Neurur Morton - What is it? Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. How to get rid of Morton's Nursions without surgery? Whether the blockade of Morton's blockade is ill

Nerurom Morton is a disease that is more susceptible to women. Wanting to look spectacularly, they often wear narrow shoes on a high or uncomfortable heel, without noticing how damage is damaged. Or work may be associated with long-staying standing in the standing position (teacher, seller, waiter, stewardess, etc.). Not so often, but Morton's syndrome is diagnosed with men.

This is a benign growth of the tissues of the plantar nerve, located in the third interfluid gap (usually between the base of the third and fourth finger of the foot). The seal appears causes pain in the foot, causes discomfort at first during walking, and in the future and at rest. In most cases, the neurom is found on the one hand, but in rare cases can be double-sided. With untimely diagnostics and late treatment, it can lead to surgery.

"Important! Morton's disease is not a threat to life, but can deliver significant discomfort and limit active movement. "

Tumor formation process

In order to understand the principle of the formation of a tumor, you need to know what is happening in the foot when moving. The joint joints are plus (parts of the foot between the heel and the base of the fingers) occurs with the help of a transverse bundle. Under it there are common interpalic nerves, branched to the side sides of the fingers located next to them, so that each of the nerves participates in ensuring the innervation of the surfaces of the fingers facing each other. The heads of tie bones are located in close proximity, and the nerve is located in a close space between the bones and the ligament.

When walking or long standing on the legs at the foot there is a large load, therefore, changes and disorders are observed in the joints, bundles, nerve endings and vessels. If shoes are free and chosen correctly, the loads will not be so noticeable. In narrow and uncomfortable shoes, squeezing the nerve endings located between the bones and joints. This causes pain in the legs and leads to damage. It is most acutely manifested with the previously existing injuries of the foot - fractures, age-related changes etc.

To the most common reasons that causes Morton's non-violence include:

  • wearing incorrectly selected shoes (cramped, with a narrow toe, too high heel or an uncomfortable shoe);
  • overweight, excessive load on the entire foot;
  • sports, dances or other active classes related to stopping stop;
  • violation of posture, gait;
  • long stay in the standing position, long walking.

A group of risk can also include people who already have flatopacea, previously suffered injuries associated with damage to the nervous trunk or infringement by its hematoma. The provoking factors also include inflammatory processes occurring in joints or other tumors that have pressure on the nerve.

Under the influence of these factors, the nerve is infringed, as a result of which the edema is formed. When it is increased, a seal is formed in connecting structures, which is no longer enough space between bundles, causing pain. The basis of the necris is the resulting connecting tissue.

Manifestation of signs of the Morton's Nursions

Major's main symptoms:

In the initial stage of the patient's disease, pain is bothering, but the neoplasm is not felt by the patient, does not show itself. The patient traces the connection between wearing close shoes and the emergence of painful sensations, and removing it, gets rid of pain and significant relief. The pain passes, but returns after some time again.

At this stage, the patient sees the occasion to appeal to the doctor, as the symptoms disappear or significantly decrease. In the future, when the disease passes into the launched stage, the pain is constant, can increase and becomes more intense. Even being in the position of Lözh or being barefoot, the patient will have sensations similar to those who are tested when walking on acute pebbles. The process of exacerbation occurs in a waveguide when the alternation of the rest period and intensive pain occurs.

With the development of the disease, the patient is more and more difficult to be on the legs for a long time. If with severe pains to remove shoes and make a foot massage, the pain will decrease and can completely disappear. But this is only a temporary measure. On the reception to a doctor, the patient is already in a state when all the ways are tried to get rid of pain.

The pain is concentrated in the interdigal gap, often the patient complains of numbness, tingling into the fingers, the presence of a "non-existent pebble" in the shoes. Already formed the neurus easily tackle between the fingers in the form of a small seal between the tie bones.


The treatment of Morton's syndrome is engaged in orthopedist, surgeon or neurologist. To make a diagnosis, sometimes enough patient survey and inspect the foot. But it is important to exclude diseases with similar symptomatics - arthritis and bone fracture.

  • X-ray is conducted to confirm the diagnosis or cT scan. They do not define the shortness due to its migratory, but exclude a fracture, flatfoot, etc.
  • MRI. Align informative, since the study shows the presence of a seal, but an erroneous diagnosis is possible.
  • Ultrasound. The most informative method of diagnosis of neuromes, not having contraindications and gives an accurate picture of the nature and location of the neoplasm.

How to get rid of pain

For the treatment of nurgers of Morton, they use both conservative methods and surgical interventionVarious folk remedies. But the first and basic condition is shifting shoes. Properly selected, fairly spacious and comfortable shoes on a convenient heel with an orthopedic insole externally inferior to a narrow boat on the "stud", and fashionable "ballet shoes" on a flat sole, but brings a noticeable relief to the patient, correctly forming the position of the foot.

The correct height of the heel is about two centimeters. This height corresponds to the physiological state, and is able to take a large body weight load. It is necessary to temporarily limit long standing or walking, which contribute to the increase in pain.

Conservative method

The basis of this method is the relief of pain attacks. For this, anti-inflammatory and painkillers are used. They are prescribed in the form of tablets, powders, ointments, gels. The doctor selects the drug and dosage depending on the concomitant diseases, since non-steroidal anti-inflammatory have a number of contraindications.

If the pain syndrome cannot be removed by the conservative method, several blockads can be carried out using anesthetics directly to the nerve area. If after expiration three months old Conservative methods do not give a significant improvement, the doctor may assign an operation.

Operational treatment method

The operation is prescribed at the late stage of the disease, when drug treatment did not give the expected result. With the Morton's neuro, several techniques removal methods can be applied:

  • through an incision;
  • excision;
  • artificial bone fracture.

When removing through an incision, fibrous fabric is removed along with a small fragment of the nerve. The seams are superimposed, and for the next day after the operation, the patient can neatly step up. On the fourteenth day of the seams take off. And the load on the legs gradually increases.

Extremely rarely resorted to excision of the inflamed part of the foot. In this case, the radical method is completely lost the sensitivity of the finger, the pain symptom does not renew.

It is resorted to the artificial fracture (osteotomy) in extreme cases when there is no possibility to free the nerve from squeezing. The fracture of the fracture of the fracture is carried out under control of the X-ray through the puncture, without incision. After the operation, the recovery process takes about a month.

Folk remedies

TO people's Fashion Treatment is usually resorted primarily, even before visiting the doctor. It should be understood that these methods will not lead to complete healing, and can only help relieve pain and partially remove inflammation.

Among the masses of all sorts of recipes there are several effective. They can be used both independently and in the complex with the appointments of the doctor.

The most common one is a row or climbing cloth. They are able to significantly reduce pain syndrome. For this, clamps are bitterly tritura to the state of the casket, lay on a gauze napkin and laid on a painful place. Printed mark can be left overnight.

Warming ointment of pork or goose fat and table salt (1 tsp. Salts per 20 g of fat) rubs into a painful place, and the dense warming bandage is superimposed.

Tangible relief will bring a bath with a decoction from chamomile, calendula or lavender. A small amount of sea salt is added to the water. The water temperature should not be higher than 38 s. The infusion of herbs is harvested in advance. 2 tbsp. l. The raw materials are brewed with 2 glasses of boiling water, they give to get drunk 3-5 minutes and insist for an hour.

The importance of using stelek

Patients who are diagnosed with Morton's neurom, orthopedic are recommended to use orthopedic insoles. In each case, the doctor makes an individual selection. Sometimes it is recommended an additional use of silicone interfallated liners.

What is the importance of using the stelek? They help solve a number of key issues to reduce the load on the foot:

  • the body mass pressure on the front stop of the foot is reduced, which helps to restore the transverse arch;
  • reduces or stops the pressure of bones to the nerve, which stops the development of the disease;
  • the pressure on the plantar nerve is reduced, which helps to eliminate pain;
  • improves blood circulation, and fixes it in the right position, so that the patient has the ability to properly stop.

The selection and the manufacture of stelks occur individually. You can start using them immediately after the diagnosis - in this case the chance of the fastest recovery increases. It is recommended to use insoles and after operational intervention.


How to warn Morton's disease? First, choose the right shoes corresponding to the size that does not compress the foot arch, on a stable heel and with a comfortable block. If for some reason it is impossible to abandon the heel, the woman should limit the time of walking in it, and in the evening there to make a foot bath or lay them on a slight elevation.

Significant chances of getting rich in people suffering from flatfoot. Therefore, regardless of age, they are recommended to carry orthopedic stelks or special shoes.

No less important factor - compliance with the motor regime. Avoid long standing or long hiking. You always need to take breaks to reduce the load on the foot and give it the possibility of rest. When appearance anxiety symptoms You should immediately consult a doctor. Conservative treatment at an early stage most efficiently and will avoid the operation.

There are several treatment options that include one or course of injection. medicines and used in the treatment of Morton's nursions. In our clinic, we use only local anesthetics and glucocorticoids for this purpose.

Local Introduction of glucocorticoid and local anesthetic under ultrasound control

Such an injection is performed with both therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. Glucocorticoids allow you to stop the inflammatory process and related pain, and the local anesthetic causes the anesthesia of the fabrics in which it is introduced, which is ongoing about 12-48 hours.

The effectiveness of glucocorticoids regarding the relief of pain is impossible to predict, but their use is characterized by a sufficiently low number of complications, therefore they are quite often resorted to their use, especially if we take into account the fact that the next treatment method will have more invasive surgical treatment. The effect of local anesthetic, on the contrary, is well predictable. If it is entered into the causal zone, the symptomatics is largely fixed or virtually disappears by 12-48 hours. If after the injection of the symptoms are saved, the question of the correctness of the diagnosis should be made.

All injections in our clinic we are spent only after ultrasound confirmation of the fact of the presence of Morton's neuromes. Most injections are performed under ultrasound guidance, which allows us to make sure that the needle is located where it is necessary. A solution containing glucocorticoid and bupivacaine (a long-acting local anesthetic) is introduced into the necroma region. The use of such equipment allows us to achieve the most effective result, since we have no doubt about the correctness of the needle position and the accuracy of drug administration.

Local anesthetic causes anesthesia of fabrics, which remained about 12-48 hours. The action is quite predictable. Unpredictable only the duration of glucocorticoid. Its effect can persist a month, a few months or even more than a year.

Injections should not be repeated more often than once every six months. Repeated injections can lead to local tissue damage and cause such complications as:

  • Depigmentation of the skin
  • Skin thinning
  • Atrophy of fatty tissue

More detailed information relating to injection therapy and related complications is presented here.

Please take care of the fact that anyone can take you home after injection, because within a few days after it you can experience painfulness.

In our clinic we do not use the introduction of alcohol or sclerosing drugs.

It is assumed that the introduction of these substances into the nerve or surrounding tissues will damage the nerve sufficient so that the symptoms of the disease disappear. Our experience shows that alcohol leads to significant scarsing tissues, which can not only aggravate the existing symptoms, but also complicate the operation required in such a situation.

For the same reasons, we do not practice cryosurgery. Its essence lies in the destruction of the nerve by freezing it. Some patients after such interventions mark improvement, however, in our opinion, the number of complications and unsuccessful interventions are incommensurable highly.

Nerurom Morton: What is it?

What is the neurom? From point of view clinical anatomyThis is the name of any tumor, the source of which is nervous fabric. But in this case, this term has a conditional meaning: this disease is not a nerve tumor at all, but only resembles it. So, the surgeon during surgery sees that the nerve is thickened, but not at all due to the tumor of the nervous tissue: the cause of the thickening is an excessive increase in connective, or fibrous tissue around the nerve (lateral plantar, its surface branch).

Causes of the occurrence of noncrosses

For the first time, the first signs of the plantar fibrosis appeared for the first time before the pains began. This is unnoticed because the growth does not yet lead to the nerve compression, and there is no need to treat treatment. You need to know which reasons contribute to the emergence and progression of this pathology. To the most frequent of them, causing fibrosis of nervous trunks lower extremitiesThese are risk factors that lead to an increased burden on the front edge of the foot:

  • disorders of posture and gait;
  • wearing cramped and incorrectly selected shoes;
  • hobbating "hairpins";
  • long hiking;
  • finding "on the legs" during the day;
  • pronounced physical and sports loads;
  • obesity;
  • flatfoot.

Permanent pathological impulse, increased load and periodic nerve compression leads to a reaction of surrounding connective tissue, which begins to grow, and perhipurium responds to increased pressure.

Clinical signs and symptoms

The first symptoms of Morton's disease are discomfort when loaded under the fingers, closer to their base. In the future, discomfort goes into pain, then begins to react the whole foot. The following complaints are characterized in the stage of deployed manifestations:

  • pronounced discomfort and pain when wearing shoes;
  • very strong relief in the foot and between the fingers of the legs when exemption from shoes;
  • frequent feeling of "pebble" in the boot in the projection of the largest sprouting of the connective tissue;
  • when trying to squeeze the foot in the transverse direction, the pain is enhanced;
  • the "shooting" pain in the fingers (signs of neuralgia) appears.

Important! In progression of symptoms, neurological disorders begin with the Morton's neurological disorders. Most often, patients complain about numbness, a decrease in sensitivity, crawling "goosebumps" and other signs.


As in the case of many orthopedic diseases, the neurom of Morton is almost always pre-diagnosed in the office of the orthopedic. Therefore, in the event that you have a pain in the foot, please contact this specialist at the beginning. Morton Diagnosis Diagnosis is based on the analysis of complaints, assessing risk factors, and examining the patient. Most often, the correct palpation of the foot is already at the stage of the first reception allows you to set a preliminary proper diagnosis, for example, a test for the front compression of the foot with an amplification of pain.

And also apply diagnostic techniques as:

  • CT and MRI Study, which make it possible to understand the interjection of the pathological focus and soft tissues;
  • Stop ultrasound;
  • Ordinary x-ray study in several projections;
  • Neurological examination with the definition of sensitivity, as well as conducting electroneuromiography to assess the disruption of the nervous trophic.

After the correct diagnosis you need to assign proper treatment Nesters Morton. Consider the basic principles of treatment

Treatment of noncross

How to treat Nurvu Morton correctly? As with most orthopedic problems, the conservative methods of treatment are used first, and only during their ineffectiveness is carried out to remove the Morton's neuromes.

Conservative treatment

Conservative treatment is designed to reduce pain, swelling and inflammation, stop the progression of the growth of connective tissue and achieve an improvement in the state. For this, the following techniques and medicines are applied:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which contribute to the elimination of pain syndrome, edema and decrease in inflammation. These are the drugs "Movalus", "Nimesil" (respectively, meloxicams and nimesulide), "Ksefokam" (Langnoksikov) and other means. With pronounced pain syndrome, it is recommended first intramuscular mixture, and then - local treatment, with the use of ointments and gels containing NSAIDs, as well as components containing bee and snake poison.
  • mandatory orthopedic correction: the use of steleke, special shoes, just walking barefoot allows you to reduce the symptoms of the disease;
  • application of home physiotherapy methods: compresses with dimexide, ozokerite, turpentine baths for stop.

Treatment of Morton's Nesua at home will be incomplete without flask and massage stops. Walking on the grass, gymnastics using balls you need to take your feet, special simulators.

Treatment with folk remedies (for example, dry warmth) It is shown in the phase of the fading exacerbation. If with acute pain start to warm up, then you can get, on the contrary, swelling of soft fabrics of the foot.

Important! All sorts of baths, infusions, compresses designed to alleviate pain, are shown at the initial stage.

Operational treatment

The operation at the foot of this disease involves holding several standard stages: after the dissection of the skin, the fiber and the plantar aponeurosis surgeons dissect the transverse ligament, then carefully disturb the integrity of the bones of the plus, and, having come to the site of the affected nerve, simply remove the tissue-surrounding nerve.

The removal of Morton's neuromes is an easy operation, but after it you need to spare your foot until the wound healing. In the event that the nerve has already been reborn, it is simply removed. This version of the operation is applied at launched cases, with anatomical anomalies (pain in the Mizinz), in which the innervation field is very small. The fact is that after the operation there will be no pain, but there will be numbness for life.


Nerurom Morton, the symptoms and the treatment of which we disassembled is the standard orthopedic pathology of the city dweller. Women suffer more often, due to the addiction to model shoes, hairpins. In order to prevent (both primary and after diagnosis and treatment), it is necessary not only to listen to the recommendations of the attending physician and fulfill the medical program, but also to minimize risk factors.

We need to walk more barefoot, prevent the set of excess weight, be sure to select free and comfortable shoes, preferably made of genuine leather or motcher.

In the event that pains appeared in the foot, then you must visit therapist at the beginning, and then orthopedic. After all, pains may be a symptom of neurological disorders, intervertebral osteochondrosis in the lumbar department, the symptoms of polyneuropathy, for example, with diabetes mellitus. Finally, the heel spur can hurt, not just the neurus of the foot.


In any case, the symptoms of any orthopedic pathology will be expressed less in the initial stage, and the treatment will be less troublesome. Therefore, do not forget regularly about gymnastics, swimming and stop massage. These simple measures, as well as the rational load on the feet during the day will allow you to keep the health of your feet.

Burning in the fingers


I am 40 years old, pain in the field of 4 fingers appeared pain in the form of burning, I would like to urgently break. When you disappear, in a few minutes everything goes. Please tell me what kind of illness is and what doctor should you contact?


Judging by your complaints, it is very likely that you have a Neurur Morton. This is a benign tumor, or rather thickening the shell of one of the nerves of the foot. Most often, the nerve in the 3-4th finger area (interpalic nerve) is involved. There are a lot of reasons - long wearing Uncomfortable shoes with a narrow sock and heeled, overweight body, transverse flatfoot (the melt of the front stop), foot injuries in the past, the overload of the stop when running, jumps, incorrect gait (socks inside), supporting atherosclerosis Vessels of feet, various inflammatory processes in the field of stop. Because of any one or the combination of these reasons, the nerve of the foot is mechanically annoyed and squealed with the surrounding bones and ligaments. As a result, the shell of the nervous barrel thickens. When you wear shoes, especially on the heel and the cloth, the entire load falls on the tie bones, they come closer. The neurom is pressure, so burning pain arises. When exempting from shoes, pains pass. But at the started stage, the pain may be at rest, it also happens to numbness, the feeling of an extra subject in shoes, sharp in the fingers. Neurur Morton is not noticeable externally to confirm this diagnosis, you should contact orthopedic. It explores the foot by compressing it in the transverse direction, will determine the localization of pain. Additional methods such as X-rays, ultrasound or MRI may be required. Nervur Morton is healing, the doctor will offer an optimal treatment option in your case - conservative, including wearing convenient shoes and orthopedic stelks, il operational intervention. It is very important without waiting for the progression of the disease, contact a specialist and diagnose.

Nura Mortona

A benign education, which develops from the shell of the plantar nerve between the footsteps of the foot, was called the neurom or the montus nurse. Onbox is characterized by slow development and severe pain syndrome. Daily patients from all over the world with this diagnosis make their choice in favor of treatment in Israel. High level The effectiveness of therapy, as well as decent technical support makes Israeli clinics among the best in the fight against oncological diseases.

Types of Nura Mortona

The most common type of Morton's neuroma is the thickening of the nerve between the third and fourth fingers of one foot. Less often meets the formation between the second and third fingers. The most rarely tumor is developing between the first and second or between the fourth and fifth fingers. At the same time, the disease affects the nerve of one foot, and the occurrence of pathology immediately in two feet - an extremely rare phenomenon.

Causes of Morton's Nuration

Determine the exact reasons for the occurrence of this disease, oncologists still failed. At the same time, scientists allocate a number of risk factors, the consequence of which the development of pathological processes in the shell of the feet of the feet may be:

  • wearing uncomfortable, close, incorrectly selected shoes;
  • overweight;
  • long stay in a standing position;
  • injury or infections affecting lower limbs;
  • transverse flatfoot.

All of the above factors become the reason for the occurrence of an increased load or irritation of the feet of the foot, as a result of which the process of developing pathology begins.

Nerurom Morton: first signs and symptoms

This disease is extremely unpleasant pathology, which brings a lot of inconvenience to human life. Among the key manifestations of the disease can be allocated:

  • pain in the occurrence of tumors that wear a shooting or burning character;
  • numbness and tingling of the foot;
  • painful races between fingers;
  • the feeling of a foreign body in a paddling area that causes pain and discomfort;
  • loss of sensitivity of the affected limb.

As a rule, the symptoms appear in the complex and grow with the development of the tumor.

Neurur Morton - What is it? Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

This pathology is found most often in women older than middle age.

Causes leading to the appearance of the disease

  • Wearing close and narrow shoes, as well as high-heeled shoes,
  • Excess body weight
  • Transverse flatfoot
  • Mechanical impact when the nerve is squeezed by bones plus
  • Increased loads that are experiencing the front foot. Arise when a person has to stand for a long time
  • Various infections, hematomas and other foot injuries.

Symptoms of the disease

When the disease enters its final stage, the pain becomes strong and shooting. Now it appears regardless of the shoes and the load size. Every year, pains become stronger.

Diagnosis of Morton's Nursuy

Diagnosis of the disease takes place in several stages. First, the history is assembled and the patient is surveyed. The doctor must listen to the patient's complaints, and also find out what type of shoes that wears. In order to establish the possible cause of the disease, the doctor collects information about which diseases of the patient in the past. It may be muscle diseases, arthritis and various kinds of injury.

The doctor then holds a palpation, squeezing his fingers to find out which area pain or numbness appears. In the case when diagnosis causes difficulties, a radiograph or MRI can be made. To determine the location of the localization of the necris, this method is used as the introduction of anesthetics.

Treatment methods

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are usually prescribed to the patient's pain and inflammation. It may be ibuprofen, indomethacin or others. If this treatment is ineffective, you can try other preparations - steroid. Together with anesthetic, they are introduced directly to the Necris area. Preparations such as hydrocortisone, kenalog or diprosun can be used. Usually a conservative treatment method brings success in 80% of cases.

If conservative treatment Does not give the necessary result, the operational is applied, that is, surgery. This procedure is done under local anesthesia. During it, a hanging channel must be opened, and then the neurom itself dissected. Part of the nerve can also be removed. Often this operation can lead to numbness of the foot part, which is temporary. After surgery during rehabilitation periodwhich lasts approximately 2 weeks, you should wear orthopedic shoes. For the front stop, it is necessary to provide the highest possible level of rest. You can walk the day after the operation, only walking should not be long.

Possible consequences to which the disease can lead

If you feel the slightest pain or discomfort in the front of the foot - contact a specialist immediately. In the event of the detection of Morton's nurses, treatment should begin immediately. We remind you that wearing a properly selected orthopedic shoe is the most important component of such treatment.


Features of the disease

Pathology has a different name, namely the interflial neurinoma of Morton and for her it is characterized by a benign growing of the nerves of the foot. Because of their bone and bundles, which are next door, squeeze the nervous tissues and neuralgia arises. For her, the development of the pathological process and severe pain is typical, since with the time of the bone, they begin to move from their usual place. Often, such a phenomenon occurs in people's overweight.

According to the statistics of the neurom of Morton, it arises mainly in the female half of the population. After all, girls often wear uncomfortable shoes without suitable insoles and with large heels. If a person has a strong discomfort, accompanied by pain, burning, tingling and even numbness.

Pathology is localized mainly between the index and middle finger of the foot. In the rest of the places, it meets quite rarely and most often the disease concerns one leg.

Causes of Morton's neuromy

The neurus of the foot arises due to the squeezing and deformation of the bones due to the growth of the nerves and this process has its own reasons:

  • The use of shoes inappropriate in size. It squeezes the bones of the foot, which causes inflammation and pain;
  • Wearing shoes with high heels. Such a reason is peculiar to young girls who want to seem above. Heels shoes shift the center of gravity, and the entire load falls on the fingers;
  • Injuries and fractures of lower extremities;
  • Flatfoot. In such a situation, the load falls unevenly and redirect certain sections of the foot;
  • Incorrect gait. It concerns the reason mostly children, but over time, incorrect walking can enter the habit and stop doing so it will be extremely difficult. Due to the abnormal gait, the nerve tension occurs, and it is damaged;
  • Benign education. They interfere with localization in the region of nerve branches and when the tumor is grown, squeezing is enhanced;
  • Excessive loads. Such a reason concerns mainly athletes and people engaged in severe physical labor;
  • Inuntimmune infections and diseases. In this case, the problem lies in the inflammation in the foot, which appears against the background of another disease.

Symptoms of Disease

The Morton's Nurcians have symptoms are quite obvious and it can only be recognized by it. As they develop, they are gradually enhanced, therefore the disease should be treated, without waiting for aggravation.

For illness, such signs are characteristic:

  • Pain. It arises due to the load on this area, but over time it passes on its own. Gradually, the pain will begin to manifest everything more often without special stresses of the foot. The type of pain usually shooting and localized discomfort at the site of the growth of the nervous tissue;
  • Tingling, burning, numb. Such symptoms are characteristic of nerve inflammation;
  • Pain in rest. Such a sign speaks of the launched stage of the disease, because at night or after recreation, discomfort is usually not felt.

Over time, pain is actually permanently permanently, and the fingers begin to a small without much load on them.

The inflamed nervous branch is visually not manifested, so we should expect hematoma or something else. That is why treatment makes it difficult, because patients do not go to the doctor, hoping that everything will be held independently.


The diagnosis of any pathology begins with a survey, as the doctor must learn what feels the patient and what actions were committed before the emergence of the problem. If you are not important, it is important to learn about the patient's shoes, because it is she who is the main cause of the disease. Further, the specialist will ask for injuries and diseases that suffered a patient, especially related to damage to the joints, muscles and nerves.

After the survey, there is an inspection of the damaged foot. For a start, the doctor will determine the source of pain by pressing the sole. Sometimes by palpation there is a numb area. Then it is necessary to differentiate a nonzero among other possible diagnoses, for this will have to make x-ray. If it is impossible to determine exactly, the doctor will appoint magnetic resonance tomography.

Course of therapy

It is easy to understand how to treat a little simply, because basically uses 2 methods, namely conservative and operational. The first type of therapy includes the relief of symptoms and a decrease in the inflammatory process. Removal of the neuromy is carried out in the most difficult cases when conservative therapy did not give the necessary results.

If pathological changes in the foot has not yet occurred, then conservative treatment can be used. The essence of this method is to remove the load on the damaged nervous branch. To begin with, you will need to go through your shoes to choose more free models or purchase special orthopedic boots.

To pass the full course of therapy, orthopedic insoles will be required so that the legs always remain in a comfortable position. Such a means received a lot of huddler feedback from people who suffered from the Morton's unbrore, so they will not be superfluous in treatment.

Orthopedic insoles are designed to perform such functions:

  • Reduce load on the fingers;
  • Reducing the pressure of the pressure on the nerve from the bones and ligaments;
  • Liquidation of inflammation in the damaged area;
  • Adjustments of the foot.

Due to such effects, the neurom of Morton actually stops in development and gradually decreases inflammation. The gait comes to normal, and the pain becomes less and is much less likely. If you start using orthopedic insoles in time, you can avoid long restoration after the removal of pathology and restrict ourselves to conservative treatment.

Among the medicines used in the course of therapy, drugs with an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect are usually used. It will not hurt to undergo a course of physiotherapy and combine everything with the beddown. In the event of the first improvements, it is necessary not to cease treatment and perform everything exactly with the directions of the doctor so that there is no relapse.

Treatment surgical path

Symptoms and treatment must be interconnected, since if you do not undergo the course of therapy when the first signs occur, you can aggravate the problem. The method of surgical intervention is used precisely in this case. For the operation, local anesthesia is used, after which the doctor will reveal the ventilation channel. Next, the neurom is cut and a part of the nervous branch will be removed from it. After the procedure, the patient feels a temporary numbness in the area where intervention was conducted.

Such an operation despite its simplicity is not cheap and costs about 18-25 thousand rubles, and the period recovery is 2 weeks. At this time, the patient should walk only in free shoes and it is advisable to observe the bed mode so that the stop is more rested. For 2-3 days after the operation you can do short walks.

There is another treatment method, which lies in the artificial fracture of the bone. It is done to shift her head away from the nurses. The only advantage of such a procedure is the lack of scars, but at the same time the recovery period increases to 1-2 months.


With the Morton's neuro, treatment at home is performed using folk MedicineBut at the same time it is necessary to combine it with the main course of therapy. Its methods allow you to get rid of pain, but do not eliminate the problem.

Of the most proven methods, you can allocate such:

  • Beat juice. This grass needs to be pulled and the resulting cleaner apply to the foot. On top of the mixture it is desirable to impose a bandage so that it remains longer in the right place;
  • Pork fat with salt. For preparation, it will be necessary to mix 100 g. Pork fat from 1 tbsp. l. Salt and attach the resulting mixture to the foot. From above it will be necessary to impose a dressing.

Prevention of the disease

Prevention measures consist of such items:

  • It is necessary to reduce the load on the fingers of the foot and make it possible to wear free shoes without heels;
  • If a person has flat-growing, it is recommended to go to special orthopedic boots;
  • In case of sports, you need to pay attention to all groups of muscles so that there are no overvoltage to certain areas;
  • People engaged in severe physical labor should rest more and desirable to do after work the foot massage.

Nerom Morton is not a fatal inflammatory disease. Her symptoms are developing gradually until the constant sensation of pain. Do not allow such a disease by compliance with the rules of prevention, and if the pathological process has already begun, then you need to immediately go to the doctor. In this case, you can restrict ourselves to conservative treatment and avoid the removal of the necris.

Pros and cons of the operation

The main advantage is to complete the problem in a short time. The implementation of a simple operation is financially less expensive than a long-term medication course.

The minus of operational treatment is considered to be long rehabilitation. In addition, there may be insignificant discomfort in the future when walking.

Morton syndrome: folk treatment

It is very important to understand that with Morton's small Morton, traditional medicine is not able to eliminate the problem. However, it makes it easier and reduces pain.

Folk healers offer several recipes that are used in a complex with medical purposes:

  • Skill from bitter wormwood. The plant is rinsed and rubs into a cleaner, which is applied to the inflamed section of the foot and is fixed by the bandage. It is most convenient to perform before bedtime and keep a ride until morning.
  • Salted pork or goose fat. A tablespoon of salt is stirred in a hundred grams of pork or goose fat. The mass is thoroughly rubbed into the sore place, the warming bandage is superimposed.
  • "Hot" grill. This warming age consists of two tablespoons of dry mustard, two burning peppers and two tablespoons of salt. All this is mixed and insisted on a glass of vodka. Rubbing improves blood circulation and warmly warms the foot. The procedure is performed before bedtime, warm socks are worn after it.
  • Ointment of laurel sheet and pine needles. The dry laurel leaf is listed in the coffee grinder. Pine needles are crushed with a knife. Next, 2 tablespoons of the first ingredient and 1 tablespoon of the second are mixed with softened butter. The feet are lubricated and insulated. The procedure is performed before bedtime, the minimum course is 1 week. The remedy is stored in a cold place.
  • Additionally, you can make warm baths with chamomile, lavender or calendula, in which to add marine mole. The temperature of the bath should not exceed 38 ° C. Herbs before use fighting for 3-5 minutes and insist about an hour.

    And once again about the insoles

    The choice of high-quality convenient shoes with a good orthopedic insole can prevent the overload of the front stop of the foot and prevent the development of the disease. Any doctor will confirm that orthopedic insoles during the Morton's neuro are becoming an important element of treatment. The ideal option is the manufacture of individual stelks by the standards of the patient's feet. Thus, the foot in the shoes is fixed in proper position, the load is distributed and the amorticating effect is created. Wearing individual stelks is recommended not only for conservative treatment, but also after the operation to eliminate Morton's disease.

    Nerurom Morton or why stop hurts - symptoms and treatment of syndrome

    The Morton's Neururom is a fairly common type of disease, which manifests itself in the form of a thickening of the nerve of the foot and is accompanied by unpleasant pain.

    In most cases, Morton syndrome manifests itself in women due to constant walking in high heels, but this disease can touch both men.

    The neurus of the foot is localized mainly between the third and fourth fingers, while there is a one-sided damage of the nerve, only in very rare cases may be bilateral.

    Causes of Morton's disease

    The main causes provoking the development of this disease is:

  • Excess weight. This reason can be called one of the most common. It turns out to be quite large pressure on the feet, which leads to this disease.
  • Various kinds of injury, bruises, feet diseases or infections are chronic.
  • Flatfoot. At first glance, this disease does not represent anything dangerous to health, but in fact it can cause much more serious consequences. Morton's disease often belongs to them.
  • The permanent wear of the shoes on heels - leads to inflammation of the nerve of the foot.
  • Close shoes may also cause permanent pains (squeezing nerve fibers).
  • Tumor legs.
  • Stop overload due to a long stay in a standing position.
  • Symptoms and signs of the disease

    At the first stages of the development of the Nursions of the foot, patients most often do not notice special changes, only weak pains are noted during the squeezing of the area between the fingers.

    The nurser of the foot has such symptoms:

  • pain and burning between the third and fourth finger;

    The photo shows where the neurom of Morton is most often concentrated

    These symptoms of Morton's neuromas can eventually calm down and do not remind themselves for several years.

    Pains appear only when walking in high heels, in close or narrow shoes, when removing discomfort immediately disappears.

  • Diagnostic techniques

    First of all, the diagnosis of Morton's neuromes occurs on the basis of complaints and symptoms.

    The attending physician must conduct a survey in the process of which to find out what shoes is sick, how often loads on the legs are occurring, whether diseases of the legs were transferred (for example, muscle disease, arthrosis, arthritis), injuries or bruises and after that, if necessary, carry out other diagnostic methods .

    In order to make sure the diagnosis is correct, the doctor conducts the foot inspection, during which the palpation of the most painful places occurs.

    If the doctor did not come to an unequivocal decision, he can assign X-ray or MRI. The problem of diagnosing the nurses of the foot is that its symptoms are very similar to other diseases, such as arthritis, fracture, arthrosis.

    In order to determine the location of the nurses, anesthetics are introduced.

    How to treat Nurvu Morton

    Treatment of Nursions of the foot is two species - conservative and surgical.

    The first method is conservative. It is aimed at facilitating the work of the foot and reduce the load on the legs without using operations.

    This treatment method will help if the neurus of the foot is on initial stagesOtherwise, only surgery can save the patient from pain and discomfort.

    Execient treatment methods

    Conservative Mode Treatment of Nurses Foot includes such items:

    • wearing convenient shoes preferably on a flat sole;
    • the use of orthopedic stelks;
    • the use of special separators for fingers, so that they are not deformed when walking;
    • reducing the loads on his feet, it is desirable to spend a smaller time in a standing position;
    • give preference to orthopedic shoes;
    • foot massage.
    • In compliance with these rules, pain must pass within 2-3 months, if they are enhanced, painkillers are introduced.

      Also to reduce pain can use such drugs as:

      According to reviews, the treatment of Neurur Morton has such methods has its advantages and cons. So the advantages of this technique include:

    • lack of painful sensations that occur during surgical intervention;
    • lack of a rehabilitation period;
    • the ability to conduct treatment without disturbing the usual rhythm of life.

    As for the minuses of this treatment, they are as follows:

  • long period of treatment;
  • is a more expensive treatment method;
  • due to the use of various drugs, the work of other organs may violate.
  • The second method of treating the Morton syndrome is to conduct an operation. This method is used in the event of the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment. There are several types of struggle with this disease through surgical intervention, this is:

  • Easy removal of the necris. For this, incision is made between the third and fourth finger, the neuroma is covered and removed, then apply seams that can be removed in 2 weeks.
  • Excision of the inflamed area of \u200b\u200bthe foot. This method is considered the most radical and applied in exceptional cases. As a result of such an operation, the finger numbness occurs, and the patient no longer feels pain.
  • Artificial bone fracture. This method is used in rare cases, since rehabilitation can be delayed for a whole month.
  • Pluses of surgical intervention include:

  • the opportunity to go home 2 hours after the operation;
  • enonential treatment method;
  • large probability of troubleshooting.
  • As for minuses, this is:

  • long rehabilitation;
  • the first time there is some discomfort when walking.
  • Treatment with folk remedies

    Because of this, the Morton's car can progress and lead to undesirable results.

    This does not mean that this method is categorically prohibited, it can be used as auxiliary to the main treatment method.

    For example, various bandages, compresses made of herbs or colors use for pain relief use. Most often make row from wormwood.

    For this, the plant is mistaken, the resulting mass is put on the bandage and apply to the foot overnight, while the pain gradually starts to leave.

    People's methods are desirable to apply only with the consent of the doctor, otherwise there is a risk of deteriorating your condition.

    Why is it so important to know the first signs of the brain tumor? Timely diagnosis and the started treatment increases the chance of success.

    Complications and consequences of the disease

    With conservative or surgical treatment The cause of the disease is eliminated, therefore, in almost all cases, the forecasts are very comforting. After the rehabilitation period, you will again be able to walk painlessly, run, wear model shoes.

    But when pulling out a campaign to a doctor or self-medication, serious problems may occur, for example, the pain will increase or the spread of inflammation will continue.

    In such cases, conservative treatment should be forgotten, so if you want to do without surgery, it is worth consulted with a doctor when the first signs of Morton's disease appears.

    The prevention of the nurses of the foot is quite simple and does not require much effort. First of all, it is aimed at reducing pain and leg load. It is worth remembering and adhere to certain rules:

  • wear comfortable shoes;
  • do not forget about the prevention of flatfoot;
  • after carrying heels, take relaxing foot baths;
  • do not forget about the massage of the feet;
  • it is necessary to monitor weight, because with an excessive mass of the body, there are a large load on the legs.
  • These tips are quite simple, and their observance will not bring any particular difficulties.

    It is important to remember that neglecting the first manifestations of the disease, you may encounter more serious consequences from which it will be much more difficult to get rid of.

    Video: Nerom Morton or why legs hurt

    If you often appear feet pain, and if they are enhanced when walking, it may be a sign of Morton's disease. What methods of treatment and prevention exist.

    This section is created to take care of those who need qualified specialistwithout disturbing the usual rhythm of his own life.

    I did not understand what doctor should you contact?

    Not knowing the diagnosis appealed consistently to the surgeon - made an ultrasound; The neurologist was dumped along the thigh but also by twice places, but not in the place where the pain was localized; Therapist - Made X-ray, sent to physiotheredres. The diagnosis is almost no. As I now understand that this is the Nermom Morton - everything corresponds to this disease. Here is such medicine ...

    Good afternoon, you need to turn to the orthopedic traumatologist.

    So I was, I was like a doctor to the doctor. The diagnosis was not set, but he spent 2 weeks to all kinds of x-rays, tests and visits to the gynecologist (where without him.). Then, on the Internet, it was possible to determine the disease according to symptoms (itself). Methods of treatment actually drove to comfortable shoes and operations. But the traditional medicine suggested funny: put the salted fat at night. And applied and helped. On the fat dress the cotton sock. The recipe emphasized - not to wipe with polyethylene. Do not forget to lay the bed with some kind of non-needed blanket or sheets so as not to blur the bed. I did somewhere for 2 weeks, it's all right for a year.

    morton's neuromy diagnosis An orthopedist was made to me. Magnetic tomography then did not show it at all. He said that it would be seen. He would not be strong. The shoes did not take off the shoes. Wore open shoes. Theukols did not help. The cortisone refused. It did not agree with the surgery. ORDER said that the floor of the feet was always on always. Incidentally wear shoes with a guide pinner. Hydrozaza's hospitals. Painfully the pain of gone. I thought that the correct shoes helped and about it told the same doctor. He was really surprised. Called a couple of years. nothing but tingling under the fingers at that moment I did not feel in the morning. I didn't feel it. And then it all started, but already differently. Started everything. The upset in different places. I started and the second to root. What I just didn't do it, did not help Nothing. And injections, mashag, reflexology, physiotocreders. When I again began to look for information about this disease. It was that this disease may fall asleep for a couple of years and then again will appear.3 years after the clutch. Even a simple rengen showed seals between the fingers already on 2- x Noga. And 9 years ago, Tomogyphia did not see. I understand that this thing is growing. The event you write that temporary numbness after the operation. Is it possible to make the operation at once on 2 legs? Or in turn? And yet. After the resumption of pain in the foot began to hurt in the ankle. Bolts are strong and for a long time. With difficulty, I climb after sleep, or even after which I am climbing from the sofa or chair. Then I go like tolerantly. I still do something after the rest. It can be live. . Do I feel pain in ankle, Ohillov tendon to be connected with Morton's non-violent? Please answer. I don't know what kind of doctor to go and what to do. Thank you.

    Hello! I have the same problem, but three different neuropathologists during the year could not make a diagnosis. I myself found information on the Internet that the pains that I feel most likely and there is a neurom of Morton (interflial neurom). And then I myself went without any directions and wrote on the MRI of the foot and the diagnosis was confirmed. And she is no longer small. I can not at all fully step on the foot I go around the house on its interior part. The blockages do it is useless and not a fact that it will help, and if it hurts, then a maximum of six months, it is better not to pull and operate, excrsect this portion of the thickened nerve. It is necessary to turn to the neurosurgeon, it is he who conducts such an operation under the conductor anesthesia. But in Severodonetsk, they make such an operation under epidural anasthesia, so I'm going to operate in Lugansk in the center of brushes, there are microsurgery and they carry out such operations under the conductor anasthesia. But there is no easy way to get to make a pass in LNR in connection with this fucking war. In general, the earliest recovery

    Nervur Mortana is easily removed using the operation. Operation light..40 minutes and that's it. I was done under local anesthesia at 1 foot. I went to the heel day two, and then fine. rebuilding week and all .. beauty .. no problems .. about numbness .. the first time something is wrong .. for six months and it passed ... I recommend. I don't feel anything with a disabled person. Itemantly there was a problem where to go that a shift, I will settle whether the transition and TD and TP

    As a neurologist, I can not understand why the diagnosis of this disease is so difficult? It can only be suspected of 1-2 complaints, which makes the patient! Like an option of treatment -neck, it is excellent to treat shock-wave therapy! Patients tend to celebrate a full lack of complaints At the same time, the NSAVP is not accepted. All health!

    Nervur Morton (Stop Pain) - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

    The neurom of Morton is characterized by pain in the foot, because of which the nerve of the foot thickens. The tumor is benign, the reason for its occurrence is still not clarified. When the nerve of the tissue is thickened, which surrounds it, bones, ligaments and muscles are strongly pressure on it, because of this, strong pain appears. Morton's unbrid-sick risks people who have overweight, wear narrow shoes on high heels. It is very important to diagnose the disease on time, because in the future it leads to severe consequences.

    Symptoms of Morton's Nursions

    At an early stage, the neurom is characterized by light pain in the field of the toes, it can bother and burn a little, such symptoms appears when a person wears some shoes. When a tumor begins to grow, burn begins the little men on the legs, while the person can be without shoes. Often concerned about the feeling inside the heel, as if there are stones or sand.

    The pain at the neuromy Morton shooting, burning, is intensified when walking in shoes, after a person shoots her and kneads his fingers, the pain subsides and completely disappears. Most often, severe pain in the foot appears at night. Stop at the same time numbers, the sensitivity is reduced, the person seems to be a foreign body there. Pain may increase after the damaged nerve press.

    Causes of Morton's Nuration

    The nerves that affect the bottom of the foot and the fingers are between the bones of the fingers. The pain in the foot arises due to the fact that the neurom is growing - a benign nerve tumor, it is most often between the third and fourth fingers. The neurm is developing in the foot, most often in the female.

    The Morton's Neururus most often arises due to the mechanical impact on the nerve feet:

    1. When a woman is interested in high-heeled shoes, that is, tolerates its body weight on the pads, which are placed near the fingers, especially between the second and third or third and fourth.

    2. If a person carries a shoe with a narrow toe, the bones begin to come close to each other, fabrics and fibers of the nerves begin to squeeze.

    3. Because of the transverse flatfoot, after the fracture of the tie bone.

    4. If a person is used to walking and putting inside the foot, because of this stretches and the nerve is damaging.

    5. Ply acute injury, hematoma in the area where the nerve passes.

    6. Due to diseases in the lower limbs.

    7. With significant loads that follow the footsteps, it happens with enhanced sports activities - jumps, running.

    8. Because of Lipoma - benign tumor feet.

    9. An autoimmune, infectious diseases lead to the Morton's neuromile, because of this, inflammation is beginning to develop, connecting tissues, tendons, bundles, phalange articulations.

    Diagnosis of Morton Nurza

    The disease is determined using the external examination of the foot and patient survey. Also additionally will need to be carried out x-ray, magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound to clarify the diagnosis.

    The diagnosis of this disease is placed on the basis of the survey of the patient and inspection of SPHA. X-ray study, magnetic resonance tomography (MRI) and ultrasound procedure (Ultrasound) do not allow to put an accurate diagnosis.

    Treatment of Nurza Morton

    Corticosteroids are introduced in the foot, for this purpose local anesthesia is used, a special lining is settled in the shoes, it helps to remove symptoms.

    You may need injections to two or three per week. In cases of ineffective treatment, it is necessary to surgical interference, it is necessary to remove the non-disconnect, thus, the person gets rid of discomfort, but in some cases the affected area of \u200b\u200bnumbness.

    Even if an accurate diagnosis of Nerurom Morton is installed, how to treat the disease, which drugs and orthopedic devices to use, all this will depend on the cause that caused the nerve pressure.

    If the Morton's Neururom arose due to the fact that the person wore uncomfortable shoes, flat-painting, after physical exertion, the foot shoulder, recover a person in that case, if it selects high-quality shoes, low-heeled and wide in the finger area. Special orthopedic insoles can also be prescribed to unload the front foot of the foot.

    Special finger delimiters help perfectly, using them you can keep your fingers on the distance. It is best to order special orthopedic shoes, it will help ease the symptoms of the disease.

    In cases where a person athlete needs to abandon reinforced loads - run, jumps that lead to the injury of the foot. It is best to pay attention to swimming. It is very important to keep track of your gait, you need to smoothly roll from the heel on the sock.

    The pain does not pass immediately, sometimes you need a whole year. Special massage of the foot area and the reception of anti-inflammatory drugs will help alleviate. If the pain is very strong, a special painkillers can enter between the fingers.

    Remember if the disease is caused by squeezing the nerve, it is necessary to cure it, create all the conditions to prevent pressure on the nerve.

    So, the neurom of Morton is a benign thickening of the nerve of the foot, due to the fact that the fibrous tissue is growing after the mechanical impact on the nerve or the crossbag. Most often a disease occurs in a woman. Nerom Morton arises due to the fact that the nerve of the fabrics irritates, which surround it. At first, numbness may occur, pain and strong discomfort after carrying shoes on a heel, narrow shoes, long run and walks. The pain in the foot can be cut, enhanced after squeezing with his hands. It is very important to pick up special low-heel shoes, a wide nose and a free block. In cases of need to choose special orthopedic insoles or shoes. With strong inflammation, such drugs can be used - ketorolac, ibuprofen, diclofenac, nimesulide. If these drugs do not help, you can use hormonal preparations - dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, kenalogy and diprospona.

    Morton Syndrome (Nurst Foot) - Symptoms and Treatment

    Morton syndrome develops due to irritation of plantar nerves in the presence of certain provoking factors. These factors contribute to the squeezing of the nerves, the emergence of the inflammatory process, which, with long-term irritation, leads to a compensatory nerve thickening in this place. This thickening has a benign character, that is, it is the growing of the fibrous fabric of the nerve shell, which is nothing in common malignant tumors has no.

    Due to the thickening of the nerve, the channel in which it passes is strongly narrowed, therefore the symptoms are significantly enhanced. With the Morton syndrome, the pain first occurs periodically, but then it begins to bother constantly and acquires the traits of the burning and gone.

    Causes of Morton's syndrome

    As already mentioned, the neurom of Morton occurs in mechanical irritation of the nerves of the bones of the foot or soft fabrics In the presence of their pathology, as well as with the influence of certain provoking factors. Most often, Morton syndrome occurs when squeezing the nerve, which passes between the third and fourth tongue bones, less often - between the first and second, second and third.

    The main reasons that cause the cat:

  • flatfoot, especially transverse, which changes the ratio of tie bones, contributes to the development of arthrosis of small joints and nerve irritation;
  • natoptyshi is another factor of mechanical squeezing of nerves and the development of fibrous tissue;
  • diseases causing violation of blood supply: obliterating endarteritic diabetes and others;
  • fractures of tie bones;
  • rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis of small tall-standing joints.
  • The promotional factors include a long stay on the legs, wearing a high-heeled shoe ( most of Loads fall on the front legs of the legs) and with a narrow toe (there is a squeezing of tie bones, which provokes the Morton syndrome). Also, we should not forget about obesity, because excess weight also leads to excessive pressure on this area, from which the neurom can develop with time.

    The main symptoms of Morton syndrome

    Morton's syndrome develops gradually: first, the pains are bolted with the load and are trained alone, but, as they progress, the symptoms are enhanced, the symptoms are worried almost constantly and decently interfere with the vital activity of the patient.

    The following clinical symptoms can be distinguished:

  • painting pain, especially after loads and mainly during the daytime;
  • numbness of the toes;
  • impaired sensitivity of fingers and pillows;
  • feeling of burning and sawing;
  • sometimes patients complain of the presence of a foreign body in this area and discomfort when moving.
  • In which case is the diagnosis of Morton's syndrome?

    Morton's syndrome or nurser feet is exhibited in the event that no visible reasonswhich lead to pain in the foot and numbness. Diagnostic is carried out lumbar Department The spine for the presence or absence of pathology at which radiculopathy and numbness of the fingers can occur. Stop is also being examined, if necessary, radiography, to identify arthrosis, fractures or other possible causes.

    An important diagnostic criterion is clinical picture with typical localization, the presence of contributing and provoking factors. Additionally, a magnetic resonance imaging can be carried out, on which can be revealed to a neurom in the form of a nerve thickening in typical localization. Also, ultrasound diagnostics are carried out to confirm.

    The Morton's neurom is the inflammation of the nerve between the tie bones at the base of the third and fourth fingers of the foot. The disease is accompanied by pain in the field of these fingers - and below, in the sole, and on the upper side of the foot. First, the pains occur when the leg appeared, and then begin to disturb even in the lying position.

    Symptoms of Morton's Nursions

    • Pain in the field of the third and fourth fingers
    • Seal in the area of \u200b\u200bthe 3rd and 4th tie bones on the leg
    • Burning and sharp pain in the front of the foot
    • Numbers of fingers

    If you have found one or more symptoms from the list, this is a reason to suspect the Morton's Nurner and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

    Risk group: Who is "under the blow"?

    • You wear close shoes on high heels
    • You have long have a transverse flatfoot
    • You got sports injuries or stretching

    Close shoes on a heel with a narrow toe - the first associate of the Morton's neuromy. In such a shoe, the fingers suffer from increased load and pressure of shoe walls. And between the bones of the underly fingers there are inflammation of the nerve.

    The second "catalyst" of the appearance of Morton's neuromes is launched transverse flatfoot. If the transverse stop of the foot "saves", its bones are divorced to the sides, and the joints are on the contrary, "clamping" and squeeze the nerve.

    Stop injuries after sports can also lead to the neurom. The bones and joints of the deformed foot take a physiologically incorrect position and may survive the nerves between the third and fourth joints.

    How to treat Nurvu Morton? Complex!

    Morton's disease can be cured using special orthopedic fixtures - pads under the foot on three rubber bands, drop-shaped liners in shoes and silicone proofreaders. These products return the bones, joints and fingers of the stop physiologically correct position.

    As part comprehensive treatment Morton's Nursions will help you with special ointments and creams. It is worth remembering that they do not treat the disease, but only remove pain syndrome.You can also perform exercises for the treatment and prevention of the disease, including rolling the legs of a massage ball or a tennis ball, as well as walking along a massage rug.

    Why is it important to start a treatment on time?

    If you launch Morton's disease, discomfort and pain will be constantly intensified. At first, the area of \u200b\u200bthe 3rd and 4th fingers of the foot will be sick only when walking, then - and at rest, and then even minor loads will become unbearable. And about classical shoes and will have to forget! In addition, the ignoring of the Morton's nurses can lead to the intervention of the surgeon. That is why starting treatment should be as early as possible.

    1. Wear spacious, comfortable shoes on a flat sole or low heel
    2. Wear Orthopedic Products with Morton's Necrone: Pillows on an Elastic, Capper Inserts and Silicone Proofreaders
    3. Do Stop Exercises and Massage
    4. Do not tolerate pain - use painkillers and creams with Morton's neurom
    5. When the first symptoms of Morton's disease, consult a doctor

    The Morton's neurus is a neoplasm, which is the growth of fibrous tissue at the nerve of the sole legs. The specified fibrous defect is not duplicated on the opposite foot and is located between the nameless and middle fingers, less often between the index and average, even less often - in the remaining interfallated intervals. Size - from 3 to 20 millimeters. Code on the ICD-10 - G57.6.

    Such a trauma occurs when the nerve squeezes the bones of the middle feet, which leads to the defeat of the finger nerves at the sole. Comes due to flatfoot, physical Loadsuncomfortable shoes (in particular, shoes on heels) and other factors. Often play the role of a combination of provocateurs.

    The disease is relatively rare and characteristic of women's patients. Considered by doctors in the areas of traumatology, neurology and orthopedics. Despite the name, the neurom of Morton is considered a local thickening (pseudonevroma), and not a nerve tumor, under which the neurom is usually meant.

    The main reason for the thickening is considered the overload of the front of the foot. This becomes a combination of a number of factors - excessive physical exertion, flatfoot and incorrect gait, narrow, close and uncomfortable shoes, standing work and obesity. Due to the distribution of loads on the base of the leg, the neurom is less common between the second and third fingers than in the usual case.

    Fractures, bruises, dislocations (their traumatic symptoms), lipoma (when arranged in a metallium bone), chronic infections and other feet), chronic infections are recognized as additional factors.

    The action of various factors on the finger nerve causes "fortification" of the nerve - sealing, growing, regeneration of connective tissues. Later, the situation leads to the formation inflammatory processesThe fabric of the nerves is sprung with bone muscular structures.


    With the shortness of Morton, standard, monotonous symptoms are manifested. Expressed in the characteristic burning pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe defeat - often patients celebrate the feeling of "blows" in the fingers and limiting mobility, similar to the end of the item in shoes. On the early stages This interdigal pain is significantly reduced with a careful selection of shoes, and vice versa - provoked by uncomfortable shoes.

    Since pseudonevrom has a benign character, a slow pathological process occurs. The violation is able to stay in the early stages for a long time and do not manifest seriously. When developing, pain is enhanced, the consequences become permanent - the fingers are neglected, the shift has no longer helps.

    The neurom of Morton is characteristic of the fact that its pain does not depend directly on the size. The big neurome can be practically painless, and vice versa. The size affects the complexity of removal.


    When symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. Often, people are trying to "defeat" the insensitive conservative ways at home - the disappearance of pain and the restoration of the sensitivity of the fingers creates the illusion of treatment. This often ends with a serious stage of the disease, which is difficult and painful to treat.

    The Nerom Morton is considered a specific disease, for full-fledged treatment, a paid diagnosis in institutions with appropriate experience may be needed.

    The diagnosis of the disease begins with the study of the history, patient complaints, external inspection. When the suspicion is confirmed, research is carried out, which is confirmed by the confirmation of the invisions and the choice of the method of treatment. Methods are commonly used:

    • Radiographic research.
    • MRI (magnetic resistor tomography) allows you to determine the characteristics of the necris.
    • Ultrasound (ultrasound research). According to a number of doctors, with this study, small necrissets are visible better than on MRI.

    According to the results of the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed either a conservative treatment program or a removal operation.

    This disease is characterized by a variety of healing methods used. In the treatment, therapy or surgical intervention can be applied.

    Conservative treatment

    Often, conservative treatment is recommended for serious operations, which begins with the selection of comfortable shoes capable of facilitating pain symptoms at least temporarily. To support the problem foot, orthopedic insoles are used - special substrates placed in shoes. Special pillows and separators are still used, insulating the patient's finger.

    In general, it should be limited to physical exertion and try to lose weight due to a competent diet. To smooth pain, a simple stop massage is useful - massage from the ankle to the fingertips. Additionally logically apply an anesthetic ointment.

    Other type of prevention - WTW (shock-wave therapy). It is to apply a special apparatus equipped with an ultrasonic applicator. Such an acoustic wave in the event of a shortness of the Morton can provide a prophylactic and anesthetic effect, especially in combination with other measures.

    For neurobilization of the car, the healing blockade is used. To perform the procedure, the patient is placed on the back in the position, convenient and suitable for the injection in the Necris area. Next, the injection area is marked and anesthetized. The doctor then introduces the drug itself with a syringe. After the blockade, it should be refrained from physical exertion and loads for an inhent foot for 12 hours.


    In addition to professional drugs, individual patients use the funds of traditional medicine. They may well provide an anesthetic and prophylactic effect with prophylactic effect, but they should be used exclusively in "lungs". Examples of similar funds:

    • Compress from crushed leaves of plants or juice bitter wormwood.
    • Mature cabbage slice tied to the nurser site.
    • Decoration from flax seeds.
    • Calando juice.
    • Broth of burdock.

    At home, you can prepare an anesthetic ointment. Two proven recipes:

    • The tablespoon of the food salt is mixed with 100 g of fat (goose, pork or leopard). When using such ointments, a bandage is used.
    • The tablespoon of the pine needles is crushed together with two tablespoons of the laurel leaves (the coffee grinder is suitable), and the resulting mixture is mixed with 50 g of butter.

    With home treatment, compresses are applied - moistened specially prepared drug solid Or just water. There are vegetable and alcohol. Examples:

    • A sharp red pepper after passing through the meat grinder is mixed with animal fat and crushed onions, the resulting mixture is diluted with plantain juice.
    • Mustard and sunflower oil are mixed, boiled, after removal from the fire is added honey.

    These ointments and compresses with proper preparation and regular use are quite effective.

    New example of home treatment - footbath. It is necessary to mix in a special bath half a liter of apple or wine vinegar with very warm water.


    More often, Morton's non-violence can be cured by therapy - properly selected and used conservative ways. But if the therapy does not give the necessary results and there has already arisen for excision, operational removal is carried out. None of these methods specializes in the removal of such entities, so they are provided by almost any clinic of the desired profile.

    Operations usually do not require additional preparation of the patient, but you should consider the question of returning from the clinic with a working foot. Alternatively, you can order a proven taxi where the driver will understand the situation with understanding. Trying to use public transport or walk on foot after surgery.

    In general, the risk of recurrence and complications are low, but in extremely rare cases at the site of remote education, even more painful amputation of the neurom can be formed.

    Radio frequency method

    Often, radiofrequency ablation is applied to the remission of the Morton, a minimally invasive method for the destruction of education. The procedure lasts half an hour. After the patient is located on the operating table, a special electrode is placed on the hip and local anesthesia is produced.

    After entering the anesthesia, the ablation needle is introduced into the appropriate point. Acoustic ultrasonic wave allows you to control the input. Next, the probe connected to the radio frequency generator is introduced, the tip of which is heated to a high temperature required to remove education. Such an impact leads to the destruction of the nerve and change in the protein structure of the cells. After ablation, a number of drugs smoothing pain will be introduced.

    Rehabilitation after removal usually passes quietly, after a day after the operation, patients return to the usual rhythm of life.

    Operational method

    Also, the neurom of Morton is removed by a scalpel or laser. An indication of such a method of treatment is a constant pain whose source is already defined as the neurom. Removal is considered a relatively simple operation, the tumor does not have specific contraindications and does not require special preparation from the patient, while it may be accompanied by conservative methods Treatment.

    The operation begins with the patient's patient on the operating table. After local anesthesia, a cut is carried out in the place of the neuromy with a length of 2-3 centimeters. Next, depending on the depth of the occurrence, either the neurose decompression is carried out, in which the interflial bunch is dissected, or excision of pathology.

    After the operation, the bandage is superimposed and an analgesic agent is applied. To assess the characteristics of remote, neuromy is its histology. Next, it remains to follow the recommendations of doctors during rehabilitation. In particular, you need to use suitable shoes and take antibiotics and painkillers. Upon normal course, the rehabilitation is removed in a week, and full recovery happens in a month or another.

    The growth of the nervous tissue located on the sole of the legs between the 3rd and 4th fingers is called the Morton's unbrid. What it is? This is fibrous benignant neoplasm Usually strikes one leg, rarely - both immediately.

    Clinical picture

    The progression of pathology at the Morton's Necron gives severe pain - what it is and how to treat neuropathologists, orthopedists, surgeons know.

    In this case, nervous conductivity is disturbed, reflexes disappear. Nerom Morton on the ICD 10 is encoded under the sector M 20.1, when pathology twists the thumb, or under the code M 77.4, if the foot metatarzalgia is developing. Different types The manifestations of the Morton's necros require a different therapeutic approach.

    External manifestations of Morton's Nurgers

    The disease is manifested in the form of a nerve thickening on the sole, it is accompanied by strong pain, abruptly limits a person in movements. When the doctors appear suspicion of the development of Morton Morton Morton, this indicates the tumor neoplasm of the nervous tissue, which causes severe pain in tie articulations.

    Oncologists are treated with such a form of necris, despite the fact that the neoplasm is considered benign.

    With damage to the plantar nerve, which is responsible for nervous conductivity in the fingers, neurologists allocate certain forms of pathology:

    • morton's stop, is distinguished by the insufficient development of metatarian bone tissuewhich is why the second finger takes the form of a hammer;
    • the interfallast neurm on the sole is pathology in pure, "hosteltaty" form.

    How to treat Nurvu Morton, you will have to find out at the reception at the neuropathologist. It is noted that most often the neurm is striking the legs of young women. The neuropathologist determines the pathology in the interdigent space from the third finger. Here is growing a seal of tissues with strong pain.

    According to the anatomy on this section of the foot, the nerve is divided into branches heading to the side surfaces of the fingers, pain is divided into these directions. According to the reviews of patients who collided with Morton's unseasis, they already know what it is and how to treat pathology in order not to bring the disease before surgery.

    The disease does not threaten the life of a person, but brings him discomfort, severe pain, restriction of movements. We must manage to doctors in a timely manner, to conduct necessary diagnostic, Treat the little to avoid surgery.

    Causes of the defeat of the flooded nerve of the near Morton

    The excessive load on the foot is the main factor that provokes the development of Morton's neuromes on the plantar nerve.

    The main causes of the development of pathology:

    • habit walking in high heels;
    • explore body weight leading to constant loads on the feet feet;
    • violation of posture;
    • long infection;
    • the need to stand for a long time or long to walk, related to the production necessity;
    • sports classes, the basis of which - focus on the feet.

    Later appeal to the doctor leads to the development of serious complications. The discomfort and pain in the legs brings a lot of inconvenience, and do not tolerate them, we must take a timely manner to take a neurologist, surgeon.

    It is believed that a timely diagnosed Morton's shortly, when doctors are convinced that it is, it is possible to cure at home. This disease is quite common, therapeutic, neurological and surgical treatment tactics are developed.

      Did you have a neurom of Morton?

    The risk group consists of patients with diagnosed diseases:

    • flatfoot;
    • deformation of the foot;
    • arthrosis;
    • bursts;
    • tumor neoplasms.

    These diseases lead to infringement of nerve endings, which is formed swelling, the pathological growth of the shell of nerve fibers occurs. It becomes difficult to fit together between the feet of the feet.

    Symptoms of Morton's Nursions

    The beginning of the disease is manifested by a weak feeling of squeezing in the zone of the 3rd and 4th fingers. Already such a symptom should alert a person, show him that a failure occurred in his legs. With the further development of the disease, symptoms gradually grow.

    Basic symptoms:

    • pain, burning, loss of sensitivity in the field of the 3rd and 4th fingers;
    • severe pain in the foot, in all fingers;
    • change of gait;
    • numbness of legs;
    • it is difficult to walk in high heels, when changing shoes, discomfort passes.

    The launched disease is characterized by pools even alone. According to patients, they compare walking in uncomfortable shoes, as if you go through the edges of the stones.

    Diagnosis and treatment of Morton's Nesuy

    The first step of the patient is a campaign to the therapist, he inspects the state of the leg, makes a diagnosis. Suspecting pathology, the therapist sends to a consultation to a neurologist, orthopedic, rheumatologist, vascular surgeon.

    Morton's neurom is diagnosed with surveys:

    • palpation;
    • radiography;
    • CT, MRI;

    According to the results of the examination, doctors are directed to the treatment to remove the pressure on the affected nerve tissues. The patient changes its shoe style for this, chooses models with advanced noses, a small heel.

    Conservative treatment includes local ibuprofen blocks, diclofenac, indomethacin, ketarol, nimesulda. The heavy condition of the legs requires smoking with hormonal drugs, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone are used here. The treatment of Morton's disease by medicines soothes pain only after 3 months after therapy.

    Treating a little physiotics:

    • magnet;
    • electrophoresis;
    • massages;
    • acupuncture.

    If the disease is in the started state, its progress is stopped only by the operation. Surgeons offer to open the ventilation canal, dissection or remove the neural. All operations are carried out under general anesthesia.

    Surgical methods:

    1. Removal of the neurous.
    2. Dissection; After this operation is likely to recur.
    3. Removal of Morton Morton Laser.
    4. Morton's abservation ablation by the radio frequency method.

    Rare cases of launched disease require artificially reversing the bone to shift it and release squeezed nerve fabrics. Such an operation is carried out without cuts with X-ray control.
    Neurm and Nevnoma

    The neurinoma increases on the cells of the nerve shells in the peripheral zones, on their Rips, roots. In the practice of neuropathologists and surgeons are found by single tumors or multiple thickening of nerves. These formations are inclined to move into the shape of a malignant sarcoma than and differ from the nurses.

    Symptoms, they practically do not differ, the difference of formations is shown only on the diagnosis of CT, MRI, WSD. Then oncologists are taken for the treatment of the disease. Nevnomers are manifested by dense nodes on small nerve endings. The slightest touch is responding with sharp shooting pain. Their development is slow, accompanied by paresthesia and in rare cases by paralysis. What it is - the Morton's wrong mont, and how they are treated, patients will know from the oncologist.

    In the early stages of the formation of neurinoma, it is treated conservatively, using the same scheme as for therapy of the necris, with the same drugs. The radical method of removing the neoplasm is used when medicinal treatment does not give effect.

    Folk remedies for the treatment of noncrosses and neuromy

    As a supplement to medical therapyAnd after operations, doctors recommend using the funds of folk healers. But they warn that they give only temporary getting rid of pain.

    Recipes Healers:

    1. Walking rows. Fresh-hearted leaves and soft stems of bitter wormwood rubbing in a casoo mass, impose in place strong painfixed with a bandage. Keep up to dry.
    2. Lubrication with goose and interior swine fat. A small amount of fat is rubbed into the place of pain, impose a dressing with a warming effect. You can leave a dressing at night. In the morning, fat are not flushed, but gently erase it with a damp warm tissue.
    3. Hot rubbing.Prepare a mixture: salt, dry mustard, burning pepper in equal proportions. 250 ml of vodka are poured, daytime insist. The foot is triturated overnight, weave warm socks.

    Apply folk remedies in the treatment of Morton's nursions to resolve the attending physician. The compresses of the heating properties are not allowed for purulent and inflammatory processes.

    Now you know what kind of disease is and how to treat it - the main thing to consult a doctor in a timely manner!

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