Dentures are rubbed with folk remedies. The prosthesis rubs the gum: photo, causes, symptoms, treatment

Article author: Seryogina Daria Sergeevna (|) - dentist, therapist, orthodontist. Is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of dental anomalies, wrong bite... Also installs braces and plates.

They are often the only way out for people with large missing teeth. Lack of teeth is not only a huge aesthetic defect, but also fraught with serious health problems (malocclusion, fuzzy diction, facial asymmetry, gum atrophy, abnormalities in the stomach). Modern removable plates help restore all the functions of the teeth and allow you to return to your normal life. However, one of the most frequent complaints when using dentures is rubbing soft tissues with them. oral cavity... Rubbing what to do? Let's try to figure it out and give advice in this article.

The removable dental structure itself is not ultra-precise. The stages of its manufacture consist of taking an impression, casting, modeling from wax and making, processing the finished model for installation. It is very difficult to take into account all the smallest tubercles and depressions that are necessarily present in the relief of the jaw. And the material from which the plates are made is most often harder than the soft tissues of the oral mucosa.

Therefore, even with the most precise manufacturing of removable plates and the high skill of the doctor, all the inconveniences due to chafing from dentures at any stage of their use cannot be avoided.

Why and when can rubbing occur when wearing a removable denture?

Most often this happens:

  • After initial overlay. This begins the formation of the so-called. "Prosthetic bed" located in the area of \u200b\u200bmucous membrane in contact with the prosthesis. The discomfort here is quite normal phenomenon (lasts from 1 to 3 months). The appearance of namines (or scuffs) at this time of wearing dental constructions is fully justified. After all, the body needs time to adapt to a foreign adaptation.
  • As a result of improper donning.It is necessary to incorrectly put on even a perfectly fitted prosthesis, as it will begin to injure and rub the mucous membrane. Each removable design has its own dressing path (front to back or back to front), which should allow it to "fall" into place.
  • After 5 years of wearing.Here, rubbing appears due to atrophy and shrinkage of the jaw bone tissue along with the mucous structure covering it. At the same time, the solid part of the base of the plates remains unchanged, which leads to violations of the correspondence between the jaw and the prosthesis and the formation of unnecessary cavities. The pain is especially acute at the moment of chewing, when the structure ceases to lie tightly on the gum and begins to move, causing pain. In this case, scuffs appear and disappear.

By the way, many dentists believe that with frequent complaints about rubbing of a removable denture after some time of wearing it (more than 5 years), it is not enough just to correct "". Replacement with a new design that takes into account all the changes in the jaw is often highly recommended.

How to treat denture chafing

Rubbing dentures what to do? The main thing is not to lose heart and do not give up. Do not think that other people have not met with a similar phenomenon. However, there is a way out in this situation. Most often, the following measures can help in the fight against denture chafing:

  1. Self-correction of the prosthesis. Most patients are in no hurry to immediately see a doctor if the denture begins to rub. Here, our enterprising people begin to use improvised tools such as a small file or skin. Sometimes these methods are effective, especially if the excess plastic on the prosthesis is located at the edge. After cutting off the excess thickness of the plastic base of the prosthesis, it is passed from above with a sandpaper for polishing. But with such a "home" method, one must be extremely delicate so as not to permanently damage the prosthesis or make it completely unusable.
  2. Seeing a dentist... Many patients come for pain from chafing while wearing a "removable jaw" to consult a doctor who was engaged in the manufacture and installation of prostheses. If the prosthesis has just been made, then it will be more correct to consult a specialist the next day after installation, and then usually several corrections are required over two weeks. It is important not to remove them at night for at least 2 weeks after the installation of dentures for early adaptation. Some have to apply for correction of the "jaw" up to 10 times, which is quite normal and justified. The main thing here is to achieve maximum patient comfort while wearing these structures.
  3. How to behave before visiting the dentist. Of course, when the pain in the mouth becomes unbearable, the patient will no longer try to wear the prosthesis. We must not forget to place the removed dental structure in a disinfectant solution. However, it would be wrong to come to the doctor with a removed prosthesis, as this will not allow identifying the cause of the discomfort. Experts advise at the same time to overcome the pain and wear the structure for at least 3-4 hours so that a clear imprint is formed on the oral mucosa. This will allow the orthodontist to more accurately adjust the dental structure by mechanical action. Most often, special tools such as a carbide cutter are used. After the correction, it is better to remove the prosthesis for one day. In this case, it is advisable to rinse with decoctions of herbs (calendula, oak herb, yarrow, chamomile, sage) and lotions from them.
  4. The use of medicinal oils. It helps well with various wounds and scuffs of applications with sea buckthorn or rosehip oils. Oil-soaked wipes should be applied to painful areas for 15-20 minutes three times a day. At this time, the "removable jaw" must be removed.
  5. Plates. Collagen gum plates "Pharmadont" help with gum abrasions. They are often used after mechanical action on the prosthesis. The plates are applied to painful areas of the mucous membrane three times a day until complete dissolution. "Pharmadont" plates contain collagen, medicinal plants, enzymes. They relieve pain and accelerate the regeneration of abrasions.
  6. Using gels and creams... Often, after eliminating the cause of rubbing, doctors prescribe such remedies: "Kamistad", "Holisal", "Solcoseryl-dent". It is especially important to use them if prolonged rubbing of the prosthesis has led to the formation of ulcers.
  7. Sometimes ulcers form at the site of wearing removable structures. They are usually small, sometimes bleeding. Most often, ulcers form at the edge of the prosthesis bed. If infected, they may become coated or bleed. If you do not react in any way to their presence, the ulcers can acquire a chronic course. The main condition for the treatment of mouth ulcers is the perfect fit of the prosthesis with the elimination of any defects. After adjusting the structures, the ulcers quickly tighten.

Attention: if after 2-3 weeks the treatment of mouth ulcers does not work, consult an oncologist regarding these formations.

  1. Treatment with honey. Some patients use for local treatment rubbing honey, especially smearing it overnight, or propolis tincture, diluted in water, for rinsing.
  2. A drug Tantum verde perfectly eliminates the consequences of rubbing. It relieves inflammation and pain in the oral cavity. The medicine is used in the form of rinses, spray, or lozenges.

Preventing denture chafing

Are the unpleasant sensations from rubbing the prosthesis inevitable and nothing can be done about it? No, you can still do something. To prevent rubbing from a removable denture, you must:

  • Do not contact non-professionals regarding prosthetics. If the removable structure is made "clumsy" or carelessly, it will lead to the impossibility of using it and throwing money "down the drain".
  • Avoid sticky, sticky (gum, toffee, butterscotch) or solid foods (nuts, seeds, rusks, vegetables or fruits not chopped up). This can lead to a violation or breakage of the "jaw".
  • Poor denture hygiene often leads to oral inflammation. It is advisable to wash the removable plates under the tap after any meal. It is especially important to wash and construct with a mild soap solution before bed.
  • Using special means for periodic disinfection of the prosthesis. In pharmacies, you can buy disinfectants for this ("", "", "Protefix", etc.). Usually it dissolves in a glass of water and a removable structure is lowered there for a specified time.
  • Sometimes it is extremely difficult to fit and fix dentures well (in the absence of teeth or anatomical features of the jaw). Then it becomes necessary application means for fixing dentures in the form of a gel, cream, powder or pads. The cream is applied to a dry structure with a thin "dotted line" before dressing. With low salivation, a fixative powder is used, which is applied in a thin line to a wet structure before dressing.
  • The prosthesis needs to be relined once a year. Some time after wearing, it begins to fit worse due to the natural processes of bone tissue atrophy. In this case, voids appear on the "removable jaw", where the prosthetist applies a layer of plastic to restore good sitting. If you skip the time for relining, the structures will simply become unwearable.
  • If there is a breakage or crack, the removable plate can be repaired by an orthodontist. You should not try to fix any malfunctions on the prosthesis yourself.

Attention: in case of dry or burning mouth after the installation of the prosthesis, it is necessary to consult an allergist.

Over time, most people get used to dentures and perceive it as an integral part of their life. Modern removable dentures made by professionals are comfortable and irreplaceable in the absence of your own teeth. Treat your "artificial teeth" with care, and if necessary, contact the professionals, and stay healthy!

Sources used:

  • "Partial removable dentures" (Zhulev E.N.)
  • "Removable dentures: tutorial"(Mironova M.L)

What brands of toothpastes have you used?

Installation of dentures is enough difficult process, starting from the stage of selecting a suitable design, and ending with the adaptation period. Even the highest quality prosthesis can cause a lot of inconvenience: it can cause unpleasant and painful sensations. If a patient rubs the gum with a prosthesis after installing a removable structure, urgent measures are needed to eliminate the problem.

If a denture rubs the gums right after installation, this does not mean that the construction is of poor quality. The feeling of discomfort after fixation is a natural reaction to the presence of a foreign body in the mouth.

The fact is that the removable structure is made of a hard material, which, when in contact with soft tissues, exerts pressure on them and causes unpleasant sensations. If the prosthesis rubs the gums after the end of the adaptation period, it is necessary to pay attention to other reasons.

Causes of gum inflammation under the prosthesis:

  1. defect in the manufacture of the structure;
  2. allergy reaction to the material of the product;
  3. slipping of the prosthesis due to lack of necessary fixation, which leads to tissue chafing;
  4. the presence of candidiasis and gingivitis, provoking the inflammatory process;
  5. violation of the rules of oral hygiene;
  6. features of the relief of the alveolar ridge;
  7. natural wear and tear of the product after 5 years.

Symptoms of rubbing the gums with a prosthesis

As a result of rubbing the gums with a removable structure, characteristic symptoms appear:

  • ulcers on the mucous membrane of the gums;
  • swelling and soreness of soft tissues;
  • bleeding;
  • the presence of an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity;
  • redness of the gums;
  • the formation of gingival pockets;
  • the appearance of bedsores.

Ignoring the symptoms that appear leads to inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, the development of stomatitis and soft tissue necrosis in the future.

What to do if the gum is inflamed under the denture and hurts

If the gums become inflamed after dental prosthetics due to frequent rubbing, you need to seek help from an orthopedic dentist. He will correct the fixed structure and prescribe medication, if necessary.

Correction of the prosthesis by the dentist

The discomfort from dentures will be helped by a specialist in conditions dental clinic... Correction is required in the case of an incorrectly designed removable structure, which leads to rubbing of soft tissues. The dentist will correct the occlusal contacts and activate the retaining elements of the prosthesis, following certain steps:

  1. A thorough examination of the prosthetic bed is performed.
  2. Areas of inflammatory foci of the mucous membrane are outlined with a chemical pencil and transferred to the base of the prosthesis.
  3. With the help of a special paste, which is applied to the zone of hyperemia of the mucous membrane, the area of \u200b\u200bthe structure requiring correction is determined.

As a rule, a return visit to the doctor occurs within 14 days after the installation of the prosthesis. In some cases, up to 10 corrections may be required to achieve the maximum degree of comfort when using the removable structure.

Drug treatment

What to do if the gum under the prosthesis is inflamed? Eliminate chafing with drug treatment... As remedies for chafing are used:

  • rinsing solutions;
  • gels;
  • anti-inflammatory ointments;
  • medicinal toothpastes.

Gum rinsing solutions

Gums rubbed with a prosthesis can be treated with mouthwash solutions. In dentistry, solutions are used to eliminate chafing:

  • Tantum verde comes in spray form. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effects. When local application quickly absorbed through the mucous membrane and penetrates to the focus of the inflamed rubbed gums.
  • Chlorhexidine - antiseptic wide range actions. When rinsing with a solution, a thin film forms on the surface of the inflamed tissue, which continues to affect the affected area up to 7 hours from the moment of formation.
  • Furacilin is an antiseptic and bactericidal drug. It is used as a rinse solution or compresses.
  • Stomatofit is an anti-inflammatory herbal preparation in the form of a tincture, which must be diluted in water and used for rinsing.

Gels and ointments for gum disease and pain

If the gums hurt while wearing the prosthesis, pain relievers and anti-inflammatory gels and ointments will come to the rescue. To accelerate the healing process when rubbing with a removable structure, use:

  • Cholisal is a gel that has a local anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect. Has the ability to hold active ingredients on the mucous membrane of the rubbed gums.
  • Kamistad is a gel with anesthetic and antiseptic properties due to the presence of lidocaine and chamomile in the composition.
  • Metrogyl Denta is a combined antimicrobial drug used for infectious and inflammatory processes of the periodontium and rubbing of the gums with a removable structure.
  • Heparin ointment - reduces inflammation and helps to reduce tissue swelling.

Healing toothpaste

For complex treatment gums rubbed under removable dentures, special toothpastes are used. In addition to cleansing the enamel, the paste affects the pathological processes in the oral cavity, as it contains medicationsrelieving inflammation.

If the gum hurts under the prosthesis, use:

  • Paradontax - contains fluoride, mineral salts and extracts of 6 herbs (chamomile, echinacea, mint, sage, myrrh, ratania).
  • Lacalut active - antiseptic toothpastecontaining chlorhexidine, fluoride compounds and extracts from medicinal herbs.
  • Forest balsam is a healing paste with the addition of natural ingredients. Contains extracts of 14 herbs.

Folk remedies for relieving pain and inflammation of the gums under the prosthesis

If rubbed gums hurt under the removable structure, you can use the recipes traditional medicine to relieve inflammation. Gargles and compresses are suitable for this purpose.

  1. A decoction of the herb St. John's wort.

1 tbsp. l. dry herbs pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist for 1 hour. Rinse your mouth every 2 hours.

  1. A decoction of chamomile and calendula.

Take calendula and chamomile in equal proportions (1 tablespoon each) and pour 400 ml. water. Boil for 15 minutes. Strain and rinse your mouth 3 times a day.

  1. Sea salt solution

Dissolve 1 tbsp. l. sea \u200b\u200bsalt in 200 ml of boiled water. Apply as a gargle 3 times a day.

  1. Oak bark decoction

A decoction of oak bark is effective in the formation of pressure ulcers and ulcers that appear as a result of wearing a clasp prosthesis. To prepare the solution, you need 2 tbsp. l. connect with 2 tbsp. water, bring to a boil and insist. Rinse the inflamed areas three times a day.

How to prevent denture rubbing on your gums

In order to prevent the gums from becoming inflamed during the operation of the removable structure, you should adhere to some rules:

  • regularly observe oral hygiene;
  • refrain from eating solid and too viscous food;
  • clean removable structures using special solutions and cleaning pastes;
  • to carry out a planned visit to the dentist for relining of prostheses, as the bone tissue tends to thin, which leads to the formation of gaps between the palate and the plate.

If under a removable denture is rubbed soft tissue and the gums become inflamed, it is necessary to find the cause of the appearance of discomfort and eliminate it by adjusting the removable structure and using drug therapy.

List of references

  1. Major M. Ash, Stanley J. Nelson - Wheeler's Dental Anatomy, Physiology and Occlusion - Saunders - 2002.
  2. N.G. Abolmasov - Prosthetic dentistry, 7th ed., - M.: MedPress-inform, 2009.
  3. V.N.Trezubov - Preliminary treatment of patients before dental prosthetics, M.: Medical Information Agency, 2009.
  4. Carl E. Misch - Dental Implant Prosthetics - Mosby - 2004.
  5. Ulitovsky S.B. - Encyclopedia of Preventive Dentistry, St. Petersburg, 2004.
  6. The use of therapeutic and prophylactic gels in dental practice - Ed. V.G.Suntsov, Omsk: B. and., 2004.
  7. G.M.Barer, E.V. Zoryan. - Rational pharmacotherapy in dentistry, M.: Litterra, 2006.

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Removable denture correction (the doctor will come to you) - 3000 rubles

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Removable denture in a dental clinic - 24,500 rubles

The best prevention of chafing under removable dentures is the timely replacement of removable dentures.

Based on our experience, rubbing under removable dentures does not go away on its own, they must be eliminated.
Treatment of chafing of the gums under removable dentures is a correction, dentist-orthopedist grinds down the plastic edge of a removable denture with a dental cutter. Hypothetically, the patient himself can shorten the edge of the removable denture cutting into the gum with a file or a miniature file. The situation is more complicated if it rubs the inner surface of a removable prosthesis, here you will need a spherical instrument, which is rarely found in everyday life.

For the speedy regeneration of the damaged mucous membrane of the gums from a removable prosthesis, sea buckthorn oil is used. Impregnated sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil a gauze circle is applied to the painful area of \u200b\u200bthe gums for 15-20 minutes 3 times a day, while the removable prosthesis is not put on gauze.
Also, the prevention of mamines under removable dentures is the obligatory chewing of food at the same time on the right and left sides of the dentition.

The absence of pain under the prosthesis is the most important factor in the fastest adaptation of the patient to the removable prosthesis. We would like to note that the correction of removable dentures we carry out takes one hour, so long time is required to identify all painful places under removable dentures; we are gradually reducing the thickness of the plastic base of the removable denture. As the correction progresses, the patient reports a decreasing acute pain under a removable denture. Reasonable and precise cutting of the inner surface of the removable denture with a milling cutter leads to a positive result.

We recommend to our patients the timely replacement of removable dentures, after about four years. It depends on the initial severity of the alveolar ridge and on the material chosen for the plastic teeth.

Rubbing of the gums (namin) occurs due to the excessive pressure of the base of the removable prosthesis on the mucous membrane. Painful sensations under a removable denture can arise from a newly made removable denture, after a new removable denture is applied to the jaw. The removable denture "shrinks" during chewing. The soft movable mucous membrane under the action of the chewing load is transmitted evenly to the base of the removable prosthesis, "takes the form of the basis" of the removable prosthesis, forming the so-called prosthetic bed.

In this place, under the denture, namina occurs.

The dentist orthopedist can predict the appearance of gum chafing by performing removable denture correction before application, at the time of application of a removable denture. At the same time on lower jaw, almost always after the application of a removable denture on the second day, or even the next after the delivery of the removable denture, the patient needs correction. Depending on the temperament and level of self-preparation (meaning the psychological self-adjustment of the patient for the entire period of prosthetics with removable dentures), the patient individually describes complaints of pain under removable dentures. There is a group of patients who pain threshold reduced due to their common disease organism, they have minimal complaints of pain with severe gum injuries. On examination, it is revealed that the edge of the removable prosthesis has cut the mucous membrane in the area of \u200b\u200bthe transitional fold into two halves, while complaints of pain are minimal. These patients remain in removable dentures until visiting a doctor, without removing them. The other opposite group, as a rule, is women of short stature with various atrophy of the jaw bone tissue. Complaints about the "strongest" pain under the removable denture, examining the mucous membrane of the prosthetic bed, no visible wounds are found, the color of the entire mucosa is not changed and uniform.

Not a micro precision design. In the process of manufacturing a removable denture: taking an impression, casting a model, modeling removable dentures from wax, transferring wax to plastic, processing removable dentures welded from plastic.

The true mobility and softness of the mucous membrane for the future bed when taking a functional impression is difficult to perceive, therefore, after the application of a removable denture, bumps appear, plus is added pain from chewing pressure during load from food, in which the mucous membrane is pressed. Also, removable dentures can chafe if worn incorrectly. Each denture has a specific route of insertion, for example, a complete removable denture can be worn from back to front.

Namin from removable dentures can appear after wearing a denture for more than 5 years, when the solid, unchanging part of the plastic base lying on the gum does not change, and the bone tissue with the mucous membrane covering it atrophies over time and decreases in volume. Thus, the removable denture no longer fits the jaw; cavities (gap) are formed between the removable denture and the jaw. In the process of active use (chewing), the removable denture does not fit snugly to the gum, tearing away from it and then dropping down, while causing pain to the gum. Rubs appear, pass through time. Calling a dentist at home to eliminate pain under a removable denture, which has a service life of more than 5 years, has a short-term effect. In our opinion, in this case, it is ineffective, since it is impossible to eliminate the appearance of weeds by the correction method. It is very difficult to adjust the plastic part of the removable denture base to the changed denture bed. We recommend making new removable dentures.

Treatment of chafed gums with removable prosthetics consists in mechanical correction of a denture using a dental micromotor.

Before you call a dentist at home, you need to put on a removable prosthesis so that painful places appear on the gum, the places of the closest contact between the removable prosthesis and the gum. Two hours is enough for the Namin to appear.

At the same time, the patient is able to independently carry out the correction of his removable denture. Using a small file, you can reduce the border of the removable denture, then polish it with sandpaper. From the inner surface of a removable denture, the one that is adjacent to the gum, is more difficult, a thinner instrument with a spherical working surface is needed.

As a rule, there is rubbing from a removable prosthesis in several places, the most easily for a doctor is eliminated the excess of the plastic base of a removable prosthesis, located at its edge.

Namines rarely bleed, the pressed down area of \u200b\u200bthe mucous membrane has a reddened appearance or whitish areas against the background of a general red-pink mucous membrane. Stronger pressure of the removable prosthesis is manifested in a larger oval lesion with clear boundaries and a whitish color inside, which, when pressed on it, causes pain.

In addition to the point namin, there may be a pressure of a complete removable denture on an area of \u200b\u200babout 2 by 5 mm, which has redness, when pressure is painful.

Projected onto this place plastic base of a removable dentureremoved slightly with a cutter and this place remains under the supervision of a doctor.

After mechanical removal of excess plastic from the base of a removable denture with a carbide milling cutter, we recommend applying it to painful gingival areas. Sea buckthorn or rosehip oil is moistened with a gauze napkin (tampon), which is applied to the painful area of \u200b\u200bthe oral mucosa for 15-20 minutes 3 times a day. When a therapeutic compress is found in the oral cavity, a removable prosthesis is not worn, so as not to injure the unaffected areas of the prosthetic bed.

Respectfully yours, the team of the Ivan and Alexey dental clinic.

Prosthetics helps to quickly and inexpensively solve the problem of missing teeth. However, along with the advantages of this method, it is not uncommon for a denture to rub the gum immediately after installation or during use, which causes discomfort and pain. This leads to the fact that the patient refuses to use dentures altogether, dooming himself to aggravating dental problems.

However, this problem can be easily solved in most cases. Therefore, a person who is going to install, or already uses removable dental appliances, needs to know why they can rub the gums, how to get rid of such a problem and what needs to be done so that this does not happen again in the future.

A denture can chafe the gums due to:

  • Inaccuracies in the shape of the removable plates.
  • Incorrect use of the prosthesis at the time of dressing.
  • Diseases and pathologies of the oral cavity.
  • Natural deformation of the bone.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Long-term use of the prosthesis.

Immediately after insertion and during the first months of wearing, a removable denture can chafe the gums due to the natural adaptation of the jaw to a foreign apparatus. This happens due to the fact that it is impossible to achieve 100% coincidence of the surfaces of the removable plates and the tissues of the oral cavity.

Only 1-3 months after the constant wearing of the device, a prosthetic bed is formed, in which the gum takes the necessary shape, and nothing rubs it.

In addition, inaccuracies can be caused by medical error... One of the stages in the manufacture of a prosthesis is fine-tuning its shape by grinding, as a result of which the gums should not rub.

However, if the doctor performing this procedure is not properly qualified, then the surface of the plates may differ greatly from that which was obtained during the taking of the impression of the jaw. In this case, due to significant deviations in the shape of the prosthesis, the gum cannot adapt to foreign object, and wearing a prosthesis will constantly cause discomfort.

Improper dressing

One of the difficult aspects of using removable devices is to dress them correctly after sleep. The fact is that each type of prosthesis has an individual scheme of attachment in the oral cavity. If the person using the removable device does not exactly follow the doctor's instructions for dressing it, then a gap may form between the plate and the gum, as a result of which the gum will rub. This will be felt especially acutely when eating, when the load on the prosthesis is maximum.

Diseases and pathologies

A denture can chafe the gums due to inflammation of the soft tissues of the mouth. The inflammatory process develops due to the rapid multiplication of pathogenic bacteria on the oral mucosa. The reasons for this may be:

  • Weakening of immunity.

  • Lack of vitamins in the body.
  • Poor oral hygiene.
  • Smoking.
  • Launched caries.

  • Bacterial stomatitis.
  • Genetic diseases.

In addition, the inflamed gums under the denture can be caused by improper care. If the removable device is not periodically cleaned and placed overnight in a special disinfectant solution, then many bacteria accumulate on it, which, when they enter the oral cavity, begin to multiply.

The gums may rub against the denture after receiving maxillofacial injury, in which either the position of the bones or their shape was changed. At the same time, soft tissues change their relief, and the removable apparatus does not fit tightly to them.

Another reason why dentures can rub the gums when worn is the loss or loosening of the teeth that fix the device in a certain position. In this case, the plates do not fall into place and are able to move, which leads to their friction against soft tissue.

Natural deformation of the bone

If a denture has been used continuously for a long time (3 or more years), then the jaw bones under it shrink significantly. In this case, the plates do not change their shape and position, since they are made of a relatively hard material and are fixed on permanent molars.

As a result, the initial correspondence of the surface of the prosthesis and the relief of the gums is disrupted, which leads to the formation of a gap between removable apparatus and soft tissues. In this case, any load on the plates causes their shift, and, therefore, they rub the oral mucosa.

Allergic reactions

Modern dentures are made of neutral materials so as not to cause an allergic reaction. However, in a small number of people, there may be an individual intolerance to these substances. In this case, the soft tissues under the plates can become inflamed, as a result of which the relief of their surface changes and the prosthesis begins to rub the gums.

In addition to the reaction to the material, some people are allergic to substances that are used for disinfection and cleaning of devices, which also leads to inflammation of the oral mucosa.

Long-term operation

No matter what solid and high-quality materials the prostheses are made of, their destruction occurs over time. When defects appear in the design of the fastening system of dental bridges, their plates are displaced from their place and therefore rub the gums. In addition, with prolonged use, the surface relief of the apparatus also changes, which requires a new period of adaptation to it on the part of soft tissues.

Treatment of the gums when rubbing

If the denture has rubbed the gums, then treatment should be started immediately, since in addition to discomfort, prolonged and constant irritation of soft tissues can lead to the development of various pathologies of the oral cavity.

Depending on the cause of the problem, to eliminate rubbing of the gums with a denture, the following methods can be used:

  • Correction of the shape of the surface of the removable device.
  • Application medicines.

Shape correction

The rubbing of the gums caused by the mismatch of the shape of the plates and soft tissues is eliminated by correcting the adjacent surfaces. For this, the doctor, using specialized cutters, removes the protruding sections of the prosthesis. They are determined by the prints on the gums, therefore, before visiting the clinic, the patient must wear a dental bridge for at least 3-4 hours.

The correction procedure is carried out until the person ceases to feel discomfort when chewing food. Usually the patient visits the doctor 2 times. At the first appointment, the doctor removes most protrusion, leaving a small layer of it to observe changes in human sensations.

If the removable bridge does not rub the gums, then final grinding is performed on the second visit. However, if the patient does not follow the doctor's recommendations, then the correction can be made up to 10 times, after which the prosthesis is recognized as unusable and a new one is made.

An important point in the success of the correction is compliance with certain recommendations for using the prosthesis after the procedure:

  • The dental apparatus is not put on until the inflammation of the gums is completely eliminated.
  • The first two weeks after the start of using the removable structure, it is not removed at night to accelerate the adaptation of soft tissues.
  • While the gums are getting used to the corrected plates, it is necessary to periodically apply compresses from decoctions of calendula, chamomile or sage to it to relieve irritation.
  • If pain returns or worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Some patients, when they experience discomfort when using dental bridges, try to correct their shape at home. This cannot be done, since, without specialized knowledge and equipment, an attempt to independently correct the surface relief of the plates will at best lead to the complete unusability of the prosthesis, and at worst can cause serious injuries to the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

Use of medicines

If the dental bridge rubs the gums due to the development of soft tissue inflammation, then antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are used to eliminate the problem, which destroy pathogens and restore the oral mucosa. They are produced either in the form of ointments and gels, which are directly applied to the inflamed area, or in the form of tablets taken orally.

  • To the most commonly used ointments include Oxolinic, Heparin, Nystatin, Tetracycline, Acyclovir, Troxevasin and Solcoseryl.
  • The best gels to eliminate gum inflammation, Cholisal, MetrogylDenta, Asepta and Kamistad are considered.
  • From medicines, produced in the form of tablets, have proven themselves well, such as Imudon, Trental, Metronidazole, Troichopol and Lincomycin.

Another kind drugscollagen plates are used when dental bridges rub against the gums. They numb the irritated area and speed up the tissue regeneration process.

If the denture rubs the gums due to the shrinkage of the jaw bones, then in 90% of cases the plate correction does not help and the person needs to install a new denture. In addition, often when any significant structural elements of the removable device are deformed, doctors also insist on its complete replacement. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult to achieve the required shape during repair, therefore it is easier to make a new prosthesis than to repair an old one.

Installation of a new prosthesis is also necessary if allergic reaction on the material from which it is made. In this case, before creating a new one, a number of studies are carried out to select a neutral substance from which plates can be made.

To reduce the likelihood that the dental bridge did not begin to rub the gums immediately after installation or during use, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Monitor for development inflammatory process soft tissues.
  • Take off the denture at night and rinse it with specialized disinfectants to prevent the appearance of pathogens on it.
  • Do not consume solid and astringent foods, as in this case the load on the dental apparatus is significantly increased.
  • Use specialized means of fixing dental bridges if you cannot securely fix them in the oral cavity.

  • Strictly follow the rules for putting on the prosthesis.
  • Annually undergo an examination by a dentist to correct the removable apparatus, since due to the natural deformation of the jaw bones, the plates may begin to loosely adhere to the gums.
  • Do not delay the visit to the doctor if cracks or chips were found on the dental structure, as this can lead to its complete unusability.
  • Under no circumstances should you try to correct the surface of the plates yourself, as this almost always leads to more serious problems than before.

Rubbing the gums with a denture is a significant disadvantage. However, this problem can be easily solved using modern techniques and materials for the manufacture of dental appliances, medicines that relieve irritation, and specialized fixing compounds. In addition, if you follow the recommendations of specialists for the care and use of prostheses, then the likelihood that a person will encounter such inconvenience tends to zero.

Adaptation to dentures is the final stage of a long journey for a patient who has chosen the method of removable prosthetics. Alas, difficulties are encountered here. Even the most precisely fitted, calibrated designs can be uncomfortable to wear.

At first, dentures rub against the gums, palate and even tongue. This does not mean that they are completely unsuitable for you. But it takes time to get used to, and several additional visits to the doctor for control and adjustment. But first, you need to cure all the rub, wounds and scratches.

Why dentures are rubbed

Dentists put in one to three months to get used to the new device. During this time, the so-called prosthetic bed is formed - the place where the plate and the oral mucosa come into contact. But the prosthesis is always harder than the palate and it is impossible to completely avoid "lapping". This means that at first it may be uncomfortable and even painful for you to wear a prosthesis. What other causes of chafing are:

  • mistakes when putting on;
  • unreliable fastening in the mouth;
  • allergy to materials;
  • stomatitis, gingivitis, caries;
  • wear after 5 years of use.

What to do if the denture is rubbed against the gum

How can gums rubbed with a prosthesis be treated? For ulcers and wounds, pharmacy medicines and herbal medicine are used in the form of rinses and compresses. Let's list the main methods.

Medicines that will help if the denture has rubbed the gums:

  • Pharmadont - collagen plates for gum healing;
  • gels and ointments - Cholisal, Kamistad, Asepta, Metrogyl denta relieve the condition, have an antimicrobial effect, accelerate the healing process;
  • rinsing with solutions of Tantum Verde, chlorhexidine, furacilin or stomatofit;
  • anti-inflammatory toothpastes (Paradontax, Lacalut activ, Forest balm).

Folk remedies for mucosal chafing:

  • decoctions of chamomile and oak bark for oral baths - the liquid must be held in the mouth for a couple of minutes;
  • rinsing your mouth with a solution of salt or soda;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn or rosehip oil in the form of a compress is applied for 15 minutes to the affected area;
  • aloe pulp heals well damaged mucosa;
  • honey, propolis, with which sores are lubricated, you can also rinse.

Correction of the prosthesis in the clinic

The most the best treatment mines, calluses and chafing of the gums will be prescribed by your doctor. Feel free to ask him for advice. Correction is a delicate matter, it is worth going once more than suffering from pain.

It is better not to remove the denture 3-4 hours before the visit to the dentist, even if it is very unpleasant for you to wear it. This is necessary so that the doctor can see how the device is imprinted on the palate, and understand which side needs correction.

Correction of the prosthesis in the clinic

Some sites give "good" advice to try to file around the edges yourself. Disservice. Only fitting in the dental laboratory ensures that the structure that rubs the mucous membrane is corrected correctly.

How to prevent chafing with a denture

No one can give a 100% guarantee that the addiction will go smoothly. The grinding process is too individual. But there are some tips to help you avoid embarrassing moments. Better to use them. For example:

  • take oral hygiene and denture cleaning seriously - plaque accumulation, food debris can complicate the situation. For disinfection, you need to use special tablets.
  • give up gum, toffee and other viscous and sticky foods, and do not gnaw on hard vegetables, fruits or nuts, it is better to chop them before use;
  • for a strong docking with the oral mucosa, it is worth using special gels and powders;
  • make scheduled visits to your dentist and remember to relocate once a year. Bone continues to thin out and gaps appear between the palate and the plate, due to which discomfort occurs;
  • only a professional orthodontist can repair, grind and adjust the device.

Of course, all patients would like to avoid the difficulties of getting used to the new jaw, to do without chafing of the gums, scratches. What should you choose? Nylon prostheses, as well as hypoallergenic acrylic Acry-Free are considered comfortable and comfortable, but not all of them are suitable for indications. The simplest and cheapest plastic plates can be the hardest to get used to. The presence of metal parts in the structure often provokes allergies.

The doctor will help you choose the right prosthesis for you. Depending on the condition of the teeth, financial capabilities and the desired results, they will select the best option for you and help you go through the adaptation period as easily as possible.

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