Horoscope who was born in the year of the dog. Stars born in the year of the dog

  • From 10.02.1910 to 01/29/1911 - a year of metallic (white) dog;
  • From 01/28/1922 to 02/15/1923 - a year of water (black) dog;
  • From 02/14/1934 to 03.02.1935 - a year of wooden (blue) dog;
  • From 02.02.1946 to 01/21/1947 - the year of fire (red) dog;
  • From 02/18/1958 to 07.02.1959 - a year of earth (yellow) dog;
  • From 06.02.1970 to 01/26/1971 - the year of metallic (white) dog;
  • From 01/25/1982 to 12.02.1983 - a year of water (black) dog;
  • From 02/10/1994 to 30.01.1995 - a year of wooden (blue) dog;
  • From January 29, 2006 to 17.02.2007 - the year of the fire (red) dog;
  • From 02/16/2018 to 04.02.2019 - the year of the earthen (yellow) dog;
  • From 03.02. 2030 to 22.01.2031 - a year of metallic (white) dog.

The corresponding zodiac sign - Aquarius.

Strengths of character

A man born in the year of the dog is self-critical and strives for perfection. If he is taken for something, he will not quit the started halfway and pays attention to every detail. The dog is one of the most responsible signs. eastern horoscopewho never gives false promises and knows how to calculate their capabilities in advance so as not to bring other people. In addition, she has an exacerbated sense of justice, so the dog is trying to behave decently in any situation and knows how to defend his own right.

This person can rely on this, because it will never leave without the support of close people in difficult times, and will find a way to help them, even if the detriment of their own interests. For those who are her roads, the dog is capable of any sacrifices. However, we are talking only about the closest people, and not about the recently emerged buddies or charming romances. This person can clearly divide those who will always be near and "temporary passengers".

Weaknesses of character

The main weakness of the dog is a tendency to infinite doubts, which would not be discussed. If everything that was possible was done to achieve the goal, but it did not bring it, this person will disassemble every little thing to find his mistake, even if it is not. The search for non-existent problems is the favorite occupation of men and women born in the year of the dog. They are too vigilant, but trying to provide absolutely everything, very often overlooking something more important. Most often it concerns relations with the nearest environment: if the dog is trying to try, for example, grow a child with an excellent student, it is likely that it will not pay attention to his problems in relationships with peers, etc.

A man born in the year of the dog makes the impression of the owner of an iron character, but in fact it is not. The dog is one of the most uncertain signs of the Eastern Horoscope. This man is so much concerned about the impression that produces on other people that often misses the opportunity or not decide to get acquainted.

In love

From personal life, the dog is waiting for stability - she needs a permanent partner, not a bright, but short-term novel. It would seem that such an attitude to life in itself is a guarantee of the loyalty of this person, but in fact everything can be distinguished otherwise. The one who is born in the year of the dog is inclined to treason, but not because of the search for adventures, but because of constant doubts.

Live relationships all the time smooth can not be, and at moments of difficulties the dog regrets the missed opportunities of happiness with other people, or begins to consider representatives of the opposite sex from their surroundings as potential partners. After treason, as a rule, it does not utter conscience, and if it falls into a love triangle, sincerely suffers from the inability to make a decision and make a choice.

Despite his free attitude to sex, the representative of this sign is very caring and literally takes a loved one. During the period of love, the dog is ready to give everything that she has, to the one who loves, even if the reciprocity of feelings is in doubt. Distinctive trait The characteristics of this person lies in the extraordinary generosity and sacrifice of nature. The dog will never regret that he made a good deed for the one who did not deserve it, and even more so it will not flaunt about the material values \u200b\u200band gifts.

In a career

A representative of the sign of a dog on the Eastern Horoscope is characterized by high hardware and zeal to do everything qualitatively. Such an employee will never do something for speed - no detail will remain unnoticed. The dog can focus in fact in any atmosphere and distract it is almost no possible. This person is extremely disciplined, therefore does not solve personal problems during working hours and does not seek the reason to leave work early, but on the contrary, maybe linger in his own will, if the success of the case depends on this.

The dog's performance causes respect from the leadership, and the envy of less hardworking and attentive employees, but the efforts of this person will not cover the intention to go up the career ladder or to "sit" someone else. The representative of this sign may abandon the proposed increase, because at its workplace feels quite comfortable. Of particular interest in raising a salary or a search for more profitable work in the dog is also not observed.

Male dog

A man born in the year of the dog possesses high levels Intellect and is very interesting as an interlocutor. It is always discovered for communication, but it does not need a general public and noisy companies, preferring secluded places to communicate with the most close friends.

A man's dog has no traction to luxury - material values \u200b\u200bfor him are almost in the last place. All its acquisitions are practical, and as for the wardrobe and home interior, it prefers minimalism. From all unnecessary it is getting rid of immediately, therefore there are no unnecessary things in his house.

For family life, this man needs a woman without high requests, which in the first place will be husband and children, and not a beautiful life and expensive trinkets. At the same time, a male dog is not tempered, and if he has money, he does not postpone them for a black day, but he wanted to spend them for gifts for loved ones.

In general, the characteristic of a man's dog is positive. He takes care of his family, and even if he decides to divorce his wife, the children will never quit for the mercy of fate. First of all, he is not thinking about how to get a maximum of pleasure from life, but about his continuation, and the fact that after him will remain.

Woman dog

A woman's woman is a pleasant and relaxing man, but she herself comes clips with people. She has many acquaintances who trust her, but she can take their truly close people on the fingers of one hand. It belongs to people with sympathy and never thinks bad about those who spend time.

In youth, a woman's dog may seem overly emotional. She is tolerant refers to the disadvantages of other people, but if someone has noticed love for the gossip or a tendency to lies, not only stopping communication, but will express everything that thinks at the same time. Thus, it can in a matter of seconds to stop the many years of established relationships, and not a drop of it in the subsequent.

Woman dog is very sensitive and susceptible to someone else's opinion. It is important to her, as she looks like, as he says and behaves, what the random passers-by or those who as a person are not interested in it are thinking about her. She is prone to self-digging, and if someone from her loved ones bad moodShe will certainly begin to look for the cause of his behavior in herself.

In family life, she is practical and responsible. Woman's marriage union dog promises to be long, even if she is not quite satisfied with his spouse. The lack of emotions it can compensate for the flirt on the side, but is solved on treason if it believes that there is nothing to lose. About the husband in any case takes care as a native person, and of course, trying to ensure a decent future to his children.

IN eastern calendar The dog is located in the penultimate eleventh place. It is preceded by a rooster, and completes the 12-year cycle of the pig. People born in the year of dogs have a similar nature with a tight animal.

In the Chinese horoscope, the dog is the most positive hero. This sign corresponds to the zodiac sign of scales. People born this year are endowed with a strongly developed sense of justice. They are painfully reacting to undeserved resentment or criticism. Generous and kind dogs can feel other people, to empathize, take care of their well-being. Turning to them for advice, you can count on decent support. They always keep their promises.

These are faithful friends who will never betray. The people of this year are excessively straightforward. They are not afraid to say what they think. Have high intelligence, honest and responsible. Holding for work, they will conscientiously bring it to the end. Such people can safely charge important tasks.

Dreamhood and tendency to idealization are negative traits of dogs. Being perfectionists, they are overly experiencing about the future, which prevents them from enjoying life. Such people often lower their arms and lose control of themselves when they see that the situation is not necessarily.

In his youth, the dogs have an unusual age seriousness and grieving character. They often complain about the imperfection of the world. However, over the years, these qualities are dulled by making them more loyal to others.

Video "Dog Sign Characteristics"

From this video you will learn what character is born in the year dog and what their feature is.


A man born in the year of the dog is endowed with a sharp mind, can find a way out of any situation. This is a workaholic, which is appreciated for business qualities. Permeable - after the first minutes of communication can be addressed about the interlocutor. Possessing multiple abilities, he often cannot build a career due to uncertainty in his abilities.

The dog dog is constantly doubted. He is extremely important recognition from others. He does not chase for luxury and money. However, if such a man puts himself a goal to achieve financial independence, he will definitely achieve it.

Family for a dog dog is above all. This is a noble, altruistic, devoted and reliable personality. However, he acutely reacts to a dismissive or negative attitude towards himself. Such behavior in your address does not forgive and remembers for a long time.

A man born under this sign is inclined to the attacks of Melancholia, gloomy, bold. When visiting life experience, with age, it turns into an institutional cynic.


A woman born in the year of the dog is attractive, caring, has a soft character. This is an intelligent, romantic nature, filled with a mass of complexes. Despite this, the female dog is smart and stubborn, which helps her to achieve the goal. With unfamiliar people often happens closed. A woman born under this sign seems to be an surrounding strong personality with a solid character. If her zodiac sign is fish, then it will look for extraordinary ways to solve problems.

The painful sense of justice makes the woman-dog worry about any occasion. Often, its experiences are exaggerated, and sometimes even decisive. Such unnecessary excitements make it pessimistic nature.

A woman born in the year of the dog is capable of selflessly help other people. It is very important for her to benefit society. Thanks to his responsiveness, she will never leave in trouble.

For a woman dog, the interests of the family are above all. She really appreciates people close to her. Selfless love for children makes it an excellent mother.


Dog children, especially born under the sign of Leo, are cheerful and loving. They are active, funny, with ease of friends. In friendship, the dog-dog will never betray and will remain faithful. Thanks to congenital insight, he will always understand the problems of people close to him. Trying to help others, such children often forget about themselves. Parents must explain to the child that the world needs to be changed since itself.

They are endowed with a sense of justice and honesty. Such a child will never be a brawl sweep, but the offender will not leave the offender. He will never be offended by the weak, will not heat the eldest.

A child-dog is very smart, polite and judged. Often it turns out to be the best student in the classroom. If his zodiac sign Scorpio, then he will always seek the best indicators in school, sports, hobbies.

Children born in the year of the dog, with early age have a tendency to accumulation. They can postpone the part of the pocket money to buy the things you like.

Effect of element on character

Eastern horoscope calls 5 main elements affecting the signs of the zodiac: metal, wood, water, fire, earth. Each element corresponds to its color. On this basis, the following types of dogs are distinguished:


Metal dog

1910, 1970, 2030

Conservatism, courage, self-confidence, purposefulness, straightness

Wooden dog

1934, 1994, 2054

Sincerity, honesty, rationality, reliability, attentiveness, independence, patience

Water dog

1922, 1982, 2042

Courage, confidence, carefit, loyalty, undisciplinedness

Fire dog

1946, 2006, 2066

Compassion, sincerity, hard work, kindness, optimism, charisma

Earth dog

Responsibility, seriousness, generosity, sociability, insight

Career and Success

In the exact sciences, dog people do not achieve success. They are well suited professions that benefit society. Best of all born this year will manifest itself as a designer, doctor, teacher, social worker, politician, police officer, judge, lawyer, secretary or priest.

Dogs responsible, reliable, valuable staff. They conscientiously perform work, always cope with the task. Thanks to its sacrifice and kindness are ready to help a colleague, taking part of its load on themselves. Often dogs joined other people, forgetting personal interests. A constant justice search can cause a team hostility. As a leader, the dog is endowed with excellent organizational qualities.


The dog goes to a serious relationship systematic, slowly. In a pair, she will be a devotee to his partner and will not forgive betrayal. Trying to improve the partner, it is capable of critical comments in his address. Family happiness of the pair depends on the compatibility of two characters.

The perfect pair for dogs are rats. Partners are never boring, as both signs are deluvitis and rarely sit in place.

A pair of a rabbit dog is also a very successful combination. Both signs are responsible and dedication. They strongly support each other and are beautiful keepers of a homely hearth.

Tandem dog-tiger guarantees stability and calm. In this pair, the dog stores homemade comfort, and the tiger protects. The ideal relationship can spoil excessive "tigrin" jealousy.

With the goat dog quickly comes. With the exception of cases, when both partners arrange simplicity and events, such a relationship will not last long.

The win-win version will be a union with a boar. There is mutual understanding and harmony between signs. Partners give each other strong moral support.

Spectacular, energetic dragon dog is not able to understand. Possessing a calm character, it will consider his baggage drops.

In the Union with a bull often reigns a misunderstanding. Having a different worldview, partners will often enact conflicts.

Tandem dog-horse can be called contradictory. If the dog gives his partner enough freedom, the relationship is collapsed. Due to the inverent "horse" character, disagreements may arise.

Union with a snake dog will seem too fresh. Stealth, and sometimes the partner's pressure will deprive the relationship of emotionality.

Two dogs are unlikely to build an ideal relationship. In the first place, each of the partners will set the problems of others, forgetting about mutual feelings.

Famous people

A lot of outstanding personalities were born in the year of the dog.

So, among the famous men, Yuri Gagarin, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Lermontov, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Winston Churchill, Ernest Hemingway, can be distinguished.

Famous dogs: Galina Ulanova, Sophia Kovalevskaya, Alice Freundlich, Sophie Loren, Madonna, Sharon Stone, Mother Teresa.

People-dogs could be called perfect. The only disadvantage is pathological insecurity. Therefore, the love and support of loved ones depends on how fate is waiting for them in the future.

In China, a dog is a symbol of loyalty and devotion. With a dog bind prosperity, getting rid of evil spirits, abundance.

And some people of China generally consider the dog with their progenitor. True, sometimes the dog changes: becomes evil and dangerous, and even approaching the characteristics to the evil forces, which protects at normal time. The same dual nature and people born in the year of the dog. Sometimes something disadvantaged at the ideal character in them, and sometimes a person who did not expect anything good, suddenly performs the wonders of heroism and self-sacrifice. Years that appropriate the year of dogs in the Eastern Horoscope: 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030.

Character of people born in the year of the dog

The dog is looking for itself all life. She has no confidence in the correctness of the selected path. Despite the fact that it builds detailed and realistic plans, and then adheres to them, it is constantly tormented by questions: "Did I choose a profession right?", "Did I choose a partner?" Is I "right?" Insecurity in the chosen life path makes the dog rushing and worry. Often she suffers because of the past, which does not change - it seems to her that she was mistaken with the choice. But in the future - thinks the dog - I will not do such mistakes. It is planning a goal and does not refuse her, even if it threatens serious losses. The nature of the dog is a pedantic, eaten and non-advisable. In relations with people, its dual nature is visible brighter. Strict, fundamental, sometimes the right dog in a difficult minute is ready to take on other people's problems and maintain in need. The dog is not confident, but it looks very demanding and unshakable. In life, hardness helps her, loyalty to principles and honesty. And such a feature, as the reluctance to burden anyone and hope only for its own strength, at the same time helps it and prevent her: the ability to cope with difficulties alone attaches forces, but does not make life easier.

People born in the year of the dog: compatibility in love

In love, the dog is careful. She begins to trust far from immediately. If the partner does not have enough courage and pressure to pull it out of the shell, the relationship may not take place. If you were lucky and the dog managed to conquer, the union with her will be reliable, but not easy. It is true and honest, does not shove and does not manipulate, does not change and does not suit the hysteria. But she is very demanding and is waiting for the partner of the ideal behavior. She criticizes the partner, considering that it helps him to become better. But she will not quit him, seeing his imperfection, and will bring it up for years. The only thing that the dog will not forgive - treason. In the family, the dog is hard. She was too used to relying only on himself. It will take care and raise a partner and children, but will not be able to relax and trust them, shifting them some of their problems. From time to time it will be attended by thoughts about whether she chose the satellite of life correctly, but due to innate loyalty and decency will not leave for these thoughts from the family. The dog is compatible in love with, and Caban.

People born in the year of dogs: friendship compatibility

The dog is a good friend. It is reliable and honest. She can trust the secrets, she is not talking. Large companies do not like, preferring to have several close friends. She trusts not immediately, long looks short to man, and sometimes in friendship big role Playing time: those whom she knows for a long time, have more chances to become her friends. The dog cares about friends, ready to support them, but still it is not easy with her. Its principle makes it a good friend only for honest and serious people. The rest will not be enough in it softness and ability to empathize. A fundamental dog will never call black white even for each other. This is very inconvenient if a person expects that she will cover him in work at work or sympathize in an intrigue on the side from the spouse. No, in these cases the dog will call things with their own names and will try to send a friend to the true path. Therefore, if a person has small sins and weakness, he will not become a friend. The dog is compatible in friendship with, Caban And another dog.

People born in the year of the dog: compatibility in work

In the work of the dog patient, neat and responsible. She lacks the smelled to achieve large ranks, but nevertheless many representatives of this sign go to politics or in the civil service, because they dream to defend justice. Among the dogs are many middle-hand officials. They are patient with visitors, focused and honest.

Numerology by date of birth is wonderful, allowing you to find out all the features and subtleties of your loved one. Analysis of compatibility for birth dates is the key to successful and harmonious relationships.

1250 rub If the dog works in the field of education, in social ProtectionIn the police, many people remember about it. In addition to working with people, the dog is good everywhere, where competence is valued, and not the pressure. She is unlikely to be a good businessman, but many lucky dogs are working as consultants, teachers, librarians and scientists. In addition to those work that the dog is suitable in nature, there are also those to which she has abilities and talents. This is medicine, right and church. In these areas, the dog can make a big career and achieve recognition and glory. The dog is compatible in working with, and.

Year of the dog - the penultimate in the cycle of the Chinese horoscope. In the material world, this animal can also be a devoted friend and a dangerous enemy. A brought up home dog serves her owner, ready to sacrifice the life for him, and a flock stray dogs Can make horror on the whole area. Which of the qualities are inherent in representatives of this sign on the Eastern calendar?

Characteristics of people born in the year of the dog

The first impression of a person born in the year of the dog, sometimes unflattering. His straightness balances on the edge of rudeness, the inability seems to be arrogance, and if something does not like something - the dog is not ashamed of expressions.

Its loved ones know that the more dedicated friend is not found, highly appreciate honesty, loyalty, the ability to store secrets. In the desire to help the family, comrades, just in need, the dog often forgets about its own needs.

She is always alert, trying to prevent danger. The big stock of vitality allows you to maintain constant activity, bring to the end all the undertakings. The only thing that may interfere - incurable pessimism, which takes the top of the lonely and failures.

Years of dogs

According to the Eastern Horoscope, every year is maning not only a symbol, but the corresponding element. This is how they were distributed by dates for the sign of the dog:

  1. Wooden: Years - 1934, 1994, patronizing color - Green.
  2. Fire: years - 1946, 2006, patronish color - red.
  3. Earth: Years - 1958, 2018, patronizing color - Yellow.
  4. Metallic: years - 1910, 1970, 2030, patronizing color - white.
  5. Water: Years - 1922, 1982, patronizing colors - black and blue.

As a talisman, all dogs fits warm amber and leather products. Happy numbers for this sign are 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 19, 28, 30, 41, 45, 54.

Characteristics of a dog-dog

Around this harsh guy for some reason, a solid adoration. He is loved at work for high performance and operational. Friends look like a platoon of intelligence or the Musketeer detachment - rarely meet so strong partnership. It applies to their parents with respect and love. What about women? A man-dog is a complete realist, so it counts on strong, reliable relationships.

He does not claim the patriarchal championship, the guy simply needs the same honest man next to himself. Such a gift of fate slightly softens his pessimistic look at reality.

Characteristics of a female dog

A woman born in the year of the dog gives the impression of a strong personality. Its uncompromising statements and logical thinking Create an image of a self-confident leader, but in fact she often skeptically relates to themselves. A woman needs a strong satellite, which will feel a support, a man should her start in his career, support in subsequent difficulties.

The dog is sincerely tied to the family, loves children, but does not closes in the role of a housewife. She like air needs some activity outside the house, otherwise the anxiety will be born from the inside. Even in the decree, a woman will find a hobby or part-time job.

Baby Born in Dog Year

The birth of a baby in the year of the dog introduces new orders in the family. If there was no clear regime in the house - it's time to implement it.

The game in equality will also not find a positive response - this child should feel in the parent of the leader, otherwise anxiety will grow in it.

The kid dog is obedient if the requirements are adequate, meet the established rules, but at the first hint of injustice, a real riot will raise. Criticity should be applied carefully, a sharp condemnation of the results from a significant adult can cause a deep depression, the refusal of new attempts. And most importantly - a small dog unmistakably feels deception.

Dog in love and marriage

Dogs do not like huge noisy crowds, but small cozy companies of cohesive friends - just in nature, here they find love. They are inherent aspiration for romance in relationships. True, this romance is not distinguished by sophistication, close to rustic sentimentality.

In bed, there are also no surprises from straight dogs, although they won't call them cold, they won't call them. Sex is deprived of sacrality, requires a definite mood, not always available relaxation.

Family for dogs is very important. They support the relationship with their parents, with the willingness of their own children, to which relate to touching tenderness.

Loyalty - Higher dog value. They themselves are not jealous, although eternal anxiety and pessimism pushing suspicions. Requesting a partner's treason destroys the world, brings the end of the world and takes all the joy of life.

Dog in friendship

The dog is a reference friendly devotion, can take away to help among the night, it can be trusted by the most terrible secret. But losing trust easily - enough to deceive, the dog never forgives.

Work and career

The main feature of the dog - the responsibility of the right portion of the logic and a pinch of skepticism was brought to absolutism. It is active, hardworking, clearly sees the achievable goal, knows how to achieve a positive result.

Organizational abilities naturally bring a dog to a dog to high posts - grief by those subordinate, who dared to be lazy to sabotage the process.

Leadership qualities show on a pedagogical or political field, although outside work do not seek to lead. Thanks to the innate sense of justice, the legal sphere is close to them.

Other years compatibility

Dogs should avoid union with and. The first are too stubborn and void, the second will not appreciate the dog skepticism. The best compatibility expects with homemade, similar to temperament and as honest.

Union with will be successful, but restless. Together with, and the dog is inevitable wipes and minor conflicts, but under certain circumstances they will be able to get along. But with people of his sign uncomfortable - someone in a pair should generate cheerfulness.

Dogs on the sign of the zodiac

Despite the presence of general features, the dogs are still different - the connection with the signs of the zodiac allows you to explain why.


Aries strengthens leadership inclinations, adds some openness and self-confidence.


APGETAY DOG Relief. Patient and attentive to detail.

Gemini dog

The most charming dog. For friends, remove the last shirt.


Sincere devotion to the family and the house is combined with emotionality.


The best organizational abilities that can be in the dog. Do not shy to be yourself.


Criticism of injustice, erected in a square. Otherwise - the milestone man for a narrow circle of persons.


Intelligent and responsive dog for which friendship is holy.

Dog scorpion

The combination of increased suspicion and caringness to loved ones.


The active and sociable dog is perhaps the most optimistic of all.


The dog gives this sign a bit of compassion. Everything else is still in place: responsibility, loyalty, realistic view of the world.


The dog prone to idealistic moods. If the struggle for justice is to the end, if someone saved - then humanity as a whole.


They have high intuition and still believe that those surrounding need care more than they themselves.

Celebrity dogs

Under the sign of the dog a lot was born famous people, the life of each of them carried a part of the continuous struggle:

  1. Gold Meir (1898) is a political actor who stood at the origins of Israeli statehood.
  2. Alexander Tvardovsky (1910) - The author of the poem about a simple soldier Vasily Turkin left a small, but bright literary heritage. Most Life devoted to journalism, worked as the chief editor of the New World for a long time.
  3. Mother Teresa (1910) - In addition to religiosity, this laureate of the Nobel Prize was characterized by loyalty to the principles and purposefulness.
  4. Anatoly Papanov (1922) - the great comedian of the Soviet cinema and theater, which in life was different in modesty and love of justice.
  5. Yuri Gagarin (1934) is simple in life and great in eternity, the first cosmonaut in the history of mankind.
  6. Madonna (1958) - Independence, Producer grip, the love of breaking stereotypes made the singer with a generation symbol.
  7. Alia Mustafina (1994) - the charismatic leader of the Russian team in sports gymnastics, which returned to the sport, despite the injuries and the birth of her daughter.

Dogs most of all in the world need a good owner. This animal from the Eastern Horoscope requires a reliable satellite, which will strengthen the faith in the justice of the world, when everything around against them, because the ideal should always exist.

A man born in the year of the dog is able to divide and take care of the interests of his friends and work colleagues, he or she will not miss the ears of other people and will never refuse to give a hand to help.

Usually, the individuality of the dog does not allow her to strictly judge her friends and colleagues, she perceives them with all the shortcomings and problems. The dog will be acute and frankly spoke only when someone breaks these promises or trial to deceive it. Although people born in the year of the dog and tend to fluctuate - especially if he or she turn out to be a sudden solution or choice, they are able to work well and as a team member, and as a team leader.

A man born in the year of the dog prefers to join a relationship where everything is balanced, where both partners can give as much as to take from their beloved. He or she, usually, are very generous and loyal partners, and if they are in love for this, they are always honest and straightforward in their relationship with a loved one.

And yet they will never be able to completely get rid of the turmoil in their romantic relationships, this is a real problem for them, the root of which lies in emotional instability and constant inner concern. Such people always worry about everything and about all the problems immediately, they often facilitate their partners if they are not suspicious, then the alarm about the things of which may not even exist.

In the personal life and affairs of love, such people find a more suitable situation when the first sense of attachment forms friendship, and only then allow their feelings to grow into something more. With a good concrete circumstances and the presence of mutual feelings, they will lovelessly love, will be devoted to their partner, and if necessary, they can even sacrifice themselves for the sake of a beloved person.

People born in the year of the dog are inclined to overly protect their partner, alone to possess what can sometimes mean some pressure on their part, but, as a rule, they are open and trusting with a beloved person. In general, by nature their individuality is very easy to understand. A man born in the year of the dog is not predisposed to complaints or comparing its partner in a romantic relationship. In his eyes, the one he or she loves cannot do anything wrong, and if your partner is born this year, you should know that everything they want is to be near you, regardless, bad times You are waiting or good.

Celebrities born in the year of the dog: Mikhail Lermontov, Peter Stolypin, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, Taras Shevchenko, Alexander Treardovsky, Vasily Lebedev-Kumach, Ivan Papanin, Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Voltaire, Bertold Brecht, Lope de Vega, Jean-Baptiste Moliere, Oh "Henry, Alexander Duma, Plutarch, Winston Churchill, Cicero, Bridget Bardo, Naomi Campbell, Sally Field, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Sophie Lauren, Madonna, Gi De Maupassan, Sydney Pollak, Claudia Schiffer, Sylvester Stallone, Victor Hugo, Sharon Stone, Ernst Telman, mother Theresa.

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