Raw fish dishes recipes. He (Hwe) from raw fish

Raw red fish does not mean at all that in order to eat it, a priori, you need to fire up the oven, make a fire, or at least turn on the gas. Raw red fish implies dozens of ways to serve it on the table almost in the form in which nature created it - without heat treatment!

- I have an offer for you.
- Rationalizing?
- Yes, somewhere.
Film "Office Romance"

I love Office Romance, I love it! Dad often spoke in phrases from films - it seems to me that he could build an absolutely coherent story about certain events, speaking exclusively with quotes from Soviet cinema. But I'm not talking about that now. I'm talking about a proposal - somewhere rationalization.

Let's get away from the usual cutlets with a side dish for dinner, how do you look at it? It is clear that the female part of the population treats the idea approvingly, while the male part is extremely negative. In order not to cook two different dinners every day, I propose a compromise: salmon ceviche. Not empty vegetables, not at all: the fish component gives the dish solidity, materiality. At the same time, you will not feel heaviness after eating: even after eating one and a half or two of the usual portions, you will be surprised at the lightness that settles in your stomach.

ceviche- the dish originally seems to be Mexican, but has long spread throughout the world. The main components are citrus juice, raw fish and greens. Accompaniment - most often mango and avocado, but there are many variations, completely different components are allowed.

Well, about raw fish. Salmon (or any other "red" comrade) is cut into small cubes and poured abundantly with marinade, consisting mainly of lemon juice. The acid, which is part of citrus fruits, provokes the process of protein denaturation, due to which the fish ceases to be raw, in fact, it is cooked - without heat treatment.

So, welcome to the stage - ceviche, proven recipe, classic, with photo, master class attached!

Ingredients for making ceviche:

300 g of raw fish fillet (salmon, trout);

1 purple onion;

1 avocado;

1 chili pepper;

0.5 cup fresh lemon juice;

zest of 1 lemon;

a small bunch of parsley;

salt, ground pepper, olive oil to taste.

I do not add oil - I like a more modest version, although, in fairness, it should be noted that a spoon or two of olive oil is asked for in ceviche.

So, we remove the zest.

We give juice.

In the marinade, add finely chopped herbs, spices, salt ...


The fish must be fresh. Very fresh.

As a rule, for ceviche, I buy a whole salmon, which I cut myself - by the condition of the scales, gills, meat, I determine how easy it is to cook a dish of raw fish.

Butchering is not easy, it's a big piece of work, but it's worth it.

We take a fillet.

Cut it into small cubes.

Mix the fish with the marinade and leave for half an hour.

The color of the fish will noticeably change - it will become pink, light.

Cut the avocado into cubes.

We chop the onion.

Mango - peel and cut into cubes.

Mix everything and serve.

It is convenient to cook ceviche for guests - you can cut it in advance, and then, when everyone is gathered, just serve it on portioned plates.

Bon Appetit!

Raw fish dishes are very nutritious and healthy. Almost any nation in the national cuisine has a dish from this product. Raw fish is eaten either freshly caught or frozen. The most famous such dishes are sashimi, sugudai and stroganina. Below are their detailed description and cooking methods.

What is Japanese sashimi?

Correct name This raw fish dish sounds like sashimi. To prepare it, use different varieties of seafood and fish. Usually, for this dish, the meatiest part of the fillet, which does not contain bones, is chosen.

A distinctive feature of the dish is that they take fish for it, which has not undergone any culinary processing at all. Usually sashimi is served along with grated daikon radish and herbs, as well as wasabi. Before eating, it is supposed to dip each piece of fish in soy sauce.

There are many types of this dish, and salmon sashimi is especially popular. However, you can cook it from anything, including caviar and shrimp. For lovers of extreme food, they use puffer fish, which contains a deadly poison in its composition. If you cook it in a certain way, it becomes safe. However, even a small mistake by the cook can make this delicacy deadly poisonous.

Dish features

What else is remarkable about such a raw fish dish as sashimi? The fillet should be cut into slices so thin that they should literally shine through. Since raw fish has a very soft and tender texture, it is important to learn how to cut it properly. Japanese chefs have been studying this art for a very long time. In addition, without the right professional knife, perfect cutting will not work.

How to make Japanese salmon sashimi? For the simplest option, it is not necessary to try to make translucent pieces. It is enough just to cut the fresh raw fillet into even bars and arrange them beautifully on a dish. As a side dish, place the same daikon, grated with carrots in Korean.

More sophisticated sashimi

You can complicate the dish a little by serving it with an additional side dish and spices. For this variation, cut the salmon into thick, even slices and place on a platter over the fried avocado chunks. Sprinkle everything with pepper and salt. Pour a warm sauce made from lime or lemon juice, olive oil, vinegar, coriander and chopped green onions on top.

No matter which raw fish sashimi recipe you use, there are certain rules to follow. The number of slices on a serving dish is allowed only odd. As a side dish, you can put not only daikon, but also lettuce leaves, grated zucchini or carrots, slices of cucumbers and even tomatoes, as well as slices of lemon.

What is suguday?

Under this name hides a dish of raw fish, which today is considered a delicacy. Sugudai is the food of the indigenous northern peoples. A dish is being prepared from northern varieties of fish, characterized by high fat content and delicate taste. You can use any of its varieties caught in the Taimyr region and near the shores of the Arctic Ocean. At the same time, you can use it as freshly frozen, as well as freshly caught fish. Northern peoples traditionally make sugudai from omul, whitefish or whitefish. An excellent variety of the latter is muksun, whose meat has a pleasant specific taste.

It is worth noting that the above varieties of fish are difficult to find on sale. Therefore, you can safely cook sugudai from mackerel and other available species.

How to cook it?

Immediately you need to make a reservation that the classic recipe does not exist. Therefore, you can easily adapt any recipe to suit your tastes. The traditional northern method of cooking is as follows: you need to take a large carcass of fish, clean and gut it, remove the head. Be very careful not to crush the bile. Otherwise, all meat will become bitter.

If you cook sugudai from frozen mackerel, do not defrost it completely. Otherwise, all the insides will simply turn into porridge during processing. Using a teaspoon, remove all the insides from the carcass. It is not necessary to remove the skin while doing this. Once you have cleaned the fish, cut it into finger-thick pieces. Put the prepared slices in an enamel bowl, add the onion, cut into rings, and mix everything well with your hands. Calculate the proportions like this: take 2-3 onions for one large fish carcass. After that, you need to add quite a lot of ground black pepper and salt (one teaspoon and about two tablespoons, respectively). Once again, mix everything by pouring two tablespoons of any vegetable oil and adding a few drops of vinegar, shake the container well. Put in a cold place for a long time: from half an hour to 3 hours.

What is a stroganina?

You will need a deep frozen fish carcass. In the classic version, varieties such as omul, whitefish, muksun, vendace, peled and the like are used. You can also use lenok and grayling. If it is impossible to purchase these northern varieties, you can also take salmon, but taking into account some factors. The fact is that stroganina is prepared from fish that was frozen immediately after being caught. If it has been thawed and re-frozen, it is impossible to cook stroganina from it. So most store fish can not be used.

How to define it visually? A properly frozen carcass should be whole, not stuck together with others, not dented. If she's a little bit winded, it's not a big deal. The deeper the freeze, the better.

How is stroganina prepared?

Do not defrost fish. If the carcass is not very large, cut off the head immediately. Then lightly heat it with your hands to melt the skin and remove it. Don't heat the fish too much as it needs to stay frozen inside. Just slide the tip of the knife under the slightly thawed skin and advance, removing the flaps.

After you clean the carcass, put it in vertical position on a cutting board. Holding the fish by the tail with your hand, begin to cut thin strips of meat from top to bottom. This is not difficult, since a sharp knife will cut off pieces of the desired thickness. Be careful when slicing the belly area as the entrails are not used. Do not cut too many slices at one time, as thawed slices are not eaten. Place the prepared pieces on a plate, sprinkle with pepper and salt, and serve.

What should be the sauce for stroganina?

The classic version of this dish uses only pepper and salt. At the same time, it is recommended not only to sprinkle fish slices with them, but also to put them separately in a small saucer so that each participant in the meal can dip his piece. You can also use any sauce for stroganina that you like: Caucasian adjika, mustard, horseradish, wasabi and many other spicy Asian seasonings.

The only drawback of this dish can only be called that when slicing fish in slices, bones will inevitably occur.

Crudo in Spanish and Italian means raw, uncooked. Indeed, only shrimp and shellfish caught from the Gulf of Naples do not require heat treatment - except perhaps lemon juice. It's like with oysters - the first time you look at the slimy substance you swallow it with care, but then the taste of the cool sea with mineral sparks is impossible to forget. Vongole clams are silky, creamy and slightly salty, scallops are oily and almost sweet, French tellines generally resemble monpasier with a barely audible taste of algae. Crudo can also be not only a designation of a product property, but at the same time - fish dishes, say, sea bass or monkfish. Long strips are marinated in lime or lemon juice with onions and coarse salt and pepper. This, in general, is the basis of the basics - it's just that in each country such a dish is called differently.


The real connoisseurs of raw fish are the Japanese. Sashimi - slices of raw fish - should go at the beginning of the meal, when the receptors are most receptive to the subtlest shades of taste: namely, they distinguish raw fish from each other. Sashimi also speaks of the skill of the cook. Soft fish like tuna need to be cut into centimeter-thick slices. Dense fish is made into strips a millimeter thick - this method is called ito zakuri. Kaku zakuri - paper-thin sashimi, for example, this is made from puffer fish. A slice can be dipped in soy sauce, but not kept there for a long time - to feel, for example, that akami, a strip of meat from the belly of a tuna, has a pleasant, palpable fat content, yellowtail is almost bland and tight, a perch has a subtle, subtle sea saltiness. You can chew on ginger between fish species to "reboot" the taste perception.


The ideal way to eat fresh fish and seafood was invented by sailors in Peru out of necessity: they cut the catch in the sea, cut it into pieces and marinated for fifteen minutes in lime juice. A close relative of crudo, Russian sugud and a distant one - smaller than chopped tartare, ceviche suggests a greater variety and boldness of recipes, whether it be adding onion, chili peppers, celery, tomato juice or olive oil. Lime juice must be squeezed out with your hands so as not to release bitterness from the middle, the volume of juice and fish should be approximately equal. Accordingly, such a dish has less natural fishy taste, and therefore it is easier for an eater biased towards raw fish to eat it.


A raw fish dish is an analogue of ceviche from the north of Russia: the fillet of freshly caught local whitefish, nelma or whitefish is cut across the carcass and marinated in vegetable oil and vinegar with onion and pepper for 10-15 minutes. It happens that they add a grated apple or increase the time to an hour. One of the most delicious northern fish, muksun, is best suited for sugudai, it has almost transparent white meat with a subtle sourness.


Frozen fish or meat in the north of Russia was planed into thin slices and eaten when Europe had not yet heard of carpaccio. Only local northern fish are suitable: broad whitefish, omul, nelma or muksun, caught alive and spent more than ten hours in frost at 30 ° C. They take the fish and plan it like such a big pencil. Planed at a time in small portions, so as not to melt, and first dipped in "Makalovo": salt and pepper in proportions of 1: 1. It tastes pretty great - at first the slice just burns with frost and pepper, and then the delicate taste of the fish itself is revealed. In Yakutsk, every year even the Stroganina festival is held, where residents compete in the speed and quality of planing. There are a lot of rules: you can’t take dead fish (which died in the nets), you need to store it glazed in ice so that it doesn’t dry out, you can’t defrost - thawed and re-frozen fish, although edible, is icy and unpleasant in taste. Over the centuries in the Arctic, of course, they have tried everything.


The name "carpaccio" refers to the method of slicing: a dish of thin layers of beef was invented by the inventor of the Bellini cocktail, Giuseppe Cipriani - it seems that he could not eat food after heat treatment for health reasons. Giuseppe gave the name to his find in honor of the Renaissance painter Vittore Carpaccio, whose canvases were dominated by red and White color. Distinctive features fish carpaccio - these are very thin layers of the product, preliminary freezing and the presence of dressing: before serving, tuna or mullet is sprinkled, for example, with a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice and sprinkled with freshly ground black pepper and salt.

From fresh or freshly frozen fish, you can cook many tasty and healthy dishes that are no less healthy than meat food, but are much better digested. human body. Therefore, young housewives, worried about creating the right diet for their family, are interested in how to cook raw fish? In this article, they will be able to find two diet prescription her preparation.

Steam dishes are considered more useful, because this cooking process is considered one of the most gentle. Therefore, steamed food is more suitable for people with various diseases and for those who lead healthy lifestyle life. Therefore, everyone who wants to know the recipes for cooking raw fish can be advised to use a double boiler for this purpose.

Raw fish dish recipe number 1

To prepare a fish dish, you will need - 1 kg of any raw fish, salt, a little lemon juice, peppercorns, parsley root and bay leaf.

How to cook raw fish - recipe

Hostesses can be recommended to cook boiled fish for lunch or dinner, which is ideal for feeding the whole family, including children and the elderly. Before cooking, raw fish is thawed, scaled, gutted, fins and heads cut off, and washed clean. The finished fish is put in a saucepan, pour 2 liters cold water, add 5 peppercorns, 2 bay leaves, salt and parsley root to it and put on medium heat. After the contents of the pot boil, reduce the fire and continue to cook raw fish until it is fully cooked, about 30-40 minutes. Boiled fish can be served with vegetables or potatoes.

Raw fish dish recipe number 2

  1. Before you start cooking raw fish, you need to carry out a series of preparatory work, as a result of which this food product is cleaned of scales. Then the fins and head are removed, and the carcass is thoroughly washed under running water. Raw fish is placed in a colander and allowed to drain excess water. Slightly dried raw fish, cut into portions, sprinkled with lemon nipple, and left at room temperature for several minutes.
  2. To cook the fish, a sufficient amount of water is poured into the double boiler pan, but on such a condition that the fish does not come into contact with the liquid. As soon as the water in the double boiler boils, put the fish on its grate, cover it tightly with a lid and cook for 20 minutes.
  3. The finished fish is laid out on a dish, sprinkled with chopped parsley and immediately served on the table. As a side dish, all potato dishes or vegetable dishes are well suited to steam fish.

At home, you can salt and marinate both fresh and frozen fish of any breed, except for sturgeon, the salting of which requires special refrigeration equipment and professional skills. One of the most reliable ways to harvest fish is to use vinegar, as acetic acid is a good preservative.
When preparing cold marinades, spices are consumed in an amount of up to 1% by weight of the fish. Approximately half of the total amount of spices is used for pouring fish in rows, and half for pouring.
Marinated fish is stored for 3-4 months, with longer storage, the taste of the fish decreases.
Spicy is called fish preserved with salt and spices. Herring is cooked in a spicy form, as well as small fish - sprat, sprat, anchovy, herring.
Seasonings for marinades:
Ginger. Marinated fish will become spicy. The taste of ginger is best manifested when hot pickling fish.
Wine. White or red dry wine "helps" vinegar, although it does not replace it. The fish acquires a "noble bitterness". By the way, it is also better to use vinegar, not just any, but wine.
Vodka. According to connoisseurs, vodka preserves the texture of the fish.
Vegetable oil. It is better to use olive oil, although this is a matter of taste. Oil softens the taste of fish, making it more oily. Good to add vegetable oil marinade for pike, mackerel and other lean fish.
Mustard. Classically combined with herring. At the same time, mustard can be salty and spicy, sweet and tender.
Lemon juice. Gives a pleasant citrus acidity. (Source: http://happywoman.com.ua)

Raw salmon in orange syrup

Salmon with oranges

200 g salmon
200 g oranges (peeled)
11/2 tbsp mustard
1 bunch dill

Marinate salmon in oranges rolled through a meat grinder along with peels and leave in the cold for 12 hours.
Then peel off the orange mass, spread with mustard, chopped dill and leave in the cold for another 12 hours. Cut the finished fish into thin slices and arrange beautifully on a plate. Some soft cheese goes well with salmon. You can decorate the dish with lettuce leaves, a slice of tomato and a slice of lemon. Be sure to also put an olive and a sprig of dill.

Easy Fresh Fish Marinade Recipes

marinated fish

1 kg of fish
2 garlic cloves
3 onions, horseradish.
For marinade:
3/4 st. water
1/4 st. vinegar
2 tbsp vegetable oil
3 tbsp Sahara
2 tsp salt
2 tsp lemon peel.

Mix marinade ingredients until sugar and salt are dissolved. Peel the fish, cut into pieces and put in a jar, alternating layers of fish with onion slices (preferably red), garlic cloves and horseradish (2 garlic cloves, 3 onions, a piece of horseradish). Pour marinade, put for a couple of days in a cool place.

Marinated herring

Baltic herring (fresh) - 1.5 kg
Water (for marinade) - 500 ml
Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 2.5 tbsp. l.
Vinegar - 200 ml.
Spices: garlic pepper or a mixture of five peppers. You can use any hot seasonings - 3-4 tbsp. l.
Vegetable or olive oil - 10 tbsp. l.

Mix salt, sugar and vinegar. Pour the cleaned fish with this marinade.
Put it in the refrigerator for a day.

The next day, remove the bones from the softened fish. Fold in layers in a container, sprinkling each layer with spices. Pour a little oil on every third layer. We lay all the fish and lightly press it down. Everything!
After a few hours, the fish will be saturated with spices.
Bon Appetit!

Raw salmon marinated in vinegar

Salmon 350g
Wine vinegar 5-7%
Garlic, ground red pepper, coriander, paprika
Salt, sugar, vegetable oil, black pepper.
Carrots, onions, green onions, radishes.

Cut the fish into thin slices.
We dilute half a glass of wine vinegar with 0.5 cups of water and pour the fish, marinate for 1 hour.
We wash the fish under water and keep it in water for 10 minutes (to remove excess acid).
Then we squeeze the fish, put it in a container and add 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil, a couple of cloves of ground garlic, salt, sugar, coriander, paprika, black / red pepper to taste, 1/4 cup of water and 2-3 teaspoons of vinegar.
Add carrot strips, chopped onion, leek, radish.
Mix and let it brew for 3-5 hours.

Fresh fish tartar

The number of ingredients is determined by your own taste and the number of servings:

  • Fresh fish (preferably oily)
  • spices
  • vinegar 6 percent
  • greenery
  • green onion
  • carrot
  • hot peppers
  • peppercorns
  • red ground pepper
  • garlic
  • lemon juice
  • some honey
  • rast. butter

Cut the fish into 1.5-2 cm cubes. Season with salt and leave for 40 minutes to an hour. Rinse with plenty of cold water, add water, leave for 30 minutes. Carefully drain the water and pour the fish with vinegar, mix (there should be enough vinegar so that it slightly covers the surface), press it with a plate with a slight press, leave for 30 minutes. Then drain the vinegar.
Cut greens, onions, grate carrots and garlic, finely chop pepper and mix with fish.
Prepare marinade - rast. oil, a little honey, lemon juice.
Mix everything thoroughly, pour the fish with greens and vegetables, mix and put in the hold for 4-6 hours.
Bon Appetit!

Salmon pickling

11/2 kg fresh (middle part of the fish), 2 bunches of dill, 11/2 tbsp. l. coarse salt, 1/2 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tbsp. ground white pepper.
Peeled from scales, ready for cooking, cut the salmon carcass in half lengthwise and remove the central spinal bone from it. Wash salmon halves and pat dry. Place the fillet skin side down in a large bowl. Wash the dill, dry it, chop coarsely and sprinkle the fillet with it. Mix salt and sugar with ground pepper. Sprinkle the fish with the seasoning mixture and place the second fillet skin-side up on this piece. Cover the fish with aluminum foil and place a board with two cans on it as weights. Marinate salmon for 3 days in the refrigerator. Every 12 hours, turn the salmon fillet over and water it on both sides with the resulting juice. To serve the salmon fillet, place it skin side down on a cutting board. Scrape off the dill and spices. With a sharp thin knife for cutting salmon, remove a thin layer of skin and cut the fillet into very thin oblique slices. Serve marinated salmon with lemon slices, and if possible, spicy mayonnaise and white bread.

Pickled herring

From fresh herring, you can cook a product of any salinity and acidity. The chopped fresh herring is washed in clean water, then for 1-2 days at a temperature not exceeding 15 ° is kept in an acetic-salt solution containing from 2 to 4% vinegar and from 6 to 12% salt. After that, the fish is taken out of the solution, allowed to drain and placed in a container, sprinkling the rows with a mixture of spices. Spices are placed finely ground, and such as pepper, cinnamon, crushed; bay leaves or leaves of other spices are placed on the bottom of the container and on the upper rows of fish.

Herring in sweet and sour marinade (Finland)

600 g of herring, 400 g of 3% vinegar, 120 g of powdered sugar, 200 g of onions, 40 g of horseradish, 4 g of ginger, 4 g of mustard seeds, laurel, salt.
The herring is soaked, the skin is removed and the fillets are separated. A marinade is prepared from vinegar, sugar, horseradish, ginger, chopped onion rings, mustard seeds and laurel. Herring is cut into pieces 2-3 cm thick and kept in the resulting marinade for 2 days.


Raw fish is cut into strips and put in lemon juice. Eat it with lots of onions and tomatoes.

Freshly caught fish (ketu, stellate sturgeon, tuna) is eaten with soy sauces and always with raw vegetables. This is a complete protein food.

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