How much to walk with a temporary crown. Details about temporary crowns on the teeth

This is a special type of orthopedic denture, which is installed on the tooth as a short-term solution. Often, the temporary crown is placed on a short period, while the crown is permanent. This prosthesis protects soft fabrics From entering them infections and does not allow to deform in bite.

Purpose of a temporary crown as an implant

Temporary crowns are able to perform a limited number of functions:

  • Fill the "space" and provide the outer aesthetics of the tooth;
  • Support / form the desired gum contour around the damaged tooth;
  • Protect the empty tooth area from mechanical damage and infections;
  • Prevent possible disorders in bite and displacement of neighboring teeth;
  • Help in chewing food;
  • Stimulates addiction (the patient learns to eat and talk with an artificial tooth, since the crown is approximate to the size of constant);
  • A normal chewing process of jaw with a naturally distributed load on all jaw is maintained;
  • If, for some reason, the patient had a violated diction, the crown contributes to its correction.

Temporary crown on the front teeth

The absence of a side tooth can remain unnoticed, but the absence of anterior brings significant discomfort, especially if it top jaw. Preparation of the main crown occupies from 3 to 10 days, so temporary crowns are compulsory. They are made of plastic or acrylic, which makes it possible to achieve a damaged tooth replacement with an artificial solution with minimal differences in the color shades of the teeth.

These materials are not intended for long-term wearing. They are fragile and quickly erased. Therefore, we strongly recommend not to wear temporary prostheses longer than a time-appointed time doctor. For example, plastic is able to be painted from various beverages with the content of painting pigments in the composition. And the constant metal ceramic crown no longer has such nuances.

The period of wearing a temporary crown

From the very name "temporary" it becomes clear that we only need to wear such a crown. Often, it is put on 2-5 days, the maximum term is 7 days. It should be worn until the "constant" crown does not produce in the laboratory. If during the period of wearing, the temporary crown for some reason fell out (it is extremely rare), then you should consult a doctor for reinforcing it.

It should be noted that if you do not have the opportunity to replace the "temporary" to "permanent", then you should know that within 20 days the crown is fully engaged that it entails the displacement of the near teeth to the crown, and this already pulls the bite change. Temporary orthopedic design is not intended to perform all the functions of a healthy tooth.

Care for temporary crowns

  1. When wearing a temporary prosthesis, it is important to carefully relate to the use of adhesive and solid food.
  2. Brush your teeth carefully, gently conducting a brush on the gum to accidentally do not contribute to the displacement of the crown.
  3. If you have several temporary solutions immediately installed, then alternate the load on the jaw, that is, chew the left or right side alternately, approximately at the same intervals.
  4. In the event that one prosthesis is installed, more often fierce food on the opposite side.

How to shoot temporary crowns

The procedure for removing the crown should be performed in the doctor's office using special dental equipment, for safe removal of the prosthesis and preserving the gaining tooth.

It is possible to remove the damaged crown on your own, if necessary. Over time, the cement, on which the temporary prosthesis is attached, breaks down, which allows you to remove the crown quickly and easily.

In case the crown slipped or shifted (it rarely happens) and independently remove the prosthesis to the end is impossible, then consult a doctor to bring the design to the tooth.

Before you put the patient an implant or manufacture dentures for constant wearing, temporary crowns are necessarily created. Pre-tooth is calculated and adjusted for the sizes of a particular prosthesis. The permanent product cannot be made immediately, it takes a certain time. The appearance of the temporary product is not too aesthetic, however it is not so long.

What temporary products look and for which they put them

Types of prostheses can be the most varied - bridges, implants, other all possible designs. Their choice is due to the nature of the lesion of the teeth, the location of the caries and the chip of the tooth and other factors. The need to install dental products is explained by the wear of teeth, significant distribution of caries, breakdown of units and various injuries. Initially, the doctor does everything possible to save the tooth with a seal. However, with the further destruction of the tooth tissue, it is very difficult. And then the decision comes to the installation of a permanent prosthesis. And the crown is placed in order for a similar prosthesis could not fall. The decision on the need for constant prosthetics is accepted quickly, but is implemented for a certain period of time. Thus, the fixation of temporary crowns is almost always necessary. Temporary products allow you to solve various problems associated with the loss of dental fabric.

There are several main reasons affecting the need to install temporary designs.

  • Aesthetic problem - beautiful appearance Human teeth affect its attractiveness and self-confidence. It is rather from psychology, however, the importance of making a decision does not at all become less significant.
  • There are cases when the nerve is not removed from the tooth. The installation of the temporary crown allows you to avoid painful sensations in this area.
  • The crown gives protection against the possible increment of the gums. The dental fabric is decreasing in size, and the temporary prosthesis takes almost an entirely freed place.
  • A temporary product protects a vulnerable tooth from the possible onset of harmful microbes. When removing solid tissue and enamel on a certain thickness, the risk of a tooth loss grows without this manipulation.
  • Thanks to this product, the tooth begins to get used to the crown - because a constant and durable design comes very soon in his place.
  • Speech restoration occurs, the dickey becomes clearer. The lispness and other elements that can spoil the pronunciation of words will disappear.
  • It is also important to say that there is better chewing of food, functionality is restored.

As can be understood from all presented, the manufacture of temporary crowns is an important and popular business. The installation cannot be neglected, because largely due to it and the preservation of a separate unit is saved. Also, the crown precedes the formation of an implant, which requires a sufficiently large amount of time. Also, the crown contributes to the proper formation of the gums and removes the problems arising in this direction. For crowns, it is necessary to maintain correctly, it will increase their functionality and will strengthen the protection against the penetration of microorganisms. The material has a short service life, but the prostheses themselves and are not designed for long-term wearing.

The implantation of the teeth is a long process, which is most often stretched far from one month.

With the installation of intermediate products in the patient, there is no need to avoid communicating with people even when it comes to the implantation of the teeth in the smile zone.

But, as it turned out, the matter here is not only in aesthetics. Why is there still need temporary crowns and how much is their installation for the implant adheated period? Let's try to figure it out in detail in this matter.

Purpose of pharmacum products

Most patients are confident that the main purpose of temporary use products is to hide the smile defect until the installation of permanent prostheses. On one side, this statement is true, since metal parts sticking instead of teeth look not quite nice. But from the point of view of medicine everything is much easier, and now I will explain why.

The implant is a kind of artificial root of the future element of the dentition. And not every organism is able to adequately perceive attempts to enlist the foreign body.

With the proper qualifications of a specialist risk of rejection of the implant, though low, but still exist.

That is why immediately after implantation, it is necessary to wait some time to understand that the implant has taken root. Up to this point in installing an expensive permanent design there is no point.


The most important advantage of non-permanent use products is the simplicity and speed of their manufacture. With their help, you can within one hour, the maximum of the day, restore the aesthetics of the dentition during the treatment, without thinking about your appearance or diction. In addition, the product allows:

  • avoid curvature bite (displacement of the teeth in the next space);
  • improve the quality of life of the patient, depriving psychological discomfort in communicating with foreign people;
  • accelerate the adaptation process to a new teuba (the design of non-permanent use is absolutely identical to the future model of constant design);
  • warn the beginning of the inflammatory process in the field of implant due to the accumulation of particles of food around it;
  • easily hygiene oral cavity .


  1. Patogenic microflora can penetrate into the porous materialpresent in the oral cavity.

    Over time, the bacteria are accumulated within the products, which is why the gums can penetrate into the reproduction of microorganisms, provoking the development of a serious inflammatory process in the field of implant.

  2. DISTRIBUTY, as the products do not have a sufficient level of strengthTo fully take the necessary chewing load.

    The service life of such a design made in the office of the dentist is up to 4 weeks. Products created by dental technician under the laboratory conditions can serve about two years.

    But this is a ridiculous figure in comparison with the service life of a constant prosthesis from metal ceramics or other materials used for prosthetics.

  3. Plastic has a property change source Under the influence of drinks or foods with staining properties. Therefore, if you smoke or like to drink strong tea, coffee, then prostheses will quickly darken, and it is impossible to whit them.

Given all the pros and cons of price products, we conclude: temporary crowns are necessary for high-quality implantation, but they cannot be an alternative to permanent designs.

Applied Material

For the manufacture of structures used mainly plastic. But today it is also possible to meet the provisions from acrylic and its derivatives.

But since the service life of non-permanent use products is small, Especially picky about the choice of material should not be treated. The main thing is that it is safe for health.

The main advantages of modern plastic products:

  • high solidification rate;
  • convenience of modeling;
  • security (for the manufacture of non-toxic materials are used);
  • reliability of the product;
  • the ability to further conduct the correction of the shape of the provisional product;
  • the speed of manufacture.

Plastic prostheses for implant are ideal designs for temporary wearing. But they are categorically not suitable for constant prosthetics due to the disadvantages of the material itself.

Methods and stages of manufacturing

Prostheses can be made by one of two methods - direct and indirect. Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages. Consider more each of them.

Direct method

Under this method, it is implied to the manufacture of pierce products directly in the dental chair in one visit with the installation of the implant. Stages:

  1. Making a cast from a patient tooth (in this case, a temporary abutment adjacent to its role), adjacent units and antagonists. For this purpose, silicone is pre-softened in hot water, which quickly solidifies in the oral cavity.
  2. Plastic flooded in the finished cast, after which it is put on the abutment.
  3. After removing the cast on the teeth there is a plastic harvesting of a future non-permanent product.
  4. The next stage is the binding of excess material, and polishing the prosthesis. All this is necessary to preserve the usual sensations and the formation of the right bite.
  5. At the end of the restoration, the prosthesis is fixed with the help of temporary cement, which has a property to gradually dissolve under the action of saliva enzymes.

The duration of the restoration is no more than an hour. And this is the main advantage of the direct method of manufacture.

But, unfortunately, these temporary designs are not intended for long wear. And the service life of such structures does not exceed 4 weeks.

The video contains the process of manufacturing a provisional product to the implant direct method.

Indirect method

Under the indiscriminate prosthetics method, the production of temporary products in a dental laboratory is implied with a subsequent installation in a dental office.

  1. As in the first case, the softened silicone is used to remove the inscription. Based on the resulting cast, the technician manufactures plaster models of two jaws.
  2. On one of the gypsum models, a future fragment is simulated using wax, taking into account the established abutment.
  3. The blind mass is thoroughly in order to avoid disclosure.
  4. With the frozen wax pattern removed the cast. Then the wax is melted, and the shafts of the abutments are closed so that plastic gets there. Isolation is applied on the plaster.
  5. Then the plastic is divorced and poured into the prepared cast. When the plastic grab slightly (the surface becomes a matte), the plaster model is closed with a cast.
  6. All this "design" put under pressure 2 atmospheres in warm water.
  7. Polymerized plastic is removed from the cast, corrected flaws and check for compliance with the bite.
  8. At the end, the product adds natural pattern necessary for aesthetics and performing chewing functions, and polished.

This type of restoration fully corresponds to the anatomical features of the jaw, which is why temporary designs are obtained more accurate and, as a result, reliable.

Therefore, they will be able to last their owner to several years. The only minus - the production time is 1-2 days, which is not catastrophically in prosthetics of chewing units.

Care rules

Plastic is not the most durable material, and the method of fixing structures is no reliability. Therefore, in the process of carrying provisions, some rules should be observed:

  • avoid solid food or adhesive food (iris, caramel and similar);
  • chew food on a healthy side, do not load the jaw site with a plug-in element;
  • be careful in the process of cleaning the teeth, Avoid excess pressure on the prosthesis and do not make sharp movements when using dental thread.

Possible problems

If you have noticed that the product has become unstable, you must urgently contact your attending physician for re-installing it.

In general, even in such a state, the design performs part of the functions assigned to it, but it is still not worth tightening with a visit to the dentist. After all, during a meal or in a dream, you can accidentally swallow the touched prosthesis or break it another tooth.

If you need to wait for a few days before the scheduled visit, you can try to fasten the product with a toothpaste yourself or vaseline.


The cost of pierce products depends on the material from which they are made.

It is also necessary to take into account the prestige dental clinic And the qualifications of a specialist to whom you have trusted the treatment of your teeth.

On average, the price of not long-term products in Moscow is 3,000-6,000 rubles per unit.

Moderator: Lesya

How much can you walk with temporary crowns?

Message Lacrima. »Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:28

Re: How much can you walk with temporary crowns?

Message Lesya »Sun Sep 11, 2016 20:50

Good evening.
In principle, nothing terrible is that you go with a temporary crown. For a long time, of course, but not critical, sometimes patients manage to walk with such years.
Your doctor can also be understood, and I will explain why he is in no hurry to make you a constant crown.
The reasons are two: the first thing that was cyst, and he wants to make sure that the tooth managed to cure qualitatively, and finally recovered bone.
And the second, it is more weighty, it's just the lack of the tooth of the antagonist. The thing is that without a teeth on the contrary, your chisel, one way or another shifts down (you have already noted it and it is not very good). Therefore, it is easy to put a constant crown at such a state of affairs because when it is time to put a crown on the implant, your crown is already changing due to the fact that the gap between the gums and the edge of the crown appears (and this will inevitably be if everything remains so as it is).
What to do you?
Ask your doctor how much you still walk without two teeth and why for so long? There is a reason for implantation for implantation. If the doctor is waiting, then how much else to wait. If something goes wrong, then what exactly and why are you walking without teeth for so long.
Consult from another orthopedic for that, whether you could put a removable temporary "butterfly" - the immidiate prosthesis - on the place of the missing tooth (while the implant is happening there) so that the teeth fails there. Usually orthopedists themselves offer such an option, especially when for some reason osteo integration is slow and have to wait. And do not make only because of the financial difficulties of the patient, as these are additional spending. But in my opinion these are expected spending, since with this little prosthet you would go all these months, and it would be possible to make a permanent crown for a long time.

Since I do not know how you have been treated for the deadlies, how long have you been put on implants, what kind of system you have, and how much you still have to wait, I can't do some conclusions. I advised options only on the basis of your specific issues.

How much time crowns can be worn

Often the question sounds on our website: "How long can you wear a temporary crown?"

Firstly, It is worth noting that all the nuances of treating your teeth, including the period of wearing the temporary constructs of the dentis restoration, is best to discuss with their attending physician, or consult with our doctors network clinic implantation teeth "Espadent". The temporary crown is put on the teeth immediately after the turning process. And they wear them until the installation of permanent crowns, which serve an average of up to fifteen years old. In some clinics, the installation of temporary crowns is ignored, which, in our opinion, is unacceptable. First, the tooth, which was covered, is subjected to the negative impact of the microorganisms of the oral cavity and is not sufficiently protected.

Secondly, It is impossible to underestimate such an important function of temporary crowns as the protection of the tooth from temperature differences. In addition, thus, the patient gets rid of discomfort, which occurs during the meal, additional measures are performed by the oral cavity hygiene (there are no particles between the teeth). In addition, the temporary crown is the closure of both natural and artificial tooth (implant). It actively participates in load distributions and protects soft fabrics near the place of implant introduction.

Temporary crowns in time are manufactured not long. And often carried out directly in the dental office by a dentist. The service life is limited to weeks, as a last resort, several months. And if earlier constant crowns were made from plastics, today they were supplied with such materials such as metal ceramics and ceramics, which serve much longer. The temporary crown in most cases is installed on the tooth and can "serve" from a few weeks to several months.

Given the low value of the temporary constructions of the restoration of the teeth, the patient usually breaks up with them easily and without regret. So, the plastic crown, which manufactures directly orthopedist, is on average 600 rubles. And sometimes the price of temporary crowns is generally included in the cost of constant crowns. The temporary crowns are significantly expensive, which are manufactured in dental laboratories and are equipped with a special fastening. But the cost of price and quality increases and increases, because such a crown serves much longer and more reliable.

According to statistics, it is believed that a high-quality temporary crown can well serve two or three years. But then the plastic is still erased, the aesthetic type of temporary construction is lost and still the need to change the temporary crown on the permanent one occurs. With the replacement of the temporary crown for permanent delaying is not worth it. After all, the temporary design of the restoration of the tooth is designed for a short time - the constant crown is ready.

What should be done in order for temporary crowns to hold longer?

Firstly, It should be reduced to a minimum chewing load on the maxillary side where the crown is installed. It is necessary to avoid adhesive food - chocolate, candies, pastes, chewing rubber. This can also say about solid food - raw vegetables, etc.

Secondly, In order for temporary crowns last longer, the cleaning of the teeth should be carried out particularly delicately, without enhanced presses. If you clean the teeth with a dental thread, the traditional method of pulling the thread when removing in two end is dangerous for the crown - it is better to pull the thread in one end and in the horizontal direction.

Answers to all questions that relate to both temporary crowns and from what they are manufactured, how to avoid some problems that arise with these constructions of the dentis restoration, you can find on our website.

Temporary plastic crowns on the front teeth

If the tooth has significant damage, and it is not possible to restore it, the dental prosthesis is used. This is done to restore the functioning of the dentition, in aesthetic purposes, in cases where the tooth is destroyed by more than 70%. Crowns are permanent and temporary. The installation process is quite complex and long, it is necessary to make surfaces, on the basis of which constant prostheses are manufactured. In order not to disrupt the structure of the row, prevent the separation of teeth, damage, temporary crowns are installed, while a constant prosthesis is created.

Constructive features and properties of material

Plastic crowns are not durable enough to use them as constant. But some patients resort to such a way out to save. Such prostheses are cheap, therefore, with limited financial capabilities, patients stop on them. Usually they are installed only during the preparation of more reliable prostheses. They have both advantages: crowns are easily manufactured and installed, the color of the dental enamel is well imitated.

Temporary plastic crown on the front teeth

Plastic for temporary crowns is used due to its properties. Even physicians do not exclude wearing such crowns on an ongoing basis. It is for the front teeth that this option is quite acceptable.

Plastics - easy to effect material, but strong enough, not to lose the form at low loads.

The front teeth do not participate in the chewing movements, at the same time, when they are prosthetized, it is important to achieve aesthetic species, because it is their most visible in a smile and conversation. If chewing teeth should be durable, then the front is beautiful. And the plastic exceeds the shades of color, the strength is not so important here, on this and the specialists are based on the above opinion.

There are plastic structures and other advantages:

  • such crowns cheap, they are accessible even for low-income people;
  • prostheses are made quickly, it does not need much time on the production of each crown;
  • insufficient strength does not affect protective functions, with them plastics also copes excellent. Split teeth are securely protected from cold and bacteria;
  • such prostheses can easily be replaced with metal-ceramic or ceramic if necessary.

Doctor and disadvantages:

  • plastic is capable of changing color over time. Not only food dyes affect the material, there are cases when temporary crowns were painted turmeric. Specialists can remove the flare, but sometimes stains remain.
  • from the appearance of cracks with significant loads, the patient is not insured;
  • some people may have allergies to plastics and its compounds;
  • with insufficient care of the teeth, the material, due to its porous structure, bacteria is capable of accumulating;
  • the term of use is less than that of metal-ceramic or ceramic prostheses;
  • the crown can easily be damaged in injuries, other strong influences, in this case there is a risk that the owner cuts into a cheek or gum.

The use of plastic crowns is less than metal-ceramic and ceramic

Indications and Contraindications for use

Cases when wearing the crown is justified and rational:

  • the presence of only minor flaws of the teeth. In this case, the crowns are used to preserve aesthetic appearance, correcting the wrong shape or unhealthy shade;
  • temporary plastic crowns on the front teeth are always used for the time required to create permanent prostheses;
  • if the patient did not solve which procedures to be made or postponed the moment of treatment, the crown is set to prevent the gutting lumber to inject the dentition displacement;
  • the temporary crown on the implant is placed to protect him from external factors. This is done for the production of a constant prosthesis. Before installing the temporary crown is removed;
  • temporary dentures are used to shining in periodontal disease, to restore diction.

Contraindications of wearing such devices on the front teeth:

  • the presence of such a phenomenon as a bruxism, so refers to the teeth;
  • allergic reactions to the material;
  • deformed bite;
  • diagnosis in patient nervous disorders, psyche disorders;
  • children such prostheses are not installed.

Manufacturing and installation process

Such crowns can be created directly in the dentist's office. This is done if their wearing is all over the month. Immediately there is a cast of plastic, then a polymerizing substance is placed in it. This design is dressed onto the tooth. It must be waited when the composition is dry, then the mass is removed. The prosthesis is fixed using a special material, the cement is usually used. If necessary, the crown is grinding, polishing.

Temporary crowns on the front teeth almost not distinguish from constant

According to the photo, temporary crowns on the front teeth are almost not distinguished from constant, especially if the first is supplied quite recently. Therefore, if wearing is supposed to be long, the process of creating more complex, it is necessary to adjust the size and shape under the configuration of the jaw, so that the crowns are able to preserve their appearance longer.

If the patient's crown plans to wear more than a month, the manufacturing process takes place in compliance with the following steps:

  • for the production of the cast, silicone composition is used, as in the case of metal-ceramic or ceramic prosthesis. There are not a blind one tooth, but the cast of both jaws;
  • after that, plaster models of jaws are created;
  • in the laboratory, the designs themselves are produced;
  • next, they are performed and installed. For fixing, the cement is again used.

How much can we carry a temporary crown from plastics?

Specialists do not advise use such a prosthesis for more than 3 years. With more long wearing Perhaps the occurrence of problems, the formation of cracks, etc.

If metal is used as the basis of the design, the service life can be extended to 5 years.

Specialists do not advise the use of a temporary crown for more than 3 years

Before prosthetics, a reservoir of the oral cavity is carried out, the doctor removes the flare, hesitate to be carious. Some of the old seals may require replacement. This is done in obligatory, prostheses are established only in the absence of serious problems and diseases of the oral cavity, otherwise the service life of the crown may be even less.

During the installation process, a period of teeth turning is undergoing. This is done in order to form a place for the crown. At the first stage, the doctor, taking into account the opinion of the patient, decides, apply or not a depulpation. Chewing teeth Usually, depugouts are not subjected to, and single teeth depugt are mandatory. Since the production of works on prosthetics is a great risk of burning the pulp and lead to the damage to the tooth.

Depulpation - painful procedureIt is a nerve removal and is made at local anesthesia.

The following should be a hopping, so refers to the process of removing the tissue of the tooth. The crown needs to be installed on a special cult, it requires space, therefore, the hook is performed. Therefore, exactly so many fabric is removed to ensure the correct installation of the prosthesis. If the depugnation was not done, such a procedure can be very painful, local anesthesia is applied.

The process of removing plastic crowns

Temporary crowns on teeth in the photo look quite attractive. But it is not necessary to forget that after the expiration of their service life, they must be changed, shoot, otherwise they can darken, spots often appear on them.

Temporary crowns with time can change color, as well as spots often appear on them.

Metal ceramics are cut, but the plastic is not as strong and firm, so there is no need for such a procedure. First, the dentist needs to weaken the action of fixing substances. For this, special devices are applied. Impact is carried out by ultrasound. Such a device is used as a copper or burgher. They provide gradual staging of the prosthesis. There is no painful sensation. Tooth is cleaned from the remaining traces of fixing materials. Usually, the dentist does not even use anesthesia in such cases.

Temporary crowns can be used further or put constant, which also have a service life, but longer, up to 15 years. In any case, the patient consults with the attending physician, takes into account its capabilities, advice and opinion of a specialist.

Details about temporary crowns on the teeth

In the process of creating implants or other prostheses, a person has to go for some time with a sharpeble unit. The external look of it is non-psychic, so there are temporary crowns on the teeth - the peculiarities of the manufacture, the price, photos and reviews we will describe more.

Most often, the installation is required on the front teeth, but also for chewing hidden units is also important. We will tell about what and for what purpose do such designs, about their main function and other features.

What it is?

With dental tissue, more than half, have to deal with the prosthetics. What it will be depends on the quantity and location, as well as the state of damaged units. These can be bridges, crowns, implants and other designs.

The causes of the loss of the tooth, partial or complete, there may be different situations - extensive caries, wear or abrasion, trauma, breakdown, etc. Initially, the doctor will try to save part of the tooth using sealing, but with a large defeat, the seal will not be able to firmly fix it, and during operation will constantly fall out.

Therefore, a decision on constant prosthetics is made. And whatever structures were chosen, its creation can delay on weeks. To solve aesthetic issues, as well as other problems associated with partial loss of solid tissue, set temporary crowns to the tooth.

Why are temporary crowns?

The reasons for which it is advisable to establish such structures, rather important for the health of the oral cavity:

  • Aesthetic problem, though not part of the preservation of health, still affects the psychological state of the person. It is much easier to communicate with people, knowing that the appearance of a smile corresponds to the norm.
  • In the case when the nerve from the drainage tooth is not removed, the presence of a piercing crown helps to protect against painful sensations during operation.
  • Protection against gum growth occurs, which, if a decrease in dental fabric, quickly fills free space and subsequently may interfere with quality prosthetics.
  • Even the temporary crown is able to protect the winning tooth from the attack of microorganisms. After all, all enamel and most of solid tissue, which makes the remaining unit very vulnerable.
  • The presence of such a design helps to save it and from swinging and falling out. And also does not give "neighbors" to shift towards the empty place. After all, the reduced part of the tooth frees a significant space, and herself loses the support itself, which leads to the instability of its position.
  • There is a natural process of adaptation to the presence of a future prosthesis, which will take the place of the provincial crown. Thus, the addiction time is significantly reduced.
  • Restores diction. The absence of gaps makes it correct, excess sounds, hissing and whistle when conversation.
  • Filling the space of the tooth row contributes to better food chewing. At the same time it is achieved full recovery Its functionality.

Photo before and after

Pros and cons

The advantages can be called all the reasons for which temporary crowns are installed. This is the protection of the tooth, and assistance in prosthetics, and aesthetic component. In addition, due to the simplicity of the material and the speed of their creation, the price of such crowns is significantly lower.

But there are such temporary designs and disadvantages:

  • Short service life.
  • The porosity of the material, which leads to rapid staining from various drinks or food.
  • In case of illiterate care, infection can be penetrated.

Materials for manufacture

The temporary crown must comply with the following parameters:

  • The substance is better to use a self-impending.
  • Impact on it involves easy modeling of the form.
  • Low allergenicity and toxicity.
  • Strengths should be enough for everyday operation as usual.
  • Availability of adjustment in the process of use.
  • Easy removal when replacing a permanent prosthesis.
  • Creation rate.

The price of a temporary crown should be quite low. All these parameters correspond to such materials such as dental plastic and acrylic. Typically, puzzled structures are made of them. A rather common and high-quality acrylic material is a luxathempe.

Methods of manufacture

Most often use two main method of creating temporary crowns. This is direct and indirect options. We describe the details each of these processes. Direct method involves:

  1. On the day of circulation, the patient makes the original surface of silicone. At the same time, it is covered by the tooth itself, which is put by a temporary crown, its "neighbors" and opposite units.
  2. Such material quickly solidifies. At this time, the doctor handles the tooth.
  3. In the hardened silicone flood plastic and immediately put it on the future place location. In this case, the process of cold polymerization occurs.
  4. After some time, the cast is removed, and the hard-sized plastic remains on the tooth.
  5. At the end, the dentist is pulling the material, grinding and polishes it to create a more natural shape of the crown and the convenience of its use. The design is attached using temporary cement.

The whole procedure can take no longer an hour that is very convenient to the patient. Indirect method It assumes a long period of production of the crown, but it will be durable and accurate. Stages of creating a temporary design by indirect way:

  1. The doctor makes patient's jaws cast from the same silicone mass.
  2. Further, gypsum models are created in a special dental laboratory and they are carefully studied, comparing the operation of the entire dentition.
  3. With the help of wax create a temporary design, correctly adjusting for ease of operation.

Features of care

For maximum long-term operation, as well as to preserve the high quality of protective functions from infection, it is desirable to adhere to the rules of hygiene:

  • Cleaning the prosthesis, like the rest of the teeth, should be daily. But the design itself should be processed very carefully, not pressing on it.
  • Doctors recommend abandoning the use of adhesive and solid products, as they can break the crown or split it.
  • Using dental thread, some movements should be changed - dropping it down, pull out, releasing one end in the direction of the face.

How much can we carry temporary crowns?

Provisorial crowns are not recommended to operate too long. They are created only for that period, while the dentener produces a permanent prosthesis. If it is supposed to wear temporary crowns how much they keep, then it is incorrect.

After all, with good creation of it, as well as careful use, it can hold much longer than the expected period.

What to do when dropping?

In cases where the pierce crown falls, it must be put on the back at least temporarily. This will prevent damage and disease of the drainage tooth. But most importantly, what needs to be done is to turn to the dentist as early as possible. It either fix this design is stronger, or will create a new one.

If the crown does not hold on to the tooth at all, even when re-equipped, it can be partially fixed with a toothpaste or vaseline, applying it to the inner surface of the crown. But it is allowed only for one or two days. Visit the doctor, one way or another.

How much are?

The cost of temporary prostheses is much lower than constant due to the simplest material that is used to create them. Usually it is 1500-2000 rubles, but maybe cheaper or more expensive, depending on the clinic in which they are going to carry out treatment.

Video: Why do the temporary crowns need?

I expected a metal-ceramic crown for a very long time. As a result, go to work and communicate with people with a sharpened tooth was unpleasant and ugly. The doctor set me a temporary crown based on acrylic. If it were even a little more stronger, then I would constantly wear it, so it is externally identical to natural teeth. Sorry, on for a long time use such material is not adapted.

I did not agree to a permanent prosthesis for a very long time, knowing what they do not in one day, and I categorically did not want to walk with the rejoals in the mouth. But the doctor convinced me that immediately after the drain will put a temporary construction that will not differ from my teeth. I did not completely trust that it was possible, but he kept his word, and it was not even noticeable that something changed in the mouth during the visit of the dentist. The procedure happened quickly and painlessly, which is very important to me.

I was not going to pay more and for the temporary prosthesis, since the permanent cost was not suiced. But the doctor suggested that it was necessary, since a sharpening tooth may, it can be seen and will not, but it practically remains unprotected for any infection, caries, etc. It was convinced that it was still needed temporary protection for him. Fortunately, the plastic crown was inexpensive.

Additional questions

Does temporary crowns need implantation?

While the implant is coming to the gum, it is also better to establish a temporary crown, as it will help the formation of soft tissues around the implant. In addition, this measure will preserve the appearance of a smile at all time until the healing process and the creation of an artificial tooth.

Swallowed a temporary crown with a pin - what to do?

It is not particularly necessary to worry, since the material is non-toxic and harmless to the body. Naturally after a while everything will come out. But to turn to the dentist and install a new design still worth it.

The difference between temporary prosthesis from the temporary crown

The crown is one of the types of prostheses that establish the patient. But they can be the most different - removable and non-removable, one tooth or immediately a number. The piercing crown is distinguished by the fact that it is installed only per unit, and it is non-removable.

Can the teeth be sick under temporary dental crowns?

If the prosthetics procedure was carried out correctly, and before installing the design, a qualitatively treated tooth should not be pain. If there are painful sensations, this may mean the continuation of the infection of the tissue. In order to avoid deterioration, you should contact the dentist. He will remove the temporary crown and detect the cause of such a phenomenon.

Is it different from constant?

The whole difference in the quality and strength of the materials that are used to install them. For temporary crowns, plastics or acrylic are chosen, and cement for fixing takes such that it is easily dissolved under the influence of saliva. For longer than a few months, this design will not be able to listen. But permanent prostheses are made from high-quality materials designed for many years.

Why do you need a temporary seal and what is its feature?

Dentists explain that, closing the cavity of sealing paste, they can hold additional diagnosis. If after that the tooth does not bother the patient, there is no reaction to stimuli, it means that the pulp is not amazed and the unit can be boldly seal with constant material. As a result, the functionality of the tooth will be saved.

Why are there a temporary seal after cleaning the channel? After all, the nerve is removed, and the treatment is already produced. Channel cleaning is considered a complex procedure. After all, the doctor acts almost blindly. In addition, root canals are often winding. After cleaning, temporary pastes allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of endodontic treatment. For some time at home, the patient monitor whether pain or reaction to stimuli will arise.

In aesthetic dentistry, temporary seals can be placed in order to bleach if the tooth has shown from the inside. For example, it often occurs after depulpation. Over time, patients complain that the enamel of the causal unit darkened.

Used compositions

Materials for temporary seals must meet certain requirements. Good pasta They have the following characteristics:

  • plastic;
  • strength;
  • indeheriness to the nerve of the tooth;
  • ease of installation and extraction from the cavity;
  • tightness;
  • do not dissolve when contact with liquids or saliva.

Such requirements correspond to the following materials:

  • Artificial dentine (keeps in the cavity of 2-3 days).
  • Dentin-paste is distinguished by good adhesion. Such a seal put for 7-10 days.
  • Vinoxol provides good adhesion of the seal with the surface of the tooth. The material is durable, does not irritate the nerve. The service life of the installed seal is to six months (if the doctor is allowed).
  • Zinc-Eugenic cement (CEP) has a slight sedative and painkillers. The material is well expressed antiseptic and regenerative properties. Therefore, it is used as medicinal gaskets.
  • Sympath has good biocompatibility, strength. The material does not cause irritation. Due to its composition, he found widespread use in children's dentistry.
  • Polycarboxylate cement (PCC) refers to modern sealing materials. Used to fill root channels. Pasta allows you to install a temporary seal that will not cut down ahead.

How much can you walk with a temporary seal?

What a temporary seal can stand, always determines the doctor. And its recommendations should be clearly followed. The reasons why it is impossible to "rear" such seals different:

  1. The paste is laid enough deeply. As a result of constant pressure during the meal or closure of jaw arcs, the seal falls at home. Often, in this case, pieces of causal unit or the entire coronary part are closed.
  2. It is especially important to know how much time you can walk if a seal with arsenic. This substance is added to the paste in order to kill the nerve before removing it. Usually with arsenic seal can be walking 2-3 days. Exceeding the duration will lead to intoxication. In modern dentistry, the fillings with arsenic were replaced by less aggressive compositions. But they are designed for the fact that the paste will be removed no later than in a week.

Specialists pay attention to the fact that in some cases there is a need to install temporary seals for 3-6 months. Given this nuance, the doctor selects the necessary polymer material, not inferior in terms of the characteristics of constant compositions.

What if the seal fell out?

Due to the violation of the protocol of the installation or non-compliance with the patient himself, the doctor's recommendations also have such that the seal reached, talking the cavity. In this case, the pathogenic microflora is available inside the tooth. All you need to do if a temporary seal fell out, it urgently appeal to the clinic. At home, it will not be possible to solve the problem. In such cases, there are 2 options out of the situation:

  • The doctor will disinfive the cavity and will place a new portion of the material. It is especially important to do if the seal was with arsenic or other medicine that kills the nerve.
  • The dentist may decide to restore the coronary part by constant material.

Experts warn that when the temporary seal is falling, you need to act quickly. It is impossible to walk with an open cavity in the tooth. This will lead to the development of complications. To the hike in the clinic at home is recommended to perform rinsing after each meal.

The process of extracting seals

If the temporary seal began to crumble, then its removal will occur in seconds. More dense materials are removed using bormashin.

If the causal unit requires endodontic treatment, then the procedure can be carried out under anesthesia. After the patient loses the sensitivity, the dentist will remove the seal, remove the nerve, clears the channels. Further, the usual algorithm for restoring an anatomical unity form is followed.

What is the difference?

The seal under consideration differs from the constant restoration in the main structure of the material. It must provide good adhesion with the surfaces of the fabrics, but it is more loose. This is necessary to easily extract paste.

The difference lies in how much can be walking with a temporary seal. Extremely rarely, the doctor sets it for several months. In most cases, the service life is calculated days. But permanent seals are calculated for long-term operation (3-5 years). With proper care, the service life increases significantly.

The visually considered seal may not differ in any way. At home, it is difficult for a person to determine which material was used. The seal looks aesthetic, does not black. But this is not so important, as it is an intermediate stage on the way to recovery.

Despite the fact that temporary formulations are softer, it is impossible to stop cleaning the teeth, fearing to disturb the integrity of the seal. It is enough just to accurately perform a hygienic procedure in the area of \u200b\u200bcausal space. But the use of too hard food (nuts, suchers) is not recommended.

Cost of installation

It is worth noting that the pricing policy in each clinic may differ. Also, the cost of the temporary seal will depend on the material used, the complexity of work, the qualifications of the specialist.

Without use during the treatment of the stage under consideration, it is difficult to achieve recovery. Therefore, you should not give up the procedure. As a result, it slightly affects the total cost of treatment. The price for temporary seals ranges from 200-600 rubles.

Modern dentistry is based on the tooth-drying principle. Therapy is a complex of activities that lead to the restoration of the functionality and aesthetic nature of the unit of the tooth row. Compliance with all rules and rules gives nice results. And the use of temporary seals in the medical process is often its integral part.

Useful video about the temporary seal

Depending on which material is chosen for the manufacture of structures, the service life of the crown may vary. For the service life of the crown also affects the correctness of the installation in compliance with all requirements, the correct manufacture, compliance with all rules of departure, timely appeal to the doctor.

For the restoration of the dentition, the dentistry proposes to use metal-ceramic products. They are reliable and durable. The service life of the dental crowns from metal ceramics while complying with all rules of care and installation can be more than ten years. But in order to achieve such a long period of operation, it is necessary to take care of your teeth, to comply with all requirements for care - to regularly perform hygienic procedures, rinse the mouth after meals, strengthen the gums, to pass through the specialist in time.

Motionable crowns are also used. Such products are more fragile. The duration of their operation is five years. Ceramic structures Usually used to restore the teeth in the smile line, as they have high aesthetic indicators.

Also applied children's orthodontic structures. Usually they are made of ceramics. They are comfortable and invisible. How much is such a product on the tooth? It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, the age of the child, the singularities of the power supply. It is necessary to attend a specialist for a prophylactic inspection of the oral cavity every six months, carry out professional cleaning in addition to daily hygienic events.

What factors affect the service life

However, many factors affect the crown, many factors affect. First of all, it is the right preparation for the prosthetics procedure. Samoa frame problemWith which patients of the dentist faces, is poor-quality dental sealing. As a result, after a while at the top of the root of the tooth begins to develop inflammatory process, the tumor of the gums appears, it is accompanied by painful sensations. As a result, the product will have to remove, cure the tooth, make and install a new design. Often it is necessary to carry out complete extraction of the tooth.

Also, with poor preparations for the installation procedure, the crown may occur by a device. The specialist must comply with a specific installation technique. For example, if only the root remains from the tooth, top part Restored not at the expense of sealing material or pin, but by forming a cultial tab.

An important factor affecting the length of the product service is the professionalism of a specialist. It is necessary to carry out high-quality compatibility of solid tissues under the future crown, correctly remove the cast. In case of violation of the techniques of grinding of solid tissues or with inaccurate removal of the cast, the product will be loosened to the tooth tissue. As a result, salivary liquid, residues of food, pathogenic microorganisms, causing the development of secondary caries and the inflammatory process will penetrate into the resulting gap.

Another important factor is the professionalism of the dental technology that manufactures the design. Finished casts are transmitted to the dental laboratory, where the manufacturer of crowns is carried out. The way that the finished product will correspond to the parameters - form, color, depends only on the dental technology.

Comparison of different types of devices

Ceramic products are made of ceramics. Used in the presence of defects of single elements, to install prostheses, restoration of the front units. The duration of their service is from 10 to 15 years.

Metal-ceramic structures on implants. For their manufacture, a metal base is applied, top with ceramic facing. Are used to restore a single element or a whole tooth row to install bridges and removable ProsthesesFor restoration of chewing molars. The service life is from 11 to 14 years.

Metal-ceramic products based on precious metals. The basis is the precious metal. From above ceramic facing. Indications for use are:

  1. Installation of bridge or removable prostheses.
  2. Restoration of chewing molars.

The duration of operation is from 10 to 12 years.

Metal plastic structures. Made from metal, tops covered with plastic. These are temporary products, used before installing permanent prostheses, also applied as part of removable devices. The service life is no more than two years.

Products from zirconium dioxide. The basis is zirconium dioxide, on top of ceramic facing. Indications for use are:

  1. Restoration of one element or whole jaw.
  2. Installing bridge and removable devices.
  3. Restoration of chewing molars.
  4. Restoration of front cutters.

The duration of operation is from 15 to 18 years, depending on proper care and compliance with all the requirements for manufacturing and installation. So that the products are better to keep, it is important to correctly produce the preparation. For some products, it is required to stink a lot of their own tissues so that the crown in the future fits tightly to the neck of the tooth so that under the crown in the future there was no inflammatory process and secondary caries.

To extend the period of operation of structures, it is necessary to clearly adhere to all medical recommendations after prosthetics:

In compliance with all the requirements at each stage of prosthetics, as well as subject to all rules of care, it is possible to significantly extend the life of artificial crowns.

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