What are the breed of dogs. Dog breeds

It is not known for sure when and how these animals have become an integral part of human life, but without evidence it is clear that the dog as a companion and a friend is the best thing to happen with people. These amazing creatures presented to us as a gift generous fate are stunned by a variety of individuals.

Take a look dog breeds with photos "Let's say on a miniature chihuahua, with ease of fit in his pocket: against the background of a giant Senbernar with a good pony, this crumb looks just comical. And such bright contrasts among the representatives of the dog tribe are not considered.

How did it happen that this is this creation, originally not distinguished by excessive friendliness, chose a person as his first satellite? Obviously, some predators from a dog family prevented people with their unique security qualities. Consider at least modern breeds of dogs with photos - and a quick glance is enough to suspect in excellent guard properties of shepherd, Rottweiler or Dobermans, right? So the primitive man - where is intuitively, where experienced - from various four-legged predators allocated and over time, the dog-guard dog, a hunter dog, a dog, a dog, and a dog.

Today, more than 400 breeds of dogs are known, each of which was displayed with a certain goal. Conditionally, all varieties can be divided into several categories: service pits, guard and decorative. If it's frivolous, go to the choice of a pet, go on a clear-free sympathy, can be great "fit": let's say, active spaniels, deprived of long walks in the fresh air, in the absence of the owner can easily spread the apartment in the scope.

Looking at such inconsistencies, perplex: Is it really the progenitor of all varieties pins family served the same animal? Experts believe that dogs originated from related, but different ancestors - jackal, wolf and mythical primitive dog numbering several types, which gave rise to different breeds. Today there is no answer to the question from whom the Argentine dog occurred or what animals are the ancestors of the Maltese Bolonki, but quite accurately found that it was the dog that was the first wild creature, domesticated and tamed man.

The dog showed himself an excellent hunter - sensitive and obedient voice teams? So, it is necessary to drain it on catching a certain beast and cross with a similar instance. Dog demonstrates distrust of the outsider, expresses aggression to the address of ill-wishers? Such is a straight road to guard dogs, reliably protecting the house from invasions, and the shepherd flock - from attacks of predators. It is clear that for those 10 millennia, during which the dogs cast the earthly path of man, their purpose was changed repeatedly, and, accordingly, change and appearance and the appearance, and the nature of the pets.

This does not mean that, heading Foxcrief, you will need to periodically arrange it hunting foxes, but to provide him with stable physical exertion in the fresh air will have to. And if you want a friend for the soul with a minimum of trouble, make a decorative dog that does not require complex care. A good breed selection is a guarantee of harmonious relationships with a new family member.

Before you get a dog, you need to enlist the consent of each family member, weigh everything and against, thinking about who will deal with her upbringing, walking and feeding. The content of the dog requires patience, forces and means. It is important to decide on the dog's breed so that it corresponds to the nature of the owner, his lifestyle and answered its external form requirements.

Australian terrier

This is a companion dog. Color: from blue and gray to sandy and red with red podpales. Growth - 30 cm, weight - 6 kg. Active, movable dog. In training you need to show perseverance. In eating unpretentious, it is not inclined to gluttony. Attitude towards children is good if you take a dog puppy.

Alaskan Kli Kai (miniature husky)

This is a fluffy breed of dogs. Color: gray, black with subpassions. Growth from 33 to 49 cm. Weight: 4.5-10 kg. Good-natured, movable, playful dogs, possess character, so poorly leaving for training. Well refer to children. Wool during the molting period must be combed. Feeding: Mix of dry and wet feed.

American Orlina

The dog from the category is the smartest breed. Beautiful, friendly, affectionate, easily learns. Perfectly refers to children. Suitable for the apartment. Completely needed 2 times a week. Height: 23-48 cm, weight from 2.5 to 16 kg. Milk color with red and cream marks. Prone to set excess weight, Therefore, food should consist of their professional feed.

American water spaniel

Dog from the category Little hunting breeds. Color: chocolate, black, spotted, with subpassions. Growth - 38 cm, weight - 12-20 kg. Smart, has a good sense of smell, suitable for bird hunting. Easily trains. In eating unpretentious. Does not tolerate a rough attitude towards yourself. Behaves calmly towards children and pets.

American Lo-Shi Pug

The dog refers to the category of the smallest breed. Suppose the color of any color. Height up to 21 cm, weight: 2.5-5.5 kg. This is a Pug in miniature. Affectionate, devotee, smart, well refers to children, easily devastable to Dresser. Feeding: Standard diet for small dogs. Care for wool: comb 2 times a week. Proposed to a set of excess weight.

American Toy Terrier

Curious, movable dog with character, color - three-color: white-black and red, black and white, sometimes completely redhead. Height up to 25 cm, weight up to 3.5 kg. Not very well amenable to Dresser. In eating unpretentious, eats a little. Like many decorative dogs Children are wary.

American Eskimo Spitz

Beautiful "smiling" chanterelle dogs. Color dairy or cream. Height: 22-49 cm, Weight: 12-17 kg. Despite his kindness, the owner is offended. Obedient, well trains, love children. The dog is prone to completeness, so there should be no fats in the diet. Possess a loud voice, it will have to teach from "pureness".

English Cocker Spaniel

This is the hunting breed of dogs. Color Different: Redhead, Black, Blue, Golden. Height: 39-41 cm, weight: 12-14 kg. Smart, energetic, affectionate dog. Loves children. It is prohibited. Feeding is better divided by 3 times small portions, otherwise hungry dog Can pick up the food on the street.

English Toy Terrier

Rare breed, similar to Doberman in miniature. Color black or saturated-chestnut. Height: 25-30 cm, weight: 3-5 kg. Through, energetic dog, if improper education can be aggressive. Feeding: 2 times a day full feed for small rocks. For children, age from five years old are good, love to play mobile games.

Affen Griffon

These are decorative dogs with fun appearance. Color black and red-brown with red marks. Height up to 20 cm, weight up to 5.5 kg. Love to eat, prone to completeness. Feeding: Standard Full Food for Small Breeds. Smart, emotional, obedient, affectionate animals. Adore children and easily trained. Strike can not.

Affen Pincher

The dog resembles a funny monkey. Color from black to red may have uneven color. Height up to 30 cm, weight up to 6 kg. Refers to the category Decorative Dogs of small breeds. Jealous, not loyal to children, walking - only on a leash. Training will require patience from the owner. They should not be flipped, they are prone to obesity.

Affen Terrier

These are medium-sized dogs. Growth 61 cm, white color with black. Very active and stubborn animals, good hunters, rarely bark. Trains are amenable, but prefer a variety of teams. Feeding: Standard diet for dogs of medium breeds. Patient to children.

Baiver Yorkshire Terrier

This is the smallest breed, the long-haired subspecies of the Yorkshire Terrier. Tri-color color - white with black and red, there are two-color individuals. Height: 22 cm, weight up to 3 kg. Attentive, contact, cheerful, energetic dog. When feeding a bowl with food, you need to take 15 minutes after the start of the meal, regardless of whether the dog dared, as they are prone to overeating. Loves to play with children. It has a slightly "pompous appearance".

Bishon Frieze (Curly Bishon, Curly Bologna)

Very cute and beautiful animals. Color white, growth is not more than 30 cm, weight up to 7 kg. Obedient, intelligent. They love to eat, in the diet should be meat and vegetables. Perfectly belong to children, love to play. Can be very bored alone.

Bologna Bishon (Bolognez)

The breed is still called "Italian Bolonka". Height up to 30 cm, weight up to 4 kg. Have long, beautiful white wool, almost do not die. Do not suffer loneliness. With children are detained. Pretty calm, noncain dogs. Feeding should be diverse, necessarily includes vegetables and vitamins. The dog does not tolerate with a sharp change of diet.

Border Terrier

Little hunting breed. The appearance of the dog resembles a fruit stuffing. Color light yellow, gray, redhead, blue. Height up to 40 cm, weight up to 7 kg. The devotees, kind, obedient animals, adore children, are ready to play all day with them. Good devastable for troubles. In eating unpretentious, but it is better to feed natural, nutritional feeds.

Boston terrier

This is a small, shorthair breed. Color, black and white, tiger. Height: 38-43 cm, weight is divided into 3 categories: up to 6.8 kg, up to 9 kg, and up to 11.3 kg. Playful and active animals. There are stubborn, difficulties may arise with a dressura. Do not like when they scold them. Adore to play with children. Boston feed needed with high protein content.

Brussels Griffon

One of the smartest rocks of small dogs. Possess funny facial expressions. Redhead color with black parts. Height up to 20 cm, weight up to 6 kg. Dogs have increased anxiety and, if you scare them, can bite. Smoked, perfectly trained. Feeding: Full-term Food for Small Breeds. Children do not like. Devotees to the owner.

Breton Palemary Basset

Little hunting breed dog. Golden-red color and pale-wheat with a white chest mark. Height up to 36 cm, weight up to 20 kg. These are good-natured, dear dogs. In training can be stubborn. Daily feeding of the adult PSA requires 300 grams of meat and offal. Children are very good. Do not love other dogs.

Velsh Corge Pembro

This is a small short-haired decorative shepherd. Permissible colors: Redhead with white, tricolor, deer, rarely black. Growth is not more than 30 cm, weight up to 13.5 kg. Devotees, obedient, active dogs. Perfectly trained. Proposed to overeat, require a dosage dose. Efferently belong to children, good nannies and companions.

Westphalian taxually shaken

Dog hunting breed. Color black with rusty subpassions. Height up to 38 cm, weight up to 15 kg. Perfectly takes a trace, quite malicious, can be used even when hunting for boar. The same house turns into a good and affectionate dog. Well trained. Feeding must be balanced, otherwise it can develop urolithiasis disease. Love children. Get along with other pets.

West Highland White Terrier

Shorthair decorative breed. Color only white. Height up to 28 cm, weight up to 10 kg. These are fearless, inquisitive dogs. In training there may be difficulties. Feeding implies 2 options: feeding with natural feed or fully professional feed. Well refer to children over 10 years old. Little children are jealous to the owner.


Miniature fluffy dog. Color white, sometimes redhead. Height up to 30 cm, weight up to 5 kg. Cheerful, energetic breed. In training from the owner will require perseverance. Feeding: Standard diet for small rocks. Getting well with the children, loves to play with them. Suspicious to other people. Excellent watchman.

Havansky Bishon

Little and fluffy breed, with white, creamy, peachwood wool. Height up to 29 cm, weight up to 5.5 kg. Cheerful, intelligent dog, can be offended by a rough tone. Good devastable for dresser. In nutrition is unpretentious, you can feed dry food or natural feed. With children Laskov. Very tied to the owner.

Smooth-haired fox terrier

Little hunting dog, color can be completely white or with stains without impurities. Growth - 39.5 cm, weight - 8.2 kg. Comic appearance dog, very mobile, active. Meals are disposable, without mixing dry and natural feed. Loves to play with children. May be jealous to other pets. For walks can fight with other dogs.

Dutch Spaniel

Little hunting breed. Color: white with red spots and black and white. Height up to 40 cm, weight up to 11 kg. Affectionate, loyal friend. They are fit well, but may be stubborn. Feeding: Standard Full Feed. With children support good relationships. This dog is better to make experienced dog breeders.

Dandy Dinmont Terrier

Decorative breed of pepper or mustard color. Growth - 28 cm, weight - 11 kg. Active, brave, independent dog. In training you need to show perseverance. Feeding: Dry or natural feed for small rocks. Children are indifferent. The dog has an interesting "hairstyle". It is considered the longest terrier.

Jack Russell Terrier

Shorthair breed. Color white with red or black spots. Growth - 30 cm, weight - 6 kg. Smart hunter, excellent watchman. During training it may be characterized. Animal diet should consist of half of natural meat. It is better not to make families with babies and inexperienced people.

Dogs of this breed have become very popular after the release of the film "Mask" with Jim Kerry.

Irish Glena Of Imal Terrier

Earlier hunting, and today is a decorative breed. Color: Wheat, Blue, Tiger. Growth - 35.5 cm, weight up to 16 kg. Brave dog, lovely watchman. During training shows independence. It is unpretentious in food, you can feed both natural, and dry food. It is good for older children, little does not like.

Italian Levretka

Shorthair breed. Color: white, black, pegs, red, lilac. Growth - 38 cm, weight up to 5 kg. Gentle, cute, kind dogs, they recognize only one owner. Domained, they can sit on their hands on the owner. Trains need to start from 3 months. Well refer to older children. For a walk it is better not to let go from the leash.

Yorkshire Terrier

Popular little long-haired dog breed. Color - dark steel with bright golden breast. Height up to 23.5 cm, weight - 3.2 kg. Sociable, smart dog, gets along with other pets. Easy learns. From the food of the dog depends on the quality of its wool. The preferred diet: chicken, olive oil, carrots, boiled cereals. With children of Nalaskov, long remember rudeness.

Kavaler King Charles Spaniel

This is a dog hunting breed. Color: tricolor, ruby \u200b\u200band black with subpassions. Growth - 27 cm, weight - 8 kg. Good, smart dog. It is very well trained and trains. Nutrition should be selected individually - the animal is inclined to allergies and obesity. He loves children. Unable to protect due to her good nature. Nees grooming.


Pretty rare little shorthair breed. Color Assume any. Height up to 42 cm, weight up to 12 kg. In Spain, these dogs are used to catch rabbits. Good and reliable assistant hunter, does not sit in place. Easily learns and trains. In eating unpretentious. Get with children, love joint moving games.

Dwarf Pincher

This breed is similar to Little Doberman, especially in black with stains. Also there are pale-red and dark red-brown individuals. Growth - 30 cm, weight - 6 kg. Bold and clever dogs are easily trained. Prosen to obesity, therefore, a standard diet for small rocks is preferable. Getting around with children, love to spend time on walks.

Curne Terrier

Shorthair breed. Wheat color, dairy, black, gray. Growth - 31 cm, weight - 7.5 kg. Through, sociable dog, in training shows "Nom". In eating unpretentious, the breed was removed for the hunt for rats and implies their eating. Get with children if they do not offend them. Tell a lot to bark, aggressive with other pets.

Chinese Crested

Decorative little breed. A color of any color is allowed. A dog without wool, but there is a fluffy variety of breed. Growth - 33 cm, weight - 5.5 kg. Non-aggressive, movable, contact dog. It will be happy to pass training. Unpretentious in feeding, there may be boiled vegetables, fruits, standard feed. Loves to play with children. In the cold time needs warm clothes.

Cocclee Poodle (Cocupus)

One of the most intelligent breeds of dogs. The color is valid different, but more often: cream, fawn, white. Height up to 38 cm, weight up to 11 kg. This is a cheerful, good-natured, very wonderful dog. Easy and joy is traversed. You need to feed complete finished feed. Love to play with children. The breed has appeared recently, and is still very rare.

Continental Toy-Spaniel (Falen)

This small fluffy rock is called "dog-mole", due to hanging ears. Color is allowed by any stains. Height up to 28 cm, weight up to 4.5 kg. Bold, affectionate dog, suitable for urban apartment. It is prohibited. Nutrition is the most common: natural feed or ready diet. Children applies well.

Coton de Tulear

Decorative breed. Color white, with shades of gray. Growth - 28 cm, weight up to 6 kg. Active, cheerful, kind dog, beautiful companion. Smart, well trays. It needs special nutrition for decorative small rocks. He is strongly tied to children. Animal requires care for wool and external species (eye processing).

Lancashir chieler

A rare little dog breed, similar to Doberman. Color black, with subpassions. Growth - 30 cm, weight up to 5.9 kg. Unpretentious, affectionate, playful dog. In training shows stubbornness, has "its" opinion. It is impossible to throw the animal from its table, better adhere to a standard diet. Perfectly gets in children. It needs exercise.

Lhasa Apso

Ancient dog breed with long wool. Golden color, honey, sandy. Height up to 28 cm, weight up to 8 kg. The character is not easy - the wayward, naughty, do not tolerate punishment, they can grow in response. In training make what they like. The dog eats a little, but it is important that the food is balanced. Loves to play with children in mobile games.

Small lion

Decorative dog. Externally looks like a pocket lion. Color can be any. Height up to 32 cm, weight up to 6 kg. Smart, brave, cheerful, easily learned. In the diet of the animal there must be additives affecting the quality of wool. The dog relates well to children. The breed is quite rare. Wool requires care.

Maltese Bolonka (Maltese)

Little fluffy dog. Color white, height - 25 cm, weight - 4 kg. Affectionate, sociable, friendly, does not endure loneliness. Learned well. The diet should include additives to improve wool. Children applies well. The dog does not require long walks, long-lived. It needs to carefully caring for wool.

Manchester Terrier (black and tan terrier)

Another breed is similar to Doberman. Black color with podpoals. Growth is 30 cm, weight up to 5 kg. Smart, cheerful dog, contact, gets along with all domestic. Fed better fresh meals with the addition of vitamins. An animal loves children, loves to play with them in Frisby. It is better to keep on the leash, it can escape.

Meliteo Kinidio (Small Greek Home)

Ancient rare breed, similar to small collie. Color black, with red breasts and eyebrows. Growth - 35 cm, weight - 12 kg. City dog, everywhere next for your owner, friendly, affectionate, incredulum to other people. It is easy and with joy. In eating unpretentious, the breed was shown for catching rats and the dogs were fed by them. Friendly kids.


A rare decorative breed, appeared in the 80 years and is considered designer. Color can be any, height up to 28 cm, weight proportional to growth. Very friendly dogs, even to strangers. Trains are good. Feeding: Standard diet for small dogs with long wool. Children are good, love to play.

Miniature Australian Shepherd

Dogs of this breed are similar to small Border Collie. Color marble, black, red, marble-red with marks. Growth - 46 cm, Weight up to 14 kg. A dedicated dog, ready to patronize any pet or child in the house. Perfectly trays. Eat can both dry food and natural food. Children loves.

Miniature Bull Terrier

This is a small short-haired dog. Color white with stains, tiger, redhead and any other. Growth - 35.5 cm, weight up to 8 kg. Brave, balanced, energetic dog. Training gives in, but it should be started as early as possible. Feeding: Full-term food for dogs of small breeds. Children are good. Newbies are better not to start this dog.

Miniature Schnauzer (Miniature Schnauzer)

Shorthair breed. The colors: "Black silver", "pepper with salt", white and others. Growth - 35 cm, weight up to 8 kg. This is a sociable, devoted and affectionate dog, which loves its owner very much. Diligent student in training. Feeding: complete feed for small rocks. Children "requires" careful circulation. It needs to care for grooming wool.


Ancient shorthair breed. Color black, silver, peach, beige. Height up to 28 cm, weight up to 8.1 kg. This is a friendly, positive dog. Dressent to training. In feeding, you should know the measure, since the pugs are prone to obesity. Well refer to children. There may be problems with breathing, due to the characteristics of the building of the muzzle. He strongly lens.

Moscow long-haired Toy Terrier

Refers to the smallest breeds of dogs. Color black, brown, blue with subpassions. Growth - 18-26 cm, weight - 3 kg. Excitability - their feature nervous system. Railing a pet better since childhood. In eating unpretentious, eating small portions. Do not love young children. Dogs often "tremble", but not from the cold, such a feature of the breed.

German horse

Hunting breed. Color red, fawn, with black caperan and white marks. Growth - 40-53 cm, weight - 20 kg. The dog has a "his opinion", it will have to take into account when upbringing. Beautiful hunter. Food of the animal must be balanced. Not really loves young children. Will not be able to live in an urban apartment. Needs walks and games.

German Dwarf Spitz (Pomeranian Spitz)

Fluffy and very cute breed. Common colors: gray, golden, cream, apricot. Growth - 22 cm, weight - 6 kg. Have a rather complex character, active, self-confident. Very love the owner. We are happy to study. Spitz feed better natural feed, specially cooked for him. The breed is not suitable for families with children.

Novoguineskaya singing

This is a domesticated version of the wild dog. Color: Soud, black with subpassions, redheads. Height up to 46 cm, weight - 14 kg. These are very clever animals, they can make independent decisions. Dressing is bad. Their independence is a feline feline. In eating unpretentious. Children are wary. Possess a unique melodic voice.

Norwegian Lundahund

Rare breed, derived in Norway for the extraction of birds. The dog can climb the rocks. Color color to brown with white presence. Growth - 38 cm, weight - 7 kg. Dog excellent watchman and hunter, good friend. Difficulties may appear in Dresser, the dog has "his opinion". Unpretentious in food. Children applies exactly, does not allow torturing themselves.

Norwich Terrier

One of the most miniature terriers. Color: red, chaperal, fawn. Growth - 26 cm, Weight up to 6 kg. This is a cheerful, good-natured and devoted dog. Well trained. In eating unpretentious. Loves children and pets living next to her. The fight does not enter, but he will not give himself offense. The animal is very active and needs walks.

Norfolk Terrier

Very frisky and active breed. Color: Red, beige, black with gray. Growth - 25 cm, weight - 5.5 kg. Brave dog, a wonderful watchman, needs permanent physical exertion. It is prohibited. The diet of the animal must be balanced and include natural feed. Well refer to children, but it is impossible to allow the kids to torment the dog.


The name is decrypted as the "Odessa home perfect dog." Color allows various variations in white. Growth - 30 cm, weight up to 10 kg. A dog with a stable psyche, friendly and active. I am pleased to train. It is unpretentious in food, enough feeding with full feed. Best friend of children. Wool must be combed daily.


The breed appeared as a result of crossing a beagle with a pug. Color: brown, yellow, black. Growth - 38 cm, weight - 14 kg. Affectionate dog with a smooth character, loves the owner. Alone begins to bark heavily. Perfectly trains. It may have a tendency to obesity, food must be balanced. Loves children and actively plays with them.

Patterdale terrier

The breed was removed for fox hunting, now is decorative. Color: black, gray, bronze, with white marks. Growth - 38 cm, weight - 14 kg. Affectionate, tireless, devoted dog, excellent watchman. Dressing is bad, by virtue of "their views" on the world. In eating unpretentious. Children love, but you need to start the dog no earlier than the child will be 7 years old.


Ancient breed of dogs. Color: red, white, murugia, black. Growth - 25 cm, weight - 5.5 kg. The character is proud, jealous of the host towards children and other animals. The ability to train is average, will have to be perseverance. The dog's nutrition needs to pay special attention, due to the peculiarities of the face. Does not like children.

Prague Krysarik

The little dog was bred in the Czech Republic to fight rats. Color: Black, Red, Brown, Blue. Growth - 23 cm, weight - 2.2 kg. Brave, supreme dogs, get along well with other pets. Easily traversed. In food, unpretentious, can be overeat, therefore it is better to feed the standard rational feed. Well refer to older children.

Poodle dwarf

This is a mini version of the poodle and one of the smartest little dogs. Color: Apricot, black, white. Growth - 35 cm, weight up to 4 kg. The character is smooth, good-natured, cheerful. Very tied to the owner and smart. Perfectly trained. Feeding preferably natural feeds, but it is important not to overflow a dog. Get well with children.

Russian color Bologun

The breed was removed in St. Petersburg, in the 50s, but still not officially recognized. Color: black, fawn, beige and so on. Growth - 25 cm, weight - 4 kg. The dog is active, cheerful, beautiful companion. It is prohibited. Food is completely unpretentious - maybe there is dry, and natural feed. He loves children, loves to play with them.

Russian Toy Terrier

The miniature dog was removed in Russia. Color: Blue, Redhead, with subpassions. Growth - 28 cm, Weight up to 3 kg. The character is cute, very devoted to the owner, love to sit on their hands. It is well trained, it is important to raise a dog since childhood. In eating unpretentious, it is suitable for complete food for small breeds. Friendly with children, but their little children are better not to trust.

Scotch Terrier

Popular miniature breed. Color: white, redhead, black and so on. Growth - 28 cm, Weight - 10.4 kg. The character is alive, friendly, inquisitive. Well trained. I need to feed the animal with full dry food, she does not need an excess of protein. Well refer to children, but it is better to start a puppy when the child will be 7 years old.


The most famous miniature breed. Color: red, beige, deer, black with podpoals. Height from 30 to 35 cm, weight up to 6 kg. Very active, tireless dog, good watchman. Perfectly trains. In food, unpretentious, but have a tendency to a weight gain. Get with older children. Walking better on the leash, often run away.

Teddy Roosevelt Terrier

Miniature breed, named after the president. Color double color: black and white, red-black, chocolate brown. Growth - 34 cm, weight - 3 kg. This is a movable dog, evil and active on the hunt, but good, loving and friendly at home. May be sliding with other animals, so they need to raise them from childhood. Dressing is bad. Love to play with children.

Tibetan Spaniel

Little breed, externally resembles Beingeles. The colors are permissible different. Growth - 25.5 cm, weight - 6.8 kg. This is a smart dog, is well trained, but often exhibit its independence. Not watchtower. You can feed the dog with a complete feed for small rocks, but it is important to comply with the content of fats in the stern. Unlike Pekingese, they get well with children.

That poodle

This is the smallest poodle variety. Color brown, black, silver, apricot and other. Growth - 28 cm, weight up to 8 kg. The poodle can be called the calm breed of dogs. They love the owner, but calmly carry loneliness. Well trained. Feed the dog is better natural feed with the addition of vitamins. Friends with children.


Breed resembling Doberman. Color: red or black with subpassions. Growth - 30 cm, weight - 6 kg. These are active, fearless dogs with an interesting gait. Perfectly trained. Feed the dog is better by natural feeds, keep track of not to transmit. Children are wary, from young children a dog is better to remove.

Czech terrier

This is low, strong, shot down dog. Color: Blue with gray, coffee. Growth - 32 cm, weight - 10 kg. Cheerful dog, nice watchman and hunter. It may take stubbornness during training. It is preferable to feed the standard full-length feed. Children love, but only if they are not offended. Wool does not learn, requires cargoer services.


This is the smallest breed of dogs. Coloring color: monophonic, spotted, double. Height up to 23 cm, weight up to 3.5 kg. Dogs are friends with all their homework, but their heart belongs only to one person. Easily leaving for training. Feeding needs to pay special attention, miniature dogs, and normal food They are not suitable. Love children.

Shih Tzu.

Miniature pretty whimping dog breed. There is a whole classification of permissible shi-tzu colors. Growth - 27 cm, weight - 8 kg. The character is strong, so you need to practice. Training can be easily, perceiving it as a game. Power may include natural and finished feed. The dog is getting laid with older children.


Miniature dog like a decent. Color: black, redhead and so on. Growth - 33 cm, weight - 9 kg. The dog has a rather independent character, inexperienced owners should not start this breed. Training is difficult, due to the stubbornness of the dog, so it is necessary to show perseverance. In eating unpretentious. With children communicate with pleasure.

Japanese Hin.

Asian breed with cat habits, she can even climb on the furniture. Color: black with white and white with red. Growth - 25 cm, weight - 3 kg. The dog is well adjusted under his owners. In a fun family and the dog will be active, the elderly people are calm. They are well trained, for the sake of praise. Power must be selected so that the dog is formed. Happy children friends.

Japanese Spitz

Little pretty fluffy dog. Color white, height - 38 cm, weight - 10 kg. Cheerful, loving, active companion dog, excellent watchman. It tastes well, loves to play. It is better to feed the dog ready-made full-length feed. For wool after meals you need to care for not formed. Very love to play with children.

Dog breeds were displayed many thousands of years. This process continues to this day. Other mammals do not have such a huge genetic diversity as a dog. What is just worth a huge difference between Chihuahua and the German dog.

There are different interpretations of what is called "breed". The breed is actually classified according to the functional purpose for which the breed was derived. Most of the registered breeds of dogs are traditional breeds with a very long history. The origin of some breeds of dogs are associated immediately with two or three countries. All traditional dog breeds are made to the FCI register (International Cynological Federation), but some new breeds are still under development.

According to the functional purpose, all breeds of dogs are divided into such subcategories as workers' dogs, homemade (family) dogs, dog shepherds, guard dogs, hunting and riding dogs. Working dogs are used, for example, for therapy or service in the police. Family dogs are derived for home and do not have a clear functional purpose. Shepherd dogs Work with domestic cattle. Watchdow dogs must protect property. They laid out loud when they feel an attacker, thus warning her owner. Hunting breeds of dogs help the owner on the hunt. Different types of dogs have special hunt skills. Riding dogs are derived for transporting goods in hard-to-reach regions.

Consider more each of the types of breeds of dogs:

    • Fight - these are dogs, the nature itself (often with the participation of a person) folded in such a way as to apply the maximum damage to the enemy. Initially, they were used in dog battles, but then, after this species banned all over the world, such dogs began to use exclusively in security and protective purposes.
    • Hypoallergenic - breeds of dogs causing allergies, first of all, due to the low content of certain substances that irritate the mucous membrane. But consider the fact that the allergy is different, and if a person, for example, asthma, with allergies on pets and fluff, then for him, the dog's hyposterity will not matter. After all, the seizure causes the wool itself, and the substances that make the skin of the dog, the secondary factor is already. Because you have one or another allergies before buying four-legged friend It is better to consult with an allergist.
    • Decorative - as a rule, these are small dogs that have only one function - to be funny and cute companions to a person. Some of these breeds were previously used for hunting, but in the modern world, having sex with such small dogs is extremely rare.
    • For children - this category can be attributed to those dogs that are well referred to children and can act something like a nanny. For example, all dog lovers know that the breed Labrador Retriever is ideal for families with young children. In fact, even a fighter dog can have great love for children, a good example of this is a pit bullterier.
    • For protection - usually, here are those dogs that have high devotion and good fighting qualities. Such dogs may not be approached to protect the territory of a private house, but as for protection against the attack on the owner - there are no equal. Of course, if you want to make such a PSA, it is better to provide him with appropriate training from a professional trainer.
    • For an apartment - basically, these dogs include breeds, which, as a result, the features of the physique and adaptive psyche are suitable for maintenance in the apartment. In fact, despite the fact that most of these animals have small or medium sizes, it is not always a decisive factor. there is large dogswho perfectly get along in an ordinary urban apartment. And, on the contrary, there are dogs of medium-sized, which prefer to be on the street, and therefore, if they live in the apartment, need long walks.
    • Riding - despite the fact that traveling along the snow-covered plains on dogs is increasingly going to the past, these animals are very popular. First of all, due to spectacular appearance and developed intelligence. The most famous, perhaps the breeds of Husky and Malamut.
    • Hunting - first of all, these are those dogs that have genetic tendencies to hunt, so to speak, some kind of generic memory, as well as a certain physique. As an example, you can bring the Poistter breed - thin, muscular, very hardy dogs that have wonderful hunting instincts. Another very famous breed is Greyhaound, or Borzaya.
    • Watchdow - to this group include those animals that, as a result of their physique and features of the psyche, are ideal for protecting private land. Usually, these dogs are very territorial, fearless, have large sizes, greater strength and with incredulusity belong to unfamiliar people. The most striking example watchman - Alabai, or Central Asian Shepherd.

Choose a dog correctly.

As you probably already understood, each of the rocks can simultaneously relate to several categories. For example, a fighter dog can approach an apartment, and some decorative rock may well be hypoallergenic.

Choosing a four-way friend follows with the mind, having stigped everything for and against. Moreover, it is necessary to think not only about your own comfort and safety, but also how much the livingwhere you can offer the animal is suitable for it.

From your choice will be dependent not only your life over the next 10-15-20 years, but also the life of your four-legged friend, his health and well-being. And therefore, you should not make a choice based on momentary desires.

Total dog breeds for different estimates there are about 1000. International cynological organizations recognize the existence of about 400. Each of them has its own specific features, its special character, temper and temperament. The breeds are distinguished by dimensions, shape of the body and head, wool long, endurance. If you decide to make a dog, you need not only to weigh all the "for" and "against", but also determine the choice of the breed of your future pet.

Breeds of dogs are so diverse that each person may choose the best option if it won't hurry and well prepare for the appearance of a new tenant in the house. It is very important to understand that any dog, regardless of the breed, will require time from you, high-quality feeding, regular mice, care for wool and learning. The spectacular appearance of the exhibition champion of a long-haired or rigid dog as an exhibition photo is most often not available to the usual owner. Therefore, even before purchasing a puppy it is useful to see what the case of a dog looks like in domestic haircuts and find out how labor-intensive care is their wool. A responsible approach to the appearance of dogs of any breed in your house will allow a pet as much as possible to fit into your lifestyle. We should not forget that dogs also get sick and at this time need a qualified veterinary care, Care and special diet. Absolutely healthy and trouble-free breed simply does not exist.

We publish here all useful information - The names of the breeds, photographs and descriptions of their features, the basic requirements for content and education - everything you need to know the future owner of the puppy so that a joint life with a dog was the most pleasant and comfortable.


  • Australian Shepherda
  • Akita In.
  • Alaskan Malamute
  • American Akita
  • American Bulldog.
  • English bulldog
  • Argentine Dog.
  • Afghan Borzaya


  • Basenji
  • Basset Hound
  • Belgian Shepherd (Malinaua)
  • Baiver
  • Beagle
  • Blohehound
  • Bobtail
  • Border Collie
  • Bordeaux Dog.
  • Boseron
  • Bullmastiff
  • Bull terrier
  • Burbul


  • Welsh Corge Pembrok
  • West Highland White Terrier
  • East European Shepherd


  • Dalmatin
  • Jack Russell Terrier
  • Doberman


  • West Siberian
  • Golden retriever

    And, y.

  • Irish wolfhound
  • Irish Soft Wheat Terrier
  • Italian spinsone
  • Yorkshire Terrier


  • Kavaler King Charles Spaniel
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog
  • KAI
  • Cane Corso
  • King Charles Spaniel
  • Chinese Crested
  • Collie


  • Labrador retriever


  • Maltese Bolonka (Maltese)
  • Pug
  • Moscow Watchman


  • German Shepherd
  • German boxer
  • German dog
  • German Spitz
  • Newfoundland


  • Oys


  • Pekingese
  • Pomeranian spitz
  • Posava Hac.
  • Poodle
  • Bullets


  • Risenshnaser.
  • Rhodesian Ridgeback
  • Rottweiler
  • Russian hound
  • Russian
  • Russian black terrier


  • Salyuki.
  • Samoyed
  • Senbernar
  • Setter Gordon
  • Siba In.
  • Siberian Husky
  • Sky Terrier
  • Central asian shepherd dog
  • Staffordshire Terrier


  • Taxa
  • Tibetan mastiff
  • Toy Terrier


  • French Bulldog


  • Croatian Shepherda


  • Zvergpincher
  • Zvergshnauser.


  • Chow Chow.
  • Chihuahua


  • Sharpei
  • Sheltie
  • Shih Tzu.


  • Entlebukher Zennenhund
  • Airedale


  • Yagd Terrier

So, how to choose the right thing to choose a dog breed for you and your family. There are several main factors that affect right choice dogs.

The importance of information for choice

For a person who decided to purchase a dog for the first time, there is nothing more useful than objective and adequate information. But a lot of advertising sites describing the trouble-free self-learning breeds of dogs, in which from the birth of "all inclusive", create a lot of illusions from potential owners, which always adversely affect how the relationship of the owner and dogs are. The photogenic Dushka Labrador destroys the apartment, the charming of Pomeranian Spitz is about without silence, it turns into a kind of landscape of Lochmata Bologna under the machine, and the universal guard Tibetan Mastiff after a year in the yard categorically refuses to go beyond the gate and Especially see the exhibition. Well, if the owner persistently survive all these misconcences of the dream and makes efforts to achieve mutual understanding with his dog. Much worse, if the dog starts to go hand or turn out on the street or in the shelter. How to choose the proper breed of a dog Nonprofessional?

Information from an experienced breeder or nursery

Well, if you are lucky with the breeder. He asked a lot of questions, finding out if you know anything about the chosen breed, except for her name, saw photos and commodity slogans, and decided that he could sell you her puppy. It should be as honestly to answer questions - an experienced professional will help choose a suitable for temperament and the exterior of puppies to grow it correctly. Breeders of non-breeds in this case are preferable. They sing everything about the breed and watched not only behind the exterior, but also behind the psyche. They will gladly tell about the behavior of puppies and adult dogs, suitable types of training and sports. If the breeder is not ready to answer questions about the upbringing of the puppy and its features, it is better not to buy a dog from him. No matter what kind of breed you choose, the puppies' parents must have recommended genetic tests. The right choice of breeder is an opportunity to get advice from a professional if necessary. It will be an adequate assessment of the experienced specialist of the "Creed" for its conformity to the vital conditions of the future owner.

Most often the Internet offers ads with other people's photos, promotional descriptions of the best on the light of dogs and a breeder who, selling you a puppy, will evaporate and stop responding to phone calls and other requests. You can recognize the fraudster by its reluctance to leave the coordinates, the absence of a chip or a stamp in a puppy, promises that at least a puppy without a pedigree, it can be easily made. For someone who wants to buy a good dog, such conversations are a good reason to abandon the purchase of a puppy.

Understanding the development history of the breed

Very often, reading about the breeds, the future owners misses the section on the development of the breed. Meanwhile, each of them is a set of sustainably transmitted qualities, among which both external characteristics and unique behavioral features and physiology. Dogs with short faces poorly tolerate heat and will not be able to run a lot, major seaside mastiffs need careful attitude towards their joints and bindings, service and shepherd breeds, having exceptional health, will require considerable training costs and motion. And each was originally created for any type of work. Forgetting about it, the owners often do not understand the running away after the interesting smell of beagle or spaniel, suffer from hyperactivity Jack Russell Terrier, are forced to endure howl of the poor poins or Malamute. Works are saved in all breeds, because each of them was created to perform certain work. Even those breeds that have not been used for a long time on the hunt or for distilling livestock, remember their working past. Their breed features are its consequence. So, all the terriers adore pursuit and sweatshirts, all the fees are with pleasure to dig holes, Schnauzer or Griffons will try to defeat her eternal enemy - rat, and Collie and Shelti will never lose the members of the group entrusted to them, tracking the movement of both adults and children.

Physical Loads for Dog

Absence physical Loads Always adversely affects dog breed dogs. All unpleasant habits quickly disappear, it is worth it to organize walks and pushing the dog by any work or sports. The choice in our time is huge - from service training to Pitch-En Gou and Pulling. The organization of joint leisure allows you to establish contact of the owner and dog and make them a real tandem complete mutual understanding. The exhibition dogs just need exercises that help them have embossed muscles, a good tone and the right rack. In large cities there are special halls where you can prepare a dog to the exhibition independently or entrust it with an experienced coach and Hendler.

Care of wool

It is also important to evaluate your opportunities to care for your future dog. Malamute or Samoyed molt in a city apartment is a serious test for owners. Haircut machine of rigid-haired dogs (schnauzers, dachshunds, drathara) usually leads to an increase in the atypical soft fluffy wool, which begins to chop and creates more and more more problems. But he should have started trying a trimming dog from the very beginning to grow rigid wire-like wool, with which the seeds and garbage are easily removed. Short-haired dogs that do not require special care, linen and their wools clog carpets and bed linen, which can cause skin irritation and allergies. For people with allergies, it is well suited to the poodles and terriers that do not drop wool, although they need regular haircuts or trimming. Not all long-haired dogs are suitable for keeping on the street. Many of them despite long wool, frown in winter. This, for example, long-haired dachshunds and setters, golden and curly retrieves. The most suitable for the street content of the dog with a double, so-called wilderwheel, in which seasonal thick undercoat and rude oave hair allow them to feel comfortable on the street in any conditions.

Pody's subtlety

To understand all the subtleties and make the right choice, you need to try not only to see more dogs in the photo and video, but also to find as much information as possible, selecting it according to the principle: the smaller the positive positive about this breed, the better. Critical and negative reviews during the choice of dogs are much more valuable, as they allow you to soberly assess the problems that can be faced later. It is difficult to expect the lack of dritch from terrier or count on the loyalty of hunting breed to homely rodents or birds. It is better to immediately choose a loyal breed, than to spend time and nerves on the correction of congenital behavior. All materials of this section are selected in such a way as to allow the reader to draw up an objective opinion about different breeds of dogs and prepare for the emergence of a new member of the family as morally and financially.

Little dog is the perfect view of a pet for city inhabitants. It takes little space in the apartment, does not require a long walking on open areas, it does not take too much time to care. However, a joint accommodation in an apartment with any living being requires compliance with certain rules. Therefore, it is so important to make a choice and purchase a pet that matches the lifestyle of the owner, its character, interests and habits.

List of small dog breeds with photos and names, supplemented with descriptions and characteristics, will help you choose a pet that matches your preferences in appearance and behavioral features. The article presents a description of the best breeds of small dogs recommended for maintenance at home.

Little sizes' dogs have recently become increasingly popular among residents of cities. It is caused by deepening and less demanding on the conditions of petting a petty pet.

Affentpincing is a dog in 25-28 centimeters, with rigid coarse hair, looks outwardly a little monkey. The behavior of this miniature dog also a few monkey. Affentpinscher - playful, noisy, hooligan dog, with a stubborn character.

Such a playful temper requires persistent and consistent training so that the small drawback turns into an obedient PSA, which complies with the rules of behavior in the house.

Affen Griffon - Breed, resulting from the crossing of the affontinone and Brussels Griffon. This is a very mobile, active, friendly dog, distinguished by the intention and devotion to the owner. Despite the small sizes, Affen Griffon copes perfectly with the role of the guard, and will definitely notify the owner of the appearance of unnecessary guests.

A feature of the breed is harsh wool, which is necessary to regularly manually trimming. Haircut Affen Griffon is not recommended, as it spoils the structure of the wool.

Schipperke is a miniature-size shepherd, externally resembling spitz black. It is an energetic, fun, requiring long walks of the breed, which will be a good companion at the sports, physically active owner.

A bored hippeaker begins problems with behavior: the dog is barking about and without, fighting with pets, rushes on guests, aggressively behaves on a walk. Dog is needed active, long-lasting games, sports activities, jogging, walking in the park or forest.

Chinese crested dog - One of the most original in the appearance of small breeds. This fragile and defenseless in the view of the baby has a fairly good health, but does not tolerate cold. The future owner of the dog must prepare for the purchase for her whole all-season wardrobe.

Another feature of the breed is the complexity of training, with which the newcomer is unlikely to cope. It is impossible to shout on the horschka, teaching the rules of behavior to be gently, but persistently.

Dandy Dinmond Terrier has an unusual appearance: the dog has a long body and short limbs. By nature it is affectionate, kind and funny dog, devoted to the owner.

Dandy Dinmond Terder Need Training with early age and great physical activity. Such a dog will not suit an elderly or calm person, but for athletes, travelers and hunters is the perfect companion and satellite.

The Moscow long-haired that terrier is a newcomer in a group of small breeds of dogs, which has gained popularity immediately after the appearance in Russia and many European countries. The body of the baby is gusty thick, soft wavy wool, with charming eyes on the ears and legs.

The little terrier is tied to the owner and does not tolerate loneliness. To the rules of behavior in the house, the dog is taught without difficulty, can do without longer walks, so suits people of different ages and lifestyle.

Little Greek dog - Meliteo Kinidio - ancient breed. Popular in historic homeland and rather rare in our country. This is a small fluffy breed of dogs kind and fun in relation to the owner and all the inhabitants of the house, but not recognizing outsiders.

West Highland White Terrier is a breed of dogs, derived in Scotland, but quickly faced popularity in the whole world. This is the perfect pet, who has a cute appearance and friendly character. Does not learn, it is easily traversed, getting better in the whole family.

Dog wool requires careful care: trimming, hanging skirt, deduction. Breed prone to K. food allergies, so food is needed carefully for it.From the diet it is recommended to exclude wheat, chicken, painted vegetables and cabbage.

The smallest breeds of dogs with names

Among the small dogs there are rocks that differ in the most miniature sizes. Fashion on miniature pets rapidly growing at present, which is explained by the compactness of dogs and the possibility of not parting with them throughout the day. A description of the smallest breeds of dogs with photos, presented below, will give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe features of some popular breeds and the rules of circulation.

The growth of Prague rats is only 23 centimeters. This peaceful, affectionate, responsive dog, a devoted to the owner, obedient, balanced and unobtrusive dog from the Czech Republic. Ratsik is distinguished by the owner's devotion, loves praise, perfectly trays. The dog is characterized by a special sensitivity to the moods of the host, so the discontent can be used as a method of education.

Prague ratsaric requires a careful relationship, as his body is quite fragile and high risk of fractures and other injuries. The breed is active enough, so it needs food rich in protein.

The Russian terrier is a miniature dog (20-28 centimeters height) with elegant physique. The Russian is unpretentious in the content, it is easily taught to the tray, does not require high time spending on caring for wool. You can usually feed the dog: boiled or half-hearted meat, cereals from cereals, stew vegetables.

The dog needs to teach the discipline, otherwise it will be constantly barking, demonstrating guard qualities. The dog does not tolerate the coherence and is very upset, but the poting plow can not be indulged.

American Lo-Shi Pug is a compact, affectionate dog, ideal for the role of a companion and a domestic pet. She gets perfectly with other animals, easily learns, loves children. The dog loves to bark, but not without reason, but only for the purpose of warning about the arrival of guests or to meet their own needs.

Care of the breed is not complicated: Cooling once a week, swimming every 1-2 months, cleaning ears, eyes and teeth once a week. In terms of activity, the dog adapts to the lifestyle of the owner: plays with him when he is active and lies nearby during his rest.

Breed of small good dogs

It is impossible to divide the breeds of dogs in good or evil, since the nature of each of them depends not only on the genetically laid temperament, but also from education. But there are breeds that differ in particular peacefulness and kindness in relation to the owner and strangers.

Photo and description of such baby is presented in this section. The rocks of small good dogs are distinguished by particular friendliness in relation to family members and even everyone surrounding, love affection and praise.

Bishon Frieze (curly bishon) is a miniature dog with curly snow-white wool and round black, amazing good eyes. A dog playful, cheerful, loves affection. But breed education is not easy and requires patience and perseverance.

Care for luxurious bishon wool is quite complicated. It must be thoroughly calculated every day, and then process the boot. The length of the wool on the face and legs are adjusted by periodic haircut.

The rabbit dachshund is bred in Germany for hunting purposes, but at present it is most often started as a companion and a domestic pet. Dog good-natured, balanced, without a drop of aggression. This dog can play the role of a real clown, as it has a good sense of humor.

With incorrect education of the rabbit dachshund, it can become a hooligan and stubborn.It is necessary to train it calmly and respectfully.

The beauty of the wool of Maltese Bologun is the main factor in the attractiveness of the breed. A cute dog is an increase of no more than 25 centimeters, with long snow-white wool with proper care looks luxurious and rich. It is not by chance that this breed at all times was the favorite of the royal persons.

The dog is good-natured, dying, loving and soft in relation to the owners. Luxurious breed wool requires careful care. The breed has a weak health, so it needs to be properly feeding, walking and timely shutting the veterinarian.

Pomeranian Spitz is the most miniature variety of a group of dogs of this breed. The growth of the baby is only 23 centimeters. Weight no more than three kilograms. This is a particularly popular breed in secular liones and creative personalities.

In the nature of Pomeranian Spitz sociable. Merry and extremely good-natured pussy. It is obedient and accurate, so ideal for a joint stay even in a very small apartment. Baby Spitz will become the perfect companion to adults and children.

The character Border of Terrier is characterized by some duality. On the hunt, this is a ruthless and gambling dog, and in the home setting gentle, friendly, loving pet. Many representatives of this breed know how to smile, exposing their teeth.

This good-natured dog is used in Western medical institutions as an "animal for therapy." The owners of Border Terrier attend with their pets of the nursing home and hospitals, providing psychological support to sick people.

Small Smart Dog Breeds

Choosing a future pet, we are often limited to viewing the description of the rocks of small dogs with photos. Meanwhile, the intellectual abilities of the dog are the important criterion of choice. A smart dog easily remembers the teams, assimilates the rules of behavior and is the most obedient. Among the small breeds of dogs there are several species that are characterized by the highest intelligence.

This dog will become a devoted friend of all family members. Will be able to boost any rhythm and lifestyle of the owners. Papillon with equal pleasure will run around the apartment with children and calmly lie on the sofa with the owner.

All teams this dog remembers literally the first time. She understands not only the name of the owner, but even reacts to the intonation with which he says. It is worth giveing \u200b\u200ba strict tone to voice, and Papillon understands that its actions are not allowed. Communication with papillon is solid pleasure.

Without one dog exhibition without representatives, no representatives of this breed. Continental Toy-Spaniel has a fascinating appearance: a pussy of 25 centimeters and luxurious long wool looks like an expensive teddy toy.

The spaniel is a very smart dog, but at the same time prone to dominance. In the process of training, the owner will need to be able to overcome the pet and turn the execution of commands into reflexes. For each performed action at first, the pet should get a treat, praise, affection. Proper execution The teams are encouraged by the reaction in a gentle voice, and disobedience is a strict tone.

That poodle

That poodle is a charming curly dog \u200b\u200bwith high intelligence. This breed can often be found in a circus performing incredible tricks. The poodle adores the owner, ready to delight his obedience.

Fast assimilation of commands promotes the positive motivation of the pet. This little girl loves when it is praised. Pets to leave no attention impossible.Any hooliganism left without punishment will definitely be repeated.

Alaskan Kli-Kai, like all the husks, not only beautifully, but also very smart and independent. Unlike stubborn Siberian husks, their miniature copies are more similar to cat behavior. They are affectionate in relation to the owner and even wash the muzzle characteristic movements of the paws.

Another incredible ability of Alaskan Kli-Kai - the ability to publish sounds similar to human speech. A set of gangtarny, driving, bulling sounds really looks like a conversation, so communication with the pet is capable of delivering real pleasure.

Tibetan spaniel is an intelligent, discreet in the emotions of a dog, with an unusually developed intelligence. It is able to perform the funny functions, an ahead of the host about the appearance of unborn guests. But just so barking Tibby will not.

As a real intellectual, the Tibetan spanieel must remain alone from time to time, so the pet needs to be left in the house a cozy secluded corner. Otherwise, the content of the breed in the house implies standard procedures for caring for wool and organizing walks.

The smallest breed of dogs in the world

In the group of small breeds of dogs there are dogs that differ in the most miniature sizes.

Chihuahua is the smallest breed of dogs in the world. Dogs of this breed usually weigh from 0.5 to 3 kg, and the growth of them from 10 to 23 cm. Chihuahua boo-bu has an height of about 11 centimeters, weight is about seven hundred grams and is the smallest of dogs living at present.

Chihuahua good, obedient, but at the same time extremely wounded and touching the dog. Such a miniature pet requires a neat and very gentle handling. To the appearance of a dog in the house you need to prepare: remove the items that it can dump, limit access to the place where the dog can climb and get stuck or fall.

Fenek is a restless, curious animal growth of 18-22 centimeters and weighing no more than 1.5 kilograms. It is a dog with big, about 15 centimeters long, which give her appearance a very funny look.

Homemaking phenyke is extremely weak health. A dog must be kept almost in greenhouse conditions, otherwise it will certainly catch a cold. A feature of this dog is a night lifestyle, so the owner must take into account this before buying a puppy.

Small smooth-haired dog breeds

The smooth-haired breeds of dogs are most convenient when keeping in the apartment, as care for them does not require high time and wool spent during molting does not fly away throughout the house.

This breed appearance resembles miniatureoberman. This is an intelligible, energetic dog, which can be a reliable friend of the whole family. A dwarf Pincher will become the perfect companion for an adult or child over 9-10 years old.

Dwarf Pinscher is perfect for life in a city apartment. Pet care is to be calculated once a week, alternating with wiping with a wet towel. For walking, you must need to buy clothes and shoes without which the dog is not recommended to walk even with a small cooling.

The Manchester Terrier is distinguished by strong health, longevity and unpretentiousness in the content. This is a fun, energetic, cheerful dog growing about 40 centimeters, with short, smooth wool.

Manchester Terrier is friendly in relation to other animals and children, loves noisy games and long walks. The character is mostly dumpy, but sometimes terrier shows stubbornness and disobedience. You can feed the pet traditional for dogs products, but the morning experts recommend starting from the sour milk.

English that terrier is a small black dog with characteristic red podpales on the face, paws and chest. Dog wool smooth, tightly adjacent to the body and does not require special care. English that terrier is enough to stroken once a week with a special rubber mitten.

Breed pins, friendly, gentle and playful. The energy of that terrier hits the key, so he needs active walks, games and exercises, close communication with the owner and all family members.

Lancashirsky chiiler is a squat dog with short, but muscular limbs. The coat of rock is straight, smooth and brilliant, for the winter is complemented by a dense bleeding. Difficulties in the care of the Lancashire Terrier does not arise: it is enough to dedicate it every two weeks. Bathing the dog recommends only twice a year.

The breed is friendly, playful, easily remembers commands and willingly fulfill them. Walking Lancashir terrier loves, but without a long stay on the street, it may well do. Therefore, such a pet will suit the calm, busy at work and the elderly.

Little dog breeds for children

Most small breeds of dogs are suitable exclusively for families with already grown and observing the rules for treating animal children. It is connected mainly with the fragility of miniature dogs and some intolerance of many of them to rough handling. At the same time, there are some breeds of small dogs, which can be made in families. Where there are children of small age.

Russian color Bolonka - a decorative breed of room dogs with a growing about 25 centimeters with long thick wool absolutely any color. This playful, a friendly dog \u200b\u200bis perfectly in contact with children of any age, easily remembers the teams, never mapping.

Russian Color Bologna loves people, always seeks to be in the center of attention, loves to entertain guests. One of the main skills of the breed is the ability to adapt to the mood of the owner. She always feels when you just need to lie next to a person, and when you want to play and chat with him.

Bolognez (Italian Bolonka) - a dog with an increase in about 30 centimeters, thick, wavy wool, which gives it a rounded shape. The breed is incredibly focused on the displacement with a person: affectionate, incorrecting, not tolerant of loneliness.

Such a breed can be placed families with young children. But communication little baby And dogs need to be controlled. For children from 7 years old, Bolognese dog will become an ideal friend and partner in games.

American eagle dog just adores funny games with children. She is smart, ready to please representatives of the whole family every minute. The breed is smart and easily learned to teams, happy to participate in dog competitions and loves long walks.

Wolpino Italiano is a rare breed of small dogs from Italy. This is a devoted family and owner, playful and an intelligible dog with luxurious white wool. Wolpino Italian loves active and fun games with children, never hurts them.

To someone else's, the dog treats incredulously and always notifies the appearance of a ringing lamin in the apartment. You need to train the dog persistently and patiently because it is restless and wayward.

Other little dog breeds

In addition to the breeds that were listed in this article, there are still many other little dogs. We offer to get acquainted with some of them in the photos.

Norfolk Terrier in the photo

Breed of dogs australian terrier

In the photo, American Toy Terrier

Baiver Yorkshire Terrier

Dog breed Boston terrier

Brussels Griffon in the photo

Velsh Corge Pembro

Breed smooth swatch focister

Photo. Italian Levretka

Breed dogs core terrier

Description of rocks of small dogs with photos presented in this article gives only general about the peculiarities of each of them. Before making the final choice, it is worthwhile to explore the characteristics of the nature and rules of the content of each breed, so that the joint pastime delivers the true pleasure of the owner, a homely pet and all family members.

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