. They are relatively easily eliminated, observing a number of hygiene prescriptions.

However, I want to calm you and say that only the presence of them is not enough for the emergence of the precancerous disease. In addition, their specific combinations are significantly in which their effect is significantly enhanced. This is the so-called amount of action. Knowing this process will allow us to prevent the formation of cancer by treating the patient from the precancerous diseases. And it is many times easier to make than heal the patient from the already developed cancer. In medicine, it has long been established that the cancer tumor arises from the cells of the epithelium of that organ or cells of the tissue on which it develops. It is known that the organism of a healthy person is constantly being occurring the physiological processes of replacement cells with new ones. The formation of a malignant tumor occurs in the weakening of the mechanisms regulating the growth of cells. There is a limitless, unrestrained multiplication of cells, and, most importantly, they lose their normal functions, they acquire new properties - they germinate into neighboring organs and in tissue, destroy them, give metastases to others, even distant from the primary focus of the body. Cancer cells become autonomous on the body, in which the amino acids, enzymes and vitamins are absorbed, cause the body to death.

Let's plunge into history and see how the doctrine of cancer tumors developed. One of the earliest theories is the theory of germinal incarcans proposed by German scientists. Konheim believed that in the development of the human body, more cells could occur in various parts of the body of the nucleus, which is needed to build this part of the body. These cells, be as unused, can move to other organs and tissues. They do not multiply, but potentially retain high ability to reproduce and growth. This kind of dormant beginnings can be in a calm, unchanged condition. for a long time - years and decades, and then suddenly start rapidly multiply, forming a tumor.

A little later, the German scientist Wahov more than 100 years ago suggested that repeated mechanical or chemical irritations of tissues are important for cancer. He drew attention, for example, on the fact that the cancer tumors of the stomach occur more often in its weekend, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe so-called gatekeeper - muscle zoom, which delaying the output from the stomach of the food mass. There is some stagnation of dietary masses, which systematically, from day to day to some extent injury to the mucous membrane of the stomach. Theory of Virchova received the name of the theory of irritation. Subsequent observations confirmed the assumptions expressed them. For example, observations on the development of skin cancer in the carvings gave reason to assume that the chimney soap is unlikely to be the only substance with the ability to cause tissues in contact with them tumor growth.

In confirmation I can offer you a number of examples. Coal resin and dust, paraffin, a series of aniline paints, some mineral oils, chemical compounds containing chrome, arsenic, etc. Currently, the number of famous carcinogens is calculated by hundreds. In order to prove the carcinogenic effect of all these substances in the laboratories of many countries of the world, numerous experiments on animals - mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, monkeys. It became clear that the carcinogenic property has an ultraviolet part of the solar spectrum. To prove this, experiments were delivered with the irradiation of animals rays of a mercury-quartz lamp. As it was possible to expect, the tumors in this case occurred even faster than under the influence of sunlight. It is very interesting that the organism of the animal can be undergoing carcinogenic effects from outside. These effects can have some substances resulting in the body. Amazing? Not. These primarily include hormones - the products of the domestic secretion glands (adrenal glands, germ, pituitary gland, etc.). In fact, tumor processes are primarily the processes of rapid breeding and cell growth. The role of hormones in the process of growth and the development of the animal organism is well known. For example, the ovarian hormones cause an increase in the uterus and the mammary glands during pregnancy, the increase and heat of the mammary glands in a woman during the menstruation period, the excess number of the pituitary hormone is the cause of a giant human growth or an ugly increase in individual parts of the body - fingers, nose (so-called acromegaly ).

Currently, I can say for sure that the influence of the glands of the internal secretion, especially sexual, the development of tumors is not subject to doubt. The carcinogenic effect of the ovarian hormones is not based on the fact that there is some substance that is in its own way. chemical composition Carcinogen, and on the physiological action of these hormones on the cells of the mammary glands. Under the influence of estrogenic hormones, enhanced reproduction of these cells begins, which as it may create a predisposition for further tumor turning them. Of course, it should not be understood that the pregnancy and menstrual cycles flowing in themselves in themselves from this point of view. So, for example, in women in the period of extinction of menstruation in the uterus, fibromomists are often developing - tumors benign nature. Similar observations are also obtained in the experiment.

A certain contradiction is obtained: on the one hand, the increased content of the hormone stimulates the formation of tumors, on the other - and the insufficient amount of the hormone is also the cause of their occurrence. I can explain this paradox as follows: the main importance is the violation of the hormonal balance - the relationship between the amounts of different types of hormones in the body, which is normal thanks to the close relationship of the internal secretion glands are always supported at a certain constant level. It has long been drawn to the fact that tumors often arise there, where some time ago there was some kind of, even a single, injury, for example, injury. Especially often the connection of the appearance of a tumor with injury can be installed, for example, with a malignant tumor of bones - sarcoma, which affects the bones of the thigh, shin, shoulder. Predisposed to the occurrence of tumors due to injury of dairy glands, testicles. All listed factors contributing to the occurrence of a tumor (the impact of chemicals, various radiation sources, physical injuries, etc.), have something in common, namely, they all cause irritation of tissue cells, one way or another damage them.

Honestly, all of the above facts were tested for animals. Yes, the world is cruel, but, in a timely manner, conducting prophylactic studies, you can prevent the disease itself and save hundreds of lives. In the laboratories, a method for transplanting tumors from one animal to another has long been developed. A piece of tumor taken from a patient with a tumor of an animal, simply sit in a healthy animal under the skin, and in some cases it comes out there. Tumor cells continue to multiply, the tumor grows and develops, but already at the new owner. Apparently, it is impossible to calculate the success of experience, because tumor cells are completely destroyed, even the smallest particles remained on the filter. However, in some cases, the tumor is still developing. In an effort to explain this phenomenon, scientists suggested that tumor cells contain a virus that is the pathogen of this tumor. Cells are destroyed, destroyed, but the virus is intact. Paradox? Not really. The particles of it are so small that far from always visible even with the help of a special electron microscope, which gives an increase in tens of thousands of times, and they, of course, are free through the most reliable filter.

As you can see, none of the considered theories of cancer is completely comprehensive. Yes, because one factor may cause the emergence of another, the same and joint action can lead to the development of the tumor, therefore, the so-called multifactorial theory of cancer has the greatest recognition. Its essence is to recognize that a wide variety of harmful influences on the body can be important in the occurrence of a tumor - physical, chemical, biological, etc. The problem of cancer prevention by eliminating external stimuli and the treatment of precancerous diseases is now solid scientifically based and proven foundation. The list of precancerous diseases is limited, and they themselves do not necessarily go into cancer. Sometimes it is sufficient to eliminate the harmful effects of the external environment, comply with nutritional hygiene, dwellings, personal hygiene, throw forever bad habits and cure the metabolic disorder so that the precancerous disease has passed independently. In other cases, it is necessary to add treatment to the above measures to apply, but be sure to timely, not allowing the occurrence of the disease.

Let's consider finally the factors affecting the development of the tumor. Currently, scientists have more than 400 different physical, chemical, biological factors that can cause a presets. However, it should be repeated that even obviously harmful effects can not always lead to the development of cancer on the basis of the precancer.

Carcinogenic factors are divided into physical, chemical and biological. TO physical factors Solar rays include solar radiation, various radioactive substances, X-ray, cosmic rays, ultrasonic oscillations, sharp temperature effects - burns and frostbite, mechanical injuries.

Let's start with our beloved sun, under which we love to sunbathe, especially somewhere on the Crimean coast. Not everything is so smooth! Excess solar radiation is a potent physical carcinogen. All you are well known that rays are the source of life and health on Earth. To strengthen the body, the doctor sometimes assigns strictly dosed solar baths. If the deadline for the optimal exposure to the Sun can be obtained by skin burns. Staying a naked person, especially in the south of the country in the summer, under direct sunlights can lead not only to the damage to the skin, but also to the solar strike, accompanied by high temperature, delirium, sometimes loss of consciousness. The elderly with heart vessel disease may have a myocardial infarction. With many years of exposure to sunlight on the human skin, mainly on open parts of the body - face and hands, on the skin of the face, ears, the bottom of the lip, the back surface of the hands of hands can form dark spots that are precancerous diseases. Among the inhabitants of tropical countries with white skin, the prejudition diseases of the lower lip are found many times more often than among dark-skinned, which is explained by the protective properties of the pigment of the skin. As I said, and it should be firmly remembered, for the emergence of the prejudice, in addition to the gradual impact of specific or nonspecific stimuli, it is necessary a pathological state of metabolism - the inferiority of the immune system. If the exchange processes in the body proceed within the physiological norms, if the living conditions, labor, recreation and nutrition are full, then it protects a person from the prejudice. To protect against the Sun, Europeans living in hot subequatorial and equatorial countries where direct sunlight contain a large amount of ultraviolet rays, which are mostly white clothing.

The basis of the effect of X-rays and radium rays is the radiation of the energy of large intensity. The amount of it necessary for the treatment of the patient is appointed a doctor, a specialist in radiation therapy. The X-rays used in the X-ray hospitals of hospitals and a clinic for preventive inspections of people or to diagnose the disease cannot cause diseases or complications in patients and are practically safe. At the beginning of our century, when they did not know the methods of protection against radiation, they did not know exactly the boundaries between therapeutic and threatening doses of irradiation, they often arose (mainly at the staff attendants) prejudice skin diseases. And if the sick staff did not leave work and continued to be irradiated from day to day for several years, skin cancer developed. From lesions with radiant energy internal organs The leukemia is especially often observed, characterized by a sharp drop in the blood of the number of white blood cells. If it is timely to protect yourself from although very weak, but long-term sources of radiation, predrateless diseases will not arise. With nuclear explosions in the atmosphere, radioactive rays and particles dispel. The greatest concentration of ionizing radiation is observed in the center, and it decreases to the periphery. However, the movement of the atmosphere, jaws and simply the wind can attribute to a large distance radiation of large intensity and cause the defeat of living beings and plants very far from the center of the explosion. In terms of the possibility of occurrence, under the influence of these radiations, the prejudice of a person also has a general oncological law: dependence on the massiveness of the dose of irradiation and, most importantly, from its repetition, duration. Increased susceptibility to such exposures is directly dependent on the state of metabolism, insufficiency of the body functions. As you know, the first atomic bombs were reset over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. At the same time, in addition to the destruction of a large number of people in the center of the explosion, there were mass lesions and on its periphery.

Already in the coming years, observations of people who have suffered bomb explosions and remaining alive, showed primarily that among them there is an unusually high percentage of patients with leukemia. The disease is undoubtedly due to alone with one-time, but massive irradiation. The disease arose equally often both in men and in women, and especially in children and young men. Scars on the skin after injuries, burns, especially in combination with radioactive irradiation, are a prejudition threatening the transition to cancer. In recent years, attention has been drawn to new hazards arising from nuclear explosions - this is an education in the atmosphere of radioactive isotopes. Among them, the most studied influence on a person is isotope strontium. After nuclear explosions, it holds a very long time in the atmosphere, on plants, in dust, covering the walls and land of cities, in the upper layer of the soil. Penetrating into the human body, strontiums predominantly settles and accumulates in the bones and the bone marrow, it suppresses the formation of white blood cells - lymphocytes in it, exempting the body from cancer mutants, causes not only leukemia, but also painful growth bone tissuewhich should be regarded as a precancerous disease. In recent years, new radioactive isotopes that penetrate the atmosphere, dust, animals and a person when exemption during nuclear energy explosions are open. This isotope plutonium is a highly indented carcinogen. The possibility of occurrence under the action of plutonium of precancerous diseases in humans is now investigating scientists around the world.

Ultraviolet radiation (quartz lamps) applied with therapeutic goal in dosages appointed by the doctor, it is not possible to cause precancerous diseases. Only in cases of repeated overdose may be burns on the skin. Application of it with precancerous skin diseases can speed up the transition to cancer. Equally, this applies to other physiotherapeutic procedures.

Single skin burns in themselves do not cause cancer, since modern methods of treatment make it possible to avoid formation on the site of burns of scars. If there are dense blue-bugs scars and if they are not treated, then with time cancer can develop. The burn itself is not a preference, but at the same time, the post-governing scars should be regarded as a preference. However, not every such preference goes into cancer. The occurrence of cancer on the scars after burns is rare. There are certain cases of rapid cancer education after a single burn, but these cases are so rare, and one-time burns among the population are so frequent that the direct connection between burns and cancer should be rejected. Single frostbite on the mechanism of its impact on the skin and fabric can be equated to a single burn. They are not a carcinogenic factor, but the scars formed on the places of frostbite must be regarded as a preference. Repeated systematic effects of high temperatures and cold are well studied as factors capable of providing precancerous diseases of the skin and mucous membranes - cracks, ulcers for a long time not healing abrasions. They can significantly more often than scars after one-time burns and frostbite, be a place of occurrence of cancer, especially if the influence of chemical carcinogens is joined.

The dermatitis of the face, all sorts of cracks and ulcers on their hands working outdoors, the skin of the hands, the face and neck of which are constantly exposed to winter cold air, and in the summer of dry wind and the sun, especially difficult to cure. I can advise the best method. This prevention is wearing protective gloves (mittens), skin content clean and the use of softening creams and ointments. Single injuries are not regarded as a factor that can cause a presets, and even more so cancer. However, it is difficult to reliably establish that it is (primary injury or the subsequent irritation of the scar "served as the development of the tumor. After the resorption of such hemorrhages, Intranate scars remain, which some oncologists are considered as a presets; Especially suspicious scars (hardening) after breast bruises in women. There is no doubt that repeated injuries, especially small household and industrial, various chemical products entering the scar can contribute to the occurrence of cancer. Chemicals of the external environment contribute to the emergence of the prejudice. Doctors have long known the carcinogenic effect of coal tar. Experiments not only confirmed the fact of carcinogenicity of coal tar, but also showed that the occurrence of cancer in animals is preceded by unknown diseases. In areas of the skin of mice, which were systematically subjected to lubricating a coal tar, first appeared areas of irritation, dermatitis, then papillomas (benign tumors), and with continuing lubricants with a coal resin after 3-4 months on the basis of these changes, cancer occurred. This also proves that the malignant tumor is never formed on healthy tissues.

As I have already said, the closure of carcinogenicity of a coal dealer allowed scientists to identify a lot of facts important for the prevention of facts. It turned out that not only coal target, but also other coal processing products, boiling at high temperatures, shale with long-term exposure to human skin cause the occurrence of precancerous diseases and in some cases of cancer. In animal experiments, these substances cause a prevention in the bone, and so on to the skin or in the abdominal cavity, and so on to the skin or in the abdominal cavity. Further study of this issue showed that carcinogenic is not to fly by itself, and its various components are carcinogenic hydrocarbons. The possibility is not excluded that other carcinogenic hydrocarbons are also present in coal shale resins. The observations of doctors were widely known that the workers at the production of aniline dyes are relatively often the bladder cancer. Exploring the causes of the carcinogenicity of aniline, the chemists have established that not aniline itself, and naphthylamine included in its composition is a carcinogen. A long-term systematic effect of this hydrocarbon is necessary so that papilloma becomes the basis for cancer. The fact of the occurrence of the bladder cancer in the working aniline industry entailed the study of professional precancerous diseases. Each new chemical, before its massive industrial production is established, is the test for carcinogenic action. It is clear that these tests are carried out in animal laboratories.

Let's stop and talk a little about chemicals with which you often contact in everyday life and which can cause cancer. Workers engaged in the production of dyes have contact with benzidin. It is distinguished from the body with urine and can cause papillomas and other precancerous diseases in the urinary bubble. The possibility of transitioning them into cancer during long-term exposure of the benzidin has not yet been proven, but working with it relates to harmful professions. Chromium salts can be carcinogens for workplants where they are produced or where products are coated with chromium salts. However, some scientists have doubts about the carcinogenicity of chromium salts, as the hidden period from the start of contact to the development of the prejudice is very long, and during that time they could have an impact on the body and other carcinogens. In any case, inhalation of chromium salts when working with it causes various pulmonary processes that may be regarded as a presets. Especially close attention of oncologists attracted arsenic and various salts to themselves. A number of messages appeared in medical printing about the so-called arsenic cancer. A large number of precancerous diseases and a significantly smaller number of true cancer from the effects of arsenic salts are described by American scientists, and they found that arsenic salts can cause a prediction, and in some cases, with many years of exposure and skin cancer, lung, bladder, liver. Our legislation protects workers from professional diseases . In harmful enterprises, a shortened working day was introduced, additional vacation, workers issued milk as a better antidote against arsenic and other harmful production products. Work at such enterprises is permitted no more than 20-25 years. These are nationwide health activities, however, the workers themselves must strictly carry out all preventive protective measures, and not belong to them is frivolous, which, unfortunately, is sometimes found. State and individual protection measures led to the fact that cancer diseases in enterprises where workers are exposed to carcinogens are almost not observed. However, it should be remembered that if the worker appears a preference, you need to immediately work on the enterprise where a person fell ill. According to observations of people and experiments on animals, it is enough to exclude the influence of carcinogens, as a precancerous disease in itself is eliminated. Sometimes there is enough short treatment to bring the body from a painful state. The action of carcinogens is studied not only in professional conditions, but also in everyday life. At the same time, preventive measures are being developed. It is prohibited to use drinking water, the sources of which are near the arsenic mines and domin, food products, for any circumstances contaminated with arsenic in doses, not poisonous even with multiple receptions of drugs containing arsenic salt in their composition. All these drugs are currently withdrawn from use and can only occasionally apply to special testimony by the doctor. In cities and towns located near the mines where arsenic is mined, in dust there may be an admixture of arsenic salts. It turned out that in cities located near the arsenic copies or having enterprises working with arsenic, its content in urban dust 3 times more than in other cities. It is found that arsenic is contained in tobacco and tobacco smoke. If there are small doses of arsenic in the air, then practically subject to cities hygiene its carcinogenicity is not dangerous regarding the emergence of precancerous diseases. With simultaneously finding in the air of another carcinogen - benzpyrin - compounds, they act negatively per person is already more noticeable, and then the real danger of the prejudice appears. Much distribution in our century gasoline could not not pay attention to the attention of oncologists. In industry, different oils and mixtures obtained during oil distillation are widely used. With careful study of these products, it was identified or a complete absence, or their extremely weak carcinogenic effect. Meanwhile, the experiments have shown that work with these substances without precautions can cause a number of chronic skin diseases and lungs. Additional action of others, mainly household, harm can lead to precancerous diseases. Particular attention was drawn to the products of incomplete combustion of gasoline in faulty carburetor engines. The resulting carbon dioxide is the strongest carcinogen, as a rule, in the experiment of cancer in animals. In people, with frequent inhalation of the products of incomplete combustion of gasoline, bronchitis is observed; When dissolved carbon dioxide in fats used in food, sharp gastritis appeared at first, over time, turning into chronic gastritis. These diseases are regarded as a precept. If there is arsenic from the air and from tobacco smoke to this, the synergism of these carcinogens arises - the real threat to the emergence of the precancerous light diseases From inhalation of these products, and from swallowing saliva, impregnated with tobacco smoke and resin, is chronic gastritis. Most 400 chemical carcinogens were revealed and synthesized. In recent years, oncologists are persistently examined in terms of carcinogenicity of nitrosamines, which have a variety of practical application: as a semi-product in the synthesis of dyes and various amino acids, as various dyes in industry in a complex metals. Methyl choleantrene is most active from synthetic carcinogens. Of particular interest in this chemical compound is caused by the fact that it was obtained by artificial decomposition of deoxycolic acid, occurring in a healthy living organism. For example, at the beginning of our century, when doctors and service personnel of X-rays did not have protective devices when using X-rays with diagnostic purposes, it was found that only dermatitis, trophic processes on the skin of the arms arose after 6 years of permanent exercise Sometimes on face, ulceration, do not heal long, sluggish necrotic processes in the tissues. Cancer studies were not discovered, and only after 9-12 years, and sometimes later, a persistently progressive, non-leather cancer, was revealed. Consequently, the latent period of the emergence of the prejudice and cancer under the influence of the action of carcinogens on the body has its own patterns, the study of which is very promising. In the experiment on animals it turned out that it was possible to artificially manage the latent period - to make it shorter or lengthen it.

A lot of other important factors was identified in cancer biology, when scientists began to apply carcinogenic substances to reproduce tumors. And again, all studies were carried out mainly on animals. I bring some more studies that were conducted to study the action of carcinogens depending on the life of animals. Accordingly, it is mentally able to imagine all changes in the human body. When lubricating the mice of the skin of the skin, some of them were also observed at the same time and skin cancer and lung cancer. They suggest that it is possible to obtain cancer internal organs in animals in organs remote from the place of administration of carcinogen, that is, the carcinogen enters the common circle of blood and lymphorage. These facts were refined by directly administering carcinogenic polycyclic hydrocarbons into mice circulation. At the same time, the mice quickly formed the tumors of the lungs. The obtained tumors of the lungs were tied to other mice; As a rule, these tranships gave a positive result. There was a question about the paths of suction of carcinogens. On the speed of suction of carcinogens and their activity affect other chemical substanceswhich are introduced simultaneously with carcinogen. Carcinogens are difficult soluble in water; For their dissolution, benzene, chloroform, ether, acetone and various fats are used. These solvents also have their own specific effects on organs and tissues. A large amount in the diet of various fats contributes to the rapid occurrence of various types of cancer tumors under the influence of carcinogens. The effect of a large amount of fat taken with food, to enhance the action of carcinogen on experimental mice is currently considered quite proven. However, not all fats enhance the carcinogenic effect of specific hydrocarbons. Vegetable fats or inert, or, such as coconut oil, are a factor in the experiment, even the carcinogens delaying or weakening. The data obtained in the experiment on animals cannot be directly transferred to humans. Carcinogenicity of various hydrocarbons in relation to various types Animals are not the same, and for some animal species, deliberately carcinogenic products are inactive. Apparently, there is also species, and individual susceptibility to carcinogens.

I want to return to the viral theory again, as it is currently established that warts of the skin arise as a result of the introduction of a virus in it. Viruses are so small that they are not visible under the ordinary microscope. Viruses may cause numerous acute and chronic diseases. Such viruses, as a precipitated, previously caused devastating epidemics, transmitting from a person to a person by direct contact. Viruses can be transmitted and insects, such as viruses causing taiga encephalitis, yellow fever. The virus can multiply only in those cells that are sensitive to it. There is no doubt that some animal tumors are caused by viruses. However, there is a large number of cancer in animals, whose viral origin cannot be proved. All attempts to highlight or any other way to prove the presence of a specific cancer virus in human tumors so far also fail. Preiodine processes, in particular, benign tumors are studied in terms of the possibility of their occurrence under the action of the virus. As I said, Kondillama is a wart-tumor, located on the outer genital organs or near them, is a viral disease. This confirms the virus origin, since when sterilized, conventional bacteria are dying, and viruses remain active. Large papillomas also occur under the influence of the virus, which is proved by the filtrate of this tumor. In recent years, it was noted that with the disease, the contagious molluste on the skin appears multiple, sometimes single nodules of pale pink color, often waving, not allowing no temperature, nor pain. This serious illness requires immediate treatment, since, spreading through the human body, it can cause or purulent diseases, or, with a long flow, go into cancer. The causative agent is a filtering virus.

However, you should not forget that cancer cells are their own cells of the body undergoing change. They arise throughout his life, but are reliably destroyed and removed by immune-protective forces. Food productsAs a rule, consumed by people, as a rule, do not contain chemical, nor physical, nor biological carcinogens, but can be formed in the process of cooking and when adding different flavoring substances. Fats when boiling with liquids do not decompose and cannot be considered carcinogens. The feeding of the mice of such a long overheated oil caused them after 2-4 months the development first gastritis, then by papillom, with the continuing feeding with these fastes, the stomach cancer occurred. Especially dangerous fats, re-superheated at high temperatures, and fats overheated to the limit when they have already begun to burn. Such fats belong to carcinogens. Spices and sharp substances can also have a carcinogenic effect if they are taken in excess and systematically from year to year. Eating their occasionally in a small amount is not dangerous from the point of view of their carcinogenicity. Food itself can not cause cancer in humans, but the incorrectly used nutritional diet can lead to diseases of the digestive organs - esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, thick guts, disrupt the metabolism, weaken the immune defense of the person, and then favorable soil is created for The emergence of the prejudice under the influence of carcinogens of the external environment. Air dusting, carcinogens in the atmosphere of cities. When studying the air of English cities, the presence of benzpyrin in smoke and dust was revealed. It enters the air from pipes of heating systems and industrial enterprises operating on a stone coal or oil, from the exhaust pipes of cars, especially with incomplete combustion of gasoline. It is noted that in winter the concentration of benzpyrin in the air of English cities is much higher than in the summer. In connection with the increase in pollution of the atmosphere of the cities of England Mortality from light cancer significantly increases from year to year. When observing and studying the exhaust smoke of vehicles, the content in it carbon dioxide was established. Connecting in an atmosphere with a arsenic product that is most of all in the air of cities in winter, they, being synergists, act on a person as carcinogens of great strength.

In more detail, I want to stop at such a bad habit as smoking. Tobacco - annolete plant Parenic family. To obtain smoking tobacco, its leaves are subject to special processing consisting of processes such as sorting, riding, fermentation, drying, grinding. The distinctive feature of the tobacco is the presence of a special toxic substance in it - nicotine. In the process of smoking, the cigarette or cigarette is combustion of tobacco and paper at high temperatures. Smoke drawn by a smokers contains a huge amount of harmful substances: nicotine, carbon monoxide, traces of syntic acid, etc. Many people do not know the hundredth of the harmful effects of tobacco smoke. Typically, knowledge of the dangers of smoking is limited to the possibility of cancer development. Everyone knows at least one person who, smoking 40 cigarettes a day, survived to eighty years. This is actually so. However, one person, resistant to the effects of poison cigarettes, accounts for 1000 people exposed to him. With whatever parties you look at this problem, cigarettes are highly toxic. And few of us are endowed with a constitution that allows you to smoke and do not get any disease - light or deadly. Cigarette smoke contains about 3 thousand well-known components. We have no idea of \u200b\u200baction on the body of many of these substances. However, it is well known that 16 of them can cause cancer. Nicotine is a substance that causes a strong dependence. The most dangerous to health is nicotine. Penetrated with smoke in the respiratory tract and the lungs, it is quickly absorbed through the mucous membranes. Information that a drop of pure nicotine is capable of killing a horse is not an exaggeration. The picture of acute poisoning Nicotin can be seen from beginner smokers. With constant smoking, resistance to nicotine in humans gradually increases, which necessitates the need to increase the daily dose of cigarettes. In case of termination of admission to the nicotine body, the smokers develop the phenomena of "cancellation", i.e., tremendous physical and mental disorders, removed or eased after the reception of the next dose of nicotine. After a few weeks from the beginning of smoking, most people notice that their nervous system needs nicotine to maintain well-being. In addition to this main reason, getting used to cigarettes, it is worth noting that tobacco, being a plant, contains a large number of different compounds that are used by the human body, such as nickel and cobalt. Consequently, when trying to quit smoking, not only the nervous system feels the lack of something, but the body can also experience the deficit, since substances absorbed through the lungs quickly penetrate the body and after a short time they satisfy the needs without using the intestine in this process. In other words, receiving the necessary substances through the lungs, the intestines are not required so hard work, and it stops chemical processes. Therefore, if you quit smoking, then a delay period of several days may follow, before the intestine will again begin to absorb the necessary substances. This factor must be considered when assisting in combating smoking. Probably, it is not necessary to clarify how the effect of tobacco on the lungs. A frequent consequence of chronic poisoning Nicotin is the "bronchitis of a smokers", which gradually leads to the development of lung emphysema. It is characterized by difficulty breathing, resistant shortness, weakness, sharp deterioration in working capacity. Nicotine is also a strong cardiac and vascular poison. Smoking person and does not know that only from one cigarette the beat of his heart is rapidly 18-20 beats per minute. The number of heart abbreviations per day in smokers more by 15-20 thousand. Of course, this can not but affect the state of the heart muscle. Smokers, not parting with a cigarette, make their heart work "to wear". Under the influence of nicotine, the narrowing of blood vessels and changes in their walls occur, which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. Systematic smoking is one of the main causes of the disease of blood vessels - the endarterity of the arteries of the shin and feet (this disease is also called intermittent chromota). The narrowing (obliteration) of the vessels, coming as a result of the increased growth of their inner shell, leads to the fact that the parts of the body are distant from the heart, above all lower limbs, Start badly supplied with blood, which ultimately can lead to gangrene. Cancer is not the most frequent disease caused by smoking. However, it is undoubted that smoking increases the risk of cancer development or directly causes the oral cancer, language, pharynx, larynx, bronchial wood, lungs, esophagus, stomach, bladder, leather and ovarian. It is worth recalling that the development of the lungs is terminated only after twenty years. Smoking until this age breaks the formation pulmonary fabric. Therefore, the earlier to start smoking, the worse the forecast.

One of the concomitant factors, as I said, are chronic inflammatory diseases. When the impact of the substance that caused inflammation, the latter ends with the full restoration of the normal epithelium, or the formation of the scar in its place. It should be noted that if the scar tissue arising from mechanical injuries (injuries), burns and frostbies, as already noted above, is gradually subjected to or chemical, or mechanical irritation, it can be soil for the development of cancer. However, it is impossible to deny the fact that a long period of time, which ranged from the moment of the formation of the scar before the occurrence of cancer on it, it suggests that there was an impact of any carcinogen from the external environment. On old, chronically current skin glasses, do not heal or often re-ulcery scars, skin cancer may occur. It is impossible to deny that the appearance of cancer on ulcers is not a consequence of inflammation or irritation, but by exposure to carcinogen, since not all ulcers and scars are the basis for the development of cancer. Only 10% (and maybe less) chronic ulcers and re-ulcery scars go into cancer. Many scientists argue that chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasses (expansion of bronchi), bronchial asthma, lung emphysema, plerites can move in cancer only when exposed to carcinogens from tobacco smoke or contaminated air. In some patients, doctors note that the ulcer or wound does not heal at all. This means the presence of a permanent stimulus in an ulcer or wound, which threatens the danger of the development of a malignant tumor, especially if the effect of carcinogen will join. With systematic and radical treatment, recovery comes from precancerous diseases. The scars remaining after their radical treatment are not inclined to be reborn into cancer. Therefore, it is so important to detect these diseases in time and to persistently treat them. This necessitates the vast importance of dating the population with signs of prematubic diseases of various localizations.

Yes, by the way, I want to tell you that such pathology, as a violation of metabolism, may affect the development of the process. The study of the reasons is higher than in other countries, the incidence of stomach cancer in Japan revealed some features of the Japanese nutrition and gave reason to assume that along with other reasons, apparently, the systematic deficit in Food Vitamin B. The latter, as is known, is In the shells of cereals, and a significant proportion of the edible diet of the Japanese is devoid of a shell of rice, containing a very small amount of vitamin B. In addition to proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins, there is some mineral salts and metal salts in human food. At the same time, it is known that the metabolism in the body is broken by cancer, in particular, the mineral exchange suffers. This gave reason to very interesting observations. It is known, along with countries having high incidence incidence of digestive bodies, there are also such where this incidence is significantly lower. Such unevenness can be established even among the republics of our country. Assumptions were made that some geochemical factors may be significance, namely the amount of solts contained in the external environment (soil, waters) of a number of metals - magnesium, cobalt, molybdenum, zinc, etc. These assumptions were based on the fact that some minimum quantities were based on These elements are absolutely necessary for the normal life of the human body, at the same time the content of them in the external environment is far from equally in different areas. So, in Armenia soil, rocks and water have an increased magnesium content. Lake Sevan, whose water irrigates almost 1/3 of all irrigated areas of Armenia, is one of the three lakes of the world with the greatest content of magnesium salts. The fact that the high content of these salts is a factor relating to the low morbidity of the stomach cancer, was confirmed by further research. Similar data were obtained according to some other republics, and along with the determination of magnesium in the soil and waters, the number of other trace elements - cobalt, molybdenum, zinc, etc. However, the metabolic disorders relate to whether they concern the lack of proteins, vitamins or are associated with a shortage of one or another deficit. The trace element, for the occurrence of tumor growth, apparently does not have an independent value. Most likely, all these disorders begin to play their role only if there are certain changes in the tissues, which, as we have said earlier, are an indispensable condition for cancer.


The life of society and the state, as well as citizens, requires orderliness and stability. Without rules of behavior, it is impossible to establish the joint existence and activities of people. The right, as is well known, and acts as an officially established consolidation of formalized social behavior. This is recognized by everyone, it is accustomed to this, it is observed. Currently, with an increase in the volume of legal regulation and regulatory array, the emergence and activities of many entities of law increase the "fields" of legal conflicts. The legal sphere of both civil society and the world community is saturated with different means of legal regulation. Right and conservatively in maintaining a sustainable order, and changeable. It undergoes big changes. In modern conditions, national-legal "self-sufficiency" of each country, without losing its origins, is experiencing an increasingly powerful influence of other legal systems. And the international legal system also interacts more actively with national legal systems. There is an extensive field of legal contradictions - in legal theories, legal views, acts and legal actions. The needs of the norms acting on "deviations" in the procedures for regulating conflict situations, in a special analysis of the so-called controversial relations and legal conflicts are becoming increasingly pressing. Thus, the study of the problems of legal conflicts has not only a theoretical and applied meaning. The study of their foundations and mastering the skills of the analysis of collision and conflict situations and the techniques for the proper use of a set of means to overcome them is an urgent task. The purpose of this work is: to explore legal conflicts, the reasons for their occurrence, development, types, as well as ways to eliminate.

Procedure for overcoming disagreements and disputes

Under ways of resolving legal conflicts are subject to specific techniques, means, mechanisms, the procedures for their elimination. Depending on the nature of the collision, one or another method is used, it is used, or a different form, one or another way of removing the contradiction or exit from a legal deadlock has been elected. The most common ways to resolve legal conflicts are the following:

  • 1) interpretation;
  • 2) adoption of a new act;
  • 3) the cancellation of the old;
  • 4) making changes or clarifications in valid;
  • 5) judicial, administrative, arbitration and arbitration


6) systematization of legislation, harmonization

legal norms;

  • 7) negotiation process, the creation of conciliation commissions;
  • 8) constitutional justice;
  • 9) optimization of legal imitation, the relationship of theory and


10) International procedures.

At the level of practical enforcement, the relevant bodies and officials when detecting conflicts are usually guided by the following rules:

a) if they contradict each other acts of the same organ, published

in different time According to the same question, the last on the principle proposed by another Roman lawyers is applied: later the published law cancels the previous one throughout what he dispels with him;

  • b) if the collision acts are published simultaneously, but by different organs, then an act with a higher legal force applies
  • (for example, law and decree, decree and government decree, government decree and an act of the sectoral ministry); those. The principle of the hierarchy of regulations is taken as a basis;
  • c) if the overall and special acts of one level are diverted (the collision horizontally), then the latter is applied; If different levels (vertical collisions), then the general one.

Currently, about half of the regulatory legal acts

subjects of the federation does not comply with all-Russian legislation; There are cases of direct non-performance of the prescriptions of the Center, violations of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, ignoring court decisions, manifestations of separatism.

The process of adjusting the legislation must be bilateral -

up and down. Since many Russian laws are also imperfect, contain different kinds of cracks, loopholes.

This is fundamentally important and effective method Permissions of political and legal conflicts in the field of relations. If steps are being made to the collapse of the state, the center should be able to legally stop them. It is also proposed in emergency cases to dissolve local parliaments and remove the governors in the subjects of the federation. The whole question is to find the optimal combination of the principles of federalism and a strong, authoritative center. It is these goals that follow the next steps taken by the new leadership of the country to indicate the Russian statehood, the elimination of collisional phenomena in it, the formation of a single legal space.

As for interpretation as a way to eliminate collisions, it is necessary to keep in mind that it is objectively necessary and useful, often

it gives rise to new, even more acute collisions, as it is often the same acts, facts, events are interpreted by various official and unofficial structures, public groups, leaders and citizens in different ways, which, in turn, is an expression of their confrontation, and in Ultimately the split of society.

In this regard, the interpretation may be biased, depend on the socio-political orientations and the preferences of the interpretants, the level of their legal consciousness, culture, places in the ideological spectrum. In different ways, for example, modern legislation on privatization, elections, taxes, property, entrepreneurship is interpreted. The Constitution itself causes far from the same estimates from the point of view of its overall concept and degree of legitimacy. Moreover, the contradiction of interpretations of what is happening in the legal sphere is observed not only among the population, ordinary citizens, but also in the highest authorities.

Even in the Constitutional Court, designed to interpret the relevant legal norms and acts, there is no unity of opinion, and some of his judges officially declare their special position on one or another issues. In a broad sense, the entire course of reforms is often taken into doubt. From here - the spread in the understanding of laws aimed at implementing this course. In other words, a subject moment is inevitable in the interpretation of law.

Legal conflicts, political troubles undermine the basics of order and stability in society, deform the legal consciousness of people, create critical situations, social tensions. Similar cataclysms are a sign of low legal culture that flourishes at all levels of legal nihilism. Therefore, they need to be able to prevent them as possible, and if they still arise - to take timely with the help of the procedures developed for this. Management procedures serve as a clear functioning of the management apparatus and the realization of the rights, legitimate interests and responsibilities of citizens and enterprises, organizations. This positive role is responsible for the implementation of management activities (planning, rule-making, control, consideration of complaints, etc.), organization of the work of the apparatus and employees, making decisions.

State management in the broad sense and functioning of the executive bodies as its main component requires a clear regulation of functions, rights, responsibilities and responsibilities of all control units. Of particular importance is strict coodes different levels Controls both in the form of direct administrative subordination and functional, coordination and control "dependence" and cooding. Rules, regulations, procedures serve, therefore, the most important means of streamlining and riting management. Until this fails to achieve fully.

Said explains the specifics of consideration of disagreements and disputes in

the sphere of government. There is no, perhaps, a single procedure, and a lot of different management procedures are more often applied. General for them are the following signs: a) the instance procedure for consideration of disputes, when the higher authority decides on the subject of the dispute, b) the parties are "connected" by administrative and legal coenter, c) the legal conflict is considered as if through the prism of administrative control, d) complaints and Appeals to the dispute participants are considered in a short time, e) not always require their personal participation. Preferential importance, the analysis of documents and the Government of the Russian Federation within their powers permits disputes and eliminates the disagreements of their powers permits disputes and eliminates differences between the federal executive bodies and the executive authorities of the subjects of the Federation. To resolve disputes and eliminate disagreements, conciliations are created from representatives of stakeholders. The Government of the Russian Federation introduces proposals to the President of the Russian Federation on the suspension of the acts of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation in case of their contradiction of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, international obligations of the Russian Federation or violation of human rights and freedoms and citizen.

In the management systems, the procedure for consideration of controversial acts, contracts, etc. is regulated. Federal ministries and departments themselves establish certain procedures.

In addition to hierarchical procedures for consideration of disputes in recent years, contractual procedures for resolving management disputes have arisen. Within the framework of intracereral treaties and agreements, consistent methods of consideration of legal conflicts are often envisaged in the process of implementing contractual relations. The parties, and these are predominantly executive authorities, here are equal, which is expressed primarily in their agreed actions. And communication to other procedures is available to each side equally.

A lot of agreements are concluded between the executive authorities of different levels. And here you can see the same thing: the fulfillment of public-contractual obligations is often ignorant. The parties often lose interest to them, passive in fulfilling their own commitments and indifferent to the actions of the other party. Meanwhile, systematic awareness and business approach allow you to respond to breakdowns in terms of contractual obligations. The resolution of disagreements and disputes will help both the parity commissions created by the parties and the energetic actions of governments, ministries, governors.

In the foreign economic sphere, legal methods for determining damage to the sectors of the national economy by the actions of foreign partners are indicative.


dispute disagreement Legal collision

Modern legal development in the world objectively led to the formation of conflict law. Decades and centuries Legal contradictions were permitted in the framework of traditional branches of law. Their tools were aimed at a peculiar "legal expectation" of the violations of legality. The accumulation and development of collisions, their exacerbation and outrage into acute legal conflicts could not be translated into the direction of the mechanism of their legal overcoming. An increase in the volume of legal regulation and regulatory array, the emergence and activities of a multitude of law of law also lead to the expansion of the "field" of legal conflicts. The need for norms acting on "deviations" in the procedures for regulating conflict situations, in a special analysis of the so-called. Controversial legal relations are becoming more pressing. The new comprehensive industry of law will still have a period of formation and self-organization, structuring. But now its main promising subways and institutions that create a comprehensive legal regime preventing and eliminating legal conflicts are obvious. Traditional branches of law get a powerful basis for regulating collisions. In the collisional right, the norms of national and develop international law. Their consistent application is explained by the emergence of a kind of general subject of regulation focusing the most significant social interests. We must take into account the dynamics of public relations in the XXI century. It's not just that the end of the 20th century leaves a big conflict inheritance with which it does not manage to part. General conclusion trends of legal development in the national, regional and global scale, inevitably generating conflict processes and conflict situations inevitably generate collision processes. In the domestic sphere, legal contradictions will arise under the legal system. This is especially true of the relationship between the Constitution and the Law, the law and the registering acts. For Russia, the strict framework of federal conflict law is relevant. Conflicts will also arise in the mechanism of publicity of power. Differences in the right-way and legal consciousness of different layers of the population and groups will still have a negative way for a long time. In the international sphere, conflicts between states are inevitable between states and supranational structures and international organizations. The impact and pressure of foreign law can exacerbate relations in the process of comparative legal entities - in relation to sectors and norms of national legislation.

It should be borne in mind and the roots of those contradictions that are difficult

eradicate due to their objectivity. Economic crises, political explosions, government coups, environmental and man-made catastrophes will still be disturbed by humanity. And they need to foresee, not allow and mitigate tough manifestations through legal mechanisms. Therefore, in the collisional right, such internal processes should occur, which will restrain the appearance and aggravation of collisions and conflicts. Ensuring the supremacy of the Constitution and the law, compliance with legal priorities, the inevitability of responsibility for violations of legality, the widespread use of procedures for reaching agreement and social consent, the formation of a high legal culture is the main guidelines and regulators in the conclusion law of the future. The development of collisional rights implies a high level of legal qualification of deputies, government officials, political leaders, employees of government agencies, employees of economic structures.

List of used literature

  • 1. Tikhomirov Yu.A., Collision law: Educational and scientific practical allowance. - M.: Enlightenment, 2006.- 305 p.
  • 2. Management procedures. Ot. Ed. B.M. Lazarev. - M.: Drop, 2005.- 285 p.
  • 3. Slouoyukina N.V. Legal conflict: Dynamics, Structure, Resolution: Tutorial. - M.: Enlightenment, 2007.- 345 p.
  • 4. Legal conflict: spheres and mechanisms. Ch. II / Ed. V.N. Kudryavtseva: Tutorial. - M.: Drop, 2006.- 258 p.
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