Specialists of the clinic. Educational events from Lekcher Shcherbakov Viktor Vladimirovich Courses on the restoration of the teeth of Shcherbakov

A layered restoration of chewing teeth with broadcast on a large screen will be demonstrated in detail. The program is philosophy, meaning and maintenance of Bleach aesthetics. Prospects for the genre of Bleach restoration in the literal performance. What advantages opens this species Aesthetic intervention for the doctor and patient. With what difficulties and dangers can face. Psychology of Bleach patients. Features of the behavioral tactic of the doctor. What are the mandatory conditions for the clinical execution of Bleach restorations and direct composite veneers to provide a favorable long-term forecast. Receptions of shades and layers. 3 main types of white restorations. What composites are best suited for creating Bleach Vinirov. Whether the palette of white shades? Ways to control the thickness and optical density of the material for the uniform overlap of the former shade of the teeth. How and what to reproduce natural optical anatomy (translucent cutting edge and mothers) when creating a bot restoration. Work on the key or in the "free" modeling. Frontal teeth morphology as a factor, reviving appearance Restoration. Morphology of the vestibular surface of the incisors. Features of the microrelief and the role of texture in aesthetic perception The finishing finish of frontal restorations. The meaning of the finish finish. Why this part of the work is critical. Requirements for the quality of execution. Finish finish protocol. Analysis of the features of the work and effects on the surface of the composite of various rotating tools and polishing systems. Search for the most efficient grinding and polishing tools. Clinical sequence of work. (in the format of demonstration work at special phantoms of Zengears). The most convenient options for isolation of the work field. Features of the preparation and adhesive preparation of teeth. Applying and adaptation of the material. Making portions on lateral surfaces. How to avoid darkness in the field of interdental intervals. Treatment of the sera part. Morphology formation, textures and finishing

A layered restoration of chewing teeth with broadcast on a large screen will be demonstrated in detail. The program morphology of chewing teeth. Principles of formation and main anatomical features of chewing teeth. Effective methods Training manual skills. Progressive approaches to learning. The main anatomical benchmarks when building a chewing surface. Types of Fissur, Play Methods. Functional aspects of morphology of chewing teeth. Features of working with a composite. The concept of layers and shades of distal restorations. Simple and effective solutions. The most convenient and efficient tools for the restoration of chewing teeth. The use of brushes, micro applicators and modeling resins. Ways to give the "liveliness" distal restorations. Pigmentation of FISSUR, the use of white composites to enhance the depth of the relief. Methods of manual control of the form of the composite. Clinical aspects. Methods of restoration of chewing teeth. Engineering an occlusal key using Teflon tape. Manual modeling technique when working with small and medium defects. Using the "small portions" method. Special techniques for the restoration of large defects in the absence of obvious anatomical landmarks. Indirect composite tabs and lining Finishing decoration of chewing teeth restorations. Analysis of tools for grinding and polishing.

The program is the first day of the morphology of chewing teeth. Principles of formation and main anatomical features of chewing teeth. Effective ways to train manual skills. Progressive approaches to learning. The main anatomical benchmarks when building a chewing surface. Types of Fissur, Play Methods. Functional aspects of morphology of chewing teeth. Features of working with a composite. The concept of layers and shades of distal restorations. Simple and effective solutions. The most convenient and efficient tools for the restoration of chewing teeth. The use of brushes, micro applicators and modeling resins. Ways to give the "liveliness" distal restorations. Pigmentation of FISSUR, the use of white composites to enhance the depth of the relief. Methods of manual control of the form of the composite. Clinical aspects. Methods of restoration of chewing teeth. Engineering an occlusal key using Teflon tape. Manual modeling technique when working with small and medium defects. Using the "small portions" method. Special techniques for the restoration of large defects in the absence of obvious anatomical landmarks. Indirect composite tabs and lining Finishing decoration of chewing teeth restorations. Analysis of tools for grinding and polishing. The second day of the optics of the tooth fabrics. Nuances selection of a composite material. Analysis of errors arising at this stage. Solutions of the selection protocol of the composite material. Analysis of the optical density of various shades of composite material. Optical and chromatic design of restoration. Features of imitation of the dentine body, Mamelonov. Momelon characterization techniques. Configuration of composite material layers when reproducing teeth of varying degrees of transparency. Playing the halo effect. Correction of composite material. The right attitude to the need to amend the amendments and improvements. Effective protocol for adhesive preparation of composite material on different timing: Not more than 2 hours from the moment of polymerization; 2 hours to up to several years. Morphology of the tooth of the front group. The path of self-improvement. Ideology. Basic Principles of Training Efficient ways to train reproduction of the right forms of teeth options for the form of the front teeth. Imitation of the natural irregularities of the cutting edge of the vestibular surface morphology. Atlas forms and superficial characterization. Texture. Finishing trim restorations. Creating invisible transitions when reproducing fragmentary restorations without total vestibular overlap. Adaptation of material. Receptions and tools. Analysis of tools for grinding and polishing. Principles and protocols of the most efficient finishing finish. Special techniques And the methods of the concept of biological width and its role in the restoration. Processing of hanging edges. Clinical aspects of the restoration of teeth analysis of the most complex and interesting clinical cases of various categories. Closing diastheat. Analysis of the difficulties of this category of clinical cases and often emerging errors. Principles of correct distribution of proportions. Principles of successful restoration of Class III cavities. Forming a contact point. Analysis of class III restoration problems. Ways solutions. Distribution of composite material layers when playing lateral defects of various depths. Configuration and the ratio of shades when restoration of the III class of teeth of different levels transparency. Clinical tactics when restoration of defects of various configurations. Methods of playback of the contact point. Processing of hanging edges in the near-door region. Polishing contact point

Program Chapter One: Theory. Brainstorm. Preparation of tissue tooth. Cariesology. Nuances of working with carious cavities of different depths. Modern clinical protocols Direct pulp coating. A New Look on lining materials. Do I need to use gaskets when opening the horns of pulp or the treatment of deep caries? Processing edges enamel, true goals. How to avoid white stripes. Modified adhesive protocol. In-depth study of all stages of adhesive preparation. Causes of aging of the hybrid zone. Select the adhesive system. Nuances using sandblasting tooth tissues. Principles of competent etching. Medical treatment of cavity using alcohol and chlorhexidine: goals, work mechanism, proper protocol use. Features of molecular interaction of the adhesive system with tooth tissues. Methods for improving the polymerization of the composite. Polymerization process: chemical mechanism, stage. What difficulties may arise during polymerization. Concept of conversion. Ways to increase conversion. Heating composite. Techniques of controlled polymerization. How to minimize polymerization stress? Repair of composite restoration. Features of the structure of composites at different stages of restoration life. Protocol for adhesive preparation of composite material at different terms: no more than 2 hours from the installation date; 2 hours before the week; From week to several years. What should be avoided when the composite restoration correction is corrected. Chapter Second: Demonstration

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Restoration of smile.

Dentist dentist Shcherbakov Viktor Vladimirovich, Royal-Dent Clinic (Moscow)

At the reception at any dentist's doctor there are patients with the need to carry out large-scale reconstructions of frontal teeth and smiles, however, the implementation of such clinical cases is an extremely difficult task. This is due to many factors: competent planning, complex aesthetic development, multi-stage, high level of clinical execution and so on.

Many doctors on the way of implementing such work faced with a large number of errors and the end result is often distant from perfection. That is why the task of this article is a detailed analysis of the clinical case of a complex aesthetic reconstruction of a smile with detailed comments and practical adviceThat, according to the author, could be useful in practice.

1 - initial situation: the lack of diasthem and a large number of three in the field of frontal teeth of the top and lower jaw; incomplete teething and as a result, a gonval type of smile; Shipovoid shape of the tooth 2.2.

2 - in order to reduce the distance between the teeth, put fangs in proper position And facilitating the subsequent restoration, orthodontic treatment was undertaken.

3, 4, 5, 6 - the state of the teeth in 2 years after orthodontic treatment. Three of the lower jaw managed to be completely imposed, the displacement of the same teeth turned out to be insignificant. Despite the fact that the fanging ratio was put in general true. The patient did not occur with sufficient disagreement with a laaterozion movement in left Due to the presence of the left of a small sagittal slit.

7, 8 - Given the significant visualization of the gums at a smile, it was decided to increase the height of the clinical crown of frontal teeth due to the correction of the zenith gums.

Lecturers: Shcherbakov Viktor Vladimirovich
Dates: 25-26-27 March - 2016 - Moscow
Number of seats: 24
Venue: specified
Home Registration: 9-30
Beginning of the course: 10-00
Price: from 15,000 rubles.

Cost of participation - from 15 to 40 000

Until February 14, 1 day - 15,000 - after 14 f. - 18,000 (new program - 3rd day)
Until February 14, 2 days - 25,000 - after 14 f. - 30 000 (basic program)
Until February 14, 3 days - 35,000 - after 14 f. - 40 000 (full program)

From 2 people - discount 1000r each
From 4 people - discount 2000r each

Day 1 - Basic level.

Part 1.
General theory - learning equipment. How to choose a suitable photo combination? - Mirror chamber and lens. Principles of operation, device, concept of focal length, right choice lens. - An overview of the proposals on the market. How not to spend extra money. - Flash. The value of light in the photo. 5 levels of complexity of lighting. - Studying additional accessories for dental shooting: Retractors, Intorated mirrors, contrapers, polarization filters, radiosynchronizers, tripods, backgrounds, and so on.

Part 2.

Camera settings. - concept of exposure (excerpt, diaphragm, photosensitivity). - White balance. Proper setting. - Adjust the settings depending on the situation and the goals set. We carry out the configuration of the participants' cameras. Demonstration of the creative features of the camera using various settings. Shooting on long exposures, drawing with light.

Part 3.

Practice. Traditional dental survey. - photo examination of the patient. Full range of photos for the work of the dentist. - Portrait shooting. Racursius, rules. Organization of a dental office for portrait shooting. Set of minimum. Using softboxes for portrait photos. - Photography smile. Features of shooting, angles. - Intraverse shooting. Receptions, perspectives, work with additional accessories. - Photo-logging of clinical cases. Features of the shooting of chewing and front teeth. - Assistant functions when conducting photo-logging

During the practical part, the lecturer demonstration is carried out, then the participants perform the entire photo-protocol on their own. In the end, errors are taken. The shooting conditions are as close as possible to clinical work at the dental chair.

Second day. Advanced level.

Part 1.

Principles of artistic shooting. Aesthetics in everyday life. Why do I need artistic photos - art lighting. Overview of proposals - rules for working with softboxes. Application area. How does the distance, angle, size and form of softboxes affect the shooting - various use of soft boxes for a dental photo.
Part 2.

Artistic Intrarity Shooting - Various Lighting Configurations - Artistic Photography of the Front and Chewing Teeth Demonstration + Practice on Models under the Control of the lecturer
Part 3.

Shooting in control lighting - what is a control lighting. Receiving Opportunities - How To transfer relief, texture and volume with the help of the lighting, the lighting configuration. Various options for the location of Softboxes Demonstration + Practice of participants on models

Part 4.

Part 5.

Sample macro shot - how to make beautiful photos of crowns, models, dental instruments remote teeth. - Shooting on the mirror with different backgrounds - shooting remote teeth on the lumen. The beauty of opalescence. Demonstration + Practice

Part 6.

Non-standard photographs - high-speed shooting. - Lighting of teeth with fire! - We throw objects into the water! - Shooting droplets

Day 3. Software tuning photos.

Why is it necessary to conduct software post-processing?
- the possibilities of modern photo editors

Familiarity with editing programs

Trimming photos

Software Correction of Exposure and White Balance

Creating watermarks, signature photo

Batch processing of photos in the Adobe Lightroom program

How to save unsuccessful frames

Strengthening photographs

Intensive design.
- Work with layers.
- Artistic techniques.

Recommendations for participants:

1st day - DSLR camera with macro lens and flash for macro shot - contrasts - intrarocarditus mirrors

2nd day - DSLR camera with a macro lens and flash for macro drive - contrasts - intrarocarditus mirrors - remote teeth, crowns, phantoms of jaws and other objects for subject macro-shooting - a laptop computer with installed Adobe Photoshop programs of any version (required) and Adobe LightRoom (preferably)

Requirements are not exceptional if the participant has no equipment, it can freely participate and use affordable equipment.

Laptop Computer With Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom

It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for the treatment

program for downloading files from torrent sites http://www.utorrent.com/intl/en/downloads/win.

Record by phone. - 8-915-455-61-85 !!! Alexander.

The price includes lunches, coffee breaks and certificate, as well as the sea of \u200b\u200badrenaline and positive !!!

How to register: By phone 8-800-200-61-31 (free call from mobile and urban phones) or on the website www..ru (participant's fullware, mob. Tel. Participant, organization details, payment form).

Direct restorations are made to perceive as a method of not the largest aesthetic potential, since in the overwhelming majority of cases of work from the composite have such disadvantages, as fast loss of shine, the presence of visible optical boundaries and non-ideal surface transitions to the restoration.

Viktor Shcherbakov

dentist, clinic of aesthetic dentistry Royal -Dent (Moscow)

The quality of the gloss of composite restoration can be kept on high levelBy observing the elementary rules of personal hygiene and periodically visiting the dentist for additional polishes. It is possible to avoid optical inhomogeneity of the restoration, clearly adhering to the recommended rules for working with color, which are widely described in all sorts of training editions. In addition, for a more accurate estimate of the optical structure of teeth, there are various modern technological devices: polarization filters, spectrophotometers, etc. However, the creation of homogeneous topographic boundaries without noticeable surface transitions to the restoration is made a much more complex problem than all other.

The difficulties of creating invisible topographic transitions are especially expressed in those clinical cases when a fragmentary restoration of part of the tooth is required. At the same time, making the restoration, you need to try to reproduce the natural micro-relief of the enamel surface as accurately as possible, preventing neither excess material nor its deficit on the transition boundary. To avoid such difficulties, many doctors prefer to overlap the entire vestibular surface of the composite layer or switch to indirect restoration techniques, such as ceramic veneers.

The problem of the presence of noticeable topographic boundaries can be solved only at the finishing decoration stage. This procedure is extremely important and requires a doctor of great care and the correct algorithm for manipulating various grinding tools. Unfortunately, this aspect of direct composite restoration does not find a sufficiently detailed description in the educational literature. This is partly due to the fact that many all kinds of polishing systems of different manufacturers are represented on the market, and each of them has its own features and nuances of application.

This article describes a clinical case of a mini-invasive restoration of two central cutters with detailed description Modified finishing protocol.

Clinical case

Source clinical situation: 4th grade defects on two central cutters. From the anamnesis it became clear that these defects have an abfraction nature and formed due to the fact that the patient for a long time had harmful habit Glory a pencil (Fig. 1).

The complexity of this clinical case is that the teeth have a practically perfectly smooth surface with a minimum microrelief. Creating invisible transitions in such conditions is a task much more difficult than reproduction of the relief on the teeth with a pronounced surface texture, where it can be masked with a pattern of pericimathy and other enamel formations. (Fig. 2).


The work was carried out in the method of silicone key. A straight IOC-AP was made, all occlusal and articulation samples were carried out and an index of silicone mass was removed. (Fig. 3).

Type of teeth after isolation and prepacks. The preparation of solid tissues was minimized and limited only to 0.3 mm around the perimeter of a defect with a small fold on the vestibular surface (Fig. 4).

The lower third of the two central incisors was suborded with a powder of aluminum oxide 27mkm. This technique allows you to increase the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe teeth 5-6 times, which is very positively affected by the power of the adhesive connection. (Fig. 5).

Playing the sky walls from a transparent shade of the composite (Fig. 6).

Type of teeth after completing the application and adaptation of the composite layers. You need to try to reproduce the tissue of the tooth so that after modeling the shape of the tooth was as close as possible to the one that is required without excess material. For final alignment of contours, it is very convenient to use flat artistic brush (Fig. 7).

Finish treatment

For a more intelligible visualization of contours and the edges of the tooth, it is convenient to use a pencil (Fig. 8).

According to the designated figure, a cautious surface treatment of the finish diamond boron is carried out (with a red stripe). It is necessary to avoid contact boron with enamel (Fig. 9).

Processing the surface of the Silicon Heads of ENHANCE Silicone Heads (Available: One Gloss, Shofu; Identoflex Composite Polishers, Yellow forms, Kerr). The intensity of the abrasion of these tools can be changed, dosing pressure on the tip during operation. The middle abrasive fines have a very moderate impact: their grinding activity is enough to remove the strata of the composite, but they are completely harmless to enamel. It is with the help of these finish tools that the level of the material in relation to the tissues is reached. The operation of the ENHANCE heads should be carried out without water cooling, otherwise visual control becomes impossible. Accordingly, caution should be saved and working on low revs to prevent overheating tooth. After using the ENHANCE heads, the composite surface must have a light glitter and uniform transverse (Fig. 10).

Processing the surface of the POGO polysticated composite (existing analogues: Identoflex Composite Polishers, Gray forms, Kerr). These polishing heads give the texture of the material perfect shape and primary dry shine. Given the exclusively small degree of abrasion of these tools, the density of contact of their surface with the tissues of the tooth is much higher than that of the finings, so the pogo heads should be used without pressure, intermittent movements and water cooling (Fig. 11).

Following the Pogo in this final finishing protocol, the use of a dental felt branch for a direct tip is proposed. These brushes perform the role of an intermediate link before the final polishing with a paste (Fig. 12).

Polishing of the composite using Prisma Glossextrafine Paste (Analog: Shinyc, Enamelplus). Pastes give the surface of the composite sparkling dry shine (Fig. 13).

View a few days after the finish finish. After proper and thorough execution of the finishing finish protocol, all borders (both optical and topographic) ceased to be noticeable (Fig. 14-19).

This clinical case demonstrates that the correct protocol of the finishing finish has a huge importance for the aesthetic consistency of the restoration treatment. A very important condition for the proper use of finiers and polyers is clear visual control over the surface of the composite. It is necessary to periodically look at the tooth from the side angle and ensure that the light is played on the extension relief of the composite material. It is necessary to achieve such an effect so that the glare from the lamp of the dental lamp, falling on the border of the junction of the tooth with the composite, is not distorted, but she walked exactly, repeating the same outlines as on enamel. It is necessary to change the direction of light and the position of the patient's head, in order to be able to monitor the game of light on different areas of the tooth. Also, a very desirable addition to the finishing finish is to use an increase (binocular magnifier or operational microscope).

Receptions of finishing composite restorations Updated: January 6, 2017 by the author: Alexey Vasilevsky

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