CT of the maxillary sinuses that shows. CT scan of the throat and larynx: what does it show and how to properly prepare? How long does the MSKT study take?

Computed tomography (CT) is an effective X-ray method for assessing morphological changes occurring in internal organs. human body... Previously, this study was conducted mainly to study the structures of the brain, but today doctors often prescribe it to study the soft tissues and organs of the neck.

Features of the method

CT of the larynx and neck - the main method radiation diagnostics the human body, which is used to study the morphological state of the larynx, determine the presence or absence of all kinds of neoplasms that arise in this area, and assess the state of large blood or lymphatic vessels.

In modern times, there is a distinction between step-by-step computed tomography, which can be performed with contrast, and spiral, the differences between which are that in the first case, the doctor scans only one topographic slice, and in the second, the object is scanned completely, and subsequently reconstructed into several slices. Spiral CT, in turn, is single-slice and multi-slice.

Tomography of the larynx is most often performed with a spiral method, because it reduces the radiation load on the examined organ and allows you to get a more accurate image. During the examination, the X-ray source rotates around the patient's neck and takes the required number of images, which then form a three-dimensional image of the organ.

Indications for the procedure

Modern generation tomographs make computer research as safe as possible for the patient. X-ray radiation is characterized by a narrow directionality and low intensity of action, therefore, after its implementation, ionization damage to the body is not observed. However, the decision on the need for CT of the larynx is still made by the radiologist, who also chooses the scanning technique and determines the preliminary scope of the study.

The main indications for the procedure include:

  • traumatic neck injuries;
  • inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx;
  • cysts, tumors, neoplasms in the neck;
  • laryngeal injury;
  • stenosis or swelling of the larynx;
  • pathologies and abnormalities of the thyroid gland;
  • diagnostics of the condition of the blood and lymphatic vessels of the neck.

How is the procedure going?

There is no special preparation for the tomographic examination of the neck. Metal jewelry on the patient's body at the time of irradiation may distort the results, so they must be removed. The study is carried out in a supine position, while the patient's head is placed on special pillow and fixed with straps. After that, the couch (or table) on which the person lies is straightened into a tomographic frame and the X-ray machine begins to move smoothly around the neck, making a series of scans and transmitting the image to the monitor of the computer device. The average duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

If the doctor performs contrast CT, then after receiving the first series of images (they are needed for comparison), the patient is injected intravenously with a contrast agent into the blood and the scanning continues. It is recommended not to eat anything 4-5 hours before such a procedure. After the introduction of contrast, the patient may be disturbed for several hours headache and nausea, these side effects do not require treatment, and go away on their own.

The doctor who performs the procedure is responsible for decoding the results. The final conclusion on the research data is issued to the patient no later than one day after the study.

Contraindications to the study

Pregnancy is an absolute contraindication to tomographic examination, because X-ray irradiation (even in small doses) can cause intrauterine malformations in the fetus. With caution, it is prescribed for children under 16 years of age (in order to prevent any diseases, it is prohibited to do a CT scan of the neck for children).

Contrast tomography is contraindicated in patients who are allergic to a substance injected into the blood, as well as people who suffer from chronic or thyroid diseases (this contraindication is considered relative and requires additional medical advice).

Is there an alternative to CT?

Alternative methods for studying the morphological structure of tissues and organs of the neck include ultrasound and MRI, but CT is considered the most effective, fast and informative method of non-invasive diagnostics.

Computed tomography is considered the "gold standard" of all radiation methods for examining soft tissues and organs of the neck. It allows real-time assessment of the morphological structure of organs and timely identification of even minor pathologies in their development.

> CT of the throat and larynx

CT scans of the throat and larynx are a popular diagnostic test for this part of the body. It is based on the unique property of the X-ray that passes through soft tissue person and allows them to be visualized. The device takes several images with an interval of 1 to 3 mm in several projections. The obtained data are combined with a special computer program, after which a two- or three-dimensional image is created.

Layering of images is the best opportunity to see in detail structural features organ. Thus, the doctor will not only detect the pathology, but also learn about its exact location and size. During the procedure, the observation area includes:

  • upper respiratory tract,
  • thyroid and parathyroid glands,
  • soft tissues and blood vessels.

The main task is to identify the disease, make or confirm the diagnosis, follow the dynamics of the development of the disease as a result of treatment.


CT scan of the throat and larynx is prescribed if the following diseases are suspected:

  1. Laryngeal edema, stenosis.
  2. Tumors of the thyroid gland, soft tissues, larynx.
  3. Adenomas, cysts, hyperplasia of the bone-jaw structures.
  4. Identification of vascular pathologies in this area: aneurysms, wall detachment, thrombosis, stenosis.
  5. Changes in the lymph nodes.

Scanning is also performed in the preoperative period to obtain an accurate picture of the anatomical features, to highlight the surgical site. After the operation, the doctor checks how the healing is taking place, whether there are any complications. Usually, an oncologist, surgeon or ENT is referred for such an examination in cases where there are doubts about the diagnosis or for the accurate detection of a tumor in soft tissues.


Scanning is prohibited for pregnant women, patients with myeloma or medical conditions endocrine system... For children under 14 years old, CT is performed only for good reasons, but it is still recommended to use MRI for diagnosis.

If you plan to use a contrast agent, then the list of contraindications is expanding. Obstacle to examination becomes:

  • Renal and heart failure
  • Allergic reactions to contrast components
  • Serious liver disease

The examination is difficult in persons with inappropriate behavior and hyperkinesis. Some devices have limitations on patient weight up to 130 or 150 kg.


When examining without contrast, preparation is not necessary. The patient arrives at the appointed time, changes into suitable clothes and fits on the tomography table. If contrasting is expected, then it is necessary to refrain from food for 4-6 hours before scanning. A few days before the procedure, the person is taken biochemical analysis blood to detect allergic reactions.

Clothing for examination should be loose, comfortable, not restraining movement. Make sure there are no metal or other inserts that could distort the examination results. If necessary, you will be given a disposable kit at the clinic.

How do they do it?

The patient lies down on the tomograph table. He is injected intravenously with contrast (if necessary). In some cases, the head is fixed with special straps to exclude involuntary movements. After a few minutes, the device starts working. This is accompanied by noise and crackling. The doctor and nurses are in the next room, they watch what is happening through a special window. The patient communicates with the medical staff through a microphone built into the device. If a person feels discomfort, he can always inform his doctor about it. The procedure takes 10 to 20 minutes.

Using contrast

Contrast is used for more accurate visualization of vessels and soft tissues. The substance stains blood vessels, making them more visible in the images. This allows you to see the work of even the smallest capillaries, to detect pathologies and problems in their work. Contrast is especially necessary when a tumor is suspected - it can be used not only to identify a neoplasm, but also to accurately determine its location, size, character. The fact is that tumors have their own blood supply system, which differs from normal. All this is clearly visible in the finished photographs.

Method advantages

  • Survey speed
  • High diagnostic accuracy
  • The ability to get a three-dimensional image
  • Affordable cost

Potential risks

Any examination based on an X-ray has a certain effect on the body. CT is the minimum radiation exposure, and with a single use, it is completely safe. However, a certain amount of time must elapse between these two examinations. Frequent irradiation is an increased risk of developing neoplasms and pathologies. Due to the susceptibility of a growing organism to radiation exposure, such an examination is not performed on pregnant women and young children.

Another risk is contrast agent allergy. In rare cases, an inadequate reaction of the body to the components of the drug develops during the scan. To prevent this, there are antihistamines in every CT room.


The closest alternative to computed tomography is MRI. It is a safe, non-invasive method that is also suitable for examining children. The only limitation is the presence of metal implants in the body. Another technique is MSCT, which is also performed using X-rays. However, the radiation exposure is even lower than with conventional computed tomography. Convenience is that the survey can be carried out repeatedly in a short period of time.

The simplest and most affordable way to diagnose laryngeal pathologies is traditional ultrasound, which cannot boast of a high image resolution, but it allows visualizing the main structures of this area. The most modern technique - PET CT, the main advantage of which is the observation of an organ in dynamics in real time.

The cost

The cost of a CT scan of the throat and larynx depends on many factors: whether contrast is used, scanning is performed on modern or outdated equipment. The price also includes recording of the received data to disk and their decryption. The cost of the examination, therefore, ranges from 3 to 7 thousand rubles. MRI is in about the same price range. But MSCT will cost a little more. It is carried out on innovative equipment, which in itself is not cheap. The cost of the procedure ranges from 4 to 8 thousand rubles.

The most affordable diagnostic method is ultrasound, the price of which usually does not exceed 2 thousand rubles. The record holder for cost is PET CT. You will have to pay 20-30 thousand rubles for it. This is due to the low prevalence of diagnostics, the long procedure and the maximum information content of the images.

CT of the larynx is a non-invasive procedure that produces three-dimensional images of the upper part of the windpipe that can be used to diagnose different kinds pathologies. There are two main types of computer diagnostics:

  • step by step - used if introduction is required contrast agent;
  • spiral (single-slice and multi-slice) - differs in less radiation exposure.

The detail of the images is due to three main factors: the patient's immobility, the use of a contrast agent and technical characteristics tomograph.

High-field closed devices allow the most detailed examination of the section of the respiratory system, while low-field (mainly open type) are less powerful and are not suitable for detecting tumors in the early stages.

What does it show?

The study on a computed tomography helps in the diagnosis of many types of diseases and pathological conditions, including:

  • abnormal changes in tissues and bones after infections;
  • stenosis, thrombosis and muscle paralysis;
  • mechanical damage trachea and larynx;
  • tracheomalacia;
  • neoplasms of various localization, degree of development and size, as well as metastases in cancer;
  • hyperplasia;
  • increased regional lymphatic bonds;
  • causes of impaired voice function (edema, cysts, etc.).

CT scans of the trachea and bronchi are often prescribed along with the examination of the larynx, for example, to check the reasons for the deterioration of patency respiratory tract.

If there is a suspicion of a large-scale spread of the disease, then the entire pharynx is examined.

Indications and contraindications

Of the key indications for the appointment of this type of diagnosis, it is worth noting:

  • the likelihood of abscess and phlegmon;
  • forthcoming surgical intervention;
  • oncological diseases;
  • the presence of seals on the mucous membranes;
  • injuries to the neck and throat;
  • trouble breathing and / or swallowing;
  • vascular pathology;
  • inflammatory processes in the chronic and acute stages.

It is not allowed to conduct CT of the larynx for pregnant women and children under fourteen years of age, patients with epilepsy and hyperkinesis, patients in serious condition (connected to ventilators, etc.) and people with kidney and thyroid problems, if a procedure with amplification is planned.

How long does it take?

If screening does not involve amplification, then its duration does not exceed 5-10 minutes. After intravenous administration of the iodine-containing substance, the patient will have to spend about twenty minutes inside the apparatus, and in the most motionless state.

How to get a referral for diagnosis?

Doctors of different specializations are engaged in the issuance of directions for research: pulmonology, oncology, etc. You can make an appointment with a doctor in a private clinic or get an appointment for a CT scan at a regular clinic, but in any case, you need to visit a medical facility, otherwise you risk spending money and undergoing a scan that was not necessary in your case.

How do they do it?

A rough diagram of how it is done cT scan larynx:

  • come to the CT diagnostics room at the time you signed up for - you need to dress in a light cotton outfit, and remove all metal items before starting the examination;
  • lie down on the table with the help of a doctor, after which the head is fixed with straps so that the pictures are accurate;
  • the table moves into the tomograph, the arch begins to rotate - a rumble and knock will testify to this;
  • at the end of the scan, the table leaves the machine, the clips are removed, and you can go about your business.

There are several differences in how the procedure is performed with and without contrast, in particular, in the first case, before you lie on the couch, you will be injected with the drug, and after the screening, they will recommend drinking more so that it leaves the body faster. If possible, stay in the clinic for another 30-60 minutes, so that in case of deterioration of health (which is extremely rare), you can get qualified help.

Why use contrast?

Contrast CT scanning of the larynx has become widespread, which is most informative if the doctor suspects oncology. The introduction of an iodine-containing substance improves the visualization of internal cavities by an order of magnitude, "highlighting" the vessels and making it possible to determine the location and size of tumors and metastatic neoplasms.

Before performing a study with contrast, the doctor makes a test to make sure that there are no allergic reactions, and also determines if there are other contraindications for refusing to diagnose (hormonal disruptions, kidney dysfunction, diabetes). Even if the tumor is small, modern tomographs can detect it.

How long does the decryption take?

Images of the larynx and other organs (for example, if a CT scan of the trachea is done at the same time) is evaluated by a radiologist who determines the presence of cysts or tumors, foreign objects, injuries, identifies foci of inflammation and makes an assumption about the causes of deviations from the norm. The wait, depending on the clinic and the complexity of the case, can be from 40-60 minutes to one day (many centers practice the issuance of results the next day).

Together with the doctor's written opinion with a personal signature and seal, you will receive a disc (or flash drive) with layered images, as well as a printed set of images.

Which is better - CT or MRI of the larynx?

Despite certain similarities (non-invasiveness, obtaining three-dimensional images of the study area, etc.), MRI and CT of the throat have a number of significant differences:

  • for CT screening, X-rays are used (radiation is an order of magnitude less than with X-rays, but there is still a risk of negative consequences with frequent examination), and the principle of operation of MRI machines is based on the use of electromagnetic pulses;
  • they are approximately equal in cost, but CT is a little cheaper;
  • you cannot do an MRI if you have heart pumps, pacemakers or other devices in your body;
  • the number of magnetic resonance imaging procedures per year is not limited.

So, here's the better computed tomography: cost, speed, ability to recognize bone damage, and accessibility to people with implanted devices.

On the other hand, the study is not suitable for children and pregnant women, plus it can be carried out without risk to health no more than 1-2 times within one to two years.

The attending physician will be able to determine which method will be most informative, taking into account the indications and contraindications, therefore, before signing up for one or another diagnostic center, it is advisable to get an appointment with a specialized specialist and get a referral.

CT scan of the larynx for various diseases: video

Often the most harmless rhinitis, if not treated promptly, can have serious consequences, causing sinusitis of varying severity. It is much more difficult to cure these diseases in the chronic stage, which is why big role plays early diagnosis... In this article, we will share information about one of the most popular research methods - CT scan of the paranasal sinuses. We will pay attention to the issue of preparation for this scan, the indications for which it is assigned and its advantages. We will also tell you how this procedure is performed, who should not do it and what diseases it can reveal.

What sinuses are called paranasal sinuses?

Before you know how exactly the tomography of this part of the body is carried out, it is worth knowing what is called the paranasal sinuses. There are four of them:

  1. Gaimorova - located in the upper part of the skull, in another way called the maxillary. This is the largest cavity in the skull, among the cavities filled with air.
  2. Frontal - located in the part of the frontal bone.
  3. Ethmoid labyrinth - separates the nasal region from the cranial region, consists of ethmoid cells.
  4. The sphenoid is the most complex bone in the structure of the base of the skull, it is located in the region of the sphenoid bone.

When is this type of scan prescribed?

Often the reasons for referral to this study are the following patient complaints: shortness of breath, a feeling of constant nasal congestion, as well as headaches, which may be accompanied by pain in the teeth. Computed tomography of the sinuses is also shown immediately if the nose swells, hurts, there is a feeling of stuffy ears or sore throat.

Indications for the procedure

  1. If there are headaches of a throbbing nature, the nature of which is unclear.
  2. If the bones of the paranasal cavities have been damaged.
  3. Then, when there is a foreign object in the sinuses.
  4. In case there is concern about hemorrhage.
  5. It is prescribed periodically if sinus diseases have been previously diagnosed.
  6. If the doctor suspects neoplasms or the development of purulent processes in this part of the face.
  7. When the patient has experienced severe head or face injuries, especially if the skull was damaged.
  8. It can be shown again if it has no effect and requires adjustment.
  9. If a person often bleeds from the nose and this is not related to.
  10. If the lacrimal sac is inflamed, especially when pus accumulates in its cavity.

What diseases can tomography reveal?

By obtaining tissue sections from a given part of the body, the physician can scan a wide variety of planes. The image will clearly show the contours of all parts of the sinuses, their structure, density, volume and degree of mineralization. Thanks to this method, you can give objective assessment the selected complex of medical procedures, if the disease has been established for a long time and requires constant monitoring. A timely scan of the nose will help to avoid complications, and also detect defects in the respiratory function of the nose. With the help of CT, you can diagnose such diseases and pathologies in this area:

  1. Different types of sinusitis.
  2. both in the initial and in the chronic form.
  3. , ethmoiditis, and also sphenoiditis.
  4. During the first procedure, it will detect tumors of the mucous membranes of this organ, will be able to recognize whether they are benign or malignant.
  5. Will help define nature inflammatory processthat is difficult to treat.
  6. Any deformation and damage to the facial bone of the nose, resulting from head trauma.
  7. It will help determine the cause of persistent migraines.
  8. Will see polyps.
  9. Diagnoses finding foreign bodies in the sinuses.

What are the advantages of this method of examining the nose?

CT scan of the paranasal sinuses is rightfully an unmistakable and accurate method for determining the state of nasal and paranasal diseases of varying severity. The paranasal sinuses are examined very carefully and in detail, which allows the specialist to make an accurate conclusion about the need for treatment. The advantages of this method can be summarized as follows:

  1. As a result of the scan, you will receive images of the sinuses that are of high quality.
  2. Despite the fact that you will receive radiation during the procedure, the radiation exposure is not as great as that of an X-ray.
  3. Scanning is fast.
  4. After research, you will clearly see all the formations in the sinuses or their absence.
  5. The method does not have a strong negative effect on the patient's health.
  6. The person will not experience discomfort or pain during the scan.

It is also worth noting the complex nature of this type of study, with its help you can find out in what condition not only soft tissues are, but also the paranasal hard parts of the face. Also using this method you can see blood vessels and lacrimal ducts.


  1. This type of diagnosis can cause fetal malformations and is therefore dangerous for pregnant women.
  2. Only when urgently needed is it used for small children, although it does not have a danger to their health. The fact is that it is difficult for a baby to be immobile for such a long period of time, and the belts can scare the child.
  3. Those who have iodine can cause allergic reactions, since a contrast agent is created on its basis.
  4. People with heart disease, etc.
  5. Women who are breastfeeding a baby.

How to prepare for a nasal CT scan?

This type of scan does not require preliminary preparation, but only if no contrast agent is used. Contrast-enhanced CT requires an empty stomach, it is recommended not to take any food within six hours before the procedure. Before visiting a computed tomography room, regardless of which organ you are examining, it is worth removing all metal accessories and jewelry, as they can distort the scan data.

How is this tomography performed?

A tomograph is a set of diagnostic methods, it includes a couch, an X-ray unit, and a computer, on the screen of which the image is broadcast. Pictures taken at different angles that are taken during scanning are called slices.

Before the start of the study, the patient is asked to sit on a couch that slides into the tomographic device. The position of a person is determined by the doctor depending on the purpose of the diagnosis, most often he is asked to lie on his back or face down. In order to prevent involuntary movements of a person from interfering with the course of CT, the patient is fixed on the couch with the help of belts, since even the slightest movement can spoil all the results. Then the couch is placed in the tomography rings. Sometimes the patient comes to hold his breath during the study, but not more than for a few seconds. The scan takes about ten minutes.

It should be noted that the procedure is painless, and during its implementation the patient can hear the characteristic clicks of the apparatus, this is the norm. After scanning with the use of a contrast agent, it is recommended to drink a lot in order to quickly remove it from the body.

Sinus tomography with sedatives

As we noted earlier, to obtain accurate research results, the patient's immobility throughout the entire procedure is extremely important, even involuntary movement of the limbs can distort the scan data. And if the pictures turn out to be indistinct, then there will be difficulties with the diagnosis, in some cases computed tomography of the paranasal areas of the face may be re-prescribed.

Most often, belts are used to prevent unconscious and accidental movements of the patient, which tightly fix the person on the table of the apparatus. But in some cases, they are not enough. For example, if the scan is done small child, then he will not lie still, on the contrary, he will try to free himself from the straps, he will turn his head. In such situations, a single use of a sedative is permissible so that a tomography can be safely performed and not injure the child's psyche.

The same groups drugs if necessary, they can be used for patients who are in a serious or unconscious state and cannot control their physical activity.

How to decipher the data obtained during the tomography?

After the procedure, the images are handed over to the patient or can be handed over with the medical history to the attending physician. They can be printed in the required planes or recorded on digital media. The radiologist performs preliminary decryption of the data. Based on this description, the ENT prescribes the appropriate treatment or gives a referral to a narrower specialist, for example, a surgeon or.

Joseph Addison

With help physical exercise and abstinence most of people can do without medicine.

CT scan of the throat and larynx helps to identify dangerous diseases, prescribe the best treatments. Before undergoing this diagnostic measure, you should take tests and consult with your doctor. CT of the larynx can detect serious illnesses in the early stages.

What will CT scan?

Computed tomography of the larynx and throat shows a complete picture of the state of the upper respiratory tract, as well as soft tissues and blood vessels. This study is usually prescribed when any controversial diagnosis is made. It is necessary to clarify or refute it. Much appreciated at the moment modern diagnostics diseases by CT of the larynx. What the research will show will confirm or deny the diagnosis made in absentia. The procedure includes a complex set of measures involving analysis, assessment of all symptoms of diseases.

Device device

The beam tube is equipped with a detector. These elements rotate regularly. In one revolution, they can only illuminate a thin strip of fabric. A complete picture will gradually form when the system takes pictures of all the necessary areas. All images are taken in more than one projection, which allows you to consider the problem from all sides. With the help of built-in programs, the resulting image is gradually transformed.

The principle of using CT

Together with the deformed mucous membrane on the opposite background, the system displays absolutely healthy organs. Further, a detailed analysis of all deviations is carried out. The received data is recorded by employees for further transmission to a doctor who can decipher them. After analyzing the information, the specialist makes a decision on the further course of treatment.

Reasons to do CT

The attending physician directs a CT scan of the neck and larynx under the following circumstances:

  1. Severe neck injuries that can lead to dangerous malfunctions internal organsthat needs correction.
  2. Congenital disorders in the growth and development of any internal organs.
  3. Possibility of appearance benign tumors, suspicion of their transformation into malignant ones.
  4. The growth of cancerous growths.
  5. Study of the location of metastases, their size and possible progression.
  6. Determination of the exact location of foreign bodies in the neck, if surgical removal is necessary.
  7. Cystic formations of any internal departments neck.
  8. Violations in the work of the upper any destructive processes, as well as all kinds of curvatures and injuries.
  9. Inflammatory processes of the neck of any complexity. Sometimes research is required even with a common sore throat. The location of abscesses, all kinds of fluid accumulations due to infectious disorders of the structure of the tissues of internal organs is more often considered.
  10. The formation of a diverticulum in the larynx, and, if necessary, check for these abnormalities in the upper esophagus.
  11. Vascular problems, including thrombosis or atherosclerosis, are investigated in detail, especially for problems of unclear etiology.
  12. An increase in lymph nodes, if the reason for this phenomenon is argued, it is not possible.

CT safety

Computed tomography can indeed harm the health of a living organism, however, it is insignificant, no cases of severe disorders that resulted from the examination of CT of the larynx were found. This research method is based on This phenomenon is recognized as relatively safe for human health if he is not constantly near the device without special protection.

The fear of undergoing the procedure has no basis, therefore, if necessary, you should not give up this functional study. When performing a CT scan of the larynx, the price is moderate; the study costs about 4000 rubles. Modern devices are created with a modified design, so the dose of direct radiation is even lower. It is allowed to conduct this study several times, while there will be no disturbances in the work of internal organs.


  1. Do not do CT of the larynx for pregnant women. The fetus is sensitive to any dose of radiation, so do not endanger it. It is allowed to conduct this study only in cases where the risk to the health of the mother is too great, and any delay can cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  2. CT is not done if you can do without it when the pain syndrome or hyperkinesis appears, that is, the patient does not control his movements, which are expressed in strong and intermittent twitching.
  3. Doctors do not recommend CT scan with contrast during lactation, that is, while a woman is breastfeeding her baby. This warning is based on the fact that contrast radiation can penetrate and accumulate in breast milk... If a woman was forced to conduct a CT scan with contrast, then it is necessary to interrupt breast-feeding for at least 2 days. Before undergoing the procedure, you can drain some milk and leave it for the baby so that the temporary transition to formula is not too painful.
  4. Patients with renal failure are limited in the ability to do CT when needed. If the disturbances in the work of the kidneys are too striking, then this study is prohibited. Substances that enter the body as a result of this diagnostic measure must be excreted by the kidneys. If these organs cannot function properly, there is a risk of poisoning the body.
  5. People who are allergic to iodine are prohibited from performing the procedure.
  6. For thyroid diseases, CT is not performed in many cases, however, if necessary, doctors allow this diagnostic method to be used. Possibility of worsening of symptoms was recorded. First, the level of thyroid hormones should be determined, if it is unsatisfactory, then CT is most often canceled.

Why is CT scan with contrast needed?

This diagnostic measure is sometimes performed with contrast. This is a special substance made on the basis of iodine, which helps to see more clearly all the internal structures of organs. This drug is administered intravenously to the patient before the diagnostic test. When it spreads through the vessels, a specific color is visible on the display. Further, the substance accumulates in the tissues, helping to identify the affected structures. This substance is especially effective in staining tissues with a large blood flow, therefore, with its help, it is easily identified malignant tumors and inflammatory processes.

How is CT performed?

The patient is placed on a pull-out table, the doctor monitors his body position.
A special ring starts when the device is turned on and moves around the patient. A person should not move at this time.

When CT is performed using a contrast agent, the drug is injected intravenously before starting the device. Sometimes it should be taken orally. In this case, the doctor gives a special command, according to which the patient drinks the provided liquid.

For CT of the throat and larynx, the price is low. The procedure is completely painless and safe if, before performing this study all tests were passed, and the patient received the approval of the attending physician for this diagnostic method. A person will have a complete picture of the disease of the neck organs, based on the data identified, he will be prescribed the most optimal treatment.

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