Hemodez pharmacological group. Hemodez: Instructions for use and what is needed for what, price, reviews, analogues

The hemodesa solution is usually prescribed at various acute states, especially when poisoning. Hemodic treatment under independent conditions is not allowed - it is carried out only by a medical worker.

Hemodez - description and action

Preparation hemodes presses the group of plasma-substituting solutions, it is used for intravenous administration And droppers. It is often called blood sorbent among patients, because it is used to clean the blood from toxins, poisons, poisoning substances. Externally, hemodes - transparent, slightly yellowish liquid.

The drug produces many pharmacological companies, for example, " Biosynthesis», « Biochemist" Currently, two types of medication are produced - Hemodez-n, hemodhez-8000, They differ in the concentration of active ingredients. The whole composition is represented by substances with a small mass of molecules, which ensures penetration through natural protective barriers of the body. The composition is:

  • chlorides of potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • Povidone-8000.

The drug is presented in pharmacies in bottles, plastic containers, bottles of 100-500 ml, the price for 500 ml - about 110 rubles. Indications for the use of hemodeza are diverse, because it has such actions on the body:

  • Plasma-substituting;
  • antiagragerant;
  • disintellation.

After the introduction of the active component Pisidone-8000 Binds toxins propagating blood and displays them with the participation of the kidneys. The remaining components are related to the body, they optimize electrolyte balance, reinforce the filtration function of the kidneys and diuresis. Up to 85% of the main component is excreted within 4 hours, the rest of the share leaves the body during the day, not sucking in the tissue.

Indications for use

Most often, the medicine is prescribed during acute states associated with injuries, severe diseases and poisoning. Indications for use are as follows:

  • dehydration and intoxication on the background of sharp intestinal infections - salmonellosis, shgellosis, dysenteric, stafilococcal food infection, rotavirus and enterovirus infection;
  • heavy degree burns with the development of burn disease, equal loss of blood;
  • condition of shock caused by bleeding - pulmonary, gastrointestinal tract, etc.;
  • blood loss of the body during operational interventions;
  • heavy metals poisoning, other chemicals.

Hemodhetus is introduced under other infectious pathologies, accompanied by acute bacterial intoxication - with inflammation of the lungs, peritonitis (inflammation of peritoneum), generalized blood infectiousness.

Newborn hemodez put in the development of toxemia or intrauterine infectious infectious diseases.

It is also prescribed to the treatment of hyperthyroidism in complicated forms, acute liver failure, radiation lesions of the body, myocardial infarction, early toxicosis and late gestosis in future mothers.

Instructions for use

Despite the fact that the drug is permissible to introduce intravenously at a slow pace, more secure and effective is its drip administration or infusion-transfusion infusion. For the latter option in hospitals, special transfusion systems are used.

The specific dosage will be delusted with the view, the severity of the pathology, the patient's greener. Usually make droppers twice / day to 2-10 days. Single dosage for an adult - 0.2-0.5 l, for a child - 5-10 ml / kg of weight. Usually, at once, children under two years are poured up to 70 ml, up to five years of age - up to 100 ml, to age 10 years of dose can be increased to 150 ml.

Before the treatment procedure, it is necessary to heat the temperature to approach the temperature of the human body.

Features of drug treatment are as follows:

In intestinal pathologies, there are procedures of the time / day, in severe cases - twice / day, with myocardial infarction - one-time as the paipentium grads into a hospital in a volume of 200 ml.

Contraindications and "Side"

W. gemodesa There are a number of contraindications that need to be strictly observed. That is why before conducting the first procedure, it is important to produce all the necessary diagnostic measures, as a result of which the accurate diagnosis will be established. You can not enter the tool under the following states:

If you consider all contraindications and correctly enter the tool, side effects are practically observed. But on the background of too fast introduction is possible arterial pressure, arrhythmia, respiratory disorders. Treatment - the use of glycosides, adrenomimetics,

If a person has large burns, plasma transfusion is carried out together with hemodez, the introduction of albumin.

Overdose is unlikely. The drug is well combined with most drugs, but with simultaneous administration due to its absorbent properties it is possible to reduce efficiency.

Manufacturer: JSC "Biochemist" Republic of Mordovia

PBX code: B05AA

Farm Group:

Release form: Liquid medicinal forms. Solution for infusion.

General characteristics. Structure:

Active substances: 60 g of polyvinylpyrrolidone low-melted-laur-melted medical 8000 ± 2000 (povidone), 5.5 g of sodium chloride, 0.42 g potassium chloride, 0.5 g calcium chloride, 0.005 g of magnesium 6-water chloride, 0.23 g sodium bicarbonate.

Auxiliary substances: water for injection. Opened osmolarity from 265 to 323 mosm / l.

Pharmacological properties:

Pharmacodynamics. Hemodhetus-n differs from hemodesa with a lower molecular weight of the povidone used for its manufacture. The decrease in the molecular weight of the polymer accelerates its kidneys from the body and improves the disinfectant properties of the drug. Enhances the renal blood flow, increases glomerular filtration and increases diuresis.

Pharmacokinetics. Metabolic transformations in the body is not subjected. The drug is excreted by kidneys for 12-13 hours.

Indications for use:

As a disinfectant means for the toxic forms of acute infectious diseases (dysentery, etc.); as a means of disintellation in postoperative period with peritonitis; in diseases of the liver, accompanied by development; when, sepsis, as well as, and newborns.

Important! Get acquainted with treatment,

Method of use and dose:

In / in drip. Before administration, the solution is heated to the body temperature. Enter in / in drip at a speed of 40-80 CAP / min. One-time dose depends on the age of the patient and severity of intoxication. For adults, the maximum one-time dose is 400 ml.

Children begin with 2.5 ml / kg. The maximum one-time dose for breastfeed children is 50 ml, for children 2-5 years old - 70 ml, for children 6-9 years - 100-150 ml, for children 10-15 years old - 200 ml.

The drug is introduced 1-2 times a day depending on the severity of intoxication.

Features of application:

One-time and multiple freezing does not affect the quality of the drug.

The bottles with a frozen solution are kept at room temperature before thawing and the contents are stirred.

Side effects:

With slow administration, it usually does not cause complications. Introduction S. increased speed May cause a decrease in blood pressure, tachycardia, difficulty breathing and require the introduction of vasoconstrictor and heart rate, calcium chloride. In individual patients, allergic reactions may occur, up to development. In these cases, it is necessary to immediately stop infusion, to conduct symptomatic therapy (introduce antihistamines, cardiotonic, vasopressor drugs, glucocorticoids).


Increased sensitivity to the drug; Hemorrhage into the brain; Cardiovascular failure.

Storage conditions:

At temperatures from 0 to 20 ° C. In an inaccessible place for children. Shelf life is 3 years. Do not use later the date indicated on the package

Leave terms:

On prescription


The solution for infusion of 200 or 400 ml in glass bottles.

Hemodhetus - disintellation, plasma-substituting and anti-aggregation drug.

Release form and composition

Hemodhez is produced in the form of a solution for infusions, which includes: low molecular weight polyvinylpyrrolidone, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, calcium chloride, anhydrous magnesium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, water for injection.

The drug is available in fluctuated vials of 100, 200 and 400 ml.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, hemodhetum is applied at:

  • Acute infectious intestinal diseases in acute form (salmonellosis, dysentery and other);
  • Peritonitis in the postoperative period;
  • Sepsis;
  • Burn disease;
  • Liver diseases that are accompanied by hepatic insufficiency;
  • Intrauterine infection;
  • Hemolytic disease of newborns;
  • Toxemia newborns.


According to the instructions, hemodhetum does not apply when:

  • Increased patient sensitivity to components components;
  • Cardiovascular failure;
  • Hemorrhage into the brain.

Method of application and dosage

Hemodez is designed for intravenous drip administration.

Before entering the solution, it is heated to 36.6º. The solution is introduced at a speed of 40-80 drops per minute.

The dosage of the drug depends on the severity of intoxication and the age of the patient. Maximum one-time dose for adults - 400 ml; Children introduction of hemodesa start with 2.5 ml per kilogram of weight.

Maximum dosage of the drug for children:

  • 10-15 years - 200 ml;
  • 6-9 years old - 100-150 ml;
  • 2-5 years - 70 ml;
  • Breast-age - 50 ml.

Hemodez is introduced 1-2 times a day for 1-10 days, depending on the severity of intoxication. For hemolytic disease And toxmia of newborns drug can be introduced up to 8 times a day (every day or every other day).

Side effects

When using hemodesa, according to the instructions, adverse reactionsAs a rule, do not arise.

Development side Effects It is due to the introduction of the drug at increased speed. This can lead to a decrease in blood pressure, breathing, tachycardia.

In some cases, allergic reactions may develop (including anaphylactic shock). In such situations, the infusion of the drug is stopped and carried out symptomatic therapy.

special instructions

When using hemodesa should be borne in mind that:

  • The solution must be transparent, should not contain suspension and sediment;
  • Before conducting infusion, assess the integrity and tightness of the packaging;
  • With extensive burns, hemodez is introduced simultaneously with plasma, albumin, gamma globulin;
  • Freezing (including multiple) does not affect the quality of the solution; The vials with a frozen solution must be withstanding at room temperature and mix the contents after thawing.


Analogues of hemodesa are drugs: Bellidon, Neogenesis, Hemosan, Krashemodez.

Effective infusion therapy - This is a pledge successful treatment Miscellaneous kind of pathologies and diseases. And hemodez is an effective disinfectant that is very popular and efficient in modern medicine. It is necessary to draw attention to the fact that this drug is a plasma-substituting agent.

Hemodez: composition and form of release

Hemodez is produced in the form of a solution that has a yellowish color. Concerning forms of releaseThe drug is produced in special bottles with different litters. So, you can buy as a small bottle of 100 ml, as well as large in 400 ml. Special is used as an additional component.

What are the testimony for use

It should be noted that hemodez is used for such clinical conditions, as:

  1. Post travery, postoperative and burn shock.
  2. Inxication in gastrointestinal diseases in acute form.
  3. Pneumonia.
  4. Sepsis.
  5. Burn diseases.

The infusion solution is used in toxicosis in pregnant women and with liver diseases that are chronic. As well as with strong alcoholic intoxication.

Instructions for use of the drug

The drug is introduced intravenously with a dropper. The speed of administration of the drug ranges from 40 to 80 drops per minute. The substance can be administered and subcutaneously, but the drug becomes not so effective. Before use, the solution should be heated to 35 ° C.

If we talk about the dosage, then about 300-500 ml is once an adult patient. If we are talking about a child, the calculation of the amount of the drug depends on how much the child weighs. One kilogram of the body mass of the child is taken from 5 to 15 ml of solution.

You can repeat the procedure only after 12 hours. It should be paid to the fact that the dose and the number of injections should determine the doctor who is engaged in treatment. The procedure can be both one-time and a whole course of therapy can be carried out, which consists maximum of 10 days of treatment. With burn disease and acute forms The gastrointestinal tract with pronounced symptoms of intoxication of the body can be assigned to the use of the solution once or twice a day. This drug is used in toxmia in newborns. In this case, the doctor can designate from 2 to 8 drops.

According to instructions With a large focus, about 200 ml of solution is injected in the first day. If there is a long sore attackAlso, there is a heavy arrhythmia, on the second day another dropper of the drug is introduced with the same dosage.

Hemodez: Contraindications

The composition of the drug Determines all contraindications to the use of the drug. So, hemodez is prohibited to use in such cases:

  • if a person has acute nephritis or bronchial asthma;
  • the drug cannot be used in heart failure, stroke, as well as with respiratory failure;
  • Hemodhetus cannot be used after cranopy and brain injuries.

What can occur by side effects of the drug

It should be noted that the rapid administration of the drug can provoke a rapid decrease in blood pressure, tachycardia, as well as breathing problems. In rare cases, patient may have severe allergic reaction which can end even anaphylactic shock.

If you have noticed at least one side effect of the drug should immediately stop the reception and start symptomatic therapy. It should be paid to the fact that symptomatic therapy should be supported by heart and vasoconducting drugs.

How hemodez is combined with other drugs, its analogues and price

This drug is perfect for complex therapy . It can be combined with different salt solutions, and erythrocytic mass. If acute renal failure occurs, hemodez is taken together with osmotic diuretic.

There are such analogues of hemodeza:

  1. Neogenesis.
  2. Hemodez 8000.
  3. Krashemodez 8000.

Price of this drug It will be directly dependent on the size of the bottle. The price in Russia on hemodez varies from 57 to 125 rubles.

Preparation hemodes

Hemodez: Reviews

Just a month ago, he received strong poisoning. The reason was normal with the appearance of mussels. The first day tried to act independently: took activated carbonsaw a lot of liquid. However, this terrible state did not pass and I turned to the doctor. It was at the hospital that I already made a dropper with hemodesom, which I put me on my feet and brought all toxins out of the blood. The lesson was absorbed - it is better to immediately seek qualified help.

Martha, Volgograd

A dropper with hemodesoma was delivered to me only once, when I got a strong intoxication by poor-quality alcohol. The effect of this medicinal product was very fast. It was it that helped put me on his feet in a couple of days, and also cleared blood from harmful toxins that were in alcohol.

Victor, Moscow

Most recently, purulent appendicitis and hemodhetter was removed in the form of droppers. It is this drug that helped me avoid the appearance of different side effects. In addition, I very quickly went on amendment. Now I left the hospital and decided to write a positive feedback in hemodesa, so that other people knew about him.

Nikolai, Murmansk

Hemodez has a detoxifying effect due to the binding to low molecular weight polyvinylpyrrolidone circulating in the blood toxic substances and rapid elimination of them from the body. Due to the increase in glomerular filtration and increased renal blood flow, the drug increases diuresis.


Up to 80% of hemodesa is unchanged and in a compound with toxins and other substances for 4 hours is derived from the urine (partially eliminated through the intestines). High molecular weight fractions are delayed by cells of the monocytic macrophages.

Indications for use

Hemodhetum is prescribed as a detoxifying agent in the toxic forms of sharp gastrointestinal diseases (salmonellosis, dysentery and others), including children; Inxication of various origins (cancer, radiation, postoperative, alcoholic, intoxication due to renal and hepatic insufficiency), burn disease in the stage of intoxication, peritonitis, septic conditions, toxicosis of pregnant women and other pathological processes accompanied by intoxication.


Drug is contraindicated with pronounced cardiovascular decompensation, hemorrhage in the brain, bronchial asthma, sharp i. chronic diseases kidneys, heavy allergies, immunosuppressive states.

Method of application and dose

Hemodez is administered intravenously drip at a speed of 40-80 drops per minute. Before administration, the solution is heated to +35 - +37 0 S. Adults are once administered up to 300-400 ml (sometimes up to 500 ml) of the drug. Children are introduced once: in breast - at a dose of 4-5 ml / kg of body weight (maximum volume - 40 ml), from 2 to 5 years - 70 ml, from 5 to 10 years - 100 ml, from 10 to 15 years - 150 ml. Gemodesa repeated infusions are carried out no earlier than 10-12 hours after the end of the previous infusion. The number of injections and the total amount of injected solution depend on the nature and course of the pathological process. With acute gastrointestinal diseases and intoxication, with a burn disease in the inxication phase (1-5th day of the disease) and in the inxication phase of acute radiation sickness, 1 -2 infusion is usually produced, with hemolytic disease and toxmia of newborns - from 2 to 8 injections (daily or 2 times a day).

The introduction of the drug, especially with severe states of patients, requires control of the doctor.

Side effect

With slow administration, hemodez is usually well tolerated. With an increased rate of infusion, hypotension, tachycardia, difficulty, which requires cessation of the administration of hemodesa and the purpose of calcium chloride (intravenous), mesaton, heart facility, polyglyukin.

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