What they say green eyes from the girl. Where did the green eye and its uniqueness come from

Of course, the green eye color is very beautiful and amazing. In addition, it is very rare. It is interesting to know what it means and what characteristics can have a green-eyed person.

Since ancient times, the green color of the eyes is always associated with witch and sorcerers. It was believed that the owners of such a color of the eyes are especially predisposed to magic, magic, and earlier it was all markedly "witchcraft". Until now, scientists are "fighting" above the question, why this is such a rare eye color. 2% of green-eyed people among 7 billion people living on the planet Earth is like sandbank in space.

Most researchers come to the conclusion that the cause of such a small number of green-eyed people is the Inquisition, which Yaro fought with the owners of such eyes. Green-eyed beauties in those times were considered to be sorcerers, and for it they burned them on the fire. Women with green eyes during the Middle Ages were outcasts. They died only because God gave them the green color of the eyes. And if 90% of green-eyed are women, then from whom the offspring could appear if they hit the fire in a very young age? Yes, and men in those times managed such beauties to the side, fearing their witchcraft char.

If you approach a scientific point of view, the shades of the person's eye depend on the number of melanin in the body. In green-eyed people it produces a negligible amount. Green eyes meet more often in women than in men. Therefore, see a man with green eyes is a big rarity. If you take the most "green-eyed" countries, they are Holland and Iceland them. 80% of green-eyed people live here. The remaining 20% \u200b\u200bfalls on the inhabitants of Turkey.

Of course, you can argue that medieval prejudices are all the people themselves invented themselves and therefore their guesses are full of nonsense. But do not think that such large-scale beliefs do not have some shares of the truth. Of course, the fact that you have green eyes - does not mean that you are a black magician or a representative dark forces. On the contrary, it means your special potential and something mystical, which is still waiting for awakening.

The green color of the human eye, the value of which astrologists are compared with the energies of Venus and Neptune, characterizes a person as an excellent interlocutor and a listener. Psychologists note that people with green eyes are prone to well-being, because on the one hand they are stable, and on the other - dreamers and possess a rich imagination.

His dominant feature is the excellent skill of the device to almost any proposed life conditions. It all depends on the person himself, and by what way he will go to his fate and at what direction will send its natural flexibility of character.

Also, people with green eyes know how to finely feel any situation. This flair helps them to understand well in humans and in their characters.

In addition, green-eyed people are very persistent, purposeful and ambitious. They will always achieve their own, especially if it concerns work.

Gray-green eyes

However, not all people have the eyes of pure green. They can be with a karim rim, and gray-green eyes are also found. The nature of such people is significantly different. It would seem that it can change the gray bezel added to green Eyes? But it turns out, very much. People with similar eyes are hidden and do not allow their spiritual elements to manifest themselves to the full. At the same time, gray adds aggressiveness, self-confidence, despotism into their character. But they cannot conflict with close people, as well as be cruel with those who love. People with similar eyes choose a partner on their own, but if he is unable to maintain fire in their heart for a long time, love fades.

Gray-blue-green eyes

Eye owners of such a triple color embody all the qualities inherent in people with gray-green eyes, but they are completely different to love. Romance and dreamers, owners of such eyes talk a lot about love. At the same time, they are prone to whims and egoism. Blue color gives such people coldness and cruelty.

So, if you, dear reader, have this particular color of the eyes, then you will probably feel what he denotes. Obviously, you have the potential for working with subtle energy and laws. Higher gives you a hint on how you should develop yourself and reveal.

The article is written: October 20, Thursday at 16:36 (2016)

During the acquaintance with a person, probably, everyone would like to know what to expect from such people or how to behave with them to achieve the desired. It should be borne in mind that not only actions, but also a faithful, as well as gestures can tell a lot about a particular person. Probably, many have heard such an old expression as "eyes are a mirror of the soul", but few people thought, the truth is or not. Just looking into a person's eyes, you can understand a lot about him and see, of course, if you know exactly how to look correctly.

How to determine the impact on the character of a person's color of the eyes?

The eye color is given to a person from birth and can change at the moment when we change and we ourselves. Today you can easily and quickly change the color of the eyes with contact lensesBut at the same time there are repeated cases when the natural color of the eyes occurs. As a rule, such a phenomenon is directly related to changes that affect mental condition and morals.

Scientists concluded that the color of the eyes is more pronounced and brighter, the stronger the human passions, the filling of energy and the occupation of an active life position will be expressed. Consequently, the brighter the shade of the eyes, the romantic and tenderness of the man's soul.

The intensity and brightness of the color in the iris indicates exactly the creative principle of personality. Gentles are characterized by warm shades of the eyes, and cold talk about a solid and persistent character.

Black eyes

The owners of ferrous eyes are characteristic of such features as impulsiveness, energy and initiative. For such people, it is simply vital to constantly be in the center of universal attention. These personalities are always becoming a real soul of the company, and at work exemplary employees.

The black-eyed people are optimists, while they are very responsible and reliable, but at the same time they still have more mystery and enough secretful character, because of which they are very hard to open the soul even to close friends.

If serious difficulties or problems arise, they can show strong aggression and irritability, at the same time they are not able to hone too long and quickly forgetting it.

Holders of black eyes are always confident in themselves and their own strength, with the impurity and non-standard thinking inherent in them, but they can be very in love. Such people are inherent in very hot temperament, sensitivity and sexuality, which is hard to resist the opposite sex representatives.

Such people always know what to do to enjoy others, they can emit warmth and charm, love to be provided in the center of all events. Black-eyed personality is very selective in humans, at the same time remain demanding to others, as well as to themselves. Such personalities can not sit too long in one place, because they are very adventurous and excite, they always want and in all be the first to be constantly proven in practice.

Brown eyes

Holders of this color of the eyes are very temperatures and energetic, for these personalities it is very easy to flirt, while quite often intrigues become their faithful companion for life.

Karglase people love always and everywhere in the spotlight, because their life is not just one big play, but the most real monospect flow, where others fulfill the role of scenery.

Karaglase do not just love, but they need a constant praise, because they want to hear every day what they are unforgettable, beautiful, bright and stunning. If there is no praise in the life of people with brown eyes, they begin to feel strong discomfort.

Often such people crave for the authorities, while they are very enterprising, excite and can be aggressive if they do not receive the desired timely. Despite the fact that these personalities are too touchy, they also quickly leave behind all the insults.

People who are located next to Karglazy, can not get rid of the unpleasant feeling that they constantly live on a powder barrel, as they just do not know what you can wait for them.

Karich's eye holders fight around their attractiveness, sociability, wit and sensuality. The darker there is a shade of the eyes, the more pronounced all the features listed above are pronounced.

Light brown eyes

People who have light brown eyes are more theorists, not practitioners, while they are sufficiently passive, lazy, very oppressive, impressionable, and sometimes closed.

These personalities are very hardworking pragmatics who are constantly striving for isolation, while they will not tolerate tips and instructions. Holders of light-brown eyes love to reflect on the essence of being. Quite often, their tendency to laziness is so high, which surpasses all the frames.

But, despite his laziness and passivity, these people have a truly unique ability to easily and quickly perform even the most difficult tasks, showing incredible productivity, at the same time they are practically not bored.

From the part it may seem that people with light brown eyes are very soft and pliable, but they love to do everything as they want and practically never agree with the opinions of others.

Yellow eyes

People are very rarely found with such an unusual eye color as yellow. These personalities are characterized by truly special talents, they are very charming and artistic, cunning and inventive, so I can easily find a way out of almost any situation.

Yellow-eyed always good and loyal friends, and no obstacle can stop them if close person It turned out to be in trouble and needs their help. But such personals are often very cunning and mysterious, so they can become dangerous opponents.

These people will never accept the situation in which someone will impose own rules. They poorly control emotions, perfectly feel insincerity, lies and false in the words of the interlocutor. Men S. yellow Eyes Become brave defenders and loyal companions for their chosen.

Tiger-yellow eyes

This is the rarest color of a person's eyes who can still be called snake. Personality with such a shade of eyes possess sharp and outstanding mind, they are very unpredictable and original.

It is believed that people with such a color eye have a well-developed intuition, so they are very difficult to confuse. Such personalities are owners themselves, while very wary of strangers.

Thanks to excellent artistism and natural flexibility, they are fairly easily and simply come out of any unpleasant situations and conflicts, but at all at all at their own person at risk. Such people are very angled and vengeful, so they become extremely dangerous enemies.

Green eyes

As a rule, the owners of green eyes are very assertive and purposeful personality, but sometimes these qualities will develop into a banal durability. Pre-predict in advance how these personalities will behave in a particular situation, it is very hard, because they love to try on new roles every day, which brings them an unforgettable pleasure.

Green-eyed people have a well-developed intuition, while it is very important for them that all the firm confidence is that all the actions performed will lead to a visible effect and will not be in vain.

Such personalities perceive faithful their opinions, the thoughts of loved ones occupy the honorable second place, and that's what everyone else thinks, they do not care at all. At the same time, green-eyeds do not like to join open confrontations and try to always bypass the side of the delicate situations when they may be in an uncomfortable position. As a rule, such personalities will not take absolutely no action until they carefully calculate each step.

Gray-green eyes

People who have servo green Eye, always have their own opinion on all occurring around the event. They are inherent outstanding intuition, which is why they completely in any situation feel quite confident.

These personalities are very decisive and patient pragmatists, conscientious and hardworking. People with gray-green eyes devotees and gentle with their second hairs, at the same time can spend all their strength on the chosen one, but choose only once and for all. If you need to solve some serious and important question, they will show hardness and rigidity, while at the same time know how to listen well.

Gray-green blue eyes

People who have such an unusual and interesting color of the eyes are completely different to love. These personalities tell a lot about romance and dreams, while their main distinctive feature It is strong selfishness and whims. At the same time, the owners of this color of the eyes are endowed with cruelty and coldness.

Grey eyes

The owners of this shade of the eyes are very reasonable, conscientious, inquisitive and thoughtful, almost all of their actions are guided by practicality and always stand on Earth with both legs.

These personalities are almost never in a rush anywhere, at the same time they are rarely late. They are very secretive, do not like to endure their problems for everyone, they try not to demonstrate feelings in humans.

People with gray eyes give preference to a cold calculation, so almost never rely on their own intuition. If there is a question to be resolved, especially when intelligence is needed for this, no one is better to cope with the task.

They have a restrained and dry character, which can cause certain difficulties associated with the emotional sphere. Seruralous people try to find inspiration in close environment and become completely happy if there is a person who can fill them with bright emotions. Very faithful in love, extremely rarely changed their chosen.

Blue eyes

People with blue eyes are able to show strong feelings. If they are in love, then without unnecessary reflections are thrown into love, without paying any attention to the advice or bans of their relatives. However, if someone did not like, they will be waved as quickly and strongly. But these individuals are rarely limited to the manifestation of negative emotions, as they are very easily moving to decisive combat actions.

Sineglase people love to join the disputes and conflicts, because from the process they receive indescribable pleasure, since they are very important for them to all others to prove their own right and awareness in any matter.

Disputes and conflicts are the elements of bioteglase personalities, while they are subjective in them, because, first of all, they will be guided only by their own antipathy and sympathies, but not common sense.

Blue eyes

Blue eye holders are very dreamed and romantic, emotional and sensual. If such people in life are missing emotions, they will quickly and easily come up with themselves.

In the nature of such people, excessive sentimentality is clearly visible, but it does not prevent them from raising numerous intrinsic and novels. It is because of this, the blue-eyed personalities are very hard to meet real love in their lives.

They are very wounded and sensitive, quickly offended, can be lightningly to get out of themselves, so close to people will be hard to redeem their guilt before them. Such personalities may even later reproduce the words and intonation, which they offended them.

The mood of the blue-eyed people changes quite often, due to the fact that they are inclined to strong experiences, they can succumb to depression, even if there is absolutely no good reasons for this.

Such personalities may have not just a variety of, but also unexpected talents. The main distinguishing feature of blue-eyed people is that they are capable of almost instantly adapt to completely any conditions.

This is a very rare shade of eyes, which is not some kind of color, as it is a unique feature of a particular person. Such personalities can change the shade of eyes in a wide variety of reasons - for example, depending on their own mood, circumstances either environment. There are no practically no clear frames.

Owners of such an interesting eye color are prone to sharp mood drops, as well as changeability in own desires. The fact is that each shade will be made in particular identity some specific adjustments.

People with the eyes of chameleons can easily and quickly join in a variety of life circumstances, simply adapt to new conditions, practically without feeling discomfort. These personalities are very consistent in their actions, they love the organization in everything, however, despite this, they most often act impulsively and spontaneously, which makes them completely unpredictable.

More details about how the eye color affects the character, see here:


Perhaps it is no secret that the green eye of the eyes can be seen much less frequently than blue or karya. Clean green - even more river phenomenon. If you have a green eye, then you are lucky. You can stand out from the crowd and become noticeable. However, if you have blue or brown eyes, then you should not be upset, because if you wish, you can buy colored lenses that will make you feel in the role of an amplua, and then return to yourself, in your original appearance. Colored green lenses can be found at a fairly attractive value.

Green value

It has long been believed that the color of the eyes somehow can affect the fate of a person and has sacred value. Determination of character features that are peculiar to people with green eyes are based on the general vision of green and on how it affects a person.

People who study the color spectrum and the influence of a shade on a person believe that green has such properties:

  1. Soothing, pacifying effect.
  2. Carries harmony.
  3. Gives energy, reunification with nature.

Many seems strange that, despite the fact that in nature green and salad is very often found, people with such a shade of eyes - a rarity.

Why are the eyes of green?

The melanin function is to absorb the UV radiation. Together with it is absorbed and simple purple, that is, both blue and blue shades. For this reason, the remaining paints are reflected, from green to red. The rainbow shell consists of five layers. In the last internal, there are quite a lot of melanin, that is, pigment. It can also be in the second layer, and from how much it is and how it is distributed depends on the color of the eyes.

Thus, if in the outer (second) layer, the average number of pigments, then the yellow shade is mixed with blue, and it turns out green.

In women, this shade can be seen more often than in men. Often, red-haired can see bright green eyes. Probably, due to the fact that people have always been afraid of everything unusual, in the Middle Ages, girls with red hair and green eyes were considered sorcerers.

Green eyes are rare in any nationality, but fewer green-eyed people can be counted in Asia and Africa. And in one of the Chinese villages there is a whole cluster of people with green eye color and blond hair. It is believed that this is a kind of DNA mutation.

Character of green-eyed people

Among the main and general traits of nature, what kind of green-eyed individuals own, it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. Magnetism and attractiveness.
  2. Perseverance and hard work.
  3. Requirement to yourself and others.
  4. Good imagination and dreaminess.
  5. Strong attachment to native and close people.
  6. The ability to hide and suppress your emotions.
  7. Such people are hard to endure treachery, they can not quickly forgive man.

In addition, for women and men are characterized by various features.

Women: Romantic, sincere, non-conflict, trusting.

Men: Sensitive, poorly endure stressful situations, are good fathers and husbands.


It is worth noting that pure green color is rare enough, so you can see different combinations:

  1. Gray-green.
  2. Care-green.
  4. Gray-blue green.

The compound of green and gray shade denotes the presence in the character of rather contradictory features: sensuality and rigidity, rationality and intuition.

Green and Karya shades together indicate closure and frequent changes in the mood. At the same time, people are rather rational and logical.

Gray, karya and green shades talk about indecision, tendency to long-lasting inflatable and planning.

Gray, blue and green pigmentation indicate that a person can be capricious and cold, but with all this is romantic and sensual.


For women, it is always very important that makeup fit not only to the color of the face or clothing, but also to the eyes. Green eyes look good with gold shadows, as well as with warm and flickering shades of shadows. In everyday life, you can also use purple and neutral colors.


It should be noted that purposefulness and diligence is inherent in almost all green-ventilation personalities, and this is proved by many celebrities that have achieved considerable success in a particular matter. Among the most famous owners of green eyes are worth it:

  1. Angelina Jolie.
  2. Bruce Willis.
  3. Clive Owen.
  4. Fergie.
  5. Kate Hudson.
  6. Mila Kunis.
  7. Catherine Middleton.
  8. Paul Radd.
  9. Tom Cruise.
  10. Kristen Stewart.
  11. Lindsey Lohan.
  12. Scarlet Johanson.
  13. Sarah Michel Gellar.
  14. Emma Stone and so on.

Now you can confidently say that green eyes are unusual and interesting. Green-eyed people are different, but always they are charming and attractive. Whatever the color of the eyes did not give you nature, you should always be proud of it. And if you wish at least for a short time to feel like it is to have green eyes, we will gladly help you.

Eyes - the mirror of the soul, it says for a long time. You can speak in a lie and at the same time keep calm, or show all your experiences of the Mimic. But the only thing that truly expresses the experiences of a person is the eyes. In their expression, you can determine the mental state of a person.

And indeed, even scientists prove the fact that the first imprint of any mental state is superimposed. During depression or spiritual experiences, the human eye becomes dull and have a grayish tint.

The uniqueness of each person is both in its character and in the way of thinking. But meanwhile, astrologists manage to find common features and unite people on the signs of the zodiac behind their color of the eyes or hair.

Sometimes, in reality, with the reading of the horoscope, many people are amazed to be what written corresponds to a specific person. You can also say a lot about people in color.

History and meaning of green eyes

The greatest mystery is the green color of the eyes. Green eyes were considered an integral part characteristic of witches. In addition, the Middle Ages knights also had the eyes of this extraordinary color.

Specialists argue that people who have green eyes have a thin, vaporic nature. They are very loyal in the relationship of friendship and love. These feelings for them are sacred and in no way will they give anyone to influence their relationship. In addition, green-eyed people are very fair, honest and always keep their promise.

With her friends, people with green eyes are very kind and ready to pay the last, just only from friends everything was wonderful. But if they have enemies appeared, then such people become solid and unshakable.

From green-eyed people there are excellent listeners, smart interlocutors. On the one hand, these are very reliable people in which you can rely under any circumstances. On the other hand, these are dreamers.

With a professional side, people with green eyes have good qualities leader. Because their main feature is responsibility and demanding not only to others, but also to themselves first.

As far as the owners of green eyes are good and sincere people, so they and cruel, if it comes to treason or betrayal. This is never forgiven. For trusted patience, the offender will have to pay full.

Summing up, it can be firmly said that people with green eyes are very kind, honest, responsive and faithful towards friends, close and loved ones.

Excellent family mans. But it all concerns only if they are true and respectfully. If you appreciate everything that they do for people. But in no case can you move the road to the green-eyed person and become his enemy. In this case, they will reveal everyone in their path.

In order to find out your eye color enough to look in the mirror with good lighting. At the same time, the clothes must also be neutral. And only then can you determine what color your eyes are: gray, green, or any other.

Who belongs to green eyes?

Since childhood, every person remembers fairy tales, in which all mystical creatures have green eyes. Whether the faces are forest, witches, witch or wizard. All of them were united precisely green eyes.

And in our time, people with similar shades have good intuition and extrasensory qualities. Such people are very impulsive and sensitive. They have a calm character and never conflict with loved ones without much need. Green-eyed people never insist on their own, if they know that the wrongs are first to come to reconciliation. These people are sincerely experiencing both defeats and victories.

But from their interlocients and environment they also require such qualities. Never impose themselves to people, but also value attention to themselves. In the first place of green-eyed people their friends and relatives, whom they never betray.

Women with greens

For women with green eyes, such concepts are characterized as loyalty and sincere love. They are in kind of monochief. And if there was a man who fell in love with their way, then this is already for life. Sometimes in the search for "his man", green-eyed women remain lonely.

Love such women are given without a residue. They change for the better and become the most charming seductors. But it all concerns only sincere feelings. Otherwise, this is a fury that will definitely distort the insult and betrayal.

Women with eyes in the measure of jealous. But, nevertheless, they are gullible, which they demand. Any conflict situation they are ready to solve themselves and in a relaxed atmosphere.

Men with greens

Such men are characterized by a feature of a good father and husband. Although in youth they are big lifestyle and never meet them with the same girl. But, like women, they are monophrices, a powerful life they begin to lead after 25 years of age.

Men with green eyes are very tactful and always understand when they need to move aside and give the opportunity to a person to be alone. Also are always ready to provide support and help when required. But the only thing they can not, so this is what they cannot be able to handle the depression on their own.

In conclusion, one can say one thing. That green-eyed both women and men possess the most positive qualities And they know what loyalty and devotion is.

If you carefully look at the eyes of a person, it becomes clear that they differ in shape and color. The rainbow casing of the visual apparatus has a specific shade, depending on the level of concentration of melanin. Some tones are often found, other, on the contrary, are considered to be rare. According to statistics, green eyes have only two percent of the population of the Earth. Such eyes are incredibly beautiful and allocate their owner from the crowd.

On the tint of the iris, the concentration of pigment called melanin and the degree of dispersion of light flows inside the visual apparatus is affected. The substance has a brown color, also responsible for the tone skin cover and hair.

With the average number of pigment in the iris, the yellow shade, reflected from the outer layer, is mixed with blue light, which emits the inner segment of the shell. As a result, the eyes are painted in green. The larger the concentration of the pigment, the dark shade.

Why is about one hundred forty millions of people around the world are the owners of "emerald" eyes? The answer is simple, business in genetics. Until 2007, there was a theory regarding the eye hierarchy. For example, brown dominated green, and he, in turn, over blue.

Modern scientists have proven that sixteen genes affect the colors of the iris. In other words, a person can inherit any shade, no matter what tone the eyes of his parents are painted.

Green spell holders will be on any continent:

  • The bright shade of emerald color is most often found at the inhabitants of Iceland, Scotland, Holland, Estonia.
  • Dark green eyes can be found in America, Pakistan and in any corner of Europe.
  • In Iran, Afghanistan, Russia, Spain and Brazil, people with "emerald" arts have lived inhabit.
  • In the north-west of China, there is a small settlement, in which approximately 2/3 of the inhabitants have lightweight eyes and bright curls.

Perhaps over time, thanks to mass migration and globalization, the number of elegant odds will increase.

General characteristics of green eye owners

A similar painting of the iris is produced by a mysterious and having impression. The shade of green eyes varies from saturated emerald to yellowish. It is impossible to hide anything. They perform the role of "windows" in the deep inner world of man and give detailed feature about his mental qualities.

It is impossible to pass by the owners of green eyes. After all, they, like a magnet, attract the attention of others. Enough to remember Ashvaria Paradise or Angelina Jolie.

The color of the eye can be said about some of the character of a person.

Individuals with emerald eyes are passionate nature. They are passionate about their actions and actions. The second half is experiencing a genuine passion, they are considered perfect lovers. In relations, honesty and mutual understanding are valued. Are good children, and in the future parents. Gustive by relationship to friends and loved ones.

Green-eyed people are impulsive, but they know how to listen well. They are ready to lay their shoulder at any time so that friends or colleagues could be flushed. Of these, perfect comrades are obtained. Different with curiosity and insight. However, they love not only listen, but also to speak. Could make impression on others.

Curious both in person and professional plan. If some people accepted from the status of "integrity" over time, the green-eyed will always ask many questions regarding different areas. They are real hens. Of course, such behavior is not all likely to do. However, the curiosity of the owners of emerald eyes does not cease to grow.

Of these, good leaders are obtained. The main reason for the manifestation of this quality is the ability to find options for overcoming different difficulties with the help of acute mind and creative thinking. Green-eyed personality undoubtedly possess charisma. Often dominate in relations, while remain careless and loving.

The owners of emerald eye are impulsive, sensitive, cheerful. Often, when making one or another solution, based on instincts. Even the victims defeat, they do what they consider it necessary and right at the moment. They enjoy every second life, love adventures and extreme sports. They combine inexhaustible energy and enthusiasm.

Green-eyed personalities smart and talented. Their characteristic feature is acute intelligence, often put forward innovative ideas. Get knowledge throughout life. Apply the resulting mental luggage to solve different problems. Could quickly process information and use it in a short period of time. As a rule, success in professional activities.

Green eye holders Real Othello. The second half is experiencing passion and devotion, waiting for the same attitude towards themselves. It is difficult for them to hide jealousy, so such a feeling often delivers the green-eyed suffering. People with emerald eyes are egocentric. Its interests and their own success are often set above all.

Capable to a cold calculation, which benefits and income exclusively for their person.

Description of men with green eyes

If you have a young man with emerald eyes on the life path, carefully look at it. Examine his eyes and their shade, it will help to look into the depths of the inner world of the guy. As a rule, beautiful family mans are obtained from them. True, only if you are lucky to be the very, the only and unique.

Green-eyed men are inventors. Possess good memory and responsibly refer to the responsibilities assigned to them. Such young men choose the soul mate for life. The main value for them is family.

Characteristics of women who have green eyes

Past of these girls is impossible to pass. They are bright and invariably attract the attention of the opposite sex. In an old girl, a girl with green eyes was considered a witch associated with the world of mysticism. They were pursued by the Inquisition, in order to execute. Moreover, in most cases, the ladies were absolutely innocent.

Green-eyed woman knows the price perfectly, but choosing a soul mate, remains devoted to him until the end of his life. Of these, good wives and hostesses are obtained, able to create an atmosphere of heat and comfort in the house.

The main thing is to remember one rule - do not tease the girl with emerald eyes. They appreciate only a good attitude towards their person. Different with cunning and cunning. Green-eyed young women are excellent wives, passionate mistress and good mothers.

Factors affecting the color of the eyes

As we have already mentioned, the shades of emerald eyes are diverse, from yellowish to jade. A number of factors affect the color change:

  • Mood man. Sadness or joy create an optical illusion.
  • Depending on emotions, the green shade becomes brighter either pale.
  • Happiness and anger provoke the correction of the size of the pupil, as a result, the amount of transmitted light flux increases or decreases.
  • Weather conditions also affect the color of the iris. On a cloudy day, at sunset or at the light of the moon, the shade of the eye changes.
  • The temperature "plays" with tone eyes depending on the lighting conditions.
  • Things of certain colors (blue, gold, yellow) amplify the saturation of the green shade. A special focus on emerald eyes makes a purple tone in clothing or make-up.
  • Artificial light with different spectra strongly adjusts the natural hint of the iris.

How many people with greens in the world?

On planet, the Earth lives seven billion people. Of these, only two percent are the owners of emerald eyes. For the inhabitants of the Middle East and Asia, a similar shade of a real wonder. The largest number of green-eyed lives in Iceland (about thirty five percent) and Turkey.


Eyes not only the mirror of the human soul, but also the decoration. Green eyes make up mystic, attractiveness and mystery. People with a similar shade of iris at all times were considered extraordinary personalities. Our ancestors ranked them to the cohort of witches and sorcerers, mercilessly exterminating green-eyed. Perhaps for this reason in modern world True rarity people with emerald eyes.

From the video you will learn what green eyes mean and what is the secret.

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