Leonardo di Caprio smokes. Electronic celebrity cigarettes

Leonardo di Caprio, who began his cinematic career in 1991, today became heavy cinema heavyweight, but this is not the only area where his authority is great. Due to the fact that DiCaprio smokes an electronic cigarette, he earned the title of chief woven in Hollywood. Let's look at how the di-pee-paper became.

Magazines are woven about the stars that you can extract, while you are in line in the supermarket, filled with paparazzi pictures about how a celebrity without makeup chooses coffee or returns from workout. People look at the photo and understand that the stars are the same as they are engaged in conventional things: drink, eat, smoke ... Now it is possible to attribute to such things.

Of course, Weiping People probably came across the eyes of the celebrities, who switched to Weiping, in which the name of Leonardo di Caprio and its electronic cigarette appeared.

What is Parian Gilbert Grape?

When Leonardo di Caprio was young, his photographs with a cigarette were often flashed in the media. However, times have changed.

DiCaprio smokes an electronic cigarette for quite a long time. So long ago, that it is no longer possible to present Leonardo di Caprio with a cigarette, DiPario stably prefers Waip. He was almost one of the first wipers. He as if he broke a kind of face when his cigarettes received mass lighting. In RAO, one of the most elite restaurants in New York, he walked his electronic cigarette without any embarrassment. Shortly after that, his device with a green glowing light was seen in different places: on the set, in restaurants, even during cycling ... Leo Paril, where and when he wanted. And then his example was followed by other celebrities. Now we can often meet a photo where one or another star smokes, but not tobacco, but an electronic cigarette.

Tanks of New York

At the time, Ego- "handles" were gained their popularity, our Leo again turned out to be a pioneer of new Waip-technologies. While his colleagues simply moved to cigarette-like devices, DiCaprio was already able to use the set of eternal varvolt mod with the clemurizer.

Di Caprio with Waip was the same normal phenomenon In Hollywood, as expensive cars and dogs that are transferred in her handbags. His couple was everywhere, including on the red tracks, as a result of which this niche passion was mainstream.

Fans have seen not only their idols, but also the development of the new industry, because Leo used the most modern devices. In addition, he defended them so carefully that at times it became a refective. So, for example, he refused Miley Cyrus to make several fumes, which the latter did not forget to mention Jimmy Fall.

Titanic clouds

By 2016, the celebrity with Weip became the same informational reason as the last tour of the KISS group in 2000-2002. It was a wonderful time for the industry. Such stars like Sarah Silverman, Johnny Depp, Katie Parry did not miss the chance to paint with their devices.

At the awards ceremony of the 2016 Film Actors Guild, Leo stole the attention of cameras from many winners of that night. Sitting behind a crowded table, he used a set of the newest fashion and tank. Perhaps it was slightly impossible, but no one seemingly noticed couple clubs over him. But afterwards Leonardo di Caprio with an electronic cigarette flashed in each journal who made photos at this event.

Images of Di Caprio and his Weip instantly scattered by the media, social networks and sites, causing protests of doctors, evil mothers and organizers of other shows. The Oscar Prize organizers almost immediately notified Leonardo, which is not very welcome to Weiping at their own event.

However, despite the short negative, the actor again issued Weiping to the foreground for society.

Beginning in Hollywood

Today, the use of electronic cigarettes is possible among absolutely different layers of the population and even the stars of the first magnitude are not hiding in dark corners to focus their device with liquid or make several tensions.

Many actors who have recently been difficult to imagine without a cigarette, such as Jack Nicholson and Simon Covel, successfully switched to electronic devices, moreover, they are glad that they found such an alternative.

Part of this merit, of course, by law, Leonardo Da Caprio, who once simply decided to stop smoking and moved to Waip. It is unlikely that he thought at the moment that would be a face of Hollywood Weiping. There were other celebrities, openly using waves or cigarette-like devices, since Da Caprio first appeared with his cigarette with a green light for almost 10 years ago.

Perhaps society pays too much attention to celebrities, but the Warning of Leonardo di Caprio brought only positive attention to what we like. And we are glad that he is the same Wailer as we.

Every year more and more smokers goes to e-Sigs, choosing them as a less bad way of delivering nicotine to the body. Among the weeks there are many well-known and famous people, writers, journalists, actors, and politicians, musicians, which cannot but rejoice. Under the cut a small selection of celebrities with their electronic cigarettes.

Leonardo di Caprio - started with Gavnosig type PONS and VUSE:

Then he was seen with other more serious devices:

Katy Perry - Do not part with the eGo:

Katy Perry an extraordinary personality, singer, composer, actress, and ambassador of the United Nations in one person. The owner of numerous awards, she was nominated for Thirteen once for the Grammy Prize

John Cusack (John Cuseak) - also Parian Yagu with Clearm:

John Cusack is a famous Hollywood producer, actor, director, screenwriter, and an avid smoker. For a long time, John tried to overcome a bad habit, with varying success threw smoking, and started again. John is delighted with electronic cigarettes.

Michelle Rodriguez. (Michelle Rodriguez) Parian Esigi:

Popular Hollywood actress, you can remember her on the roles in the films "Avatar", "Resident Evil", "Machete", "Stay alive" and many others.
Michelle Rodriguez acquaintance with electronic cigarettes began with Mr. Sig:

Michelle Rodriguez acquires Kanger Evod:

Norman Reedus. (Norman Ridus) Parian Yagu:

The actor and photo model Norman Reedus remembered many of the role in the TV series "The Walking Dead", like other American actors - prefers egs with clients.

Willie Nelson. (Willie Nelson) - Country Legend of Music:

Willie Nelson always led a very rebel lifestyle in the style of rock and roll, alcohol and light drugs still remain their favorite Villy addictions. Singer is an ardent activist of the movement for the legalization of cannabis, and smokes it everywhere, once managed to open the jacket on the roof of the White House, during the reception by President Jimmy Carter. The electronic cigarette is needed Willy just for marijuana, in the hands of the Singer NO2 Herbal Vaporizer, the device on the similarity of PAX, is refilled by hashing or smoking herbs.

Katherine Heigl. (Catherine Heigl) for several years only Esigi has been smoking:

Catherine Hagl is a famous actress and producer, you can remember her by the series "Anatomy of Passion" where she played the role of a doctor Osks Stevens. Catherine One of the first Hollywood stars began to popularize electronic cigarettes, appeared with Esiga in David Laterman's show back in 2010.
Catherine Heigle and Proveries with Catoan Tank:

Snoop Dogg. (Snoop Dogg) - Rep Musician, Showman, avid smoker:

Snoop Dog makes money not only on music, he has invested funds into a draft electronic cigarette under his own brand. This is a budget eg with herbal atomizer to reap the grass, which is produced in China, the entire marketing holds on the musician fans.

Snoop Dog presents his gavnosigu:

It is called the G-PEN device, the cost in the United States from 80 to $ 100, the same accurate Esigu can be ordered in China for $ 8-12. Herbal evaporators for smoking dry mixes and resins on the market is a lot, German Volcano Vaporizer is considered the best, from pocket models is very good - Pax Vaporizer.

Johnny Depp. (Johnny Depp) - avid smoker

In the film "Tourist" Johnny Paril Esuigu of the first generation, right under the sign "Do not smoke!", Many viewers first heard about electronic cigarettes from this film.

Other photos of Johnny, here he already puffs eg:

Cara delevingne. (Kara Melievin) - British actress and top model:

It is included in the top five of the "50 supermodel world" rating of the portal Models.com, and in the ranking of the British Evening Standard is in the category "The most sought-after models"

Ronnie Wood. (Ronni Wood) - Rock Star 70s, British musician played with Rolling Stones and The Faces:

Samuel L. Jackson (Samuel L. Jackson) Popular Actor

You will probably remember this actor on the film "Criminal Chivo":

Samuel avid smoker with great experience, photo from his twitter:

Jack Nicholson. (Jack Nicholson)

Tom Hardy. (Tom Hardy) - the British actor of the theater and cinema, played the role of Super Sloda Bayne in the blockbuster "Dark Knight: Revival Legend":

Marion Anne Perrine Le Pen (Marin Le Pen) - The leader of the French ultra-right nationalist political party "National Front" was a candidate from his party for the presidency of France in the 2012 election, taking third place in the first round. The daughter of the French policy-Nationalist Zhana-Marie Le Foam.
Marin Le Ros is odious and popular person, leads anti-Muslim policies, compares Muslims with fascists from the occupying Europe.

Marin Le Pen very often appears in the public, and gives an interview with an electronic cigarette in his hands:

Surely you heard such an expression "he delicious smokes." Today is the World Day without tobacco, and tomorrow, from June 1, in Russia, a new federal anti-bacter law comes into force, leaking smokers to live without nicotine, although they did not ask for anyone about it. In Ukraine, this (although much softer) the law was adopted a few years ago, and therefore Russian smokers - my condolences.
And in consolation, I propose a selection of photos of people who know how or knew how to "delicious smoking" (many of them smoked, threw, again began to, they threw them again - and these are them, right?).

Marilyn Monroe. The film on which smoking mariline is captured, was sold to one collector for $ 275,000. Frames shot in 1958-1959, author of video: "... it was not a party. Just people gathered to talk, relax. "

Audrey Hepburn: "Freedom is something that air is satisfactorily. For me, it is to hear how soldiers speak English, and not in German, and inhale their cigarettes of real tobacco smoke. "

Jack Nicholson: "I never smoke when my children are near, and always ask permission from the lady before smoking."

Mickey Rourke. At one time, I took a lot of vitamin D, which, as his doctor assured, "reduces the harmful effects of nicotine on the body." But this actor began to smoke even more (although more, it seems to be nowhere).

Angelina Jolie: "I used to drink, smoke and never breakfast, replacing the morning food with a cup of coffee and a cigarette."

Brad Pitt: "I hated every minute of filming" Troy "for the fact that I had to quit smoking to participate in it."

Leonardo di Caprio. I wonder my mom at such a young aged smoking? 70-year-old Irmelin, in the past was hippies, and now known for its cool temper - the son is already under 40, but he does nothing without motley permission.

Johnny Depp. From the article of the magazine "Tell", which describes his arrival in Moscow: "The actor has just ended with the video interview, and now he asks for permission to smoke - each in the room: Operator, Grimør, Assistant:" Are you definitely not against? I can suffer. "

Monica Bellucci: "Smoking is the only one bad habit, and in all the rest I try to lead healthy image life. "

Keanu Reeves: "During the filming of the film" Konstantin "I did not give a cigarette from my mouth, my colleagues even joked:" Look, our Keanana discovered "".

Sean Penn. In 2008, he was chairman of the jury of the Cannes Festival and in violation of French laws prohibiting smoking in closed public premises, litter a cigarette at a press conference. I delayed several times, I postponed a cigarette and returned to questions of reporters.
Another member of the jury Maryan Satrapi, Iranian director, immediately stated that she also had to smoke "for medical reasons." For them, the French actress Zhin Balibar also lit. There was no nothing for it.

1. Sharon Stone, being one of the producers of the film "Fast and Dead" (1995), was ready to sacrifice half of his fee from the film's revenue in favor of DiCaprio to play with him in this tape together. Unfortunately, financial difficulties did not allow it to do.

Leonardo di Caprio with Mom Irmelin Inembirken and Father George Di Caprio

2. Di Caprio began the hunt for Oscar when he was 21. Already 5 of its nominations did not bring LEO to any figurines. But, according to critics, it is not the main "grief" of the actor. It is terrible to imagine, but 8 nominations for the Cinema Guild Award (Sag Awards), 3 nominations for the film of the British Academy of Cinema and Television Arts (BAFTA AWARDS), 2 nominations for American filmmaking "Saturn" also did not bring an actor a single cherished award.

18 nominations did not bring di whims not a single award

Leonardo di Caprio and Johnny Depp at the premiere of the film "What Gilbert Grape is"

IN primary school Di Caprio drew a swastika on his forehead

4. While working on the film "Catch me, if you can" Di Caprio met with the "real" Frank Abigneil - a man whose real events from life formed the basis of the plot of this film. Leonardo was fascinated by this man and even invited him to his home after the end of the shooting.

5. In 2013, his 39th birthday Leo celebrated the charitable party, which Kanye Sest. This event allowed for the evening to collect the amount of $ 3 million. These money Leo, as always, donated to worldwide environmental protection funds.

For inspiration Di Capri watches the movie "The most drunk man on earth"

6. DiCaprio Together with his friend, John Hill, more than once brought the youtube video "The most drunk man on earth" for inspiration.

Despite the fact that Leo smokes electronic cigarettes, he claims that he has never used drugs and during the filming of the Wolf with Wall Street, he had to consult with experts in order to be plausible to play the role of a modern stock broker.

7. Photographer Patrick McMallan took a picture with Leonardo di Caprio, Blein and Lucas Haas in September 1995 at the event "Fashion Week in New York". It was literally before leo came worldwide popularity. In a matter of week, the life of Di Caprio has changed cool, and the behavior of the actor has changed with it, where there was no place for such photos.

Photo of Patrick McMallan

DiCaprio - the richest actor who never starred in the sequelch

8. Leonardo di Caprio is the richest actor who has never been filmed in the sequelch (movies that in the plot are a continuation of any other work). In this proud list in second place, Denzel Washington settled, and on the third - Mark Wahlberg.

Leonardo di Caprio with Vladimir Putin at a meeting in St. Petersburg discusses the problem of conservation of tigers on Earth

A couple of weeks ago, I did the book of Allen Kara "Light way to quit smoking." It says that teenagers, starting smoking, do it demonstratively. So they want to show that they are adults. And, in general, a session with a very young, but smoking, Leo DiCaprio, in this sense is very significant. Admire yourself.

Here, Leo, as if Shakespeare Hamlet, argues to "smoke or not smoking ?!" ... Well, or just dorms ... In any case, he shows all his appearance that he can think about very serious problems

With confidence I can say that sitting so uncomfortable. But, apparently, there is another topic: the theme of the rebellion. A well-educated boy from a prosperous family is trying to show everyone that may be a homeless bully. In my opinion, unconvincing ...

One thing I can say for sure: against such a charming smile, it is difficult to resist girl-teenagers.

So, the photo shows that Leo tries to create an image of an adult. At the same time, it does not work at all. Moreover, it looks very comic.

But the fact remains: children think that the use of such psychotropic productslike nicotine or alcohol, makes them adults ... I know by myself! Despite the fact that I did not smoke in adolescence from the word in general (so correct was that even the most disadvantaged), even I have a photo with a cigarette in the teeth, who lent with friends.

Did you do similar pictures?)

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