The boded cat came to the house sign. What are the signs of someone else's cat in the house

According to many peoples, a cat that has come to the housing of a person will attract a lot of good events. Therefore, drive four-way guest is not recommended, but think about picking up his home. If the fluffy tramp chose your apartment is not just like that, and from your attitude to her may depend on how your business will go in the near future. Turning a cat away or offend it can be angry with the highest strength and attach to himself.

What does an unfamiliar cat comes to the house

Many people who have visited situations when a completely unfamiliar cat comes to them, asked why she came and what brought with him. In fact, she can have a lot of reasons for it. The cat can come to your house just like this, feel the energy danger and save your households from trouble or ask for help - in any case, it never appears by chance. Signs of many nations of the world say that she brings peace, well-being and joy.

Signs it says that very often the torment is nailed to the house, the inhabitants of which threatens the danger in order to save them and clean the living room from the negative energy and evil attacks of ill-wishers. Found you need to pick up to yourself, feed and give a pretty rest. An villain settled in the apartment will protect you from evil and negative.

Black, red or tricolor

Going out of the house or on the contrary, returning from work, you unexpectedly saw that a black, red or three-color cat came to the threshold of your apartment - know, this guest is not random and appeared to you not just like that.

Black cat harbing good news and joy. Give him shelter and warm, and soon your life will change for the better, a series of good luck in all the undertakings and a favorable completion of all old cases.

The naked cat, except for the solution of monetary problems, promises an increase in service or growth up the career ladder. Found red cat attracts good peopleAnd people who want to households are evil.

But the four-wheeling three-color animal will bring happiness to your life. Three-color white color cat with black and red spots are the most generous to the good luck. White means cleanliness, black - protection against negative energy, red - symbolizes wealth in the house and takes away from the ailments.

Why the cat came to the door in a difficult period

Kittens-nailed to the door are the same children, only fluffy, and if you plan to start a healthy and strong child, then take the baby to yourself. The signs of the ancient Egyptians say that helping our smaller brothers we call for us to help the strength of the ancient gods. In India, as in Egypt, people believe that a wedding harbinger knitted cat or fast replenishment in the family.

An adult cat or kitten pressed against your door when someone had a bad thing, the animal is recommended to pick up. Ancient sign says he came to help. The healing gift of cats has long been known, they are able to alleviate diseases or even heal a person from the illness. Cats are excellent lekari - they feel that it is hurting from the owner and immediately begin to treat him, licking at a sore place. Murting cat has magical properties, it soothes and normalize nervous system man.

The cat ran into the house after someone's death, it should be paid to this special attention. Psychics recommend picking up the tramp and say that the dead man can think about himself, psychologists also advise to pick up a four-side animal, as taking care of a new family member, a person will be distracted by his loss for a while.

A four-way creature rank into your room, then most likely, it chose you with its owner. Together with you, she brought for you news about the speedy changes in your life. But what they will - to solve only you. According to the old coming Slavs, if you leave the four-legged friend, then it will be in many ways to help you at the energy level, but if the animal drive out, offend or hit, then you can call the anger of the higher forces, and a black bar will come in your life.

That if it is not possible to take an animal home

It happens that you would gladly take the animal to yourself, but now you have no opportunity to leave it at all. In this case, you can shelter it temporarily, and during the time you have it, find him loving owners. You must be sure that you give the animal in good hands! Thus, you will help you to find a family and do not spoil your karma. For you, this is a small good deed, and for a four-legged child, hope for a happy future, warm home and caring owners.

In the distant past, people came up with various superstitions. In this article we will consider beliefly about past-striped.

In the article:

Signs about cats

Many know that if the cat starts to wash, guests will come soon. But little known is the fact that the signs advise to put out a little wool from the tail on the shoulder. Then he will return to you, and more than once.

If it promises failure. There are several ways to avoid trouble. Wait for the ill-fated site someone else will pass. Spit through left shoulder And go on. A good option is to grab off the button on clothes and keep it until you pass.

The first cats were first launched into new homes, especially black. According to some versions of the old one, on the first night in the house they left a black rooster or chicken, and only then they let the sucted.

If your or someone else's cat is harvested and eager to communicate, it will bring you great benefits. Pets of these animals are always successful. This also applies to those who will pull the paws during his "warm-up".

On the behavior of the cat in the house in the old days predicted the weather. If he sits down near the furnace (batteries, heater), sleeps with a glomerulum or hide the nose, it is to cooling. Careful tailing in the aggregate with a "hiding head" - also to the cold. And when the cat wash the paw and head at the same time or sleeps the stomach up, it is for warming.

It is because of the ability of polymatics to feel the approach of the storm, the sailors in the old days always took them to the ship. Cats not only predicted the weather, but also brought good luck to the team. And the spouses of sailors kept black cats, which guaranteed the return of her husbands home.

Fishermen also take cats with them. They foreshadow a good catch and protect from underwater unclean. Particularly preferred tricolor.

If your petomica gave birth to black and red offspring, give only Ryzhikov. A black kitten is left in the house, it brings good luck and happiness. Do not give out the gift of animals, take at least a coin or treat, otherwise they do not fit.

You can not pour cats with water for entertainment, especially children. It is believed that so you can shorten my life more than twice.

If the black cat sneezed near the bride, she would be happy in marriage. An unmarried pair in this case will have a good joint life. Tell me "Hello!" Kotu, who sneezed - and do not know the problems with your teeth. If the animal is meowing during a wedding, the young people will live badly. The cat, seen from the altar to the wedding, also promises an unhappy marriage.

Do not allow pets on kitchen tables not only for hygiene reasons. This foreshadows death in the family.

Very good sign - take a street cat instead of buying a thoroughbred individual. To the one who takes a stray animal with pure thoughts, will always be accompanied by happiness and good luck in money. In the old days they took in the family of overhose cats to establish their affairs. But the cat must necessarily be pleased with life with you.

Many feed homeless cats, not even knowing that they make it easier for the fate to be pleasing to relatives. Animals are kind to those who relate to them well. If you help an overhexious cats, they will thank you by luck.

In the old days they believed that black pets attract lightning and could lead to a fire. In a thunderstorm, they were driven out of the door at home. They did not get cats of any color on the horse, otherwise it will begin to dry. Now it is not accepted.

In order to small child I slept better, for some time the cat is allowed to the cradle, and after it the child is stacked. So do just before going to bed the son or daughter to sleep for the first time. Cat does not want to linger in the cradle? Move it, it means that it stands on the "bad" place. And if you want a child, feed and push someone else's pregnant cat, then children will be a lot, and the birth will be good.

Signs associated with cats and disease

The people believe that cats are treated, and especially in this black. Even medicine agrees with the positive influence of these animals on patients. It is difficult to argue, because many have noticed improved well-being after communicating with pet. They are especially necessary for older people.

If the cat often lies near a sick person, then he will soon recover. This is a very good sign, because the cats know how to take the negative energy of the disease. They can stand near the face and pull the air that you exhale - just for this.

If your favorite is suspiciously sniffed to breathing, it is to illness. Be sure to hand over the tests and share the health check time.

Sometimes animals treat deadly diseases. But if the cat understands that it is not able to help, he leaves home and no longer returns. If there is no such possibility at the cat, it will avoid communication. To find out if the patient will survive, put a cat in bed. It will run away - it means it is destined to die from the disease, and will fall to recovery.

To quickly passed barley, you can stroke his tail of a black cat. It is desirable that he was not against. A spotted petomician will help from warts in a similar way.

Three-color cat in the house - Signs

With these cats, not a single bad omen is connected. On the contrary, if you have a spotted pet, signs promise happiness, good luck and well-being. Owners of such animals always live well.

A distinctive feature of tricolor cats is that at birth they received the strength of red, white and black animals, which is used to protect the house, improve its atmosphere and treatment.

If you are heading a tricolor cat, you will always be protected from evil forces and diseases ,.

If the cat dies at home, and other signs of the death of pets

Cats, whose hour came, seek to leave away from people and other animals. They prefer to go to the world other alone, in a calm, dark and cool place. On the street it can be a haylon, shaded plot of land under the car, thickets of herbs and bushes. Pets are trying to hide in a storage box or other hard-to-reach place.

In the past, any cat had the opportunity to leave the house, now with this problem, especially in cities. But you need to know that the cat's deceased home is to trouble. If the animal refer to you well and has the opportunity to leave, it will not end the life path in the room.

Meeting with a dead cat does not mean anything good - you better return home and postpone all things.

It is impossible to kill cats, including drowning kittens. This will lead to large quantity trouble by long years, to poverty and lonely old age. If the cat often brings offspring, it is better to sterilize it. Torture animals means to squeeze enemies in another world. If you are poorly handled with a pet, you will have a car. This also applies to children.

Cat came to the house - Signs

If you find a kitten on your threshold, it will have to take it. Throw out - and ensure failures for whole seven years. If he came to you, then saw for this reason, and can attract good luck and get rid of negative. Sometimes animals come for good forces. Bringing the kitten, you lose your help.

Verified cat foreshadows a wedding or other pleasant events. And if the white is shortly before the wedding - to be you a happy man. Do not drive the cat shortened into the house - it carries help from the highest strength and get rid of problems.

The situation with which many people faces is the cat came to the house. Species associated with this event are of interest not only for owners of private buildings, but also for those who live in apartments. Believe in it or ignore - a solution that every person accepts independently. So, what promises the owners of housing lost animal, if you rely on the opinion of our ancestors?

If the cat came to the house: Sick

It's no secret that inhabitants Ancient Egypt Deficted these fluffy animals. The Egyptians believed that the four-legged pet was able to attract good luck to the house, well-being. Of course, it is necessary to provide him with careful care, ensure that all the needs of the cats are satisfied in a timely manner.

The underlined respect used not only animals permanently residing in the house, but also randomly lost. Cat came to the house? Specifications that preserved from ancient times, commands to give a fourth guest to a warm welcome, as he brings luck with him. The inventive position of the family in the coming days will improve, household will forget about conflicts, swearing. In no case cannot be driven by the beast, since in this case the luck will turn away from the owners of housing, they will be collapsed.

The rescue

Casual cat came to the house? Note binds it not only with joyful events that are waiting for owners of housing. Each cat knows that in the presence of patients in the house, a pet readily takes on the role of "Lekary", leans to the patient, and "takes" unpleasant sensations. This is due to the ability of fluffy creatures to determine negative energy and fight it.

It is not surprising that People's Solva claims that not everything is in order in the family, if the loud cat came to the house. The sign reads that the animals visit the dwellings, the inhabitants of whom are in dire need of help, salvation, mired in problems. They absorb negative energy settled in the room, as a result of which the people living in it are "saved". If the four-legged friend comes for several days, and then disappears, you can breathe with relief. This means that the cat successfully took the coming troubles.

Various signs

What does a cat come to the house? Specifications that connects this event with the birth of a new life also exists here for many centuries. Wonderful if the animal visits the dwelling of people who have recently entered into marriage. This suggests that there will be many healthy children in the family. If the four-legged friend visits a childless couple, dreaming of heir, soon you can also count on adding in the family.

There is another ability, which is attributed to the spells of ages. People's Molver argues that our fluffy friends know how to remove death. It is strictly not recommended to drive an animal if it enters the house in which a seriously ill person lives. It is possible that the fluffy animal appeared only in order to take away from him.

White and gray cats

Our ancestors did not doubt the fact that the value of the animal color is. Suppose came to the house. Specifications that relates to this event, not to drive a random guest. The probability that the fluffy pet appeared on the threshold in order to cure the owners from severe diseases. It was the inhabitants of the ancient world that they saw in the role of homemade drugs, taking the bad energy.

What if the owner of a gray fur coat looks into the house or apartment? Gray cats are traditionally associated with the world, calmness. Be sure to leave the future mother in the premises of such a guest, as the pet protects it from the evil eye, damage, discontinuity of unclean power.

If the cat is black

Should I worry if you came to the house? Note claims that an animal with black color visits a housing, the inhabitants of which need help, protection. It is possible that family members have dangerous enemies that can poison them. The appearance of a black pet will help you to take trouble.

Wonderful if a black cat is accidentally found in an apartment or house, which has white paws. This event should be regarded as a sign that life began to improve. In the coming days, someone from households expects an increase in service, you can also hope for an increase in wages.


Excellent, if an uninvited visitor of the house was published animals, endowed with such a color, were associated with the Sun. The owners may not be doubt that in the near future their life will be light and joyful.

Also red pets are able to appear in the room in which negative energy has reigned. Thanks to such a visit to the clouds over the head of the inhabitants of the house soon dispel, bad people Get out of their field of view.

Several colors of color

Cat came to the house? Specifications explaining the appearance of the possessors of a multi-colored coat also exist. Wonderful if such guests arise on the threshold of the house owned by a lonely person. In the near future, the owner of housing will meet the soul mate, should not be excluded and marriage.

Well-being in the family promises a similar visit and married couple. If the holder of the triple color (white, red and black) looked into the house, you can safely hope for luck in affairs. Any undertaking will be successful, will bring profit and satisfaction.

Hang or not

Suppose someone else's cat came to the house. Specifications that have survived since ancient times, recommends that property owners do not drive the animal. However, it is obvious that in plans for housing owners may not be included four-legged friend in the near future. Of course, in this case, you should not leave an uninvited guest in the house, create inconvenience to its inhabitants.

In such a situation, it is important how exactly the cat will be accepted in the house, as will leave his walls. Be sure to greet the fluffy friend, to offer him food. Only after the animal is saturated, you can carefully take it out for the threshold, do not harm it. In this case, the luck, which it brought with it, does not threaten anything.

Whether you know why a white cat appears in the house - Signs will tell, what to wait if your pet is a pet. Find out what the behavior and the suit of a domestic pet will tell.

  • White Cat in the House - Signs

    Cats are amazing animals with which a lot is connected. To speak specifically about white animals, then their suit first is associated with purity.

    White cat will help find a way out of the situation

    It is believed that if a person cannot find a long way out of the situation, very nervous, aggressive, then he needs to take a fluffy favorite and stroke her. After that, you will be able to get together with thoughts and make the right decision.

    Not only three-color catsBut white is able to determine the human ailment and even treat it. If the cat falls on some part of your body, it is possible to turn to the doctor. In ancient times it was believed that it was the white cat that could heal and prevent various orthopedic diseases.

    However, in some countries there was a belief that if a homemade white cat enters the room to a seriously ill man, he would soon die. Especially it concerned situations when the cat jumped onto the bed and went to the head of the head.

    IN Ancient Greece People were confident that the white cat is a talisman who is able to attract good luck.

    It is believed that if a woman lives a white cat, he helps her to reveal all his most top Qualities. It becomes good, caring, tender and attractive for representatives of the opposite sex.

    White cat Opposite black

    If almost always on the street, negative events will proper on the street, too, Randevo with animals of white color foreshadows success in any endeavor. An animal sustained a very joyful meeting with pleasant people, a happy life for the marriage.

    It was believed that if the white color cat overtakes the road, then there will be no obstacles on your path. Although some nations believed that such a meeting was still foreshadowed (however, not dangerous). If a white kitty is going to meet you, know, luck today is on your side.

    For a person whose profession is associated with risk for life, saving lives of other people, meeting with such animals on the street - a quiet day without incident.

    It was believed in Russia, which was connected only with cats of white color. For example, if a representative of the fine floor could not get married for a long time, then she needed to distribute 7 white cats (girls) in good hands.

    Catics will help family happiness

    If the guy could not find a long time for a long time, he had to find a house for small cats (boys).

    If you meet the snow-white cat before the wedding, then life in marriage will be very happy. Other belief says that a meeting with such a beast will fulfill one cherished desire Young.

    If you give a delicacy with a white cat, he will take some of your hands. If you even take the animal to your home, then the white stripe will sharply begin in your life.

    When a child should appear in the house, it's worth starting a white kitten. In distant times, people were confident that the little defender would be a guard for the baby. In addition, it was believed that the white kitten would help a woman to transfer all the difficulties during pregnancy and childbirth.

    However, it should be very closely followed by the behavior of a pet. If the animal often stacked to sleep on the stomach of the future mother, it suggests that the child has congenital diseases.

    Have you met White Cat on the threshold of your house? Sick says that it must be launched inside. An animal suffers around the room and leaves, but happiness and harmony, which it brought with them, will remain in your house for a long time. It is believed that if the white cat became an uninvited guest in a woman's house, then she will marry very soon.

    Cats are amazing animals, which throughout the history of mankind helped people defend themselves from the unclean, remain healthy and lucky. The more you love your pet, the more active he will help you in any life situations.

  • According to the present times, the old and at current time is not quite a tolerant people's saying about the uninvited guest, which is worse than Tatar, does not apply to cats and cats. Despite the fears of some people - "someone else's animal brings out other people's problems!" - Signs for shaggy guests are positive. And in no case do not recommend the owners to take for a broom! Graceful and mysterious home predators are extremely rarely connected with the negative, especially when they come to the house.

    What does the visit of the uninvited guest in the fluffy fur coat?

    It is believed that the animal never goes to the house with a bad aura. Especially such is mysterious, like a cat! So you already have one kind prediction. It is even better if the tailed algered will prescribe a person with his master. It became, he saw something in you, which would unconditionally conquered the soul. Of course, not every "chosen" can immediately take into the house by randomly discovered on the threshold. There are non-promotional apartment hostesses in this light, family members with allergies, their own reluctance to take responsibility for someone, let it be a small, but life ... However, to think about the development of events worth it, but it is not recommended to drive the animal from the threshold. According to the signs of the cat, the cat enters the mass of good events.

    Let's let the happiness in the house!

    Turning when someone else came to the house or a cat

    • A stray cat is considered to be a carrier of good luck; The one who will take it into their house will immediately begin a bright band in life. If, of course, do not forget to reduce the new pet in the vetclinic, and then conduct a full-scale operation for the destruction of worms and fleas.
    • In the US, oddly enough, the best thing is a black cat. Having met this animal on the street, a superstitious American will turn back, and in the house will be delighted as a native.
    • In Russia, black aliens are ambiguous. Somewhere they are trying to get out of them, considering the source of bad news, and somewhere they are involving the overseas: "Black cat on the threshold - wealth in the house."
    • In India, a cat nailed to the family indicates an ambulance wedding.
    • And only in China are confident that someone else's tummy will swallow the hole in the owners' pocket. According to the deep conviction of residents of Asia, money come only from their own animal.
    • Sometimes it is believed that the house in which the vagrant cat or a cat is asking to enter, in fact faces misfortune. But the animal, Aki Knight on the White Kone, caught the oscillations of negative energy and appeared to "destroy" the situation. In this case, it is simply necessary to take it into the house, or a small magician will not be able to continue to work for the benefit of your family.

    Not so worried black cat, as superstitions say

    The prize Murka becomes a bad admission only if it is clearly sick. Here the belief is categorically categorically: "Who contributes a sick cat into the house, makes a problem." However, his truthfulness has repeatedly refuted the numerous brother's defenders of stray animals. Volunteers are constantly picking up from the streets of a wide variety of animals - healthy, patients, shot down by the machine ... and imagine, do not roll off the epidemics, and the strings of unpleasies are not collapsed on the heads of the hearts. And can the punishment for a good act? "Only you yourself are not gluing. If your heart thrown at the sight of an afflicting animal, agreed measures to not infected and infect home. "

    Kitten ran out or born to the threshold

    • Kittens are the same children, only feline. The most common sign says that the baby needs to be taken to the house if you are waiting for your own offspring your own offspring. Give your love abandoned baby, and maybe the highest strength will be awarded for this by the execution of a secret desire. Why not experience such a non-flag and easy way?
    • If the kitten appears under your door at the moment when the patient is in the apartment, the animal is also recommended to leave himself. According to the signs, the fluffy lumps sent to you the highest strength so that he would take the disease. And if you do not dwell on the mystical side of the question, the playful kid will surely entertain the patient and will send his thoughts into a positive rut. Is it necessary to explain how the correct mood can be stimulated?
    • Two ways can be understood and accepting a kitten who came to the house, where a person recently died. Mystics call him a messenger, through which the gone submits his own news about himself. And psychologists consider to survive a heavy period. Kid so much need! Will-Neils, and the new owner will have to be distracted from mournful thoughts, which will only benefit him.

    Signals about the color found

    Every color has its advantages

    • We have already talked about the fact that the blacks found the overseas signs are called a real magnet for money. But do not think that our ancestors of Slavs tried to stay from the black way. In Russia, believed: a dog, a cat or, at worst, the beautiful black rooster will save the dwelling from robbers. And the torment over the usual service protection against the bad evil eye and damage. No matter how much a valuable acquisition.
    • Gray cats also cope with the slogan. You have a lot of ill-wishers, the profession is associated with dangers or you suffer uncertainty in tomorrow, and outside the window meows and wants to go home a gray cat or a cat? Let the animal in the apartment! He will be a reliable guard from opponents of any sense.
    • Ferry fluffy attract a little money in the house and a lot of love. Solar cats are of particular power if they live in an apartment with a red-haired mistress, and the cats provide happiness of red-male owners. True, there is a version that their neighborhood with black fellow in the same house will mutually weaken the mysterious spell of both. But if it happened that you became the owner of two different cats, do not rush to be disappointed. Who will charge, what exactly are your favorites will not start talking to call you happiness?
    • White animals are real good luck talismans. They are attracted to the house of good people, provide prosperity in all areas from business to love and are the best inheart animals in the world. But be careful! White cats are not suitable for careless people who do not know how to organize their lives and work.
    • But three-color cat Bring good to any house, which ran, without exception.

    By months

    If you yourself decided to make a cat, the time of the new pet depends only on your desire. But when the animal comes to the house unexpectedly, fate enters into business. It makes sense to take a look at the calendar and check, and what is there a month in the yard?

    • January. In the most bite and snow month, the cats come to lonely, which too closed in their shell. Purlize the phonebook with contacts, find the old friends and slowly mately start to get into people, and the tailed Castor will help you make friends and find your half.

    The beginning of the year is the time to change, and the 'Winter' Castor All Pals for!

    • February. The end of winter foreshadows changes in nature, and the pretty guest requires letting something new to your life. Those who are too mired in affairs will begin to rush in travel. Women career players before "I can not" a child will want. At worst, it will come down and rearrange the furniture, and a change of hair color.
    • March. What can Madovsky cat mean, how is not a stormy novel? They say even the crowns of celibacy are cracking and trembled to the ground, if the fluffy young lady is broken in the house in the house! Or cavalier. Do not miss the case to experience new feelings or refresh old.
    • April. People have avitaminosis, but cats, daring to enter your home, full of energy. The new family member will diligently feed your strength, but also to sit still will give. Most likely, the trouble to add, but they will all in the end bring you to a new level: in relationships, in a career, in changing lifestyle to a more active.
    • May. This month, the cats scratch into the doors of people who threaten the loss of material well-being. Spontaneous purchases, robber in the doorway, unclean on the hand partner ... There are a lot of dangers! Show caution, signing documents, and the wallet evening-other hold the house under the sun bed of the May pet. Another option to insure your property from theft - to lose the purse or banknotes about smooth furs.
    • June. Students and schoolchildren had time to take a break from study. If the homeless cat appeared to you this month, it will help you to restore the exacted exams on learning ability, will strengthen the memory and raise intelligence. The useful bonus will be unnecessary people who have a shaggy beauty will expose from your life. Do not be surprised if some connections will be broken at that time: they were not needed for you.
    • July. July cats treat body and soul. If someone sick in the house, he will recover. If the depression covered you, the cat quickly drives it. And she is able to restore the energy of things on which at least a few minutes lie, which will benefit on the aura of the house.

    Temple Guard will protect the owners from enemies

    Nevertheless ... The main thing you should know about the complaints with meowing on the porch lion, are it ready to let it in your apartment and the heart. If so, no superstitions will prevent, and all the signs will only be kind.

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