That's what happens when you crouch your fingers. The whole truth from the medical shine! Okolosmerty experiences Dr. Donald Whitaker Exercises for Hand joints

My husband loves criste with fingers. Such is his habit. The sound that is obtained in the process of these manipulations is not very pleasant for the hearing of others. And recently they told me that such a habit leads to Arthrosis in old age.

My son repeats this habit, and I don't want my boys at all, so that my boys damage their joints ... Therefore, it is very important for me to understand, the crunch of fingers is an innocent habit or destruction of joints?

Editorial "So simple!" I decided to shed light to the question of whether it was harmful to crisp my fingers actually?

Crunch in the joints

California doctor, Donald Unger in his books and publications mentions that since childhood he has crisp the knuckles of his left hand. Naturally, Donald often heard a warning from his mother, which in old age arthritis is waiting for him. But survived to 83 years, it claims that the sensations in his right and left hands are the same.

From his point of view, the sound that we hear when the crunch of the fingers is just the span of gas bubbles. And we stimulate the tendons, we relax the muscles and weaken the joints.

In the joint area, the bone is covered with articular cartilage, and the joint itself is surrounded by a special capsule, which is filled with synovial fluid. The liquid reduces friction and contributes to the mobility of the joint.

When you make a sharp movement with your fingers - the space of the liquid capsule is expanding and the pressure drops in it. Oxygen dissolved in it, nitrogen and carbon dioxide as if they boil, forming blades bubbles. It is this sound that we hear when a man crushes joints.

Orthopedists believe that the characteristic sound occurs in bundles and tendons. In case of bending or stretching the joints of the tendon, it seems to overcome resistance and make a crunch. Regular forced restoring the mobility of Sustav In this way, it can be destabilized.

Orthopedopian doctors say that if you "hurt" with your fingers a couple of times in life there will be nothing terrible. But what if you do constantly?

In the first time, a person will not harm the "loosening" of the joints, but after 9-13 years of this destructive habit, it can be noted that the joints will begin to swell, and the fingers acquire an ugly shape.

With prolonged crunch, there is a possibility to destabilize the joints, and this in turn can provoke dislocation and pinching nerve endingsand then lead to inflammatory processes in tissues. And the next step will be the appearance of arthritis.

If the desire to chop joint occurs as a way to remove the unpleasant sensations in the fingers of the hands, be sure to turn to the doctor. A permanent desire to pull out about numerous muscle spasms.

And also the habit of criste with your fingers can wear a neurotic or stressful character. This is also worth paying attention to.

Leading experts orthopedic and traumatologists in the event of the need to "hurt with fingers" propose to replace this procedure with dynamic exercises or pamper your fingers with the addition of sea salt.

Exercises for hands joints

  1. Svgbay and Ripbai fingers in a fist. When performing this movement, do not forget to strain your fingers. Do this exercise should be 4-5 times.
  2. Imagine that you click someone in the forehead. Such virtual clicks should be performed by each finger. Do this exercise follows 2-3 times.
  3. Coolas, in turn, fingers, ranging from the little finger and ending with a thumb, then we do the opposite. Do this exercise follows 2-3 times.
  4. Starting the fingers to the manner of the "scissors" exercise. Do this exercise should be 4-5 times.
  5. Connect your fingers into the "Castle" and raise them above your head, and then sharply lower them down, each separately. Do this exercise follows 3-4 times.
  6. Connect the fingers again into the "Castle" and make the "wave". Do this exercise should be 4-5 times.

After a few hours behind the office table or at the computer, many people have a feeling of stiffness, from which they are trying to get rid of swimsmiths with joints.

It really makes relief, but is not harmful to criste with your fingers in order to restore their mobility? Doctors argue that it is better to give preference to the usual massage hands or uncomplicated physical exercises. And if you choose time to regularly visits the pool, then the joints will be very grateful to you.

Also, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the useful and interesting way how to remove the tension after the working day.

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Disputes on this issue as much as disputes, on the topic "who was before the chicken or egg"!

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If you wish, you can find a lot of articles proving that this is a completely harmless habit or on the contrary, a dangerous procedure, with the consequences of which you will encounter in old age. Many can calm you down, while others on the contrary scare arthritis.

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And in general, why do people crunch with fingers?




Interestingly, in ancient times in the Middle East, it was accepted at the funeral and in the sign of the sorrow along the deceased person to crunch with his fingers loudly, and at the same time he was climbing hands. But for some reason, truly grieving people, for example, in the widow, never worked with fingers. Therefore, it was necessary to hire special places, which, among other things, were obliged to "climb hands."

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Now some people simply love to click the joints of the fingers. The sound published by the joints is very nervous. Maybe therefore a person enjoys such actions?)))


Sometimes, it seems to be a person that this is the only way to stretch the cropped hands and remove the tension. Gradually, such a "relaxation" develops into a bad habit, because, the more often you crush my fingers, the more often the desire arises to repeat the "procedure".



So crunch or not criste?


Let's look at the versions for and against the crunch fingers together. You can read the opinion of the harm of the crunch with the fingers of very many elderly, authoritative people, for example, such as alifornian doctor, Donald Unger. In his books and publications, he mentions that since childhood, from day to day, crusher knuckles left hand. Naturally, heard a warning from his mother very often, which in old age will be waiting for arthritis. But survived to 83 years, it claims that the sensations in his right and left hands are the same.


From his point of view, we stimulate the tendons, we relax the muscles and weaken the joints. But then I want to ask a question to the respected Mr. Donald Unger. If, as he claims, crunch fingers is not only harmless, but also useful, then why in old age his hands in the same condition? Shouldn't his left hand feel better than the right? Do not forget that Donald Unger received his premium on medicine not for the proof of the harmlessness of the Hrush's habit of his fingers, and for the experiment spent on himself!



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But what happens in the joint in fact?

Roughly speaking, the joint is the place of connecting two bones, surrounded by the articular bag, which is filled with liquid. When we crunch your fingers, we expand the space between the bones. The articular fluid becomes not enough to fill the resulting gap. Therefore, the pressure inside falls, a bubble filled with gas is formed. It bursts, and we hear the characteristic sound.

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In the second photo it can be seen that when stretching the joint, the cavity is formed in it

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Orthopedists against crunch!


Leading orthopedists persistently do not recommend crunching with fingers. Doctors agree with the conclusion that the sound that we hear when the crunch of fingers is bursting gas bubbles. But I want to figure it out what kind of gas and where bubbles come from in it.


When a person crunches with his fingers, it dramatically reduces the pressure in the intermediate liquid and the gas located in it highlights bubbles, and they in turn are bursting and we hear it. Over time, everything will be in place, but so far it happens, in the joints of the fingers, the balance of the intermediate liquid is broken and because of this, the joints are ocked.

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If you "hurt" with my fingers a couple of three times in life, nothing terrible will not, but if you do it all?


At first, you may not feel harm from the "loosening" of the joints, but after 8-12 years of this fellow habit, you will notice that the joints will begin to swell, and the fingers acquire the ugly shape.

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With prolonged crunch, you can destabilize the joints, and this in turn can provoke dislocation and pinching of nerve endings, and then lead to inflammatory processes in the tissues.

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And the next step will be the appearance of arthritis.

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Famous doctors Castellanos J. and Axelrod D. When writing his book "The chronicle of the rheumatic disease" (1990) conducted research on the influence of the crunch of fingers ... on the basis of X-rays prove that this habit leads to the swinging of the joints and deformation of the fingers.

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Conclusion - any crunch is harmful!




There are people who love criste with joints. Most often, such a crunch occurs when the fingertips of the fingers, although the crunch can be carried out with the help of the neck, the spine, etc.


It is believed that if it is often cristed with joints, vertebrae and other human accessories that can make a crunch, then a shortest bundle in these places are increasingly stretched, and the functioning is reduced. Two camps appear here: some say that arthritis is provided to you, others are completely denying it. Well, all this is great, but some answer is needed - harmful crunch or not?

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Harmful! So conjure with this bad habit, i.e. Criste specifically. On the other hand, if periodically drawing a charging or stretching there, then the crunch in the spine is inevitable, but it can hardly damage. On the contrary, it is useful. And it may be the impression that you need to throw any physical exercises With the mark: "No matter what I do not choke." So specially criste with your fingers and, moreover, the neck is not very desirable, because it is sooner or later it will be silent.



Leading experts orthopedic and traumatologists in the event of the need to "hurt with fingers" offer to replace this procedure with dynamic exercises or pamper your fingers with baths with the addition of sea salt.

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Dynamic exercises for the joints of the fingers:


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  • 1. Bend and instill your fingers into the fist, do not forget to strain your fingers when performing this movement. Do this exercise should be 4-5 times.
  • 2. Imagine that you click someone on the forehead. Such virtual clicks should be performed by each finger. Do this exercise follows 2-3 times.
  • 3. Squeeze, in turn, fingers starting from the little finger and ending with a thumb, then we do the opposite. Do this exercise follows 2-3 times.
  • 4. Perfect the fingers to the manner of the "scissors" exercise. Do this exercise should be 4-5 times.
  • 5. Connect your fingers into the "lock", lift them above your head and dramatically lower them down, each separately. Do this exercise follows 3-4 times.
  • 6. Connect your fingers into the "Castle" and expect the "wave". Do this exercise should be 4-5 times.

These are such simple and painless exercises will replace crunch fingers.


But if the exercises help fingers, unfortunately, they will not get rid of the habit. Try to divert yourself when the desire arises to hurt your fingers. To begin with, you can simply dissolve your hands. If it did not help, go through small balls or a handle between your fingers, and even better buy a ruby \u200b\u200bcube and collect it when the desire arises to hurt your fingers. And it should be remembered that at a young age get rid of the harmful habit, much easier than in the elderly.

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But if you so want to hurt, then why not hurt?

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Crusting right!




1-touch palm together. Let's say, as if they kept a playing bone between them. This is the first stage.

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2- sharply straighten your fingers and push the joint of each phalanx. It will be easy to chill, the upper is more difficult, but you can also. The forces with which you give, should be enough to chop immediately.


Sometimes it does not help. If you add and press, if you already have a finger, and does not crunch - leave this finger alone!

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3- Another option is to compress one palm in the fist. Then, accordingly, you need to rest in it another palm and click. So you can cool immediately nearby!


You can turn your hand slightly and put pressure on the upper joints too. By the way, you will have to get used to it, and first it is also hurt.

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4 crunge one finger at a time. Squeeze the fist, as required for other methods, but now concentrate on one finger at one point in time. If all the pressure is directed to one finger, it can be chopping well, just very loud!


Hold the palm of one hand that the finger on which you will expose pressure. It is necessary to put on this finger with a thumb. Davit or from above, or from the bottom of the finger - the main thing to one at a time. Experiment and do not squeeze your hand in the fist. Instead, fold the palm of your hand as if you pray. Your fingers and palms must touch each other. Then you turn the palm ... and keep your fingers still pressed to each other! Press the fingers to the fingers is stronger, spreading the palm, until it lisps.


Here it may be necessary to blame the hands. Middle and ring fingers should be chopped immediately, index and the little finger - after a while. 6 - Learn to crunch, turning your fingers.


There are two options here:


One hand is thrown for your finger, keep your finger straight, and start turning your hand. Over time, learn how to get well!


So you can go criste and upper phalanges - just take a little higher.


Grasp top Finger and turn your hand. In other words, you will not twist a crunchy hand, but to twist your hand, Khruty at this time.

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7 - Learn to crunch with your fingers, without touching them. Strain your fingers and start slowly bending them forward. It can work if you can easily go criste. However, for many it is an unattainable dream.

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Even fewer people know how to squeeze the crunch of a finger, which just cheat. If you do not work, do not worry - after 5-10 minutes it turns out.


Methods to squeeze out of the fingers a crunch lot: thrust with your fingers, print them, and then pull sharply ... The main thing, pull the stronger.


It is possible to crunch each finger separately, it can even be found that the fingers are crunchy under a thorough angle. Experiment, turning hands!


Large and index fingers hold down the finger on the other hand for the middle phalanx, squeeze it, turn it there and here - and you will hear no crunch, but something like "click".


Can be very directed low part Finger to squeeze the crunch out of it. Believe me - it turns out, although not immediately.


Relax your fingers, then grab one of them and start bending around.


Crunch in the joints is the sound of "cracking" character arising from passive or active movements. Most often, the crunch occurs with intentional flexion (pulling) fingers to the least. Crunch can occur in many joints, such as spine, thigh, wrist, elbow, shoulder, fingers, knees, jaw and others.

Why does this crunch and crack appear? Is it harmful to do that?

The reasons for this crunch were the subject of controversy in medical literature at least since the 1930s, but the consent between scientists was not achieved. In 1947, British researchers first put forward the theory, according to which the cause is in the joints of "empty bubbles". At the moment when the contact between the surfaces of the bones in the joint disappears, the pressure of the synovial fluid drops, and the gas dissolved in it is released into bubbles, as bubbles appear in the opened bottle with carbonated water. The hypothesis explaining the crunch of fingers appeared in the gas bubble joint was put forward by two more doctors from the Hospital of St. Thomas in London, conducted experiments using an X-ray apparatus.

Studies have shown that the synovial fluid contains quite a lot of dissolved carbon dioxide (approximately 15% of the total). And in 1947, Wheeler Haines suggested (using confirmations obtained by radiographs) that clicking arises due to the sharp formation of the gas cavity, which create an opportunity for a sudden expansion of the amplitude of movement, which generates sound. However, with the help of a high-speed camera, it was shown that bubbles fall again in 0.01 seconds after occurrence. Later, for a long time it was believed that the gas bubbles accumulating serves as the crunch of the joint. Since not all gas bubbles collapse, it is necessary for some time on its complete dissolution (approximately 15 minutes) in the synovial fluid, also time is required in order for the articular surfaces to come together (cavitation effect is possible). For example, when pulling a finger, a vacuum is created in the Metal-Falangie joint, the gas cavities are suddenly formed, which are then instantly falling down, which generates vibrations that are transmitted to surrounding tissues.

Canadian researchers with the help of magnetic resonance tomography managed to answer the question why the crunch is heard, if they pull the finger. This time, scientists under the guidance of Professor Gregory Kuchuk (Gregory N. Kawchuk) from the Unbetta's university in Edmonton resorted to the achievements of the XXI century technology. They built a device that made it possible to pull the finger while the brush hand was in the tomograph. Tomograph fixed the process at a speed of 3.2 frames per second.

As a result, it was possible to establish that the cause of sound is the phenomenon that physicists is called tribonucleation. Cavitation (or tribonucloration) is the formation of small gas cavities in the joint, which are capable of dramatically increase the amount of intra-articular space.

When two solid surfaces are immersed in a liquid containing dissolved gas, their compound and separation can cause the appearance of small gas bubbles. In the technique, the tribonucleation is observed, for example, in bearings. In the case of a crunch, the bones surrounded by the synovial fluid, which filled the joint cavity is filled with the fingers as solid surfaces.

In each case, the crunch and "discrepancy" of the joint was associated with the rapid appearance of the cavity filled with gas, the bubble in the synovial fluid is an exceptionally slippery substance that moisturizes the joints. When the surface of the joint suddenly "diverges", the fluid becomes not enough to fill the volume of the joint, therefore the cavity is created, and this leads to the formation of sound.

The behavior of Gregory Kurchuk compares with two glued glass plates applied to each other. They are very difficult to divide, as the water film between them creates resistance to overcome. That is, the sound that makes tape, if you wear the ego from the wall, then it causes this sound.

And its cause is the cavity rapidly formed inside the joint. The working title of the study ("Pulling me for a finger") reflected its essence - this is exactly what was the observation, which was recorded with the help of MRI and showed what was happening inside the joints. To search for answers, the learning group needed someone who could crunch knuckles on request, since most people who are "crunchy" can always extract crunch of all fingers and after standard respite to do it again. The test fingers alternately placed in the tube connected to the cable, which was slightly pulled to the crunch in the joint. The crunch was fixed on MRI in real time and took place every 310 milliseconds.

In 2015, the MRI scanning group conducted by the group of scientists in real time showed that it is the moment of the formation of bubbles in the synovial fluid that causes a click, and their decrease occurs silently.


1. Crunch is absolutely normal, there is no harm. But benefits too.

2. "The ability to crunch knuckles can be attributed to the health of the joints," says the author of the Cauchak research.

3. Does not cause arthrosis. Popular view that crunch is deliberately harmful and can cause it various diseases Musculoskeletal system (arthritis, osteoarthritis). A recent X-ray study for 215 people showed that there are no differences in the risk of joint diseases in people who crush their fingers and no. It also does not matter the frequency with which this manipulation is performed.

3. Without panic. If the crunch in the joint is not accompanied by pain, edema, increase in temperature, then there are definitions for panic. If any of the named symptoms are present, you should consult a doctor.

4. Schnobel. Dr. Donald Unger conducted his own experiment. He crunched with my fingers only one left hand every day for 60 years, after which no differences in the brushes were revealed. The scientist received the so-called Shnobelevskaya (not Nobel!) Prize for this work in 2009

5. The desire to hurt. If the crunch causes discomfort, or the desire to chop joint occurs as a way to remove the unpleasant sensations in the joint, it is worth finding a specialist who can estimate functional state joints (usually needed an assessment of biomechanical chains, and not one joint) and muscles involved in their movement (orthopedist, physician physician, rehabilitol, competent fitness coach). A permanent desire to surrender speaks of numerous muscle spasms.

6. Neurotic crunch of poliet. In another study, they found that the habit of crunching the knuckles of fingers can correlate with the presence of such habits, like smoking, alcoholism or passion to nibble nails on hand, i.e. Wear a neurotic or stressful character. This is also worth paying attention to.

Although of course criste with fingers, knees, neck, spine is not the same thing. All due to the fact that spine It contains more nervous endings that are easy to pinch.


1. Cook withered, and Moriate hunger fever

This is a very, very old saying, the first of its mention is found in the 16th century sources. So we, almost 450 years later, still believe in it. And all this time we were wrong. The justification of the saying is the opinion that when it is cold, you should eat something hot (mostly recommended chicken broth) to warm up. And on the contrary, when you have a temperature, you need to starve to bring down it.

Well, the first part of the saying is correct. If you frozen, a hot soup plate will make you feel better. And nevertheless the second part is far from the truth. A more accurate advice would be: "Eat in moderation and when it is cold, and for fever." Hunger is not a solution to the problem. And at the same time, throwing out a huge amount of food is also not a way out. Overeating also does not give positive results. In principle, you need to listen to the signals of your own body: if you are hungry - you eat. But do not do it just because you need to warm up. Warm blanket works well.

2. Hernia causes weight lift

In fact, it is only part of the truth. The hernia may appear or if they are already present, aggravate as a result of raising heavy things. But this is not the only reason. There are several different types of hernia, although the most common is the groove, localized in abdominal cavity. The emergence of this disease is always accompanied by hellish pain. Nevertheless, there are other reasons for the development of illness. They include a sudden weight gain, pregnancy, constipation, permanent cough, muscle atrophy. You can even earn a hernia if you sneeze too much. If you have weak muscles, you are in the risk group, and the following factors can provoke the disease: age, injuries, chronic cough, innate defects.

3. If you crush your fingertips, it will lead to arthritis

If you ever crunched with your fingers, you probably heard such a warning. Good news for you! There is no scientific evidence in support of this idea. If you briefly tell about the scientific research carried out, they did not find any connection between this habit and osteoarthritis. One of them shows that these actions may subsequently lead to edema and weakening the adhesion of the joints, but nevertheless it is not arthritis.

It is primarily to tell about one of the tests carried out in this area, exclusively in cognitive purposes. Dr. Donald Unger (like many other people) as a child was warned by his mother, which crunch will lead to arthritis, and therefore in adulthood decided to verify this approval and use himself as a experimental rabbit. Within 60 (!) For years, he crunched knuckles only on one hand. At the end of the experiment, there were no differences between the two hands. Thus, he proved that his mother was not right. In 2009, he received a Schnobel Prize.

4. You can not swim after meals

This is practically a myth. It has only the share of truth. Although it is necessary to wait 30 minutes between meals and swimming, there is a sense. If you are going to the pool to actively swim, or just going to perform energetic exercises, it makes sense to wait a bit, otherwise the cramp can happen. Yes, and engage in full stomach pretty hard.

Nevertheless, the myth appeared not because of these reasons. In most cases, this is an excuse of tired parents who want their little "energy users" at least a little quietly. I do not want, of course, to disappoint them, but a simple bathing after meal is not harmful. And fairy tales that the body does not have enough oxygen, for it is engaged in digesting food - just a fairy tale. It is enough for all organs.

5. Do not allow people with a concussion to fall asleep

If you are not a medical worker and do not receive regular shocks on your head, then most likely, all you know about shockers, is drawn by you from TV screens, from movies and TV shows. And regardless of the development of the plot, there is one golden rule: people can not fall asleep to people. You will see that the characters are doing everything possible so that the victims remain awake, because if they fall asleep in the plot - this means who or death.

In fact, the first thing you have to do is deliver a person with any injury to the hospital to the hospital as soon as possible treatment. However, when you get there, you may be surprised when the doctor says that a patient needs a vacation. Most qualified doctors think so if the shaking is not too serious. Just for the sick you need to constantly observe. And at most that doctors recommend - wake the victims of the victim a few hours to make sure that his condition did not deteriorate.

6. Bearding appear due to frogs

There are no amphibians that can reward you with warts, because in fact they are caused by viruses. The origin of this myth is probably due to the fact that many species of frogs and the toad on the back there are highlights resembling warts. But in fact, they have nothing to do with warts. However, keep in mind that many amphibians allocate a secret that can be dangerous for a person. But even if there is no creature to them, you should not take it, as it can simply write to your hand. Just give the frogs calmly live.

7. Bades are always useful.

Each biology active additive It has its application. If during the diet your body lacks any nutrientBad can serve its source. However, there is a limit of omnipotence of these drugs, although many people neglect the intelligent recommendations for their use. In the end, "health can not be too much," isn't it? In fact, it can. Practically, each vitamin or mineral element has the upper extremely allowable consumption standards that cannot be exceeded. And if you do this, then the dietary supplements will bring more harm than good.

8. Sitting too close to TV is harmful to sight

With modern plasma and LCD TVs, this is no longer a problem. Indeed, in the 60s of the last century, televisions were produced, which adversely affected health. However, they were seized from sale, and the stereotype remained. Excessive voltage of vision and fatigue can take place in any case, if you look too long in the "blue screen", and it does not depend on the distance. However, everything passes after full night sleep. There is no irreparable damage.

Many parents may argue that their Chad has developed myopia, because they were too close to the TV. Communication may have, but not quite the one that is said. Most likely, children are approaching too close to TV just because of the already available myopia. In other words, close to finding near the screen - a consequence, not the reason poor vision.

9. Alcohol kills brain cells

This opinion was distributed for a very long time, most likely, thanks to the promotion of supporters of abstinence. Even if you feel more stupid than before, it does not mean that you have lost the brain cells. Of course, it is impossible to say that alcohol does not affect our gray substance. Affects, and directly and long, but after long periods of abuse. At the direct level, alcohol intoxicates you, violates the logic of thoughts and makes you believe that you really sing in karaoke. In the end excessive use alcohol can lead to serious neurological violationsThe most difficult of which is Wernik-Korsakov syndrome. The good news is that the cessation of alcohol abuse allows the brain to recover even after several years of systematic drunkenness.

10. If the hair shave, they will grow thicker

Thickness, color, length, the growth rate of hair is determined by the individual characteristics of the body. Shaving does not affect them any effect and does not make them thicker or darker. It may look true, because new hairs have stupid tips, and the skin seems rough, itching appears (because of this and the vegetation seems thicker on it), but this feeling will leave when the hair is growing up. In fact, if you notice that the hair on the body or face became thick or tougher, it can be caused by changes in the body, so it is worth checking for a doctor.

If you want to fix health on New Year, it is better to fly somewhere to you, to warm the bones, especially on the work of only the 12th. Look at the prices of burning tours from Moscow and choose your favorite direction. Although the climate change, especially from winter in the summer is not always good. But who prevents you from choosing rest in the mountains?

People have different bad habits. It does not mean smoking alcohol or drugs. Some love to drum fingers on the table during a conversation, others - swing the foot in the tact said words, and some click the knuckles, without thinking, it is harmful to crunch with their fingers. They do not notice how annoying it is annoying, they just like it all, especially if after clicking pulling out the finger and cheat again. Some do it when they are nervous, others are habit, not noticing. But this is not a harmless lesson. First, addictive and man comes to the fingers automatically. Secondly, such a process causes changes in the shocking joints, which leads to their deformation.

Why shrink fingers

Lovers hurt your fingers explain their destructive habit of removing the tension from the striking fingers. But how can they numb, if they are constantly moving. Yes, with prolonged immobilization in the joints, voltage increases. To remove it, people click the joints.

After that, it becomes easier for them, because the ratio of the joint surfaces is restored, the pressure in the field of their connection is reduced. In this case, the intra-articular fluid begins to fluctuate much, as if boiling, and forms air bubbles. It is they who are bursting at squeezing and cause sound as a click. This phenomenon was described in the process of conducting an experiment by scientists, where all manipulation was recorded on a radiographic picture.

The opinion of orthopedists does not coincide with the statement of scientists. They believe that clicking is a consequence of microtrase tendons and ligaments, which, when tension, publish a characteristic crunch.

Click knuckles it is impossible

Doctors insist that frequent exposure to stretching joints causes them to loosen. Also believes most of ordinary people. There are diseases in which there is a characteristic crunch in the joints and it is not associated with a bad habit.

In the presence of data disorders, you can not click with your fingers. This leads to even greater injury to the joints, causes acute inflammatory processes.

Do you need to contact a doctor

Crunching of the joints of the fingers can talk about the development serious diseases joints or presence of congenital pathologies (mentioned above). Therefore, it is impossible to assert that the joints are cristed due to the harmful habit. When clicking at the appearance of orthopedes, to conduct an appropriate diagnostic study and eliminate the presence of other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. If such violations are not observed, then try to get rid of the habit, so as not to cause the development of diseases of the joints.

If the crunch is caused by destructive changes in bone and cartilage tissue, then treatment of pathological processes. It is carried out comprehensive treatment (medical therapy, diet, healing physical culture, compliance with labor regime).

Harm from crunching fingers

Children inheriting adults often repeat different movements and habits. How to crush fingers, children can be noticed in the kindergarten. Already at this age they may begin to develop the pathology of the joints, since children's bones and cartilage are not durable, therefore deformations are exposed faster. If such a habit is seen, turn to child doctor Or a psychologist, so that he advise how to remove the child from such actions.

Being young people, do not think about their consequences harmful habits. Therefore, do not give the values \u200b\u200bto the prevention that such manipulation is harmful and leads to the development of pathological processes in the joints. In young age, no changes are observed in the articular compounds, but with age everything changes. Appears:

Scientists argue that constant stretching of the joints of the fingers leads to a decrease in their elasticity, frequent dislocation and irritation of nearby nerves. Also frequent joints of the joints lead to erasing cartilage and bone surfaces, impaired mobility. That is, a minor harmful habit leads to significant consequences - arthritis. But clinically it is not proven.

There are no statistical data that would confirm that arthritis developed due to the shoe to the joints of the fingers. A destructive habit is a impetus to the emergence of this disease in people who have a predisposition to the pathologies of the joints.

There is another opinion. The doctor from California Donald Ungher for 60 years clicked with the joints of one hand and did not notice any deviations in the joints of the joints, that is, such a procedure did not harm him, but also there was no benefit, since the joint did not differ in particular mobility. It may not have observed the deformation of the joint because of the individual characteristics of the body of the scientist. After all, not every person is predisposed to diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

In any case, this habit needs to get rid of not provoking articular diseases and not annoying others.

How to get rid of habit

Most people argue that they are cristed with the joints of the fingers only in the state of emotional arousal, because they are so easier to remove the tension, concentrate on something concrete. If this is rare, then nothing terrible.

When the process is repeated systematically, it acquires the status of a harmful habit, from which it is very difficult to get rid of themselves. Psychological addiction appears. Then a person constantly needs to control his movements and instead of stretching the joints to conduct a mini charging:

Often people who have bad habits bring their execution to automatism. If you do not pay attention to the process of holding the manipulation, they will not remember this, and most often will deny this fact. Therefore, to get rid of such a habit you need to constantly control and stop clicking, if it is noticed. If this fails to do it yourself, then ask for relatives or colleagues to make comments every time stretching fingers.

If the snacking is associated with emotional experiences, then the patient is worth working, which would distract it, demanded a reinforced concentration of attention (drawing, needlework). In the case when the patient does not bind the manifestation of habits with any circumstances, it is recommended to record all the cases of clicking with your fingers, as well as the reasons that cause them. Then it will be easier to get rid of the bad habit.

Very well relaxing hand brushes warm baths with chamomile, cheese, sea salt. Help to fight with bad habit of sports. In this situation, you need to go swimming. With systematic training strengthened nervous systemStabilized emotional condition, and addiction to the clicks of the fingers passes itself. No need to forget about products containing calcium, strengthening bone and cartilage tissue (dairy products, fish). You need to use nuts, legumes.

Than longer man He suffers from this bad habit, the more effort is spent to get rid of it.


Considering the above, it is impossible to say for sure: it makes harm to the scandal of the fingers or not. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body (as in the case of Californian scientists), the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system or the predisposition to the pathologies of the joints. Therefore, every person, weighing everything "for" and "against" decides on their own: get rid of him from the harmful habits or not.

It should be remembered that the constant crunch fingers is not as safe as it seems at first glance. When it appears it is better to consult with a specialist in order not to miss the development of serious diseases. To preserve health to old age, you need to maintain it from youth, do not expose the body not necessary procedures, get rid of bad habits, even if they seem harmless.

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