How to name a black cat with an interesting name. Names and nicknames for black cats

Finally, you have a new mustache-tailed family member - you have a cat! It doesn't matter how he ended up with you - you bought a thoroughbred pet, took it into "good hands" by an ad, or picked up a homeless mongrel, first of all four-legged friend you need to come up with a name - a nickname.

The main thing in the article

The importance of choosing the right kitten name

Take seriously the choice of a nickname for your pet, because your animal, like a person, is also a person, which means that you need to come up with a special name that is suitable for him. Your choice should please not only you, but also your pet: his name will be pronounced several times a day, and the animal will also need to react to it correctly.

An important point: a cat's nickname should be laconic, sound clear and not too long. So the animal will remember it faster, and it will be easier for the owner to pronounce it.

  • Nevertheless, if you really want to reward a cat with a long or several-syllable name, do not be discouraged - there is a way out. Even the longest name can be shortened: Geraldine - Jera , for example.
  • There is a tendency to call cats by human names, but this is not the best idea. It will be embarrassing if a friend comes to visit you. Sonya , and you will call your cat by the same name. It's another matter if these are old names that are rarely used these days: Philemon, Agafya, Roxana.

What should you rely on when choosing a name for your pet:

  • Cat's coat color. There is already room for fantasies to roam, and if the nickname Blackie for a black kitten, for example, sounds rustic, name the pet Blackie , or use others foreign languages... Make associations, white cat - Snowball or Fluff, the black - Coal etc.
  • Wool feature. Bald cat - Shrek, or Tutankhamun, or the entire list of Egyptian pharaohs (suitable for the "Sphinx" breed). A smooth-haired cat can be called Bagheera, Panther , fluffy - Fat man , red - Carrot, Pumpkin or Redhead ... For a small kitten, a nickname is suitable Lump, friend, barefoot. But remember - he will not always remain small: a cat weighing 10 kg named Lump - it will be a very funny picture.
  • Cat breed... In this case, the name for her must be chosen corresponding to her origin. Immigrants from Britain can be honored with an English name, and Thai - with Japanese, Persians will suit gentle-sounding names. Or simply - Baron, Marquis, Lord, Earl.
  • Pet character ... If you have already managed to get to know the delicate nature of your cat, or rather, if there is some peculiarity in it, then it will be easy to name it. The sloth can be called Sonya or Sleepy, naughty kitten - Hooligan, prankster, mischief.

Approach the choice of a nickname with a sense of humor, come up with a mischievous and funny name. Cats have such a serious behavior that you just want to play a trick on them. For instance, Bun, Watermelon... There are a lot of funny names. Just don't reward your younger friends with offensive or sarcastic nicknames, even as a joke. Cats are more than friends, they are family members and should not be insulted. Zamazura, Gryaznulya, Bastard and similar nicknames will not work.

Do not despair if you have come up with a good, at your discretion, name for your pet, but he does not react to it in any way. After some time - a week, two weeks or more, you can try to rename the kitten. But you shouldn't rename an animal more than once. Then it will not understand at all what they want from it.

The most common cat names

The most popular names for cats

Nicknames for cats, depending on the breed

There is an interesting enough formula for giving a name to a kitten with pedigree. There are two basic rules:

  1. The name of a kitten, be it a boy or a girl, must begin with the letter that is present in the name of his mother - a cat.

  2. The serial number of the letter of the name of the cat is determined from the time she brought the offspring.

For example, if the cat's name is Flory and she brought the kittens a second time, then their nicknames should begin with "L" ... This is not a whim at all, but a mandatory requirement in nurseries that breed pedigree species cats. This fact must be indicated in all documents - metrics confirming the pedigree, this makes it possible for the kitten to take part in various exhibitions and competitions in the future.

If the name of the animal consists of several words, or is complex in itself, you can come up with an easier, simplified version. In addition, experts who are engaged in breeding their own cats advise giving the kitten a short name, consisting of one or two syllables. For instance, Archie or Richie.

After six months, the cat must respond to its name. If this is not the case, then there is a high probability that it is too difficult for him. However, do not mislead your pet by changing his name, but pronounce the one that was originally given clearly and expressively. Praise and call for food by pronouncing his name.

Remember that with the help of a correctly chosen name, you can correct the existing inclinations of the animal, bringing up the desired behavior and character.

Nicknames for the Fold Scottish and British

Before coming up with names for British and Scottish kittens, you need to figure out what their differences are, because outwardly it is very difficult to distinguish where which breed is.

Choose a nickname for a Scottish Fold kitten after studying the meanings of Scottish names - this will be quite symbolic, you can also use Hebrew.

For a Scottish Fold boy, the following nicknames are suitable:

For a Scottish Fold girl, the following nicknames are suitable:

For a British fold boy, the following nicknames are suitable:

For a British Fold girl, the following nicknames are suitable:

Another British cat can be called like this:

  • Holly
  • Cherry
  • Chelsea
  • Sheila
  • Chanel
  • Shanti
  • Yasmina.

Names of cats in English

Recently, it has become relevant to call cats by English names. Perhaps this is an imitation of the cultures of English-speaking countries, and perhaps a cat with a gorgeous name Vanessa will be perceived more nobly than with a simple name - Murka. Here are the options for cat nicknames on english language, for ease of reading they are written in Russian letters.

For girls:

For boys:

The best nicknames for black cats

There is something mysterious and even mystical in black cats. You can pick up a lot of name options for such a kitten, referring only to the color of the coat. On different languages the world "black" will sound in a special way, which means that choosing a name will not be a problem. For example, these are the names:

What to call a ginger cat or cat?

A lot of people are literally obsessed with ginger kittens. And for good reason. They are considered carriers of a colossal amount of energy and strength, which they share with their masters. You can come up with both a funny and a symbolic nickname for your fiery pet.

Even in Ancient Russia, keeping a ginger cat in a house was considered a good omen - according to ancestors, it should bring prosperity, prosperity and happiness to the family.

For kitty you can come up with a creative and funny name - Carrot, Pumpkin, Apricot, Ray, Melon, Mango, Fanta, Cinnamon, Goldfish and many others.

For a cat: Caesar, Citrus, Amber, Leo, Whiskaric. Or resort to mythology: Aurora (goddess of the morning dawn) Hector, Barbarossa ("Redhead"), etc.

Unusual names for white cats

Naturally, when choosing a name for a white kitten, the emphasis will be on the "purity" of the color of such a pet. Besides the banal ones: Fluff or Snowball , there are many more interesting and memorable nicknames. Here are some of them:

The most beautiful options for nicknames for spotted and tabby kittens

Talking about tabby cat, memories from childhood about a cat immediately arise Matroskine ... But you can rephrase this name a little and it will already work out Matraskin, Mattress or Telnyashkin, Telnyash, Matrosych, Poloskin. In addition, the name "brindle" boy is perfect Tigridze, Tigrych, Zmeek or Arbuzik. Suitable for a girl: Zebra, Vest, T-shirt, Lynx.

Spotted pet you can call Polka dots, Kopeyka, Tiger cub, Burenka. If there is a speck around the eye, then you can call Pirate, Puma. There is a speck in the shape of a heart, then such a cat can be called Valentine, Pet.

Funny and cool nicknames for kittens

A funny nickname for a kitten will emphasize the good sense of humor of its owner and will bring positive emotions throughout the day.

The meaning of a nickname for a cat

It has been checked that cats better remember and respond to nicknames in which the letters "s", "w", "h" are present. For example, Sima, Shusha, Chita. And it's much better to choose a short name than a long one. Call the cat with your chosen name several times, while changing the intonation. If you arouse an animal's interest, then the name was liked and chosen correctly.

How not to call cats?

  • It happens that a beloved animal passes away, and in order to dull the pain of loss a little, another tailed friend is brought into the house. Often, a new family member is called the same as the deceased, but this cannot be done. A kitten can take on all the negativity from the life of the previous pet, and this is useless. Keep the memory of the departed kitten in your heart, and give to the new one new life with a new name.
  • Do not call our smaller brothers bad names. Of course, the owner is a master, but it is unlikely that an invented obscene name will highlight good human qualities in you.
  • By right, cats are considered the keepers of the house from negative energy. For this reason, do not call them names associated with evil spiritsLucifer, the Witch.

Don't follow fashion, follow your heart. You should like the nickname first of all, you don't need to get used to the unpleasant soul of the name. Give your pet a name that will really suit him, in harmony with the appearance and character traits of your furry friend.

Very often, pets are given a name for the color of their coat. Black cats - mysterious and mystical for some, serve as a symbol of good luck and money, scare others. For black pets, you can come up with beautiful and sonorous names to emphasize their feature.

How beautiful to name a black kitten of a British boy, fold-eared, with blue eyes, white paws list of names with meaning

A black kitten of noble origin, that is, a thoroughbred British or Scottish fold, can be called by the following names:
- Moor (Latin) - black;
- Noah (ancient Hebrew) - rest, rest;
- Richard (ancient Germanic) - mighty, brave;
- Tikhon (Greek) - lucky;
- Felix (Latin) - happy, prosperous;
- Eugene (French) - noble.

You can give the kitten a simple russian name Blackie, Raven. Name it by the name of a black mineral: Ember, Graphite, or Jade.

How to name a black sphinx kitten boy Russian names

Black sphinxes look majestic, they look like ancient Egyptian figurines. Such a miracle deserves the most unusual name. You can name your pet:
- Makar (Russian) - happy;
- Matvey (ancient Russian) - a gift from God;
- Milan (Slavic) - cute;
- Milovan (Slavic) - to pardon, caress;
- Mokiy (Russian) - a mocker;
- Panfil (Russian) - everyone's favorite.

You can call the cat Pearl, meaning black smooth pearls, similar to the skin of a pet.

How to name a black kitten a British Fold, Scottish girl is simple, unusual and especially

A black purebred British cat or Scottish Fold should be called sonorously and beautifully:
- Leila (Arabic) - night;
- Mavra (Greek) - black;
- Melanie (Greek) - black;
- Frida (Scandinavian) - peace, calm;
- Amy (English) - favorite.

You can name the kitty Nochka or Blot.

How to call a black cat girl mythical names

Mythical names attract many owners; in order to choose an interesting name, you need to know its meaning:
- Selena (Greek) - the name of the Goddess of the Moon;
- Nika (Greek) - the name of the Goddess of victory;
- Lada (Slavic) - Goddess of the hearth;
- Carmen (Spanish) - the name of the Goddess of Prophecy;
- Inga (ancient Scandinavian) - the name of the Goddess of abundance.

If the cat is beautiful, you can give her the name of the goddess of love and beauty - Aphrodite.

How to name a black Maine Coon cat to bring good luck

If you want to win the favor of fortune by naming a cat with a special name, then you are prone to superstition. Leave your prejudices aside, you are very lucky to become the owner of a wonderful animal. Examples of names that can be given to a black Maine Coon:

- Beni (French) - blessed;
- Aman (French) - worthy of love;
- Agate (Greek) - good, kind;
- Azar (Slavic) - God helped;
- Yermey (ancient Hebrew) - giving wealth.

You can name the cat Lucky, Kush, Navar or Jackpot.

How to name a black cat with white breasts with an interesting name

A black cat with a white breast can be called the Count. The black wool is the suit and the white chest is the white shirt. A cat in such an outfit can only be a Count.

How to creatively name a black cat with green, yellow eyes

Black cat with green or yellow eyes can be called Magician or Sorcerer. Or give one of the sonorous names:
- Sandor (Hungarian) - defender;
- Hasan (Arabic) - beautiful;
- Tryphon (ancient Greek) - luxurious;
- Sultan (Arabic) - to represent power;
- Qasim (Arabic) - separating, beautiful.

You can give the kitten a simple Russian name Krasavchik.

If you have a black kitten, the question of his nickname will certainly arise.

The Internet provides many different names, grouped according to specific criteria.

Let's take a closer look at them.

How to choose a name (nickname) for pets

Most often, a pet is simply called a convenient name that is quick and easy to pronounce. However, for a better understanding of you, animals are better off choosing names that contain sibilants. They are very perceptible to the ears of cats.

They also pay attention to the color of the cat, its size, character, and favorite pastime. Since the nickname is pronounced in public, abusive or offensive names should be avoided. In general, naming is very important for a cat, since the fate of the animal is in it.

It is very important to try to call the cat with a specific name. If he quickly responds (comes running), then the naming is suitable.

Nickname selection criteria

Usually cats are given a nickname, focusing on the color scheme, character traits, temperament, hobbies of the pet or owner. Along with this, there is a differentiation of names based on gender.

Did you know? Brezhnev had his own talisman kitten that saved his life twice. The Secretary General died shortly after the death of this cat.

By color, with an emphasis on black

It is very popular to name a kitten depending on the color of the coat. Since black is mystical and mysterious, cats are called Hippos (from The Master and Margarita), Blackies, Demons, Dusk, Onyx, Salems, Embers.

It is convenient when the full name also has a derived petting form. For example, Black can be called Blackie, Nochera - Nochchi, Markus - Markus or Darkness, Voodoo - Wooddy.

If you are interested in foreign words, which mean black, then in Italian it is Nero, in Kazakh - Kara, in Finnish - Musta, in Norwegian - Svort, in Czech - Swat, in Japanese - Kuroi, in Arabic - Aswad.

Different ethnic groups have other nicknames that are associated with darkness, night, dark skin. So, you can take the Celtic name Kieran, which is called black, Japanese - Kuroneko, meaning a black cat, Arabic - Leila (born at night), Greek name Melania (dark), Chinese - Hei Mao (black kitten).

Important! You shouldn't call cats by the names of people. On the street, a situation may occur when you call a cat, and a person with the same name will respond.

The French call black-haired cats Brunells, Nocturnes, Ombras, Sanders, Maurice. In Great Britain they are called Coltons, Eshams, Mists, Knights, Ravens, Ebony, Corbies.

According to the sex differences of the black kitten

Cats and cats have different nicknames, as men and women have names. Let's consider their differences.


The boys are called Schwartz, Black, Hayami, Noir, Nagros.

Also known are the seals Mulat, Negriki, Crows, Black, Mystics.

In order for the naming to be voiced, audible at a distance, words are selected with sibilant and hiss. It is popular to call Juan, Alejandro, Pancho, Charo, Alfons, Chucha, Lorenzo, Senor, Phoenix.

They are also called Mages, Imps, Demons, Sorcerers, Wizards, Volcanoes, Gangsters, Boomers, Barons, Cengiz.


Kitties are most often called Adeles, Adami, Berry, Venus, Veda, Vesta, Diana, Dinamy, Zera, Beauties, Layla, Lunami, Lucy, Misty, Nonami, Find, Fairies, Witches, Valkyries, Witches, Coco, Baghirami, Pumas.

Important! It is better to give a name that consists of two syllables, which have the sounds [h], [sh’sh ’], [f], [sh], [z], [s]. Then cats will react to them as well and quickly as to "kitty-kitty".

By nature, temperament

You can give a nickname to a cat by its character and temperament. To do this, it is worth observing the animal: how it behaves in a calm state, what habits it has, is it obedient or pampered. Then select one of the brightest characteristics of the mammal and name it accordingly.

  • If the cat is proud, important, name it Marquis, Hussar, Ataman, Prince, Sultan.
  • If an animal is indulging, stealing food from the table, scratching things, it can be called a Bandit, Dzhigan, Bully.
  • If the cat is very energetic, call it Shustrik, Rocket, Spark, Energetic.
  • Cats who love to eat deliciously are given the nickname Glutton, Hamster, Varenik.

In someone's honor

Often, the nickname is given in honor of stars, singers, actors, cartoon characters. They are called Oprami, Whoopi, Tinami, Naomi, Whitney, Hangami, Garfields, Thomas, Nicole. That is - by any name famous person or a popular fictional character.

Did you know? Each black cat has several white hairs in its fur.

Funny pet nicknames

If you want to highlight your cat, give him an unusual name: Balthazar, Mammon, Mephistopheles, Valafar. To keep the cat lucky, name Lucky.

If you want to give a funny nickname, call it Nightman, Gutalin, Chimney Sweep, Zamazura, Zamarashka, Cloud, Coconut, Cupcake, Fantik, Smurf, Pig, Shoelace, Anchovy, Marshmallow, Tank, Zorro, Syrup, Schnapps.

Black cats have always been surrounded by a halo of mystery, mysticism, and magic. Cute creatures resembling black panthers, then they enjoyed honor and worship, as, for example, in Ancient Egypt, then they were persecuted, and they were persecuted on a par with witches. Superstitions associated with a black cat, originally from the Middle Ages, but today many consider meeting with her an ominous omen. Therefore, November 17 was declared Black Cat Day. The Italian Association for the Protection of Animals proposed to introduce such a holiday a few years ago, and many countries around the world supported it.

Cats were worshiped in many ancient cultures. Goddess Bastet - a woman with a cat's head "ruled" for more than two centuries - 10th to 8th centuries. BC. The Celts also had a beautiful myth about the Sith fairy who could turn into a black cat with a white mark on the chest. By the way, fairies in many ancient legends were not kind creatures, and in some languages, for example, Avestan, Farsi and even Old English, a fairy (wig, pari, fari, feri) was translated as a witch.

In the Middle Ages, Pope Innocent IV declared all black cats a devilish offspring, accompanying and helping witches, with a special bull, and ordered them to be ruthlessly destroyed. And today a huge number of cats are dying in the world, especially on Halloween, whose only sin is a fur coat the color of the night.

But in many countries, a black cat is considered a symbol of good luck. In ancient Ireland, a black cat crossing the road or entering the house is a good luck. In England, it is believed that the owner of such an animal will have no end of fans. In Scotland and Australia, they believe that with the appearance of a black cat in the house, there will always be happiness, wealth, and good luck in it. In Russia, it is believed that a black cat protects a home from thieves.

By purchasing a black baby, the owner receives not only an affectionate and cute pet, but also an extraordinary magical animal. Therefore, choosing a name should be taken very seriously.

How to choose a name

When choosing a name for a kitten, there are several important aspects to consider. It should:

  • sound beautiful so that the owner does not have to blush, loudly calling the pet by name;
  • be easy to pronounce. You should not give the cat a name that then cannot be pronounced;
  • fit a cat at any age.

A cat's hearing aid is not designed like a human's - some sounds are pleasing to the cat's ear, and some cats will simply be ignored. For a baby to like her name, it must contain soft, "rustling" sounds. Zoopsychologists claim that they are pleasing to the cat at the genetic level, as they affect the centers associated with hunting and foraging.

The name can be chosen in accordance with character traits, characteristics appearance, habits or just "for fun". But in the name of a black cat, first of all, I would like to emphasize its main feature - coat color.

Names associated with a color name

If asked to name the first name of a black cat that comes to mind, then, most likely, most people will say Bagheera. But besides the nickname of the black panther, glorified by R. Kipling, its small copy can be called simply and unpretentiously - black or black, but in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world. So, for example, "black" is:

The owner can independently search the world "web" for beautiful and unusual names for a pet of black color. This activity, if done with the whole family, will help establish friendly, trusting relationships between yourself and your pet.

Name as a talisman

A black cat is already a mystical creature in itself, in order to enhance its abilities, you can use the name of an item in the pet's nickname, which has been used since ancient times as an amulet or amulet. The names of precious and semi-precious stones remind of black color. A cat with black fur can be called:

  • Augita - by the name of the mineral that has magical properties attract luck and money to the owner;
  • Agatha - in honor of the semi-precious stone "Agate", which medieval healers used to relieve stress, treat insomnia and nightmares;
  • Jet is a coal-black stone that was used in charms, amulets and witchcraft. It protects from evil spirits, damage, evil eye, allows you to communicate with the other world;
  • Morion is black quartz. It was considered a stone of Satanists and black magicians, which opened the "door" to the other world, but morion absorbs negative energy and turns it into positive;
  • Onyx - the black color of this mineral is extremely rare, and stones of this unique color are used in expensive jewelry. Black onyx helps to gain and increase wealth, remove divination and spells.
  • Carbonado (a) - black diamond.

Such unusual nicknames will emphasize not only the color of the cat's fur, but also make her a real magical protector, an intermediary between our and the parallel world. If the owner is fond of the occult, mysticism, esotericism, then a black cat with unusual name will help him, and also attract the attention of friends.

Names from ancient Greek mythology and other cultures are no less interesting. So, for example, the following nicknames taken from the pantheon of gods and goddesses of Ancient Greece are suitable for a black cat:

  • Nyukta - Nikata - Nikta is the daughter of Chaos. Translated means Night or Haze;
  • Erebus (a) - Haze;
  • Selena or Mena - the embodiment (personification) of the night luminary - the Moon;
  • Hecate is the goddess of darkness, the patroness of sorcerers, magicians and everything mysterious;
  • Lamia is a creature akin to a witch.

In world religions, goddesses of night and darkness met, whose names can be borrowed to emphasize the color of the pet's fur:

Not everyone wants to call a cute tender lump by such names. Then the dark color of the cat's fur can be beaten by calling it beautiful Japanese names:

  • Ayumi - the one who walks in night dreams;
  • Amaya - night rain;
  • Miyako / Miya - child of the night;
  • Kasumi - fog;
  • Tsukiko / Tsukiko is a child of the moon.

If the owner is not a fan of mysticism and ancient dark legends, then the baby can come up with a funny nickname.

Have different people the sense of humor is also different. The names below do not pretend to be absolutely ridiculous, but by analogy you can invent your own:

  • Raisin;
  • Blackberry;
  • Currant;
  • Chocolate;
  • Blueberry;
  • Prunes;
  • Night;
  • Cloud;
  • Ebony (ebony);
  • Nigella;
  • Blot;
  • Ethiopian;
  • Peppercorn;
  • Papuan;
  • Afra;
  • Misty (from the Mystic).

Nicknames that work in contrast sound funny:

However, you should not call your pet offensive nicknames. Cats are very sensitive to emotions, and laughter, insults, as the reaction of others to the name of the cat, can cause resentment, stress or aggression.

Name after idol

The name given to a black cat may have a secret meaning, known only to the owner, and cause him certain associations with color. So, for example, a black baby can be christened by the name of famous and beloved dark-skinned beauties:

  • Naomi (Campbell);
  • Keke (Palmer);
  • Kenya (Moore);
  • Rihanna;
  • Alisha (Keyes);
  • Ciara;
  • Lupita (Nyong'o);
  • Gugu (Embata-Ro);
  • Beyoncé (Knowles).

Fans of beauties who conquer the whole world with their talent and beauty will fondly remember their idols, caressing the silky fur coat of a graceful and mysterious cat. Those who hate to call animals by human names may like the idea of \u200b\u200bgiving their pet a nickname in honor of localities.

Names that can become a name

Ethiopia, Namibia, Sudan, Congo - these countries have always been associated with black panthers, the Black Continent. The darkest-skinned inhabitants of the Earth live here. The names of the cities in the pet's nickname will remind of Africa:

  • Gondar;
  • Jimma;
  • Asella;
  • Dill;
  • Mojo;
  • Shandy;
  • Sinja;
  • Benguela.

It is worth taking a geographic atlas and the whole family to choose a suitable name for the pet. It is impossible to think of a more original nickname. Names in a mysterious unfamiliar language will not only attract everyone's attention. Their soft, mesmerizing sound will appeal to the kitty herself. She will wear it with pleasure and pride.

A name that reflects character

The future name can be chosen not only to emphasize the obvious - the black color of the pet. You can choose it according to the character of the cat. Since different cats have their own character traits - good nature or aggression, mischief or calmness, a hunter or a sloth, a beggar or a shy girl, then the nickname can be selected taking into account the most striking features of the pet:

It's great when the owner of the pussy is so well versed in the character of the pet, her habits, that at first sight he is able to determine the main features of the cat. But what if the baby just got into the house and you can choose a name only according to external features? It is worth confessing your love to this warm and defenseless lump. Beloved, precious, priceless will sound like this:

  • Agapia, Amanda, Amata, Araminta, Aspasia;
  • Bella;
  • Darlene, Gemma;
  • Minna.

The scope for creativity is very large. Calling a black cat by these names, a person seems to ask her forgiveness for all those unfair slander, slander, ignorance, thanks to which they were exterminated, tortured, burned and killed for more than one hundred years. But under the black skin lives a faithful, devoted and loving soul. And only because of this the black cat has forgiven everything to its persecutors and continues to walk alongside the man “paw in hand” for many centuries.

Cats of this color have always been the objects of all sorts of different superstitions. If you, despite all these prejudices, have got yourself a black kitten, then this is great. And what is the name to give the blackie? After all, you most likely want to beautifully name your new pet. This article will help you choose a nickname for a kitten.

Mysticism and superstition

There is a lot of mysticism associated with black cats and there are many different superstitions. Even in literature and cinema, black cats are associated with something mystical. It just so happens that a black cat is a symbol of magic. Almost always people do not really like such cats, and when a cat crosses the road, they spit over their shoulder at all. But not all people are so critical of cats of this color.

Superstitions about cats

So what do all these prejudices say about black cats?

  1. It is believed that a cat of this color in the house scares off thieves who covet someone else's.
  2. In England, locals are convinced that having such a cat at home is a sign of good luck.
  3. The Scots believe that wealth and prosperity await a house visited by such a cat, and its mistress will be surrounded by the attention of a lot of fans.
  4. It gives its owners vitality, increases their intuition and even protects them from trouble. And how can you not love a cat with such a color or be afraid after that?
  5. And before the sailors were happy if a black cat appeared on board the ship. It was believed that this is a very happy sign. The cat was loved and protected, and if trouble happened, the first thing they tried to do was to save the animal so that the animal would not drown. And women of sailors even specially started such cats at home. This strengthened their hope that everything would be fine with their husbands, and that troubles would bypass their ship.
  6. There is a theory that friendship with a cat of this color promises the protection of the devil, and for this reason he did not bother with the well-being of the house in which such an animal lives. Even Karl | kept such a cat, he believed that she was protecting him. In general, it was so. After all, after the death of his cat, he was arrested and executed.
  7. It is believed that such an animal needs to be started by hardworking, this will add even more luck to them. But those who are constantly and so unlucky do not need to have such an animal, because their situation may become even worse.
  8. Also, these animals are able to draw out negativity and diseases from a person, cats have very powerful energy... Such a cat always lies down on a sore spot.
  9. If the kittens have rolled around the cat, then you need to keep the black one for yourself - this will bring good luck.

How to name a black kitten

It seems, what could be easier? Is it so difficult to give a nickname to an animal? However, sometimes it becomes very difficult to choose a name for a pet. After all, the name should be beautiful, sonorous and match the color of the cat. Therefore, in this article we will analyze the possible nicknames for black kittens. The nickname can completely be a reflection of the character of the pet, and you can also maintain the reputation of a black cat. Choose what you will start from when choosing a nickname, because you can give the animal the simplest nickname. Remember that the nickname will stay with the kitten for life, so think carefully and choose a name that you will happily call 30 times a day, and it is also important that it sounds good.


How to name a black boy kitten? In truth, choosing a suitable nickname is not at all easy, although many do not see anything difficult in this task. In addition, if you want to repel from the color, then the task becomes even more difficult, but you still need to take into account the character of the kitten. Let's consider the proposed options.


How to name a black girl kitten? The owners of black cats are racking their brains in search of suitable name... Someone will come up with a luxurious nickname, and someone will call it as simple as possible. And there are those who do not have a single idea at all, continue to puzzle themselves and look for some name. Let's choose a suitable nickname.

  • Misty.
  • Norrie.
  • Knight.
  • Melanie.
  • Jetta.
  • Nora.
  • Moon.
  • Buggy.
  • Panther.
  • Lilith.
  • Cola.
  • Mocha.
  • Leila.
  • Bagheera.
  • Berry.

How to name a kitten in black and white

  • Domino - Dominos - Dominos.
  • Felix.
  • Blackwhite.

How kittens should not be named

Animals cannot be called by human names. The question immediately arises: "And why?". After all, we are accustomed to the fact that cats are often called Boris and Vaska, but it is wrong to call pets like that, it should not be at all. First of all, this can have an extremely negative effect on the fate of the animal. And it will also be very embarrassing for you if a person comes to visit you, whose name is the same as your cat, and the person will be uncomfortable at your home. Also each name has its own energy load. Therefore, choose the nickname for the kitten from cat nicknames, not human names. Yes, and there are superstitions that animals named by a human name often get sick and live very little.


Choosing a name for a little pet is an interesting task. In the process of this lesson, you can come up with something very interesting. The main thing is to turn on your imagination! And the above names can help you to choose or inspire you to some unusual idea. We wish you good luck!

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