Excessive use of valerian. Does Valerian Have Side Effects

Valerian drops are called valerian alcoholic tinctures. Its main properties, indicated in the instructions for use, are sedative and hypnotic. However, in complex therapy valerian is used in the treatment of much more wide range diseases. It is used for headaches, hypertension, climacteric syndrome, diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and other chronic diseases.

Valerian drops have a recognizable brown color.

The biological activity of the active substances of valerian is rather low, therefore, the effect of the use of drops is observed after 2-4 weeks of treatment. This also applies to problems with sleep and nervous tension. After a single dose of the drug, there will be no effect. To feel better, you need to take valerian for at least 10 days. Its properties are manifested after the accumulation of a certain amount of active substances in the body.

Despite the fact that valerian drops are produced on the basis of a herbal component, they, like any medicine, have contraindications and side effects... Improper use of valerian or overdose can cause drowsiness, depression, headaches, blurred vision or hearing, overstimulation, trembling hands, and high blood pressure.

The use of valerian must be approached responsibly. In chronic diseases, it is used in complex therapy as additional remedy... Valerian does not help in emergency cases, but provides a stable effect with prolonged therapy and adherence to the correct dosages.

What is included in the drops with valerian

Valerian drops are sold in bottles of 25-30 ml. It contains crushed valerian rhizomes and roots, as well as ethanol... The ratio of these components is 1 unit of valerian rhizomes to 5 units of alcohol. The minimum alcohol content in the drops is 65%. No other additional components are used in the manufacture of the tincture.

The alcohol in the tincture can cause more severe side effectsthan valerian root

Drops of valerian have a natural reddish-brown hue and, when stored for a long time, can form a sediment at the bottom of the bottle. The photo below shows a bottle of such a tincture:

In the roots and rhizomes of valerian, more than 100 different components are isolated. The most valuable component is valerian essential oil (0.5-2% in dried raw materials), which contains valerian-borneol ether, borneol, tannins, isovaleric acid, bicyclic monoterpenes, valerian, saponins, polysaccharides and organic acids.

Valerian has been used for many centuries, but its study chemical composition continues now. In the course of recent studies, it has been established that the active ingredients of valerian are:

  • Valepotriates providing an antispasmodic effect;
  • Glycosides and borneol, which contribute to the expansion of the coronary vessels;
  • Sedative alkaloids;
  • Essential oils and resins that have a soothing effect on the central nervous system;
  • Organic acids - they provide a choleretic effect.

It is noteworthy that healing effect provides only a general extract from the plant, while individually its ingredients do not have a corresponding effect, or the effect of their use is extremely weak.

The additional substance in the drops is ethyl alcohol. In small doses, it also has vasodilating and hypotensive effects. It is also capable of causing increased drowsiness and inattention.

The effectiveness of the tool

The World Health Organization (WHO) Monograph states that the main pharmacological properties Valerian are mild sedative and hypnotic. In the UK and Germany, valerian drops are officially recognized as a hypnotic, and in the US, according to statistics, 45% of residents with sleep disorders use them.

At the same time, as a sleeping pill, valerian is very weak and does not help to fight severe insomnia.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of valerian is not observed immediately, but with the accumulation of active substances in the body. Valerian drops have low biological activity, but with prolonged therapy they provide a stable effect. Scientific studies have shown that within 14-28 days, 89% of the subjects decreased the time to fall asleep, and in 40% of people suffering from insomnia, normal sleep patterns were restored, irritability and emotional tension were gone.

Another study was conducted under the leadership of M. Cropley in 2002. It proved the effect of valerian on blood pressure... The subjects took the medicine for a month, after which they underwent a special test. He had to demonstrate how much blood pressure and heart rate would rise during stress. In subjects who took valerian, the indicators increased slightly and remained within the normal range.

The effectiveness of valerian after several weeks of use is also noted in diseases of the heart, blood vessels, nervous system, organs digestive tract and other pathologies. For example, with hypertension, drops are used in courses of 3-4 weeks with a week break, which allows you to gradually stabilize blood pressure.

When taking it, you need to strictly control the amount of funds and avoid overdose

In an emergency, you should not count on valerian drops. After one dose, they will not provide an effect in case of stress, insomnia, or high blood pressure... The hypnotic effect of valerian after a single dose is very rare, and is more the exception than the rule.

The maximum single dose for an adult is 30 drops or 2 tablets. It is impossible to drink more, wanting to fall asleep or calm down as soon as possible, as the opposite effect may appear - nervous excitement or poisoning.

For what diseases is valerian drops used?

The pharmacopoeias indicate that valerian drops are used in complex therapy:

  • As a light analogue of synthetic sedatives or an additional agent in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system and sleep disorders;
  • As a means of stimulating digestion;
  • In the treatment of spasmolytic pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • In the treatment of spastic conditions smooth muscles, for example, with spastic colitis;
  • With diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
  • When hypertension;
  • With violations of the coronary circulation.

These actions of valerian have been confirmed by scientific research. However, drops were used only in complex therapy with long courses.

IN folk medicine valerian found wider application. It is used to treat:

  • Headaches and migraines;
  • Neuralgic pain;
  • Seizures;
  • Epileptic seizures;
  • Climacteric syndrome;
  • Menstrual pain;
  • Vascular diseases;
  • Eye diseases;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Asthma and pneumonia;
  • Constipation and increased flatulence;
  • Thyrotoxicosis;
  • Obesity.

However, it has no proven efficacy in these diseases.

Valerian has a complex effect on the body. It reduces the excitability of the central nervous system and reduces spasms of smooth muscle organs, has an inhibitory effect on the systems of the middle and medulla oblongata and increases the functional mobility of cortical processes. Valerian gradually improves the connection between the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures, improving the regulatory functions of the brain.

Due to the effect on the central nervous system, valerian drops have a calming, hypnotic and analgesic effect. Also, acting on the central nervous system, valerian acts indirectly on the heart and coronary vessels, ensuring their expansion and lowering blood pressure. This mechanism of action also explains the relief of symptoms in other functional diseases.

Also, valerian enhances the secretion of the glandular apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract and increases bile secretion, due to which it is used for diseases of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract.

The handbook of medicinal plants says that valerian reduces appetite by suppressing the activity of hypothalamic appetite centers. Therefore, it is also used in the treatment of obesity.

There are reviews about the use of valerian drops in anthelmintic therapy, for the treatment of infectious and bacterial diseases. However, these properties have not been proven.

As a sedative, valerian drops are also given to animals, the most pronounced effect they have on dogs and cats. On the latter, however, valerian acts at first very excitingly, cats behave practically inadequately, but then calm down.

Rules for using the drug

It is recommended for adults to take valerian tincture 20-30 drops 3-4 times a day after meals. The maximum dose per day should not exceed 100 drops. Since valerian drops have a pronounced taste and smell, they can be dripped into a cup and diluted with a small amount of pure water before use, and then washed down with something.

Most often, valerian is not used as an independent medicine, but as part of complex therapy. The dosage, method of administration and duration of treatment should be determined by the attending physician. The result of treatment depends on these three factors. Valerian has a mild effect and its effectiveness appears after 2-4 weeks. At the same time, it is also not worth delaying the course of treatment. After a month, you need to take a week break, and then continue taking. Valerian, according to the instructions, is not addictive, but breaks between courses are needed so that an overdose does not occur.

Valerian components accumulate in the body, which provides a slow, but stable effect. If during the application one dose was accidentally missed, then you do not need to drink an extra portion. A single pass will not have any effect on the results of treatment.

Tincture is not recommended for children under 12 years old. However, doctors sometimes prescribe to children after 3 years of age 1 drop of valerian for 1 year of life 2-3 times a day. To calm hyperactive children or sleep problems, it is sometimes advised to do valerian baths. Add 3-4 drops of medicine to 2-4 liters of water. Although valerian seems completely harmless, it is not worth giving the child, especially the baby, the medicine on its own, since there is a risk of side effects.

Before using the tincture, you must check the expiration date. It is better to throw out expired valerian, such a medicine will not be useful. Over time, the active ingredients lose their properties. If the drops appear cloudy or are inappropriate in color, they should not be used either. It is impossible to die from valerian, but the risk of side effects in such cases is very high. Also, it is not recommended to use valerian as the main medicine for the treatment of any disease due to its low effectiveness; it will not help to recover completely.

Overdose: in what doses can drops be dangerous

An adult can drink up to 100 drops of valerian during the day. This is the maximum dose. For a child, it is equal to the sum of three single doses, corresponding to 1 drop per 1 year of life. That is, if the child is 10 years old, the one-time rate is 10 drops, and the maximum is 30 drops per day. It is forbidden to give valerian to children under 3 years old.

Tincture of valerian, due to the alcohol content, begins to act faster than tablets. Overdose can occur even after a single use. However, most often it occurs with long-term treatment, when the patient has been using the medicine for more than a month and does not take breaks. They are needed so that the accumulated active substances of valerian are excreted from the body. If this does not happen, they continue to accumulate, which leads to poisoning and the development of serious complications.

Symptoms of an overdose with valerian drops are:

  • Drowsiness, apathy, increased fatigue, inattention, depression;
  • Dizziness, loss of consciousness;
  • Nervous excitement, trembling in the hands, dilated pupils;
  • Sleep disturbances, insomnia;
  • Increased blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, bradycardia;
  • Headache;
  • Impairment of hearing or vision;
  • Deterioration of the digestive process, constipation;
  • Heartburn, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Side effects from taking valerian can be the same as the symptoms that the remedy is trying to eliminate

In case of an overdose of valerian, it is usually enough to stop taking the drug so that the symptoms disappear and the condition stabilizes. If there are signs of poisoning, the body should be detoxified. To do this, you can drink a lot of pure or mineral water without gas (more than 2 liters per day), you can also drink enterosorbents.

On a note

Poisoning can be caused by both valerian itself and the alcohol that is part of the product. Regardless of the cause of intoxication, its symptoms will be approximately the same.

Although lethal dose Valerian is undefined, take it over normal not worth it. The effectiveness of the drug depends on the duration of the course of treatment, and not on the amount of the drug taken at a time.

If an adult or a child drank half or a whole bottle of valerian tincture, you should immediately consult a doctor. The hospital will perform a gastric lavage to reduce the risk of complications.

Possible side effects of valerian

Valerian is well tolerated and rarely causes side effects. Usually, they appear only with an overdose of a drug or an allergy to its components. In these cases, drowsiness, muscle weakness, lethargy and inattention may appear. Also, valerian can sometimes cause the opposite effect and instead of lowering the pressure, on the contrary, increase it or, instead of a sedative effect, have an exciting one.

Valerian, medicinal properties and contraindications, which will be discussed in detail in the article, are often used to calm the nervous system. The pharmaceutical properties of this plant are compared to powerful sedatives because it has a cumulative effect and has an alkaloid-mineral complex.

Description of the complex and rich composition of valerian

Unlike other types of herbs, valerian does not have a basic active substance, but still, there is one component - essential oil, which has a characteristic smell of this plant. Composition - the perfect combination of over 100 biodegradable active substances, which together have a positive effect on the body.

The healing properties of essential oil lie in the combined action of such constituent components as micro- and macroelements, alkaloids, tannins, ketodes, a complex of vitamins, alcohols (the main one is isovalerian), saponins, ethers. In total, the roots and rhizomes contain up to 2% of essential oil. It also contains formic, palmitic, malic, stearic and acetic acids, terpinoids, camphene, pinene and glycochid compounds.

The medicinal properties of valerian have a versatile effect, but most of all have a depressing effect on the central nervous system and help reduce muscle spasm.

Drops in the form of alcohol tincture are taken when:

  • headaches;
  • seizures caused by brucin;
  • nervous excitement;
  • deep emotional experiences;
  • heart palpitations;
  • shortness of breath;
  • asthma;
  • coronary insufficiency;
  • spastic constipation.

In folk medicine, the plant is known as a medicine against flatulence, worms and poor appetite... The crushed roots are brewed into powder and decoctions are made, which are used in the treatment of typhoid, lung diseases, scarlet fever and headaches.

Important! Preparations based on valerian, for example, Valocordin, Cardiovalen, are used together with other sedatives to prolong their action. Such a complex is categorically not suitable for children, since it will contribute to a slowdown in development and apathy.

A useful infusion for washing the eyes of babies and adults, as well as for general strengthening of the body. The effect of the treatment occurs only with regular use, and not with a one-time dose.

The ancient people also knew about the properties of valerian, the plant extract was added to perfumes and attracted cats, who were intoxicated with a characteristic aroma.

For women

Rhizomes and roots have medicinal properties for women. The plant is applied:

  1. With menopause. During the period of restructuring of the body, insomnia and a feeling of fatigue are noted. It is valerian (tablets, decoctions) that helps to establish sleep, relieve irritability and noticeably improve general state health.
  2. During pregnancy. During this period, women are dangerous to any nervous state and overstrain, as it can affect the health of the unborn baby. Medicinal properties during pregnancy are antispasmodic and sedative effects.

Important! Pregnant women should not take valerian tincture, since it contains alcohol, it is better to give preference to tablets or decoctions.

The use of drugs or decoctions on the root of valerian is recommended for women with anxiety, nervous excitement, stress, tearfulness, insomnia. An alternative to the internal intake is a warm, relaxing bath with a decoction of the plant (7-8 tbsp. Boxes of crushed roots, brewed in 1 liter of boiling water, insist and pour out).

For children

An insufficiently strong nervous system of a child forms unstable behavior, excitability, restlessness and moodiness. Doctors prescribe valerian for children for the following disorders:

  • hyperactivity;
  • neurasthenia;
  • insomnia;
  • apathy for food;
  • tachycardia;
  • migraine;
  • increased nervous irritability;
  • spasms in the digestive tract;
  • hysteria.

How much should children drink? Despite vegetable origin, valerian is powerful sedative, therefore, it is important to follow the dosage instructions that come with the pharmacy tinctures and tablets. Overuse of medications based on valerian roots can lead to depression, decreased performance, drowsiness, allergic rash, problems with stools, and developmental delay.

Important! Along with the indications, valerian has a side effect from the use (inflammation of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, individual intolerance), therefore, a specialist should prescribe treatment.

Valerian herb is contraindicated in children under 1 year old. After the baby has celebrated his first year, you can give him 1 drop each, 2-year-old child - 2 drops, and so on.

For men

The use of valerian root in medicine has not bypassed a strong half of humanity. Moreover, the herb for some reason is considered a means that lowers potency. This is an erroneous opinion, since male strength directly depends on the concentration of testosterone in the blood, the production of which is not affected by valerian. On the contrary, the medicinal root is able to cope with the problems of cardiovascular diseases (tachycardia, arrhythmias), reduce the frequency of muscle spasms, and avoid increased excitability and nervous tension.

Valerian can only cause drowsiness and a decrease in nervous excitability, which can contribute to a decrease in sexual desire for the opposite sex.

Valerian root, whose medicinal properties and contraindications are inherent, has several ways of application:

  1. Interior. It is used for flatulence, nervous excitement, anxiety, gastrointestinal spasms, headaches.

Recipe number 1 - 2 tsp. brew chopped roots in 1 tbsp. boiling water. For maximum saturation of the liquid with useful substances, it is recommended to additionally bring the infusion to readiness in a water bath for 15 minutes. How to use? - 1 tbsp. l. up to 4 times a day on an empty stomach.

Recipe number 2 - make a mixture of herbs from valerian rhizomes, yarrow (flowers), motherwort and anise fruits. Proportions: herbs 20 g each, fruits - 10 g. Pour 1 tbsp. l. collection with 1 glass of boiling water, bring to readiness in a water bath for 20 minutes, allow to cool, strain, add still boiled water to a glass to replenish the original volume. How to drink? - 1/3 cup 3 times daily before meals. The broth is recommended for use with heart problems.

Recipe number 3 - for insomnia. This is a classic decoction when 1 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured with 1 glass of boiling water and boiling is continued for another 15 minutes. Further, insist 40 minutes, filter and take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day (for children - 1 tsp)

  1. Aromatherapy (for insomnia). How to cook? Mix 100 g of crushed mint and valerian roots, place in cheesecloth, inhale before going to bed, or place near a pillow. Also, the inhalation procedure can be repeated at night.

Important! Valerian inhalations can lead to headaches after waking up in the morning, in which case, reduce the dosage of the herb, which is placed in a gauze bag, or reduce the number of times the scent is inhaled.

Aromatherapy can be performed for up to 4 months without interruption, but in this case, it will be useful to listen to the opinion of the doctor.

For people with diseases such as enterocolitis, hypertension, cirrhosis, glomerulonephritis and other liver diseases, the use of the root or rhizome is contraindicated. Men and women of advanced age, as well as with drowsiness, should be careful when taking the plant.

With alcohol addiction

Valerian tincture, medicinal properties and contraindications, which were discussed in the article, are prohibited for use in alcoholism. The herb tends to depress the central nervous system, suppress nervous excitement and its combination with alcoholic beverages leads to the development of depression, slowed down the functioning of nerve cells, pressure surges.

Valerian brings harm with regular use of alcohol and the stomach. The combination of incompatible components leads to increased mucus production and an increase in alcohol toxicity several times.

Correct preparation

The roots of valerian have medicinal properties, therefore they are the ones to be harvested. They are dug up in the fall, before the stems are dropped, they are well washed in cold water, subjected to a light antiseptic treatment, dried in the fresh air and placed in a dry, well-ventilated room, for example, an attic.

Important! Harvesting of roots after frost is not recommended, since the roots near growing plants intertwine and also acquire the smell of valerian. Thus, it becomes possible to confuse roots that do not possess medicinal properties, worse - have toxins and poisons.

After going through all the stages of harvesting, the plant acquires a characteristic fragrant smell due to the release of bornyl-isovaleric acid.

Currently, a widespread and popular drug is valerian tincture, the benefits of which are familiar to almost everyone. Valerian, in lat. Valeriana, is perennial plant, has more than 200 ...

Valerian's drug is widely known in our country. It was used as a sedative by our grandmothers. When you can use this medicine, and when not worth it, is valerian harmful? What properties does it have, what does it contain? What pharmacological forms is it presented, and also how does valerian act on humans? Let's find this out.

General information about drugs

The drug valerian is a drug from the group of hypnotics and sedatives. It contains the active ingredient - the extract of the plant Valerian officinalis. It is the components contained in it that contribute to the achievement of a soothing effect. Among them:

  • alkaloids;
  • isovaleric acid;
  • borneol;
  • camphene;
  • pinen;
  • limonene (special hydrocarbon) and others.

These substances have sedative properties, which provide a sedative and hypnotic effect on a person. Valerian extract is a part of cardiac drugs (Valocordin, Corvalol and the like).

Preparations based on Valerian officinalis have specific effects on human body... There are the following:

  1. Depressing effect on the nervous system. This is how a sedative effect is achieved.
  2. Slowing down of the heart rate.
  3. Dilation of large blood vessels.
  4. Relaxation of the muscle tissue of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system.
  5. Increased production of bile.
  6. Decrease in blood pressure.

Valerian's drug is available in 2 pharmacological forms, depending on which the dosage and method of application are prescribed:

The active ingredient of the drug is an extract of the plant Valerian officinalis. Also, depending on the form of release, it includes certain auxiliary components. Pharmacological form determines how the medicine is administered.

Sedative, hypnotic, analgesic and antispasmodic effects are the main therapeutic properties of valerian.

Indications and contraindications

Exists special indications for the use of valerian. Some of them are indicated in the instructions for use, but in fact there are many more. So, consider the indications for taking valerian:

In any case, do not self-medicate. The drug should be prescribed by the attending physician, having studied the symptoms and general condition of the patient. The drug has a number of contraindications that should be considered before using the drug.

Among them:

  • individual intolerance to the drug by some people;
  • an allergic reaction to one or more of the components that make up the tablets (for example, to lactose, sucrose or fructose);
  • pregnancy (especially the first trimester);
  • breastfeeding (with caution);
  • can not also be used in childhood (up to 12 years old).

Some application features

Valerian is not as harmless as people think of her. Such a drug has side effects, which develop most often against the background of its improper use or taking an excessive dose.

Possible consequences of taking

Among the side effects are:

If one or more of these symptoms appear, you should stop taking the drug and seek the advice of your doctor. He will find an alternative therapy.


To take valerian to be safe, you need to pay attention to some of the features of its use:


Often, against the background of uncontrolled intake of valerian, a person may experience symptoms of an overdose. Among them:

  • severe indigestion (constipation, diarrhea, nausea, heartburn);
  • excessive excitability, which is accompanied by external signs - dilation of the pupil, the appearance of red spots on the face, impaired speech activity;
  • dizziness, depression of consciousness;
  • a significant increase in blood pressure (despite the fact that valerian is designed to reduce this pressure);
  • slowing down of heart rate;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system (if any);
  • the appearance of excruciating pain in the head.

In case of overdose, appropriate measures should be taken. Here is the emergency algorithm:

  1. First you need to stop taking any form of the drug (drops or tablets).
  2. Next, you should provoke the appearance of a vomiting reflex in order to remove the medicine from the stomach. To this end, they drink a large amount of liquid, and then sharply press their finger on the part of the tongue that is in the throat.
  3. Summon ambulance... They will take the patient to medical institutionwhere his stomach will be professionally washed. If, after washing the stomach, the person does not feel better, then he may need treatment in a hospital. This happens when allergic reactions on Valerian medicinal, auxiliary components of tablets or ethyl alcohol, which is contained in the tincture.

Such actions, taken in a timely manner, will help get rid of negative consequences. They should be performed at the first sign of an overdose.

Valerian is not as harmless as many people think of her. It can have many side effects, especially if taken uncontrollably or if the recommended dose is exceeded. Therefore, before using it, you should read the instructions for use, as well as consult an experienced doctor.


Valerian root preparations are available over the counter without a prescription and are inexpensive, so many self-medicate. Don't risk your health. Before you buy valerian, consult your doctor and choose the optimal dosage form... Available for sale:
- tincture of valerian officinalis (one of the most common forms of release);
- pills;
- dried roots for brewing;
- drops;
- powder;
- essential oil;
- fees.

Examine the composition of the rhizome of Valerian officinalis and make sure you are not intolerant to any of the ingredients. Since ancient times, the plant has been valued primarily for its presence essential oils with a sedative effect. Valerian also contains a large amount of alkaloids, tannins, alcohols, sugars and organic acids.

In order for the phytopreparation to have a healing effect and not harm the body, it is important to know the purpose of valerian. All dosage forms of the drug are able, first of all, to have a relaxing effect, relieve nervous tension and help with sleep disorders, headaches. The medication tones, relieves neurotic spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, drives bile and dilates the coronary vessels.

Valerian is most effective for systematic and long-term use, but not more than one and a half months. Due to its calming, relaxing effect, the phytopreparation is prescribed in complex therapy for renal and hepatic pathologies, asthma. It also helps with neuro-allergic skin diseases such as neurodermatitis.

To make an infusion, pour boiling water over chopped valerian roots and leave in a thermos for 24 hours. Drink one tablespoon three times a day. If you are prone to anxiety, drink 1/3 cup three times a day. Do the same with herbal preparations. Valerian root is usually combined with motherwort, St. John's wort, hawthorn, oregano.

Take powder from valerian roots 1-2 g 3-4 times a day as a sedative for migraines.

Adults usually drink alcohol valerian tincture 20-30 drops no more than 3-4 times a day. In rare cases, this type of drug is prescribed to adolescents. Minors from the age of 12 can use this dosage form of the medication under supervision, while the remedy is calculated drop by drop per year of the patient's life.

Adults can take any form of valerian after meals with water. Expectant mothers and children are advised to choose a drug in tablet form, powders, brew the dried root and exclude alcohol tinctures... You should not give valerian to children at least up to 3 years old, from 4 to 4 it is permissible to give half a tablet 3 times a day, from 7 - on a tablet with the same frequency of administration.

The excitability and moodiness of babies is most often due to the process of growth and development, and not to a nervous breakdown. If you still want to use sedatives, it is better to put a bunch of valerian herb next to the bed or add it to the evening bath. To do this, pour 3 tablespoons of chopped valerian root with a liter of boiling water, hold it under the lid for half an hour and, after straining, pour it into the bathing water. The liquid should color a little. You can make collections with motherwort, sweet clover and thyme. A valerian bath will help the child to calm down and fall asleep quickly, relieve stomach cramps, and adding a prefabricated infusion to the water will also help to cope with skin problems.

A pregnant woman can drink valerian on the advice of an obstetrician-gynecologist with emotional instability associated with a sharp change in the background of hormones. A course reception of valerian extract will help the expectant mother to relieve psychological stress, sleep better and optimize the work of the heart. On the question of whether it is harmful to take a herbal remedy during pregnancy, the opinions of doctors differ. Some believe that in small dosages, the remedy will not harm the fetus at any stage of development. Others are convinced that the first trimester is a period of formation internal organs fetus - the drug with alkaloids should be discarded.

Only a doctor can correctly prescribe valerian, taking into account the characteristics of your body, existing health problems. So, for early stages hypertension intake of phytopreparation helps to bring blood pressure back to normal, optimizes cardiac activity. In some cases, with a hypertensive diagnosis, valerian has the opposite, exciting effect, disrupts sleep.

Do Valerian Tablets Lower or Raise Blood Pressure? The question primarily worries hypertensive patients, who are forced to select drugs based on their condition. After all, a sharp drop in blood pressure can lead to irreversible consequences.

Many people are used to seeking help from an herbal remedy for stress, to calm the nervous system. However, its use is not as harmless as it seems at first glance.

Valerian tablets should not be prescribed for stroke or heart attack, if there is a history of a predisposition to atherosclerotic changes. Overdose leads to decreased performance, increased sleepiness, indigestion.

How does Valerian's tincture affect pulse and blood pressure readings? Can I take medicine to treat hypertension?

Valerian and hypertension

Any doctor will tell you that Valerian lowers blood pressure. That is why the sedative is included in the complex therapy for hypertension. In addition, it is often prescribed for the treatment of many cardiovascular diseases.

The tablets and tincture are characterized by a relaxing effect on the central nervous system, which reduces blood pressure due to the expansion of blood vessels.

If the tablets are combined with others medicationsthen the effect appears within one month. Therefore, they are used regularly and on an ongoing basis. Valerian accumulates in the body, respectively, the beneficial effect on the body increases every day.

Many hypertensive patients believe that the drug is harmless, and if it can reduce blood pressure, then it should be taken. But the appointment must be carried out by a doctor. It is he who will select the optimal dosage in a particular situation.

Monotherapy with the drug will not give the desired result. The greatest effect is achieved in combination with other agents.

Drops or pills?

The tincture includes alcohol, therefore it is not advised in case of alcohol intolerance, if there is a history of stomach ulcers and duodenum... Drops are most often prescribed for insomnia. It is permissible to combine with other sedatives.

Valerian is not combined with medicines that can lead to fever, tachycardia and hyperemia. Drops are not combined with other alcohol-containing tinctures and infusions, including homemade ones.

Take drops at home. It can be taken at work, but it should be borne in mind that drowsiness may appear, concentration of attention will be disturbed.

The tablets are made from plant root powder. Contain different dosage active substance. Unlike tinctures, they are characterized by a less pronounced odor. Patient reviews indicate no side effects.

The maximum dosage per day is 20 mg. Taking 30-40 mg can provoke the following negative effects:

  • Tremor of the limbs.
  • Dizziness.
  • Painful sensations in the abdomen.
  • Dilated pupils.
  • An attack of nausea.
  • Vomiting (rare)

In case of overdose, symptomatic therapy is not required. Alarming signs go away on their own within a few hours.

Features of use and contraindications

Valerian helps to reduce blood pressure, despite the fact that it does not have antihypertensive properties. Therefore, it is always combined with other medicines.

Take drops and tablets after a meal. The dosage of the tincture at a time is 25 drops. Frequency rate of application - up to 4 times a day, inclusive. Valerian is sold in tea infusion bags. Accepted in accordance with the attached manufacturer's instructions.

In some cases, the drug can raise blood pressure. As a rule, this occurs with a long course of treatment against the background of excessively high dosages. Cannot be taken under 12 years of age, with individual intolerance.

Positive properties:

  1. Reduces nervous tension.
  2. Soothes, normalizes sleep.
  3. Relieves cramps.
  4. Expands blood vessels.
  5. Improves the digestive tract.
  6. Reduces pain in the heart.

Reception can lead to adverse reactions - depression, digestive tract disorder, drowsiness, deterioration of mood.

It is permissible to use during pregnancy with the exception of the first trimester.

Alternative treatment with valerian root

Since the pharmacy tincture contains alcohol, it is not always suitable for use. In this case, you can buy crushed plant roots, prepare a medicinal infusion in water or a decoction at home.

The infusion is recommended for hypertension, severe headaches, dizziness, emotional lability. For cooking, you need 1 tablespoon of crushed roots, pour 250 ml of cold water.

Insist during the day at room temperature. Then filter out. Take three times daily before meals. The dosage at one time is 1 tablespoon. Should not be overused, the effectiveness will not increase, and the condition will worsen.

Recipes for making medicine at home:

  • Break dry plant roots, send to a coffee grinder, grind to a powdery state. Take three times a day. The dose at a time is not more than 2 grams of the product.
  • Pour 250 boiling water over 1 tablespoon of valerian roots, leave for an hour. Strain with cheesecloth. Drink four times a day for a tablespoon.

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