13 coins per intersection Spump on the disease. Magic Spump - What is it, how to spend from damage, attitude, conspiracy

Do you constantly pursue trouble? Personal life does not develop or your marriage on the column divorce? Or maybe you have dramatically deteriorated health and no strength even get out of bed?

Perhaps you have damage or smoothed the envious. Is it so and what to do with it, I will tell in this article.

Preliminary assessment of the situation

Before being taken for carrying out rituals, which are eliminated from the manifestation of witchcraft, should be completely confident that damage to you really caused or occur. For this, objectively look at your situation. Perhaps over the past few months, changes have occurred in your life, which are listed below:

  • there were problems with sleep: long it is not possible to fall asleep or sleep intermittent. Because of this, the body and the brain cannot fully relax, so the awakening is severe and throughout the day the feeling of fatigue and drowsiness remains. Out of problems Snow may appear apathy for everything that happens around;
  • your beloved or spouse, without visible, the reasons changed dramatically to you. Here you should be careful and before you record this fact In the symptoms of witchcraft, talk to your partner. If he cannot explain the cause of this behavior, then the intervention of magic in your relationship can be assumed;
  • yesterday you were completely healthy, and today there was an inexplicable weakness or ailment. If this is damage, the health of health will deteriorate quickly, and doctors will not be able to find the cause of this. In addition, any attempts to get rid of the illness of drugs can even more harm health or act only and a short time;
  • if you used to be a positive and cheerful person, then under the influence of damage the situation changes dramatically. Your thoughts will be fully engaged in an inexplicable fear for themselves and loved ones for any occasion. Constantly winding yourself, you risk getting into the hospital with a nervous breakdown;
  • a faithful sign of the presence of damage or the evil eye on a person is the behavior of his pets. If cats or dogs live in the house, they will avoid contact with a thorny person;
  • under the influence of damage, your luck will leave you. Unpleasant events will continue with you: Favorite shoes have broken at the most inopportune moment; lost the keys to the house or machine; Before an important meeting, a strange rash appeared on the face; Customers who were ready to sign a cooperation agreement suddenly abandoned this idea.
  • under the influence of negative energy in humans, self-esteem relative to its appearance, mental or physical abilities is significantly reduced;
  • often, people with a damage or a slogony can develop a sense of hopelessness, which over time develops into depression over time;
  • painted does not tolerate physical contact with consecrated objects: redness or allergic rash may appear in places of contact with them. In addition, such a person avoids to go to church, temples, monasteries;
  • a person with a damage may have false sensations. For example, a manifold thinking that it smells bad in the room, but no one does notice this. Another example of such a state is the Having a foreign presence in a completely empty room.

If preliminary objective assessment The situation shows that the probability of the presence of damage is very large, then a full-fledged diagnosis should be carried out. Instructions how to do it you will find in the article .

How to get rid of damage and evil eye

Preliminary assessment and diagnosis confirmed that problems in your life arose due to someone else's witchcraft? Then you should immediately get rid of this negative impact and then I will tell you how to do it.

Removal of damage by prayer

Effective and safe way to get rid of witchcraft for a believer person is a prayer for God. But you need to know a certain rule for such a ritual. To remove the pitch of the prayer you should:

  • observe the post and refuse to eat ingredients of animal production;
  • during a prayer ritual and three days after it, nothing can be given anything to anyone or give a debt;
  • exclude cigarettes and alcohol from their life;
  • on the days of prayer rituals and three days after them, cancel all visits of guests to your home.

Compliance with these rules will help not just strengthen its faith in the divine power and prove their own humility. Such precautionary measures will avoid re-witchcraft, which can carry out one of the visitors or the one you gave a debt.

Prayer ritual for the healing of the patient

Often, damage is manifested by a very complex disease that cannot be diagnosed or cured. If you encounter such a situation, then follow the next ritual.

To begin with, prepare all the ingredients:

  • candles from the church;
  • icons;
  • pure white tablecloth;
  • bank with water with a volume of 3 liters. Water needs to be dial after midnight;
  • texts of the following prayers:
    • Our Father;
    • Virgin, Delo, rejoice;
    • God will resurrect;
    • Spex prayer from damage.

The ritual of cleansing from witchcraft begins with the adoption of the shower. Then you should clean the whole house from negative. After that, you'll be offered tablecloth and set all the prepared ingredients on it. Light the candles and start reading prayers over the water in the order as they are indicated above.

You can use conspiracy water in different ways:

  • use food, drinks or washing;
  • compresses for a sore place. They are superimposed as ordinary compresses for the night: clean tissue is wetted with conspired water and put on a sore place. After that, wrap the compress with polyethylene and tied with a dry cloth. In the morning the compress can be removed. Do not be surprised if you find traces of pus or burns on the fabric in a sore place - this is normal.
  • to take a bath. It should be filled with a bath, and then pour into it a glass of conspired water, drawing a cross in the air.

This ritual must be carried out until the patient get rid of his illness.

Texts for the ritual

Our Father:

On Church Slavonic:

Our father, izh, at Heaven!
Yes, your name is hidden, yes your kingdom will come
yes, there will be the will of yours, Yako in the sky and on the earth.
Bread our urgent grandfather to us;
and we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our;
and do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.

In Russian:

Our father, in heaven!
Yes, your name is holy;
Yes, your kingdom will come;
may will be the will of yours and on earth, as in the sky;
Our urgent bread give us to this day;
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors to our;
And do not enter us in temptation, but get rid of us from the evil.
For yours is the kingdom and strength and glory forever. Amen.

Virgin, Delo, Rejoice

Virgin Mary Virgin Mary, performed by the grace of God, rejoice! Lord with you; Blessed you between your wives and blessed fruit, you born, because you gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

God will resurrect

God will resurrect, and the gazes are harmful, and yes, they fight his hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear; Yako melts the wax on the face of the fire, so the demaths will die from the face of those who love God and marked with the godmond, and in the fun of the verbal: rejoice, the precessive and life-giving cross of the Lord, run the demons to the power of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, to hell to hes Dilution, and diving to us the cross your honest to the defendance of a suggestion. Oh, the precessive and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help with the sacred mistress, the girl of Virgin and with all the saints. Amen.

Spell prayer from damage

Lord, bless.
From the throne to the royal gate
It was an angel, in the fence of Hwar
On a steep mountain there is a table,
On the table Tom the throne,
And on the throne it is
Mother Most Holy Mother of God
And keeps over the sore (name)
Sword and saber.

Sword kills, sable excised.
Put, Lord, his heart in place,
Strong, stronger the closets, the keys to the water.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Chuny, fuck, fuck,
Get out of the slaves of God (name),
From the inside, from the abdomen, from the shoulders, from the eyes.
You won't get good, you will go thin:
Saint Yuri will come - scorched,
Saint Highria will come - a spear,
And Saint Mikhail Schoy will speak
Fire will burn, the ashes of your white light will spread.
Mother Most Holy Mother of God
Sundle with your seven styles
And cut your own
Four bouquet knives
(Three times in a row, draw a knife on the surface of the water of the Cross)
In the servant of God (name) all the pains, all sorrow,
The catch, capes, clamps,
Networks, keels, subel
Shepherd, weakness, headache,
Insomnia, monster,
Sadness, longing, sadness uy,
Mother Most Holy Mother of God,
With all the saints, forever.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Removing damage silver

This ritual is very simple for self-reliating damage. To carry it out to be prepared as follows:

  • faceted or crystal glass;
  • salt;
  • three silver solid objects.

Put in a glass of three slices and silver items.

Things are made of silver choose a small size so that they can be easily placed in a glass.

When everything is placed in a glass, fill it on half water. Put a glass on the palm of one hand, and the second hand cover it from above. Now turn the glass and read the conspiracy at this time:

As the spoons do not hold anything, so I would not hold the lessons on the slave (name). With the wind came to the wind went. With the forest came to the forest went. The people came to the people. From the ground came to the ground went.

How to regain good luck

Silver often accompanies a manifold person. This can be like a secondary consequence of damage and the main goal of witchcraft.

To get rid of the induced failure, wait for the moon. Take a chicken egg and get in any room. The egg need to roll on the chest slowly and without strong pressure to accidentally not crush it. During the rollout, it is necessary to say a plot three times:

I roll the egg, I roll out the witchcraft, out of the soul, is crazy, from the body. Going out, the witchcraft is dark, the enemy is a mounted, I'm on Kuddobu, to the place of the enemy. I heal myself, I put the defense for myself, I fencing myself from the misfortune. Neither the evil eye, nor damaging, nor curse. May it be so!

Take a marker or marker and email a simple phrase on the egg: "My troubles in the egg." Now you need to go out and bury the egg under any tree.


The proposed ways will help independently remove damage to anyone. Just need to believe in your goal and follow all instructions attached to rituals.

If you are not sure in your abilities or do not want to spend time on independent attempts to get rid of witchcraft, then contact a specialist. Only an experienced magician may not just spend the ritual for cleansing. But also guarantee the result of the desired result.

For example, you can contact me. I will spend all the necessary rituals that will help you save you and your family from any evil.

Waiting for your appeals on the coordinates specified on the site.

Very often we need information, how to remove damage from yourself or your loved ones yourself at home. A similar negative magical impact, along with a declamation, is very common today, and the consequences of the non-eliminated damage can be very serious.

The stronger the damage or the evil eye, which imposed on you, the more powerful the ritual will be required to eliminate it. But such rites should be prepared in advance, thoroughly observing all the established rules, and there is no time for it. Simple rituals that can tell you how to remove the damage, do not be easier and subject to even beginners of magic art. Of course, they are a little weaker by influence, but you can always strengthen the impact of magic, spending the rite again.

How to determine the presence of negative

Often, people confuse damage or evil eye with other problems that are often not matched. That is why, before performing a ritual to eliminate the negative, it is necessary to reliably find out if they really have a place to be.

Only certain magic rituals can help you:

  • In the simplest ritual, only spring or holy water and a few matches are involved on the determination of damage. Water fill a large bowl, best of the clay or tin, and burning the match completely, so that only charred pieces of wood remain. These matches should be carefully put into the water and watch them carefully: if the matches are drowned, not even everything, the damage takes place. But if they all remain on the surface, then the reason is something else.
  • The traditional method of determining the damage on myself was also a revelation on a fresh chicken egg. It is held on the ninth lunar days, although it can also be accomplished on other days, but with less effectiveness. The egg is neat so as not to damage the integrity of the yolk, it is divided into a small transparent capacity with water and then keeps over the painting of a sick person. Then the egg is left in the headboard bed, where the person sleeps, at which the damage is suspected. In the morning you can easily determine the yolk, whether you really have a negative magical energy: the yolk will be modified, and extraneous intersions will appear in it. different colors. Otherwise, there is no damage to you, and the reason should be sought in something else.

Rite at salt

The usual kitchen salt has long been considered an excellent assistant in the elimination of any magical impact on a person. It is used and as a guard from damage and evil eye, and as an auxiliary subject in conspiracies, which will explain to you how to get rid of the evil eye.

For the correct rite, you will need only a small handful of ordinary salt, which is always in every home. Remember the rite himself will not be labor for you, but you should also know that this ritual is carried out exactly seven days in a row.

Every day, from the specified person on whom the damage lay, it is necessary to take a handful of salt in the palm of the day and read on her words three times three times:

"Save me, save me, White salt, Salt clean! Amen!"

This used salt should be immediately thrown away, it is desirable not to leave it in the house, and immediately take it out with the garbage, since it already has a part of the negative energy that has been pulled from you.

Improvements in a state can feel already after several days, but the ritual should be brought to the end: that is, to perform at least seven days in a row. Only in this case the effect of entry and damage will leave forever.

The conspiracy itself is very simple, and its main component is salt - always under hand.

Uncomplicated water ritual

In independent removal, the damage is very often used and ordinary water, which also effectively eliminates any negative impact. Best of all, if you take holy water or pure spring.

For this simple ritual, you will need such things:

  • A bit of holy water, which, if necessary, can be replaced with spring or well.
  • New boxes from which you only need three upper matches.
  • Small glass water tank.

The rite itself explaining to us how to remove damage is best to spend on the background of the outgoing moon. Then the rite strength increases significantly. If you wait for a decrease in a month for a long time, and you need help now, you can spend a ritual for the next Sunday day.

Exactly at twelve days of the day you should stay alone in the room and put all the cooked items. Pour into the container brought water and read the conspiracy words on it:

"Clean water, clean blood, save and save the slave of God (the name of the pitched) from the evil eye, from a bad hour, from hated and bad. Amen!".

When you negotiate words, burn the first match and squeeze the water three times with a procession. The burned part should be broken and throw water. Similarly, do with all three types of harvested matches.

To fully eliminate damage, make a rite several times.

Conspiracy at the crossroads

This ritual is somewhat stronger than similar conspiracies, but it is possible to spend it only on himself. With it, you can eliminate yourself as strong damageand evil eye.

All you need for the correct ritual, these are four coins of white metal and completely deserted crossroads. You should only go on it with the onset of dawn, at this time the strength of your prayer to the highest forces will be the greatest.

At the coming to the selected crossroad, you need to read the words of the conspiracy four times, turning each time turning on the new side of the world:

"I read a conspiracy from damage and evil eye, for each strand. Damn black to take all the bad with me, take away, in the woods in the forest, in the deep river, in Dali distant. So that health and strength returned, good luck and luck returned. Not with empty hands came to you, take the coins, let me help me. Amen!"

After committing a single action and pronigrating the cherished phrase, each of the roads alternately rushes over one coin. On this plot is considered to be finished, and its results you can feel tomorrow.

If the damage imposed on you has a fairly large force or was made by a professional magician, then it will be necessary to spend a ritual several times to fully eliminate it, but more than three repetitions are not welcome.

Simple ritual

Living energies of trees can also contribute to getting rid of damage and evil eye, the usual birch is best for this purpose. In addition to such a tree, you for the very conspiracy, which will help you eliminate the negative with yourself, do not need anything more, except to learn the conspiracy phrase, so it is very simple to spend it, and the result will be more efficient.

The rite is performed at sunrise in full solitude. Naturally, the presence of birch is necessarily. It is for her that you will be read three times:

"White birch, beautiful birch. Everyone is jealous of it and admire. She is not afraid of neither the wind, no rain, no slush, no thunderstorms. So that I was so afraid of anything, but what was bad left everything. Amen!"

As soon as you finish to pronounce the words last time, go home and in no case look back. To enhance the results, the rite will be held better than several times.

Ritual for a piece of bread

This conspiracy, which will explain to you how to get rid of the evil eye and remove damage to yourself, is very easy to commit. All you need is a piece of black bread, and your faith in the effectiveness of magic. You can spend it at any time of the day, just take a cooked piece of bread in my hands and say such words prayers to it:

"The sky is my father, the earth - my mother, bread - the breadwinner and the assistant main. Help, beat the evil eye from me. Give me wisdom and not at tricks. Amen!"

At the end of the rite, eat bread completely. This conspiracy is valid only if you want to damage the damage from yourself, that is, the rite is necessary for a person who has undergone negative impact.

You can make it an unlimited number of times until you get rid of damage and the evil eye to the end.

In the old days it was believed that the intersection possesses mystical and sometimes terrible energy. It is not surprising that it is their help those who bring damage.

At the intersections, it was accepted to bury those who died not to their death and could not be buried according to custom on the general cemetery. The eponymists say that at the crossroads of the three roads Ilya Muromtsu had to choose, married to be rich or killed. Predated crossroads symbolized in the consciousness of people the joint of several worlds, including the world of living and the dead.

Folk Signals about Crossroads

A special force possesses, oddly enough, not to dissolve with the three roads diverging on the parties, namely, the intersecting paths when 4 roads are spreading to the sides. These intersections were considered "unhappy". Folk wisdom warned: at the intersections you need to be careful, otherwise you can accidentally imagine damage to yourself or choose someone else's grief from the ground.

  • It is believed that the stone from the intersection can serve as a good lining to make damage.
  • At the crossroads it is impossible to consider money or pick them from the ground - it attracts the misfortune and poverty.
  • At the intersections it is impossible to eat.
  • According to the teachings, Feng Shui Crossroads is a bad sign. If your home is located near the crossroads (especially if the crossroads are visible in the window), it is worth protecting the housing by talismans. Hang the thing that neutralizes the negative - for example, light or red curtains, red ribbons, bells.

Crossroads can serve and good service. For example, it is there it is customary to leave the disease. And you can still make a desire with the help of three intersections, if you pick up pebbles - black, gray and white. This is customary, of course, at night, leaving wine, meat and coins on the flap. Spump leave on each of the three intersections before raising a stone, with the words: "I stand not in the forest, not in the fieldwhere my will come true. Where the strength of four roads in one woven, the snake merges to me. I want ... (in detail and clearly specify the desired). May it be so". Stones take care of them, and after the fulfillment of desire they return, where they took, with the words: "He took her (or took) - yours return."You can bow low and thank the highest strength for the gift.

How to bring damage at the crossroads

The easiest way is to throw under the door, in the bag or in the apartment of the depths of the stone from the crossroads. To strengthen the damage take an odd number of stones. If you have come across such a certainty yourself, you can learn more about damages and sublocks and how to neutralize them.

But with intersections should be careful: for example, in the ritual to fulfill the desire, special attention is paid to the spunk. This is due to the fact that unclear power is often settled at the joints of roads. Favoring damage, you need to understand well that the response "return" will not make himself wait. Need reliable bioflasp protection.

How to remove damage at the crossroads

If you found pebbles or money in front of the door, you can safely wrap them into a rag or paper, attribute them to any intersection and leave there. The same thing should be done if you raised at the crossroads of the road any thing, especially if after that the trouble began.

It is necessary to find the intersection on which you are going to remove the negative induced. Binding thing Take with you. At the crossroads, throw it away through left shoulder And tell me: "I do not give me, I do not take me." If you don't have things, and there is a damage, you can throw 13 coins instead of the object and say: "Completed Solna."

Good way Prayer is considered, and you can always.

How to get rid of poverty on 4 roads

At the crossroads can be parted with poverty. To do this, you will need a handful of coins. Wait for a decreasing moon (you can track it). Go to the intersection at night, the closer to midnight, the better. Throw coins through the left shoulder and read the plot: "Maata, poverty, poor - and well, get out of my ridge. May it be so!"

Initially, this conspiracy served the crossbar - that is, the problems "shifted" on the one who selected coins as follows. From here, by the way, the right sign: you should not pick it up at the crossroads - you will pick up one grief.

How to get rid of the disease at the crossroads

To get rid of a serious illness, they advised to enter the crossroads at night and scrub her name loudly. If you do it regularly before recovery, the unfortunate will leave and will not return anymore. You can even "send" your illness, asking unclean power Pick off the disease for the spill - all the same small 13 coins.

Not only the crossroads are able to carry a negative. Railway, paths, rails, wires - all this from the point of view of Feng Shui creates obstacles for the energy of qi. Lubricate her cleaning and favorable alignment of amulets. For example, if you can see the passing trains in your window, hang there are dense, but light curtains. Red ribbons drive evil forces, so you can leave the window and them too. We wish you good luck, well-being, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

25.10.2016 07:37

Each person has its own detractors. The only difference is the degree of dislike, which can vary from simple ...

Coins 1, 2 and 5 rubles as a sputter at all are not suitable.

1 and 5 kopecks can still be used as a sputter, but still there is a percentage of copper much lower than 10 and 50 kopeck coins. Therefore, for the sputter, it is still preferable to use yellow coins.

If in conspiracies it says that the spill is needed by Rubles, then this does not mean that modern rubles need to carry, it means that it is necessary to pay off silver. Those. Go to a bank or pawnshop, or on a flea market and buy special silver coins for sputum.
If the sputum says that you need to pay off with fives, then here two options are possible:
1. Look for the old Soviet pyatakas and pay off (many exactly exactly that, when the word PAINT is present in conspiracy or when they work in the cemetery, and in the ritual itself there is a fifth bumps).
2. Pay off with conventional yellow coins, and at the end you say the type "bumps off with medicines."
Gold coins are usually used most often in rituals for wealth, they are practically not used in bumps. Again, you go to the bank, Lombard or a flea market for these purposes and buy a gold coin there.
We will pay off only with coins, i.e. What we always pay. If they were paid by rings, then the rings would have given the rings.

On the forum of Masters often ask whether to do spump in one or another ritual. And about what is and what this most "spill" is - in general, few people know. This is such an incomprehensible thing, which is not even clear when it should be done, and when not. This process is such a mysterious and mystical, that most newbies, seeking to progress from errors, "bought off" from everyone and all with each ritual and even in cases where they do not need to pay off. Thus, it turns out the situation that is known to everyone called "wanted as best, and it turned out as always." And all because it is not enough to spindle from everything in a row "just in case" that will not be beneficial, but in most cases it can just spoil the whole thing, so also to harm the person himself.
In this article, we will consider in detail the concept of "sputtering", and eventually find out what it is, as and when it is applied, and in the end - as correctly called. So proceed.
The history of the origin of the concept of "spill":
Pay up - to give anyone to anyone so that this someone will not tone you once again. In the whole story, from what they didn't get drunk - from the aggressors and the invaders, from the robbers (wallet or life), from disadvantageous people, so that more eyes do not call, from the boning wives with their moms, etc. And even from the gods and gods, you can pay off if the relationship between the Kumany people was smashed. But something suffered me and we will return to magic))
So, in magic, the concept of "spill" is a whole class of rituals, most of which are aimed at delivering a person from anything negative. For example: otkup from death, sputter from a gravily disease, deposit from prison, deposit from a bit home, etc. These are all the names of rituals, the main essence and the focus of which - how to buy off a person with something smaller from some very big trouble. The deposit of death, for example, is used by the masters only when the patient is in death condition and and on its treatment may not have enough time. Then the master makes the deposit from death and thus cuts the "death" an extra time for which a person can be lifted on his feet or at least to bring to a stable state.
Now, under the concept of sputter (thanks to one very famous "stable"), it is mistaken to be mistaken to the fact that always in magic was called the word "offering". And only thanks to every profanic-pseudo-magic Novodelu, the type of cartridges, verity witches and other things in the wrong masses, the erroneous concept of sputter was entrenched.
Offering is a kind of payment in any way for helping you with your intention.
So we decided on right name and interpretation. Now consider everything in more detail and in order.
The theory of offenses or "why the gods of the liver".
We live in a world that is complex system, global living organism, which inside itself contains other, smaller systems, and they, in turn, are even smaller. Everything comes down to the fact that all elements are components of the system and are in the interaction with each other, which means that energy is transmitted between them, its transformation and exchange occurs. To produce any changes in the system, the element that wants to produce them should create an energy impulse, which will continue on the chain in the future and will lead to the desired result.
For example, you want to shock your beloved / favorite and attract the necessary forces for this by any ritual through the cemetery. You go to the cemetery, spend the ritual, go from there, and then surprise why you all happened as it was crooked or did not work at all. And the cemetery is also an element of the system and there also live other elements of the system. And you came to their territory, we used it and did not give anything to the substitution. It's like someone asking you to ride the car, will spend all your gasoline and will not pay you for him. Do you want to cooperate with such a person? I doubt it very much. For everything you need to pay and it is true - everywhere and everywhere to get something, you need to give something. It is impossible to buy bread, medicines, an apartment and a car only for "thank you."
Also in magic - you seem to conclude an agreement, an agreement with the forces that will contribute to the execution of your will. Of course, this forces will not work for "thanks". They certainly do not need to eat, drink, sleep, etc., because Their energetic structure. But they need their own "food" in the form of energy that you have to give, because It is you who want something to change in your life. Making it up, you just give the same energy impulse that runs complex chain reaction Energy information processes that eventually lead to the implementation of your intention.
Those who think that only visualization, intentions, and learned conspiracy are enough to successfully carry out the ritual. Visualization allows you to tune in, the intention is to pave the "bridge" to the goal, the conspiracy is to set the program of impact. But one more important element is needed - what will launch the whole process and give it the original impetus. And here only three options are possible: offering, personal power and awareness.
Because The topic of the article is to offer, we will not consider the two other options in detail - personal strength and awareness. I will say only one thing - and personal strength and awareness are being developed by difficult to constant work on themselves and in their development is quite a lot of time. And we need no results in a year and not two, but now. Only one thing remains for this - offering.
Now let's look at what are all the offering and how they are classified.
Offers are three main types:
1 - Offers of the Spirits.
2 - Offers forces.
3 - Standings to the gods.
Note: Forces - this, in contrast to spirits, not personalized by Emanatsi and energies that do not have individual consciousness, but possessing powerful collective consciousness.
Offering spirits:
Spirits in our world are very and very much. It is both demons, and angels, and voids, and the shamanic perfumes, and the astros of the dead people and a lot more. Depending on the tradition that you practice, you should make it possible to conform to the canons of your tradition.
For example, a gross mistake and a nomodel is to offer a shadow of vodka and its blood. This "Fashion" went from the Warlock and the subsequent "works" of the near-block factory and the immigrants from it. What an offering to who do always explains the teacher to his students. Those who violate the rules of sentences (for example, bring blood or vodka shaped) - in the future there are many problems, both with health physical and emotional psychic. This is the same as if you were not drinking man forced one vodka, while he prefers fruit juices. I am glad from your "offer" clearly will not. So draw conclusions. Besames are better to bring sweets (cookies, sweets) they don't need a lot and not that they have a level to demand something more. Vodka can be brought to shamanic spirits and Siberian shamans are widely practiced, but on their canons and rules. Exhausting the deceased is a standard generally accepted parish.
Offering perfume is done both at the site of the ritual and in other places of power, such as crossroads, cemetery, etc. At any work on the cemetery, it is advisable to make an offer to the master of the cemetery. It will speed up your work and will allow you to establish a "good relationship" with the owner for the future.
Offering forces:
Forces, unlike perfumes, are not personally personified and it is rarely made in the form of any specific things. As a rule, force in replacement for their help, take part of your energy. Therefore. To work with the forces of high quality and at the same time not to spoil your health, the magician must be well developed energetically, to be able to quickly fill its strength.
Often the masters use candles, the injecting of herbs and oils, etc. In order to save your energy when working with forces. This is quite acceptable and widespread.
Offering the gods:
Immediately I want to say an important point - making an offer to any god, you do not offer himself, but the Egregor of this God. God himself is already getting energy from the egregor of his cult. What sentences and what gods are presented depending on the tradition and direction and is transferred to the teacher.
We briefly reviewed what are the offering, but to understand the essence of this process, you need to clearly assimilate the following - in any suction always puts the first place the process itself, be it smoking a tube or cigar, burning vodka or watering beer into the fire as in Runic magic. This is only the second side of the medal. The first and main part of it is your attitude, how do you make an offering, in what condition you do it. The main thing in any offer is your attention, reverence and respect. Offering in style "Nata crit, just do what I want!" Will not go. Such an offer you only aggravate your position.

With the help of magic, you can achieve certain goals, facilitate life. But using magic rituals, you need to remember that you always need to pay for the help of higher forces. Especially in cases where rites from the Arsenal of Black Magic are used. Excuser with conspirability is a mandatory part of the ritual, otherwise the highest forces will not only help, but can be punished for greed and for ignorance.

When a person uses magic ritual to achieve his goals, he asks for representatives of the other world about help. This creates a specific energy portal. It requires huge resources of vitality. To restore its own energy, do not allow representatives of the afterlife negatively on you to influence, you need to leave them a certain fee, tribute or thanks for help.

The extrasens and sorcerers call the extrasens and sorcerer of the symbolic fee for the help of their goals. Also, this is a fee to the highest forces for ensuring that they quietly returned to their world and did not interfere with you to live. In a different way, it can be said that this is the price of the result of rites.

Spump is needed in order to close the portal in the otherworldly world to get rid of the energy binding of the highest strength. If a person appeals for help to fortune tellers and psychics, he pays for the help, after which the master makes a spill. If he independently holds rituals, he must pay for his help. Most often bought off in food, coins. They are left on the cemetery or at the crossroads.

Time for holding it

Executive response to representatives of the other world leave after the ritual made, not forever. The fee is brought after magical actions are performed, it is impossible to postpone this stage. If suddenly a person forgot to make it at night, then you need to spend it as soon as possible. Even if the rite failed to complete, you prevented anything or anyone to spend it, the fee is left.

It is important to remember that the performer of magical rituals should leave the tribute to the highest forces, it is impossible to ask for someone outsider about it.

Options Spunk

Fee for helping when using white and black rituals is different. When using white leaders, the spill may look like a candle church, prayer, alms asking. But when using black rituals, gratitude is due to the complexity of the rite. There are such gratitude methods:

  • cash bills or coins are used in the performance of light, simple conspiracies;
  • alcoholic beverages and cash bills are applied if a spell is carried out, an inherent or a binding, as well as if a damage is performed on health;
  • blood - fee for blood revenge, for a serious spell;
  • meat - leaves most often experienced sorcerers who perform damage to death.
  • coins and cash bills must be one nominal;
  • money intended for gratitude is not stored in pockets or in a wallet, and carry in a special bag;
  • with the board with alcohol, the bottle needs to open;
  • if blood leaves, it can be bought in the store, and not kill the animal.

You can not save on what you thank, otherwise you can wait for punishment.

Monetary remuneration

How to make a spill after a conspiracy? Usually, the monetary remuneration is attributed to the intersection and left there. Crossroads is a magic place. Where the roads intersect, the zone of strong accumulation of energy is formed. Therefore, it is here who belongs to the deposit. This is an easy way of thanks for the highest forces for help. To spend the ritual, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bthe unpaid amount of coins, a bottle of alcohol. The fulfillment algorithm is:

  • go to the intersection that is far from home;
  • contact the highest forces, thank for your care in magic;
  • coins throw right hand through the left shoulder, while saying:

"You, devils, drink vodka and walk, and I will win the victory, for help thanks, the fee here."

Leave a bottle at the intersection of roads and say: "paid". Go home silently, without talking to anyone and not turning around. If you have not turned out this ritual, you will not achieve the goal, in this case it will have to be re-conducted.

Ritual on the cemetery

How to make a sputum after a conspiracy in the cemetery? This option is not easy. With incorrect execution, you can harm yourself. Therefore, it is very important to comply with all the rules and advice of specialists. Before you go to the scene of the dead, you must wash your face and hands, to slip the body with water. Lose the new towel, which then tie into the knot, says at the same time: "What will go, the same and come." From the house you need to go through a spare output, and not through the main one, but if there is no such possibility, be sure to leave the gate or the gate open.

Depending on the ritual conducted, it is left tribute to the unclean forces for the help:

  1. Decorations, jewels or alcoholic beverages, if a love magic is held - love spell, dull or binding.
  2. Buckka black bread and a bottle of milk when shelting damage to man. Leave in this case, the owner of the master of the cemetery with the words: "Let's leave you, accept it and do not reject it. Let my matters agree, like the words my strong. Thank you, and me what is supposed. "
  3. Apples, honey and white bread when carrying an inherent or strong attitude.
  4. Alcoholic beverages, coins, candy are used when carrying out simple conspiractions.

If you do not know how to leave a fee if this stage is not specified in the instructions, there is a universal option. You need to leave a slice of bread with lard near the old stump either on the grave. The fee is left near the cross on the tomb of the namesakes or the person who was born with you in one day.

Alms like a otkup.

To thank the highest forces for help when conducting white rituals, in the church, put a candle. You can also thank in the form of remembrance of the deceased relatives, putting bread, candy on the graves. When carrying out black rituals, you can also distribute alms, but at the same time you need to comply with the rule - do not give up food, money or clothing. This fee is put on the ground next to the beggar. You can also put bumping animals, give them bread, water or any other food. Every time giving alms to the poor, say the word "paid".

You can not communicate with those people who give alms. It is impossible to regret that they left money or spent their time.

Side Effects and Consequences

Sometimes the otkuk may not take otherworldly. And this is fraught with certain negative consequences for the artist of rituals. If suddenly you did not allow anything to fulfill all the stages of gratitude, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • do not cross the intersection, go around them;
  • do not take anything in your hands from the road, especially concerns coins and decorations;
  • after you tried to perform a sputcher procedure, do not attend this place exactly 28 days;
  • if you saw that someone picked up what you left, nothing can be said to him.

Cleaning after the ritual in the church

After performing the ritual and fee for it, it is necessary to cleanse the temple. Visiting the holy place will help you withdraw the entire negative. But remember that if you used black rituals, you can't visit the temple. Cleaning algorithm Next:

  1. One day you need to visit 13 temples. The duration of the purification ritual is 13 days in a row.
  2. If there is no opportunity to visit 13 churches, you can go into the same, but on different days.
  3. It is impossible to conduct a ritual during the period of large Orthodox holidays.
  4. Entering the temple, for the beginning, put a candle for rest, sending your strength to get rid of all negative. For example, you can say such words: "calm down, poverty."
  5. During the first 12 days, all actions should be the same.
  6. Going out of the temple, you can not distribute alms to those who need who asks for help near the church.
  7. On the 13th day, the candle is placed behind your unfair.
  8. Going out of the temple on the last day, it is necessary to distribute alms to those who ask for help and say mentally or whisper out loud: "Let's leave a fee from poverty and unemployment"

If you can not or are afraid to perform such rituals yourself, you should not experiment with your own energy, it is better to seek help from specialists in the area of \u200b\u200besoteric. When choosing a method of fees, you need to be guided by what kind of ritual is conducted and what purpose you are in front of you.

How to understand that the otkup is accepted

Remember that if anything or anyone prevented you to conduct a sputter procedure, it says that the ritual will not bring the desired result. Therefore, after time, the rite need to be re-conducted.

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