Venus dental crowns. Veneers for the front teeth: what is it, which ones to choose

Not always healthy teeth have a presentable appearance - a beautiful smile is spoiled by uneven yellowed incisors with an abundance of fillings, chips or gaps between them. In these and other cases, it makes sense to think about correcting teeth with veneers - overlays that can solve a lot of dental problems. What are the plates made of, how are they fixed on the teeth, are there any contraindications for installation - we will consider all these issues in our article.

What are dental veneers?

What are veneers and why are they needed? In dentistry, this is the name given to thin plates that are glued to the front surface of the teeth in order to mask defects. These overlays are made of various materials and are fixed on the dental plane using different technologies.

Today, veneers are quite popular, they are used by show business stars and ordinary people who want to look natural and smile without fear.

Indications for dental veneers

The plates on the teeth are not shown to everyone, they are installed in specific cases. The indications for veneers are as follows:

  • chips on the incisors;
  • diastema correction;
  • too small teeth, between which significant gaps have formed;
  • crowns on the front incisors that have lost their presentable appearance (we recommend reading: what crowns are placed on the front teeth in dentistry?);
  • the presence of stains on the enamel that cannot be removed by bleaching (fluorosis or canal filling with resorcinol-formalin paste) (we recommend reading: how is resorcinol-formalin paste used in dentistry?);
  • wedge-shaped defect (we recommend reading: what does a wedge-shaped defect of teeth look like, its photo and treatment);
  • slight curvature of the teeth, differences in the length of the incisors;
  • other situations, if the doctor sees an opportunity to restore teeth with veneers.

Existing contraindications

Not all situations are suitable for veneers. Onlays are not indicated for the following conditions:

  • Some bite pathologies (straight, deep), which can lead to increased enamel abrasion or premature tooth decay (we recommend reading: why tooth abrasion occurs and treatment).
  • Bruxism (nocturnal grinding of teeth).
  • Diseases of the gums or teeth (periodontitis, gingivitis, caries). Complete refurbishment must be carried out prior to installation oral cavity and undergo treatment if necessary.
  • Increased abrasion of enamel.
  • The destruction of the tooth is more than 1/3 of its part.
  • Veneers are not recommended to be placed on depulped teeth, since the overlays will not add strength to them - it is better to put crowns (we recommend reading: which is better to put: crowns or veneers?).

Advantages and disadvantages

Before deciding on the installation of veneers, it is worth studying their pros and cons. First, let's look at the benefits:

Among the disadvantages - the need for turning teeth, high cost. If one tooth is veneered, the neighboring ones will differ in color, so it is advisable to restore all teeth in the smile zone.

What teeth are veneers placed on?

Veneers can be put on any teeth if there are no contraindications. Most often, veneers are placed on the front teeth, while they can be sealed, with crowns and bridges.

It is important that the plates are installed symmetrically about the midline. That is, they can be fixed on 2-4 central incisors or cover 6-8 front teeth with microprostheses. This is due to the fact that it is quite difficult for a dental technician to choose a shade of material that will ideally match the color of natural teeth.

Types of veneers and their comparison

There are two main types of onlays - ceramic (indirect veneers) and composite, which are applied to the teeth in layers. The first option can be made of porcelain or zirconium dioxide. Composite veneers are cheaper, but they also have a shorter service life - up to 7 years. Consider the main features of the varieties of dental veneers. All the photos below clearly show that veneers transform a smile and look natural.

Ceramic (indirect)

Porcelain ceramic plates are quite popular. This material transmits light by analogy with enamel. As a result, the artificial surface looks as natural as possible. Another advantage of porcelain onlays is their resistance to staining. The disadvantages of this material are its thickness, which requires the preparation of teeth, as well as poor resistance to external influences. These pads are prone to chipping and cracking, especially if handled carelessly.

Ceramic plates are sometimes made on a zirconium base, which is subsequently covered with a porcelain mass. Zirconium veneers are thinner and stronger than all-ceramic veneers and are more resistant to mechanical stress. Zirconia overlays are considered the best - they are lightweight and look great. The disadvantage is their high price.

Composite (straight)

The most popular and affordable in terms of cost are veneers made of composite material (performed by the direct method). The service of installing direct veneers can be obtained at almost any dental clinic. Composite coating does not last long, and is also able to be stained with colored products.

The procedure is performed in two ways:

  1. The coating is made right in the dentist's office. The doctor grinds the teeth, then applies a special filling material of a liquid consistency to their frontal surface, achieving a smooth and natural plane. This method allows you to mask irregularities, chipped enamel.
  2. Making veneers in the laboratory. The doctor prepares the teeth in advance and makes casts, on the basis of which the plates are made. This time (2-3 weeks) the patient has to live with turned incisors, which is not very beautiful, and also causes discomfort while eating. During this period, temporary plastic linings are used. The advantage of the method in comparison with the previous one is the ability to mask more significant defects of the teeth.

Manufacturing steps

Indirect and some types of composite veneers are made from an impression taken by the dentist after the teeth have been prepared. The dental technician performs a plaster model of the future micro-prosthesis. Composite plates are made from light-cured materials. The technology for making ceramic onlays depends on the manufacturing method:

  1. Layered. Several thin layers of porcelain are applied to the workpiece, each of which is subjected to heat treatment. This allows the technician to accurately recreate the color and degree of transparency of the patient's native enamel.
  2. Pressing. This method is the pressing of material under high pressure with simultaneous heat treatment. The advantage of this technology is the strength of products.

Ceramic-coated zirconia veneers are made on the basis of a computer model of future products. The data entered by the technician is analyzed by the program, and the result is as accurate as possible.

Having received this information, the milling machine grinds the workpiece. Then a porcelain coating is applied to it.

Installation technology

Veneers are not installed at once, but in 2-3 visits to the dentist:

  1. On the first visit, the doctor performs an examination, performs sanitation (eliminates caries, dental deposits), offers the patient one or another type of microprostheses.
  2. On the next visit, the teeth are prepared (turned), casts are taken and temporary plates are installed. All this is not painful to do, since anesthesia is used.
  3. For the third time, the doctor fixes the permanent veneers with a special dental adhesive (we recommend reading: how to make your own dental adhesive?). About the process of restoration of the lower and upper jaw- in the video below.

Many Hollywood actors and show business stars have veneers on their teeth - photos before and after correction demonstrate this well.

However, for a qualitative result, the presence of three components is important - the professional work of the dentist, the dental technician and the quality of the materials. Otherwise, it is possible that the color does not match too closely or the appearance of cracks and chips on the surface of the products. In this regard, the choice of a clinic and a good specialist is an important stage in the transformation of a smile.

Procedure for recovery and rehabilitation

How long does it take to adjust after dental veneers? Most patients can easily get used to a new condition in 2-3 days. At first, the lining can interfere a little and even break the diction. However, after a short period, the plates on the teeth cease to be felt, and the patient remembers them less and less.

In order for new teeth to remain white as long as possible, it is not recommended to consume products with a coloring pigment on the day of installation - coffee, tea, red wine, etc.

How to properly care for veneers?

One of the advantages of veneers is ease of care. The pads do not require any particular operation from the patient - they need to be cleaned with a toothbrush twice a day.

Caring for such "nozzles" is simple - you can use your favorite toothpaste, mouthwash, and floss. To prevent the veneer from falling off, you should not expose your teeth to additional stress - cracking nuts with them, eating seeds or biting off crackers.

Can they be bleached?

Ceramic veneer stickers do not darken or stain, but composite ones become not as bright over time as they were on the day of installation. However, veneers are not subject to bleaching, but restoration of the coating or slight adjustment is possible.

In this regard, people with this type of lining are advised to limit the use of products that can stain the composite material.

Can you put braces on top?

Braces and veneers are a way to achieve the same goal - the most aesthetic appearance of the teeth, so the use of them at the same time is usually not required. In addition, vining is a rather fragile coating, which is incompatible with the strengthening of locks on it, and even more so with their dismantling. It is better to resolve the issue with the installation of braces before fixing the veneers, because then they may not be needed.

Life time

The duration of the life of veneers depends on the materials and accuracy of the owner. It is important to follow the rules for the care of microprostheses and regularly (once a year) visit a doctor. On average, dentists give the following numbers:

  • composite - 5-7 years;
  • porcelain stay on the teeth for 10-15 years;
  • The service life of overlays based on zirconium dioxide is much longer - 15-20 years.

Alternative to veneers

Fixation of veneers is not suitable for everyone - micro prostheses are not cheap. In addition, this method of tooth restoration has contraindications - for example, linings are not placed on depulped teeth. An alternative to veneers can be:

  • Crowns. The cost of installing metal-ceramic crowns is not too different from microprosthetics, but this option is a more reliable method of restoring the aesthetics and chewing ability of teeth. The crown is inserted if the tooth is alive, depulped, extended or pinned.
  • Lumineers. These overlays differ from veneers in the material of manufacture and thickness (they are much thinner). Lumineers are attached without tooth preparation, but they are not suitable for masking serious flaws, unlike veneers, and their cost is higher.
  • Braces. If the purpose of veneers is to correct the curvature of the teeth, to remove the gaps between them, it makes sense to think about braces. These designs will help make your own teeth even and beautiful.
  • Whitening. If you need veneers to get a snow-white and radiant smile, you should try to pre-whiten the enamel.

Photo: Veneers on front teeth

Veneers are micro-prostheses that allow you to restore the color and shape of one or a group of teeth.

Veneers are placed on the front surface of the tooth. They are used to restore the front teeth that fall into the smile line.

Teeth with veneers are no different from real ones, since the color of the patient's teeth is taken into account in their manufacture.

Veneers are used in cases where the restoration and whitening of teeth will not give the desired result. Restoration of teeth with veneers allows you to quickly restore teeth that have large defects.

Types of veneers for teeth

Veneers are made from ceramic and reflective composite materials.

Classification veneers, according to the type of material used for the manufacture of plates, can be as follows:

  • Ceramic veneers. For their manufacture, medical porcelain and zirconium dioxide are used. They are considered the best because they have high strength, do not change color over time, and are outwardly indistinguishable from real teeth. The thickness of ceramic veneers is only 0.3 - 0.5 mm.
  • Composite veneers. This type of veneers is outdated and less preferred, as it has many disadvantages from an aesthetic point of view and limitations in service life. The advantages of their use are the speed of installation (in the dentist's office) and the sparing technique.
  • A variety of porcelain ceramics is Hollywood laminates. The thickness of such plates is only 0.2 mm. Compared to conventional porcelain veneers, they are easier to use and last longer. The technique of their manufacture allows not to grind the tooth enamel. Hollywood veneers can be glued onto artificial crowns.

Stages of making veneers

There are two technologies for making porcelain veneers:

  • Layer-by-layer application of the ceramic mass followed by firing (non-pressed ceramics).
  • Injection molding at high temperature under pressure (pressed ceramics). This technology allows you to create very strong veneers. Their service life is longer than structures made of non-pressed ceramics.

Composite veneers can be made in two ways:

  • In the dentist's office. Such designs are called therapeutic veneers or direct veneers. The doctor removes a small layer of enamel on the front surface of the tooth, and then applies a light-polymer composite material on it in layers, restoring its surface.
  • In the dentist's office. To do this, the dentist grinds the tooth under the veneer and takes an impression. In the laboratory, a plaster impression of the teeth is made from the cast. A veneer made of composite materials will be modeled on it.

Production of ceramic veneers

  • Preparation for dental veneers and making a three-dimensional cast.
  • The computer produces a simulation of the future veneer.
  • Turning a structure on a milling machine from zirconium dioxide (without human intervention).
  • A temporary laminate is applied to the turned tooth.
  • Processing the inner surface of the veneer (roughening it) for better installation.
  • Applying cement to the tooth and the inside of the plate and fixing it to the tooth.

Indications for installation

  • Pronounced yellowness of the teeth (tetracycline teeth).
  • Discoloration of teeth due to depulpation.
  • Fluorescent teeth.
  • Erosion of tooth enamel.
  • Dental defects with extensive damage to hard tissues.
  • Incorrect position of the teeth (crowding of the incisors, rotation of the tooth around the axis). Aligning teeth with veneers looks more aesthetic if the plates are applied not to one tooth, but to several at once.
  • Abnormal shape of the tooth.
  • In the case when the restoration measures did not give an effect.
  • The presence of old fillings, the color of which differs from the color of the teeth.
  • Chipped teeth.
  • The presence of large interdental spaces.
  • Creating a Hollywood Smile.


  • Pathological abrasion of teeth.
  • Bruxism (teeth grinding).
  • Bad habits: biting nails, opening bottles, cracking nuts, etc.
  • Veneers are not recommended if the patient has a malocclusion.
  • Absence of 6 - 7 chewing teeth.
  • Destruction of the tooth from the side of the tongue.
  • The presence of a large filling on the inside of the tooth.
  • The presence of a risk of injury to the front teeth (passion for boxing, etc.)

How is the installation

Installation of veneer structures takes place in several stages:

  • Preliminary stage. At this stage, it is necessary to decide on the material from which the veneer will be made, and also to agree on the color of the future plate.
  • Tooth preparation. Depending on the thickness of the veneer plate, a layer of hard tooth tissues is removed from the front surface of the tooth.
  • Taking an impression of the teeth and sending it to the laboratory.
  • Installation of a temporary plastic plate.
  • A plaster model of the patient's teeth is made in the laboratory. According to it, a ceramic plate is made by one of the methods described above.
  • Fixation of veneers on the tooth with a special adhesive.
  • Removal of excess cement and bite assessment.

You can install veneers without grinding your teeth. Modern dentistry has in its arsenal such a type of dental structures, which are called "Lumineers". Lumineers are thinner constructions than veneers. They look like petals that are glued to the surface of the teeth with dental glue.

Lumineers are standard and custom. Individual designs are made in laboratory conditions. Standard - are selected, like nails from a set. about adhesive.Neer than veneers designs. They look like petals that are glued to the surface of the teeth with dental glue.

Recovery and rehabilitation

  • After the veneer is installed, you can lead a normal life. You must follow your doctor's instructions for correct use designs.
  • It is possible that in one to two weeks it will be necessary to visit the dentist again for a follow-up examination. The doctor must check the location of the structure on the tooth and check the reaction of the gums to the presence of a veneer plate.
  • As a result of tooth grinding, it may appear hypersensitivity tooth to cold or hot drinks. The teeth on which the veneers are installed can be subject to destruction, which may be an indication for crowning the tooth.

Video: "Veneers"


Currently, there are different ways of prosthetics with veneers. Which method is to be preferred? What material to choose for dentures?

Experts answer these and other questions of patients.

  • Question: Which veneers are better - porcelain or zirconia?

Answer: Veneers made of porcelain and zirconium dioxide look equally aesthetically pleasing. Porcelain veneers are more fragile and can break.

  • Question: What to choose - a veneer or a crown?

Answer: If there is at least one contraindication to the installation of veneers, then it is better to make a choice in favor of a crown.

  • Question: Can veneers be bleached if they darken?

Answer: Veneers made of composite materials can darken. You can't bleach them. Such structures require replacement.

  • Question: Which is better? Restoration or veneer?

Answer: Restoration is inferior in many respects to veneers. Therefore, a more reliable way to correct a defect in the teeth is to install veneers.

  • Question: Are veneers bad for teeth??

Answer: Veneers are absolutely safe for teeth. They are made from biocompatible materials.

Pros and cons of dental veneers

Advantages of ceramic veneers over composite ones:

  • High esthetics of ceramic veneers.
  • Veneers made of ceramics retain color consistency, do not fade or darken over time.
  • Reliability. High wear resistance.
  • Biocompatibility.
  • Ceramic veneers are durable. Their shelf life is unlimited.

Disadvantages of ceramic structures:

  • More production time is required.
  • Expensive.
  • Irreversibility of the preparation process.
  • Not repairable.

Advantages of composite veneer restorations:

  • They are made quickly, sometimes in one visit to the dentist.
  • Cheaper than porcelain veneers.

Composite veneers have disadvantages:

  • Short service life.
  • Color instability.
  • Unaesthetic.
  • Fragility and unreliability of plates.
  • Poorly hide defects of the teeth.
  • The irreversibility of the turning process.
  • Not being repaired.

Veneer Care

  • Dental veneers do not require special care.
  • Careful daily oral hygiene should be observed, using a toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss. This will allow the veneer to retain its shiny surface.
  • Foods that tend to stain teeth (red wine, pomegranate or cherry juice, coffee, tea, etc.) should be avoided.
  • To minimize the possibility of displacement or loss of the veneer, do not put pressure on the teeth in any way (biting ice, nails, nuts, etc.).
  • For bruxism during sleep, it is necessary to use a mouthguard.
  • Once every six months, you need to visit a doctor for a physical examination and possible correction of the veneer.

Prices for veneers

The cost of veneer plates depends on the condition of the patient's teeth, as well as the technology used to manufacture the structure.

Composite veneers: the cost of one tooth - from 5000 rubles - with a direct method of manufacturing the structure.

The cost of a composite veneer made in a laboratory will be higher, but slightly less than the cost of a ceramic veneer.

Life time

Composite veneers are as strong as fillings. But with sufficiently good oral care, they can have a service life of more than 7 years. Over time they appearance worsens greatly.

Veneers made of ceramics have a longer service life - from 10 years or more.

  • They can fail only due to unforeseen situations: hitting a hard object on the teeth while eating, injuries, cracking nuts. Opening bottles with teeth, etc.
  • After 10 years or more, the veneer may fall out due to de-cementing. Such a veneer must be brought to the dentist and he will glue it again.

Hollywood porcelain records last over 20 years.

Consider the positions of both sides. In Moscow, the tendency to install veneers can be different. In the event that the patient has significant defects, installing veneers is the easiest way to restore the smile line.

Experts recommend using them for restoration and alignment of teeth. Several reasons will serve as the basis.

Can you imagine how they look, how they are mounted on a natural nail? Only now the nail plate grows and the nail has to be constantly redone. BUT permanent tooth not subject to growth. Because such an overlay is, as they say, seriously and for a long time.

In the process of manufacturing such veneers, materials are used that resemble fillings in composition. This implies the disadvantages of veneers: The advantages include low cost.

Composite veneers are used, as a rule, for the restoration of one or two teeth.

What are dental veneers: how they are installed on the front teeth, pros and cons and service life

Componiers are the newest and most advanced type of overlays. Looking at the photos of the composites, it is impossible to distinguish them from real teeth. In fact, this is a kind of enamel layer made of high-tech materials. According to the installation method, veneers are divided into: Direct veneer installation takes place right in the dentist's office in one session, it does not require preliminary work in the laboratory.

Using the direct method, composite veneers and componeers are applied. In the first case, the dentist applies composite material to the tooth in layers. In the second case, the doctor selects a copy from the available assortment. The advantage of direct veneers is a quick installation in one session of 4-7 hours. In the case of indirect veneers, several visits to the dentist will be required, during which the dental technician takes an impression of the required area, prepares the surface of the teeth and places temporary prostheses.

After the veneers are made in the laboratory, they are glued to the patient. Ceramic Ceramic products - the most popular today, are made indirect method from special medical ceramics.

The material is durable, reliable, aesthetic in the photo they look perfect. The thickness of the ceramic plates is no more than 0.5 mm. The shade of the material is selected individually. It is possible to achieve absolute naturalness. Ceramics transmit light well or a snow-white smile, like movie stars.

Medical ceramics do not tarnish over time and do not lose their original color. Lumineers are a subspecies of ceramics, their thickness is only 0.2 mm, the basis is a refractor. They put such veneers without turning. The absence of preparation makes the technology the most gentle.

True, without pre-treatment, veneers can look massive, which is especially noticeable in the photo. Porcelain dental onlays are made from ceramic porcelain, a more modern and compatible material. They are also indirect, in many ways similar to ceramic ones, including the way they are made.

Dentists note the strength of porcelain, resistance to staining, similarity to enamel healthy tooth which allows it to look as natural as possible. Zirconium veneers are among the most expensive, but they have a number of undeniable advantages that make them more and more popular.

Zirconia plates are made by milling, the process is fully automated. A porcelain shell is applied to the framework of the zirconium veneer, which makes the linings of high quality. hallmark Zirconium veneers is their high strength and natural appearance.

How are veneers placed and removed? The general technology for installing veneers involves several stages on the network, you can find many videos on this topic: Installing lumineers is easier and faster, they do not require turning.

Installation of veneers without preparation is more gentle. After their removal, the teeth remain intact, that is, a second procedure can be carried out only if desired.

Mistakes and misconceptions

Remove microprostheses mainly by sawing them. Artificial materials in color and texture resemble a real tooth, so it is difficult for a doctor to find the line between them. Recently, a laser has been used to remove the veneer, which destroys the fixation of the veneer. Sometimes the laser cannot pass through a thick plate.

In this case, the necessary layer is first cut off, then the laser is activated. The radiation is safe for the tooth and the veneer. Pros and cons of veneer smile correction for a short time; aesthetics and naturalness; strength of the material, especially in zirconium veneers; long-term operation; preservation of color and shape does not require additional bleaching; painlessness; protection of the teeth under the overlays.

Veneers have many disadvantages that you should definitely consider. Cracks or cracks often appear on the structure. In this case, the veneer requires mandatory replacement.

What are veneers?

The veneer cannot be restored, the patient will have to pay for a new one and wait for the moment of installation. The veneer can simply fall off at any moment. The last disadvantage of veneers is their cost. Vining is considered to be a safe procedure with virtually no side effects. The possibility of consequences from veneers is associated with a mistake by the doctor who removed too much layer of the tooth, made the wrong impression, touched the gum or blood vessels.

The lifespan of veneers depends entirely on their material. Composites are used for no more than seven years, after which their appearance deteriorates. Ceramics and their derivatives last at least ten years, usually longer.

Lumineers should last about 20 years. At the end of the veneer's service life, the binder comes off. To extend the service life, it is necessary to take care of the teeth, in every possible way avoiding physical impact.

Beautiful and durable veneers can only be made taking into account the characteristics of the bite, muscles and joints of the patient. For example, if a patient grinds their teeth or clenches them tightly during sleep, there is a high probability of chipping on the plates. Therefore, before making restorations, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis and, if necessary, restore the balance between the joints, muscles and teeth for the proper functioning of the dentition. And only after that, restore the teeth with the help of veneers. This approach guarantees the following advantages:

Veneers will last for years

The smile will be harmonious and natural

The lower third of the face will tighten without plastic surgery

Indications for veneers

The installation of veneers on the front teeth is required to correct the following problems:

  • Hue. If the teeth have turned yellow or darkened, then it is not always possible to restore their natural shade with the help of whitening. Veneers allow you to regain your beautiful smile without the use of dangerous bleaching chemicals. The same applies to solving the problem of tetracycline teeth.

  • Cracks. A crack or chipped tooth enamel is a direct path to the formation of caries and further tooth decay. The best way to permanently get rid of the problem is to use a dental veneer.

  • Interdental gaps. Many people experience psychological discomfort due to the fact that the teeth in a row are located at an unequal distance from each other. To avoid radical treatment braces and visually correct the gaps will help veneers.

  • Defects. Overlays can hide a number of dental defects: short teeth, enamel hypoplasia, wedge-shaped defect, slight curvature, gingival smile (in combination with gum plastic surgery).

You can put veneers not only on the front teeth, but also on the side teeth. This little trick will give the face a lifting effect. In Russia, such a procedure is still rare, but in the West it is very popular.

How veneers are installed

How are veneers placed on teeth? Together with the aesthetics of the dentition, the patient acquires youth. This happens due to the effect of lifting the lower third of the face, after a thorough diagnosis and creation of a physiological position. mandible. And all this thanks to only veneers, without any plastic surgery. The manufacture and installation of several ceramic onlays by an orthopedic dentist takes 7 to 14 days. The whole procedure is divided into several stages.

The manufacture and installation by an orthopedic dentist of several ceramic overlays takes 7 to 10 days. The whole procedure is divided into several stages.

  1. Preparation. It means turning the surface of the tooth enamel to a certain depth. Teeth of small size and good shape require minimal preparation. The turning procedure is completely painless.

  2. Scanning Installing veneers is an individual and very precise process. The use of impression material is not required today. The dentist simply scans the teeth with an intraoral scanner and sends the file to a dental laboratory, which can be located anywhere in the world.

  3. Manufacturing. In modern dental laboratories, a microscope is used to make veneers with perfect precision. With its help, it is easy for the dental technician to achieve the maximum density of the marginal fit of the lining to the tooth, which guarantees a long service life of the veneers.

  4. Fixation of veneers. When the overlays are ready, the patient is invited to the clinic to put veneers on the teeth. The procedure will take approximately 30-60 minutes per tooth, depending on the number of restorations.

All described installation steps relate to orthopedic, or indirect veneers. It is possible to put therapeutic, or composite, in one visit to the doctor. Composite overlays are created by a direct method - directly in the oral cavity. Composite material is similar to filling, and the manufacturing technology itself resembles the installation of a seal. After the composite hardens, the dentist will grind it in accordance with the anatomical shape of the tooth and polish it.

Photo of installed veneers (bleach 3 color)

Reliable fixation of veneers

The veneers are fixed with a special durable dental adhesive, which results in a monolithic “veneer + tooth” structure. The inner surface of the plates has roughness - for better adhesion to dental tissues. When preparing enamel, the dentist will also create the necessary microrelief. Then the doctor treats the surfaces of the veneer and the tooth with special preparations, applies glue and carefully fixes the lining. If all the nuances of the technology are observed, there will be no problems with falling veneers. High-quality micro-prostheses will last from 10 to 15 years or more.

Temporary veneers

Between the preparation of teeth and the installation of orthopedic veneers often takes 1 - 1.5 weeks. To prevent the patient from walking with ugly turned teeth, the orthopedic dentist will install temporary plastic linings. Such designs will withstand everyday stress and provide psychological comfort for the period of making permanent veneers.

For the restoration of the front teeth, micro-prostheses are used, known as. This miracle of dentistry allows you to eliminate defects in your teeth and make your smile perfect.

Thin plates are placed over the tooth after pre-treatment. Despite the apparent fragility, microprostheses have high strength. Fastening is carried out by means of cement mortar.

When are microprostheses placed?

Indications for the installation of veneers are:

Plates are also used for bite correction. The possibilities of aesthetic dentistry make it possible to eliminate natural deficiencies of the dentition and correct acquired defects.

The installation of veneers is prevented by tooth decay from the inside, strong, gum disease, bruxism, high abrasion, lack of a large number chewing teeth, the possibility of injury due to an extreme lifestyle (sports, bad habits etc.).

Before installing the veneers, a color analysis is performed. The natural color is compared with the desired one, the most suitable option for prosthetics is selected. When installing a single prosthesis, the color is selected taking into account the shade of the dentition.

The next step is to treat the tooth surface. When installing lumineers, it is enough to clean the surface with high quality; when prosthetics with other types of veneers, turning is done. It can range from 0.1 mm to 1.5 mm, depending on the clinical picture.

For restoration using micro-prostheses made in a dental laboratory, it is necessary to first take an impression - a future prosthesis is made from it. During the manufacture of ceramic plates, temporary plastic nozzles are installed. Finished dentures are fixed on the teeth with cement glue.

After prosthetics, it is necessary to refrain from eating food, which contains dyes.

Despite the fact that adhesive compositions have a high setting speed, you should not test new dentures with coarse and hard food on the first day. To extend the life of the devices, you will have to abandon toothpastes that contain abrasive particles.

How to install veneers, see this video:

What are they?

Micro prostheses are made from a variety of materials and are used to eliminate defects of various types. The most widely used ceramic veneers, which have a long service life. Among other advantages of ceramic models:

There are two types of ceramic microprostheses:

  • porcelain– have a beautiful appearance, have the necessary transparency, which increases their resemblance to the natural tissues of the tooth;
  • from zirconia- have increased strength, are made by milling.

Composite veneers are inferior to ceramic veneers in terms of durability. However, they are more affordable. Most often they are used for the restoration of single defects. The average service life of such microprostheses is 5 years.

Dentures made in a dental laboratory are the most durable. Composite models for therapeutic purposes are made directly in the process of installation on the tooth. In fact, they are a light-polymer filling intended for restoration.

Before installing composite veneers, the tooth is turned. Therapeutic veneers do not require deep grinding. To install the finished prosthesis, a significant part of the tooth is removed. Before attaching permanent dentures, the dentist installs temporary plastic tips.

- a type of veneers for surface restoration. This is the only micro-prosthesis, the installation of which does not require preliminary grinding. Thin plates are usually placed to improve the color of the teeth. They hide microcracks and serve as additional protection for weakened enamel.

Installing and removing the plates is not particularly difficult, so lumineers can be used to quickly eliminate defects without prior treatment and preparation of teeth. Below is a photo before and after the installation of Lumineers.

Any model of veneers has both advantages and disadvantages. Ceramic prostheses are expensive, composite prostheses are prone to discoloration, lumineers are used exclusively to eliminate minor defects.

The price bites, but it's worth it

Installing veneers is not cheap, but the result is worth it. Best dental clinics Moscow offer their services for the manufacture and installation of linings on the teeth.

How much does a veneer cost? Specialists of the clinic "Studio Estet" will help in the restoration of teeth using linings for teeth of various types:

  • veneer teeth with lumineers costs from 5,400 rubles;
  • prices for ceramic prostheses range from 18,000 to 20,000 rubles. for one tooth
  • the price of prosthetics using composite veneers depends on the complexity of the work;
  • elimination of single defects will cost 6,000 - 8,000 rubles.

Before and after restoration with ceramic veneers

Prices for restoration services in dental center Denta will delight those who want to get a beautiful smile with cheap veneers.

The following services are offered:

  • the cost of installing composite veneers for one tooth starts from 4,000 rubles;
  • the minimum cost of zirconium onlays for the front teeth is 20,000 rubles. for one tooth
  • high-quality ceramics of the Impresso brand will cost 17,000 rubles. for one tooth.

The doctors of the clinic "Atmosphere of Beauty" will correct the defects of the teeth through veneer prosthetics at the following prices:

  • restoration with lumineers - from 4000 rubles;
  • restoration with composite materials - 6,000 - 15,000 rubles;
  • veneers for front teeth made of porcelain ceramics - from 15,500 rubles;
  • veneers on zirconium oxide — from 22,500 rubles.
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