Residual FKM Phenomena. What is fibrocystic breast disease? Laboratory blood tests

After 30 years, every woman should conduct an independent breast examination at least once a month, and also regularly visit a mammologist. This will allow early detection of seals and their nature. The diagnosis of "mastopathy" causes fear in women, as it is associated with cancer. However, this benign mass rarely turns into a malignant form. At an early stage it can be cured with medication. In some cases, the lumps are removed by surgery.


What is the disease

Fibrous cystic mastopathy is a violation of the structure of the mammary gland, formed due to the pathological growth of glandular and fibrous tissues and the appearance in them of voids (cysts) filled with liquid. Distinguish between a diffuse form of mastopathy (extensive damage to the tissues of the mammary gland) and nodular (one or more seals that have no clear boundaries).

Seals with a predominance of any one tissue (glandular, connective) may form. Sometimes there are neoplasms of a cystic nature (with a predominance of voids). Mixed mastopathy is common.

The disease can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  1. Swelling of the mammary gland, the occurrence of pain. It is easy to confuse this condition with premenstrual gland tension, when pain also appears, which subsequently goes away.
  2. Change in shape, asymmetrical position of the nipples.
  3. The appearance of seals with fuzzy borders, not adhered to the skin, which distinguishes them from cancerous tumors.

Causes of the disease

The causes of mastopathy are hormonal disorders associated with diseases of the ovaries, thyroid gland, adrenal glands and pituitary gland. Here hormones are produced that are responsible for the functionality of the reproductive system and the condition of the mammary glands (estrogen, progesterone, prolactin). The disease occurs when the level of progesterone abnormally decreases due to an increase in the level of estrogen or prolactin. Most often, the disease occurs in women of reproductive age (30-50 years). At the same time, an abnormal violation of the composition of hormones cannot always be noticed against the background of natural age changes... Therefore, special attention must be paid to the appearance of any unusual symptoms, especially if lumps are found.

It should be noted: Women who are overweight are at risk. Obesity not only indicates hormonal imbalance, but also makes it difficult to detect seals by palpation.

For the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy, it is necessary to eliminate the causes that caused the occurrence of hormonal disruption. The most common ones are:

  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • liver disease;
  • diabetes.

The causes of hormonal disorders can be an interrupted pregnancy, refusal to breastfeed. The factor of heredity matters, as well as the influence environmental issues and stressful situations.

Video: Causes, treatment and prevention of fibrocystic mastopathy

Diagnosis of FC mastopathy

In order to choose a way to get rid of fibrocystic mastopathy, an examination is carried out by the following methods:

  • mammography (X-ray examination of seals);
  • laboratory blood test for hormone levels;
  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the mammary glands;
  • biopsy (sampling of tissue from the seal using a thin needle, followed by a study of its composition);
  • pneumocystography (examination of the fluid filling the cysts).

Important: Most often, early treatment can be started by a careful examination of the mammary glands, carried out independently. You need to know how to carry it out correctly in order to detect individual seals, an increase in axillary lymph nodes.

Treatment of FC mastopathy

There are 2 methods of treating fibrocystic breast disease:

  1. Conservative. It is carried out with the help of hormonal drugs, general medications, diet.
  2. Surgical removal diseased tissue.

Conservative treatment means normalizing the hormonal ratio and reducing the size of the seals. Depending on the cause of the disease, the patient is referred for examination to a gynecologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist or other specialist.

Restoring hormonal balance

It consists primarily in eliminating the disease that caused the hormonal disruption. Stabilization of the state of the endocrine glands, gastrointestinal tract helps prevent the appearance of new formations, reduce the size of existing ones, reduce or remove pain.

Treatment with hormonal drugs is prescribed individually, under the supervision of a physician. Medicines are taken as tablets, injections, or gels applied to the breast. Women under the age of 35 may be prescribed hormonal contraceptives.

It should be emphasized: Treatment is carried out strictly according to the doctor's prescription, since uncontrolled intake of hormonal drugs can cause disturbances menstrual cycle, obesity and other complications.

Video: What you need to eat with fibrocystic mastopathy

Drug treatment

The following drugs are used:

  1. Pain relievers non-steroidal drugs anti-inflammatory action (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac). Pain relief helps to restore sleep.
  2. Vitamin complexes to strengthen the immune system.
  3. Homeopathic remedies are also taken to strengthen the body's defenses (Mastopol, Mastodinon).
  4. Antidepressants and sleeping pills. They are prescribed for depression, irritability, insomnia (signs associated with fibrocystic mastopathy).
  5. Diuretics. They are taken to eliminate edema of breast tissue that occurs with mastopathy. Under the influence of these funds, the outflow of blood through the veins improves, and its circulation in the tissues of the mammary gland improves. Increased excretion of urine leads to a decrease in the content of potassium and magnesium in the blood. Without these elements, normal work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems is impossible. Therefore, diuretics are usually taken simultaneously with drugs containing these elements.
  6. Iodine preparations. It is especially important to use them in the initial stage of treatment. They improve the functioning of the thyroid gland. The hormones that are produced in it are necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system, the regulation of the menstrual cycle.

The role of dietary nutrition in FC mastopathy

The therapeutic diet includes fortified food with a low content of carbohydrates and fats. It is necessary to establish the work of the digestive system. It is recommended to eat seafood (seaweed, fish, shellfish, caviar) containing iodine. High content this trace element differ walnuts, mushrooms.

You can use recipes traditional medicine for the preparation of decoctions to improve sleep, pain relief, as well as those with a diuretic effect, containing iodine and other useful elements.

The use of thermal procedures, including physiotherapy, in the treatment of FC mastopathy is not recommended, since they can intensify inflammatory processes.

Video: The value of diet for mastopathy

Surgical treatment of FC mastopathy

Fibrocystic mastopathy, the treatment of which by conservative methods does not bring results, is eliminated by surgery. Surgical removal of the affected tissue is prescribed in the following cases:

  • there is a rapid growth of the neoplasm;
  • drug treatment is impossible due to the presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • with the help of a biopsy, malignant transformation is detected;
  • there is genetic predisposition to breast cancer.

During the operation, a separate sector of the mammary gland is removed, in which cysts and lumps are found (sectoral resection). The operation takes 40 minutes under general anesthesia.

After the operation, antibiotics and vitamins are prescribed. As needed, anesthesia is carried out, taking sedatives. Can be applied hormonal treatment to prevent relapse. In this case, the woman needs to treat the underlying disease that caused the imbalance of hormones with the help of appropriate drugs prescribed by a specialist.

What are the causes of fibrocystic mastopathy, what is it? This disease is characterized by a benign course. Fibrocystic mastopathy is accompanied by the appearance of seals and cysts in the chest, which can be of different shapes and sizes. Most often, this form of the disease is diagnosed in women of reproductive age (30-45 years).

The risk group includes those who suffer from various gynecological problems. Fibrocystic breast disease is very easy to cure on early stages... Therefore, a timely visit to a doctor will prevent many consequences for a woman's life.

The mechanism of development of pathology

The mechanism of development of fibrocystic mastopathy is the presence of hormonal imbalance in the woman's body. Most often, this pathology occurs with insufficient production of progesterone.

Also, fibrocystic mastopathy appears in the presence of concomitant problems with the ovaries, which leads to estrogen hyperfunction. This hormone causes increased cell division in the mammary glands, which should be inhibited in the second phase of the menstrual cycle when a sufficient amount of progesterone is produced.

Also, a negative effect on the condition of the mammary glands produces an excessive production of prolactin. This hormone is responsible for lactation and normally begins to be released during pregnancy. If the level of prolactin has increased for other reasons, then it is quite possible to develop fibrocystic mastopathy.

Causes of the disease

Changes in hormonal levels that lead to fibrocystic mastopathy occur in the presence of certain negative factors. To provoke this disease, it is necessary that they act on the woman's body for a long period of time.

Also, fibrocystic mastopathy often appears with the simultaneous negative influence of several factors. These include:

  • earlier puberty, which leads to rapid hormonal changes and subsequently to mastopathy;
  • late menopause. Long-term hormonal effects on the mammary glands can provoke fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • absence of pregnancy and childbirth up to 30 years;
  • refusal or premature termination;
  • hereditary predisposition to mastopathy;
  • prolonged stay in a stressful or depressive state;

  • the presence of addictions - smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • injury to the mammary glands;
  • the presence of hormone-dependent gynecological diseases - fibroids, endometriosis, and others;
  • pathology of the liver, thyroid gland, adrenal glands;
  • obesity. Subcutaneous adipose tissue is involved in the synthesis of estrogen, which leads to an increase in its level;
  • the presence of tumors in the hypothalamic-pituitary region;
  • lack of regular sex life, sexual dissatisfaction.

Symptoms of mastopathy

Fibrocystic mastopathy - what is it and how is it manifested? This pathology can be determined on the basis of the main symptoms that accompany it. With mastopathy (fibrocystic mastopathy), the following negative manifestations are observed:

  • painful sensations. At first, fibrocystic mastopathy is manifested by minor discomfort, which intensifies on the eve of the next menstruation. In the future, the woman observes severe pain. It can be dull, aching, or even sharp. so large that it is almost impossible to touch the chest;
  • the appearance of discharge from the nipple. The presence of this symptom with mastopathy is optional. If the discharge is present, it can be transparent, white, greenish (indicates the addition of a secondary infection). The appearance of blood in their composition indicates a malignant course of the disease. Discharge can appear when you press on the nipple or flow out on its own;
  • during palpation, a variety of formations are found, which can have a different size and character. Usually these lumps are quite painful.

With symptoms, treatment, prevention of this pathology is determined based on its characteristics of the course. There are two main forms of the disease - diffuse and nodular. In the latter case, the formations characteristic of fibrocystic mastopathy are localized in one area of \u200b\u200bthe breast. They appear in the form of dense nodes without obvious boundaries, the size of which can reach 6-7 cm. When a cyst is formed, a rounded formation is found. It is elastic, has clear boundaries and is not connected to the surrounding tissues.

With development diffuse form diseases painful seals are located throughout the chest. In this case, fibrocystic mastopathy is divided into several types:

  • adenosis. It is characterized by a predominant predominance of glandular tissue. In this case, there is an increase in the density of the mammary glands in combination with pain syndrome;
  • fibrous form. It is characterized by the appearance of seals, which lead to a significant narrowing of the ducts;
  • cystic form. It is characterized by a predominance of cysts;
  • mixed form. It is characterized by the appearance of various pathological formations in almost equal proportions.

Diagnosis of mastopathy - initial examination

Fibrocystic breast disease is diagnosed using an integrated approach. First of all, the mammologist examines the patient's medical history, conducts an examination. It consists in palpation of the mammary glands, which allows you to determine the presence of nodes, dense inclusions, which can be found in a single amount or in multiple.

Feeling of the chest is performed in two positions - standing and lying. This examination is used to diagnose mastopathy only in the first phase of the cycle. At other times, palpation is impractical, since the result will be distorted.

Also, the doctor carefully examines the breast. He determines their symmetry, the presence or absence of edema, the position of the nipples. Part initial examination women without fail includes probing regional lymph nodes... Those located under the armpits, near the collarbones, are of diagnostic value. The presence of any seals is taken into account. Also, when examining a woman, the doctor squeezes the nipples. This allows you to determine the presence of secretions, their nature and volume.

Instrumental and laboratory methods for the diagnosis of mastopathy

If FCM is suspected, the doctor prescribes additional tests and diagnostic procedures, which makes it possible to more accurately establish the nature of negative changes in the mammary glands. These include:

  • mammography. Is to conduct x-ray examination mammary glands. This diagnostic procedure is performed for women over 35 years old. In more early age mammography is indicated when there is a high risk of breast cancer. Using this research method, it is possible to identify the smallest formations in the mammary glands with mastopathy, which are not detected during palpation;
  • Breast ultrasound. With fibrocystic mastopathy, treatment can be prescribed only after passing this diagnostic procedure. it effective method research, which is most often used for young women, during pregnancy or lactation. Sometimes an ultrasound scan for mastopathy can be uninformative, especially if this procedure is carried out by a doctor with low qualifications;
  • puncture with biopsy. If, as a result of an examination or other diagnostic procedure, a suspicious area was identified, a histological examination of its tissues is performed. For this, a puncture is done;
  • blood test for hormones. First of all, the level of estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, if necessary, is determined. In some cases, a study is performed on the hormones of the thyroid and adrenal glands;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. This diagnostic procedure allows you to identify problems of a gynecological nature, which are often transmitted by fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • biochemical and general analysis blood. This study it is necessary to identify other pathologies.

Conservative treatment with non-hormonal drugs for mastopathy

How to treat fibrocystic breast disease to get rid of this problem forever? In the early stages of the disease, doctors recommend resorting to non-hormonal therapy, which is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the whole body.

Also, this technique is used in more severe cases of the course of mastopathy in combination with other methods of treatment. Not hormone therapy is based on the use of the following medications:

  • vitamin and mineral complexes. Drugs from this group have a positive effect on the functioning of the whole organism, which directly affects the condition of the mammary glands and relieves of mastopathy. Most often, the intake of vitamins A, E, P, PP, C, B6 is prescribed;
  • iodine preparations. Have a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, which plays a major role in the production of many hormones that directly affect the state of the mammary glands;
  • sedatives. Used if a sick woman is prone to excessive emotional distress, anxiety, or has more serious psycho-emotional problems;
  • phytopreparations. It is prescribed to eliminate hormonal imbalance in a woman's body. Phytopreparations are softer than their synthetic counterparts, but to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to undergo a long course of treatment;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (non-steroidal). They are used to eliminate pain syndrome, edema, which cause a lot of suffering in fibrocystic breast disease;
  • diuretics. Used only in some cases to eliminate large swelling in the mammary glands.

Hormone therapy for mastopathy

How to cure fibrocystic breast disease in the presence of serious pathological changes? In many cases, hormone therapy will be effective in correcting the hormone imbalance that leads to this disease. Women with mastopathy are most often prescribed:

  • gestagens. It is prescribed for the second phase of the cycle to normalize the level of estrogen and progesterone. Treatment with gestagens should be at least 4 months. Also, drugs from this group can be used in the form of gels topically, which minimizes the possibility of any side effects;
  • inhibitors of prolactin production. Are prescribed to reduce the level of this hormone, which is determined on the basis of a blood test;
  • androgens. Data treatment is indicated for women at a more mature age (after 45 years). Androgens are prescribed for a long period - 4-6 months;
  • antiestrogens. These drugs inhibit the production of estrogen, which leads to an improvement in the condition of a woman in the presence of mastopathy;
  • ... Appointed for women under 35 years of age. They help to normalize the cycle, which has a positive effect on the condition of the mammary glands.

Surgical treatment for mastopathy

Surgical treatment of mastopathy occurs if, as a result of examination, large formations (fibroadenomas, cysts) are detected in the breast, the size of which exceeds 1.5 cm. The operation is necessary if there is a high risk of developing malignant processes. Also surgical intervention indicated in case of relapse of the disease or when the size of the formations increases rapidly. The operation to remove them is performed in several ways:

  • enucleation. It is used if you need to remove a small formation. For this, a small incision is made on the chest, and the tumor is removed by exfoliation;
  • sectoral resection. It is carried out with the development of malignant processes or in other severe cases. In this case, not only the formation is removed, but also a small part of the surrounding tissues;
  • laser ablation. When it is carried out, the modified tissues are burned out, while healthy cells are minimally injured.

How to treat mastopathy? In many cases they help. The following recipes are considered the most popular and effective:

  • cabbage with honey. A fresh leaf is washed under running water and wiped off. It is smeared with honey and applied to the breast. The cabbage is fixed with a cloth or bandage and left for 6-12 hours. The procedure is repeated every day;
  • herbal collection. To normalize the hormonal background, you need to take nettle, sage, wormwood and plantain (1: 1: 2: 2). A small amount of this mixture must be poured with 220 ml of boiling water and left for an hour. It is recommended to drink the resulting liquid during the day, dividing it into several receptions;
  • burdock ointment. With this tool, you need to lubricate the chest daily. To prepare the ointment, take 150 ml of sunflower oil, to which add 50 g of crushed burdock leaves (dried).

Fibrocystic breast disease (FCM) is the most common breast disease. According to statistics from the World Health Organization, almost every second woman of childbearing age is familiar with this pathology firsthand.

According to the pathogenesis, mastopathy is a benign hormonal disease. The main reason for its development is hormonal imbalance. In particular, a lack of progesterone in the body and hyperestrogenism - an excess of normal estrogen values \u200b\u200b- leads to fibrocystic mastopathy. In addition, prolactin also has an indirect effect on the development of this pathology. It affects the development and functioning of the mammary glands, and the increased secretion of prolactin disrupts these processes.

Hormonal imbalance, provoked by disruptions in the production of the above hormones, is the cause of the proliferation of the connective and covering tissues of the ducts and alveoli, which leads to the formation of pathological relationships between the epithelium and connective tissue. Against this background, a woman has increased secretion and pain in the mammary glands, which are the first symptoms of fibrocystic mastopathy.

Clinical classification: nodular and diffuse cystic mastopathy

Modern medicine distinguishes between two main forms of FCM:

  • diffuse,
  • nodal.

Diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy form is characterized by the formation in the mammary glands of small millet-shaped nodules, which, depending on the timeliness of diagnosis and therapy, either dissolve or grow larger. According to the predominance of a certain component in these nodules, diffuse mastopathy is divided into four subspecies:

  • cystic,
  • fibrous,
  • glandular (this type of tissue is also called parenchyma),
  • mixed.

With the enlargement of neoplasms up to the size of one and a half to two centimeters in diameter, fibrocystic mastopathy becomes a nodular form.
In addition, FCM is divided into three degrees of complexity of the course: mild, moderate and pronounced, as well as unilateral and bilateral, depending on the localization of neoplasms in one or two mammary glands.

Prerequisites for the development of fibrocystic mastopathy

Factors for the development of FCM of the mammary gland are divided into two groups:

  • primary,
  • secondary.

The first group includes a large number of births, the use of hormonal contraceptives long time, abortion, the absence of children over the age of 30, problems with the menstrual cycle, a woman's refusal to breastfeed her child, the presence of abnormalities in the structure of the genitals.
Secondary reasons for the development of fibrocystic mastopathy are as follows:

  • heredity - the presence of FCM in relatives of the first and second order;
  • pathologies of organs, the functioning of which affects the production of hormones (thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland);
  • lifestyle. Improper nutrition, lack of vitamins in the diet, problems with excess weight are factors that increase the risk of mastopathy;
  • bad habits: smoking, alcohol abuse.

Symptoms of fibrocystic mastopathy

At the initial stage of development, FCM practically does not show symptoms that can be determined without special diagnostics. Therefore, for all women, a regular medical examination is critical, which makes it possible to identify this pathology at an early stage.
With further development, fibrocystic mastopathy begins to make itself felt with the following signs:

  • seals in the mammary gland, which are palpable on palpation and are characterized by pain;
  • coarsening and swelling of the mammary glands during the premenstrual period;
  • increased sensitivity of the nipples;
  • pain in the chest, which can be projected onto the armpit or shoulder;
  • white or brown discharge from the nipples.

Any of these symptoms is a clear sign that a thorough medical investigation is needed. In particular, diagnostics are needed for discharge from the mammary glands. They are extremely dangerous signal development of mastopathy, which threatens the development of malignant neoplasms.

Diagnosis of fibrocystic mastopathy

Doctors unanimously say that every woman should regularly conduct a visual examination of a dairy woman for the appearance of seals indicating the development of FCM. This practice has already become the norm in the West, but it has not yet taken root in our country.

You need to conduct a visual inspection according to the following algorithm:

  • 1. Standing with a naked torso in front of a mirror, lower your arms down freely. Evaluate the symmetrical glands, the equality of the levels of their placement, the correctness of the contours, shape and size. It is worth remembering these visual indicators in order to compare them at the next examination.
  • 2. Tilt your torso to the sides and evaluate the evenness of the movement of the breasts. At the same stage, it is possible to detect the formation of sinks and elevations, as well as the presence of secretions during movement.
  • 3. In the same position, assess the condition of the skin. Its color should be natural and uniform, there should be no rash, wrinkling and micro-ulceration.
  • 4. Palpate the mammary glands in the supine and standing positions. To do this, it is convenient to conditionally divide the examined area into squares, which must be probed one by one. Your attention should be drawn to any seals, roughness and other unnatural formations.
  • 5. Carefully examine the nipples and the area around them. Any changes in the shape, color, condition of the skin are a signal of the need for clinical diagnosis.

You need to carry out such a home examination once a month on the same day of the menstrual cycle. This will avoid differences associated with the natural changes in a woman's breasts at different times.
At the same time, the regularity of the inspection will allow you to subtly feel any changes and make it possible to detect problems on initial stages their development.

Clinical diagnosis of mastopathy includes a number of examinations and advice from three specialists: a gynecologist, mammologist and endocrinologist. First of all, a woman with suspicion of fibrocystic mastopathy recovers for an ultrasound examination and magnetic resonance imaging of the mammary glands. These techniques are the most informative and can detect neoplasms even at the initial stages of development.

When confirming the alleged diagnosis using ultrasound and MRI, mammography, ductography and biopsy are prescribed for a more detailed examination. They make it possible to establish the localization of neoplasms and determine the presence of precancerous tumors.

Five of these procedures are absolutely enough for a high-quality diagnosis. And according to their results, doctors can accurately diagnose pathology and build the correct treatment tactics. The only exception is nodular mastopathy, which requires puncture of the formed nodules. It is performed in order to exclude or confirm the presence of cancerous growths.

Drug treatment of fibrocystic breast disease

Therapy for mild and moderate mastopathy is built in three directions:

  • non-hormonal preparations for internal use,
  • creams for external use,
  • a complex of phyto- and vitamin preparations.

The most commonly used medicines for internal use are:

Among the means for external use for mastopathy, the most popular are:

Vitamin therapy for fibrocystic mastopathy is to increase the intake of vitamins A and E, as well as iodine. They have a positive effect on the activity of hormonal metabolism, restoring normal hormonal levels.

In the absence of the desired effect when using these groups of drugs, as well as with the development pronounced form fibrocystic mastopathy, hormonal therapy is prescribed. It is built exclusively by a specialist and depending on the individual characteristics of the pathology and the woman's body.

Mostly for these purposes, oral contraceptives are used, belonging to the group of progestogens, as well as tableted progestogen. The course of treatment with these drugs is quite long - up to six months, but the proper effect of the treatment is observed in the vast majority of cases.

Traditional methods of treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy

In folk medicine, there are many recipes for the treatment of mastopathy. They are used, in most cases, not as self-therapy, but as an auxiliary element of drug treatment. Most folk recipes fight against FCM are elements of herbal medicine. Let's take a look at some of them:

  • 1. 100 grams of dill seeds are boiled in half a liter of milk. The resulting broth is infused for two hours in a warm place, after which it is divided into three parts, which must be taken throughout the day 30 minutes before meals. The treatment cycle is three weeks and is considered effective for cystic breast disease.
  • 2. The following phyto-collection is useful for FCM: dried nettles and sage in one part, and wormwood with plantain in two parts are mixed, after which a pinch of the mixture is steamed with a glass of boiling water and settled for an hour. Straining the infusion, drink it in three doses throughout the day.
  • 3. At night, a cabbage leaf with cut veins is applied to the chest. Cabbage promotes the resorption of neoplasms. This method should be used for two weeks, after which a weekly break is required.
  • 4. To lubricate the mammary glands, it is useful to use dry burdock leaves drenched in refined sunflower oil. This ointment is made in a 1: 3 ratio.

Most of the components used in traditional medicine recipes are also present in medicines prescribed for mastopathy. Their combination allows you to achieve a greater effect, shortening the treatment time and reducing the amount of drug therapy.
At the same time, the use of even the most banal folk recipes requires consultation with a doctor in order to avoid overdose, allergic reactions and side effects.

Prevention of FCM

The basic principles of prevention of fibrocystic mastopathy can be derived from the prerequisites for the development of this pathology.
Two main principles of reducing the risk of mastopathy: breast-feeding child and constant self-examination of their own mammary glands. Moreover, effective preventive measures are:

  • no abortion,
  • healthy lifestyle,
  • absence of traumatic lesions of the mammary glands,
  • stable stressful environment.

Of course, these steps will not allow these steps to completely eliminate the likelihood of developing fibrocystic mastopathy, but the risk of this disease will be much less.


The main danger of breast FCM is that women with this pathology are five times more likely to develop breast cancer. Moreover, such a statement appeared relatively recently, but has already received the necessary clinical confirmation.

Some two decades ago, it was believed that fibrocystic mastopathy does not pose a threat to a woman's life and is only dangerous in terms of symptomatic manifestations and deterioration in the quality of life. Now it is believed that early and correct diagnosis of FCM is extremely necessary, since this pathology is classified as precancerous.

In addition to breast cancer, hormonal imbalance in the female body that occurs with mastopathy is a prerequisite for the development of cancerous lesions of the cervix and ovaries. And in this aspect, the importance of timely detection and treatment of mastopathy is seriously increasing.

At the same time, not everything is so scary. Regular self-examinations, coupled with preventive examinations by specialists, make it possible to identify neoplasms with mastopathy even at the initial stages, where their elimination does not require complex treatment, and the therapy demonstrates almost 100% effectiveness. That is why information stands on methods of self-examination of the mammary glands can be found in almost every antenatal clinic, and doctors everywhere urge women not to be afraid of regular clinical examinations. After all, these two factors are the key to avoiding the development of mastopathy into much more complex pathologies.

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Fibrocystic mastopathy (FCM) is a pathological condition of the mammary glands, accompanied by the appearance of seals and cysts of various sizes and shapes. This is a fairly common disease among women of reproductive age; at least half of the female population suffers from it. The disease responds well to treatment in the early stages: it is better to go through all the therapeutic procedures in advance, without waiting for the development of adverse consequences.

ICD-10 code

N60.1 Diffuse cystic breast disease

Causes of fibrocystic mastopathy

The main reason for the development of fibrocystic mastopathy is hormonal destabilization in the body: the hormones progesterone and estradiol play a dominant role in the process. The factors that determine the imbalance of hormones can be the following:

  • early puberty. The rapid renewal of the hormonal background does not allow the body to quickly adapt to changes, which is reflected in the tissue structure of the mammary glands;
  • late menopause. The decisive role is played by the long-term effect of hormones on the tissue of the gland;
  • no history of pregnancy;
  • frequent forced termination of pregnancies (more than twice) provokes a sharp rise and fall in hormonal activity;
  • absence or extremely short lactation period;
  • persistent or repetitive stress;
  • age period from 40 years;
  • metabolic disorders - obesity, diabetes mellitus, endemic goiter;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • disorders endocrine system: hypo- or hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary sphere, disorders reproductive function;
  • uncontrolled intake of hormonal drugs, including contraceptives.

Symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease

Initially, the fibrocystic form of mastopathy was not defined as a condition predisposing to oncology. breast... However, recent scientific studies have shown that mastopathy should be considered precisely as a precancerous condition, which, under certain circumstances, can transform into a malignant tumor.

The likelihood of the formation of breast cancer, as a consequence of FCM, depends on many factors, for example, on the total duration of the disease, its stage, intensity and brightness of manifestations. A history of multiple and large cysts, fibroadenoma, adenosis, hyperplasia and proliferative mastopathy increases the risk of cancer by 2-4 times.

Although fibrocystic breast disease is considered a benign disease, in some cases it is an intermediate process in the formation of a malignant tumor. That is why clinical examination of patients with treated FCM and long-term monitoring of their condition is an important link in the prevention of breast cancer.

The clinical symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease are determined by painful sensations, breast lumps and the appearance of discharge from the milk canals. On palpation, one can feel fine and coarse-grained formations, dense areas of breast tissue. Soreness with this disease can appear spontaneously, or it can arise only when trying to touch: a feeling of slight discomfort can be replaced by a sharp severe pain even a small touch.

Pain in the mammary gland may be accompanied by a feeling of burden, puffiness, squeezing, sometimes radiating to the shoulder joint or to the axillary area.

Often, patients note the appearance of secretion from the milk canals: the secreted fluid resembles colostrum, or it may be slightly yellow or greenish.

The initial symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease may be more pronounced with the onset of menstruation or PMS. With the progression of the disease, the symptomatology becomes brighter, the soreness is more noticeable, and tissue compaction can be determined already regardless of the frequency of the cycle.

Pain with fibrocystic mastopathy

The presence of pain in fibrocystic mastopathy is a fairly common, but very individual symptom. Dull, aching, shooting, twitching, it can have a different intensity and be accompanied by a feeling of pressure in the mammary glands.

Soreness often increases before the onset of menstruation (at the same time the level of hormones increases), can be limited to local manifestation or radiate to the shoulder joint, subscapularis and axillary region.

Not all women feel pain with mastopathy: about 10% of patients usually do not observe signs of pain discomfort, and some feel pain only during the period critical days... Wherein general symptoms their diseases can be absolutely the same. The reason for this phenomenon may be the difference in pressure on the nerve endings and differences in the individual threshold of pain.

Also, soreness can be observed not only in the mammary glands, but also in nearby lymph nodesthat can be slightly enlarged and tense.

Discharge with fibrocystic mastopathy

Discharge with fibrocystic mastopathy may not be observed in all cases of the disease. This phenomenon is individual: there may be no liquid discharge at all, sometimes it can be very abundant (often this symptom allows you to independently detect the disease), or it can occur only with slight squeezing of the areola region. The discharge usually does not have a specific odor; their color varies from transparent, light, whitish to yellowish and greenish. Sometimes their appearance resembles colostrum (secretion of the mammary glands, separated in the last days of pregnancy and in the first days after childbirth).

In some cases, the discharge may acquire a brownish or bloody tint: this is a rather formidable symptom that requires a mandatory medical examination. Bloody discharge from the milk canals can be a sign of a malignant process in the mammary glands, destruction of the capillary blood supply system and damage to the walls of the ducts.

In principle, any detected nipple discharge requires specialist advice, and this is especially true for bleeding discharge.

Pregnancy and fibrocystic breast disease

Pregnancy with fibrocystic mastopathy is not only possible, but also desirable. Everyone knows that during the period of bearing a child, a significant restructuring of the hormonal status in a woman's body occurs. This can serve as an impetus for the further stabilization of hormone levels and the cessation of the development of the disease. For this reason, many gynecologists strongly recommend that women become pregnant, boldly bear and breastfeed their baby in the future.

By the way, the natural lactation period often becomes the main one. drug fight the disease. You should not interrupt breastfeeding in advance: the period of breastfeeding often brings women relief and even full recovery with the resorption of cystic formations and nodes.

If a woman was treated for FCM with hormonal drugs and became pregnant in the same cycle, the treatment of the disease should be stopped immediately, since the use of hormones during pregnancy requires great care. In this situation, consult your doctor, perhaps he will prescribe you other, non-hormonal drugs approved for use during pregnancy.


The question of breastfeeding a child with fibrocystic mastopathy should be decided by a doctor-mammologist, since the degree of progression and severity of the disease is individual for all women.

The bottom line is that breastfeeding promotes certain physiological processes in a woman's body: in particular, the growth and reproduction of epithelial cells of the mammary glands is activated, which tend to synthesize their own antibodies that can affect various neoplasms, including cysts and fibromatous nodes.

Long-term breastfeeding should be carried out with constant monitoring of the state of the mammary glands, with periodic examination by a doctor and measures to prevent lactostasis. Taking medications during the lactation period must be agreed with the doctor.

Fibrocystic breast disease and cancer

According to recent scientific research, fibrocystic breast disease should be considered as a possible precancerous condition. This concept is morphological in nature; it can include intraductal atypical growth of the epithelium and manifestations of carcinoma.

If the following signs and symptoms are found on the mammary glands, you should immediately seek the advice of a specialist:

  • nodular consolidation in tissues or on skin glands, especially nodes soldered to tissues and to each other;
  • the appearance of ulcerative lesions on the skin, in the areola, or crusts on or around the nipple;
  • localized or widespread swelling of the breast tissue;
  • bloody, brown, or black discharge from the milk channels;
  • the appearance of areas of redness on the skin;
  • changes in the shape of the breast, the appearance of tuberosity, violation of the contours of the glands or the areola;
  • the appearance of asymmetry in the location of the mammary glands;
  • the inability to displace the gland.


ICD-10 is a generally accepted international classification diseases, among which there are all types of mastopathy. This is the main informative documentation used by healthcare professionals around the world. The standardization and unification of diseases is entitled to revision only once every decade.

This classification is designed to create the most comfortable conditions for determining analytical data from world statistics on the level of cases of diseases and deaths, which are periodically recorded and sent different regions and the countries of the world. Diagnostic indicators are described as an alphanumeric code, which is extremely convenient in the process of storing and retrieving the necessary information. Data collected from all over the world is carefully structured and processed.

Diseases and pathological conditions of the mammary gland in the ICD 10 list are in the subsection of diseases of the genitourinary system under the numbering N60-N64.

Diffuse fibrocystic breast disease

Diffuse lesions of the mammary gland are characterized by excessive growth of areas of connective tissue of various shapes. This condition can disrupt the structure of the canals and lobular structure of the glandular organ, contribute to the appearance of small cystic formations.

The diverse etiology of diffuse mastopathy can be associated with a genetic predisposition, ecology, as well as multiple external factors... The defining reasons are the disorder of neurohumoral processes, an increase in estrogen synthesis and a deficiency of progesterone.

Depending on the structure and nature of tissue damage, the following types of diffuse mastopathy are distinguished:

  • pathology with the dominance of the glandular component (adenosis);
  • pathology with the dominance of the fibrous component (fibroadenomatosis);
  • pathology with the dominance of the cystic component (cystosis);
  • mixed flow FKM;
  • a sclerosing type of adenosis.

The intensity of the detected disorders makes it possible to divide diffuse mastopathy into an insignificant, moderate and pronounced form.

Nodular fibrocystic mastopathy

The term "focal fibrocystic mastopathy" is often also used for nodular FCM. Nodular mastopathy can be characterized by the proliferation of connective tissue areas and the formation of cystic formations that resemble single or multiple nodes.

With this disease in the mammary gland, one or a group of nodules with clear, limited contours can be palpated. Before the onset of menstruation, nodular formations may swell, increase, and acquire some soreness. At the end of menstruation, you can easily palpate slightly painful nodules of various shapes, densely elastic consistency, having clear boundaries that are not soldered to the surrounding tissues. It is noteworthy that in the horizontal position, the nodules are very weakly felt, or even absent altogether.

Peripheral nodes are usually not enlarged.

The pain may be insignificant or absent altogether, and the presence of nodules in a woman is often discovered completely by chance: thus, the manifestations of the disease can be very individual.

Nodular mastopathy is quite often the result of a diffuse disease.

Non-proliferative fibrocystic breast disease

The medical term non-proliferative fibrocystic mastopathy denotes a disease of the mammary glands that does not have the characteristic signs of proliferation, namely, tissue proliferation of the glandular organ with the formation of a neoplasm and intensive division and multiplication of cells. With this pathology, there is no increase in the number of structural elements of the tissue and organ as a whole, there is no excessive proliferation of tissues, as in many other pathological conditions. There may be significant or localized tissue edema that cannot be termed new structure formation.

Proliferation is the process of cell reproduction, which in most cases turns out to be the final stage of any inflammation, in which a clear separation of the pathological focus from healthy nearby tissues can be observed.

The non-proliferative form of FCM is characterized by a more favorable course and prognosis, however, it requires no less careful medical supervision and treatment.

Mixed fibrocystic breast disease

With a mixed form of fibrocystic mastopathy, characteristic symptoms all forms of the disease:

  • signs of diffuse FCM with a predominant cystic component, when small cavity formations (capsules, or cysts) with fluid are formed in the mammary gland;
  • signs of fibrous mastopathy with a predominant fibrous component, in which there is an overgrowth of connective tissue areas in the gland;
  • manifestations of adenosis of the mammary glands (overgrowth with a predominant glandular component) - excessive growth of glandular tissues, which is characterized by a significant increase in breast size;
  • cystic formations, or nodes, affect the mammary gland both in the form of single manifestations and total multiple tumors that are perfectly palpable in upright position;
  • the simultaneous development of fibroadenoma is possible - a rounded, mobile and dense formation of a benign nature in the mammary gland.

This form of the disease is a somewhat advanced version of the course of the disease, it is more difficult to treat and requires long-term therapeutic effects.

Bilateral fibrocystic breast disease

The name of this form of FCM speaks for itself - manifestations of fibrocystic disease in such a pathology are present on two mammary glands at the same time. Changes are expressed in hyperplasia of connective tissue, fibrous, glandular elements in both mammary glands, affecting the organs themselves and their milk canals, which contributes to the disruption of trophic processes and the formation of cystic formations.

Such a bilateral lesion of the mammary glands approximately doubles the risk of malignant tumor, although the FCM itself does not pose a life threat.

Bilateral fibrocystic mastopathy is a consequence of persistent, long-term and serious hormonal imbalance in the body, so its treatment should be aimed primarily at restoring the normal natural level of hormones, identifying the cause of the imbalance (pathology of the ovaries, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary system, etc. .).

Fibrocystic breast disease during menopause

Violation of the regularity of the appearance of menstruation and their complete disappearance for a fifty-year-old female age is considered a normal physiological state, moreover, it determines the positive dynamics of the current pathological processes of the reproductive system of the body, up to complete recovery.

The risk of acquiring additional or exacerbating an existing breast disease may increase when menopause occurs too early (before age 45) or too late (after age 55).

With the first symptoms of menopause, there is a significant change in hormonal balance. During this time, the breasts can cause soreness and feelings of tension and pressure.

Usually signs of fibrocystic mastopathy in this period weaken. Cystic formations, cords and knots in the mammary glands can significantly decrease or disappear altogether, pain and heaviness in the chest gradually fade away.

Simultaneously with a decrease in the function of the ovaries, the glandular tissue in the mammary glands gradually atrophies, it is replaced by connective tissue and lipid areas.

Fibrocystic breast disease and IVF

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the so-called "in vitro conception", sometimes the only way for childless couples to have their own child. Before preparing for artificial insemination, many doctors should go through to determine possible contraindications to the procedure. Often women are very worried about having different forms FKM: what will the doctor say, and is mastopathy a contraindication to IVF?

Honestly, their experiences are not groundless: during artificial insemination, the method of hormonal stimulation is used, and this can significantly complicate the course of the disease and provoke a rapid increase in cystic formations.

However, many doctors understand the importance of this procedure for a woman. It also takes into account the fact that FCM phenomena tend to regress during the period of breastfeeding. Therefore, reproductive medicine and mammology often give permission to carry out in vitro fertilization procedures even in the presence of fibrocystic mastopathy.

Complications and consequences

The most common consequences of FCM include the following conditions:

  • an increase in the size of a cystic formation with a visual change in the mammary gland;
  • the development of a background inflammatory process with subsequent infection and suppuration of the cystic formation;
  • degeneration of a cystic formation into a malignant one;
  • rupture, violation of the integrity of the cyst.

Fibrocystic mastopathy cannot pose any immediate danger to the patient's life and does not cause significant discomfort and inability to live full life (in the absence of advanced stages with huge cystic formations).

The severity of the pathological process is aggravated only with the background development of the inflammatory reaction, the ingress of an infectious agent, signs of suppuration of the nodes.

There are also cases of the transformation of a cyst into a cancerous tumor, because it is known that the development of mastopathy significantly increases the risk of the formation of a malignant tumor.

Diagnosis of fibrocystic mastopathy

Cystic FCM can be detected by self-feeling of the mammary glands. To confirm the diagnosis, use the method ultrasound examination and mammography (chest x-ray).

The mammography method is quite informative and determines the size, contours and number of cystic formations.

The ultrasound method provides the opportunity for a detailed examination of the formations with an examination of the cystic wall.

Magnetic resonance imaging is used quite rarely, this method allows a thorough examination of each layer of tissue and formations.

Aspiration biopsy of the breast determines the nature of the cystic formation, a similar result can be demonstrated by pneumocystography.

The histological examination of the material extracted during the biopsy is carried out without fail: this method is necessary to study the cellular structure of the cyst and allows one to refute the malignant nature of the formations, determine the presence of intraductal papilloma, or clarify the presence of inflammatory and purulent processes in the cyst.

Also, the standard diagnosis of mastopathy is impossible without palpation of the mammary glands and collecting anamnesis characteristic of this pathology. Sometimes blood tests may be ordered to determine the degree of hormonal imbalance.


The ultrasound method allows you to measure the thickness of a layer of glandular tissue in each area of \u200b\u200bthe mammary glands from the periphery to the areola, as well as to assess the density of tissues in different areas of organs.

The image obtained with the help of ultrasound changes stably depending on the age of the patient: over the years, the thickness of the glandular tissue layer decreases, and the density index increases, reaching maximum values \u200b\u200bby the age of 55.

The structure of the mammary glands differs significantly in adolescence, reproductive, climactericas well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

With fibroadenomatosis and diffuse mastopathy, the picture can be different depending on the dominance of any sign of the disease: it can be glandular hyperplasia, cystic formations, fibrotic changes or a mixed type of pathology. Very often, the cystic manifestation of FCM is combined with signs of fibrosis of glandular tissues.

The main ultrasound signs of fibrocystic mastopathy are:

  • fibrotic changes (fibrosis of the areas of the milk canals and septa);
  • inconsistency of the structure of the mammary glands with the age period of the patient;
  • lesions of the nipple and the surrounding area;
  • thickening of the glandular tissue layer more than 14 mm;
  • expansion of the ducts of the breast;
  • detection of cystic formations.


Puncture is usually performed using an aspiration method using a fine needle. The cystic capsule is punctured with a needle, which simultaneously aspirates the inner contents of the cyst. The procedure is not only diagnostic, but also therapeutic.

The cystic contents obtained by puncture are usually yellowish-gray in color, however, with prolonged existence of the cyst, the fluid may acquire a brownish-black or greenish color. Cytological examination of the content is rarely carried out due to its low information content.

Puncture to collect cells from a breast tumor is a fairly popular research procedure. The obtained cell samples are sent without fail for histological and cytological examination. Sometimes, if aspiration is negative, a second cell biopsy may be ordered.

Puncture of the mammary gland is a slightly painful, but extremely informative procedure that is extremely necessary in the differential diagnosis of fibrocystic FCM.

Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy

The main measures in the treatment of fibrocystic breast disease should be aimed at stabilizing the normal hormonal background in the female body.

Therapeutic methods of exposure are determined by a specialist based on the results of analyzes of hormones in the blood, in particular, progesterone, estradiol and prolactin. In accordance with the results, drugs are prescribed that can correct the imbalance of hormones.

Treatment of mastopathy may include a puncture method of aspiration of fluid from the cyst with further introduction into the cavity of special drugs that provoke obliteration of the cyst walls (sclerotherapy). This procedure is applicable to ordinary cystic formations without malignancy of the process and symptoms of intraductal tumor.

In difficult situations, characterized by the appearance of multiple cystic formations, excessive tissue proliferation, as well as suspicion of malignant degeneration of cells, the operation of sectoral resection of the breast is used with obligatory histology of samples of removed tissues.

Alternative treatment

Alternative treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy is used for unstable and mild symptoms of the disease; with nodular FCM, there is a slight decrease in formations, however, relapses of pathology foci are not excluded.

Cabbage leaves are also effective in treating mastopathy. Usually, cabbage leaves are applied at night, or a compress is made: the breast is lubricated with unsalted butter, a clean cloth is applied, and a mixture of ground cabbage and sour milk is applied. You can use this compress both day and night, after wrapping the chest with cellophane.

Using a mask from castor oil (100 g), honey (2 tablespoons), lemon juice (from 2 lemons) and ground burdock root (to the consistency of sour cream) will help with different degrees of disease development. All components are mixed and applied to a clean linen napkin. Constant use of the mask allows you to achieve recovery within a month after the start of treatment.

Also popular are herbal remedies and herbal preparations.

Herbal treatment

  • Very effective in female diseases the Altai grass is recognized as upland uterus. It is used for hormonal disorders in the body, to restore metabolism, the function of the endocrine system, has a beneficial effect on the state of the ovaries, bladder, mammary glands. The tincture of this herb is prepared as follows: 50 g of borax is poured into 0.5 liters of high-quality vodka, insisted for 2 weeks in a dark place (not in the refrigerator). Take a teaspoon three times a day before meals, the duration of admission is about six months, with interruption of treatment during menstruation.
  • The red brush herb perfectly cleanses the genitourinary system and stabilizes the endocrine system. Tincture of this herb is used three times a day, half a teaspoon in half a glass of water, taken with meals for a month, taking a break during menstruation.
  • Burdock root can be poured with three glasses of boiling water (for 60 g of leaves), insist for 4 hours, strain and drink a glass three times a day before meals.
  • Yarrow, motherwort and succession - mix 2 tablespoons of raw materials and pour a liter of boiling water. Take 1 glass before meals. An excellent remedy for diffuse mastopathy.
  • Mix equal parts of honey, lemon juice, radish juice, carrot and beetroot juice with an equal share of Cahors wine, take 2 tablespoons of the mixture before eating until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.


The operative method of treatment is used for fibroadenoma or some large cystic formations.

With minor tumors and nodes, sometimes it is enough to use conservative therapy and periodic observation by a specialist.

The following methods are commonly used surgical treatment diseases:

  • sectoral resection (the formation is removed simultaneously with the section of the breast);
  • enucleation of the cystic formation (exfoliation and removal of the cyst itself).

The use of surgical treatment should be reasoned and applied for the following indications:

  • based histological examinationconfirming the suspicion of malignancy of tumor cells;
  • with an intense increase in education (the tumor is observed for three months);
  • with repeated recurrence of nodular FCM after conservative or sclerotherapeutic treatment of the disease.

Surgical intervention is carried out using general or local anesthesia, the duration of the operation is about 40 minutes.

Drug treatment

Medicines that are used in the treatment of mastopathy, first of all, should be aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease, improving the body's immunity, treating ovarian and thyroid pathology.

  • Hormonal agents: progesterone, duphaston, morning, etc.
  • Contraceptives - used to regulate the menstrual cycle.
  • Estrogen inhibitors.

With severe pain, analgesics, diuretics (relieve swelling of the gland before menstruation), homeopathic remedies are used.

Starting from the age of forty, steroid drugs methylandrostenediol, methyltestosterone, testosterone injections can be prescribed.

In case of insufficient function of the corpus luteum in the second phase of the cycle, drugs or progesterone injections are taken.

Iodine preparations may be prescribed for insufficient thyroid function.

The effectiveness of these funds is varied. However, the benefits of treatment are felt as a result of the complex effects of drugs: analgesics, bromocriptine, vitamins, homeopathy, potassium iodide, contraceptives, phytopreparations, tamoxifen, danazol, gestagenic agents, etc.


Mastodinon is a homeopathic remedy that is very popular among women who have problems with the menstrual cycle, breast pathology, and PMS.

The drug is popular primarily for its effectiveness, as well as for the natural origin of the composition of the product: the medicine is based exclusively on herbs.

Mastodinon eliminates various menstrual irregularities, helps with fibrocystic FCM, relieves the accompanying symptoms of PMS.

The drug helps to reduce the synthesis of prolactin by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, which allows it to influence the processes of pathological proliferation of breast tissue.

Reception of Mastodinon is extremely rarely accompanied by side effects due to the presence of exclusively natural ingredients in the preparation.

Mastodinon for fibrocystic mastopathy is used in 30 drops or one tablet twice a day. Can be diluted with a little liquid.

The drug should be taken for at least 90 days continuously, the visible effect is already manifested in the second month of administration.

Mastodinon can be taken for a rather long period if there are proper medical indications for this.


The use of an alternative method of homeopathy treatment has long proven itself on the good side: homeopathic remedies do not accumulate in the body, do not provoke allergic and side reactions, are suitable for the treatment of pregnant women and nursing mothers, the elderly and small children.

Homeopathy allows you to cure the disease within 2-5 weeks, and relapses after taking drugs are extremely rare.

When inflammatory process in the tissues of the gland, drugs based on apis (apis mellifica) work well, and belladonna will relieve swelling and burning sensation in the mammary glands.

Significant suppuration of the gland, accompanied by high temperature indicators and dull pains, is the reason for prescribing preparations made from bryony and bufo plants. Breast disease caused by trauma will help treat Pulsatilla extract.

Despite the fact that homeopathic medicines have practically no contraindications and cautions in use, the intake of funds should be discussed with the doctor. He will help you pick up correct drug, which will make the treatment of the disease even more effective.


Drug therapy for fibrocystic FCM is often supplemented with vitamin complexes containing vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, PP and ascorbic acidas well as vitamin E.

Vitamin E has a special role in therapeutic measures in the fight against disease. This vitamin has antioxidant properties, enhances the action of progesterone, takes part in the regulation of fat metabolism, and alleviates the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

The antioxidant properties explain the anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects of the drug. However, it requires vitamin E to be taken for at least three months to be effective.

B vitamins are also important in the treatment of mastopathy. They are responsible for the normal functioning nervous system and normalize energy metabolism. The efficiency of the immune system, cell division and growth are provided by these vitamins. It is especially necessary to take vitamin preparations for people who are characterized by mental and emotional stress, stress, chronic diseases.

You can improve the intake of vitamins into the body by taking vitamin complexes, or provide your diet with a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits.

Nutrition and diet

The principles of nutritional change in fibrocystic mastopathy are aimed at stabilizing the hormonal background in the body.

It is recommended to introduce foods containing fiber into the diet - these are all types of cereals, parsley, dill, and various greens. It is important to use natural estrogens - these are peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, mung bean, cabbage (white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Peking, broccoli, Savoy, colored). Needless to say, how much the body needs vitamins, minerals contained in citrus fruits, dried fruits, other fruits and vegetables.

Iodine, which is rich in seafood, fish, is also useful for the endocrine system. The source of the necessary phospholipids will be liver dishes, dairy products.

It is recommended to limit the consumption of animal fats, fast carbohydrates, monitor the calorie intake: being overweight adversely affects the health of the mammary glands and the reproductive function of a woman.

The diet for fibrocystic breast disease should be balanced, rich in vitamins and dietary fiber. Great importance should be given to the drinking regimen: a sufficient amount of liquid will allow faster stabilization metabolic processes in organism. One and a half liters of pure water per day is the optimal amount of fluid for the normal functioning of the body.

Moreover, for successful treatment FKM must be excluded from the diet foods containing methylxanthines - black tea, coffee, cocoa, coca-cola, chocolate.

It is important to know!

This pathology is often associated with the presence of hormonal disorders. They, in turn, provoke the appearance of proliferative processes, it is they who worsen the water-electrolyte balance. As a result, there is a feeling of "fullness", pain and the appearance of seals.

Fibrocystic mastopathy (breast cysts) is a benign disease of the mammary glands.

Breast Cyst - A benign mass with a fluid component.

Why does fibrocystic breast disease occur?

There are many factors that can lead to the occurrence of this pathology, but, as a rule, several reasons are most often distinguished.

1- Hormonal imbalance in the female body (hormonal imbalance), endocrine diseases, such as: diseases of the female reproductive system, thyroid diseases, diabetes mellitus, liver diseases (as a result of which the process of utilization of sex hormones is disrupted).

One of the most common causes of fibrocystic breast disease may be an imbalance in the hormones of the female reproductive system.

The tissue of the mammary glands is affected by cyclical changes that occur during the menstrual cycle. You should pay attention to hormones such as Estrogen and Progesterone (female sex hormones).

During the first phase of the cycle, the hormone Estrogen is produced, in the second phase of the cycle, after ovulation, the hormone Progesterone is produced.

Excessive secretion or, on the contrary, lack of production of one of the hormones can lead to disruption of normal physiological processes in the breast tissue, which in turn contributes to the development of pathological proliferation of the epithelium - proliferation of connective tissue, the formation of "cystic" tissue - cavities filled with fluid.

In other words, there is a change in the normal structure and function of breast tissue.

As a rule, when the balance of sex hormones is disturbed, a shift in the menstrual cycle occurs, although the consequences associated with the onset of breast pathology and the first complaints may be delayed.

2- Termination of pregnancy (miscarriage, abortion)

One of the reasons for the occurrence of mastopathy can be a previously carried out termination of pregnancy, since it is also associated with a sharp release and decrease in hormones in the female body.

3- Gynecological diseases

Diseases such as: Chronic inflammatory diseases in the small pelvis, adnexitis, endometriosis, polycystic ovary disease, etc. can lead to the development of the mechanism of formation of cystic mastopathy. But it is not always possible to trace and identify the connection between these diseases.

4- Injuries, inflammatory diseases of the breast (mastitis).

Trauma, inflammation, can lead to the formation of fibrous tissue ("scar"), which negatively affects the condition of the capillaries and glandular tissue.

Depending on the severity of pathological processes, the severity and manifestation of fibrocystic mastopathy varies.

5- Taking hormonal drugs.

Taking hormonal drugs, and in most cases we are talking about oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices, undoubtedly, also affects the processes occurring in the breast tissue.

The pathological mechanism is also associated with a violation of the hormonal background, but only instead of a violation of the production of its own hormones, an imbalance occurs associated with the intake of hormonal drugs.

It should be noted that not in all cases, hormones obtained from the "outside" can worsen the situation. In some situations, taking hormones has a positive effect on the "health" of the breast tissue. By balancing hormonal balance.


Not everyone is taken seriously as the cause of the onset or aggravation of the course of fibrocystic mastopathy - stress.

In fact, this is one of the important points in the treatment or diagnosis of this condition.

Stress can trigger a cascade of processes that affect breast tissue health. Therefore, one of the possible reasons should not be overlooked.

What are the symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease?

1- Chest pain.

One of the most frequent and widespread complaints of fibrocystic breast disease is chest pain.

The pain can be either severe in the form of burning, tingling, "lumbago", tingling, in the chest and axillary region, or manifest as minor discomfort.

The onset of chest pain is usually cyclical and may be associated with the menstrual cycle.

The pain appears a few days before the onset of menstruation, either in the middle of the cycle, gradually decreasing, or passing with the beginning of the cycle.

2- Feeling of swelling and "heaviness" in the chest.

With fibrocystic mastopathy, due to a pathological physiological process in the breast tissue, there may be swelling. The severity of this symptom depends on the degree of development of the disease.

Often, girls who have breastfed compare their feelings, as if the breast is "filled" with milk.

In some cases, there may even be a slight increase in breast size due to the severity of edema.


Discharge from the nipples may not always accompany fibrocystic breast disease, but the presence of such discharge is important for differential diagnosis and final diagnosis.

Discharge can be either abundant in nature, leave marks on clothes, or have a meager character, appear only when pressed.

With fibrocystic mastopathy, the discharge can be transparent, green, straw-colored.

It is VERY important to remember that there are formations - intraductal cystadenopappilomahaving a similar clinical picture in the form of bloody, brown discharge from the nipple. But such formations can be reborn into CANCER! In order to make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary, if there is discharge from the nipple of the mammary gland, immediately contact the DOCTOR!


Seals in the chest can be both local in nature, palpable in one place, and diffuse - multiple seals in different parts of the breast.

With fibrocystic breast disease, cysts that are not palpable can form. in size from 2 mm., and up to 10 mm.

But it is not uncommon for cysts to reach even more impressive sizes from 1 cm or more. Cystic formations are round, clear, contours and can be localized in any part of the breast.

Large cysts can form in a matter of days.

When pressing on the formation, painful sensations may occur.


What kind of examination should be done to make a diagnosis?

Before any examination should be preceded by a consultation with a doctor - mammologist, oncologist.

The main diagnostic methods to make a diagnosis are

1- Mammography

X-ray examination of the mammary glands, is performed in women aged 35 - 40 years, or according to indications.

(Fig. 7. Breast cyst, in mammography)

2- Ultrasound of the mammary glands (see article ultrasound of the mammary glands )

One of the available and informative methods that makes it possible to diagnose fibrocystic mastopathy with a greater degree of reliability.

(Fig 8. Breast cyst by ultrasound)

3- Breast puncture

Performing puncture aspiration biopsy has certain indications.

Puncture biopsy should be performed if there is doubt about the diagnosis. To carry out differential diagnosis, it is necessary to take a certain amount of material for conducting a cytological study.

Puncture of the cyst is performed only if the size of the cyst is large, from 1 cm or more.

(Fig 8. Puncture of the cyst)

4- Cytological examination of nipple discharge.

In the presence of discharge from the nipple, a cytological examination should be carried out to determine the morphological nature of the cells (detection of atypical cells).

Can fibrocystic breast disease develop into breast cancer?

Fibrocystic mastopathy, breast cysts to breast cancer DO NOT REBORN!

There are many stereotypes associated with the fact that the presence of mastopathy leads to breast cancer, but fortunately this is not the case.

Indeed, the presence of fibrocystic mastopathy is an unfavorable phenomenon in the overall picture of the possibility of breast cancer. Due to the fact that proliferative processes (accelerated cell division) can indirectly affect and become one of the causes in the totality of factors in the development of cancer.

But it should be understood that the severity of fibrocystic mastopathy can vary from more to less. In addition, breast cancer has a multi-etiological cause (several), and only the presence of fibrocystic breast disease cannot lead to the development of breast cancer in the future.

How to treat fibrocystic breast disease (breast cysts)?

1- First of all, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease!

So as most common reason the occurrence of mastopathy is a violation of the balance of hormones, then the treatment should be appropriate.

To identify dyshormonal changes in the female reproductive system, hormones (estradiol, progesterone, FSH, prolactin) should be passed.

In the presence of gynecological pathology - Ultrasound of the small pelvis.

With pathology of the thyroid gland, perform an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, donate blood for hormones (T3, T4, TSH).

2- Drug treatment.

Bioactic supplements are used in the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy vegetable origin, such as: Mastodinon, Mamoklam, Indinol, Wobenzym, etc. Ointments local application containing the hormone progesterone - Progestogel. The use of drugs is also practiced: Dyufaston, Utrozhestan.

Each of the drugs requires discussion with the doctor !!! Due to the presence of a possible side effect! Do not use under any circumstances medications on your own without consulting a doctor!

It should be said that not always and in all cases, fibrocystic mastopathy needs treatment.

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