The consequences of overdose of drops into the nose. Overdose by vasoconducting drops in the child's symptoms and treatment

Today, my tribe happened something on the likeness of seizures as with epilepsy, my sister and I spent a long time with your doctor and understood that one of what could cause it was the most notorious drops for the nose. Trying to protect the tribe from the sister sister, stopped with drops of vasoconductors. Now, rummbled in the internet found such an article ... Maybe someone will be interested and so basically a note for myself, so as not to repeat its mistakes ...

Drops in the nose, quickly removing swelling and restoring nasal breathing contain a drug from the group of so-called alpha-2-adrenomimetics. They narrow blood vessels of the mucous membrane of the nasal strokes and reduce the production of inflammatory serous or mucous membranes. But these substances are easily absorbed into the blood. And then, together with the desired local action, their pronounced side effect on the entire cardiovascular system. The worst thing is that they affect the brain so much, which reduce blood pressure up to the development of hypotonic shock. Think: simple droplets in the nose can cause severe poisoning!

For whom the vesseloring drops in the nose are most dangerous

The younger child, the smaller the dose of adrenomimetics is required so that the baby needs emergency assistance. therefore the most vulnerable age is children from year to two years (Approximately half of all cases). Second place in the frequency of serious complications occupy babies up to a year and kids from 2 to 3 years.

How hypotonic shock is manifested in children

The laid nose delivers many trouble to the child. He can not breathe normally, and therefore naughty while eating and games, during day sleep And at night, often with cry wakes up. It would seem that there is nothing unusual that after instilcing the nose adrenomimetics, the kid stops snot and quickly falls asleep. because the first signs of decline arterial pressure - drowsiness and lethargy - When poisoning, as a rule, parents are skipped. According to statistics, the most frequent complaint when contacting help - "the child does not wake up" or "woke up with difficulty, but falls asleep again."

The larger the amount of vasoconstrictor droplets in the nose herself in the systemic blood flow, the stronger the total pallor of the skin, blue around the mouth, sweating, cooling limbs will be expressed. In children, breathing becomes rare and barely noticeable to the eye, as if they do not breathe at all. The body is relaxed, any movement is given to them with difficulty. In severe cases can develop epileptic seizure or brain coma.

Than dangerous drops in the nose during pregnancy

The spray for the nose with adrenomimetics narrows not only the surface vessels of its mucous membrane. To a lesser extent, it is necessary, the lumen will be soldered and the vessel placenta. As a result, mom briefly becomes easier to breathe, and the child at that time lacks oxygen.

What vesseloring drops are most dangerous

  1. Nafazolin. It is part of the drugs called Nafazolin Fereyn.
  2. , NEPPARE , Nesopin , Noksprey , Fazin, Ferwex. Spray from a cold.

When drops in the nose cause poisoning from a child

The main reason is an overdose of the drug. When this happens:

  • a solution containing a large concentration of adrenomimetics is used than permitted at a certain age. Typical error - splashing to the baby to the baby "adults" drops;
  • the drug is used with the right child dosage, but very large volume. For example, after instillation, the drops from the nose removes the mucus and the drug spray is immediately reused;
  • the medicine is used more often than recommended in the instructions for the drug.

Children meet and random poisoning when a bottle with sprays is left within accessibility, and the child drinks medicine. Even one throat of adrenomimetics, especially an empty stomach, is enough to develop a clinic of severe poisoning.

How to protect the baby from dangerous droplets in the nose

The main rule is to comply with the requirements of the age, quantity and multiplication of the drug specified in the annotation to the drug. Try not to buy sprays in a pharmacy containing nafazoline, xylometazoline and oxymetazoline. Remember that the vesseloring drops are not treated with a runny nose, and just facilitate nasal breathing at the edema of the mucous membrane. This is observed, as a rule, in the first 1-3 days of viral infection. Before driving adrenomimetics, it is necessary to clean the nasal moves from mucus with salt solution Or sea water and pear for suction. Perhaps this procedure will already be enough for children's nose "silent."

Is it possible to harm this simple non-receptible drug?

Canadian pediatricians presented the analysis of such a case about the overdose of vasoconducting droplets: the 4-month baby fell into the resuscitation separation after the use of vasoconducting droplets into the nose during congestion during 2 days. The kid received 8 drops of xylometazoline in the nose (conc. 0.1%) 12 hours before the child got into the resuscitation department.
This dosage for adults, children applies only from 6 to 12 years. In the resuscitation department, this child entered the coma state. The situation ended well.
In the library, Medline has a decrease of 13 cases of overdose of xylomezoline in children under 5 years old, 11 of which occurred in children under 2 years.
It seems not so much, isn't it? And if it were your child?
In addition, these phenomena may have a different severity, to remain unnoticed or tribal to not be documented.
Unfortunately, the minimum non-toxic dose of xylomezoline is not established for such small children. When injected xilomeazoline, pharmacological reference books are recommended to withstand 8-10 hour interval between doses and in children under 6 years to use strictly 1 drop of the drug in the children's dosage into each nasal stroke. And such a dosage of danger to child health does not bear.
This is just an example of incorrect use of a substance, but it is possible with any vasoconstrictor drops into the nose. And, unfortunately, even the full compliance of the instruction does not guarantee no overdose. Since there are data on cases of overdose of oxymetazoline \\ xylometazoline in premature babies or kids of the first months of life when taking the drug according to instructions in children with nasal mortgages during ORVI.

Symptoms of overdose:
Breathing disorder or respiratory stop;

lethargy, right up to coma;

Summary of lips and nails;
change in the size of the pupil;
violation of blood pressure - first an increase, then reduced;
reducing body temperature;
nausea and vomiting;
Fire shakes.

If you suspected a child with a poisoning with a thoroughbuilding drug, then you need to immediately seek help.
Tell your doctor:
patient condition;
title of the drug;
Application deadlines and dosage.

How to avoid similar reactions to the drug:
Keep medications in places inaccessible to children;
Do not use vesseloring drops in order of self-treatment for more than 3 days;
The vesseloring has no regular reception scheme - this is a means of symptomatic assistance, if it comes to a banal rheore - there is a conapment - dripping. The nose breathes - we skip.
When Otitis, the doctor may assign a different scheme.
Of great importance is the time interval between doses, so for xylometazoline - it is 8-10 hours; Oxymetazolina -12 hours; Phenylephrina -4-6 hours.
In newborns without appointing a doctor, such drugs can not be applied!
It is categorically impossible to flood drops for the nose, for example. naphtizin, nebulizer or other devices and make inhalation!
The form of the release of vasoconducting for children - drops - much more preferable, so you can clearly see that I got into the nose. All-surging drops in the treatment of a cold is not the most important medicine! Even swelling is quite safe can be removed with hypertensive saline.
Be careful and be healthy!

Most people got used to the use of vasoconducting droplets in the nose with the slightest manifestations of the child or adult. At the same time, there are ardent opponents of these drugs, refusing to treat them with a runny nose. Who is right? Indeed, uncontrolled spraying into the nose of vasoconducting sprays can lead to severe consequences in adults and children. In this article, we considered the reasons for which the overdose of vasoconducting drops, symptoms and methods for the treatment of this state can develop.

In which cases the vasoconstrictor nasal drops are used

Vasomotoring drops or sprays are prescribed for the treatment of some diseases of the nose and ears. Just like that, with any cold, do not apply them No children or adults.

They are produced in the form of droplets or spray. You need to bury them in both nostrils. Dosage, multiplicity and duration of treatment are negotiated by the doctor.

Remember that the therapist or otorhinolaryngologist should be prescribed. It is very dangerous to apply them very dangerous, they can cause chronic rhinitis, atrophy of the mucous membrane of the nose or drug poisoning.

Indications for the use of vasoconstrictor nasal droplets:

  • middle Otitis is the inflammation of the middle departments of the ear. Drops are accelerated by the removal of inflammation and swelling from the internal structures of the ear;
  • eusthaitis is the inflammation of the auditory Eustachius pipe, in which air flow in the structure of the middle ear is disturbed. This disease is almost always accompanied by a pronounced hearing impairment. Summarizer drugs remove the swelling, remove the ears.
  • weathered nasal breathing in inflammatory bacterial or viral diseases accompanied by a rhino.

Causes of poisoning with vasocomponing drops

Incication by these drugs is most often evolving due to improper and independent use. Exceeding dosage of vesseloring drops is very dangerous And it can lead to a violation of the work of the whole organism.

The reasons for the development of poisoning of vasoconducting drops are listed below:

  • Frequent nose injection in order to improve nasal breathing. Sometimes, with sharp viral processes, it fails to completely decompose, free breathing is not refundable after the dose of the drug. But this does not mean the need to repeated drug injection.
  • Wrong dispensing. For example, an adult dose of a thoroughbuilding drug is toxic for a child and can cause acute poisoning.
  • Parallel use of several different vocal preparations. At the same time during treatment, only one nasal spray can be applied drug Group. Combining several different drops with a similar effect or with the same active substance leads to the development of overdose.
  • Random reception inside the nasal droplets can occur at the kid who found the drug. All medicines should be stored in unavailable places for children.

With long-term use of vesseloring nasal droplets in a normal dosage develops chronic rhinitis. People become addicted to the bottle of vasoconductive droplets, constantly carry it with them.

Examples of drugs

In pharmacies you can find a large number of varied vasoconsturing drops and sprays. They all have a similar action, may differ from each other by the rules of dosing and the active substance. Examples of drugs:

  • "Rinazolin";
  • "Naphtizin";
  • "ONRIVIN";
  • "NEZOL";
  • "Nesopin";
  • "Lazolvan Rino".

Symptoms overdose

The severity of intoxication directly depends on the amount of drug injected into the nose. What it is more, the worse the patient's condition. Signs of intoxication appear throughout the first hour after the admission of the medicine in the body.

Vasoconstricting droplets in a large dosage have a direct impact on the work of cardiovascular and nervous systems. Overdose symptoms by these drugs are listed below:

  • The narrowing of eye pupils, they become similar to a small point. At the same time, pupils practically do not react to changes in light.
  • Strong dryness in the nose. Could develop nose bleeding.
  • Violation of cardiac rhythm. With light intoxications, tachycardia is observed - rapid heartbeat. Heavy poisoning is accompanied by the development of bradycardia - the slowdown of the pulse.
  • Change of blood pressure. Depending on the severity of the condition of the patient, it can decrease or increase.
  • Pallor and skin planning is developing due to hypoxia and insufficient blood supply.
  • Nausea and vomiting, not bringing relief. These symptoms are developing due to hypoxia and the defeat of the central nervous system.
  • Drowsiness and inhibition. A person feels dizziness, strong weakness. Headache may develop.
  • Slow breathing.
  • Hypothermia is a decrease in body temperature below 36 degrees.
  • Violation of consciousness, up to the development of a deep comatose state.

First aid and treatment for overdose

What to do in case acute poisoning vasoconducting drops? First of all, you should call ambulance . By phone briefly, inform the dispatcher about what happened, name the exact address.

If a person drank a drop into his nose, you need to rinse the stomach immediately. To do this, the patient needs a volley to drink several glasses of water and provoke vomit. Then you should drink some kind of sorbent, for example, activated carbon.

If an overdose has evolved due to excessive injection of the drug in the nose, rinse the stomach or drink sorbents meaningless. Before the arrival of physicians, try to reassure the patient, you can drink it with simple water or sweet fastening black tea.

First medical care will be provided with patient with doctors who came to the challenge. They will spend a quick examination of the patient and introduce required drugs For stabilization of work cordially- vascular system And breathing.

In case of poisoning, vesseloring drops are hospitalized into toxicological or resuscitation compartment. No specific antidote. All treatment is aimed at eliminating the symptoms, the removal of the drug from the body and the regulation of the heart.

Vasoconstrictor drops in the nose help treat sharp inflammatory diseases Nose and ears. They help restore breathing when the nasal ways are missing. Before using these drugs, you must consult with the attending doctor. In large dosages, they are able to cause severe poisoning, accompanied by a violation of the work of the heart and respiration. When the first signs of overdose, you need to call an ambulance. Treatment of this state is carried out in a hospital.

Naphtizin is very effective drug, Which in a short period of time narrows vessels. With improper use of the drug, an overdose of naphtizin may occur.

Naphtizin - Effective vasocosuerous drug

Young parents are often wondering: is it possible to use the drug to kids? Apply naphtizin is allowed by pediatricians, but in the event that the concentration of drops and dosage is correctly selected. Naphtizin produced in the form of drops of 0.05%. A solution of 0.1% is an adult dosage that it is strictly forbidden to children, as it can cause strongest poisoning.

Danger of drug

Can a child be poisoned by this medicinal drug? Of course. Drops for the nose seems to be harmless, but completely able to harm your crumb. Poisoning drops of naphtizin in children is not uncommon. There is a poisoning of naphtizin when inexperienced parents independently, without the purpose of the pediatrician, they treat the child with a rhubber with thoroughbuching drugs. Young mothers are very often addressed to medical facilities for help with naphtizin poisoning.

The reasons for which poisoning may occur

Naphtizin, like any other drug, is able to harm the body. Symptoms may appear not only with long-term use, but also with a single use of droplets. So, let's figure out why the most ordinary drops can cause serious poisoning.

  • Vaconishing droplets called naphtizin are produced in plastic bottles. It is not always possible to drip the child on the bubble to the bubble, the dose may increase several times in this case.
  • Parents are very confused adult dosage 0.1% with a children's 0.05%.
  • Very often there is a non-compliance with the rules for using a medical drug. The instructions indicate that the drops are prohibited from applying children to one year, and young mammies independently use the drug than risks to cause serious harm to the health of the crumbs.
  • Naphtizin, an effective inexpensive drug that enjoys great popularity. For kids, its use can threaten sad consequences.

Poisoning drops of naphtizin in children - it is not uncommon

First symptoms

Poisoning naphtizin in children is quite frequent phenomenon. In order to determine if the child really poisoned, it was poisoned to pursue his condition. The first symptoms, in the event of which can be melted:

  • pronounced weakness and lethargy of crumbs;
  • mood swings, plastic;
  • spizming pain in the head and light dizziness;
  • nausea, turning into vomiting;
  • decrease in temperature;
  • bradycardia;
  • hypotension (reduction of blood pressure);
  • full rejection of food;
  • drowsiness;
  • pallor skin Pokrov (The skin becomes wet and cold);
  • a slight narrowing of pupils.

When identifying the first such symptoms, it is necessary to urgently cause a qualified medical specialist who will provide the necessary assistance and eliminate the symptoms of overdose. It is strictly forbidden to carry out treatment at home!

First Prefigure Medical Help

While you expect a doctor, not to panic so that it does not pass the child. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the baby, calm it and provide a comfortable position.

  • Monitor the general state of the child.
  • Abundant drink. It can be ordinary boiled water.
  • Follow the pulse and breathing the crumbs.
  • Wrap a blanket so that the child can warm up.

The medicine must be prescribed by a pediatrician with dosage compliance.

Treatment with poisoning

First of all, treatment should be aimed at eliminating symptoms in naphthycin poisoning. Upon arrival an ambulance, it is necessary to tell us how the reception of the drug and which dosage took place. If occurred light form poisoning, the baby will give first aid on the spot and will discover further treatment recommendations. In severe cases, we are transported to the hospital and is treated under a hospital.

It often happens so that the kids independently use drugs for medical purposes. That this does not happen, parents should carefully refer to the storage of all drugs, that is, to store them in inaccessible to children.

Young parents note

  • It is impossible to use the drug to breast children.
  • Drops must be prescribed by a pediatrician with dosage compliance according to the child's age.
  • An increase in dose does not increase the effect of the drug, but increases the risk of developing strong poisoning.
  • The recommended dose for the child should not exceed 1-2 drops of 0.05% naphthycin solution.
  • The correct use of the drug will free the respiratory tract of the child and will facilitate his nasal breathing.
  • Due to the fact that the drug is addictive, drops can be used no more than once with an interval of 6-7 hours.
  • Effectively use a pipette for accurate drop measurement. So you can see the amount of recruited drug.
  • In order not to call the child addictive, it is necessary to alternate naphtizin with other drops intended for treatment cold illness In kids.

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Can a child poison naphtizin? Yes maybe. Even the simplest and most secure drops for the nose can lead to serious consequences and harvest the child's health. Poisoning in children medicinal preparations not at all uncommon. Especially often there is poisoning by vasoconducting drugs,due to the selection and use of drugs by parents independently without appointing a doctor, also due to the incorrectly calculated dose of the drug and its incorrect storage.

During the colds, during the cold, allergies, teething, the need arises to drip drops to children. Parents use naphtizin, because the drug has a rapid effect, removes the emitting of the mucous membrane of the nose, frees the breathing passes.

In recent years, the number of poisoning with naphtizin has increased. Moms are increasingly seeking hospital with similar poisoning in children.

Causes of growth of poisoning

Naphtizin, like other drugs, are observed side effects Not only with its long-term use, but also under short-term use. Sometimes there are symptoms of poisoning even with one-time consumption.

The main reasons why there is an increase in poisoning with the drug:

  • Naphtizin is produced in plastic bubbles up to 20 ml. Because of such packaging, it is possible to make a mistake and make an irregular dosage, because during one pressure on the dose bubble can increase to ten times;
  • Parents often allow a mistake and buy a 0.1% solution of the drug, and you need to use 0.05% solution;
  • Not compliance with the instructions for using medication. Suppose the instructions indicate that naphtizin can be applied to children older than the year, and in practice it turns out that parents apply it since the birth of the baby.
  • Price for the drug. The cost of the drug is very insignificant, compared with other drops, the price is completely scanty about 10 rubles, so the medicine is popular, but the price may increase further, then it will have to fight for the health and life of a child.


Poisoning drugs from rhinestorm quite often in children. However, in order to accurately determine poisoning this or not, should be observed for the well-being of the baby. The main symptoms of poisoning:

  • The total weakness of the body;
  • Bad mood;
  • Dizziness and headache;
  • Painful feelings in the stomach;
  • Nausea, possibly vomiting;
  • Reduced body temperature;
  • Deceleration of cardiac rhythm;
  • Lower pressure;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Insignificant narrowing of pupils;
  • Pale skin;
  • The skin is wet and cold.

If the symptoms of poisoning at the child, you need to urgently call ambulancewhich will provide professional assistance and eliminate the symptoms of overdose. Conduct the treatment of the house is unsafe for the health of the child.


The treatment of poisoning is to eliminate symptoms. If the symptoms of naphtizin poisoning in children are found, the first thing to do is stop reception medication, and call the doctor. The doctor should be said, as the drug occurred and in which dosage.

It happens that the baby himself accepted the medicine itself, such cases occur if the medicines are in sight of children's eyes. Therefore, it is advisable to put all the medicines in an inaccessible place for children.

First aid

While you are waiting for ambulance, the main thing is not to panic and do not pass your panic state to kid. First of all, you should follow the condition of the child, to provide him with a comfortable position, move it to the bed and calm down.


  • You will keep the child to stay in consciousness;
  • Provide a child with plentiful drink. For this, cold boiled water is suitable, the volume to the liter and more;
  • In case of poisoning, it is forbidden to eat children with milk, as it contributes to the speedy absorption of medication into blood;
  • Check the breath and follow the frequency of heartbeat;
  • Wrap a baby with a blanket or blanket so that it warms it;
  • Follow the pulse.

It becomes increasingly naphtizin, the main reasons are incorrect reception or the use of drugs that overdue the validity period. Over the shelf life, it is necessary to monitor and throw away all the drugs that are already spoiled and buying new ones. Otherwise, the treatment will require much large amounts than new drops.

Degree of overdose

On which dosage was adopted by the drug depends different symptoms. Overdose with naphtizin has three severity.

  1. With the first degree of overdose, it is not necessary to hospitalize the patient and cause ambulance. Symptoms passes after the cessation of medication. This degree is called easy.
  2. For middle degree, hospitalizing the child is also not necessary. Parents independently can help the baby, stop receiving medication and follow the patient's condition. If the symptoms pass, it means that the doctor does not need to cause.
  3. The most dangerous degree is hard. In this case, you need to immediately call an ambulance and give the child to the hands of specialists. Hospitalization in this case is necessarily.

Treatment The poisoning must first begin with the elimination of symptoms and stopping the reception of the drug.

Is it possible to naphtizin children?

Naphtizin is an effective drug that narrows vessels in a short time, belongs to the group of selective adrenomimetics.

Parents often ask whether to apply the drug kids? It is allowed, subject to the selection of the correct concentration of the solution and compliance with the dosage. The drug for children is produced in the form of a solution of 0.05%, a solution of 0.1% of children is contraindicated, such a dose in children causes poisoning.


The drug is prohibited to apply children up to the year. After a year, naphtizin is appointed by a doctor, subject to strict dosage compliance. Dose of the drug for children is 1-2 drops of 0.05 naphthycin solution in each nasal stroke, such a dosage contributes to liberation respiratory tract And facilitates breathing.

Naphtizin causes addictive organism to the drug and the medicine ceases to act. The increase in the dose does not increase the effect of the drug, and on the contrary, increases the risk of naphtizin poisoning (in children this process occurs much faster than in adults, since the body is still quite weak and cannot fight poisoning).

Due to the rapid addiction, it is not more often used to apply the medicine for children than once every 7 hours. The effect of the drug begins in thirty minutes.

Since the plastic bubble causes errors in the dosage of the drug and leads to exceeding the dose and in consequence to poisoning, the use of pipettes for compliance with the exact dose is considered to be effective. So you can see how much the drug typed.

In order not to cause an addictive from the child, the use of naphtizin with other similar drugs, such as Pinos Tren, Aquamaris, should alternate.

Nasivin is a liquid solution belonging to the clinical - pharmacological group of anti-ebony, vasoconductive drugs for ...

Nazivin is a liquid solution belonging to the clinical and pharmacological group of anti-edema, vasoconstrictor drugs for local (nasal) applications. Active substance (Oxymetazoline) helps to eliminate nasal congestion, alleviating breathing. The advantage of the means is the lack of absorption in the bloodstream, systematic exposure.

Therapeutic effect

Oxymetazoline is the main active substance - is a derivative of imidazoline, refers to alpha - adrenoreceptor stimulants, which are in the vascular layer of the nasal mucosa and the apparent sinuses.

Local use of the drug contributes to narrowing blood vesselsThroughwhelming the swelling of the mucous. As a result, breathing is facilitated at rhinitis, sinusites and other diseases due to the discovery, expanding the withdrawal of the canals of the apparent sinuses, the nose cavities, eustachian pipes. Such a mechanism performs stimulation drainage functionthat significantly reduces the likelihood of developing a bacterial complication.

Oxymetazoline has antiviral effect. Active substance Suppresses the activity of pathogenic viruses that are causative agents of colds, a cold.

Forms of production and chemical composition

The drug is represented in the form of nasal droplets or spray of various dosages - for adults and children. A clear solution is not at all color, or painted into a weak yellowish tint.

As auxiliary components are used:

  • citric acid monohydrate;
  • sodium citrate dihydrate;
  • benzalconium chloride;
  • glycerol;
  • purified water.

Drops are supplied in a glass or plastic bottle with cast or separate pipette. Spray - in plastic container with a mechanical sprayer.

The drug is released without a prescription in the form of nasal drops of 5, 10 ml, and also in the form of a spray in a bottle of 10 ml.

Indications for use

Application of Nazivin is advisable under the following pathologies:

  • ORZ, ORVI, accompanied by a runny nose;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • sinusitis.

The drug is also prescribed to prepare the nasal mucous membrane (elimination of edema) before diagnostic studies.

Restrictions and contraindications to use

The main contraindications include:

  • individual intolerance between the components of the drug;
  • children's age up to 1 year (for nasivin dosage 0.025%);
  • up to 6 years (for a dose of 0.05%);
  • clotted glaucoma;
  • atrophic rhinitis.

Recovery limitations apply to patients with diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • tachycardia;
  • diabetes;
  • glaucoma;
  • coronary arteries;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • feochromocytoy.

With caution, Nazivin is appointed pregnant and lactating women. When using the funds, the attending physician must assess and compare the benefit for the maternal organism with potential risks for the child.

Common side reactions

Nazivin is characterized by good tolerability with the exception of rare cases, when patients noted burning, drying the mucosa surface of the nose, which was mainly due to overdose.

Among side phenomena you can note:

  • reactive hyperemia;
  • itching in the nasal cavity;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • feeling sutted in the nose.

Rarely observed:

  • headache in the frontal part;
  • strengthening of heartbeat;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • prostration;
  • sleep disturbance.

When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to suspend the use of the means before establishing the true causes of deterioration of well-being.

Interaction with other medicines

  • monoaminoxidase inhibitors (IMAO);
  • tricyclic antidepressants.

The vasoconstrictor pharmaceutia reduces the suction rate of the anesthetics of local exposure (lidocaine).

The combination with the means with similar pharmacological properties, increases the likelihood of overdose of nasivin and the development of pronounced adverse reactions.

Therapeutic doses

There is a special dosage for children depending on age:

  • under 1 year, starting from 5 weeks - 0.01% solution of several drops 2 - 3 times a day;
  • from 1 to 6 years - 0.025% of 1 to 2 drops 2 - 3 p. per day;
  • older 6 - 0.05% by a similar scheme.

Adults prescribe the same dosage (solution of 0.05%) or 1 - 2 intranasal injunctions several times a day.

The duration of therapeutic course is determined by the therapist, based on the severity of the state, features of the disease, individually. Treatment, as a rule, lasts no more than 7 days, since the intensity of the therapeutic impact is reduced.

Clinical overdose painting

Exceeding recommended doses of nasivin occurs, as a rule, accidentally. Either with a set of excess number of means in a pipette, or as a result of intensive pressure on the sprayer. It also happens atypical use - orally, inside or, erroneously, as eye drops.

Overdose has characteristic signs:

  • nausea;
  • rarely vomiting;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • narrowing of pupils;
  • cyanosis;
  • hyperthermia;
  • heart rate disorders and abbreviation frequency;
  • an increase in blood pressure;
  • collapse;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • respiratory disorders.

The majority of victims of Ovivin's victims are observed:

  • understanding the activities of the central nervous system, manifested by common malaise, apathy, pathological drowsiness, decrease in body temperature;
  • from the side of the cardiovascular system - bradycardia, arterial hypertension;
  • psyche disorders, hallucinations;
  • coma.

When untimely appeal medical help Pathological phenomena can rapidly progress, lead to a sudden stop of breathing.

Proponial assistance at home

The first thing to be done to help the victim from overdose of oscillation is to provide fresh air access and horizontal position. To relieve respiration, make a neck from squeezing elements. Also, you need to quickly call the medical team and wait for their arrival.

With overdose of osivin, as a result of intake, it is carried out:

  • washing the stomach with clean water or a weak solution of manganese (total fluid volume is at least 1 l);
  • reception of enterosorbents (activated carbon - 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight, polysorb and other absorbent drugs - according to the instructions);
  • acceptance of salt laxative (for example, magnesium sulfate).

Abundant drinking will help to cope with poisoning. Arrived qualified professionals should be informed about the estimated dose, the method of consuming the means.

Qualified medical care

There are three severity of overdose of oscillation depending on the intensity of pathological manifestations.

  • The first degree (Easy) in most cases does not require hospitalization. The condition stabilizes after the cessation of the use of vasoconducting droplets.
  • Medium, or the second, degree is characterized by more pronounced symptoms. As a rule, emergency procedures, such as the washing of the stomach, abundant drink make it possible to eliminate the manifestations of poisoning. Improvement occurs more than a long time. The doctor's control is recommended. Hospitalization with satisfactory condition is not required.
  • With a severe degree of poisoning with the victim, the victims disappear into the hospital, where they conduct intensive therapy aimed at eliminating symptoms. Treatment is selected individually in each specific clinical case.


Overdose of Nazivin - common phenomenon, especially among children. Independent application The child, erroneous use as a drop for the eyes or random excess of the amount of the administered drug can cause significant, sometimes irreparable harm to health. With absence emergency It is possible to develop serious complications, including the sign in someone and even the fatal outcome.

26.04.2009, 13:27

Theme may be banal, but ...

4. Clinical picture poisoning is completely the opposite described in the reference book:
- Hypothermia arises, inhibition, decreased blood pressure, bradycardia, the pallor of the skin - in real life,
- instead of instructions on possible tachycardia, increased blood pressure, excitement - according to the letter of the theory.

I ask my colleagues to express your opinion.

27.04.2009, 08:54

And you can some clarifying questions?
1. The number of cases increases according to your observations, or are you oriented on some statistics?
2. Toxic reactions when complying with the recommended doses? Or when exceeding?
3. If possible, list the drugs, it is hardly so many of them

27.04.2009, 09:06

Hypothermia occurs, inhibition, decreased blood pressure, bradycardia, the pallor of the skin - in real life,

Actually, such a clinic has always been everywhere and described and was observed ...: Confused:

1. The number of cases increases.
Naturally, for moms love to treat their children. Absolutely logical process.
2. Toxic reactions occur when used by testimony, i.e. When instilled in the nose.
Mom Capned, Dad Capped, Grandma Capped, Grandfather approached, thought and drunk too.
3. "Black" The list of drugs consists mainly from domestic names.
What is cheaper, then more often. :)

In general, to be honest, I do not see anything special in the situation. Poisoning with vasoconducting means in children is a common phenomenon.

27.04.2009, 09:13

Could you clarify, it is desirable to refer to the description of clinical cases, indicating that it was the overdose of "vasoconstricters" drugs led to the symptoms described by you. The fact is that the phenylephrine applicable on the territory of the Russian Federation (only registered and activated users can see]), and only registered and activated users can see (links]), oxymetazoline ([Links can only see registered and activated users] ), Xylometazoline ([Links only registered and activated users can see]) and Nafazolin ([Links only registered and activated users can see]) operate according to the mechanism of direct stimulation of adrenergic receptors, and the picture of their overdose corresponds to the "theory" letter "([ Links can only see registered and activated users]). In the available data, it was not possible to find a description of the cases of overdose of sympathomimetics with the clinic you enabled.

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In addition, the "testimony" to use threshing droplets into the nose in children has repeatedly discussed, rather with negative conclusions. And then, in addition to droplets in the nose, sympathomimetics are included in the "cold compotes" (there was such a waffact, these are the coogh-cold medication :))

27.04.2009, 10:20

27.04.2009, 12:26

The poisoning of vasocomponants, primarily naphtizin - the most frequent child poisoning, at least in St. Petersburg, which is associated with the use of this drug in the treatment of OSL, both inhaled through the nebulizer and in the jet punching into the nose (see Methods. Recommendations Department of Ambulance) .

Clinic - Bradycardia, lethargy, drowsiness, hypothermia (about 35), myiosis.

The clinic is logical, if you recall that napazoline is not beta adrenomimetics, but alpha-1, and in overdose it exhibits central alpha-2 adrenomimetic effect, similar to the action of clonidine.

27.04.2009, 13:15

Clinic - Bradycardia, lethargy, drowsiness, hypothermia (about 35), myiosis.
The most frequent occasion to the call is "constantly sleeping, pale."

That is, the clinic of poisoning with naphtizin is almost equal to the clinic of poisoning with clofelin. Why in domestic literature this is not reflected - a mystery.

Tonight! Clinical manifestations Similar with those in poisoning with clofelin. But nowhere in annotations to drugs there are no such instructions.

27.04.2009, 13:27

Statistics of the city children's resuscitation separation with a capacity of 12 beds, by 670 thousand urban population. Dynamics for 5 years: 71, 85, 107, 133, 152 cases. Preparations: Naphtizin, Nafazolin, deryvin.

27.04.2009, 14:14

Subtly hint: "Clonidine and related imidazoline poisoning", "Imidazoline derivatives, such as tetrahydrozoline, naphazoline, oyxmetazoline, and xylometazoline, are found in commercial topical eye and nose decongestants Brimonidine and apraclonidine are prescribed for treatment of glaucoma Tizanidine is a muscle.. Relaxant Used for the Treatment of Spasticity. Ingestion OR Systemic Absorption of Small Amounts of These Agents Strikingly Similar to That Produced by Clonidine ": AH:

Such cases: "The Classic Toxic Syndrome, OR" Toxidrome, "Associated with Clonidine Consists of Central Nervous System Depression, Bradycardia, Hypotension, Respiratory Depression, and Small Pupil Size." There is nothing to argue: bo:

27.04.2009, 14:57

Convinced. Only registered and activated users can see the source. In the same source - nothing like rEDUCED TEMPERATURE Xilomezina)
Case Report


F. MusshOffcorResponding Author Contact Information, E-mail The CorreSponding Author, A, A. Gerschlauerb and B. Madeaa

A Institute Of Legal Medicine, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University, Stiftsplatz 12, 53111, Bonn, Germany

B St. Marien-Hospital, Robert-Koch-Street 1, 53115, Bonn, Germany

The Imidazoline Derivative Naphazoline, An α2-Adrenergic Agonist, IS Used As Non-Prescription Eye and Nasal Preparation Because of Its Vasoconstrictive and Decongestive Properties. Especially in Children, Overdose and / or Systemic Side Effects Due to Absorption Can Quickly Cause Severe Central Nervous System Depression and Cardiovascular Adverse Effects. In a 7-year-old Boy Was Diagnosed A Naphazoline Intoxication by Toxicological Analysis. The Case Was Also of Forensic Interest, Because The Naphazoline Mixture Was Prepared In A Pharmacy in a Concentration 80 Times Above The Adequate Dosage for Children. In General, Physicians, Pharmacists and The Public Should Be Educated About the toxicity of Over-the-Counter Preparations.

2. Case Report
A 7-year-Old Boy Was Inconspicuous Until The Evening. Suddenly He Began to Vomit RepeateDly, Rolled His Eyes, and Has Been Unconscious For 2 Min. Afterter That He Had A Headache. Before This Attack He Was Treated Once With Vomex A Supp (40 Mg) And Nose Drops. At Hospitalization in Reduced General Condition The Patient Was Described AS Somnolent With Paleness Of The Skin and Rolling Eyes. Reaction Only Was Found in Case of Strong Pain Stimulus. ADDITIONALLY EUPNEA, A Reddened Throat, Bradycardia, Diminished Bowel Sounds, Reduced Tonus of the Musculature, and Miosis Were Diagnosed. IN THE HOSPITAL INITIALLY A CCT WAS MADE TO EXCLUDE AN ITRACRANIAL BLEEDING. Laboratory Parameters As Well As Blood Gas Analysis SHOWED NO Abnormalities, So That The Boy Was Hospitalized Into The Intensive Care Unit and Treated with Infusion Therapy. A Persistence of Bradycardia Near 50 BPM for the first 6 H Was Observed with a Blood Pressure Initially AT 145/95 MM HG. The Patient Was Still Somnolent. AWAKENING AND ADEQUATE REACTIONS WERE ONLY FOUND AFTER 6H OF TIME WITH RETROGRADE AMNESIA FOR THE EVENTS OF THE PRESEDING Hours. After Quick Normalisation of the Vital Parameters a Transfer to the Regular Ward Was Possible. UNDER CLOSE-MESHED MONITORING THERE WERE NO PATHOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OBSERVED.
4. Discussion.
But now from the central alpha 2 stimulation - it is not clear: bn: Or all the same penetrates the BGB? (Crocodiles fly, only Nineeehinko, NuelEehinko (C))

27.04.2009, 16:28

So penetrates.
[References can only see registered and activated users] ([Links can only see registered and activated users])
Here he is a birthplace. With a green hat.
Parents think that - Eto Spray. No matter how. This is a real fountain.
Toxicologists of our children's hospital number 5 are always rejoicing at the sight of this green hat.

I do not understand one. How with such a number of poisoning, with such persistence of the department continue to recommend inhalations and inkjet fills in the nose with this disappearance during larynx stenosis?

Nazivin is a liquid solution belonging to the clinical and pharmacological group of anti-edema, vasoconstrictor drugs for local (nasal) applications.

The active substance (oxymetazoline) helps to eliminate the nasal congestion, alleviating breathing. The advantage of the means is the lack of absorption in the bloodstream, systematic exposure.

Oxymetazoline is the main active substance - is a derivative of imidazoline, refers to alpha - adrenoreceptor stimulants, which are in the vascular layer of the nasal mucosa and the apparent sinuses.

The local use of the drug contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels, due to which the swelling of the mucous membrane is eliminated. As a result, breathing is facilitated under rhinitis, sinusitis and other diseases due to discovery, expanding the withdrawing channels of the apparent sinuses, the cavities of the nose, Eustachius pipes. Such a mechanism is stimulated by drainage function, which significantly reduces the likelihood of developing a bacterial complication.

Oxymetazoline has antiviral effect. The active ingredient suppresses the activity of pathogenic viruses that are causative agents of colds, a cold.

Forms of production and chemical composition

The drug is represented in the form of nasal droplets or spray of various dosages - for adults and children. A clear solution is not at all color, or painted into a weak yellowish tint.

As auxiliary components are used:

  • citric acid monohydrate;
  • sodium citrate dihydrate;
  • benzalconium chloride;
  • glycerol;
  • purified water.

Drops are supplied in a glass or plastic bottle with cast or separate pipette. Spray - in plastic container with a mechanical sprayer.

The drug is released without a prescription in the form of nasal drops of 5, 10 ml, and also in the form of a spray in a bottle of 10 ml.

Indications for use

Application of Nazivin is advisable under the following pathologies:

  • ORZ, ORVI, accompanied by a runny nose;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • sinusitis.

The drug is also prescribed to prepare the nasal mucous membrane (elimination of edema) before diagnostic studies.

Restrictions and contraindications to use

The main contraindications include:

  • individual intolerance between the components of the drug;
  • children's age up to 1 year (for nasivin dosage 0.025%);
  • up to 6 years (for a dose of 0.05%);
  • clotted glaucoma;
  • atrophic rhinitis.

Recovery limitations apply to patients with diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • tachycardia;
  • diabetes;
  • glaucoma;
  • coronary arteries;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • feochromocytoy.

With caution, Nazivin is appointed pregnant and lactating women. When using the funds, the attending physician must assess and compare the benefit for the maternal organism with potential risks for the child.

Common side reactions

Nazivin is characterized by good tolerability with the exception of rare cases, when patients noted burning, drying the mucosa surface of the nose, which was mainly due to overdose.

Among the side effects can be noted:

  • reactive hyperemia;
  • itching in the nasal cavity;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • feeling sutted in the nose.

Rarely observed:

  • headache in the frontal part;
  • strengthening of heartbeat;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • prostration;
  • sleep disturbance.

When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to suspend the use of the means before establishing the true causes of deterioration of well-being.

Interaction with other medicines

  • monoaminoxidase inhibitors (IMAO);
  • tricyclic antidepressants.

The vasoconstrictor pharmaceutia reduces the suction rate of the anesthetics of local exposure (lidocaine).

The combination with the means with similar pharmacological properties increases the likelihood of overdose of oscillation and the development of pronounced adverse reactions.

Therapeutic doses

There is a special dosage for children depending on age:

  • under 1 year, starting from 5 weeks - 0.01% solution of several drops 2 - 3 times a day;
  • from 1 to 6 years - 0.025% of 1 to 2 drops 2 - 3 p. per day;
  • older 6 - 0.05% by a similar scheme.

Adults prescribe the same dosage (solution of 0.05%) or 1 - 2 intranasal injunctions several times a day.

The duration of therapeutic course is determined by the therapist, based on the severity of the state, features of the disease, individually. Treatment, as a rule, lasts no more than 7 days, since the intensity of the therapeutic impact is reduced.

Clinical overdose painting

Exceeding recommended doses of nasivin occurs, as a rule, accidentally. Either with a set of excess number of means in a pipette, or as a result of intensive pressure on the sprayer. It also happens atypical use - orally, inside or, erroneously, as eye drops.

Overdose has characteristic signs:

  • nausea;
  • rarely vomiting;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • narrowing of pupils;
  • cyanosis;
  • hyperthermia;
  • heart rate disorders and abbreviation frequency;
  • an increase in blood pressure;
  • collapse;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • respiratory disorders.

The majority of victims of Ovivin's victims are observed:

  • understanding the activities of the central nervous system, manifested by common malaise, apathy, pathological drowsiness, decrease in body temperature;
  • from the side of the cardiovascular system - bradycardia, arterial hypertension;
  • psyche disorders, hallucinations;
  • coma.

With untimely treatment for medical help, pathological phenomena may rapidly progress, lead to a sudden stop of breathing.

Proponial assistance at home

The first thing to be done to help the victim from overdose of oscillation is to provide fresh air access and horizontal position. To relieve respiration, make a neck from squeezing elements. Also, you need to quickly call the medical team and wait for their arrival.

With overdose of osivin, as a result of intake, it is carried out:

  • washing the stomach with clean water or a weak solution of manganese (total fluid volume is at least 1 l);
  • reception of enterosorbents (activated carbon - 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight, polysorb and other absorbent drugs - according to the instructions);
  • acceptance of salt laxative (for example, magnesium sulfate).

Abundant drinking will help to cope with poisoning. Arrived qualified professionals should be informed about the estimated dose, the method of consuming the means.

Qualified medical care

There are three severity of overdose of oscillation depending on the intensity of pathological manifestations.

  • The first degree (Easy) in most cases does not require hospitalization. The condition stabilizes after the cessation of the use of vasoconducting droplets.
  • Medium, or the second, degree is characterized by more pronounced symptoms. As a rule, emergency procedures, such as the washing of the stomach, abundant drink make it possible to eliminate the manifestations of poisoning. Improvement occurs more than a long time. The doctor's control is recommended. Hospitalization with satisfactory condition is not required.
  • With a severe degree of poisoning with the victim, the victims disappear into the hospital, where they conduct intensive therapy aimed at eliminating symptoms. Treatment is selected individually in each specific clinical case.


Overdose of Nazivin - common phenomenon, especially among children. Independent application by a child, erroneous use as a drop for an eye or a random excess of the amount of administered drug may apply significant, sometimes irreparable harm to health. In the absence of emergency assistance, it is possible to develop serious complications, including the sign in someone and even the fatal outcome.

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