Pustular diseases of the scalp. Skin diseases of the head: types of pathologies and their prevention

One of common causes appeals to dermatologists and, more rarely, to cosmetologists - diseases of the scalp and hair, which are associated with defects in the structure and form of the latter, their fragility, early baldness, dandruff, itching of the scalp, focal and diffuse loss and many other symptoms.

Diseases of the scalp accompanied by the above clinical symptoms, many people become an important source of psycho-emotional discomfort that contributes to a decrease in the quality of life. They often lead to social self-isolation and difficulties in finding a job.

Hair Disease and Internal Discomfort

Hair loss, rapid and early alopecia, difficult to remove dandruff, dermatological diseases of the scalp adversely affect the beauty of the hairstyle and force a person to experience internal discomfort.

Not always independently chosen ways to restore curls bring the desired result, and the problem only worsens.

To avoid this, it is advisable to always seek the help of a trichologist, the specialization of this doctor allows you to determine the root cause of the deterioration of the hair condition and based on this, the appropriate course of therapy is already being selected.

Home Treatment for Seborrhea

Home treatments for seborrhea show excellent results. But if the skin condition has not improved 3-4 weeks after the start of therapy, it is recommended to consult a specialist to avoid baldness.

Recipes of traditional healers can be effectively combined with conservative treatment under the supervision of a physician. In this case, it is better to discuss with the doctor the compatibility of home treatment with drug therapy.

If seborrhea of \u200b\u200bthe scalp occurs, treatment at home is carried out in compliance with the following recommendations.

  1. Diet. During treatment, you should refuse salty, spicy, fatty foods and sugar in any form. Regular cereals (not instant cooking), fruits and raw vegetables, dairy products will help the body cope with the disease.
  2. Reception of mineral and vitamin complexes. Often, seborrhea appears with a decrease in the body's immune forces. Reception of the balanced complexes of minerals-vitamins will restore own protective mechanisms. Particularly important are B, A, and E vitamins and zinc. You should pay attention to special complexes designed to improve the condition of the hair.
  3. Healthy daily routine. To increase immunity, an 8-hour night sleep and daily half-hour walks in the fresh air are recommended.

What trichology studies

Trichology is considered a separate section of dermatology, the object of study of this science is the structure of hair, their functioning and pathological changes that lead to problems with curls.

Trichologists are engaged in the diagnosis of diseases of the scalp and the hair itself, develop treatment methods and preventive measures.

Trichology is closely interconnected with such sections of medicine as dermatology, endocrinology, cosmetology, gastroenterology, immunology.

Such a close relationship is due to the fact that the deterioration of the condition of the curls often occurs due to internal disorders, the correction of which requires an integrated approach to treatment.

Features of hair damage with trichophytosis

Trichophyton ectothrix

Zooanthropophilic trichophytons belong to the group Trichophyton ectothrix (ecto - outside). They have large and small spores, which form cases at the base of the hair: wider - large-spore, narrower - small-spore. Along with spores in the peripheral region of the hair, short or long chains of rounded spores are found. Trichophyton ectothrix are the cause of the development of infiltrative suppuration processes and purulent fusion of follicles.

Trichophyton endothrix

Anthropophilic trichophytons belong to the group Trichophyton endothrix (endo - inside). The spores of these fungi are inside the hair. They have a rounded shape, large in size (5 - 7 microns), tightly fill the hair inside, without going beyond them, are either in the form of chains, or fill the hair like a bag of nuts.

Fig. 10. Trichophyton ectothrix: spores of pathogens envelop hair outside, like a sleeve (photo on the left). Trichophyton endothrix: the inside of the hair is full of spores (photo on the right).

Types of diseases of the hair and scalp

A conditional division of all diseases of the skin of the scalp and hair into four types is accepted:

  1. Infectious and fungal diseases. Infections include pediculosis, which develops when a person is infected with head lice. Microsporia and trichophytosis are fungal skin lesions.
  2. Diseases caused by impaired functioning of the sebaceous glands. The most common diseases of this category include seborrhea and dandruff.
  3. Pathological hair loss. The reasons for the excessive loss of curls are a huge number and the determination of the main of them in each case is considered the first step in restoring the beauty of the hairstyle.
  4. Damage to the hair shaft. Injury to the hair shaft occurs as a result of thermal, chemical and mechanical external influences.

Depending on the type of disease, not only trichologists, but also doctors of other specialties take part in the treatment of the patient.

A joint approach to eliminating the cause of pathology and to restoring the strength of curls greatly increases the effectiveness of therapy.

READ ON TOPIC: Causes of hair loss in children.

Eczema Hair Zone

Symptoms of eczema are similar at the initial stage to seborrhea - plaques with an itchy surface form under the hair. These plaques merge, the skin under them gets wet, the follicles weaken, with the slightest force the hair comes out - the “change” in quality is much worse.

The causes of the disease have not yet been precisely studied. Polyvalent allergy, exacerbation of chronic diseases, hormonal disorders, a general decrease in immunity - there are enough factors under the influence of which eczema appears.

Without the help of official medicine, it is impossible to lead the disease to remission.

Seborrheic eczema can go on eyebrows and eyelashes, causing baldness in these areas.

Therapeutic methods are very similar to the treatment of psoriasis: local and general corticosteroid drugs, immune boosters, antihistamines, sedatives. The treatment course is supplemented with ointments and talkers that stop the secretion of sebaceous secretion. They include: sulfur, salicyl, rhizocin and the like.

The following measures complement therapeutic measures:

  • cryomassage;
  • magnetic and laser therapy;
  • exposure to currents of different frequencies;
  • sanatorium treatment;
  • competent diet.

Infectious and fungal hair diseases


Head lice develops as a result of the transmission of lice by the contact-household route. At risk are children. Head lice bites are accompanied by soreness and severe itching.


Combing the skin becomes the cause of the attachment of secondary infections, scarring is possible on the skin.

In advanced cases, pediculosis leads to the appearance of purulent crusts on the head, to clumping of individual locks of hair due to pus and egg laying.

The general manifestations of the disease include an increase in regional lymph nodes. Attaching a huge number of nits to curls causes damage to their shaft.

Pediculosis is treated with special topical drugs. And it is absolutely necessary to remove nits and adult insects mechanically.


Or microsporosis - fungal infection. Microsporum fungi are most often transmitted from sick people, less often from animals. The main category of patients is children from whom their family members become infected.

The spread of microsporia is one of the highest in comparison with other infectious diseases of the scalp.

The main signs of this disease are the formation of rounded sections on the scalp that have clear boundaries.


The skin in these areas peels off, the hair is brittle, breaks off a few millimeters from the skin, and the remaining “hemp” is covered with a grayish coating that resembles mold.

There are almost no inflammatory changes in the affected area; over time, these areas become covered with purulent crusts.


Ringworm (trichophytosis) is a highly contagious and severe lesion of the scalp.

Spores of the fungus are transmitted when using the personal belongings of a sick person or in direct contact with him.

The surface form of ringworm is characterized by the appearance of foci of peeling of the skin, breaking off hair at a distance of 2-6 mm from the follicles.

The size of the lesion reaches three centimeters, the skin in this place is most often swollen, inflamed and itchy, broken hair looks like black dots.


The infiltrative-purulent form of trichophytosis develops for about two months.

The initial signs are symptoms of intoxication, soreness and swelling of the lymph nodes, allergic rashes.

Rounded spots are formed on the head, surrounded by a clear, inflamed corolla.

On this circuit, the appearance of blisters and crusts with purulent contents is possible, in some patients, deformation of the nails is noted.

Treatment should be carried out in a short time, since the lesions are prone to rapid spread.

Favus (scab)

The main symptoms are the formation on the scalp and other parts of the body of crusts with a yellowish tint and indentation in the middle.

Hair often grows in this center, if there is no treatment, then individual crusts merge with each other and extensive areas of damage to the body appear.


In advanced cases, the skin under the crusts atrophies and persistent baldness develops.

When the scalp is damaged, the curls lose their luster and strength, are pulled out without difficulty, the remnants of the strands resemble tow.

Scab is most often found among residents of the southern regions, and among sick people there are more children and women.


Microsporia is another fungal disease that simultaneously affects the scalp and scalp, and in the most severe cases, the nail plate.

All the features of the course and treatment of this ailment are given below:

  1. At risk are children aged 5-12 years, in adults, microsporia is found only in rare cases. This is due to the high level of concentration of organic acids in the hair, which does not allow the fungal pathogen to actively multiply.
  2. The foci from which lesions spread are most often located on the top of the head or temples. Their size is usually not more than 2-5 cm, and the borders have clear rounded shapes. The first symptom is peeling of the skin in the affected areas, but after a week the fungus affects the hair, which becomes too brittle and begins to crumble after numerous mechanical damage. Sometimes there are forms of microscopy in which swelling and inflammatory processes of a purulent type occur, due to which soft nodes of a blue-red color appear on the head.
  3. For the treatment of microsporia, 5% tincture of iodine is usually used, as well as various ointments containing salicylic acid, tar or sulfur. The features of therapy depend on the form of the disease and the specifics of its course, antibiotics are often additionally prescribed for oral administration.

Dysfunction of the sebaceous glands


This is an inflammatory disease that occurs due to increased secretion of sebum with a modified composition.

The main manifestations of seborrhea on the scalp are itching, peeling, redness of the skin, in advanced cases the hair falls out and baldness can develop.


Seborrhea is divided into dry and oily, treatment is selected by a trichologist or dermatologist.

Normalization of the condition of the scalp is achieved by antifungal systemic and local therapy, correction of the diet, excluding the causative factors of the disease.

Seborrheic dermatitis

A chronic inflammatory disease that develops due to excessive reproduction of the yeast-like lipophilic fungus Pityrosporum ovale.

The disease proceeds as dermatitis with the formation of clearly defined spots of inflammation on the skin.


These foci are red and prone to fusion, and desquamated epidermis leads to the formation of yellowish crust on the spots.

Seborrheic dermatitis most often covers the scalp, top part torso and face, that is, places with a large number of sebaceous glands.

The appearance of foci of inflammation on the head is often preceded by the formation of a large amount of dandruff.

Seborrheic dermatitis is one of the causes of hair loss, the growth of which is restored only with persistent remission of the disease.

The main treatment for the disease is a special hypoallergenic diet, the use of antimycotic drugs and a number of physiotherapy procedures.

Scalp eczema

The first occurrence of eczema and subsequent exacerbations of this disease are associated with the activation of fungi from the genus Pitirosporum, also called skin damage with staphylococcus.


Not always these microorganisms can cause the disease. Eczema of the scalp develops in people with allergic reactions to external stimuli, with diseases with a chronic course of the digestive system, with damage to the liver, kidneys, nervous and endocrine systems.

The main manifestations of eczema are the formation of rounded rashes in the form of plaques, spots, papules. Their appearance is accompanied not only by itching and burning, but also by soreness.

Eczema on the head can occur simultaneously with seborrhea, in addition to the characteristic rashes, increased dryness of the strands and skin is noted.

Eczema is not a contagious disease. But in order to get rid of it, a full examination is first necessary, which will help to identify violations in the work of internal organs.


The term dandruff refers to desquamation of the epithelium of the scalp, leading to the appearance of flakes of white or yellowish color.

The formation of dandruff leads to itching of the head, hair becomes dry and dull, or become oily.

Dandruff often occurs with fungal infections of the skin, in patients with seborrhea, after serious psycho-emotional stress, with hypovitaminosis, and gastrointestinal pathologies.

It can also be provoked by improper care of scalp heads.

Dandruff of varying severity worries more than 70% of the world's population.

The treatment consists in the gentle care of curls, in the prevention of aggressive external influences and in the treatment of hair with specially selected trichologist drugs.

Dandruff not only worsens the appearance of curls, but is also one of the most common causes of their loss.


Much more complicated is the case with psoriasis, since this disease, although it does not pose a threat to human life, it often goes into the chronic phase and violates the aesthetics of the appearance.

All its main features are described in more detail below:

  1. There are various forms of psoriasis, but the main symptomatology is always the appearance of noticeable spots, covered with easily detachable scales, which usually have a grayish or white color.
  2. Factors that can trigger this disease are: excessive increase in the load on the central nervous system; eating disorders; previous injuries; frequent hypothermia; propensity for allergic reaction and its exacerbations.
  3. On the initial stages psoriasis can be cured by treating the affected areas with various ointments, which include one of the following components: salicylic acid, zinc oxide or tar. In all other cases, specialists prescribe the administration of potent pharmacological preparations for oral administration. Drug therapy usually includes sedatives, corticosteroids and vitamin complexes.

Hair shaft damage

Injury to the hair shaft occurs very often. Perm, the use of thermal iron, flat, dyeing curls - all this damages the rod along its entire length.

Mechanical, thermal and chemical aggressive effects do not always provoke excessive loss of strands, but become the main cause of increased brittle hair, damage to the tips, dryness, loss of elasticity.

Hair health also depends on a balanced diet, constant hygiene procedures, ecology, and psychoemotional background.

Shiny, strong and strong curls are not only external beauty, but also an indicator of internal health.


The term trichoclasia refers to increased fragility. The main cause of the anomaly is infections transmitted by the mother during pregnancy.

Trichoclasia is divided into two types:

Twisted hair

Trichokinesis (twisted hair) - a similar anomaly of the shaft for the first time becomes noticeable up to two years.

In this disease, the hair is coarse, of different lengths, stiff, they are practically devoid of natural shine. In some children, foci of alopecia are noticeable.

A damaged rod has flattened sections and grooves, bends around its axis at different angles. Low degree Torsion is most often a variant of the norm.

With pathology, curls cannot be combed properly, they are constantly tangled and pulled out.

Trichokinesis is found mainly in girls. By about eight years old, the number of healthy hair increases, and twisted curls on their background become invisible.


One of the rarest anomalies. Moniletrix manifests itself in the first months of life, it affects not only hairy part heads, but also eyebrows, eyelashes and other places with body hair.

The disease is characterized by the appearance of thinning and thickening on the hair shaft. Thickened areas look darker on light strands.


In areas of thinning, the hair breaks off, and therefore the scalp on the head rarely reaches more than one and a half centimeters in length.

With moniletrix, congenital changes in the innervation of the skin are noted, and this becomes the cause of deformation of the hair follicles.

Gradually, the curls become too dry, thin and break. The disease is accompanied by the development of follicular hyperkeratosis.

Diagnosis of mycosis of the scalp

Diagnosis of a fungus of the scalp is based on the collection of an epidemiological history, the clinical picture of the disease, and laboratory diagnosis.


With this type of study, spores and mycelium of fungi are found, but it is impossible to differentiate microscopy from trichophytosis. Microorganisms are identified using the culture method followed by microscopy. The material for the study are the scales and hair of the patient, taken from the peripheral zone of the lesion.

Fig. 20. Microscopic picture of Microsporum canis (fluffy microsporum). The mycelium is clearly visible (photo on the left) and numerous exospores (photo on the right).

Cultural study

The most reliable sign of a fungus of the scalp is the detection of growth of pathogens on nutrient media. Microscopy of the obtained material allows to identify the type of fungi.

Fig. 21. Type of colony Microsporum canis (fluffy microsporum). It is detected in patients with microsporia in 98% of cases.

Establishment of the tissue form of trichophytons

Microscopy of the affected hair establishes the tissue form of trichophytons:

  • Zooanthropophilic trichophytons belong to the group Trichophyton ectothrix (ecto - outside). Spores of these fungi are located outside the hair. Trichophytons of this species are the cause of the development of infiltrative suppuration processes on the scalp.
  • Anthropophilic trichophytons belong to the group Trichophyton endothrix (endo - inside). The spores of these fungi are inside the hair.

Fig. 22. Damage to the hair Trichophyton ectothrix.

Fig. 23. Damage to the hair Trichophyton endothrix.

Diagnosis of scalp fungus using a Wood fluorescent lamp

Emerald glow in the rays fluorescent lamp (Wood's lamps) is characteristic only of microsporia.

Fig. 24. Fluorescence (luminescence) of hair in the rays of a fluorescent lamp with microsporia.

Hair loss

Excessive hair loss is caused by various provoking factors. This can be both internal diseases and direct damage to the follicles.

In people aged, depletion of hair is associated with age-related changes.


The term alopecia is defined as progressive hair loss, leading to partial or complete baldness. Alopecia is divided into diffuse, focal and androgenic.


The problem can affect both men and women, with this cosmetic defect most people after 50 years.

Baldness not only worsens the appearance, but also delivers a lot of psycho-emotional experiences.

An effective treatment for alopecia is quite difficult to find without finding out the main reason for the excessive loss of curls. In some cases, a trichologist may prescribe lifelong use of a number of external agents to restore the density of the hairline.

Fat Seborrhea: Home Treatment



In a glass of warm water, a teaspoon of ammonia is bred. This solution is washed with washed hair.

Oak bark and honey

A tablespoon of crushed oak bark is boiled for 10-15 minutes in a glass of water (water bath). Filter the broth and dissolve a spoonful of honey in it. The mixture is rubbed into the damaged epidermis, wrap the head with a handkerchief and leave the product for 1 hour.

Walnut peel

The tool helps to destroy the fungal flora of the epidermis. 100 g of the peel of an unripe walnut is ground and poured with a half liter of vodka (alcohol). Withstand tincture for 15 days. The tool is rubbed into the scalp.

Decoctions and tinctures

  1. St. John's wort, yarrow, oak bark are mixed in equal proportions. A spoonful of the mixture is boiled in a glass of boiling water for 1 hour (water bath). The cooled broth is used to rinse the head.
  2. A decoction is prepared from chamomile flowers: 2 tablespoons of the raw material are boiled for half an hour in a glass of water (water bath). Strained broth is used for rinsing, lotions and compresses.
  3. St. John's wort insist in a glass of boiling water. Wipe the scalp with tincture or make lotions.

Other hair disorders


The term hypertrichosis in medicine refers to enhanced hair growth in different parts of the body - back, hips, forearms, abdomen, buttocks, chest.


Such hair growth is not caused by the action of androgens. The disease occurs in women and men, while another pathology with similar manifestations - hirsutism can only be in women.

The main causes of hypertrichosis:

  • Congenital mutations of genes resulting from exposure to unfavorable factors on the developing fetus;
  • Prolonged use of certain medications;
  • The consequences of a head injury.

Treatment is selected based on the data of hormonal and dermatological examination of a person.

If effective drugs for hypertrichosis cannot be selected, then the patient is invited to remove unwanted hair by electrolysis.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: What is trichotillomania and how to treat the disease.

Greasy hair

Excessive grease of curls occurs due to increased activity of the sebaceous glands located in the scalp.

Greasy curls almost always look untidy, oily, they easily and quickly become dirty, glued locks appear.

With oily hair type, even frequent washing of the scalp does not help to solve the problem, and styling in a beautiful hairstyle is practically impossible.

With oily hair type, a professional approach to eliminating the defect is required. It is necessary not only to consult a trichologist, but also to be examined by a gastroenterologist, dermatologist, endocrinologist.

Comprehensive treatment consists in the use of special lotions, balms and shampoos.

Physiotherapy is prescribed to the patient - darsonvalization, mesotherapy, course use of herbal remedies, therapeutic serums, masks is recommended.

Early gray hair

The appearance of early gray is indicated by the appearance of a large amount of gray hair up to 25 years and the discoloration of most of the curls even before 40 years.

The problem arises due to a disruption in the functioning of melanocytes, which in turn is caused by various internal changes in the body.

To stop early graying, you need to consult a trichologist on time, take tests to determine the indicators of trace elements and vitamins in the blood, determine the ratio of thyroid hormones.

The process of discoloration of curls slows down after a course of head massage, through mesotherapy, both masks and various hardware procedures help in this.

Thin hair

Hair having a diameter of less than 50 microns is considered thin. Such curls are characterized by excessive softness, they quickly tangles, comb poorly and lack volume.

The thickness and thickness of the hair is increased by using various ampoule preparations, serums, professional masks, mesotherapy and massage of the scalp provide good results.

But to achieve a noticeable result, the help of a trichologist is required.

Hairdressers can also solve the problem. Keratin prosthetics of curls, their lamination and building-up make curls stronger, thicker and more attractive.

Dry brittle hair

Loss of moisture inside the rod can be caused by improper staining and thermal effects. In rare cases, this anomaly occurs with nodular trichoclasia.

It is possible to restore the normal state of hair only if the root cause of the changes has been eliminated. Additionally, the trichologist prescribes the use of agents that enhance the hydration and strength of curls. Pathological changes in the structure of hair and diseases of the scalp have a specific reason for their appearance.

A full examination will allow you to understand what caused the deterioration of the condition of the curls, and this, in turn, is the most important in the choice of drugs that help solve the cosmetic and dermatological problem.


All the features of the course of pediculosis and treatment for it are discussed below:

A disease that affects hair follicles. Most often triggered by a staph infection. When the disease appears, elements with pus inside. With maturation, the boil bursts, pus spreads over the skin, infecting the tissue. Usually, infection occurs in the presence of skin injuries. Furunculosis can be cured with the help of antibiotics, cleansing wounds.

Can't handle dandruff and hair loss?

With our active life, filled with stress, malnutrition, lack of sleep, vitamin deficiency, there can be a lot of reasons to take a walk on the head of dandruff.
Dandruff is not just ugly, but also harmful. When there is a lot of dandruff on the head, the roots become weaker, the hair breaks and begins to fall out.

It has the following properties:

  • Eliminates itching and peeling of the scalp
  • Awakens inactive hair follicles
  • Stops Hair Loss
  • Returns hair health, strength and beauty!

Read more about it here \u003e\u003e

Medical cosmetics and preparations for dermatological problems

The fight against dandruff, as well as seborrheic dermatitis, includes the use of therapeutic shampoos, such as Nizoral, Friderm Zinc.

In any treatment, you need to use a set of measures that can lead to recovery. It is necessary to follow a diet:

  • give up sweets;
  • oily;
  • salty and fried.

Folk remedy: wash your hair with tar soap.

Mesotherapy, carried out in medical institutions, is a microinjection into the scalp. Individually selected mixture of vitamins, trace elements and minerals. The procedure normalizes the sebaceous gland and helps get rid of dandruff.

The treatment of psoriasis requires much more effort, includes general therapy, local therapy, physiotherapy. Shampoos, which are discussed above, can also be used in the fight against psoriasis. Be sure to try ichthyol or salicylic ointments, they are used as anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, drugs cost only 50 - 150 rubles. Along with this, doctors prescribe vitamins, antihistamines and sedatives.

There is also effective recipe from traditional medicine:

IN medical facilities To combat psoriasis, a cryotherapy method is used - freezing certain skin areas with nitrogen, while activating blood circulation, immune defense, and improving hormonal balance. The course of treatment is 10-20 procedures for 15 minutes, the cost of one is 700-1500 rubles.


This purulent infectious skin lesion affects the head and other parts of the human body. It can be triggered by bacteria or fungus, in order to prescribe adequate treatment, it is necessary to establish the nature of folliculitis. The risk group includes people living in hot climates or unsanitary conditions. The lesion affects the area near the hair follicle, then a purulent pustule forms. After opening the pustule, an ulcer is formed with a crust of blood and pus. The crust exfoliates gradually, leaving a scar. Most often, treatment of the scalp requires an inpatient stay.

Skin diseases, for the most part, indicate a violation in the functioning of the whole organism. Therefore, it is extremely important to seek medical help in time for an accurate diagnosis and adequate treatment.

What you have to refuse

Immediately forget about “aggressive” cosmetics, conditioners, shampoos with parabens, harmful sulfates. In winter, sitting in a heated room, it is recommended to stay away from warm batteries with a drying effect. Going for a walk, be sure to wear a hat, it will protect sensitive strands from the wind, low ambient temperatures. Do not forget about hats, hats and in the summer - today fashion brands delight women with pretty stylish options.

And most importantly - eat right, drive healthy way life, avoid alcohol, smoked, pickled foods, hot peppers, sour juices.


One of the common infectious ailments, significantly affects the hairline. Lesions of the scalp cause a variety of fungus. It has been established that people with vitamin A deficiency are more susceptible to the disease.

Causes of the disease:

  • violation of personal hygiene;
  • contact with carrier depriving: animal or human;
  • the use of contaminated personal care products;
  • serious damage to the skin;
  • a significant decrease in immunity.

The incubation period lasts up to four days. Symptoms: the skin on the head is covered with red or pink spots in the form of rings, there is severe itching. The well-being of treatment depends largely on the patient and his lifestyle.

How to get rid of head lice at home?

Important! Do not use gasoline and kerosene to treat lice. This can cause damage to the scalp and face.

  • "Pedicul R Ultra."
  • Paranit Lotion.
  • "Para-Plus."

It is better to use drugs in the form of lotion. It is necessary to apply it on the head in accordance with the instructions and, after time, rinse with water and shampoo. Means are contraindicated in young children and pregnant women. The price varies from 200 to 400 rubles. You may also be interested in the article “How and how to wash hair dye from skin at home?”.

In folk medicine, 9% table vinegar is used (by no means an essence!): Dilute 2 tbsp in 1 glass of water. l vinegar and rinse hair with this solution. You can also use alcohol, applying it to all hair for 30 minutes, you must be careful when using.

Features of Vitiligo Disease

With vitiligo, the formation of skin melanocytes is disrupted. Because of this, white spots of various shapes and sizes form on its surface. The pathological process of destruction of melanocytes affects the condition of the hairline. This is expressed in the appearance of spots on the head. In these places, complete discoloration occurs, which creates the impression of gray hair. A similar symptom can occur in adolescence. Other symptoms - peeling, hair atrophy, alopecia are not observed.

Alopecia: a disease or something more?

Alopecia is not called a specific disease, but the manifestation of certain pathologies in the form of baldness or simply increased hair loss. Alopecia is almost never an independent disease, but only a symptom of one or more disorders of the body. If it acts as an independent ailment, then, as a rule, in the form of a complication after transferred skin diseases or improper hair care.

Despite the fact that alopecia no longer manifests itself, it has nothing to do with violation of the hair structure. Strictly speaking, hair, as part of the body devoid of metabolic processes, cannot hurt on its own - unlike skin. But the areas at the roots, closer to the hair follicles, are already “embedded” in the circulatory system, and therefore are susceptible to damage, which is often mistaken for a hair pathology.

How to treat sores on the head

Dandruff and sores on the head do not go away on their own, they need treatment. At the first symptoms of the disease, contact a specialist (dermatologist or trichologist). He will determine the cause of the disease and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Drug treatment

Most of the sores on the head are accompanied by severe itching and profuse dandruff. To treat the ailment, specialists turn mainly to ointments, among them the following drugs deserved positive reviews:

  • Clotrimazole Ointment - used against many fungal infections of the skin. The drug is applied to a clean and dry surface with a thin layer, you can rub the product a little. The procedure is repeated up to 3 times a day. Medicinal ointment is used for 1-4 weeks, depending on the diagnosis. To consolidate the success, it is recommended to apply the drug within 2 weeks after the end of treatment. Not suitable for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, as well as those planning a pregnancy. The cost of the ointment is from 77 rubles.

  • Powder substance Pyrithione zinc - the drug is intended for the treatment of psoriasis, seborrhea, dandruff, various dermatitis, relieves inflammation and reduces peeling of the integument. For use, it is enough to dilute the powder and treat it with affected areas up to 3 times a day. The duration of the treatment course is 14 days, psoriasis - 30 days. After the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, the use of the drug continues for another 7 days.

  • Cream Zinocap - An alternative version of Pirioin zinc, is applied in a thin layer to the lesion several times a day. It is used to treat psoriasis, atopic and seborrheic dermatitis, helps to eliminate dry skin. The course of drug therapy lasts 2-6 weeks, depending on the complexity of the disease. May be prescribed to children over one year of age; the drug has not been tested on pregnant and lactating women. The cost of the drug is about 400 rubles for 20 g.

To increase the patient’s immunity and speed up the healing process, the doctor prescribes a complex of vitamins and minerals. It is especially important to pay attention to B vitamins, retinol (vitamin A), nicotinic and ascorbic acid, calcium intake will be useful.

Folk methods

Folk remedies can alleviate itching, get rid of dandruff and contribute to a speedy recovery from the disease. They are especially relevant for children. Consider several effective options for self-medication.

  1. Mix in equal proportions tomato juice and unrefined vegetable oil (preferably olive). Apply the mixture 2-3 times a day, continue the procedure for 5 days. Relief you will notice after the first application of the composition.
  2. The easiest, fastest way to relieve inflammation, alleviate the symptoms of the disease is a salicylic acid (aspirin) tablet. Grind the drug into powder and sprinkle it on the wound. You can add salicylic acid to a shampoo to wash your hair.
  3. Rinsing the hair with a decoction of medicinal herbs (St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula and succession) will complement drug treatment, fill the epidermal cells with nutritious components, and preserve the natural beauty and health of the hair.
  4. Compresses from applesauce will help to quickly get rid of dandruff. Grate a fresh apple on a grater, rub the gruel into the affected areas of the skin, do not rinse for half an hour.
  5. You can get rid of sores caused by unsuccessful hair coloring with the help of dandelion infusion. To do this, plant root (250 g) pour ½ liter of vodka, cover and leave to infuse. After a week, do compresses with tincture for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure daily until the disease disappears.

Important! Do not rely on folk methods for the treatment of sores, scabs. They will complement the action of the prescribed drugs, accelerate recovery. Consultation and examination of a specialist, identifying the causes of the disease are required.

Alternative methods

No less effective in dealing with sores are modern alternative treatment methods:

  • Laser therapy - It is aimed at starting regeneration processes inside the skin, contributes to the normalization of blood circulation and metabolism in cells in the affected areas. In addition, the laser is a powerful antiseptic.
  • Mesotherapy - through injections, a complex of vitamins, mineral supplements or medications are injected into the skin. They strengthen immunity, normalize intracellular processes.
  • Hirudotherapy - the essence of the method in influencing special acupuncture points, for which leeches are used. They help cleanse the body of toxins, secrete a secret filled with various types of enzymes. This accelerates the metabolism in skin cells, has anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects, and normalizes blood circulation.
  • Biocomplex procedure - includes massage using a steam capsule. To fill the affected areas with nutrient components, natural oils are used. The treatment course lasts at least 5 days, each session will be delayed to half an hour.

In short, sores on the head under the hair, the phenomenon is quite common. They will not cause you much trouble if you timely respond with appropriate treatment. What and how to treat the disease is determined by a specialist after a detailed examination of the scalp and diagnosis.

Do not try to cure sores and scabs under the hair with folk methods, only in combination with drugs and modern alternative methods, the disease will be quickly and completely defeated. Be attentive to the condition of your skin, often it is the first to signal a malfunction in the body.

Every day, dermatologists face such a problem as scalp diseases. They are so diverse that they are differentiated into separate groups. Consider what diseases are most common, how they are treated and for what reasons they develop.

Fungal diseases of the head

Skin diseases caused by fungi, in turn, are divided into 4 types:

  • Trichophytosis superficial - characterized by symptoms such as redness of the skin, peeling, brittle hair. The disease is transmitted through contact with a sick person or through his personal belongings. Bald patches form on the head, and the skin in these areas peels and turns red.
  • Trichophytosis is deep - the carriers of the fungus are animals, sick people. In case of infection, the hair falls out, leaving oval bald spots up to 8 cm in size. The skin areas in these places are inflamed, covered with crusts and scales. Optionally, the hair falls under the root. The length of the remaining "hemp" can reach 8 mm.
  • Microsporia - transmitted through stray and domestic animals. Under the influence of the fungus on the head, the skin turns red. First appears on inflamed areas small rash of bubbles, then 2 distinct foci are formed, in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich the hairs break off and fall out.
  • Favus is a chronic form of fungal infection. Most often, pathology is prone to people who prefer tight hats, wigs. Under the influence of the disease, the skin integument acquires a yellow tint, hair rods fall out.

When identifying such diseases, complex therapy is prescribed, including antifungal systemic and external drugs. With deep trichophytosis, hormonal agents may be recommended. This pathology and favus require long-term treatment, even after the disappearance of the characteristic clinic for several months, you should undergo examinations by a dermatologist, take scrapings to identify the fungus.

Dermatological diseases of the scalp

  • Eczema is an inflammatory process that affects the upper layer of the skin. It manifests itself as a characteristic rash, is prone to frequent relapses. Since there are several types of disease, the treatment regimen in each case is developed on the basis of individual indications. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the factor that irritates the skin, develop a competent diet, and eliminate itching with the help of local preparations. Since complete healing of eczema is impossible, the main treatment is aimed at preventing pathology, reducing the number of relapses.
  • Seborrhea - also occurs as a result of the inflammatory process. The main reason is a change in sebum composition caused by increased production of free fatty acids. Basically, seborrhea is just one form of eczema. You can identify it yourself, paying attention to the following symptoms - peeling of the skin, oily shine of the hair, the appearance of dandruff. Treatment depends on the reasons. To get rid of various types of seborrhea, ointments and lotions with an antifungal effect, the use of immunomodulators are recommended, and in the case of a severe form, drugs containing hormones are prescribed. To quickly eliminate the symptoms, shampoos are used, in which zinc and tar are present.
  • Cancer of the scalp - oncology of the hairy areas is extremely rare, no more than 5% of patients with this form of the disease are exposed to it. It is characterized by proliferation of tissues, as well as severe intoxication. Therapy includes such areas as cryodestruction, radiation, chemotherapy, laser destruction, surgery. Most often, a complex of several directions is used.

Autoimmune diseases

Diseases in this group arise for reasons unknown to science. One theory is the negative reaction of the body to its own cells.

  • Scleroderma is a disease of the scalp and hair, which has the following symptoms: swelling of the epithelium, its tightening, tension of the cover. Infectious processes, hypothermia, trauma, vaccination, genetic predisposition are considered provocateurs. Manifesting on the scalp, the disease often causes baldness. Progression leads to fibro-sclerotic changes in the structure of the skin, damage to the internal organs and skeleton. The disease is not completely cured. The main task is to block the spread of pathology and reduce clinical manifestations. For this, physiotherapy is recommended - mud, paraffin baths, plasmapheresis, ultrasound. Drug therapy may include agents with a general strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect, suppressing changes in the structure of tissues, antibiotics. Additionally, vitamin balance is regulated.
  • Psoriasis is another disease that is not amenable to modern medicine. Signs of pathology are the formation of pink plaques with a scaly surface, severe itching. To reduce the number of relapses, special ointments, soap are used. Among the external remedies aimed at eliminating clinical manifestations are glucocorticosteroids, preparations containing tar, zinc, vitamin D, cytostatics, immunomodulators. Treatment includes physiotherapy. But a lot depends on the patient, who needs to adhere to a balanced diet, be less nervous, not contact with irritating substances.
  • Lupus erythematosus - rarely affects parts of the body with hairline. In this case, hair loss is noted, the surface of the epithelium of the head is covered with exactly defined oval or round spots. The skin in these places is thickened, has a pale red tint, peels off. After healing, scars remain. The body in the fight against its own cells produces antibodies, which subsequently leads to damage to internal organs. As a treatment that reduces symptoms and prevents the progression of pathology, glucocorticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. cytostatics. Physiotherapy is also shown: plasmapheresis, hemosorption.

Infectious diseases

This group of pathologies develops as a result of infection. The main reason is insufficient hygiene, contact with an already sick person. Similar skin diseases are very common, so it is advisable to know them “in person”.

This is not a complete list of pathologies inherent in the scalp. If the first signs of illness are detected, you should not try to fix the problem at home. Keep in mind that many of the diseases lead to serious consequences for the human body.

Thick, beautiful hair is first of all luxury and decoration. Disease of the hair and dermis of the head can lead to unpleasant consequences, diseases of the scalp can be expressed by the following factors:

  1. First of all, hair loses its shine, becomes dull;
  2. Appears;
  3. Curls become brittle;
  4. Redness, pustules or ulcers appear on the skin of the head;
  5. The patient constantly feels an itch;
  6. At a difficult stage begins, which leads to bald spots.

Today, there are a large number of scalp diseases, scalp diseases have a number of special symptoms.

Scalp diseases

Before starting treatment, you should know that all diseases are conditionally divided into types:

  1. Infectious diseases are pediculosis and. The first disease is caused by lice, which, biting, leave redness in the form of dots after a bite, it causes itching and a slight burning sensation. Folliculitis is a disease that is expressed by red spots on which vesicles filled with purulent fluid appear.
  2. Dermatological diseases of the scalp are, and seborrheic dermatitis. The first disease is chronic. Symptoms are expressed in the form of plaques, which in their appearance resemble frozen wax. The disease proceeds in certain cycles. Seborrheic dermatitis is a disease that is caused by a yeast that can affect not only the hair, or a segment of the head, but also the face. The main symptoms of the disease are peeling of the skin, a change in skin tone, itching.
  3. Seborrhea is a type of disease that occurs in almost every fourth person. The main signs of the disease are greasy hair, hair loss, peeling, dandruff.
  4. Impetigo is a disease that is caused by bacteria of staphylococcus or streptococcus. The infection penetrates the skin through minor wounds or scratches. At the first symptoms, blisters appear, itching begins. Tearing up the vesicles is strictly not recommended, since the infection can get to other parts of the body.
  5. Fungal skin diseases are favus, trichophytosis, microsporia.
  6. A rare type of skin disease of the head is skin cancer, eczema.

Symptoms of a scalp disease

Each disease has its own specific manifestations (symptoms), scalp diseases are no exception. During laboratory examinations and diagnoses, symptoms play a major role, and the correct diagnosis is made on their manifestations.

Almost every type of scalp disease is accompanied by itching, if peeling of the skin additionally appears, this indicates that the outer layer of dermal cells is dying. Such a rejected formation appears when:

  1. Fungal diseases;
  2. Eczema
  3. With depriving;
  4. With psoriasis;
  5. With seborrheic dermatitis.

Some types of diseases can be accompanied by blisters or swelling, which are associated with various factors.

Manifestations in the form of blisters and swelling are characteristic of:

  1. Folliculitis;
  2. Contact dermatitis;
  3. With severe allergic manifestations;
  4. With chickenpox;
  5. With shingles.

The appearance of red spots with clear boundaries indicates the manifestation of diseases of the scalp, such as psoriasis or seborrhea. Much less often, such spots can appear with red lichen, this disease additionally accompanied.

Excessive dryness of the skin can occur with hormonal failure, vitamin deficiency as a result of malnutrition. This is the condition of the skin during which the cells die and exfoliate at an accelerated pace.

The most common symptom of a scalp disease is. It is called:

  1. Constant stress;
  2. Vitamin deficiency;
  3. Hormonal disorders;
  4. Chronic overwork;
  5. Failure of the endocrine system;
  6. Hereditary predisposition.

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the scalp and hair

With the onset of the first signs and suspected skin disease. First of all, you should immediately consult a specialist trichologist.

Without fail, in addition to general laboratory examinations, trichoscopy will be prescribed for you. After passing the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed an appropriate course of treatment. Diseases of the scalp with proper diagnosis can be successfully treated with the treatment prescribed by the relevant doctor. The treatment of diseases is of a therapeutic medical form.

In addition to medicinal ointments and tablets, you should definitely use medicinal shampoos, balms. how additional toolrecipes can be used.
First of all, they eliminate the symptoms of the disease - this is, and brittle hair, in addition, therapeutic shampoos significantly accelerate the treatment process.

In the event that the disease is infectious, then the course of treatment should take place in a stationary mode. In this case, a course of antibiotics is necessarily prescribed.

You should not establish a diagnosis on your own, as this will not lead to good.

All of the diseases listed below are only part of a large list of diseases of the hair and scalp. We will consider and give somewhere brief, and somewhere more detailed description the most common diseases. This information is an introductory material, on the basis of which it is impossible to establish a diagnosis on your own. Only a specialist (trichologist) after a visual examination and on the basis of appropriate analyzes can make the correct diagnosis.

Each of us at least once faced with the problem of getting rid of this ailment, since dandruff is one of the most common diseases of the hair and scalp. Due to an increase or decrease in the production of sebaceous secretions and changes chemical composition sebum small white particles appear which called dandruff .

Absolutely all people have dandruff - these are just dead skin cells of the scalp. The only question is their quantity. Normally, these cells are renewed in 25-30 days, completely dehydrated imperceptibly to the human eye, so dandruff in a mild form is a completely normal physiological phenomenon. However, due to a number of reasons, the cell renewal cycle can be reduced to 7–6 days, and during this time the cells do not have time to fully mature and lose water. As a result, they do not dry completely, but remain sticky and stick together, exfoliating in the form of noticeable white flakes.

One of the reasons for the increase in cell renewal rate is the increased number of yeast Pityrosporum ovale permanently living on the surface of the scalp. When the pH of the skin changes, it multiplies intensely and causes an inflammatory reaction.

The main cause of dandruff is sebaceous dysfunction . Dandruff is usually characterized by the appearance of small white or yellow scales against the background of the uninflamed skin of the scalp, and the scales are easily separated from the surface of the skin. If dysfunction of the sebaceous gland occurs and the sebaceous gland begins to produce sebum in excess, then we are talking about oily seborrhea. Sebum is able to create a greasy, sticky layer on the scalp, from which small yellowish pieces can separate. Hair glistens, sticks together and has an unkempt appearance, scalp begins to become inflamed, an intolerable itch appears. But there can be dry seborrhea, when the function of the sebaceous glands is reduced, and dry skin will exfoliate. In this case, the hair sticks out in different directions, does not comb well. Gland dysfunction most often develops during hormonal disorders in the body, for example, during puberty in adolescents.

What factors affect the appearance of the fungus and changes in the functions of the sebaceous gland, leading to the formation of dandruff?

Such factors are the use of inappropriate and low-quality shampoos, frequent drying and styling of hair with a hairdryer, vitamin deficiency (lack of vitamins B1, B2, B6), as well as various stresses and diseases caused by improper metabolism, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and dysfunction pancreas and thyroid gland, leading to excessive cell renewal and, accordingly, to the appearance of a large amount of dandruff.

If dandruff stays steady despite all cosmetic efforts and only weakens a bit, consult a trichologist or dermatologist. Because sometimes white flakes can only resemble dandruff, but actually be a companion of skin diseases such as: seborrheic dermatitis, asbestos lichen, psoriasis, which can even lead to hair loss!

With dandruff skin , usually, not red and not inflamed , and the scales are quite thin and do not form a dense shell on the head. When dandruff becomes noticeable, it pours onto clothes and is accompanied by itching and redness of the scalp - this is a serious reason to think about your health!

It is unlikely to cure dandruff on its own, because you need to know the causes of its formation. When contacting a specialized clinic, trichologists will conduct a thorough diagnosis, establish the cause of dandruff, and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Dandruff Treatment

Doctors for the treatment of dandruff are prescribed appropriate therapeutic shampoos and internal therapy. It consists of taking B vitamins, primarily B6 and B1, as well as vitamins A, D, E. Taking zinc and sulfur preparations inside improves the metabolism of micronutrients and normalizes hair nutrition. In addition to these drugs, vasoconstrictors are prescribed. They nourish the hair follicle, thus improving hair growth and normalizing keratin formation. Then, if possible, those causes that could cause dandruff are eliminated.

The treatment of dandruff and the causes of its occurrence with the help of specialists currently takes very little time and is not difficult. If you encounter such a problem - do not let the disease go by chance. Contact a specialist!

This is a skin disease, the main sign of which is a breakdown of the process of fat formation in the skin.

This disease affects not only the scalp, it manifests itself wherever there are sebaceous glands (skin of the face, back, chest, abdomen and even bends of the legs and arms, etc.).

The occurrence of this disease can be associated with changes in both the excretory function of the sebaceous glands and the chemical composition of sebum. If the process of fat formation is normal, then the main components of sebum (certain substances), released on the surface of the skin, mix with the secretion of sweat glands and form a water-fat cover, which protects the skin, inhibiting the growth and reproduction of pathogens.

Violation of this process leads to the suppression of the bactericidal properties of sebaceous secretion - there is an optimal habitat for pathogenic microbes (seborrhea develops). At the mouths of the hair follicles, horny masses begin to accumulate, occur dystrophic changes internal and external root vaginas, papillae and hair follicles, which makes it impossible to replace the lost hair with new ones. In this regard, incomplete restoration of the hair occurs, the process of physiological hair changes is disrupted.

When examining the head, oily, porous skin, greasy hair are visible, acne appears on open areas of the skin (due to clogging of the mouths of the sebaceous glands by exfoliated skin cells), and on the scalp - pronounced peeling ( dandruff ) Dandruff scales are greyish-yellow in color, oily, easily detached when scraping, some of which are on the hair. Less often with seborrhea, the skin looks dry, while it is very sensitive and irritable, and dandruff is plentiful and easily crumbles. This disease is also characterized by a chronic course with frequent exacerbations.

The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sebum depend on the general condition of the body, especially on the nervous and endocrine systems, as well as on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, gender, age, the nature of nutrition, concomitant diseases, climate and time of the year play an important role here - all this may well change the composition of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, reducing the protective properties of sebum, which, in turn, creates conditions for the multiplication of microbes and the development of the disease. In addition, a hereditary predisposition to the development of this disease is essential in the occurrence of seborrhea. The greatest amount of sebum is formed and secreted during puberty. Therefore, most often, seborrhea develops between the ages of 14 and 25 as a result of an imbalance in the body's balance between female and male hormones.

In addition, seborrhea can develop due to improper care of the scalp - when washing with poor-quality, especially alkaline shampoos, frequent dyeing and bleaching of hair, perm, etc., as well as due to a lack of vitamins in food, overwork, influence atmospheric factors and other things.

Seborrhea is oily, dry and mixed.

Fat Seborrhea

Fatty seborrhea is divided into thick and liquid seborrhea.

Thick form of oily seborrhea

In this case, the skin is tightened, its elasticity is reduced. The skin color is brownish-gray, the mouths of the sebaceous glands are significantly expanded, the hair is thick, rough, stiff. Often, the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland is blocked by tearing away skin cells saturated with sebum. If this element is squeezed, then a thick greasy mass is squeezed out. So comes the comedone (black eel) - a horn plug.

With this form of seborrhea, cysts of the sebaceous glands (atheromas) are quite common, at the opening of which a mass similar to cottage cheese is released. In case of inflammation of the atheroma, its autopsy occurs, pus is released, and then a scar forms.

Complications of this form of seborrhea are pustular skin diseases caused by staphylococci and streptococci, for example, boils.

Liquid form of oily seborrhea

With this form of seborrhea, the skin resembles an orange peel: the pores are enlarged, the skin glistens, and sebum is released in excess from the enlarged ducts of the sebaceous glands. The hair on the head glistens, looks like oiled, soaked in sebum for 2 to 3 days after washing, glued into strands. Hair covers tightly clinging to abundant yellowish skin flakes. Itching may occur, as well as baldness development (seborrheic alopecia).

Complications in this case are all the same purulent skin diseases, but already pronounced and more severe, such as furunculosis - multiple boils, impetigo - damage to the hair follicles with the formation of pustules in their place, which, when opened, turn into thick honey-colored crusts; after falling off of which pigment spots may remain.

When trying to get rid of the manifestations of this disease, patients more often wash their hair, but these measures do not give the desired effect - the hair quickly becomes greasy. In addition, frequent washing of the head provokes even greater function of sebum, and as a result, hair becomes contaminated even faster.

Dry seborrhea

With this form of the disease, the appearance of dry skin is created, although sebum is produced, but it is viscous. It is poorly secreted from the sebaceous glands, so the surface layers of the epidermis look overdried. The skin in this case is very sensitive and easily irritated.

Dandruff completely covers the scalp and hair, easily crumbles, itching occurs. Sometimes dandruff is stacked on top of each other, forming crusts of a grayish-white or yellowish-gray color. Peeling develops either in the occipital-parietal region, or along the entire surface of the scalp. Hair is dry, thin, brittle, with split ends, begin to vigorously fall out.

With dry seborrhea of \u200b\u200bthe scalp, a microscopic fungus is activated - Pityrosporum ovale, which many people have and does not cause disease, but under certain conditions - intense physical work, decreased immunity, the postpartum period, etc. - it becomes dangerous to health and enhances seborrhea.

Attempts to get rid of such phenomena by more frequent washing of the head do not give the desired result, but more often even worsen the condition. This is understandable, as the main symptom of dry seborrhea is dry skin. Therefore, all products that degrease the skin and hair bring only harm.

Mixed seborrhea

It is characterized by a combination of signs of oily and dry seborrhea. To determine this type of seborrhea can only a trichologist.

Seborrheic dermatitis (eczema)

Seborrheic dermatitis is most often affected by those parts of the body in which the sebaceous glands are most developed - this is primarily the scalp, natural folds (nasolabial, nasolabial, axillary, cervical, inguinal and behind the ear), back and chest. The development of seborrheic dermatitis (eczema) predisposes seborrhea, as well as neuroendocrine disorders associated with it. It is known that seborrheic dermatitis is significantly exacerbated by emotional stress.

Seborrheic dermatitis is characterized by reddish spots and plaques formed from erythematous-flaky spots with drainage miliary papules of a yellowish-brown color. These rashes contribute to the appearance of ring-shaped garland-like outlines, sometimes bizarre.

Seborrheic dermatitis can be considered a complication of seborrhea. In severe form, the disease can lead to erythroderma, involving the skin of the trunk and limbs in the pathological process. During puberty, as well as in adult patients, the following are affected: the scalp, forehead, skin of the interscapular region, less often the extremities, behind the folds.

On the scalp, eczema is characterized by dryness, pityriasis peeling, foci of redness of the skin, serous-purulent or serous-hemorrhagic crusts, when removed, a solid wet surface is exposed. The defeat of the behind-the-ear folds most often contributes to the manifestation of erythema, edema, deep painful cracks in the depths of the folds, weeping and yellow scales (or crust scales). With seborrheic dermatitis on the body and limbs, yellowish-pink scaly spots are observed, having clear boundaries and sometimes small-sized elements in the center of the lesion.

Seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis (eczema) are often complicated by the addition of a secondary infection (ostiofolliculitis is a small hemispherical abscess that occurs in the hair follicle and is pierced in the center by the hair, with peripheral erythematous rim), and during puberty, as well as in patients from 18 to 25 years combined with acne.

Seborrheic keratosis

Seborrheic keratosis (or basal cell papillomas) is a type of seborrhea. This disease is also called seborrheic keratoma, seborrheic wart or senile wart.

Seborrheic keratosis is benign tumor, which occurs on the surface of the epidermis and never degenerates into malignant tumors. The vast majority of cases of this disease are men over the age of 30.

Seborrheic keratosis is represented by many flat nodules, which are covered with solid scales of brown color. This type of keratosis is due to the appearance of yellowish spots on the surface of the skin, especially often affecting the trunk and formed mainly in middle-aged people; over time, these spots slowly darken and take the form of warts.

Seborrhea Treatment

Treatment of seborrhea of \u200b\u200bthe scalp is quite complicated, because there are many reasons that favor the appearance of this disease, such as a hereditary predisposition, a violation of the hormonal status of the body, the influence of negative environmental factors, a testicular tumor in men, ovarian disease in women, mental and neurological diseases as well as problems with the gastrointestinal tract as a result of malnutrition and diets. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a trichologist to determine the severity of the disease in your case and, of course, do not self-medicate. No well-known folk and homeopathic remedies can fully cure the disease.

Chronic recurrent disease, which is characterized by a rash consisting of pink-red papules covered with loose, easily removable silver scales. At the lesion sites, plaques of irregular, very bizarre outlines are formed, ranging in size from a pin head to a coin, and the plaque shape has sharply limited outlines. Nails are often affected: on the nail plate, dotted dimples are observed like on a thimble and sometimes the plate acquires a brownish-gray color.

Psoriasis on the head is a chronic disease and it is impossible to cure it forever, but its visible consequences can be eliminated. The causes of psoriasis are usually divided into 2 categories: hereditary and acquired.

Hereditary Psoriasis it is transmitted directly genetically, and can manifest itself at any age. As a rule, streptococcal and viral infections provoke its appearance, as well as prolonged tension and stressful situations. If the reason is not genetics, then psoriasis is acquired . Clinical observations show that in the case of psoriasis, changes in the endocrine and nervous systems are also observed. The functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract is complicated, metabolism is impaired. Neurosis and psychosis have a direct impact on the development of the disease. The development of psoriasis is also affected by abrupt climatic changes. It is easiest to prevent the development of this disease in the early stages. Psoriasis can be controlled only with the direct participation of medical specialists.

Acute inflammation hair sac and associated sebaceous gland with its surrounding fiber, caused by a microbe - staphillococcus. Penetrating into the hair follicle through minor skin lesions or during friction, staphillococcus causes inflammation of the bulb, which soon joins the inflammation of the sebaceous gland.

Predispose to the occurrence of furunculosis of the disease nervous systemmetabolism (diabetes), neglect of the rules of hygiene, etc. At first, the boil is a nodule of bright red color, dense and painful, the temperature often rises, sleep becomes restless. Pus accumulates in the boil, which soon erupts, forming a funnel-shaped ulcer with a yellowish-greenish stem of dead tissue at its bottom. In an unfavorable course, the process can spread and occur sepsis. If the boil is located on the scalp, then it can cause baldness. The boil always heals with the formation of a scar. The disease needs long-term comprehensive treatment under the supervision of a specialist doctor.

Chronic disease system connective tissue and small vessels, affecting all layers of the skin and characterized by its compaction (sclerotherapy). At first, the skin becomes edematous, but quickly begins to thicken and gradually acquires a board-like density. The skin is tense, it can not be folded and separated from underlying tissues.

The cause of the disease is unknown. It is provoked by cooling, trauma, infection, vaccination, etc. Genetic factors are important. May cause baldness if located on the scalp. This disease needs long-term comprehensive treatment under the supervision of a specialist doctor.

Asbestos versicolor

Disease of the scalp and scalp. It is characterized by the sudden appearance of grayish dense scales on the hair that resemble asbestos fibers, hence the name of the disease. The hair is dry, devoid of natural shine, but does not break off. The scales stick together the hair, poorly separated from the hair and scalp. Most of the scales are on the frontal and parietal parts of the head, and less on the back of the head. The exact causes of the disease are not known. However, asbestos lichen requires long-term comprehensive treatment under the supervision of a medical specialist.

A skin disease that manifests itself with sharply defined roundish pink or pale red spots, the surface of which is thickened, peels off and subsequently heals with a scar without preliminary ulceration.

It most often affects the skin of the face, less often - auricles and scalp, resulting in permanent hair loss. Immediate comprehensive treatment is needed.


Hair follicle disease. It is characterized by the appearance of pustular formations on the scalp. Hair becomes very thin, can be easily removed along with the follicle. The disease is chronic, requires long-term treatment under the supervision of a doctor. Affected hair is removed using x-rays in special rooms. As a rule, complete removal of the scalp is necessary.

This is a rare type of disease that manifests itself in the conscious pulling out of one's own hair during mental disorders.

As a rule, this disorder occurs in childhood and adolescence (mainly in girls), although a later onset (in women during menopause) is also possible. This type of alopecia is considered quite rare and the number of patients with this diagnosis does not exceed 6% of patients.

The clinical picture of the disease manifests itself in the inability to resist the periodically repeated urge to pull out one's own hair. Pathological behavior by patients is usually denied or hidden.

The temporoparietal regions of hair growth and less typical zones are most often involved: eyebrows, eyelashes, beard, trunk, armpits, and pubis. Hair loss looks like relatively small focal areas of baldness of various shapes (usually on the opposite side with respect to the dominant hand), unevenly alternating with preserved areas of the hair.

When diagnosed, trichotillomania is often confused with focal alopecia, however, for an experienced specialist it is not difficult to distinguish between these two ailments. Noticeable results are achieved in therapy based on conversations with a psychoanalyst, as well as drug treatment with powerful antidepressants.

Mycoses (fungal diseases)

Mycoses arise as a result of the action of pathogenic fungi that affect the scalp and scalp. Children and young women are most susceptible to these diseases, although they are also found in men. These are infectious diseases, so a person needs to limit contacts for the duration of treatment and disinfect household items, since the spread of such diseases can be carried out through personal hygiene items (combs, brushes, etc.), clothes, and other shared items.

Fungal Disease Treatment It requires a lot of time and special equipment, therefore it should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Damaged hair is removed using x-rays. The most common fungal diseases are considered scab , microsporia and ringworm .

This is a fungal skin disease in which the scalp and less often other parts of the skin and nails suffer most often.

It is characterized by the appearance of peculiar crust-shields with a saucer-shaped depression in the center, often penetrated by the hair and emit an unpleasant (mouse) smell. When the crusts merge, root atrophy and persistent baldness gradually develop. Hair becomes dull, as if dusty, and resembles the appearance of an old wig. Sometimes the sites are covered with bran-shaped scales or purulent crusts; on smooth skin, crusts of a yellowish-ocher color can be observed, pierced in the center by a fluffy hair. Hair does not break off, but easily breaks out.

Infectious disease that affects the scalp: hair is covered with a whitish film, which is accompanied by peeling and itching.

Most often, this disease affects children. Infection can occur as a result of contact with a sick pet or sick person. With microsporia on the scalp, isolated foci of regular rounded outlines with sharp boundaries, pityriasis peeling appear. Almost all the hair on the lesions was broken off 5-7 mm above the level of the horses and shrouded in a grayish “case”.

Infectious disease, affects the scalp on the head and face, scalp and nails. It is transmitted by direct contact with the carrier, through cats and dogs, through the personal belongings of sick people.

There are several types of this disease: superficial and deep trichophytosis.

Surface trichophytosis most often affects teenagers during puberty. It is manifested by the appearance of small round sections, the hair on which is very brittle, break off at different heights, accompanied by peeling of the skin and itching.

Deep trichophytosis, as a rule, affects young people of adolescence. Small round areas of complete baldness appear on the scalp, the rest of the head is covered with scabs. Hair along the edges of bald patches is easily torn out, suppuration is observed in the area of \u200b\u200bhair follicles, which has an nasty, sweet smell.

Diseases and abnormalities of hair rods

Anomalies of hair rods can be acquired , hereditary and congenital . Hair diseases are manifested by their loss (see Alopecia), increased growth (hypertrichosis) or uneven growth (hypotrichosis), as well as changes in their shape and color. In many cases, proper care, certain medications, and appropriate vitamins can help solve these problems.

Hair atrophy

Disease of the scalp and body, manifests itself in newborns in the first month of life. It is characterized by the appearance of swelling along the entire length of the hair. The disease is inherited and difficult to cure. Regular intake of vitamin A prevents the further development of the disease.

Hair got this name due to its flat shape. In cross section, they look like a slightly rounded quadrangular flat plate.

Such hair, usually as separate flat hair among other normal ones, is rare and represents congenital malformation.

In this disease, dystrophic hair is spiral-twisted. As a rule, in the middle of the hair there are 3-6 thickenings lying on top of each other, and the hair in these places is twisted around its longitudinal axis by 180.

At birth, the hair is normal, but fluffy hair is gradually replaced by changed hair that is detected at the 3rd month of life. Such hair is very brittle. They are located less often than normal, easily torn, have a grayish color. Plots with twisted hair look like baldness.

Most often, the hair of little girls is affected, less often of blonde women. Usually, at the age of 8-12 years, twisted hair becomes invisible, since normal hair growing around it hides it. The treatment consists of careful, careful handling of the hair and lubricating them with fatty substances that increase the slippiness of the hair.

This is a rare form of the disease in which normal hair changes do not occur. Changing hair does not fall out, and along with new hair remains in the hair follicle. The latter rise above the level of normal skin in the form of blackish horny shields, when removed, bushes or hair bundles are found, the number of which reaches 20-40.

Bun-shaped hair is an extremely rare anomaly that develops on the skin of the nape, back, and abdomen almost exclusively in men.

They are a congenital anomaly. In such a hair at the end there is a thickening, which gradually becomes thinner towards the free end of the hair. Thus, the upper end of the hair resembles a bayonet, which is why such hair got its name.

Bayonet-like hair is rare in humans, and, usually, only single hairs that grow among perfectly normal hair are bayonet-shaped. Bayonet hair grows normally and is an insignificant cosmetic flaw, since their features are almost invisible.

The reason for their development is unknown; it can be assumed that it consists in congenitally weakened hair growth, sometimes due to mechanical blockage of the follicle exit.

Kinks associated with exposure to heat occur in “bubble hair” (the appearance of chains of bubbles inside the hair). Shell defects are not observed. The reason is the effect of elevated temperature, resulting in an increase in the volume of water in the cortical layer. The cause of this damage can be hot drying of the hair when the air temperature reaches 120-1800 C.

This disease is characterized by thinning of the hair. Hair of normal appearance and color, but thinner than normal.

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