A selection of statuses, aphorisms and quotes about animals. Statuses of VK about animals love animals more than people status

Looking for something original for fasting in social network? Then why not try the statuses about animals? So, they are simultaneously lungs for perception and, as they are called, topical.

What are our smaller brothers silent about?

  1. Perhaps you are not guessing that the dog's dog is arranged for the free work of the fitness coach.
  2. Not that I do not like communication, but in most companies I feel like sea pig: I have no relation to the pigs, nor to the sea.
  3. Because of the cats, it is necessary to suffer constantly, and because of the dogs - only when they die.
  4. A person is not obliged to feed homeless animals at all, but responding to the end of his own pets - obliged.
  5. And you noticed that vegetarians in principle or too evil, or are well kind?!
  6. If the dog is a friend of man, then let my friends pounce on my enemies as well as Rottweilers or Shepherds ...
  7. The cat suddenly came to your bed, and peacefully fortunate around - the best thing that could happen in the morning.

Take the kitten - get a cat

Statuses about animals with meaning will allow us to compare our own qualities with the peculiarities of the brothers of our smaller. It always turns out that we are more evil, envious and exhausted than those close representatives of less developed species.

  1. In fact, happiness can be bought. And you can even take free on the street. This is me about a puppy.
  2. The wrong dancer and bees are incorrect, and honey they do not do everything.
  3. After the next meeting and several failed dents Vasily realized that it was not so bad to be a dog or some homemade cat.
  4. In order to be animals, it is not necessary to bother them. And in order to become a person, you must first step over yourself.
  5. Only a person can laugh in this world. Otherwise, he would not survive ...
  6. In the mink coat, only a limited person will see a luxury. Really wise will see limitations.
  7. You know this question about what would you take from a burning house except money, documents, etc.? So, I would take a cat.

What will your animals surprise you?

Pets take quite a lot of time and attention from our lives. But at the same time they manage to remain an absolute mystery to us. This is what will be discussed in the status of animals with meaning.

  1. Hamster is a reason to return from detail travel, remembering that he did not pour him water.
  2. And here I am sincerely surprised by the yard psyam. Justice look at everyone, although the negative is mostly obtained from life. Yes, they simply not survive in a different way, but still ...
  3. Before raking and fight for great goals, try to just be careful by the wheel, and not shoot down animals.
  4. Yes, there are no soul in people, all this fiction. But there are dogs!
  5. Maybe animals and not smarter than people, but it saves them from learning a purely human meanness.
  6. I want to believe that together with robots and top cars, a person will be able to invent the method of producing meat, and at the same time not to kill animals.
  7. The world of wild animals is cruel, and there is not to survive neither a man nor my pets tamed. But among people there are such individuals that, it seems, they would definitely be able to.

Compassion - Best Human Quality

The status of children and animals will definitely attract attention to your page. In addition, you can speak at a fairly exciting topic.

  1. Living in the apartment cat saves you from loneliness. Living in the apartment two cat save you from boredom.
  2. The dog is endless hiking to the vet, buying feed, snacks, the need to get up earlier. But all this pays off as a result of limitless happiness ...
  3. Think about, we live in the world, where it is too taking care of homeless animals is still considered strange.
  4. Most of us tried not to notice a petty remorse of conscience when it comes to animals dying to get to our table.
  5. It seems to me that black cats consider people at least strange.
  6. A walk on a horse is like a transition to another reality. For a few minutes - and you completely forgot about the existence of fussy things.
  7. Some say that cats will easily find the way home from any corner of the earth. Others argue that the cat in principle does not think that she has a house.

Fighting or justice

After discussing serious topics by tradition, it is worth moving towards more relaxing things. Namely - to the funny statuses about animals.

  1. Once again, nature spank their own laws, and created scorpion.
  2. If mosquitoes were tortured, sprinkle on one of them a male deodorant: let them understand with themselves.
  3. Think about if you change the wording: "Jaguar Zagrava a man" on "Jaguar did not die with hunger" becomes immediately easier and more pleasant.
  4. Another difference between the girl and the dog lies in the fact that the first is offended much more often.
  5. "And you vegetarian, yes? Well done, I also love animals, but there is no such life without meat "...
  6. Black or white? Peace or war? Europe or Asia? Love or hate. And the main question: Cat or dog?
  7. And maybe these sharks cry from what no one loves them, and therefore the sea is salty? And not the river water flocks salt from the soil, and that's all this.

Choose only best statuses About animals in VK!

We, then the missing chain link between animal primate and civilized superholesale. - Conrad Lorentz

What is the diligent effort to improve animals - the topics and delicious, they are obtained.

Hares are really stupid animals, without a king in your head? Naturally, my hare, a true cross!

Walking with a dog - loves to get up early, licking at midnight.

Best status:
I am a goat from Zimbabwe, where the animals horned sacred and are now. Pray for me on your knees, sinful popus-aborigine.

Society of people of the rapid forest will be. Animals are easier to live, feeling the enemy of her intuitive.

A stupid monkey would write longer and fascinating - the beast is still with a fantasy and experience.

A person is a unique animal causing pain and suffering from boredom, aimlessly like maniacs. - Arthur Shopenhauer

Sincere care for beasts makes their meat tastier, the backship of the weld.

I love the animal world, but it does not intend to meet with the omitted goat.

I tried to clarify the cat that my dwelling, showing the right to property and a certificate from the BTI, so that the preoccupative children of the corners would no longer marked.

A black monkey behaves like a black monkey, because she knows that she is a black monkey. If the black monkey does not know that she is a black monkey, then she still behaves like a black monkey and does not become a white monkey.

Women and cats always come as it is pleased. Men and dogs can only relax and accept the situation with such a position.

well be a cat, good dog, where I want to write, where I want to run

Friday - a pile day.

The man is not always a man-wolf. It is so that a person is a man-drank, but it happens that the lamen ... !!

Molva makes a pig fatter than it is

There is no more temptation in the world than to shove the finger in the mouth of the yawning cat.

If scientifically disassemble the composition of sausages from beef, it turns out that the cow is a plant !!!

As a result of an explosion on a liquor plant, everything living within a radius of 3 km requires a continuation of the banquet.

Do you know who snowflakes are? - These are flies in pajamas !!!)

Enlighten it when you get up early in the morning to work, and your cat overturned the plots on you, yawning and curb in the ball ...

So want to be weak, and here how to find it the huts are burning, then horses jump !!!

From the zoo, the watchman escaped ... Although, perhaps, the lions are missing something

There is no love without pain ... I thought the bunny and hugged the hedgehog)))

my cat is called Sceuko. Mom thinks this is a Japanese name ...

Dog Chihuahua daily runs Duhuahua

Happiness is when you have an aquarium with a hippopotamus and it does not surprise anyone

A bird that does not use your wings will not fly away.

Today, the black cat gave me the way ... I slipped three times, stood, I thought and went around ...

I envy bears ... sleep all winter, and current is wake up in spring when it's a little bit

I love pigs. Dogs look at us from below. Cats look at us from top to bottom. Pigs look at us as equal. - Winston Churchill.

Buy at the station 2 Cheburek, and collect the cat from them ...

Dogs and silent faces find a dream very funny and useful.

Each horse thinks that her choking is the hardest. - T. Fuller

Thousand Hamsakov will not compare with you on softness and fluffiness ...)))

Whatever force would have a beast Double punch Always stronger

At 4 o'clock in the morning there are more people in ON LAYNE than at 9 am ... We exchanged the day at night!

The work from the monkey made the tired monkey

Persistent camel 3 hours cripped with Gopnik

The only drawback of the kitten is that it is sooner or later turns into a cat.

My cat is lying in the corners. And it seems to me that he thinks that I am pushing him for a little bit ...

When I wonder where and how he, I just turn on the Discovery Channel, I will look at the monkeys and enjoy the fact that he is happy and eats banana!

Light hoof about cats

Where did you see such a cat that would be worried about what mice talk about her ??

so March ended, cats in my head subsided and started the April)

for good cat And November March.

aaaa, monkeys, hippos ... aaaaa, crocodiles, coushlota ... aaaaa, and green parrot ...

Girl! Do you like animals? - Yes very! - Well, here he is! Homeless animal!

Motorcycle bears faster learn to ride than you solve square equations!

Sometimes the ship stops sinking as soon as rats leave him ...

Dad, and if the lion will accidentally pop up from the cage and eat you, on what bus can I go?

Life as in the chicken coop: Everyone tries to shove the near and crap the bottom!

Spring came, learn laziness, sitting at the desk like a deer

Spring ... cats flew ...

lost cat. Yesterday they saw him on the street late at night, took the home. Gracked, remembered, but happy - March managed

Oh, how well in nature ... Bustor, tent, air, bear ... Bear? !!

pets decorate our lives, and in difficult times - the table

the hedgehog came out of the fog - the marijuana ended

Dogs and men love to sleep most

- Dear, foaming cat! - Catisf want! - So when I will ask, then do it!

Latent zoophiles, I am not a bunny, not a kitten is not a swallow and not a fish. Engage your animals tenderness for those who are fucking.

Boredom is a toy for those for which all houses on one person, all cats are the same, all books are similar and all people disguised bastards.

ate the beaver - the tree saved.

Needle in egg, egg in duck, duck in a hare, hare in shock.

You look at him and agree with the theory of Darwin that a person occurred from the monkey.

Buy two sausages in the dough in the stall, and collect dogs from them ...

Six a horse ... yes not a simple - and my grandfather hoof!

These are only cats in March marry. And men only promise ...

The dog is the only creature on Earth that loves you more than yourself.

october ran, laughed autumn, sleeved into the windowsill cats; You dated me and threw me, my genius of pure beauty.

I am a typical lioness - quick-tempered, but leaving

Do not smoke sitting on horseback, just 1 gram nicotine and you go on foot

All the men look like cats, forgot to feed the angry and grumble, but feed, - rush and drown.

If the soul is the ability to love, be devoted and grateful, then animals possess It is more than many people. - James Herriot

The greatness and moral progress of the nation can be measured by how in this nation include to animals. - Mahatma Gandhi

In the youth, I will renounce meat, and the time will come when people, like me, will look at the killer of animals as well as the human killer. - Leonardo da Vinci

Vernadsky - an amazing person, he owned 15 languages \u200b\u200b!!
Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, Thinker and the naturalist, believed that the person would change in the future.
The day will come when a person will not eat plants and animalsBut the plants themselves will use the energy of sunlight and synthesize the vitamins and minerals necessary for the construction of their body.
- Vernadsky Vladimir Ivanovich

Shuba is a cemetery. A true woman will not wear a cemetery. - Brigit Bardo

Do not throw animals ... I ask you, they are the most devoted and love you no matter who you are and how much money you have.
- Elchin Safarli

"In the animal world, too, there are feelings, and they are much deeper than people, because they come from the heart, and not because of the benefit."

If only people could love the way cat love, the world would be a paradise.

Unless one day a person realizes the opportunity to do without animal food, it will mean not only a fundamental economic revolution, but also noticeable progress in the morality and morality of society. - Maurice Meterlink

For it is impossible to animals Suitable with human measure. Their world is older than our and perfect, and they themselves - the creatures are more finished and perfect than we are with you ... Animals - not smaller brothers Our and not poor relatives; they are other nations, together with us we who have in the network of life, in the network of time; The same as we, prisoners of earthly magnificence and earthly sufferings. "
- Henry Beston, Writer-Naturalist.

Cruelty in relation to animals cannot exist, no where people are truly educated, nor where true scholars reign. This cruelty is one of the most characteristic sins of low and ungirological people. - Alexander Humboldt

True human culture is possible only if not only cannibalism, but all pleasure to meat will be considered cannibalism. - Wilhelm Bush

Animals are my friends, and I do not eat my friends! - J. Bernard Shaw

You just have lunch; And how carefully, at a respectful distance in a few or many kilometers would not be hidden by the slaughterhouse, - you are an accomplice. "- Ralph Valdo Emerson

All the suffering that a person hurts animals will return again to man. - Pytagor.

Thanks to purely physical exposure to the human temperament, a vegetarian lifestyle could be at the highest to influence the fate of mankind. - Albert Einstein

All the living is afraid of torment, all living afraid of death; Know yourself not only in man, but in every living creature, do not kill and do not cause suffering and death. All living wants the same thing you; Understand yourself in every living creature.
- Buddha Shakyamuni.

Poor crushed insect suffers the sameas a dying giant.
- William Shakespeare

I argue that scientists have not yet discovered the entire potential of nutritional value, which can give humanity leaves, fruits and plant seeds.
- Mahatma Gandhi

When the 70-year-old George Bernard Shaw once asked how he feels on a vegetarian diet, He replied: "Wonderful! Only I really do the doctors who all the time they say that I die without meat! ". When after 20 years the same person asked the show about his present well-being, he exclaimed: "Excellent! You know, all those doctors who claimed in one voice that I would die if I won't eat meat - they had already died for a long time, so no one was bothering me now! "

Humanity is not determined by how we appeal to other people. Humanity is determined by how we appeal with animals.
- Chuck Palanik

It is impossible to say that people have become like animals. It insults animals.

"Vegetarianism - a worthy way to get rid of barbaric habits "
- Nikola Tesla.

"... it is impossible to animals Suitable with human measure. Their world is older than our and perfect, and they themselves are creatures more completed and perfect than we are with you. Animals - no smaller brothers and non-poor relatives, they are other nations, together with us who fell into a network of life, in a network of time; The same as we, prisoners of earthly magnificence and earthly suffering "
- Henry Beston

"That's, I gave you all the grass, seeding, which is on the whole of the earth, and every tree, who has a woody, sowing seed: You will eat this"
(- Bible, Genesis 1:29)

"This is an eternal law in all kinds of yours; in all your homes, do not eat any sala and no blood."
(- Bible, Levit 3:17)

"Absolutely impossible to find health, happiness, longevity and most importantly - the joy of life, destroying and exploiting all other beautiful clean creatures for devouring and other dirty human acts: for clothes, medicine, on the hunt, in circuses, zoos"
- Stanislav Zaborovsky, Animal Rights Defender.

Meat food The voice of conscience destroys his influence on the subtle body of the mind as a result, the ability to distinguish bad from good disappears.
- Oleg Gennadyevich

"And if someone from the house of Israel or from the aliens, that between you, there will be any kind of blood, then I will treat my soul to his soul, who will have blood and exterminate it from her people."
(- Bible, Levit 17:10)

"Harding ox - the same as a person killing"
- Bible, Isaiah 66: 3

Do not quit animals... I ask you, they are the most devotees and love you no matter who you are and how much money you have.
- Elchin Safarli

The world is so rich, so beautiful with the whole luxury of his gifts for our happiness - why will we overshadow it with murders, blood shed? Can you really be with a calm conscience to live a killer! ... It is clear that this is a misunderstanding of the shrinking soul, the rude remains of another primitive existence of a scotch-like, wild humanity ...
- Natalia Nordman, wife I.E.Repina

This is terrible! Not the suffering and death of living beings, but the way, as a person, without need, suppresses the highest spiritual beginning, a feeling of compassion and pity in relation to such living beings similar to him, - and, Pouring his own feelings, becomes cruel. But how strong in the heart of the human heart this commandment is not to kill live!
- Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Animals, which are little listed in the Red Book, and which are a lot - in a book about tasty and healthy food.
- Faina Ranevskaya

Our duty, as planet's guardians, refer to all creatures with kindness, love and compassion. The fact that animals suffer from human cruelty - goes beyond understanding. Help stop it madness
- Richard Gir - convinced vegetarian

Who did not learn from respect to treat the life of any embodied creature, - he will not be able to take the next step towards the Knowledge of Tao.

It is necessary to pray sincerely - then on boiled food and meat is much smaller. Yes, and in general, less food is needed with prayer. If a person eats a lot - then this is a sign of the clasp of the body and the small inflow of higher energies.

"I feel sorry for women who still buy a real fur, they do not know what to be a woman is to have a heart and soul."
- Jane Meduse

I prefer to have something there is no eye. The eyes are a soul, and what is the soul, it is unlikely to be useful for the body.
- Jean-Claude Van Damme (Vegetarian)

"If you love animals - do not eat them, and if you eat, then do not say that you love"

Unless one day a person realizes the opportunity to do without animal food, it will mean not only a fundamental economic revolution, but also noticeable progress in the morality and morality of society.
- Maurice Meterlink

"Buying beautiful shoes, the skin for which was nodded from another creature when other modern materials are available, it does not think that you are a civilized person. You are absolutely uncultured and primitive, and most importantly you have no soul"
- Stanislav Zaborovsky, Animal Rights Defender.

"Auschwitz begins where someone looks at the slaughterhouse and thinks: they are just animals." - Theodore Adorno, philosopher, sociologist, musicologist

To understand whether an animal soul, you need to have a soul yourself.
- Lev Tolstoy

Murder and eating animals occurs, most importantly, because people were assured that the animals are intended by God to use people and that there is nothing wrong with the murder of animals. But this is not true. In whatever books it has been written to the fact that it is not a sin to kill animals, in the hearts of all we are written more clearly than in the books that the animal must be regretted as well as a person, and we all know it if they do not muffle in themselves conscience.
- Lev Tolstoy

When we kill animals for food, they ultimately kill us, because their flesh, which contains cholesterol and saturated fats, never was intended for a person.
- William Roberts, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

"If a group of creatures from another planet landed on Earth - creatures that would consider themselves above you, as well as you feel in relation to animals - you would allow them to treat yourself just like you feel about other animals?"

Why demand a report from me, why do I eat like a decent person? If I went to the baked corpses of innocent creatures, you would have the reason to ask me why I do that.
- George Bernard Shaw, writer

"And it is strange why, the actual modern society is indignant to the murderers, when in itself continuously, no one without thinking over, feeds the corpses of animals, more or less modified culinary art, so to speak, suits the" cemetery "in his stomach."
- O.K.Zelenkov "Vegetarian".

"The city will stop being healthy if its inhabitants will begin to eat meat into food, and life will cease to be simple and fair."
- Platon

"I saw people who are less intelligent in many ways than intelligent chimpanzees - and I will set as a psychologist about this." - Professor Richard D. Terder

"It is absolutely impossible to find health, happiness, longevity and most importantly - the joy of life, destroying and exploiting all other wonderful clean creatures for devouring and other dirty human acts: clothes, medicine, hunting, circus, zoos"
- Stanislav Zaborovsky, Animal Rights Protector

"I heard the screams of my father dying from cancer, and realized that these screams were familiar to me. I heard them on the slaughterhouses, in the markets for selling dogs on meat, on ships carrying cattle, from the dying mother of Kitenka, the name of his child, at that The time as a whaling harpoon hit her heads in her brain. Their shouts are the screams of my father. I realized that when we suffer, we are all equal. The cries of suffering are the same in all types of animals and in all languages. "
- Philip Village, Vice President of the Bank, Vegan.

"I don't see the difference at all meaning to kill the animal and kill a person."
- Alice Seleznev. "One hundred years ago." Cyrus Bulychev

"If you stop eating apples, no one will notice, stop there are cakes - no one will notice, stop there is sour cream and yogurt - no one will notice. But it is worth stopping meat, how everyone is starting to worry. And you know why? Because it changes fate. . "
- O.G.Torsunov

The flesh is not an optimal food for a person and historically did not enter the diet of our ancestors. Meat is a secondary, derivative product, for initially all food is supplied by a floral world. In meat and animal products there is nothing useful or indispensable for human organismWhat could not be found in plant food.
- John Harvey Kellog

"The compassion for animals is so closely connected with the kindness of character, which can confidently assert that there can be no good one who is cruel with animals."
- Arthur Shopenhauer

How can we hope that peace and prosperity will reign on Earth, if our bodies are alive graves in which killed animals are buried?
- Lev Tolstoy.

"If a person is serious and sincere in search of morality, then the first, from which he should turn away is meatylas ... Vegetarianism is considered a criterion for which you can recognize how seriously a person's desire for moral perfection is and truly."
- Lev Tolstoy.

Do not make your stomachs with animal graves.

"We, the heads of the Christian Church, refrain from meat food, in order to keep the flesh to our ... My mocking disgusts the nature and defile us."
- St. John Zlatoust

"The one who is increasing his body by going to the flesh of other creatures, encourages himself to suffer, in what kind of body he is not born."
- Mahabharata

In my opinion, the life of the lamb is no less valuable than the life of the human being. I argue that what helpless the creation, the greater right it has to obtain protection against human cruelty.
- Mahatma Gandhi

I do not consider the flesh of the domestic animals as the food you need. On the contrary, I am convinced that the meat in food is unacceptable for a person.
- Mahatma Gandhi

For the sake of a piece of meat, we deprive the animals of life to which they have the same right as we.
- Treatise Plutarch "On the eating flesh"

- Buddhist wisdom

Meat carries a destructive algorithm - a program that means one - self-destruction for you. This corpse is once a living being possessing high levels Awareness, which means that the creature realized that he was killed when he was killed, and this last thought form was sealed into his body as a program - that's what it means.
- Vadim Zeland "Apocryphic Transching"

"The day will come when a person will not eat plants and animals, but himself like plants will use the energy of sunlight and synthesize the vitamins and minerals necessary for the construction of their body."
- Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky - an amazing person, he owned 15 languages, a thinker and natural resource, believed that the person would change in the future.

"... a person can feed energy from the air," pranay ", absorbing nitrogen from the environment through nitrogen-fixing microorganisms with the help of cold nuclear synthesis ..."
- Galina Sergeevna Shatalova, Neurosurgeon, who lived to 94 years

The compassion for animals is so closely associated with kindness of character, which can be confidently asserting that there can be no good one who is cruel with animals.
- Arthur Shopenhauer

Sometimes after a conversation with a person, I want to be friendly to shake the dog's paw, to smile a monkey, worship elephant.
- Maksim Gorky

"The sad irony lies in the fact that we often look into space, guessing whether there are still reasonable creatures there, while we are surrounded by thousands of views of reasonable creatures, whose abilities we have not yet learned to open, appreciate and respect ... "
- Dr. Will Tattle

"Vegetarianism acts as cleansing. When you eat animals, you are more under the rule of the law of necessity. You become heavy, you are more attracting to the ground. If you are a vegetarian, you are easy, you more belong to the law of grace, the law of force, and you begin to attract the sky" .
- Osho

"The world is not a thing, but animals are not raw materials for our needs. More than mercy, our duty towards animals is justice.
- Arthur Shopeng

Wearing fur today is ashamed. So dressed the primitive people, but they had no choice.
- Artemy Troitsky

Stylish people today do not wear animal fur. Beauty is not compatible with cruelty.
- Lyme Vaikule

Shuba is a cemetery. A true woman will not wear a cemetery.
- Brigit Bardo

No - cruelty in my heart, no - fur in my wardrobe!
- fur wearing beautiful animals or ugly people
- Relie the right to life, refuse fur!
Fur - hell for animals and the environment.
Capps - hellish pain for your fur coat.

Is it cool, dress up in the corpses?

Buying fur - custom murder!

Here are the dogs, they are like a medicine: they are treated, they save people, strengthen nervous system. After eighty, everyone needs to have a dog. She will save you, will help with the day of the day better than any doctors.
- George Vicin

Georgy Vicin was engaged in yoga, was a vegetarian. He lived modestly, but fed street cats, dogs and pigeons. When they asked: "- Do you have a dream?". He replied: "- so that people feed the animals."
And when he was buried, then all stray dogs And the birds, whom he fed, together with the human crowd came out to hold him on the last path.

If you select hungry dog And make her life full, she will never bite you. This is the principal difference between the dog and man.
- Mark Twain

We are part of the shame generation; When future generations look like, as we treated animals, they will be horrified.
- Jil Robinson, founder of the Asian Animals Foundation

Kill the animal to make a fur coat from it - sin. The woman acquires the status when refuses to wear the killed animal on his shoulders. And only then it is truly beautiful.
- Doris Day.

As it is now considered to be vile and shameful to throw up children, arrange the fight of gladiators, torture prisoners and perform other atrocities, no one who has not seemed to be predependent, no other feeling of justice, when it will be considered immoral and non-disabilities to kill animals and eating their corpses .
- Dr. Zimmerman

God, help me to be such a person, how my dog \u200b\u200bconsiders me.
- Yanush Vishnevsky

The degradation of mankind began with loss of knowledge about the fine body. As a result, people ceased to understand the subtle effects of food for consciousness ... A man with meat constantly absorbs the power of the suffering of the animal, so the meat kills happiness.
- Dr. Torsunov.

"... if the meat science was indifferent, Myathers would not attack vegetarianism; they are annoying because they are aware of their sin, but no longer free from him."
- L. N. Tolstoy

"For animals, a person is God. As we ask for help from God, so they ask for help from a person."
- Paisius Svyatogorets

Do what you believe, and believe in what you are doing. Everything else is an empty waste of energy and time.
- Nisargadatta Maharaj

It has almost no time to go to vegetarianism, since the beginning of 2013, a new era begins. Change control energies. Just the meats may run into heart attacks, strokes, etc. This is their choice, but they should know about it ...
- Igor Globa

Vegetarian food is a great art, it will completely replace you medications. Each food is a medicine, if used in accordance with the knowledge of the mechanism of action on the body, is properly prepared and taken in the required quantity. It should be studied and used in food spices in the right proportions that will lead you to rapid recovery.
- Oleg Gennadevich Torsunov

His disease look at the bottom of the plate
- Chinese folk wisdom

You are what you eat
- Hippocrat

For severity, poor attitude towards people, cruelty, excessive attachment to things appears for meat. These products are desecrated, the power of death increases in a person from their use.
- Oleg Torsunov

As you are not ashamed to put the agriculture product with a ripped sacrifice of the slaughter.
- Plutarch

Nothing will bring such benefit to human health and will not increase the chances of preserving life on Earth, as the spread of vegetarianism.
- Albert Einstein

I believe that a vegetarian diet, at least due to its purely physical impact on the human temperament, should high degree Beneficially affects the fate of mankind.
- Albert Einstein

"To understand if animals have a soul, you must have a soul yourself."

"In the animal world, too, there are feelings, and they are much deeper than people, because they come from the heart, and not because of the benefit.

If the soul is the ability to love, be devoted and grateful, then animals have it to a greater extent than many people.
- James Herriot

"The world is not a thing, and animals are not raw materials for our needs. More than mercy, our duty towards animals is justice."
- Arthur Shopenhauer

"Killing animals for the sake of food, a person suppresses higher spiritual feelings - compassion and pity for other living beings like him - and, crossing themselves, it becomes harder."
- Lev Tolstoy.

In Norway, the day was introduced without meat, however, for now for servicemen. It is very correct. Meat is a very harmful product. Norway is a rich country, they understand well what people need to pass more to vegetarian food.
- Vladimir Zhirinovsky

"How can we hope that peace and prosperity reigns on earth if our bodies are alive graves in which killed animals are buried?"
- Lev Tolstoy

Why argue about vegetarianism? It needs to be practicing. So far, eat meat, it is impossible to comprehend.
- Alexander Khakimov

"If the soul is the ability to love, storing loyalty, feel gratitude, then animals have more chances to get to heaven than many people and many people."
- J.Harrot

"All that live is sacred." William Blake

The time will come when humanity will be humane to each creature that breathes.
- Jeremy Bentam, 1781

Equally, as in ancient Greece, the Great Vegetarian Philosophers (Horace, Ovid, Plutarch) were among the ancient Romans. Plutarch (45-12O GG N.E.) writes in his treatise "About meating &": "Can you really ask what motives. Pythagoras refrained from meat science? For my part, I ask the question under what circumstances and in what soune the person first decided to try the taste of blood, reach the lips to the body of the corpse and decorate her table dead, decaying bodies, and how he advocated himself to call him a piece of food that she was still so mocking and bleated, moved and lived ... For the sake of the flesh we They steal the sun, the light and the life they have the right to birth. "

Pythagoras (ok. 5oo G. BC), who also knew about the law of reincarnation, said: "He who cuts the throat of the cow's throat and remains deaf to the skewing of horror who can cool the blowing goat and lunch the bird he himself gave food - how far is such a person from a crime? "

The compassion for animals is so closely connected with kindness of character, which can be confidently asserting: who is cruel with animals, he can not be a good man.
- A. Shopenhauer

The state that does not apply to animals will always be a poor and criminal.
- Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy

I love animals for their natural purity and sincerity. They do not judge you, do not argue, they just want to be your friends, or at least do not hide their intentions.
- Michael Jackson

"Dumping to become wise! Stop killing animals! The one who postpones justice for later, is incorrect from the peasant who hopes that the river is overcome, before he goes."
- Horace (65-8 BC, Roman Poet Classic)

Plutarch throws outdoor challenge to the meatyads: "If you now have a desire to say that such food is given to you nature, then kill yourself what you want to eat, and do it because you have from nature, but not a butcher knife ax.

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519, Italian scholar genius): "A person is truly the king of animals, for cruelty surpasses them. We live the death of others. We are walking cemeteries!"

In the youth, I will renounce meat, and the time will come when people, like me, will look at the killer of animals as well as the human killer.
- Leonardo da Vinci

Jean Paul (1763-1825, German poet): "On the fair Lord! From how many hours of hellish torments of animals, a person gives one-one minute of pleasure for the language!"

Cruelty in relation to animals cannot exist, no where people are truly educated, nor where true scholars reign. This cruelty is one of the most characteristic sins of low and ungirological people.
- Alexander Humboldt (1769-1859, founder of scientific geography)

"You just have lunch; and how carefully, at a respectful distance in a few or many kilometers would not be hidden by a slaughterhouse, - you are an accomplice."
- Ralph Valdo Emerson (1803-1882, American Writer and Politician)

"I am a vegetarian and an enemy of alcohol, so I can find best application My mind. "
- Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931, the American inventor, invented, in particular, the incandescent lamp, gramophone and microphone)

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900, German philosopher): "All antique philosophy was focused on ease of life and taught some unassumature. In this sense, a few vegetarian philosophers had a big service than all new philosophers, and as long as these philosophers The courage will not come to the search for a completely different way of life, and they will not show it on their own example, they will remain an empty place. "

"If a person is serious and sincere in search of morality, then the first, from what he should turn out is meaty ... Vegetarianism is considered a criterion for which you can recognize how serious and true man's desire for moral perfection"
- Lion Tolstoy (1828-1910, Russian writer)

True human culture is possible only if not only cannibalism, but all pleasure to meat will be considered cannibalism.
- Wilhelm Bush (1832-19O8, German writer and schedule)

Emil Zol (1840-1902, French writer): "The question of animals is more important for me than the concern of whether they will make fun."

Animals are my friends, and I do not eat my friends!
- J. Bernard Show (1856-1950, English-Irish playwright)

Sven Hedin (1865-1952, the Swedish researcher of Asia): "I could never decide to extinguish the fire of life, I will not be able to light it again."

Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965, Alsatian theologian and missionary doctor, laureate of the Nobel Prize of 1952): "My opinion: We must speak in defense of animals, completely refuse meat and talk against him."

Franz Kafka (1883-1924, Austro Czech writer): "Now I can contemplate you alone; I don't eat you anymore." (when looking at fish in the aquarium)

I think spiritual progress will require us at a certain point so that we stop killing the living creatures around us to meet the pleasures of our body.
- Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948, Indian politician and representative of non-violent resistance movement)

The greatness and moral progress of the nation can be measured by how in this nation refer to animals.
- Mahatma Gandhi

Thanks to purely physical exposure to the human temperament, a vegetarian lifestyle could be at the highest to influence the fate of mankind.
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955, German American physicist, Nobel Prize winner of the 1921 premium)

Isaac Bashevis Singer (19O4, American Writer, Laureate of the Nobel Prize of 1978 in the field of literature): "We are all the creations of God - and our prayers about God's mercy and justice are incompatible with what we continue to eat animal meat, which are scored by our whim" .

"I would go away to live in Vegetarian, even if the whole world began to eat meat. This is my protest state of the world. Atomic energy, need and hunger, cruelty - we must make efforts against it. Vegetarianism is my step. And I think very important. "

"Cruelty in relation to animals, as well as indifference to their suffering, is, in my opinion, one of the most severe sins of the human race. This is a source of human corruption. If a person creates so many suffering, what does he have the right to complain when he suffers?
- Romain Rolander (1866-1944, French writer; Laureate of the Nobel Prize of 1915 in the field of literature).

In the book "Paedagogus" (II, 1) Clemens Alexandria (15O-215) it is said that the apostle Matthew "lived vegetable food and did not touch meat."

Greek chronicler Evsebii (264-339), Bishop Caesarey indicates its "history of the church" (II 2.3) that the apostle and evangelist John was a strict ascetic and vegetarian. And the Apostle Peter testifies to the Clementine Gomils (XII, 6): "I eat bread and olive, and very rarely add vegetables."

How meating entered the Bible up to 4 centuries AD. The traces of the early Christian communities in Palestine, Byzantium, Greece and Alexandria (Egypt) indicated that the use of alcohol and meat science was not allowed. They received knowledge about the teachings of Christ from many affordable scriptures available at the time.

All the suffering that a person hurts animals will return again to man.
- Pytagor.

As long as people cut animals, they will kill each other. And, indeed, the one who sows grain of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love.
- Pytagor.

"While there are slaughterhouses, there will be wars"
- Lev Tolstoy

Animals have a soul. I saw it in their eyes.
- Mahatma Gandhi

Not therefore a person is higher than other beings, which heartlessly torments them, but because he is compassioned to the whole living.
- Buddha Shakyamuni

I do not trust people who do not like dogs, but I trust a dog when she doesn't like a person ...

There is a soul in everything in all. Close well, and you will find a fairy tale everywhere. Everyone is needed and important.
- Charles de Lint

He who kills or torture other creatures for his happiness, as well as he seeking happiness, does not gain happiness after death.
- Dhammapada

Cats are others. The cat does not change the attitude towards a person, even if it is in her interests. Cat can not be hijacked ... if the cat loves you, you know it. If you do not like - you also know.
- Stephen King.

"The one who kills animals and gives them unjustified suffering," how people do on slaughterhouses, "will kill in the following and many other lives in the same way. Such crimes never say goodbye. If a person kills a professional many thousands of animals, So that other people can buy meat into food, he should know that in the next life, his life for life will be killed in the same way. "

When something makes an animal, we call it instinct; When the same man does the same, we call it a mind.
- Will Capppe

Instinct animals perfect our mind.
- Maurice Merlo-Ponti

In order to love the Creator, you need to learn first to love his creation!

We offer you a selection of status, aphorisms and quotes about animals. Philosophical statements will help you rethink your attitude towards nature, and merry phrases about pets will raise your mood.

Animals are an integral part of nature. Some of them represent the world of wildlife, others feel the owners of human homes.

Is it possible not to love animals? After all, they are striking us with their devotion and intelligence. Unlike people, pets do not betray. They patiently listen to their owners and keep their secrets. Someone makes a pet, so as not to feel loneliness, someone to discipline yourself, someone so that their children do not bored. And someone, maybe just walked down the street, saw the fluffy lump and took him to him. Not many may decide on such an act. Most after all prefers to start a thoroughbred cats and dogs, royal pigs or fish. In fact, the breed of your pet is not important if you will sincerely love him - he will surely answer you with reciprocity.

Most often in urban apartments, cats, dogs, fish, parrots and turtles. The most devoted ones are dogs, the most affectionate - cats. A pet is not only fun, but also concern and responsibility. Animals discipline their owners. They often perform the function of the alarm, while they are not very interested that you need to wake up at 7, and not at 5 am!

Funny statuses, sad and with meaning

The only drawback of the kitten is that it is sooner or later turns into a cat.

There is such a lack and in children)

How beautiful there would be a life if we were all that our dogs see us.

If every person had a pet, society would be responsible and kinder.

He who says that happiness can not buy, never bought a puppy.

Or kitten ...)

If the dogs spoke, people would lose their last friends.

We are friends with animals, because you do not hear from them the truth about yourself ...

- Dear, let's start a kitten!
- No, you know, I have an allergy to fur animals.
- Strange, there is allergies to the cat, and there is no mink fur coat? ... ...

No coat do not need to feed and clean it is not necessary for her ...)

The only member of my family who has a personal fitness coach is my dog!

Train item and do not envy!)

Well, that my cat does not know how to talk - she knows too much!

Pets - like a diary: they know everyone, but will not tell anyone)

Guinea pig - a unique animal. It is not related to the sea, nor to pigs.

People are also not related to deer, but some go with horns ...)

Is it possible to throw out pets? If you started a cat, a dog, yes no matter whom, they become a family member! This is the same thing to throw out your child on the street!

Wash the animal at home is to take responsibility for his life.

The dog brings pain only when dies.

Care from the lives of a pet is equivalent to the care of any of the family members ...

Judging by the nature of the cat, Ozberin and Scratapun add to the tempts feed.

It would be better to add antibloch there)

About man and animals

Only one who himself has never been a beast, could come up with signs that prohibit them to feed.

If people were allowed to feed animals in the zoo, imagine what they would be brought to them? Chips, Pop Corn, Sweet Wat ...)))

- My wife loves animals.
- And my vegetarian.

My care for them loves, and not there ...)

It is said that the dog is a friend of man. I hope this huge rottweiler without a muzzle runs to find out how I have ...

In the meantime, hope, look for a tree and climb him ...)

Do you know how nice to wake up not because silence shrieks the alarm clock, since the morning I blow your nerves since the morning, and because the cat purries over the ear, sings his cat a song ...

And the chorus song sounds like this: feed me, feed me ...)

Do you know why the oceans and the sea are salty? The ocean salty from the tears of sharks, who just want to bother, and nobody understands them !!

Tell me, they just flirt to people, and do not attack them ...)

The beast knows who he is, and takes it. A person can and knows who he is, but everything calls for doubt. He dreams. He hopes. Changes. Grows.

Animals always have specific goals. A person would not hurt to learn from beasts ...

In fact, in the Zoo, children get the first lesson of cruelty. Consider how the pony looks there, especially those that rice children. Tortured, old, patients, misunderstanding. Because none healthy horse Or the pony will not allow the child to be planted. And the circus is necessary from the earliest years to instill disgust. Circus teaches children to have fun, looking at the suffering of other living beings. I do not want my son to go to ideas, the numbers of which are built on humiliation and mockery over other creatures. When our children become adults, there will be another world around, better and humane, and you can not drag old cruel fun in it. (A. Nevzorov)

And we have everything on the contrary: the cruelty turns into a spectacle and brings everyone pleasure.

Animals know much more than people. Dogs can feel the earthquake in advance. Birds fly half of the globe to find their nest. If people often listened to animals, they would not have done so much mistakes. (Helen Brown)

People think they are smarter ... naive.

But the fact of the matter is that a man at the centuries raised over the animals and carried up no stick, and music: the irresistibleness of the unarmed truth, the attractiveness of its example. (Boris Pasternak)

If the animals could include music, they would have listened too.

Quotes and aphorisms

Lion is the king of the animals. Until the lioness awakened.

The male manages everything until a woman comes.

The house without a cat is not a house, but some kind of dog's loophole!

And the house where there is a cat, a dog, a turtle and parrot look like a zoo ...)

To understand whether animals have a soul, you have to have a soul yourself. (Albert Schweitzer)

Animals feel and worried no less than people.

Animals are very cute friends: do not ask questions and do not criticize. (George Eliot)

And instead of the Soviets asking for food)

Who feeds the hungry animal, he nourishes his own soul. (Charlie Chaplin)

Feed the stray animal is to show all that you are capable of good.

Playing a dog, you will watch her, and she walks you.

Walking the dog, the man first of all goes for a walk.

Curas under one roof live in peace and harmony, and two roosters can never get along in one smokeshief - these are their nature.

And they say that women's friendship does not happen ...)

The mouse is an animal, whose path is littered with faint with women.

Mice, though small, but the cry over them goes big.

No cat is not at home, without a dog - the yard.

In the house there must be animals, then it will be seen that good people live there.

God created a cat so that a person has a tiger that can be stroked. (Victor Hugo)

And also to be someone to go to work.

Cat is a shaggy alarm clock. (Alfred Whitehead)

It only works for a couple of hours earlier)

The dog is the only creature on this planet that loves you more than yourself. (Josh Billings)

Dogs are the most devoted friends.

When a person makes a pet, he takes responsibility for his life. It is very painful to watch the homeless animals that roam the streets in search of food. Remember that we are responsible for those who have tamed.


Animals are much better than some people.

Do you know how nice to wake up not because silence shrieks the alarm clock, since the morning I blow your nerves since the morning, and because the cat purries over the ear, sings his cat a song ...

What is the difference in what a title of dog. The main health and loving owner nearby !!!

The house without a cat is not a house, but some kind of dog's loophole!

Real dogs are very patient ...

It seems that our dog has suction cups on the paws, if we climb on the bed, the fact that you do not leave ... Even our sex exercises is not a hindrance))

Why cats always shit in the most inaccessible place!

The animal killed a person - it's terrible.
Man killed the animal - this is normal.
What is the whole difference, people?

It is difficult to be a horse when everything around the rams.

Animals always feel someone who cannot refuse. Bliiiinn again remained without dinner ...

Is it possible to throw out pets? If you started a cat, a dog, yes no matter whom, they become a family member! This is the same thing that throw out your child on the street !!!

The breed of miniature dogs cause pride from the owners of well-fatty cats.

Madly sorry animals when you know that everything, his life is over and you can not help him ...

Spring is a time when people begin to pay attention to what animals do, although they do it all year round.

God created pets to warm our cold hearts.

When in the house smells like a cat in mice comes sexlessness and they leave home away ...

Insomnia is approx. You can safely devour sour cream while the cat is sleeping.

The shepherd is a biting animal that helps the dog is a sheep spent)))

Domestic pets are creatures on Earth that love you more than yourself.

Sometimes the dog is sensitive people.

It is said that cats, help to shoot stress, and right! Tog of asshole and immediately easier.

Interested in how a person would like to see his neighbor?
Look at dogs and cats, and their owners.

These cold days, people, be merciful. Help animals and birds to survive frosts.

There is nothing more pleasant to love cats, but there is nothing sparking than the devotion of the dog ...

Pets decorate our life ..., and in a difficult minute - table)))

In the courtyard of the house built a toilet for cats, and naive children thought it was a sandbox.

Better never to yell at home at home: - Who is the owner here: Me or mouse? Because mice are very eloquent little animals.

"On the greatness of the country and the moral condition of its people judge by how they relate to animals."

According to unknown, the reasons for "can" and "cannot be" sounded for cats is the same :-))

The dog brings pain only when dies.


Dogs are the most sincere loving creatures on Earth. They do not care who you are, it is important that you are.

Judging by the nature of the cat, the "Ozberin" and "Zarapun" add

When on the clock two nights and all other inhabitants of our apartment have been sleeping for a long time, we eat with my kitty))))

Loyalty and devotion ... Unfortunately, the dogs know about it much more than people ...

Pity you can save for suffering animals.

I am a master of blackmail, extortion, betrayal, deception, intimidation, evasion, doubling and coercion. Just imagine what damage I could apply to mankind if it was not just your cat!

Pets - They, like ice cream, chocolate and adventure: it seems not to be completely mandatory, but absolutely necessary in order for life to be full and happy.

If your cat (cat) stopped shifting the New Year's "rain", then the holiday ended ...

Never throw away animals and think carefully before you start. After all, these loyal creatures are hard to experience treason.

You know that today holiday is an animal day. So goats also have a holiday !!! I have someone to congratulate.

Always, when you kiss your kitten, parents say: "You're still a kiss!"

What does your favorite cat think when you shit for the sofa?
"I know that it is impossible. But first - here it is dark. Secondly - no one sees. And in the third - I buried "

The main difference between animals and people is that animals do not hold people at home. Although cats can disagree with me.

Sunny Bunny 3 hours Beat Cat about the wall ...

If your cat smiles mysteriously in the morning, slippers do not wear slippers ...

- Do you keep animal homes?
- Yes. Ice cream macabrium and crab sticks.

Nobody knows how to listen as a favorite dog.

Night. The apartment falls asleep. Wakes up a cat.

Pet statuses

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