Pediculosis: Complex treatment and prevention of lice in a child. Treatment of pediculosis: What effectively eliminates lice, and what not? Treatment from pediculosis at home

Complexity effective treatment Pediculous and choice proper tool Depend on a number of factors:

Therefore, if you discovered lice, start the treatment immediately;

  • the presence of complications. If insect bites provoke allergic reactions, the appearance of uluses and the enhancing infections provoking streptodermia, the fight against pediculose will require additional measures.

    The application of some outdoor tools on the skin with glans can be dangerous for a person, since they can get into the blood.

  • IMPORTANT! Do not allow drugs into the eyes, mouth and nose. Do not use shampoos and sprays in the presence of open Ran. On the head.

    Folk remedies

    • for example, kills lice and nnid for one application, but harm for people of the incoming the composition of soap insecticide DDT It was proved clinically. More gentlemen are
    • is also effective toolbut he is flammable and toxic to humans especially when inhaling his vapor;
    • relatively safe, but contraindicated to use children and extremely toxic when entering inside, therefore it is necessary to apply in compliance with additional caution measures;
    • - This is a very strong insecticide, but it is worth using it for its own risk. Categorically prohibited its uses aged up to 15-16 years old.

    There are recipes that do not have side Effects and affordable even for children, but their impact is too weak for the full treatment of human lice, the use of such funds is justified only for prevention and scaring insects. This can include masks based on, including

    • a small distance between the teeth;
    • the teeth themselves are made of metal;
    • they should be notches to increase chain with hair;
    • the handle must have an ergonomic shape.

    Antiv and Nitfree brands More than others satisfy these requirements.

    Right? The combing procedure should pass under a bright light source, the head-processed should be put on a towel white colorSo that the insects removed is easy to notice.

    Comb is worked out every strand in the direction of the base of the hair. The process can take from half an hour to two hours. After studying all strands, insects and their eggs are disposed of, and disinfected in hot water or alcohol.

    Getting rid of lice and gnid in one day

    So, is it possible to bring lice for 1 day? If the pediculosis did not go in his development far, it is possible to get rid of the Wrice in one procedure. It requires considerable effort and involving potent drugs But if the patient does not have their intolerance, it will pass without negative consequences.

    The main principle of fast elimination is a combination of mechanical and chemical influences on hair. First follow treat their reliable shampoo or spray (higy, pedalin), and after carefully combed the ridge.

    In addition to special anti-spectacular drugs, such folk remedies can be used as kerosene and healing soap - their use will kill lice and nnid for one application with great probability.

    BUT! If there is a risk of a negative reaction of the body on strong drugs (especially in childhood), it is better to refrain from their use and stretch the therapy over time, making it more secure.


    Wrench are transmitted only with close contact of the head with an infected surface, Whether the head of another person, bed linen, hair care products. Therefore, it is necessary to refrain from close contacts with uncleanproof people (homeless) and pay attention to their hygiene.

    Humanity has long learned to tamp the atom, control spacecraft and completely relieve diseases that have recently considered incurable. However, people still cannot finally cope with the smallest insects - the lies that cause a lot of unpleasant moments and significantly complicating life.

    What is a pediculosis?

    Lobkovyemix on the moistage part of the genital organs, in the running cases - under mouses, on eyebrows and eyelashes. Insects have a rounded form and grow up to 3 mm in length. Are not packed diseases.

    Causes of appearance

    Head Vershi. Transmitted with direct communication with infected person or through infected binding items.

    The main prerequisites for infection Finding in places of mass accumulation of the people and ignore personal hygiene rules. But even strict their observance helps only minimize the likelihood of infection, but does not exclude it completely.


    First signs
    Pediculosis is not manifested immediately, sometimes they begin to cause anxiety a month after infection.

    For inspection, it is necessary to stay in a room with a bright source of light, dissolve the hair, combing them and distribute to individual strands. Special attention should be paid to the roar part of the hair rod - It is in these places prefer to fasten the incoming. There are much more difficult to notice the lice, as they are able to quickly move and hide in dense strands.

    For research, it is recommended to use a comb with long teeth, a mirror and a magnifying glass. The inspection begins with the temporal and occipital parts of the head, then the rest of the sections are then investigated. Finally, it is recommended to visually check the presence of injection and groove zone infection.

    When a problem is detected, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment. Clothes, household items, bed linen and residential premises are subject to careful disinfection.

    Events when discovering lice

    Pediculosis treatment requires comprehensive approach and special care. Mandatory activities are aimed at the destruction and removal from hair of lice and GNID and include:

    • medication treatment;
    • disinsection of clothing;
    • disinfection of household goods and premises;
    • prevention of recurrence of the disease.

    To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to completely undress, lay the glued to the floor, moisten the hair and apply any pediculicide drug on them. Withstand the time prescribed by the instruction, the tool is washed off with shampoo, then rinsed with a 10% acetic acid solution. Then the hair should be divided into strands and thoroughly fasten the frequent ridge, dry and re-examine the presence of GDIDs.

    Processing special medical preparations contraindicated Pregnant women, children under 5 years old and faces with damage to skin or allergic diseases.

    Underwear It is necessary to boil over 15 minutes in a 2-percent solution of soda, the upper clothes - to soak in the soda solution for an hour. After that, clothes should be wrapped with ordinary powder and stroke the iron.

    Housing and household items The infected need to be carefully treated with the same pediculicide composition. After each application, after each application is hung with boiling water and is rinsed with medical alcohol.

    For prophylaxis All of the above activities are recommended to repeat after 10 days.

    Medicia treatment

    Currently, pharmacies present a lot of money to combat stitchiness. Insecticidal compositions, the action of which is aimed at the destruction of lice, are called pediculicides..

    Pharmacy drugs

    To the most effective specialists Treatments:

    Shampoos and aerosols

    • combined Shampoo "Reed", acting on the nervous and enzyme system of lice at the same time. The drug is abundantly applied to the hair part of the head, which is wrapped with a handkerchief, and is withstanding for 10 minutes. The procedure is carried out twice with an interval per week.
    • combined aerosol "Couple - Plus" Acts on lice as a neurotoxic poison. It is applied to the hair for 10 minutes, washed off with running water. It is not recommended to apply for the treatment of children under 3 years.
    • shampoo "Paired" Created on the basis of essential oils, blocking respiratory reflexes of lice. The drug is maintained for 10-20 minutes, then washed with water.
    • In the absence of an effect in the fight against pediculose other treatments can be used tablets "Butadion". Accumulating in the body, they lead to the death of lice.

    How to get rid of lice at home?

    In addition to drugs, folk remedies are traditionally used to treat pediculosis. Applied not by one generation, they effectively cope with lshami and nines, And in its effectiveness are able to compete with factory preparations.

    Kerosene and Economic Soap

    The main disadvantage of this recipe is the fire hazard of kerosene, as well as the acquisition of stickiness and confusion with hair.

    Cranberry mask

    Ripe berries argue or scrolling through a meat grinder. The resulting Cashitz apply to wet hair and wrap them with plastic film. To withstand 2 hours and then flush thoroughly. The mask effectively affects the GDID, completely destroying their shell with its acidic medium. The frequency of performing this manipulation is not limited. At the request of the cranberry can be replaced with a grenade or lemon.

    Sunflower oil and kerosene mask

    Mix in equal proportions unrefined vegetable oil and kerosene. Distribute along the entire length of wet hair, paying special attention to the root area. Leave under a polyethylene cap for 1-2 hours, washed with shampoo under warm water. The mask allows you to get rid of lice and GDID for several procedures with minimal losses for the appearance of the hair.

    Decoration from Pijma

    2 tablespoons of dry grass of pijmas pour boiling water and cook on low heat for 15 minutes. Cool, strain, let it stand for half an hour. Rub in the roots of the hair for 20 minutes for a month.

    Degtyar soap

    Mask with essential oils

    5 tablespoons of any vegetable oil Enrich 3 drops of bergamot, thyme or tea tree. Mix the head with water and apply the prepared mixture. After 2 hours, the mask should be washed away, dry and comb hair. Regular procedure contributes to getting rid of lice and GNID. Specialists recommend using this method as preventive before visiting the places of large cluster of people.

    Rinsing hydrogen peroxide

    The peroxide quickly penetrates through the outer shells of the lice and the GDID, destroying them. internal organs. To prepare the rinse, hydrogen peroxide should be diluted with water 50:50. Apply on the hair, trying not to get on the scalp. The exposure time is 20 minutes, performed from a weekly interval.

    In this recipe, peroxide can be replaced with alcohol or 9 percent vinegar.

    Pediculosis in children

    In children under the age of 3 years, this disease is extremely rare. This is due to finding mainly at home and permanent control of parents. However, with the beginning of a visit to kindergartens and schools, the situation changes radically. Exactly in the period from 3 to 12 years, most cases of infection with pediculose in children are detected..

    The child's body corresponds to non-supported itching and rash, which lead to strong bumps throughout the body.

    Treatment is produced drug drugs, combing frequent comb or folk remedies.Many factory pediculicides have age limitations and cannot be used until the two-year achievement.

    Do not have age restrictions shampoos and aerosols "Phenotrin", "Ekax", "parasidosis". However, these drugs are effective only with a slight amount of lice and do not act at the bottom.

    Combined tool - aerosol "Couple - Plus" You can use starting from three years. It quickly eliminates the larvae and adult individuals, however, it can provoke an emergence of allergic reactions.

    High drug efficiency even with high degree Infectness allows you to not resort to so cardinal methods as a short haircut or shaving hair.


    • Strict observance of personal hygiene rules:
    • mandatory washing at least once a week;
    • regular calculation;
    • systematic change of clothing and bed linen;
    • the use of rubber hats when swimming in the pool;
    • the use of individual personal care products - combs, hair dryer, hairpins.
    • Periodic examinations of hair cover, especially after a long stay in places of mass accumulation of people, after returning from tourist trips and children's wellness camps.
    • Try to avoid close contact with the heads with unfamiliar or unfamiliar people.
    • When visiting mass events to use aroma oils as preventive tools. Reliably protect the drugs of souls, tea tree, lavender.

    In the case of a contact with possible distributors, it is necessary to immediately produce prophylactic treatment of hair cover by any pediculicide composition.

    Video about the treatment and prevention of pediculosis

    Unfortunately, the pediculosis is often found quite in any corner of the planet. Until now, there is no reliable way, guaranteed to avoid infection. but modern development The chemical and pharmacological industry allows you to quickly cope with the problem arising and completely destroy unwanted insects.

    The disease is known to people since ancient times. One of the prevention measures has always been shaving the heads common in ancient Egypt, interfluve and other warm countries.

    The Eggs are laid by eggs - Nicky. They are glued to human hair saliva insects. After 10 days from eggs, larvae appear, which are very similar to the milk-plant individuals, only smaller. After a few months, they become warm and begin to multiply.

    How is the pediculosis transmitted? The main way of transmission is contact-household, including when sex contacts, using one headdress, comb, linen. In children's teams, kids can become infected from each other during games. Recently, cases of infection of adolescents during selfie - joint shooting on a mobile device chamber, during which participants can involuntarily contact their heads or hair.

    In addition, let's say that the sews do not jump and do not fly, but overwhelm (move) from one person to another.

    Types of illness

    • head pediculosis;
    • hardwoods;
    • lobkovoe lice.

    Head Pediculose

    The head lover can be transmitted with direct contact between people, as well as when using one head remove, hairpins, bows, comb. Most often, girls and girls with long hair are sick. First, the signs of pediculosis are manifested only by the presence of insects themselves and their eggs. In a few days, their bites lead to the appearance skin itch. When combing, the skin is damaged, scratches and crusts appear, and when they are removed - weaving. Strengthening itching and combing is observed in impressionable people, "on the nervous soil." Salus insects causes people prone to allergies or having sensitive skin, rash in the form of spots or elevations - papural, and sometimes blisters.

    The consequences of the pediculosis are such: pathogenic bacteria causing secondary infection of the wound on damaged skin sections. Dermatitis develops, it can be formed. The cervical lymph nodes increase. In the launched cases, the hair is formed by chopenas - glued block of intricate hair, which can be removed only by ditching. A dream is disturbed, appetite disappears, emotional disorders appear.

    Hardwashing lice

    Hardwood female postpones a large number of Eggs, and by the end of her life, her offspring reaches several thousand individuals. However, without food, the blood of the Wrench die in the clothes in a few days. This explains the very rapid processing of people if it is impossible to change clothes.

    Lice are sensitive to temperature, so they do not live on patients with high fever and dead, but leave them, overwhelming healthy people And spreading severe infections - a rapid and returnful title, an agile fever. So arose epidemics of typhus at the beginning of the twentieth century during the first world and Civil War in Russia.

    Symptoms of pediculosis caused by wrapping, - rash on the skin, accompanied by itching. Very characteristic of their appearance on the neck. Chronic pediculosis causes thickening of the skin and its hyperpigmentation, that is, the darkening. He is called the "disease of the vagrant".


    The pubic lunch lives in the areas of the skin, having hair, most often on the pubis, as well as in the axillary depressures and on the eyelashes. The lesion is accompanied by itching rashes in the form of papules (elevations). The appearance of spots of blue or blue painting is characteristic, since the saliva of the pubic lice destroys hemoglobin in the leather vessels. The size of such spots is 2-3 mm.

    Infection of the pubic rich of eyelashes is accompanied by the development of blufaritis - inflammation of the eyelids, their edema, redness, itching, purulent discharges.

    All types of pediculosis and fatiriasis require urgent measures to eliminate them, because these diseases are very infectious and potentially carry a greater danger to human health and life.

    Complications of pediculosis - pyodermia, epidemics in children's teams, with adverse social conditions, there are outbreaks of infectious diseases carried by lies.

    1. Lobochy pediculose
    2. Characteristic Blue Spots


    Before today's day The main method of diagnosing pediculose remains a regular inspection. Confirms the diagnosis of living individuals. If the child has only shorts, it is not a sign of the disease and cannot serve as a criterion for exclusion from the team. However, most often, when discovering NMID, a medical worker of a kindergarten, conducting an inspection, removes such a child from visits preschool institution And he directs him to the dermatologist.

    On a medical reception, an additional inspection can be carried out with the help of a Wood lamp, in the rays of which live insects give a white glow, and the shells of the GDID - gray. When developing pubic lice on eyelashes and eyebrows, they can be seen using a slit lamp.

    Allows you to accurately make sure that there are live insects or their eggs studying hair and lice themselves under a magnifying glass or even a microscope. Modern methods Diagnostics () allow you to make photo and video enabled in increasing, which confirms the diagnosis.


    Fighting pediculosis includes the following directions:

    • removing insects by mechanical way, that is, combing;
    • the use of special preparations for the destruction of lice;
    • inspection of contacted by patients and, if necessary, their treatment;
    • disinsection - removal of insects from household goods, from clothes and so on.

    It is necessary to know that the treatment of head with chemicals is contraindicated in pregnant women, young children (for some exceptions), as well as in patients with skin diseases. In such patients, the mechanical removal of the GDID and lice is used - combing with a frequent metallic ridge, haircut or swinging hair. The incomes are tightly glued to the hair, so to facilitate their combing, it is pre-wash your head using any air conditioner for hair. He will give hair smoothness, and eggs will be separated easier.

    Nautical methods of treatment of head pediculosis

    Treatment of pediculosis at home while unavailable pharmacy It is to use the old method - the mixture of soap and kerosene. 10 grams of the household soap are a clutch on a grater and are well dissolved in half a glass of water, they also add an incomplete tablespoon of kerosene. This emulsion is applied to the hair with a cotton swab very carefully, protecting the eyes. The head is tightly obsessed with a plastic shelter and withstand 30 minutes. Then the hair is washed well with shampoo and rinsed with cutlery vinegar, diluted with water 1: 1 and heated. The remnants of the GDID are removed by the ridge, through the teeth of which the wool is laid, moistened in the same solution of vinegar. The hair is cleaned over a large sheet of paper or a piece of oil, then everything is collapsed and burned. It should be understood that Kerosene is very poisonous. Today, in the presence of many medicinesAvailable by price, the use of "folk" recipes during pediculose should be excluded.

    Another, safer "folk" means is degtyar soap. After thoroughly embroidery, hair must be closed with a glued and withstand 30 minutes, then rinse with water with the addition of vinegar.

    It is necessary to give in dry cleaning or well to process hats. Combs, hairpins need to withstand in an insecticide solution. Sheets should be wrapped, pillowcases, duvets, towels, furniture covers, spent carpets, seats in the car, mattresses.

    How to get rid of pediculosis caused by a wrapping

    The body and head wash and completely covered with anti-spectacular drugs. Clothes and bedding are placed in the drying cabinet for 30 minutes at a temperature of 65 ° C or in a disinfection chamber where the impact is combined. high temperatures and chemicals (vapor formalin chamber). If the treatment of the patient when the pediculosis is detected at home, the underwear is soaked for 30 minutes, completely immersing it into the water, and then 20 minutes boil with the addition of calcined soda. Upper clothes that cannot be boiled, stroke the hot iron, paying special attention to the folds and seams.

    If for some reason, the processing of hats and clothing is not carried out, they must be wrapped in polyethylene and remove in an inaccessible place for 2 weeks, better on the cold. You can dry things in the sun during the same time. During this time, Vershi will die.

    Treatment of FTIRIASA

    In fatirize, ordinary means of pediculosis are used. If the eyelashes are amazed, they are lubricated with vaseline 4 days in a row.

    Pediculose preparations

    It is best for the destruction of lice to use the means purchased in the pharmacy. Most modern drugs Contains the following substances:

    • permethrin;
    • pyrethrin;
    • phenotrin;
    • malation.

    Permetrin is part of the nittifor's solution, Nix cream, emulsion and medifox gel, steam plus aerosol (combined means), champunas of Veda and Veda-2, NOC shampoo, HIGIY solution. Pyrethrin is a component of a combined spray-pax aerosol. Phenothrine is produced in the form of liquid soap anti-bit, liquids of etax and parasidosis, bin and phenol slots, sumitrine shampoo; Malation - emulsions and gel Pedilin, combined aerosol steam plus.

    A 5% boric ointment is also used. It is recommended for skin treatment after driving hair, for example, when infected with a pubic.

    Available preparations S. essential oils: Aerosol Pedicial-Ultra and Spray avalanche. Some drugs contain Clearolol oil - pairs (shampoo, lotion, aerosol), Nude aerosol.

    Consider some popular tools from pediculosis.

    Cream Nixeffective medicine, destructively acting on the nozzles, larvae and adults of the individual. After applying on the skin, it is very slowly absorbed into its surface, where it is metabolized to harmless components. Therefore, Nix practically does not have side effects.

    Processing of the scalp with a pediculosis using Nix cream:

    • wash hair with shampoo and dry them with a towel;
    • shake the bottle and abundantly apply the cream on the skin of the head and hair along their entire length, especially carefully treating the skin behind the ears and on the back of the head;
    • leave for 10 minutes;
    • carefully rinse your hair and dry them with a towel;
    • speak wet hair supplied to the comb;
    • if necessary, repeat the processing in a week.

    The Nix cream can be used in adults and children, starting from the age of 6 months. It does not harm patients with accompanying disorders of the liver and kidney. By appointment of a doctor, you can use this medicine in pregnant women during breastfeeding And in children under 6 months, but it is only possible to do so.

    The undesirable effects of the drug include a temporary impaired skin sensitivity and its irritation, manifested by edema, burning, redness, appearance of skin rash. Allergic reactions are possible. The means cannot be used when it is intolerance, as well as during the dermatitis of the scalp.

    After the first application, the cure occurs more than 90% of patients.

    Par-Plus - Combined aerosol containing malathion, permethrin and pyeronylabutoxide. It is sprayed on the skin of the head and hair, withstand 10 minutes and wash off shampoo, after which the hair is cleaned. The drug is well tolerated, only sometimes causing a slight pinching of the scalp. However, he is contraindicated in patients with bronchial asthma And for children up to 2.5 years. During pregnancy, it can be used with great care, by appointing a dermatologist's doctor.

    Cheaper, but in almost the same effective tool from pediculosis is the cheerful water. It is produced in bottles of 50 and 100 ml. It is applied to wet hair, the exposure time is half an hour. Then the hair is washed and combed in lice. Processing is repeated in a day, if necessary - a week later. The use of the means is prohibited during breastfeeding. When pregnant, it can be used with caution.

    In general, the effectiveness of anti-game preparations, it should be noted that it largely depends on the correctness of the processing. In some cases, the tool does not help, then the processing is repeated. The same drug does not need to be used more than 3 times, it is better to replace it with another medicine, for example, with a different actant.

    After processing from the lice and inspection, the child is allowed in the team in 2 days.


    Pediculose prevention measures:

    • follow the rules of personal hygiene, regularly wash hair and body (at least twice a week), change bed and underwear;
    • avoid contact with infected, as well as socially disadvantaged people, tramps, illegal migrants;
    • do not use other people's headdresses, hairpins, hairpins and so on;
    • parents need to regularly examine the head of the child;
    • it is recommended to use special shampoos For children who make the hair of a child smoothness; To the silky hairs of the lice to attach harder;
    • should explain to the child that children's garden or school can not be taking other people's caps, combs, bows and so on;
    • in adolescence, the child should know what the pediculosis is dangerous, why it is undesirable to sleep outside the house, on someone else's bed, leaving things of friends, enjoy their headphones or headboards.

    Funds for prevention: to prevent pediculosis to use chemicals not recommended. If there are cases of infection in the children's team, then healthy children can rinse the hair with water with the addition of tea tree oil or make a comb. The use of shampoos and other anti-game preparations for prevention is recommended only by family members of an infected person.

    In conclusion, let's say that the pediculose should not serve as a source of shame, they may be infected with the most ordinary people, simply by trying to someone else's baseball cap or accidentally touched his head to someone else's pillow in a student dormitories. If you have found in your lice - do not lose time on panic and meditation, just go to the pharmacy and purchase one of the funds against pediculosis. Very soon you will forget about this unpleasant disease.

    Passaculose is transmitted by close contact between people - jump and fly the human loss does not know how, she crawls. The incubation period is several weeks. This photo below will help see the external signs of the disease.

    Thus, the lice is very prolific, which affects clinical picture infectious disease. In this regard, pathology requires special treatment. A quarantine is necessary for a patient with any kind of pediculosis. How much time it will last depends on the presence of pediculosis complications.

    The period when a person detects signs of head pediculosis, can reach 30 days. This is considered incubation period Pediculosis. The second stage of the disease is its identification. Diagnosis of pediculosis is better to entrust the doctor.

    Pediculus Humanus Capitis Head Type

    The ripening of eggs in the body of the females occurs on 9-10 days and depends on the heat of the human skin. If the temperature is less than 22 degrees, the nits do not ripen. In such a state (on objects or things) they can persist for about a year. Nitif (larva) appears from the ripe egg (larva), which differs from the adult individual with the following signs:

    • body sizes;
    • lack of genital organs;
    • color;
    • small activity.

    Lobonic Type of Disease (Pediculus Pubis)

    In some cases, the pubic lice was found in a beard and eyebrows. They feed on human blood, and without food die after 24 hours. In addition, being outside the habitat, the insect is able to fall into an anabiosis state, that is, slow down the vital processes. In this form, the pubic loss may be several months.

    It is necessary to treat the disease from a doctor. Pediculous preventive measures (disinfection, personal hygiene, ironing linen) will help to avoid the occurrence of infection.

    Pediculus Humanus Corporis

    The pathogen dwells on the clothes, there she is postponed. It feeds in blood, for this she moves to the human body. Harding pediculosis is found in people with an asocial way of life, which ignore personal hygiene rules, as well as people without a certain place of residence.

    Related symptoms

    Pediculosis, reasons, prevention, struggle measures - these definitions are worried about many people who have been identified. Strong itching of the skin is a symptom for any kind of pediculosis. Because of this person torments insomnia. Permanent combs cause the formation of refrigerated blood crusts, frills often appear.

    With head pediculosis, red itchy spots spread throughout the hair.
    At the same time, on the hair you can see many attached GDIDs. They can be both alive and dead.

    The symptoms of pubic pediculose is that it appears in the places of bites, itchy bluish stains (3-10 mm) appear. Often they are common in the zone of genital organs, at the bottom of the abdomen, on the buttocks. When charging pediculosis, the stains are localized throughout the body. The skin acquires a bluish shade.

    Secondary symptoms of the disease - bumps on the skin, as well as the adhesive hair. If only a single part is discovered during inspection without GND, the diagnosis of pediculosis is still made.

    What methods of treating at home are most effective?

    • isolate patient at the time of treatment;
    • choose an acceptable means (folk or from a pharmacy);
    • carefully examine how to use and instruction;
    • stick to dosage for children and adults;
    • use the drug carefully, not allowing eye contact;
    • thoroughly flush with hair.

    Any means against lice requires careful use - in the composition contains insecticides with a very sharp odor. It is important to comply with the concentration of the drug. Children under 2 years old and pregnant women should be prescribed to the doctor. Processing of affected areas are performed by following certain rules:

    Use of pediculocidal agents

    The discovered head pediculosis requires immediate treatment, as it quickly progresses and is transmitted to others. To combat stiffness, the drugs from the pharmacy based on insecticides or enveloping compositions are suitable: shampoos, gels, aerosols, ointments, sprays.

    Schestant preparations based on cyclometicon or dimethics. After applying active substances Pediculocidal remedies overlap insect access to oxygen, creating a thin airproof film around them.

    The disadvantage of pediculocidal agents is the lack of impact on the income. Eggs remain alive, so it is necessary to re-apply drugs on problem areas. Treatment of pubic pediculosis is possible both pharmacy and folk remedies.

    Combing and shaving naked

    Combusting is performed as follows:

    • wash the head with ordinary shampoo;
    • solve clean hair with water vinegar and drown;
    • infected with pediculose to put back to the bathroom;
    • first, make the occipital zone, separating small strands;
    • periodically comb wash with vinegar;
    • thus, make the whole head.

    The method is good in that it is possible to cure absolutely all patients - it does not cause allergic reactions. A negative point is that it is necessary to bring lice and get rid of pediculosis, performing such actions for several days in a row. For a month, it is necessary to repeat the combing after each hair washing.

    A man who did not come across this problem is concerned about the question from where the stitching is taken and how they are infected. Pediculose is known to mankind since the existence ancient Egypt. Folk remedies For the struggle, there are quite a lot with a launched pediculosis. The most famous are considered:

    What complications may arise?

    Prediculosis complications can be the most diverse. With a launched form, complications in the form of purulent wounds may appear in places of mass and severe itching, interfering to sleep. Pediculosis is dangerous in that dermatitis, papulese urticaria, eczema appears on the head or on the body, eczema, the coking infection joins. Lymph nodes may increase.

    Wrench life cycle

    • Sharing the objects of personal hygiene (towels, combs).
    • Contact with bed linen and clothing of an infected person.
    • The use of hats, on which there are larvae or eggs of lice.

    Signs of pediculosis

    The key symptom of the disease is itching, which, as the number of lice increases, becomes more intense.

    Against the background of intense itching, the child becomes nervous and over-excited. It dramatically loses attention and concentration that negatively affects study.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    To establish a diagnosis, as a rule, it is enough to carry out a visual inspection of the hair part of the head.

    During the examination, the patient can detect the lice and shorts, which are preferably located behind the ears and on the back of the head.

    In the launched cases on the skin cover of the hair part of the head, the places of deep combs and the surchargeable hair are detected. At the same time, there is an increased probability of attaching a secondary cocking infection, which is clinically manifested by purulent rash and inflammation of regional lymph nodes.

    Treatment of pediculosis

    To date, the use of such methods is considered unacceptable because there are large pharmacy drugs that are effectively and safely removed by lice and GDIDs.

    The main provisions of anti-game treatment

    Before the use of pharmaceutical preparations, such factors should be taken into account for the destruction of lice:

    • Make sure the child is exactly the lice. Anti-playing agents do not apply as preventive measureAnd the unjustified their use can cause dermatitis or allergic reactions.
    • Preparations against lice are forbidden to treat children under the age of one year, persons with inflammatory damage to the skin of the head, pregnant and nursing women.
    • Exclude the opportunity for random chemical hit.
    • It should be borne in mind that many pharmaceuticals have a sharp smell that can be maintained a few days after washing the head. It can annoy a person some time.
    • Before using the new pharmaceutical preparation It is necessary to first consult a dermatologist at the doctor and study in detail the instructions for the medicine.
    • Clearly observe the dosage of the anti-the fighting agent. An increase in the number of active substances does not strengthen the effectiveness of treatment.
    • Never apply on skin Covers child substance from insects, ethanol or kerosene.
    • Many pharmaceutical companies are not recommended to dry the hair with a hair dryer after washing therapeutic shampoo. Such actions may reduce the effectiveness of therapy.
    • Each Pediculose therapy should be repeated in one week. It is necessary to destroy the lice that hatched from eggs.
    • If after such events a person discovers lice or short-term, then the re-treatment is carried out by another drug.

    Than to bring lice for 1 day

    Modern anti-step drugs are produced in the form of sprays, solutions or shampoos. In most cases, one application is required, after which you need to wash your head. The next day, for example, a child can go to school without fear of infecting classmates. Of course, you need washing and ironing clothes.

    For complete confidence in 7 days, the procedure must be repeated (see the instructions for drugs.)

    The main active substance is permethrin. This neurotoxic poison destroys the cell membranes of insect nerve cells. In the pharmacy network you can purchase the following means:

    "PLY-PLUS" From the French manufacturer. Such an aerosol for external use contains 1% permeter concentration and pyreminonis of butoxide, which enhances the effect of the neurotoxic poison by blocking the protective enzymes of the lice.

    Such a composition of the medication eliminates the addictive body to it. "PLY-PLUS" actively destroys the lice and the emergence on the hair part of the head and pubis.

    The aerosol is sprayed into the area of \u200b\u200bthe defeat of the pediculosis and will wait for about 10 minutes. Then the hair part is thoroughly washed with ordinary shampoo. After that, with the help of frequent ridge, the combing of dead individuals of the lice and their gnid are performed. While combing hair comb, it is advisable to moisten with a vinegar for a lightweight branch of insects.

    The drug is not desirable to use for children under 2 years old and not allow it to hit the mucous membranes and eyes.

    "Nittifina" . Anti-step solution with 5% permeter content. The testimony for the use of the drug is considered the presence of a patient, GNID, their larvae, head, pubic and hosts. The remedy is packaged in vials of 60 milliliters.

    The treatment of the nittififor is to rub the solution at the base of the hair using a cotton swab. For an average person for one head treatment, you need from 10 to 60 milliliters of the drug. After the procedure, the hair part of the head is covered with a shy. After about 30-40 minutes, the medication washed with warm water and shampoo. The treatment is completed with careful combing hair to remove dead individuals.

    During therapy, it should be not allowed to enter the mucous membrane drug.

    "Medifox" (LLC NPC Russia). In this case active substance - It is 5% permethrin. The drug is made in the form of ampoules of 2 milliliters and bottles of 24 milliliters. Standard packaging contains 2 ampoules. Medifox is shown in pubic and head pediculosis.

    Therapeutic solution is divorced in the ratio: 1 ampoule is 30 milliliters of water. Thus obtained, the emulsion is applied with a cotton swab on wet hair. After 20 minutes, the drug is thoroughly washed off from the head.

    In some cases, bedding and tissues can be soared in a solution "Medifox" for 40 minutes. For such a procedure, one bottle of the drug in 100 milliliters of water should be diluted. After such disinfection, the underwear is washed under running water.

    In the pharmaceutical industry there is a means of "Medifox-super", which is characterized by an increased permeter concentration (20%).

    "A-couple" (French production). This initial pharmaceutical pharmaceutical is an aerosol for external use. The preparation includes Esdeepallet and Pi's Boucoxin.

    Funds are intended for disinfectational processing of bed linen and clothing. To prepare the working fluid, the content of the vial (200 ml) is evenly distributed over the surface of things that are not soaked.

    Such objects as pillows, blankets and sheets should be subjected to repeated disinfection.

    At what temperature, the chicks are dying

    Both the lice and income are quite similar to bedbugs. Optimal for their survival are very narrow temperature ranges. Basically, from lice and the GDID can get rid of the conditions portable for man. The optimal temperature for their survival is within the framework between minus 5 ° C and plus 40 ° C. If the temperature conditions are higher or lower than the specified values \u200b\u200bof the lice and the larvae die for a short time. With above 42 ° C, they are easily shaken off their heads or clothes.

    Features of launching in patients with long hair

    In addition to shaving the heads, it is possible to fight with lshami and nits due to the use of special pediculicide drugs. Such drugs are shampoos, sprays, creams and lotions. The main advantages of their application - efficiency and the ability to save long hair. Application of creams and lotions, shampoos and sprays do not damage the hair and does not interfere with their intensive growth.

    The popular method of removing lice is combing. To do this, you need to purchase special ridges that are not made of plastic (this material does not allow to separate the inclination from the hair). The main advantage of combing is safe, since it does not imply the use of poisoning substances. After the procedure, you must once again carefully check each strand.

    Pediculza prevention

    Methods for the prevention of pediculosis are quite simple. As soon as the head treatment has been made, it is recommended to take care of the general cleaning of the patient's room. In addition to cleaning, be sure to wash bedding, as well as all the clothes.

    No less important and effective method Preventing the re-appearance of lice and GDID is considered to be regular thorough check of the head and hair.


      For me, the worst thing was, to comb out these GDIDs after extermination ... Bought air conditioning-spray Pedicial ultra with jojoba oil, he softened his hair and became easier to comb.

      All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it's dangerous! Only a doctor can be diagnosed.

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