Allergy to nanoplast. Detailed characteristic of the plastering nanoplast Forte

The modern pharmacological market offers a wide variety of means to treat the ailments of the musculoskeletal system. Among them, "Nanoplast" for the joints, spine and back. It is applied to reduce pain and chronic inflammation. It is manufactured by the Chinese company, and is manufactured in the form of a leucoplasty for outdoor use.

Medical properties

"Nanoplast" has anti-inflammatory, anesthetic and restoring actions. It is made of polymer material that does not cause allergies (base), as well as magnetic powder (lanthanum) and nanopowder, which reflects infrared rays.

Based on its unique composition, the product has the following properties:

  • relieves inflammation and pain;
  • soothes muscles and ligaments;
  • leads to normal operation of the musculoskeletal system;
  • reduces swelling;
  • dissipates bruises;
  • removes the consequences of injuries of joints and soft tissues;
  • promotes a speedy healing, accelerating the metabolic process.

Why is it used?

Means effectively with Ishias.

The effectiveness of the plaster is achieved due to the combination of magnetic and thermal exposure. As a result of lymph and blood circulation, it becomes faster, the stuff is eliminated and inflammation is eliminated, and painful sensations are eliminated with sharp and chronic ailments of the musculoskeletal system. This plaster is a good substitute for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, which also eliminate inflammation and pain, but can negatively act on the gastrointestinal tract. "Nanoplasty" is used for diseases and states:

  • neuralgia and stretching muscles and ligaments;
  • pathology of the joints, back and muscular-ligament;
  • pain when dislocation of articulation;
  • radiculitis, Ishias, Lumbago;
  • osteochondrosis.


To facilities in the use of funds include:

  • the product does not leave traces not clothes;
  • easily fixed;
  • it has a body color;
  • does not prevent moving;
  • painlessly removes the epidermis;
  • has a quick action;
  • the packaging contains three adapters;
  • you can use when stretching, from pain in the joints and back.

How to stick "nanoplast" to joints?

Crate Plock need to dry, clean skin

Before sticking the plaster, it is worth cleaning from warming creams and gels, check for the absence of damage, and do not conduct additional physiotherapeutic effects in the same place. Then, to properly apply the product, you need to remove the protective film and glue the patient. The remedy for the epidermis can stay up to 12 hours. Then he is removed and take a break for 6 hours. After this time expires, it is possible to glue another strip in the same place. To eliminate exacerbations of chronic diseases of the joints and backs, it is necessary to use "Nanoplast" for 9 days. To remove acute pain - 3-7 days. With injuries, stretching and sports injuries - 3-6 days.

If in the region of the fixed leucoplasty, it feels warm and slight burning, this is a normal reaction that does not require the elimination of the stimulus.


If there are moles and other education on the skin, then before treatment, such a means need to be inspected by a dermatologist.

Before applying the plaster, you need to consult with a dermatologist if there are big moles, nevies and warts in the sick place. Before use, children also need a doctor consultation. It is not recommended to use the tool in such situations:

  • pregnancy, especially in the first trimester;
  • open damage to the epidermis (wounds, ulcers, ulcers);
  • the tendency to allergies and individual intolerance.

Unwanted reactions

From side effects, allergies are possible to the components of the plastering in the form of skin rashes, itching, redness. Such reactions may occur with an increased sweating, but they quickly pass after the termination of use. If red and itching is saved, you need a doctor consultation. To avoid unwanted reactions, it is necessary to not exceed the recommended time of use, as it is possible to burn a skin, and also forbidden to warm the joint if the adhesive plate is glued.


It is not recommended to use a nanoplasty simultaneously with the means for outdoor use on the same skin area. If we glue the therapeutic plaster to the place where the ointment or cream was applied, it will lead to undesirable reactions. "Nanoplast" can be prescribed in complex treatment with other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs represented in tablets and injections. And also compatible simultaneous use with physiotherapy procedures, massage, bandages and belts, manual therapy and other manipulations.

Nanoplast Forte is a healing plaster that is designed with nanotechnology. It contains a special nanopowder, which is necessary in order to reflect infrared rays. Also in the composition there is a magnetic powder. It is produced from metal rocks that are mined from under the ground.

Plock Nanoplast Forte is a unique tool with useful composition. It effectively eliminates pain in various places of the musculoskeletal system.

How does the plaster affect?

Nanoplasty has the following therapeutic effects:

  • eliminates pain syndrome in the damaged area;
  • eliminates inflammation in the joints and tissues that are near;
  • promotes muscle relaxation and ligaments;
  • restores the damaged muscular apparatus and ligaments;
  • heals soft fabrics.

The plaster has a magnetic field effect. In combination with infrared rays, it helps strengthen blood circulation, eliminates the stoles. Thanks to him, the outflow of venous blood passes, pass inflammatory processes. As a result, the tissue metabolism is significantly improved, muscles and ligaments come to a relaxed state.

Nanoplast Forte quickly restores the functions of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, it is dissipating bruises and hematomas if there were injuries or damage to the tissues and joints. The tool can be used at any age. With it, a person quickly gets rid of pain syndrome. Nanoplasty is effective both in chronic and acute diseases. It is convenient for use and is absolutely safe for the whole body. The tool is an excellent assistant in pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, with osteochondrosis, and also eliminates arthrosis. In addition, a nanoplast is well helped with the hernia of the spine. This is an excellent non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent with an anesthetic effect.

The plaster should be glued in the following cases:

  • arthrosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, spondyltrosis;
  • osteochondrosis lumbar, cervical and chest;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • closed injuries of various character;
  • hematomas, bruises;
  • dislocation, bruise;
  • sprain;
  • sport injuries.

Nanoplast is designed for outdoor use. It does not require special training before its use. It is only necessary to remove the protective film and glue the plaster in a damaged place. The tool is used only 1 time, and then it must be thrown out. The plaster does not leave traces on the skin, does not dock clothes. It is easily removed and does not hurt pain.

Nanoplast has a bodily color, so it is impaired on the skin in open areas. The plaster is available in 2 sizes: 9 × 12 cm and 7 × 9 cm. It does not give discomfort to the body and does not change the familiar way of life of a person.

How to use a plaster?

In order to stick the plaster, no special preparation is required. How much to keep it on the body? The application instruction indicates that after the nanoplast was pasted on the damaged surface of the skin, it is necessary that it is in one place for no more than 12 hours. If you violate this recommendation, it can lead to the development of a strong burn. A use break should be at least 6 hours.

To cure chronic diseasesassociated with the spine and joints, it is necessary to apply the means to the course for 7-9 days. If a re-course is required, it should be carried out no earlier than in a week.

To get rid of acute pain or consequences of injuries of various origin on the lower back or elsewhere, experts advise to glue the plaster for 3 to 9 days.

For amplification therapeutic effect Well combine nanoplast with physiotherapy and massage. If a person suffers from allergic rash, he should be used carefully. It should be remembered that a slight burning and heat in the field of fixation of the patch is an absolutely normal reaction. This is based on the principle of treatment.

Nanoplast Forte is perfectly combined with others pharmaceutical preparations. However, it is necessary to follow the following rule - it is impossible to use various ointments on the same area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, where the plaster is already located.

Tool well to use together with nonteroid drugs. In some cases, the use of a patch helps to get rid of permanent medication.

Advantages of nanoplasting

An innovative tool has many advantages:

  • easy to use;
  • efficiency and safety;
  • the naturalness of the components;
  • minimum of contraindications and restrictions;
  • does not change the lifestyle;
  • does not cause a uncomfortable state;
  • does not spoil the appearance due to corporal color;
  • it does not just eliminate painful sensations, but also contributes to the restoration of the functions of the affected fabric;
  • positive effect is observed on all parts of the body.

Is it possible to use the plaster for young patients? Yes, it is possible, however, it is recommended to consult with a children's traumatologist.

Contraindications and side effects

In most cases side effects When applying the patch, not detected. However, an allergic reaction to the natural composition of the nanoplast may occur. This is manifested by a small rash and moderate itch. These symptoms pass on their own. If the reaction is repeated each time, the use of the plaster should be stopped.

There are no serious contraindications to the application of the plaster, but it is not recommended to glue it to women during pregnancy. This can negatively affect the health of the child, although such an impact is not proven. Especially strictly prohibited to use the tool in the first trimester of pregnancy. During the GW period, the plaster can be applied. This is completely safe, since the components of the drug do not fall into breast milk.

In addition, the plaster cannot be glued on an open wound.

Nanoplast Forte is sold in the sealed bag of 3 pieces. From the moment of autopsy, the plaster can be stored no more than a month. Before use, you must remove the protective film. In a closed form, the preparation can be stored for 5 years. After the expiration date, it is impossible to use it.

The tool can be purchased at the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The optimal price of the plaster is available to each consumer. However, before being treated with it, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Perhaps one plaster is not to do and need more serious treatment. In this case, the nanoplast can be applied additionally.

Analogs of the drug

Nanoplast Forte is a unique plaster, analogs of which are not yet produced. If we consider similar preparations, it can be attributed to Doluben, Ibufen, Nimesulide, arthrosylene and other similar means. Physiotherapeutic devices have similar impact. They can be used in a hospital or home independently.

Despite the fact that the plaster was created not so long ago, he already received numerous positive feedback. It is especially good to affect the treatment of osteoarthrosis. Patients note excellent painkillers and easy tolerability of the drug. No side effects were detected. Some patients used by the plaster of Nanoplast were able to abandon anti-inflammatory drugs that they used constantly. In addition, patients suggest that they have significantly improved the functional activity of patients with joints.

Thanks to Nanoplastry a large number of People got rid of strong pain and discomfort.

Nowadays, medicine is very developed, and today in the market medical preparations There are many revolutionary innovations. They can also include the plaster "Nanoplast Forte". It should be noted that, mostly "nanoplast" feedback from consumers gets quite positive. It very soon and effectively helps people with an acute pain in various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, pain in human muscles, periodic and spasmodic painful symptoms. However, the sake of fairness should be noted that the plastering "Nanoplast" reviews are not only positive, since some patients claim its low efficiency. I wonder what it is connected with? The cause can be the features of the body, as well as the improper use of the drug itself. Let's figure out, under what diseases "nanoplast" can help.

Application of the plaster "Nanoplast Forte" with various diseases of the spine

Today, many people suffer from various kinds of diseases, as well as from the diseases of the back. The reason for this is the violation of the anatomy-functional normal state of the spine. Unfortunately, modern man It leads a very passive and sedentary image of his life. We have become a little paying attention to sports exercises and physical Loads, as a result, intensity muscular loads On our spine sharply declined. People are very susceptible to harmful and harmful to health habits, which also attracts great harm. Sitting work that does not contribute to keeping your body in proper position, leads to negative changes in the spine. He begins to degrade, and at the same time lose its shape and elasticity. And if earlier this ailments were exposed to most of their older people, today children and young people also have problems with the spine. The most common diseases include:

During the treatment of listed diseases effectively use the healing anesthetic plaster. In this area, "Nanoplast" reviews of doctors have only positive, because it is able to produce a prophylactic and therapeutic effect on the human body, and this helps to make the process of natural recovery of the patient.

The use of "Nanoplast Forte" with neurological syndromes

The drug "Nanoplast Forte" has proven itself in the treatment of so many neurological diseasesFrom which today, unfortunately, the majority of patients suffer. The plaster must be applied to treat the acute stage of the disease, as well as a course of therapy. The periodicity of the course therapy depends on the complexity of the illness and the councils, which he gave the patient to his attending physician for the use of the plaster "Nanoplast Forte". Expert reviews when using it in the medical course are very positive. The results exceed all expectations. And all due to the efficiency and absolute security for the human body of such a means as "nanoplast". Reviews about it by patients themselves show that the plaster helps perfectly with such a littleness:

  • acute and chronic radiculitis;
  • lumbago diseases;
  • intercostal neuralgia.

Application of "Nanoplast Forte" in the treatment of joint diseases

It is very interesting to the question of the use of the means "nanoplast". Reviews that he received in the process of treating joint diseases, they speak for themselves. Treatment of chronic ailments recommend starting from a nine-day course, which can be repeated after a while. Very often doctors recommend "Nanoplast Forte". Expert reviews with this method of treatment are only positive. The plaster is recommended for the treatment of the following ailments:

  • rheumatism and gout;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • coxarthrose and bursita.

In the treatment and prevention of these diseases, "nanoplast" reviews were pretty good as from the patients themselves, so from attending doctors. When applying this, effective removal of pain symptoms is observed. Action aimed at the early recovery of the patient returns to him the joy of active life and movement without pain and discomfort. Thanks to this, the plaster "Nanoplast Forte" (anesthetic, anti-inflammatory) reviews gets more and more positive. It can be used in combination with massage and physiotherapeutic methods of treating diseases. The plaster is possible to successfully apply during such diseases as my opinion and tendovaginitis.

Plock "Nanoplast Forte" in injuries of varying severity

Many times are subjected to various kinds of injuries of the musculoskeletal system and limbs in our time. They are very easy to get in everyday life as a result of falling, lifting gravity or accident. And here will also help the plaster "Nanoplast Forte". Reviews of its effectiveness in injuries allow you to make unambiguous conclusions. As a rule, all this is accompanied by discomfort when driving and unpleasant pain, sometimes very strong. What are the reviews about "nanoplaste" in the treatment of injuries and bruises? "Nanoplast" is an orthopedic plaster that is capable of quickly and efficiently affect the injured part of the human body. The principle of its action is based on the creation of a warming effect and impact on the affected area of \u200b\u200ba permanent magnetic field. As a result, sharp pain symptoms pass, a person after a while begins to feel a noticeable relief.

Application of a patch "Nanoplast" in sports medicine

Athletes are also injured during training or holding competitions and the Olympiads. And for them, such a definition is even introduced as professional bruises and injuries obtained in case of sessions in one or another sport. In the field of sports medicine, the plaster "Nanoplast" Reviews receives exceptionally positive. He is able to quickly remove pain and tension in the muscles, and after a while, if there is not a very serious damage, the athlete can resume their workouts.

Application of a patch "Nanoplast" in the hernia of the spine: reviews and advice of doctors

Today, many people suffer from such a terrible ailment as the hernia of the spine. This disease can deliver many difficulties, pain sensations and discomfort to man. Let's deal with the cause of the appearance of the spinal hernia. As a rule, the emergence of this disease in humans is preceded by osteochondrosis. It should be noted that hernia appears in the third stage when the fibrous ring is destroyed. The first thing to the patient is prescribed therapeutic treatment, which uses various drugs. Among them may be muscle relaxants. These substances are very effective, but with long-term use they can cause huge harm to the human body. Therefore, when treating the hernia of the spine, it is important to minimize harm from side effects and speed up the process of recovery of the patient. To do this, you can use the "Nanoplast" plaster, reviews about which attending doctors are positive, due to its effectiveness and the almost complete absence of a negative impact on the patient's body. The plaster allows you to quickly reduce pain, relieve inflammation, normalize blood circulation. Thanks to these qualities, the use of the drug allows the patient to reduce the dose of drug use against pain and inflammation.

Instruction and reviews

The instruction written for the means "Nanoplast" received a positive assessment of consumers, as it explains how to use the drug correctly and effectively. According to it, to remove acute pain symptoms, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment from 3 to 5 days. Applying the plaster should be on a cleaned surface with solid skin. It is unacceptable to use "nanoplast" in areas where there are wounds or skin ulcers, allergic irritations on the skin or acne. The duration of the course treatment should be nine days. It is more efficient to use the drug in the day and morning clock, although it is possible to leave the patch and at night. Interact with a damaged part of the body is preferably not more than 12 hours. "Nanoplast Forte" reviews of a positive character gets also because the drug has no age limit. Doctors recommend it to both adults and children. However, in the treatment of his baby, using the Penoplast Forte Plocker, it is necessary to consult with the pediatrician.

Pharmaceutical composition of the plaster "Nanoplast Forte"

The drug "Nanoplast Forte" is produced in the form of a patching of 2 sizes (7 x 9 cm and 9 x 13 cm). The revolutionary manufacturing technology is based on the fact that the patch includes a metal nano powder. From among the components of this powder, rare-earth metals occupy the main place. Thanks to them, an infrared and magnetic field is created. With the help of the effects of these fields on the affected part of the human body, muscle relaxation occurs and the blood flow is improved. These processes contribute to rapid local anesthesia, eliminate discomfort, emergency regeneration of tissues, treatment of inflammatory processes.

Nanoplast: Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues and interaction with other drugs

The packaging "Nanoplast Forte", except the drug itself, also includes detailed instructions in Russian. Carefully examining it, you can easily apply the plaster correctly effective treatment and prevention. Today to purchase a plaster has become possible in the nearest pharmacy on a price very available for consumers (from 130 to 155 rubles).

It should be noted that there are many analogues of the "Nanoplast Forte" plaster on the market, but not all of them have the same rapid painkillers and preventive effects. Among the most famous analogues: "Voltaren", "Kathetonal", "Versatius". What is the advantage of the plaster "Nanoplast" in comparison with other similar drugs?

First, the plaster "Nanoplast Forte" is manufactured in patented modern technology. It includes a mixture of a rare earth magnetic substance, which is made from hypoallergenic, completely harmless to human organism polymers. The method of the recreational effect of the plaster is based on the directional effect on the damaged part of the infrared body and magnetic fields. Due to this, there is a natural restoration of the parts of the body, which were damaged.

Advantages of a miracle patch

  • First, I would like to note that the coherent effect of infrared and magnetic fields contributes to the improvement of the local treatment of lymph in the body, minimize inflammatory reactions and their symptoms, eliminate pain and edema. Active substances Help accelerate metabolism in the body, relax muscles and ligaments, and also well contribute to the reduction of the hematomas and bloodthrovods.
  • Secondly, "Nanoplast Forte" reviews are positive from patients and doctors due to the absence of a negative impact on the body. Adults and children can apply it. The only exception is pregnant women, since the drug is manufactured only from natural herbs, and their influence is different in pregnancy in different ways. Use the drug during pregnancy is categorically prohibited. But during the lactation, the woman will be able to apply the plaster "Nanoplast Forte", pre-consulted with his doctor. Also the tool should not be used if the patient has discovered allergic reactions For any of the components in the preparation.
  • Thirdly, of course, it is the high efficiency of the anesthetic effect of the drug and the validity period of up to 12 hours.
  • Fourth, affordable price and excellent product quality.

The plaster "Nanoplast Forte" reviews is positive thanks to all of the above items. Today, in treating and preventing it, it is used by many people, and doctors have already been convinced of his excellent medicinal qualities and gave him a high marks. Specially designed and adapted for Russian-speaking consumers "Nanoplast" instruction. Reviews She got very good thanks to his informativeness, high availability for understanding and perception, as well as the completeness and shortness of the information outlined.

Storage conditions

Keep the drug, even if its packaging is already open, follows in a dark dry place with room temperature. It is also necessary to ensure inaccessibility tools for children.

Side effects that occur when applying a patch

As shown laboratory research, pronounced side effects during the application of the plaster was not established. But it should be noted that patients who suffer from the manifestations of various kinds of allergies should be consulted with the doctor before applying the patch. If, in the process of use, you found allergic reactions, such as rash, itching, redness on the place where your skin was exposed to a patch, you need to immediately end the use. Data on the side effects that arise as a result of the overdose of the drug, there are no specialists.

Today we were able to get acquainted with a new unique drug, which is very easy to use and safe for humans. In the package there are: the plaster "Nanoplast", instructions for use. Reviews of it create an increasingly positive impression. It should be added that although this plaster appeared on the medical drug market relatively recently, he could already purchase a lot of fans and get a lot of positive feedback on their actions. Many doctors today recommend it to their patients as an excellent means to remove pain symptoms, edema and hematomas. Recommendations relate to comprehensive treatment with other drugs and independent use of the patch. You can say with confidence that today the plaster "Nanoplast Forte" (anesthetic, anti-inflammatory) reviews received the most commendable.

In search of a way to heal the cervical osteochondrosis, people often come to such a solution like a nanoplast. Nanoplast with osteochondrosis is very useful, but also in the event of other diseases (such as arthritis or arthrosis), its use can have an invaluable effect. Perhaps this is the very reason why he acquired so wide popularity. However, deciding to take advantage of it, you will certainly be in front of a number of questions. Where to glue a nanoplast with a particular disease? How will it help with osteochondrosis in particular? So that such questions did not become a barrier to victory over the disease, it is necessary to carefully examine this topic.

What is a nanoplast?

A nanoplast is a unique tool that allows you to overcome and stop feeling pain. His basis is modern technologieswhich in tandem with east medicine give a stunning effect. It is usually used for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, among which the cervical osteochondrosis is included. There are no such treatments yet, and therefore the role of a nanoplast in our life cannot be overestimated.

The composition of the nanoplast is a special powder based on rare-earth magnets (lanthanum), the action of which begins after removing the protective film, the mixture of substances and the base from the non-allergenic polymer material. The substances are activated at a temperature, a deep warming effect manifests itself and a magnetic field is created, the natural reactions of the body for recovery are launched.

In its production, a combination of infrared rays and nanotechnology was applied, where the mixing of a fine powder with polymer components is mixed. This is a flexible plate with active ingredients, the healing part is closed with a film.

The benefits of use in medicine of this powder are invaluable. It has an anti-inflammatory, anesthetic effect, relaxes the muscular system, restores the operation of the musculoskeletal system, reduces the swelling and effects of injuries, has a resinking effect on hematoma and bruises.

A little about what you need to know about Nanoplaste:

  1. Nanoplast begins to act quickly and allows you to achieve the desired effect at least 12 hours.
  2. Hormones NSAIDs are not contained in it, and therefore it can be considered more than unique.
  3. The plaster was created with the calculation that it will be worn in various situations, including when its presence may be inconvenient. Therefore, he is bodily color.
  4. Since addictive from long use There is no plaster, it can be used for treatment courses for more than a few weeks ..
  5. He has no side effects, but there are some contraindications.
  6. Used in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system Hormones NSAIDs can be reduced in quantity. For this you need to consult with your doctor who will tell you how nanoplast can replace their action.
  7. The cost of the goods is small. It starts from 90 and comes to 120 rubles.
  8. The plaster is an officially recognized drug that is sold exclusively in pharmacies.

How does it help with cervical osteochondrosis?

The cervical osteochondrosis is a progressive disease. It occurs in people, the blood supply to which is broken by a stationary lifestyle. Less often, the disease appears due to the injuries of the cervical vertebrae. It is almost impossible to overcome it, but you can slow down the development of osteochondrosis. Since for the treatment of this disease, the restoration of blood flow is needed, the benefit from the nanoplast becomes invaluable.

Attaching it to the bodily distortion of you, you will feel in the near future, as the plaster is heated. This is due to the contact with the warm surface. When the nanoplast powder becomes warm, it will begin to influence the hearth pain.

The plaster provides therapeutic effect of the following nature:

- removes inflammation in the joint and surrounding tissues;

- anesthetics damaged area;

- relaxes and restores damaged muscles, joints, ligament;

- Accelerates the healing of soft tissues.

Magnetic fields emitted by powder will restore blood supply, as well as beneficial effect on lymphatic system. Also eliminate the wagons, the outflow of venous blood is normalized, inflammation is eliminated, the tissue metabolism is improved, muscles and ligaments are relaxed. Nanoplast accelerates the restoration of the functions of the musculoskeletal system, resorption or decrease in blood loss, hematomas when injured soft tissues and joints. There is no restrictions on age, so nano plaster from back pain instructions recommends applying even in the treatment of children.

With the use of therapeutic plaster is rapidly eliminated by pain syndrome chronic exacerbations or acute pathologies. Safety for the body and ease of use make this means indispensable in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This is a worthy alternative for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds, which are anesthesia, relieve inflammation, but negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, many people use a patch from pain in the neck, it can be used in spondyloarthrosis, arthrites, arthrosis, intercostal neuralgia, osteochondrosis, sports injuries, hematomas and blood leafy, stretching muscles, ligaments, bruises and joint dislocations.

If the doctor appointed a nana plaster, the use of it only externally. This does not require much training.

The plaster is attached to a dry skin area that bothers you. Before that, do not forget to remove the protective layer, behind which the sticky film is hidden. With osteochondrosis of the cervical area, it is necessary to accurately place the plaster on the spine. At the same time, try not to get a piece of patch to the lymph nodes area. Each plaster can be applied once. After removal, there are no traces on the skin and clothing. There is a nanoplast of two sizes (7 * 9 and 912 cm), which allows it to be used in different parts of the body. Externally, it is impaired and when moving does not cause any discomfort.

The fact that the packaging of such plasters costs only 90 rubles, should not be misleading you. Do not glue 3 patch per day. About how their number you need, consult with your doctor. The standard course is considered to be treated from 2 to 3 weeks, one plaster per day. In the therapy of chronic diseases of the joints and the spine in the acute phase, the application of the patch lasts 7-9 days. If necessary, the re-course is scheduled after a week holiday. Experts recommend to eliminate sharp pain with 3-9 days. To eliminate injury consequences, the tool is used for 3-6 days.

Using one nanoplast, it is not necessary to take on the other over the next 6 hours. At the same time, the validity of any of them is 12 hours, because from longer use on the skin may appear burn.

More effective action The plaster has in combination with physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, therapeutic massage and physical education. If available acne, The remedy must be used carefully, but you need to know that moderate burning in the formation of its localization is a normal reaction. Such manifestations may occur during primary use, but when relapses, treatment must be stopped and accessing a specialist.

The tool is well combined with different medicinal preparationsexcept for gels and outdoor ointments that cannot be applied to the same area of \u200b\u200bthe body. The plaster is well combined with a course of anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs, has a reinforcing effect. In some cases, the need for constant reception of medicines is eliminated.

The plaster has a unique production technology and structure, therefore it has no analogues. But you can choose preparations with similar medical action (Dimekside, Ibufen, Doluben, Arthrosienne, Nimesulide, etc.).

When applying the patient's patients, there is almost no adverse Reactions. But allergic rashes on sensitivity to allergens can appear in rare situations. Patients may have moderate itching, rash in the field of using a nanoplast, but such phenomena pass themselves.

Contraindications for use

But people who use nanoplast, contraindications should also be known. There are contraindications from such a patch! It should not be taken for its use to pregnant women because of the risk of negative impacts on the fruit. Perhaps this is only in the case that its use is spelled out by your doctor. During lactation, the plaster is almost safe for the health of the baby and the mother.

The duration of the storage of the plaster packing is not more than 30 days from the date of autopsy. The shelf life is 5 years. A plaster is released without a doctor's prescription, but it is recommended to use only under the control of specialists.

Be sure to consult a doctor before treating diseases. This will help take into account individual tolerability, confirm the diagnosis, make sure that the treatment and eliminate the negative interactions of drugs. If you use recipes without a consultation with your doctor, then it is completely for your fear and risk. All information on the site is presented for informational purposes and is not a healing benefit. All responsibility for use lies with you.

The very concept of "nanotechnology" became a kind of marker that determines the main direction of the development of science. It is quite natural that the next stage of the work of scientists was the creation of a separate industry of medical knowledge - nanomedicine.

In accordance with the definition submitted by the World Health Organization specialists, this area is engaged in studying the possibilities of impact on the course and prevention. various diseases biologically active nanoparticles of less than 1000 nm. The priority task of nanomedicine was the fight against severe bacterial and viral infections, and today the vaccinations are developed against 34 diseased diseases.

However, nanotechnologies continue to develop, covering the area of \u200b\u200bless serious, but very common and unpleasant pathologies of the spine, cartilage and other structures connective tissue. The result of many years of clinical scientific work was the creation of a nanoporosa nanopowder with a nanopowder from rare-earth metals.

The variety of factors that cause the development of pain in the joints, and a wide range of side effects and contraindications for receiving various drugs for systemic therapy, causes the use of local medicines. First of all, these are a variety of ointments, gels and creams, the main components of which are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents or natural ingredients (bee poison and other beekeeping products, plant ingredients, etc.).

But the use of transdermal patients is considered more convenient. A C. medical point Vision, such a method of treatment provides a fast local effect without pronounced unwanted reactions. In 2009, Roszdravnadzor approved the use of a completely new dosage form - a transdermal plaster of Nanoplast Forte, after which he appeared on the counters of Russian pharmacies. Manufacturer of this fund - China Pharmaceutical Company Guizhou Meoyoo Pharmal Ko. LTD.

The plaster is a thin flexible plate made from the underwent clinical testing of hypoallergenic material. It causes a fine powder, which is a mixture of rare earth metals. Distinctive feature Natoplast means is a microscopic size of the main therapeutically active components of the patch. This allows you to most fully use useful physical properties Materials included in its composition. The polymer plate with a nanopowder applied to its surface is fixed on the adhesive basis of corporal or white.

Above it is covered with a protective paper ribbon that saves medical properties Metal particles (it is removed immediately before use). After attaching to the affected area, the nanoplast is heated to the body temperature, which activates the effect of nanoparticles. They begin to emit the waves of the infrared range, which evenly warm the area to which the plaster was applied. In addition to thermal exposure, therapeutic effect Nanoplast is complemented by the influence of the magnetic field.

Due to this integrated effect, the plaster has the following spectrum of therapeutic activity:

  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • anesthetic effect;
  • activation of blood and lymphotok in the focus of the lesion;
  • improvement venous outflow;
  • the muscles spasm is eliminated.

As a result of the combined action of the active components of the patch, the functioning of the structures of the musculoskeletal system, the pronounced consequences of sports and random injuries of ligaments, cartilage and soft tissues decrease. Nanoplaste also eliminates the symptoms of dystrophic processes in the joints and cartilage, which occur during arthrosis, osteochondrosis, the hernia of the spine and arthritis.

In accordance with the data given, the effectiveness of the funds Nanoplaste was proved during the official clinical studies. Patients with lesions knee joints (The exception was the patients with the presence of contraindications to the use of the means and those that were shown by therapy with corticosteroids and immunosuppressants) were divided into two groups of 60 people.

Representatives of the first group should have glued a nanoplast in accordance with the instructions for use, the second was given similar appearance With the original plaster - placebo without any active therapeutic properties.

The observation period was 2 weeks. Already on the fourth day of use, the patients of the first group have noted a pronounced reduction in pain compared to the initial.

With the further use of the analgesic effect of the patch. Also, the doctors noted the improvement in the functional activity of the joints, disappeared the morning stiffness, and this testifies that nanoplast has not only symptomatic action, but also affects the pathogenesis of inflammation.

Also, patients of the first group disappeared the need to take high doses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds, they were canceled by some patients. According to the results of the study, the visible improvement in the state came almost 85% of representatives of the first group and only 5% - the second.

An important result of this study was also the establishment of the fact of good tolerance by patients and the lack of harm from treatment and unwanted reactions with the exception of light skin irritation, which quickly disappeared. Also, the doctors concluded that the use of the means of a nanoplast allows to reduce the medicinal load on the body and reduce the course of admission to be fraught with serious complications of drugs from the NSAID group.

Nanoplasty: Indications and Contraindications for use, possible unwanted reactions

The doctor's transdermal agent is recommended for various inflammatory and dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal system and caused by such pathologies of complications, losses of soft tissues. Nanoplaster is prescribed at:

  • osteochnosis of various spinal departments, as well as with headaches, dizziness and other disorders caused by changes in the structure of the intervertebral discs of the cervical and inflation;
  • neuralgia (severe pains localized in the course of any nerve fiber);
  • mositis (skeletal muscles inflammation);
  • ishias (damage to the sedlication nerve);
  • arthritis (inflammatory processes in the joints, including autoimmune);
  • arthrosis (diseases of the joints, accompanied by dystrophic processes);
  • radiculitis (damage to the roots of nerve spinal cord processes);
  • the hernia of the spine (offset and sputtering of intervertebral disks);
  • bruises, stretching, hematomas and other closed injuries soft tissues;
  • sports injuries;
  • lumbago (sharp strong pain in the field of the lower back, in the people such pathology is called a shot);
  • spondyltrosis (dystrophic damage to the joints of the spine);
  • miofascial syndrome (acute muscle pain arising from the wrong allocation of muscle load).

In addition, nanoplasty is used and with different intensities of pain syndrome, tug excit and other symptoms of dorsopathy spine and joints. But in some cases, the use of this transdermal agent is contraindicated. First of all, it open wounds, ulcers and manifestations of dermatosis in the field of application.

Preliminary consultation of the dermatologist is necessary if there is on the skin at the attachment of the plaster of large moles and popy spotswarts. Nanoplasty is also not recommended to use during pregnancy.

This is due to the lack of clinical data on the effect of infrared and magnetic radiation on the intrauterine development of the fetus. However, the components of the transdermal drug do not affect the process breastfeedingSo nanoplasty can be used to facilitate back pain and shoulder belt immediately after delivery without stopping lactation. The use of the tool practically does not cause any unwanted reactions.

But in some cases, the appearance of rash and itching in the attachment site. Often it occurs with the tendency to increased sweating and allergic reactions. Side Effects from side skin Pokrov Pass very quickly. If redness and itching do not stop, it is necessary to apply an anti-allergic gel on the skin (for example, phenyatil), suspend the use of a transdermal nanopolyster and consult a doctor.

Nanoplast: instructions for use, proper use, special instructions

For ease of use, the plaster is produced in three sizes: 7 × 9 cm, 9 × 12 cm and 11 × 16 cm. Pre-processing means before use is not required. It is enough to remove the protective layer and grip tightly to the pre-peeled dry skin over the inflammation site. As a rule, with pressure on this area, strong pain is felt and other symptoms of inflammation (swelling, redness and local hyperthermia) are noticeable.

Nanoplast, instructions for the use of which describes in detail the method of use, it is necessary to leave on the skin at 12 o'clock (usually recommended to fix it in the morning after the adoption of hygienic procedures, but you can leave overnight), and the next to attach no earlier than after 6 hours. With therapy of chronic lesions of the spine and the joints of the doctor, they advise the use of patch by courses. One course lasts 9 days, then take a break for one week.

For acute pain Nanoplast instruction instruction advises to attach from 3 to 9 days in a row. To treat the effects of strong bruises and hematomas, the length of therapy is from 3 to 6 days.

The occurrence of light heat and burning in the attachment site is normal and does not require the termination of the use of a transdermal plaster.

In annotations K. drug Not described cases and symptoms of overdose. But in accordance with the reviews of patients, the excess of the recommended time of using this local drug is fraught with a change in skin pigmentation, increased skin photosensitivity and the appearance of signs of an allergic reaction.

Purchase nanoplast, instructions for use of which is available on the official website, can be in any pharmacy or shop that trades products medical prescription. Store the packaging with a transdermal preparation at room temperature away from the access of children. The shelf life of the plaster is 5 years.

For the treatment of acute and chronic lesions of the musculoskeletal system, the doctor consider the expedient combination of nanoplast with drugs from a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents in the form of tablets or injections. At the same time shows the use of non-drug therapy.

These are physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, phonophoresis, heating of affected joints), massage, manual therapy, use of belts, bandages and other fixing devices.

Simultaneously with the plaster on the same section of the skin it is impossible to apply other transdermal products, ointments, gels and creams.

Plock Nanoplast: analogues, opportunity to use at an early age, cost

Complete analogue in composition, but a less popular is a transdermal agent manufactured using modern achievements Nanotechnology, Vazoplast from the same manufacturer, which also produces a plaster of nanoplast.

At the form of release, replace this plaster:

  • Voltaren. The active component of the means is diclofenac, which penetrates through the pores of the skin has an anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Stick for 24 hours. In contrast to nanoparticles of rare-earth metals of a nanoplast, much more often causes allergic reactions, it can also be causal systemic complications.
  • Pepper plaster. It contains only natural ingredients, has a pronounced warming and stimulating blood flow. However, its use is accompanied by strong pain and burning. Continuous use is allowed for 2 days.
  • Salonpas or Salonship. Contains menthol, camphor and tocopherol. Practically does not have an anti-inflammatory effect, designed to facilitate pain syndrome.

As for the use of nanoplast in early ageThe annotation does not indicate restrictions for use in children. However, it should be borne in mind that the influence of the transdermal drug on the child's body is not sufficiently studied, so it is better to use it up to 12-14 years after consulting a doctor.

The plaster of nanoplast is contraindicated during pregnancy, but does not affect the lactation process.

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