Which bowl is best to feed the cats. What is the best bowl for a cat - type, material, shape, size

Proper nutrition - it is not only the right food, but also the right bowls! Did you know that the appetite and health of your pet depends on their quality? In our article we will tell you how to choose a bowl for a cat, what characteristics to look for and why it is so important.

When you prepare your home for a kitten or cat, your first steps will be to buy two bowls: one for water and one for food. Which bowls are best for cats? Let's answer this question by imagining the situation through the eyes of a pet!

My perfect bowl!

  • What material is my bowl made of?

Cats are very sensitive to odors. Poor plastic bowls can smell bad. You may not feel it, but your pet's scent is much sharper! An unpleasant smell can ruin your appetite, even if the most delicious delicacy is in the bowl. But this is far from the main disadvantage.

Over time, poor-quality material begins to release substances harmful to the cat into food or water. Cheap plastic wears out and gets damaged, and harmful bacteria build up in cracks. To keep your cat out of trouble, choose bowls made from high quality, durable materials that are safe for your pet.

  • So that the antennae do not bend!

Long mustache is a real cat's pride! But if the bowl is narrow, the antennae will bend during feeding and cause inconvenience to the cat. SuperDesign wide cat bowls or similar models can help you. At optimum depth, these bowls are wide enough not to disturb the cat's main locators.

A wide bowl is good. But in everything there should be a measure. Match the size of the bowl to the size of your pet. A tiny kitten doesn't have to fit in its entire plate!

Note that flat-faced cats have a difficult time eating from deep bowls. Choose flat models made especially for cats.

Do not purchase a tall dog bowl or a bowl on a tall stand for your cat, or use human utensils. Of these, it will be difficult for the cat to eat, and this will not benefit either its digestion or posture. Trust established brands. Good manufacturers create bowls that are perfect for cats in every way!

An unstable bowl is very uncomfortable. Eating becomes not a pleasure, but a difficult quest. Plus, when the kitchen turns into a skating rink, it's very easy to trip over the bowl (or cat)! It is much more practical to choose models with a non-slip bottom that will firmly stand in place.

  • To keep the house clean!

If you feed your cat natural foods, chances are she often pulls them out of the bowl and eats them on the floor. And there are pets who, it seems, have not heard anything about the famous feline neatness! They just love to scatter feed or splash water! Especially for such mischievous people, mats for bowls (for example, Hunter) or bowls on special stands (for example, Petstages Spill Guard and SuperDesign on a Z-shaped stand) have been invented, which prevent water or food from staining the floor.

  • I love to eat from a clean bowl!

Cats are usually very clean. And they may well stop coming to bowls if they are not clean enough. You only need to pour water and put on cat food in bowls sparkling with cleanliness, just like in a restaurant! Therefore, the priority is for models that are easy to wash, including in the dishwasher. Adjoining bowls, however, are a bad idea: to wash one, you have to empty the other. The perfect solution is two removable bowls on one stand. They look stylish and you can wash them individually as each gets dirty.

  • This bowl matches our wallpaper!

Bowls can become not only a necessary attribute, but also an interior decoration. Manufacturers are constantly coming up with new design options that fit perfectly into your kitchen. Fans of painting, for example, should pay attention to the Van Gogh-style bowls (SuperDesign "Irises"). And, of course, there is a huge number of models with funny cats, in the spirit of classics and minimalism - for every taste!

Have you noticed that your cat is not eating the food from the bowl and is asking for more? Do not rush to think that the cat is mischievous or wants food "fresher". In fact, you have the wrong bowl!

Photo: Chris Palmer / CC

The thing is that the "wrong" bowl irritates the cat's whiskers - vibrissae. Vibrissae are very sensitive senses. Hundreds of nerve endings fit to each such antennae, moreover, each vibrissa has its own section in the brain! Vibrissae perform a tactile function: they catch even small air currents reflected from nearby objects. This allows the cat, regardless of vision, to determine the location of objects and dodge obstacles without touching them even in complete darkness.

Photo: DaveBleasdale / SS

Touching the tips of the whiskers can make the cat feel uncomfortable - as if you were running your fingers over a hard file rather than over the delicate fur. Now imagine how a cat might feel when it has to eat from a narrow, deep bowl!

To avoid the stress of touching the sides of the bowl with the whiskers, the cat tries to eat from the middle, throws food on the floor (where nothing bothers her) or sits down next to you and asks you to put more food - preferably with a slide.

This is why the ideal cat bowl should not irritate vibrissae, which means it should be shallow and wide. Take a ruler and carefully measure the "span" of your cat's whiskers - this will be the minimum diameter of a correct bowl.

Photo: petbuddies.com

As for the material from which the bowl is made, this parameter is not so important compared to the size and shape. It is believed that the best material is ceramics. It is hypoallergenic, the smooth coating of ceramic bowls can be easily washed from dried food and multiplying bacteria. Stainless steel bowls are just as effective. But with plastic ones, you need to be more careful: from contact with ordinary plastic, cats can develop the so-called "cat acne" ( acne) on the face and chin.

Photo: amazon.com

A bowl of the correct plastic should indicate that the plastic is food grade or BPA-Free. Bisphenol A is a hardener used in plastics and polycarbonate plastics. It has a negative effect on the brain and reproductive system, causes oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus, obesity, cardiovascular disease, depression reproductive function and endocrine system, delays in brain development. When heated or stored for a long time food products Bisphenol A is converted into food in plastic containers. However, this substance is not found in the following types of plastics: PET, polypropylene, polystyrene, low and high density polyethylene.

Photo: Jay Shouldol / CC

A narrow and deep bowl irritates the vibrissae, which prevents the cat from eating normally;

A plastic bowl can trigger "cat acne";

The ideal bowl should be shallow and wide, made of ceramic, stainless steel, or food grade plastic.

Photo: amazon.com

Happiness, health and bon appetite for your cat!

Such a seemingly elementary thing is a bowl for a cat. But there are pitfalls here too! Choosing the right cat bowl can help prevent a variety of nutritional and even health problems.

Pet shops are littered with various cat paraphernalia right up to the ceiling: a bowl like this, a bowl like that, and with drawings, and multi-colored, and expensive and cheap - however, the owner of the animal is usually guided by his own preferences in choosing. You can't ask a cat which plate it would be more pleasant for her to eat from, and which way of serving she prefers. In order to save you as much as possible from the agony of choice, we have written this article.


Typically, cat bowls are represented by the following materials:

  • plastic;
  • metal (stainless steel);
  • glass;
  • porcelain;
  • ceramics.


The most common and inexpensive material for cat bowls. The quality of the plastic varies from product to product:

  • Cheap material can have bad smell, as well as absorb the smell of food, bend, crack, and even release dangerous toxic substances - phthalates.
  • More expensive and high-quality plastic is devoid of these flaws, and its service life is much longer.

However, be that as it may - in most cases this material has a porous structure in which pathogenic bacteria can multiply, even if you wash the bowl regularly. In particular, the appearance of acne in cats is associated with a plastic bowl. Plastic, especially cheap plastic, is not our option.

Metal bowls

Much more durable than all the others. They usually have a rubberized base that prevents the bowl from sliding on the floor. Stainless steel dishes are absolutely safe for health and easy to clean, but they also cost much more than plastic ones.

There is, however, one aspect - dry food may rustle and ring in a metal bowl, which may not please the animal.

Glass, porcelain, ceramics

They do not have a porous texture, are safe for health, easy to clean both by hand and in the dishwasher. In addition, such dishes are available to everyone - for sure a couple of saucers or small plates were lying around every house. But:

  • such bowls can be accidentally broken (unlike plastic and metal);
  • they can slide on the floor (since they are usually not equipped with rubberized feet or a base);
  • if you preheat food in such a container, you or your pet could accidentally burn themselves.

Glass bowl

We conclude that plastic is bad, glass, ceramics and porcelain are acceptable, metal is good, but expensive. But material is not everything! The shape of the bowl is of great importance.

The form

The most common form of a cat bowl is a more or less deep plate of small diameter with high sides. Sometimes it is wider at the base and seems to taper upward.

Often, two bowls - for food and water - are combined into one. And now, the happy and proud owner, having acquired such a bowl, puts delicious food there with a generous master's hand and ... disappointedly watches as the cat pulls out a piece from the bowl and eats it on the floor. Why is this happening?

  • Many cats prefer to eat, as it were, reclining or sitting on bent legs (squatting), and high sides prevent them from taking their favorite position.
  • Cats don't like it when the edges of the bowl ... brush the whiskers! Vibrissae - tactile organs - are very sensitive, and excessive rough touches irritate the animal and can even provoke a stressful state.
  • Flat-faced cat breeds, such as Persians and Exotics, experience all of the above difficulties at once: the mustache, you know, hurts, and you have to lower your head entirely into the bowl.

Plastic bowl specially for Persian and british cats - has low sides and a ribbed bottom

Thus, we conclude: the lower the sides and the wider the "mouth" of the bowl, the better. Ideally, this is the familiar, most common flat plate or saucer. It was just that the chest was opening! However, such a bowl also has a drawback - food can periodically end up "overboard", so too flat a bowl is also bad. But that's not all!

Do you need coasters and rugs?

The assortment of cat gadgets is full of different coasters, ranging from plastic to wooden. Their purpose is to give the bowls stability, to please the owner's eye aesthetically, and to prevent food and crumbs from spilling over the floor. Some of them are attached to the wall, leaving free space on the floor. But as practice shows, many cats do not like them. Why?

  • Metal stands again prevent the cat from taking a "bent" position, even if they are adjustable in height, they still have to be lowered to the floor as much as possible - why not just do without them?
  • Wide stands in the form of a tray or a stand with niches, into which bowls are inserted, are also not to everyone's liking, since either they raise the bowls higher or have a sufficiently large area, but limited by the sides, which makes it difficult for the animal to access the bowl from different sides.
  • Rugs can have an unpleasant odor or scare the cat away from the bowl, as this is an incomprehensible substance for the animal that you don't want to get your paws on. Although the item itself is useful - the rugs can also absorb spilled water, some of them even have sensors that will prevent the robot vacuum cleaner from crawling into the bowls.

Silicone Bowl Mats

Stands are suitable for your pet if he prefers to eat while sitting or standing. If you want to keep the floor clean, and the cat does not perceive a beautiful stand or rug in any way, you will have to accept it or use ordinary paper towels, changing them from time to time. Cheap and cheerful!

Water bowl

The shape of the water bowl is very important, because getting the cat to drink water again is not an easy task. But in reality everything is simple:

  • The water bowl should have a very wide mouth and low sides.
  • The container itself should not be very small - focus on a bowl of soup or a small bowl.
  • It is better to purchase several of these "basins" and place them in accessible places (but away from electrical appliances).

You can also pay attention to the automatic fountains - constantly circulating water attracts cats more than just a bowl of water. A variety of shapes and materials will allow you to purchase a fountain for every taste and budget. We considered in detail automatic drinkers in the article of the same name.

Bowls gadgets

Auto feeders should be chosen according to the following principle:

  • not very high sides;
  • wide base;
  • high-quality plastic (after all, as a rule, such feeders are made of plastic).

Auto feeders are different:

  • Some work on the principle of communicating vessels - as soon as the bowl is empty, the container throws out a portion of the feed.
  • More advanced models run on batteries - recently one of our subscribers shared the experience of purchasing such an automatic feeder for six feedings, you can get acquainted here.

There are also interactive feeders, or food puzzles. They are great for animals with eating disorders:

  • swallowing food too quickly without biting croquettes;
  • aerophagia;
  • vomiting of undigested food, and so on.

We examined the types of such feeders in this article.


Choosing the right bowl will allow you not to provoke nutritional problems (and if you already have them, then not aggravate them) and health (skin problems, stress), as well as not spend extra money. What bowls do your pets like to eat from?

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In the inventory of every cat lover should be a bowl for cats, but not one.

What are they, what are their different types for, and why is it important to use specific types of bowls in individual cases?

Every cat owner should know this!

Every loving owner first of all cares about the health and comfort of his pet. And here every little thing is important.

But is the choice of tableware a trifle? And can the wrong container for food and water affect your pet's well-being?

The pet must have at least two plates

A bowl is an individual container for water and food for each pet.

A pet should have two such cat plates: one for food, the other for water.

Ideally, you can purchase a third one for wet or liquid feed.

Cat dishes must always be clean.

What does every owner need to know about bowls?

Firstly, they should be placed from each other at such a distance that food from one does not fall into the one where the water is.

By the way, about water. It should always be fresh.

Secondly, the plate of liquids should be larger and always full.

Third, the utensils for cats should never slide on the floor.

Suction cups at the bottom of the container, bowl mats or special coasters can prevent this.

Important! If you have noticed that your pet is reluctant to drink water from a bowl or even simply does not touch it, get a deeper container. Low plates can be associated with a puddle of stagnant water in a cat and cause disgust.

When choosing a bowl in a store, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the product.

The container should be smooth inside, handy and practical.

The cat's plate should not have cracks, chips, large scratches, irregularities, because all this can harm the health of the pet.

It is important to select the depth and size of the dishes individually for the breed of your pet.

How does cat breed influence choice?

Does the breed of a pet affect the choice of dishes? Yes!

And all this is due to the variety of cats' faces.

The fluffy fur of such a cat will often get dirty if the animal is forced to eat from a shallow plate.

Important! Canned food and other soft foods are best served in containers with low sides, and dry food and liquids with high sides.

With depth, everyone decided, but what to do with dimensions?

Surely it will not be news to every pet owner that for large pets (for example, the same ones) it is more practical to use large dishes.

And for small cats like a medium-sized bowl is suitable.

Nowadays, shops are full of a variety of bowls, everyone will be able to choose a product to their taste

What materials are there, what are their differences?

Like human plates, cat bowls are made from different materials.

There are three of them: metal, ceramic and plastic. How do they differ and what are their pros and cons? Consider this below.


Durable, the cat is unlikely to damage them.

Comfortable, practical, they will definitely last a long time.

Bowls made from this material are easy to clean.

The main advantage is that such dishes are heavy for the cat, which means it will be difficult for the pet to turn it over.

The metal pet food container is easily installed on the stand.

Metal bowls will last a long time

However, if the cat's plate is covered with enamel, it is necessary to monitor the formation of chips and cracks.

If a piece of it gets into the food of an animal, it can damage the pet and cause injury.

Remember that such a bowl should never be placed in the microwave.

The main disadvantage is that the metal food container makes noise.

This can scare the pet, and also cause inconvenience if the cat eats while everyone is sleeping.

Ceramic (these also include porcelain and glass)

Probably, it is ceramic plates for your pet that will be the ideal option.

Of the advantages, there are many important qualities.

These utensils are made of materials that provide the product with a long service life.

Ceramic containers for food and water perfectly preserve food.

They are easy to wash, stuck food remains will not be a problem for the owners.

Plates for cats made of this material are able to maintain temperature for a long time, which means that the pet's food will not cool down quickly.

Ceramic bowls do not contain harmful substances, which means they will be completely safe for the cat.

Ceramic cat dishes do not contain harmful substances

However, even such a seemingly beautiful product may have disadvantages.

First, ceramic bowls are expensive. Nevertheless, the price is not so high that it could be abandoned.

Secondly, if this container falls from a height, it will crack.

But even if this does not happen, cracks, chips, irregularities are likely to form on the plate.

And this is very dangerous for the health of the pet!

And, thirdly, the ceramic bowl cannot be mounted on a tripod.


The most common bowls to see are plastic.

They have both a number of advantages and many negative qualities.

It is worth starting with the fact that plastic containers for food and water are the cheapest, which is why pet owners often choose this option without hesitation.

Such material is plastic, so there is a great variety of different shapes, sizes and colors of bowls.

Plastic plates are easy to clean, which is also a huge plus for many owners.

They are shockproof and will not create noise.

Some plastic bowls are microwave safe.

Everything seems to be fine, isn't it? But it's not that simple.

Plastic food containers are the most common on the market

Important! When choosing a plastic bowl, the first step is to pay attention to its composition. The product must be made of ecological materials and must not contain harmful impurities.

Plastic bowls, in addition to numerous advantages, have many disadvantages.

For example, products with bright colors and a distinct plastic smell emit substances hazardous to the pet.

Therefore, when choosing a plate for a cat, you should pay attention to this.

In addition, plastic containers for food and water absorb odors, which can be very difficult to remove.

Plastic cat bowls are not suitable for long-term use: when washed over time, plaque forms on the walls.

This happens due to the combination of plastic with food, which poses a health hazard to the pet.

Poor quality material can cause allergies in your cat.

In addition, plastic bowls build up statistical stress, which is especially unpleasant for animals with long hair.

Such dishes are unable to keep food warm for a long time.

In addition, the plastic bowl slides across the floor.

Double bowls need to be chosen carefully, otherwise buying can be a lot of worries.

Double and triple bowls

Now in stores there is a huge number of different bowls for animals.

Surely the owners noticed such an interesting thing as double or even triple dishes. Is it convenient?

In fact, such a thing as a triple bowl is also made from different materials.

It comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors and designs.

But no matter how beautiful it is, no matter how convenient it may seem, this container also has its advantages and disadvantages.

Only such double / triple bowls, which can be easily separated from the common stand, will be convenient for both the owners and the pets themselves.

Thus, you can wash each container separately, and also clean one of the plates if the contents of the bowls are mixed.

Unfortunately, this is where the advantages end.

Such dishes often allow food and water to mix, and if the plates are not removed from the common stand at all.

Then you will have to wash the entire container, even if the dirt is in only one place, which is very inconvenient.

Automatic feeders save hosts some hassle

Automatic bowls

Need to go somewhere for a while long time appears frequently in most people.

But what if there is no one to look after the pet?

The question is that the animal will have to starve.

Many owners leave a large amount of food and water at once.

But what if the pet suddenly eats everything at once?

After all, this can seriously harm his health!

Consider this situation as well. The cat is used to eating three or four times a day in small portions, and the owner disappears almost all his time at work.

Who will feed the pet?

If one of these cases is familiar to you, then consider purchasing an automatic bowl.

The automatic feeder is equipped with a dispenser, a timer, several compartments and often operates both from batteries, external batteries, and from an outlet.

You can see on store shelves and those that own the function of a voice message.

The disadvantages of such a feeder can only be attributed to its price.

However, the market offers us electric bowls of different prices depending on the set of functions.

Lack of a stand can make the bowl inconvenient

Bowls on a stand

Imagine for a few moments that you have to eat from a plate that is right on the floor. Conveniently? Not. And what will the pet say to this?

The cat dish rack is very important.

Firstly, it is much easier and more convenient for the pet to eat this way.

Secondly, the absence of a support can lead to curvature of the spine, joint diseases, and deformation of the limbs.

On store shelves, you can find bowls that are sold immediately with a stand.

But if you have already purchased food containers, then do not be upset, because the tripods can be purchased separately.

Important! Many owners wonder why a cat buries a bowl of water or food. The reasons are as follows:

  • Hunger in the past

If the animal previously lived on the street and was hungry, it can hide food "for a rainy day."

  • I liked the food

Thus, the pet hides a tasty piece for the future.

  • Didn't like food

If you don't like the food or the bowl, the pet shows its dislike in this way.

  • Instincts

Yes Yes! Indeed, in ancient times, wild animals did just that with surplus food.

The cat must have its own special bowls

So why should a pet eat from its own dishes and not from an old waste plate?

First, take care of your pet's health!

Secondly, it is important to choose a bowl for a cat based on the size, breed characteristics of the animal.

A truly loving owner will do whatever is necessary to keep the cat happy, right?

Bowls for cats: How to choose a product for a cat's table

In the inventory of every cat lover should be a bowl for cats, but not one. What are they, what are their different types for, and why is it important to use specific types of bowls in individual cases? Every cat owner should know this!

In the online store "Beethoven" in a wide assortment are presented bowls for cats and other goods that will definitely come in handy for organizing the life of your pet. In this section of our catalog, you can choose the bowls yourself various shapes and sizes. The cat is a full-fledged member of the family, therefore, he should also have his own personal cutlery. Often, owners use regular old bowls or plates to feed their pet, and this is the wrong approach.

What kind of dishes should a cat have

Ideally, a pet should have three bowls:

  • for dry food;
  • for water;
  • for wet or liquid feed.

By the way, if there is more than one cat in the house, then veterinarians advise purchasing their own set of bowls for each of them.

Bowls should be deep enough so that water from one does not enter the food from the other. Low bowls or ordinary home saucers may not like the cat, as they will be associated with a puddle, in addition, the water in such a bowl will quickly stagnate.

If the flooring is slippery, such as ceramic tiles or laminate flooring, care must be taken to prevent the bowls from slipping on the floor. Suction bowls can be found in the assortment of manufacturers. Or use special non-slip mats for the bowl.

Cats love comfort too

No cat will drink foul-smelling water or eat food from a "tasteless" bowl. Smells and food debris can be absorbed into the cookware if it is made of wood. This should not be used, it is better if the bowl is made of metal or ceramic. Dishes are also chosen based on the breed and size of the pet. It is clear that larger cats also need a larger bowl. And for the greatest convenience of eating, you can purchase a set of bowls with a special stand.

Most pet stores are replete with a set of different cat bowls. Some differ in color, others have colorful patterns, the rest are cheap and expensive. Still, the pet owner mostly takes a guideline on what he likes.

Types and types of bowls

There are 3 main types of these products:

This material is considered the most common and inexpensive material for a cat bowl. The quality of this product differs from other types of bowls:

  • The cheapness of the material can have an unpleasant odor, and also absorb unpleasant odors or simply the smell of food. Bend and crack, and then release substances of particular danger.
  • And the expensive version of plastic does not contain such disadvantages and the term of use is much longer.

This material has a rubberized base that is non-slip. Also bowls made of this material are very safe for the pet's health, they are easy to clean, but at a price more expensive than plastic ones.

Ceramics, porcelain. They do not have a porous texture, are safe for health, and can be easily washed by hands and the dishwasher. These bowls are affordable for most people. But still there are disadvantages of such dishes:

  • This bowl will be easy to break.
  • They slide over the floor surface.
  • If you decide to warm up food in this bowl, and then give it to the animal, then it can simply burn itself.

How to choose the right bowl

Now we will analyze such a question as: "What bowl to choose for a cat?"

  1. Bowl depth and height. We can say that these are 2 important criteria when choosing a bowl for your pet. You need to look at the breed of your cat or cat, since deep bowls are not suitable for everyone. These include Persian and British cats, because they have a flattened muzzle.
  2. Cat Bowl Heightis also considered important.
  3. Bowl shape and size. It should not be big, but not small either.

Choose a bowl with a wider base and non-slip, as some pets have such a mania that they like to turn them over and play.

Do I need to buy a bowl stand

In addition to bowls for cats, the assortment of pet stores sells special food stands. They are made of plastic, wood, metal and other materials. Their purpose is to give the bowl of food a full stable position, thereby pleasing the owner's eyes and able to prevent food from spilling onto the floor.

These stands are suitable for those animals who like to eat while sitting or standing. If you want to keep the floor surface in order, and your pet flatly refuses to use the stand, then you just have to come to terms with this situation. In this case, just place something under the bowl, such as a paper towel, and change them over time.

Does cat breed influence bowl selection?

Many pet owners are interested in such questions as: "Can the breed of a cat influence the choice of a bowl for food?" Surely the answer is yes. And it depends on the shape of the muzzle. For example, the British and Persians have a flattened shape and a small jaw. Such animals cannot eat from a deep bowl.

So when buying, it is worth considering all the parameters. Undoubtedly, the following is known that for a large pet a bowl with a large size is more suitable, it will be convenient to eat from there. For small animals, it is worth buying a small bowl.

How and how often to wash a bowl for a cat

If your pet prefers to eat canned food, then the dishes should be washed after each time. The water bowl needs to be washed more often. But after dry food, wash the dishes once a week.

It is better to rinse the bowls under running warm water, without using detergents. If the bowl is heavily soiled, then you can use a little detergent or regular laundry soap.

A food trough is an important part of a pet's life. This is worth remembering when choosing your cookware

In conclusion, we can say that a properly chosen bowl helps not to provoke problems with the cat's nutrition and health, and also limits the waste of money.


The best bowls for cats: how to make the right choice

A person is used to choosing dishes for himself according to a variety of parameters: from the type of dish for which it is intended, to colors and patterns. For animals, the most important requirement for a bowl or feeder is convenience. If you notice that your furry pet has become picky about food after changing the bowl, then you made the wrong choice. To prevent this from happening again, check out our recommendations.

Bowl selection

To do right choice, it is necessary to take into account a number of features. It is worth dwelling on each of them in more detail.


First of all, it is worth deciding on the material of the product. Most commonly used:

  • metal,
  • plastic,
  • glass or ceramics.

Each of these options has its own pros and cons.

Metal plates are versatile and durable. They are easy to clean and heavy enough that the kosha cannot move them while eating. However, there are also thin-walled products that slide easily on the floor. The disadvantages include two points: if the metal is different from stainless steel, then it can oxidize or start to rust. In addition, steel models rattle enough when toppled or hit, which can scare the pet.

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