The dream was attacked by a snake and bitten. Interpretation of dreams: why do men dream of snakes? How to interpret a dream about a snake: reviews of famous people

People sometimes attach great importance to dreams, especially if the dreams are frightening. And waking up, an alarmed person, hoping for advice or a hint, looks for the desired title in the dream book. "A snake attacks in a dream," for example. However, at this moment, a person already knows what sleep means, even if he is not aware of it.

Ambiguous symbol

Dreams are not just an exciting part of life. Firstly this is information about a person, about the current moment of life, her past and even the future.

This is a gift from the subconscious, which catches and notices everything that the individual himself could not notice, not pay attention to something. The subconscious mind analyzes the collected information and gives it to the person own language - the language of dreams.

Dream Interpretations very often correctly indicate existing or future problems. This happens because the subconscious uses the most simple and effective ways report something. A dream book is a collection of generally accepted, most common human concepts.

Therefore, the awakened one, remembering the dream, already foresees what it means if the dream is a snake that attacks him. The dream book only confirms his guess.

But there is also a considerable exception to the rule, especially in the case of the adder. When the subconscious mind, as "information for thought" decided to show dreamer attacking or about to attack a reptile, it is of paramount importance how a person generally relates to snakes.

The snake is a very ancient and very complex archetype. She can be a symbol of evil, temptation. This perception is based on biblical traditions and is widespread, as evidenced by proverbs and sayings, for example, "warm the snake on the chest." However, in Ancient Egypt, she is a symbol of wisdom, the sun. Biting her tail is the personification of endless time; wrapping a wand - an emblem of health. Her ability to shed her skin symbolizes renewal, new life.

Attitude towards the image of a snake is based on culture, history, folklore, literature, philosophical views and personal experience... In Asian culture, she is a good sign that personifies:

  • wisdom;
  • longevity;
  • health, healing;
  • the beginning of a new life;
  • wealth;
  • good luck.

In the west, the attitude towards it is diametrically opposite. Hard perceive a dream as good if his character is a creature that personifies:

  • betrayal;
  • insidiousness;
  • anger;
  • deception;
  • treason;
  • envy.

The double meaning of nagini does not give dream books the opportunity to unambiguously interpret its appearance in a dream. Therefore, they have so many options for what it means if you dream of a snake that attacks.

Traditional interpretations

In real life, people often afraid of reptiles or dislike them. Therefore, the generally accepted point of view is that a "sleepy" meeting with this creature is not good. After all, scaly reptiles are the images of enemies and envious people. But in some cases, an ambivalent attitude towards snakes is manifested, and the interpretation of the same dream can predict contradictory events.

If what you are looking for in the dream book is "an attacking snake, but not biting," then traditionally interpreters of dreams do not bode well.

1. The attacking nagini signals that a person's life circumstances are such that he needs to protect his reputation, self-esteem.

2. It is possible that slander comes from people whom the person considered friends.

3. Betrayal of loved ones. The hypocrisy of friends. Backbiting. Spiteful attacks on the sly.

4. An individual may feel that someone is trying to manipulate him, use him for his own purposes.

5. Another interpretation says that an attack is a life chance, and one must not miss it. The closer the snake got to the dreamer, the more likely it is that luck will not be missed.

6. If the snake attacked in the house and did not bite, then this is a harbinger of a love affair. But one of the parties will not be sincere in their feelings.

7. If the attack occurred in public place, then such a dream does not threaten the dreamer.

8. If an adder dreamed, attacking not the dreamer, but another reptile, then this is a sign that a person is able to change the situation for the better.

9. If an attack occurs on friends, acquaintances, family members, then this is a sign that it is they who will suffer through the fault of the dreamer. This is a signal to a person to reconsider relations with people, to think if he often casually offends them.

promisethat no matter how things turn out, a person is quite capable of coping with them. Whereas a bite is a sign that considerable effort will be required.

In addition, a bite means:

1. An accident.

2. Illness.

3. If, after being bitten by the snake, she died herself, this is an indication of the betrayal of a person whom the dreamer considered a friend.

4. If the dreamer was bitten by a poisonous viper, then he himself may become the culprit of his troubles. About such cases they say: "And what fly bit?"

5. But there is another interpretation of a snakebite - unexpected great wealth.

Sometimes a person thinks about what he is dreaming of big a snake that attacks the dreamer or his loved ones. Size indicates the scale of events that are likely to happen:

1. Circumstances that are very difficult to resist: very serious problems at work or family life, serious illness - of the person himself or his loved ones.

2. Especially good luck in business and life. Anticipation of very large incomes. Longevity.

3. If a small aggressive snake suddenly turns into a large one - the dreamer feels that he has not paid attention to something important, and now his inattention can turn into big problems.

Adam and Eve

The asp is a phallic symbol. Therefore, for women, sleeping with her has more shades than in generally accepted interpretations, the sphere of the intimate, family is more affected. To a lesser extent for men. Basically, dreams are associated with a fear of failure in a relationship, a desire to experiment with choosing a partner, or the fear of such experiments. In addition, in Russia, a snake attack could promise a man a meeting with his future wife.

Interpretations about why a woman dreams of a snake that attacks:

  1. Fear of intimacy.
  2. If in a dream the lady's partner suddenly turns into an attacking snake, then this is a change in her personal life. As good (if the attack is playful, without hostility), and not so.
  3. A snake attack can indicate a married woman and the appearance of a rival seeking to take her place.
  4. If in a dream she tries to bite or is bitten by a snake, it means that in reality a woman feels that her lover wants to cheat on her or is already cheating.
  5. Depending on the context, an attack could herald a tumultuous but short-lived romance.
  6. If the sleeping woman sees herself as a bather, and a snake attacks her right in the water, this is a desire to have an affair on the side and the fear that it will not be possible to hide this closeness.
  7. If the dreamer is bitten already, then perhaps she is pregnant.
  8. If a large snake attacks, then such a dream is a harbinger of an imminent pregnancy. If a woman is already pregnant, then the appearance of a snake promises the birth of a girl.
  9. For a woman in a position, a snake attack symbolizes the struggle of the expectant mother against the fear of childbirth.

Decoding sleep

But the best interpreter is the individual himself who knows the circumstances own life at a certain point in time, your health.

So, the dreamer's body entwined, squeezed by a reptile can be a sign that there is something that does not allow a person to "turn around", that a person believes that he is in the complete power of enemies, and a signal of possible health problems. Or if a snake stung in the chest area, and who saw it in a dream in reality was worried about pain in the heart, then it is better to visit a cardiologist.

If a person decides to decipher his dream as accurately as possible, then he needs to take into account many nuances, such as:

  1. Human attitude to snakes in real life. It can be phobia, interest, admiration, challenge, indifference.
  2. What emotions the dreaming snake evoked.
  3. Like a haunted snake treated its victim. The attack can be aggressive, insecure, leave the urge to do something, playful.
  4. Reptile size.
  5. Did the dreamer know about the poisonousness of the attacker? A non-venomous snake is a sign that troubles will only excite something, but will be bypassed, or it will be possible to "get off easily". Poisonous is an indication of the severity of the problem.
  6. The color of the snake and, most importantly, the attitude of a person to this color. Dream books consider the attack of a black snake to be the most ominous sign. But if for a person the black color symbolizes not troubles and mourning, but triumph and victory, then the interpretation of sleep will also change.
  7. If the attack was carried out in a circle of familiar people, or it was not the dreamer who was attacked, but other people, then it is worth thinking about how the person really relates to these people.

An attacking, stinging snake is not always a bad sign, even if it seems that the very fact of an attack should alert you. It's just that the subconscious wants to convey something important to a person, and it's easier to do it with shocking images.

It should be remembered that a dream book is only a clue, not an oracle predicting fate. And do not be afraid of predictions, but think, because dreams are recommendations, tips and advice.

Attention, only TODAY!

Why does the Snake dream in a dream according to the dream book?

Hello! I dreamed that I was in some unfamiliar house with unfamiliar people, in this house there were 2 ghosts who attacked us, they wanted us to die, they attacked us through snakes, I was able to escape, but for some reason I constantly returned to this house , but my family was already there and the ghosts constantly scared me and I ran away again, then there were more attacks and I almost died, but miraculously the snakes flew past me, then it turned out that there was another ghost in the house and he helped me to escape

Hello! I dream of a chicken coop, I go to the nest to take eggs, and there a yellow snake with black veins, it pounced on me, I tried to push it away from me, and then a second snake appeared and they both began to attack, I fought back in every way, and then I woke up.

Hello! I dreamed that I was in the house, but I can't understand which one, my mother is there, I see a snake in one room, she crawls behind me, I leave her, then I walk through the corridor and see a snake on a large cabinet above, Mom starts screaming: be careful not to scare her away, I got scared and started screaming and running, the snake began to fly after me in the air right at me, and bit me, I woke up.

My wife and daughter and I were going to go where I don't know. My daughter took her schoolbag with her. The action takes place at the station. A snake began to climb out of the set. I began to beat her with what I do not remember that she would climb back. She tried to bite me repeatedly, In the end, I drove her back into my knapsack, closed her with a folding pocket and hand, She tried to bite me through this knapsack pocket, but it didn't work. My daughter helped me to fasten the zipper, And I woke up.

hello how are you. I rarely see dreams in general. but in this dream there was something strange. there are few people around. there are my close people. snakes attacked. but only one of them bit. I had a sword in my hands or like a dagger. I killed everyone snakes. ran away with someone it is not clear. I saw this dream on the way home. I slept in the car. snakes are small and not small.

I see two snakes in my apartment, they crawl over the wall without touching me. A light gray female moves in front of a dark gray male. I take my little son and put him on a hill, and I myself go to the kitchen to choose a weapon for killing snakes. I hear the cry of a child and see how the female should already bite her son, but I understand that I have no time to do anything (she will bite him) at this moment I wake up.

my mother sent me something to the barn as she came in she saw and I screamed and ran away then my mother herself went and the same at my mother, too, then my mother says here where she was hiding as if it were you she was watching from fear I woke up

a company of friends, nature, a river, a cliff, a black snake attacks me from a cliff, I'm afraid, and I know that there must be other snakes - green and yellow, not dangerous, like snakes, but this black one is not clear from where, and rushes to me, woke up in the middle of the night in fright

Good day! I dreamed of a small black snake that felt like a viper. Who tried to attack me at the same time, as if by sensations, I was with the child and protected him. Although in a dream I did not clearly see the child. At the end of the dream, the snake rushing at us bit me in the hand, but the bite was not clearly expressed (she threw her hand up and she seemed to have bitten the roofing felts, and after that I woke up. Although again there was no accent on the bite in the dream.

Suddenly snakes appeared, but strangely somewhere they crawled, and only one small one crawled after my child, I tried to scream, but the snake bit my daughter by the toe. Then another snake crawled after me and rushed at me, I did not give her a bite, I tried to choke and threw it aside, but it again rushed to bite me, and I threw it back many times, until I hid in the house and my uncle nailed it. Thank you in advance

i cross the bridge to a clearing, a small river runs through the clearing, I walk along the clearing to the hill, I see suddenly I see a snake in front of me, I start to go around it, it rushes I run away from it and from somewhere other snakes of different colors appear red, blue, yellow , green, brown, snakes and I understand that it is not easy to run and they calm down. Some person appears nearby. I gradually leave this clearing. I look at my hands, they are all bitten and the bites hurt and begin to swell. I try to call an ambulance, and blood starts to flow from the bite areas and I wake up

i wandered through the forest or jungle, did not pay attention, and with whom, I don’t remember either, and stepping over the wooden fence I saw a white, striped snake that began to get up in an attacking position and try to bite, but I dodged and woke up

i went out on the threshold and saw that a large snake was chasing my daughter, she looked like a giant anaconda. I was seized with horror, I could not move and shouted to my daughter so that she would run to me faster and she had time I grabbed my daughter, we ran into the house and closed the door, my grandparents came up to me, they were also scared and for some reason I was in their house and at the moment the snake attacked my daughter, I stood on the threshold of their house. Why is this dream. For any occasion, I want to note that my grandparents are alive at the moment.

I was standing on the bed in the room, snakes were crawling in the next room, one crawled to the bed on which I was standing and I cut it in half with a shoe spoon, the severed half with a head began to quickly crawl around the room and hiss and then the phone rang and I woke up. thank

hello, in my dream I dreamed of a not very large snake, but scary, as if a cat had been eaten, I was barefoot and she wanted to bite me in the heel, I ran away and did not understand whether she bit me or not

Everything happened, at first, in some apartment. I talked with my beloved girl, I don’t know what, but about something important, when everything started to change. From nowhere, this huge snake appeared and began to attack it, breaking everything around. I struggle with her, but somehow it turned out so-so. But with hard work I drove her away and then the whole situation changed. I'm already on the street, at night in some harbor I am looking for my beloved. I find her. I am shocked! She with a dark silhouette (seemingly a middle-aged man, but his och is hard to see) shoots a woman with a rifle (I see her for the first time in my life), does not hit. A woman jumps into the water and floats to a submarine standing 200 meters from the pier. I shout to my beloved "what are you doing?", But I do not receive an answer and quickly jump into the water and swim after the woman. While sailing nothing happens. When I have another 30 meters to swim, I see the woman has already swam and climbed inside the submarine. I swim, climb into the same hatch and again a change of scenery. I am on a rather old-style train (like in Vestars), on the street in winter we go along the tracks that are located on the mountain with the edge of the "abyss". Suddenly, the train derails and falls, but by half, i.e. one half holds the other so that it does not fall completely. I and 1 other person jump out of the car and grab onto the ledge, climb up to the tracks. I climbed first (he hesitated and climbed slowly) and noticed that a rope was tied to both of us, and the other ends to the train. No sooner does this person have time to climb up as the train begins to fly to the bottom and pulls him down! I try to get rid of it, but it doesn't work and I already think that now it will drag me away, but no! Below there was some kind of factory, on which a train fell, next to it there was a small window. I didn't fall just because my rope was so long. I took the rope in my hands and began to drag the train closer to me! The fact that I'm dragging him makes me feel uneasy! And the question: “HOW?”. Dragged, untied, but remained sitting on his lap next to the railway tracks. Then he looked back and a woman came out from behind the bend, who was just walking her dog ... She said something to me ... and disappeared ... Then a group of people came out from the opposite side and said something and left. And suddenly I feel that I have small diamonds in my right eye. I try to blink and feel them scratch inside. Change of space again. It's summer already, it's a long street, and my sister and a friend come to meet me, they give me a backpack, and then they leave on. I open it and look into my backpack, and there is such a large space and at the bottom there are several cans and bottles of beer. Without hesitation, I take a can and that’s it! I woke up.

we were with my family on the beach and suddenly a snake came out of the water about 20 cm trying to attack me but dad threw it away, then a second one came out after it and almost bit me but dad again threw it ashore after 2 minutes as if a very large one was thrown out of the water the snake was somewhere 2 or 2.5 meters from this there was a very strong push and mom rolled straight to the snake dad shouted he ran to her but I woke up from fright

in the apartment where we live, huge snakes burst out from behind some kind of fabric; there were a lot of them, I took a dagger and began to catch the snakes with my hands and cut off their heads, they hissed and I saw that one snake bit my 9 year old child the fangs entered my hand, I unclenched the snake's mouth and pulled out the child's hand and until I killed all the snakes I calmed down.

The dream takes place in the village of my grandparents. There is a road that turns onto their street. But it was in the place where the road turns (corner) that there was a crowd of people. Everyone went about their business ... there was a yellow-black snake on the ground, coiled into a ball. In a dream, I knew that our neighbors were engaged in some kind of business, there was a closet right on the street, in which there were various items for the bet. That is, anyone could make money by placing a bet and indicating with a blue ruler (it was very strange, in the form of a boomerang) what a snake could become (sort of). But when I began to approach the snake, it began to wriggle at me, trying bite, even moved in my direction. I ran, stumbling. But even the second time I approached her. And again also. I walked near that closet and stopped for a minute near it. I did not dare, reaching for the ruler. I was sick of the snake and there was a lot of fear. I left.

i enter the room, and there sits a girl playing with a snake, I was scared, she told me not to be afraid, she will not do anything to you, but I kill from the entrance to the street, then I return to the room again, I see that the girl was killed a snake, she was lying on the floor with open eyes, I knock out into the entrance, and there 2 more snakes will move at me, I kill back into the room, because there is no other place, they all pounced on me at 3, then I woke up

My husband and I were walking along the path, a snake attacked me, the position of a snake is like a cobra, she hit me with the muzzle but did not bite, my husband covered me from her, but she wriggled and beat me again, I ask why she only attacks me, someone's voice replied the snake does not touch the snake, it meant he does not touch my husband, snakes began to dream often, help me figure out who I need to watch out for

I don't remember the whole dream. I just remember running away from a very large snake, which is 50 times bigger than me. She's very close. I can hardly run away from her. But she is very close, she breathes directly on me. I run out of my last strength. Then I wake up drenched in sweat from fear. I had a dream with this snake already and more than once before.

Hello, Tatyana! My husband dreamed about this closer to the morning - there were two snakes, one of them was huge, the smaller one disappeared, and the big one wriggled, was aggressive, but did not bite, and my husband was surrounded by some kind of relatives, he doesn't remember exactly, but the feeling was surrounded household members, and someone, some elderly man grabbed this snake and crushed it with his hands.

I was in some room, in a museum or on the street, together with several people. I think I know them well. And suddenly a snake but with a head like a dinosaur attacked a crocodile, this crocodile was hiding in puddles, but I could see that it was a crocodile. I was not scared, but I felt sorry for this crocodile and felt sorry.

Hello, I had this dream in the morning after a sleepless night, I dreamed that my gaze accidentally falls on a snake head that seems to hang over me on the left within a meter and a half of distance from me, I kind of accidentally discovered that she was watching me so that attack, then realizing all the horror and danger of the moment, I simply move away from her to another room, as if trying to escape, but this snake, realizing that I am moving away from her, continues to chase me, and for some reason it crawls from above along some barely noticeable wire and is preparing to rush at me from the position from the top. Having reached the next room, I turn around and see that the snake does not intend to retreat and continues to approach. At this moment, I run to my bed and jump onto the bed, grabbing a blanket and hiding from the snake with this blanket. The snake, noticing my pathetic attempts at self-defense, does not weaken its attack, and at some point I see that she jumped down as if at first crawling away, but the next moment I just wake up with horror and fear from a snake rapidly creeping up and attacking me with an open mouth.
Please explain my dream to me ..?

Hello, I had this dream in the morning after a sleepless night, I dreamed that my gaze accidentally falls on a snake head that seems to hang over me on the left within a meter and a half of distance from me, I kind of accidentally discovered that she was watching me so that attack, then realizing all the horror and danger of the moment, I simply move away from her to another room, as if trying to escape, but this snake, realizing that I am moving away from her, continues to chase me, and for some reason it crawls from above along some barely noticeable wire and is preparing to rush at me from the position from the top. Having reached the next room, I turn around and see that the snake does not intend to retreat and continues to approach. At this moment, I run to my bed and jump onto the bed grabbing a blanket and hiding from the snake with this blanket. The snake, noticing my pathetic attempts at self-defense, does not weaken its attack, and at some point I see that she jumped down as if at first crawling away, but the next moment I just wake up with horror and fear from a snake rapidly creeping up and attacking me with an open mouth. Please explain my dream to me ..?

Hello! I dreamed that it was summer outside. the sun was shining. a yellow snake lay by the window on the street side. I was on the other side of the window (at home) and played with it, hitting the glass with my nails. Well, then when I went out into the street, for some reason it became cloudy and saw that very yellow snake on the tree, which was preparing to fall. as she looked at me and twisted like a spring. I realized this and quickly grabbed what I got under the arm. tools lay nearby. I took the saw and began to fight back with it. I fought back from two attacks. well, during this time she managed to splash out her poison and get into my eye. Then only I got angry and took an ax and 3 times when she attacked I cut her with an ax blow. The snake bounced off and some kind of sound was heard (like a squeak). I managed to call an ambulance or somewhere to ask if the poison is harmful. I described the snake and they told me No. I kind of calmed down, and when I decided to sit down, I heard some sounds that someone was crawling very noisily, and when I looked behind the wall I saw that very snake. She was crawling with her torso on the floor (her head and a few centimeters of her body, the rest lay farther, because she cut her almost in half) and I didn't have time to grab the ax when she attacked me again. And I woke up. with dismay. What does this mean Help? After all, at the end of the dream, it turns out she bit me? because I woke up.

In general, there were many friends of mine, one girl and her son was taken by our friend, at that time I was at work. Then my mother came, strange because she had 6 "teeth" on the tip of her nose, I asked "Why does she have teeth on her nose," she said that these are veins and they need to be plucked out and clarified that there are 3 of them, which is strange because I saw 6. We argued about the number of "teeth on the nose" until we saw 2 snakes, my mother said "Caution they attack or bite" I don’t remember exactly, but she managed to get through, 1 snake attacked me, climbed under my shirt on my back Whether I bit it or not, I don't remember, because I woke up because she was wriggling on my back.

i dreamed that at first the snake was calm and my son and his friend and I looked at it when it danced to the tune. When the pipe stopped playing, the snake rushed after us. We ran away from her on the way home. when I turned around, the snake was flying after us with incredible speed. I realized that we could not run away from her and stopped. When I stopped I immediately woke up

At first I saw a wriggling little worm (the color of which earthworms are), then this worm began to grow rapidly and turned into a snake that rose above the floor to its full height, looked in my direction and hissed. Then it made two lunges and finally rushed to me. I was frightened, but did not feel the bite, I began to look around in search of her, but the snake was nowhere to be found. Then I woke up. The whole thing took place in the apartment, while the bright sun was shining outside the window.

There was a day, I was in the yard of my house, the season is spring. Children and adults were walking. I talked with one boy, he told something about a snake that was next to him, but I hardly heard anything, the words were blurry. The snake bit little childstanding in front of me, attacking him from behind. Then she began to attack me. I tried to run away, to climb somewhere higher on the house. The snake was chasing me. I found myself at the end of a residential building and for some reason night fell, there were some people nearby, I could hardly hear them and hardly saw, but I clearly saw the snake. She bounced several times from the ground trying to reach me, and I floated in the air, but could not rise above 3-4 meters. As a result, she grabbed my knitted slippers on my right foot and sprayed it with poison. I bent down and tried to throw it off with my hands. Then she almost bit me on the hand, I grabbed her mouth with both hands. It was terribly scary and I woke up.

I was working in a greenhouse and saw a snake crawling towards me, similar to a snake, but larger in size. Since my cat brought the snake, I was not afraid of the snake, but decided to "drive it away" - let's go and go and waved my hand. And a harmless-looking snake began to attack me. I got scared of him and woke up. I saw exactly a snake - a gray snake with a yellow rim around its head.

in a dream, I made up with a friend with whom I had recently quarreled, then we ended up in some house and through this house we wanted to go outside to your car, when I went out I saw as if there were neighbors' houses in dirty water, I was surprised how they say they live like this , and when I got out to the car I suddenly saw little snakes, I overtook them, I had my niece in my hands, I looked and the big snake started to attack, I tried to defend my niece and, in every way, tried to attack me, but he bit me or no, I haven’t seen it

in the house, snakes were crawling, a large snake appeared, I caught it by the neck, went out onto the porch, the rest of the snakes crawled in the yard, a man came up, picking up trash along with the snakes. I put the head of a snake on a stone and the man killed it

in my yard a very long snake began to crawl at me, I was very scared to start running away and she followed me all over the garden, I ran into the house and started screaming so that my husband would kill her, he would kill her, I went out and another appeared and started chasing me again and all the same that the first time then I woke up

i am in the middle of seemingly new friends and friends in town on the city of Bulas Yaskrava, a little warm. bulo dvі zmіі one mensha and huda and a friend more. The mensha would have been quietly and simply pushed into her life. and the larger snake gradually snatched from the tree and only attacked me. The lads were magical and when they saw that they disappeared, they knew they were from the tree, and they again wanted to take a taste of me.
I bit wrapped around me and II vidshtuhvala friends helped. so a feudal dream is repeated three times in succession

Hello, Tatyana.
I dreamed of a black snake attacking me in our old apartment. And the snake is trying to bite me from the closet. Father died 2 months ago. His things were still in this closet. My brother is quietly throwing everything out of this closet. I don’t live there for a long time. The apartment was bequeathed to me, but the will was gone. Now the apartment will be shared 50/50.
Thanks in advance.


i stand, then sharply turn my head back and there the snake sits round the neck and up and then jumps sharply at me and grabs my neck from the right and doesn’t bite my teeth, that is, it doesn’t hurt me then I woke up.

I am 35 years old, in a civil marriage, have a child. Recently I dreamed of a snake, I remember that it creeps towards me and opens its mouth (hissing or not, I don’t remember), and I run away, and I woke up at the moment when it rushes at me. I would very much like to understand why, such dreams scare me, and their interpretation on the Internet is even greater.

In a dream, I dreamed of a snake coming at me, then she bit me on the shoulder, and I started killing her, there were some unfamiliar people nearby, they started shooting at her, and I twisted her head, tried to roll her neck. Then I threw her to the ground, I thought she was dead, but she came to life and began to crawl and became a girl, in a dream I recognized this girl, and started shooting at her, but she ran away

My friend is with me, we ended up In the mountains looked at the hills. Before us there were rocks, in the winter I saw something bent over, a friend was taller than me after I turned around And I saw a twisted snake, she raised her head And prepared to attack, I was upset, And she attacked with lightning speed And I almost woke up from jumping

hello. I dreamed of a big snake (python, boa constrictor), which was crawling around the apartment where we have not lived for a long time (sold), hiding behind furniture, but was ready to attack. We were careful of it, tried to drive it out. I don’t remember how it ended. I don’t remember how it ended either ...

Good afternoon! I don’t remember exactly. But the street was twilight. I don’t remember the time of day. I saw a coiled brown snake. And it became scary. Then in a dream a snake chased me and jumped in my direction. Once it apologized and jumped, I ducked and she flew over me, rubbing against my back. It was so realistic that I woke up right away, and the sensations didn’t go right away. It felt like she really drove along her back. Thank you.

i had a dream in some abandoned house or warehouse, I ran away with some people from some man, remembering that I went into the room first and that poisonous snake I ran out to everyone and there on the left side of me was an aaagromic snake and it attacked my grandmother dushet we run away from there and then I don’t remember

Hello Tatyana, I dreamed of a small snake of dark colors, everyone teased me on the street, I put it in a container and hung it on top, but I knew that it could go down, I immediately dreamed that in the attic, not a big room, the snake constantly attacks me, I waved off my jacket sometimes she leans back; she again creeps towards me, and it’s funny and there is a feeling of fear in a dream a little, what do you think it can mean, similar dreams already existed!

Hello, I was followed, and the black zemia twice she looked for me as soon as I could I remember standing at the window and there was a small broken glass on the window and I looked out the window and then she wanted to crawl through this hole and then it was very noisy she wanted to bite her brother but she was cut not much she used

Hello. We walked with friends, I stood in the grass away from them, and when I started to approach my friends, I felt that something was crawling. Having said this to their friends, they began to say, - And what are you afraid of, you love snakes. Turning my head back, I saw a snake that was crawling on me and wanted to attack, it looked like this: a meter long, very thick, about 5 cm in diameter and with violet spots, but even more violet-yogurt. I sat down and began to wait for her to attack, as soon as she began to open her mouth, I caught her and took her by the head and tail, I realized that she was poisonous. My friend and I carried her somewhere, but then I threw her away. As soon as I threw it away, I felt that the index finger was burning, she still bit. And immediately woke up

The snake is big black, its head is all thorny, it ate my pheasant and began to attack me, I am struggling with sleep and cannot press it to the ground.
Usually when I dream about snakes in 2 weeks, I have a problem with a robot or health

i dreamed that I was walking on green grass, when I saw a snake, I jumped up and she attacked me and began to choke me, then I dreamed of a friend who said why you lit cigarettes again, I didn’t smoke for a year!

I dreamed that I was leaving the building and all exits from the territory are at the corners and on each there are yellow snakes that attack me when I pass by, and I run away when I ran away from the first corner with a snake, I run to the next and so on.

I dreamed that I was walking through the woods with 2 friends (I really don’t remember their faces), there were many small snakes, some crawled away from us, some tried to bite, but we threw them away and moved on. Then we went to the swamp, in the middle of it was an island on which we found ourselves. A large snake crawled out of the water and crawled towards us, one of her friends almost bit her, but did not have time. Then the friends were somewhere on the sidelines, and I fought with this snake, holding it by the face. In general, in some unprecedented way, I managed to tear off a part of her upper mouth and threw it into the water (not a pleasant sight) but she again crawled towards me to bite. At this point I called my friends and one of them fought off her with a stick, but she did not crawl away, bit the stick and tried to get to us. At this moment I woke up with anxiety in my soul. Please explain why this is a dream?

Hello! Today I had a dream, in my dream my whole family and I were sitting in the house and in a friend I noticed a snake of them a lot and I shouted oooh snake run away from here one of them bit my father father was dying and I could not do anything around everywhere snakes here and everything seems I saw dead snakes too

Hello, Tatyana. Yesterday I had a dream in me that a couple was walking down the street towards here and stopped and the guy showed his girlfriend a snake creeping in my direction. When she crawled, she began to jump as an arrow. I fought back, then I looked at her wings appeared and began to fly before me. What does this mean? Thank you for earlier.

I dreamed: I’m sleeping, then I woke up and look at the anaconda lying in my legs, she saw me attacked me, we fought, then there was a knife nearby, I took it and cut off her head. There was a lot of blood. Then I woke up

A big python crawled in and wanted to eat me and all my loved ones. I fought him off. I couldn't kill him. We ran from room to room, running away from her. And she again crawled and gave away. It was a python, she was 12 meters

hello at first I dreamed of the place where I was born there I backed away from a small non-poisonous snake that bit me in the palm. However, I ran away from the yard and saw me being pursued by another snake that looked like a viper, I decided to hide from a neighbor asking her permission, she did not refuse, although she was lying in the room only on the couch and did not get up. However, a snake crawled under the house into this room. I ran away again to the street and suddenly found myself in another place where my mother’s grandmother lived. The snake crawled out from under the house behind me and on me, then I decided to grab it so that it wouldn’t sting it, I grabbed it and she tried to bite me but couldn’t, and suddenly a friend ran out with a knife and cut out everything inside her mouth. Then snakes crawled one by one, small and large, and I took a shovel and cut off their heads, but there were a lot of them and they stepped back, I backed away. Then in the end I played them like a drum and the music played and they seemed to be listening to it in front of me and not touching it anymore.

uTB, your kapets today dreamed that I and my girlfriend are in the house together, this snake is crawling, I tell my mother why she is here, I don’t remember what she said, then I see my mother lying on the couch and stroking her, I’m shocked so the picture changes I calmed down, like, near the sofa on the floor next to another sofa and accidentally look at my right leg and see that there is a snake next to it, well, it was short, it looked like a grimace only with a terribly scary head and big fangs and it bites at me and bites my leg I don’t remember she’s in pain, I woke up, I called my mother in the morning, it turned out that I also dreamed of her, she says that I’m standing on a field or a mountain in the snow, on me some incomprehensible djintsy they are big in the room and there was also a snake only thin, thin with big eyes and she jumped on mom and she woke up. why is it ??

Good afternoon, during the day I fell asleep and in a dream I was bitten by a large snake in my hand between my thumb and forefinger. Big brown snake severe pain I didn't feel I started calling an ambulance, my son came up and took a snake in his hands and killed it.

We were in nature with a very close friend and with Her boyfriend, when I walked, I saw a snake immediately running to them to tell them about it and immediately several snakes appeared around us, we ran into the car and wanted to leave, my friend got into the car and there under the seat was a snake then she wrapped her friend, we tried to help her pull out this snake, she stung her, but her friend strangled her, then more snakes appeared and like this we killed several snakes, how to jump out of there and went home called an ambulance

I, brother’s wife. and his mother-in-law, we swam in the river, and when we sailed back to the shore, we saw one big snake in the water, the snake swam in our direction, and when it was already near us, the snake wanted to attack me, but then changed its mind and wanted to attack brother’s wife and that’s it! I woke up.

Hello) I was in calm water, maybe in the lake some shore was 3.4 meters from me and the water was knee-deep or waist-deep I saw quite a few snakes, they circled the water, I was not afraid at all, it angered me, then I began to beat the water with my hand to scare and drive them away, then I saw like another dream to my left there were rocks on top, too, to mine I was in a cave, I saw a snake very close and as soon as I saw it began to attack it bitten once or twice I was not afraid at all it made me angry in my opinion, I trampled him with kicks and took a snake about a meter still alive by the neck, black or brown, I did not see bright colors in a dream at all or I do not remember

She dreams that I walk as if nothing had happened, and a snake crawls around me, I start to accelerate my step and it creeps faster, I start to run and she does not lag behind, there was a feeling that she still touched my back, then I did something -how ran away. What does this mean?

I walked through the forest, leaned against a tree, felt that someone was crawling and biting on my legs, I lower my eyes and see a lot of small snakes, one of them bit me (but it didn't hurt and didn't seem to be scared because I knew that it was not poisonous) blood came out , I kicked them all away with my foot, turn around and see a large dark gray snake wrapped in a ball, lying closer to the black snake (here I felt fear, I took it for poisonous snake Viper), I wanted to run away, but with my back I felt as if she did not rush at me, but someone threw her at me, waved her hands and woke up

I dreamed that I was in some unfamiliar place, some kind of wooden building, daylight, a season similar to spring-summer, dry, a snake appeared that looked like a gyurza, a snake, a rattlesnake, was on the ground at a distance of 2-3 meters, and then I began to raise my head, opened my mouth, bared her teeth and moved towards me, I retreated, but at the same time I violently beat her with improvised objects, either with a stick or with a metal object. Everything happened very dynamically and quickly. I hit and wounded the snake very hard, but did not kill and quickly ran away from the place where the meeting with the snake took place. Then I woke up. Complete bullshit. At work, there are enemies in the office, one young woman whom I disinterestedly helped to get a job in our office and a male colleague, who, so to speak, was probably "bewitched for service and mercantile purposes."

I dreamed that My Girl and I were running away from snakes, at first there were two of them, one in front, one of the back, but I wound one on a stick and threw the second one so fast that it bit me on the Left leg! It happened between two bets along the path! This is my place childhood!

I saw two snakes, black and red. My family and I were doing something in the backyard when I noticed. They behaved slightly aggressively, well, it was clear that they wanted to bite. Red was not as active as black. I managed to somehow shove a red snake into a small iron box and kill it there by crushing it. And the black one escaped half from the second box, stuffed the same into another box, and rushed trying to bite. I hurt her with a knife, the snake didn’t die ..

I was somewhere with friends resting near the river, whether the lake, and a friend went swimming .. We all drank .. And I realized that she was not there .. I followed her and there were a bunch of snakes .. But I saved all of them .. Why was this dreaming?

The snake is considered a controversial symbol that embodies cunning and wisdom, death and sexual energy - the impulse of life. In the life of a person not inclined to philosophy, it marks disaster and disaster. Since biblical times, the image of the tempting serpent has been associated with the troubles awaiting a person in the future. If a snake attacks in a dream, interpretations may not always be negative. A reptile can symbolize a fateful meeting, favorable changes in life, career growth and success in all endeavors.

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Dreams in which a snake attacks and bites are chaotic and chaotic. It can be quite difficult for a person to remember the details of a dream. Only fear, disgust, dislike remains in my memory. However, it is important to remember the details: about the color of the reptile, its size. It is worth remembering the behavior of the snake, as well as analyze your own feelings. The correct interpretation of the dream is largely dependent on small details.

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      • Snake color

        Depending on the color of the snake, you can judge the nature of future events.

        The yellow reptile dreams of betrayal. Her attack speaks of an imminent meeting with an inveterate enemy, with whom she will have to sort things out. If the snake was poisonous, it symbolizes a retreat with a loss, otherwise, victory.

        If a black snake attacked in a dream - in life comes a strip of numerous adversities and losses, for which you need to prepare. According to other sources, the black reptile dreams of a public scandal. You need to be patient so as not to provoke a surge of negativity. Black color can indicate the dreamer's internal conflict, the presence of a sense of guilt towards someone.

        As Miller’s dreambook warns, victory is possible through overcoming internal complexes, weak will and low self-esteem. Do not agree with the situation and deprive yourself of the last chance to win.

        The white reptile portends good luck, winning the lottery, troubleshooting. Several white snake attackers promise to receive important information. If the reptile was small size, this means denying the necessary help. According to other sources, the attacking white snake indicates the presence of a hidden ailment.

        If a green reptile attacked in a dream, you should expect positive changes. This is the beginning of a new life and getting rid of addictions, development and victory.

        The red snake is a manifestation of aggression, anger, treachery, especially if it is preparing for an attack.

        Why does a green snake dream - interpretation from dream books

        Types of snakes

        Sleep current also depends on what kind of reptile attacked the dreamer.

        Viper - failure, failure, betrayal of people who have been trusted.

        Cobra predicts the emergence of a new partner, but a romantic relationship with him will not lead to marriage.

        Aspid - the interpretation depends on who dreamed of such a symbol. A woman should expect increased attention from fans. If an adder attacked a man, this is a sign of a fateful romantic meeting. The chosen one will be impulsive and self-confident, but will help to find the long-awaited peace and order in the soul.

        Python usually does not bite, but its danger is no less great, since during an attack it is able to strangle a person. If you dream of a reptile of this kind - pressure from the leadership is not excluded. Python also symbolizes cardinal changes in life, a change in life path.

        The rattlesnake is a spectacular rival for a woman or girl.


        A large snake attacks in a dream - you should prepare for difficult life situations. This is a symbol of an enemy: in a difficult moment, danger will come from a loved one. You should refuse trips, important deals in the near future. It will take a lot of effort to cope with the problem, but the result will please. In the future, the dreamer expects a high social status, material prosperity and even the discovery of superpowers in himself.

        If a small snake attacked, gossip, intrigue, quarrels await the dreamer. You need to be more careful when dealing with envious colleagues. Caution in your statements will not hurt.

        A huge attacking reptile - to the death of a loved one. But according to the esoteric dream book, a huge snake dreams of the appearance of an important mission, which is destined for the dreamer.

        Changing dimensions of the snake during sleep - the dreamer underestimates the problem, cannot understand its true meaning.

        Dreamed of a snake trying to bite - interpretation of sleep for women


        I dreamed of a bite and had a chance to fight a snake - life will require a manifestation of willpower and determination from the sleeping person. If you manage to withstand the test with dignity, success and respect of others are guaranteed. The snake bite also marks betrayal, deception, disease. In a close environment, enemies can lurk, whose hypocrisy can spoil the sleeping person's reputation. If there are health problems, it will not hurt to be examined for hidden diseases.

        For man and woman

        A dream about a snake can be a prototype of a partner or talk about the imminent appearance of a new friend. Girls should take a closer look at the behavior of their boyfriend - his secret is revealed in a dream.

        For a girl, a snake bite can also symbolize the beginning of a new life, that is, pregnancy.

        For a pregnant woman, the image of a snake can portend the birth of a girl.

        A man can dream of this symbol with a lack of female attention, sometimes displaying homosexual tendencies. In a different sense - to the birth of a son.

        Bite sites

        Body part bitten by a snake:

        • Hand - the sleeping person will become a participant in a loud conflict through the fault of a loved one, and proceedings cannot be avoided. Only foresight, patience and foresight will help to mitigate the situation.
        • Finger - someone has planned for a sleeping trouble, which will result in mental distress or material damage. Perhaps the dreamer himself will undeservedly offend someone.
        • Leg - to the loss of income, work.
        • Head - to serious trouble.
        • The back is meanness from an unexpected side.
        • Neck - loss of social status, authority, decline in vitality, lack of energy, prolonged depression.

        Bite victim

        In a dream, the dreamer may not be the only victim of the snake. Often, people around or close people are injured:

        • Stranger - the time comes for the dreamer to embody interesting useful ideas, to open his own business.
        • A child is a signal that you need to look inside yourself, free yourself from pride and vanity, abandon vices and direct spiritual aspirations to commit noble deeds.
        • Relative - due to the short-sightedness of the dreamer, his relatives can be in trouble. In another sense, the dreamer will allow himself to be intemperate towards friends and relatives, insults and ridicule.


        If pain was felt after a bite, a person with outstanding mental qualities competes with a sleeping person, despite modest physical data. To win, you need to have resourcefulness, but still be ready to lose. If a poisonous bite did not follow, this is a sign of the ability to cope with an unpleasant situation and people who deliver a lot of pain.

        In bed

        The appearance of an attacking snake in bed is a big betrayal or theft. You need to carefully consider the property, take care of the safety of the house, take a closer look at those who have access to the apartment.

        If the snake is waiting for the moment to bite, trying to get to the bed, there is a traitor among those close to him, carrying evil.

        A small snake on the bed - the presence of a rival. In another interpretation, reptiles crawling around the bed, wriggling and trying to bite, mean the spiritual strength of the sleeper, his wisdom and tenacity against adversity.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Cunning, betrayal; if crawls - to the disease; treason; kill a snake - get out of the situation; honorary reconciliation; the white snake is a strange help.

Snake in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The snake is a symbol of the fall of man, evil, cunning. To see a snake crawling on the ground in a dream means that you should be wary of the years under its influence, that is, 2001, 2013, 2025 and so on. It is in these years that you will face a real threat of being homeless and without material resources. Most likely, there will not even be a person nearby who will help you overcome the calamities that have happened to you. The poisonous snake that has entwined the number of the Antichrist is a sign that at the moment when the Antichrist comes to Earth, all the most terrible human vices are activated. The time will come for murderers, thieves, rapists. Seeing in a dream a non-poisonous snake approaching a person is a warning that at the head of one of the powerful states of the globe is a person who will start a war against a weak state, but at present there is still an opportunity to prevent this person. For the dreamer, such a dream warns of an impending danger that can be avoided. If you were bitten by a poisonous snake in a dream, you, unwillingly, will become the cause of a very big scandal, perhaps through your fault or through the fault of someone from your loved ones a political coup will occur. If you dreamed of a huge snake squeezing a person's neck, then this means that this person is in real danger. The dream in which you saw a black, gigantic-sized snake means an incomparable evil. A snake wrapped around a rod means evil that hides the truth. If in a dream you saw a snake coiled into a ring, it means that you have a secret ill-wisher. To see a snake attacking you in a dream means in reality to experience disaster and hardship. To kill a snake in a dream is to get rid of the enemy. Seeing a snake with several heads in a dream is a warning. You can become a victim of monstrous lies. The snake, whose outline is hidden behind the fog, is a symbol of a nuclear threat and can mean a nuclear missile. A dream in which you feel a snake gaze on you means the close attention of very influential and cruel people to you. To dream of a ball of snakes - in reality it becomes a victim of intrigue and gossip.

See a snake in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The snake is a difficult symbol because it is interpreted differently in different cultures. The interpretations have a very wide range: from fear cooling the blood, to peace and wisdom. Options are determined by the history of literature and folklore of different cultures, as well as personal experience. In real life, fear of snakes is not uncommon. For some people, this fear is so destructive, almost pathological, that even a photograph of a snake seems threatening. For such people, dreams with snakes do not bode well. If in a dream there is someone who holds the snake in his hands, then he, in all likelihood, symbolizes the source of wisdom and control of order in the dreaming world and may in some way represent himself or someone he knows. In Asian and North American cultures, the snake is a symbol of wisdom. The thought of wisdom stems from the snake's ability to shed its skin and renew itself. If someone dreams of snakes in this light, then this dream symbolizes renewal, problem solving and ordering. In Judeo-Christian cultures, the snake is a symbol of temptation or spiritual opposition to the achievement of a goal. This interpretation follows from the Bible, in which Satan in the guise of a snake seduces Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Sometimes a snake dreamed in such a context hints at a specific person in your real life, with whom you have not quite a smooth relationship. Finally, Freud and classical psychotherapy also offered their own interpretations of this iconic image. In their opinion, the snake symbolizes the phallus, but sometimes it embodies fear of sexual intercourse, aversion to it. It is quite difficult to interpret the snake you dreamed about. What emotions prevail in relation to the snake: fear, respect or opposition? How do you feel about snakes in real life: neutral, fearful, or friendly? Did the snake appear when you were alone or with others? How do you feel about those; people who were with you? The answers to these questions should lead to a fruitful interpretation of the dream with a snake.

Why dream about a snake

according to Vanga's dream book

To see a snake crawling on the ground in a dream is evidence that soon you will have a fight with the worst enemy, who, after secret intrigues against you, will decide to open war. If a crawling snake is poisonous, then it is unlikely that you will be able to defeat this person, because he is stronger and more cunning than you. If the creeping snake is non-toxic, then you can easily cope with your enemy by using his intrigues against himself. Seeing a ball of snakes in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream suggests that there are a lot of evil, envious people around you who wish you the collapse of your career, unhappiness in your family life and even death. You should be careful in communicating with all your friends, for what you expressed in a fit of passion will do you a bad job. If in a dream you were bitten by a snake, then in real life you will be deeply disappointed in a loved one. For a long time you will look for the reasons for your constant bad luck, but it doesn’t even occur to you that this is the work of the person you trust. Most likely, he resorted to the powers of black magic, making it his goal to make your life miserable. Seeing in a dream a snake peacefully coiled into a ring is a harbinger of the fact that your enemies are just waiting for the right moment to strike you with a powerful blow, from which you most likely will not be able to recover. If you dreamed of a huge snake squeezing a person’s neck, then such a dream is a bad sign. Apparently, you are among the first to learn about deadly disease a loved one. You will need to show great willpower to communicate it to the patient's relatives and help to a loved one live your last days with dignity and humility. To see a giant snake in a dream is a prophecy of a great tragedy. There will come a time when Satan will be instilled on Earth in human form. It will be a time of hunger, poverty, violence, human suffering, theft and death of millions of people living on our planet. Killing a snake in a dream is a sign that humanity in the future, realizing how important it is to believe in God, will reopen all churches and temples. Devilry will retreat, seeing that people have become more merciful and wiser.

Why is the lizard dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

unpleasant person; many lizards - losses through secret enemies.

The meaning of sleep about a lizard

according to Freud's dream book

To see a lizard running away in a dream - your "other half" is secretly cheating on you, and you do not notice anything at all. For your "naive blue eyes" to open, there will be enough event that leaves no doubt of infidelity. If you dream of a lizard with a tail falling off, then such a dream is a warning about possible sexual problems. A man who has such a dream should not panic if temporary fluctuations in sexual function arise - they do not need to be given special importance. Catching a lizard in a dream or watching its tail flutter in your hands - you will be disappointed with the date on which you pinned so many hopes.

I dreamed of a lizard

according to Miller's dream book

To see a lizard in a dream means that you will be attacked by your ill-wishers. If you kill a lizard, you will be able to restore your reputation and return good luck, but you will have to pay for this with worries in business and in cordial relationships. If a woman sees in a dream that the lizard has shed her skin or has bitten her, this means that misfortunes await her. It is possible that she will be very tight on funds for a while, and she will need to muster the will to withstand this test.

Lizard in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The lizard is the embodiment of evil, violence, heartlessness. Seeing a beautiful lizard is a symbol of harmonious existence with dangerous person, skills to maneuver. Seeing a large lizard means meeting with something or someone who embodies a sinister beginning.

Dreamed of a boa constrictor

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a boa constrictor in a dream is almost the same as seeing a devil in a dream: a dream foreshadows turbulent times and continuous setbacks. Disappointment in human nature may follow this dream. Killing a boa constrictor is a good dream.

Why is the boa constrictor dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

dangerous enemy; hazardous enrichment; the lost will return; the expectation will be justified; the thicker the snake, the more time will pass.

Dreamed snakes

according to Miller's dream book

If a woman dreams that she is being bitten by a dead snake, it means that the anger of a hypocritical friend will make her suffer. Dreams about snakes are generally a warning about all kinds and forms of evil. To see snakes writhing or falling on someone in a dream means a struggle for existence and remorse, To kill snakes in a dream means that you will do everything to achieve your interests or to let other people reckon with them. You will triumph over your enemies. Passing in a dream among snakes means that you will live in constant fear of the disease, and egoists will encroach on your place in a friendly circle. If snakes will sting you in your dream, you will succumb to evil machinations, and enemies will damage your work. If you dream that a flat spotted snake is crawling towards you on green grass, you bounce aside, it crawls by, and you forget about it, when suddenly it approaches you again, increasing in size and finally transforming into a huge snake, and you at the cost of crazy efforts, you successfully avoid his attack and completely get rid of this terrible vision - all this means that in real life you will soon imagine that you are being neglected and not respected, and your affairs are going worse and worse. Sickness, anxiety, bitterness will terribly hypertrophy in your mind, but everything will end happily, imaginary troubles will be forgotten, and the obligations assumed will be thrown aside, and you will be satisfied and rewarded. If you dream that a snake is wrapped around you in rings and shoots its sting at you, then you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies, and you are threatened with illness. If in a dream you are holding a snake in your hands, it means that in life seemingly insignificant events will give you excruciating anxiety and worries. If the snakes you dreamed take on bizarre outlines, this dream is fraught with troubles for you, which, however, will dissipate if you are indifferent to them, while maintaining your presence of mind. Seeing or stepping on a snake in a dream while swimming or wading a river means that you will be anxious in anticipation of pure joy. Seeing in a dream how snakes sting others means that you offend your friend. To see small snakes in a dream means that you will give a warm welcome to people who will quietly slander and disgrace you, and also try to upset your plans. Seeing children playing with snakes in a dream means that you will be confused, trying to recognize where your friends are and where your enemies are. If a woman in a dream worries about a child behind her, because she hears a snake hiss, this means that she will be persuaded to abandon something that is dear to her, for her own good; but later she discovers that she was involved in a dishonorable intrigue. Seeing in a dream a friend standing on the path and snakes raising their heads threateningly behind him means that in reality you will uncover a conspiracy organized against you and your friend. If in your dream you understand that a friend is holding a serpent under control, it means that some powerful organization will act in your interests and reflect evil intentions. If a woman dreams that she is spellbound by a snake, it means that they will begin to oppress her, but the law and influential friends will act to protect her rights.

Dreamed of adam

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing Adam and Eve in a dream portends an unexpected event that will change your affairs for the worse. To see Eve in the Garden of Eden with the serpent entwining her body means that someone's treachery threatens your happiness. Seeing and hearing how Eve talks to the serpent is a warning: a certain insidious person who can tarnish your reputation can lead to failure and your affairs.

The meaning of a snake dream

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, to see a snake, mistaking him for a poisonous snake, should not be attributed to some people around you qualities that they do not have. Of course, it is important for all of us that the person we like is as close as possible to a certain ideal. However, the more we “fantasize”, the greater will be the pain of disappointment when it turns out that in fact a new acquaintance is far from perfect.

Dreamed of reptiles

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that some reptile has rushed at you, this will turn into a serious disaster for you. If you are lucky in a dream to cope with it, then you will ultimately overcome real obstacles. If you dream that a dead reptile is coming to life, it means that misunderstandings and quarrels that should have been settled will resume with renewed vigor. To touch a reptile in a dream without harming yourself means that you will be oppressed by a bad mood and the bitterness of friends; however, you will still be able to maintain a good relationship. If a girl dreams of lizards, snakes or other reptiles, then all kinds of alarms await her. Her lover is keen on others. If she is stung by one of the reptiles in a dream, it means that the rival will oust her image from the heart of her beloved.

Sleep means that in reality you are in a serious conflict with someone, or you feel a strong dislike for yourself. It sounds like it's easier for you to feel like a victim than to be clear about the relationship.


Hello. I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend and I were going down into an old gray basement with high walls. He leaves me in the basement and climbs up the stairs There, in a huge cage, a little taller than me, a thick grayish-white cobra 3 meters long stands in a rack and looks threateningly at me. I understand that I cannot handle her if I want to kill her. ( Olga Mogosh)

A dream indicates that deep down you harbored a strong resentment against your ex, you think that he acted ugly with you, but you do not yet know how to cope with this feeling.

An attacking snake is usually an extremely negative sign in a dream, promising in the real world all sorts of troubles and a clash with ill-wishers. To find out exactly what she is dreaming of, it is necessary to decipher all the nuances of vision. As usual, first you should find out the opinion of popular dream books.

What does the snake attacking snake symbolize

After such a dream, Aesop's dream book promises a situation in which you will have to defend yourself from something, for example, from the attacks of envious people. But Dream Interpretation for the whole family considers this a positive signal. In the near future you will be able to make an unusual trip.

Miller's Dream Interpretation warns: a snake attacker in a dream is associated with powerlessness that you will experience in the face of enemies or great danger. According to the Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus, the attack of reptiles means the beginning of a difficult period, filled with deprivations and troubles.

If the attacking snake suddenly turns to stone, then the Dream Interpretation from A to Z predicts envy on the part of ill-wishers. If you ignore their attacks, then life will not change. Dream interpretation Dreamnikov has its own opinion and considers the attacking reptile a harbinger of deception, great grief, illness, treason. But this vision promises a woman a quick pregnancy.

What is the snake attacking you

If in a dream you are attacked by a poisonous reptile, then you will face the enemy face to face. An attacking snake that stings marks worries about gossip and rumors. What else is an aggressive reptile dreaming of? Soon your conscience will torment you or you will literally have to survive in difficult conditions.

Had a dream that the snake attacked and wrapped rings around the body? You will be powerless in the face of circumstances. Dangerous snake literally hypnotized? Someone will try to infringe on your freedom, rights, but high patrons will protect you.

Snake attacking another person

What is the dream of a snake that rushes at another character? Hurt a good friend with a casual word. If a reptile attacks a person from behind, and he does not see it, then someone will think to discredit you, but for a strange reason, he will know defeat.

Did you dream that the snake attacked someone you know? You clearly want to have an affair with this person. If it was a person completely unknown to you, then you just dream of making a new friend, lover.

In a dream, a snake attacks a child - why

What does it mean if your own child is attacked? You probably have completely stopped paying attention to your child, and in the future such connivance in education will play a cruel joke.

If a woman had to protect her child from an angry snake in a dream, then in reality flattering people will persuade her to abandon something meaningful and later this will have negative consequences. Did you try to close the child from the attacks of the reptile? You will voluntarily give up benefits in order to save a loved one.

What is the dream of a snake attacking a cat, animal, another snake

Dreamed of a reptile rushing at a cat or other pet? Do not succumb to persuasion, otherwise you will do an act that will harm you, but will delight hidden enemies. In a dream, did a snake inflict a mortal bite on an animal? Watch out: your plans are under a big thunderstorm.

Have you observed how the reptile ate frogs or small rodents? You are pressured by an influential person, and you soon succumb to him. Why dream that one snake rushes at another? You will witness the battle of your enemies, who for some time will completely forget about your existence.

What does it mean if the attacking snake bites

Did the attacking snake bite painfully in a dream? A friend or beloved will bring suffering by his behavior. If the snake attacks, but does not bite, but as if playing, then this is a reflection of sexual play, romantic relationships, lust. Bite aggressive snake also associated with unexpected wealth.

Attacking, the snake froze in an absurd position and could not bite? This means that it is necessary to ignore the unpleasant news or your own suspicions, then you will not even recognize the troubles. The same plot reflects the inability of ill-wishers to harm you.

What is the dream of an attacking snake, poisonous, non-poisonous

In a dream, a completely harmless snake attacked? The people you trust talk bad things behind their backs and do things against you. The attack of the snakes promises marriage to young girls, and pregnancy to married ladies.

Dreamed of a clearly poisonous reptile? Be vigilant: enemies will strike soon, and if you are not ready at the right time, then wait for trouble.

Attacking snake in a dream - other meanings

To obtain an accurate decoding, it is necessary to take into account the most insignificant, but the most memorable nuances. For example, a species of reptile and its actions during an attack.

  • rattlesnake - shameless and insidious rival
  • python is a physical obstacle on the way to the goal
  • already - matchmakers in the house
  • an individual of bronze color - envy, vengeance of others or one's own
  • black - evil, dark magic
  • white - joy, wisdom, death
  • multi-colored, motley - intrigue, eventful strip
  • fiery, unusual type - alcoholism, attack, awakening of Kundalini energy
  • many-headed - unexpected wealth
  • poisonous - collision with a cunning and insidious person
  • non-poisonous - use their own techniques against enemies
  • attacks others - criticism and accusations against others
  • wrapped around the neck - a joyless relationship, an unhappy marriage
  • body, limbs - plaster cast, bandage, disease associated with immobility
  • stung - enmity, quarrel, other troubles
  • swallowed - lack of time, spiritual regression
  • haunted - fear of society, anxiety, obsessive thoughts, fantasies
  • hissed loudly - contact with the infernal world

Why dream that the attacking snake was staring directly into the eyes? In reality, you have attracted the attention of very influential forces and soon they will show their presence. Did you have to fight a huge snake in a dream? In a similar way, an internal conflict is reflected, an attempt to get rid of the past and start a new life.

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