Predictions for the year of Nostradamus for Tartaria. Predictions of the Nostirdamus literally

It has been over 450 years after the death of the French astrologer and the alchemist Michel de Nostrdam, who is better known to us under the Latin name Nostradamus. And during this time, Humanity managed to be convinced of the veracity of his numerous prophecies.

Nostradamus managed to predict and Bourgeois revolution In France, and the coming to power Adolf Hitler with the subsequent world war, and the terrorist acts of September 11, 2001 in the United States, and a catastrophe in Japan 2011 and many other significant events for human history.

Just amazing how an ordinary person was able to see and predict events that occurred hundreds of years after his death. After all, it seems that the future is in our hands, and not intended for fate.

For 2018, Nostradamus also made a number of curious predictions. In his works, he expressed confidence that the 2018 would not bring almost nothing good to humanity. It is in the coming year that, if you believe the prophecies of the French predictor, the third will begin world War.

Nostradamus was confident that large-scale and bloody actions will begin in France, and then cover the whole of Europe. And only after 27 years they will end when leading countries will be depleted by war.

In addition to the war, humanity will suffer from natural cataclysms in 2018. According to the prediction of Nostradamus, there will be an eruption of the Vesuvius volcano, and the same strong as in 79, when a whole city of Pompei was buried under volcanic ash.

But, in addition to the eruption of the volcano near Naples, the growth of volcanic activity around the world should be expected. And the western part of North America and should cover the wave of terrible earthquakes at all. It seems that the nature itself rebelled against humanity.

Nostradamus stated about global warming, noting that this problem will lead to large quantity Forest fires.

But a positive forecast from Nostradamus can be considered predicted by their life expectancy of up to 200 years. It is so much people will live after significant progress in medicine. In addition, a person will learn to talk to animals.

We note that earlier predictions about the beginning of the Third World War oriented us for 1999. The fact is that their prophecies Nostradamus wrote a special cipher: a mixture of French, Italian and latin languages. Therefore, it is not so simple to decipher its work.

Sometimes researchers have to simply guess that it hides behind the misty wording of the predictor in his manuscripts. Moreover, all the time of working with the "prophecies" of Nostradamus, scientists did not find a universal formula for decryption.

Let's hope that the most gloomy predictor predictions were interpreted by scientists wrong and in 2018 we expect many good events.

Do you believe in the prediction of Nostradamus? Express in the comments.

Nostradamus prophecies

December 14, 2017 marks 514 years since the birth of the great prophet Michel Nostradamus. Dedicated to this event.

Sensational decodes: peace on the threshold of great change

Nostradamus predicts that in 2018 an attempt to ruin Russia and the possible attempt on Putin is threatened to turn into a great war and the destruction of America

Predictions should not come true. They are made in order not to come true. As the road sign "Ahead of the broken" does not mean that it certainly needs to fall into this broken. And the prophecies of Nostradamus - no exception.

Another thing is that the name of Nostradamus has long been nominated. What predictions do not attribute to him with Solva. Nostradamus himself wrote that he made his predictions "Much foggy than other prophets" So what "No one will be able to find their rules and, especially, to interpret any of them" . At the same time, however, it made a reservation that "When the time comes, it will become clearer" . And, judging by the results, this time came.

Good to have keys

The key to prophetic treasures was surprisingly simple and witty. The Katrenins of Nostradamus literally die with incomprehensible images: "Red", "White", "Khitresians", "Ships", "Removers" and so on.

But it is worth translating incomprehensible texts to Latin, as half of these images suddenly change the meaning and become apparent: "Red" turn into "Russians" (from Latin "Russus"), but "white", respectively, turn into a "white island", Albion, as Latinians called Britain. And then phrases like "Red and white in everything will blame each other" (Katrer 1: 3) acquire the obvious meaning: "Russian and British will enter into an irreconcilable dispute" .

The second part of incomprehensible images opens with the translation of the same texts on the ancient Greek and Hebrew, which Nostradamus owned perfectly. For example, the word "depraved" (and this image is found in the moods often), translated into Greek as "Omerikos" - how not to remember about America?

The emotional aspect here does not play the role - all this is just the elements of Sharad and Nostradamusa Rus. Russians in the mosses are also not always marked with positive images. For example, "cunning" and "deceivers" in the mosses indicate our country (according to consonant with the French "RUSE", "cunning"). And Russia is encrypted in the form of such images as "angry", "violent", and so on, but this cipher is already a little deeper. I call it all the bilingual cipher.

But the most surprising thing is that after such a decryption, the mysterious predictions of the Nostradamus turn into a meaningful speech in which each katro line is associated with other single storylines.

Scary 2018 year

So what do we promise the decoded texts of the prophet? The first thing that rushes into the eyes is, of course, the predicted war of Anglo-Saxon America with the Islamic world. The prophecies on this topic near Nostradamus so much that they can be noticed even without deciphering. Decoding simply allows you to specify events.

It should have started with the fact that some "A large army, running along the path of the Crusaders, will invad the interfluve" (Katrer 3:61), that is, to the territory of modern Iraq. This prophecy was fulfilled in March 2003, when the United States began the invasion of Iraq. As a result of this "liberation of the Iraqi people from the dictator", the country was destroyed, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were killed, and instead of "liberation", the state was plunged into chaos of civil war. Then there was a similar "liberation" of Libya, Syria, and so on.

Now in line with the responsibility for these wars: "Innocent blood will ask the British, the blood burned with America Muslims asked in 2018" (Katrer 2:51).

The details of this "response for blood" in the mosses are not very much, but they are - America will suffer serious damage, and the enemies of America will act from the inside: "Mohamnetan will strike a blow to America, because a certain American will betray his country" (Katrer 3:20). In a word, avoid retribution for war in the east America will not be able, because the blow will be deposited from the inside and will make it one who is considered an honest patriot (Katren 3:41).

Only this is not the worst thing. All this is fading against the background of the main misfortune - the possible war between America and Russia. And Muslims in this war will play a very not the last role!

Very bad deal of America

The fact that it is impossible to kill is known since Cain. And it does not matter what motives are guided by the killer. By the way, the biblical name Abel literally means "insignificant, siety, narrow", so that the wise biblical parable has a deeper meaning: it is impossible to kill even those who seem to even be completely insignificance.

But here it will be discussed about a sophisticated murder: in the Reduced Katrenins of Nostradamus Red, or rather, the black thread is a prophecy about the possible murder of a certain ruler of Tartaria and "Byzantine Russia". For example, in Katrene 1:58 it says that "When prophetic secrets are collected, the prediction of death will affect the ruler of Byzantine Russia" . Well, katro 3:96 makes it clear that this murder will be organized by the Capitol and that "Rus must stop America" .

It will happen at a time when "The new light will dictate its laws in Syria and Palestine" (Katrer 3:97).

This predicted murder is fulfilled or not, I do not know. According to Nostradamus this can also be avoided. But the main goal will not be at all the elimination of America of the ruler, the goal will be the elimination of the main strategic rival of America, that is, the actual collapse of Russia.

Unfortunately, it can happen. Rus really can fall apart, but America will not reach their goals, because "Any Byzantic, trying to restore his destroyed state in Moscow, turns into ruins the main cities of America" (Katrer 1:79).

From other katrenins, it also becomes obvious that the collapse of Russia will be perceived by Russian people as an announcement of war. And the war, apparently, will become nuclear.

However, this is not the worst. The predicted destruction of several American (and most likely not only American) cities are the beginning of a more terrible threat that Nostradamus calls "Chuma". It is about the fact that the war between America and Russia will provoke massive unrest in the USA, which will end civil War. Moreover, the war will be interreligious and interracial. And as a result of this war, the United States risks disappear from the face of the earth completely.

Then God separate the new light from the rest
Will deprive him of his trial and council.
Lots of America will decay and disappear
All its inhabitants will be dead, driven out, scattered in the light.

Katrer 1:81

In a word, if the United States still decides to provoke the collapse of Russia, it will be for them a very bad deal.

Will come true - it will not come true

As Nostradamus wrote in "Message to the son of Caesar": "There the great God of God will complete his coup, there are images of [these prophecies] again come into motion, and this movement will make our land with unshakable and solid, and will not be off the eyelids, if only Will will be executed, and in no way differently. " And "his will" is simple and obvious: wars and politicians are enough.

If you believe predictions, the planet stands on the threshold of unprecedented changes. The old world in which it was so habitually to solve the problems with political intrigues and the war must leave by giving way to something new and, according to Nostradamus, very bright.

Based on the book Dmitry Winter: "Nostradamus-2018".

Michel Nostradamus is one of the most famous providens, which was born in the 15th century. All the conscious life of the provider was engaged in science and astrology. The first astrological almanac, consisting of several hundred katrenov, was published in 1555.

Michel Nostradamus actively promoted scientific works, thanks to which he managed to visit different countries Peace and conquer special popularity. Z.

and the French predictor actively chased the authorities, as they did not believe in his gift. Now many people are interested in what will be the predictions of Michel Nostradamus for 2018 for Russia. In addition, his tombstone decorates a special inscription, testifying that only he could successfully predict the future on the stars and correctly use the secrets of astrology.

What will be 2018 for the world

In 2018, many countries in the world will face real tests, because Europe will be flooded, the Middle East will suffer from the escalation of the conflict, and Russia will be forced to take many migrants. How can you guess, the upcoming 12 monthly cycle It turns out to be tense and serve as a check for many people interested in understanding what the future may be.

Many predictions of Nostradamus managed to come true. In addition, the admirers of the French astrologer note that among the coming predictions there are coming to power Adolf Hitler and a terrorist aviation attack in New York on September 11, 2001. It is assumed that the Frenchman even predicted the creation and active development of St. Petersburg, which is one of the most important Russian cities.

The coming year must be sufficiently tense for many countries:

  • almost all European countries will face protracted precipitation;
  • United Kingdom, Hungary, Czech Republic and Italy will suffer from floods;
  • Asia will encounter very strong heat.

It should be noted that in 2018 there will be not only natural cataclysms, but also active military actions. For example, in Iraq and Syria can experience chemical weapons. The countries of the Middle East will experience mass bloodshed. Such tests should be a serious verification for those who are forced to understand the value of the world and the interaction of different states.

As before, the United States and China will be the strongest countries, the competition between which only efforts. Subsequently, the American dollar will weaken, but at the same time the yuan can become a world currency. It is important to note that such economic changes will affect even the Russian economic situation.

In 2018, Russia will take many migrants who will leave their states due to hostilities and climatic catastrophes. In fact, Russia will also face problems that will turn out to be a kind of test for strength.

Predictions for Russia

Many people try to carefully study current predictions of Michel Nostradamus for 2018 for Russia and understand what the future of the country may be. In fact, Russia must pass through numerous tests, which will subsequently depend on its future.

The French provider predicted a certain serious battle, which will be the third in a row.

It can be assumed that the Third World War still threatens to society, as many people are not able to assess the importance of peace, conservation of popular value and culture.

The Third World War can stretch for 2.5 years, but at the same time Russia will participate shortly in a military conflict.

It is assumed that the development of a dermatological disease can begin in Russia, which will be serious and its cure will initially be impossible. For this reason, the Russians must take care of their state of health and preventing all possible epidemics.

Another important prediction is a test of chemical weapons that will threaten the future existence of remote settlements of Russia. Some residents may die. A survival will be able only to some people who will move from the North and Taiga Russia into large cities, as a result of which the population of megacities will become even more.

After 2018, which will be the time of serious and noticeable changes, Russia will acquire a new appearance:

  • representatives of different peoples will come to Russian cities;
  • the melting of glaciers caused by global warming will lead to the resettlement of some northern peoples;
  • the southern regions will suffer from warming, and the summer months can be sultry and arid.

Such major changes related to Russia should begin in 2018. Initially, changes will be practically inconspicuous, but later the country will be perceived differently.

In 2018, China and Russia, two important countries in the world, can work closely with each other. This event will lead to the fact that the Russian economy will begin to strengthen, so that many people will soon celebrate a significant improvement in living conditions.

Weather conditions in Russia will deliver serious trouble with many people:

  • abundant spring floods;
  • powerful storm hurricanes;
  • strong gusts of wind;
  • summer can become more hotter and arid, and the ignition of peatlands and forest arrays will take place.

Michel Nostradamus notes that active industrial activity does not leave the opportunity to preserve the former climate, so people will have to think about internal migration into more prosperous areas.

What will be the future of Ukraine

Russia and Ukraine are neighboring Eastern European countries, so their future is often interrelated. It is not surprising that many people are interested in what may be the predictions of Michel Nostradamus for 2018 for Russia and Ukraine.

It is assumed that Ukraine can become a peacekeeper, which will be interested in active interaction with the rest of the states. Russia and Ukraine will have to solve serious issues related to policies and territorial boundaries. It is assumed that Ukrainians may be in a deplorable position, as they lose part of their territory, will face serious political conflicts and deterioration of the economic situation, as a result of which two neighboring countries will attract the attention of the entire world community.

Despite the fact that Ukraine and Russia can be enjoyed, because it was warned by Nostradamus and other seats, Ukrainians will face more noticeable problems. Soon the situation for Ukrainian society may vary if people understand how important the good political relations and the possibility of conducting peace negotiations are.

In 2018, after the 4th anniversary of the situation in the Donbas, the relationship between Ukraine and Russia will gradually improve. Michel Nostradamus predicted a serious conflict, which should change the worldview of many people and contribute to prosperity after overcoming obstacles.

Studying the predictions of Michel Nostradamus for 2018 for Russia, it can be understood that the coming year promises to be important and decisive in many matters.

The predictions of the great Michel Nostradamus exciteed the minds of the entire world community for more than one century. Written over 5 centuries ago, the katrenins contain hundreds and thousands of predictions, many of which to the Word came true. This is not only a Poltava battle or coming to the power of Napoleon, but even the fall of twin towers after the tragic events of September 11, 2001. In this regard, people are increasingly interested in the predictions of Nostradamus for 2018. What does he prepare for us according to the great priest?

The court for deciphering Katrenov Nostradamus, at the beginning of the year, an event will happen on Earth, which will remain inconspicuous, but will turn the entire history of human existence. It is in that year that a person will be born, which in the future will name the Messiah, a person who is destined to prevent the apocalypse and save all humanity from an imminent death.

At about the same time on Earth, in particular in the Russian outback, a new ideological course will find its beginning, which will soon acquire the status of religion and with an incredible speed will begin to spread all over the world, collecting all new and new adepts under its banners. This religion is destined to unite people and become the only on earth.

Nostradamus hinted and the greatness of the Russian state, which will especially manifest this year. The reason for this will be the global global crisis, which will put most countries of the world into an incredible dependence on the energy resources of Russia. Moreover, in the middle of the year there will be an extraordinary event, which will put the planet on the line of the Third World War, and the culprit of this will be Iran, who will threaten Turkey. And it is Russia that will have to become a judge in this dispute and smooth the sharp corners of the conflict. This will allow the Russian state to establish its rules on the world arena and change the United States as a police state of the world.

As for global cataclysms, Nostradamus warns of a fiery bora, which risks pouring all central part Russia, as well as Central Europe. In contrast, China, Japan and the Philippines will be subjected to a devastating tsunami, whose wave will carry a lot of lives and many land areas will absorb their waters. The terrible hunger expects a black continent, which will lead to the emergence of a new unknown disease, the antidote from which humanity cannot find. The population of Africa will rush to Eurasia, which will lead to the hunger throughout the continent and the spread of a serious illness to the whole world.

Katrer - Nostradamus prediction for 2018

"Because of two heads and three split hands
The big city will be extended by waters.
The great among themselves is confused by expulsion,
Byzantium is strongly pursued by the Persian head. "

Decryption of prediction lines:

1. The birth of a freak as an omnation of misfortunes.

2. The consequences of a flood caused by a tectonic cataclysm.

3. Exile of a certain ruler from its state.

4. Internecine war between Iran and Turkey, as a result of which two states will sign an agreement on the Union aimed against Christian states.

In Almanae for 1565, Nostradamus wrote: "Also, the deadly war will happen in Persia between those who wears White Chalm (Persians), and those who wears Chamless blue or heavenly color; And people who wear heavenly color (Turks,) wish to try to pass from Asia through Africa to Europe, which will prevent Africans.

Then during the next month some peace agreements will be concluded, accompanied by constant hatred, discord and murder between white and blue. "

Nostradamus predicted that in 2018, terrible rain rains will be collapsed to Europe, lasting in two months. Part of Italy, Hungary, the Czech Republic and the whole of the United Kingdom will go under the water. But Russia with the beginning of summer will threaten the strongest fires. They will completely burn out the entire center of Russia before they hang them. They will arise due to the terrible heat, which will be not only in Russia, but also around the world. Trying to hide from the "sewing" rays of the Sun, Russia and all the snow countries will settle people from other countries.

Many researchers interpret this legend a little differently. They assure that the "cockpit rays" is a chemical weapon. It will apply the nearby Muslim state of the Middle East. Large fires in Russia, the same prediction expressed the famous Bulgarian Jerrician Vanga. She also propheted a certain conflict that arose in Asia and a catastrophe that will occur for this reason.

Nostradamus predictions speak of a bloody war, unleashed by one of the Muslim powers. War will first occur between Muslims, but other Orthodox states will be interrupted into it. The cause of the catastrophe will be an amazing event that occurred at the beginning of this year, after which all the Arabs will split and go to the Orthodox world. From now on, war can come - the third world.

But there are good events that may occur in the coming year. Humanity will build underwater cities at the bottom of the oceans in 2018. From this time, the development of the World Ocean will begin.

Nostradamus predictions. Video

On the Internet, an article on the terrible prediction of Nostradamus for the current 2018, they say, he is named medieval oracle worst in the history of mankind. Among these worst concerns are natural planetary scale cataclysms and the Third World War.

Moreover, the astrologer of the 16th century Michel de Notrdam (real name Nostradamus) "argues" even with modern astronomers, provinging from his distant past that it was in 2018 (and not after two hundred years, according to the Scientists of the XXI Century) to the Earth will fall a huge Meteorite, that is, a space catastrophe is still waiting for us.

Add to this mass fires in Siberia - and the picture of horror is evident. But ... as a minor addition to all this horror - in the future, people will live 200 years and more and also learn to talk to animals (which will survive something? Thanks, comforted).

And now let's get away from the "horror stories" and try to figure out, and who was this greatest oracle of all times Nostradamus:

  • firstly, his predictions are mobby and allegoric, like the fortune-tailed cards laid on the table, that is, much in these predictions do not depend on the cards themselves, and on who these foggy signs decipherates (catch the difference between predictions in a normal human language and Deciphering symbolic signs), and therefore it even exists that the Katrenins of Nostradamus unmistakably "predict" only already accomplished events;
  • secondly, the katren's deciders are a great set, and they all contradict each other, practically creating multivariate pictures of the future, of which journalists choose the worst (it is necessary to interrogate readers). Moreover, the smartest decinteers are recognized that with an accuracy of even up to 10 percent to predict the future on these skates, the most obvious, and there are just a lot of such, they say that they are open to the unique encryption code of ill-fated kathers, and therefore they only know that Waiting for our world in the future;
  • thirdly, a researcher of the true history of Russia, the writer George Sidorov somehow described somehow (I read it the "legacy of the White Gods") that Siberian shamans (the power of these sorcerers is well described in a series of articles of our site under the general name "Yakutia mystical") told him What was not in the history of no Nostradamus, they say, lived in the Middle Ages, a certain Michel de Notrdam, but he did not do any prophecies, and the ridges are the purest water to fake dark forces, like the invented History of Russia, the West and the whole world as a whole. So modern decryptors of Katrennov Nostradamus are engaged in a practically continuation of this falsification: who is due to the misunderstanding, and who and consciously ...

Nostradamus's creepy predictions are needed by illuminators

Who needs the terrible predictions of Nostradamus for 2018? It seems not only to journalists who really love to make their readers, it seems that this "oracle" are written in this way to keep humanity in constant tension and fear - it is easier to manage in people, imposing their will.

Do not agree? Then read these horror stories and get ready for the worst. After all, it has long been known (it is not a secret for a long time, which from us was hidden in centuries), that a person with his thoughts (and especially easily - fear) forms the future - and then it falls (consciously) exactly in the reality (from countless multiple parallel worlds), where rushes His soul. Remember: For your faith, you will be given. And therefore, believing in the prediction of the supposedly Nostradamus, it is possible to be in the world of third world war, global natural disasters and so on and so on. Is it no better to believe the predictions of real prophets - Edgar Casey, Pastor Yuri Kravisu and them like that - that Russia is waiting for a great future - bright, spiritual and happy! And no third world war ...

By the way, those who do not like Russia so much and does not believe in her grandeur, predicted Casey, Wanga and many other real providers, we suggest to see and listen to an interesting speech by Georgy Sidorov about why the West (and not only he) does not like Russian people and all their might seeking to destroy Russia. And this despite the fact that Russia has been fought and still fighting for peace all over the world.

Russia is the main obstacle to the renewed world domination of the Illuminati, and in this the main reason why peoples are raised by centuries and even in the ranks of Russians themselves are constantly affected and all sorts of vices are being built ...

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