The most accurate horoscope for the year cancer. Zodiac horoscope for cancer man and woman

Date of birth: 22.06 - 22.07

Ruling planet Cancer: Moon.

Cancer Release: Water.

Cancer symbols: cancer, crab, heart.

Happy Cancer days: Monday Thursday.

Cancer's bad days: Tuesday, Saturday.

Cancer metal: silver.

Cancer Gems: pearl, emerald, ruby.

Cancer plant: hazel.

Cancer numerology: number 2.

Cancer's most inspiring color: magenta.

Cancer opposite sign: Capricorn

The Year of the Fire Monkey will bring an incredible surge of energy, but at the same time, representatives of the sign will have to feel such unpleasant emotions as: a sense of fear and instability, insecurity. They will try to hide all these feelings, will be actively involved in work, and seek financial stability. Cancers, like children, will sometimes do the most reckless acts, show excessive hostility towards others. However, the time will come when the representatives of the sign will get tired of feeling fear and uncertainty, they will try to find protection, but they will have to rely only on their own strength. Cancers will have to collect their thoughts and try to figure out the current situation, think carefully about what could cause the appearance of all negative emotions and sensations. A simple and calm analysis will allow you to understand everything, draw conclusions and deal with inner anxiety.

In 2016, Rakov will be concerned not with material well-being, but with his own health and personal relationships. Serious disagreements with their loved ones are not excluded, some will get divorced. However, this fact will not upset the representatives of the sign, because they are preparing to start a new stage in life. The stars advise during this period not to take any serious steps in their professional activity, haste will be unnecessary, you must first make sure that all the decisions that will be made are correct. Some Cancers decide to change their place of residence, place of work, these steps will largely depend on themselves and their actions. Difficult moments at this stage of life can lead to the fact that Cancers' psycho-emotional state is disturbed, some will even be forced to resort to treatment.

The middle of the year will be the period when Cancers will prefer to hide from everyone, but this time will not be too long, there will be a desire to feel the smell of freedom and decide on something extraordinary. Representatives of the sign will gain confidence in their own abilities, a keen sense of self-respect will appear, people will begin to reach out to them, ask for advice. In general, the middle of 2016 will be an easier period, crayfish will be able to find that golden mean between themselves and the world around them. However, with such a favorable set of circumstances, it is still not worth relaxing, it is necessary to be especially attentive to travel, drivers should be more careful on the roads.

Cancers will unfold gradually, they will look for new interlocutors, they will be in search necessary information... The perseverance of the representatives of this house of the horoscope will allow you to return to normal life, to feel renewed.

At the end of the year, Cancers will think about personal changes, it is likely that many will want to buy new house or an apartment, more comfortable and comfortable. A great mood and life uplift will desire new emotions, higher feelings, and for this you will need a place where it will be comfortable and good. You will want to pay more attention to your loved ones, Cancers will surround them with care, gifts, and their touching attitude.

Working for Cancer in 2016

The mistress of the upcoming 2016, the Fire Monkey, has not prepared any special unpleasant surprises for the representatives of the zodiacal constellation in the professional sphere. This period will pass without any worries about the field of activity. Everything will go relatively calmly and smoothly. However, no matter how sweet and smooth everything is, there will be moments that are more associated with changes. The stars advise Cancers to be positive about all the changes that may occur this year. Only good mood and a smile on the face will allow the representatives of the sign to cope with all the troubles and exciting situations that arise. It is advisable at such moments not to hide your head in the sand, but to actively make contact with the people around you, to listen to what colleagues or business partners are saying. Thanks to communication and the attention with which Cancers will perceive information, they will be able to more firmly stand on their feet in professional activity.

For those representatives of the sign who, for whatever reason, are not satisfied with their field of activity, it is worth looking for an occupation to their liking, starting a business that will bring material well-being and moral satisfaction. This approach will give you more confidence, making it much easier to achieve your goals. If you force crayfish to do what they have no soul for, then failure cannot be avoided. You should not attempt to create conflict situations in order to avoid trouble, it may end up in the fact that Rakov will simply cease to be respected.

Having listened to what the stars say, Cancers will be able to achieve successful career growth by the end of the year and start implementing new projects. Representatives of the sign should be more confident in their abilities, not to retreat before difficulties, not to be afraid, but to dare, then their undertakings will be successful.

Cancer financial horoscope 2016

The coming year will not be the best for Cancers in terms of money. Only by applying a large amount of strength, experience, knowledge, Cancers will be able to ensure that their financial situation is stabilized. To begin with, representatives of the star sign are advised to thoroughly review all their principles and positions, distribute the available funds correctly and direct them in the direction that is needed. Cancers should minimize all expenses, not allow themselves to spend money on obviously unnecessary things and goals. All energy should be directed towards improving your financial situation. If the task is successfully solved, then by the end of the year Cancers will be able to see what they were able to do with their own energy and will, positive results will not be long in coming. The financial position of the representatives of the sign can improve significantly. However, one should not stop at what has been accomplished and relax, it is necessary to make the money work, and in the very direction in which it will bring good dividends. Only under such conditions will it be possible to speak of a stable financial situation.

Cancer 2016 love horoscope

The coming year will be interesting in the field of love relationships. Lonely representatives of the sign with a high degree of probability will meet their soul mate, the mistress of the year will in every way favor this. For seed Cancers, 2016 will be an equally favorable period, mutual understanding and harmony will reign between the spouses. Favorite and loving people will be able to open in their soulmate a huge potential of feelings and emotions, which will give the impression that they have just met. Such feelings will help to strengthen the marriage bond, intimate life, make sex more varied.

Despite the fact that most representatives of the sign will live in a feeling of euphoria and happiness, the stars do not recommend relaxing. It is quite possible that the situation will begin to develop according to a completely opposite scenario, if Cancers become too demanding of their loved ones, stop paying attention, bother with useless and groundless claims. You need to try to make the relationship more tender, show more attention and care in relation to your soulmate, watch out for words, because they can hurt a lot. However, even the most prosperous and stable relationships can collapse if crayfish begin to sow doubts, mistrust and misunderstanding in the soul of their loved ones.

It is necessary to make sure that personal life presents only the most tender and sweet moments. You should not waste time on quarrels and conflicts, because 2016 will be a good time to strengthen relations.

Astroprofile Cancer

  • Influence: Moon
  • Symbols: clover, heart
  • Colors: pink, silver, green
  • Stones: emerald, pearl, calcite
  • Favorable numbers: all even
  • Element: Water
  • Antipode: Capricorn
  • Compatibility: Scorpio, Pisces.

Cancer woman

This woman can be recognized by her inexhaustible femininity. Her gaze is distinguished by piercing and at the same time childish naivety. The mystery of this sign charms men and attracts their attention for a long time. Women of this sign have always been distinguished by their integrity, they value everything elegant, do not tolerate excesses in anything.

The Cancer sign has one peculiarity. These women magically manage to get better with age. There is a feeling that years have no power over them. They often have affairs with men much younger than themselves.

What to expect from 2016

In the coming year, astrologers recommend that women of the Cancer sign completely reconsider their views on the world and ourselves. Otherwise, they cannot avoid conflicts and unpleasant situations. 2016 will bring with it many difficult moments, because of which these women can ruin relationships with loved ones. It is also possible to spoil connections with new acquaintances.

The main reason for failure is the lack of self-confidence. However, if they sort out their emotional experiences and can find, first of all, peace within themselves, then the black side will bypass them. The horoscope for Cancer women also suggests that it is worth paying special attention to new acquaintances. It is the people who have appeared in, will give you a lot of positive emotions and give a helping hand at the most crucial moment.

It's not only about work, but also about your personal life. If a woman of this sign starts a new romantic relationship, it is best not to let her companion close to her at first, but to look closely and study him from the outside. This will save you from possible heart shocks.

Beware of too annoying "friends". Even loved ones sometimes strive to climb on someone else's neck and dangle their legs. You are sometimes too dependable and trusting. You should learn to dot the "and" and, if necessary, indicate to people where their place.


Throughout the year of the Monkey, the cancer woman will rush from the desire to build a stunning career to her dream of finding a strong family or keeping the existing one. In this matter, in no case should you ask your friends or strangers for advice. Firstly, there are many envious people around, and secondly, no one can know what you need better than yourself.

Try not to put pressure on your loved one in the coming year and ask him to make some important decisions. It will only scare him away and move him away from you. If you behave yourself correctly, give your partner tenderness, care and understanding, a beautiful marriage proposal awaits you. Love relationships at this time will unfold slowly but surely.

The peculiarity of 2016 for Cancer women is that they must learn to love themselves along with their shortcomings. Accordingly, a loved one will be able to look at them in a new way. At the beginning of the year, crayfish will face tantrums, scandals, and a showdown with a partner. A loved one will not take them seriously, but treat them as whims. This fact will upset you.

This will happen due to your lack of confidence in yourself and in your partner's feelings. But the sooner you pull yourself together and understand that trust is the most important thing in a relationship, the more chances you will have to build a strong family and keep a warm relationship in it. But for those representatives of the Cancer sign who do not understand this, there is a high probability of being lonely. However, new relationships will not keep you waiting.

If your main goal this year is to build a family for yourself, do not hesitate, you will achieve this.

You need to rely solely on your intuition from the very first days of the coming year. Other people's advice is unlikely to help you; rather, on the contrary, it will harm you. At the end of spring 2016 you will be able to get a great offer. Your ideas will be highly appreciated by the superiors.

Most likely, they will start luring you to another, more profitable job. It depends only on you which decision to make. If a Cancer woman in the year of the monkey behaves inattentively and carelessly, she can face great disappointments. You should NOT make expensive purchases this year, as they will not bring you much pleasure, but there will be a lot of problems from them.

The first half of the year is characterized by the possibility of loss of money, theft or loss of inheritance. It is best to install an alarm in the apartment. Keep your money in a safe place, but do not leave your purse anywhere. But do not worry, in the second half the money will start to accumulate, and you yourself will be able to get a new better job.

It is also possible to increase the salary at the current job.


In the new year, special attention should be paid to your immunity and nervous system. You need to avoid stressful situations... This will help you not only save yourself from headaches, but also exclude concomitant serious illnesses that may arise as a result of this.

Cancers born from 23.06 to 2.07 should take care of their appearance in the coming year. The result from any cosmetic services will be maximum. You can even do plastic surgery, on which they have not dared for a long time. Gastrointestinal disease, hormonal problems and rashes can be threatened.

Those who were born from 3.07 to 12.07, in the year of the monkey, will overtake a special passion. You can often be haunted by a feeling of panic, watch your emotional state. Cancers 2 decades (03.07-12.07). This year emotions will literally go off scale, sexuality and passion will intensify. But panic attacks, tantrums and neuroses can occur, so pay significant attention to strengthening the nerves. It might be worth visiting a psychologist, doing yoga, and relieving stress in the pool or gym.

Girls born from 13.07 to 22.07 should pay attention to the digestive system and the respiratory system. Watch your meals carefully and, if possible, set aside time to travel to a health resort. At the first symptom of problems with the respiratory organs, contact your doctor, do not joke with it. YOU will be especially vulnerable.

Which of the great women was born under the sign of Cancer

Anna Akhmatova, a famous poet and writer, was born under the sign of cancer and became famous not only in Russia, but also abroad. Her poems are still heard in many homes and excite the senses.

Liya Akhedzhakova is a cancer woman, People's Artist of Russia. She starred in many Soviet films. The famous writer Maria Arbatova was also born under this magnificent sign. Another representative of this romantic sign is Zhanna Aguzarova, a famous Russian singer.

Every woman born under the zodiac sign Cancer has an extraordinary aura and a desire for success. Her femininity at first sight fascinates men and does not let go for a long time. It is important that a cancer woman protect herself from envious people and do not let negativity and bad thoughts... I wish you success this and the coming year!

An ideal life companion for women who dream of tranquility and a strong family. Gentle, romantic and responsible, this man is gentle and indecisive. But he goes to his goal right. Sometimes, it seems that he does not really like people, as he often closes in himself and does not really like to talk about himself. But this is only for people who do not know him well.

To open up, this man needs to be 100% confident in others. He does not spend money left and right, very frugal. But don’t think he’s not greedy at all. If you could see what pleasure he gets by giving money for something really worthwhile. Cancer gives his family everything he has. This man is willing to work day and night to provide for his wife and children. He is a great worker, very responsible and sociable. He is respected by friends, children are drawn to him.

What to expect from 2016

A cancer man literally from the first days of the year of the Monkey will have to feel the whole burden of problems that the Monkey will bring with him. Yeah, get ready, the time is not easy. Impressionable cancers may even fall into depression at first, but you need to find strength in yourself. Better to do it as early as possible!

Despite the difficult winter, by spring the crayfish will adapt to the new rhythm of life and gradually enter potassium. The Year of the Monkey for Cancer will be an opportunity to grow in their own and others' eyes, learn a lot new and, most importantly, understand how to cope with obstacles.

You will no longer seek help on the side, but will begin to take everything into your strong hands. The Cancer man will discover new talents, drawing, the ability to dance or sing. They will do this very much. It's even better if they can find like-minded people. IN love relationship many interesting things await crayfish. Some of them will meet their past love, this time feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.


In the new year, there is a high probability that long-forgotten feelings will flare up in you. The object of former love will remind of itself unexpectedly and leave a warm mark on your heart. Your past love will remind you of itself, letting you know that it has not forgotten about you for a minute. It should be noted that her feelings will be mutual.

Astrologers, in turn, do not recommend a Cancer man to rush into the pool with his head and allow ardent passion to overshadow his mind. The fact is that after a while the crazy sensations will get fed up, and all the unpleasant situations and words will begin to surface in your memory, because of which you actually once parted.

It's up to you whether to let your loved one into your soul or not. In any case, if love does recede, do not remind each other of past grievances. Let go of the person who managed to give you a pleasant experience and wish the girl happiness. Let's reveal a secret to you, you will meet your soul mate far from home. So pack your bags, throw in there toothbrush and a pair of socks and go on a trip.

Some crayfish will meet love on a business trip, and some on the seashore during their vacation. If you are already dating or married, the fun road should not be canceled. Take yourself on a journey loved one, the road alone will bring fun along with parting.

Astrologers advise touchy crayfish to pull themselves together. In the new year, many situations await you in which you can easily flare up and undeservedly offend your soul mate. Start working on yourself.

In a cooling relationship, passion and romance will reappear, and already ardent couples will gain confidence in each other, and harmony. It is highly likely that the long-awaited replenishment will appear in the families of crayfish in the new year. And in those families where children have not yet been discussed, thoughts will appear that it is worth continuing the race.

In no case do not trust other people's advice in the new year, be it friends or strangers. Your own intuition will be useful to you now more than ever. Money in the new year will go into your hands on its own, but only on the condition that you do not miss out on opportunities.

The stars do not recommend making major currency exchange transactions. Do not make decisions under pressure, even if it seems that the circumstances are against you (others will try to convince you of this).

The main thing is to remember that success does not come to those who sit idle, but to people who know how to discern an opportunity in difficulty. A big plus will be the fact that your endeavors will be appreciated. You will find companions. Support is provided to you, the main thing is to be able to properly manage your small team and direct it in the right direction.

Astrologers recommend that you devote 2016 to hard work. Believe me, your work will meet all your expectations. You will begin to feel the flow of profit by the arrival of summer. Self-confidence and courage will become inherent in you. It is not worth lending money to anyone, you can not only financially fail because of this, but also lose friends.

Don't play gambling and be careful on the road, chances are that you will lose control. But in general, enjoy your work. If you are offered another position or even a company, feel free to agree.


In winter, you will feel especially good. Your nervous system calm down a little and there will be time to take care of your health. In the second half of the year, pay special attention to what kind of food you eat. Your digestive system and the stomach are naturally weak enough, and in 2016 it will be especially difficult for them.

Your best bet is to go to healthy eating... Eat more vegetables and fruits, exclude fatty meats and flour if possible. Drink plenty of water and exercise. Sign up for a swim, some kind of wrestling, or go to gym... Any exercise stress the new year will bring you great benefit... This will help you relieve stress and build up your strength for years to come.

Another problem may be the set excess weight... It will be especially easy for you to type in the new year, so walking to and from work will be a great addition to proper nutrition... Try to spend more time on vacation, walk in the park with your family, or get a dog.

If finances permit, buy a bike and conquer the country roads.

Which of the great men was born under the sign of Cancer

Guy Julius Caesar, the ancient Roman state commander according to the zodiac sign is cancer. Marcel Proust, French philosopher and writer, is the true representative of this sign. Romantic and creative person. Marc Chagall, famous Frenchman, painter and also famous painter. John Rockefeller, an ambitious representative of this sign, is one of the richest Americans.

In 2016, the year of the Monkey for the representatives of the zodiac sign Cancer will have a difficult time, although it must be said right away that all the experiences and "nerves" will eventually pay off, and how! Difficulties will begin in the first months of the year, but the reason for this will be only your own miscalculations, so in fact everything will turn out quite naturally. In general, this year will be full of surprises, so you will be surprised more than once at how unpredictable fate can be. Do not seek to resist circumstances, do not try to fight and resist what is happening every minute of your life. Remember, the more effort you put in, the stronger the response from the world around you will be. Yes, that still metaphysics ... In general, the stars recommend Cancer in 2016 to combine periods of frenzied activity and time stages, which will be characterized by frank passivity. Of course, all this should not happen chaotically, in fact, you yourself will understand what and when you need to do.

Love horoscope for 2016 Cancer

In terms of personal relationships, success awaits Rakov only under specific, definite circumstances. The stars recommend that you change your place of residence, move somewhere, at least temporarily. This will allow you to "soberly" look at your current relationship, although singles in this sense will have clear advantages. Those Cancers who do not have a relationship at this stage can count on many novels in the year of the Monkey, but not all of them will be bright. On the other hand, this time stage will bring you a lot of positives, so that even the most peaceful relationship will develop exactly the way you want it. It is not at all necessary that in the process of all these metamorphoses you will be able to find your “soul mate”. That is, you should not, as they say, rush into the pool with your head, especially in the first six months of 2016. All in good time, do not rush and do not force the development of events, now haste can only lead to negative.

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer (family)

In terms of family relationships, Cancer in 2016 will be able to achieve the positions for which he has long aspired. You will earn the complete, unconditional respect of your household members, you will become an absolute authority for them. This is an example, because each of us can have a very individual goal. It is important that now you will come to the end of the work that you have already done enough long time (several months, and possibly years). You will begin to better (and most importantly - faster) find a common language with your immediate environment, and this will open up new opportunities for you. In addition, new sensations await you, probably associated with relationships that you have not met before. In this sense, 2016 year of the Monkey will bring you a number of exceptional situations, in which, however, you will have to prove your strength and resilience. In other words, if you bend under the circumstances, then you will not see any success in this direction. If you manage (and this applies mostly to the summer period) withstand the test with honor, then you will receive a well-deserved reward. The main thing - do not forget that you are not the only person who has your own, individual goals, which may not fundamentally coincide with the opinions of others.

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer (business)

At the beginning of the year, it may seem to you that everything is happening extremely negatively. It is likely that some Cancers will even lose their jobs at dawn in 2016. But in no case should you despair about this, the Monkey knows exactly what he is doing, do not hesitate. Be persistent in your desires, and most importantly, think more often about what you yourself want. In terms of professionalism, 2016 will be successful for you, you will get a lot of experience, even if earlier you thought that there was definitely nothing to surprise you with. By the way, self-confidence at this stage will turn out to be your main "scourge", which, other things being equal, can really turn the tide of any situation not in your favor. Work to improve the well-being of your family, this noblest of goals will appeal to the Monkey, and it will surely reward you what you deserve.

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer (finance)

At this stage, the financial position of Rakov will directly depend on success in a career direction. Many will say that this is obvious and logical, but in reality everything is different. When you talk about astrological tendencies, you should usually be guided by positions that do not obey, shall we say, classical logic. But now everything will turn out exactly like this: the harder you work, the more will be the flow of funds into your "home treasury". But be careful, outright fanaticism will not bring you anything good, on the contrary, you will only waste resources that would be very useful to you in other areas. By the way, it is Cancer in 2016 that can fearlessly engage in various adventures. Of course, this should be treated with special attention, however, other things being equal, even frankly controversial events can bring you financial gain.

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer (health)

2016 will bring Cancers a lot of changes in the field of health, but this is, let's say, only the most general information, which should not be used either as a call to action or as a motivator of another plan. Now you should take special care of your throat, that is, in the first half of the year, there is a high probability of diseases such as tonsillitis. Closer to summer, the situation will return to normal, and in the second half of the year everything will return to normal. The Monkey recommends paying special attention to the hardening process, and this applies not only to Epiphany bathing in the ice-hole. You can also get hardened in summer in the thirty-degree heat, the main thing is desire. For your zodiac sign, these are the processes that will be most productive now. And again, you do not need to bring all this to fanaticism, otherwise tonsillitis will be just the beginning. Act in moderation, act at will, ultimately, health is an area in which persistence is not the deciding factor. Striving for harmony, awareness of the need - this is what should serve as the ideological basis for your training.

Attention, the above horoscope for 2016 of the red Monkey describes only the general trends inherent in the owners of the Cancer zodiac sign in the new 2016. Due to your uniqueness, the general horoscope for 2016 for the Cancer sign may not reflect real events. An accurate astrological prediction can be obtained only by drawing up a personal horoscope for the upcoming 2016 year. You can get an accurate personal horoscope by clicking on the link below.

The exact personal horoscope for 2016 Monkey for the sign Cancer:

During the year, your contacts, people from your social circle, relatives, as well as your intellectual interests and travel circumstances will play an important role in business. Until September 09, the sextile of Jupiter from the third astropolis gives a good period for acquiring new knowledge and skills at work. You will have the opportunity to expand your sphere of personal influence and explore new areas, but luck will not come to you by itself, offering your services. If the chance you need does not arise, try to create it: take the initiative, declare yourself, connect connections.

The emphasis on the areas of communication, information and learning is made by the periods of retrograde Mercury and three of the four eclipses this year: the solar eclipses on March 09 at 18 ° 56 Pis and 01 September at 09 ° 21 Virgo, as well as the lunar eclipse on September 16 at 24 ° 20 Pis. They will be in the third and ninth astropoles of information, training, close and distant communications, travel. During periods of eclipses new information, contacts in the immediate environment or with foreign countries can cause changes in your attitude towards some people. Complications in relations with colleagues or relatives are likely, but also changes in your worldview. The general theme of eclipses is realized throughout the year.
The ability to process information and develop ideas will play an important role in the work.You can start a training course.The desire to improve your qualifications, to introduce new methods of work will have a beneficial effect on your professional reputation and will allow you to claim a higher salary for your work. it good time for in-depth study of subjects, research activities, academic work, for writing and defending a dissertation. Relations with relatives, solving household and family issues will also play an important role.

The Saturn transit through your sixth astropole emphasizes work, your daily tasks and responsibilities, whether you are doing housework or working outside the home. Saturn will be in this sector until the end of 2017. This period increases responsibility along with loads, small things and tasks can be tiring or bored. But the key word here is responsibility, since neglecting it can significantly complicate your position at work and cause you to be fired. So do not argue with Saturn if he, in the person of the boss, will set you additional requirements. The ability to obey the circumstances will later be judged according to merit. Another important topic of this period is health. Exacerbations are likely chronic diseases, physical ailments due to overwork, tension and emotional stress. It is necessary to distribute your strength, listen to your body and introduce structure into your daily routine. A diet will be useful healthy image life and keeping fit.

I am emphasizing this Saturn transit not only out of respect for the venerable planet. The retrograde period of Mars also falls on your sixth astropolis and Mars will be here for a long time: from 06 March to 27 May and from 02 August to 27 September. Mars will cruise between your fifth and sixth astropoles, and its retrograde period will be from April 17 to June 30.From March to the end of May and from August until almost the end of September, the topic of health and working conditions will be emphasized. Additional tasks may be added to the daily routine, especially those that require a lot of energy. The workplace can become tense and relationships with colleagues tense. Conflicts that flare up in March and the first half of April can lead to problems and will be long-lasting, so you should not get involved in squabbles, it is better to extinguish them as they come.

From March to June, external, economic factors can negatively affect the operation of a business. Changes in working conditions, downsizing at the enterprise are likely. During this time, job loss and other frustrations and difficulties associated with it are possible. For businessmen, this may be a time of reorganization in a firm or enterprise, the need to cut staff or develop a new management course. Circumstances may prompt you to hire new employees or say goodbye to old ones. But it is better not to do this from the second half of April to the end of June, and especially from the end of April to 23 May.From March to early July, it is better not to start new projects and new directions in business. During this time, health and safety issues will be important. you need to take into account that from April 17 to June 30, it is not recommended to do planned operations. In addition, there is a potential for injury during this time, so be careful if you work with sharp objects, volatile substances or dangerous equipment.

On September 09, Jupiter will move to Libra and until October 10, 2017, it will walk along your fourth astropolis, squaring the planets in Cancer.This period provides an opportunity to improve living conditions, promotes family and home affairs, buying or renting a home or office. Hbut at this time you will lack practicality, you can be wasteful, you can not take into account the factors that would be worth considering when choosing and making decisions. You can take on overwhelming tasks, get involved in projects that require more energy and money than you have. At the same time, this tendency will allow you to dare and succeed in activities that at other times you simply would not have dared to undertake. During this period, there may be some difficulties in relationships based on pride or differences in goals and views. Think carefully about the point of view of the interlocutor, try to find a common platform for interaction. During this time, joint projects and partnerships will be more effective.

Now about some aspects of the year in more detail.

From January 05 to January 25, Mercury retrograde will be in your astropolis of partnership, marriage and external relations. During this period, new conditions and old shortcomings will slow things down, previous agreements will require renegotiation or a shift in deadlines. In a personal relationship, possible disagreements will be a signal to reconsider your position. You will have to change certain behaviors to accommodate the requirements of your partner in marriage or business. It is better to conclude important contracts after January 26, and even better - in February.

From January 03 to March 06 and from May 27 to August 02, Mars will be in your fifth astropolis and trine to your sign. These periods will increase your enthusiasm and creativity. Romanticism and the need to take initiative in romantic contacts will increase, a tendency to risky adventures is possible. But adventures turn into problems, in this regard, caution is needed, especially from March to July. During these periods, an important topic can be your creative ideas and projects, hobbies, relationships with children and loved ones. If in January or February there is a misunderstanding, quarrels, it is better not to leave the grievances not forgiven, but the problems of loved ones not understood. From May 27, June 30, Mars will return to these topics, and then it will be more difficult to find a way out.

The solar eclipses on March 09 at 18 ° 56 Pisc will be in your ninth astropolis. it favorable period for foreign contacts, new acquaintances, publications, cases related to the dissertation and teaching. Partners or friends from afar can offer you participation in a project. But now is not the right time for investment projects. You may have interesting ideas, but on March 8-14, inaccurate information can lead to a disconnection from reality and some projection. To see the true opportunities and pitfalls of this period, you need to look at the circumstances from a perspective. Complications in relations with relatives of a husband or wife are possible. Take a break from immediate problems, now it is useful to look at things philosophically, this will significantly reduce the likelihood of disputes and save your strength.

From April 28 to May 22, Mercury will be retrograde in the astropolis of plans, friends, associates, group and social activities. This is the time to meet old friends and strengthen ties. The beginning of May is a good time to travel to familiar places. You can combine relaxation with study,eg, participate in an offsite business training or study seminar foreign language... In the first half of May, your contacts will be active, new acquaintances are likely, but it is better to give preference to old connections. Now "an old friend is better than two new ones."

Workloads will increase from the last decade of May to 12 June, you may feel dependent on circumstances. Difficult working conditions are likely. Do not get involved in showdowns, avoid conflicts, do not let yourself be drawn into intrigues. During this time, there will be a need to stay in the shadows and hide your feelings, especially if you are not confident in yourself. If you feel like you need more time for privacy, it is worth taking time out or going on vacation during this period. Pay attention to health, fitness, yoga or other practices to maintain physical and psychological shape. In the second half of June, in particular on June 17-23, hidden factors that previously eluded you will emerge in relations with colleagues. It will be necessary to take into account the "underwater currents" and act carefully. Do not trust gossip and rumors, use only verified information. Now you can separate what you need from what others are trying to charge you. Be tactful, but be able to say a calm and firm "no".

In the first decade of July, stellium in your sign gives a period of personal initiatives in business and acquaintances, in new romantic relationships and in strengthening family relationships. But in the first half of July, be prepared for your position to meet resistance. Try to find a compromise between the demands of those around you and your need to be yourself.

From August 30 to September 22, Mercury retrograde, a solar eclipse on September 1 at 09 ° 21 Virgo and a lunar eclipse on September 16 at 24 ° 20 "Pisces fall on the axis of learning, close and distant contacts, travel.The beginning of the month is a good time to communicate with friends, strengthen old ties. You can resume training or return to your previous contacts. There may be cases related to paperwork, execution or re-registration of documents. But it is better to sign important agreements after September 23 and in October. In business, delays with foreign deliveries are likely; it will be necessary to resolve misunderstandings in current transactions. It can be a nervous environment at work. Probably overstrain, various minor troubles, squabbles. Try not to say too much and do not participate in intrigues. Information may come up that will make you nervous, but do not trust everything you hear - it may be misinformation. In the last week of September, new facts will emerge that will clarify the situation. Complications during travel and travel are likely. Need to be careful while driving. If the trip is not postponed, think over whether everything has been prepared so as not to forget tickets and documents. Check flight schedules to avoid delays and misunderstandings. Do not give in to emotions, they can be excessive and affect your well-being.

In the first half of October, the start of creative projects is favorable. But in the middle of the month you may find yourself in a situation of competition, your initiatives will be challenged, you will have to defend your position. There are likely to be conflicts in the family or with business partners over property issues or lease issues. Some work projects will come to an end or they will have to be radically changed. At work, changes in management or in the operation of the enterprise are likely. The demands on you may increase, additional loads are likely, but now it is better to reduce the degree of emotions, not to enter into arguments, but to submit, your commitment will pay dividends over time.

24-30 november, difficult negotiations are likely, the need to agree on new conditions. You don't need to be led by persistent partners and agree to adventurous projects or deals. In family relationships, there can be complications due to jealousy, conflicts, separation or separation are possible. These days romantic acquaintances are likely, new relationships will be exciting, but can be unreliable.

The first week of December is good for making deals, important purchases, new partnerships, settling legal issues, and getting advice. When concluding contracts, in resolving any issues, follow the rules, follow the letter of the law - this is the most reliable way to avoid subsequent problems.

By mid-December, work and family responsibilities will collide and you will need to look for a middle ground. The events of this period will change some of your goals and objectives for the future. Treat this philosophically - later it turns out that these changes are for the better. The second half of December is an unfavorable time for new partnerships, new business agreements and major purchases. Now it is better to rely on those whom you have known for a long time and well.

Now some clarifications on the deans.

This year you have to develop the undertakings of the previous period. Neptune in trine until January 2017 continues to enhance your intuition and discern psychological nuances in human behavior. Under its influence, personal ambitions become less important to you, and the spiritual aspects of life become more attractive. This aspect heightens romanticism and can bring deep love. In mid-March, in the first half of August, from September 24 to early October, romantic acquaintances and the beginning of romantic relationships are favorable. In the first half of May and in the second half of June, romantic acquaintances are also possible, but they will not be reliable or long-term, but this is a good time to strengthen the already established relationship. This year, this aspect will have more impact on those born in the last 4 days of your dean. The lunar eclipse on March 23, 2016 at 03 ° 17 "Libra will be in your fourth astropolis. In the second half of March, work and seed responsibilities may conflict. You may be involved in home improvement or renovation. You may need to move. Or you need to be more active. to participate in the affairs of parents. In business, the issues of rent, real estate, the need to resolve property issues will come to the fore. This is a good time to bring to a conclusion and end the long-standing situations in which it is long overdue to put an end. This eclipse can initiate changes in work, you can get the result of deeds, decisions and projects started earlier, now you will need to make changes to them so that they can be continued or there will be a question about their completion.From September 9 to October 27, Jupiter will be in square with your​​ dean. In September, new circumstances may appear at work. You can get the result you deserve with your previous efforts. If there is more work, this is good sign... But there can be complications if there were flaws before. Be careful in negotiations, planning meetings, so as not to lose sight of the important nuances of where the trend is now. This period can provide new initiatives in household and family affairs, in real estate, moving or shopping for a home. Important purchases are best done in October.

Cancer born on 07.03-12.07 (Sun 11 ° -20 °, II decan of Cancer)

Pluto will be in opposition to your dean all year, the aspect will end at the end of 2018, and Uranus will be in square until mid-April. This gives a period of tension, stress and exacerbation of problems in the first months of the year. Someone from partners or influential people can make tough claims against you. In January, late March and the first half of April, problems in business relations and work are likely. Economic factors will negatively affect the activities of the enterprise, firm or your business. Try to take into account all possible scenarios for the development of the situation in order to be prepared for possible complications. In mid-April, quarrels with loved ones or business partners are likely. Avoid emotional decisions and confrontation, conflicts during this period can drag on and drain your strength. At the end of June and the first ten days of July and in October, complications in business can also be expected. But there will be positive influences as well - your decan gets the largest portion of Jupiter's sextile. From February 20 to July 20, he will give you favorable opportunities in difficult circumstances, and if one door closes, another may open in front of you. Do not lose your composure under any circumstances. the last week May is a good time to seek support from influential people, useful business acquaintances, start training, travel, and paperwork. Ideas that will appearin the first half of June will be promising, but if they relate to business and investments, it is better to implement them not earlier than July, and perhaps it is better to postpone them altogether. A favorable time for change is July. From October 23 to December 25, Jupiter squared will increase ambition and desire for change. Until mid-December, a good period for resolving property issues, renovating or buying real estate. The second half of November and the first half of December can bring difficulties, exacerbation of problems in business and relationships. Economic factors can change plans and adversely affect business operations. The goal at this time can be achieved only at the cost of losing something important. If there are disagreements with partners in marriage or business, do not bring them to a conflict, at the end of November, quarrels are likely that can greatly change your relationship. During this period, you need to be more careful with financial issues and investments, as there will be a tendency to exaggerate prospects and opportunities.

Cancer born on 13.07-22.07 (Sun 21 ° -30 °, III decan of Cancer)

From March 20 of this year to March 2019, Uranus will be squaring your dean. This is an aspect of uninvited change, for which it is not always possible to prepare. To reduce its impact, you need to move away from the template and be ready to accept changes in your life, even if you did not plan them. The change may be about your job, your goals, or your status. The external circumstances that you will encounter will cause you to increase your creativity and discover new abilities that you might not even know you had. Jupiter will be sextile to your decan from the beginning of the year until February 25 and from July 20 to September 09. This is a hopeful aspect, it gives you support and softens the volatile influence of Uranus. For important decisions, changes and new beginnings, February, July and b about most of August. From mid-Decemberuntil mid-January 2017Jupiter and Uranus will be tau square to your decan. In partnerships and family relationships, tension will increase, conflicts are likely, unstable couples may be on the verge of divorce. Possible disagreements will signal the need to reconsider your position. Maintain balance and do not exacerbate the arising misunderstandings with excessive emotions, this is especially important on December 17-22. In the business sphere, this time can incline to projects, plans that are unlikely to be feasible. Try to look at things realistically, do not make promises, it will be difficult to fulfill them, and divide what they promise you by three.

In this forecast, I only describe the general trends of the year relative to the sun sign. It cannot replace an individual horoscope, for which I need the exact date, time and place of birth.

In 2016, the Red Monkey Cancer will have to learn to multitask, and the representatives of this zodiac sign will not be able to limit themselves to the ability to masterfully paint their lips while standing in a traffic jam. Do not be alarmed if at some point there will be a lot of responsibilities, but the number of hands, the number of hours in a day and wage will not increase. As for the first two points, we are powerless, but the third, with due perseverance and hard work, will certainly change for the better. People who think that external world makes too high demands, our horoscope advises to imagine yourself as recruits parachuted into the Sahara. If the carrier of military camouflage lies on the sand, unable to decide what to do first of all: cry, scold the authorities, study the map, walk to the gathering place or take a sip of water from the emergency supply, then most likely he will stay there. baked in a hot dune like potatoes on charcoal. Don't waste time and do everything at the same time! In the coming period, the life race will be won by the person who knows how to run forward, taking pictures of the landscape along the way, talking on the phone and waving in a friendly way to passers-by. If at some point you feel completely sad, then just replace the water in the flask with something more alcoholic and high-grade, and the attacked blues will evaporate without a trace!

In love affairs in 2016, many Cancers will get hot. In the next 12 months, representatives of this zodiac sign will have to blush more than once from their own thoughts and desires. And how could it be otherwise, if the charms and charms begin to flutter around the pincers with bright butterflies, and striving to invite the hero of our horoscope for a cup of the freshest flower nectar. If you are free, then nothing reprehensible is foreseen: you will thank the patroness of the year, the Red Monkey, for the romantic charge received and the opportunities opened up in the field of building personal happiness. And if the involuntary ladies' man is married? Human nature does not allow Cancer to avoid (at least with eyes) the Beautiful Stranger who has defiled past, and hypertrophied sensitivity does not allow him not to suffer from remorse afterwards. Being excellent family men and faithful spouses, the children of Voda equate even the thought of a mysterious and tempting route "to the left" with treason. The horoscope advises the representatives of this conscientious zodiac sign and their soulmates in 2016 to relate to the love fluids brought from the outside easier. The monkey is an extremely playful animal that will not miss the opportunity to joke with the right fellow by the tail. If you suddenly caught yourself on uncharacteristic, overly playful thoughts, then do not even hesitate - they were probably whispered by the tailed darling. Given the love of the patroness of the coming period for practical jokes and surprises, trust in a partner will come to the fore in romantic relationships this year. If Cancer does not believe that the second half is delayed at work because of rush jobs, and the pincer's life partner secretly reads his SMS, then nothing good will come of such a novel. You can even inflate a huge scandal out of nothing, and the Red Monkey will gladly help people in this simple matter.

In the professional field, the neat, solid character of Cancer will successfully balance the eccentricity of the Red Monkey, and humanity will receive a perfect tandem at the end. Thanks to the dynamic development of events, the representative of this zodiac sign will not get bogged down in a swamp of routine and boredom, and common sense and a sober view of things will not let him break wood and make a bunch of mistakes. If you do not stop carefully weighing, analyzing and planning everything, then in the 12 months allotted by the stars you will significantly advance on the career ladder. Cancer bosses who agree to devote some of their energy and time to the development of personnel will soon have miracle subordinates at their disposal. Children of Voda will not have to monitor and check workers every second, once they understand what is required of them, they will continue to act according to a proven algorithm in the future. If your team repeatedly fails because of the negligence and incompetence of the members, then the horoscope advises Cancer to think: in 99 cases out of 100, the statue that did not turn out to be bad, and the sculptor was crooked. Do not be greedy and share your knowledge and experience with your colleagues, because a victorious mechanism cannot consist solely of a powerful motor or only of a high-quality clutch. If you want to race to victory at the speed of a Formula 1 car, then take care of the smooth functioning and excellent condition of all the screws of the mechanism. The year 2016 of the Red Monkey gives us the go-ahead with the checkered flag, so throw away the hesitation and rush forward with a bullet, because the loss of precious seconds at the start can cost the first place at the finish!

Attention, the Cancer horoscope for 2016 has been published in an abridged form. To have a complete picture of the coming 2016 year of the red Monkey, you should make a personal forecast for 2016 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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