What is soe. Blood test for ESR: norm and deviations

A blood test for ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate - is mandatory in the process of initial diagnosis.

This study only helps to determine the further course of medical actions. After all, whatever the results of the analysis, they are not a reliable sign of pathologies. Deviation of ESR from the norm only indirectly indicates that an inflammatory process may occur in the body or an infection develops.

The value of research on ESR

The results of the analysis are very individual. Their upward trend is due to many reasons. There is no specific disease in which ESR increases.

This indicator is considered general, non-specific, since it does not contain an answer to the question of whether a person is healthy or sick.

But studying the results of the study:

  • contributes to the accelerated and timely conduct of additional tests;
  • in combination with the data of other analyzes allows you to objectively assess the state of the body;
  • makes it possible to make forecasts for the short term;
  • in dynamics indicates the course of the disease and how correctly the therapeutic methods are chosen. Approximation of ESR to the norm certifies that the medicines and procedures prescribed by the doctor are successful and the patient is recovering.

Normative values ​​of ESR depend on the age of the person and his gender.

The average for men is in the range from 8 to 12 units (millimeters per hour), for women - from 3 to 20.

With age, ESR grows and in respectable years reaches 50 units.

Elevated ESR: growth rates

For correct diagnosis, it matters how much the ESR exceeds the norm. Depending on this, four degrees of deviations can be distinguished:

  • First, which is characterized by a slight increase in ESR. The rest of the blood counts remain normal.
  • Second- the results of the analysis recorded an excess of ESR by 15–29 units. This signals that there is an infectious process in the body, which so far has little effect on it. general state. Such a situation is typical for colds. If they are treated, then the ESR will return to normal in a couple of weeks.
  • Third- the increase in ESR is more than 30 units. Such an increase in the indicator is considered significant and serious. As a rule, the size of the ESR indicates the development of dangerous inflammatory or necrotic processes. It can take several months to heal the disease.
  • Fourth- ESR rises by 60 units or more. This situation reflects an extremely difficult and life-threatening condition of the body. Immediate and thorough treatment is required.

Causes of increased ESR

An increase in ESR may be the result of the development of one or even several diseases at the same time. They can be classified like this:

  • Viral, bacterial and fungal infections. They can be relatively mild, such as SARS or acute respiratory infections. But often a serious illness develops, in which the ESR exceeds the norm several times and reaches 100 mm / h. For example:
    • viral hepatitis;
    • flu;
    • pyelonephritis;
    • pneumonia;
    • bronchitis.
  • Neoplasms, both benign and malignant. ESR increases significantly, but the level of leukocytes may remain normal.

    Recipe for the occasion::

    An increase in the index is more characteristic in the presence of single peripheral formations. Less commonly, it occurs when tumors of the lymphoid and hematopoietic tissue are present.

  • Rheumatological diseases:
    • true rheumatism;
    • arthritis and arthrosis;
    • ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev's disease);
    • all systemic vasculitis;
    • transformation connective tissue diffuse nature: Sjögren's disease, Sharp's syndrome, systemic scleroderma and lupus erythematosus, polymyositis.
  • Kidney disease and urinary tract dysfunction:
    • hydronephrosis;
    • urolithiasis disease;
    • nephroptosis (omission of the kidney);
    • pyelonephritis (more common in women);
    • glomerulonephritis.
  • Blood diseases:
    • hemoglobinopathy, namely thalassemia and sickle cell anemia;
    • anisocytosis.
  • The most severe conditions that are accompanied by an increase in blood viscosity:
    • intestinal obstruction;
    • diarrhea and vomiting;
    • food poisoning.

In almost 20% of cases, the cause of excess growth of ESR is poisoning of the body and rheumatological diseases. These pathologies lead to the fact that the blood becomes thicker and more viscous, and red cells begin to settle at a faster rate.

The greatest increase in ESR occurs when infectious processes are present and develop in the body. The value of the indicator does not increase immediately, but only a day or two after the onset of the disease. When the body recovers, ESR decreases slowly. It will take a month and a half before the indicator returns to normal.

An increase in ESR also occurs after surgical intervention. It can also accompany post-shock states.

False increase in ESR

Exceeding the ESR norm is possible without the presence of ailments in the body. There are a number of natural causes:

  • taking medications containing hormones;
  • allergic reactions;
  • excessive consumption of vitamin complexes, especially vitamin A;
  • errors in the diet;
  • individual characteristics of the organism. Statistics show that almost 5% of the world's population has an accelerated red blood cell sedimentation reaction;
  • bearing a child. In pregnant women, ESR can grow three or more times, which is not considered a pathology;
  • insufficient absorption of iron by the body, its deficiency;
  • age from 4 to 12 years. During this period, especially in boys, an increase in ESR is possible, associated with the development and formation of the body. There are no infections or inflammations.

The growth of ESR in excess of the norm in some cases accompanies certain chronic conditions. These include:

  • elevated blood cholesterol levels;
  • recent vaccination against hepatitis;

A high degree of obesity also causes red blood cells to drop faster than they should.

Features of increasing ESR in men and women

A slight increase in ESR was noted in approximately eight percent of men. And it is not considered a deviation from the norm. The explanation lies in the individual characteristics of the body of a particular person. The value of the indicator is influenced by the way of life and the presence bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol.

IN female body increased ESR can be due to relatively safe reasons:

  • the beginning of critical days;
  • reception hormonal drugs, in particular contraceptives;
  • eating habits: following a low-calorie diet, or overeating, consuming fatty foods shortly before a blood test;
  • pregnancy.

Increased ESR during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the processes in the female body occur in a special way. somewhat modified and protein composition blood, which is reflected in the ESR.

The indicator can jump up to 45 units, and this will not indicate the manifestation of diseases.

ESR begins to gradually increase as early as the tenth week of pregnancy. Highest value, as a rule, is fixed in the third trimester.

Almost a month after delivery, the ESR is also overestimated. The cause is anemia, which developed during the period of bearing the crumbs. It provokes a significant blood thinning and increases the rate of red cell sedimentation.

The size of the ESR is affected by the complexion of a woman. For thinner expectant mothers, the indicator rises to a greater extent than for puffy ladies.

A month or a half after the birth of the baby, the ESR quickly returns to normal.

But even such objective processes should not be ignored. Only a doctor can determine how normal the pregnancy is and whether everything is in order with the expectant mother.

Features of increasing ESR in children

The causes of increased ESR in babies are not much different from those that are typical for adults. Most often, this symptom manifests itself as a result of:

  • infectious diseases, including chronic diseases;
  • intoxication;
  • allergic reactions;
  • helminthiasis;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • injuries to limbs and other parts of the body.

Infectious-inflammatory processes in children manifest themselves not only by an increase in ESR. Other indicators, which are determined using a general blood test, also change. The general condition of the baby worsens.

A slight increase in ESR can be explained by such non-dangerous factors as:

  • violation of the diet by a nursing mother: there is an excess of food with a significant content of fat in the diet;
  • taking oral medications;
  • the baby is teething;
  • there is a lack of vitamins in the body.

Parents whose children have an indicator above the established norm are contraindicated in panic. It is necessary to carefully examine the child and establish the causes. Successful treatment the main ailment will help normalize the ESR in a month or a half.

Treatment of elevated ESR

An elevated level of ESR in itself is not a pathology, but only suggests the development of a disease in the body. Therefore, bringing the indicator back to normal is possible only after the treatment of the underlying disease.

In some cases, there is no need to lower it. For example, ESR will not return to normal until:

  • the wound will heal or the broken bone will not heal;
  • the course of taking a certain drug will come to an end;
  • a child is born in the womb.

If ESR is elevated during pregnancy, it is necessary to think about how to prevent anemia or reduce its consequences.

Women in an “interesting” position need to take a responsible attitude to the diet and follow all the recommendations prescribed by the gynecologist. The doctor may prescribe safe drugs containing iron, special food additives.

In many cases, it is possible to lower the ESR to the limits of the norm only by eliminating the inflammatory process. To determine its cause, a general blood test is not enough, a deeper study of the patient's body condition is necessary. The doctor-therapist can appoint it. It is he who knows all the examination protocols and treatment tactics.

Medicines should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor. Self-selected drugs, most likely, will not bring the desired result, but will only have a negative impact on internal organs and lead to unnecessary spending.

When an elevated ESR is accompanied by a slight temperature, you can try to help the body with herbs and natural products.

In the piggy bank traditional medicine there are many healthy recipes. In one of them, it is recommended to cook the most ordinary beets. Properly prepared, it can lower the ESR in ten days.

It is necessary to choose three small beets, wash them thoroughly and do not remove the tails. Then the vegetables are boiled for about three hours. The resulting broth is filtered and stored in a cold place. It is enough to drink 50 grams of beet liquid per day. The decoction is taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

Beetroot juice is also a good blood cleanser. It is necessary to drink it before going to bed for half a glass. Ten days of this intake will help improve blood circulation.

Effective is the remedy, which contains lemon juice and garlic. One hundred grams of the latter must be crushed. Then mix the resulting slurry with the juice of six to seven lemons. Put the drink in the refrigerator and take a teaspoon in the evening, diluted with a glass of boiled water.

Freshly squeezed citrus juices are also useful. It is advisable to add a teaspoon of honey to them.

It happens that the examination did not reveal serious pathologies, and the ESR does not decrease. In this case, you need to periodically conduct preventive examinations. When negative symptoms appear, you should not let everything take its course, but seek advice. Preventive measures always give positive results and help to maintain health for many years.

At present, medicine has ample opportunities, however, for a particular type of diagnostics, research methods developed almost a century ago have not lost their relevance. The ESR indicator (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), formerly referred to as ROE (erythrocyte sedimentation reaction), has been known since 1918. Methods for its measurement have been defined since 1926 (according to Westergren) and 1935 according to Winthrop (or Wintrobe) and have been used to this day. A change in ESR (ROE) helps to suspect the pathological process at its very beginning, identify the cause and proceed to early treatment. The indicator is extremely important for assessing the health of patients. As part of the article, we will consider situations when people are diagnosed with elevated ESR.

ESR - what is it?

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is really a measurement of the movement of erythrocytes under certain conditions, calculated in millimeters per hour. Research does not require a large number of patient's blood - the count is included in general analysis. It is estimated by the size of the plasma layer (the main component of blood) remaining on top of the measuring vessel. For the reliability of the results, it is necessary to create conditions under which only the force of gravity (gravity) will affect the erythrocytes. It is also necessary to prevent blood clotting. In the laboratory, this is done thanks to anticoagulants.

The process of erythrocyte sedimentation can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. slow settling;
  2. Acceleration of sedimentation (due to the formation of erythrocyte columns formed in the process of gluing individual erythrocyte cells);
  3. Settling slowdown and complete stop of the process.

Most often, it is the first phase that matters, but in some cases it is necessary to evaluate the result even a day after blood sampling. This is already done in the second and third stages.

Why does the parameter value go up

The level of ESR cannot directly indicate the pathogenic process, since the reasons for the increase in ESR are diverse and are not a specific symptom of the disease. In addition, the indicator does not always change during the course of the disease. There are several physiological processes in which ESR increases. Why, then, is analysis still widely used in medicine? The fact is that a change in ROE is observed at the slightest pathology at the very beginning of its manifestation. This allows you to take emergency measures to normalize the condition, before the disease seriously undermines human health. In addition, the analysis is very informative in assessing the body's response to:

  • Conducted drug treatment, (use of antibiotics);
  • With suspicion of myocardial infarction;
  • Appendicitis in the acute phase;
  • angina;
  • Ectopic pregnancy.

Pathological increase in the indicator

Elevated ESR in the blood is observed in the following groups of diseases:
Infectious pathologies, often of a bacterial nature. An increase in ESR may indicate an acute process or a chronic course of the disease.
Inflammatory processes, including purulent and septic lesions. With any localization of diseases, a blood test will reveal an increase in ESR
Connective tissue diseases. ESR is high in SCS - systemic lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic scleroderma and other similar diseases
Inflammation localized in the intestine ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease
malignant formations. The highest rate rises with multiple myeloma, leukemia, lymphoma (the analysis determines an increase in ESR in bone marrow pathology - immature red blood cells that are unable to perform their functions enter the blood stream) or oncological disease 4 stages (with metastases). Measurement of ESR helps to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment of Hodgkin's disease (cancer of the lymph nodes)
Diseases accompanied by tissue necrosis (myocardial infarction, stroke, tuberculosis). Approximately one week after tissue damage, the ESR index increases to the maximum
Blood disorders: anemia, anisocytosis, hemoglobinopathies
Diseases and pathologies accompanied by an increase in blood viscosity. For example, profuse bleeding intestinal obstruction, prolonged vomiting, diarrhea, postoperative recovery period
Diseases of the biliary tract and liver
Diseases metabolic processes And endocrine system(cystic fibrosis, obesity, diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis and others)
Trauma, extensive skin damage, burns
poisoning ( food products, the waste products of bacteria, chemicals etc.)

Elevation above 100 mm/h

The indicator exceeds the level of 100 m/h in acute infectious processes:

  • SARS;
  • sinusitis;
  • Flu;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Cystitis;
  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Viral hepatitis;
  • Fungal infections;
  • malignant formations.

A significant increase in the norm does not occur immediately, the ESR grows for 2-3 days before it reaches a level of 100 mm / h.

When an increase in ESR is not a pathology

Do not sound the alarm if a blood test showed an increase in the rate of sedimentation of red blood cells. Why? It is important to know that the result needs to be evaluated over time (compared to earlier blood tests) and to take into account some factors that may increase the value of the results. In addition, accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation syndrome can be a hereditary feature.

ESR is always increased:

  • During menstruation in women;
  • When pregnancy occurs (the indicator can exceed the norm by 2 or even 3 times - the syndrome persists for some time after childbirth, before returning to normal);
  • When women use oral contraceptives ( birth control pills for oral administration);
  • In the morning. Known fluctuations in the value of ESR during the day (in the morning it is higher than in the afternoon or in the evening and at night);
  • At chronic inflammation(even if it is a common cold), the presence of acne, boils, splinters, etc., a syndrome of elevated ESR can be diagnosed;
  • Some time after the completion of treatment for a disease that can cause an increase in the rate (often the syndrome persists for several weeks or even months);
  • After eating spicy and fatty foods;
  • IN stressful situations immediately before the test or the day before;
  • With allergies;
  • Some medications can give such a reaction from the blood;
  • With a lack of vitamins from food.

An increase in the level of ESR in a child

In children, the ESR indicator may increase for the same reasons as in adults, however, the list above can be supplemented by the following factors:

  1. At breastfeeding(neglecting mom's diet can cause accelerated red blood cell sedimentation syndrome);
  2. Helminthiases;
  3. The period of teething (the syndrome persists for some time before and after it);
  4. Fear of testing.

Methods for determining results

There are 3 methods for calculating ESR manually:

  1. According to Westergren. For research, blood is taken from a vein, mixed in a certain proportion with sodium citrate. The measurement is carried out according to the tripod distance: from the upper border of the liquid to the border of red blood cells settled in 1 hour;
  2. According to Wintrobe (Winthrop). The blood is mixed with an anticoagulant and placed in a tube marked with divisions. At a high rate of red blood cell sedimentation (more than 60 mm/h), the inner cavity of the tube is quickly clogged, which can distort the results;
  3. According to Panchenkov. For research, blood is needed from the capillaries (taken from a finger), 4 parts of it are combined with a part of sodium citrate and placed in a capillary graduated to 100 divisions.

It should be noted that the analyzes carried out different methods, cannot be compared with each other. In the case of an increased indicator, the first method of calculation turns out to be the most informative and accurate.

The laboratories are currently equipped special devices for automated calculation of ESR. Why is automatic scoring popular? This option is the most effective, since it eliminates the human factor.

When making a diagnosis, it is necessary to evaluate the blood test in the complex, in particular, great importance give to leukocytes. With normal leukocytes, an increase in ESR may indicate residual effects after an illness; at low - on the viral nature of the pathology; and at elevated levels - to bacterial.

If a person doubts the correctness of the blood tests performed, then you can always double-check the result in a paid clinic. Currently, there is a method that determines the level of CRP - C-reactive protein, it excludes the influence of third-party factors and indicates the response of the human body to the disease. Why hasn't it become widespread? The study is a very costly undertaking, it is impossible for the country's budget to implement it in all public medical institutions, but in European countries they have almost completely replaced the measurement of ESR with the determination of PSA.

The abbreviation "ESR" stands for "erythrocyte sedimentation rate". This is a non-specific laboratory indicator, which is determined by the patient.

ESR refers to the methods of initial diagnosis. Correct interpretation allows you to determine the algorithm for further actions of the doctor.

History and essence of the method

In 1918, it was found that ESR changes in women during pregnancy. Later it turned out that the change in the indicator is observed when inflammatory diseases. One of the methods for determining the indicator, which is still widely used in clinical practice, was developed by Westergren back in 1928.

The density of red blood cells is higher than the density of plasma, and if the blood does not coagulate, the red blood cells, under their own weight, gradually sink to the bottom of the laboratory tube.

Notice:to prevent blood clotting, an anticoagulant substance - sodium citrate (5% or 3.8% solution) is added to the container before the study.

The leading factor affecting the sedimentation rate is the aggregation of erythrocytes (i.e., their adhesion to each other). The formed indivisible particles known as "coin columns" have a smaller area-to-volume ratio, so they overcome fluid (plasma) resistance more easily and settle faster. The larger the size and number of aggregates, the higher the ESR.

Aggregation is affected by the protein composition of the plasma and the surface potential of red blood cells. With the development of pathology of infectious and inflammatory genesis, the electrochemical composition of the blood changes. The main reason for the increase in aggregation is the presence in the blood of the so-called. "acute phase proteins" - immunoglobulins, fibrinogen, ceruloplasmin and C-reactive protein. Agglutination is normally prevented by the negative charge of red blood cells, but it tends to change when antibodies and acute phase fibrinogen are attached.

Note:an altered electrical charge and an increased tendency to aggregation are characteristic of atypical forms of erythrocytes.

Slight reductions in albumin content have practically no effect on the sedimentation rate, but a significant decrease in concentration causes a decrease in serum viscosity and an increase in the index.

Research by the Panchenkov method

To assess the ESR using this method, a special laboratory vessel is used - the so-called. Panchenkov capillary. First, sodium citrate is added to it up to the “P” mark, and the anticoagulant is transferred to the glass. Then, the test blood is drawn twice in succession up to the “K” mark, and combined with citrate. Citrated blood is again drawn into the capillary, which is fixed in vertical position. ESR is determined after 60 minutes. or after 24 hours; the indicator is expressed in millimeters. This method, which is most often used by doctors in our country, gives high accuracy in single studies. Its main disadvantage is that the analysis takes a relatively long time.

Research according to the method of Westergren

The European method is somewhat more sensitive to an increase in ESR. For analysis, Westergren tubes with a diameter of 2.5 mm and a graduation of 200 mm are used. The material for research is venous blood mixed with sodium citrate (3.8%) in a ratio of 4:1. A reagent such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) may be added to the blood. The indicator is expressed in mm/hour.

Important:studies according to Panchenkov and Westergren can give different numbers, and the higher the ESR, the greater the possible difference. Therefore, in the decoding of the analysis, it must be indicated by what method the analysis was done. If you received the results in a laboratory that determines the ESR according to international standards, be sure to check whether the results were brought to the standards of Panchenkov's indicators.

Interpretation of the results: normal ESR in adults and children

Normal ESR values ​​differ depending on gender, age, and some individual characteristics of the subject.

Limits of the norm for adults:

  • for men - 2-12 mm / hour;
  • for women - 3-20 mm / hour.

Important:with age, the indicator increases, significantly going beyond the normal range. In older people, a speed of 40-50 mm / h can be determined, and this is not always a sign of infection, inflammation or other pathology. For women over 60 years of age, numbers in the range of 2-30 mm / hour are considered the norm, and for men of the same age - 2-20 mm / hour.

Limits of the norm for children different ages(in mm/h):

  • newborns - up to 2;
  • from 2 to 12 months - 2-7;
  • from 2 to 5 years - 5-11;
  • from 5 to 12 years old - 4-17;
  • boys over 12 years old 2-15;
  • girls over 12 years old - 2-12.

The most common deviations are in the direction of increasing numbers. The inaccuracy of the analysis may be due to a violation of the rules for conducting. Blood for ESR must be taken on an empty stomach in the morning. If the subject was hungry the day before or, conversely, had dinner too tight, the results are distorted. In such situations, it is recommended to retake the analysis after 1-2 days. The result of ESR is influenced by the conditions of storage of biological material before the study.

What does an increase in ESR mean?

ESR analysis is famous for its simplicity and low cost, but the interpretation of the results often presents certain difficulties. Figures within the normal range do not always indicate the absence of an active pathological process.

It has been established that in a number of patients with diagnosed malignant diseases, this indicator is less than 20 mm/hour. As for cancer patients, a significant increase in the rate of red cell sedimentation is more typical for individuals with solitary tumors than for patients with malignant blood diseases.

In some cases, no disease is detected in subjects with an ESR of 100 mm/h and above.

The main reasons for the increase in ESR:

  • acute and chronic bacterial infections (infectious diseases respiratory and urinary systems, as well as);
  • viral infections (including);
  • fungal infections (systemic candidiasis);
  • malignant diseases (tumor neoplasms, lymphomas and multiple myeloma);
  • rheumatological diseases;
  • kidney disease.

An increase in ESR is also characteristic of some other diseases and conditions, including:

  • anemia;
  • chronic granulomatous periodontitis;
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs (for example, the prostate gland or appendages);
  • enterocolitis;
  • phlebitis;
  • significant injuries (including bruises and);
  • high tension;
  • condition after the operation.

Important:an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate over 100 mm / h is most often detected with an active infectious process (including), malignant tumors, oncohematological diseases, systemic lesions of the connective tissue and kidney diseases.

An increased ESR does not necessarily indicate the presence of pathology. Within the range of 20-30 mm/hour, it increases in pregnant women, during menstruation, as well as against the background of taking certain pharmacological drugs, in particular salicylates ( Acetylsalicylic acid, ), complexes containing


If you suspect serious illness the patient is sent for a general analysis of capillary or venous blood. If the ESR is increased in the results, then most likely an inflammatory process has begun in the body. This non-specific laboratory indicator helps the doctor decide on the tactics of treatment and prescribe the right drug.

What is SOE

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate, or ESR, is an important indicator in a blood test. It informs how quickly red blood cells sink under the influence of gravity. The value must be measured in millimeters per hour (mm/h). During the study, erythrocytes are in a special vertical test tube. The laboratory assistant measures the time it takes for them to reach the bottom, and then calculates the rate of settling.

At healthy person the level is small, but when inflammation has already begun in the body, the cells begin to stick together, become heavier and fall faster, which increases the ESR in the blood. The specialist who sends the patient for examination, according to the results, can make clinical picture disease and prescribe treatment. There are two ways to calculate blood cells- Westergren's method and Panchenkov's method.

ESR norm

The results may be different in children, men and women, they must be deciphered by a medical professional. It focuses on generally accepted indicators corresponding to the sex and age of the patient. Each category has its own ESR standard. If there is an excess in the analysis, the doctor decides whether additional examinations are needed to clarify the disease.

ESR above normal - what does it mean

The process of increasing the number of red blood cells per unit of blood volume is called polycythemia. There are various reasons for the increase in ESR in the blood. The indicator begins to rise after a few days from the onset of the disease, and after 2 weeks it reaches its highest point, but there are exceptions. It all depends on the type of disease that precedes the increase in ESR. A change in the indicator may mean the presence of:

  • kidney pathology;
  • SARS;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • lymphomas;
  • leukemia;
  • diabetes;
  • bacterial infection;
  • rheumatism;
  • hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism;
  • heart failure;
  • other physiological disorders.

Deviation from the norm is often the result of stress, malnutrition, lack of vitamins in the body. Sometimes non-compliance with the rules for taking tests can increase the readings. To prevent this from happening, you need to give up food for 3-4 hours, from alcoholic beverages and alcohol-containing drugs per day, to exclude unrest. In addition, scientists have confirmed the fact that 5% of people on the planet ESR more birth norms.

Increased ESR in the blood in women

The results of the analysis according to the average data in the adult female population range from 5-25 mm / h. There are many factors that can accelerate the sedimentation of red blood cells. Causes of increased ESR in the blood in women:

A woman should alert the doctor if any of the conditions on the list is present. The conditions are not pathological, but at this time the concentration of plasma proteins in the blood increases. Due to monthly blood loss, hemoglobin decreases, anemia may develop. The same thing happens after childbirth, and while carrying a child, the mother gives him some of the vitamins, so the indicator becomes high.

In other cases, an approximate calculation by age is used:

  1. from 4 to 15 mm / h - at 18-30 years old;
  2. from 8 to 25 mm / h - at 30-60 years old;
  3. from 12 to 52 mm / h - at 60 years and older.

Elevated ESR in a child

For newborns, the readings can be very low, this is not a deviation from the norm. As they get older, they get bigger. An increased ESR in the blood of a child indicates that there is an exacerbation of the inflammatory process, but sometimes the causes are sleep disturbances, indigestion, or teething. The following results are considered normal:

  1. 0-1 year - 1-6 mm/h;
  2. 1-7 years - 4-8 mm / h;
  3. 7-12 years - 4-12 mm / h;
  4. 12-18 years - 4-15 mm / h.

Increased ESR in the blood in men

In the analysis for men, the indicator is slightly different from the female. The difference is about 1-10 units. Among possible causes elevated ESR in the blood in men, physicians call:

With age, the indicator changes: at 20-50 years old, it is normal at 0-15 mm / h, and after 50 years, the frames move apart to 5-25 mm / h. The doctor must take into account medication, which also affects the analysis. A patient's lifestyle can tell a lot. Smoking and drinking alcohol often lead to an exacerbation of chronic pulmonary and hepatic diseases: in such people, blood viscosity is reduced.

Elevated ESR during pregnancy

When there is an increase in ESR during pregnancy, the gynecologist takes into account the complexion of the patient. In a lean woman, the figures of 20-62 mm / h are considered normal in the first and beginning of the second trimester, and 35-80 mm / h at the end of the second and third, and in a future mother with a tendency to be overweight, fluctuations are 18-46 mm / h and 30-72 mm/h. Anemia in pregnancy and chronic diseases also affect the results of the analysis.

Increased ESR - what to do

You should not immediately sound the alarm if the ESR in the blood is increased: this fact in itself cannot indicate specific violations. The first thing to do when the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is increased in the analysis is to seek clarification from the attending physician. When deciphering, the specialist interviews the patient for any symptoms that lead to an increase in the indicator.

For a patient who strictly observes the conditions for taking the test, in the absence of obvious signs of the disease in the form elevated temperature, an additional examination is prescribed by other doctors, using modern equipment. High ESR in the blood is an indirect sign of serious illness and even malignant tumor. If these cases are excluded, the right drugs for treatment help to reduce this value.

Video: erythrocyte sedimentation rate

Increased ESR in a blood test - what does it mean. Causes of increased ESR in children, pregnant women and adults

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is an indicator that even today has importance for body diagnostics. The definition of ESR is actively used to diagnose adults and children. Such an analysis is recommended to be taken once a year, and in old age - once every six months.

An increase or decrease in the number of bodies in the blood (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, etc.) is an indicator of certain diseases or inflammatory processes. Especially often, diseases are determined if the level of the measured components is increased.

In this article, we will look at why ESR is increased in a blood test, and what this means in each case in women or men.

ESR - what is it?

ESR is the sedimentation rate of erythrocytes, red blood cells, which, under the influence of anticoagulants, settle at the bottom of a medical test tube or capillary for some time.

The settling time is estimated from the height of the plasma layer obtained as a result of the analysis, estimated in millimeters per 1 hour. ESR is highly sensitive, although it refers to non-specific indicators.

What does it mean? A change in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate may indicate the development of a certain pathology. different nature, and, even before the onset of the manifestation of obvious symptoms of the disease.

With this analysis can be diagnosed:

  1. The response of the body to the prescribed treatment. For example, with tuberculosis, lupus erythematosus, inflammation of the connective tissue ( rheumatoid arthritis) or Hodgkin's lymphoma (lymphogranulomatosis).
  2. Accurately differentiate the diagnosis: heart attack, acute appendicitis, signs of ectopic pregnancy or osteoarthritis.
  3. Ascertain the hidden forms of the disease in the human body.

If the analysis is normal, then an additional examination and tests are still prescribed, since a normal level of ESR does not exclude a serious disease in the human body or the presence of malignant neoplasms.

Norm indicators

The norm for men is 1-10 mm / h, for women on average - 3-15 mm / h. After 50 years, this figure can increase. During pregnancy, sometimes the rate can reach 25 mm / h. Such figures are explained by the fact that a pregnant woman has anemia and her blood thins. In children, depending on age - 0-2 mm / h (in newborns), 12-17 mm / h (up to 6 months).

The increase, as well as the decrease in the rate of red cell sedimentation for people of different ages and gender, depends on many factors. In the course of life, the human body is exposed to various infectious and viral diseases, which is why an increase in the number of leukocytes, antibodies, and erythrocytes is noticed.

Why ESR in the blood is higher than normal: causes

So, why is an elevated ESR detected in a blood test, and what does this mean? Most common cause high ESR is the development of inflammatory processes in organs and tissues, which is why many perceive this reaction as specific.

In general, the following groups of diseases can be distinguished, in which the rate of sedimentation of red blood cells increases:

  1. Infections. A high ESR accompanies almost all bacterial infections. respiratory tract and genitourinary system, as well as other localizations. This is usually due to leukocytosis, which affects the aggregation features. If the leukocytes are normal, then it is necessary to exclude other diseases. In the case of the presence of symptoms of infection, it is likely to be viral or fungal in nature.
  2. diseases, in which there is not only an inflammatory process, but also decay (necrosis) of tissues, shaped elements blood and the intake of protein breakdown products into the bloodstream: purulent and septic diseases; malignant neoplasms; , lungs, brain, intestines, etc.
  3. The ESR increases very strongly and persists for a long time. high level with autoimmune diseases. These include various thrombocytopenic purpura, rheumatic and scleroderma. Such a reaction of the indicator is due to the fact that all these diseases change the properties of blood plasma so much that it is oversaturated with immune complexes, making the blood defective.
  4. Diseases of the kidneys. Of course, at inflammatory process, which affects the renal parenchyma, the ESR value will be higher than normal. However, quite often an increase in the described indicator occurs due to a decrease in the level of protein in the blood, which in high concentration goes into the urine due to damage to the renal vessels.
  5. Pathologies metabolism and endocrine sphere- thyrotoxicosis.
  6. Malignant rebirths bone marrow, in which erythrocytes enter the bloodstream, not being ready to perform their functions.
  7. Hemoblastosis (leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, etc.) and paraproteinemic hemoblastoses (multiple myeloma, Waldenström's disease).

These causes are most common with a high level of erythrocyte sedimentation rate. In addition, when passing the analysis, all the rules for conducting the test must be observed. If a person has even a slight cold, the rate will be increased.

Women due to hormonal and physiological changes during menstrual cycle, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and menopause are more likely to undergo a qualitative and quantitative change in the content of dry residues in the blood. These reasons can cause an increased ESR in the blood in women up to 20-25 mm / h.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons when the ESR is above the norm, and it is problematic to understand what this means only from one analysis. Therefore, the assessment of this indicator can only be entrusted to a truly knowledgeable specialist. You should not do something yourself that cannot be correctly determined with certainty.

Physiological causes of increased ESR

Many people know that an increase in this indicator, as a rule, indicates some kind of inflammatory reaction. But this is not a golden rule. If found elevated ESR in the blood, the causes can be quite harmless, and do not require any treatment:

  • dense meal before the test;
  • fasting, strict diet;
  • menstruation, pregnancy and the postpartum period in women;
  • allergic reactions, in which fluctuations in the initially increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate
  • allow us to judge the correct anti-allergic therapy - if the drug works, then the indicator will gradually decrease.

Undoubtedly, it is very difficult to determine what this means just by the deviation of one indicator from the norm. An experienced doctor and an additional examination will help to understand this.

Elevation above 100 mm/h

The indicator exceeds the level of 100 m/h in acute infectious processes:

  • Flu;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Viral hepatitis;
  • Fungal infections;
  • malignant formations.

A significant increase in the norm does not occur immediately, the ESR grows for 2-3 days before it reaches a level of 100 mm / h.

False increase in ESR

In some situations, changes in indicators indicate not a pathological process, but some chronic conditions. The level of ESR can increase with obesity, an acute inflammatory process. Also, false changes in ESR are observed:

  1. At .
  2. Due to the use of oral contraceptives.
  3. Subsequent vaccination against hepatitis B.
  4. With long-term use of vitamins, which include a large amount of vitamin A.

Medical studies show that often for no reason ESR can increase in women. Doctors attribute such changes to hormonal disruptions.

Increased ESR in a child: causes

Increased soy in the blood of a child is most often caused by inflammatory causes. You can also identify such factors that lead to an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in children:

  • metabolic disease;
  • getting injured;
  • acute poisoning;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • stressful state;
  • allergic reactions;
  • the presence of helminths or sluggish infectious diseases.

In a child, an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate can be observed in case of teething, unbalanced nutrition, lack of vitamins. If children complain of malaise, in this case, you should consult a doctor and conduct a comprehensive examination, the doctor will determine why the ESR analysis is increased, after which the only correct treatment will be prescribed.

What to do

It is not advisable to prescribe treatment with an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the blood, since this indicator is not a disease.

Therefore, in order to make sure that there are no pathologies in the human body (or, on the contrary, they take place), it is necessary to prescribe an comprehensive survey, which will answer this question.

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