Dreamed that the serpent attacked me. Dream Snake in a dream attacks but does not bite

Sleep "Snake" - a rather complicated multivalued sleep. It includes evil, envy and death, but on the other hand is a symbol of a woman, new life, wisdom and healing. We all know such expressions as "to warm the snake on the heart" or "poisonous snake language", which speaks about the cunning of the snake, her angry entity. But at the same time, everyone knows that it resets the skin and as if renewed, returns his youth. Snake The only creature in the world (not counting the fabulous sphinx), which has a secret of youth and eternal life.

This is all of course conversations, but the fact remains the fact that the dream in which you saw the snake is a complex controversial sleep. It all depends on what did the snake in your dream, what coloring and sizes it was and where you saw it. Therefore, carefully read the interpretation of dreams from our online dream book and other popular dream books (which are shown below) and find something that is suitable for your sleep most.

  • Dream Interpretation: Snake in a dream - trouble, quarrel, conflicts.
  • Dreamed a huge snake - a big tragedy, grief.
  • They dreamed of huge snakes - the trouble came to answer the gate.
  • Dreamed a small snake - small troubles.
  • Little snakes dreamed - endless troubles.
  • He dreamed of a serpent pregnant woman - he will give birth to a child healthy and smart.

Dreamed colored snakes

Different snakes

  • Dreamed the air kite - a light casual acquaintance.
  • Toy snake dream book - good sign - Joy in the house, good relations in the family.
  • What dreams of a pregnant snake - you are tormented by sad thoughts that do not have any soil, they are inflated by you, but one give you a lot of experiences.
  • Dreamed the snake nest - your doubts.
  • Dead snakes in a dream - you protect yourself from the company of drinking people, leading a slut-length lifestyle, which brought big misfortunes to your household.
  • A dead snake dreamed - a dead snake in a dream - a drinking friend will leave your life forever, or a meeting with a false man whose motives will understand very difficult to understand.
  • What is the dream of small snakes (Snakes) - you believe the person, and he will betray you.
  • What dream of a manual snake is to increase the existing one.
  • What dreams of hand snakes are being shot everywhere, but they are not dangerous - we will take a managerial position.

The variety of snake

  • Dreamed Python Snake - a dangerous enemy who wishes to take you "for the throat", dangerous times.
  • Dreamed Viduka Snake - the appearance of evil in your life, most likely it will be a woman insidious and dorous. If you saw the young viper in a dream - you do not know how to correctly evaluate people: someone who trust will be a traitor, who to believe - the liar.
  • Dreamed Snake Cobra - Erotic, partner in sex. She will lead to you also, as a cobra behaved in your dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake Anaconda - the enemy dangerous will slowly squeeze you, driving into the corner.

Snakes in various situations

  • Dreamed a beautiful big snake that rested on the grass - envy surrounding.
  • Dreamed beautiful snake Charked someone or something - you transform, the spiritual and physical changes will begin in you, changes in life are possible.
  • We dreamed of passing snakes - enemies will be defeated.
  • Having dreamed of the consanguing snake returned - the victory will give you great difficulty, the enemy is so easy to surrender.
  • Dreamed the "snake friend" - the enemy skillfully masked under your friend.
  • Two snakes in a dream fighting - internal confrontation, struggle: you want to do good one person, but at the same time regret money on it, you want to make money honestly, but all the things you can start doing are illegal now. Also explains the sleep of the snake bites the snake.
  • He dreamed that he killed the snake - the snake killed the snake - you will do a difficult choice between good and evil, between honor and dishonor, between simplicity and cunning.
  • Dream Interpretation: 2 Snakes in a dream - Dream Interpretation: Two snakes curled out with a hacker and sleep - you are fighting good from evil, kingast and generosity and the like, but thinking you will choose good, generosity and all positive.
  • Dream Interpretation: 3 Snakes - "Love Triangle", "Third Extra".
  • Dreamed "bitten a little snake" - you feel good to people who are slandered behind you.
  • Dreamed "Play Children with Snakes" - you can't distinguish friends from enemies.
  • Dreamed snakes in the house - if a calm snake is wealth in the house; If an aggressive snake - when you leave the house, trouble will happen.
  • Dreamed "to carry a snake over the sinus" - an impeccable reputation earned by you.
  • He dreamed of a snake in the water - a change in the place of residence.
  • Dreamed the snake monotonously swinging - you were surrounded by a singers.
  • The poisonous snake was dreamed of a poisonous snake - the enemy in force is many times superior to you. (cm. )
  • Dreamed by a unmarried snake - you are superior to your enemy.
  • Died a snake on a green tree - the idea that you now have to implement urgently, otherwise you miss the opportunity.
  • Sleep "Snake on the tree" - slander, punishment for misconduct, ill-wishers.
  • What dreams of the snake on the tree wriggled fucked - you will prevent evil, take all the rumors and speculations that dismiss the enemies. (See sleep tree)
  • He dreamed of a snake in the bed sleeping - in an important thing that you do, lucky enough.
  • Eat the snake in a dream - in you the unfortunate thirst for knowledge.
  • What dreams of a lot of snakes in the room is a reflection of your mental state at the moment.
  • Dreamed the snake overwhelms the road - they will attack quietly, gadko, sophisticated.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake Skura - If you have seen a snake dropped it - you have a conversation with wise experienced and smart people.
  • Again on the snake in a dream - if you are inappropriately stepped on the snake in a dream and frightened very much, then the enemies will move away, but they will have time to cause much harm. If you specifically come or cried the snake - then the enemies, no matter how hard they try to cause you much harm.
  • Dreamed to kill snakes - it does not matter you killed or others - enemies will retreat.
  • Dream Interpretation: Poison Snake squeeze - you will soon find out about the intrigues against you, you beat this business so to squeeze the benefits of it for yourself.
  • Dreamed a lot of snakes in the water, step on them - you think that you are looking for good, you will actually find bad.
  • He dreamed of a snake in his hand - it is necessary to develop an action plan to overcome enemies.
  • Dreamed the snake in bed - new will enter life, be prepared for change. (cm. )
  • They dreamed of snakes in bed - change in life will be cardinal, something newly made in your life.
  • A lot of snakes dreamed and walk between them - life will be in constant fear.
  • Catch the snake in a dream - to defend you will be a reliable person.
  • Dream Interpretation: Coming on the snake - strong experiences, but the result will please you.
  • I dreamed of crossing through the snake - it is not necessary to fear so much for your health.
  • Dream Interpretation: Cut the head of the snake - You will have to prove your rightness, to defend your opinion. Competitions will go around and leave behind.
  • What dreams to eat snake - good health - there are no infections and various ailments.

Aggressive snakes in a dream

Unusual dreams about the snake

Let's consider the interpretation of dreams with other dreams. After all, it is interesting to know how it answers the question: "What dreams of a snake?" Wang's dream book, as the dream of "snake in a dream" dream book Miller or that says Muslim dream book "See in a dream snake." And it is quite interesting how the dream explains about the snakes Freud or Nostradamus.

Dream Vangu Snake

To the question: "What dream of a snake?" Wanga responds as follows:

Dream Interpretation Miller Snake

You dreamed of a snake, Miller's dream book such a dream also opens up full, like the Bulgarian Vanga Vanga, but in his own way. Consider how answering the question: "What are the snakes dream?" Miller.

  • Seen in the dream of the snake Dream Miller interprets as a dream warning about the coming troubles, about evil, which exists around him at the moment time. But the bite of the snake dream of Miller reveals as a friend-hypocrisy you have.
  • What dreams of a snake in a dream woman - if she bit her, and she was dead, then such a dream says that her friend is a hypocrite and from his anger she will have to suffer.
  • Dreamed "Appeats Snakes" - the struggle for existence will be cruel.
  • Dreamed "snakes fall per person" - remorse of conscience.
  • Kill snakes in a dream to what you have to go for everything to achieve your goal, and in the future people are considered with you. Celebration over enemies.
  • In a dream, a lot of snakes began to walk between them - there will be in constant fear to live, since the Egoist will begin to claim your place in the circle of your friends.
  • Snakes are biting in a dream - Dream Interpretation: Snake snakes - you still agree to persuasion of nonsense and their evil marchs. It all hurts your work.
  • What dreams of the snake Miller Ring wures you - impotence, the impossibility of fighting. And if at the end of the dream, the snake also bites you, then such a dream can predict an ambulance illness.
  • Sleep "Snake in Hands" - Dream Interpretation: Snake to keep in your hands - you yourself will develop a plan to combat your enemies.
  • A lot of little snakes dreamed instead of hair - minor and small in your opinion the events will soon give a lot of problems. (cm. )
  • They dreamed of snakes a lot of strange ugly - sleep warns - the band begins. Tip: Do not pay much attention to them, keep the presence of the spirit and everything will cost much easier than you will seem initially.
  • Sleep "Snakes in the river and step on them" - Dream Interpretation: Snake in the River to come - anxiety about the upcoming joy.
  • He dreamed that they had served the snakes of the other - you strongly hurt your friend.
  • To see a lot of little snakes in a dream - you will have a warm taking to people who are squeezed to make you nasty, slander you and disappoint you to shut up in every way and upset your plans.
  • Dreamed "Children playing with snakes" - you are in a strong confusion and cannot recognize where friends, and where the enemies.
  • If you dreamed that you were worried about the next child, because he heard the hiss of snakes in a dream - you will have to make a difficult choice: for the sake of your good to refuse expensive. In the future, you will learn a terrible: you were involved in a dishonest game and all this was adjusted specifically.
  • If you dreamed that you see a serpent rising because of your back - you can solve the plan of enemies.
  • If in a dream he keeps snakes under control - a solid powerful organization acts in your interests, you will reflect the evil miscarions of enemies together.
  • If a woman in a dream is hypnotized by a snake - oppression will be removed by law and influential friends who will completely be on your side. This is how the dream snake dreams Miller.
  • Sleep "Snake Python" - Different sleep, pushes looking at the sizes of python and its actions towards you. If Python in a dream was a small size and peacefully crawled - these are imaginary misfortunes that you came up with yourself. If he was big sizes and behaved aggressively - sleep means that your affairs will roll down, and the failures are hypertrophy with your mind.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake Cobra - a hidden enemy wishing to harm your family. Dreamed attacks the Cobra Snake - the enemy will be able to harm your family.
  • Dreamed "Cobra Snake eats a man" - you will be braid, be careful.
  • What is the dream of a snake Cobra - a lot of Cobre shoots to the gossip about you, if you have seen them from afar.

Islamic dream book snake

  • To see snakes, Islamic dream interpretation interprets in different ways, because to see the snake of the Islamic dream book in a dream, it claims that this dream is a meaningful and one interpretation will not cost. The same dream can be interpreted on both sides: one side is enemies, enemies, gossip, secrets; Another side is healing, family, children, male beginnings.
  • Biting dreamed of a snake, Islamic dream interpretation interprets such a dream as a sleep warning - bad people, enemies, hidden enemies.
  • Helping to see a snake in a dream, Islamic dream book considers as follows - the enemy will retreat from the struggle, but for a while, he remained unresponsible and hiding.
  • Islamic Dream Interpretation: Snakes gathered in one place, but do not touch anyone - in the future you will go on the army.
  • If the snake attacked in a dream, Islamic dream interpretation interprets it as grieving from the ruler (chief)
  • Islamic dream book see the snake manual and obedient considers as a dream promising wealth and property.

Dream of Freud Snake

Dream Interpretation: Snakes - Freud offers its interpretation of such sleep. Snake on Freud symbolizes phallus. Fear of sexual acts, disgust for the SOTIMI - All this is in you real lifeIf in a dream you have experienced the same feelings Seeing the snake. Or vice versa, attraction, interest, friendliness to sex, if so you reacted to the snake in a dream. That is why it is necessary to correctly interpret the snake, who dreamed of you, it is necessary to take into account the lot of things and remember the emotions that you have experienced seeing her in her dream.

Aerial snake dream book - a symbol of phallus and problems associated with them. If the kite flew high and beautifully - you don't have any problems with an erection, everything is fine in sex life. If he flies uneven and constantly falls to the ground - you are constantly afraid and worried about the erection, go to the doctor. If a woman saw an air serpent in a dream - the problem of erection at her sexual partner, the type of flight of the air serpent will answer her questions: whether there are problems of such a plan or they are not.

Dream Interpretation: Snake Pitons - Thoughts about the phallus, about sexual life, about what you can be weak in bed do not give you peace. You increasingly began to worry about the erection and it affects your sexual behavior, you are clamped, you "lack air" when you have sex, you can't relax.

ABC Interpretation of dreams

  • Snake dreamed in a dream - different kinds Energy: spiritual, sexy, aggressive. Also is a symbol of healing.
  • He dreamed that the snake was bitten - Dream Interpretation: bitten the snake in the back - treason, deception, health soon will be shaken.
  • Dreamed by the playing snake - lust, sexual desire, relationship.
  • Dreamed Sleeping Snake - Wisdom, Good luck, Healing.
  • Sleep "Break Snake" - the symbol of the devil - temptation.

American dream book

Sleep with snakes, what does it dream about? Important meaningful sleep, do not be afraid, all is well, the healing of the soul, the wisdom of the actions.

English Dream

  • Dream Interpretation: Interpretation of dreams "What a snake is shot" - the embodiment of the enemy.
  • Sleep "put the snakes" soothes you: the enemies will not harm you, no matter how hard they tried.
  • What the passing snakes are dreaming - passing snakes dreams are explained as your victory over enemies.
  • He dreamed that the serpent bites what it means - a dream-warning - the victory will remain behind your enemies. Do not let someone else's people interfere in your life, building insidious plans at the expense of you, no one dares to destroy your happiness. That's what if you were having dreamed that I bit the snake.
  • What the air snakes dream is if they hide high in the sky - improve your position, welfare. For a farmer - a good harvest, for a sailor - safe and money swimming, for a merchant - successful trade.
  • Dreamed "The air snake falls to the ground, the twine broke" - bad Son. - All plans are collapsed.

Assyrian dream book

Dreamed to catch a snake - soon you will find a reliable defender and strong patron. That's what dreams to catch the snake.

Female East Sonnik

  • In a dream, the snakes were dreamed of something - a symbol of enemies. According to the behavior of the reaches in your dream, you can predict how your enemies will behave in reality and how things will be educated.
  • Shot a snake that wanted to bite - the snake had dreamed of trying to bite - they would suffer from the trick of the goose enemies.
  • Dream Interpretation: Kill snakes in a dream What does it mean - means your inner force, which will allow you to get up above the enemies. That's what dreams to kill snakes in a dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snakes Vijuki - the appearance of evil in your life, perhaps in the form of a woman bitch. You will be able to cope with your enemies, if in a dream you killed Vijuku.

Dream Meridiana

  • What a snake dream in a dream to a woman - ill-wishers surround you, be extremely attentive and careful, do not give in to provocations. Snakes in a dream woman still dreams of betraying people close to her.
  • To dream snake at home - close person It turns out the enemy, look closely to the households.
  • Sleep "Dreamed Snake crawling at home" - Dream Interpretation: Snake in the house - the trouble will happen in this house, but at that moment you will be absent. (See Sleep Home)
  • Little snakes in a dream - Dream Interpretation: Many small snakes are a little evil, small troubles, petty squabbles.
  • What dreams of small black snakes on the tree - slander, punishment for misconduct.
  • What dreams of a green snake are dreaming - Dream Interpretation: Green snakes - a symbol of liberation, spiritual healing - liberation from old unnecessary habits, from the wrong views on life, from obsolete obligations.
  • What dreams of a green snake is thrown your body - Dream Interpretation: The Green Snake wrapped the body - the old principles do not give to develop, cross through them and go on.
  • A big yellow snake was dreamed - changes in life will be serious enough. Perhaps reconciliation with a long-standing old friend, the victory over the long-standing old enemy.
  • What dreams of yellow snakes are dreaming - Dream Interpretation: Yellow snakes - a quick acquaintance with insincere people, a careplace will be hidden behind them.
  • What the snake is dreaming a man's dream book - a signal about its hidden (and can also explicitly) homosexual preferences. That's what a lot of snakes are shot.
  • What dreams of a snake man kept her in his hand - big troubles, care.
  • I dreamed, and the snake - a negative dream: a bear - blind power, crocodile - a hidden and dangerous enemy, a snake - a hidden cunning enemy.

Dream interpretation numbers

  • Dream Interpretation: One Snake - the number of strength and purposefulness - the dream is interpreted, as in other dreams.
  • Dream: Two snakes - Dream Interpretation: 2 snakes - the number of opposites - internal struggle.
  • Dream Interpretation: Three snakes were dreamed - an unstable number - an unstable position in the love "Love triangle", "Third End", someone will fit into matters with his opinion and the like.
  • Dream Interpretation: Four snakes - a steady number - material wealth.
  • Dream Interpretation: Five Snakes - the number of surprises.
  • Dream Interpretation: Six snakes - the number of secrets, ajar curtain.
  • Dream Interpretation: Seven Snakes - the number of powerful spiritual start - awakening in you the Creator, Colder.
  • Dream Interpretation: Eight Snake - World Mind - You have the opportunity to generate ideas.
  • Dream Interpretation: Nine snakes - a mystical number - the success and fullness of being.
  • Two snakes were dreamed of what it is - you cut off the contradictions, the kings struggles with virtue, and greed with generosity.
  • Two snakes pregnant - either the birth of twins, or the child will be born not only healthy, but also very clever, in the future will become a wise man.

Dream Interpretation Phonda

  • Dream Interpretation: To see the snake in a dream - a snake - a symbol of different energies, medical science, a sleep interpretation is made on the basis of the actions of the Snake itself towards you and your emotions that you experienced looking at the snake.
  • Dream Interpretation: See snakes in a dream - problems, deceit, wisdom, healing.
  • Dream Interpretation: Dreamed a lot of snakes calmly crawled - we will take the manager. This is what the snakes mean in a dream, a lot of snakes of peaceful.
  • Dream Interpretation: A huge snake in a dream - huge snake dreams are interpreted not only as a big tragedy, but also instant healing of the patient.
  • Dream Interpretation: Little Snake - Small Conflicts.
  • Dream Interpretation: Little snakes - you feel good and accept people who are slandering you and dissolve the rumors of you.
  • Dream Interpretation: Dead snakes in a dream - you can protect the company from drinking people, from the depraved and slituity life. These people would bring in your life and the life of your household many grief and misfortunes.
  • Dream Interpretation: Dead snake in a dream - Drinking friend Leading Life will take away from your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: Dead snakes in a dream - false people, you will not be able to understand their motives.
  • Dream Interpretation: Black snakes in a dream - Health problems are serious.
  • Dream Interpretation: Black Snake in a dream - a disease, go to the doctor and make a full examination.
  • Dream Interpretation: What is the dream of a white snake - you will be lucky, everything will be successfully.
  • Dream Interpretation: White snakes in a dream Much - Unprecedented luck, strip succeed.
  • Dream Interpretation: To see the snake in sleep sleeping - lucky in a very important case.
  • Dream Interpretation: Dreamed Snakes Young (snakes) - you believe the person who betrays you.
  • Why dreamed of snakes in the nest - you have big doubts.
  • Dreamed sleep with a snake on the grass - envy surrounding.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake attack, wrapped her neck - change in life.
  • Sleep Snake crawls - enemies will be defeated by you.
  • What dreams the passing snake will come back - do not relax, you will defeat the enemy, but quite difficult.
  • What to dream to see the snake as children played with her - you cannot distinguish between your friends.
  • Dream Interpretation: What a snake is dreaming in the house - the misfortune will happen.
  • Dream Interpretation: What is the dream of a snake in the house - leave the house not by your will. (cm. )
  • What is the dream of different snakes on the sinus - you will have an earned impeccable reputation.
  • Dream Interpretation: What is the dream of a snake in water - the change of residence, a new city, and maybe a new country.
  • Dream Interpretation: What dreams of a snake in water is a change in the place of residence in the same city.
  • What to know if you dream of a snake shall be swayed - you were surrounded by a shit.
  • Dream Interpretation: Poisonous snakes - the enemy is largely superior to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: Not a poisonous snake crawls - you are stronger than the enemy and defeat it.
  • Dream Interpretation: See Snakeon the tree green - if there is an idea, hurry to implement it.
  • Snake meat to eat in a dream interpretation - you want to know just a lot right away, it is better to do it gradually.
  • Dream Interpretation: Interpretation of Snake's dreams Large overwhelmed the road - you will attack you.
  • Dream Interpretation: Interpretation of dreams Many snakesheat in the sun - you support and accept welcome evil and cunning people.
  • Dream Interpretation: What does that mean a snake eating a frog - a certain person will take you under your control, control will be strong and despotic.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake Skister - An experienced and wise man will communicate with you.
  • Dream Interpretation: crushing the snake - put the snake in a dream or step on it means you will not be able to harm, no matter how enemies did not try
  • Dream Interpretation: What dreams to kill the snake to another - the enemies will retreat from you by themselves, either change their mind, or will begin to develop another plan or switch to another person.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake poison - learning about intrigue, you benefit from it for yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: Keep the snake to iron - from the whims will suffer greatly.
  • Dream Interpretation: Interpretation of Snake Dreams in Water - If you have come to her - strong experiences about the case, you will be satisfied with the result.
  • Dream Interpretation: Match through the snake - you are too worried about health.
  • Dream Interpretation: Catch the snake - be vigilant, problems you provoke yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: Catch a snake - there will be a lot of problems, and you will provoke them yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snakes without a head cut off her - a snake without a head Dream Interpretation is interpreted as forced to prove his wrongness, defending his opinion. Competitors will be left far behind.
  • Catch a snake in a dream - excitement, experiences.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake attacks, but does not bite - the enemies were surrounded, but still waiting for a convenient point for throwing.
  • Being snake in a dream - threatening in reality someone is very cunning.
  • Sleep Snake is trying to bite, but only hits - a conspiracy is already ready against you, you will wait for a convenient moment to attack.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snakes in a dream bite - deceived, get sick.
  • Sleep black snake bitten man - no need to criticize people.
  • Dream Interpretation: Blesses a snake in a dream Darky - friends-hypocrites.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snakes attack - Snake's sleep attack - envious will purposefully determine your honor and spoil you a reputation.
  • Song Snake attacks wrapping the body - passions will be raging.
  • Dream Interpretation: The snake eats me - the period of stagnation.
  • Dream Interpretation: About the snakes of a friend of a friend - a serious conspiracy will be ample.
  • Dream Interpretation: Interpretation of dreams What dreams Snake squeezed the neck - unhappy in marriage.
  • Dream Interpretation: Strike a man's snake - closely sick is mortally.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake in bed - New will enter life.
  • Dream: Snakes in bed - cardinal changes in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake Gota Unnaturally Playful - At the moment you are at the peak of sexual activity.
  • What the two-headed snakes are shot (three-headed, multi-headed) - wealth will be the larger, the more it was the number of heads in a snake in your dream.
  • What dreams of a two-headed snake (three-headed, multi-headed) is wealth, the more the number of heads in the snake in a dream, the more solid wealth will be.
  • What denotes if the snakes are filmed - you have a predisposition to alcoholism.
  • What dream of a snake ate snake - the enemy will absorb the enemy without your help.
  • "Snake, wife" Son says that his wife will give birth to a son.

Dream of spiritual seekers

What dreams of a ball of snakes are a symbol of the danger of extreme extent, the awakening of the demonic energy of Kundalini, and the terrible devastating consequences of this activity. Kundalini is the demonic mystical energy of a person, his ego, the concentration of its ego. In Russian fairy tales an analogue of Kundalini is the serpent of Gorynych about three heads (sometimes in fairy tales on the spot of severed one head, three, etc.) are growing. In a word - a ball of snakes - a lot of tails.

Muslim Dream Snake Snake

  • Muslim dream book: see the snake - the enemy, the power of the enemy. All these qualities will show a snake in a dream.
  • What dream of a snake is Muslim dream bookhe says that such a dream is to find out the enemy in the face, they understood his idea and realized his real strength. The image and behavior of the snake in a dream all this clearly will show you.
  • Hand and obedient to see in a dream of snakes - Muslim dream book argues that the dreams will receive solid property.
  • Gathered in a bunch of snake in a dream - Muslim dream book predicts the dream of the Honorary post of the chief chief of the troops.
  • Pregnant saw snakes in a dream - to the birth of the heir to the healthy, intelligent and dangerous for his enemy in the future.

Dream Nostradamusa

Esoteric dream book

  • Why dream of a snake that curled ring - this period in life is very important for you, this is a very important time for subsequent life.
  • What dreams of a snake crawl is a dangerous adventure.
  • Dreamed the attacking snake - do not miss the moment to implement what you expect. The closer she was to you, the less time you remain, act faster.
  • Aerial snakes in a dream - creative talent is hidden in you, but you are afraid to show it, it's time to do it.

Dream interpretation

  • Dream Interpretation: Interpretation of dreams "Snakes" - Different sleep, interpreted on the basis of the details of the seen sleep.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snakes in the house there are a lot - you need a wise person advice, otherwise make an irreparable mistake. (See Sleep Home)
  • Dream Interpretation: Online Snake is angry - update symbol - new life With new views and new minigors.
  • Dream Interpretation: Online snake green - getting rid of old habits, complexes and old sensations, entry into the life of a new one.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake Online Bite - In the fight with a taught you will lose, it is stronger than you and there is more cunning.
  • They dreamed of snakes in the water bite - change the house, city.
  • Dead snakes were dreamed - a positive dream - dying of old habits, old gloves and complexes.
  • They dreamed of poisonous snakes - the enemy is many times greater than you, cunning and anger.
  • He dreamed that she bit the snake by the hand - the inability to act independently, constantly impose of other people's thoughts.
  • Dreamed that she bit the snake for the leg - the inability to go through the selected path, someone indicates how and what to do, against your will.
  • Dreamed the snake tried to crush the neck - in the family life, the breakdown will begin, right up to the divorce.
  • Snake's skin dreamed - positive sleep - update, healing.
  • He dreamed of the head of the snake - the head of the snake dreams is explained as wealth from your feet.
  • Beat the snake in a dream - to beat your enemies.
  • Eating snakes in a dream - want to immediately know much.
  • To see a white snake in a dream - luck and good luck in everything.
  • A brown snake in a dream is associated with colleagues, buddies and fellow students (close, but not native people) - betrayal on their part.
  • Husband dreamed of a snake - his wife will give birth to a son.
  • A fat snake dreamed - if she was not aggressive, then wealth will be solid.
  • Dreamed the snake in the apartment - lying calmly - a rich table, mutual understanding in the family; was aggressive, attacked - the misfortune will happen in your absence.
  • The dream "snake bitten in the back" - the enemy will beat quietly, imperceptibly, but strong.
  • Sleep "Snake swallowed the snake" - enemies will eat each other.
  • Black snake in a dream to what is to death, trawra.
  • A black snake bites in a dream - a serious health problem, a deadly disease.
  • A red snake was dreamed - the enemy is being implemented by your friend, look at friends for more carefully, calculate it.
  • Snake for pregnant woman in a dream - to the birth of a healthy baby.
  • The girl dreamed of a snake - rich in the bride.
  • Two snakes were dreamed - contradictions are torn: you want to do good, but ... you want to make a generous gift, but ...
  • Dreamed 3 snakes - a love triangle.
  • What dreams of a big yellow snake is a big cunning or wisdom will be in your life.
  • Why dream black yellow snakes - negative sleep - and black and yellow symbolize evil, death, separation.
  • Dream Interpretation: The cat ate a snake - as not strange, but a dishonest person will help you to cope with the enemies.

Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Kolden Medea

  • Which means sleep when the snake is shot - sleep shows the dream of his life energy, sexy and spiritual.
  • Snakes - the bite of a poisonous snake dream interpretation is interpreted as a treason, deception, illness.
  • Dream interpretation: What do snakes mean in a dream playing manifest - sexual attraction, desire, lust.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake on the tree slept peacefully - healing, wisdom, luck.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snakes on the trees twisted - symbolizes life, sexual and spiritual energy. (Cm. )
  • What is the dream of a snake boil - to the temptation, since the boa is the symbol of the devil.

Dream Loffa (psychologist)

Dream Interpretation: See the snake in a dream - a difficult symbol. In different cultures, it is interpreted in different ways - this is the fear of cold blood, and the world and wisdom. Sleep interpretation options affect a very large range. They are determined by national traditions, folklore of different cultures and even personal experience of the interpreter.

In Russians folk fairy tales and legends, as well as the peoples of the Western countries, the Snake - a symbol of evil, cunning and death. That is why the overwhelming majority of people are afraid of snakes, because since childhood it is such an image of a snake, many books, tales, fairy tales show snakes as evil, deceit and death. Naturally, many people even kind of snake causes panic fear. Of course, a dream where the snakes were present, nothing good to such people do not promise.

In many Asian countries, as well as the North American snake - a symbol of wisdom. She knows how to update (reset the skin). If the dreams refers to the snakes in reality, then for him a dream will mean a solution to a complex problem. Dream Interpretation: Hold the snake in my hand - you have wisdom, if anyone else holds a snake, then this man is wise and experienced. He manages the order in your world, creates a kind of mode and purity in it.

In the Jewish cultures, the snake is a symbol of temptation and spiritual counteraction. The Bible says that it is a snake, in which Satan was seduced by Eve to bite off the fruit of knowledge. If you feel in real life to snakes in such a context, then the dream of snake points to you on a particular person with whom you are not quite a "smooth" relationship.

E.wensky Dream Azara

What does the snake mean? Sleep means that there are evil enemies around you, enemies.

Dream Interpretation Medium Hasse

  • At night, a snake was dying - the enemy is looking for women among you.
  • Kill the snake in a dream what it means - go out of a difficult situation, solve all the problems.
  • What is the dream of the snake blows - the fulfillment of desires.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  • Dream Interpretation: What does that mean when the snake dream is a diverse dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: Interpretation bitten the snake - the enemies will begin to spoil life already in the open, before that they dismissed the rumors about you and tried to attack you everywhere.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake bit the child - a child's illness.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake pursues - the persecution of enemies in reality.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake Thick - Solid Wealth.
  • Dream Interpretation: Kill the snake knife - defeat enemies.
  • Dream Interpretation: Kill a lot of snakes - not only to defeat all enemies, but also to get out of this struggle with a highly raised head.
  • Dream Interpretation: Jumping Snake - the enemy is trying to "bite" from afar.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake under the bed - a new on the threshold, something will happen soon and you will change a lot in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake on the chest - a healthy child will be born.
  • Dream Interpretation: A big snake in a dream - if good is a positive dream, if aggressive is a negative sleep.
  • Dream interpretation: Big black snake - death, sadness, mourning.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake eats a snake - you will be given doubts how to negotiate in a particular case.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake protects its nest - the enemy will fight to the last.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake gave birth - your doubts and fears were justified.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake swallows man - remorse.
  • Dream Interpretation: Run from the snake - with disgrace to surrender even without starting the struggle.
  • Dream Interpretation: Red Snake - meeting with a long time, reconciliation.
  • Dream Interpretation: Hissing Snakes - Enemies will wait for a convenient point to drive you a crushing blow.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake crawling around the body - the old one does not give you a new life.
  • Dream Interpretation: Kill the snake in the house - to find peace and harmony in the family.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake got out of me - you will free yourself from old habits, from evil and cunning, which was sitting in you and suffer.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake in muddy water - moving to another house will be associated with many problems.
  • What the white snake dreams dream is lucky, luck.
  • If the air snakes dreamed - there is a chance to get rich missed.
  • Falling air snake in a dream - disappointment and failure.
  • Children launched an air snake in a dream 0 you have enough money, but you are unreasonable spending. Also - spend too much money to enjoy one person.
  • Dreamed "Flying air snakes disappeared from sight" - an excessive vanity will hurt to make a conceived, impatience will cause a matter of collapse.
  • What dreams of the Golden Snake is to the temptation, Azart, temptation. Then the time will come in the form of human condemnation or criminal liability.
  • What dreams of the yellow snake is changed in life. Perhaps reconciliation with a long-standing old friend, victory over the old enemy.
  • If a serpent pregnant woman dares, it will be born healthy childwill be smart.

Dream Ezopa

What it means to see a snake in a dream is the most difficult symbol of all that arise in our dreams. On the one hand, the snake is a symbol of cunning, evil, envy and death. On the other hand, the snake is a symbol of wisdom, female start as a mother, healing of physical and spiritual. We all know such expressions as a "snake language", i.e. Angry, cunning, gossip will spread, or "to warm the snake on the chest", i.e. Make a good person to a cunning ungrateful and low. However, everyone knows the other: the snake has a secret of eternal youth - dropping the skins, full update, and that the poison snake heals from different even the most severe diseases. If you cook a decoction of a dropped snake skin, then cure from one ailments. You can talk about snake as evil and death, but as about wisdom and a new life.

  • Snake the snake on the tree warmed up in the sun - provide support to a deliberately envious person who harms you in any convenient case. (See sleep tree)
  • What is the dream of a snake and frogs, which they eat - sleep-warning - a solid strong person will begin to influence you. Under his influence, you will change your beliefs on it, you will think of thinking like him. Beware, you will regret it strongly and long.
  • Dreamed Violeka Snake crawling to the aquet - your close person or well-friendly conceived against you badly. It will be methodically destroying your personal life and your financial well-being.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake Vajuk sailed on the river on a branch - a dream-warning - carefully, next to the person who wishes you evil.
  • Dragged the viper and a water snake - you will prevent the evil that you thought to teach your enemies. You will even take rumors about yourself. If the battered frogs were observed for this struggle - you all prevent, but with great efforts and for a much longer period of time. As it is impossible, by the way, the proverb is remembered: "Decide problems, and not in words."
  • Snake's skin dreamed of the skin - a meeting with a wise man, he will not only correct your physical condition, but also the spiritual heament.
  • Prepare a decoction of snake skins in a dream - contact folk healers, only they will help you stand up on your feet if you are sick or your loved ones and friends.
  • Snake attackers in a dream - they talk about the upcoming protection of their honest name and dignity.
  • Dream Interpretation: What is the dream of a snake bite - to the fact that you will suffer from gossip. Sleep warns you about the betrayal of a person you trust.
  • Many little snakes in a dream (serpentine cubs) - a bad sign. Betrayal, treason.

Dream of Apostle Kananita

  • Dreams and dreams, interpretation of dreams "Snakes" - cunning enemies, evil and insidious.
  • The man dreamed of a snake - look for an evil and dangerous enemy among familiar women.
  • Dream Interpretation: Kill the snake in a dream - exit a difficult situation with dignity.

Small Velezov Sonnik

  • What does it mean to see snakes in a dream bad sign "The enemy, the witch, will hit the horse, get sick, you will sit in prison, deceived, change.
  • Snake bite in a dream What does it mean - sadness, hurts a woman, trouble will be.
  • What the creeping snakes are dreaming - envy, illness.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake is chasing - to attack, secret enemy can be overtaken.
  • Being snakes in a dream - the real danger comes from a cunning person.
  • Kill the snake in a dream what means - the enemy will defeat.
  • Dream Interpretation: Python Snake - Execute Hope.

Newest dream book

Dream Stranger

  • What is the dream of poisonous snakes - a sexy symbol, in a different way a negative destructive force.
  • In a dream, snakes were bitten by snakes - if they had dreamed of bitten snakes - the disease.
  • Which means to see a snake in a dream, but close to it does not fit - a dangerous insidious woman next to you, evil and treason.
  • Dreamed the good snake caught - flattering a cunning mistress, acquire some secret knowledge.
  • Snakes Tangle Dream Interpretation - you destroys the aging internal contradiction.
  • White snake in a dream - also that and white snakes in a dream - you will touch the knowledge that will be destruction and danger.
  • The value of the sleep "Snake Water" - the danger will be directly connected with the past.
  • See in a dream to kill the snake - killed snake In a dream - a positive dream is good.
  • What dreams of a kite is a dream-dream, empty, vain attempts, effort and empty spending time.

Dream Taro.

  • What denotes the snake in a dream wraps a tree - a single hero.
  • To see in a dream a big snake poisonous - great evil.
  • Dreamed the black snake bitten - a serious illness.
  • See in a dream Green snake - drunkenness.
  • Snakes in a dream curled the ball - the danger, the demonic energy of Kundalini will be awakened.

Spring dream book

Dream Interpretation: Snake Dreams - Temptation.

Summer Dream

  • The meaning of sleep "snake" is a cunning from the best friend.
  • Dream Interpretation: Hardening Snake - a cunning and unscrupulous rival.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake Cobra in a dream - Erotic, aesthetic beauty in sex.
  • Snake Gorynych Dream Interpretation - In the fairy tales of the Russian and eastern Slavs, a three-liter winged snake, covered with a shell, from the mouth erupts fire - a symbol of invulnerability, inspiration, greed. The insatiable inner ego manifests itself in the fact that a somewhat slabs in this place grows several. Also kite Gorynych an analogue of the mystical energy Kundalini. It is a demonic development - this is the path of mental self-destruction and even physical.

Autumn dream book

  • Dreamed snakes what it means - temptation.
  • Two snakes were dreamed of rundays - the rival will be many times better than you.
  • What dream of a snake Cobra is a pleasant sexual partner.

Dream of Yogov

  • Big snakes were dreamed - a symbol of positive energy. She is good powerful with high vibrations. This energy is afraid due to its strength (unjustified fear of large snakes), but there is nothing wrong with it, negative. If they make friends with it, then this is a reliable friend.
  • What does dream mean if a snake dreamed, but she didn't do anything, just lying - you already think they make friends with positive energy, but for some reason nothing concrete is doing.
  • Dream Interpretation: Fighting a snake - you are already controlling positive energy.

Female dream book

  • See in a dream Snake What means - close trouble.
  • Dream Interpretation: Many snakes in a dream argue - a remorse of conscience.
  • A snake was dreamed of a tree - a remorse of conscience, punishment for misconduct. (See sleep tree)
  • To see in a dream of snakes of small - you will be able to take people who will head for you, slander and disappear.
  • To see a white snake in a dream, a rolled ring - enemies will wait a comfortable moment to drive you a crushing blow.
  • Why dream snakes tangle - a bad omen - a lot of evil people who want misfortunes, in the family and even death.
  • Dream Interpretation: Dusty Snake bit - a close person will be a hypocrite and a deceiver.
  • Dream Interpretation: What dreams of a snake that bites everyone in a row - you yourself hurt your best friend / girlfriend.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snakes to kill a lot - you are ready to go on a lot to achieve your goal. You are not before you stop the order to be considered surrounding. Victory will be yours.
  • Dreamed cut off the head of the snake - you will prove your right point and all the opinion. Competitors will remain far behind you.

Russian People's Sonniest

Dream Interpretation and the value of the dreams "Snake" - a complex symbol personifying envy, evil and death. Snake is also a symbol of a woman, a new life, wisdom and the struggle for survival.

Gypsy dream book

  • Dreams and dreams, interpretation of the Snake dreams, all this comes down to one - the dream is negative, talks about unpleasant shelter and ungrateful people, as well as about the seducer and sodavia.
  • Sleep "crawling a snake then one way, then to another" - envy, illness, prison imprisonment, misfortune.
  • What dreams to kill the snake in a dream are to trust over the enemies, put a crushing blow to enemies.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snakes and Crocodiles - horrible dream: Snake - a cunning ungrateful cunning man, crocodile - a symbol of persecution of a man hidden and strong.

Dream interpretation psychologist Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation: Died Snake - Different Sleep. Snake poisonous and dangerous - a symbol of death. Snake slippery and creeping - a symbol of cunning, tricks and deception. Snake seduced Eve to Nuva Abstract Apple Cognition - a symbol of temptation, especially sexual temptation. Snake - the image of fear before death, concern about health. For example, if there is a feeling that you are the most destructive, cunning and skillful, then there is a fear that someone will do better than you, will be cunning and smarter. The desire of sexual satisfaction and immediately fear of his action, the fear of sexual communication itself.

The image of the snake is greater than negative, complete submission of someone else's will, imposed behavior, knocking out personal logical thinking Something other foreign, but thought out to the smallest detail. The program imposed by another person makes you be a puppet, and very obedient. Full loss of individual in CE. Life begins to move in a circle or on a spiral that is determined by someone in advance and carefully planned.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Dream of Esoteric Tsvetkov

Dream Interpretation: See Snake - betrayal, Deceit.

Dream Interpretation: Snake crawls to me - ambulance Snnow.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: See Snakes - Beware of Enemies.
  • Dream Interpretation: snake bite in hand - quarrel, trouble.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snake Blood - Hidden Enemy.
  • Dream Interpretation: Dreamed a black snake - death, mourning.

Dream Interpretary Prince Zhou-Guna

  • Snake is a dragon, the dragon is a snake.
  • What dream of a person's snake kills is a big misfortune.
  • In a dream, the snake bit the man - a great wealth.
  • Dreamed "Snake turned into a dragon" - there will be an influential person and his tangible support.
  • Sleep "Snake wrapped the body and crawled for the sinus" - the son of the decent, noble son will be born.
  • To see a snake in the water - relocation to new housing, a promotion.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snakes crawl behind me - change of wife.
  • Sleep "Snake covered in the rear pass" - a quarrel and a pass.
  • Around the body of the snake wures the dream book - the birth of a noble heir.
  • There were a lot of snakes - Dream Interpretation: Snakes in a dream Many - you will have things related to the life of the postal.
  • Snake Cucumber "Neoar" - a dream foreshadows officials.

Dream Interpretation Psychologist Jung

In a dream, a snake dreamed that it means - a multifaceted dream. Snakes in a dream can be presented in the widest archetypal values \u200b\u200bcarrying the same shaped types. Another sense of the snake - phallus, appearance And the Snake Movement itself will tell about the sexual problems or preferences of the dream.

In the dream of snakes are vegetative nervous system. This is a very curious observation. Recent studies of brain activity have made a unique conclusion called "Brain Reptile". "Mammal Brain" studied quite widely and in detail, as well as the "human brain".

The brain plays with us in interesting games. For example, in the dark stood a terrible huge monster, which you immediately frightened. However, when the darkness was dissipated, it turned out to be none other than a small mouse that stood in front of the lantern and so scared all of all his shadow. In the dark monster, in the daylight, the mouse is not instructive, is not true. Consciousness has changed under the influence of surrounding circumstances.

The consciousness of a person changes in one way or the other on how good you or bad know one or another subject or person. It may seem aggressive, frightening, but as I recognize, so to speak "approximations" quite often it turns out that there is no aggression in it, and you cannot find an excuse for your fear. This is the inner ego. It is afraid of what "in the darkness" and ceases to be afraid when it comes out "on the light", after that he experiences and does not find an explanation for fear. So it starts self-destruction, complexes are developing - and that if it happens again, I will again feel the fear of increasingly, I will relook. The unconscious complexes of our ego behave differently than complexes conscious, for example, a complex that you have a curved eye, a humpback back or a lame leg. And those they are worse. That's what snakes in a dream.

Dream of the XXI century

  • What dream of a snake on his wife is the birth of a son.
  • Dreamed the snake in the house - the troubles occur in your absence.
  • Keep a snake for the sinus in a dream - you will have a good reputation, fame, respect.
  • Snake's nest dreamed - there is a person from which you will be very difficult for you to free yourself. Also quarrels in the family.
  • Dreamed the ball of snakes - the inner disorder, the conflict of the most, the discord inside itself.
  • He dreamed that she had served the serpent of other people - you will undesecely hurt someone.
  • Snake dreamed of the kite bites children - heavily hurt her child, undeservedly and therefore it is even more painful.
  • Dreamed "Being a Snake" - you are powerless in front of the enemy. A woman dreams of such a dream to pregnancy.
  • Dream Interpretation: Snakes in the river, which you need to go - your alarms and experiences will end with success and prosperity.
  • A large snake in the water was dreamed of moving to another house, climbing the career ladder.
  • Sleep snakes crawl over me - the wife changes you, or is going to do it in the very near future.
  • Dreamed Snake Python - When you almost already achieve a certain goal, a physical barrier will arise, you should overcome it, and you can do it.
  • Dreamed Snake - wait for the match.
  • Dreamed the yellow snake bronze - envy and deception.
  • The dream "attacked a big snake" - if you just ran away from the snake - you are too trusting, and these are tested by this, you can lose everything you have, if you cautious and vigilant.
  • Kill in a dream a huge snake - a loud victory over enemies.
  • What dreams of a snake, striking from side to the side - imprisonment, the environment is your cunning and non-financial.
  • Got a snake neck to choke in a dream - the marriage is bad, sad.
  • Snake bite dreamed of a bite - a quarrel, a nuisance, enmity with someone.
  • To tear the head of the snake in a dream - or crush the head of the snake - you teach the lesson with an immoral person.
  • To see in a dream that she bit the snake, and then kill her - big money.
  • What dreams of a green snake is a symbol of renewal, healing, ordering thoughts.
  • What the green snakes dream is a cardinal change in life, getting rid of past offensive and cargo, which pulls and does not develop further.
  • What dreams of a little green snake wrapped the body - old attachments and an old worldview does not allow self-improvement and develop further.
  • What dreams of small green snakes are being shot - many complexes from childhood, many memories, and longing about the past does not give to live on a full-fledged life.
  • Dream Interpretation: Green Snake bitten - the inner struggle between the past and the present, reluctance to get rid of past memories.
  • What dreams of a serpent pregnant woman is to the birth of a strong kid.
  • What is the dream of a pregnant woman with a pregnant woman - if the snakes were non-aggressive - a child will be born that will be healthy, and in the future smart and rather dodgy.
  • To see in a dream of a pregnant snake - if you know that the serpent is pregnant and must give birth to the serpent - you are overcome sad thoughts, they do not have any opposition. However, they are seriously tormented.

Children's dream book

The kite dreamed of a snake - this dream tells you that there will be trouble, and you should be ready for them. Remember, if the child is shot by the snake, then there are bad people around you, they envy you and want evil to you. Though they pretend that they are your friends, actually dismissed your backs of gossip, rumors about you and are angry with what you have to do something better than them. Do not trust your secrets yet.

Egyptian dream book Pharaoh

What a snake bit in a dream was bitten - a bad sign - the case will turn against, the dispute will also unfold against.

General Dream Interpretation

Lunar dream book

Dream: Snakes around in a dream - healthy disease.

Crow the snake in a dream - the crushed snake dream interpretation is interpreted as a recovery of the patient.

Vedic dream book

Dream Interpretation: A lot of snakes around in a dream - a lot of dangerous and cunning enemies, they will harm you a cheat, imperceptibly, secretly. They will seriously hurt you and your life. This is what the dream "snakes is a lot" warns.

Dream Healer Feedorovskaya

Interpretation of dreams "Why dream snakes?" (Woman) - husband, lover, sexual partner. Interpretation of sleep snake bites - pregnancy. When you saw the dream about the snake was a month of young, then the girl such a dream will tee the guy who will be with her until the end of his days in love and happiness.


Snake in dreams is one of the most common dreams. Almost all dreams in one way or another interpret the dream about the tagged snake. For example, Wang Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Snake dreams is very complete. Also quite detail answers the question: "What dreams of a snake?" Miller's dream book, and on the question: "What are the snakes dream?" Muslim dream book. Each seer, psychologist or esoterica has its own idea of \u200b\u200bour dreams. Nationality, the colors of the country and the belief of the interpreter also make their own adjustments and all this is reflected on the explanation of dreams. Therefore, it is not easy to find a suitable interpretation, but you will know it from all sides and from different points of view.

To see snakes - bad sign.

Snakes mean in the dream of our enemies and envious, rivals (and more often rivals), cunning and false people. Sometimes sleep about snakes predicts the disease.

If the snake is calm in a dream, then avoid conflicts and risky enterprises.

If she is aggressive or wriggle, then you threaten the danger from the enemies that hate you.

Try to take necessary measures Precautions.

Snake, grunted on you in a dream, is a sign that someone wants to take revenge on your resentment.

If you dream that the snake wrapped around you with a ring and ready to attack, then your position is irreparable. You are completely in power of your enemies. Try to free yourself from the snake in a dream. In life, this will help you get out of a serious grill.

If the snake bit you - take care of an accident. Be extremely careful.

The dream in which you saw that the snake bit someone else means that your friend will suffer from your actions.

Fight in a dream with a snake - a sign of danger. Take care of enemies and illness. If your conscience is unclean, then you threaten imprisonment.

The dream in which you saw how little snake turns into a huge snake, ready to attack you, means a greater danger that you did not see at the very beginning.

If in a dream you will be able to avoid a meeting with him and escape, then in life you will withstand a hard test in life, overcome all the obstacles prepared by your enemies and literally leave dry out of the water. Sometimes such a dream is referred to disease.

Keep a snake in his hands in a dream - the forever and successful victory over the ill-wishers. Sometimes such a dream predicts you that a close person can betray you. Especially if the snake change its behavior or color while you keep it in your hands.

The dream in which you saw a friend or friend, because of the back of whose snakes are visible, warns: Fear the conspiracy against you.

If in a dream snakes obedient to this man, then in life you will have a powerful intercession that will protect you from trouble.

If you dwell children playing with a snake, then you should better look after them so that they do not get into a bad company. Otherwise, they are threatened with a big danger.

The same means a dream in which you are trying to protect the child from the snake. But such a dream also warns you that you should carefully look at your business partners. Some of them can betray you.

Kill the snake in a dream - the victory mark over the formidable enemy, the fulfillment of desire and great honors.

Dark snake in a dream - a sign that you blindly trust people and they enjoy your trust. Sometimes such a dream tells you that some danger passed.

If in a dream you will bite a dead snake, then hypocrisy will upset you, and your enemies will triumph.

The viper in a dream to see and handle it quite normally foreshadows that you make marriage by calculation, but you will not be happy. If you dreamed that Gaduka frightened you, then we fear revenge the enemy.

A dream in which you saw that the snake should be relentlessly follow you, warns you that you will torment the remorse.

To see that the snake fell on you from above, - warning about a man's goat, clothed with the authorities.

Many viper see in a dream means you are waiting for disputes with partners or discord in the family.

See yourself surrounded by snakes - a warning that people around you are in our majority do not want to you. Get out in a dream from such a place means that you will successfully leave the hard position and slanderers will not damage your reputation.

Anaconda (sea boa) see in a dream - a sign that you will have difficult to in life. Anaconda lives only in water. Such a dream predicts that you should protect yourself and progress from all sides to avoid great danger. Such a dream encourages you to fight for achieving the target target.

A rare dream of Medusa Gorgon can be attributed to dreams of snakes. Gorgon's Medusa is a character of Greek mythology. Her image always meant victory over the powerful enemies, with whom no one could cope. She had many snakes on her head instead of hair. No one could defeat her.

Gorgon's jellyfish was a symbol of fighting fatal evil. See her in a dream - the foresight of victory over an all-powerful enemy or evil, if only in a dream it is not directed against you.

To be a jellyfish Gorgon with thousands of snakes on the head - a sign of a glorious victory over enemies.

Accidentally to step on the snake in a dream and not to be branched at the same time - the sign that you make a mistake and miraculously avoid the bad consequences of your frivolity.

If the snake managed to bite you, then you will have to pay expensive for your rampant deeds.

Not poisonous snakes or courtyards in a dream mean a contrived danger or false alarm.

Interpretation of dreams from family dream

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The striker of the snake is usually an extremely negative sign in a dream, alive in real world All sorts of troubles and collision with ill-wishers. To find out exactly what it dreams, it is necessary to decipher all the nuances of the vision. As usual, at first it is worth findi out the opinion of popular dream books.

Which symbolizes the attacker snake in dreams

Dream Interpretation of Ezop after a similar dream promises the situation in which you will have to defend from something, for example, from the attacks of envious. But the dream book for the whole family considers it a positive signal. In the near future you can make an unusual journey.

Miller's dream book warns: the attacker snake in a dream is associated with powerlessness, which you will experience in the face of nonsense or great danger. According to Nostradamus's dream book, the attack of reptiles means the beginning of a difficult period filled with deprivations and troubles.

If the attack snake suddenly petrified, then the dream book from A to I predicts envy on the part of ill-wishers. If you ignore their attacks, then life will not change. Dream Dream Dreamniki has its own opinion and considers the attacker to the reaches of the forerunner of deception, great grief, illness, treason. But a woman is a vision promises an ambulance pregnancy.

What is the kite attacker

If a poisonous reptile attacked you in a dream, then come across the enemy face to face. The attacking snake, which stamps, marks the experiences due to gossip and rumors. What else is the aggressive gadet? Soon the conscience will impair you or you will have to literally survive in difficult conditions.

Did the snake attacked and wrapped the rings around the body? You will be powerless before circumstances. Dangerous snake literally hypnotized? Someone will try to infringe your freedom, right, but you will protect high patrons.

Snake, attacing another person

What dreams of a snake that throws on another character? Random word hurt a good friend. If Gadda attacks a person from the back, and he does not see it, then someone will think of defamation of you, but by a strange reason he knows the defeat.

Did the snake attacked someone familiar? You clearly wisten to an intrigue with this person. If it was a person, you are completely unknown, then you just dream of getting a new friend, lover.

In a dream, the snake attacks the child - what

What does own child become the object of the attack? Probably, you completely stopped paying attention to your child, and in the future such a connivance in the upbringing will play a cruel joke.

If a woman had to defend a child from a furious snake in a dream, then in reality, it will help her to abandon something significant and later will affect negative consequences. Have you tried to close the child from attacks reptile? Voluntarily refuse the best, in order to save a loved one.

What dream of a snake, attacing the cat, animal, another snake

Did Gadda, rushing to the cat or other pets? Do not give in to persuasion, otherwise make an act that will harm you, but pleases hidden enemies. In a dream, the snake caused a deadly bite with an animal? Beware: Your plans under the big thunderstorm.

Watched how the reptile jammed frogs or small rodents? Pressure has a pressure of an influential person, and you will soon be addressed. What dreams that one snite is thrown to another? We will witness the fights of your enemies, which for a while completely will take advantage of your existence.

What does it mean if the attacker snake bites

In a dream, the attacker snake hurts bitten? His behavior of suffering will bring a friend or beloved. If the snake attacks, but does not bite, but as if he is playing, then this is a reflection of a sexy game, romantic relationship, lust. The bite of aggressive snake is also associated with unexpected wealth.

Attacking, snake froze in a ridiculous pose and could not bite? This means that you need to ignore the unpleasant news or your own suspicions, then you will not recognize any trouble. The same plot reflects the inability of ill-wishers to harm you.

What dreams the attacker snake poisonous, neadovy

In a dream, a completely harmless snake attacked? People who you trust, talk badly behind your back and make actions directed against you. The attack of things is promoting to young girls marriage, and married ladies - pregnancy.

Did you have a clearly poisonous Gadan? Show vigilance: the enemies will soon strike, and if you find yourself ready at the right moment, then wait for trouble.

The attacker snake in a dream - other meanings

To obtain accurate decryption, it is necessary to consider the most minor, but the most memorable nuances. For example, a kind of reptile and its action during the attack.

  • hardening - a shameless and cunning rival
  • python is a physical barrier on the way to the goal
  • so - matchmaker in the house
  • the individual of the bronze color is envy, the revenue of others or its own
  • black - Evil, Dark Magic
  • white - joy, wisdom, death
  • multicolored, PESTERY - Intrigues, event-saturated strip
  • fire, unusual species - alcoholism, attack, the awakening of the energy of Kundalini
  • multi-headed - unexpected wealth
  • poisonous - a collision with a cunning and insidious special
  • neyovitima - use their same techniques against the enemies
  • will attack others - criticism and accusations of others
  • wrapped her neck - bladd relationship, unhappy marriage
  • body, limbs - gypsum, bandage, disease associated with immobility
  • stool - enmity, quarrel, other troubles
  • swallowed - lack of time, spiritual regression
  • pursued - fear of society, anxiety, obsessive thoughts, fantasy
  • skin loudly - contact with an infernal world

What dreams is that the attacking snake stared straight into the eyes? In reality, you attracted the attention of very influential forces and soon they will show their presence. In a dream I had to fight with a huge snake? In a similar way, an internal conflict is reflected, an attempt to get rid of the past and start a new life.

To see the snakes in a dream - to be angry because of the gossip of ill-wishers. If you did not eat snake in your dream, and took it on your hands, then get wise advice In real life, which will negate all the goats of enemies.

Why dream snakes a lot of snakes

It is believed that in the image of dreaming snakes enhanced and unfair people who want to bring in misfortune to you, up to the wishes of the disease and death. Snakes that knocked in the ball in your dream, talk about the internal disagreements that you have experienced - it's time to think well and take the only right decision.

Dream book what means if in a dream snake climb on me

This dream is like a warning not to communicate with "slippery" people, and not to lead with them outward conversations, for all of the revelations that you say may turn against you and pour into great trouble. You can become a victim of intrigue. Snakes attackers - disaster and terrible events that can turn around around you.

Dream Snake in a dream in the water, in the house

Symbolizes the enemy, which, despite all his tricks, will be withdrawn by you "on clean water." You will be able to solve its ideas and prevent the negative development of events. Sleep about the snake folosing into the house symbolizes the problems that will affect all households.

Snake's dream book in a dream bites, bite, bitten, attack

See a dream that he was tangled by the Snake - bad signA forested quarrel and disappointment in the people around you. If such a dream dreamed of a young woman to pregnancy.

Dream Snake in a dream Little, Multicolored

Dinking small multicolored snakes - a symbol of what you get into the unpleasant situation. It is also important to be able to remember the color of dreaming snakes. Yellow snakes will dream of deception and infidelity, green - the rapid cessation of relations, red - the loss of self-control and misunderstandings arising with a close person. A lot of motley snakes to reveal to the fact that you will be forced to render a warm welcome to your unfriendliers. Also, this dream prevents that a number of conflict situations may occur, which you will be forced to overcome.

What dreams to kill the snake

If in your dream you manage to kill the snake - in life you can also recognize your enemies and expose their goats.

Dream Snake in a dream man

If a man dreamed of a snake - hence, he should expect a meeting with a cunning seductive in real life.

Snakes in dream dream book Miller

Dinking snakes in the dream book Miller personify evil in all their manifestations. The dream is that you kill the snake - evidence that you will triumph victory over the enemies. You will be powerless and will not be able to repel your enemies if the snake in your dream can be worried. If the snake in your dream is transformed, acquiring bizarre forms, then in real life, keeping composure and exposure, you can adequately come out of the difficult situation.

People sometimes give dreams great importance, especially if the dreams are frightening. And waking up, alarmed man, hoping for a board or tip, looking for the necessary title in the dream book. "Snake in a dream attacks", for example. However, at this moment, a person already knows what a dream means, even if it does not realize it.

Ambiguous symbol

Dreams are not just an exciting part of life. First of all This is information about the person, about the current moment of life, its past and even the future.

This is a subconscious gift that catches and dismisses everything that the individual himself could not notice, do not pay for something. The subconsciousness analyzes the collected information and gives it to his person own tongue - Dreams.

Dreams very often correctly indicate existing or coming problems. This happens because the subconscious uses the most simple and effective methods Report anything. And the dream book is a meeting of the generally accepted most common human ideas.

Therefore, wearing, remembering sleep, already predicts, which means if the snake is dreaming, which attacks him. Dream Interpretation only confirms his guess.

But there is a considerable exception to the rules, in the case of ASPID especially. When the subconsciousness as "information to reflection" decided to reveal dreams The attacker or gathering attack reptile, the most important thing is how a person generally belongs to the snakes.

Snake is a very ancient and very complex archetype. It can be a symbol of evil, temptation. Such perception is based on biblical legends and is widespread, as evidenced by proverbs and sayings, for example, "to warm the snake on the chest". However, in ancient Egypt, it is a symbol of wisdom, the sun. Biting your tail - the personification of infinite time; Spoting rod - emblem of health. Her ability to dump the skin symbolizes the update, a new life.

The attitude to the image of the snake is based on culture, history, folklore, literature, philosophical views and personal experience. In Asian culture, she is a good sign that personifies:

  • wisdom;
  • longevity;
  • health, healing;
  • the beginning of a new life;
  • wealth;
  • good luck.

In the West, the attitude towards it is diametrically opposite. Difficult perceive Son. As good if his character is a creature, personifying:

  • betrayal;
  • cunning;
  • malice;
  • deception;
  • treason;
  • envy.

The dual value of Nagayna does not give dreams the opportunity to unequivocally interpret its appearance in a dream. Therefore, there are so many options for what it means if the snake is dreaming that attacks.

Traditional interpretations

In real life, people often afraid of Gadov Or have dislike. Therefore, the generally accepted point of view is a "sleepy" meeting with this creature is not good. After all, scaly reptiles are images of enemies and envious. But in some cases a dual attitude towards the snakes is manifested, and the interpretation of the same sleep can predict contradictory events.

If the desired in the dream is "a snake attacker, but not biting," then traditionally the interpreters of the dreams do not alter anything good.

1. The striker Nagain signals that the human life circumstances are such that he needs to defend his reputation, self-esteem.

2. It is possible to slander, emanating from people whom a person considered friends.

3. betrayal of loved ones. Hypocrisy friends. Sloe. Evil attacks.

4. Individual may feel that someone is trying to manipulate them, use for their own purposes.

5. Other interpretation says that the attack is a life chance, and you need not to miss it. The closer the snake came up to the dream dream, the greater the likelihood that luck would not be missed.

6. If the snake attacked the house and did not bite, then this is the foresight of a love connection. But one of the parties will not be sincere in his feelings.

7. If the attack happened in public place, the dream of such a dream is not threatened.

8. If the ASPID has dressed, striker is not at a dream, but to another reptile, then this is a sign that a person is able to change the situation for the better.

9. If the attack occurs on friends, acquaintances, family members, then this is the sign of what they are the guilty of the dream. This is a signal to a person to reconsider relations with people, think about whether he often does not mind offend them.

promiseNo matter how much things are, a person is fully able to cope with them. Then the bite is a sign that considerable efforts will be required.

In addition, bite means:

1. Accident.

2. Disease.

3. If after the bite of the snake died herself, this is an indication of a person's betrayal, whom the dreams considered another.

4. If a dream was bitten by a poisonous Vijuk, he himself can become a culprit of his trouble. They say such cases: "And what flies bitten?".

5. But there is another interpretation of snake bite - unexpected great wealth.

Sometimes a person thinks about what dreams of big Snake, which attacks a dream or his loved ones. The size indicates the scale of events that may happen:

1. Circumstances that are very difficult to resist: very serious problems at work or family life, severe illness - man himself or his loved ones.

2. Especially great luck in affairs and life. Premonition of very large income. Longevity.

3. If a small aggressive snake suddenly turns into a greater - the dreams feels that he did not pay attention to something important, and now his inattention can turn into big problems.

Adam and Eva

Aspid is a phallic symbol. Therefore, for women, sleep with her has more shades than in generally accepted interpretations, the sphere of intimate, family is more affected. For men - at least. Basically, dreams are associated with fear to fail in relations, the desire to experiment with the choice of partner or the concern of such experiments. In addition, in Russia, the attack of the snake could enlieve a man meeting with the future wife.

Interpretations about what a woman is dreaming a snake that attacks:

  1. Fear of intimate intimacy.
  2. If in a dream the lady's partner suddenly turns into the attacking snake, then this is to changes in personal life. As good (if the attack is playful, without hostility), and not very.
  3. Snake attack may indicate a married woman and at the appearance of a rival, seeking to take her place.
  4. If in a dream, trying to bite or bit the snake, it means that the woman does not feel that her beloved wants to change her or already changed.
  5. Depending on the context, the attack may foresee a rapid, but short novel.
  6. If sleeping sees himself a swimsuit, and it attacked the snake directly in the water, this desire to make a novel on the side and the fear that it will not be possible to hide this intimacy.
  7. If the dream is biting, then it may be pregnant.
  8. If a large snake attacks, then such a dream is a harbinger of ambulance. If a woman is already pregnant, then the appearance of a snake promises the birth of a girl.
  9. For those in the position of a woman, the attack of the snake symbolizes the struggle of the future mother before fear of childbirth.

Deciphering sleep

But the best interpreter is an individual who knows the circumstances own life At a certain point in time, your health.

So, the loss of the reptile squeezed by the reptile can be a sign that there is something that does not give a person to "turn out", the fact that a person believes that he is in full power of the enemies, and a signal about possible problems with health. Or, if the snake was stool in the chest area, and in a dream who saw this in a dream was disturbed by pain in the heart, then it is better to visit the cardiologist.

If a person decided to significantly decipher his sleep as accurately as possible, then he needs to take into account the many nuances, such as:

  1. The attitude of a person to snakes in real life. It may be phobia, interest, admiration, challenge, indifference.
  2. What emotions caused a dreaming snake.
  3. As the greeted snake belonged to his victim. The attack may be aggressive, uncertain, leave the motivation to do something, playful.
  4. Reptile size.
  5. Did the dreams know about the poisonousness of the attacked. Neyovitaya Snake is a sign of something, anything worn only, but they will bypass, or they will be able to separate. Poisonous - indication of the seriousness of the problem.
  6. Snake color and, most importantly, the attitude of a person to this color. The attack of black snake dream interpreters consider the most sinister sign. But if for a man black color symbolizes not trouble and mourning, but a triumph and victory, then the interpretation of sleep.
  7. If the attack was committed in a circle of familiar people or attacked was not a dream, but other people, then it is worth thinking about how a person in reality treats these people.

The attacker, stinging the snake - is not always a bad sign, even if it seems that the fact of the attack itself should alert. Just the subconscious wants to convey something important to a person, and it is easier to make shocking images.

It should be remembered that the dream book is only a prompt, and not an oracle predictive by fate. And not afraid of predictions, but think, because the dreams are recommendations, tips and advice.

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