Sleep position during pregnancy. Right sleep postures during pregnancy

Pregnancy affects not only the body of the future mother, but also on her habits, character, lifestyle. It's hard enough women tolerate sleep disorders caused by a rounded tummy. Whether you sleep or watch TV - all the time you need to pick up a convenient position, which must also be safe for the kid.

Moms should ask what poses are allowed in a dream on each trimester than the falling asleep on the back or abdomen, as well as what devices should be used to invest in the process.

Choose a pose according to the trimester

Each woman should know how much time and how to sleep pregnant women. Scientists have established that more than 85% of future mothers suffer from insomnia and sleep disorders, they often dream nightmares or sleep does not reach the deep phase. This process is complicated by those pregnant women often suffer drowsiness, especially in the first trimester. In the last months opposite the woman sleeps much less. All these features should be considered by selecting a favorable pose for recreation. Normal girl on night sleep 10 hours a day are given, then the body will be fully resting and dealing with unpleasant manifestations It seems to the toxicosis and bloating of the stomach more successful.

We also ask you to take part in the questionnaire: whether you have problems with sleep during pregnancy

A convenient position for sleep will differ depending on the period.

First trimester

Sleepiness rises at times up to the point that the woman wants to sleep at any time of the day. This is due to the restructuring of the body, weakening immunity and hormonal failures.

During this period, women begin to be interested in whether it is possible to sleep on the right side, left, back, stomach, which poses take it undesirable. Since the first 1-2 months, the girl may not even know about the occurrence of pregnancy, the opportunity to sleep in a habit remains and this will in no way harm the child's development. That is, in the first trimester you can sleep in any comfortable position, but gradually teach yourself to fit and fall asleep on the left side. Also because of toxicosis, many women wake up among the night or in the morning. To reduce the symptom lie on any side in a slightly elevated position (high pillow). Remember that nausea is enhanced in a strictly horizontal position, as well as in the pose lying on the abdomen or back.

Second trimester

The girl notes rounding the tummy, the first discomfort appears during sleep, especially when trying to turn on the stomach. Control the process, because resting on the stomach disrupts blood circulation to the region, which is why the kid may have a deficiency of oxygen and nutrients. With a relatively small stomach, it is allowed to fall asleep on the back or right side. Get ready for insomnia and possible cramps.

Third trimester

After 6 months, it will be difficult to choose a comfortable sleep position. The baby begins to move and even pushed, since his sleep mode does not match your. Also increased body puffs and limbs, which leads to gravity and cramps in the legs. Before bedtime, it is recommended to perform a massage in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crumpled muscle, well pull them out. Many mothers are interested in how to sleep better during pregnancy on the third trimester. First of all, find a comfortable pillow or purchase special for pregnant women to place her knee or between them. This position allows to reduce the load from the limbs, facilitate pain and normalize sleep. The tummy also carefully laid on the pillow and fall asleep on the side (preferably on the left).

For successfully falling asleep you can perform a simple exercise. Place your back, close your eyes, relax your shoulders. Gently pull the chin to the chest and place your palms on the lower press. Make a deep and slow breath, after which the usual exhalation, controlling with the help of palms of breathing rhythm. Then lie on the side, bend the knees and put the necessary pillows (under the head, between the legs and under the stomach). Continue to follow the chosen rhythm of breathing, trying to inhale the most relaxing the body and pull the chin to the chest.

All women are interested in why pregnant women need to sleep on the left side. The fact is that only this posture caresses from the pressure on the hollow blood vein, the branches of which run on the right of the uterus. On them blood returns from lower extremities Through the pelvis to the heart. Located on the left side, the right leg should be bent and put the pillow under it. At the same time, on the right side, it is also possible to accommodate, especially if the future mothers have found problems with the kidneys, operations were made or the recently retrieved concrections.

For convenience, it is recommended to take a long pillow or plaid and arrange it between the knees (under them). The greatest comfort will bring a cushion for pregnant women, made precisely in the form that will help adopt the safest and convenient position.

Why are pregnant to sleep on the left side, the main advantages?

So, the most convenient postures for sleep during pregnancy are already known. But why do everyone advise the left side?

  • In this position, the blood enters the placenta, feasting the fruit with useful components and oxygen.
  • Normalizes work gOOD SYSTEMThanks to which you stand up at the toilet at night.
  • The evening swelling of the limbs decreases, heaviness and stiffness in the muscles is reduced, the number of seizures is reduced.
  • The unfavorable pressure on the liver is eliminated, which is especially important for women who loving tightly to eat before bedtime.
  • The back and the pelvis area is most relaxing, thanks to which daytime fatigue and soreness goes.
  • This situation provides a favorable work of the cardiac muscle of the future mother.

In addition to the information about how to sleep during pregnancy, future mothers should take care of the question of lifting. Doctors advise immediately after awakening not to get out of bed, especially sharply and quickly. A woman should neatly turn on the side, which is closer to the door, put his feet on the floor and slowly sit down. Neat movements will avoid the hypertonus of the uterus.

There are some features and pathology of pregnancy, in which a comfortable and healthy posture for sleep is selected individually with the doctor.

  • Cross preview. If the fetal head is located on the right side, then to sleep the future mom should be on this side. This will allow the child in the future still take the right position head down.
  • Pelvic location of the fetus. Here doctors recommend to fit on the left side and perform a special exercise. A woman falls on a solid and smooth mattress, removes a pillow from under the head and puts it under the buttocks, having doubled (the pelvis should rise above the head of 25-30 cm). Pregnant lies in this position for 5-10 minutes, after which it takes a convenient posture for sleep. The exercise should be repeated 2 times a day, starting from 32 weeks. The duration of treatment is 14-20 days. After the child takes the necessary position, the woman is appointed by the wearing of a bandage.
  • Heartburn and respiratory impairment. Many patients are asked, in which posture is better to sleep during pregnancy, if the increased acidity is tormented, running, respiratory and nausea. Gynecologists recommend to fit on the side, lifting top Body. For this, special mattresses or high pillows will be suitable.
  • Eveniness, cramps, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. During the day and night rest, put the orthopedic pillow under the leg and feet, which will help to take the blood from the lower extremities.

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Consequences of sleep on belly and back

Those patients who slept all their life on the stomach, the most harder will soar from this dangerous poses. In the first months (the uterus is located under the pubic bone) it is necessary to fit into the usual posture. But as the abdomen grows, it will have to gradually fall, as the pressure on the uterus and blood vessels In this area, it is extremely dangerous for the baby, even if you are catching up to sleep on a rounded tummy.

Often, increasing and painful breasts will force you much earlier to refuse to sleep on the stomach. Moreover, they should ensure normal conditions for the development and filling, which is impossible when squeezing and compressing the mattress.

Many doctors and articles tell, on what side it is better to sleep pregnant women, while absolutely ignoring the possibility of resting on the back. So it is possible or can not unconsciously take this posture during pregnancy?

Of course, the rest on the back is more pleasant and more convenient than on the stomach, however, discomfort and consequences are possible.

  • In the back position, the blood strengthens the pelvis and the lower extremities to the area, so the oxygen in the lungs and the brain does not come enough. It is possible to lack air, dizziness, fainting.
  • Volumetric uterus falls on bladder And the intestines that forced to climb to the toilet several times per night.
  • Increased in the volume of the uterus actively presses on the vessels, which prevents the normal blood circulation to other internal organs, as well as to the placenta, which is fraught with the hypoxy of the fetus. This can cause stagnation of blood in the area of \u200b\u200bthe small pelvis and the limbs, which is fraught with the strengthening of the manifestation of varicose veins, legumes.
  • The back pain appears (especially in lumbar Department) And breakdown. All day, a woman feels broken, weak.
  • Doctors registered that the sleep on the back participates the hemorrhoids of pregnant women.
  • The uterus turns the main hollow vein that forces the heart to swing blood intensely. This in turn leads to cardiac disorders (arrhythmia, frequent heartbeat, tachycardia), as well as increase in pressure.

If you unconsciously lay on my back while sleeping, the child will tell you about a lack of oxygen with strong impetus and movement in the uterus. This means that you should turn on the left side.

Doctors always take into account how it is convenient to sleep pregnant women, but still recommend to abandon sleep on the back, starting from the 25th day of the seventh week.

Correct selection of space for sleep and bedding

A pregnant woman should not only choose the right position for sleep, the place where she will sleep also plays great importance for her health. To do this, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • it is desirable to sleep on a spacious bed, thanks to which the future mother will be able to take any position they need;
  • the mattress must have a smooth surface and be undesirable;
  • when choosing an anatomical or orthopedic mattresses, you need to buy models or without springs, or with independent springs. With their help, you can evenly distribute the weight of the body and remove the load on the spine;
  • the mattress should be durable, ventilated and hypoallergenic.

How to choose a pillow for comfortable sleep

Thoughtful manufacturers invented unique options for pregnant pillows, which repeat the contours of the body and take into account the anatomy on different timing. Such a pillow on one side supports rounded and heavy belly, on the other, eliminates blood stagnation in the limbs. She also prevents the change in the position during sleep, so the future mother can sleep peacefully, not experiencing about the health of the baby. Of course, the first time to sleep on the accessory is not very convenient, but over time you will adapt. Many mothers begin to get used to the soft girlfriend in advance at the beginning of the second trimester.

Unfortunately, the product has several minuses:

  • impressive sizes, thanks to which the pillow takes an extra place and can dry the sleeping husband;
  • specific fillers that hold the heat of the body and do not absorb moisture (in the summer there is a rest with a product of hot and "wet");
  • cleaning in dry cleaning (most pillows are not placed in a washing machine and is prohibited to manual washing);
  • synthetic materials and fillers can electrify;
  • some fillers (for example, polystyrene balls) are unpleasant to rustle during sleep.

By purchasing a product, future mothers are interested in how to sleep right on the pillow with pregnant women.

How to make a good sleep during pregnancy?

During the launching of the child, a woman often faces bad falling problems. In order to adjust them, it follows:

  • set the sleep mode (go to bed and wake up at the same time of the day);
  • in the afternoon, give up such classes that contribute to the emergence of mental and physical overwork (it may be serious negotiations, watching exciting films and so on);
  • regularly walk in the fresh air;
  • make gymnastic exercises for pregnant women;
  • refuse food eating, which excites the nervous system (acute or fatty food, coffee, energy drinks, tea);
  • the last time take food and drinks no later than one hour and a half before bedtime;
  • check the room, keep it clean, maintain the necessary air humidity;
  • take sleeping drugs can be taken only by the advice of the doctor;
  • for soothing, you can drink a glass of milk with honey or decoction of mint, take a warm bath with aromatic oils;
  • if the insomnia is caused by fear of future birth, then the best preparation courses will be best. Specialists in these courses will carefully consider all the situations that fear have a woman.

All future mothers should ask the doctor as during pregnancy correctly sleep, how to choose a pillow and from what period of these rules should be followed. Only compliance with the prescriptions of the doctor will help to establish sleep, make it a long and calm, without physical and psychological alarms.

February 2016

Future moms after they find out about their pregnancy, it is largely refused to not harm the baby.

And this applies not only harmful habits, France in food, but also sleep.

With pregnancy, night uiles in the toilet, tormented, cramps. About 5 months A problem with choosing poses for night rest is added.

The chest is poured and becomes painful, and the fruit is rapidly developing and the stomach is growing intensively (especially since the second trimester). Therefore, a woman is very difficult to find a comfortable position that would guarantee full night rest for the restoration of forces.

Choose a place to sleep

About, how to sleep during pregnancy, Many women are conceived in position. However, few people know that it is necessary not only to monitor their position, but also ensure the optimal surface for a comfortable location of the body.

Choose the mattress of medium hardness. The sleeping surface must completely repeat the contours of your body, maintaining the spine in a natural physiological state. Such an effect is best provided orthopedic mattresses.

When choosing a mattress Consider the fact that there will be a future dad together with you. Therefore, make sure that the bed does not spring, because because of this, there may be strong oscillations on the surface during night recreation when someone from the sleeping will turn over. And such movements on the surface often deliver discomfort and mothers, and the fruit.

Pay attention to the size of the sleeping bed: He must be convenient for the future mother so that she has enough space for a full rest and comfortable sleep.

Choose a posture for sleep

As for the right position, best sleep on the side. Discard sleep on the stomach yet on early stage pregnancy.

Also contraindicated night rest on his backSince the fruit presses on internal organs (liver, kidneys, intestines). As a result, the pregnant woman appears, breathing makes it difficult, sharpened, the blood pressure decreases.

In the pose of mother on his back child in the womb can squeeze the lower hollow veinwhich goes along the entire spine, which is fraught with a decrease in blood flow. As a result, the future mother feels bad.

BUT if squeezing is long and regularThis may adversely affect the state of the fetus: due to insufficient blood flow, which means nutrients, the heartbeat decreases in crumbs. And the consequences of such violations are sad and irreversible.

Try first to think not about your preferences (as you want to sleep during pregnancy), but about the health of the baby.

Watch your wellness and if you notice any deterioration during sleep, change the position on the right one. To automatically at night do not roll over the back, put a large pillow that will not allow you to change the position of the body.

Doctors advise to fall asleep on the left sideSince lying on the right side can cause kidney squeezing. And in the correct position, not only blood flow to the placenta will improve, but also the functioning of the kidneys, which will significantly reduce the hands and legs, the pressure on the liver is reduced, which is on the right.

Also, the body is thus easier to get rid of waste and excess fluid, and the heart can fully work. You can practice and intermediate position: pillows will help you help, which will not let you roll over to the end on your back.

About special pillows

If the child protests against Mom's posture, even if you lie on the left side, put a small flat pillow under the stomach. And to reduce the load on the pelvis, put another pillow between the legs.

Can buy special pillow for pregnant womenwhich in shape resembles a banana and has the most suitable filler.

With the transverse preservation of the fetus, doctors recommend Sleep on the side where the head of the baby is. But all night can only lie in such a position. Therefore, change positions.

With a pelvic preview It follows 3-4 times to turn off side on the side.

If none of the proposed poses suits you, with the help of pillows, try to occupy the half-sidew position.

Regularly perform special physical exercises for pregnant. They will provide rapid falling asleep and strong sleep.

Just do gymnastics in the afternoon, after all, a lot of time should pass to the night rest for full-fledged relaxation and calm after the load.

Before bedtime refuse intensive mental activity, Including from books with a TV.

Better in the evening, listen to the calm, quiet, pleasant that will configure you on the right way, will relax and prepare for sleep.

Stick of the Day of the day. A certain schedule will configure the body on falling asleep and awakening at the same time.

Do not sleep in the afternoon so that you will not suffer at night.

More walk outdoors. Hiking on the street before bedtime, as well as airing the bedroom, sleep with an open window or window in the warm season will make your sleep deep, calm and strong.

In the evening, take warm, but in no case is not a hot bath. And after 20-30 minutes you can go to bed and relax. Sleep will not make himself wait long.

Improve sleep will help aromatherapy. On the pillow put herbal bag with Melissa, hop, thyme, the colors of immortelle, the leaves of the flavory or the laurel of the noble, the bumps of the hops, the pine cheese, rose petals, geranium grass. Drip on the aroma lamp a little essential oil Lavender. It has a pronounced soothing effect.

Dress up comfortable and pleasant to the body of the body. Be sure to pajamas or nightfile should be made of high-quality and natural material, for example, from knitwear.

Do not take any hypnotic drugs without prior consultation with your doctor.. After all, most of these medicines are contraindicated during pregnancy.

During the baby tooling, you may recommend a tincture

Pregnancy period is associated with some difficulties during sleep. You can no longer afford to sleep in the usual poses and even more so on the stomach. About how it is proper and convenient to sleep without causing harm to your infant, and you yourself do not feel the state of discomfort we will tell in our article.

Sleep is not much important for a pregnant woman, and itself permanent drowsiness Does not leave it throughout the first trimester. But experts allocate a number of forbidden poses for sleep, which at first glance seem absolutely innocuous and familiar. There is not a vowel list of prohibited posts for sleep during pregnancy:

  • Sleep on the back;
  • Sleep on the right side;
  • Sleep on the stomach.

Nominable these provisions during sleep experts identify how not safe. This is due to the fact that being in any of these poses, a great risk of harm to the health of the mother and the future kid. Each of these provisions has a certain pressure on the uterus, the organs of a small pelvis and vessels. Because of the wrong, and sometimes not even comfortable sleep You risk provoking the development of pathologies from the fetus. (Every of these poses we consider in more detail).

Of course, in an alone, it is not possible to change my favorite posture for sleep, but this is given to us the entire first trimester. Yes, it is the first three months that the baby develops slowly and your tummy is not so noticeable, try to sleep slowly throughout this period in another pose. Sleeping on the back during pregnancy is better not worth it as increasing in volumes and weight, your tummy is noticeably pressed. The kidneys and the liver suffer from such pressure. Also note that the uterus which increased in the volume begins to grasp the complete vein very much, the task of which to move blood from the heart to the limbs. Also, this posture may cause oxygen starvation of the fetus, which will continue to negatively affect not only the generic process, but also the state of the health of the kid.

An extremely dangerous sleep on his back is considered during the third trimester, when all the load on the female organism is in the most critical sizes. By all the above, I also say that with a long stay in such a position, the future mother provokes a shortage of breathing, which is most often fainting. Of course, all that we told concerns, only directly long sleep.

If during the day you lay on my back for a few minutes, it would not affect your health.

As for the sleep on the stomach, it is better to refuse him right away as soon as you learned that pregnant. Even on the very early timing Pregnancy is not safe, doctors explain this by the fact that during the sleep on the stomach, the whole mass of your body presses for a pregnant uterus. The tone of the uterus increases from such a pressure, and as you already know from our previous articles, it is dangerous to interrupt pregnancy (miscarriage). To reassure yourself, you again have the first trimester in which your tummy is not yet great and the uterus is only beginning to rost, but still to sleep on the stomach is extremely dangerous.

Therefore, try to program your thoughts on the fact that such a dream can harm the baby, then you will be avoided this posture at the subconscious level even in a dream.

If you can talk about whether you can sleep pregnant on my side, then the answer here is definitely yes. The only specialist emphasis on what the emphasis is that at the physiological level is still recommended to sleep on the left side. But still let's notice that the sleep on the right side is not critical.

During the second trimester, the sleep on the right side is not forbidden, but on the third it is recommended to choose left side for sleep.

In fact, by accepting an uncomfortable position during sleep, your baby will definitely give a signal, that he is uncomfortable. Doctors advise sleep on the left side based on anatomical structure A person, such as the right kidney, is slightly higher than the left, so the handsucking kid with a dream on the right side will have stronger pressure on it, as well as when choosing this Boca, the baby squeezes the ureter.

If we are talking about the health of usually a person, then we always say that "sleep is a guarantee of health," what to talk about a pregnant woman, which is not enough that it is in the risk group for its state and the eternal desire to sleep never leaves her . During pregnancy, you should sleep, as much as possible and even arrange a quiet hour in the afternoon. We already told you that the most optimal posture for sleep during this period is a dream on the left side, it is in such a posture that the minimum pressure on the body is in such a posture, and what else and to try to improve the beds experts recommend to bend the leg in the knee and put it on the pillow .

Also remember that you need to sleep only in a well-worn room without outsiders (for example, glue from fresh wallpaper or household chemicals).

Tips for pregnant women for proper and comfortable sleep is elementary and simple. The fact is that the dream is an important component in the daily mode of the future mother, but for some reason each pregnant is trying to find a hundred excuses and problems that psychological level They interfere with it to fall asleep. To begin with, simply configure yourself to positive emotions, throwing all the garbage experiences from the head, in this you will greatly help the cheerful or relaxing music.

  • the room should be well venty;
  • before bedtime, take a warm shower;
  • make an evening walk;
  • correctly twist throughout the day.

Read more about the need proper nutrition during pregnancy, according to the fact that balanced nutrition is necessary for the development of the fetus, it is also important for general status Pregnant. So using not enough vegetables and fruits, or at all overloading the body harmful - heavy products you increase the burden on digestive systemthat in the future will prevent you from falling asleep, as well as lead to constipation. Another not an unimportant factor is clothes for sleep.

Sleep clothing must be made of natural fabric, pleasant to the touch and not to shoot movies.

So, an excellent assistant during pregnancy, you will be strictly prescribed by the day of the day, in it you can even register the time of meals. So your body will get used to regular, measured sleep at the same time. If it is difficult to fall asleep at night, it is worth excluding a daily day dream.

Future mothers are often wondering: how to sleep right during pregnancy? Indeed, the upcoming motherhood makes its own adjustments to the physiology of the female body: a hormonal background is changing, the growing uterus puts pressure on neighboring organs, the mood fluctuates, depression and increased anxiety are possible. All this can adversely affect the quality and duration of the Woman's sleep, while a full night rest is one of the basic conditions for carrying a strong baby and preserving the health of the mother.

Each of us has a favorite posture that we involuntarily accept, licking into bed. But is all poses for sleep during pregnancy safe? Consider the possible effect of each of them in trimesters.

First trimester

If pregnancy proceeds normally and there are no special medical recommendations, then in the first 12 weeks you can not give up the usual poses to rest. Pose of stomach is not rebored. The fruit is still too small and sufficiently protected by bones of the pelvis and the bone joint from squeezing. The only inconvenience that makes many women abandon the favorite position on the stomach, are painful feelings in the chest, which swells and becomes extremely sensitive at the early stage of pregnancy.

Second trimester

The question of how best to sleep pregnant women is updated at this stage. After the 12th week, an intensive growth of the fetus is noted, and from about the 18th week the uterus goes beyond the bones of the pubis and pelvis. Despite the shock-absorbing function of amorphous waters and fat strata abdominal wall Mother, the stomach pose can cause unwanted pressure on the fruit.

The optimal pose of rest during pregnancy is considered to be on the left side. In this position, the increasing uterus does not prescribe on the liver, the pressure on the kidneys and the bladder is also minimal. However, it is difficult to stay in one position all night difficult, so it is permissible to turn over from one side to another.

Third trimester

The last three months of pregnancy are accompanied by the enhanced growth of the fetus, in connection with this, the stomach stay becomes not only dangerous, but also impossible. It is more difficult for those who are used to sleep on the back. In this position, the uterus already has a significant weight, puts pressure on the spine and intestines, and also shifts the lower hollow vein. Due to this, blood flow from the bottom of the body to the heart is disturbed. As a result, a woman may celebrate:

  • troubled behavior of a child in the womb;
  • symptoms of hypotension (dizziness, weakness, flickering of flies before eyes);
  • pain and stiffness in the lower back and the lower part of the spinal column;
  • digestion disorder (feeling of gravity in epigastria, nausea, heartburn, chairs);
  • signs of varicose lattern extremities (discomfort, pastosity, swelling);
  • the development of hemorrhoids.

Venous wags in the mother's body are no less dangerous for a fetus that does not receive a sufficient amount of nutrients and oxygen. Violation of trophic and hypoxia can lead to serious, and sometimes irreversible consequences. It is for these reasons that it is important to correctly choose sleep postures during pregnancy.

A man during sleep changes the position of the body, and it is impossible to control it. At the same time, there are some tricks that do not allow a sleeping woman to roll over the back: someone, putting on the left side, places behind a thing that prevents the coup on the back, someone sews in low part Pajama jacket Tennis ball.

Proper posture of sleep in the third trimester is the position on the left side. At the same time, the right knee can be tightened to the stomach, putting a pillow under it, and pull the left leg. In such a position, the load on the pelvis is minimal, and the woman has the ability to relax fully. Periodically you can rotate to the right, but bespoke better on the left side. On the final stage Pregnancy The child is capable of sending signals about his disadvantaged, which helps a woman to navigate and change the pose.

Posses for sleep with complicated pregnancy

In some cases, the question arises, in which poses you can sleep during pregnancy, if it is accompanied by any deviations. Main from them: Nonypical accommodation of a child in the uterus and significant dysfunctions of the parent organism.

If a woman against the background of pregnancy worries a painful heartburn, breathing problems or complications from the side are observed of cardio-vascular system, It is advisable to ensure the raised position of the top of the body. For this, if there is such an opportunity, you need to raise the top edge of the bed or put a large pillow under your back. Under edema, it is desirable to be on a small elevation. The pose on the left side with the right knee tightened to the stomach also contributes to the prevention of swelling of the lower extremities.

Sleep place and special bedding for pregnant women

Paying attention to the way to sleep pregnant, do not forget about the very place of rest. The bed should be spacious enough so that the woman can easily take various poses. The mattress should feature a flat surface and not be too tough. Choosing a special orthopedic (or anatomical) mattress for a pregnant woman, you should give preference to models without springs or with independent springs. They provide a uniform distribution of the weight of a woman and effectively remove the burden on the spine. Such properties as hypoallergenia, ventilability, strength are important.

There are also special cushions for pregnant women, with the help of which a woman is easier to take a comfortable pose in the lying position. Products have different sizes, configuration and composition. Information on how to sleep on a pillow for pregnant women, which models and fillers prefer, can be obtained from sellers of consultants.

How to establish a full dream during pregnancy

The problem with falling asleep is due not only by physical changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman, but also a multitude of other factors that can be corrected. In this regard, it is necessary:

  • To establish the day of the day: to go to bed and wake up at the same time, in the afternoon, exclude classes causing physical and mental overwork, serious negotiations, watching disturbing films and television shows. Do not forget about regular walks in the fresh air and gym for pregnant women.
  • Exclude from diet products that increase the excitability nervous system Or complicating digestion (coffee, strong tea, energy, abundant fatty and sharp food). The last intake of food and beverages should be no later than 1.5 hours before rest.
  • Take care of the microclimate of the room (cleanliness, optimal air humidity, ventilation).
  • Do not resort to sleeping preparations - such appointments makes a doctor in exceptional cases. Noticeable sedative effect Warm baths with aromatic oils, a glass of milk with honey, decoction of mint and melissa.
  • If the cause of insomnia is fears before the upcoming births, a constructive step will be visiting the courses of prenatal preparation. Specialists step by step will deal with the future woman in labor situations that cause concerns. The presence of specific ideas about the subject and clear plan of action in certain circumstances will help to overcome the fear and gain confidence.

Sleep is vital for a person, since it is during sleep that all the resources of the body are restored. Everyone has their own habits associated with a night rest - a favorite pillow, a comfortable bed, a certain level of illumination, and, of course, the position of the body. Some fall asleep only lying on the stomach, and others can not imagine how so you can even lie. During pregnancy, the lifestyle of any woman changes, it concerns even posture for sleep. Some provisions are considered potentially dangerous for the future kid, so you have to change your habits. Find out how the most secure and convenient to sleep a pregnant woman.

In what position it is better to sleep on 1, 2 and 3 trimester

A good sleep for the future mother is extremely important, since only when this condition is met, the woman will be calm, attentive and will not constantly feel tired. Consider the recommended posts for sleep for each of the trimesters:

  1. the first three months The fruit is still too small, and visually pregnancy is generally imperceptible. By virtue of this, absolutely any comfortable position for sleep is allowed, if only a dream was strong and full that the body can relax well. It is worth changing the usual position only if the dream has started to bring discomfort - it is often associated with the inflection of the softened cage of the uterus. Also difficulties can deliver painful dairy glands. Doctors recommend immediately to sleep on the side, so that it does not arise difficulties with the variation of habits;
  2. second trimester It is marked by the fact that the future mother can boast a noticeable rounding of the abdomen. Despite the fact that the fruit is not too big and well protected, it is not desirable excessive pressure on it, so it is forbidden to sleep on the stomach. It will be best to stay on the side, and for the convenience there is a small pillow or roller between the legs. If at first sleep in this position will not be very convenient, you should not worry - you will soon get used to it;
  3. on the third, The last trimester of pregnancy is the only permissible and safe pose will be lying on one of the sides. To improve the blood circulation and the operation of the excretory system, the upper leg should be a bit raised, so it is better to put a pillow under it. It does not hurt and a soft pillow under the stomach. The optimal option will be acquiring a special cushion for pregnant women, providing support for all these sites.

It should be noted that at night, not only the position of the body is of great importance, but also the other Factors providing healthy sleep:

  • the mattress is recommended for average rigidity;
  • the mattress should clearly repeat the contours of the body, so it is worth stopping your choice on a good orthopedic version;
  • it is not necessary to give preference to addicted and too soft spring mattresses, as when the father will turn over on the bed during sleep, it will create oscillatory motions discomfort for the mother and child;
  • sleep should be healthy, that is, you need to get enough sleep, observing the rule of 8-9 hour night sleep;
    You need to get up in bed smoothly, without sharp movements.

Video: how best to sleep during pregnancy

Healthy sleep is an integral element of the psychological health and peace of mind of the future mother, so that you definitely need to fight with insomnia. What kind of sleep provisions will be most comfortable and how to sit down a woman with a big belly - in detail in this video.

Posture for sleep and why they are dangerous for pregnant women

When the fruit also has large sizes, it in any case creates pressure in abdominal cavity And some difficulties with the work of the organs and blood circulation systems. In order not to have problems, it is important to be correctly located during sleep so that this pressure is not intensified and did not harm neither the child nor the mother.

Why you can not sleep on the stomach

Sleep on the stomach is one of the most common problems of pregnant women, since many of this pose love and prefer many. Does such a body bearing a danger to the fetus? This issue has two opposite answers:

  • there will be no harm, but only in the early time. Since the big belly is not yet, the fruit of small sizes and does not yet have any pressure on the internal organs, which means that in the first trimester you can sleep absolutely in any position, as before;
  • at the expiration of the first twelve weeks, that is, one trimester, from this habit you will have to respond, since lying on the stomach can harm the baby. Despite the fact that the fruit inside is reliably protected by the accumulating waters and muscles of the uterus, when the mother is located on the stomach, it still turns out to be unnecessary pressure. Many mothers are quite simple to abandon the habit, it is enough just to imagine that you all weighing in your future child, and the desire to sleep on the stomach will immediately disappear. Complexity in such a body position can also be increased sensitivity Breasts observed in late dates.

Experts recommend to vouch to sleep on the stomach from the first days of pregnancy, because if you start this issue when the tummy starts to grow, then the risk of returning to your favorite position will be repaired, then the risk of returning to the favorite position is unconsciously, during sleep.

Than dangerous to sleep on the back

The position on the back is not considered dangerous for the baby, but also from such a situation during sleep will have to abandon - it is dangerous for the mother's body (restriction again concerns the second half of pregnancy, when the fruit is already quite large size and weight).

In such a position, it is undoubtedly much more convenient than on the stomach, but the baby can put pressure on the blood vessels for the peritoneum, the bladder and other organs. Because of this, circulatory disorders are diagnosed, it can be diagnosed with stagnation of blood in the pelvis, risk risk varicose expansion veins, constant back pain are formed and such an unpleasant disease can even appear as hemorrhoids. Also location on the back makes it difficult for the work of the kidneys and the normal outflow of bile. The most dangerous complication is the complication of the mother of the mother's vein (accompanied by frequent dizziness, heart rate disorders, the numbness of the limbs and the difficult breathing) and the violation of the blood flow to the placenta. Thus, the sleep on the back can deliver a lot of problems with well-being and health.

Why pregnant women better to sleep on the side we have already figured out, but at what exactly? Here, too, there are nuances. Specialists suggest that from a physiological point of view and for the mother and for the baby is better if the dream is on the left side. It helps not only normalize the bloodstream and remove painful sensations from the back, but also reduce the load on the heart muscle. However, if there is no discomfort in such a position, it is not necessary to torment yourself - you can safely turn over the other side, it is not harmful, the main thing is not to be located with a big belly on it or on the back. In order for the situation to be most convenient, often recommend bending legs in the knees and divide them with a pillow or roller. This will not only sleep hard, but also feel good. It is permissible to turn over several sides several times to another, but it is necessary to do it slowly and carefully, without sharp movements.

Special pillow - best assistant

It will help to get comfortably on the side that can be both purchased and make it yourself. Today, the choice of such devices is presented very wide, the pillows are of different shapes and sizes, which is brewing under the growth and preferences of mommies.

So, you can allocate the following main types:

  • in the form of the letter U - it allows you to ensure comfortable maintenance of the abdomen and legs, and when turning onto the other side there is no need to shift the device. However, such a pillow is quite large, so it will be difficult to post it on a small bed;
  • J-form. The more compact version of the first pillow, has all the same advantages, but when turning it, it will still have to shift;
  • C and G-shaped pillows. They can be applied not only for sleep, but also for convenient placement and feeding the baby when he is already born. These options are also quite large and occupy a lot of space;
  • in the form of the letter І. This is the easiest and most compact option that will provide no less significant assistance during pregnancy than other types.

Such adaptations will help create the most comfortable conditions for sleep on the side and the normal functioning of the body in such a responsible period. They are comfortable, help relax, and are quite accessible by price, which makes them very popular.

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