Red dots on the palms itch. What disease do the red palms of the hands speak about?

Very often people wonder why their palms turn red for no apparent reason. This fact can excite everyone. There are two types of redness: generalized (palms blush completely) and partial (manifested as single dots). It should be noted that red dots on the palms appear quite rarely and are a kind of moles, in contrast to extensive redness, which is a sign of a number of diseases.

In the case when the reddened palms do not itch and do not hurt, one should think, first of all, about Such a disease can be absolutely safe and indicate that the body does not have enough vitamin B, but more often red palms appear when alcohol is used by people who abuse alcohol just ignored. But liver disease is far from the only reason for this phenomenon. In addition to these conditions, red palms can appear in diseases such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, tuberculosis, and in some cases even cancer.

The appearance on the palms of painless and undetectable to the touch may indicate a Janeway symptom (in addition to the palms, the heels also turn red). This condition manifests itself in infective endocarditis, that is, inflammation of the inner heart membrane, which may well develop into such a formidable condition as the formation of blood clots and, ultimately, lead to a stroke.

In some cases, there is an extensive red rash on the palms, accompanied by the appearance of flaky scales. Such skin changes may indicate fungal infections or psoriasis. In addition, scales can indicate a condition such as (Reiter's syndrome), in which the joints become inflamed, most often in young people.

This type of skin lesion can also be characteristic of pustular psoriasis on the surface of the palms and feet, which appears as a response of the body to the intake of some chemical substances or medical supplies (steroid hormones, penicillin, iodine, lithium). In addition, this condition may well be triggered by some infections or even severe emotional stress.

In the vast majority of cases, red palms can indicate pathological changes in the liver, so this symptom should not be ignored. In addition to redness of the palms, other symptoms of liver damage should appear, such as insomnia, nausea, impaired appetite, changes in the color parameters of feces and urine. Ultrasound examination may reveal an enlarged liver, and biochemical analyzes blood samples will show abnormalities. Red palms appear at a fairly late stage in the development of the disease, so this symptom is unlikely to be noticed in the first place. Redness of the skin is associated with a large amount of bilirubin circulating in the blood, which is not retained in the liver and is toxic to the skin. Because of this, all kinds of zones of hyperemia appear throughout the body, which itch and do not give a person rest.

As you can tell, redness of the palms very often indicates that it is time to see a doctor. Even a seemingly harmless lack of vitamin B can develop into a more serious condition, the same applies to the notorious stress, which acts as an excellent ground for the development of any pathological conditions. For more serious reasons, red palms indicate the need to start treatment. This is why palms can be an excellent diagnostic sign that should not be ignored in any case.

Red spots on the palms and feet are unpleasant, repulsive symptoms.

They may indicate the onset of a serious illness. If you are faced with this problem, then you can solve the problem.

Is there a problem? Enter in the form "Symptom" or "Name of the disease" press Enter and you will find out all the treatment for this problem or disease.

The site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. Any drugs have contraindications. A specialist consultation is required, as well as a detailed study of the instructions! ...

Reasons for the appearance on the palms

The reasons for the appearance of red spots on the palms are different, so they can be conditionally divided into several categories:

  1. Allergic reactions:
  • Individual intolerance to individual components of cosmetics;
  • Using low-quality detergents without gloves;
  • Insect bites.

  1. Hormonal changes and natural reactions in the body:
  • Sharp changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy;
  • Spots can appear during adolescence;
  • Sometimes a reaction to cold manifests itself: with a sharp change in temperature, capillaries narrow and blood flow to the skin decreases;
  • Spots sometimes appear against a background of stress, due to overwork, and during great shocks.
  1. Some types of diseases:
  • Suddenly, itchy and noticeably growing red spots that appear may indicate the formation of oncological diseases;
  • Possible symptom of herpes virus infection;
  • Erythema is a genetic disease in which crimson spots form on the palms.

The appearance of spots on the palms can speak volumes. In some cases, they quickly disappear, while in others they will be a sign of serious illness. If you find these symptoms in yourself, you should monitor your general well-being and, if you suspect, consult a doctor.

The spots itch and itch

Red spots on the hands itch. The exact causes of itching are determined only by test results.

To relieve discomfort for a short time, you can use folk recipes before going to the doctor.

For example, with the formation of redness on the palms as a result of exposure to chemicals, a healing ointment with the following ingredients will help:

  • Aloe leaf 1 pc .;
  • Infusion of calendula 30 ml.;
  • Chamomile decoction 1 tbsp. l .;
  • Raw potato;
  • spoon of honey.

Thoroughly mixed composition crushed into porridge should be applied to sore spots for 15 - 20 minutes.

When the itch was caused by allergic reaction, you can try to exclude food from the diet. If this does not help, you need to contact an allergist who will conduct tests to identify the allergen.

In the treatment of most types of dermatitis, a specialist prescribes creams and ointments, after regular use of which the symptoms go away safely.

In total, there are about 50 diseases that can cause the appearance of red spots. You do not need to use the drugs yourself without waiting for the doctor's opinion.

Rash under the skin

The palms turn red, then light spots clearly appear on them. This phenomenon has many reasons:

Redness of the palms can be caused by various factors, therefore, when faced with these symptoms, you need to consult a specialist.

To diagnose the causes of reddening of the palms, a blood test from a finger and a vein is prescribed, ultrasound procedure organs. Often a course of treatment is prescribed based on an external examination of the patient.


If also appeared on the feet

If spots appear on the palms and feet at the same time, then this can indicate many malfunctions in the body.

More often, if symptoms are detected, the causes that are associated with a reaction to external stimuli are immediately excluded.

It is hardly possible to say that a rash on the palms appeared as a result of washing dishes without gloves, if the feet are covered with it.

Often such spots occur due to dyshidrotic eczema. This chronic condition causes increased sweating, a burning sensation between the toes and hands, and outwardly manifests itself in the form of unaesthetic redness.

Symptoms are with herpes, the viruses of which spread throughout the body, so the disease manifests itself on the lips. Red spots caused by the infection will be very sore and scaly.

Another cause of rashes and blemishes is scabies. The disease arises as a result of the activity of special mites - pathogens living in human skin. This infection is contagious, so if the spots on the palms and feet are caused by scabies, the person should be isolated.

Treating flaky red rashes

To get rid of unpleasant itching when spots appear on the palms and feet, you can use traditional medicine.

A herbal infusion-based bath has a calming effect, for which you need to take:

  • 2 tablespoons of nettle
  • 1 tbsp. l. Healing chamomile;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Celandine;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Hypericum;

(the amount of ingredients is given for 250 ml. Water).

It is poured with boiling water and infused for an hour and a half. Then you need to bring the composition to body temperature and hold your palms or feet in it for thirty minutes.

Lana's disease or erythrosis, or palmar and plantar erythema is a disease caused by impaired blood flow in the microvasculature of the hands and feet. The disease can manifest itself from birth or at a later age in case of hormonal imbalance. The symptoms of this pathology can be easily confused with allergic dermatoses, but the occurrence of the latter is usually associated with contact with the skin of an allergen. Lana's disease usually affects all family members, but is rare and does not threaten the patient's life. Men and women suffer from this pathology equally often.

The reasons

The skin, especially on the palms and soles, is well supplied with blood using the microvasculature system. This system consists of arteries, venules and capillaries that connect them. But there are also special vessels - anastomoses, which also connect the venous and arterial systems. Connecting vessels are necessary when the pressure in the arteries rises and additional pathways are needed to move blood to the veins. It is congenital disorders of these vessels that cause Lana's disease: blood does not flow through narrowed and abnormal blood vessels, which leads to persistent expansion of arterioles and capillaries and redness of the skin.

Symptoms of the disease can appear both from birth and in adulthood due to hormonal imbalances and in case of poisoning with toxic substances. Dysfunction of the ovaries in women or the testicular apparatus in men leads to a change in the concentration of sex hormones in the blood, which are involved in the regulation of vascular tone. Changes in hormonal levels can trigger birth defects or cause symptoms similar to Lana's disease.


The main symptom of the disease is the appearance of bright crimson or red spots on the palms and soles. At first glance, this is one large spot, but upon closer inspection, you can see that it consists of small red spots merging with each other. Erythema on the palms is much brighter than on the feet. This is due to the unevenly developed stratum corneum covering the vasculature: on the soles it is much thicker than on the palms, due to the constant pressure when walking. Erythema is clearly delimited from healthy skin, its borders are even, in addition, the spots never pass to the rear of the limb.

Most of the spots accumulate on the elevations of the palm - under the thumb and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe little finger. In these places, muscle tissue is well developed, therefore more blood accumulates in the vessels of these places.

The appearance of spots is not accompanied by subjective symptoms: itching, burning, pain, a feeling of creeping, and symptoms of general intoxication. The skin does not sweat and the rash does not appear on mucous membranes and other surfaces of the body, which is hallmark this disease from others.

Clinical symptoms may differ slightly from typical. In this case, a thorough examination of the patient is carried out to exclude more serious diseases. Atypical forms are accompanied by the appearance of desquamation or keratinization on the surface of erythema, rarely - excessive sweating.


The diagnosis is made on the basis of typical symptoms of the disease - the appearance of erythema without subjective sensations. Carry out a full examination of the skin and mucous membranes, laboratory research to search for concomitant pathology and exclude allergic, infectious, immunological, rheumatological and some hereditary diseaseswhich could be accompanied by a similar clinical picture. In addition, they find out if the relatives had such manifestations.


Usually, no treatment is prescribed, because the disease is not accompanied by subjective sensations. To achieve a cosmetological effect (reduce the degree of redness), adrenal cortex hormones are used. Hormones are able to slightly expand blood vessels and reduce pressure in the arterial bed, which reduces the load on the capillaries and connecting vessels.

Topically applied cream of Unna, which is prepared in pharmacies. They reduce the degree of redness, have a cooling and vasoconstrictor effect.

Vitamins are used to strengthen the vascular wall, normalize hormonal levels and improve the general condition of the body.

Forecast and consequences

The disease can occur at any age and usually affects all family members. Its course is chronic, usually non-cyclic. With a cyclical manifestation of the disease, the spots brighten, but never completely disappear. The pathology is difficult to treat, and with the help of therapy, you can only reduce the degree of redness. But Lana's disease does not affect the patient's ability to work and is not life-threatening.

Problems in the work of internal organs sometimes manifest themselves as external symptoms. In particular, red spots on the palms also signal various diseases. Although this phenomenon is often considered normal.

During pregnancy, the activity of the vessels increases in the female body, so red dots appear on the palms. Sometimes redness of the hands is a congenital feature, which is due to the location of blood vessels too close to the skin.

Overheating or hypothermia can also cause stains. In other cases, the redness of the palms should alert you.

Accompanying signs and symptoms

Most often, red palms are a sign of the following pathologies:

  • Liver damage. Therefore, redness is often called - " hepatic palms". Also, the liver should be checked if yellow spots appear on the hands. In addition to redness, other symptoms are observed: nausea, vomiting, pain on the right side, a change in stool consistency.
  • If only the fingertips are red, you should check the stomach, improve your nutritional diet. Since in this case the gastrointestinal tract does not cope with the functions assigned to it.
  • If the base of the thumb turns red, diseases of the genitals are possible.
  • When multiple red dots appear on the palms, we are talking about a disease of the nervous system.
  • If the red spots on the palms and feet peel off, then there may be a lack of vitamins in the body. If the skin peels off too much, it is recommended to start using antifungal drugs.
  • If, in addition to redness, itching is also observed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe fingers, it is worth checking the work of the intestines.

Reasons for the development of the problem

There are many reasons why the palms are red. Sometimes the phenomenon is caused by minor problems, but more often it indicates the appearance of a disease. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo a medical examination.

Allergic reaction

Often, red spots on the palms indicate an allergy caused by chemical, cosmetic or medical drugs.

If you do not start treatment on time, the body's susceptibility to external influences will decrease, so chronic eczema may appear. In this case, in addition to redness, other symptoms may develop: itching, peeling, the appearance of blistering rashes.

Diseased liver

If the palms are red for a long period, liver disease is possible. It does not withstand the stress associated with the processing of toxins that enter the body along with food, alcohol.

Usually, redness of the hands signals:

  • about cirrhosis;
  • hepatitis or liver hepatosis.

All these diseases are treatable only in the early stages.


If there is a lack of vitamin B in the body, then red spots appear on the palms, the hands become numb, often burn and itch. In addition, the person becomes irritable, gets tired quickly. His hair falls out, his nails become brittle. Usually hypovitaminosis is caused by improper diet, so you should improve your diet.

Lana's disease

If small red spots appear on the palms, feet, fingers and toes, then this may signal Lana's illness. As a rule, such spots do not itch, do not bring discomfort, but sometimes there may be atypical manifestations of the disease, so they change their color. The disease may appear as in little child, and in humans in adulthood.

Traditional treatment

Of course, each disease requires a specific treatment. Therefore, you first need to undergo a medical diagnosis, and only after that start taking any medications.

So, in order to cure an allergy, it is necessary to stop contact with the allergen.

  1. Therefore, first of all, you should find out what could cause the body's reaction. Consultation with a dermatologist is required. The doctor may prescribe the use of ointments and creams that effectively eliminate allergies.
  2. The doctor may also prescribe antihistamines. The course of treatment lasts from a week to a month. After its completion, you need to continue to monitor your health.

Treating any liver disease is much more difficult. As soon as you start treating it, it stops hurting, but over time, the discomfort returns.

  • If the disease has become chronic or has become oncological, then anticancer drugs are required for its treatment. It is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist or hepatologist.
  • Depending on the type and form of the disease, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate drugs.
  • Also, in case of liver diseases, a special diet is required. Do not eat fatty, fried or spicy foods.

Red spots on the palms of a child most often indicate hypovitaminosis. To cure it, you need to improve your diet. A sufficient amount of all vitamins must enter the body. If necessary, you can take them artificially, since all types of vitamins are sold in the pharmacy.

With Lana's disease, therapy is not required, since the disease is not accompanied by discomfort. But to eliminate redness in the hands, it is necessary to take drugs to stimulate the hormones of the adrenal cortex. Due to this, the load on the capillaries and blood vessels will decrease, so the redness will disappear over time.

They also use Unna cream, which cools and narrows blood vessels. In addition, you may need to take vitamins A and group B, which normalize hormones and improve general state organism.

Alternative treatment

You can also get rid of redness of the hands with the help of traditional medicine. But you need to use them carefully, choosing only proven methods.

An allergic reaction is quickly treated with succession. The plant contains a high percentage of vitamin C, which helps to activate the work of the internal glands.

Stimulates the production of a hormone by the adrenal glands, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Ointments, tinctures, baths and lotions are made from a series. Trays, tinctures and lotions are prepared according to general principle, but differ in the time of infusion.

  • 2 tablespoons of dry string is poured with a glass of boiling water. If it is infused for 5-10 minutes, the liquid can be used for trays and lotions.
  • To prepare the tincture, it must be kept for 4 hours, filtered, and then infused for another week.
  • To prepare the ointment, the tincture of the series is mixed with petroleum jelly in equal proportions in a water bath. After completing all the procedures, the allergy disappears and the hands no longer itch.

For liver disease, it is recommended to swallow gall bladder young cockerel. It is very bitter and should be swallowed whole and swallowed with plenty of water. The result will be obtained after 4-5 procedures. You can eat no more than two bubbles per week.

The natural color of the palms most often changes to red due to an allergic reaction of the skin to prolonged exposure to irritants. If after diagnosis it is revealed that the cause of the violation is not hypersensitivity, then this may indicate the presence of diseases of the internal organs, especially if concomitant symptoms are observed in the form of edema, itching, skin rashes, and others.

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    Possible diseases

    Redness of the palms is also called erythema. A normal reaction is redness in this part of the hand in hot weather. This is due to the fact that there are many capillaries in the palms ( blood vessels). All of them are close enough to the outer epidermal layer. Skin color changes as capillaries fill with blood and dilate.

    Pathology can be caused by the negative impact of other factors on the skin:

    • low temperatures (frostbite);
    • contact with hot objects, chemical and thermal burns;
    • exposure to cold wind (weathering).

    It is very easy to find out if the reddening of the epidermal tissue of the hands is caused by the above reasons. One has only to limit the impact of negative factors and look at the reaction. The redness should subside within 3-4 days.

    Also, the reddish color of the epithelial surface is a congenital feature. In this case, the reason is the close location of the vessels in skin.

    Chronic redness of the epidermal tissue on the hands occurs due to such diseases and conditions:

    • allergy;
    • liver disease;
    • hyper- or avitaminosis (hypovitaminosis);
    • lana's disease;
    • skin diseases, psoriasis;
    • problems with the reproductive system;
    • cardiac pathology;
    • reiter's syndrome.

    Allergic reaction

    The appearance of a red rash on the palms against the background of their redness most often indicates an allergic reaction. This phenomenon is called palmar allergy, contact dermatitis.

    Systematic exposure to the palms of specific substances often leads to allergies against a background of reduced immune defense organism. External allergens include:

    • cosmetic products (shampoos, gels, soaps);
    • household chemicals;
    • exotic plants;
    • animal hair;
    • creams, lotions, ointments;
    • perfume water.

    Redness of the palms can also be caused by food, medicationsintended for oral administration.

    Such an allergic reaction is not limited to the palms, but spreads with red spots and a rash to other areas of the skin.

    In the spring months, reddening of the palms is possible in the presence of an allergy to pollen, poplar fluff.

    In some cases, with prolonged exposure to allergens, the development of chronic eczema is not excluded, the main symptoms of which are:

    • weeping eruptions with bubbles;
    • rash in the area of \u200b\u200bthe wrist and hand;
    • peeling;
    • swelling;
    • burning;
    • dryness of the skin.

    Liver disease

    Red palms are called "liver". If a person has enough long time there is reddening of the palms (especially - the fingertips) and there is a feeling that they are "burning", this is a sign of liver disease.

    In this case, when pressed, the bright red areas become pale, and then gradually turn red again.

    Liver diseases in which palmar erythema can be observed:

    • metabolic disorders in liver cells (hepatosis);
    • chronic viral hepatitis (organ inflammation caused by viruses);
    • toxic hepatitis;
    • liver failure;
    • cirrhosis.

    One of possible reasons lies in the fact that the liver cannot neutralize toxins.

    With a serious illness, the following accompanying symptoms are observed:

    • change in stool consistency;
    • nausea;
    • pain in the joints;
    • hair loss;
    • skin rash;
    • fever;
    • weight loss;
    • the appearance of yellow spots (against a background of redness);
    • pain on the right in the hypochondrium.

    It is not possible to diagnose pathological conditions by the color of the palms. Redness appears only in the later stages of disease development. Therefore, in most cases, a person is aware of his illness.

    Deficiency or excess of vitamins

    A deficiency of B vitamins can provoke, in addition to redness, a feeling that "hands are on fire", itching, recurrent numbness of the hands and fingers. Symptoms such as:

    • hair loss;
    • irritability;
    • brittle nails;
    • severe fatigue.

    The above signs and redness of the palms are associated with the diseases of the immune and endocrine systems the human body. Subsequently, there is keratinization of the epidermal tissue and peeling of dead cells.

    Not only a lack of vitamins, but also their excess contributes to the appearance of palmar erythema. Excess keratin, vitamin A, causes redness in the palms. In this case, the following symptoms appear:

    • pain in the head and joints;
    • conjunctivitis;
    • peeling skin, dryness and itching;
    • hair loss;
    • hyperemia on the face;
    • problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

    Lana's disease

    It is possible to recognize redness of the palms due to the presence of Lana's disease by the characteristic bright crimson spots.The disease is also called "palmar and plantar erythrosis or erythema." In most cases, the disease is hereditary and occurs as a result of a violation of the venous circulation in the hands.

    It is easy to identify Lana's disease visually: the surface of the palms looks like a solid red spot. The disease in adults can also be acquired due to dysfunction of the glands of the reproductive system, in case of poisoning with toxins.

    If you look closely, you can find a cluster of small dots. They do not bring any discomfort. The places of localization of such rashes are the inner surfaces of the fingers, palms, wrists. Lana's disease is characterized by the absence pain and sweating. With an ailment, redness does not go to the back and side of the hands.

    The same clinical picture appears on the skin of the feet. In a patient with Lana's disease, the spots may begin to change color, itch, which indicates atypical manifestations of the disease.

    Psoriasis and skin diseases

    So chronic non-communicable disease, like psoriasis, results in reddish-gray patches of dense structure. Formations arise from papules merged together. With psoriasis, the palms begin to itch, there are round plaques with scales and cracks, and peeling is noted.

    Palmar psoriasis causes redness of the hands and, in most cases, affects other parts of the body.

    Red spots on the palms may be a sign of others skin diseases... In this case, they can be localized in other areas of the skin.

    Disease names Photos of spots that are on the palms
    Ringworm (tinea corporis)
    Pityriasis versicolor
    Lichen planus
    Weeping lichen or microbial eczema

    Cardiac pathology

    In most cases, in case of malfunctions of cardio-vascular system there is reddening of the palms of the hands, the appearance of red dots.

    People suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia feel additional symptoms such as:

    • cold hands;
    • headache;
    • dyspnea;
    • weakness;
    • dizziness.

    Other pathological conditions in which palmar erythema is observed include infective endocarditis - inflammatory process the inner shell of the heart muscle. The disease can be recognized by the following symptoms:

    • lack of appetite;
    • fast fatiguability;
    • weakness;
    • fever;
    • increased sweating;
    • chills;
    • muscle and joint pain;
    • rash on the mucous membranes;
    • yellowish or grayish skin color.
    • Swelling and redness are caused by a lack of thyroid hormones.
  • 2. Redness in the folds, on the hands and palms, can be observed in rheumatoid arthritis.
  • 3. Skin rashes sometimes occur with oncology of the intestines, lungs, stomach, uterus, pancreas.
  • 4. Flaky red spots on the skin that look like a fungus are observed in diabetes mellitus.
  • 5. Redness and itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe fingers indicate a malfunction in the intestines.
  • 6. "Nervous" spots on the hands arise from frequent stress, emotional excitement, depression.
  • 7. Dark red palms signal kidney problems.
  • 8. Red spots at the base of the thumb indicate diseases of the genitals.
  • 9. If the tips of the fingers turn red, then the problem lies in a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.
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