Essay-description of animals. Presentation on the topic "composition-description of a pet" Describe the animal in Russian


Topic: Description of the animal



    repetition of features of functional and semantic types of texts

    selection of material for describing an animal

    preparation for writing an essay


    involvement in active practical activities

    developing the ability to work in a group, to interact


    development of students' speech

    formation of the ability to compare objects, build analogies

    increased interest in wildlife

Lesson type: speech development lesson

Equipment: multimedia equipment, handouts, tape recorder, recording "In the world of animals"

During the classes:

    Organizing time

    Checking d / z. Slide 1 (task), Slide 2 (answers)

    Repetition of the studied + preparation for the assimilation of new material:

    What types of text do you know? (Slide 3)

    Description - this is an image of any phenomenon of reality, an object, a person by listing and disclosing its main features.

    Narration - this is a story, a message about an event in its temporal sequence.

    reasoning - this is a verbal statement, explanation, confirmation of any thought

    Determine the type of each of the texts. Prove it.

    (Slide 4) Yesterday I was at the circus and saw tigers. Why do such strong animals obey the trainer? Maybe because a person is not afraid of them? Or because the trainer takes care of them? What do you think? (text-reasoning)


    (Slide 5) Yesterday I was at the circus and saw tigers. What they just did not make! First they stood on their hind legs, then they jumped from pedestal to pedestal and even through burning rings. And at the end, the trainer put the tigers in a row and walked along them, as if they were steps. I looked at the arena with bated breath. (text-narrative)


    (Slide 6) Yesterday I was at the circus and saw tigers. How beautiful and strong they are! Their skin is striped, bright, their eyes burn with green fire, their paws are elastic. And when tigers roar, white fangs are visible. (text-description)

    Topic message(Description of the animal) and lesson objectives(selection of material to describe the animal, preparation for writing). (Slide 7)

    Organization of perception and comprehension of new information. The animal world is very interesting and diverse. What unusual animals do you know? Or what animals do you consider unusual? Why? Let's look into the unusual, magical world of animals. (Slides 8-10)

We will describe cat (Slide 11).

    Reception of strained vision (general work). Table 1 shows the parameters for describing a cat. Find the words and phrases that describe the cat for each item and write them down in the right column. (Slide 12, 13)








Habits, behavior

Who or what does she look like (associations)

My attitude

    Spelling work

Explain spelling: with a black tip, long tail, elongated muzzle, spotted fur, like boots ...


Without deviating from the topic, let's relax a little.

Exercise 1: The cat looks at some object, tilting its head either to the right or to the left. (Tilts of the head to the right and left.)

Exercise 2: A cat catches flies with its paws. (Turns of the body with claps.)

Exercise 3: The cat stretches.

    Binomial fantasy (work in groups). Find the similarity of objects (actions, signs, qualities). Record in a table. (Slide 14)

Cat - comb

Slipper cat

Cat is a computer

Cat - fishing rod

Cat - piano


    Lesson grades

    Homework(Slide 15)

Write an essay on a topic (optional)

    "My cat"

    "The cat of my dreams"

    "The Most Unusual Cat"

    "The Adventures of a Cat"

    "A cat is a man's friend"


Sections: Russian language

Topic: R/r Description of the animal based on the painting by A.N. Komarov "Flood".


  • Tutorial: to teach students the features of building a story based on a picture.
  • Developing: Development of creativity, memory and speech, enrichment vocabulary students.
  • Educational: Education of love for nature, for animals, patriotism.

Equipment: reproduction of the painting by A.N. Komarov "Flood", presentation ( Appendix), cards.

During the classes

I. Checking homework

Listen to the riddle and guess:

The snow is melting
The meadow came to life
The day is coming.
When does it happen?

Of course, this happens in the spring. Today we will talk about this time of year. Let's try to find out how nature changes in spring?

So, let's begin. At home, you had to write a mini-essay "Spring signs". Let's listen to essays.

Reading essays, 2-3 essays.

Question to the class: What mood are the compositions about spring imbued with?

If you were given a brush and paints, what colors would you choose?

II. Painting work

1. Introductory speech of the teacher

This time of the year is very different: sunny and gloomy, bright and gray, cheerful and menacing. And artists depict it in different ways. Today we will get acquainted with the painting by the artist Alexei Nikanorovich Komarov. (Slide 1)

2. Story about the artist(1 student, prepared story)

Komarov Alexey Nikanorovich (1879–1977) was born in the Tula province. Early childhood spent in the countryside and at the age of four or five he drew and sculpted domestic animals from bread. Graduated from the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Illustrated children's magazines and books.

The artist traveled a lot, participated in the design of the atlas "Food Birds and Animals of the USSR", illustrated the great work "Birds Soviet Union and many scientific and popular books.

A. N. Komarov is known as an animal painter. Studying animals, their behavior in nature, he shares with us his observations with the help of brush and canvas.


  • What interesting moments of the artist's life do you remember more?
  • What word did you hear for the first time?

3. Vocabulary work

Komarov is an animal painter. Who is an animator? The dictionary gives this explanation. (Slide 2)

ANIMAL PAINTER- a, m. An artist or sculptor who depicts mainly animals in his works. [From lat. animal- animal] ... (Small academic dictionary)

The task: Write out this word and lexical meaning in the dictionary and remember.

Aleksey Nikanorovich Komarov did not just depict animals, but sought to show that they, like people, also experience different feelings. For example, here are the artist's drawings. What do we see on them? (Slide 2)(The chanterelle, apparently, is trying to get food for itself by digging snow. (Slide 3) A flock of birds craned their necks in alarm, sensing some kind of danger. The picture is called "Alarm".)

Today we met the artist Komarov, we will write down the main thing about him. (Slide 4)

The task: Write down the sentences, put punctuation marks, explain their statement.

4. Conversation about the painting

We have to compose a story based on Komarov's painting "Flood". (Slide 5)

1. What season is shown in the picture? (Early spring)
2. Why is the picture so called?
3. What synonyms can be found for the word "flood"? (Slide 6)

FLOODING (cf. gender)- flooding of the area as a result of a rise in the water level in a river, lake or sea, usually a natural disaster.

FLOOD- flood, flood, flood.

Group work(Tasks on cards)

Card 1

Think about these questions and answer orally.

  1. Why is the bunny on the tree?
  2. How did he get there?

Spring brings forest animals not only the joy of warm sunny days, but also troubles, and even real trouble.

The spring sun melted the snow, and the ice that bound the banks of the river also melted. The water rose high, flooding the bushes and roots of tall trees. Frightened animals leave their flooded burrows and try to escape from the flood on rare islands of hills surrounded by cold water. But not everyone has time to get there, not everyone has enough space on earth. Here the hare climbed onto a knotty branch of an old tree. He is very scared.

Card 2

Description of the animal. (Slide 7)

How did the artist depict the bunny? Describe him: what is his head, eyes, ears, fur? Choose full adjectives for these words and write them down. How did the artist depict the bunny? Choose full adjectives for these words and write them down.

1.The bunny's head is _______________, _____________. Around the eyes - ____________ spots. Eyes _____________ _____________, shine with fright. ______________ ears upright, ______________ spots are visible on their tips. A hare has ______ fur. On the neck it is ____________________, on the back - _______________. Back ______________. _______________ ponytail tucked in

(Head at the bunny small, brown. There are white spots around the eyes. Dark round eyes, glisten with fright. Long ears upright, on their tips are visible black spots. At the hare thick fur. On her neck yellowish brown, behind - grey-white. Back dark. little ponytail preloaded.)

2. What state is the bunny experiencing? (Slide 8)

From these adjectives, select those that describe the state of the animal. Write them down in short form, matching the word bunny.

sad, funny, anxious, carefree, joyful, scared, indifferent, timid.

3. How does the bunny behave? Pick up and write down the verbs that describe the actions of the bunny.

(Poor little bunny sits on a thick branch of a tree, pressed little paws underneath. He snuggled up back to the trunk and carefully looks to the incoming water. So sorry for the animal in trouble.) (Slide 7)

Physical education minute

Card 3

Think and answer verbally.

  1. What will happen to the rabbit next?
  2. How can he be saved?

The task:

Write the sentence, fill in the missing letters. (Slide 8)

TO but rtina A. N. Komarova "Flood" pr about niknuta love b yu to w And this world and all And kind .

The task: Oral story from a painting

Now let's remember everything we talked about. Here are the questions that we discussed with you, considering Komarov's painting "Flood". (Slide 9) These questions will form the outline of the essay.

Essay plan

  1. Who is A.N. Mosquitoes?
  2. What season is shown in the picture?
  3. Why is the picture called that?
  4. How did the bunny get on the tree?
  5. How did the artist depict the bunny?
  6. What state is the animal in?
  7. How does he behave?
  8. How can he be saved?
  9. What feelings does this picture evoke?

And now we will compose the whole story according to the picture.


We have to not just describe the picture, but tell our younger brother, for example, a first grader, about it. We have already talked about the painting in a letter to a friend.

Consider where to start. Should I use invocation?

The cat's head is round. Small sensitive ears stick out on the head. The eyes seem to be split in the middle. This narrow gap widens in the dark, which helps the cat see better.

The whole body of a cat is soft and flexible. The tail is long and fluffy. The legs are short but strong. Each finger is armed with a sharp curved claw. The cat knows how to make its paw velvet. She deftly hides her claws so that they do not become dull. He walks on his toes, but does not tap the floor with his claws.

The cat jumps high and climbs trees. She is neat, does not like dampness and dirt. She is attached to her children and bravely protects them. The cat gets used to the house more than to the person.

Prove that the type of speech in this text is description.

Make a plan.

Write a detailed and creative essay on the topic: “A story about a favorite animal” or “My favorite animal.”

The text gives detailed description cats: her appearance (head, eyes, body, tail, paws), habits (jumps high and climbs trees), natural features(neat, does not like dampness and dirt), character (attached to her children, getting used to the house).

Essays on topics:

  1. Here comes the spring. And with the advent of spring, all nature around is transformed. At first, the days increase, and the temperature gradually rises by ...
  2. I want to tell you about my friend, his name is Sasha. We are familiar with early age. We went together to Kindergarten, but...
  3. A hairdresser is a person who takes care of the hair of clients, and who can easily make any haircut and hairstyle. The hairdresser can...

slide 2

Preparation for writing a description of an animal

  • slide 3

    Description of the animal

    My kitten was sad. I asked: “Well, what’s the matter with you?” He is silent, sitting in the box. I said: “How timid you are! You probably didn’t sleep?” , Parsley, I'm not your toy!”

    slide 4

    So, the subject of our description is a domestic animal. What should be written about it? (Describe appearance: muzzle, paws, tail, habits).

    slide 5

    The task of the artistic style is to draw a live picture, to convey to the reader the feelings experienced by the author. The statement is usually concrete, figurative (lively, expressive), emotional.

    Language tools. - words in a figurative sense, comparisons (necklace); - emotionally evaluative words: a) with a diminutive suffix; b) with the suffix - ovate; - perfective verbs with the prefix za- with the meaning of the beginning of the action; - interrogative, motivating, exclamatory sentences; - sentences are complex, with homogeneous members.

    slide 6

    Determine the type and style of speech. Who are we talking about? In whose perception?

    The terrible animal walked, crept on soft short paws, crawling along the floor with its belly. His head was round, with rare mustaches on end, and green eyes, narrow pupils burned with diabolical malice. In the mouth ... fangs stuck out.

    Slide 7

    How did the author manage to avoid repetition?

    Mikhalych entered, followed by a large, beautiful dog, white with dark brown spots on the sides. Her muzzle was also brown, and her huge ears hung down. Jack's coat was short, shiny, smooth, and strong muscles showed from under it.

    Slide 8

    Edit texts, eliminate repetition.

    Vaska was black, fluffy, and his paws were white, like in slippers. The tip of his tail was also white, as if stained with chalk. His eyes are green, and the pupils are narrow, narrow. My guinea pig Shunka has one ear pink and the other grey. And Shunka's eyes are like beads. Two of Shunka's paws are white, and two are black. Shunka has sharp claws.

    Slide 9

    Eliminate factual inaccuracies and errors in the description. Does the cat have hair or fur? Nails or claws? Can we say that she is of average height?

    In our village there is a red cat Vasily. He is of medium height, like all cats. He has a gray spot on his forehead, which also covers one ear. Vasily walks slowly, because he is old. Lies on the ground and basks in the sun. He loves when you stroke his hair - he arches, releases his nails from his paws and purrs gratefully. And Vasily does not like being disturbed or a fly sits on his face. Then he gets angry. But no, to brush off a fly with his foot, he does not want to move. And so it lies until patience bursts. Then he sits down and starts catching flies. As soon as he catches, he clamps his paw and holds the fly for a long time, and then releases it or eats it.

    Slide 10

    How can you start writing? What beginning will require a story about the habits of animals, what - about appearance?

    Well, the bully is our kitten (puppy, ...)! What a handsome man this cat (puppy, ...)! Oh, and our puppy (kitten, ...) is a sly one! What a sweet...! What a miracle this is...! Oh and fidget...! Very good…! …so cowardly! What an evil...! So amazing…!

    slide 11

    Color: smoky, black with white necklace, grey…

    slide 12

    Pick up epithets, comparisons for this word, as well as some groups and verbs that can be used with this word.

    Muzzle: elongated, sly, small, wide ...

    slide 13

    Eyes: large, oval, playful, with a greenish tinge... Verbs: look, ask, smile...

    Slide 14

    Mustache: long, black, thin ... Verbs: bristling, sticking out,

  • slide 15

    Tongue: Red, rough, soft like a brush

  • slide 16

    Ears: small, black...

  • Slide 17

    Tail: black with a white tip, fluffy, long ... Verbs: wriggling, trembling, standing swaying ...


    I love pets very much. And finally, my parents gave me a kitten for my birthday. He was small, fluffy, black with a white speck on his forehead. The dot was shaped like an asterisk, so everyone started calling the kitten Star. My kitten had a round face with a black nose, shiny eyes and small erect ears.

    How funny it was! Plump, short legs. Every time it saw me, it ran up, rubbed against my legs, as if inviting me to play with it. kitty had

    Cheerful disposition, and therefore very quickly became a family favorite.

    Most of all, Zvezdochka loved to play with a paper butterfly. The kitten jumped merrily, stood on its hind legs, twisted its head.

    I love my Zvezdochka very much and am happy that I have it.


    My grandmother has a dog. This is a large Central Asian Shepherd Dog, which has the nickname Rex.

    He has long thick hair white color. The head is large, the muzzle is elongated, narrowed towards the nose. The eyes in Rex are dark and intelligent. He looks at everyone with a close, attentive look. Slender long legs overgrown with smooth hair. Tail

    Short, and wool falls out of it in waves.

    The Rex is big and strong, and the temperament is good and calm. And although he is already an adult, he likes to play with the ball, run a race with me.

    I like Rex and enjoy playing with him.


    One day I saw a squirrel in a tree in the park. Golden brown, only the tip of the tail is white, as if poured with sour cream. The tail is much larger than the squirrel itself. He is fluffy and fluffy. Her quotation marks are short with well-developed fingers, strong and dense.

    Thanks to sharp claws, the animal quickly moves along tree trunks, easily clings to branches. Teeth in squirrels are strong and sharp. They easily crack through the toughest nuts. Of all the forest inhabitants, squirrels are the most lively and restless.

    I like squirrels and I enjoy watching them.


    I love sparrows. They nest near human dwellings. The merry chirping of these brave and clever robbers comes from under the roof above my window.

    Sparrows have a strong conical beak, short wings, and a long tail. The small quick eyes of a cocky gray bird look around warily. They cheerfully jump on their little legs, nervously fly from branch to branch, whisper something among themselves, start noisy fights.

    Sparrows feed on seeds, berries, insects, destroy the enemies of the garden. I love watching these little funny birds.

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