15 hospital avant-garde address. Paid services

Today we will be interested in the hospital on the avant-garde. This medical institution is interested in many residents of St. Petersburg. After all, it offers a lot of services to the population. Or rather, children. Questions related to children's health generally bother parents. If assistance is required, it is important to understand that it is in this hospital that will be fast and high-quality service. What is the opinion about the hospital on avant-garde, parents remain? The most important points will be presented to our attention. And in general, all helpful information This institution will be affected. It is important to study every nuance, each component of a medical institution before entrusting his life and health of his own child. So what do you most often pay attention to?


The first thing will have to find out where our today's hospital is. The location plays an important role for some citizens. The easier it is to get to the institution, the better. By the way, we are talking about a children's city hospital number 1.

This institution is located at: Avant-garde, house 14. Pretty old, but a large building. Hospital itself in the city has been operating since 1977.

To be honest, this is not the only address of the clinic. After all, we are not easy with the hospital. With it there is also a clinic. Of course, the hospital on the avant-garde also has several branches. One of them is in another address, albeit near the central office. More precisely, then on avant-garde, 4. is called hospital No. 15 (or blood transfusion separation). This kind of separation is not too pleased with visitors. But the advantage is that the blood transfusion station is very close to the central children's hospital. So, there will be no special service problems.

Help in finding

Are you interested in avant-garde, 4 (hospital 15)? How to get to this medical center? There are several solutions to the problem. The thing is that it is possible to use the bus or route taxi. Trolleybuses also go through this route. So, this transport should not be overlooked. By the way, it does not matter where you want to get, the children's city hospital 1 (the main branch) is located near the blood transfusion station. Therefore, to get to 15, and up to 1 in the same way.

Fortunately, with access to a medical institution is usually no problem. You can from the subway "Veterans Avenue" to get to the destination on the trolley buses number 37 and No. 20. But the bus to our medical institution goes only one - at number 130. But this is not particularly problematic, since minibuses in this regard are more than enough. .

Prefer to ride on the taxi route? Then the hospital on the avant-garde offers to use the machines at the numbers 130, 20, 195, 246, 197, 165. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. Get to our today's medical centers Not so difficult. It is very pleased with the parents. Especially those who prefer to enjoy public transport for rapid movement in the city.


A huge role is played by such a moment as contacts with a particular medical institution. Sometimes they are needed to visitors. For example, to clarify any information or get advice in the registration.

We are interested in the hospital on avant-garde. There is a telephone from this institution, even a few. It all depends on what specifically the branch you are going to call. You can also contact the blood transfusion station, and to the clinic at the hospital, and in the stationary compartment. By the way, the latter is allowed to call around the clock.

What numbers can be used? 1 On the street avant-garde in St. Petersburg offers a combination: 812 417 21 21 to get through to the registry of the polyclinic. You can call every day from 8 am and up to 8 pm. Except for weekends. On Saturdays and Sundays, it is possible to get through here only from 9:00 to 16:00.

But in the reception office of the hospital, as mentioned, you have the full right to call not just every day, but at any time, around the clock. This will require the phone: 812 735 44 44.

But if you are interested in avant-garde, you will have to call the number: 812 736 00 11. You can call the office exclusively during the opening hours. More precisely, from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 19:00. On Saturday and Sunday, blood transfusion station does not work. These are many parents upset. Fortunately, the services of this compartment are not so often use. Therefore, a significant role is not playing.


"Avant-garde" hospital of the department has a variety of. They are also interested in many parents - it is important to know what kind of help can have any medical institution. In our case, the range of possibilities is almost unlimited.

There are all branches here, which only take place in the most ordinary hospital. For example: burn, polyclinic, compartment with swimming pool, surgical, resuscitation, pediatric, and so on. You can continue for a very long time.

Moreover, a distinctive feature It is that separately located, as already mentioned, the blood transfusion separation. This is a 15 hospital on avant-garde. Not everyone is satisfied that this institution is not at the clinic. But among the advantages there is a close location to the chief department of the hospital.


A huge role in any medical institution Playing staff that works there. And when it comes to the life and health of children, then this item becomes almost the most important. It's no secret that it is often in hospitals precisely from personnel action depends on the outcome of maintenance, analyzes, procedures and operations.

What does Children's City Hospital No. 1 offer on avant-garde? Doctors work different here. And in their qualifications, and on experience, and by education. But, as many people are primarily working in the walls of this institution, people with higher education (medical), deserved doctors, as well as with a long-term "internship" in the field of medicine. New and inexperienced frames, as well as interns in the hospital, meet almost unable. Neither in the polyclinic department, nor in the hospital. It gives visitors some confidence that they will receive only quality service.

The chief physician of this medical institution is a well-deserved doctor of Russia. He is also a doctor of medical sciences and heads the Department of Children's Surgery in GMU Pavlov. Such information is indicated on the official page of the hospital. Unfortunately, it is impossible to find details about the doctors. Only phone numbers as well as positions. Because of this phenomenon, parents are often unhappy. I always want to know who works in a medical institution. FROM modern technologies Specify information about employees is quite common. And without specification, information about doctors has to constantly ask reviews from other parents about a particular frame. Sometimes this process takes too much time. Nevertheless, this drawback does not yet indicate terrible service. Candaging due to this from visiting the institution is clearly not worth it.

Different opportunities

What else should pay attention to? Located at the Avant-garde, 14 children's hospital offers a huge list of services. This can be understood by one only by the number of branches in the medical facility. Among the advantages there are several features in this area. The first point is the provision of free medical care. For this, the child must have a policy as well as low. Here in the hospital, and in the polyclinic department, each child has the right to receive the service provided to him by law. No one has the right to demand money with you for help.

The second point is that 1 city hospital on avant-garde offers its visitors not only free service. Some services can be paid. No one has the right to force you to force you, parents themselves choose what kind of help to receive. In principle, the spectrum of paid and free opportunities of the institution is the same. Just when paying for you, as in most clinics, promise a quick and high-quality inspection, as well as good treatment Without dedication and disputes. Just what many needs!


What else can offer to Avant-garde, 14 children's hospital number 1 of St. Petersburg? A huge role is played nutrition in the hospital. True, this topic is worried about only those parents whose children can remain for hospital treatment or some particular branch. It is necessary to eat the growing child, but if the feeding is bad, the likelihood is that the baby will be simply starved. After all, to transfer our own products from the house to the hospital, though not prohibited, but not everything is permitted. Only a certain list that is too small to enrich the body to all the most necessary.

Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of parents indicate that the hospital on the avant-garde (children's) does not too induce its patients with culinary delights. Feed here, according to children, and their legal representatives, most often not very. Yes, you can eat, but without pleasure. There is more or less delicious dishesbut they are extremely small.

Such a picture is most often observed in free patients. With "pilot" ceremony more, but the power level still remains low. Parents recommend: if your child goes to the hospital hospital number 1, let me eat with me. Especially if the baby is not used to hospital food, as well as too laying in what is offered for lunch. There are no complaints in the food area only in those whose children are all in a row. But there are very few such people.

Junior personnel

An important moment underlined by the parents is the junior staff of the institution. Avant-garde, 14 (Children's Hospital) is not too famous in this area. Especially when it comes to the maintenance of "free".

The problem is all that the younger medical personnel It does not differ in good faith and politeness. Parents indicate that they have no special complaints to most doctors, but they are full of nurses. Hamyat, rustic, are negligurated towards children. Performs most of Junior personnel His official duties without any interest, after the sleeves. This, naturally, noticeably affects the quality of treatment.

True, if you paid for the service, you can at least hope for attentive attitude towards your child. Although not always - even the paid basis of treatment in the Children's Hospital No. 1 does not give any guarantees to what you do not nahamat and work out how it should.

Record to doctors

The "avant-garde" Children's Hospital (Polyclinic, too), not too good reputation possesses among parents due to some negative points. In fact, they are extremely important. For example, there are more and more dissatisfaction with visitors on the issue of writing to doctors in recent times.

Why so it turns out? The thing is that there is a medical institution 2 schedules - paid and free techniques. As "Food" to sign up for a procedure or a simple consultation is extremely difficult. Parents indicate that in fact only one day a month you have a chance to sign up. Just keep in mind that there are few coupons for reception, you have to hurry. It is not difficult to guess: the free entry is raised instantly, it lacks it on all visitors. You have to wait or wait, or sign up for a paid reception.

Parents will pour, assuming that this phenomenon is invented by the leadership of the hospital to pull more money and their patients. After all, forced paid receptions are good way Earn. Unfortunately, no complaints of clients at the hospital act. Because of this, you will have to wait for a miracle to get to the reception, or pay for inspection. Small extortion, but on legal grounds. So characterize the entry to the doctors parents.

Another disadvantage is that it is simply impossible to reach the registry. Such a situation is found in most municipal medical institutions. Therefore, it is not too surprising for patients and their parents. Although, if you try, then you can really get through to the registry and even get all the information you are interested in. Although, as practice shows, it is better to apply to this organization. Phone calls are often ignored.

And that is, well-founded causes. Hospital on the avant-garde (or rather, the polyclinic separation of ona) has a huge flow of visitors. Everyone needs to be served. This simply lacks time. After all, the number of working personnel in the institution is limited. And, to admit honestly, the hospital registry employees do not work too quickly, they do not seek to increase the speed of their labor. As in most cases, if you hurry the staff, in response there is a chance to hear rudeness and rudeness. Ignoring calls can be even with complete unloading (which is rare). All this is due to the dismissive attitude of the staff to their duties. Parents often indicate that only some are really interested in their work. The rest "do nothing, ventilated, cool."

General impressions

Hospital on avant-garde reviews earns from patients ambiguous. Now you can find absolutely opposite opinions about this medical facility. It is not worth surprising - much depends on the doctors, and from the department in which the child was. Therefore, it is impossible to say for how much a conscientious organization in front of us.

Most often you can see short, but positive feedback. Something like: "I liked it, an excellent hospital!" Often, such posts on the Internet do not cause confidence. They do not reflect important information for potential visitors. As practice shows, the overwhelming majority of such reviews is deception. Purchased opinions of ordinary users who do not even attend the chosen medical institution. This is a common reception to attract attention. Although truthful positive feedback (even short) also take place. Mainly there are no complaints directly to doctors. But the service and junior medical personnel at the children's hospital, according to parents of patients, not the best. It often becomes the object of discussion.

And precisely because of this, among the detailed and reasonable reviews, a negative is found to the organization. It is noted that in some departments, even doctors relate unfairly to children. For example, in intensive care. There are posts that tell about the negative consequences of visiting this hospital. Sometimes there are even reviews that tell me about how children suffered after treatment from complications due to the dismissive and inattentive attitudes of doctors and nurses. Rare phenomena, but they still meet.

Of course, it is often emphasized by constant problems with a free recording on the reception, the inability to reach the registry. If we are talking about the clinic, then the alive queue is infinite. Did you sign up for a reception at a specific time? There are no guarantees that you will be taken! We'll have to wait a few hours in a live queue. Such practice exists when visiting any doctors in the polyclinic department.

Parents are very often not shy in expressions, leaving feedback on our today's medical institution - the hospital on the avant-garde. No complaints except for blood transfusion station. And that - constantly emphasizes that it works too little.

The last drawback is repairs. To be honest, the hospital on the avant-garde has been working for a long time. And here it was not repairs for a long time. This phenomenon of many parents repels, and children - and suppressed! Not too nice to be in this medical facility. This moment does not particularly affect the quality of treatment and assistance, but for the general picture plays an important role. Often parents point to the fact that the hospital has long time to close for repairs. Some finishing works are carried out, but in parallel with the maintenance of patients. It especially frustles and causes discontent and indignation, when such works are conducted in offices. Children should relax normally or sleep.

Separate attention deserves visiting close patients. Parents are not too impressed with the capabilities that the hospital on avant-garde offers. No, of course, allowed to come, but only at a small period of time. Moreover, in some branches, even for a while they do not allow the child. Parents of very small patients should be allowed to stay overnight, but this phenomenon is also not very often practiced. Does the avant-garde for help? If you need, then yes. But you carefully choose a doctor who will then be observed!

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