GGT in the biochemical blood test is increased. What does this mean, the norm in women, men, children, treatment

One of the most important laboratory tests related to human health is a biochemical blood test. Thanks to just one such analysis, several diseases can be detected at once. In addition, if the diagnosis is in doubt, a biochemical blood test can help confirm or refute the doctor's doubts. Results data laboratory research are entered into a special form and handed over to the patient. Only a qualified specialist should decipher the received data of the GGTP.

GGTP, or gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, is an enzyme involved in the exchange of amino acids. For each person, the level of this enzyme in the body is different. It can be raised or lowered and depends on many factors, but it must be within the limits established by medicine. A deviation from the standard indicates the presence of a certain disease in the body.

In order for the human body to be able to absorb all the necessary fats and remove the processed residues of various substances, it needs bile, which is formed in the cells of the liver. It is produced constantly, being deposited (accumulating) in gallbladder... Bile takes an active part in food processing, therefore, as soon as food enters the body, bile reflexively enters the intestines from the gallbladder. Excessive bile content indicates the presence of a disease, which can be determined by the GGTP test.

The enzyme gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase is produced by the breakdown of liver cells and is a catalyst for some biochemical reactions. After the cells are destroyed, they enter the bloodstream, due to which a blood test taken from a vein is able to identify them. Since liver cells are constantly being replaced by new ones (a natural process of body regeneration), the presence of a small amount of GGT in blood plasma is considered normal. But if according to the analysis results gamma-GT index elevated, this indicates a significant number of collapsed cells that die en masse as a result of liver disease or biliary tract disease.

A blood test to determine the level of an enzyme

According to the established standards, this biochemical blood test for men is considered the norm if the enzyme level ranges from 10.4 IU / L to 33.8 IU / L. For the female body, this figure is slightly lower, from 8 IU / L to 22 IU / L. Even if the result of the analysis indicates that the level of the enzyme content is slightly increased from the established norm, it confirms the presence of the development of a pathological process caused by a specific disease.

Diseases that increase the GGTP level in blood plasma:

  1. The consequences of the trauma.
  2. Stagnation of bile (cholestasis).
  3. Cirrhosis of the liver.
  4. Acute hepatitis.
  5. Hemolytic jaundice.
  6. Malignant and benign formations.
  7. Intoxication with drugs or alcohol.

Decoding of the obtained data of biochemical blood tests

Due to the fact that biochemical analysis is carried out under various (planned and forced) circumstances, its correct decoding is very important. The fact is that there are a number of processes in the body that can increase the level of GGTP without the participation of pathological diseases of the liver and gallbladder. In this case, we are talking about intoxication (poisoning) of the body with drugs or alcohol. For this reason, gamma-HT is often one of the tests performed during alcohol dependence treatment. It should be emphasized that the level of gamma-HT can also be increased in case of disorders in the functioning of the pancreas, infectious mononucleosis and diabetes mellitus.

If the decoding of the biochemical analysis showed that the level of the enzyme content is significantly increased, then it is recommended to repeat the test. In the event that the initial results of the study were not refuted upon re-analysis, the doctor begins to look for the cause increasing GGTP.

Indications for biochemical analysis

In addition to the above possible pathological processes occurring in human body, biochemical analysis can be performed for the purpose of routine checks general condition health or definition (confirmation) of the following diseases:

  1. Blockage of the biliary tract. This analysis is relevant if the patient's main disease is a pancreatic tumor or presence in bile ducts stones.
  2. Biliary cirrhosis and sclerosing cholangitis.
  3. Bone pathology, if the alkaline phosphatase value is increased.
  4. Alcoholic hepatitis.

The analysis can also be assigned if:

  1. The patient complains of weakness, nausea, vomiting, itchy skin, abdominal pain, darkening of urine and lightening of feces.
  2. Preparation for elective surgery is necessary.
  3. The efficiency of the liver is assessed.

In addition, if the patient is undergoing treatment with one of the possible diseases liver or gallbladder, a biochemical test shows the result of the success of the health improvement measures.

Preparing for a blood test

Analysis blood GGT, the decoding of which is of great importance, must be carried out, having previously prepared.

You should know that most often venous blood is taken for the test (in rare cases, capillary). The analysis is taken on an empty stomach, it is allowed to use a small amount of water. The last meal should be no earlier than 8-12 hours ago. The day before the test, fatty foods and alcohol should be excluded from the patient's diet. If the patient is taking any medications, then the doctor must be informed about this. Heavy physical activity is also not recommended.

The GGTP test will give a false result if an ultrasound or fluoroscopic examination was performed before donating blood. Physiotherapy and rectal examinations are prohibited.

Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (abbreviated as GGT or GGTP) is an enzyme that is involved in the exchange of nucleic acids. It is contained in membranes, lysosomes and cytoplasm of cells, in parechimatous organs (liver, kidneys, brain, prostate and spleen), as well as in epithelial cells of the bile ducts.

GGTP does not circulate in the blood. Its low activity in blood plasma can be detected during the period of cell renewal. AT healthy body this process takes place without increasing the level of GGT.

The activity of the enzyme in the blood increases with massive destruction of cells. Among the most frequent reasons an increase in the level of GGT in the first place is the cytolysis of hepatocytes and stagnation of bile, and in fact the indicator is a nonspecific marker of the decay of hepatic cells and cholestasis.

By changing the level of GGT, it is impossible to determine what pathological process occurs in the liver. But it can be assumed that the cause of the increase is precisely the hepatic disease, and continue the diagnosis of this organ.

The level of GGT in liver diseases rises much earlier than ALT, AST and alkaline phosphatase.

In what cases is an examination prescribed?

  1. If you suspect a pancreatic tumor;
  2. When diagnosing blockage of the bile ducts (suspected gallstone disease);
  3. To assess the effectiveness of treatment for alcoholic or other hepatitis;
  4. For the diagnosis of a disease of the bile ducts: biliary cirrhosis or ductal sclerosis (sclerosing cholangitis);
  5. For differential diagnosis liver and bone diseases with a previously identified increase in the level of alkaline phosphatase;
  6. As a screening diagnosis as part of other biochemical blood tests, including in preparation for surgery;
  7. For biochemical blood tests in patients with complaints of:
    • pain in the hypochondrium,
    • weakness and loss of appetite,
    • nausea and vomiting
    • itchy skin
    • dark color of urine and lightening of feces.

Normal indicators of GGT

In newborns, the GGT indicator is 10 times higher than in children from 1 to 3 years old and ranges from 180 to 200 U / liter. This is due to the fact that the placenta serves as the source of the enzyme during pregnancy. The fetus's own GGT begins to be produced after the first week of life.

After six months of life, the level of GGT in infants decreases to 34 U / liter. Further, from 1 year to puberty, the enzyme indicator remains at the level: in boys - up to 43-45, in girls - up to 32-33 units / liter.

After reaching the age of 18 for men, the blood level is considered to be up to 70, for women - up to 40 U / liter. Higher acceptable values \u200b\u200bof GGT in men are associated with the fact that part of the enzyme is produced by the prostate.

In pregnant women, the enzyme levels are also elevated. In the 1st trimester, an increase to 17 U / liter is considered the norm, in the 2nd - up to 33 U / liter, in the third trimester it remains at the level of 32-33 U / liter.

The reasons for the increase in GGT in the blood

When deciphering the results, it is necessary to take into account that the level of the enzyme increases with diseases of the liver and gallbladder, diseases of other organs and taking medications.

Diseases associated with liver damage lead to an increase in the level of the enzyme. Among them:

  • Acute or chronic hepatitis. The level of GGT in these diseases exceeds the norm by 3-4 times;
  • Stones in the bile ducts - for this reason, the level of the enzyme in the blood can increase 30 times;
  • Tumors and inflammation of the pancreas - the level of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase exceeds the norm by an average of 10 times;
  • Alcoholism with severe liver damage;
  • Sclerosis of the bile ducts. The enzyme level can increase 10-15 times;
  • Biliary cirrhosis;
  • Infectious mononucleosis involving liver tissue in the pathological process;
  • Malignant formations of the liver. The level of GGT increases immediately after the onset of the disease, long before the onset of clinical symptoms.

Diseases of some other organs also lead to an increase in GGT, for example:

  • Acute period of myocardial infarction;
  • Decompensated diabetes;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • Prostate cancer;
  • Malignant formations of the mammary glands;
  • Acute or chronic glomerulonephritis;
  • Any malignant tumors with liver metastases.

Taking the following drugs below can distort the results of the GGT test:

  • Hormonal contraceptives;
  • Drugs of the statin group;
  • Antidepressants;
  • Cephalosporin antibiotics;
  • Histamine blockers;
  • Preparations containing testosterone;
  • Antifungal agents.

In addition to drugs, GGT levels increase intake alcoholic beverages.

GGT delivery rules

Blood for analysis is taken from the cubital vein (usually in the morning), before delivery, fasting is recommended for 8 hours. The day before the analysis, you cannot consume alcoholic beverages, fatty and spicy foods, and on the day of delivery in the morning you can drink water, tea, coffee and other drinks are excluded.

On the day of the test (before the examination), it is not recommended to undergo fluorographic or X-ray examination, ultrasound. Physiotherapy procedures are also excluded. Immediately before the test, for half an hour, the patient is recommended complete physical and mental rest.

When decoding the result of the analysis, it is necessary to take into account that the level of the enzyme can be increased in people with excess body weight, as well as while taking drugs and large doses of ascorbic acid.

Deciphering a biochemical blood test says a lot about the condition internal organs human and the functioning of the body as an integral system. If any indicators exceed or do not reach the norm indicators, then this raises certain concerns.

In this case, the patient may be sent for additional diagnostic procedures to determine the true nature of the problem. One of the key indicators of human health is blood GGT level... However, quite often it turns out to be elevated. This may be due to many factors, among which there are both harmless daily fluctuations and serious diseases of the body. To understand the reasons for such a violation, you must first understand what GGT is.

Many medical terms and abbreviations are not entirely clear to people who do not do it professionally. However, it is extremely important that the patient understands what it is in his body that does not work correctly and how it threatens him. GGT is gamma glutamyl transpeptidase.

In plain language, GGT is a protein enzymewhich is formed in the liver and pancreas. It is these organs that are the main subjects of concern if the level of GGT does not correspond to the norm. This protein is also called gamma glutamate transferase. In the test results also abbreviated as GGTP.

The level of this protein enzyme is significantly influenced by the human lifestyle. Frequent alcohol consumption, smoking, abuse of fatty, sweet and salty foods can become the reason for the increase in GGT in blood.

If a person does not eat well, does not get enough vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements, then gGT indicators in the blood may decrease.

Therefore, changes in one direction or another do not always indicate that there is a serious illness that needs to be treated. Only those situations are suspicious when the amount of this protein exceeds the permissible rate dozens of times. In this case, the patient is referred to a therapist, and the therapist can redirect him to a narrow-profile specialist.

Enzyme rate

To understand degree of violation and the danger that it poses to the body, you must first understand the indicators of the norm. It should also be remembered that the norm for adults and children is not the same. The rates of men and women also differ. This is due to the physiological characteristics that are inherent in man by nature.

Also, the level of the protein enzyme depends on the presence of chronic or exacerbated diseases. These factors must be taken into account and discussed with the doctor before taking a biochemical blood test. AT modern medicine distinguish between such gGT norms for adults:

  • For women - from 6 to 42 U / l.
  • For men - from 10 to 71 U / l. In the stronger sex, the indicators are higher, since part of the protein enzyme is contained in the prostate, but this has nothing to do with the functioning of the liver or pancreas. The doctors took this fact into account, so they increased the permissible rate.

Children's norm indicators are a guideline for pediatricians. They are significantly higher than those of an adult. This is due to the fact that the baby's body is just beginning to adapt to environmental conditions. AT preschool age actively all organs and systems are formed, the body grows and the needs of the child change. All this can provoke increase in GGT in blood. In adolescence, gender differences begin to appear especially clearly, and the body reacts sharply to this.

In addition to external manifestations of these differences, internal ones also occur: changes in the amount of GGT in boys and girls. GGT rate in children varies depending on age and is represented by such indicators:

  • Infants up to 5 days old - below 185 U / l.
  • Babies up to 6 months - below 204 U / l.
  • Children under one year old - below 34 U / l.
  • Children under 3 years old - below 18 U / l.
  • Children under 6 years old - below 23 U / l.
  • Teenage boys from 12 to 17 years old - below 45 U / l.
  • Teenage girls from 12 to 17 years old - below 33 U / l.

If in the decoding of the biochemical blood test there is a figure that exceeds the permissible indicators for a particular age, then it is absolutely necessary seek advice from a therapist, or in the case of children, a pediatrician. The doctor will talk about possible reasons violations and explain how to deal with them. Also, the doctor sometimes prescribes additional examinations to find out whether the gastrointestinal tract, and in particular the liver and pancreas, is functioning normally.

It is always necessary keep under control the GGT indicators in blood. It so happens that serious pathologies do not reveal themselves for a long time. Moreover, only with the help of a biochemical blood test can you find out if everything is in order with the body.

GGT is increased: the causes of this phenomenon

Gamma glutamate transferase can vary throughout the day. This means that in the morning the concentration of this enzyme in the blood is the lowest. By lunchtime, there is more protein. In the evening, the concentration of GGT is highest. That is why a biochemical blood test is performed in the morning and strictly on an empty stomach. Certain foods also tend to increase the level of GGT in a person's blood.

Before taking the analysis, the doctor forbids the patient to eat junk food within 12 hours before direct sampling of biological material. This is the guarantee that the analysis result will be the most accurate.

Reasons for increasing GGT may be different:

Dangerous is the fact that most of the above pathologies at first flow in a latent form... They may not manifest themselves in any way, but at the same time, an increased level of GGT will appear in the decoding of the biochemical blood test. The data will enable the doctor to suspect the presence of malfunctions in the patient's body and the degree of their severity. For example, if GGT exceeds the norm by only 2-3 times, then, most likely, the violation is not serious and can be easily cured. But in the case when the level of GGT is ten times higher - you need to conduct serious examinations and based on the results obtained, prescribe a therapeutic course.

How to lower the level to normal?

Before starting treatment, the doctor should find out the cause of the increased level of gamma glutamate transferase... In order for the amount of GGT in the blood to return to normal and stabilize, it is necessary to cure the disease that provokes an increase in the level of this indicator. After eliminating the provoking factor, the biochemical composition of the blood is normalized by itself. However, doctors also recommend eliminating alcohol completely, since alcohol is the main cause of problems with GGT levels.

In addition, patients need to consume as much as possible plant foodrich in vitamins C, folic acid and fiber. Foods such as pumpkin, carrots, spinach leaves, lemons, oranges, apricots, etc. will be useful.

You also need to regulate the level of fluid intake. Daily rate - not less than 1.5 liters. It is better to replace tea, coffee and other drinks with purified natural water during the treatment period. It should be remembered that freshly squeezed juices are healthy, however, they are considered food. Therefore, you need to drink 1.5 liters of clean water per day.

To keep the blood composition normal, it is recommended daily to walk outside... Oxygen must be supplied to the body in sufficient quantities. This is the key to rapid metabolism and essential cellular nutrition. Adequate sleep and sports are also prevention of an increase in GGT levels.

A biochemical blood test can tell a lot about the state of the human body. One of the most important indicators is Gamma-GT. It also has other names: gamma glutamyl transferase, GGTP, and gamma glutamyl transpeptidase.

What it is?

GGTP is a microsomal enzyme involved in amino acid metabolism. It is present in the membranes and cytoplasm of cells. Its significant concentrations are found in the liver, pancreas, kidneys and prostate in men. Since women do not have a prostate gland, their Gamma-HT activity is 2 times lower. Small amounts of this enzyme are found in tissues other than muscle.

The norms for different research methods differ, but depend on the age and gender of the person. An increase in Gamma-HT is always a sign of trouble. The indicator is of primary importance for the diagnosis of liver diseases, although in the pathology of other organs, the activity of the enzyme can also be increased.

The main reasons for the increase in GGTP activity are:

  • stagnation of bile - cholestasis;
  • death of liver cells - cytolysis;
  • the influence of alcohol;
  • taking medications;
  • development of the cancer process;
  • damage to other organs.

All these changes can be caused by external influences, as well as internal reasonsleading to damage to the liver and other organs.

Cholestasis syndrome

Liver pathology is often characterized by bile congestion. Cholestasis is the most common cause of increased gamma-HT activity. In this case, the indicator can increase 5 or more times compared to the norm. Cholestasis is characterized by a violation of the formation of bile and its excretion from the biliary system into the duodenum.

If these disorders are associated with the pathology of the liver itself, then they speak of intrahepatic cholestasis. Its reasons may be:

  • viral hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • primary and secondary sclerosing cholangitis;
  • toxic damage (alcoholic, drug).

If stagnation is associated with a violation of the excretion of bile from the extrahepatic ducts, then this condition is called extrahepatic cholestasis. The main reasons are:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • tumors in the bile ducts;
  • cancer of the head of the pancreas or stomach, leading to compression of the common bile duct.

Under the influence of bile acids, enzymes are released from cell membranes, including gamma-HT. All this begins to enter the bloodstream. Skin acquire a yellow tint, itching is noted. A number of other symptoms appear. In the blood, in addition to the increase in GGTP, there is an excess of alkaline phosphatase, cholesterol, and bile acids. Urobilinogen appears in the urine. ALT and ASAT increase to a lesser extent.

To combat cholestasis, you must first eliminate the cause. If they are stones or tumors, then they should be removed. If necessary, hepatoprotectors are used. To improve the formation and outflow of bile, choleretic drugs are prescribed:

  • ursodeoxycholic acid (Ursosan);
  • Hofitol;
  • Flamin;
  • Gepabene;
  • hepatic fees.

Cytolysis syndrome

The death of liver cells is accompanied by the release from them and the penetration of enzymes into the bloodstream, including gamma-HT. Cytolysis is observed in viral and toxic liver damage (alcohol, drugs, toxins). Autoimmune damage is also possible in systemic diseases, for example, in systemic lupus erythematosus. At the same time, antibodies are produced to the liver tissue, which cause negative changes.

But the main role is played by the hepatitis B and C viruses, which long time may not show themselves in any way. Changes in biochemical analysis blood samples are discovered by chance, and after a series of additional studies, a diagnosis of chronic viral hepatitis... If the process is acute, then gamma-HT increases in the blood before aminotransferases (ALT, AST). At the height of the disease, its activity becomes less, but this indicator also normalizes much longer.

Liver damage can be caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which is the cause of the development infectious mononucleosis... In this case, inflammation of the pharynx, enlarged lymph nodes and fever are characteristic.

Hepatotoxic poisons have a severe damaging effect:

  • toadstool toxins;
  • arsenic;
  • cyanides;
  • phenol and its derivatives;
  • pesticides;
  • bacterial toxins.

To improve the condition of the liver and bring the enzymes back to normal, it is necessary to find out and eliminate the cause of such changes. In this situation, hepatoprotectors come to the rescue, thanks to which the cell membranes of hepatocytes are restored and the liver function is normalized.

For treatment can be used:

  • essential phospholipids - Essentiale, Essliver;
  • essential phospholipids with glycyrrhizic acid - Phosphogliv;
  • ademetionine - Heptor, Heptral;
  • ursodeoxycholic acid - Ursosan, Ursofalk;
  • herbal preparations - Karsil, Silibinin, Legalon.

The influence of alcohol

Alcohol stimulates the production of GGTP. This is in addition to the direct toxic effect. In people who drink a lot and often, the degree of increase in this indicator clearly depends on the amount of consumed ethyl alcohol... This test can be successfully used to detect alcoholism, as well as to monitor treatment. Withdrawal from alcoholic beverages for 10 days, the activity of gamma-HT in the blood decreases by 50%.

There is only one recommendation here - to stop drinking alcoholic beverages. Otherwise, alcoholic liver disease will develop, manifested by its fatty infiltration (fatty hepatosis) with subsequent atrophy of the liver cells. The next step is alcoholic cirrhosis. And these are already irreversible changes.

The effect of drugs

Many drugs that have a hapatotoxic effect affect the increase in the formation of the enzyme. These include:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - paracetamol, indomethacin, nimesulide, aspirin, diclofenac;
  • antibiotics - amoxiclav, tetracycline, doxycycline, clarithromycin, levofloxacin, nitrofurans, sulfonamides, cephalosporins;
  • anti-tuberculosis drugs - isoniazid, rifampicin;
  • hormonal agents - estrogens, androgens, anabolic steroids, corticosteroids;
  • antipsychotics - chlorpromazine, haloperidol;
  • barbiturates - phenobarbital;
  • anticonvulsants - benzonal, carbamazepine, diazepam;
  • antineoplastic drugs;
  • antifungal agents - amphotericin, griseofulvin, ketoconazole, fluconazole;
  • anesthetics - ethers, halothane, chloroform;
  • cardiovascular drugs - anticoagulants, nifedipine, captopril, diuretics, enalapril, amiodarone, losartan, antianginal, statins;
  • other groups - azathioprine, allopurinol, methotrexate.

This is not the whole list. The induction of liver enzymes is often combined with direct toxicity and cholestasis. If, against the background of treatment, an increase in the activity of liver enzymes is found, then the drug is canceled and replaced with another. Hepatoprotectors help restore impaired liver function.

Tumor damage

A significant increase in GGTP is observed in liver cancer, both primary and with the appearance of metastases. The enzyme activity can be increased in cancer of the pancreas, as well as prostate cancer in men. This indicator decreases during the period of remission, increases with the progression of the disease.

The increase in gamma-HT is due to many factors: cell death, stagnation inside the ducts, and toxic effects against the background of cancer intoxication.

There is only one way out of the situation - treatment cancer surgically or with the help of chemotherapy. But chemotherapy itself can cause an increase in the activity of liver enzymes.

Other reasons

Since the enzyme is present in most organs, its increase can be observed in various diseases:

  1. Inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis.
  2. Diabetes mellitus, which is often associated with the pathology of the pancreas.
  3. Hyperfunction thyroid gland - thyrotoxicosis.
  4. Severe heart failure, in which congestion develops and cardiac cirrhosis of the liver is formed.
  5. Kidney disease: glomerulonephritis with nephrotic syndrome, pyelonephritis, renal failure.
  6. Neurological diseases.
  7. Injuries.
  8. Diseases of the brain.
  9. Burn (peak increase in gamma-HT after about 10 days).
  10. Reception hormonal drugs for the thyroid gland.

And yet, the determination of gamma-HT is the most sensitive test specifically for liver pathology, even more informative than other markers: ALAT, ASAT, alkaline phosphatase... And if it rises, then the reason should be sought first of all here. Monitoring such an indicator can be used to assess the effectiveness of treatment.

Blood is a liquid organ in the human body. Thanks to this physiological fluid, all systems function. The blood is saturated with various chemical elements, enzymes, proteins, etc. For each component, norm indicators.

If the amount of any blood component becomes less or over normalthen it is considered a violation. Such a condition often entails the development of dangerous pathologies.

One of the key indicators of the analysis is the level of GGT. You can also find the abbreviation GGTP. These letters are deciphered as glutamyl transferase or gamma glutamyl transpeptidase... An increase in the level of GGT warns of possible malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract, and especially the liver. This enzyme lives on the membranes of the kidneys, liver, pancreas and spleen.

After the age of 17, a stable level of glutamyl transferase is established. For women extremely permissible value is 6-42 U / l. In men, the indicators are slightly higher - 10-71 U / l. This difference is due to the fact that in the stronger sex, a protein enzyme is also formed on the prostate.

These elements enter the bloodstream, but in no way do not affect the health of men... If the GGT is increased by 2-3 times, then this does not cause any particular concern. As a rule, this only speaks of overwork, improper diet, or an unhealthy lifestyle. When gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase increases more than 5 times, the patient must be sent for additional examinations.

In modern medicine, such causes of high levels of GGT in blood:

  • taking medications that thicken bile;
  • overweight;
  • drinking a lot of alcoholic beverages;
  • low level of physical activity;
  • frequent smoking;
  • abuse of fatty and fried foods;
  • insufficient intake of fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • mononucleosis, etc.

The majority of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are the reason for the increase in GGT. Ulcerative colitis, gastritis and many other pathologies contribute to the liver to work hard, therefore protein enzymes the type of GGTP increases. The state of strong alcoholic intoxication also acts as a provoking factor, however, not to such an extent.

This is due to the fact that within two days most of toxic substances leaves the human body, and the liver returns to normal. Accordingly, and gGT level decreases... A pathology is considered to be a condition in which the GGTP is increased by more than 3 times over a very long period of time.

GGTP levels in newborns

Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase has different blood counts in humans different ages and gender. Throughout life, the level of this protein-forming enzyme ranges from the highest quantitative indicators to normal.

However, in old age, the GGTP rises again. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the aging organism. If we talk about newborn children, then the situation here is somewhat different.

Infant blood is saturated with GGT... Indicators that do not exceed the 204 mark are considered the norm. The fact is that the baby's body is just beginning to adapt to environmental conditions. The immunity of newborns is not strong enough to take the burden off the liver. The organs begin to function actively, and for this they need a building material - protein. GGTP is an enzyme that is converted into protein. Therefore, the level of this substance in the blood of infants sometimes crosses the threshold of the norm.

Situations when gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase in newborns is increased by 3-5 times is considered a pathology. In this case, pediatricians may assume that the child has congenital hepatic or renal failure... To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a complete diagnosis of the body and pass additional tests.

In most cases, GGT returns to normal after the first year of a baby's life. At the same time, it is extremely important monitor the baby's nutrition... It is recommended to teach from childhood to the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as to minimize harmful sweets and fatty foods.

Treatment: how to lower blood GGTP?

Before prescribing a therapeutic course, the doctor will definitely conduct complex examination of the patient... In order for the level of GGT to normalize, it is necessary to cure the pathology that provokes an increase in the amount of this enzyme in the blood.

In addition, the doctor may advise you to re-take a biochemical blood test. It so happens that the patient did not properly prepare for this procedure, so the result was not 100% true.

The rules for preparing for the delivery of a biochemical blood test are as follows:

  • Refusal of any food within 12 hours before sampling biological material.
  • Avoiding stress and strong emotional distress.
  • During the day before taking the test, you must not consume drinks that contain alcohol.
  • No smoking is allowed one hour before the procedure.

If a second analysis shows that the GGTP is increased, then the doctor directs the patient for diagnosis. Depending on the identified disease, a therapeutic course is prescribed. If a person has liver problems, then in addition to medications, he is also advised to follow a diet. GGT returns to normal when the main violation is eliminated.

If you do not start timely treatment, then this threatens with serious consequences. In severe cases, the kidneys, liver, or other organs of the gastrointestinal tract may fail. If the doctor recommends based on the results of the analysis pass the additional diagnostics , you must definitely do this.

How to normalize the level of GGT with folk remedies?

Bring to condition gGTP norms you can use unconventional methods. However, this technique is effective only if it is not identified serious deviations... If the body has pathologies such as cirrhosis, gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, etc., then folk remedies won't help.

In all other situations, folk remedies are used. However, there are no special recipes here. Phytotherapists give general recommendations about normalization of lifestyle.

The most popular are these methods of dealing with elevated level GGTP:

  • eating as many leafy vegetables as possible;
  • inclusion in the diet of foods that are rich in antioxidants;
  • regular (ideally daily) use of klechakti;
  • drinking freshly squeezed juices (mainly citrus);
  • consume the protein found in fish and lean meats;
  • compliance with the water regime;
  • refusal of food that harms the liver.

In addition, one should not forget about the benefits of oxygen for the body. Lack of fresh air often causes change chemical composition blood. This can be fixed by walking outside every day. Even 15 minute walks are beneficial.

It is also necessary to normalize the daily routine. It is best to go to bed at 9-10 pm, and get up no later than 9 am. At night, the liver is actively regenerated, however, this only happens during sleep. The poet healthy sleep - the guarantee of a healthy liver and a normal level of GGTP.
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